Lesson 19 Notes
Lesson 19 Notes
Lesson 19 Notes Que frio! Talking about the weather Welcome to Fun With Brazilian Portuguese Podcast, the podcast that will take you from beginner to intermediate in short, easy steps. These notes will help you make the most of the lessons by listing and explaining all the phrases taught during each podcast, plus extra vocabulary, grammatical points and exercises to test yourself. If you have any questions you can contact us at [email protected]. Enjoy the lessons! Language Notes o tempo the weather frio cold Como está (tá) o tempo? How is the weather? Como está (tá) o tempo hoje? How is the weather today? Está bom. (Tá bom.) It’s good. terrível terrible Está terrível. (Tá terrível!) It’s terrible! frio cold Está frio. (Tá frio.) It’s cold. quente hot calor warmth Está calor. (Tá calor.) It’s warm / It’s hot. fazer to do / to make Faz frio. It’s cold. (Literal translation: It makes cold). Series 1 - Lesson 19 www.funwithbrazilianportuguese.com Page 1 All materials © Copyright – Nonohay Language Services www.nonohay.com Faz calor. It’s warm. Está fazendo frio. It’s cold. (Lit: It’s making cold) Que frio! How cold! Que calor! How hot! Vai fazer frio. It will be cold. Vai fazer calor. It will be hot. chuva rain sol sun chover to rain Está chovendo. It’s raining. Vai chover amanhã. It will rain tomorrow. Está fazendo sol. It’s sunny. Vai fazer sol amanhã. It will be sunny tomorrow. neve snow nevar to snow Está nevando. It’s snowing. Vai nevar amanhã. It will snow tomorrow. previsão do tempo weather forecast Qual é a previsão do tempo para (pra) amanhã? What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? Series 1 - Lesson 19 www.funwithbrazilianportuguese.com Page 2 All materials © Copyright – Nonohay Language Services www.nonohay.com
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