ISSN 2177-0271 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Statistical Yearbook 2011 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 President of Brazil Dilma Vana Rousseff Minister of Mines and Energy Edison Lobão National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels General Director Haroldo Borges Rodrigues Lima Directors Allan Kardec Duailibe Barros Filho Florival Rodrigues de Carvalho Helder Queiroz Pinto Junior Magda Maria de Regina Chambriard OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Ministry of Mines and Energy National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Oil, Natural Gas And Biofuels Statistical Yearbook 2011 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Main Office Av. Rio Branco, no. 65 – 12th to 22th floors Centro – CEP 20090-004 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil Website: www.anp.gov.br Phone.: (55-21) 2112-8100 Fax: (55-21) 2112-8129 (55-21) 2212-8139 (55-21) 2212-8149 B R A Z I L I A N G O V E R N M E N T Copyright © 2010 Source cataloging: Centro de Documentação e Informação da ANP National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (Brasil) Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Statistical Yearbook / Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels – ANP. -- Rio de Janeiro : ANP, 2010v. : Il. Anual. ISSN 2177-0271. 1. Indústria do petróleo – Brasil. 2. Petróleo – Estatísticas. 3. Gás Natural – Estatísticas. 4. Biocombustíveis – Estatísticas. 5. Álcool – Estatísticas. I. Título. CDD – 338.27282 The contents of this Yearbook may be reproduced provided the source is compulsorily mentioned. Reproductions for commercial utilization are strictly forbidden. Coordination Elias Ramos de Souza – General Manager of Planning and Research Executive Coordination Ney Mauricio Carneiro da Cunha José Lopes de Souza Technical Team Alice Kinue Jomori de Pinho Antônio Adolfo Freitas Valle Fabiana da Silva Dutra Felipe Accioly Vieira José Carlos Soares Tigre Julia Draghi Krongnon Wailamer de Souza Regueira Maria Mendes da Fonseca Roberta Salomão Moraes da Silva Editorial Coordination Durval Carvalho de Barros Editorial Team Luiz Henrique Vidal Ferraz Renata Moraes Execution National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels – ANP Superintendence of Planning and Research Superintendence of Institutional Communication and Institutional Relations OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Presentation The present Yearbook highlights the 2010 figures of O&G industry. Four major events should strongly impact the 2011 features. First of all, the pre-salt regulatory framework was approved. That was a basic condition to boost exploration and production in the 72% of pre-salt area that has not been granted yet. The production sharing contracts will allow better control of the production pace, in order to avoid the occurrence of “Dutch disease”. Second, the promulgation of the Natural Gas Law will allow the expansion of natural gas in Brazilian energy matrix as an energy source or raw material. The new law sets out the competences of the National Council for Energy Policy, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Energy Research Company and also of the ANP, which is supposed to regulate free access, to establish transportation tariffs and to oversee the transportation activity. The third feature is related to Law No. 12,351, whose Article 65 provides that the Executive will establish the policy as well as specific measures to increase the participation of small and medium companies in O&G exploration, development and production. That will provide an array of opportunities regarding O&G onshore basins’ activities, in places where the small and medium-sized national enterprises have a better chance of development. Finally, Petrobras market capitalization, which consisted of oil-for-shares swap with the Brazilian Government, using oil reserves certified by ANP, will provide major investments in Brazil. In 2010, the world economy was still facing difficulties to exit the crisis started in 2008. The economic recovery occurred unevenly: while the developed countries grew slowly, emerging countries showed significant growth. Following the trend of emerging countries, Brazil recorded a GDP growth of 7.5%, with per capita increase of 6.5%. The economic heat was reflected in 8.4% growth of main fuel sales. The increase in diesel consumption was driven by increased production of the industrial sector and major infrastructure works related to the Growth Acceleration Plan (PAC) of the Federal Government. The good performance of the economy has also created a “boom” in the airline industry and, as a result, there was an increase of 15.1% in jet fuel consumption. Due to the rising prices of hydrated ethanol in Brazil, gasoline C sales grew 17.4%. In that context, “flex-fuel” vehicles owners could choose between gasoline and ethanol, an exclusive advantage of Brazilian consumers. As a result, sales of hydrated ethanol fell 8.5% compared to 2009. Continuing the policy of biodiesel inclusion in the transportation energy matrix, started in 2005, the biodiesel content in dieselbiodiesel mixture has risen from 4% to 5% in 2010. The biodiesel bidding, which is conducted by ANP, and the quality regulation enforced by ANP, were decisive for achieving that goal. Also, the biodiesel producers strongly supported Governments policy, which has entailed a 33% growth of installed capacity of plants and a 49% increase in biofuel production. This Yearbook also shows the solid evolution in exploration and production activities, with the increase in national reserves: the oil reserves rose 10.7% and the natural gas reserves, 15.3%. For the first time volumes of hydrocarbons located in the pre-salt were added to the national reserves statistics. In the refining sector, after nearly 30 years without news, three large refineries are under construction and scheduled to begin operations in the coming years. The local content policy and investments in research and development (R&D) by the concessionaires – which now exceed half a billion dollars a year – has put the industry of capital goods and oil supplies installed in Brazil in a unique technological level. Investments in R&D are, in fact, contributing to the rebirth of Brazilian engineering, something remarkable on college campi throughout Brazil. For all these reasons, 2010 can be regarded as very successful, for it inaugurated a decade of great changes not only in O&G sector as well as in Brazil. Haroldo Borges Rodrigues Lima ANP Director-general OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Contents.........................................................................................................10 List of Tables...................................................................................................11 List of Frames .................................................................................................11 List of Figures .................................................................................................12 List of Maps ....................................................................................................12 General Notes.................................................................................................13 S ummar y Conventions ...................................................................................................15 Section 1 – The Brazilian Oil and Natural Gas Industry ...................................16 Section 2 – Biofuels .......................................................................................62 Glossary .........................................................................................................72 Convertion Factors, Densities and Lower Calorific Values ...............................74 List of Sources ................................................................................................75 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Contents S ec tion 1 – T h e B raz ilian O il and N at ural G a s Ind u st r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Explora tio n an d Pro duc tio n . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.1 – Blo c ks and Fields Under Concession ............................................................................ 1 8 1.2 – R e ser ves . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................................................................... 3 1 1.3 – Pro du c tion . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................ 34 Refining and Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 1.4 – O il Refining . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................ 37 1.5 – Pro duc tion of O il Produc ts . .. .. .. .. ............................................................................... 4 1 1.6 – N at ural Gas Processing . .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................ 4 3 Sha le I ndustrializa tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 1.7 – Shale Industrialization . .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................ 4 6 Transpor ta tion of Oil its Produc ts and Na tural G as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 1.8 – Te r mina l .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................ 4 7 1.9 – Pip elines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................................................................... 4 9 Commerc ializa tion of Oil, its Produc ts and Na tural G as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 1.10 – Co mmercialization of O il, its Pro du c ts an d Natu ral G as ................................................ 5 1 1.11 – Fo reign Trade . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................................................................... 5 4 S e c tion 2 – Bio f uels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 2.1 – Et hanol . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................ 6 4 2.2 – Bio diesel . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................ 7 0 10 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Lis t o f Ta b l es S ec tion 1 – T h e B raz ilian O il and N at ural G a s Ind u st r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.1 – Proved oil reser ves, per location (on s h ore an d of f s h ore ), by S tate – 2001-2010 ................ 3 1 1.2 – Proved natura l gas reser ves, per l oc ati on (on s h ore an d of f s h ore ), by S tate – 2001-2010 ..... 3 2 1.3 – O il produc tion, per location (onshore an d of f s h ore ), by S tate – 2001-2010 ....................... 3 4 1.4 – N GL produc tion, by State – 20 01 -2010 ....................................................................... 3 5 1.5 – N at ura l gas produc tion, per locati on (on s h ore an d of f s h ore ), by S tate – 2001-2010 ........... 3 5 1.6 – Pro du c tion of associated and non-as s oc i ate d n atu ral gas, by S tate – 2001-2010 ............... 3 6 1.7 – R e f i ning capa cit y, by refiner y – 2 001-2010 ................................................................. 3 7 1.8 – Vo lu me of processed oil, per origi n (dom e s ti c an d i m por te d), by re f i n e r y – 2010 .............. 3 7 1.9 – Vo lu me of processed oil, per origi n (dom e s ti c an d i m por te d), by Cou ntr y – 2001-2010 ....... 3 9 1.10 – Produ c tion of energy and non- e n e rgy oi l produ c ts – 2001-2010 .................................... 4 1 1.11 – N atu ral gas processing capa cit y, by produ c i n g pl ants, on D e ce m be r 31 s t , 2010 ................. 4 3 1.12 – Vo lu me of processed natura l gas an d dr y n atu ral gas, L PG , C 5 + , e th an e an d propan e ......... p roduc tion, by processing plants – 2010 ................................................................... 4 3 1.13 – Produc tion of dr y natura l gas, LG P, C 5 + , e t h a n e a n d p ro p a n e i n N at u ra l G a s Pro ce s s i n g P la nts – 2 00 1- 20 10 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................ 4 4 1.14 – Vo lume of processed shale oil an d produ c ti on of s h al e oi l produ c ts – 2001-2010 ............. 4 6 1.15 – Storage capacit y of oil, oil produc ts and ethanol, by terminal, on D ecember 31 s t , 2010 ..... 4 7 1.16 – D o mestic sales of ma in oil produ c ts, by di s tri bu tors – 2001-2010 ................................. 5 1 1.17 – N atura l gas domestic sales by Braz i l i an Re gi on an d S tate – 2001-2010 .......................... 5 2 1.18 – B razilia n natura l gas ba la nce – 2001-2010 ................................................................ 5 3 1.19 – O il impor ts, by region a nd countr y of ori gi n – 2001-2010 ............................................ 5 4 1.20 – O il expor ts, by region a nd countr y of de s ti n ati on – 2001-2010 ...................................... 5 5 1.21 – Impor ts of oil produc ts, by regio n an d cou ntr y of ori gi n – 2010 .................................... 5 6 1.22 – Impor ts of energy and non- energy oi l produ c ts – 2001-2010 ........................................ 5 7 1.23 – Exports of energy and non-energy oil products, by region and countr y of destination – 2010 .... 5 8 1.24 – Ex por ts of energy and non- energy oi l produ c ts – 2001-2010 ........................................ 5 9 1.25 – B razilia n foreign dependence on oi l an d oi l produ c ts – 2001-2010 ................................ 5 9 1.26 – N atura l gas impor ts, by cou ntr y of ori gi n – 2001-2010 ................................................ 6 1 S ec tion 2 – Biof uels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 2.1 – Production of anhydrous and hydrated ethanol, by Brazilian Region and State – 2001-2010 .... 6 4 2.2 – Production of hydrated ethanol, by Brazilian Region and State – 2001-2010 ........................ 6 6 2.3 – Ethanol expor ts, by region and by countr y of destination – 2001-2010 ............................... 6 7 2.4 – Hydrated ethanol sales, by Brazilian Region and State, at distribution level – 2001-2010 ....... 6 8 2.5 – Nominal capacity and production of biodiesel (B100), by plant – 2010 ................................ 7 0 Lis t o f Fra m es S ec tion 1 – T h e B raz ilian O il and N at ural G a s Ind u st r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.1 – Blo c ks in the exploration pha se o n D e ce m be r 31 s t , 2010 ................................................ 1 8 1.2 – Fie lds u nder development on D ece m be r 31 s t , 2010 ........................................................ 2 4 1.3 – Pro ducing fields on D ecember 3 1 st , 2010 ..................................................................... 2 6 11 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 List of Figures S ec tion 1 – T h e B raz ilian O il and N at ural G a s Ind u st r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.1 – Proved oil reser ves, by location (on s h ore an d of f s h ore ) – 2001-2010 ............................... 3 2 1.2 – Proved natura l gas reser ves, by lo c ati on (on s h ore an d of f s h ore ) – 2001-2010 ................... 3 3 1.3 – O il produc tion, by location (onshore an d of f s h ore ) – 2001-2010 ..................................... 3 4 1.4 – N atura l gas produc tion, by locati on (on s h ore an d of f s h ore ) – 2001-2010 ........................ 3 6 1.5 – Vo lu me of refined oil a nd refining c apac i t y, by re f i n e r y – 2010 ..................................... 3 8 1.6 – Vo lu me of processed oil, by origin (dom e s ti c an d i m por te d) – 2001-2010 ........................ 4 0 1.7 – Pro du c tion of energy and non- ene rgy oi l produ c ts – 2001-2010 ..................................... 4 2 1.8 – Vo lu me of processed natura l gas an d proce s s i n g c apac i t y, by NG PPs – 2010 ...................... 4 4 1.9 – D o mestic sales of ma in oil produ c ts, by di s tri bu tors – 2001-2010 ................................... 5 1 1.10 – N atu ral gas domestic sales, at p rodu c ti on l e ve l – 2001-2010 ........................................ 5 2 1.11 – B razilian natura l gas ba la nce – 2001-2010 ................................................................ 5 3 1.12 – B razilian foreign dependence on oi l an d oi l produ c ts – 2001-2010 ................................ 6 0 S ec tion 2 – Biof uels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 2.1 – Pro du c tion of anhydrous a nd hydrate d e th an ol – 2001-2010 .......................................... 6 5 2.2 – Hydrated ethanol sales, by region, at distribution level – 2001-2010 .............................. 69 2.3 – D o mestic sales of ethanol a nd a u tom oti ve gas ol i n e – 2001-2010 .................................... 6 9 List of Maps S ec tion 1 – T h e B raz ilian O il and N at ural G a s Ind u st r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.1 – R e f i ning a nd natura l gas processi n g pl ants – 2010 ....................................................... 4 5 1.2 – In f rastru c ture for storage and tran s por tati on of oi l an d i ts produ c ts – 2010 ..................... 4 9 1.3 – In f ra stru c ture for natura l gas produ c ti on an d tran s por tati on – 2010 ............................... 5 0 S ec tion 2 – Biof uels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 2.1 – In f rastru c ture for biodiesel produ c ti on – 2010 ............................................................ 7 1 12 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 General Notes Rounding off Numeric data in Tables were rounded up. Therefore, any differences between the resulting summation of items and totals amounts may be accounted for the rounding off criterion. Geographic and Geopolitical Geographic groupings used in this book were adopted with merely statistic aims. Doing so, they imply no judgement based on political or economic criteria. South and Central America: Caribbean (including Puerto Rico), Central America and South America. Dutch Antilles: comprise the Bonaire Islands, Curaçao, Saint Eustatius and South Saint Martin. Asia-Pacific: comprises Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong (region under China’s special administration), Indonesia, Japan, Laos Popular Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Korea Popular Democratic Republic, Singapore, The Philippines, South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka), Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and other Oceania countries. United Arab Emirates: comprise Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ras-al-Khaimah and Sharjah. OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Multilateral organization founded in 1960, which aimed to coordinate petroleum policy of member-countries, besides providing them with technical and economic support. Includes Angola, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria and Venezuela. Middle East: comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. United Kingdom: comprises Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales), Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands. Republic of Korea: former South Korea. Democratic Republic of the Congo: former Zaire. People’s Republic of the Congo: Congo (Brazzaville). Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: former North Korea. Natural Gas and Shale Gas Volumes of gas shown in this book refer to the product at 20 ºC and 1 atm pressure. Brazilian Oil and Natural Gas Reserves Oil and Natural Gas data series are subject to changes. Current values are available on ANP website (www.anp.gov.br/ dadosestatisticos). Sales of Oil Products and Hydrated Ethanol Up to 2006, sales of oil products and hydrated ethanol were based on enterprise mandatory data declaration to ANP, by means of Product Control Demonstrative (DCP). DCP includes enterprises sales and own consumption. Since 2007, that information includes only enterprises sales, as per Ordinance ANP No. 17/2004. 13 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Foreign Trade Data on imports and exports of oil and oil products were extracted from Ministério da Indústria e Comércio (MDIC)/Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (Secex) data system. Those data are subjected to changes without any previous warning and, therefore, may diverge from data series already published in former editions of this book. 14 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Conventions Symbols - numeric datum equal to zero not resulting from rounding off. .. numeric datum not applicable. ... numeric datum not available. 0 numeric datum equal to zero resulting from rounding off an originally positive numeric data point. (0) numeric datum equal to zero resulting from rounding off an originally negative numeric data point. 15 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY SECTION 1 The Brazilian O il a n d N at u ra l G a s Industr y 17 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Exploration and Produc tion 1.1 Blocks and Fields Under Concession Frame 1.1: Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins Onshore/Offshore Contracts Blocks Rounds Concessionaries (%) Alagoas Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore SEAL-T-187_R10 SEAL-T-240_R10 SEAL-T-252_R10 SEAL-T-253_R10 SEAL-T-187 SEAL-T-240 SEAL-T-252 SEAL-T-253 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Integral¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Almada Offshore BM-CAL-5 BM-CAL-5 Round 3 Petrobras¹ (59.2)/Queiroz Galvão (22.5)/El Paso (18.3) Amazonas Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore AM-T-62_R10 AM-T-83_R10 AM-T-84_R10 AM-T-85_R10 AM-T-62 AM-T-83 AM-T-84 AM-T-85 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Petrobras¹ (60)/Petrogal Brasil (40) STR¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (60)/Petrogal Brasil (40) Petrobras¹ (60)/Petrogal Brasil (40) Barreirinhas Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore BM-BAR-1 BM-BAR-3 BM-BAR-4 BM-BAR-5 BM-BAR-1 BM-BAR-3 BM-BAR-377 BM-BAR-175 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Petrobras¹ (75)/ONCG Campos (25) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Camamu Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore BM-CAL-7 BM-CAL-7 BM-CAL-9 BM-CAL-10 BM-CAL-10 BM-CAL-10 BM-CAL-11 BM-CAL-12 BM-CAL-12 BM-CAL-13 BM-CAL-14 CAL-M-120 CAL-M-186 CAL-M-188 CAL-M-3 CAL-M-58 CAL-M-60 CAL-M-248 CAL-M-312 CAL-M-372 CAL-M-314 CAL-M-374 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 7 Round 7 Petrobras¹ (60)/Statoil Brasil (40) Petrobras¹ (60)/Statoil Brasil (40) Petrobras¹ (100) Statoil Brasil¹ (60)/Petrobras(40) Statoil Brasil¹ (60)/Petrobras(40) Statoil Brasil¹ (60)/Petrobras(40) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (60)/El Paso (20)/Queiroz Galvão (20) Petrobras¹ (60)/El Paso (20)/Queiroz Galvão (20) Devon1 (100) Eni Oil1 (100) Campos Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore BM-C-14 BM-C-25 BM-C-26 BM-C-26 BM-C-27 BM-C-27 BM-C-27 BM-C-27 BM-C-27 BM-C-27 BM-C-27 BM-C-28 BM-C-29 BM-C-30 BM-C-31 BM-C-31 BM-C-32 BM-C-33 BM-C-34 BM-C-34 BM-C-35 BM-C-36 BM-C-36 BM-C-37 BM-C-38 BM-C-39 BM-C-40 BM-C-41 BM-C-42 BM-C-43 BM-C-44 BM-C-45 BM-C-46 BM-C-47 BM-C-14 BM-C-25 C-M-78 C-M-98 C-M-119 C-M-120 C-M-122 C-M-145 C-M-146 C-M-95 C-M-96 C-M-333 C-M-202 C-M-101 C-M-103 C-M-151 C-M-61 C-M-539 C-M-471 C-M-473 C-M-535 C-M-401 C-M-403 C-M-560 C-M-591 C-M-466 C-M-499 C-M-592 C-M-620 C-M-621 C-M-593 C-M-498 C-M-462 C-M-529 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Petrobras1 (50)/Total E&P Brasil (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Anadarko¹ (50)/Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás (50) Anadarko¹ (30)/Devon (25)/IBV Brasil Petróleo (25)/SK Brasil (20) Petrobras¹ (60)/Shell (20)/Inpex (20) Petrobras¹ (60)/Shell (20)/Inpex (20) Devon¹ (40)/Anadarko (33)/SK Brasil (27) 1 Repsol (35)/Statoil Brasil (35)/Petrobras(30) Devon1 (50)/Petrobras (50) Devon1 (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrobras1 (65)/Devon (35) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Maersk1 (50)/OGX Campos (35)/OGX (15) Maersk1 (50)/OGX Campos (35)/OGX (15) OGX1 (30)/OGX Campos (70) OGX1 (30)/OGX Campos (70) OGX1 (30)/OGX Campos (70) OGX1 (30)/OGX Campos (70) OGX1 (30)/OGX Campos (70) Petrobras¹ (47.5)/ Petrogal Brasil (37.5)/ Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás (15) Sonangol Starfish¹ (30)/Sonangol P&P (70) Sonangol Starfish¹ (30)/Sonangol P&P (70) Statoil Brasil Óleo e Gás¹ (60)/Statoil Petróleo Brasil (40) 18 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Frame 1.1: Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins Onshore/Offshore Contracts Blocks Rounds Concessionaries (%) Campos Offshore BM-C-47 C-M-530 Round 9 Statoil Brasil Óleo e Gás¹ (60)/Statoil Petróleo Brasil (40) Ceará Offshore Offshore BM-CE-1 BM-CE-2 BM-CE-1 BM-CE-2 Round 3 Round 3 Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Espírito Santo Offshore Onshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Onshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore BM-ES-5 BT-ES-15 BM-ES-21 BM-ES-22 BM-ES-22A BM-ES-22A BM-ES-22A BM-ES-23 BM-ES-24 BM-ES-24 BM-ES-24 BM-ES-25 BM-ES-26 BM-ES-27 BM-ES-27 BM-ES-27 BM-ES-28 BM-ES-29 BM-ES-30 BM-ES-31 BM-ES-32 BT-ES-33 BM-ES-37 BM-ES-38 BM-ES-39 BM-ES-40 BM-ES-41 BM-ES-42 BT-ES-37 BT-ES-38 BT-ES-38 BT-ES-41 BT-ES-42 BM-ES-5 BT-ES-15 ES-M-414 ES-M-523 ES-M-466 ES-M-468 ES-M-527 ES-M-525 ES-M-588 ES-M-661 ES-M-663 ES-M-590 ES-M-413 ES-M-411 ES-M-436 ES-M-437 ES-M-438 ES-M-737 ES-M-665 ES-M-592 ES-M-594 ES-T-466 ES-M-416 ES-M-418 ES-M-472 ES-M-529 ES-M-531 ES-M-470 ES-T-410 ES-T-391 ES-T-392 ES-T-400 ES-T-401 Round 3 Round 4 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Petrobras¹ (65)/El Paso (35) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (80)/CVRD (10)/Repsol (10) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (75)/CVRD (25) Petrobras¹ (75)/CVRD (25) Petrobras¹ (75)/CVRD (25) Petrobras¹ (65)/Shell (20)/Impex (15) Petrobras¹ (40)/Anadarko (30)/IBV Brasil Petróleo (30) Petrobras¹ (40)/Anadarko (30)/IBV Brasil Petróleo (30) Petrobras¹ (40)/Anadarko (30)/IBV Brasil Petróleo (30) Petrobras¹ (80)/Anadarko (20) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (65)/ Shell (17.5)/CVRD (17.5) Petrobras¹ (65)/ Shell (17.5)/CVRD (17.5) Petrobras¹ (65)/ Shell (17.5)/CVRD (17.5) Shell¹ (82.5)/CVRD (17.5) Repsol¹ (40)/Statoil (30)/Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás (30) Hess Brasil¹ (30)/Repsol (40)/Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás (30) Petrobras¹ (80)/Petrogal Brasil (20) Petrobras¹ (60)/Statoil Brasil (40) Vipetro¹ (100) Perenco Brasil¹ (50)/OGX (50) Perenco Brasil¹ (50)/OGX (50) Perenco Brasil¹ (50)/OGX (50) Perenco Brasil¹ (50)/OGX (50) Perenco Brasil¹ (50)/OGX (50) ONGC Campos¹ (100) Starfish¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Vipetro¹ (100) Vipetro¹ (100) Cowan Petróleo e Gás¹ (90)/Lábrea (10) Starfish¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Foz do Amazonas Offshore Offshore BM-FZA-4 BM-FZA-4 FZA-M-217 FZA-M-252 Round 5 Round 5 Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Jequitinhonha Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore BM-J-1 BM-J-2 BM-J-3 BM-J-4 BM-J-4 BM-J-4 BM-J-4 BM-J-5 BM-J-5 BM-J-1 BM-J-2 BM-J-3 J-M-115 J-M-165 J-M-3 J-M-63 J-M-59 J-M-61 Round 3 Round 4 Round 4 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 6 Round 6 Petrobras¹ (100) Queiroz Galvão¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (60)/ Statoil (40) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Pará - Maranhão Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore BM-PAMA-3 BM-PAMA-8 BM-PAMA-8 BM-PAMA-9 BM-PAMA-10 BM-PAMA-11 BM-PAMA-12 BM-PAMA-13 BM-PAMA-14 BM-PAMA-15 BM-PAMA-16 BM-PAMA-17 BM-PAMA-3 PAMA-M-192 PAMA-M-194 PAMA-M-187 PAMA-M-188 PAMA-M-222 PAMA-M-223 PAMA-M-407 PAMA-M-408 PAMA-M-443 PAMA-M-591 PAMA-M-624 Round 3 Round 6 Round 6 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (40)/ CVRD (30)/ Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás (30) Petrobras¹ (40)/ CVRD (30)/ Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás (30) Petrobras¹ (40)/ CVRD (30)/ Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás (30) Petrobras¹ (40)/ CVRD (30)/ Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás (30) OGX¹ (100) OGX¹ (100) OGX¹ (100) OGX¹ (100) OGX¹ (100) Parecis - Alto Xingu Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore PRC-T-104_R10 PRC-T-105_R10 PRC-T-106_R10 PRC-T-121_R10 PRC-T-122_R10 PRC-T-123_R10 PRC-T-104 PRC-T-105 PRC-T-106 PRC-T-121 PRC-T-122 PRC-T-123 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) 19 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Frame 1.1: Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins Onshore/Offshore Contracts Blocks Rounds Concessionaries (%) Parnaíba Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore BT-PN-1 BT-PN-2 BT-PN-3 BT-PN-4 BT-PN-5 BT-PN-6 BT-PN-7 BT-PN-8 BT-PN-9 BT-PN-10 PN-T-102 PN-T-66 PN-T-86 PN-T-48 PN-T-49 PN-T-50 PN-T-67 PN-T-68 PN-T-84 PN-T-85 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Imetame¹ (33.34)/Orteng (33.33)/Delp (33.33) Devon¹ (40)/ Petrobras (40)/ CVRD (20) Petrobras¹ (40)/ Devon (40)/ CVRD (20) OGX Maranhão¹ (70)/Petra Energia (30) OGX Maranhão¹ (70)/Petra Energia (30) OGX Maranhão¹ (70)/Petra Energia (30) OGX Maranhão¹ (70)/Petra Energia (30) OGX Maranhão¹ (70)/Petra Energia (30) OGX Maranhão¹ (70)/Petra Energia (30) OGX Maranhão¹ (70)/Petra Energia (30) Pelotas Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore BM-P-2 BM-P-2 BM-P-2 BM-P-2 P-M-1269 P-M-1271 P-M-1351 P-M-1353 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Pernambuco - Paraíba Offshore Offshore Offshore BM-PEPB-1 BM-PEPB-2 BM-PEPB-3 PEPB-M-783 PEPB-M-837 PEPB-M-839 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Petrobras¹ (80)/Petrogal Brasil (20) Petrobras¹ (80)/Petrogal Brasil (20) Petrobras¹ (80)/Petrogal Brasil (20) Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore/Offshore Onshore/Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore BT-POT-3 BT-POT-5 BT-POT-8 BT-POT-9 BT-POT-10 BM-POT-11 BM-POT-13 BM-POT-16 BM-POT-16 BM-POT-17 BM-POT-17 BM-POT-17 BT-POT-50 BT-POT-50 BT-POT-55 BT-POT-55 BT-POT-55 BT-POT-57 BT-POT-57 BT-POT-62 BT-POT-63 POT-T-515_R10 POT-T-556_R10 POT-T-560_R10 POT-T-563_R10 POT-T-564_R10 POT-T-600_R10 POT-T-601_R10 POT-T-602_R10 POT-T-603_R10 POT-T-608_R10 POT-T-609_R10 POT-T-610_R10 POT-T-699_R10 POT-T-743_R10 BT-POT-3 BT-POT-5 BT-POT-8 BT-POT-9 BT-POT-10 BM-POT-11 BM-POT-13 POT-M-663 POT-M-760 POT-M-665 POT-M-853 POT-M-855 POT-T-445 POT-T-488 POT-T-748 POT-T-749 POT-T-794 POT-T-744 POT-T-745 POT-T-706 POT-T-573 POT-T-515 POT-T-556 POT-T-560 POT-T-563 POT-T-564 POT-T-600 POT-T-601 POT-T-602 POT-T-603 POT-T-608 POT-T-609 POT-T-610 POT-T-699 POT-T-743 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 4 Round 4 Round 4 Round 4 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras1 (50)/Partex Brasil (50) Potióleo¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras1 (60)/ Petrogal Brasil (20)/ IBV Brasil Petróleo (20) Petrobras1 (60)/ Petrogal Brasil (20)/ IBV Brasil Petróleo (20) Petrobras1 (80)/ Petrogal Brasil (20) Petrobras1 (80)/ Petrogal Brasil (20) Petrobras1 (80)/ Petrogal Brasil (20) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras (70)/ Starfish1 (30) Petrobras (70)/ Starfish1 (30) Petrobras (70)/ Starfish1 (30) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) 1 Aurizônia Petróleo (50) /Phoenix (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Partex Brasil1 (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrogal Brasil1 (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrobras¹ (50)/ Petrogal Brasil (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Partex Brasil1 (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Sipet¹(30)/Cemig(24.5)/Codemig (24.5)/Orteng (11)/Imetame(10) Petrogal Brasil¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (50)/ Petrogal Brasil (50) Petrogal Brasil¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore BT-REC-28 BT-REC-35 BT-REC-36 BT-REC-37 BT-REC-38 BT-REC-39 BT-REC-40 BT-REC-41 BT-REC-42 BT-REC-43 BT-REC-44 BT-REC-45 BT-REC-46 BT-REC-47 BT-REC-47 REC-T-59 REC-T-210 REC-T-211 REC-T-158 REC-T-240 REC-T-129 REC-T-131 REC-T-132 REC-T-142 REC-T-157 REC-T-196 REC-T-197 REC-T-224 REC-T-144 REC-T-155 Round 7 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Silver Marlin¹ (50)/ Mercury (50) Imetame¹ (33.34)/ Delp (33.33)/Orteng (33.33) Imetame¹ (33.34)/ Delp (33.33)/Orteng (33.33) Cowan Petróleo e Gás¹ (90)/Lábrea (10) Cowan Petróleo e Gás¹ (90)/Lábrea (10) Alvorada¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Potiguar Recôncavo 20 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Frame 1.1: Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 Contracts Blocks Recôncavo Sedimentary basins Onshore/Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore BT-REC-47 BT-REC-49 BT-REC-51 BT-REC-52 BT-REC-54 BT-REC-56 BT-REC-57 BT-REC-58 BT-REC-59 BT-REC-60 REC-T-163_R10 REC-T-220_R10 REC-T-235_R10 REC-T-182 Round 9 REC-T-181 Round 9 REC-T-209 Round 9 REC-T-225 Round 9 REC-T-169 Round 9 REC-T-166 Round 9 REC-T-130 Round 9 REC-T-183 Round 9 REC-T-153 Round 9 REC-T-170 Round 9 REC-T-163 Round 10 REC-T-220 Round 10 REC-T-235 Round 10 Rounds Concessionaries (%) Rio do Peixe Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore BT-RIOP-1 BT-RIOP-2 BT-RIOP-3 BT-RIOP-4 BT-RIOP-5 BT-RIOP-6 BT-RIOP-7 BT-RIOP-8 RIOP-T-75 RIOP-T-41 RIOP-T-20 RIOP-T-21 RIOP-T-30 RIOP-T-31 RIOP-T-55 RIOP-T-56 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Cowan Petróleo e Gás¹ (90)/Lábrea (10) Petrobras¹ (100) UTC Engenharia¹ (100) Ral Engenharia¹ (50)/Univen (50) Ral Engenharia¹ (50)/Univen (50) Ral Engenharia¹ (50)/Univen (50) Ral Engenharia¹ (50)/Univen (50) Ral Engenharia¹ (50)/Univen (50) Santos Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore BM-S-8 BM-S-9 BM-S-10 BM-S-11 BM-S-12 BM-S-17 BM-S-21 BM-S-22 BM-S-24 BM-S-29 BM-S-40 BM-S-40 BM-S-41 BM-S-41 BM-S-41 BM-S-42 BM-S-42 BM-S-42 BM-S-42 BM-S-44 BM-S-44 BM-S-45 BM-S-48 BM-S-48 BM-S-48 BM-S-48 BM-S-50 BM-S-51 BM-S-52 BM-S-53 BM-S-54 BM-S-55 BM-S-56 BM-S-57 BM-S-58 BM-S-59 BM-S-60 BM-S-61 BM-S-62 BM-S-63 BM-S-64 BM-S-65 BM-S-66 BM-S-67 BM-S-68 BM-S-69 BM-S-70 BM-S-71 BM-S-8 BM-S-9 BM-S-10 BM-S-11 BM-S-12 BM-S-17 BM-S-21 BM-S-22 BM-S-24 BM-S-29 S-M-1288 S-M-1289 S-M-1352 S-M-1358 S-M-1482 S-M-239 S-M-324 S-M-415 S-M-417 S-M-172 S-M-330 S-M-322 S-M-673 S-M-674 S-M-675 S-M-789 S-M-623 S-M-619 S-M-508 S-M-405 S-M-518 S-M-506 S-M-226 S-M-268 S-M-270 S-M-314 S-M-225 S-M-1037 S-M-1102 S-M-1036 S-M-613 S-M-713 S-M-791 S-M-792 S-M-1101 S-M-1165 S-M-1166 S-M-1035 Round 2 Round 2 Round 2 Round 2 Round 3 Round 3 Round 3 Round 3 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 5 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Petrobras¹ (66)/ Shell (20)/ Petrogal Brasil (14) Petrobras¹ (45)/ BG Brasil (30)/ Repsol (25) Petrobras¹ (65)/ BG Brasil (25)/ Partex (10) Petrobras¹ (65)/ BG Brasil (25)/ Petrogal (10) Petrobras¹ (70)/ Queiroz Galvão (30) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (80)/ Petrogal Brasil (20) Esso Santos¹ (40)/ Hess Brasil (40)/ Petrobras (20) Petrobras¹ (80)/ Petrogal Brasil (20) OGX¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (75)/Repsol (25) Petrobras¹ (75)/Repsol (25) Petrobras¹ (60)/Shell (40) Repsol¹ (40)/ Petrobras (35)/CVRD (12.5)/Woodside (12.5) Repsol¹ (40)/ Petrobras (35)/CVRD (12.5)/Woodside (12.5) Repsol¹ (40)/ Petrobras (35)/CVRD (12.5)/Woodside (12.5) Repsol¹ (40)/ Petrobras (35)/CVRD (12.5)/Woodside (12.5) Petrobras¹ (60)/Repsol (20)/BG Brasil (20) Petrobras¹ (60)/ Repsol (40) Petrobras (60)/ BG Brasil1 (40) Petrobras¹ (100) Shell¹ (100) Repsol¹ (40)/ Petrobras (35)/CVRD (12.5)/Woodside (12.5) OGX¹ (100) OGX¹ (100) OGX¹ (100) OGX¹ (100) Sonangol Starfish¹ (30)/Petrobras (40)/Sonangol P&P (30) Karoon Petróleo e Gás¹ (100) Karoon Petróleo e Gás¹ (100) Norse Energy¹ (50)/Brasoil (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (60)/CVRD (40) Petrobras¹ (40)/CVRD (30)/Maersk (30) Petrobras¹ (40)/CVRD (30)/Maersk (30) Karoon Petróleo e Gás¹ (100) Karoon Petróleo e Gás¹ (100) Karoon Petróleo e Gás¹ (100) Norse Energy¹ (50)/Brasoil (50) Alvorada¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Recôncavo E&P¹ (100) W. Washington¹ (30)/Petro Vista (50)//BrazAlta (20) Sonangol Starfish¹ (57.1)/Somoil do Brasil (42.9) Sonangol Starfish¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (70)/Silver Marlin (30) W. Washington¹ (37.5)/BrazAlta (37.5)/Petro Vista (25) Imetame¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) 21 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Frame 1.1: Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins Onshore/Offshore Contracts Blocks Rounds Concessionaries (%) Santos Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore BM-S-72 BM-S-73 BM-S-74 BM-S-75 BM-S-76 BM-S-77 S-M-1100 S-M-1413 S-M-1476 S-M-1162 S-M-1163 S-M-1227 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Round 9 Norse Energy¹ (50)/Brasoil (50) ONCG Campos¹ (43.5)/Petrobras (43.5)/Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás (13) Petrobras¹ (43.5)/ONCG Campos (43.5)/Ecopetrol Óleo e Gás (13) Petrobras¹ (60)/Queiroz Galvão (20)/Petrogal Brasil (20) Petrobras¹ (60)/Queiroz Galvão (20)/Petrogal Brasil (20) Petrobras¹ (60)/Queiroz Galvão (20)/Petrogal Brasil (20) São Francisco Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore BT-SF-2 BT-SF-2 BT-SF-2 BT-SF-2 BT-SF-3 BT-SF-3 BT-SF-3 BT-SF-3 BT-SF-3 BT-SF-3 BT-SF-3 BT-SF-3 BT-SF-3 BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-3A BT-SF-5 BT-SF-6 BT-SF-7 BT-SF-8 BT-SF-9 SF-T-104_R10 SF-T-114_R10 SF-T-120_R10 SF-T-127_R10 SF-T-80_R10 SF-T-81_R10 SF-T-82_R10 SF-T-83_R10 SF-T-93_R10 SF-T-101 SF-T-102 SF-T-111 SF-T-112 SF-T-118 SF-T-124 SF-T-125 SF-T-130 SF-T-131 SF-T-137 SF-T-139 SF-T-143 SF-T-144 SF-T-85 SF-T-86 SF-T-94 SF-T-95 SF-T-96 SF-T-105 SF-T-106 SF-T-115 SF-T-121 SF-T-128 SF-T-134 SF-T-138 SF-T-132 SF-T-133 SF-T-92 SF-T-119 SF-T-126 SF-T-104 SF-T-114 SF-T-120 SF-T-127 SF-T-80 SF-T-81 SF-T-82 SF-T-83 SF-T-93 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Round 10 Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Orteng1 (30)/Codemig (49)/Delp (11)/Imetame (10) Cisco Oil and Gas¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Petra Energia¹ (100) Imetame¹ (100) Imetame¹ (100) Imetame¹ (30)/Cemig (24.5)/Codemig (24.5)/Orteng (11)/Sipet(10) Orteng¹ (30)/Cemig (24.5)/Codemig (24.5)/ Imetame (11)/ Sipet (10) Shell¹ (100) Shell¹ (100) Shell¹ (100) Shell¹ (100) Shell¹ (100) Sergipe Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore BM-SEAL-4 BM-SEAL-9 BM-SEAL-10 BM-SEAL-10 BM-SEAL-10 BM-SEAL-10 BM-SEAL-11 BM-SEAL-11 BM-SEAL-11 BM-SEAL-11 BT-SEAL-13 BT-SEAL-13 BT-SEAL-16 BT-SEAL-16 BT-SEAL-22 BM-SEAL-4 BM-SEAL-9 SEAL-M-347 SEAL-M-424 SEAL-M-495 SEAL-M-499 SEAL-M-349 SEAL-M-426 SEAL-M-497 SEAL-M-569 SEAL-T-412 SEAL-T-429 SEAL-T-460 SEAL-T-467 SEAL-T-418 Round 2 Round 4 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 6 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Petrobras¹ (75)/ONGC Campos (25) Petrobras¹ (85)/ Partex Brasil (15) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (60)/IBV Brasil Petróleo (40) Petrobras¹ (60)/IBV Brasil Petróleo (40) Petrobras¹ (60)/IBV Brasil Petróleo (40) Petrobras¹ (60)/IBV Brasil Petróleo (40) Petrogal Brasil1 (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrogal Brasil1 (50)/Petrobras (50) Silver Marlin¹ (100) Silver Marlin¹ (100) Aurizônia Petróleo1 (50) /Phoenix (50) Solimões Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore BT-SOL-1 BT-SOL-3 BT-SOL-3 BT-SOL-3 BT-SOL-3 BT-SOL-4 BT-SOL-4 BT-SOL-4 BT-SOL-1 SOL-T-150 SOL-T-171 SOL-T-173 SOL-T-193 SOL-T-151 SOL-T-172 SOL-T-174 Round 4 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) 22 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Frame 1.1: Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 (continue) (conclusion) Blocks in the exploration phase on December 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins Solimões Onshore/Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Contracts BT-SOL-4 BT-SOL-4 BT-SOL-4 BT-SOL-4 BT-SOL-4 BT-SOL-4 BT-SOL-4 BT-SOL-4A BT-SOL-4A BT-SOL-4A BT-SOL-4A BT-SOL-4A BT-SOL-4A BT-SOL-4A BT-SOL-4A BT-SOL-4A BT-SOL-4A BT-SOL-4A Blocks SOL-T-194 SOL-T-195 SOL-T-196 SOL-T-197 SOL-T-218 SOL-T-219 SOL-T-220 SOL-T-148 SOL-T-149 SOL-T-168 SOL-T-169 SOL-T-170 SOL-T-191 SOL-T-192 SOL-T-214 SOL-T-215 SOL-T-216 SOL-T-217 Rounds Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Round 7 Concessionaries (%) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) HRT O&G¹ (51)/Petra Energia (49) Source: ANP/SEP. ¹Operator. 23 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Frame 1.2: Fields under development on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Fields under development on December 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins Alagoas States Onshore/Offshore Fields Concessionaries (%) Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Fazenda Guindaste Lagoa Pacas Mutum Sebastião Ferreira Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Amazonas Amazonas Onshore Onshore Azulão Japiim Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Camarão Camarão Norte Pinaúna Sardinha El Paso¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (35)/Brasoil Manati (10)/Rio das Contas (10)/Manati (45) El Paso¹ (100) El Paso¹ (40)/Norse Energy (20)/Petrobras (40) Campos Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Baleia Anã Baleia Azul Carapicu Carataí Catuá Caxaréu Mangangá Maromba Nautilus Papa-Terra Peregrino Pirambu Xerelete Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (62.5)/Chevron Brasil (37.5) Shell¹ (50)/Petrobras (35)/ONGC Campos (15) Petrobras¹ (62.5)/Chevron Brasil (37.5) Statoil Brasil¹ (60)/Statoil Brasil (40) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (41.2)/Total E&P Brasil (41.2)/Devon (17.6) Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Albatroz Carapó Córrego Cedro Norte Sul Corruíra Garça Branca Jacupemba Jacutinga Norte Mosquito Norte Rio Mariricu Sul Rio Preto Sudeste Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Koch Petróleo¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Paraná Onshore Barra Bonita Petrobras¹ (100) Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Acauã Leste Andorinha Andorinha Sul Barrinha Sudoeste Chauá Chopim Concriz Gauiuba Guajá Guamaré Sudeste Pardal Rio do Carmo Salema Branca Sanhaçu São Manoel Siri Trinca Ferro Urutau Petrobras¹ (100) Petrogal Brasil¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrogal Brasil¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Allpetro¹ (100) Petrogal Brasil¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) UTC Engenharia¹ (51)/Phoenix (39)/Quantra (10) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) UTC Engenharia¹ (50)/Potióleo (50) Proen¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (50)/Petrogal Brasil (50) Arclima¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrogal Brasil¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Bahia Bahia Bahia Onshore Onshore Onshore Cambacica Jaó2 Maritaca Petrobras¹ (75)/Starfish (25) Queiroz Galvão¹ (50)/Brasoil Manati (50) Starfish¹ (50)/Somoil do Brasil (50) Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Santa Catarina Paraná São Paulo São Paulo Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Atlanta Carapiá Cavalo-Marinho Estrela-do-Mar Guaiamá Mexilhão Oliva Piracucá Shell¹ (40)/Chevron Brasil (20)/Petrobras (40) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (35)/Brasoil Cav Marinho (15)/Norse Energy (50) Petrobras¹ (35)/Norse Energy (65) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Shell¹ (40)/Chevron Brasil (20)/Petrobras (40) Petrobras¹ (63)/Repsol (37) Amazonas Camamu Paraná Potiguar Recôncavo Santos 24 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Frame 1.2: Fields under development on December 31st, 2010 (conclusion) (continue) Fields under development on December 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins States Santos Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Santa Catarina Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Pirapitanga Tambaú Tambuatá Tubarão Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Aracuã Carmópolis Nordeste Carmópolis Sudeste Dó-Ré-Mi Guará Mato Grosso Noroeste Mato Grosso Sudeste Sirizinho Oeste Sirizinho Sul Starfish¹ (30)/Petrobras (70) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrogal Brasil¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Nord¹ (60)/Mercury (40) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Amazonas Amazonas Amazonas Amazonas Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Araracanga Carapanaúba Cupiúba Juruá Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Bahia Bahia Onshore Onshore Iraí Lagoa Branca Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Solimões Tucano Sul Onshore/Offshore Fields Concessionaries (%) Source: ANP/SDP. ¹Operator company. ²Fields to be returned by concessionaire(s). 25 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Frame 1.3: Producing fields on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Producing fields on Dec 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins Alagoas Camamu Campos Ceará Espírito Santo 26 States Onshore/Offshore Fields Concessionaries (%) Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Alagoas Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Anambé Cidade de São Miguel dos Campos Cidade de Sebastião Ferreira Coqueiro Seco Fazenda Pau Brasil Furado Japuaçu Jequiá Paru Pilar São Miguel dos Campos Sul de Coruripe Tabuleiro dos Martins Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Bahia Bahia Bahia Onshore Offshore Onshore Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Abalone Albacora Albacora Leste Anequim Argonauta Badejo Bagre Baleia Franca Barracuda Bicudo Bijupirá Bonito Cachalote Carapeba Caratinga Cherne Congro Corvina Enchova Enchova Oeste Espadarte Frade Garoupa Garoupinha Jubarte Linguado Malhado Marimbá Marlim Marlim Leste Marlim Sul Moréia Namorado Nordeste de Namorado Ostra Pampo Parati Pargo Piraúna Polvo Roncador Salema Trilha Vermelho Viola Voador Shell¹ (50)/Petrobras (35)/ONGC Campos (15) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (90)/Repsol (10) Petrobras¹ (100) Shell¹ (50)/Petrobras (35)/ONGC Campos (15) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Shell¹ (80)/Petrobras (20) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Chevron Frade¹ (51.7)/Frade Japão (18.3)/Petrobras (30) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Shell¹ (50)/Petrobras (35)/ONGC Campos (15) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Devon¹ (60)/SK Brasil (40) Petrobras¹ (100) Shell¹ (80)/Petrobras (20) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Ceará Ceará Ceará Ceará Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Atum Curimã Espada Xaréu Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Espírito Santo Onshore Barra do Ipiranga Petrobras¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Jiribatuba2 Manati Petrobras¹ (35)/Manati (45)/Brasoil Manati (10)/Rio das Contas (10) Panergy¹ (30)/ERG (70) Morro do Barro2 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Frame 1.3: Producing fields on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Producing fields on Dec 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins States Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Onshore Offshore Onshore Offshore Offshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Biguá Cação Cacimbas Camarupim Camarupim Norte Campo Grande Canapu Cancã Cangoá Córrego Cedro Norte Córrego das Pedras Córrego Dourado Crejoá2 Fazenda Alegre Fazenda Cedro Fazenda Cedro Norte Fazenda Queimadas Fazenda Santa Luzia Fazenda São Jorge Fazenda São Rafael Golfinho Guriri Inhambu Jacutinga Lagoa Bonita Lagoa Parda Lagoa Parda Norte Lagoa Parda Sul Lagoa Piabanha Lagoa Suruaca Mariricu Mariricu Norte Mariricu Oeste Mosquito Nativo Oeste Peroá Rio Barra Seca Rio Doce3 Rio Ibiribas3 Rio Ipiranga² Rio Itaúnas Rio Itaúnas Leste Rio Mariricu Rio Preto Rio Preto Oeste Rio Preto Sul Rio São Mateus Rio São Mateus Oeste Saira São Mateus São Mateus Leste Seriema Tabuiaiá Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (65)/El Paso (35) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Koch Petróleo¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Cheim¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Acauã Agulha Alto do Rodrigues Angico Arabaiana Araçari Aratum Asa Branca Baixa do Algodão Baixa do Juazeiro Barrinha Barrinha Leste Benfica Biquara Boa Esperança Boa Vista Brejinho Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (21)/Unopaso (79) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Potiguar Onshore/Offshore Fields Concessionaries (%) 27 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Frame 1.3: Producing fields on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Producing fields on Dec 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins Potiguar Recôncavo 28 States Onshore/Offshore Fields Concessionaries (%) Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Cachoeirinha Canto do Amaro Carcará Cardeal Cioba Colibri Dentão Estreito Fazenda Belém Fazenda Canaan Fazenda Curral Fazenda Junco Fazenda Malaquias Fazenda Pocinho Guamaré Icapuí Iraúna Irerê Jaçanã Janduí João de Barro Juazeiro Lagoa Aroeira Leste de Poço Xavier Livramento Lorena Macau Monte Alegre Morrinho Mossoró Noroeste do Morro Rosado Oeste de Ubarana Pajeú Pedra Sentada Periquito Pescada Pintassilgo Pitiguari Poço Verde Poço Xavier Ponta do Mel Porto Carão Redonda Redonda Profundo Riacho da Forquilha Riacho Velho2 Rio Mossoró Rolinha Sabiá Salina Cristal Serra Serra do Mel Serra Vermelha Serraria Três Marias Ubarana Upanema Varginha Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Norberto Odebrecht¹ (50)/Koch Petróleo (50) Partex Brasil¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Partex Brasil¹ (50)/Petrobras (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) UTC Engenharia¹ (50)/Aurizônia Petróleo (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) UTC Engenharia¹ (38)/Aurizônia Petróleo (37)/Phoenix (25) Petrobras¹ (21)/Unopaso (79) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Genesis 2000¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) UTC Engenharia¹ (50)/Potióleo (50) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Acajá-Burizinho Água Grande Apraiús Araçás Araçás Leste2 Aratu Biriba Bom Lugar2 Bonsucesso Brejinho Buracica Camaçari Recôncavo E&P¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Egesa¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Frame 1.3: Producing fields on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Producing fields on Dec 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins Recôncavo States Onshore/Offshore Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Fields Canabrava Canário Candeias Cantagalo Cassarongongo Cexis Cidade de Entre Rios Dom João Dom João Mar Fazenda Alto das Pedras Fazenda Alvorada Fazenda Azevedo Fazenda Bálsamo Fazenda Belém Fazenda Boa Esperança Fazenda Imbé Fazenda Onça Fazenda Panelas Fazenda Rio Branco Fazenda Santo Estevão Fazenda Sori3 Gomo Guanambi Ilha de Bimbarra Itaparica Jacuipé Jandaia Juriti Lagoa do Paulo Lagoa do Paulo Norte Lagoa do Paulo Sul Lagoa Verde3 Lamarão Leodório Malombê Mandacaru Mapele Massapê Massuí Mata de São João Miranga Miranga Norte Norte Fazenda Caruaçu Paramirim do Vencimento3 Pedrinhas Pojuca Pojuca Norte Remanso Riacho da Barra Riacho Ouricuri Riacho São Pedro Rio da Serra Rio do Bu Rio dos Ovos Rio Itariri Rio Joanes Rio Pipiri Rio Pojuca Rio Sauípe Rio Subaúma Santana São Domingos São Pedro Sauípe Sesmaria Socorro Socorro Extensão Sussuarana Tangará Tapiranga Taquipe Concessionaries (%) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) W. Petróleo¹ (52.5)/BrazAlta Brasil (47.5) W. Petróleo¹ (52.5)/BrazAlta Brasil (47.5) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (80)/Guanambi (20) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Recôncavo E&P¹ (100) Recôncavo E&P¹ (100) Recôncavo E&P¹ (100) Recôncavo E&P¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) W. Petróleo¹ (52.5)/BrazAlta Brasil (47.5) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) W. Petróleo¹ (52.5)/BrazAlta Brasil (47.5) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) 29 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Frame 1.3: Producing fields on December 31st, 2010 (conclusion) (continue) Producing fields on Dec 31st, 2010 Sedimentary basins Recôncavo Santos Sergipe Solimões Tucano Sul States Onshore/Offshore Concessionaries (%) Onshore Onshore Tico-Tico Uirapuru W. Petróleo¹ (52.5)/BrazAlta Brasil (47.5) Petrosynergy¹ (100) Paraná Offshore Caravela Paraná Offshore Coral São Paulo Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Lagosta Lula Merluza Uruguá Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (35)/Coplex (27.5)/Queiroz Galvão (15) Brasoil Coral (15)/Norse Energy (7.5) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (65)/ BG Brasil (25)/ Petrogal (10) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Sergipe Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Offshore Onshore Offshore Offshore Onshore Aguilhada Angelim Aruari Atalaia Sul Brejo Grande Caioba Camorim Carapitanga2 Carmópolis Castanhal Cidade de Aracaju2 Dourado Foz do Vaza-Barris2 Guaricema Harpia Ilha Pequena Mato Grosso Mato Grosso do Norte Mato Grosso do Sul Piranema Riachuelo Salgo Siririnho Tartaruga Tatui Tigre2 Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Silver Marlin¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Alvorada¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Ral¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Nord¹ (60)/Mercury (40) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) UP Petróleo Brasil¹ (67.5)/Petrobras (25)/TDC (7.5) Petrobras¹ (100) Severo Villares¹ (100) Amazonas Amazonas Amazonas Onshore Onshore Onshore Leste de Urucu Rio Urucu Sudoeste Urucu Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Bahia Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Onshore Conceição Fazenda Matinha Fazenda Santa Rosa Quererá Sempre Viva2 Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Petrobras¹ (100) Orteng¹ (34)/Delp (33)/Logos Engenharia (33) Source: ANP/SDP. ¹Operator company. ²Marginal fields. ³Fields to be returned by concessionaire(s). 30 Fields Bahia Bahia SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY 1.2 Reserves Table 1.1: Proved oil reserves¹, per location (onshore and offshore), by State – 2001-2010 Proved oil reserves (106 barrels) States Location Total 10/09 % 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 8,495.8 9,804.6 10,601.9 11,243.3 11,772.6 12,181.6 12,623.8 12,801.4 12,875.7 14,246.3 10.65 Subtotal Onshore Offshore 909.0 7,586.8 927.0 8,877.6 934.5 9,667.4 864.5 10,378.8 882.7 10,890.0 904.9 11,276.8 886.4 11,737.5 895.8 11,905.6 938.6 11,937.1 916.3 13,330.0 -2.38 11.67 Amazonas Onshore 131.8 114.5 110.6 100.0 91.9 96.7 102.7 107.6 114.0 104.4 -8.41 Ceará Onshore Offshore 6.6 64.7 6.2 70.0 5.7 67.1 6.8 70.1 6.3 71.3 5.5 69.5 8.4 57.5 10.4 58.9 15.3 58.9 15.4 47.8 0.68 -18.88 Rio Grande do Norte Onshore Offshore 270.8 68.7 259.2 69.8 260.3 71.6 250.2 67.4 259.4 80.7 263.0 79.6 264.6 98.1 265.1 98.1 266.3 105.4 254.6 120.5 -4.36 14.40 Alagoas Onshore Offshore 12.8 1.4 12.1 1.3 11.4 1.4 10.9 1.6 11.8 1.2 11.3 0.9 8.7 0.7 6.9 0.6 5.8 0.7 5.2 0.8 -10.47 27.15 Sergipe Onshore Offshore 210.1 27.9 204.8 27.9 220.0 21.1 223.3 36.1 230.0 37.8 226.6 38.1 231.8 34.6 226.4 35.0 242.4 26.2 250.7 31.6 3.43 20.42 Bahia Onshore Offshore 208.1 12.0 212.3 2.9 211.6 2.2 214.8 2.3 228.6 2.3 241.1 3.5 216.1 37.8 228.6 59.6 241.9 69.4 241.1 65.8 -0.30 -5.08 Espírito Santo Onshore Offshore 68.8 6.2 118.0 499.8 114.9 609.7 58.4 1,205.6 54.6 1,126.1 60.7 1,286.5 54.1 1,277.1 50.8 1,275.5 53.0 1,240.8 44.8 1,297.8 -15.48 4.59 Rio de Janeiro2 Offshore 7,375.6 8,174.4 8,854.1 8,931.1 9,532.6 9,762.2 10,177.9 10,328.5 10,381.9 11,707.3 12.77 São Paulo Offshore 5.2 4.5 4.0 39.9 19.2 23.8 27.6 23.9 24.2 26.1 7.99 Paraná3 Onshore Offshore 25.0 26.9 23.7 14.8 10.7 6.2 21.3 20.7 0.0 24.4 0.0 27.0 10.83 Santa Catarina4 Offshore - - 12.5 9.9 8.2 6.6 4.8 4.8 5.3 5.3 -0.20 Source: ANP/SDP, as per Ordinance ANP No. 9/2000. Notes: 1. Reserves on December 31st of reference years. 2. Condensates included. 3. See item in General Notes on “Brazilian Oil and Natural Gas Reserves”. 1 Reserves related to fields whose developments plans are still unded analysis by ANP included. 2Reserves related to Roncador and Frade fields were totally accounted to the State of Rio de Janeiro by means of simplification. 3Reserves related to Caravela field were totally accounted to the State of Paraná by means of simplification. 4Reserves related to Tubarão field are totally accounted to the State of Santa Catarina by means of simplification. 31 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Figure 1.1: Proved oil reserves, by location (onshore and offshore) – 2001-2010 15 12 109 barrels 9 6 3 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Offshore Onshore Source: ANP/SDP (Table 1.1). Notes: 1. Reserves on December 31st of reference years. 2. Condensates included. 3. See General Notes on “Brazilian Oil and Natural Gas Reserves”. Table 1.2: Proved natural gas reserves1, per location (onshore and offshore), by State – 2001-2010 Proved natural gas reserves (106 m3) States Location Total 10/09 % 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 222,731 244,547 245,340 326,084 306,395 347,903 364,991 364,236 367,095 423,003 15.23 Subtotal Onshore Offshore 77,159 145,572 76,070 168,477 76,597 168,743 73,730 252,354 71,752 234,643 74,522 273,381 68,131 296,860 66,305 297,931 65,489 301,606 68,803 354,200 5.06 17.44 Amazonas Onshore 44,549 47,893 49,075 49,448 51,465 53,232 52,774 52,143 52,397 55,878 6.64 Ceará Offshore 1,186 1,462 1,139 1,066 995 825 825 1,028 784 652 -16.82 Rio Grande do Norte Onshore Offshore 3,918 15,930 3,585 17,221 3,151 17,289 2,870 18,337 2,558 15,059 2,397 14,047 1,942 11,755 1,585 8,663 1,656 8,376 1,418 8,676 -14.35 3.59 Alagoas Onshore Offshore 5,766 1,154 4,719 1,118 4,286 980 3,929 1,198 3,525 1,084 3,241 815 3,042 850 3,058 730 2,665 825 2,391 1,085 -10.29 31.59 Sergipe Onshore Offshore 864 4,132 820 3,860 861 2,525 829 3,286 768 2,751 814 2,978 761 2,842 989 2,678 925 2,523 1,039 2,588 12.30 2.57 Bahia Onshore Offshore 19,774 3,083 17,244 10,101 16,987 8,681 15,636 9,625 12,379 9,388 11,474 14,269 8,470 26,423 7,447 24,671 7,202 28,169 7,356 26,161 2.15 -7.13 Espírito Santo Onshore Offshore 2,288 9,499 1,809 14,467 2,237 15,258 1,018 21,286 1,057 31,271 3,364 37,385 1,140 37,594 940 38,004 640 47,058 587 44,025 -8.32 -6.45 Rio de Janeiro2 Offshore 106,246 116,339 119,257 119,049 145,378 164,503 167,917 173,142 166,770 220,506 32.22 São Paulo 49,373 6.89 Offshore 4,273 3,875 3,508 78,471 28,696 38,543 47,881 48,340 46,189 3 Onshore Offshore 68 34 61 26 15 9 1 568 142 468 4 684 134 3,189.90 904 32.26 Santa Catarina4 Offshore - - 44 11 7 7 206 205 230 230 Paraná -0.15 Source: ANP/SDP, as per Ordinance ANP No. 9/2000. Notes: 1. Reserves on December 31st of reference years. 2. Condensates included. 3. See item in General Notes on “Brazilian Oil and Natural Gas Reserves”. 1 Reserves related to fields whose developments plans are still unded analysis by ANP included. 2Reserves related to Roncador and Frade fields were totally accounted to the State of Rio de Janeiro by means of simplification. 3Reserves related to Caravela field were totally accounted to the State of Paraná by means of simplification. 4Reserves related to Tubarão field are totally accounted to the State of Santa Catarina by means of simplification. 32 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Figure 1.2: Proved natural gas reserves, by location (onshore and offshore) – 2001-2010 450 400 350 300 200 9 10 m3 250 150 100 50 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Offshore 2010 Onshore Source: ANP/SDP (Table 1.2). Notes: 1. Reserves on December 31st of reference years. 2. See General Notes item on “Brazilian Oil and Natural Gas Reserves”. 33 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 1.3 Production Table 1.3: Oil production, per location (onshore and offshore), by State – 2001-2010 Oil production (103 barrels) States 10/09 % Location Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 471,862 530,855 546,080 540,717 596,255 628,797 638,018 663,275 711,883 749,954 5.35 Subtotal Onshore Offshore 77,170 394,692 78,952 451,902 79,738 466,342 78,632 462,085 74,962 521,292 70,841 557,957 69,893 568,126 66,337 596,938 65,465 646,418 65,973 683,981 0.78 5.81 Amazonas Onshore 15,743 15,914 15,410 15,541 14,376 13,062 12,276 11,657 12,351 13,030 5.49 Ceará Onshore Offshore 893 4,705 828 4,207 997 4,419 806 4,176 593 3,796 559 3,250 668 3,098 699 2,788 761 2,539 674 2,261 -11.35 -10.94 Rio Grande do Norte Onshore Offshore 25,817 3,768 25,038 3,810 24,658 3,917 24,774 4,319 23,031 4,153 20,435 3,731 19,676 3,141 19,208 3,124 18,295 3,012 17,868 2,914 -2.33 -3.26 Alagoas Onshore Offshore 2,108 298 2,446 277 2,586 190 2,477 196 2,572 186 2,935 162 2,897 126 2,139 109 2,246 96 2,030 85 -9.63 -11.10 Sergipe Onshore Offshore 9,212 3,860 9,681 3,251 10,840 2,650 11,433 2,530 11,909 2,307 12,044 2,300 12,889 2,404 12,371 4,823 12,583 3,515 12,020 3,063 -4.48 -12.85 Bahia Onshore Offshore 16,310 - 16,061 - 16,064 - 16,324 - 16,144 - 15,703 - 15,525 134 15,156 284 14,642 338 15,551 343 6.20 1.44 Espírito Santo Onshore Offshore 7,087 62 8,984 1,138 9,183 6,617 7,278 4,407 6,338 5,945 6,103 16,759 5,963 36,197 5,108 37,133 4,587 31,371 4,801 75,232 4.67 139.81 Rio de Janeiro Offshore 380,466 438,292 446,238 443,156 501,772 529,627 520,922 547,348 605,213 594,804 -1.72 São Paulo Offshore 559 578 534 509 514 457 724 302 333 Paraná Offshore 974 349 1,777 2,793 2,619 1,670 1,380 1,029 - 5,278 1,483.21 - .. Source: ANP/SDP, as per Decree No. 2.705/1998. Note: Condensates included. Figure 1.3: Oil production, by location (onshore and offshore) – 2001-2010 2.5 106 barrels/day 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Offshore Source: ANP/SDP (Table 1.3). Note: Condensates included. 34 2010 Onshore SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Table 1.4: NGL production, by State – 2001-2010 NGL production (103 barrels) 10/09 % States 2001 Brazil Amazonas Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Alagoas Sergipe Bahia Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro 2002 14,666 4,557 124 1,924 1,882 2,399 74 3,706 16,422 4,406 181 2,561 1,888 2,224 65 5,097 2003 2004 20,549 5,267 195 2,549 321 1,791 2,530 64 7,832 2005 22,457 5,573 194 2,977 795 1,841 2,595 87 8,396 2006 28,943 6,245 170 2,946 857 1,855 2,670 87 14,113 31,532 6,405 144 2,785 768 1,777 2,682 59 16,912 2007 2008 30,903 6,894 87 2,763 682 1,726 2,276 71 16,403 2009 31,628 6,983 90 2,442 612 1,635 2,199 253 17,412 2010 28,717 6,759 68 2,063 598 1,522 2,037 185 15,485 30,204 6,173 66 1,877 587 1,428 1,957 708 17,409 5.18 -8.67 -3.40 -9.00 -1.80 -6.16 -3.95 282.92 12.42 Source: ANP/SDP, as per Decree No. 2.705/1998. Note: Condensates not included. LPG and C5+ included, as per Ordinance ANP No. 9/2000. Table 1.5: Natural gas production, per location (onshore and offshore), by State – 2001-2010 Natural gas production (106 m3) States 10/09 % Location 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 13,998.8 15,525.2 15,792.1 16,971.2 17,699.2 17,699.2 18,151.7 21,592.7 21,141.5 22,938.4 Total 8.50 Subtotal Onshore Offshore 5,827.5 8,171.3 6,168.6 9,356.5 6,708.6 9,083.4 7,765.5 7,375.3 6,656.9 6,282.9 6,273.1 6,045.2 6,024.0 9,205.7 10,323.9 11,042.3 11,868.7 15,319.6 15,096.3 16,914.4 -0.35 12.04 Amazonas Onshore 2,427.3 2,743.2 2,992.6 3,620.8 3,567.2 3,376.3 3,546.1 3,732.6 3,780.2 3,857.9 2.05 Ceará Onshore Offshore 0.7 92.2 0.7 109.6 0.8 99.3 0.6 125.4 0.5 110.6 0.5 98.9 0.6 77.4 0.6 65.8 0.6 55.5 0.5 42.1 -12.98 -24.13 Rio Grande do Norte Onshore Offshore 394.5 803.1 356.8 1,003.5 301.6 967.3 333.5 1,032.1 296.0 1,020.5 266.1 914.5 313.9 765.0 317.8 609.8 273.0 488.1 269.5 419.4 -1.29 -14.08 Alagoas Onshore Offshore 599.7 163.2 632.6 149.2 783.3 134.6 1,042.2 144.9 999.5 169.1 878.6 144.1 765.4 141.0 685.7 128.2 618.0 124.4 564.5 108.2 -8.67 -13.04 Sergipe Onshore Offshore 59.3 752.5 59.6 741.9 66.2 666.3 76.3 601.2 79.0 538.7 84.2 525.2 93.2 453.9 91.2 766.5 92.5 863.6 94.7 1,007.1 2.29 16.61 Bahia Onshore Offshore 1,958.1 8.5 1,964.2 52.6 2,115.7 50.2 2,218.4 38.2 1,959.1 25.2 1,878.1 16.3 1,480.0 1,166.3 1,285.4 2,079.5 1,172.3 1,881.1 1,138.3 2,261.1 -2.90 20.20 Espírito Santo Onshore Offshore 387.8 1.1 411.7 9.8 448.4 60.9 473.7 36.1 474.0 45.1 173.1 736.6 83.7 881.7 159.7 2,642.4 108.5 967.9 98.7 2,602.4 -9.06 168.86 Rio de Janeiro Offshore 5,968.3 6,886.3 6,660.2 6,779.1 7,967.2 8,210.8 8,025.1 8,763.3 10,497.2 10,132.2 -3.48 São Paulo Offshore 344.0 394.2 388.2 383.4 379.7 357.0 324.1 242.1 218.4 342.0 56.61 Paraná Offshore 38.3 9.4 56.4 65.2 67.7 39.0 34.3 21.9 - - .. Source: ANP/SDP, as per Decree No. 2.705/1998. Note: Total production includes reinjection, gas flaring, losses and own consumption. 35 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Figure 1.4: Natural gas production, by location (onshore and offshore) – 2001-2010 25 20 9 10 m3 15 10 5 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Offshore 2010 Onshore Source: ANP/SDP (Table 1.5). Note: Total production volume includes reinjection, gas flaring, losses, own consumption, as well as condensed gas in LNG form. Table 1.6: Production of associated and non-associated natural gas, by State – 2001-2010 Natural gas production (106 m3) States 10/09 % Type Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 13,999 15,525 15,792 16,971 17,699 17,706 18,152 21,593 21,142 22,938 8.50 Subtotal Associated Non-associated 11,131 2,868 12,091 3,434 12,135 3,657 12,981 3,990 13,778 3,921 13,661 4,045 13,506 4,645 14,519 7,074 16,976 4,165 17,300 5,638 1.91 35.36 Amazonas Associated Non-associated 2,388 39 2,718 26 2,942 51 3,562 59 3,533 34 3,367 9 3,523 23 3,699 34 3,723 57 3,809 49 2.30 -13.99 Ceará Associated Non-associated 92 1 110 - 100 - 126 - 111 - 99 - 78 - 66 - 56 - 43 - -24.01 - Rio Grande do Norte Associated Non-associated 1,070 128 927 433 796 473 740 625 769 548 716 465 590 489 541 386 518 243 491 198 -5.28 -18.49 Alagoas Associated Non-associated 270 493 278 504 366 552 409 778 369 800 249 773 219 688 218 596 319 423 231 442 -27.71 4.42 Sergipe Associated Non-associated 615 196 507 294 481 252 420 257 304 313 300 309 292 255 590 268 819 137 952 150 16.22 9.30 Bahia Associated Non-associated 763 1,204 673 1,343 631 1,535 826 1,430 642 1,343 476 1,419 478 2,168 495 2,870 630 2,423 594 2,806 -5.78 15.78 Espírito Santo Associated Non-associated 89 300 113 309 147 362 107 403 116 403 472 437 603 363 437 2,365 432 644 1,024 1,677 136.89 160.35 Rio de Janeiro Associated Non-associated 5,805 163 6,756 131 6,617 44 6,725 54 7,867 100 7,943 274 7,689 336 8,450 313 10,479 19 10,121 11 -3.41 -38.50 São Paulo Associated Non-associated 344 394 388 383 380 357 324 242 218 37 305 .. 39.46 Associated 38 9 56 65 68 39 34 22 - - .. Paraná Source: ANP/SDP, as per Decree No. 2.705/1998. Note: Total production includes reinjection, gas flaring, losses and own consumption. 36 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Refining and Processing 1.4 Oil Refining Table 1.7: Refining capacity, by refinery – 2001-2010 Refining capacity (m3/day) Refinery (States) Total1 Riograndense (RS) Lubnor (CE) Manguinhos (RJ) Recap(SP) Reduc (RJ) Refap (RS) Regap (MG) Reman (AM) Repar (PR) Replan (SP) Revap (SP) RLAM (BA)2 RPBC (SP) Polo de Guamaré (RN) Univen (SP) Dax Oil (BA) Total3 (m3/day-calendar) Utilization factor4 (%) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 311,228 311,928 322,278 322,278 324,978 324,978 328,078 330,153 332,703 332,703 2,000 1,000 2,200 8,500 38,500 30,000 24,000 7,300 30,000 56,000 36,000 47,000 27,000 1,728 - 2,700 1,000 2,200 8,500 38,500 30,000 24,000 7,300 30,000 56,000 36,000 47,000 27,000 1,728 - 2,700 1,000 2,200 8,500 38,500 30,000 24,000 7,300 30,000 58,000 40,000 51,350 27,000 1,728 - 2,700 1,000 2,200 8,500 38,500 30,000 24,000 7,300 30,000 58,000 40,000 51,350 27,000 1,728 - 2,700 1,100 2,200 8,500 38,500 30,000 24,000 7,300 30,000 58,000 40,000 51,350 27,000 4,328 - 2,700 1,100 2,200 8,500 38,500 30,000 24,000 7,300 30,000 58,000 40,000 51,350 27,000 4,328 - 2,700 1,100 2,200 8,500 38,500 30,000 24,000 7,300 32,000 58,000 40,000 51,350 27,000 4,328 1,100 - 2,700 1,300 2,200 8,500 38,500 30,000 24,000 7,300 35,000 61,000 40,000 46,950 27,000 4,328 1,100 275 2,700 1,300 2,200 8,500 38,500 30,000 24,000 7,300 35,000 66,000 40,000 44,500 27,000 4,328 1,100 275 2,700 1,300 2,200 8,500 38,500 30,000 24,000 7,300 35,000 66,000 40,000 44,500 27,000 4,328 1,100 275 295,667 89.6 296,332 87.7 306,164 84.1 306,164 90.0 308,729 89.6 308,729 90.3 311,674 91.1 313,645 89.9 316,068 90.8 316,068 90.9 Source: ANP/SRP, as per Ordinance ANP No. 28/1999. 1 Nominal capacity in m3/day. 2RLAM has an asphalt production plant with 600 m3/day capacity. 3Calendar-day refining a 95% mean utilization factor. 4Refining utilization factor, considering the volume of processed oil within a year. Table 1.8: Volume of processed oil, per origin (domestic and imported), by refinery – 2010 Volume of oil processed (barrels/day) Refinery (States) Oil Total Other loads³ Domestic¹ Total Manguinhos (RJ) Riograndense (RS) Lubnor (CE) Recap (SP) Reduc (RJ) Refap (RS) Regap (MG) Reman (AM) Repar (PR) Replan (SP) Revap (SP) RLAM (BA) RPBC (SP) Polo de Guamaré (RN) Univen (SP) Dax Oil (BA) Imported² 1,807,076 1,407,967 347,332 51,777 4,210 14,146 7,945 36,493 221,986 150,295 147,304 42,153 171,512 322,252 242,720 263,185 160,529 13,298 8,583 464 0 2,700 7,923 32,886 125,401 62,665 142,736 41,961 119,164 264,733 212,522 234,221 147,051 13,298 414 292 2,428 11,446 3,551 90,830 82,793 50,930 51,096 25,919 10,264 11,782 6,172 121 1,782 22 56 5,755 4,837 4,568 193 1,418 6,423 4,279 18,700 1,696 1,997 51 Sources: Manguinhos, Riograndense, Univen, Dax Oil and Petrobras/Abast. ¹Oil, condensates and C5+ included. ²Oil and condensates included. ³Include oil and oil products residues which are reprocessed in the atmospheric distillation units together with oil and condensate. 37 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Figure 1.5: Volume of refined oil and refining capacity, by refinery – 2010 500 400 3 10 barrels/day 300 200 100 Refined oil Sources: Riograndense, Univen, Manguinhos, Dax Oil and Petrobras/Abast (Tables 1.7 and 1.8). 38 Dax Oil (BA) Univen (SP) Polo de Guamaré (RN) RPBC (SP) RLAN (BA) Revap (SP) Replan (SP) Repar (PR) Reman (AM) Regap (MG) Refap (RS) Reduc (RJ) Recap (SP) Manguinhos (RJ) Lubnor (CE) Riograndense (RS) 0 Refining capacity SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Table 1.9: Volume of processed oil¹, per origin (domestic and imported), by Country – 2001-2010 Volume of oil processed (barrels/day) Region and country 2001 Total Other loads² 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1,666,953 1,635,417 1,620,152 1,734,095 1,740,720 1,752,692 1,786,809 1,773,469 1,805,814 1,807,076 24,656 18,927 24,603 31,210 38,445 30,574 35,277 34,211 0.07 51,777 51.35 Oil¹ 1,649,189 1,610,761 1,601,225 1,709,492 1,709,510 1,714,247 1,756,235 1,738,193 1,771,603 1,755,299 -0.92 Domestic³ 1,228,148 1,250,314 1,257,788 1,272,479 1,344,754 1,348,663 1,352,824 1,343,476 1,384,031 1,407,967 1.73 Imported4 17,764 10/09 % 421,041 360,447 343,437 437,013 364,756 365,584 403,411 394,717 387,572 347,332 -10.38 91,448 52,871 9,977 1,733 26,867 54,086 36,168 6,652 11,266 24,140 14,012 9,547 580 21,159 8,985 6,176 1,416 4,134 449 17,412 4,602 8,726 4,085 0 8,075 875 6,678 522 - 6,893 787 2,231 3,875 - 6,436 0 2,974 3,462 - 9,105 8,357 748 731 -91.97 731 -91.25 .. .. .. .. Europe Norway United Kingdom - - 5,186 5,186 - 882 118 764 12,484 12,484 2,895 2,895 1,518 1,518 3,675 3,675 8,065 8,065 3,834 -52.46 93 3,742 -53.61 Former Soviet Union Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Russia - 7,537 4,876 2,661 446 446 - - - 2,742 2,742 - 12,380 11,306 1,074 7 7 - - 2,809 2,809 .. .. .. .. Middle East Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Yemen Iran Irak 91,455 69,726 4,108 17,621 92,573 62,561 30,011 100,438 69,602 724 30,112 97,633 62,370 35,263 100,756 64,909 35,848 94,179 66,626 27,553 89,337 55,054 34,283 91,153 58,523 32,630 94,592 63,488 31,104 93,858 66,412 27,447 -0.78 4.60 .. .. .. -11.76 Africa South Africa Angola Algeria Cameroon Congo (Brazzaville) Gabon Gana Equatorial Guinea Libya Nigeria 238,137 14,215 87,765 6,315 6,104 123,738 206,251 1,099 306 76,569 4,765 5,618 117,894 210,400 5 66,454 5,011 19 138,911 315,440 82,467 152 232,821 234,102 4,211 98,972 2,768 83 128,069 257,693 20,376 50,583 17,731 7,305 161,698 293,283 33,213 30,395 11,521 5,343 36,152 176,660 292,957 53,326 36,555 3 9,036 33,029 161,008 271,312 4,457 21,003 3,816 36,576 205,460 244,296 -9.96 .. 13,090 193.71 16,604 -20.94 2,249 .. .. .. .. 9,754 155.59 5,958 -83.71 196,641 -4.29 - - 2,828 2,828 1,899 1,899 - - - 489 489 4,498 4,498 1,803 -59.92 1,803 -59.92 South and Central America Argentina Bolivia Colombia Ecuador Venezuela Asia-Pacific Australia Sources: Manguinhos, Riograndense, Univen, Dax Oil and Petrobras/Abast. ¹Refers to oil feed which is processed in primary distillation units. 2Oil and oil products residuals included, as well as residuals from terminals which are reprocessed together with oil and condensate feeds in atmospheric distillation units. ³Oil, condensates and C5+ included. 4Oil and condensates included. 39 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Figure 1.6: Volume of processed oil, per origin (domestic1 and imported2) – 2001-2010 2.0 1.6 0.42 0.36 0.34 1.23 1.25 1.26 2001 2002 0.44 0.36 0.37 0.40 0.39 0.39 0.35 1.34 0.42 1.35 1.34 1.38 1.41 2007 2008 6 10 barrels/day 1.2 0.8 1.27 0.4 0.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2009 Domestic Sources: Riograndense, Univen, Manguinhos, Dax Oil and Petrobras/Abast (Table 1.9). ¹Oil, condensate and C5+ included. ²Oil and condensate included. 40 2010 Imported SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY 1.5 Production of Oil Products Table 1.10: Production of energy and non-energy oil products – 2001-2010 Production (m3) Oil products 2001 Total 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 99,331,480 97,053,038 97,559,414 103,158,597 104,386,596 106,283,719 108,512,061 108,141,220 109,475,630 110,148,398 10/09 % 0.61 Energy 83,626,332 82,116,858 82,518,464 88,051,064 Gasoline A 19,930,401 19,406,616 18,536,773 18,582,826 93,357 71,202 71,731 79,829 Aviation gasoline 8,753,545 9,089,532 9,627,820 9,986,520 LPG1 17,524,581 16,359,592 15,684,652 16,497,346 Fuel oil2, 3 33,252,428 33,209,148 34,382,201 38,501,966 Diesel oil3 Jet fuel 3,714,404 3,625,255 3,792,358 4,142,460 Ligthning kerosene 227,694 227,275 193,138 112,858 129,922 128,237 229,790 147,259 Others4 88,926,681 89,927,982 19,979,562 21,330,106 70,199 64,598 10,728,055 10,289,227 15,075,499 15,112,402 38,743,022 39,111,322 4,150,003 3,823,671 50,107 37,691 130,235 158,964 91,387,954 91,398,770 92,159,651 92,874,922 21,598,969 21,041,901 20,874,989 23,067,253 62,159 67,966 52,746 90,104 10,431,558 10,211,745 9,740,150 9,452,748 15,389,837 14,704,434 14,053,755 13,883,271 39,572,842 41,134,038 42,898,619 41,429,263 4,102,676 3,871,687 4,380,983 4,664,552 24,969 23,158 19,707 25,457 204,944 343,840 138,701 262,275 0.78 10.50 70.83 -2.95 -1.21 -3.43 6.47 29.17 89.09 Non-energy Asphalt Coke5 Naphtha6 Lubricating oil Paraffin Solvent Others7 15,459,915 16,355,738 1,419,621 1,864,970 2,394,882 2,372,802 8,498,006 8,626,248 801,741 785,804 140,457 134,417 813,331 612,561 1,391,877 1,958,935 17,124,106 16,742,450 17,315,979 17,273,475 1,680,039 2,125,959 2,089,926 2,767,281 2,563,296 2,811,485 3,084,025 3,056,971 9,244,639 8,134,049 8,402,282 7,311,298 645,053 756,200 593,794 603,154 129,638 130,069 105,594 94,196 579,688 478,226 457,809 508,705 2,281,754 2,306,463 2,582,549 2,931,870 -0.25 32.41 -0.88 -12.98 1.58 -10.79 11.12 13.53 15,705,148 14,936,180 15,040,950 15,107,533 1,628,223 1,664,213 1,135,327 1,415,212 1,792,502 1,817,122 1,781,203 1,738,899 9,913,132 8,793,587 8,952,160 8,743,655 837,476 803,985 807,086 759,667 120,153 136,311 132,619 143,729 618,094 685,329 990,771 1,080,176 795,568 1,035,634 1,241,785 1,226,196 Sources: ANP, as per Ordinance ANP No. 17/2004, and Petrobras/Abast. Notes: 1. Refineries, petrochemical plants, NGPPs and other producers production included. 2. Shale plants production, except naphtha (see specific note 6), not included. 3. Oil products own consumption of production plants not included. 4. Fuel gas production of refineries not included. 1 Refers to propane/butane mixtures for household and industrial uses. 2Refinery fuel oil not included.³Components intended to marine diesel oil production in some waterway/marine terminals included. 4Light oil for power generation included. 5Coke for energy use included. 6Naphtha produced from shale processing included. That naphtha is then used as raw material for oil products prodution at Repar. 7Diluents, non-energy LPG and other non-energy products included. 41 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Figure 1.7: Production of energy and non-energy oil products – 2001-2010 120 100 6 10 m3 80 60 40 20 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Energy Sources: ANP, as per Ordinance ANP No. 17/2004, and Petrobras/Abast (Table 1.10). Notes: 1. Production of refineries and petrochemical plants included, as well as the ones of NGPPs and other producers. 2. Production of shale processing plants not included. 3. Own consumption of producing plants not included. 4. Fuel gas from refineries and shale producing plants not included. 42 2009 2010 Non-energy SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY 1.6 Natural Gas Processing Table 1.11: Natural gas processing capacity, by producing plants, on December 31st, 2010 Producing units Location(State) Nominal capacity (103m3/day1) Start up Total NGPP Urucu I NGPP Urucu II NGPP Urucu III NGPP Lubnor NGPP Guamaré I NGPP Guamaré II NGPP Guamaré III NGPP Pilar NGPP Atalaia NGPP Carmópolis NGPP Candeias NGPP Catu NGRP-3Bahia NGPP EVF NGPP Lagoa Parda DPP Lagoa Parda2 DPP Cacimbas2 NGPP Cacimbas I NGPP Cacimbas II NGPP Cacimbas III NGCPP Cacimbas I3 NGCPP Cacimbas II3 NGCPP Cacimbas III3 DPP - UTG Sul Capixaba2 NGCPP - UTG Sul Capixaba3 NGPP-U-2500-Reduc NGPP-U-2600-Reduc LFP Reduc3 NGRP Cabiúnas NGCPP Cabiúnas I3 NGCPP Cabiúnas II3 NGCPP Cabiúnas III3 NGPP Cabiúnas LRP Cabiúnas I LRP Cabiúnas II UGN - RPBC 73.836 Coari (AM) Coari (AM) Coari (AM) Fortaleza (CE) Guamaré (RN) Guamaré (RN) Guamaré (RN) Pilar (AL) Aracaju (SE) Carmópolis (SE) Candeias (BA) Pojuca (BA) Pojuca (BA) São Francisco do Conde (BA) Linhares (ES) Linhares (ES) Linhares (ES) Linhares (ES) Linhares (ES) Linhares (ES) Linhares (ES) Linhares (ES) Linhares (ES) Anchieta (ES) Anchieta (ES) Duque de Caxias (RJ) Duque de Caxias (RJ) Duque de Caxias (RJ) Macaé (RJ) Macaé (RJ) Macaé (RJ) Macaé (RJ) Macaé (RJ) Macaé (RJ) Macaé (RJ) Cubatão (SP) 1993 2000 2004 1987 1985 2001 2006 2003 1981 1989 1972 1962 2005 2007 1983 2004 2008 2008 2010 2010 2008 2010 2010 2010 2010 1983 1987 2002 1997 1987 2007 2009 1987 2002 2004 1993 706 6,000 3,000 350 2,300 2,000 1,500 1,800 2,900 350 2,900 1,900 2,500 6,000 450 1,500 5,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 1.5 1.5 1.5 2,500 0.1 2,500 2,000 5.4 2,800 1.5 1.5 1.5 580 4,500 4,500 2,300 Source: ANP/SRP, as per Ordinance ANP No. 28/1999. Volume in gaseous state. 2Dew Point Plant of natural gas. 3Plants that process solely condensates. In that case, their capacity is expressed in units of volume in liquid state, not being accounted by in total volume. 1 Table 1.12: Volume of processed natural gas and dry natural gas, LPG, C5+, ethane and propane production, by processing plants – 2010 Volume of processed natural gas and production of dry natural gas, LPG, C5+, ethane and propane NGPPs (State) Products (103 m³) Processed natural gas (103 m³)¹ LPG² Total Atalaia (SE)3 Bahia (BA)4 Cabiúnas (RJ)5 Cacimbas6 Guamaré (RN)7 Lagoa Parda (ES)8 Lubnor (CE) Pilar (AL) Reduc (RJ)9 RPBC (SP)10 Sul Capixaba11 Urucu (AM)12 C5+ 2 Ethane Propane Dry natural gas¹ 15,603,352 2,546 924 268,388 686 14,369,384 962,012 2,060,166 5,112,854 1,526,037 856,760 217,511 26,692 506,890 441,037 321,509 67,872 3,504,011 156 217 894 47 233 8 69 75 847 61 69 394 58 63 1 2 23 38 91 5 119 268,388 - 686 - 907,669 1,947,911 4,481,102 1,492,335 776,049 217,201 23,951 484,304 393,111 319,662 67,421 3,258,669 Source: Petrobras/Abast. 1 Volumes in gaseous state. 2Volumes in liquid state. 3Production of Atalaia and Carmópolis NGPPs included. LNG produced in Carmópolis NGPP is fractionated in LPG and C5+ at Atalaia NGPP. 4 Processed volumes in Bahia, Catu and Candeias NGPPs included. NGL produced in that units is in RLAM, while LPG and C5+ fractions are accounted for in that refinery’s production. 5Processed volumes in Cabiúnas NGCPPs, NGPPs, NGRP and LRP included. NGL produced in NGRP is fractionated in NGCPPs. LNG produced in LRPs is fractionated in Reduc’s LFP, while LPG, C5+, ethane and propane are accounted for in that refinery’s production. 6Processed volumes in NGPPs, NGCPPs and DPP Cacimbas included. 7Processed volumes produced in Guamaré I, II and III NGPPs included. 8 Processed volumes in Lagoa Parda NGPP and DPP included. 9Processed volumes in Reduc I and II NGPPs are accounted for in Reduc’s production, as well as LPG and C5+ parcels. 10That NGP only separates and stabilizes gas condensate. 11Processed volumes in DPP Sul Capixaba included. 12Produced volumes in Urucu I, II and III NGPPs included. 43 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Table 1.13: Production of dry natural gas, LGP, C5+, ethane and propane in Natural Gas Processing Plants – 2001-2010 Products Dry natural gas1 Ethane1 Production of dry natural gas. LGP e C5+, ethane and propane in Natural Gas Processing Plants – 2001-2010 09/10 % 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 7,912,049 - Liquids2 GLP C5+ Propane 8,591,539 10,527,258 11,810,761 12,538,167 12,722,170 12,055,517 15,207,091 12,891,650 14,369,384 158,203 255,421 243,141 222,324 205,292 268,388 2,443 1,877 566 - 2,535 1,968 567 - 3,411 2,563 848 - 3,597 2,574 1,023 - 3,816 2,855 677 285 4,256 2,876 704 676 4,264 2,926 681 657 4,434 3,100 724 609 4,041 2,816 668 557 11.46 30.74 4,157 2.546 924 686 -2.87 -9.56 38.43 23.07 Source: Petrobras/Abast. ¹Volumes in gaseous state. 2Volumes in liquid state. Figure 1.8: Volume of processed natural gas and processing capacity, by NGPPs – 2010 20 16 8 6 10 m3 /day 12 4 Nominal processing capacity Urucu (AM)9 Sul Capixaba (SE) 8 RPBC (SP) Reduc (RJ) 7 Pilar (AL) Lubnor (CE) Lagoa Parda (ES) 6 Guamaré (RN) 5 Cacimbas (ES) 4 Cabiúnas (RJ) 3 Bahia (BA) 2 Atalaia (SE)1 0 Volume of processed natural gas Sources: ANP/SRP; Petrobras/Unidade de Negócios de Gás Natural (Table 1.12 and 1.13). 1 Atalaia and Carmópolis NGPPs included. 2NGPPs Catu, Candeias and Bahia included. 3Cabiúnas NGCPP, NGPP, NGRP and LRP included. 4Cacimbas NGPP, NGCPP and DPP included. 5Guamaré I, II and III NGPPs. 6Lagoa Parda NGPP and DPP included. 7Reduc I and II NGPP included. 8Sul Capixaba NGCPP and DPP included. 9Urucu I, II and III included. 44 Map 1.1: Refining and natural gas processing plants – 2010 LRP State border Shale processing plants Solvent plants Fuel formulation plants Diesel production plants SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY 45 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 S ha le I n d ust ri a l i z ati o n 1.7 Shale Industrialization Table 1.14: Volume of processed shale oil and production of shale oil products – 2001-2010 Volume of processed shale oil and production of shale oil products Specification Unit 2001 Processed shale oil 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 t 2,787,911 2,452,137 2,165,610 2,414,326 1,969,652 2,242,079 2,343,086 2,014,885 2,117,820 2,169,197 10/09 % 2.43 Products Energy Shale gas LPG1 Fuel oil t m3 m3 11,977 27,560 119,036 14,379 16,028 127,461 13,326 21,535 98,710 14,855 24,607 121,068 13,936 20,079 104,385 15,619 20,958 107,944 18,756 23,624 102,544 13,087 18,529 155,691 14,314 27,044 270,576 14,456 26,761 281,779 0.99 -1.05 4.14 Non-energy Naphtha2 Others3 m3 m3 40,088 14,722 39,108 12,155 40,450 14,172 39,694 16,045 34,552 12,097 44,632 13,623 48,083 4,012 37,725 2,349 40,809 1,548 42,536 3,145 4.23 103.14 Source: Petrobras/Abast. Propane and butane included. 2Naphtha production is sent to Repar, where is used as raw material in the production of oil products. 3Other non-energy oil products of lesser importance included. 1 46 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Transpor tation of O il its Produc ts and Nat u r al G a s 1.8 Terminal Table 1.15: Storage capacity of oil, oil products and ethanol, by terminal, on December 31st, 2010 (continue) Storage capacity of oil, oil products and ethanol Nominal capacity (m3) Type, location (State) and operator Number of tanks Oil products (except LPG) Oil Total Ethanol Storage Facility Aracaju (SE) - Petrobras Araraquara (SP) - Petrobras Bauru (SP) - Petrobras Brasília (DF) - Petrobras Campos (RJ) - Petrobras Londrina (PR) - Petrobras Ourinhos (SP) - Petrobras Santa Adélia (SP) - Petrobras Sertãozinho (SP) - Petrobras Waterway terminals Angra dos Reis (RJ) - Transpetro - Ilha Grande Belém (PA) - Transpetro - Miramar Cabedelo (PB) - Tecab Cabedelo (PB) - Transpetro Canoas (RS) - Transpetro Candeias (BA) - Tequimar - Aratu Candeias (BA) - Vopak - Aratu Carmópolis (SE) - Transpetro Coari (AM) - Transpetro Guamaré (RN) - Transpetro Ipojuca (PE) - Pandenor - Suape Ipojuca (PE) - Decal - Suape Ipojuca (PE) - Temape - Suape Ipojuca (PE) - Tequimar - Suape Ipojuca (PE) - Transpetro - Suape Itajaí (SC) - Transpetro Ladario (MS) - Granel Maceió (AL) - Transpetro Madre de Deus (BA) - Transpetro Natal (RN) - Transpetro - Dunas Paranaguá (PR) - Cattalini Paranaguá (PR) - Transpetro Regência (ES) - Transpetro Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - Tequimar (ex - União) - Caju Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - Esso - Ilha do Governador Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - ExxonMobil - Ilha do Governador Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - Transpetro - Ilha Redonda Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - Transpetro Alm.Tamandaré - Ilha d´Água Rio Grande (RS) - Braskem Rio Grande (RS) - Granel Rio Grande (RS) - Transpetro Santos (SP) - Stolthaven - Alemoa Santos (SP) - Adonai - Ilha Barnabé Santos (SP) - Ageo - Ilha Barnabé Santos (SP) - Copape - Ilha Barnabé Santos (SP) - Granel - Ilha Barnabé Santos (SP) - Tequimar (Ex-União) e TIS - Alemoa Santos (SP) - Transpetro - Alemoa Santos (SP) - Vopak - Ilha Barnabé Santos (SP) - Vopak - Alemoa São Francisco do Sul (SC) - Transpetro São Luís (MA) - Alumar LPG Total 1,667 5,420,752 6,504,547 332,325 12,257,624 21 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 - 105,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 - 105,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 1,238 14 6 2 4 3 80 45 5 13 10 17 13 11 33 10 14 6 14 47 6 40 34 4 24 68 14 5 18 32 20 18 37 16 56 6 82 128 26 66 46 7 1 3,983,479 870,000 155,788 60,000 190,142 26,155 42,427 466,622 - 4,235,520 66,200 37,899 17,889 10,022 15,656 182,792 59,710 275 21,453 33,350 156,222 33,937 118,545 55,031 50,553 8,052 30,049 604,079 26,642 153,155 194,602 17,245 37,073 33,509 165,066 36,800 38,424 61,299 81,550 20,133 103,389 50,459 78,000 174,164 263,134 47,777 79,962 21,849 239,339 6,360 19,551 5,000 15,940 6,364 52,611 9,532 33,563 2,616 83,002 - 8,458,338 936,200 44,259 17,889 10,022 15,656 182,792 59,710 155,788 79,826 211,595 33,350 156,222 33,937 123,545 70,971 56,917 8,052 56,204 656,690 26,642 153,155 204,134 42,427 17,245 37,073 33,509 33,563 165,066 39,416 38,424 61,299 81,550 20,133 103,389 50,459 78,000 174,164 346,136 47,777 79,962 466,622 21,849 47 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Table 1.15: Storage capacity of oil, oil products and ethanol, by terminal, on December 31st, 2010 (conclusion) (continue) Storage capacity of oil, oil products and ethanol Nominal capacity (m3) Type, location (State) and operator Number of tanks Oil Waterway terminals São Luís (MA) - Granel São Luís (MA) - Temmar São Luís (MA) - Transpetro São Mateus (ES) - Transpetro - Norte Capixaba São Sebastião (SP) - Transpetro - Almirante Barroso Tramandaí (RS) - Braskem Tramandaí (RS) - Transpetro - Tedut Triunfo (RS) - Braskem (Central Petroquímica) Triunfo (RS) - Braskem - Santa Clara Vila Velha (ES) - CPVV Vila Velha (ES) - Hiper Petro Vila Velha (ES) - Oiltanking Vitória (ES) - Transpetro Land terminals Araucária (PR) - Utingás Barueri (SP) - Transpetro Betim (MG) - SHV (ex - Betingás) Biguaçu (SC) - Transpetro Brasília (DF) - Transpetro Cabiúnas (RJ) - Transpetro Duque de Caxias (RJ) - Transpetro - Campos Elísios Candeias (BA) - Transpetro Cubatão (SP) - Transpetro Guaramirim (SC)- Transpetro Guararema (SP) - Transpetro Guarulhos (SP) - Copape Guarulhos (SP) - Transpetro Itabuna (BA) - Transpetro Itajaí (SC) - Transpetro Japeri (RJ) - Transpetro Jequié (BA) - Transpetro Maringá (PR) - Sta, Terezinha Montes Claros (MG) - Tequimar Osasco (SP) - Bona Paulínia (SP) - Tequimar Paulínia (SP) - Tercom Ribeirão Preto (SP) - Transpetro Rio Grande (RS) - Refinaria de Petróleo Riograndense Santo André (SP) - Utingás São Paulo (SP) - Diamond Sarandi (PR) - CPA Senador Canedo - (GO) - Transpetro Uberaba (MG) - Transpetro Uberlândia (MG) - Transpetro Utinga (SP) - Transpetro Volta Redonda (RJ) - Transpetro Source: ANP/SCM, as per Ordinance ANP No. 170/1998. 48 Oil products (except LPG) LPG Total 1,238 28 16 9 5 36 4 16 4 2 3 2 10 2 3,983,479 78,000 1,585,345 509,000 - 4,235,520 55,222 57,761 71,290 426,326 164,000 192,159 18,000 12,255 1,504 3,200 36,857 11,000 239,339 4,800 - 8,458,338 55,222 57,761 76,090 78,000 2,011,671 164,000 701,159 18,000 12,255 1,504 3,200 36,857 11,000 408 18 25 22 10 10 12 10 12 15 9 17 7 24 14 14 7 18 2 6 30 4 6 6 8 4 14 17 16 8 15 19 9 1,437,273 485,198 483,928 47,229 420,918 - 2,164,027 199,978 38,361 70,475 68,364 36,417 112,625 19,146 650,046 7,282 166,176 24,050 50,553 38,588 22,413 2,800 4,400 6,076 6,703 9,252 51,791 7,809 1,235 91,419 137,083 42,925 47,331 222,592 28,137 92,986 2,117 9,571 2,584 9,516 4,770 4,798 6,364 4,462 6,368 12,568 20,319 9,549 - 3,694,286 2,117 209,549 2,584 38,361 79,991 489,968 552,292 36,417 159,854 19,146 1,070,964 7,282 166,176 28,848 56,917 38,588 26,875 2,800 4,400 6,076 6,703 9,252 58,159 7,809 12,568 1,235 91,419 157,402 42,925 56,880 222,592 28,137 Map 1.2: Infrastructure for storage and transportation of oil and its products – 2010 Diesel production plants State border State capitals Oil pipeline / Multipurpose pipelines Shale processing plants Fuel formulation plants Petrochemical plants SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY 1.9 Pipelines 49 50 State border Operating gas pipelines Planning gas pipelines Natural gas processing plants Map 1.3: Infrastructure for natural gas production and transportation – 2010 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Commercialization of O il, its Produc ts and Nat u r al G a s 1.10 Commercialization of Oil, its Products and Natural Gas Table 1.16: Domestic sales of main oil products, by distributors – 2001-2010 Domestic sales at distribution level (10³ m3) 10/09 % Oil products 2001 Total Gasoline C Aviation gasoline LPG Fuel oil Diesel oil Jet fuel Lamp oil 2002 86,123 22,211 71 12,703 9,093 37,025 4,818 202 84,705 22,610 63 12,165 7,561 37,668 4,436 201 2003 81,309 22,610 59 11,436 6,200 36,853 3,972 177 2004 83,907 23,174 61 11,708 5,413 39,226 4,209 116 2005 2006 84,140 23,553 55 11,639 5,237 39,167 4,429 59 2007 84,486 24,008 52 11,783 5,127 39,008 4,466 42 88,419 24,325 55 12,034 5,525 41,558 4,891 31 2008 92,682 25,175 61 12,259 5,172 44,764 5,227 24 2009 92,332 25,409 62 12,113 5,004 44,298 5,428 16 2010 102,878 29,844 70 12,558 4,901 49,239 6,250 15 11.42 17.45 11.32 3.67 -2.05 11.15 15.14 -6.00 Source: ANP/SAB. Up to 2006, data as per Ordinance CNP No. 221/1981. Since 2007, data as per Ordinance ANP No. 17/2004. Note: Up to 2006, data include distributors sales and their own consumption. Since 2007, only distributor sales are included. Figure 1.9: Domestic sales of main oil products, by distributors – 2001-2010 120 100 6 10 m3 80 60 40 20 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Gasoline C Diesel oil 2008 LPG Fuel oil 2009 2010 Others¹ Source: ANP/SAB (Table 1.14). 1 Aviation gasoline, jet fuel and lamp oil included. 51 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Table 1.17: Natural gas domestic sales by Brazilian Region and State – 2001-2010 Natural gas sales by producers (106 m3) 10/09 % States 2001 Total 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 9,088 11,100 12,488 14,997 15,426 15,974 16,012 19,011 14,236 - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 Northeast Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Pernambuco Alagoas Sergipe1 Bahia1 2,645 102 56 69 264 145 450 1,559 2,812 141 77 81 283 151 463 1,616 3,533 226 98 87 279 135 456 2,253 4,022 479 112 93 780 145 443 1,970 3,539 266 125 99 662 155 513 1,719 3,291 225 137 115 490 169 491 1,664 3,393 173 152 132 391 181 476 1,889 3,376 186 148 138 422 181 405 1,895 3,388 266 134 131 475 165 428 1,789 4,429 509 142 133 854 174 490 2,128 30.74 91.52 5.60 1.30 79.78 5.51 14.41 18.96 Southeast Minas Gerais Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro São Paulo 5,049 365 337 2,054 2,293 6,470 403 353 2,702 3,012 7,060 483 395 2,639 3,543 8,448 726 409 3,203 4,110 9,421 647 385 3,610 4,779 10,194 733 406 3,730 5,324 10,619 616 445 3,770 5,788 13,965 830 673 6,453 6,009 9,443 531 490 3,448 4,974 12,917 945 808 5,350 5,814 36.78 77.98 64.74 55.18 16.88 South Paraná Santa Catarina Rio Grande do Sul 1,239 127 218 895 1,247 206 287 753 1,191 186 311 694 1,558 219 389 949 1,749 249 474 1,026 1,934 303 527 1,105 1,652 363 567 723 1,564 348 579 637 1,350 293 582 475 1,542 351 642 549 14.26 19.72 10.47 15.52 154 100 54 572 117 455 704 287 416 969 653 316 716 476 240 555 342 213 348 139 208 105 87 18 54 54 - 191 189 2 255.64 251.38 .. North Amazonas Central-West Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso 19,126 46 4,958.67 46 4,958.67 Source: Petrobras/Unidade de Negócios de Gás Natural. Note: Related only the States where there were sales of natural gas in specified period. 1 Sales to Nitrogenated Fertilizer Plants (Fafen), owned by Petrobras, included. Figure 1.10: Natural gas domestic sales, at production level – 2001-2010 20 16 9 10 m3 12 8 4 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 Source: Petrobras/Unidade de Negócios de Gás Natural (Table 1.15). Note: Sales to Nitrogenated Fertilizer Plants (Fafen), owned by Petrobras, included. 52 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 34.35 2010 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Table 1.18: Brazilian natural gas balance – 2001-2010 Brazilian natural gas balance (103 m3) Specification 2001 Imports Production Reinjection Gas flaring and losses Own consumption E&P1 Refining, NGPPs and transfers2 NGL3 Sales4 Adjustments 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2009 2010 10/09 % 2007 2008 4,603 5,269 5,947 8,086 8,998 9,789 10,334 11,348 8,543 12,647 48.04 13,999 15,525 15,792 16,971 17,699 17,706 18,152 21,593 21,142 22,938 8.50 3,027 2,621 3,032 1,734 1,297 584 9,088 251 3,383 2,136 3,219 1,876 1,343 622 11,100 334 3,291 1,626 3,539 2,048 1,491 681 12,488 114 3,616 1,469 4,069 2,215 1,854 675 14,997 231 2,986 2,474 4,434 2,473 1,961 1,150 15,426 227 3,170 1,852 4,915 2,805 2,109 1,362 15,974 223 3,494 1,947 5,500 2,879 2,621 1,309 16,012 223 3,894 2,187 6,310 2,892 3,419 1,331 19,011 207 4,351 3,424 6,160 3,084 3,076 1,256 14,236 257 4,369 2,418 8,086 3,548 4,538 1,335 19,126 251 0.41 -29.39 31.26 15.04 47.53 6.30 34.35 -2.35 Sources: ANP/SCM, as per Ordinance ANP No. 43/98, for imports; ANP/SDP, as per Decree No. 2.705/98, for production, reinjection, gas flaring and losses data; Petrobras/Unidade de Negócios de Gás Natural, on own consumption, NGL and sales data. 1 Refers to Petrobras own consumption in production areas and in Urucu I, II e III, Guamaré I, II e III, Pilar, Atalaia, Carmópolis, Candeias, Catu, Bahia, Lagoa Parda, Cacimbas and Sul Capixaba NGPPs. 2 Refers to Petrobras own consumption in refining, electricity generation and gas transfer areas as well as in Lubnor, Cabiúnas plants, Reduc I and II and RPBC NGPPs. 3Volume of gas absorbed in NGPPs (LPG, C5+, ethane and propane). 4Sales for Nitrogenated Fertilizer Plants (Fafen), owned by Petrobras, included. Figure 1.11: Brazilian natural gas balance – 2001-2010 50 40 9 10 m3 30 20 10 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Reinjection Gas flaring and losses 2007 2008 Own consumption³ NGL² 2009 2010 Sales¹ Imports Sources: ANP/SDP; ANP/SCM; Petrobras/Unidade de Negócios de Gás Natural (Table 1.15). ¹Sales to Nitrogenated Fertilizer Plants (Fafen), owned by Petrobras, included. 2Volume of gas absorved in NGPPs (LPG, C5+, ethane and propane). 3Refers to Petrobras own consumption in natural gas production, refining, electricy generation and processing and transferring areas. 53 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 1.11 Foreign Trade Table 1.19: Oil imports, by region and country of origin – 2001-2010 Oil imports (103 barrels) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 10/09 % 152,182 136,789 122,723 169,275 138,213 131,508 159,634 148,729 143,347 121,754 -15.06 - - - - - - - 572 - - .. 2,076 2,076 1,863 1,863 - 0 0 5,130 5,130 3,445 3,445 7,998 7,998 654 654 896 896 2,689 2,689 200.30 200.30 34,740 20,335 2,798 56 723 10,828 19,671 12,813 2,272 4,587 8,476 4,939 3,089 252 197 8,636 2,821 604 2,768 558 1,696 190 6,423 1,922 2,907 1,595 - 3,510 230 954 2,094 109 123 - 2,429 226 238 781 1,184 - 3,537 1,022 832 1,684 - 3,670 3,459 211 2,001 243 581 853 305 19 -45.49 -92.98 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -91.16 2,042 703 1,339 - 3,953 1,031 917 1,035 970 1,937 3,484 2,059 1,425 2,812 - 0 0 - 994 994 - 5,157 4,152 411 595 - 923 872 52 479 166 Middle East Saudi Arabia Yemen Iran Iraq 27,666 24,921 1,304 1,441 38,694 24,097 233 14,364 36,250 26,162 251 9,838 37,830 24,192 13,639 35,248 24,641 10,607 32,669 22,906 9,764 26,612 22,531 4,082 35,103 22,893 12,211 37,223 25,095 12,128 34,522 24,315 10,208 -7.25 -3.11 .. .. -15.83 Africa Angola Algeria Congo (Democratic Republic) Congo (Brazzaville) Egypt Gabon Ghana Ecuatorial Guinea Libya Nigeria 85,658 5,988 29,349 2,860 2,247 45,215 72,608 30,621 1,494 1,960 879 37,654 73,634 25,886 1,790 45,958 122,809 38,466 284 84,059 91,412 38,603 956 4,362 47,491 90,890 6,814 21,830 3,835 1,825 1,390 2,621 52,575 117,438 12,220 20,626 2,503 1,830 2,462 11,783 66,014 107,939 18,798 13,379 3,617 11,955 60,191 99,560 1,937 11,473 3,699 12,326 70,125 80,652 4,868 3,136 853 5,332 1,006 65,457 -18.99 151.27 -72.67 .. .. .. .. .. 44.16 -91.84 -6.66 - - 879 879 - - - - - 1,999 1,999 581 581 -70.91 -70.91 Region and country of origin Total Not specified North America United States of America Central and South America Argentina Barbados Bermuda Bolivia Cayman Islands Colombia Ecuador Peru Venezuela Europe and former Soviet Union Azerbaijan France Germany Italy Kazakhstan Norway Portugal Russia Switzerland United Kingdom1 Asia-Pacific Australia Source: MDIC/Secex. Note: Condensate included. Condensate imported by petrochemical plants included. 1 For year 2002, Virgin Islands included (382 thousand barrels). 54 1,308 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,308 .. .. 1,895 1,041.63 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Table 1.20: Oil exports, by region and country of destination – 2001-2010 Region and country of destination Oil exports (103 barrels) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 40,434 85,761 88,246 84,252 100,190 134,336 153,813 158,110 191,859 230,492 20.14 1,306 1,306 9,168 9,168 13,168 13,168 10,866 10,866 15,928 15,928 38,674 38,674 54,414 54,414 49,617 49,617 49,811 49,811 59,827 4,898 54,929 20.11 .. 10.28 20,621 4,948 4,552 999 10,122 - 23,875 1,059 3,996 4,258 12,506 2,057 - 28,276 0 1,023 14,250 8,588 891 3,524 - 39,394 5,375 10,489 10,887 891 883 886 9,056 926 47,254 8,125 15,215 11,987 2,722 564 8,640 - 47,590 3,605 12,705 20,865 366 6,217 3,831 - 48,806 1,013 23,471 5,038 15,955 3,329 - 64,697 18 17,252 357 3,751 41,711 1,608 - 72,000 0 1,366 10,421 4,512 55,242 459 - 60,782 464 14,341 4,023 2,287 39,180 486 - -15.58 .. .. .. .. 37.61 .. .. .. -49.31 .. -29.08 6.01 .. Europe France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain1 United Kingdom2 9,406 4,219 1,216 332 2,067 210 1,363 19,930 2,687 591 9,044 6,170 542 896 22,539 4,181 0 4,312 0 6,258 1,942 5,845 19,323 4,719 341 2,110 0 8,255 1,010 2,888 18,063 2,369 0 6,607 0 8,397 690 21,734 3,032 3,093 0 12,435 992 2,183 32,704 3,644 3,392 10,586 11,301 1,339 2,442 22,513 1,906 2,091 0 6,567 6,984 3,620 1,345 28,102 210 1,982 5,573 7,829 5,289 7,218 32,973 17.33 4,504 2,043.74 2,905 46.54 .. 10,966 96.75 0 .. 6,666 -14.85 5,493 3.86 2,439 -66.21 Middle East United Arab Emirates 6,493 6,493 15,608 15,608 5,698 5,698 3,114 3,114 - - - - - - .. .. - 328 328 - - - - - - - - .. .. 2,608 1,609 998 - 16,851 16,851 - 18,565 868 11,811 5,886 11,555 6,577 0 988 3,990 18,945 13,016 2,042 0 3,887 26,338 16,333 4,993 5,011 17,889 15,295 2,593 21,283 20,302 982 0 - 41,946 26,902 14,041 1,003 76,911 58,712 17,259 939 - 83.36 118.24 22.92 .. .. .. .. Total North America Canada United States of America Central and South America Argentina Aruba Bahamas Barbados Chile Colombia Cayman Islands Netherlands Antilles Peru Puerto Rico Santa Lucia Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Africa Ivory Coast Asia-Pacific China India Japan North Korea Singapore South Korea 2001 10/09 % Source: MDIC/Secex. 1 For years 2002 and 2003,Canary Islands included.2Virgin Islands included. 55 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Table 1.21: Imports of oil products, by region and country of origin – 2010 Oil products imports (103 m3) Region and country of origin Total Total Diesel oil Naphtha LPG1 Coke Lubricating oil Solvent Others2 27,375.4 6,714.0 9,007.0 3,876.7 3,122.6 787.0 930.1 2,938.0 North America United States of America Others3 7,931.5 7,869.7 61.8 - 3,226.1 3,175.7 50.4 2,798.5 2,798.5 - 738.3 738.3 - 343.4 340.9 2.5 223.5 220.7 2.8 601.7 595.6 6.1 Central and South America Argentina Bahamas Netherlands Antilles Uruguay Venezuela Others4 4,985.5 2,761.5 90.9 157.5 40.6 1,902.7 32.4 2,620.1 1,788.3 831.8 - - 1,061.6 33.3 1,028.3 - 720.5 690.3 22.0 8.2 31.1 13.5 16.9 0.5 0.2 281.6 211.8 34.8 20.1 14.9 270.6 24.2 90.9 140.5 5.8 9.2 Europe and Former Soviet Union Italy Netherlands Russia Spain Switzerland United Kingdom2 Others5 2,637.0 231.9 812.0 154.8 181.3 47.3 414.9 794.8 142.3 40.7 101.5 - 1,272.8 697.9 53.3 16.5 182.6 322.5 16.6 3.9 12.7 225.3 58.9 166.4 314.4 103.1 21.7 36.9 23.2 129.4 170.1 31.3 109.5 13.9 15.4 495.5 88.1 61.0 34.9 17.0 146.3 148.2 893.7 42.4 352.5 169.9 9.5 319.4 78.6 78.6 83.5 4.9 78.6 - 248.7 82.7 4.5 161.5 39.3 39.3 - 2.1 2.1 - 441.4 3.1 352.5 85.1 0.7 Africa Angola Algeria Ecuatorial Guinea Libya Nigeria Others7 5,280.2 330.4 4,390.6 157.9 31.5 183.8 186.0 3,826.0 3,534.7 31.5 89.3 170.5 - - 1,188.1 330.4 645.8 157.9 54.1 - 0.8 0.8 - 249.9 210.2 39.6 0.1 15.4 15.4 Asia-Pacific India Malaysia South Korea Others8 5,647.4 3,085.8 35.5 1,236.7 1,289.5 47.1 47.1 4,424.6 3,045.1 643.8 735.6 - 1.6 0.1 1.5 57.9 20.1 23.1 4.9 9.8 2.9 2.8 0.1 1,113.4 20.6 12.4 585.0 495.4 Middle East Israel Kuwait Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Others6 Source: MDIC/Secex. 1 Propane and butane included. 2Asphalt, gasoline A, aviation gasoline, fuel oil, paraffin, jet fuel and other non-energy products included. 3Canada and Mexico included. 4Barbados, Bermuda, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Panama included. 5Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Dennmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Turkey included. 6Bahrein, Iraq, Catar and Syria included. 7Egypt, Morocco, South Africa and Swaziland included. 8Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, North Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and Vietnam included. 56 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Table 1.22: Imports of energy and non-energy oil products – 2001-2010 Imports (103 m3) Oil products 10/09 % 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total 18,276.4 16,828.7 13,139.4 11,744.4 10,921.6 13,501.3 15,959.5 17,913.7 15,936.7 27,375.4 Energy Gasoline A Aviation Gasoline LPG1 Fuel Oil Diesel Jet fuel 11,632.0 0.0 3,851.1 13.3 6,585.3 1,182.3 10,944.2 164.1 3,355.4 59.2 6,369.9 995.6 6,488.8 181.7 3.9 2,039.9 93.0 3,818.4 352.0 4,870.8 55.4 1.7 1,880.1 130.4 2,694.7 108.5 3,767.4 71.2 947.6 52.9 2,371.3 324.5 6,111.3 28.2 1,585.5 251.7 3,545.1 700.8 7,912.1 10.0 1,794.6 116.9 5,099.4 891.2 9,713.5 0.2 2,188.8 198.3 5,829.3 1,496.9 7,354.7 0.0 3.1 2,556.7 10.2 3,515.0 1,269.6 14,724.4 100.21 505.1 .. 6.2 102.82 3,122.6 22.13 160.7 1,470.38 9,007.0 156.24 1,922.8 51.45 6,644.4 0.9 2,826.5 3,307.1 213.8 35.5 255.5 5.1 5,884.5 0.9 2,172.7 3,253.0 245.2 19.9 187.5 5.4 6,650.6 1.2 2,488.8 3,196.1 225.0 18.8 712.9 7.8 6,873.6 4.4 2,465.7 3,235.3 270.5 9.3 878.1 10.3 7,154.2 6.5 2,284.2 4,275.2 340.0 5.3 216.4 26.6 7,390.0 8.0 2,577.5 4,278.2 289.9 12.0 208.8 15.6 8,047.4 7.8 3,131.4 4,176.7 435.5 21.4 256.8 17.7 8,200.2 4.8 3,536.0 3,593.7 565.3 23.3 451.2 25.9 8,582.1 29.5 3,286.4 4,119.6 459.3 35.0 617.5 34.8 12,651.0 249.9 3,876.7 6,714.0 787.0 46.7 930.1 46.7 Non-energy Asphalt Coke Naphtha Lubricating oil Paraffin Solvent Others2 71.78 47.41 746.40 17.96 62.98 71.35 33.47 50.62 34.07 Source: MDIC/Secex. Propane and butane included. 2Non-energy oil products of lesser importance included. 1 57 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Table 1.23: Exports of energy and non-energy oil products, by region and country of destination – 2010 Exports of energy and non-energy oil products (103 m3) Region and country of destination Total Total Marine fuels Gasoline A Solvent (bunkers)1 Fuel oil Fuel and Lubricating lubricating oil oil for aircrafts2 Coke Diesel Others3 LPG 13,782.9 4,940.5 4,242.2 761.5 467.2 179.8 51.1 2,334.5 669.5 7.5 129.0 Unknown destination 6,576.7 - 4,242.2 - - - - 2,334.5 - - - North America United States of America 917.3 917.3 479.7 479.7 - 43.4 43.4 340.4 340.4 39.7 39.7 10.6 10.6 - - - 3.5 3.5 3,920.1 1,000.0 126.2 7.8 1.1 0.1 1.2 0.5 0.1 1,986.6 482.1 17.7 25.6 21.7 121.0 128.2 2,362.4 698.2 1,370.4 20.6 25.6 120.5 127.0 - 620.3 26.5 576.2 0.9 16.8 - 105.2 96.1 0.1 5.4 3.5 0.1 5.9 4.6 0.1 - 39.5 3.8 4.2 2.3 0.7 0.2 0.5 17.5 0.4 9.1 0.2 0.8 - 669.5 188.4 62.4 40.0 378.7 - 7.5 3.0 4.5 - 109.8 9.0 32.9 0.1 0.5 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.1 61.5 0.6 3.5 0.3 0.2 Europe Belgium France Italy Netherlands Spain United Kingdom Others5 913.3 1.3 0.1 0.2 857.3 0.2 19.2 35.0 872.1 843.0 29.1 - 13.9 13.9 - 21.1 1.3 14.2 5.7 2.4 2.4 - 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 - - - 3.5 0.2 0.1 0.2 2.7 0.2 Middle East Bahrein United Arab Emirates 103.9 23.2 80.7 - - - - 103.9 23.2 80.7 - - - - - Africa Angola Gabon Nigeria South Africa Others6 122.3 0.9 3.0 84.3 26.2 7.9 - - 84.0 84.0 - 0.0 0.0 26.0 26.0 - 0.5 0.3 0.2 - - - 11.8 0.6 3.0 0.3 0.2 7.7 Asia-Pacific China Singapore Thailand Others7 1,229.3 1.0 1,226.3 1.9 0.1 1,226.3 1,226.3 - - 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 - 1.9 1.9 - 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 - - - 0.5 0.5 - Central and South America Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Republic Ecuador Guatemala Netherlands Antilles Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico Uruguay Venezuela Others4 1.0 0.2 Sources: MDIC/Secex, excluding marine fuel oil; for marine fuel oil, Petrobras/Abast. 1 Fuel oil, diesel oil and lubricating oil sales for foreign ships in transit included. 2Jet fuel and lubricating oil sales for foreign aircrafts in transit included. 3Asphalt, aviation gasoline, naphtha, other non-energy products, paraffin and jet fuel. 4Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Cuba, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guyana, Honduras, Nicarágua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago included. 5Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Greece, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey and Ucraine included. 6Benin, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mauritius, Mauritania, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sudan and Togo included. 7 Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan and Philippines included. 58 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Table 1.24: Exports of energy and non-energy oil products – 2001-2010 Exports (103 m3) Oil products 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 10/09 % Total 15,602.7 14,893.2 14,660.4 15,299.2 15,640.8 16,777.3 17,647.9 15,986.4 15,161.9 13,782.9 -9.10 Energy Gasoline A Aviation gasoline LPG1 Fuel oil Bunker2 Diesel Jet fuel Aircraft fuels3 14,940.4 14,011.8 13,765.4 14,467.0 14,407.4 15,807.8 16,550.4 14,906.4 14,279.4 12,999.8 2,965.3 3,389.6 2,678.8 2,015.1 2,831.5 2,696.6 3,698.1 2,590.8 2,513.2 761.5 20.8 17.8 13.9 12.5 18.7 4.4 8.1 8.0 6.0 10.9 8.1 175.1 130.9 63.7 152.2 34.1 23.2 7.5 20.1 7.5 6,333.6 4,915.0 5,988.3 7,463.0 5,756.2 6,792.3 5,403.9 5,159.7 4,319.6 4,940.5 3,486.0 3,868.8 3,402.6 3,419.9 3,579.9 3,840.2 4,431.0 4,522.3 4,163.5 4,242.2 73.5 16.3 122.2 64.5 301.0 601.8 1,046.1 652.3 1,221.3 669.5 24.1 4.2 7.0 16.1 0.4 2.5 1.0 26.5 23.4 33.1 2,029.1 1,625.0 1,421.6 1,412.2 1,767.7 1,835.9 1,939.0 1,939.4 2,012.3 2,334.5 -8.96 -69.70 80.77 -62.74 14.38 1.89 -45.18 41.34 16.01 Non-energy Asphalt Naphtha Lubricating oil and lubricating grease Paraffin Solvent Others4 662.3 14.6 0.0 58.4 8.2 419.1 162.0 881.5 17.6 49.6 85.7 25.0 418.8 284.8 895.0 21.3 0.0 105.6 21.6 473.7 272.7 832.2 20.4 17.1 71.0 6.7 443.1 273.9 1,233.4 10.5 69.7 72.2 9.1 618.5 453.4 969.5 19.0 31.9 110.1 14.6 555.6 238.3 1,097.5 17.8 26.5 71.7 8.6 649.7 323.3 1,080.0 30.8 103.4 40.9 8.7 574.2 322.0 882.4 63.7 50.4 50.8 7.9 459.9 249.7 783.1 75.5 51.1 7.1 467.2 182.2 -11.25 18.49 .. 0.59 -10.88 1.59 -27.02 Sources: MDIC/Secex, excluding marine fuel oil. For marine fuel oil, Petrobras/Abast. Propane and butane included. 2Fuel oil and diesel oil sales for ships in transit included. 3Jet fuel sales for aircrafts in transit included. 4Coke and other non-energy products of lesser importance included. 1 Table 1.25: Brazilian foreign dependence on oil and oil products – 2001-2010 Brazilian foreign dependence on oil and oil products (103 m3/day) Specification 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 10/09 % Oil production (a)¹ Oil net imports (b)² Net imports of oil products (c) Apparent comsumption (d)=(a)+(b)+(c) Foreign dependence (e)=(d)-(a) 211.9 48.7 7.2 267.8 55.8 238.4 23.1 5.0 266.4 28.0 246.8 16.2 -5.1 257.9 11.1 244.6 36.9 -11.1 270.5 25.9 272.3 16.6 -13.9 275.0 2.7 287.6 -1.2 -9.0 277.4 -10.2 291.4 2.5 -4.6 289.3 -2.1 301.9 -3.9 5.3 303.3 1.4 322.6 -21.1 2.1 303.7 -18.9 339.8 -46.5 37.2 330.5 -9.3 5.34 8.85 - Foreign dependence (e)/(d) % 20.9 10.5 4.3 9.6 1.0 -3.7 -0.7 0.5 -6.2 -2.8 - Sources: ANP/SDP, as per Ordinance No. 2.705/1998, for oil production data; MDIC/Secex, for imports and exports data, except for bunker. Note: Consolidated data by ANP/SPP. ¹Includes condensate and NGL. ²Includes condensate. 59 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Figure 1.12: Brazilian foreign dependence on oil and oil products – 2001-2010 400 100% 80% 3 10 m3 /day 60% 200 40% 20% 100 0 0 2001 -20% 2002 2003 2004 2005 Oil products1 Oil net imports2 Sources: ANP/SDP; MDIC/Secex; Petrobras/Abast. Note: All calculations made by ANP/SPP. ¹Condensate and NGL included. ²Condensate included. 60 2006 2007 2008 2009 Net imports of oil products Foreign dependence 2010 Foreign dependence 300 SECTION 1 THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY Table 1.26: Natural gas imports, by country of origin – 2001-2010 Natural gas imports (106 m3) Countries 2001 2007 2008 Total (a)+(b) 4,603 5,269 5,947 8,086 8,998 9,789 10,334 11,348 8,543 12,647 48.04 Natural Gas (a) Argentina Bolivia 4,603 753 3,850 5,269 492 4,777 5,947 350 5,597 8,086 451 7,635 8,998 349 8,648 9,789 475 9,314 10,334 166 10,168 11,313 135 11,178 8,108 8,108 9,820 9,820 21.11 .. 21.11 - - - - - - - 35 35 435 75 360 Liquified Natural Gas (LNG)1 (b) Abu Dhabi Belgium Ecuatorial Guinea Nigeria Peru Qatar United States of America Trinidad and Tobago 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2009 2010 10/09 % 2,827 550.11 32 .. 79 .. 89 .. 869 1,065.82 154 .. 635 .. 88 .. 880 144.31 Source: ANP/SCM, as per Ordinance ANP No. 43/1998. Note: Brazilian natural gas imports started in July, 1999 and LNG in August, 2008. 1 Refers to the imported LNG considering its volume in gaseous state. 61 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 SECTION 2 BIOFUELS SECTION 2 Biofuels 63 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 2.1 Ethanol Table 2.1: Production of anhydrous and hydrated ethanol, by Brazilian Region and State – 2001-2010 Brazilian Region and State Production of anhydrous and hydrated ethanol (103 m3) 10/09 % 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 11,465.97 12,588.62 14,469.95 14,647.25 16,039.89 17,764.26 22,556.90 27,133.19 26,103.09 28,203.42 8.05 28.79 2.81 25.98 - 30.32 3.89 26.43 - 39.39 4.38 35.01 - 47.53 4.67 42.86 - 47.51 6.01 37.28 4.22 75.88 5.65 58.66 11.57 47.66 8.26 39.39 - 55.67 7.96 44.91 2.80 51.73 8.55 4.74 36.02 2.42 59.71 1.49 10.76 7.14 23.81 16.51 15.42 .. 25.88 50.66 -33.91 583.15 Northeast Maranhão Piauí Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Pernambuco Alagoas Sergipe Bahia 1,401.64 75.10 18.68 1.19 47.64 237.94 284.87 629.31 52.36 54.56 1,518.28 83.58 22.83 0.98 133.34 219.71 300.27 639.22 59.18 59.18 1,505.23 89.87 22.37 0.32 85.47 267.67 339.20 589.83 61.49 49.00 1,675.49 95.91 19.45 0.15 64.21 243.80 397.02 729.65 62.47 62.83 1,695.56 48.92 19.93 1.02 99.35 353.50 380.18 620.27 67.64 104.75 1,572.56 113.56 65.66 1.00 95.56 255.94 311.95 572.32 62.79 93.77 1,901.72 192.30 36.17 0.57 55.60 363.50 395.39 681.45 35.49 141.25 2,371.62 181.56 44.55 7.52 87.40 401.48 558.92 892.64 57.56 139.98 2,210.50 168.50 40.95 10.76 117.30 395.30 469.03 790.99 101.12 116.56 1,822.89 180.62 35.50 4.04 102.03 318.08 396.01 575.53 80.91 130.17 -17.53 7.20 -13.32 -62.43 -13.02 -19.53 -15.57 -27.24 -19.99 11.68 Southeast Minas Gerais Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro São Paulo 7,753.90 522.15 131.03 62.95 7,037.78 8,551.82 558.41 152.30 106.59 7,734.52 9,786.64 785.23 151.77 104.74 8,744.90 9,948.40 758.25 167.83 161.25 8,861.07 11,154.24 918.80 217.39 164.29 9,853.77 12,478.67 1,270.58 159.46 90.24 10,958.39 15,782.23 1,790.91 281.79 120.27 13,589.27 19,212.33 2,200.92 250.32 125.98 16,635.12 17,676.39 2,284.23 238.35 112.82 15,041.00 18,860.06 2,680.51 208.62 69.87 15,901.06 6.70 17.35 -12.47 -38.07 5.72 937.42 932.12 5.31 974.95 968.54 6.41 1,209.45 1,203.40 6.05 1,178.31 1,173.49 4.82 995.67 992.33 3.34 1,308.24 1,302.74 5.50 1,923.23 1,916.23 7.00 1,906.00 1,899.68 6.32 1,901.26 1,898.80 2.46 1,746.03 1,740.23 5.81 -8.16 -8.35 135.98 1,344.21 384.65 580.13 379.43 1,513.27 422.64 657.82 432.80 1,929.26 472.11 795.38 661.77 1,797.52 413.61 792.63 591.28 2,146.91 619.92 723.78 803.21 2,328.92 644.55 811.80 872.57 2,902.06 873.64 863.59 1,164.83 3,587.57 945.27 898.52 1,743.78 4,263.22 1,331.48 809.92 2,121.83 5,714.73 1,881.51 853.53 2,979.69 34.05 41.31 5.38 40.43 Brazil North Acre Rondônia Amazonas Pará Tocantins South Paraná Rio Grande do Sul Central-West Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Goiás Source: MAPA/Sapcana. Note: Only states with anhydreous and/or hydrated ethanol production within the past ten years were listed. 64 SECTION 2 BIOFUELS Figure 2.1: Production of anhydrous and hydrated ethanol – 2001-2010 30 25 6 10 m 3 20 15 10 5 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Hydrated ethanol 2009 2010 Anhydrous ethanol Source: MAPA/Sapcana (Table 2.1). 65 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Table 2.2: Production of hydrated ethanol, by Brazilian Region and State – 2001-2010 Brazilian Region and State Production of hydrated ethanol (103 m3) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 4,985.14 5,548.63 5,638.29 6,788.47 7,832.15 12.81 1.85 10.96 - 13.64 3.89 9.75 - 8.69 4.38 4.32 - 9.24 4.67 4.57 - 13.61 6.01 7.49 0.11 19.09 5.65 11.32 2.13 17.91 8.26 9.64 - 34.90 7.96 25.26 1.68 47.62 8.55 4.74 31.91 2.42 48.99 1.49 10.76 7.14 17.61 11.99 2.89 .. 25.88 50.66 -44.81 396.27 640.04 9.38 13.17 1.19 29.82 136.59 123.33 278.63 25.27 22.68 763.15 6.22 11.60 0.98 66.25 135.88 152.07 344.89 28.86 16.40 737.61 5.61 4.35 0.32 31.71 131.75 165.27 351.10 29.47 18.04 861.09 8.72 4.33 0.15 37.44 158.66 151.66 447.87 33.78 18.49 775.80 11.08 5.83 1.02 39.14 171.71 128.22 361.04 39.05 18.72 711.40 20.26 13.95 1.00 28.60 147.47 112.28 328.90 30.48 28.45 987.60 50.15 9.53 0.57 35.44 212.88 212.07 399.25 12.46 55.26 1,211.57 60.44 11.42 6.90 46.77 213.15 297.94 494.34 29.09 51.53 1,284.18 58.75 5.15 10.76 82.36 237.95 309.47 421.62 85.39 72.74 983.80 39.12 2.39 4.04 49.30 182.13 237.11 330.25 68.50 70.97 -23.39 -33.42 -53.60 -62.43 -40.15 -23.46 -23.38 -21.67 -19.78 -2.42 3,102.00 193.43 57.02 38.91 2,812.64 3,441.03 261.14 59.79 62.19 3,057.92 3,320.67 400.27 48.55 65.17 2,806.68 4,279.67 429.32 46.67 101.65 3,702.04 5,115.17 525.88 46.27 84.08 4,458.95 6,877.56 691.18 47.48 59.52 6,079.38 9,875.79 12,347.86 12,915.91 13,298.17 1,167.92 1,634.03 1,793.39 2,084.00 88.72 125.43 130.73 104.37 93.32 89.20 102.86 69.87 8,525.84 10,499.20 10,888.94 11,039.93 2.96 16.20 -20.16 -32.07 1.39 South Paraná Rio Grande do Sul 581.65 576.34 5.31 578.33 571.92 6.41 729.49 723.44 6.05 760.64 755.82 4.82 656.29 652.95 3.34 864.81 859.31 5.50 1,563.79 1,556.79 7.00 1,471.32 1,465.00 6.32 1,528.92 1,526.46 2.46 1,464.59 1,458.79 5.81 -4.21 -4.43 135.98 Central-West Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Goiás 648.64 168.67 304.12 175.85 752.48 211.58 334.30 206.60 841.82 252.44 313.08 276.31 877.83 239.99 364.17 273.67 1,271.28 401.83 436.01 433.43 1,378.51 437.40 485.88 455.24 1,857.57 659.43 486.18 711.96 2,490.64 709.03 546.22 1,235.39 3,312.64 1,088.88 538.35 1,685.42 4,371.33 1,520.53 579.38 2,271.42 31.96 39.64 7.62 34.77 Brazil North Acre Rondônia Amazonas Pará Tocantins Northeast Maranhão Piauí Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Pernambuco Alagoas Sergipe Bahia Southeast Minas Gerais Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Source: MAPA/Sapcana. Note: Only states with hydrated ethanol production within the past ten years were listed. 66 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 10/09 % 9,851.38 14,302.66 17,556.28 19,089.27 20,166.88 5.65 SECTION 2 BIOFUELS Table 2.3: Ethanol exports, by region and by country of destination – 2001-2010 Region and country of destination Ethanol exports (m3) 2001 2002 2003 349,167 797,124 765,025 2,432,618 2,592,293 3,428,863 3,532,668 5,123,820 3,323,467 1,900,165 North America Canada Mexico United States of America 35,576 15,709 19,866 89,568 54,515 35,054 85,893 40,935 44,958 545,613 26,334 90,417 428,863 387,652 1,836,156 26,839 18,855 100,098 50,241 260,715 1,767,060 972,212 1,776,481 4,250 37,467 49,210 29,930 918,752 1,709,084 358,984 73,740 285,244 348,494 35,100 313,394 -2.92 .. -52.40 9.87 Central and South America Argentina Chile Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Republic El Salvador Ecuador Jamaica Paraguay Porto Rico Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Venezuela Others 95,489 30 10,638 69,155 4,520 11,146 163,962 10,102 29,607 118,695 1,024 51 4,483 172,779 5 1,555 32,491 15,679 104,077 79 14,965 117 3,810 305,537 1,131 117,893 29,154 135,759 977 5,243 7,155 2,903 5,323 552,374 1,287 126,693 13,452 157,851 133,288 10,261 36,116 453 49,478 23,495 609,211 1,324 10,320 91,265 181,143 1,646 131,543 10,371 71,579 440 104,605 4,975 898,737 1,160,262 2,006 2,843 5,390 8,187 170,367 109,504 5,428 1,617 224,397 356,238 7,072 3,965 308,968 436,503 5,068 13,993 10,246 158,869 224,510 658 466 1,589 1,116 783,144 1,677 2,420 100,276 4,001 71,101 437,657 7 22,150 139,951 445 3,459 200,309 5,945 5,477 2,010 4,903 138,622 74 32,253 6,636 3,071 965 353 -74.42 .. 226.60 .. .. -49.76 .. .. -68.33 957.14 45.61 -95.26 590.11 .. -89.79 Europe Belgium Finland France Germany Netherlands Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Others 38,629 2,595 0 25,980 437 2,047 4,144 1,689 1,736 126,997 2,529 26 60,416 2,860 44,917 5,037 5,087 72 6,053 213,938 4,818 5,737 85,680 568 100,395 10,853 5,701 4 184 434,673 3,625 12,429 7,106 168,573 375 195,337 22,401 23,181 1,647 569,937 1,400 259,403 245,891 9,896 29,313 13,662 10,372 600,167 1,007,913 1,498,807 1,611 6,277 19,986 41,477 8,900 5,064 10,213 4,486 346,615 808,557 1,332,756 173 4,698 4,911 204,614 116,466 5,142 11,572 12,856 3,747 27,008 47,784 81,972 1 1 938,360 5,016 26,812 678,466 54,724 161,637 11,705 477,259 4,900 14,843 238,988 6,000 52,158 160,336 34 -49.14 -2.31 -44.64 .. .. -64.78 .. .. .. -4.69 .. -0.80 -99.71 - - - - - 48 48 43,849 43,749 100 5,191 5,162 29 29,527,0 23,814 5,713 - .. .. .. Africa Angola Ghana Nigeria Sierra Leone South Africa Others 46,440 1 1,794 34,926 9,719 - 82,383 522 13,456 58,425 1,133 4,447 4,401 81,652 413 28,170 48,248 328 4,097 397 124,766 5,848 7,849 109,096 803 1,170 131,723 6,577 3,861 118,441 1,566 1,278 55,531 3,178 6,075 42,680 648 2,008 942 172,578 11,661 33,172 122,879 2,355 2,511 137,676 9,871 19,759 97,888 2,313 5,563 2,281 180,723 35,118 14,803 115,766 1,659 12,318 1,059 117,398 14,548 18,874 80,123 82 3,556 215 -35.04 -58.57 27.50 -30.79 -95.06 -71.13 -79.70 Asia-Pacific Australia China India Japan New Zeland North Korea Philippines Singapore South Korea Others 133,033 64,314 4,316 64,403 - 334,213 161 9,412 120,359 5,385 5,477 9,629 169,199 14,590 210,763 1,022,029 23,991 441,050 91,281 225,437 23,295 2,021 15,761 29,595 56,436 281,230 42,695 950,607 410,757 315,392 4,499 3,603 216,356 - 327,750 10,074 225,403 92,273 - 437,379 364,003 4,790 1,564 66,693 329 545,403 1,032,729 6,374 8,040 4,050 66,510 367,570 263,473 279,961 1,755 11,181 4,522 32,799 10,706 19,464 186,782 313,714 1,230 - 756,705 19,338 24 58,603 261,672 3,597 26,679 6,500 375,309 4,983 -26.73 140.52 .. -84.06 -6.53 .. .. -18.66 -66.61 19.63 .. Total Middle East United Arab Emirates Others 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 10/09 % 2010 -42.83 Source: MDIC/Secex. 67 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Table 2.4: Hydrated ethanol sales, by Brazilian Region and State, at distribution level – 2001-2010 Brazilian Region and State Hydrated ethanol sales (103 m3) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 3,501.99 3,791.88 3,245.32 4,512.93 4,667.22 6,186.55 60.62 12.35 4.77 13.53 1.37 14.82 1.23 12.55 56.29 14.54 4.43 12.27 1.00 9.70 1.30 13.04 50.60 11.94 3.65 12.56 0.57 8.83 0.88 12.17 54.98 12.74 3.75 13.53 0.58 10.51 0.77 13.09 62.68 13.63 4.00 19.02 0.74 10.81 0.89 13.60 57.77 10.62 4.14 16.27 1.30 10.37 0.93 14.16 113.63 21.53 6.37 32.50 2.26 17.75 1.45 31.76 197.77 40.58 9.51 54.70 2.87 31.55 2.77 55.78 275.85 57.19 11.95 79.60 2.91 46.19 8.30 69.71 221.36 40.08 9.49 54.88 2.76 46.97 6.72 60.46 -19.75 -29.91 -20.56 -31.06 -5.22 1.68 -18.99 -13.27 300.23 11.43 20.98 51.31 25.67 23.63 57.64 18.91 21.13 69.53 255.50 9.53 18.31 44.26 22.23 22.63 51.14 19.04 18.01 50.35 233.85 8.60 15.45 34.24 18.01 30.45 43.30 20.05 13.88 49.87 282.56 8.26 16.22 35.62 23.36 32.05 69.22 23.52 14.76 59.55 328.33 11.27 14.97 40.50 26.50 34.03 93.53 26.90 13.52 67.11 417.41 16.59 14.04 66.10 33.37 36.60 107.51 34.90 12.77 95.53 712.96 49.10 19.44 107.88 67.38 63.59 163.31 51.46 16.85 173.95 1,235.70 107.36 28.27 152.94 94.71 89.66 280.71 83.10 29.43 369.51 1,625.37 142.65 33.11 174.59 98.37 112.98 365.49 104.51 52.50 541.17 1,360.03 88.46 19.25 157.51 79.16 86.56 315.41 76.10 39.23 498.36 -16.32 -37.99 -41.85 -9.79 -19.54 -23.38 -13.70 -27.19 -25.27 -7.91 2,014.07 391.67 42.98 155.57 1,423.84 2,339.58 408.53 41.87 157.57 1,731.62 1,941.27 374.26 36.54 98.18 1,432.30 2,893.98 420.90 36.72 109.82 2,326.54 3,023.31 391.48 50.55 180.53 2,400.75 4,381.77 371.41 42.43 224.25 3,743.68 6,578.10 602.74 70.83 359.40 5,545.12 9,022.76 10,860.08 10,044.63 957.20 1,204.43 838.16 137.25 172.83 85.76 677.06 872.81 746.46 7,251.25 8,610.00 8,374.26 -7.51 -30.41 -50.38 -14.48 -2.74 South Paraná Santa Catarina Rio Grande do Sul 752.73 430.83 156.64 165.26 713.56 370.42 164.03 179.12 683.83 377.08 155.00 151.75 904.65 538.76 173.87 192.01 883.41 518.24 175.27 189.90 872.40 520.58 193.06 158.76 1,163.95 701.25 242.40 220.30 1,605.38 904.33 376.16 324.89 2,094.71 1,193.03 498.65 403.03 1,878.49 1,347.00 290.59 240.89 -10.32 12.91 -41.72 -40.23 Central-West Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso Goiás Distrito Federal 374.35 58.51 44.99 153.04 117.81 426.95 64.16 84.20 171.19 107.40 335.77 61.18 40.02 145.39 89.17 376.76 71.21 59.25 170.10 76.20 369.50 71.59 70.98 149.38 77.56 457.19 65.29 72.47 238.58 80.86 798.20 105.47 107.20 435.31 150.22 1,228.50 166.28 276.85 610.59 174.78 1,614.95 207.98 393.94 773.68 239.35 1,569.79 168.27 416.31 851.08 134.13 -2.80 -19.09 5.68 10.00 -43.96 Total North Rondônia Acre Amazonas Roraima Pará Amapá Tocantins Northeast Maranhão Piauí Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Pernambuco Alagoas Sergipe Bahia Southeast Minas Gerais Espírito Santo Rio de Janeiro São Paulo 2007 2009 2010 9,366.84 13,290.10 16,470.95 15,074.30 Source: ANP/SAB. Up to 2006, data as per Ordinance CNP No. 221/1981. Since 2007, data as per Ordinance ANP No. 17/2004. Note: Up to 2006 data include distributors sales and their own consumption. Since 2007, data include solely distributors sales. 68 2008 10/09 % -8.48 SECTION 2 BIOFUELS Figure 2.2: Hydrated ethanol sales, by region, at distribution level – 2001-2010 18 15 6 10 m 3 12 9 6 3 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Central-West Southeast 2009 South North 2010 Northeast Source: ANP/SAB (Table 2.4). Figure 2.3: Domestic sales of ethanol¹ and automotive gasoline² – 2001-2010 25.000 3 10 m 3 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ethanol 2009 2010 Automotive gasoline Source: ANP/SPP. ¹Sales of hydrated ethanol included, as well as the ones of anhydrous ethanol, which is added to automotive gasoline (gasoline A), in order to obtain gasoline C. ²Only gasoline A included. Anhydrous ethanol not included. 69 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 2.2 Biodiesel Table 2.5: Nominal capacity and production of biodiesel1 (B100), by plant – 2010 Nominal Capacity3 Plant2 Production Location (State) 3 (m3) (m /year) Total Abdiesel Abdiesel ADM Agrenco Agropalma Agrosoja Amazonbio Araguassu Barralcool Beira Rio Big Frango Binatural Bio Óleo Bio Petro Bio Vida Biobrax Biocamp Biocapital Biocar Biolix B-100 Bionorte Biopar Biopar Biosep Biotins Bioverde Brasil Ecodiesel Brasil Ecodiesel Brasil Ecodiesel Brasil Ecodiesel Bsbios Bsbios Camera Caramuru Caramuru Cesbra CLV Comanche Coomisa Cooperbio Cooperbio Cooperfeliz Delta DVH Fertibom Fiagril Fusermann Granol Granol Grupal Innovatti JBS Oleoplan Olfar Ouro Verde Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Rondobio SP Bio SSIL Tauá Biodiesel Tecnodiesel Transportadora Caibiense Usibio Araguari (MG) Varginha (MG) Rondonópolis (MT) Alto Araguaia (MT) Belém (PA) Sorriso (MT) Ji-Paraná (RO) Porto Alegre do Norte (MT) Barra do Bugres (MT) Terra Nova do Norte (MT) Rolândia (PR) Formosa (GO) Cuiabá (MT) Araraquara (SP) Várzea Grande (MT) Una (BA) Campo Verde (MT) Charqueada (SP) Dourados (MS) Rolândia (PR) Araxá (MG) São Miguel do Araguaia (GO) Nova Marilândia (MT) Rolândia (PR) Três Pontas (MG) Paraiso Tocantins (TO) Taubaté (SP) Iraquara (BA) Porto Nacional (TO) Rosário do Sul (RS) São Luís (MA) Marialva (PR) Passo Fundo (RS) Ijuí (RS) Ipameri (GO) São Simão (GO) Volta Redonda (RJ) Colider (MT) Simões Filho (BA) Sapezal (MT) Cuiabá (MT) Lucas do Rio Verde (MT) Feliz Natal (MT) Rio Brilhante (MS) Tailândia (PA) Catanduva (SP) Lucas do Rio Verde (MT) Barbacena (MG) Anápolis (GO) Cachoeira do Sul (RS) Sorriso (MT) Mairinque (SP) Lins (SP) Veranópolis (RS) Erechim (RS) Rolim de Moura (RO) Candeias (BA) Montes Claros (MG) Quixadá (CE) Rondonópolis (MT) Sumaré (SP) Rondonópolis (MT) Nova Mutum (MT) Sidrolândia (MS) Rondonópolis (MT) Sinop (MT) 5,837,929 2,397,271.3 2,160 864 343,800 237,600 28,800 28,800 7,200 36,000 68,566 4,320 14,400 162,000 3,600 6,012 6,480 35,280 108,000 296,640 10,800 10,800 10,800 34,092 36,000 43,200 12,960 29,160 181,177 129,600 129,600 129,600 129,600 127,080 159,840 144,000 225,000 225,000 21,600 36,000 120,600 4,320 122,400 3,600 3,600 108,000 12,600 119,988 147,586 10,800 220,680 335,999 43,200 10,800 201,683 378,000 216,000 3,240 217,231 108,616 108,616 3,600 29,981 7,200 36,000 3,960 36,000 7,200 161.2 237,535.0 520.6 2,345.5 13,599.9 6,186.2 6,296.3 24,191.2 845.7 58.1 67,098.2 810.9 470.6 25.9 47,697.7 119,653.0 7,179.0 2,244.7 12,352.6 24,346.0 10,768.6 35,466.1 16,486.7 74,576.5 63,356.8 18,705.4 45,265.6 129,395.9 5,835.3 44,932.8 153,860.0 20,177.0 14,398.7 9,865.9 82,348.9 235.8 620.0 31,192.7 109,430.4 176,402.3 158,940.2 6,847.5 1,349.7 119,974.4 196,144.5 52,325.2 4.0 70,152.9 73,082.6 71,086.2 19,351.4 795.5 28.9 10,248.6 - Source: ANP/SRP, as per Ordinance ANP No. 17/2004. 1 Biodiesel (B100), as per Ordinance ANP No. 7/2008. 2Authorized plants installed until December 31st, 2009. 3Considering 360 operating days, taking into account the restrictions imposed by environmental agencies. 70 border plants with no production plants Map 2.1: Infraestructure for biodiesel production – 2010 SECTION 2 BIOFUELS 71 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 G lo s s a r y covers the following oil products: LPG, gasoline A, aviation gasoline, lamp fuel, jet fuel, diesel oil, fuel oil and coke. Anhydrous Ethanol: obtained in Brazil through the fermentation of sugar cane molasses. It has an alcoholic content of 99.3° INPM. The anhydrous ethanol is used in mixtures with gasoline A, for producing gasoline type C, in proportions defined by applicable law. Ethanol: Composed of two carbon atoms, five hydrogen atoms and one hydroxyl group (C2H5OH), it is obtained in Brazil through the fermentation of sugar cane molasses. Used as a fuel in Otto cycle internal combustion engines, mainly on road transportation. Apparent Consumption: the summation of parcels referring to production and imports, minus the exported volume. Gasoline A: gasoline produced in Brazil or imported by authorized economic agents, free from oxygenated components and marketed through distributors of oil liquid products. ANP Ordinance No. 309/2001. Bbl/d: barrels per day. Bidding Round: denomination for the several international public bids promoted by ANP, aiming the granting of concessions to the winning bidders (previously qualified companies) for exploring and producing oil and natural gas in pre-defined areas (blocks). Biodiesel: fuel composed by alkyl esters, derived from vegetal oils or animal fats, according to the specification of Ordinance ANP No. 07/2008. Boe: “barrel of oil equivalent”. A measurement unit for equivalent energy, per convention equal to 1,390 Mcal. Gasoline C: gasoline composed of a mixture of gasoline A and anhydrous ethanol, which proportions are defined by applicable law. ANP Ordinance No. 309/2001. Hydrated Ethanol: motor vehicle fuel obtained in Brazil through the fermentation of sugar cane molasses. When free from hydrocarbons, it has an alcoholic content between 92.6 and 93.8 °INPM. Used in Otto cycle internal combustion engines, specifically in alcohol powered vehicles for road transportation. INPM: Represents the alcohol percentage in mass in the mixture (% m/m) used in Brazil. Calorie: this book adopts the calorie at 15 °C (cal15). 1 cal15 is the amount of thermal energy required to heat 1g of air-free water from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C under a constant pressure of 101.325 kPa (quiloPascals). Conversion factor: 1 cal15 = 4.1855 J. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG): natural gas cooled to temperatures below -160 °C for transfer and storage in liquid state. Mainly composed by methane, although it may have minimum quantities of ethane, propane, nitrogen and or other components generally found in natural gas. ANP Ordinance No. 9/2000. Concession: an administrative contract through which ANP grants to companies that meet the technical, economic and legal requirements the right to explore and produce oil and natural gas in the Brazilian territory. Liquid Fractionation Plant (LFP): plant designed to separate NGLs components (ethane, propane, butane, iso-butane and C5+), consisting of boiling off of hydrocarbons one by one. Concessionaire: a company incorporated under Brazilian law, with main office and management located in Brazil that was granted a concession contract by ANP for the exploration and production of oil and natural gas in a sedimentary basin located in the Brazilian territory. Dew Point Plant (DPP): plant that uses Joule-Thomson effect to adjust dew point of processed gas. Energy Oil Products: oil products mainly utilized as fuels, which release energy and/or light when burned. That denomination 72 Liquid Recovery Plant (LRP): plant designed to process natural gas in order to recover NGLs. That process is required to meet pipeline dewpoint specifications. Methanol: chemical compound whose chemical formula is CH3OH. It is liquid and inflammable, besides possessing an invisible flame and freezing point of around -98 °C. Methanol has large scale utilization in plastics industry and in reactions of pharmacological importance. Concerning biofuels industry, methanol is used in transesterification of vegetal oils and animal grasses, in order to produce biodiesel. ANNEXES Natural Gas Condensate Processing Plant (NGCPP): plant that separates natural gas condensate from a raw natural gas. Refining capacity: processing capacity for which an industrial plant was designed, measured in bbl/d or m3/d. Natural Gas Liquids (NGL): hydrocarbons in natural gas removed from gas as liquids, in lease separators, field facilities, NGPPs or in pipeline transfers, according to Ordinance ANP No. 118/2000. Refining Capacity per Operation Day: maximum load volume that the primary distillation plant(s) can process in a 24-hour period, when operating at full capacity, under optimal and stable conditions in terms of raw materials, products and downstream plants, without any maintenance interruptions scheduled in any of the components of the refinery’s production system. It is expressed in operation m3/d or bbl/stream day. Natural Gas Processing Plant (NGPP): plant designed to separate heavy components (propane and butane) from natural gas. Natural Gas Refrigeration Plant (NGRP): Plant that separates natural gas from natural gas liquids. Non-Energy Oil Products: oil products that, although having significant energy content, are used for non-energy aims. That denomination covers the following oil products: greases, lubricants, paraffin, asphalts, solvents, coke, naphtha, aromatic extract, vacuum gas oil, light cycle oil, atmospheric residue, diluents, n-paraffin, others petroleum oils, bituminous minerals, as well as other oil products of lesser importance. Operator company: enterprise that is legally designated by the consortium for conducting and executing all the operations and activities in the concession area, according to the provisions established in the concession contract signed by ANP and the concessionaire. th Petroleum Law: Law No. 9478, of August 6 , 1997. Refining Capacity per Calendar Day: maximum load volume, expressed in a 24-hour period, that the primary distillation plant(s) can process, under average and normal operating conditions, during the complete cycle of plant maintenance activities. This capacity takes into account any reduction in capacity of all the refinery’s plants in continuous operation resulting from limitations that may delay, interrupt or reduce production. It is expressed in m3/calendar day or bbl/calendar day. Round Zero: denominates the act of signing, under the provisions of the Petroleum Law, article 34, on August 6th 1998, of licensing contracts between ANP and Petrobras for 397 blocks that were already under exploration, development or production by the stateowned company at the time the Petroleum Law was enforced. Toe: “ton of oil equivalent”. A measuring unit for equivalent energy, per convention, equal to 10,000 Mcal. Shale: generally clay sedimentary rock, organic material (kerogen) – rich. When submitted to high temperatures, shale releases oil, water and gas, as weel as a carbon solid residual. 73 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2011 Conver tion Fac tors, Densities and Lower Calorific Values Mean values for year 2010 Products and units Anhydrous ethanol Hydrated ethanol Asphalt Pure biodiesel (B100) Green petroleum coke Dry natural gas Wet natural gas Refinery fuel gas Gasoline A Gasoline C Aviation gasoline LPG NGL Naphtha Bunker Diesel oil Fuel oil² Lubricating oil Other energy products Other non-energy products Paraffin Imported oil Domestic oil (offshore and onshore) Exported oil (Marlim) Jet fuel Lamp kerosene Solvent Convertion factor to boe m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 103 m3 103 m3 103 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 3.841 3.666 7.219 5.698 6.277 4.685 5.286 4.714 5.552 5.535 5.536 4.408 4.469 5.368 6.989 6.191 6.989 6.370 6.340 6.340 6.141 6.229 6.484 6.562 5.978 5.978 5.624 Source: ANP/SPP. 1 At 20 °C temperature and 1 atm for natural gas as well as oil and natural gas products. 2Fuel oil ATE e BTE. Prefixes of SI Units Relationships between Units (k) quilo = 103 (M) mega = 106 (G) giga = 109 (T) tera = 1012 (P) peta = 1015 (E) exa = 1018 1 m3 = 6.28981 barrels 1 barrel = 0.158987 m3 1 joule (J) = 0.239 cal 1 BTU = 252 cal 1 boe = 1,390 Mcal 1 toe = 10,000 Mcal 74 Density1 (t/m3) Lower calorific value (kcal/kg) 0.79100 0.80900 1.02500 0.88000 1.04000 0.00074 0.00074 0.00078 0.74200 0.75425 0.72600 0.55200 0.58000 0.70200 1.01300 0.85200 1.01300 0.87500 0.86400 0.86400 0.82000 0.84976 0.88445 0.89516 0.79900 0.79900 0.74100 6,750 6,300 9,790 9,000 8,390 8,800 9,930 8,400 10,400 10,200 10,600 11,100 10,710 10,630 9,590 10,100 9,590 10,120 10,200 10,200 10,410 10,190 10,190 10,190 10,400 10,400 10,550 ANNEXES List of S ources Abast – Abastecimento, Marketing e Comercialização Petrobras – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. MME – Ministério de Minas e Energia Av. República do Chile, 65 – Sala 2001-D 20035-900 – Rio de Janeiro - RJ Website: www.petrobras.com.br Phone: +(55) (21) 2534-3205 Fax: +(55) (21) 2534-1899 Brazilian Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuel Statistical Book 2010 ANP – Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis MME – Ministério de Minas e Energia Av. Rio Branco, 65 – 12º ao 22º andar 20090-004 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ Website: www.anp.gov.br Phone: +(55) (21) 2112-8100 Fax: +(55) (21) 2112-8129 BP – BP Statistical Review of World Energy BP, Britannic House 1 St James’ Square, London SW1Y 4PD United Kingdom Website: www.bp.com/centres/energy/index.asp Phone: +44 (0)20 7496 4000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7496 4630 DCAA – Departamento da Cana de Açúcar e Agroenergia SPAE – Secretaria de Produção e Agroenergia MAPA – Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco D – 7º andar 70043-900 – Brasília – DF Website: www.agricultura.gov.br E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +(55) (61) 3218-2762 Fax: +(55) (61) 3225-7387 Platt’s Crude Oil Marketwire Standard & Poor’s Platt’s McGraw-Hill 55 Water Street, 46th Floor New York, NY – 10041-0003 United States of America Website: http://www.platts.com/ Phone: +(1) 800-752-8878 Riograndense – Refinaria de Petróleo Riograndense S.A. R. Eng.º Heitor Amaro Barcellos, 551 96202-900 - Rio Grande – RS Website: www.refinariariograndense.com.br E-mail: refinaria@refinariariograndense.com.br Phone: +(55) (53) 3233-8000 Fax: +(55) (53) 3233-8036 RPDM – Refinaria de Petróleos de Manguinhos S.A. Av. Brasil, 3141 20930-041 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ Website: www.rpdm.com.br E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +(55) (21) 3891-2000 Secex – Secretaria de Comércio Exterior MDIC – Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco J 70053-900 – Brasília – DF Website: www.desenvolvimento.gov.br/sitio/interna/index. php?area=5 Phone: +(55) (61) 2027-7000 SIX – Superintendência de Industrialização do Xisto Petrobras – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. MME – Ministério de Minas e Energia Rodovia BR – 476, km 143 83900-000 – São Mateus do Sul – PR Website: www2.petrobras.com.br/minisite/refinarias/petrosix/ portugues/processo/index.asp E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +(55) (42) 3520-7200 Fax: +(55) (42) 3520-7108 75 ISSN 2177-0271