occurrence of eej irregularities under disturbed - DGE
occurrence of eej irregularities under disturbed - DGE
OCCURRENCE OF EEJ IRREGULARITIES UNDER DISTURBED MAGNETIC ACTIVITY VS QUIET CONDITIONS Lais Maria Guizelli - INPE ([email protected]) Clezio Marcos De Nardin - INPE Pedro Daniel Carvalho Santos de Almeida - INPE Henrique Carlotto Aveiro - Universidade de Cornell - NY - EUA Laysa Cristina Araújo Resende - INPE E-mail for contact: [email protected] Abstract The ionosphere is a region ionized of the Earth’s atmosphere situated between 60 and 2000 km of height and is classified in layers (namely, D-, E- and F-region). In this study, the focus is the Equatorial Electrojet (EEJ), an intense electric current that flows at the E-region heights centered on the magnetic equator. This phenomenon may generate two types of plasma irregularities: Type 1 (modified two-stream instability) and Type 2 (gradient-drift instability). The spectrum related with Type 1 irregularities shows a thin spectral width, with its center of distribution located close to the ion-acoustic speed (~ 360 m/s). Type 2 spectra has larger spectral width than the previous type and smaller Doppler velocities than the ion-acoustic speed. We show a statistical occurrence of EEJ irregularities in function of height and time under disturbed magnetic activity and quiet conditions based on data taken from the westward oblique beam of the 50 MHz coherent backscatter radar installed in São Luís – MA, Brazil (2°31´ S, 44°16´ W).
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