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Combined solar and heat pump systems for residential buildings Jorge Facão LNEG ARMAZENAMENTO DE ENERGIA TÉRMICA EM CLIMATIZAÇÃO, PROJETO EUROPEU TESSE2B 12th April 2016 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Introduction Ground source heat pump Statistical analysis of available market Categorization Graphical representation of solar and heat pump systems Heat pump – renewable equipment System boundaries for measurement of SPF and Qusable Default values for HHP and SPF Laboratory test procedures for solar and heat pump systems Comparison of the test methods to characterize the performance of SHP Work developed in LNEG Introduction • In a conventional solar thermal system, the daily solar production can be stored for use only a few days; • When the solar is less abundant the heat pump will take over the duty; • The heat pump source can be: air, ground, water from river or aquifer; • The solar collectors can be used as the provider of the primary heat to heat pump. The two systems will operate in the so-called serial mode; • Hybrid technology combining solar thermal collectors and heat pump, delivering heat to a building; • Combisystem (domestic hot water and space heating); • Due to CO2 considerations and scarcity of energy resources, the electricity cost will increase in the future; • Highly efficient heat pumps will be needed to substitute fossil heating solutions. Combination with solar thermal can increase overall performance. Introduction Performance map of an air-to-water heat Pump Simplified heat gain of a covered and an unglazed collector Ground source heat pump Temperature of the undisturbed ground in northern hemispheres climate as a function of the deep and time of the year Statistical analysis of available market Heating systems (space heating and DHW) for residential buildings which are combined with solar thermal systems in Germany 2012. Companies entering the market of solar and heat pump systems Statistical analysis of available market Surveyed companies by country Surveyed systems by function Surveyed systems by concept (P: parallel; S: series; R: regenerative) Statistical analysis of available market Surveyed systems by source Surveyed systems by collector type Surveyed systems correlated by collector and concept Categorization Association in parallel Association in series Regenerative association Graphical representation of solar and heat pump systems Graphical representation of solar and heat pump systems Heat pump – renewable equipment The European directive 2009/28/EC set the 20 % target for the overall share of energy from renewable sources. Portugal had in 2005 a share of 20.5% and it is expected to reach in 2020 a target of 31%; To quantify the share of renewable energy in each Member State it is important to adopt suitable calculation methods; The heat pumps are now considered in Europe as an equipment that collect renewable energy, if his performance is above a certain limit. ERES Qusable Heat pump – renewable equipment The amount of aerothermal, geothermal or hydrothermal energy captured by heat pumps to be considered energy from renewable sources: ERES = Qusable * (1 – 1/SPF) Qusable = the estimated total usable heat delivered by heat pumps. Only heat pumps for which SPF > 1,15 * 1/η shall be taken into account, SPF = the estimated average seasonal performance factor for those heat pumps, η is the ratio between total gross production of electricity and the primary energy consumption for electricity production and shall be calculated as an EU average based on Eurostat data. Heat pump – renewable equipment The (2013/114/EU) decision establish the guidelines for Member States calculate renewable energy from heat pumps from different heat pump technologies. With power system efficiency (η) set at 45,5 % it implies that the minimum SPF of electrically driven heat pumps (SCOPnet) to be considered as renewable energy under the Directive is 2.5. For heat pumps that are driven by thermal energy (η = 1) the minimum SPF (SPERnet) is 1.15. System boundaries for measurement of SPF and Qusable Climate conditions Warm climate – climatic data from Athens Average climate – climatic data from Strasburg Cold climate – climatic data from Helsinki Default values for HHP and SPF electrically driven heat pumps heat pumps driven by thermal energy Laboratory test procedures for solar and heat pump systems CTSS – component testing and system simulation WST – whole system testing Comparison of the test methods to characterize the performance of SHP CTSS - component testing and system simulation WST - whole system testing Why perfom? •Suitable for performance characterization of customized systems set up by manufacturers or retailers. •Suitable for highly prefabricated systems with high product sales. Philosophy •Cost reduction of testing larger product portfolios by allowing identical components employed in several systems to be tested only once (relevant for labelling chemes). •Cost reduction and more reliable performance information for highly integrated systems that are always sold in one package (not custom built). Advantages •Allows manufacturers with a larger variety of system configurations to reduce testing costs. •Precise parameterization of tested components allows flexible performance evaluation for many load patterns and climates by simulation under given assumptions. Such simulation studies based on experimental data can help to optimize design parameters. •If several products are to be tested, only differing or missing system components need to be tested (not all individual system configurations). •Certain scaling options available. •Only by testing the system as a whole proper function of all components can be checked. •Knowledge of the manufacturer's control strategy is not needed. •More accurate system performance evaluation. Disadvantages •For every component to be tested, an appropriate model has to be available. This is often an issue if new innovative systems are to be characterized. •Simplifications could lead to uncertaities. •Extrapolation to other boundary conditions is yet a difficult task where research is on-going. •No scaling available yet. Related test procedures •Collector (ISO 9806) •Store (EN 12977-3,4) •Control (EN 12977-5) •Heat Pump (under development) •Procedure under development. •DHW – only system – dynamic system test (ISO 9459-5) Work developed in LNEG Test 3 direct expansion solar assisted heat pump for DHW – no standards available Methodology: • Dynamic test through WST; • Mathematic grey model developed in TRNSYS environment (only some parameters known); • The other characteristic parameters have been identified by two test sequences and chosen by cross-comparison; • Long term performance prediction evaluated by simulation. Work developed in LNEG Taping cycle L, according EN 16147:2011 Início da extração (h:min) / Energia / Tipo / Type Energy (kWh) Start (h:min) Tapping cycle time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 07:00 07:05 07:30 07:45 08:05 08:25 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:30 10:30 11:30 11:45 12:45 14:30 15:30 16:30 18:00 18:15 18:30 19:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 Total 0.105 1.4 0.105 0.105 3.605 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.315 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.735 3.605 0.105 11.655 DT desejado (K) durante a extração / DT Min. DT (K) para contagem da energia útil / Min. desired (K), to be achieved during tapping counting useful energy Pequeno / Small Duche / Shower Pequeno / Small Pequeno / Small Banho / Bath 30 Pequeno / Small Pequeno / Small Pequeno / Small Pequeno / Small Pequeno / Small Limpeza chão / Floor cleaning 30 Pequeno / Small Pequeno / Small Lavagem louça / Dish washing 45 Pequeno / Small Pequeno / Small Pequeno / Small Pequeno / Small Limpeza casa / Household cleaning Limpeza casa / Household cleaning Pequeno / Small Lavagem louça / Dish washing Banho / Bath Pequeno / Small 45 30 DT (K), start of 15 30 15 15 0 15 15 15 15 15 0 15 15 0 15 15 15 15 30 30 15 0 0 15 Work developed in LNEG Parâmetro Símbolo Valor mínimo Valor máximo Parameter Symbol Minimum value Maximum value Step Unidade Coeficiente de perdas do coletor b2 0 20 0.1 W/(m2K) bu 0 0 0 s/m c2 0 20 0.1 Ws/(m3K) ho 0.1 0.9 0.01 - lef 0 10 0.1 kJ/(hr.m.K) N 1 100 1 - UA 1 70 1 kJ/(hr.K) UAb 0.1 5 0.1 kJ/(hr.K) UAcond 2 150 1 W/K UAt 0 5 0.01 kJ/(hr.K) Zaux 0 0.25 0.01 0.25 0.75 0.01 Unity Collector heat loss coefficient Coeficiente perdas do coletor dependente do vento Collector heat loss coefficient (wind dependence) Dependência na temperatura do coeficiente de perdas do coletor Collector heat loss coefficient with temperature dependency Rendimento ótico do coletor Collector optical efficiency Condutibilidade térmica vertical efetiva no depósito Effective vertical thermal conductivity in the store Número de nós do depósito Number of nodes for the store Coeficiente de perdas do depósito Heat loss coefficient of the store Coeficiente de perdas do depósito na base Bottom heat loss coefficient of the store Coeficiente de transferência de calor no condensador Condenser heat transfer coefficient Coeficiente de perdas do depósito no topo Top heat loss coefficient of the store Altura relativa do condensador Relative position where condenser heater is installed Altura relativa da sonda de Zsonda temperatura para controlo do apoio Relative position of temperature probe for control auxiliary heater Work developed in LNEG Parâmetro Parameter b2 bu c2 ho lef N UA UAb UAcond UAt Zaux Zsonda Erro absoluto Absolute Error [Wh] Sequência / Sequence 10/09 – 26/09 FIT A 16.85 0 9.5 0.545 0.75 8 15 1.1 121 0.13 0.1 0.47 0.09 Sequência / Sequence 03/10 – 06/11 FIT B 16.8 0 9.5 0.78 0.2 8 16 1 123 0.12 0.1 0.47 4.54 Energia elétrica consumida Electrical energy consumpsion [Wh] Sequência / Sequence 10/09/2014 – 26/09/2014 Experimental 38809 FIT A 38809 FIT B 39558 Sequência / Sequence 03/10/2014 – 06/11/2014 Experimental 88697 FIT A 87281 FIT B 88692 Erro relativo Relative error [%] 0.00 +1.93 -1.60 0.00 Work developed in LNEG www.lneg.pt Obrigado!
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