ARGENTINA RESPUBLlKASI va AZaRBAYCAN RESPUBLlKASI ARASINDA MaDaNlvvaT SAHaSINDa aMaKDA~LlQ HAQQINDA SAZI~ Bundan sonra "Terefler" adlandmlacaq Argentina Respubllkast ve Azerbaycan Respublikasr, Her iki 61kenin xalqlan arasmda dostluq münasibetlerini, qarsrliqh anlasrna ve etirnadt m6hkemlendirmeyi arzu ederek, Her iki 61ke arasmda medeniyyet, incesenet ve kinematoqrafiya sahelerinde elaqelerini geni§lendirmeyi isteyerek, a§agldakllar barede razlliga geldiler. Madda 1 Bu Sazísin müddaalannrn a§agldakllardlr: heyata keyirilmesi üzra selahiyyetli orqanlar Argentina Respublikasi admdan - Milli Medeniyyet Nazirliyi; Azerbaycan Respublikast admdan - Medeniyyet ve Turizm Nazirliyi. Madda 2 Terefler bu Sazis yeryivesinde emekda§ligl d6vletlerinin qanunvericiliyine ve teref olduqlan beynelxalq müqavilelere uygun olaraq qarsthqh fayda esasmda heyata keyirecekler. Her bir Teref vstandaslarrrun diger 61kenin bedii ve medeni deyerlerine geni§ ylXI§lnI asanlasdrracaq ve bütün seviyyelerde rnüvafiq ictimai ve ozel tssabbüslari tssviq edecekler. Madda 3 Terefler medeniyyet sahesinde bírbasa elaqelerin qurulmasiru tssviq edecek ve pesskar opera, teatr ve musiqi qruplannm, elece de diger bedii qruplar ve solo ifacrlann kommersiya ve qeyri-kommersiya asash qastrol seferlerinin taskilini destekleyecekler. Madda 4 Tarafler, bir-birilarini oz olkalarinda keclrtlscsk konfrans, rnüsabiqs, festival va rnadaniyyat va lncasanst sahalsrindeki digar .beynalxalq tsdblrlsr haqqinda óncsdan rnalurnatlandrracaqlar. Bu malumat mübadilasi bu Saziªin 12-ci Maddasina uygun olaraq yaradrlacaq Birga Komissiya vasltssíle hayata kecirilacakdlr. Madda 5 Tereflsr muzey, kitabxana va ictimai arxivlari arasmda amakdaªhgl dasteklayacsklar. Medani mülkiyyatin nürnayis etdirilmasi halrnda, Tersñer oz qanunvericiliklarina va tarsfdar cixdiqlan beynalxalq rnüqavllslare uygun olaraq onlarrn qorunrnast va tahlükasizliyi ücün bütün lazrml tadblrlsrí g5racaklar. Bundan slava, onlar milli kitabxanalar arasmda birbasa elaqelari, xüsusils Azarbaycan va Argentina rnovzusunda materiallara ylXIª1 destaklsyscakler. Madda 6 Tarañer hsr iki ólksdskí msdsnlyyat tssísatr, qrup, assostasrya, fondlar va yaradrct tsbistli digar madaniyyet taskilatlan arasrnda birbasa arnskdaslrgm inkisafuu tssviq edecsk va onlann arasmda tasisatlararast rnüqavilalarín baqlanrnasrm hsveslendlrscaklsr. Madda 7 Tareñsr msdsníyyst, lncssenat, xüsusils da adabiyyat sahalarinda alda olunmus tscrübanin konfrans, simpozium va digar forumlann tsskili, elscs da mütaxsssislerin mübadilasi va birga arasdrrmalar vasltssña qarsihqh oyrsnllmasini dastaklayaceklar. Madda 8 Taraflar tarixi va msdeni irslarinin tsrkib hissasini taªkil edsn obyektlarin qeyriqanuni idxah, ixraci va ticaratinin qadaqan olunrnasi va qarsrsmm almmast msqssdíla zsrurí tsdblrlar hayata keclracakler. Hsmclnln Taraflar oz daxili qanunvericiliyi va tersf olduqlan beynslxalq rnüqavilalsra uygun olmaqla, bu obyektlarin geri qaytanlmasrru tssviq edscakler. Madda 9 Tereflsr kinematoqrafiya sahsslnda amakdaªhgl tssviq edacek va filmlarin mübadilasi vasitasila oz olkalarinin kinematoqrafiya sanatinin yayrlrnasiru ~. '/;;>' heveslendireeekler. Bundan elave, Terefler, kinematoqrafiya sahesinde cahsan mütexessisler aras Inda g6rü~leri tasviq edeeekler. Madda 10 Terefler eqli mülkiyyet, slaqeli hüquqular ve avtoxton eserlerin rnüdaflssi sahesinde emekda~ligl tssvíq edecekler. Bu cür smakdashqm prosedur ve sartleri Terefler arasinda imzalanacaq yeni Sazisls müeyyen edileeekdir. Madda 11 Terefler bir-birinin medeniyyet ve incesenet sahelerinde nailiyyetlerinin kütlevi informasiya vasitelerinde yaynnlanrnast ücün elverisli ssralt yaradaeaqlar Madda 12 Bu Sazis xüsusi tedbirlerin raztlasdtnlacaqi ve onlann leras: ucun sartlsrín müeyyen edileeeyi medeni mübadile proqrarnlan vasitesile heyata kecirilacskdir. Bu meqsedle novbs He Baki ve Buenos-Ayresde g6rü~eeek Medeni emekda~liq üzra Azerbayean-Argentina Birge Kornissiyast yaradilacaqdir. Madda 13 Bu Sazisin müddaalanrun tefsiri ve ya tetbiqi zamaru her hanst fikir aynligl Terefler arasmda qarsihqh razilasrna yolu ile hell edilecekdir. Madda 14 Bu Sazisa Tereflerin qarsrhqh razlligl ile onun aynlmaz terkib hissesi olan ve 15-ei maddesinde müsyysn olunan qaydada qüweye minen aynca protokollar formasrnda resrnñasdlrilan elave ve deyi~iklikler edile biler. Madda 15 Bu Sazi~ onun qüweye minmesi ücün her ikiTsrsfin zeruri olan d6vletdaxili proseduralan yerine yetirmesi barede Tereflerin sonuneu yazrh bildlrtsinin diplomatik kanallar vasitesile alindlgl tarixden qüweye minir. Bu Sazis üg il müddetine baglanllir ve Tereflerden biri bu Sazísln müddetinin bitmesine en aZI altt ay qalrms onu legv etmek niyyeti barede yazih ~ekilde diplomatik kanallar vasitasila digar Tarafa rnalurnat vermszss, onun qüvvasi avtomatik olaraq novbsti üc iIIik müddstlers uzadilacaqdir. Bu Sazis & C ! saharinda ~¡¿ L 6i 2D15-ci il tarixinda iki asl nüsxsda, hsr biri Azarbaycan, ispan va ingilis - illarlnde irnzalanrmsdrr, bütün rnstnlar bsrabar autentikdir. Bu Sazlsin müddsalanrnn tsfslri va I va ya tstbíqlnda fikir aynilgl yarandlgl tsqdirda, ingilis dilindaki mstndsn istifada edilscekdir, ':12' ARGENTINA RESPUBLlKASI ADINDAN AZeRBAYCAN RESPUBLlKASI ADINDAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLlC AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLlC OF AZERBAIJAN ON COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF CULTURE The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties", Wishing to strengthen friendly relations, mutual understanding and trust between the peoples of both countries; With a view to increase the links between both countries in the fields of culture, art and cinematography; Have agreed as follows: Article 1 The authorized bodies responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement are the following: For the Government of the Argentine Republic - The Ministry of Culture; For the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Article 2 The Parties shall cooperate in the framework of this Agreement in accordance with their legislation and international treaties to which they are parties on the basis of mutual benefit. Each Party shall facilitate wide access to the artistic and cultural values of the other country by their nationals and promote relevant public and private initiatives at all levels. Article 3 The Parties shall promote the establishment of direct contacts in the field of culture and shall support the organization of tours of professional opera, theatre and musical groups, as well as other art groups and solo performers, both on a commercial and non-commercial basis. Article 4 The Parties shall inform each other in advance of conferences, contests, festivals and other international activities in the areas of culture and art to be held in their respective countries. This exchange of information shall be carried out in the Joint Commission created in accordance with Article 12 of this Agreement. Article 5 The Parties shall support cooperation between museums, Iibraries and public archives. In the case of exhibition of cultural assets, the Parties shall adopt all necessary measures for their protection and security in accordance with their legislation and international treaties to which they are parties. Furthermore, they shall support direct cooperation between the national libraries, especially as regards access to materials related to Argentine and Azerbaijan themes. Article 6 The Parties shall support the development of direct cooperation between cultural institutions, groups, associations, foundations and other cultural organizations of a creative nature in both countries, and shall foster interinstitutional agreements between them. Article 7 The Parties shall support mutual study of the experience acquired in the fields of culture, art and especially, literature, through the organization of conferences, symposiums and other forums, as well as through the exchange of specialists and joint research. Article 8 I I I I The Parties shall adopt necessary measures required to ban and prevent the iIIegal import, export and trade of objects that are part of their respective historical and cultural heritage. The Parties shall also undertake to promote the restitution thereof, in accordance with their legislation and the international treaties to which they are parties. Article 9 The Parties shall promote cooperation in the field of cinematography and shall foster the dissemination of cinematographic art of their countries through the exchange of films. Moreover, the Parties shall promote meetings between experts in the field of cinematography. Article 10 The Parties shall promote cooperation for the protection of intellectual property, related rights and autochthonous works. The procedure and conditions of such cooperation shall be defined by means of a new Agreement between the Parties. Article 11 The Parties shall create favorable conditions for the dissemination, through the mass media, of their achievements in the fields of culture and arts. Article 12 This Agreement shall be performed through cultural exchange programs in which specific activities shall be agreed upon and the conditions for their execution shall be defined. For such purpose, the Argentine-Azerbaijan Joint Commission on Cultural Cooperation shall be established, which shall alternately meet in Baku and in Buenos Aires. Article 13 Any divergence in the interpretation or application of the provrsions of this Agreement shall be resolved by negotiations and consultations between the Parties. Article 14 Any additions and amendments may be made to this Agreement by mutual consent of the Parties. Such additions and amendments shall be made in a form of separate Protocols being an integral part of this Agreement and shall enter into force in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of this Agreement. I I I Article 15 This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the receipt by the Parties of the last writlen notification through diplomatic channels confirming the completion of their respective internal procedures required for the entry into force of this Agreement. This Agreement is concluded for a period of three years and shall remain in force automatically thereafter for the next three year periods unless either of the Parties at least six months in advance notifies through diplomatic channels the other Party in writing of its intention to terminate this Agreement. , on the 22¡"j of SGlTc~z., 2015, in two originals, in the Done at .~ ',<,1) Spanish, Azerbaijani and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in interpretation, the English text shall prevaiL FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLlC FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLlC OF AZERBAIJ~ ARGENTiNA RESPUBLiKASI iLa AZaRBAYCAN RESPUBLiKASI ARASINDA TEXNiKi aMaKDAªUQ HAQQINDA SAZiª Bundan sonra "Taraflar" adlandrnlacaq Argentina Respublikasr va Azarbaycan Respubltkasr, Har iki d6vlat va xalq arasmda movcud olan dostluq münasibatlarini nazara alaraq va bu münasibatlarin tasviqlnl arzulayaraq, lqtisadi va sosial inkisaf sahasinda qarsrhqh rnaraqr va óz xalqlannin taraqqisini nazara alaraq, va Texniki ernakdashq vasitasila münasibatlarinin m6hkamlandirilmasini arzulayaraq, a~agldakllar barada razillga galdilar: MADDa 1 Taraflar bu Sazi~ yar¡;:ivasinda va óz milli qanunvericiliklarina uygun olaraq, onlar arasmda birga faaliyyat, ortaq 6hdalik va qarsrlrqh fayda ssasmda texniki amakda~IJ¡jI tssviq edir va ona üstünlük verirlar. MADDa2 Bu Sazisín hayata kecirilrnasi ücün Taraflar a~agldakl salahiyyatli orqanlanru tayin edirlar: Azarbaycan tarafindan: iqtisadiyyat va Sanaye Nazirliyi; Argentina tarafindan: üzrs Ba~ Müdirliyi. Xarici i~lar va Etiqad Nazirliyinin Beynalxalq emakda~liq MADDa3 Taraflar diplomatik kanallar vasitasila razüasdrnlmrs xüsusi sazislerin predmeti olacaq proqram, layiha va texniki amakdai?llgm digar har hanst formasmm hazrrlanrnasrru va hayata kec;:irilmasini dastaklayirlar. MADDa4 Taraflar 111 Maddada istinad olunan xüsusl sazlslsrda nazarda tutulacaq proqram, digar formasrrun icrasrnda milli layiha va amekdashqm har hansi qanunvericiliklarina uygun olaraq har iki dóvlstin taskllatlanrun ii?tirakma serait yaradtrlar, Qeyd edilan tsskilatlann bu Sazis c;:arc;:ivasinda raztlasdtrilan xüsusl sazislerda nazarda tutulacaq emskdashq faaliyyatlarinda lstlrakt ücün ssrtlsr müvafiq proqramlarda müayysnlasdlrilmelidir. MADDas Sózüqedan texniki amakdai?hga ai?agldakl faaliyyat nóvlsri daxil edila bilar: a. müsavlrlsrin, maslahatc;:ilarin va texniklarin mübadilasi; b. seminarlarm, konfranslarm va gorüi?larin tai?kil edilmasi; c. mütaxassislarin va texniklarin talimi va inklsaf etdirilmasi; d. layihalarin birga hayata keclrilrnasi; e. malumat, tadqiqat va elmi arasdrrrnalann naticalarinin mübadilasi; f. Taraflar arasmda razrlasdmla bilacak digar srnskdashq novlsri. MADDas 111 Maddada qeyd olunan xüsusi sazislerda basqa cür razrlasdmlmadiq: taqdirda, heyatlarin gondarilmasi ila bagh xarclar ai?agldakl qaydada odanilmalidir. - qarst Tarafin arazisina gondarilan mütaxassislarin yol xarclarini gondaran Taraf qarsrlayrr; - proqramlann va layihslartn hoyata kecirilmssi maqssdila mehmanxana, gündalik va yerli naqliyyat xarclarinin Odanilmasini qabul edsn Tarsf hsyata keclrir, Tsrañar har dafa mütexasslslarin ssfsrlsrindsn once onlann tibbi slgortasma dair xsrctsr barada razlhga galirlar. MADDa7 Taraflarin nümaysndelari bu Sazi§in hsyata kec;:irilmasi ila bagh alda edllmis iralilayi§ va iki olka arasmda texniki amakda§hgln inkisaf i1a alaqadar har hansi digar masala i1a bagh zarurat yarandrqda va sorgu edildiyi zaman bir-bírlarini rnalumatlandrrmaq maqsadila gorü§ürlar. MADDas Bu Sazisin rnüddsalanrun tsfsirl va ya tatbiqi ila bagll yarana bilacsk har hansi mübahisa Taraflar arasmda damsrqlar va rnaslshetlasmalsr yolu i1a diplomatik kanallar vasitasila hall edilir. MADDa9 Taraflarin qarsrlrqh razlhgl ssastnda bu Sazisa onun aynlmaz hissasi olan va Sazi§in 1Q-cu Maddasinda nszsrds tutulan qaydada qüvvsya minan aynca Protokollarla resmllssdirllsn alavalar va dayisikliklsr edila bilar. MADDa10 Bu Sazis Taraflarin onun qüwaya minmasi ücün talab olunan müvafiq dovlstdaxili proseduralann yerina yetirilmasi barada sonuncu yazrh blldirlsínln diplomatik kanallar vasitesila ahndlgl tarixdan qüwaya minir. Bu Sazls bes (5) iI müddatina baglanlhr va Taraflardan biri onu lagv etmak niyyati barsda an aZI atn (6) ay awalcadan yazrlr §akilda diplomatik kanallar vasitasila digar Tarafa malumat vermszss, onun qüvvasi avtomatik olaraq nóvbati bes (5) iIIik müddatlara uzadrlacaqdir, Bu Sazisin lagvi ona asasen hayata keclrilan razilasrnalarrn va ya proqramlann basa catmasmadsk onlann etibarlrhqtna va müddsttna tasir etmayaeakdir. ~aharinda ~" ~ab..20t.s11 taríxlnds, iki asl nüsxeds, har biri ispan, Azarbaycan va ingilis dillarinda ímzalanrrusdrr, bütün mstnlsr eyni qüvvsya malikdir. Bu Sazisin tafsiri zamaru fikir aynllgl yarandrqda, ingilis dilinda olan matn üstünlük ta~kil edacakdir. "Ba..g ARGENTINA RESPUBLlKASI ADINDAN AZ6RBAVeAN RESPUBLlKASI ADINDAN AGREEMENT ON TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE ARGENTINE REPUBLlC AND THE REPUBLlC OF AZERBAIJAN The Argentine Republic and the Republic of Azerbaijan herein referred to as "the Parties", Bearing in mind the existing friendly relationship between both States and peoples and encouraged by the wish to promote such links; Considering the mutual interest in the economic and social development and progress of their peoples, And Wishing to strengthen their relationship through technical co-operation. II I Have agreed as follows: ARTICLE I The Parties shall promote and favour technical co-operation between them on the basis of association, shared responsibility and mutual benefit, under this Agreement and in accordance with their nationallegislation. ARTICLE 11 For the implementation of this Agreement the Parties designate the following responsible authorities: From the Argentine side - the General Directorate for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship; From the Azerbaijani side - the Ministry of Economy and Industry. ARTICLE III The Parties shall promote the preparation and execution of programs, projects and any other form of technical co-operation that shall be the subject matter of specific agreements arrived at through the diplomatic channels. ARTICLE IV The Parties shall facilitate, in accordance with their national legislation, the participation of entities of each State, in the execution of programs, projects and any other form of cooperation provided for in the specific agreements referred to in Article 111. The terms and conditions for the participation of these entities in the co-operation activities provided for in the specific agreements, arrived at within the framework of this Agreement, shall be defined in the respective programs. ARTICLEV Such technical co-operatlon may include the following activities: a) exchange of advisors, consultants and technicians; b) organization of seminars, conferences and meetings; c) training and development of experts and technicians; d) joint implementation of projects; e) exchange of information, studies and research results; f) any other form of co-operation the Parties may agree upon. ARTICLEVI Unless otherwise agreed upon in the speciflc agreements mentioned in Article 111 the expenses related to the sending of personnel shall be borne as follows: -travel expenses to the territory of the other Party shall be borne by the Sending Party, I -accommodation, per diem allowances and local transportation expenses for the execution of programs and projects shall be borne by the Receiving Party. Each time the Parties shall agree on the medical insurance expenses to be covered before an expert travels. ARTICLEVII The representatives of the Parties shall meet when necessary and whenever requested to inform each other on the progress of the implementation of this Agreement and on any other issue related to the development of technical cooperation between both countries. ARTICLE VIII In case of any dispute on the interpretation or applicatlon of the provisions of this Agreement, it shall be settled between the Parties on the basis of negotiations and consultations through the diplomatic channels. .J ARTICLE IX By mutual consent of the Parties additions and amendments may be made to this Agreement in the form of separate Protocols being an integral part of this Agreement and entering into force in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article X. ARTICLEX This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the Parties of the last written notification through diplomatic channels confirming the completion of their respective internal procedures required for the entry into force of this Agreement. This Agreement is concluded for a period of five (5) years and shall remain in force automatically thereafter for five (5) year periods unless either of the Parties at least six (6) months in advance notifies the other Party in writing through diplomatic channels of its intention to terminate this Agreement. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect the validity and duration of arrangements or programs made under this Agreement until their completion. I I 5ep1(!,J1-p6e/'> < Done at Baku, on '2'<. 2015, in two original copies, each in Spanish, Azerbaijani and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in interpretation of this Agreement, the English text will prevail. FOR THE ARGENTINE REPUBLlC FOR THE REPUBLlC OF AZERBAIJAN ZUlJ'UQU8'1-U<¡'1'r Ur'l-b'l-S1''l-U81' ZUUUl1lbSONa.8U'1- l¡un.U'lUrOltra.8U'Ib'l ZU8UUSU'1-1' ZUUUl1lbSOltra.8U'I- l¡MU'lUrOltra.8U'I- lJ'P5!b'l S'l-SbUUl¡U'1ZUlJ'U<¡.ortrUl¡SOltra.8U'1- lJ'UU1''l- Ul'qhGUlJ¡GlUjJ¡ Zmfipunqlnnmpjurfi qlUnlU~lUl'mpjmGI! h. ZlUjlUUUllUGJ¡ Zmfipunqlnnmpjmf qlUnlU~lUl'mpjmGI! [urjumhlnn «l¡m¡úhl'»)' GU¡lUUllUq mGhGlUln~ quipqurqfilq hl'qlUl'lUÚjlU ]!lUl'hqlUÚlUqlUG hlUl'lU]!hl'mpjmGGhl'l! h. hlUúlUqnl'olUqgmpjmGI! bplpn u¡hUlmpjmGGhl'J¡ úJ¡2h., aqUlhln~ '¡'njuclUhlU~hUlmpjlUG hJ¡ÚlUG ~l'lU qlUl'qlUgGhl h. lUÚl'lUu¡GIjhl J¡l'hGg UlGUlhulUqlUG hlUúlUqnl'olUqgmpjmGI!, hlUúnq~lUo lJ¡Ghln~, nl' hlUÚlUU¡lUUllUUjulUG J¡l'lU~lUqlUG IjlUCUlJ¡ ah.lU~nl'mÚI! qGU¡lUUUlJ¡ hlUúlUqnl'olUqgmpjlUG huniuip ]!lUl'hGu¡lUUUl U¡lUjÚlUGGhl'J¡ UUlhIjMlUGI!, IjhqlU~lUl'~hln~ qnl'OnIj lUqqlUjJ¡G ol'hGuIjl'mpjlUG h. 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ÚUlUJ! hmul)r.uUlgnr¡ UlnUlultr.u I I Up/l1uumqpm pJm uuhpml 1. md~ úh2l¡úmuhu umjf z'múmQmJumqp~ 7- pr¡ z,nr¡"moml umjummhu"mo l¡mpqn": z'll'I"mo 6 'lhfihp~ l¡mJ'qm"npmú ljmjfi z,múmQmJumqp~ r¡plllJPuhp~ úhl¡uml'muúmu l¡mú l¡~pmnúmu hlnn l¡mu¡"mo I'nlnp "hlihpll I.¡nr¡úhp~ ú~21. l¡lmo"hu r¡~"mumq~mml¡mumr¡~uhpn" I'muml¡gmpJmuuhp~ú~2ngn": Z,ll'I"mll 7 bqpmljtml¡\t~ 'IJ1llLJPUhp 1. UmJU z,múmQmJumq~pll md], úh2 1; úmUmÚ 1.¡1ll1úhp~· r¡pm md~ úh2 úmuhlm hunluip muhpmdhcm uhpu¡hmml¡mu llupmgml¡mpqhp~ l¡mmmpúmu úmu~u r¡~"mumq~mml¡mu mr¡~uhpn" "hp2~u omunlgmqp~ ummgúmu op"mu~g: 2. UmJu l¡mpur¡ z'múmQmJumq~pll l¡uf"mú 1; h~uq (5) unnp], dmúl¡hmn" 1. r¡pm qnpour¡mpJmull 1; cmpmuml¡hl ~ufuml'hpml'mp hm2npr¡ml¡mu umJuml¡mu dmúmuml¡mhmm"mouhpn", puiguinmpjunip urjf r¡hu¡f~, hpl' I.¡nr¡úhp~g úhl¡ll qpm"np l¡hpu¡n" 1. r¡~"mumq~mml¡mu mr¡~uhpn" omumg~ úJmu~U' mJu r¡mr¡mphguhlm ~p úmmr¡plllpJmu úmu~u r¡mr¡mphgúmu múump"~g mnu"mqu "hg mÚ~u mnm2: i I I I 1 I I I.¡usur'lutr 1. umnpmqp"mo 1; -nul -~u hpl¡m I'uop~uml¡~g, Jmpmfmu~Jmpll' ~uu¡muhphu, hmJhphu 1. muqlhphu lhqmuhpu", llur¡ nprml I'nlnp mhfumhpll hm"mumpmqnp hu: UntJU ZlliÚlliQlliJUlliq]1r '1]1ntjPuh]1r Úhl¡UlliJllliUÚlliU dmÚlliUllil¡ lnlli]1lliQlliJUntI'JntUUh]1r llinlli2lligúlliU '1hu¡fntú ullilolliU¡llilnqntl'JntUI! l¡ln]1qr lliuqlh]1hu Lhqqnq lnhfulnru: Ur'tb\,SJ'>\'USJ'> ZU8UUSU\'J'> ZU\,rUlJlbSnt>ra-SU\, zn\,rulJlbSnt>ra-SU\, I¡Ufl.U'lUrnt>ra-su\, I¡n1.U'J'>s' I¡Ufl.U'lurnt>ra-su\, I¡m UNr AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLlC AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLlC OF ARMENIA ON ECONOMIC COOPERATION The Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties"), Wishing to further strengthen the longstanding relations of friendship and cooperation between both States, Aspiring to develop and intensify their economic cooperation on the basis of mutual benefit, Convinced that the consolidation of an appropriate legal framework will establish favorable and compatible conditions for better cooperation, Within the framework of their respective legislations in force and in accordance with the principies of international law, Have agreed as follows: Article 1 Objectives The Parties, within the framework of this Agreement, their respective legislations in force and in accordance with the principies of international law, will promote the expansion and diversification of mutually beneficial economic cooperation relations in all areas related to economic development, especially by; 1. Promoting activities aimed at developing bilateral economic cooperation, 2. Maintaining and generating business contacts, 3. Facilitating the expansion of bilateral investrnents and, particularly, identifying economic and investment opportunities in their respective States, 4. Strengthening cooperation in order to reinforce economic relations between both States. Article 2 Economic Cooperation The Parties undertake to promote and facilitate greater cooperation between their natural and legal persons, including business organizations, institutions and agencies, in pursuance of the laws and regulations in force in the respective territories of their States. For such purpose, they agree to: 1. Exchange information on economic development and bilateral trade, as well as on economic projects, predictions and strategies, 2. Inform each other about trade fairs, exhibitions, business missions and other promotional activities, 3. Facilitate the exchange of experts, technicians, investors and business representatives of the private and public sectors, 4. Explore and promote the possibilities for joint businesses arising from the partnership of Argentine and Armenian companies in third countries. Article 3 Cooperation Mechanisms The Parties, within the framework of their respective legislations in force, will strive to expand and intensify cooperation through: 1. Strengthening the Iinks between their governmental institutions, specialized organizations, business associations, chambers of commerce, regional and local entities, which are responsible for economic development, fostering the exchange of economic information of mutual interest as well as organizing visits by their representatives and other delegations involved in the economy, 2. Accelerating the establishment of new contacts and strengthening the existing ones in business circles of both States by promoting visits, meetings and other means of interaction between persons and companies, 3. Exchanging business information, promoting the participation in fairs and exhibitions, organizing events, seminars, symposia and business conferences, 1I 4. Promoting more active participation of small and medium sized enterprises in bilateral economic relations, I 5. Fostering cooperation in consultancy, marketing, and provision of expert services in areas of mutual interest, I I 6. Encouraging the financial institutions and banks of their States to establish closer contacts and strengthen cooperation, 7. Promoting interregional cooperation in areas of mutual interest, 8. Cooperating in third markets. Article 4 Joint Intergovernrnental Cornrnission 1. With the purpose of performing the provisions set out in this Agreement, the Parties will establish the Argentinean-Armenian Joint Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "the Intergovernmental Cornmission"), 2. The Intergovernmental Commission will be composed of representatives of respective state authorities of the Parties under the chairmanship of the heads of the corresponding ministries of the Parties and/or an equivalent government agency of each Party, 3. The Intergovernmental Commission will hold sessions when necessary, but not less than once in two years alternatively in the Argentine Republic and in the Republic of Armenia, 4. The Intergovernmental Commission may invite representatives of business circles of the Parties to take part in its work, 5. following: The main mandates of the Intergovernmental Commission are the a) Monitoring and exammmg the functioning of the present Agreement and any questions that may arise in the implementation of this Agreement; b) Discussing programs of economic cooperation in the spheres of mutual interest; c) Examining obstacles that could hinder the development of economic cooperation and trade between the Parties. Article 5 Amendments and supplements This Agreement may be amended and supplemented by mutual agreement of the Parties. Such amendments and supplements will be formulated as additional Protocols, which will constitute an integral part of this Agreement and will enter into force in accordance with the procedure described in Article 7 of this Agreement. Article 6 Dispute Resolution Any dispute arising between the Parties in relation to the implementation or interpretation of this Agreement will be resolved by means of negotiations through diplomatic channels. Article 7 Final Provisions 1. This Agreement will enter into force on the date of receipt of the last written notification through diplomatic channels by which the Parties inform each other that the internal procedures necessary for its entry into force have been fulfilled. 2. This Agreement is concluded for a period of five (5) years and it will be renewed automatically for successive periods, unless any of the Parties notifies the other about its intention to terrninate it, in writing and through diplomatic channels, at least six rnonths before its termination date. DONE in Buenos Aires on 7th of July, 2014 in two originals in Spanish, Armenian and English languages, both are being equally authentic. In case of any divergence in interpretation, the English text shall prevail. 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Essas lnformacóes deveráo incluir inforrnacóes previsivelmente relevantes para a determinacáo, liquidacáo e cobranca desses impostos, para a cobranca e execucáo de créditos fiscais, ou para a investigac;:áo ou prossecucáo de questóes fiscais. As informacóes seráo trocadas de acordo com as disposicóes do presente Acordo e consideradas confidenciais nos termos previstos no Artigo 8.°. Artigo 2.° JURISDIl;AO A Parte requerida nao é obrigada a fornecer informacóes de que nao disponham as respectivas autoridades e que nao se encontrem na posse ou sob o controlo de pessoas que se encontrem na sua jurtsoicáo. Artigo 3.° IMPOSTOS VISADOS 1. Os impostos que se encontram abrangidos pelo presente Acordo sao: a) Na Argentina, todos os impostos administrados pela Adrninistracáo Federal da Receita Pública, com excepcáo dos impostos aduaneiros; b) Em Macau, impostos de qualquer espécie e descricáo aplicados pelo Governo da Regiáo Administrativa Especial de Macau. 2. O presente Acordo será igualmente aplicável aos impostos de natureza idéntica e similar que entrem em vigor posteriormente á data da assinatura do Acordo e que venham a acrescer ou substituir os impostos existentes. As autoridades competentes das Partes Contratantes cornunicaráo entre si quaisquer rnodiñcacóes substanciais na tributacáo e medidas conexas com a recolha de informacóes. Artigo 4.° DEFINIl;OES 1. Para efeitos do presente Acordo, salvo definicáo em contrário: a) O termo "Argentina" significa o território da República da Argentina; b) O termo "Macau" significa a Regiáo Administrativa Especial de Macau da República Popular da China; usado em sentido geográfico, compreende a península de Macau e as ilhas da Taipa e Coloane; e) O termo "Parte Contratante" significa Argentina ou Macau conforme o contexto; d) O termo "autoridade competente" significa: (i) no caso da Argentina, a Administracáo Federal da Receita Pública; e (ii) no caso de Macau, o Chefe do Executivo ou o seu representante autorizado; e) O termo "pessoa" compreende uma pessoa singular, uma entidade juridica, uma sociedade e qualquer outro agrupamento de pessoas; f) O termo "sociedade" significa qualquer pessoa colectiva ou entidade que é tratada como pessoa colectiva para efeitos tributários, ou qualquer outra entidade sujeita á responsabilidad e fiscal em conformidade com a leqlslacáo de cada Parte Contratante; g) O termo "sociedade cotada" significa qualquer sociedade cuja principal classe de accóes se encontra cotada numa bolsa de valores reconhecida, desde que as aceces cotadas possam ser imediatamente adquiridas ou vendidas pelo público. As aceces podem ser adquiridas ou vendidas "pelo público" se a aquisicáo ou a venda de aceces nao 2 estiver, implícita ou explicitamente, restringida a um grupo limitado de investidores; h) O termo "principal c1asse de aceces" significa a classe ou classes de aceces representativas de uma maioria de direito de voto e do valor da sociedade; i) O termo "bolsa de valores reconhecida" significa qualquer bolsa de valores acordada entre as autoridades competentes das Partes Contratantes; j) O termo "fundo ou plano de investimento colectivo" significa qualquer veículo de investimento colectivo, independentemente da sua forma jurídica. O termo "fundo ou plano de investimento público colectivo" significa qualquer fundo ou plano de investimento colectivo, desde que as unidades, as aceces ou outras participacóes no fundo ou plano possam ser imediatamente adquiridas, vendidas ou resgatadas pelo público. As unidades, as aceces ou outras particípacóes no fundo ou plano podem ser imediatamente adquiridas, vendidas ou resgatadas "pelo público" se a aquisicáo, a venda ou o resgate nao estiver, implícita ou explicitamente, restringido a um grupo limitado de investidores; k) O termo "imposto" significa qualquer imposto a que o presente Acordo se aplica; 1) O termo "Parte requerente" significa a Parte Contratante que solicita as informac;:6es; m) O termo "Parte requerida" significa a Parte Contratante solicitadas informacóes; a qual sao n) O termo "medidas de recolhas de informacóes" significa as leis ou procedimentos administrativos ou judiciais que permitem a uma Parte Contratante obter e fornecer as informac;:6es solicitadas; o) O termo "informac;:6es" significa qualquer facto, declaracáo, documento ou registo, independentemente da sua forma; p) O termo "nacional ou residente" será definido em conformidade com a leqislacáo em vigor de cada Parte Contratante. 2. No que se refere a aplícacáo a qualquer momento do presente Acordo por uma Parte Contratante, qualquer expressáo hao definida no mesmo deverá ter, a nao ser que o contexto exija interpretacáo diferente ou as autoridades acordem num significado comum nos termos das disposic;:6es do Artigo 12.°, o significado que Ihe for atribuído naquele momento pela legislac;:ao dessa Parte, prevalecendo o significado resultante da leqislacáo fiscal dessa Parte sobre o que decorra de outra leqislacáo dessa Parte. 3 Artigo 5.° TROCA DE INFORMAc;OES A PEDIDO 1. A autoridade competente da Parte requerida prestará informacóes a pedido para os fins previstos no Artigo 1.°. Essas informacóes devem ser prestadas independentemente do facto de o comportamento sob investiqacáo constituir um crime de acordo com a leqíslacáo da Parte requerida, caso tal comportamento ocorresse na Parte requerida. 2. Se as informacóes na posse da autoridade competente da Parte requerida nao forem suficientes de modo a permitir-Ihe satisfazer o pedido de informacóes, a referida Parte tomará todas as medidas adequadas para a recolha de ínformacóes relevantes a fim de prestar a Parte requerente as informacóes solicitadas, ainda que a Parte requerida nao necessite dessas informacóes para os seus próprios fins fiscais. 3. Se especificamente solicitado pela autoridade competente da Parte requerente, a autoridade competente da Parte requerida prestará as informacóes visadas no presente Artigo, na medida do permitido pela sua legisla9ao interna, sob a forma de depoimentos de testemunhas e de cópias autenticadas de documentos originais. 4. Cada Parte Contratante providenciará no sentido de que as respectivas autoridades competentes, em conformidade com o disposto no Artigo 1.° do presente Acordo, tenham o direito de obter e de fornecer, a pedido: a) lnformacóes detidas por bancos, outras institulcóes financeiras e, por qualquer pessoa que aja na qualidade de mandatário ou fiduciário, incluindo nominees e trustees; b) lnformacóes relativas a propriedade de sociedades, sociedades de pessoas, trusts, fundacóes e outras pessoas, incluindo, dentro dos limites do Artigo 2.°, lnformacáo sobre propriedade de todas essas pessoas numa cadeia de proprietários; no caso de trusts, informacóes relativas a settlors, trustees e beneficiários; e, no caso de fundacóes, lnformacóes relativas a fundadores, membros do conselho da fundacáo e beneficiários. Este Acordo nao ímpóe as Partes Contratantes a obrigatoriedade de obterem ou fornecerem informacóes relativamente a propriedade de sociedades cotadas ou a fundos ou planos de investimento público colectivo, salvo se as referidas ínformacóes puderem ser obtidas sem gerarem dificuldades desproporcionadas. 5. A autoridade competente da Parte requerente prestará as informacóes seguintes a autoridade competente da Parte requerida sempre que apresente um pedido de inforrnacóes ao abrigo do presente Acordó, em que demonstre a previsível relevancia das informacóes solicitadas: a) a identidade da pessoa objecto de exame ou investiqacáo: 4 b) período temporal ao quala ínforrnacáo se refere; e) a índicacáo das informacóes pretendidas, incluindo a natureza das mesmas e a forma como a Parte requerente deseja receber as informacóes da Parte requerida; d) a finalidade fiscal com que as informacóes sao solicitadas; e) razóes que levam a supor que as inforrnacóes solicitadas sao detidas na Parte requerida ou estao na posse ou sob o controlo de uma pessoa sujeita a jurisdicáo da Parte requerida; f) na medida em que sejam conhecidos, o nome e morada de qualquer pessoa em relacáo a qual haja a convíccáo de estar na posse das informacóes solicitadas; g) uma declaracáo de que o pedido está em conformidade com as disposicóes legislativas e com as práticas administrativas da Parte requerente, que, se as lnformacóes solicitadas se encontrassem sob a jurisdicáo da Parte requerente, a autoridade competente da Parte requerente poderia obter as ínformacóes ao abrigo da sua legisla<;:ao ou no quadro normal da sua prática administrativa, e em conformidade com o presente Acordo; h) uma declaracáo de que a Parte requerente utilizou para a obtencáo das informacóes todos os meios disponíveis na sua própria jurisdicáo, salvo aqueles susceptíveis de suscitar dificuldades desproporcionadas. 6. A autoridade competente da Parte requerida comunicará tao diligentemente quanto possível a Parte requerente as informacóes solicitadas. A fim de assegurar uma resposta expedita, a autoridade competente da Parte requerida deverá: a) Confirmar por escrito, a recepcáo do pedido a autoridade competente da Parte requerente e notificar a autoridade competente da Parte requerente de quaisquer eventuais lacunas no pedido, no prazo de 60 dias a contar da recepcáo do pedido; b) Se a autoridade competente da Parte requerida nao tiver conseguido obter e fornecer as informacóes no prazo de 90 dias a contar da recepcáo do pedido, incluindo defrontar-se com obstáculos no fornecimento das ínformacóes ou recusa na prestacáo de informacóes, deverá de imediato informar a Parte requerente indicando as razóes dessa incapacidade, a natureza dos obstáculos encontrados ou os motivos dessa recusa. 5 Artigo 6.° EXAMES FISCAIS NO ESTRANGEIRO 1. Uma Parte Contratante pode, nos termos da sua leqislacáo interna, autorizar representantes da autoridade competente da outra Parte Contratante a deslocarern-se a jurisdicáo da primeira Parte mencionada a fim de entrevistarem indivíduos e examinarem registos, com o consentimento por escrito das pessoas visadas. A autoridade competente da segunda Parte mencionada deverá notificar a autoridade competente da primeira Parte mencionada sobre a data e local da reuniáo com as pessoas em causa. 2. A pedido da autoridade competente de uma Parte Contratante, a autoridade competente da outra Parte Contratante poderá autorizar representantes da autoridade competente da primeira Parte mencionada a assistirem a fase adequada do exame fiscal na segunda Parte mencionada. 3. Se o pedido visado no número 2 for aceite, a autoridade competente da Parte Contratante que realiza o exame dará conhecimento, logo que possível, a autoridade competente da outra Parte, da data e do local do exame, da autoridade ou do funcionário designado para a reallzacáo do exame, assim como dos procedimentos e das condicóes exigidas pela primeira Parte mencionada para a realizacáo do exame. Quaisquer decisóes respeitantes a realizacáo do exame fiscal seráo tomadas pela Parte que realiza o exame. Artigo 7.° POSSIBILlDADE DE RECUSAR UM PEDIDO 1. A autoridade competente da Parte requerida pode recusar assísténcia: a) quando o pedido nao for formulado em conformidade com o presente Acordo; ou b) quando a Parte requerente nao tenha recorrido a todos os meios disponíveis para obter as informacóes na sua própria jurisdicáo, excepto quando o recurso a tais meios gere dificuldades desproporcionadas; ou c) se a divulgayáo das informacóes for contrária public) da Parte requerida. a ordem pública (ordre 2. As disposlcóes do presente Acordo náo irnpóem a uma Parte Contratante a obrigacáo de prestar informacóes susceptíveis de revelar um segredo comercial, industrial ou profissional ou um processo comercial. Náo obstante o que precede, lnformacóes do tipo referido no Artigo 5.° número 4 náo seráo tratadas como um segredo ou processo comercial apenas pelo facto de satisfazerem os critérios previstos nesse número. 6 3. As disposicóes do presente Acordo nao imp6em a uma Parte Contratante a obriqacáo de obter ou prestar informacóes susceptíveis de divulgar cornunicacóes confidenciais entre cliente e advogado, solicitador ou outro representante legal autorizado, quando tais cornunlcacóes: a) se destinam a solicitar ou fornecer um parecer jurídico; ou b) se destinam a ser utilizadas num processo judicial em curso ou previsto. 4. A Parte requerida nao fica obrigada a obter ou a prestar informacóes que a Parte requerente nao pudesse obter ao abrigo da sua própria leqislacáo para fins de admlnistracáo ou aplicacáo da sua própria leqislacáo fiscal. 5. Um pedido de informacóes nao pode ser recusado com fundamento na irnpuqnacáo do crédito fiscal objecto do pedido. 6. A Parte requerida pode recusar um pedido de inforrnacóes desde que estas sejam solicitadas pela Parte requerente com vista a apllcacáo ou a execucao de uma disposicáo da leqislacáo fiscal da Parte requerente, ou de qualquer obriqacáo com ela conexa, que seja discriminatória em relacáo a um residente ou um nacional da Parte requerida face a um residente ou um nacional da Parte requerente nas mesmas circunstancias. Artigo 8.° CONFIDENCIALlDADE Quaisquer informacóes recebidas por uma Parte Contratante com base neste Acordo seráo tratadas como confidenciais e poderáo ser divulgadas apenas as pessoas ou autoridades (incluindo tribunais e orqáos administrativos) na jurisdicáo da Parte Contratante relacionadas com a liquidacáo ou cobranca, execucáo ou prossecucáo, ou decisáo de recursos, relativamente aos impostos contemplados por este Acordo. Essas pessoas ou autoridades devem usar essa informacáo apenas para esses fins. Poderáo divulgar as informacóes em audiencias públicas de tribunais ou decis6es judiciais. As ínformacóes nao poderáo ser divulgadas a qualquer outra pessoa ou entidade ou autoridade ou qualquer outra jurisdlcáo sem o expresso consentimento por escrito da autorídade competente da Parte requerida. lnformacoes recebidas pela Parte requerida em conexáo com um pedido de informacóes com base neste Acordo seráo, do mesmo modo, tratadas como confidenciais na Parte requerida. Artigo 9.° CUSTOS Salvo acordo em contrário pelas autoridades competentes das Partes, os custos ordinários incorridos para prestacáo de assisténcia serao suportados pela Parte requerida e os custos extraordinários incorridos para prestacáo de 7 i I assisténcia ",';;0 suportados pela Parte requerente. As Partes consultar-se-áo antes de incorrerem em custos extraordinários. Artigo 10.° DISPOSII;ÓES LEGISLATIVAS As Partes Contratantes deveráo aprovar qualquer legislac;:áo que seja necessária para cumprir e dar efeito as disposicóes deste Acordo. Artigo 11.° LíNGUA Os pedidos de assisténcla e as respectivas respostas deveráo ser redigidos em língua inglesa ou em qualquer outra Iíngua acordada bilateralmente entre as autoridades competentes das Partes Contratantes nos termos do Artigo 12.°. Artigo 12.° PROCEDIMENTO AMIGÁVEL 1. Caso se suscitem dificuldades ou dúvidasentre as Partes Contratantes relativamente á aplicacáo ou interpretacáo do presente Acordo, as respectivas autoridades competentes esforcar-se-áo por resolver a questáo através de procedimento amigável. 2. Adicionalmente, as autoridades competentes das Partes Contratantes poderáo definir por comum acordo os procedimentos a seguir nos termos dos Artigos 5.° e 6.° do presente Acordo. 3. As autoridades competentes das Partes Contratantes podem comunicar directamente entre si a fim de chegarem a acordo nos termos deste Artigo. 4. As Partes Contratantes tentaráo chegar a acordo sobre outras formas de resolucáo de litigios, caso tal se revele necessário. Artigo 13.° ENTRADA EM VIGOR 1. As Partes Contratantes notificaráo entre si á outra por escrito da conclusáo dos procedimentos necessários pela sua leqíslacáo para a entrada em vigor do presente Acordo. 2. O Acordo entrará em vigor na data em que for recebida a última dessas notiflcacóes. 8 3. Mediante a entrada em vigor, o presente Acordo produzirá efeitos relativamente aos exercícios fiscais com inicio nessa data ou após essa data. Artigo 14.° DURACAo E DENÚNCIA 1. O presente Acordo permanecerá em vigor até ser denunciado por qualquer Parte Contratante. 2. Qualquer das Partes Contratantes poderá, decorridos cinco anos após a data da sua entrada em vigor, denunciar o Acordo mediante envio de notlficacáo escrita de denúncia a outra Parte Contratante. Essa denúncia torna-se efectiva no primeiro dia do mes seguinte ao final do período de seis meses após a data de recepcáo da notiñcacáo de denúncia pela outra Parte Contratante. Quaisquer pedidos recebidos até data efectiva de denúncia deveráo ser tratados em conformidade com as disposlcóes do Acordo. 3. a 4. Nao obstante a denúncia deste Acordo por uma Parte Contratante, ambas as Partes continuaráo vinculadas ao disposto no Artigo 8.° do presente Acordo relativamente a quaisquer informacóes obtidas com base neste Acordo. EM FÉ DO QUE, os signatários, devidamente autorizados para o efeito pelos respectivos Governos, assinaram o presente Acordo. Feito em Buenos Aires, neste 5° dia de Setembro de 2014, em duplicado nas línguas Espanhola, Chinesa, Portuguesa e Inglesa fazendo todos os textos igualmente fé. Em caso de divergencias entre os textos, a versáo inglesa prevalecerá. PELA REGIAO ADMINISTRATIVA ESPECIAL DE MACAU DA REPÚBLICA POPULAR DA CHINA: ~J~Js====- Secretário para a Economia e Financas 9 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ARGENTINE REPUBLlC ANO THE MACAO SPECIAL AOMINISTRATIVE REGION OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLlC OF CHINA FOR THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION RELATING TO TAXES ARGENTINA AND THE MACAO SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLlC OF CHINA, DESIRING to facilitate the exchange of information with respect to taxes, have agreed as follows: Article 1 OBJECT ANO SCOPE OF THEAGREEMENT The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall provide assistance through exchange of information that is foreseeably relevant to the administration and enforcement of the internal laws of the Contracting Parties concerning taxes covered by this Agreement. Such information shall include information that is foreseeably relevant to the determination, assessment and collection of such taxes, the recovery and enforcement of tax claims, or the investigation or prosecution of tax matters. Information shall be exchanged in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and shall be treated as confidential in the manner provided in ArticIe 8. Article 2 JURISDlCTION The requested Party is not obliged to provide information which is neither heId by its authorities nor in the possession or control of persons who are within its jurisdiction. Article 3 TAXES COVEREO 1. The taxes which are the subject of this Agreement are: a) in Argentina, all the taxesadministered by the Federal Administration of Public Revenue, except for the Customs duties; b) in Macao, taxes of every kind and description imposed by the Govemment of the Macao Special Administrative Region. 2. This Agreement shall also apply to any identical or similar taxes imposed after the date of signature of the Agreement in addition to or in place of the existing taxes. The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall notify each other of any substantial changes to the taxation and related information gathering measures. Article 4 DEFINITION5 1. For the purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise expressed: a) the term "Argentina" means the territory of the Argentine Republic; b) the term "Macao" means the Macao Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China; used in a geographical sense, it means the peninsula of Macao and the islands of Talpa and Coloane; c) the term "Contracting Party" means Argentina or Macao as the context requires; d) the term "competent authority" means (i) in the case of Argentina, the Federal Administration of Public Revenue; and (ii) in the case of Macao, the Chief· Executive or his authorized representative; e) the term "person" includes an individual, legal entity, a company and any other body of persons; f) the term "company" means any body corporate or any entity that is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes, or any other entity subject to tax responsibility, according to the laws of each Contracting Party; g) the term "publicly traded company" means any company whose principal class of shares is Iisted on a recognized stock exchange provided its listed shares can be readily purchased or sold by the public. Shares can be purchased or sold "by the public" if the purchase or sale of shares is not implicitly or explicitly restricted to a Iimited group of investors; 2 h) the term "principal class ofshares" means the c1ass or c1asses of shares representing a majority of the voting power and value of the company; i) the term "recognized stock exchange" means any stock exchange agreed upon by the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties; j) the term "collective investment fund or scheme" means any pooled investment vehicle, irrespective of legal formo The term "public collective investment fund or scheme" means any collective investment fund or scheme provided the units, shares or other interests in the fund or scheme can be readily purchased, sold or redeemed by the public. Units, shares or other interests in the fund or scheme can be readily purchased, sold or redeemed "by the public" if the purchase, sale or redemption is not implicitly or explicitly restricted to a limited group of investors; k) the term "tax" means any tax to which the Agreement applies; 1) the term "requesting Party" means the Contracting Party requesting information; m) the term "requested Party" means the Contracting Party requested to provide information; n) the term "information gathering measures" means rules and administrative or judicial procedures that enable a Contracting Party to obtain and provide the requested information; o) the term "information" means any fact, statement, document or record in whatever form; p) the term "a national or a resident" shall be defined in accordance with the laws in force of each Contracting Party. 2. As regards the application of this Agreement at any time by a Contracting Party, any term not defined therein, unless the context otherwise requires or the competent authorities agree to a common meaning pursuant to the provisions of Article 12, shall have the meaning that it has at that time under the law of that Contracting Party, any meaning under the applicable tax laws of that Party prevailing over a meaning given to the term under other laws of that Party. Article 5 EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION UPON REQUEST 1.The competent authority of the requested Party shall provide upon request information for the purposes referred to in Article 1. Such information shall be exchanged without regard to whether the conduct being investigated would 3 constitute a crime under thelaws of the requested Party if such conduct occurred in the requested Party. 2. If the information in the possession of the competent authority of the requested Party is not sufficient to enable it to comply with the request for information, that Party shall use all relevant information gathering measures to provide the requesting Party with the information requested, regardless of whether the requested Party may not need such information for its own tax purposes. 3. If specifically requested by the competent authority of the requesting Party, the competent authority of the requested Party shall provide information under this Article, to the extent allowable under its internal laws, in the form of depositions of witnesses and authenticated copies of the original records. 4. Each Contracting Party shall ensure that its competent authorities for the purposes specified in Article 1 of the Agreement, have the authority to obtain and provide upon request: a) information heId by banks, other financial institutions, and any person acting in an agency or fiduciary capacity including nominess and trustees; b) information regarding the ownership of companies, partnerships, trusts, foundations, and other persons, including, within the constraints of Article 2, ownership information on all such persons in an ownership chain, in the case of trusts, information on settlors, trustees and beneficiaries; and in the case of foundations, information on founders, members of the foundation council and beneficiaries. Further, this Agreement does not create an obligation on the Contracting Parties to obtain or provide ownership information with respect to publicly traded companies or public collective investment funds or schemes unless such information can be obtained without giving rise to disproportionate difficulties. 5. The competent authority of the requesting Party shall provide the following information to the competent authority of the requested Party when making a request for information under the Agreement to demonstrate the foreseeable relevance of the information to the request: a) the identity of the person under examination or investigation; b) period of time with respect to which the information is requested; e) a staternent of the information sought inclUding its nature and the form in which the requesting Party wishes to receive the information from the requested Party; d) the tax purpose for which the information is sought; 4 I I 1, e) grounds for believing that the information requested is heId in the requested Party or is in the possession or control of a person within the jurisdiction of the requested Party; f) to the extent known, the name and address of any person believed to be in possession of the requested information; g) a statement that the request is in conformity with the law and administrative practices of the requesting Party, that if the requested information was within the jurisdiction of the requesting Party then the competent authority of the requesting Party would be able to obtain the information under the laws of the requesting Party or in the normal course of administrative practice and that it is in conformity with this Agreement; h) a statement that the requesting Party has pursued all means available in its own -jurisdiction to obtain the information, except those that would give rise to disproportionate difficulties. 6. The competent authority of the requested Party shall forward the requested information as promptly as possible to the requesting Party. To ensure a prompt response, the competent authority of the requested Party shall: a) Confirm receipt of a request in writing to the competent authority of the requesting Party and shall notify the competent authority of the requesting Party of deficiencies in the request, if any, within 60 days of the receipt of the request. b) If the competent authority of the requested Party has been unable to obtain and provide the information within 90 days of receipt of the request, including if it encounters obstacles in furnishing the information or it refuses to furnish the information, it shall immediately inform the requesting Party, explaining the reason for its inability, the nature of the obstacles or the reasons for its refusal. Article 6 TAX EXAMINATIONS ABROAD 1. A Contracting Party may, in accordance with its internal laws, allow representatives of the competent authority of the other Contracting Party to enter the jurisdiction of the first-mentioned Party to interview individuals and examine records with the written consent of the persons concerned. The competent authority of the second-mentibned Party shall notify the competent authority of the first-mentioned Party of the time and place of the meeting with the individuals concerned. 2. At the request of the competent authority of one Contracting Party, the competent authority of the other Contracting Party may allow representatives 5 of the competent authority ofthe first-mentioned Party to be present at the appropriate part of a tax examination in the second-mentioned Party. 3. If the request referred to in paragraph 2 is acceded to, the competent authority of the Contracting Party conducting the examination shall, as soon as possible, notify the competent authority of the other Party about the time and place of the examination, the authority or official designated to carry out the examination and the procedures and conditions required by the firstmentioned Party for the conduct of the examination. AII decisions with respect to the conduct of the tax examination shall be made by the Party conducting the examination. Article 7 POSSIBILlTY OF DECLlNING A REQUEST 1. The competent authority of the requested Party may decline to assist: a) where the request is not made in conformity with this Agreement; or b) where the requesting Party has not pursued all means available in its own jurisdiction to obtain the information, except where recourse to such means would give rise to disproportionate difficulty; or c) where the disclosure of the information would be contrary to public policy (ordre public) ofthe requested Party. 2. The provisions of this Agreement shall not impose on a Contracting Party the obligation to supply information which would disclose any trade, business, industrial, commercial or professional secret or trade process. Notwithstanding the foregoing, information of the type referred to in Article 5, paragraph 4 shall not be treated as such a secret or trade process merely because it meets the criteria in that paragraph. 3. The provisions of this Agreement shall not impose on a Contracting Party the obligation to obtain or provide information, which would reveal confidential communications between a client and an attorney, solicitor or other admitted legal representative where such communications are: a) produced for the purposes of seeking or providing legal advice; or b) produced for the purposes of use in existing or contemplated legal proceedings. 4. The requested Party shall not be required to obtain or provide information that the requesting Party would not be able to obtain according to its own legislation for the administration or enforcement of its own tax laws. 6 5. A request for information shallnot be refused on the ground that the tax claim giving rise to the request is disputed. 6. The requested Party may decline a request for information if the information is requested by the requesting Party to administer or enforce a provision of the tax law of the requesting Party, or any requirement connected therewith, which discriminated against a resident or a national of the requested Party as compared with a resident or a national of the requesting Party in the same circumstances. Article 8 CONFIDENTIALlTY Any information received by a Contracting Party under this Agreement shall be treated as confidential and may be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) in the jurisdiction of the Contracting Party concerned with the assessment or collection of, the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, or the determination of appeals in relation to, the taxes covered by this Agreement. Such persons or authorities shall use such information only for such purposes. They may disclose the information in public court proceedings or in judicial decisions. The information may not be disclosed to any other person or entity or authority or any other jurisdiction without the express written consent of the competent authority of the requested Party. Information received by the requested Party in conjunction with a request for assistance under this Agreement shall Iikewise be treated as confidential in the requested Party. Article 9 COSTS Unless the competent authorities of the Parties otherwise agree, ordinary costs incurred in providing assistance shall be borne by the requested Party and extraordinary costs incurred in providing assistance shall be borne by the requesting Party. The Parties shall consult with each other before incurring in extraordinary costs. Article 10 IMPLEMENTATION LEGISLATION The Contracting Parties shall promote any legislation necessary to comply with, and give effect to, the terms of the Agreement. 7 Article 11 LANGUAGE Requests for assistance and answers thereto shall be drawn up in English or any other language agreed bilaterally between the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties under Article 12. Article 12 MUTUALAGREEMENTPROCEOURE 1. Where difficulties or doubts arise between the Contracting Parties regarding the implementation or interpretation of the Agreement, the respective competent authorities shall use their best efforts to resolve the matter by mutual agreement. 2. In addition, the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties may mutually agree on the procedures to be used under Articles 5 and 6 of this Agreement. 3. The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties may communicate with each other directly for the purposes of reaching agreement under this Article. 4. The Contracting Parties shall endeavor to agree on the forms of dispute resolution should this become necessary. Article 13 ENTRY INTO FORCE 1. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other in writing, of the completion of the procedures required by the respective laws for the entry into force of this Agreement. 2. The Agreement shall enter into force from the date on which the later of the notifications is received. 3. Upon the date of entry into force, this Agreement shall have effect in respect of taxable periods beginning on or after that date. Article 14 OURATION ANO TERMINATION 1. This Agreement shall remain in force until terminated by either Contracting Party. 8 i 2. Either Contracting Party may, after the expiry of five years from the date of its entry into force, terminate the Agreement by serving a written notice of termination to the other Contracting Party. 3. Such termination shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of receipt of notice of termination by the other Contracting Party. AII requests received up to the effective date of termination shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. 4. If a Contracting Party terminates this Agreement, notwithstanding such termination, both Parties shall remain bound by the provisions of Article 8 of this Agreement with respect to any information obtained under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement. DONE in duplicate at Buenos Aires, on the fifth day of September 2014, in the Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese and English languages. AII texts are equally authentic. In case of divergence between the texts, the English version shall prevail. For the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China: ~~ ---+-d:-----:--:!=-:-+-hL----- Tam ak uen Secretary for Econ my and Finance 9 VERDRAG TUSSEN HET KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN, TEN BEHOEVE VAN CURAl;:AO, EN DE REPUBLlEK ARGENTINIE VOOR DE UITWISSELlNG VAN INFORMATIE BETREFFENDE BELASTINGEN Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, ten behoeve van Curacao, en de Republiek Arqentinié (hierna te noemen "de partijen"); Geleid door de wens een verdrag te sluiten inzake de uitwisseling van informatie betreffende belastingen; Zijn het volgende overeengekomen: Artikel1 Doelstelling en reikwijdte van het Verdrag 1. De bevoegde autoriteiten van de partijen verlenen elkaar bijstand door middel van de uitwisseling van informatie die naar verwachting van belang zal zijn voor de toepassing en handhaving van de nationale wetten van de partijen die betrekking hebben op de belastingen waarop dit Verdrag van toepassing is. Deze informatie omvat informatie die naar verwachting van belang zal zijn voor de bepaling, vaststelling en inning van deze belastingen, de invordering en tenuitvoerlegging van belastingvorderingen of het onderzoek naar of de vervolging van belastingzaken. Informatie wordt uitgewisseld in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van dit Verdrag en wordt vertrouwelijk behandeld op de wijze voorzien in artikel 8. De uit hoofde van de wetten of de bestuursrechtelijke praktijk van de aangezochte partij aan personen toegekende rechten en waarborgen blijven van toepassing. De aangezochte partij stelt alles in het werk teneinde te waarborgen dat de doeltreffende uitwisseling van informatie niet onnodig wordt belet of vertraagd. 2. Wat het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden betreft, is dit Verdrag uitsluitend van toepassing op Curacao. Artikel2 Rechtsmacht De aangezochte partij is niet verplicht informatie te verstrekken die noch in het bezit is van haar autoriteiten, noch in het bezit of in de macht van personen die onder haar territoriale rechtsmacht vallen. Artikel3 Belastingen waarop het Verdrag van toepassing is 1. De belastingen waarop dit Verdrag van toepassing is betreffen: a. wat Curacao betreft: i. ii. iii. iv. b. wat i. ii. iii. iv. de inkomstenbelasting; de loonbelasting; de winstbelasting; en de opcenten op de inkomsten- en winstbelasting. de Republiek Arqentinié betreft: de inkomstenbelasting; de belasting over de toegevoegde waarde; de belasting over persoonlijke zaken; en de belasting over verondersteld minimuminkomen. 2. Indien de bevoegde autoriteiten van de partijen zulks overeenkomen, is dit Verdrag ook van toepassing op alle identieke of in wezen gelijksoortige belastingen die na de datum van ondertekening van dit Verdrag naast of in de plaats van de bestaande belastingen worden geheven. Voorts kunnen de belastingen waarop dit Verdrag van toepassing is, in onderling overleg tussen de partijen in de vorm van een briefwisseling worden uitgebreid of aangepast. De bevoegde autoriteiten van de partijen doen elkaar mededeling van alle wezenlijke wijzigingen die zijn aangebracht in de belastingheffing en daarmee samenhangende maatregelen ten behoeve van het verzamelen van informatie waarop het Verdrag van toepassing is. Artikel4 Begripsomschrijvingen 1. Voor de toepassing van dit Verdrag: a. wordt verstaan onder "partij" het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, ten behoeve van Curacao, of de Republiek Arqentinié, al naargelang de context vereist; b. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "bevoegde autoriteit": i. wat betreft Curacao, de minister van Financien of zijn bevoegde vertegenwoordiger; ii. wat betreft Arqentinlé, de Federale Administratie Overheidsinkomsten of haar bevoegde vertegenwoordiger; c. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "persoon" een natuurlijke persoon, een lichaam en elke andere vereniging van personen; d. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "Iichaam" elke rechtspersoon of elke eenheid die voor de belastingheffing als een rechtspersoon wordt behandeld; e. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "beursgenoteerd lichaam" elk Iichaam waarvan de voornaamste aandelencategorie aan een erkende effectenbeurs staat genoteerd mits de ter beurze genoteerde aandelen direct door het publiek gekocht of verkocht kunnen worden. Aandelen kunnen "door het publiek" worden gekocht of verkocht indien de aankoop of verkoop van aandelen niet impliciet of expliciet is voorbehouden aan een beperkte groep investeerders; f. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "voornaamste aandelencategorie" de aandelencategorie of -categorieen die een meerderheid van het totale aantal stemmen en de waarde van het lichaam vertegenwoordigen; g. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "erkende effectenbeurs" elke effectenbeurs die de bevoegde autoriteiten van de partijen overeenkomen; h. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "collectief beleggingsfonds of collectieve beleggingsregeling" elk gezamenlijk beleggingsinstrument, ongeacht de rechtsvorm. De uitdrukking "openbaar collectief beleggingsfonds of openbare collectieve beleggingsregeling" omvat elk collectief beleggingsfonds of elke collectieve beleggingsregeling, mits de eenheden, aandelen of andere belangen in het fonds of de regeling direct door het publiek kunnen worden gekocht, verkocht of afgelost. Eenheden, aandelen of andere belangen in het fonds of de regeling kunnen direct "door het publiek" worden gekocht, verkocht of afgelost indien de aankoop, verkoop of aflossing niet impliciet of expliciet is voorbehouden aan een beperkte groep investeerders; i. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "belasting" elke belasting waarop het Verdrag van toepassing is; j. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "verzoekende partij" de partij die om informatie verzoekt; k. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "aangezochte partij" de partij die verzocht wordt informatie te verstrekken; 1. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "maatregelen ten behoeve van het verzamelen van informatie" wetten en bestuursrechtelijke of gerechtelijke procedures die een partij in staat stellen de gevraagde informatie te verkrijgen en te verstrekken; m. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "informatie" alle feiten, verklaringen of stukken ongeacht in welke vorm, die nodig zijn voor de toepassing en handhaving van de belastingen waarop het Verdrag van toepassing is; en n. wordt verstaan onder de uitdrukking "fiscale delicten" strafbare feiten of overtredingen die zijn begaan op het gebied van belastingen en die volgens de nationale wetgeving als zodanig worden beschouwd, ongeacht of ze zijn opgenomen in de belastingwetten, het wetboek van strafrecht of andere wetten. 2. Wat betreft de toepassing van dit Verdrag op enig moment door een partij heeft, tenzij de context anders vereist, elke daarin niet omschreven uitdrukking de betekenis welke die uitdrukking op dat tijdstip heeft volgens de wetgeving van die partij, waarbij elke betekenis volgens de toepasselijke belastingwetgeving van die partij prevaleert boyen een betekenis die volgens andere wetgeving van die partij aan die uitdrukking wordt gegeven. Artikel5 Uitwisseling van informatie op verzoek 1. De bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij verstrekt op verzoek informatie ten behoeve van de in artikel 1 bedoelde doelstellingen. Dergelijke informatie wordt uitgewisseld ongeacht of de onderzochte gedragingen, indien deze in de aangezochte partij zouden plaatsvinden, uit hoofde van de wetgeving van de aangezochte partij als een strafbaar feit zouden worden aangemerkt. 2. Indien de informatie in het bezit van de bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij niet toereikend is om aan het verzoek om informatie te voldoen, treft die partij alle toepasselijke maatregelen ten behoeve van het verzamelen van informatie teneinde de verzoekende partij de verzochte informatie te verstrekken, ongeacht het feit dat de aangezochte partij ten behoeve van haar eigen belastingheffing niet over dergelijke informatie hoeft te beschikken. 3. Indien de bevoegde autoriteit van een verzoekende partij daar specifiek om verzoekt, is de bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij gehouden uit hoofde van dit artikel informatie te verstrekken, voor zover zulks is toegestaan uit hoofde van haar nationale wetgeving, in de vorm van getuigenverklaringen en gewaarmerkte afschriften van originele stukken. 4. Elke partij waarborgt dat haar bevoegde autoriteiten ten behoeve van de in artikel 1 van het Verdrag omschreven doelstellingen over de bevoegdheid beschikken op verzoek het navolgende te verkrijgen en te verstrekken: a. informatie die berust bij banken, overige financíéle instellingen en personen die bij wijze van vertegenwoordiging of als vertrouwenspersoon optreden, met inbegrip van gevolmachtigden en trustees; b. informatie met betrekking tot de eigendom van lichamen, samenwerkingsverbanden, trusts, stichtingen, "Anstalten" en andere personen, met inbegrip van, binnen de beperkingen van artikel 2, informatie inzake de eigendom met betrekking tot al deze personen binnen een eigendomsketen; in het geval van trusts, informatie met betrekking tot instellers, trustees en begunstigden, I met inbegrip van de personen aan wie de eigendomstitel van de trust wordt overgedragen nadat de looptijd van de trust is verstreken; en in het geval van stichtingen, informatie met betrekking tot stichters, leden van het bestuur en begunstigden. Dit Verdrag schept daarnaast geen verplichting voor de partijen informatie inzake de eigendom te verkrijgen of te verstrekken met betrekking tot beursgenoteerde Iichamen of openbare collectieve beleggingsfondsen of openbare collectieve beleggingsregelingen tenzij deze informatie kan worden verkregen zonder tot onevenredige moeilijkheden te leiden. 5. De bevoegde autoriteit van de verzoekende partij verstrekt de volgende informatie aan de bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij wanneer de eerstgenoemde partij uit hoofde van het Verdrag een verzoek om informatie doet, teneinde aan te tonen dat deze naar verwachting van belang zal zijn voor het verzoek: a. de identiteit van de persoon op wie de controle of het onderzoek betrekking heeft; b. een verklaring omtrent de verlangde informatie met inbegrip van de aard ervan en de vorm waarin de verzoekende partij de informatie van de aangezochte partij wenst te ontvangen; c. het fiscale doel waarvoor om de informatie wordt verzocht; d. de redenen om te veronderstellen dat de gevraagde informatie in de aangezochte partij is of in het bezit of in de macht is van een persoon die zich in het rechtsgebied van de aangezochte partij bevindt; e. de naam en adresgegevens, voor zover bekend, van personen van wie verondersteld wordt dat zij in het bezit zijn van de verzochte informatie; f. een verklaring dat het verzoek in overeenstemming is met de wetgeving en de bestuursrechtelijke praktijk van de verzoekende partij, dat indien de verzochte informatie zich in het rechtsgebied van de verzoekende partij zou bevinden, de bevoegde autoriteit van de verzoekende partij de informatie volgens de wetten van de verzoekende partij of volgens de normale gang van zaken in de bestuursrechtelijke praktijk zou kunnen verkrijgen, en dat het verzoek om informatie in overeenstemming is met dit Verdrag; en g. een verklaring dat de verzoekende partij op haar eigen grondgebied alles in het werk heeft gesteld om de informatie te verkrijgen, tenzij dit zou leiden tot onevenredige moeilijkheden. 6. De bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij doet de verzochte informatie zo spoedig mogelijk toekomen aan de verzoekende partij. Teneinde een snel antwoord te waarborgen: a. bevestigt de bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij de ontvangst van een verzoek schriftelijk aan de bevoegde autoriteit van de verzoekende partij en stelt zij de bevoegde autoriteit van de verzoekende partij binnen 60 dagen na ontvangst van het verzoek in kennis van eventuele gebreken in het verzoek; 1, b. stelt de bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij, indien zij niet in staat is de informatie binnen 90 dagen na ontvangst van het verzoek te verkrijgen en te verstrekken, onder meer omdat zij belemmeringen ondervindt bij het verstrekken van de informatie dan wel weigert de informatie te verstrekken, de verzoekende partij daarvan onverwijld op de hoogte, onder vermelding van de oorzaken van de onmogelijkheid, de aard van de belemmeringen of de redenen voor haar weigering. 7. Verzoeken dienen schriftelijk te worden ingediend in de officléle taal van de partij die deze verzoeken ontvangt - in het geval van Curacao, de Nederlandse taal, en in het geval van de Republiek Argentinlé, de Spaanse taal - of in de Engelse taal. Verzoeken mogen ook langs elektronische weg worden ingediend. Artikel6 Aanwezigheid van functionarissen van de aangezochte partij op het grondgebied van de andere verdragsluitende partij 1. De aangezochte partij kan vertegenwoordigers van de bevoegde autoriteit van de verzoekende partij toestaan op het grondgebied van de aangezochte partij aanwezig te zijn teneinde, met voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de betrokken personen, natuurlijke personen te ondervragen en stukken te onderzoeken. De bevoegde autoriteit van de verzoekende partij stelt de bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij in kennis van het tijdstip en de locatie van de bijeenkomst met de betrokken natuurlijke personen. 2. Op verzoek van de bevoegde autoriteit van de verzoekende partij kan de bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij vertegenwoordigers van de bevoegde autoriteit van de verzoekende partij toestaan aanwezig te zijn bij het daarvoor in aanmerking komende deel van een belastingcontrole op het grondgebied van de aangezochte partij. 3. Indien het in het tweede lid bedoelde verzoek wordt ingewilligd, stelt de bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij die de controle uitvoert, de bevoegde autoriteit van de verzoekende partij zo spoedig mogelijk in kennis van het tijdstip en de locatie van de controle, de autoriteit of functionaris die de controle zal uitvoeren en de door de aangezochte partij ten behoeve van de controle vereiste procedures en voorwaarden. Alle beslissingen met betrekking tot het uitvoeren van de belastingcontrole worden genomen door de aangezochte partij die de controle uitvoert. I Artikel7 Mogelijkheid een verzoek af te wijzen 1. Van de aangezochte partij kan niet worden verlangd dat zij informatie verkrijgt of verstrekt die de verzoekende partij krachtens haar eigen wetgeving niet zou kunnen verkrijgen ten behoeve van de toepassing of handhaving van haar eigen belastingwetten. De bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij kan weigeren bijstand te verlenen indien het verzoek niet in overeenstemming met dit Verdrag is gedaan. 2. De bepalingen van dit Verdrag mogen een partij niet verplichten informatie te verstrekken waardoor een handelsgeheim, zakelijk geheim, industrieel, commercieel of beroepsgeheim of handelsproces zou worden onthuld, Niettegenstaande het voorgaande zal de informatie bedoeld in artikel 5, vierde lid, niet als geheim of handelsproces worden behandeld uitsluitend op grond van het feit dat zij aan de in dat lid gestelde criteria voldoet. 3. De bepalingen van dit Verdrag mogen een partij niet verplichten informatie te verkrijgen of te verstrekken waardoor vertrouwelijke communicatie tussen een cliént en een advocaat of een andere erkende juridische vertegenwoordiger zou worden onthuld indien dergelijke communicatie: a. plaatsvindt ten behoeve van het verzoeken om of verstrekken van juridisch advies; of b. plaatsvindt ten behoeve van bestaande of mogelijk in te stellen gerechtelijke procedures. 4. De aangezochte partij kan een verzoek om informatie afwijzen indien openbaarmaking van de informatie in strijd zou zijn met de openbare orde (ordre public). 5. Een verzoek om informatie wordt niet geweigerd op grond van het feit dat de belastingvordering die aanleiding gaf tot het verzoek wordt betwist. 6. De aangezochte partij kan een verzoek om informatie afwijzen indien de informatie door de verzoekende partij wordt gevraagd teneinde een bepaling van de belastingwetgeving van de verzoekende partij toe te passen of te handhaven die, of een daarmee verband houdend vereiste dat, díscrimínatie inhoudt van een onderdaan van de aangezochte partij ten opzichte van een onderdaan of inwoner van de verzoekende partij die zich in dezelfde omstandigheden bevindt. Artikel8 Vertrouwelijkheid Alle uit hoofde van dit Verdrag door een partij ontvangen informatie wordt op dezelfde wijze vertrouwelijk behandeld als informatie verkregen uit hoofde van haar nationale wetgeving, of volgens de voorwaarden voor vertrouwelijkheid die van toepassing zijn in het rechtsgebied van de partij die deze informatie verstrekt heeft, indien de als laatst genoemde voorwaarden stringenter zijn, en wordt uitsluitend ter kennis gebracht van personen of autoriteiten (met inbegrip van rechterlijke instanties en bestuursrechtelijke Iichamen) die onder de rechtsmacht van de desbetreffende partij vallen en betrokken zijn bij de vaststelling of inning van, de tenuitvoerlegging of vervolging ter zake van, of de beslissing in beroepszaken betrekking hebbende oo de belastingen waarop dit Verdrag van toepassing is. Deze personen of autoriteiten mogen uitsluitend voor deze doeleinden van deze informatie gebruikmaken. Zij mogen de informatie bekendmaken in openbare rechtszittingen of in gerechtelijke beslissingen. De informatie mag zonder de uitdrukkelijke schriftelijke toestemming van de bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij niet worden bekendgemaakt aan een andere persoon, entiteit, autoriteit of gerechtelijke instantie. Artikel9 Kosten Tenzij de bevoegde autoriteiten van de partijen anders overeenkomen, worden gewone kosten gemaakt bij het verlenen van bijstand gedragen door de aangezochte partij en worden buitengewone kosten gemaakt bij het verlenen van bijstand (met inbegrip van redelijke kosten voor het inschakelen van externe adviseurs in verband met een rechtsgeding of andere kosten) gedragen door de verzoekende partij. Op verzoek van een van de partijen plegen de bevoegde autoriteiten indien nodig overleg met betrekking tot dit artikel en in het bijzonder overlegt de bevoegde autoriteit van de aangezochte partij vooraf met de bevoegde autoriteit van de verzoekende partij indien de kosten van het verstrekken van informatie naar aanleiding van een speciñek verzoek naar verwachting aanmerkelijk zullen zijn. Artikel10 Procedure voor onderling overleg 1. De bevoegde autoriteiten trachten moeilijkheden of twijfelpunten die mochten rijzen tussen de partijen met betrekking tot de uitvoering of de uitlegging van het Verdrag in onderling overleg op te lossen. 2. Naast de in het eerste lid bedoelde afspraken kunnen de bevoegde autoriteiten van de partijen in onderling overleg overeenstemming bereiken over de krachtens de artikelen 5 en 6 te hanteren procedures. 3. De bevoegde autoriteiten van de partijen kunnen zich rechtstreeks met elkaar in verbinding stellen teneinde overeenstemming als bedoeld in dit artikel te bereiken. 4. De partijen kunnen ook overeenstemming bereiken over andere vormen van geschillenregeling. Artikel11 Inwerkingtreding 1. Elk van de partijen stelt de andere langs diplomatieke weg schriftelijk in kennis van de voltooiing van de op grond van haar wetgeving vereiste procedures voor het in werking doen treden van dit Verdrag. 2. Het Verdrag treedt in werking dertig dagen na ontvangst van de laatste van deze kennisgevingen. Vanaf de inwerkingtreding is dit Verdrag van toepassing op: a. fiscale delicten, vanaf de datum van inwerkingtreding, voor belastingtijdvakken beginnend op of na die datum, of indien er geen belastingtijdvakken bestaan, ter zake van alle belastingvorderingen ontstaan op of na die datum; en b. alle andere aangelegenheden genoemd in artikel 1, vanaf die datum, voor belastingtijdvakken beginnend op of na 1 januari van het jaar dat volgt op de datum waarop het Verdrag in werking treedt, of indien er geen belastingtijdvakken bestaan, ter zake van alle belastingvorderingen die ontstaan op of na 1 januari van het jaar dat volgt op de datum waarop het Verdrag in werking treedt. Artikel12 Beéindiqinq 1. Dit Verdrag blijft van kracht totdat het door een van beide partijen wordt beéindiqd. Elk van de partijen kan het Verdrag beéindiqen door de andere partij langs diplomatieke weg daarvan schriftelijk kennis te geven. In dat geval houdt het Verdrag op van toepassing te zijn op de eerste dag van de maand na het verstrijken van een tijdvak van zes maanden na de datum van ontvangst van de kennisgeving van beéindlginq door de andere partij. 2. Niettegenstaande de beéindiqinq van het Verdrag overeenkomstig het eerste lid blijven beide partijen gebonden door de voorwaarden van artikel 8 ten aanzien van alle uit hoofde van het Verdrag verkregen informatie. GEDAAN te t?~ op ./r.... t':!'!.L.... 20/.9.:., in tweevoud, in de Engelse, de Nederlandse en de Spaanse taal, waarbij alle teksten gelijkelijk authentiek zijn. In geval van verschil in interpretatie van dit Verdrag is de Engelse tekst doorslaggevend. .. VOOR HET KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN, TEN BEHOEVE VAN CURA9AO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE KINGOOM OF THE NETHERLANOS, IN RESPECT OF CURAl;AO, ANO THE ARGENTINE REPUBLlC FOR THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION WlTH RESPECT TO TAXES The Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of Curacao, and the Argentine Republic (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"); Desiring to conclude an Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to taxes; Have agreed as follows: Article 1 Object and Scope of the Agreement 1. The competent authorities of the Parties shall provide assistance through exchange of information that is foreseeably relevant to the administration and enforcement of the domestic laws of the Parties concerning taxes covered by this Agreement. Such information shall include information that is foreseeably relevant to the determination, assessment and collection of such taxes, the recovery and enforcement of tax c1aims, or the investigation or prosecution of tax matters. Information shall be exchanged in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and shall be treated as confidential in the manner provided in Article 8. The rights and safeguards secured to persons by the laws or administrative practice of the Requested Party remain applicable. The Requested Party shall use its best endeavours to ensure that the effective exchange of information is not unduly prevented or delayed. 2. As regards the Kingdom of the Netherlands, this Agreement shall apply only to Curacao, 1 Article 2 Jurisdiction The Requested Party is not obligated to provide information which is neither held by its authorities nor in the possession or control of persons who are within its territorial jurisdiction. Article 3 Taxes Covered 1. The taxes which are the subject of this Agreement are: a) in the case of Curacao: (i) the income tax (inkomstenbelasting); (H) the wages tax (Ioonbelasting); (iii) the profit tax (winstbelasting); and (iv) the surtaxes on the income and profit tax (opcenten op de inkomsten- en winstbelasting). b) in the case of the Argentine Republic: (i) Income Tax; (H) Value Added Tax; (iii) Personal Assets Tax; and (iv) Tax on Presumptive Minimum Income. 2. This Agreement shall also apply to any identical tax or substantially similar taxes imposed after the date of signature of the Agreement in addition to or in place of the existing taxes if the competent authorities of the Parties so agree. Furthermore, the taxes covered may be expanded or modified by mutual agreement of the Parties in the form of an exchange of letters. The competent authorities of the Parties shall notify each other of any substantial changes to the taxation and related information gathering measures covered by the Agreement. Article 4 Definitions 1. For the purposes of this Agreement: a) the term "Party" means the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of Curacao, or the Argentine Republic as the context requires; b) the term "competent authority" means: i) in the case of Curacao, the Minister of Finance or his authorized representative; ii) in the case of the Argentine Republic, the Federal Administration of Public Revenue or its authorized representative; c) the term "person" includes an individual, a company and any other body of persons; 2 d) the term "company" means any body corporate or any entity that is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes; e) the term "publicly traded company" means any company whose principal class of shares is Iisted on a recognised stock exchange provided its Iisted shares can be readily purchased or sold by the public. Shares can be purchased or sold "by the public" if the purchase or sale of shares is not implicitly or explicitly restricted to a Iimited group of investors; f) the term "principal class of shares" means the c1ass or c1asses of shares representing a majority of the voting power and value of the company; g) the term "recognised stock exchange" means any stock exchange agreed upon by the competent authorities of the Parties; h) the term "collective investment fund or scheme" means any pooled investment vehicle, irrespective of legal formo The term "public collective investment fund or scheme" means any collective investment fund or scheme provided the units, shares or other interests in the fund or scheme can be readily purchased, sold or redeemed by the public. Units, shares or other interests in the fund or scheme can be readily purchased, sold or redeemed "by the public" if the purchase, sale or redemption is not implicitly or explicitly restricted to a Iimited group of investors; i) the term "tax" means any tax to which the Agreement applies; j) the term "Applicant Party" means the Party requesting information; k) the term "Requested Party" means the Party requested to provide information; 1) the term "information gathering measures" means laws and administrative or judicial procedures that enable a Party to obtain and provide the requested information; m) the term "information" means any fact, statement or record in any form whatever, necessary for the administration and enforcement of taxes covered in this Agreement; and n) the term "tax offences" means crimes or offences that are committed within the tax field and that are considered as such under domestic laws, irrespective of whether contained in the tax laws, the Criminal Code or other statutes. 2. As regards the application of this Agreement at any time by any of the Parties, any term not defined therein shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning that it has at that time under the law of that Party, while the meaning under the applicable tax laws of that Party prevails over a meaning given to the term under other laws of that Party. Article 5 Exchange of Information Upon Request 1. The competent authority of the Requested Party shall provide upon request information for the purposes referred to in Article 1. Such information shall be exchanged without regard to whether the conduct being investigated would constitute a crime under the laws of the Requested Party if such conduet would have occurred in the Requested Party. 3 2. If the information in the possession of the competent authority of the Requested Party is not sufficient to enable it to comply with the request for information, that Party shall use all relevant information gathering measures to provide the Applicant Party with the information requested, notwithstanding that the Requested Party may not need such information for its own tax purposes. 3. If specifically requested by the competent authority of the Applicant Party, the competent authority of the Requested Party shall provide information under this Article, to the extent allowable under its domestic laws, in the form of depositions of witnesses and authenticated copies of original records. 4. Each Party shall ensure that its competent authorities for the purposes specified in Article 1 of the Agreement, have the authority to obtain and provide upon request: a) information held by banks, other financial institutions and any person acting in an agency or fiduciary capacity including nominees and trustees; b) information regarding the ownership of companies, partnerships, trusts, foundations, "Anstalten" and other persons, including, within the constraints of Article 2, ownership information on all such persons in an ownership chain; in the case of trusts, information on settlors, trustees and beneficiaries including those persons to which the trust property title is transferred at the expiration of the trust; and in the case of foundations, information on founders, members of the foundation council and beneficiaries. Further, this Agreement does not create an obligation on the Parties to obtain or provide ownership information with respect to publicly traded companies or public collective investment funds or schemes unless such information can be obtained without giving rise to disproportionate difficulties. 5. The competent authority of the Applicant Party shall provide the following information to the competent authority of the Requested Party when making a request for information under the Agreement to demonstrate the foreseeable relevance of the information to the request: a) the identity of the person under examination or investigation; b) a statement of the information sought including its nature and the form in which the Applicant Party wishes to receive the information from the Requested Party; e) the tax purpose for which the information is sought; d) the grounds for believing that the information requested is held in the Requested Party or is in the possession or control of a person within the jurisdiction of the Requested Party; e) to the extent known, the name and address of any person believed to be in possession of the requested information; f) a statement that the request is in conformity with the law and administrative practices of the Applicant Party, that if the requested information was within the jurisdiction of the Applicant Party then the competent authority of the Applicant Party would be able to obtain the information under the laws of the Applicant Party or in the normal course of administrative practice and that it is in conformity with this Agreement; and 4 I ------------1 g) a statement that the Applicant Party has pursued all means available in its own territory to obtain the information, except those that would give rise to disproportionate difficulties. 6. The competent authority of the Requested Party shall forward the requested information as promptly as possible to the Applicant Party. To ensure a prompt response, the competent authority of the Requested Party shall: a) confirm receipt of a request in writing to the competent authority of the Applicant Party and shall notify the competent authority of the Applicant Party of deficiencies in the request, if any, within 60 days of the receipt of the request; b) if the competent authority of the Requested Party has been unable to obtain and provide the information within 90 days of receipt of the request, including if it encounters obstacles in furnishing the information or it refuses to furnish the information, immediately inform the Applicant Party, explaining the reason for its inability, the nature of the obstacles or the reasons for its refusal. 7. Requests shall be submitted in writing in the official language of the Party receiving such requests - in the case of the Argentine Republic: the Spanish language or in the case of Curacao: the Dutch language - or in the English language. Likewise, requests can be submitted electronically. Article 6 Presence of Officials of the Applicant Party in the Territory of the Requested Party 1. The Requested Party may allow representatives of the competent authority of the Applicant Party to be present in its territory to interview individuals and examine records with the prior written consent of the persons concerned. The competent authority of the Applicant Party shall notify the competent authority of the Requested Party of the time and place of the meeting with the individuals concerned. 2. At the request of the competent authority of the Applicant Party, the competent authority of the Requested Party may allow representatives of the competent authority of the Applicant Party to be present at the appropriate part of a tax examination in the territory of the Requested Party. 3. If the request referred to in paragraph 2 is acceded to, the competent authority of the Requested Party conducting the examination shall, as soon as possible, notify the competent authority of the Applicant Party about the time and place of the examination, the authority or official designated to carry out the examination and the procedures and conditions required by the Requested Party for the conduct of the examination. AII decisions with respect to the conduct of the tax examination shall be made by the Requested Party conducting the examination. 5 I I Article 7 Possibility of Declining a Request 1. The Requested Party shall not be required to obtain or provide information that the Applicant Party would not be able to obtain under its own laws for purposes of the administration or enforcement of its own tax laws. The competent authority of the Requested Party may decline to assist where the request is not rnade in conformity with this Agreement. 2. The provisions of this Agreement shall not impose on a Party the obligation to supply information which would disclose any trade, business, industrial, commercial or professional secret or trade process. Notwithstanding the foregoing, information of the type referred to in Article 5, paragraph 4, shall not be considered as such a secret or trade process merely because it meets the criteria set forth in that paragraph. 3. The provisions of this Agreement shall not impose on a Party the obligation to obtain or provide information, which would reveal confidential communications between a client and an attorney, solicitor or other admitted legal representative where such communications are: a) produced for the purposes of seeking or providing legal advice; or b) produced for the purposes of use in existing or contemplated legal proceedings. 4. The Requested Party may decline a request for information if the disclosure of the information would be contrary to public policy (ordre public). 5. A request for information shall not be refused on the ground that the tax claim giving rise to the request is disputed. 6. The Requested Party may decline a request for information if the information is requested by the Applicant Party to administer or enforce a provision of the tax law of the Applicant Party, or any requirement connected therewith, which discriminates against a national of the Requested Party as compared with a national or a resident of the Applicant Party in the same circumstances. Article 8 Confidentiality Any information received by a Party under this Agreement shall be treated as confidential, in the same manner as information obtained under its domestic laws, or according to the confidentiality conditions applicable in the [urlsdictlon of the Party that provides such information if the latter conditions are more restrictive, and may be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodíes) in the jurisdiction of the Party concerned with the assessment or collection of, the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, or the 6 determination of appeals in relation to, the taxes covered by this Agreement. Such persons or authorities shall use such information only for such purposes. They may disclose the information in public court proceedings or in judicial decisions. The information may not be disclosed to any other person or entity or authority or any other jurisdiction without the express written consent of the competent authority of the Requested Party. Article 9 Costs Unless the competent authorities of the Parties otherwise agree, ordinary costs incurred in providing assistance shall be borne by the Requested Party, and extraordinary costs incurred in providing assistance (including reasonable costs of engaging external advisors in connection with Iitigation or otherwise) shall be borne by the Applicant Party. At the request of either Party, the competent authorities shall consult as necessary with regard to this Article, and in particular the competent authority of the Requested Party shall consult with the competent authority of the Applicant Party in advance if the costs of providing information with respect to a specific request are expected to be significant. Article 10 Mutual Agreement Procedure 1. Where difficulties or doubts arise between the Parties regarding the implementation or interpretation of the Agreement, the competent authorities shall endeavour to resolve the matter by mutual agreement. 2. In addition to the agreements referred to in paragraph 1, the competent authorities of the Parties may mutually agree on the procedures to be used under Artic\es 5 and 6. 3. The competent authorities of the Parties may communicate with each other directly for purposes of reaching agreement under this Article. 4. The Parties may also agree on other forms of dispute resolution. Article 11 Entry into Force 1. Each of the Parties shall notify the other in writing, through diplomatic channels, of the completion of the procedures required by its law for the entry into force of this Agreement. 7 2. The Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the receipt of the later of these notifications. Upon entry into force, it shall have effect: a) for tax offences on the date of entry into force, for taxable periods beginning on or after that date or, where there is no taxable period, for all charges to tax arising on or after that date; and b) for all other matters covered in Article 1 on that date, for taxable periods beginning on or after the first day of January of the year following the date on which the Agreement enters into force, or where there is no taxable períod, for all charges to tax arising on or after the first day of January of the year following the date on which the Agreement enters into force. Article 12 Termination 1. This Agreement shall remain in force until terminated by a Party. Either Party may terminate the Agreement by giving written notice of termination, through diplomatic channels, to the other Party. In such event, this Agreement shall cease to have effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of the period of six months after the date of receipt of notice of termination by the other Party. 2. Even after the termination of the Agreement in accordance with paragraph 1, both Parties shall remain bound by the provisions of Article 8 with respect to any information obtained under this Agreement. DONE at IS<;;~ /j;, this /'í' day of ~Jl/ 20lY in two originals, in the glish, Dutch and Spanish languages, all texts being equally authentic. ca of divergence in the interpretation of this Agreement, 11 p e ail. the English text FOR THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS, IN RESPECT OF CURAGAO 8
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