PSAL colloque ANR MatetPro ECL Nantes Octobre 2013 pour
PSAL colloque ANR MatetPro ECL Nantes Octobre 2013 pour
DEVELOPPEMENT D’UN PROCEDE DE SELECTION DE NOUVEAUX ADDITIFS DE LUBRIFICATION APPLICATION AUX POLYSULFURES PSAL -‐ N° PROJET ANR (05-‐RNMP-‐014-‐01) DEVELOPPEMENT D’UN PROCEDE DE SELECTION DE NOUVEAUX ADDITIFS DE LUBRIFICATION. APPLICATION AUX POLYSULFURES Programme: ANR Mat&Pro édi3on 2005 Acronyme : PSAL Durée du projet : 36 mois (01/01/2005 au 31/12/2007) Financement : 693329 € 3 Partenaires : LTDS-‐Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Dr. Maria Isabel De Barros Bouchet LSA-‐Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Pr. Didier Léonard Groupement de Recherche de Lacq-‐ARKEMA Dr. Patrick Charles MOTS CLES : Simula[on Expérimentale, Lubrifica[on Limite, Tribochimie, Addi[fs de Lubrifica[on, Mécanismes Réac[onnels. PSAL -‐ N° PROJET ANR (05-‐RNMP-‐014-‐01) Boundary Lubrication a real challenge for today's society Transportation Metalworking In most industrialized countries, the annual cost of fric[on and wear energy loss is es[mated between 5 and 7% of Gross Domes[c Product (GDP) Tribology for Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection… Requirements for Next Generation Oils ü Becer energy economy (fuel consump[on for engines) ü Longer life (mechanical components and less oil drainings) ü Lower emissions ・ Low phosphorous ・ Low sulfur ・ Low ash (diesel) ⇒ Compa[bility with exhaust treatment devices CO2 emissions for new vehicules in 1998 (ACEA) Role of lubricant in Tribology Lubricant = Base oil + Package of performance additives Dispersants 41%# 26%# Detergents Viscosity modifiers 20%# 4%# Oxidation inhibitors 8%# 1%# Surface Additives (AW, FM, EP) Tribofilm Needs for simplification of tribological systems Nascent metallic surface Ø Control of the contact surfaces: fric[on made on oxidized or metallic surfaces Additive 1 P in (S t e e l A I S I 5 2 1 0 0 ) 3 .5 N (P 0 = Oxidized surface Iden[fica[on of keys of tribochemical mechanisms Ø Ability to simulate the ac3on of a unique addi3ve without any rheological effect of the base Iden[fica[on of addi[ve ac[on Additive 1 (P = 3. 5N Pin (Steel AISI 52100) 0 Metallic surface Additive 2 Oxidized surface Ø Ability to study interac3ons between different addi3ves or base oil/addi3ves Iden[fica[on of compe[[ve effects between addi[ves Ø Prevent the contamina3on or denatura3on of the tribological surfaces by air exposure or cleaning solvents Accurate iden[fica[on of tribofilm nature Gas Phase Tribology for in situ Surface Analysis In situ Ex situ Multi ex situ surface analysis approach with 1nm Depth Resolution X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) Static Secondary Ions Mass Spectroscopy (SSIMS) XPS in situ surface analysis with 1nm Depth Resolution X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) XANES SSIMS AES Probe Electrons Photons Electrons Electrons Signal Depth resolution 0.5-10nm 0.5-5nm Photons Ions Electrons Ions 0.5-5nm 0.1-1nm 1x10-4 Information Elemental Chemical Spatial resolution 0.1-30µm 1x10-4 1x10-7 Elemental Elemental Molecular Molecular 500nm 120nm Detection limit Material All 1x10-3 Elemental 50 nm Conductive All All Gas Phase Tribometer XPS/AES Thermo 250i • • • • • • XPS/AES XPS/AES Analysis chamber Brushles s motor Transfer mechanism Preparation chamber Brushless motor Fast entry Fast entry loadloadmechanism mechanism Fast entry loadmechanism ECT ECT Electron gun FEG1000 (spot size 0,1 µm) Dual X-‐ray source (Mg Kα / Al Kα) Focused (250 µm) and monochroma[c Al X-‐ray source Ion gun VG X05 Small area analysis (80 µm) Surface imaging: Op[cal SEM AES XPS • Annealing up to 1000°C • Film deposi[on facili[es: Thermal evapora[on Magnetron spucering Transfer Transfer mechanism mechanis m Turbomolecula Turbomolecul r pump ar pump ECT • • • • • • • Pin-‐on-‐flat contact Linear reciproca3ng mo3on Speed: 0.005 to 5 mm.s-‐1 Length of track :0.05 to 5 mm Load: 0.1 to 10 N Temperature: -‐100 to 600°C Gas pressure: 10-‐9 to 2000 hPa Experimental simulation of boundary lubrication reactions Environmental Controlled Analytical Tribometer (ECAT) Advantages of Gas Phase Lubrica3on • • • • • Simplifica[on of tribological system, study of one or more addi[ve molecules; Control of the contact surfaces: oxidized, etched or nascent metallic surfaces; Iden[fica[on of compe[[ve effects and interac[ons between the addi[ve molecules; In situ (XPS/AES) surface analyses; Weak adsorp[on of molecules aker the end of fric[on test avoiding then the masking of tribofilm. Limita3ons of Gas Phase Lubrica3on • • • • Only light molecular weigth molecules can be easily introduced in gas phase; Possible desorp[on of light molecules at high temperatures, compromise between adsorp[on/desorp[on; Kine[c of forma[on of tribofilms in GPL is mostly lower than in LPL. Limita[on of the varia[on range of tribological parameters, AW condi3ons (P= 520 MPa) are OK but EP condi[ons are difficult to acheive (P≈1 GPa). PSAL -‐ N° PROJET ANR (05-‐RNMP-‐014-‐01) New strategies in Boundary Lubrication New strategies in Boundary Lubrication ü Reduction of S and P contents in oils using Low SAPS additives technology for ferrous materials (SAPS : Sulfated Ash, Phosphorus and Sulphur); 2000 Organo-sulfurs (FM, EP), … ü Use of Nanolubricants (colloids, CNT, Fullerenes, carbon onions……) as additives for ferrous materials; ü Use of carbon coatings (DLC et NCD) and new additives technology containing ashless (CHO) additives (No SAPS additives technology); 2001 2009 Lubrication of non-ferrous materials Contribution of Gas Phase Tribology in Organo-Sulfurs Tribochemistry Thèse de doctorat de Mr. J. Tannous (2007) Partenaire industriel ARKEMA PSAL -‐ N° PROJET ANR (05-‐RNMP-‐014-‐01) Tribochemistry of organo-sulfurs molecules Organo-sulfurs Lubricant Additive Polysulfides (EP +FM) TPS Model Molecule for GPL TPS 44 (Pvap. sat.≈ 3 hPa at Troom) (supplied by ARKEMA group) Alkanethiols C6H14S (Pvap. sat.> 3 hPa at Troom) (supplied by ARKEMA group) PSAL -‐ N° PROJET ANR (05-‐RNMP-‐014-‐01) Comparison between polysulfides (TPS) and alkanethiols Friction and wear Sliding speed : 0.5 mm/s AISI 52100 steel specimens Pcontact = 520 MPa T : 30°C and 80°C Fric[on coefficient TPS (3hPa) 165 µm 500µm Thiol (3hPa) 500µm Cycles number J. TANNOUS, M.I. De BARROS BOUCHET et al., Tribology-‐Materials, Surfaces and Interface, vol. 1, N°2 (2007) p.98-‐104. ü Polysulfides are effec[ve in reducing fric[on and wear but less than alkanethiols. ü Forma[on of a tribofilm in the presence of polysulfides? Comparison between polysulfides (TPS) and alkanethiols Tribofilm chemical nature In situ XPS S2p sectra (S-‐Fe) Disulfide FeS2 Tribofilm TPS (S−Fe) Sulfide FeS S−O Outside track Tribofilm Thiol Binding energy (eV) Iron sulfide (FeS) Iron disulfide (FeS2) Binding energy (eV) ü Alkanethiol-‐derived tribofilm is mainly composed of iron sulfide FeS. ü TPS-‐derived tribofilm is mainly composed of iron disulfide FeS2 , with some FeS. ü These results were confirmed by ToF-‐SIMS analyses. Mécanisme de formation des sulfures de fer R S Fe S S R R S R Fe Etape 3 Décomposition due composés soufrés activée par le cisaillement fer (acier) Etape 1 Elimination de la couche Etape 2 d’oxyde lors du Adsorption des composés frottement soufrés sur un site actif de fer métallique oxyde de fer fer (acier) R R S S S R Fe Fe fer (acier) Etape 4 Formation de FeS et/ou FeS2 adsorption/décomposition des groupes carbonés S Fe R fer (acier) S R S Fe S Fe Etape 5 Tribofilm contenant du FeS et/ou FeS2 + produits de réaction adsorbés en surfaces R R fer (acier) S S Fe S R Summarizing Ø Gas Phase Tribology can simulate the Liquid Phase Tribology under Boundary Lubrication regime. It is a powerful tool to understand the tribochemistry of lubricant additives. Ø The ECAT device was developed to realize the experimental simulation of tribochemical reactions under BL regime. Ø Optimization of lubrication additives packages in order to increase performances ? - Interactions between different kinds of lubricant additives, AW, FM, EP,… - Effect of tribological conditions on the tribochemical mechanisms? their Bilan du Projet publications et communications Ar3cles acceptés dans revues à comité de lecture 1-‐ Contribu[on of gas phase lubrica[on in understanding the tribochemistry of organosulphur compounds ; J. TANNOUS, M.I. De BARROS BOUCHET, Th. LE MOGNE, P. CHARLES, J.M. MARTIN , Tribology-‐Materials, Surfaces and Interface, vol. 1, N°2 (2007) p.98-‐104, 2-‐ Role of nascent metallic surfaces on the tribochemistry of phosphite lubricant addi[ves, D. Philippon, M.I. De Barros Bouchet, T. Le-‐Mogne, O. Lerasle and J.M. Mar[n, Tribology Interna[onal, (2009). 3-‐ Experimental simula[on of tribochemical reac[ons between borates esters and steel surface, D. Philippon, M.I. De Barros Bouchet, T. Le-‐Mogne, O. Lerasle and J.M. Mar[n, Tribology Lecers 41 (1) (2011):73-‐82. 4-‐ A mul[-‐technique approach to the characteriza[on of iron phosphide tribofilm; D. Philippon, M.I. De Barros-‐Bouchet, Th. Le-‐Mogne, B. Vacher, O. Lerasle, J-‐M. Mar[n, Thin Solid Films 524 (1) (2012) 191–196. + 1 soumise et 1 en cours de rédac3on… Communica3ons Interna3onales 1-‐ Experimental Simula[on of Organosulphurs Tribochemical Reac[ons, J. TANNOUS, M.I. DE BARROS BOUCHET, P. CHARLES, Th. LE-‐MOGNE, J-‐M MARTIN ; Fron[ers in Boundary Lubrica[on Films. Conference Interna[onale, April 9-‐14, 2006, Lyon, France. (Poster). 2-‐ Tribochemistry of Organo-‐Sulphurs Compounds, J. TANNOUS, M.I. DE BARROS BOUCHET, P. CHARLES, Th. LE-‐MOGNE, J-‐M MARTIN, 33rd Leeds-‐Lyon on Tribology, 12th-‐15th September 2006, Trinity and all saints college, the University of Leeds, UK. (Présenta[on orale). 3-‐ Experimental Modelisa[on of Organosulphurs Tribochemistry by Gas Phase Lubrica[on, J. TANNOUS, M.I. DE BARROS BOUCHET, P. CHARLES, Th. LE-‐MOGNE, J-‐M MARTIN, STLE/ASME Interna[onal Joint Tribology Conference, October 22-‐24, 2007, San Diego, California, USA. (Présenta[on orale). 4-‐ Experimental Simula[on of Organo-‐Sulphur Addi[ves Tribochemistry under Boundary Lubrica[on Regime by Gas Phase Lubrica[on, M.I. DE BARROS BOUCHET, J. TANNOUS, P. CHARLES, Th. LE-‐MOGNE, J-‐M MARTIN, Advances in Boundary Lubrica[on and Boundary Surface Films Conference ECI, March, 2009 Seville, Spain. (Présenta[on orale). 5-‐ Understanding of the Tribochemistry of Organo-‐Sulfur Compounds, M. I. DE BARROS BOUCHET, J. TANNOUS, T. LE MOGNE, P. CHARLES and J. M. MARTIN, 4th Wolrd Tribology Congress, 6-‐11 Septembre 2009, Kyoto, Japon. (Présenta[on orale). 6-‐ ToF-‐SIMS Study of Tribochemical Proper[es of Sulfur-‐Based Addi[ves for the Lubrica[on of Steels in Boundary Lubrica[on Condi[ons, D. LEONARD, M. GOUELLO, J. TANNOUS, S. GOUT, F. BESSUEILLE, M.I DE BARROS BOUCHET, Th. LE MOGNE, J-‐M MARTIN, P. CHARLES, 17th Interna[onal Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Toronto 13-‐18 Septembre 2009. (Présenta[on orale). +… Bilan du Projet Eléments de valorisation Conséquences du projet (lancement de produit ou service, nouveau projet, contrat,…) : -‐ Nouveau projet ANR MatetPro 2010 « ECOLUB » avec 5 partenaires. -‐ Mise en place d’un partenariat scien[fique entre 2 laboratoires LTDS/LSA autour d’ou[ls d’analyses.