day of AD 1955. THAT the organisations named in the
day of AD 1955. THAT the organisations named in the
2801. Approved and ordered this 5th December day of , A.D. 19 55• __---eutenant-Governor. At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, PRESENT: in the Chair. The Honourable Mr. Bennett Mr. Bonner Mr. Black Mr. Sowers Mr. Kiernan Mr. Chetwynd Mr. Wicks Mr. Williston Mr. Martin Mr. Chant. Mr. To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The undersigned has the honour to MORT s THAT the organisations named in the schedule attached hereto operate the various vehicles described therein for the protection and benefit of the public in their respective districts: THAT applications for remission of the motor-licence fees for the year 1956 on the said vehicles maintained by the said organisations have been received. THAT without relaxation of the strictness of the laws relative to the collection of the revenue as is hereinafter recommended, a great hardship to the public cannot be avoided: AND TO RECOMMEND THAT under the provisions of section 44 of the "Revenue Act", chapter 291 of the "Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1948", the licence fees payable by the organisations named in the schedule attached hereto in respect of the motor-vehicles, the particulars of which appear opposite the name of the respective organisations in the said schedule, for the year 1956, be remitted. AND THAT a certified copy of this Minute, if amoved, be forwarded to the Superintendent of Motor-vehicles, Victoria, B. C. DATED this day of ,.,r-,..rvie,41. D. 1955. APPROVED this day of A. D. 1955. / r Presiding Member of the Executive Countil. [ORDER IN COUNCIL No. ,Contimwdj SCHEDULE Reizistered Owner Motor-vehicle Canadian Exploration Ltd., Salmo, B. C. Willya Fire Wagon Reg. No. 467179 Eng. No. T64316 Ser. No. 452E0112108 Diocese of Kootenay, 608 Sutherland Ave., Kelowna, B. C. Ford Reg. Eng. Ser. Express No. 473782 No. 1J1419 No. DFA84A65112540 Ford Reg. Eng. Ser. Truck No. 570182 No. W.3765 No. FCE85ARR8665 Roseland Ambulance AssIn., 2090 First Ave., Roseland, B. C. Mercury Ambulance Reg. No. 406473 Eng. No. 0E6813 Ser. No. MD62H5022305 Kimberley & District Ambulance Service, 345 Spokane St., Kimberley, B. C. Dodge Sedan Reg. No. 288216 Eng. No. D2532659C Ser. No. 9840443 West Kootenay Power & Light Co. Ltd., 1385 - 1387 Cedar Ave., Trail, B. C. White Fire Truck Rag. No. 158687 Eng. No. 11A4771 Ser. No. 567 La France Fire Truck Reg. No. 235252 Eng. No. BG246 Ser. No. L1709 Vancouver Branch Canadian Red Cross Society, 1235 W. Ponder Street, Vancouver, B. C. Plymouth Reg. No. Eng. No. Ser. No. Sedan 554875 P2529447C 96078631 Morris Coach Reg. No. 546828 Eng. No. AFEM18344 Ser. No. FBJ41194475 Chevrolet Truck Reg. No. 432435 Eng. No. 371749 Ser. No. 0131512404 Mercury Panel Reg. No. 519843 Eng. No. QA3686 Ser. No. MLC62AH416501 Meteor Ranch Wagon Reg. No. 525799 Eng. No. QE20907 Ser. No. 0259H5334779 Red Cross Society Victoria & City, District Branch. 1046 Fort St., Victoria, B. C. Plymouth Sedan Reg. No. 522406 E ng. No. P2425566C Ser. No. 96062161 [ORDER IN COUNCIL No. , Continued.) -2- SCHEDULE CONT ID. REsistered Owner Canadian Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Cor. 28th & Laurel St., Vancouver, B. C. Dodge Ambulance Reg. No. 268472 eng. No. 86011124 Ser. No. 90016278 Internation.Truck Reg. No. 238154 Eng. No. GRD23358457 Ser. No. K5233 Mercury Panel Truck Reg. No. 303988 Eng. No. 6J3738 Ser. No. 411)44771546 Internat. Station Wagon Reg. No. 569985 Eng. No. 24465C Ser. No. 6138C Ford Panel Reg. No. 5351.42 Eng. No. QA13212 Ser. No. FAC81AHQ20883 Internat. Banel Reg. No. 571875 Eng. No. 24575 Ser. No. 6156 Internat. Van Reg. No. 570836 Eng. No. 5793C Ser. No. 33230 Mercury Panel Reg. No. 282883 Eng. No. 6J3948 Ser. No. 411114766209
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5" it day of
THAT it is deemed expedient to relax the strictness of the laws relating to the collection of revenue in respect of the licensing of the said motor-vehicles: AND TO RECOMMEND THAT pursuant to the p...
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