reference form
reference form
Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3011 Engenho Nogueira 31310-260 Belo Horizonte, MG Phone 55 31 3499-8000 Fax 55 31 3499-8899 REFERENCE FORM Base date: 12/31/2014 According to Annex 24 of CVM1 Ruling No. 480, of December 7, 2009 Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - USIMINAS Publicly-traded Company CNPJ/MF2 No. 60.894.730/0001-05 NIRE3 313.000.1360-0 1 2 3 Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) Brazilian IRS Registry of Legal Entities Number of Enrollment with Commercial Registry Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 REFERENCE FORM Base date: 12/31/2014 According to Annex 24 of CVM4 Ruling No. 480, of December 7, 2009 Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - USIMINAS Publicly-traded Company CNPJ/MF5 No. 60.894.730/0001-05 NIRE6 313.000.1360-0 4 5 6 Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) Brazilian IRS Registry of Legal Entities Number of Enrollment with Commercial Registry Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Contents 1. Identification of the parties in charge of the contents of the form .............. 4 2. Auditors .............................................................................................................. 5 3. Selected financial information ........................................................................ 7 4. Risk factors ....................................................................................................... 14 5. Market risks ...................................................................................................... 49 6. History of issuer ................................................................................................ 56 7. Activities of issuer............................................................................................ 65 8. Economic group ........................................................................................... 103 9. Relevant assets ............................................................................................. 108 10. Officers’ comments ..................................................................................... 120 11. Projections .................................................................................................... 161 12. General meeting and management ......................................................... 161 13. Compensation of management ................................................................ 196 14. Human resources ......................................................................................... 223 15. Control .......................................................................................................... 230 16. Transactions with related parties ................................................................ 241 17. Capital .......................................................................................................... 257 18. Securities....................................................................................................... 259 19. Plans of repurchase and treasury securities ............................................. 277 20. Security trading Policy ................................................................................. 281 21. Security disclosure Policy............................................................................ 283 22. Extraordinary business ................................................................................. 286 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 REFERENCE FORM Base date: 12/31/2014 According to Annex 24 of CVM Ruling No. 480, of December 7, 2009 Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - USIMINAS Public-traded Company CNPJ/MF No. 60.894.730/0001-05 NIRE 313.000.1360-0 Identification Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - Usiminas, a joint stock company registered with the Brazilian IRS Registry of Legal Entities under No. 60.894.730/0001-05, with its acts of incorporation registered with the Registry of Commerce of the State of Minas Gerais under NIRE No. 313.000.1360-0. Principal Place of Business Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3,011, City of Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais. Investor Mr. Ronald Seckelmann, with principal place of business at the Company’s Relations Officer headquarters, in the City Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais. The telephone number of the Investor Relations Department is +55 (31) 34998856, the fax number is +55 (31) 3499-9357, and the e-mail is [email protected] Independent Auditors Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes Underwriting Bank Bradesco S/A Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários (“Underwriting agent”). Securities Issued Common and preferred shares, American Depositary Receipts (ADR) / American Depositary Shares (ADS), Eurobonds and debentures. Newspapers in Which the Company Discloses its information The information related to the Company is published in the Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais, Estado de Minas and Valor Econômico. Internet Website The information on the Company’s website is not an integral part of this Reference Form and should not be included in it for reference purposes either. Service to Shareholders The Company’s shareholders are serviced by the Investor Relations Department, which is placed at the Company’s headquarters. The Company’s telephone and fax numbers and the e-mail are +55 (31) 3499-8772, +55 (31) 3499-9357 and [email protected], respectively. The shareholders are also serviced by the Shareholders Department of the Underwriting Agent at +55 (11) 3684-9413, +55 (11) 3684-2811 and [email protected], respectively. 3 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 1. Identification of the parties in charge of the contents of the form 1.1. Chairman and Investor Relations Officer’s Declaration We declare that we have reviewed the Reference Form, that all information presented in this form complies with the provisions set forth in CVM Ruling No. 480, especially Articles 14 to 19, and that the set of information contained in it is a true, accurate, and complete description of the economic and financial standing of Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - Usiminas, as well as the risks inherent to its activities and the securities it issues. Rômel Erwin de Souza Chief Executive Officer Ronald Seckelmann Finance and Investors’ Relations Vice Chief Executive Officer 4 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 2. Auditors 2.1/2 In relation to the independent auditors For the current year and the year ended December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2014: National auditor CVM code: 471-5 Rendering of services started on: 4/1/2013 Corporate name: Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes Rendering of services ended on: 07/31/2015 CPF/CNPJ: 61.366.936/0014-40 Description of the contracted services: External audit of the Company’s Balance Sheet and the corresponding Income Statements, of the Statements of Changes in Equity, Cash Flows, as well as the Consolidated Financial Statements, and limited review of the Quarterly Information (ITR), prepared in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil. Reviews of the calculation basis of the Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and the Social Contribution Tax on Net Profit (CSLL), the Contribution on Gross Revenues to the Social Integration Program (PIS), and the Contribution on Gross Revenues for the Social Security Funding (COFINS) of the Company and its subsidiaries. Independent auditors’ total compensation separated per service: 7 The independent auditors’ compensation in the last fiscal year for Usiminas companies was R$ 2.5 million, for the auditing service fees. Accounting and tax services related to the application of accounting and tax rules amounted to R$ 142 thousand. Additionally, the independent auditors were also hired for specific service review compensation benefits in the amount of R$ 400 thousand. Rationale for replacement: The Company has approved the appointment of Ernst & Young as its new Independent Auditor as of the second quarter of 2013. Such change is due to the rotation of auditors provided for in CVM Ruling No. 509/11. Reason given by the auditor in case of disagreement with the issuer’s rationale: None. Technical officer’s name: CPF: Performance started on: Rogério Xavier Magalhães 028.398.986-67 4/1/2013 Address: o Rua Antônio de Albuquerque, 156, 11 andar, Savassi - Zip Code: 30112-010 - Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais Phone (31) 3232-2113 - Fax (31) 3232-2106 - Email: [email protected] 7 Brazilian currency 5 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 For fiscal years ended December 31, 2012: National auditor CVM code : 287-9 Corporate Name: Independentes PricewaterhouseCoopers Rendering of services started on: 4/1/2008 Auditores Rendering of services ended on: 3/31/2013 CPF/CNPJ: 61.562.112/0001-20 Description of the contracted service: Examination and external audit of the Company’s Balance Sheet and the corresponding Income Statements, of the Statements of Changes in Equity, Cash Flows, as well as the Consolidated Financial Statements, and limited review of the Quarterly Information (ITR), prepared in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil. Reviews of the calculation basis of the Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and the Social Contribution Tax on Net Profit (CSLL), the Contribution to the Social Integration Program (PIS), and the Contribution for Social Security (COFINS) of the Company and its subsidiaries. Accounting and tax assistance related to the application of accounting and tax rules, contracted in the year of 2012 and 2011. Rationale for replacement: The Company did not replace auditors during the years of 2012 and 2011. Reason given by the auditor in case of disagreement with the issuer’s rationale: None. Technical officer’s name: CPF: Performance: Carlos Augusto da Silva 507.225.816-53 4/1/2008 to 3/31/2013 Address: o Rua dos Inconfidentes, 1190 - 9 andar - Savassi ZIP BOX: 30140-120 - Belo Horizonte - MG Phone (31) 3269-1507 - Fax (31) 3269-6950 - Email: [email protected] 2.3. Further information that the Company may deem significant All significant information relevant to this topic was disclosed in the items above. 6 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 3. Selected financial information 3.1. Based on the financial statements or, when the issuer is bound to disclose consolidated financial information, based on the consolidated financial statements, prepare table informing: Values in thousand reais, unless as otherwise stated Consolidated 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 a) Shareholders' equity 18,761,615 18,833,945 18,513,073 b) Total assets 30,484,062 31,357,994 32,773,820 c) Net revenue 11,741,629 12,829,467 12,710,881 d) Gross results 1,036,765 1,475,803 481,184 208,479 16,791 (598,281) 987,553,806 987,501,824 987,199,180 g) Asset value of share R$ 19.00 R$ 19.07 R$ 18.75 h) Net result per share R$ 0.14 R$ (0.14) R$ (0.72) e) Net results d) Number of shares, ex-treasury i) Other accounting information selected by Company Since January 2013, the joint subsidiary companies Unigal Ltda., Usiroll, and Fasal Trading Brasil are no longer consolidated in the Company’s financial statements, according to CVM Resolution No. 694/2012 8 (CPC 19 - R2). Thus, its subsidiary Mineração Usiminas discontinued the consolidation of its joint subsidiary Modal. From this date on, equity holding in such companies has been accounted for under the equity method. Financial statements for the year 2012 were restated and the effects of changes are presented in item 10.4 of this Reference Form. 8 Committee of Accounting Pronouncements 7 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 3.2. In case the issuer has disclosed, in the course of the last fiscal year, or intends to disclose through this form non-accounting measurements, such as EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) or EBIT (earnings before interest and income tax), the issuer must: a) Amount of non-accounting measurements; and b) reconciliation of the amounts disclosed and those of the audited financial statements. Statement of the EBITDA Values in thousand reais, unless as otherwise stated 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 208,479 16,791 (598,281) Income tax and social contribution (24,562) (211,120) (200,450) Net financial result 522,831 895,209 491,144 1,114,597 1,072,433 965,110 1,821,345 1,773,313 657,523 (183,780) (181,201) (165,638) 225,506 214,314 204,703 1,863,071 1,806,426 696,588 Net profit Depreciation, amortization and depletion EBITDA - CVM Ruling No. 527 Net result of discontinued operations Result of equity equivalence EBITDA of jointly controlled companies (i) Adjusted EBITDA (i) Excluded from consolidation, according to the application of CPC 18 (R2). c) Explanations on the reasons the Company believes that such measurement is more appropriate for a better comprehension of its financial standing and the results of its transactions. EBITDA represents operating cash flow of the company, that is, how much the company generates funds only through its operating activities, without taking into account the financial and tax effects. Management uses this indicator to analyze the productivity and efficiency of the Company. Adjusted EBITDA is calculated from the year’s net income (loss), reversing profit (loss) of discontinuedoperations , income tax and social contribution, financial result , depreciation, amortization and depletion, and equity in the results of subsidiary, joint subsidiary and affiliates. Beginning 2013, as a result of the application of CPC 19 (R2) – joint business, Adjusted EBITDA takes into consideration the proportional equity in the results of the joint subsidiary companies, thus causing it to be compared with the amounts published in the year of 2012. 3.3. Identify and comment on any event subsequent to the last consolidated financial statements of year-end closing significantly changing them: None. 8 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 3.4. Describe the allocation policy of income for the last three fiscal years, indicating: a) Rules on retained profits Pursuant to the Company’s articles of incorporation, CHAPTER VI, Article 24, Paragraph 4: The Board of Directors may propose, and then the Meeting will deliberate , to deduct from the year’s net income, after establishing the legal reserve, a portion at an amount not exceeding 50% to establish a Reserve for Investments and Working Capital, which will stand for the following principles: a) its constitution will not affect the shareholders’ right to receive the payment from the mandatory dividend set forth in Paragraph 5, Article 24, of the articles of incorportion; b) its balance may not exceed 95% of the capital; c) the reserve aims to ensure investments in permanent assets, or appreciation in working capital, including through amortization of the Company’s debts, regardless of retained profits related to capital budget, and its balance may be used: i) to absorb losses, whenever it is necessary; ii) to distribute dividends at any time; iii) in the transactions involving redemption, refund or share purchase, authorized by law; iv) in the incorporation into share capital, including bonusshares. The legal reserve is established at 5% ofnet income for each year until it reaches 20% of capital. As soon as the allocations mentioned in paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of Article 24 of the articles of incorporation, with reference to the Legal Reserve, Reserve for Investments and Working Capital and Dividends, respectively, are complied with, the General Meeting may decide to retain portion of net income for the year established in capital budget, previously approved, according to the provisions of Article 196 of Law No. 6404/1976, with the remaining part being distributed to shareholders as complementary dividend. b) Dividend distribution rules The shareholders are granted a minimum dividend of 25% of the parent company’s net income for the year, calculated in agreement with the provisions of the corporation law and adjusted as follows: i) the increase of the following amounts:- resulting from the reversal, in theperiod , from former reserves for contingencies; resulting from profit-taking, in the year, previously transferred to the reserve of unrealized profits; ii) the decrease of the amounts allocated, in the year, to establish the legal reserve, reserves for contingencies and reserve of unrealized profits. The amount so calculated may, at the discretion of the General Meeting or the Board of Directors, as the case may be, be paid on the account of the profit used as calculation basis or reserves of preexisting profits. Owners of preferred stock receive dividends 10 % higher than the ones allocated to common stock. The establishment of reserves may not affect the shareholders’ right to receive payment from the mandatory dividend of 25% of net income for the year. The amount of paid or credited interest, for interest on equity purposes, according to the provisions of Article 13, letter “x”, of the articles of incorporation, may be imput to the amount of dividends to be distributed by the Company, starting to integrate them for all legal purposes. c) Dividend distribution frequency The Company distributes dividends on an annual basis. The Company’s Board of Directors may also decide to distribute dividends on account of profit determined with basis on the semiannual balance or through smaller periods raised by the Company. 9 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 d) Occasional restrictions to the distribution of dividends imposed by Law or special regulation applicable to the issuer, as well as contracts, judicial, administrative or arbitration awards The Brazilian Corporation Law allows the Company to suspend the mandatory dividend distribution if the Board of Directors informs in the General Meeting that it is incompatible with its financial standing. The Supervisory Board must give its opinion concerning the recommendation made by the Board of Directors. Besides, the Board of Directors must submit the rationale for the suspension to CVM within five days as of the date the General Meeting was held. Profits not distributed, due to the suspension described above, will be allocated to a special reserve and, in case they are not absorbed by subsequent losses, they must be paid, as dividends, as soon as the Company’s financial standing so allows. There has been no change in the rules on restrictions to the distribution of dividends in the last three fiscal years. th Some of the loan and financing contracts entered into by the Company (including, but not limited to, 4 and th 5 issues debentures described in item 18.5. of the Reference Form) establish that, in case of failure to perform its duties, the Company is bound to restrict the payment of dividends at the minimum mandatory extent, which corresponds to 25% of the adjusted net income. The debentures of 4th issue were settled by the Company in advance in December, 2010, as outlined in Section 18.5. The Company currently understands that it does comply with all contracts providing for such restriction. There is no restriction on the distribution of dividends imposed by judicial, administrative and arbitration awards involving the Company. 3.5. Indicate on the table for each of the last three fiscal years: (In thousands of reais) Fiscal Year 12/31/2014 Fiscal Year 12/31/2013 Fiscal Year 12/31/2012 Adjusted net income - - - Dividends paid in relation to the adjusted net incomet - - - Rate of return in relation to the shareholders' equity of the issuer - - - Total dividends distributed - - - Retained net income - - - Date of approval of the retention - - - Payment of Dividends Amount Payment of Dividends Amount Payment of Dividends Amount Interest on equity Common - - - - - - Common - - - - - - Class A Preferred - - - - - - Class A Preferred - - - - - - Class B Preferred - - - - - - Class B Preferred - - - - - - 10 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Mandatory Dividend Common - - - - - - Common - - - - - - Class A Preferred - - - - - - Class A Preferred - - - - - - Class B Preferred - - - - - - Class B Preferred - - - - - - 3.6 Inform if, in the last three fiscal years, dividends were declared on account of withheld profits or reserves established in previoius fiscal years Dividends declarations of withheld profits or reserves There was no declaration of dividends in the last three fiscal years on account of withheld profits or reserves established in previous fiscal years. 3.7 Describe on the table the issuer’s indebtedness ratio: (a) total amount of debt, of any nature; (b) indebtedness ratio (current liabilities plus non-current liabilities, divided by net equity) In thousands of reais, except as stated otherwise Consolidated Current and Non-Current Liabilities Account Description 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 Current liabilities 4,769,426 5,087,491 5,401,055 Loans and Financings 1,655,799 1,288,645 1,400,823 50,092 41,525 257,664 7,560 25,770 32,103 1,948,744 2,422,024 2,280,432 397,233 386,127 477,262 30,937 1,122 26,635 - 213,607 178,249 679,061 708,671 747,887 Non-current liabilities 6,953,021 7,436,558 8,859,692 Loans and Financings 3,979,775 4,512,891 6,339,267 998,549 997,920 - 1,187,788 1,230,316 1,396,812 9,972 36,083 41,483 561002 583,267 525,636 - - 178,249 215,935 76,081 378,245 11,722,447 12,524,049 14,260,747 Debentures Taxes Payable in Installments Suppliers Taxes, Fees and Contributions Dividends Payable Acquisition of Mineração Ouro Negro S.A. Others Debentures Post-employment Benefits Taxes Payable in Installments Provisions Acquisition of Mineração Ouro Negro S.A. Others Total Current Liabilities + Non-Current Liabilities 11 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Shareholders' equity 18,761,615 18,883,945 18,513,073 0.62 0.66 0.77 Indebtedness Ratio (Current + Non-current Liabilities / Shareholders' Equity) c) If the Company so wishes, another indebtedness ratio, indicating: i) Method used to calculate the ratio Debt compared to EBITDA Loans and Financing by index - Consolidated In thousands of reais, except as stated otherwise 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 4,265,226 4,537,973 4,417,559 618,078 836,348 959,700 1,048,641 1,039,445 257,664 17,532 61,853 73,586 Others 2,580,975 2,600,327 3,126,609 Foreign Currency (*) 2,436,521 2,364,859 3,653,781 TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS 6,701,747 6,902,832 8,071,340 Cash and investments (2,851,903) (3,468,816) (4,660,876) NET INDEBTEDNESS 3,849,844 3,434,016 3,410,464 EBITDA 1,863,071 1,806,426 696,588 2.1x 1.9x 4.9x Local Currency Long-term interest rate (TJLP) Debentures Taxes Payable in Installments (Net Indebtedness / EBITDA) ratio (*) in 2014, 2013 and 2012, 99% of all foreign currencies are stated in US$ ii) Reason why the Company believes that such ratio is appropriate for the correct comprehension of its financial standing and indebtedness ratio EBITDA is used by the Company management as a measure of operational performance. Therefore, the Company believes that the “debt compared with EBITDA” method is an appropriate ratio, since it allows one to measure the company’s ability to meet its commitments in relation to its operational cash flow generation. 3.8. Amount of the Company’s obligations according to the expiry dates, segregated by debts with security interest, floating charge, and unsecured debts The Company has no debt secured by third party guaranties. 12 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Consolidated Position at 12/31/2014 Amounts in thousands of reais One to three years Three to five years More than five years Total 395,588 662,198 254,290 10,413 1,322,489 - - - - - Unsecured debts 4,373,838 2,177,210 1,780,108 2,068,802 10,399,958 TOTAL 4,769,426 2,839,408 2,034,398 2,079,215 11,722,447 Less than a year Security interest Floating guarantee 3.9. Provide other information as the issuer may deem significant In addition to the information provided above, the Company believes that there is no additional significant information to be provided in this item 3 of the Reference Form. 13 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 4. Risk factors 4.1. Describe risk factors that may have an influence on the investment decision, especially those related to: a) The issuer The Company’s operating results may be affected in case of reduced demand and/or steel price, whether in Brazil or abroad. Steel demand is cyclical both in Brazil and abroad and a reduction in steel demand may negatively affect the Company. Therefore, the companies’ operating results of the steel industry and the Company may be affected by the macroeconomic fluctuations of the global markets and the domestic economies of steel-consuming countries, as well as by changes in the business environment of the sectors of automobile and car spare parts, household appliances, electric equipment, industrial construction, among others. In the last years, China has been the main supporter for the increased demand for steel products in the world. In 2006, China had become the world’s major steel manufacturer and also the main net exporter of steel products. Besides, there is a global situation of steel offer adversely affecting the prices of the steel products and the results of the companies in the industry. More recent estimates of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) indicate around 600 million tons in exceeding capacity of worldwide steel production. Generally speaking, any significant reduction in demand and/or increase in steel offer both in domestic and export markets (including China) may produce an adverse effect for the Company. It is worth mentioning, for the purposes of this chapter, that an “adverse effect” related to a given risk factor may affect or will affect the Companies’ and/or its subsidiaries’ activities, financial standing, operating results, perspectives, business, and/or the stock trading prices that they may issue. The Company faces tough competition as for prices and other products, which may negatively affect its profitability and market share. The worldwide steel industry has been affected by the global exceeding production capacity and weakened steel demand in the advanced economies. Given the high costs provisioned for the operation startup, the system for a continuous operation of a steelworks plant may cause the steelworks operators to keep high levels of production, even during periods of low demand, which results in greater pressure over the sector’s profit margin. The pressure for decreasing steel prices by the Company’s competitors may affect its profitability. Furthermore, continuous scientific advances in the material originated products such as plastic, aluminum, pottery, and glass, all of them steel competitors in a number of industries. 14 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The intensification of the crisis in Europe may negatively affect the Company‘s businesses The crisis in Europe has already overcome its worst phase, bringing good perspectives to the demand growth and no effects of imports deviation to other regions as Brazil. Accidents or failures in critical equipment of the Ipatinga and Cubatão plants may lead to decline or stoppage of production, which may reduce the Company’s operating revenues. Insurances taken out by the Company might not be enough to cover losses due to such decline and stoppage. Taking into account the Company’s maintenance efforts and investments, the steel production process depends on crucial equipment, such as blast furnace, converters and rolling mills. Such equipment may be affected by severe defects or damages capable of generating significant interruptions in the production process at the Ipatinga or Cubatão plant, which in its turn may reduce the Company’s production volumes and, subsequently, its operating revenue. Insurance policies taken out by the Company to cover losses due to operating risks, covering material damages to the facilities (including machinery breakdown and port blockage) and disrupted operations, may not be enough to cover the entirety of liabilities that may rise in case of decline or stoppage of the production of the Ipatinga and Cubatão plants, including those related to the non-fulfillment of customers’ orders within the scheduled date because of such events. st The Company has insurance covering Loss of Profits as of 21 day from the loss of profits due to damage. In addition, in case the Company is not able to take out insurance policies under terms comparable to the current ones in the future, its operating and financial results may be adversely affected if it incurs liabilities not totally covered by its insurance policies. The Company is subject to risks related to legal, arbitration and administrative claims. The Company is a party to a number of legal, arbitration and administrative claims, including those involving tax collections, labor disputes, as well as civil actions and public class actions, some of them hard to measure. At December 31, 2014, the total provisioning by the Company concerning such claims amounted to R$ 475.9 million and the amount judicially deposited was R$ 110.6 million. No one is able to estimate the outcome of such claims. In case an essential part of such claims, or one or more claims of significant amount, is ruled against the Company’s interests and no provision of similar amount exists, the Company’s results may be adversely affected. Additionally, if that is the case, even if a sufficient provision has been established, the Company’s liquidity may be adversely affected. For more information, please refer to items 4.3 to 4.8 of this Reference Form. 15 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The Company may face difficulties to implement its investment projects, which may affect its growth. The Company has been investing and intends to keep investing to enhance its mix of products and efficiency, to increase its production capacity and productivity, to guarantee the operational continuity and the compliance with safety, health, and environment requirements. While implementing its investment projects, the Company may face various impediments, among which: failures and/or delays to acquire equipment or services required for building and operation of the projects; increase of costs firstly estimated for running the projects; difficulties to obtain environmental licenses required for the development of the projects; and changes in the market conditions capable of making the investment projects less profitable than firstly estimated by the Company. In case the Company cannot manage such risks successfully, its growth potential and profitability may be adversely affected. Floating in the FX rate of real against the dollar may affect the Company’s financial performance and the operating results. The exchange variation, especially that of real in relation to U.S. dollar, may have a significant impact on the Company. The Company may not guarantee it will manage to substantially protect any and all of its duties designated in U.S. dollar in the future. The floating of real in relation to the U.S. dollar may impact the Company’s financial expenses, operating costs, and net export revenues, which may cause an adverse event over its operating and financial results. For more information, please refer to item 5.1. of this Reference Form. Increase in local and foreign interest rates may have a negative impact on the Company’s incomes. A substantial part of the Company’s indebtedness is pegged to floating interest rates. Therefore, increase in local and/or foreign interest rates, especially SELIC (Special Clearance and Custody System), TJLP (LongTerm Interest Tax) and LIBOR, may have a negative impact on the Company’s results. For more information, please refer to 5.1. of this Reference Form. 16 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Due to its business and investment plan, maybe the Company is not able to fully or successfully implementing future acquisitions, partnerships, or alliances it may set up in the future, and may incur additional costs to finance such projects. The Company may be incapable of identifying potential acquisitions, alliances or partnerships that fit into its strategy and/or acquiring them within a satisfactory period, taking into account its cost and return. The integration of any transaction also involves risks, among which we may point out: - loss of consumers or key employees; - difficulty of personal integration, consolidation of environments and infrastructure, consistency of information and other systems, as well as coordination of its logistic structure; - failure in maintaining quality of its products and services; - unaccrued costs; - difficulty in the internal control of several accounts; and - deflection of the daily business focus by the Management of the Company and its subsidiaries. Even in case the Company manages to successfully integrate the future operations of acquisition, alliance or partnerships, they might not reach the expected objectives. Failure in the integration or scope of the benefits of an acquisition, alliance or partnership may adversely impact the Company’s revenues and operating results. Any integration process must demand an important research time and, even so, maybe it is incapable of successfully functioning. The Company might need to include its expenses additional resources for possible acquisitions, alliances or partnerships. A significant increase of the Company’s debts may have significant consequences on its decision making. An occasional energy crisis and water rationing may reduce the energy supply with possible energy rationing and decreased economical activity. Most of the Brazilian electric power mix, according to the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) consists mostly of hydroelectric generation, and the rest mainly of thermal origin. Restrictions of electricity and water consumption or its rise in price imposed by the Government may have an adverse impact on the Brazilian economy, reducing the level of economic activity and subsequently the steel demand and negatively affecting the Company’s operations, results, and financial standing. Furthermore, the Company is not self-sufficient in energy production and, since its production process takes a huge volume of energy, occasional restrictions to electricity consumption may affect its economic activity and the rise in price may negatively affect its financial standing. 17 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Reduction and revocation of the steel import duty The current import duties on steel stand between 10% and 14% depending on the steel product marketed. The Brazilian government can change the rates mentioned, for example, for reasons of trade imbalance derived from changes in domestic or international economic conditions. Reduction in rates of import of steel products can raise the levels of imports affecting the Company's results. b) To its holding company, direct or indirect or holding group The Company’s controlling shareholders’ interests may be in conflict with the other Company’s shareholders’ interests. The Company’s controlling shareholders are empowered to, among other activities, elect the majority of the Board of Directors’ members and resolve the matters requiring the shareholders’ approval, under the terms and limits of the articles of incorporation and the applicable law. The practice of the power to control, as described above, may be different from the Company’s minority shareholders. c) To its shareholders The Brazilian Antitrust Authorities (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica - CADE), in session held th on April 9 , 2014, tried the case regarding the acquisition of minority equity interest in its capital by Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional - CSN and its related companies (“CSN Group”) (Merger nº 08012.009198/2011-21),concluded, unanimously, on the necessity of imposing restrictions to the Merger. The CSN Group has executed a Term of Commitment Performance (Termo de Compromisso de Desempenho - “TCD”) with CADE agreeing to dispose part of their equity held in Usiminas. The Company informs that it has had access only to the public version of the decision and thus unaware of any information related to the volume, conditions and terms of divestment of shares of Usiminas held by CSN. Take effect until the sale of the percentage of shares determined by CADE and throughout the period in which the CSN Group is a shareholder of Usiminas, political rights derived from shares Usiminas held by CSN shall remain suspended. According to the decision, the CSN Group is prohibited to directly or indirectly appoint any members of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board or any other Usiminas’ management and supervision bodies, among other restrictions. During the period of enforcement of the CADE decision, the lease of the CSN Group’s shares to third parties will be allowed, provided that it is carried out through the stock exchange, with multiple lenders, impersonally and within the terms and limits of the transactions regulated by BM&FBovespa. Contracts executed outside the stock exchange and beyond those limits, such as private contracts, are prohibited. The determination intends to dismiss the possibility of directing to one or more shareholders to, individually or jointly, use the political rights related to the shares held by the CSN Group. 18 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 d) To its subsidiaries and affiliates The Company’s subsidiaries are subject to risks related to legal, arbitration and administrative claims. The Company’s subsidiaries are party to a number of legal, arbitration and administrative claims, which may include claims discussing tax collection, labor disputes, as well as civil actions and public class actions, among others. The outcome of these claims cannot be estimated. In case a substantial part of such claims, or one or more claims of significant amount, is ruled against the Subsidiaries’ interests and no provision of similar amount exists, the Subsidiaries’ results may be adversely affected. Furthermore, if that is the case, even if there is sufficient provision, the Subsidiaries’ liquidity may be adversely affected. For more information, please refer to items 4.3 to 4.8 of this Reference Form. e) To its suppliers The Company’s exposure to the volatile costs of raw materials, especially the costs of charcoal and iron ore, may adversely affect its profitability. The main raw materials used in the iron production consist of charcoal and iron ore. Usiminas keep longterm contracts with strategic charcoal suppliers to supply part of its supply chain. Such suppliers are evaluated for global contract and financial performance and for delivery flexibility. In case of charcoal, since it is an imported raw material, buffer stocks are kept to reduce the risk of destocking due to occasional logistic problems. Charcoal price is traded on a monthly, quarterly, or semiannually basis with the suppliers. In case of rise in the charcoal price in reais due to exchange variation, the import cost of charcoal may increase the Company’s general production cost, thus resulting in decrease in its profitability. Iron ore supply for Usiminas is priced based on the monthly mean of the spot prices of ore traded in China, maritime and railroad transport cost and port handling apart, in addition to movement, converted into reais at the exchange rate of the previous month plus freight costs. The Company may be adversely affected in case of rise in iron ore price in the international market and exchange rate increase (R$/US$), if it cannot manage to transfer the costs to its products. In 2014, the costs of raw materials accounted for around 48.5% of the Company’s consolidated production costs. In 2013, such costs were around 52% and, in 2012, such amount was 41%. Rise in the raw material price may occur in the future, which will lead to reduction in the Company’s profitability, since not always the Company manages to transfer costs to its products. Nowadays, the Ipatinga and Cubatão plants virtually depend on two electrical energy suppliers, which serve almost its electrical energy needs. 19 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 According to the terms of the electric energy supply contracts, both CEMIG and Santo Antônio Energia SAESA must virtually supply all electric energy required for the Ipatinga and Cubatão plants to operate until December 31, 2019. In case such companies fail to supply or cannot supply all energy required for the activities to be developed in the Company plants, or in case one of them breaches or terminates the supply contracts, the Usiminas plants may have to acquire electric energy at higher prices than those traded, which may adversely affect their results. Natural gas is used in the Cubatão and Ipatinga plants, where the Company has firm supply contracts with the local concessionaires. Natural gas is an important energetic source for the Company and, in case of supply shortage, the production may be negatively affected; however, the Company is capable of applying in equipment other alternate energy resources, such as gas generated in the very process, fuel oil or diesel. f) To its customers Usiminas has an iron demand concentration in certain industry sectors, and any reduction in such demand could adversely affect its results Usiminas has relative concentration if its sales to the domestic market in the Automotive industry. During the year of 2014, the Automotive Industry (which aggregates the Automobile and Car Spare Part industries) accounts for 30% of the Company’s sales volume. Changes in the vehicle demand may significantly reduce the Company’s sales, thus affecting its results. On the other hand, reducing this risk, the relationship between the Company and its clients is not only based on the steel supply, but also on services, as application engineering, pre and post sale technical assistance and logistics facilities, among others. 20 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 g) To the economy sectors in which the issuer operates Changes in the Brazilian tax policies and charges to the steel industry may cause an important adverse effect to the Company. The Brazilian Federal Government may change in the future its tax policies and the charges to the steel industry, which may affect the Company. Such changes include alterations in the rates and in the tax calculation basis and, occasionally, the collection of temporary contributions related to specific governmental purposes. Some of those measurements may result in tax increase and, in this case, the Company may be incapable of achieving a proportional revenue growth, which may cause an important adverse effect. Also, please refer to the risk factor indicated in item 4.1. “a” above, entitled “The Company faces tough competition as for prices and other products, which may negatively affect its profitability and market share.” h) To the regulation of the sectors in which the issuer operates The Company is subject to a number of increasingly restraining environmental and health regulations, capable of implying increase of liabilities and capital expenditures. The Company’s facilities are subject to federal, state, and local human health and environment-related laws, regulations, and licenses. The Company may be subject to civil penalties, criminal sanctions, and mandatory injunctions of discontinuance of activities due to non-compliance with those regulations, which, among other impositions, limit or forbid both emission and leakage of toxic substances produced as a result of its activities. Current or past practices to remove debris may render the Company to cleanse or recover its facilities at a substantial cost, which may result in significant losses. In light of possible publication of unforeseen new normative rulings or other kinds of events, the amount of environmental expenses in the future may significantly range compared to those currently foreseen. i) To the foreign countries where the issuer operates Protective regulations may affect the Company’s capacity to export its products. Usiminas regularly exports to countries with steel imports tradition and no enough capacity to supply their domestic demand. Therefore, areas of low probability of steel imports restrictions. 21 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 4.2 With respect to each one of the risks described above, if significant, please comment on occasional expected reduction or increase in the issuer’s exposure to such risks Business risks capable of adversely impacting both operations and results, including changes in the macroeconomic and sector background that may influence the Company’s activities, are constantly monitored. Currently, the Company does not identify any background of increase or reduction of the risks mentioned in item 4.1 above. 4.3. Describe the judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings the issuer and its subsidiaries are party to, separating them by labor, tax, and civil, among others: (i) that are not under secrecy, and (ii) that are significant for the issuer’s and subsidiaries’ business: Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( X ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: Case No. Ordinary Action No. 132533920004013800 Court 18th Court of the Federal Justice - Court Division of MG Instance 2nd Filing Date 5/12/2000 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Defendant Federal Government Others None Values, assets or rights R$ 121,826,117.81 involved Suit filed by Usiminas questioning the non-approval of IRPJ offsetting over the balance of the inflationary gain, of the amounts paid in 1993 according to Law No. 8200, subsequently revoked. 06.19.00 - Petition for preliminary injunction granted. 01.25.02 - Decision granting the appeal is published. Major facts 03.19.02 - Appeal filed by both parties (appeal by Usiminas: only against the restatement criterion used by the Judge). 10.15.13 - Judgment rejecting both appeals. 11.22.13 - Amendments of judgment filed by Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote Analysis of the impact in Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned. the event of loss Value provisioned, if there is provision None. 22 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( X ) Administrative ( ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: 9 Case No. PTA No. 13603000422/2006-31 Court Administrative Board for Tax Appeals Instance 2nd Filing Date 04/12/2006 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Defendant Federal Government Others None Values, assets or rights R$ 109,045,334.32 involved PETITION FOR HOMOLOGATION OF CSL10 CREDIT ACHIEVEMENT. DISAGREEMENT AS FOR THE POSSIBLE OFFSETTING IN RELATION TO THE STATUTORY LIMITATION PERIOD. 04.12.06 - Rejection of the notice of tax delinquency filed. Major facts 10.13.06 – Notification of the decision that: 1) put notices of tax delinquency No. 13.603.000421/200631 (IRPJ) and 13.603.000422/2006-31 (CSL) together, as well as of the pronouncement of noncompliance related to suit No. 10.680.016230/2004-74 (IRPJ), for judgment; 2) did not homologate the petition for offsetting; and 3) deemed the assessment partially valid, determining the reduction of the spot fine from 75% to 50%. 11.13.06 - Docket of voluntary appeal by Usiminas. 05.10.13 - Voluntary appeal deemed partially valid. 05.17.13 - Amendments of judgment filed by Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote Analysis of the impact in Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned. the event of loss Value provisioned, if there None. is provision 9 Administrative Tax Claim Social Contribution on Net Profit 10 23 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: Case No. Ordinary Action No. 153416920084013800 Court 5th Court of the Federal Justice - Court Division of MG Instance 1st Filing Date 06/16/2008 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Defendant Federal Government Others None Values, assets or rights R$ 103,646,000.00 involved Suit filed by Usiminas questioning the non-homologation of IRPJ offsetting resulting from the LALUR review for 1995, with other federal taxes. 06.16.08 - Petition for preliminary injunction granted. 11.05.08 - Decision granting the Usiminas petition for accounting expert examination. 11.04.09 - Examination of the court file for the parties on the expert report published (favorable to Usiminas). Major facts 11.09.09 - Pronouncement by our technical assistant confirming the conclusions of the expert report. 12.09.09 - The Federal Government required stay of proceedings for 30 days to await the pronouncement by the Brazilian IRS. 04.08.10 - Petition for stay dismissed. An appeal was filed against that decision. 10.24.13 - Appeal filed by the Federal Government dismissed. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote Analysis of the impact Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned. in the event of loss Value provisioned, there is provision if None. 24 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Judicial ( x ) Civil ( ) Arbitration ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others: Case No. Public Class Action No. 00093627119974025001 Court Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region Instance 2nd Filing Date 11/10/1997 Parties to the proceeding Plaintiff Public Prosecution Service (MPF) Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Others Gerdau Açominas and ArcelorMittal Comercial Values, involved assets or rights Right to explore the Private Port Terminal of Praia Mole. The purpose of the suit is to affirm that the contracts legalizing the concession are null. 11.10.97 - Suit distributed. 02.17.98 - Preliminary order requested by MPF dismissed, whose purpose was to take away from the companies the control over the Terminal. 11.09.07 - Judgment favorable to the companies. Proceeding petitions deemed totally groundless. Major facts 04.08.08 - Appeal filed by MPF. 06.25.08 - Suit submitted to trial court for judgment of the appeal filed by MPF. 07.03.12 - Decision favorable to the companies. 11.12.12 - MPF filed appeal to STJ and STF. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote Analysis of the impact in the If the suit is deemed to have grounds, Usiminas will lose the right to explore the Private Port event of loss Terminal of Praia Mole. Value provisioned, if there is None. provision 25 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Judicial ( x ) Civil ( ) Arbitration ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others: Case No. Declaratory Statute No. 02755661920108130313 Court Court of Justice of Minas Gerais – 2nd Civil Court of Ipatinga/MG Instance 1st Filing Date 04/07/2008 Parties to the suit Plaintiff IPS Port Systems LTDA. and IMPSA Port Systems LTDA. Defendant Usiminas Mecânica S/A Others None Values, involved assets or rights Major facts R$ 347,912,561.87 Civil suit in which the plaintiffs petition for reimbursement and indemnity for losses allegedly suffered due to presumed non-compliance in the manufacture of cranes (object matter of the supply contract). 04.07.08 – Distribution of the main action to the 17th Civil Court of São Paulo, SP under No. 538.000.2008.133751-7. 09.09.09 – It was pronounced judgment that: a) in the court records of the main action, accepted the connecting motion to dismiss alleged by Usiminas Mecânica and ordered the suit to be redistributed to the court of Ipatinga/MG, as there had already been a proceeding involving the same parties and related to the same contract in Ipatinga/MG; b) in the court records of the interlocutory injunction, dismissed the petition for anticipation of the expert examination in Spain. 12.09.10 –Petitions were filed insisting that the proceeding related to the foreign plaintiff should be extinguished due to lack of suitable bond and financial ability by the Brazilian plaintiff to submit it. 07.14.11 – The Plaintiff, Impsa Port Systems, was excluded as a plaintiff to the suit. 10.17.11 – The plaintiffs filed an interlocutory appeal to reject the exclusion of the plaintiff Impsa from the suit. 02.03.12 – Return of the letters rogatory from Spain whose object was the technical examination. 02.23.12 – UMSA alleged that the expert evidence produced in Spain was null. 04.19.12 – The interlocutory appeal of the Plaintiffs was deemed partially valid and IMPSA started to make part of the party plaintiff of the action again. 06.11.12 – Both parties filed an appeal to the Superior Court. 12.14.12 – Decisions of the Vice-Presidency of TJMG11 rejecting the appeals to the Superior Court were published. 01.09.13 – Interlocutory appeals registered with TJMG against the decisions that did not accept the appeals to the Superior Court. Appeals resubmitted to STJ12. 12.04.13 – Decision reactivating the main proceeding published. Parties notified to submit questions for the examination required by the plaintiffs. 12.09.13 – Amendments of judgment opposed by UMSA requiring examination by the Judge of other motions to dismiss. 06.25.14 - Decision against the Amendments of judgment filed by UMSA was published. An appeal was filed against that decision. CURRENT PHASE: APPEAL ACCEPTED. WAITING FOR JUDGE´S DECISION ABOUT THE DEPOSIT TO BE DONE BY IPS. Chance of loss ( ) probable Analysis of the impact in the event of loss Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned. ( x ) possible ( ) remote Value provisioned, if there is None. provision 11 12 State Supreme Court Supreme Court 26 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: Case No. Delinquent Tax Collection Procedures No. 00241860420118130313 Court Court of Justice of Minas Gerais - Court of the Public Treasury of the Circuit Court of Ipatinga/MG Instance 1st Filing Date 01/12/2011 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Municipality of Ipatinga/MG Defendant Unigal Ltda. Others None Values, assets rights involved or R$ 123,387,455.49 ISS13 - Missing collection of tax supposedly due for the rendering of galvanization services (subitem 14.05 of the services list – Law No. 2033/2003). 01.12.11 - Assignment of the delinquent tax collection procedure. 09.28.11 - Unigal offered as attachment industrial equipment for purposes of security of debt and distribution of Amendments to the delinquent tax collection procedure. Major facts 10.26.11 - Indication of assets granted and drafting of the pledge instrument determined. 04.07.12 - Pledge instrument signed. 08.03.12 - Stays of execution distributed. 07.22.13 - Petition requiring technical expert evidence to be produced. 07.16.14 - Technical expert evidence accepted. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. Period lapsed from 01 to 12/2004 and from 01 to 08/2005 R$ 43,540,455.49 ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote Chance of loss Period from 09/2005 to 06/2009 R$ 79,846,571.02 ( ) probable Analysis of the impact in the event of loss ( x ) possible ( ) remote Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned. Value provisioned, if None. there is provision 13 Service Tax 27 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( X ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: Case No. Ordinary Action No. 122679519944013800 Court 6th Court of the Federal Justice - Court Division of MG Instance 1st Filing Date 06/03/1994 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Defendant Federal Government Others None Values, assets involved or rights R$ 81,472,233.66 Usiminas discusses if it would be possible to renounce the action due to amnesty it has adhered to (Law No. 11941/09), even following the discussion declared res judicata, since such requirement is not expressed in the legislation. Major facts 10.30.09 - A petition was filed informing the adherence to the payment in installments, disclosed by Law No. 11941/2009, and the waiver to the right on which the action is based, and requiring the conversion into pledge income and finding of outstanding balance by the company, according to calculations attached to the petition. 06.30.10 - Decision was handled down dismissing the waiver of the right on which the action is based and the petition for finding of the balance by the company and determining the conversion of the full amount of the pledge into final payment to the Federal Government. 07.12.10 - Appeal filed by Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote Analysis of the impact in the Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned. event of loss Value provisioned, if there is None. provision 28 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Civil ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others: Case No. Public Class Action No. 0008162292011807001 Court State Supreme Court of Distrito Federal14 and Territories – 18th Civil Court of Brasília/DF Instance 1st Filing Date 02/16/2011 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Prosecution Service of Distrito Federal - MPDFT Defendant Usiminas Mecânica S/A – 7th Contract Work Others Elmar Luiz Koenigkan, Espólio de Claudio Oscar de Carvalho Santanna, Clarindo Carlos da Rocha, Aldo Aviane Filho, Projconsult Engenharia de Projetos LTDA., Via Engenharia and UMSA. Values, assets or rights R$ 328,333,016.31 involved This is a public class action aiming to investigate the presumed overpricing in the construction of JK bridge in Brasília, petitioning reimbursement to the public treasury of the accrued amounts through the term of amendment to Contract Work No. 516/00. 02.24.11– Service of Process. 08.19.11 – UMSA filed defense. 02.02.12 – Evidence specification docket. Major facts 07.09.12 – Settlement hearing held with no agreement. 07.09.12 – Awaits decision in relation to the motions to dismiss challenged and the petitions for production of evidences. 10.17.12 - Motions to dismiss rejected and production of evidence granted. 11.08.12 – Interlocutory appeal against the corrective decision applied. CURRENT PHASE: PRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE MISSING, BUT THE SUIT IS SUSPENDED BECAUSE IT DEPENDS ON JUDGMENT OF THE INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL. Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote The value of the risk of Usiminas Mecânica is equal to that of the demand, which is not provisioned. Analysis of the impact in However, one may seek right of subrogation, in case any payment is made pursuant to several and joint the event of loss liability. Value provisioned, if there None. is provision 14 Federal District 29 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( X ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: Case No Public class action No. 00306942920128130313 Court Court of Justice of Minas Gerais – Court of the Public Treasury of the Circuit Court of Ipatinga/MG Instance 1st Filing Date 02/03/2012 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Chenia Paula Rodrigues Lucas Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Others Municipality of Ipatinga, Sebastião de Barros Quintão (mayor of Ipatinga during 2004-2009), Robson Gomes da Silva (mayor of Ipatinga during 2009-2012), Nilton Manoel (mediator). Values, assets involved or rights R$ 1,968,045,042.52 Public class action for the payment of IPTU15 supposedly due by Usiminas to the Municipality of Ipatinga from 1997 to 2012. Major facts The plaintiff alleges that, through documents and information, she proved that since 1997 several construction works not included in the calculation basis of IPTU have been made in the plant of Usiminas in Ipatinga/MG, which would have caused the municipality a loss of resources of around R$ 1,590,727,376.22. The plaintiff requests the defendants to be sentenced to reimburse to the public treasury the amounts of the uncollected credits. 03.02.12 – Distribution. 01.07.14 – Appeal presented by Usiminas based on the IPTU administrative process closed in 2013. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( X ) remote Analysis of the impact in the Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned. event of oss Value provisioned, if there is None. provision 15 Local Property Tax 30 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Civil ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others: Case No. Public Class Action No. 00205550519958240023 Court State Supreme Court of Distrito Federal and Territories – 1st Court of the Public Treasury of Florianópolis/SC Instance 1st Filing Date 03/29/1995 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Prosecution Service of Santa Catarina Defendant Usiminas Mecânica S/A – 5th construction work Others Neri dos Santos, Miguel Rodrigues Orofino, José Acelmo Gaio and Ster Engenharia S/A Values, assets involved or rights R$ 67,970,029.06 Public class action filed by the Prosecution Service of Santa Catarina for the purpose of seeking reimbursement of losses caused to the State’s public treasury due to supposed undue expenses in the construction of Pedro Ivo Campos bridge. 06.09.95– UMSA filed reply and impleaded BNDES16 and Representações STER Engenharia S/A. 07.21.98 – A decision was handed down, provisionally granting the impleader of BNDES and STER S/A. 01.26.99 – BNDES filed refusal of the impleader filed by UMSA. Major facts 04.12.04 – A decision was handed down, justifying the stay of proceedings and requiring sending of the court file to the State Supreme Court, as there is defendant in the capacity of former Federal Representative. 02.21.05 – A decision was handed own in that the suit does not belong to the jurisdiction of the State Supreme Court of the State of Santa Catarina, thus requiring the court files to be returned to its origin. 07.27.11 – UMSA filed requirements and appointed technical assistant. 03.15.13 – Stay of proceeding due to suspensive effect of interlocutory appeal. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL OF INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL. Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote The value of the risk of Usiminas Mecânica is equal to that of the demand, which is not provisioned. Analysis of the impact in the However, in case any payment is made due to several and joint liability, right of subrogation may be event of loss sought. Value provisioned, if there is None. provision 16 National Bank of Economic and Social Development 31 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( x ) Labor ( ) Civil ( X ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental Case No. No. 00012379620125020251 Court 1st Court of Cubatão/SP Instance 1st Filing Date 12/12/2012 ( ) Others: Parties to the suit Plaintiff Metallurgical Union (STISMMMEC) Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Others None Values, assets or rights Cannot be estimated involved Public Class Action in which the Union alleges that Usiminas dismissed several employees in 2012 without previous union negotiation. The plaintiff requires that all employees dismissed in 2012 (more than 1,000) be reinstated and that Usiminas be prohibited to dismiss again, without previous judicial agreement and as recovery of damages advertisement campaign against mass dismissal and payment of the amount of R$ 200,000.00 to Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Santos. Major facts 12.12.12 – Service of process received. 04.18.13 – Defense filed/hearing held. 12.02.13 – Action deemed groundless. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL OF APPEAL. Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote Analysis of the impact in the Cannot be estimated. event of loss Value provisioned, if there is provision None. 32 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Judicial ( X ) Civil ( X ) Arbitration ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others: Case No. Arbitration Claim No. 62/2013/SEC2 Court Chamber of Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC) Instance - Filing Date 10/18/2013 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Eldorado Brasil Celulose S.A. Defendant Usiminas Mecânica S/A Others None Values, assets involved or rights R$ 57,400,000.00 Arbitration claim arising out of the contract of purchase and sale of assets to supply 447 railway cars for the transportation of bales of pulp questioning (I) delay in delivery; (II) imposition of fine limited to 10% of the contract value; (III) indemnity for damages. Major facts 10.18.13 – Eldorado filed petition for Arbitration. 11.08.13 – UMSA presented its response to the arbitration requirement. 09.29.14 – UMSA presented its response to the initial allegations from Eldorado. CURRENT PHASE: WAITING DEFINITION ABOUT EVIDENCE TO BE PRODUCED. R$ 16,100,000.00 ( X ) probable ( ) possible ( ) remote Chance of loss R$ 41,300,000.00 ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote Analysis of the impact in the Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is provisioned. event of loss Value provisioned, if there is R$ 16,100,000.00. provision 33 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( x ) Administrative ( ) Judicial Nature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Civil ( ) Arbitration ( ) Others: Case No. Tax assessments nº 29537681, 29537690, 29537703, 29537711, 29537720 e 29537738. Court Administrative Court of Tax Appeal of Rio Grande do Sul (TARF) Instance 1st Filing Date 04/17/2014 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Rio Grande do Sul State Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Others None Values, assets involved or rights R$ 106,427,444.73 6 tax assessments (1 for each business establishment) from Rio Grande do Sul State for reversal of presumed credits that would have been taken when Usiminas was supposedly in illegal tax situation (debts with federal government not guaranteed). Major facts 05.21.14 - Rejection of the tax assessments filed by Usiminas. 07.23.14 – Rejection not accepted. 08.19.14 – Appeal presented by Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING ADMINISTRATIVE TRIAL. Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote Analysis of the impact in the Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned. event of loss Value provisioned, if there is provision None. 34 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( x ) Administrative ( ) Judicial Nature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Civil ( ) Arbitration ( ) Others: Case No. Tax assessment nº 10600720032201342. Court IRS Instance 1st Filing Date 01/20/2014 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Federal Government Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Others None Values, assets involved or rights R$ 53,052,738.19 Tax assessment to charge IRPJ and CSLL related to the year of 2008, when the Company did not add back, in the income tax calculation, the foreign “profit” obtained by its direct subsidiary Usiminas Commercial Ltda., located in the Cayman Islands. 01.20.14 - Rejection of the tax assessment filed by Usiminas. 10.10.14 – Decision partially favorable. Appeal presented by both parties. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING ADMINISTRATIVE TRIAL. Major facts Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote Analysis of the impact in the Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned. event of loss Value provisioned, if there is provision None. Instance: ( x ) Administrative ( ) Judicial Nature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Civil ( ) Arbitration ( ) Others: Case No. Tax execution nº 00035576320108260157 Court Tax Execution Court of Cubatão/SP Instance 1st Filing Date 05/24/2010 Parties to the suit Plaintiff State of São Paulo Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Others Values, assets involved Major facts Chance of loss None or rights R$ 54,594,000.00 The tax authorities from the State of São Paulo demand ICMS, due to Usiminas supposedly recognize illegal tax credits over freight. 05.24.10 – Tax execution distributed. 03.14.12 – Amendments to execution distributed. 07.10.12 – Petition requiring the production of technical accounting evidence. CURRENT PHASE: WAITING PRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE. ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote Analysis of the impact in the Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned. event of loss Value provisioned, if there is provision None. 35 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 4.4. Describe the judicial, administrative or arbitration claims, which are not confidential, to which the issuer or its subsidiaries are parties and whose adversary parties are managers or former managers, controlling shareholders or former controlling shareholders of the issuer or of its subsidiaries: Not applicable, as the Company has no judicial claims whose adversary parties are managers or former managers, controlling shareholders or former controlling shareholders or investors of the Company or of its subsidiaries. 4.5. With respect to confidential proceedings to which the issuer or its subsidiaries are parties, which have not been disclosed in items 4.3 and 4.4 above, analyze the impact in the event of loss and report the values involved. Not applicable, as there is no significant confidential claims to which the Company or its subsidiaries are parties, thus with no possible impacts. 4.6. Describe the repeated or linked judicial, administrative or arbitration claims, based on facts and similar legal causes, which are not confidential and that are significant in the aggregate, to which the issuer or its subsidiaries are a party, breaking down by labor, tax, civil claims and other types: 36 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil Values involved ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: R$ 231,414,000.00 Value provisioned, if there None. is provision The State of São Paulo filed a petition for reversal of previously unused credits taken by Usiminas Practice of issuer or alleging that they are: (i) used in duplicate and with no indication of the determining reasons; (ii) with subsidiary thereof that neither proof of origin nor indication of the determining reasons; and (iii) related to transactions of caused such contingency goods receipt for use and consumption of the establishment itself and with no indication of the determining reasons. Number of cases 03 I – Notice of tax delinquency No. 40089241 Case Number(s) II – Notice of tax delinquency No. 40263551 III – Notice of tax delinquency No. 40368282 Court Treasury Department of the State of São Paulo Instance 1st Filing Date I – 09/2012; II- 09/2013; III - 02/2014 Parties to the suit Plaintiff State of São Paulo Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Others None Chance of loss ( ) probable ( X ) possible ( ) remote I – Notice of tax delinquency No. 40089241 10.23.12 – Protest letter against the notice of tax delinquency filed by Usiminas. 05.17.13 – Protest letter against the notice of tax delinquency deemed groundless. 06.14.13 - Appeal filed by Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. II – Notice of tax delinquency No. 40263551 Major facts 10.01.13 – Protest letter against the notice of tax delinquency filed by Usiminas. 12.04.13 - Appeal filed by Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. III - Notice of tax delinquency No. 40368282 03.27.14 - Rejection of the notice of tax delinquency filed by Usiminas. 06.23.14 – Ordinary Appeal filed by Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. 37 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil Values involved ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: R$ 930,012,596.25 Value provisioned, if there None. is provision ICMS required on exportation of products deemed to be semi-finished by the tax authorities (before Constitutional Amendment No. 42/03). Notices of tax delinquency filed by the State of São Paulo Practice of issuer or under the allegation that Usiminas would have exported, from May 1991 to February 1994, semisubsidiary thereof that finished products destined to abroad. However, the exported goods were industrial products and, as caused such contingency such, exempt from ICMS on exportation, reason why the company did not collect the corresponding tax. Number of cases 03 I - Ordinary Action No. 583532008120242; Case Number(s) II - Ordinary Action No. 583532004025121; III - Ordinary Action No. 583532005019200. Court COURT OF JUSTICE OF SÃO PAULO: I and III – 4th VFP17; II – 2nd VFP Instance I and III- 1st; II – 2nd Filing Date I – 2004; II – 2005; III – 2008 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Defendant State of São Paulo Others None Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote I - Ordinary Action No. 583532008120242 04.25.08 – Assignment of the suit. 03.25.10 – Suspension of debt collection requirement (upon the interlocutory injunction). 11.28.13 – Verdict favorable to Usiminas interests. 07.28.14 – Submission of the documents to the Justice Court of São Paulo for the trial appeal of the State of São Paulo. 11.05.14 – Favorable decision confirmed by the Court. CURRENT PHASE: WAITING APPEAL. Major facts 17 II - Ordinary Action No. 583532004025121 09.22.04 – Assignment of the suit. 03.21.06 - Suspension of debt collection requirement (upon the interlocutory injunction). 09.01.14 – Technical evidence favorable to Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. III - Ordinary Action No. 583532005019200 08.24.05 - Suspension of debt collection requirement (upon the interlocutory injunction); 02.14.06 – Judgment favorable to Usiminas published. 09.12.06 – Appellate review applied by the State of São Paulo. 03.12.12 – Decision made by the Court validating the judgment favorable to Usiminas. 07.02.12 – The State files appeals to the Superior Court of Justice and the Supreme Court. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING EXAMINATION OF ADMISSIBILITY OF THE APPEALS. Court of Public Treasury 38 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( X ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Civil Values involved Value provisioned, there is provision ( ) Others: R$ 599,943,000.00 if None. Practice of issuer or The company (Cubatão plant) stopped linking the shipment invoices to the customs place in Cubatão with the subsidiary thereof that delivery notes for exportation (Period: 08 to 12/2004). caused such contingency Number of cases 02 I – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120100078666 Case Number(s) II – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120110023335 Court I/II – Court House of Cubatão – Tax Court Instance I/II – 1st I - 2010 Filing Date II – 2011 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Defendant State of São Paulo - State Public Treasury Others None Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote I – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120100078666 12.02.10 – Delinquent tax collection assigned by the State of São Paulo. 01.10.11 - Usiminas offered area 19 for attachment, located at the Cubatão plant / São Paulo state, related to blast furnace 2, enrollment No. 7289, for purposes of debt security and distribution of motions to stay delinquent tax collection procedures. 05.08.12 – Attachment signed. 06.06.12 – Assignment of motions to stay. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING EVIDENCE PRODUCTION. Major facts II – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120110023335 03.30.11 – Delinquent tax collection procedures assigned by the State of São Paulo. 05.17.11 – Usiminas offered area 19 for attachment, located at the Cubatão plant / State of São Paulo, related to enrollment No. 7275, for purposes of debt security and assignment of miotons to stay delinquent tax collection procedures. 08.01.11 – Final decision granting pledge over the assets indicated by Usiminas. 11.17.11 – Attachment signed. 12.19.11 – Assignment of motions to stay. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING EVIDENCE PRODUCTION. 39 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil Values involved Value provisioned, there is provision ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others: R$ 1,003,325,486.18 if None. The National Treasury requires ICMS credits of materials considered to be of use and consumption (refractory Practice of issuer or and other) to be reversed: Usiminas classifies the refractory materials used in steel production as intermediary subsidiary thereof that materials, whose ICMS credit taking is allowed. However, the tax authorities of São Paulo classifies such caused such materials as of use and consumption, whose ICMS credit taking is forbidden and requires the corresponding contingency credits to be reversed by Usiminas. Number of cases 07 Case Number(s) I – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120060002116; II - Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120100046407; III – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 31600475; IV – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 40106214; V – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 40263575; VI – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 40368294; and VII – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 00148253820108260053 Supreme Court of the State of São Paulo: I/VII – Court House of Cubatão - Tax Court Sector Court II/III/IV/V/VI – State Treasury Department of Santos/SP Instance I/VII – 2nd; II/III/IV/V/VI – 1st Filing Date I – 03/15/2006; II – 07/15/2010; III – 01/02/2012; IV – 09/24/2012; V – 10/01/2013; VI – 02/24/2014; VII – 05/12/2010 Parties to the suit Plaintiff State of São Paulo Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Others None Chance of loss Major facts ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote I – Delinquent tax collection procedure No. 1570120060002116 04.06.09 – Motion to stay delinquent tax collection procedures deemed groundless. 07.03.09 - Appellate review filed by Usiminas. 05.19.14 – Usiminas appeal deemed groundless. 06.06.14 - Amendments of judgment filed by Usiminas. 10.06.14 – Usiminas appealed to superior courts. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. II - Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120100046407 03.20.12 – Appeal filed by the State of São Paulo trying to obtain attachment of the financial assets of Usiminas. 04.22.13 – Petition filed by Usiminas informing the Court of the suspension of debt enforcement, rendered in Declaratory Action on the same matter. CURRENT PHASE: WAITING PRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE. III, IV, V and VI - Delinquent tax collection procedures no. 31600475, 40106214, 40263575 and 40368294 05.23.14 – Partial appeal provision to exclude interest from the State of São Paulo. CURRENT PHASE: SUSPENDED DUE TO FAVORABLE DECISION OF VII BELOW. VII – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 00148253820108260053 04.19.13 – Favorable decision to Usiminas interests. 06.24.13 – Appeal from the State of São Paulo. 03.26.14 – Judgment from the Court Justice of São Paulo favorable to Usiminas. 07.23.14 – Appeal to superior courts presented by the State of São Paulo. CURRENT PHASE: WAITING ELIGIBILITY EXAM OF THE STATE APPEAL. 40 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil Values involved ( X ) Judicial ( ) Tax ( ) Arbitration ( ) Environmental ( X ) Others: Defense of Competition R$ 131,643,702.70 Value provisioned, if there None. is provision Practice of issuer or Actions filed by Usiminas and extinct Cosipa petitioning CADE’s decision to be cancelled, which subsidiary thereof that imposed on that companies fines due to supposed infringement to economic order (price fixing) in caused such contingency conjunction with CSN. Number of cases 02 Case Number(s) I- Ordinary Action No. 2000.34.00.000087-1 2000.34.00.000088-4 (Cosipa) Court Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region Instance I/II – 2nd Filing Date I/II – 12/07/1999 (Usiminas); II - Ordinary Action No. Parties to the proceeding Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Defendant Administrative Council of Economic Defense – CADE Others Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional - CSN Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote Ordinary Action No 2000.34.00.000087-1 and Ordinary Action No. 2000.34.00.000088-4: 12.07.99 – Assignment of suits. 07.31.03 – The sentence was upheld in trial court, and a portion of the fine was suppressed, related to the supposed practice of deceitfulness. 06.14.10 – Appeals judged in TRF18 – 1st Region, through decision that kept the sentence on the same terms of the judgment rendered in trial court. 07.30.10 – Motions for clarification of judgment filed by the companies. Major facts 09.15.10 – Assignment of delinquent tax collection procedures No. 41842-28.2010.4.01.3400, aiming at the collection of the amount of the fine imposed on Usiminas. Usiminas has not appeared in court yet. 12.10.10- Order granting acceptance of the surety bond offered by Usiminas and Cosipa, for effect of debt security. 02.17.11 – Suspension of the delinquent tax collection procedures aimed at fine collection. 12.07.11 – Appeals to the Superior Court of Justice and the Supreme Court filed. 10.28.13 – Appeals on inadmissibility of the appeals filed. 09.30.14 - Precautionary measure in Justice Superior Court, not taken, regarding the obligation of publication of decision in newspaper. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL OF THE APPEALS. 18 Federal Regional Court 41 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( x ) Labor ( ) Civil Values involved ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: R$ 197,279,903.51 Value provisioned, if there None. is provision Actions filed by former in-house and outsourced employees of the Cubatão Plant in which they Practice of issuer or petition several labor allowances (overtime, commuter transit subsidy, salary recovery, risk premium subsidiary thereof that and hazard pay, commuting time, meal voucher, indemnities and fine of 40% of FGTS19). caused such contingency Number of cases Several. Case Number(s) Several. Court Several. Instance Several. Filing Date Several. Parties to the suit 19 Plaintiff Former employees of Usiminas S/A or former employees of companies contracted by Usiminas (Cubatão plant). Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A (Cubatão plant). Others Companies contracted by Usiminas (Cubatão plant). Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote Major facts Subsidiary responsibility of Usiminas (Cubatão plant) in actions filed by former employees of contracted companies. Unemployment Compensation Fund 42 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( x ) Labor ( ) Civil Values involved ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: R$ 185,409,341.36 Value provisioned, if there R$ 185,409,341.36 is provision Practice of issuer or Actions filed by former in-house and outsourced employees of the Cubatão plant in which they petition subsidiary thereof that several labor allowances (overtime, commuter transit subsidy, salary recovery, risk premium and hazard caused such contingency pay, commuting time, meal voucher, and indemnities). Number of cases Several Court Several Instance Several Filing Date Several Parties to the suit Plaintiffs Former employees of Usiminas S/A (Cubatão plant) or former employees of companies contracted by Usiminas. Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A (Cubatão plant). Others Companies contracted by Usiminas (Cubatão plant). Chance of loss Major facts ( x ) probable ( ) possible ( ) remote Subsidiary responsibility of Usiminas (Cubatão plant) in actions filed by former employees of contracted companies. 43 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( x ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( ) Tax ( ) Environment Values involved R$ 127,354,906.88 Value provisioned, if there is provision None. ( ) Others: Actions filed by former in-house and outsourced employees of the Ipatinga plant in which they petition several Practice of issuer or labor allowances (overtime, commuter transit subsidy, salary recovery, risk premium and hazard pay, , subsidiary thereof that commuting time, meal voucher, and indemnities), as well as petitions related to the pension fund of Usiminas; caused such contingency administrative proceedings arising out of notices of violation served in connection with labor inspections. Number of cases Several Court Several Instance Several Filing Date Several Parties to the suit Plaintiffs Former employees of Usiminas S/A (Ipatinga plant) or former employees of companies contracted by Usiminas. Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A (Ipatinga plant). Others Companies contracted by Usiminas (Ipatinga plant). Chance of loss Major facts ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote Subsidiary responsibility of Usiminas (Ipatinga plant) in actions filed by former employees of contracted companies and actions filed by former in-house employees involving the pension fund of Usiminas. 44 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( x ) Labor Values involved ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Civil ( ) Others: R$ 200,253,403.60 Value provisioned, if there None. is provision I – Public class action filed by 22 former employees and 1 employee of Usiminas, before the Federal Justice of Ipatinga, alleging that Usiminas has always used, and still has in its area, the product Asbestos Practice of issuer or (amianthus), which is not in compliance with the law. Demand arising out of acts supposedly harmful to the subsidiary thereof that work environment. caused such contingency II - Public Class Action filed by the Ministry of Public Labor Prosecution before the Labor Courts alleging the same principles and petitions of the popular action, plus petitions for PPP (Welfare Occupation Profile) correction, payment of risk premium and collective moral damages. Number of cases 02 I – 33683620124013814 Case Number(s) II - 0000247192013503033 I – 2nd Court of the Federal Justice of Ipatinga/MG Court II – 1st Labor Court Cel. Fabriciano/MG I – 1st instance Instance II – 1st instance I – 06/15/2012 Filing Date II – 02/18/2013 Parties to the suit I – Sérgio Santos Lopes and other (+22 plaintiffs) Plaintiff II Public Labor Prosecution Service I – Federal Government, MTE20, IBAMA21, USIMINAS and TEADIT Defendant Others II – Usiminas None R$ 200,000.00 ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote Chance of loss R$ 200,053,403.60 ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote I – Public class action No. 33683620124013814 10.15.12 – Defense filed. 02.08.13 – Specification of evidence filed by Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING PRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE. Major facts II – Public Class Action No. 0000247192013503033 04.30.2013 – Defense filed. 11.17.14 – Anticipated custody contrary to Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PROCESS INSTRUCTION. 20 21 Ministry of Labor and Employment Brazilian Environment and Natural Resources Institute 45 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 4.7. Describe other important contingencies not encompassed in the previous items Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: Case No. Ordinary Action No. 340556020014013400 Court Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region – Seventh Panel Instance 2nd Filing Date Parties to the suit Plaintiff Defendant Others Values, assets rights involved 12/19/2001 Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Eletrobrás and Federal Government None or R$ 990,415,000.00 Ordinary action filed by Usiminas seeking receipt of the full amount paid to Eletrobrás as compulsory loan from 1977 to 1993, with the due restatement and interests, according to criteria of the law in force at the time of the tax collection. 12.14.01 – Assignment of the suit. 03.06.03 - Judgment partially favorable to Usiminas published: the Judge did not agree with the indexes indicated by Usiminas for the restatement of the value payable by Eletrobrás. 03.25.03 – Appellate review applied by all parties. 03.24.04 - Appellate review filed by the Defendants dismissed. Appellate review of Usiminas granted in part. 05.26.04 - Requests for reconsideration filed by the Federal Government and appeal to the Superior Court of Justice filed by Eletrobrás. 12.19.06 - Appeals to the Superior Court of Justice applied. 03.24.09 - Appeals to the Superior Court of Justice halted until the final judgment of the repetitive appeal in STJ. Major facts 08.12.09 - Repetitive appeal in STJ judged. 12.15.10 – Docket of petition of Usiminas requiring that the judgment rendered by TRF be adjusted to the terms of the decision on the repetitive appeal. 07.01.11 – The petition for adjusting the judgment was granted and the proceeding was sent to the seventh panel of TRF. 11.08.11 – Judgment rendered, adjusting to the “leading case” with some contradictions. 12.13.11 – Amendments to the trial applied by the parties. 11.26.12 – New judgment with some new contradictions rendered. 12.14.12 – New amendments applied by the parties. 09.29.14 - Assignment in favor of Usiminas. 11.17.14 – Appeal from Eletrobrás. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL APPEAL. Chance of success ( x ) probable ( ) possible ( ) remote Analysis of the impact None. in the event of loss Value provisioned, if None. there is provision 46 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: Case No. Ordinary Action No. 00001521619994025101 Court Federal Justice/RJ Instance 1st Filing Date 12/22/1998 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Extinct Cosipa (Usiminas S/A) Defendant Eletrobrás and Federal Government Others CVRD, Copene, Cimento Mauá and others Values, assets involved or rights R$ 595,347,000.00 Ordinary action filed by Cosipa and others (plaintiffs) seeking receipt of the full amount paid to Eletrobrás as compulsory loan from 1977 to 1993, with the due restatement and interests, according to criteria of the law in force at the time of the tax collection. 02.22.98 – Assignment of the suit. 04.01.04 - Judgment partially favorable to the Plaintiffs published: The Judge did not agree with the indexes indicated by the Plaintiffs for the restatement of the value payable by Eletrobrás. Major facts 05.03.04 – Appellate reviews, both to the Superior Court of Justice and the Supreme Court applied by the Plaintiffs and appellate review applied by Eletrobrás. The Plaintiffs succeeded concerning the question of the applicable index for purposes of restatement, however, they did have an unfavorable decision, which deemed the values paid from 1977 to 1986 time-barred. 07.08.11 – Appeal filed before STF seeking to revert the decision related to the statute of limitation. 09.30.13 – Petition withdrawing the appeal. 12.09.13 - Discussion declared res judicata 12.17.14 – Decision execution. CURRENT PHASE: WAITING ELETROBRÁS CALL. Chance of success ( x ) probable ( ) possible ( ) remote Analysis of the impact in the None. event of loss Provisioned value (if there is None. provision) 47 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: Case No. Ordinary Action No. 323216220064013800 Court Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region - Seventh Panel Instance 2nd Filing Date 10/13/2006 Parties to the suit Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Defendant Federal Government Others None Values, assets or rights R$ 179,471,772.14 involved Exclusion of ICMS from the calculation basis of PIS and COFINS. The Company seeks to recover the values paid in the previous years related to ICMS in the calculation basis of PIS and COFINS. 10.13.06 – Assignment of suits. 07.18.07 - Judgment favorable to Usiminas published. Major facts 08.29.07 - Appellate review applied by the Federal Government. 09.25.12 – Appellate review filed by the Federal Government deemed valid. 10.11.12 – Amendments of judgment filed by Usiminas. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. Chance of success ( ) probable Analysis of the impact in the event of loss None. ( x ) possible ( ) remote Value provisioned, if there None. is provision 48 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Instance: ( ) Administrative Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others: Case No. Ordinary action No. 210176120094013800 Court 7th Court of the Federal Justice - Court Division of MG Instance 2nd Filing Date Parties to the suit Plaintiff Defendant Others Values, assets or rights involved 08/18/2009 Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A Federal Government None R$ 170,814,000.00 Legal action filed by Usiminas seeking to obtain the declaration of the company’s right to use the PIS/PASEP and COFINS credits over machinery, equipment, and other assets transferred to fixed assets prior to 04/30/2004. Major facts 08.18.09 – Assignment of suit. 08.24.10 – Judgment deeming the petitions of Usiminas valid. 08.30.10 – Appellate review filed by the Federal Government. CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL. Chance of success ( x ) probable Analysis of the impact in the event of loss Value provisioned, if there is provision None. ( ) possible ( ) remote None. 4.8. In relation to the rules of the foreign issuer’s country of origin and the rules of the country in which the foreign issuer’s securities are held in custody, if different from the country of origin, identify: Not applicable, as the Company is not an issuer of foreign origin. 5. Market Risks 5.1. Describe, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the main market risks the issuer is exposed to, including in relation to the exchange risks and interest rates. The Company’s activities, financial standing and operating results may be impacted by changes in the policies or rules involving or affecting factors, such as interest rates, exchange rate, inflation, liquidity of the financial markets and commodity prices. Changes in those factors influence the Company’s results. Concerning commodity prices, the Company is basically exposed to charcoal and iron ore-related prices, which account for 27% of the Company’s consolidated production cost. 49 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Part of the Company’s indebtedness expressed in foreign currency, mainly U.S. dollars, while a significant part of its revenues is in reais. At December 31, 2014, part of the Company’s net liability position in foreign currency, mainly US dollar, amounted to R$ 2.5 billion, that represented 36% of the consolidated figures. On the other hand, Company´s exports, mainly in US dollar, represented approximately 15% of total sales. Therefore, Company´s net exposure implies market risks associated with exchange variation (Real against US dollar). Company sales are intended mainly for the domestic market and its exports may be insufficient to offset the liability position in foreign currency. In view of the foregoing, a depreciation of the Brazilian real in relation to foreign currencies (especially in relation to the U.S. dollar) would increase the Company’s indebtedness measured in reais, with an eventual adverse effect on its results and financial conditions. However, at this same year-end period, the Company presented 1.2 billion dollars of cash and cash equivalents. Increase in the local and foreign interest rates may negatively affect the Company’s results. A fundamental part of the Company’s indebtedness is pegged to floating interest rates. At December 31, 2014, part of the Company’s total consolidated debts was in floating interest rates, mainly in TJPL and Libor, being R$ 618.0 million in TJLP and R$ 1.3 billion in Libor, which corresponded, respectively, to 9% and 19% of its total consolidated debts. Therefore, increases in local and/or foreign interest rates, especially TJLP and Libor, may negatively affect the Company’s results. The Federal Government has exerted and still exerts an important influence on the Brazilian economy. The Brazilian economic and political conjuncture has a direct impact on the Company’s activities. The Federal Government at times significantly changes monetary, fiscal and credit policies, among others, in order to influence the course of economy. The measurements the Federal Government adopts to control inflation and influence other policies may be implemented through price and salary control, depreciation or appreciation of the Brazilian real, controls over the resource remittance abroad, change in the benchmark interest rate, as well as other measurements. 50 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The measurements adopted by the Federal Government concerning the economy may have important effects over the companies and other bodies in Brazil, including the Company, and over the market conditions and prices of the Brazilian securities. The Company may be adversely affected by the changes in the policies adopted by the Federal Government, as well as other economic factors, namely: - inflation; - economic stagnation; - floating exchange rates and currency valuation/devaluation; - liquidity of the local securities and loan market; - price instability; - electricity shortage and rationing programs; and - water shortage and rationing programs. Uncertainty as for the implementation of changes by the Federal Government in the policies and rules that may affect this and other factors in the future may contribute to the economic uncertainty in Brazil. In such case, such uncertainties in the Brazilian economy may affect the Company’s activities and operating results. The Company is not able to foresee which fiscal, exchange, monetary, welfare policies among others the current or future Federal Government will adopt, not even if such policies will result in adverse consequences to the Country’s economy, our business or operating results, our financial standing or perspectives. Efforts made by the government to fight inflation may delay the Brazilian economy growth and affect the Company’s business. In the past, Brazil suffered extremely high inflation rates and, as a result, adopted monetary policies that resulted in one of the highest real interest rates in the world. Between December 2005 and December 2014, the SELIC (Special Clearance and Custody System) rate ranged between 18.00% and 11.65% p.a. Inflation and the measurements adopted by the Brazilian government to cope with it, especially by means of the Central Bank of Brazil, had and still may produce considerable effects over the Brazilian economy and the Company’s business. Rigid monetary policies with high interest rates may restrict the Brazilian growth and the credit availability. On the other hand, milder governmental and monetary policies and decreased interest rates may trigger increases of inflation rates and, as a result, the volatility of growth and need for unexpected and significant increases of the interest rates. Besides, we may have no condition to adjust the prices charged to offset the effects of inflation on the Company’s structure of costs. Any of these factors could negatively affect the Company’s business. 51 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Exchange instability may affect the Brazilian economy and the Company. During the last decades, the Brazilian currency has experienced frequent and important changes in relation to the U.S. dollar and other foreign currencies. At December 31, 2014, 2013, and 2012, the exchange rate was R$2.66, R$2.34 and R$2.04 per US$ 1.00, respectively, with real depreciating 13.4% in 2014, at 14.6% in 2013 and 8.9% in 2012. The depreciation of Real compared to U.S. dollar can generate inflationary pressures in Brazil and cause the increase of the interest rates, which, on its turn, can negatively affect the general growth of the Brazilian economy due to consumption decrease and affect both the Company’s financial standing and the operating results, in addition to restricting the access to the international financial markets and determining governmental interventions, including through recession policies. On the other hand, the appreciation of Real in relation to the U.S. dollar and other foreign currencies can result in worsening of the Brazilian balance of trade, facilitating imports and increasing competition of our products in the local market and restraining exportation-driven growth. Besides the effects mentioned above, real depreciation against US dollar affects around 40% of the steel production costs, nominated in US dollars. Events and the perception of risk in other countries, especially in emerging markets, may adversely affect the market value of Brazilian securities and the price of shares issued by the Company. The market for the securities issued by Brazilian companies is influenced, to a certain extent, by the economic and market conditions of other countries, including those in Latin America and other emerging countries. Although the economic conditions of those countries are different from the economic conditions of Brazil, the invertors’ reactions to the events in those countries may have an adverse effect on the market value of the securities from Brazilian companies, including of the shares issued by the Company. Occasional crises in other emerging countries may reduce the investors’ demand for securities from Brazilian companies, including the securities issued by the Company. Such facts may adversely affect the market of shares issued by the Company, which, if reduced, may hamper or even prevent the Company’s access to the stock market and the financing of its operations in the future. 52 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The Company presents high exposure to raw material costs and a strong fluctuation of its prices may affect Company´s profitability The Company is exposed mainly to domestic demand and possible fluctuations on the steel domestic demand may negatively affect Company´s businesses and results. Direct and indirect steel imports in Brazil have been growing lately. The maintenance and the increase of such imports may affect the Company´s steel production and sales. An electric energy and water rationing policy in Brazil may affect the Company results. In case of restriction imposed by the Government for electric energy and/or water rationing, the Company results and financial conditions may be adversely affected, as mentioned in item 4.1 of this Reference Form. The relative volatility and lack of liquidity of the Brazilian market of securities may significantly restrict the investors’ capacity to sell the shares issued by the Company at the price and time intended. Investing in securities traded in emerging markets, such as Brazil, involves often major risk compared to other global markets, and therefore such investments are generally deemed of more speculative nature. The Brazilian market of securities is significantly smaller, less liquid and more concentrated, and may be more volatile than the principal global markets of securities. Besides, the Company may not ensure liquidity of the shares it issues. Such factors may considerably restrict the capacity of the holders of shares issued by the Company to sell them at the price and time intended. 5.2. Describe the policy to manage market risks adopted by the issuer, its objectives, strategies and instruments, indicating: a) Risks against which one may seek protection The Company seeks to reduce the exchange exposure to the volatility of currencies, commodity prices, interest rates, volatility in the cash flow, and to avoid mismatching among currencies. The Company does not adopt specific hedges related to inflation or market liquidity. 53 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 b) Strategy of equity hedge To hedge the balance sheet, in relation to the exposure of debts and suppliers in foreign currency, the Company privileges natural hedge operations, with some assets pegged to the foreign currency (cash, shortterm investments and receivables from exports), which reduce foreign exchange exposure. Also, the Company engages derivative financial instruments for the same purpose. c) Instruments used for equity hedge The instruments applied by the Company consist of transactions involving: (i) currency swap, replacing exchange exposure of foreign currency to reais; (ii) interest rate swap, replacing floating rate with fixed rate; (iii) hedge of commodities, avoiding abrupt variations in their prices. d) Parameters used for managing such risks The Company’s Financial Policy, which also encompasses its subsidiaries, establishes the following parameters: - criteria for selection of the banks and choice of investments allowed are established. - the objectives of the transactions of derivatives and limits allowed are stipulated. - the level of contraction of its transactions is defined. - the grade of exposure to the financial market risks is controlled. - monitoring of the exchange exposure. e) In the event the issuer operates financial instruments with different objectives of equity hedge and which those objectives are As described in letter “c” above, the instruments used are financial instruments of derivatives with the objective of hedge, reducing the Company’s exposure to the volatility of currencies, commodity prices, interest rates, volatility in the cash flow and avoidance of mismatching among currencies. The Company does not contract financial instruments with others objectives. 54 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 f) Organizational structure for risk management control Every Company employee is in charge of performing control activities, according to corporative rules approved and widely disclosed. To ensure that the directives and objectives established in the Financial Policy approved by the Board of Directors are complied with, the Company relies on a Financial Board that meets from time to time and follows the financial positions. Such monitoring is also carried out by the General Audit Management from the works of compliance with the Financial Policy. Subordinated to the Board of Directors, the General Internal Audit Management is in charge of evaluating the internal control system and directly refers to the Audit Committee, body required by the Company’s articles of incorporation, consisting mainly of board members. In 2014, the Audit oversaw the maintenance of the Corporate Governance levels, the maturity in applying the Risk-Based methodology. The result of such audits provided enhancements in the structure of internal controls, improvement of the Corporate Governance practices and contributed to running preventive actions to reduce the Company’s risks. g) Suitability of the operating structure of internal controls to check the effectiveness of the policy adopted The Company believes that the operating structure and internal controls to check the risk management policy are suitable and under continuous improvement process. The Company makes every effort to run actions proposed by the internal committee and audits as for suitability of the risk management policy, as well as prevention, control, and reduction of risks capable of affecting the Company. In 2014 the anti-corruption law was the subject of a classroom and e-learning course for all employees of all group companies. The course was planned by the Internal Audit department with the support of the Legal department. The Company reinforced the Open Channel and the Code of Conduct. This preventive action shows the values adopted by the Company. 5.3. Inform if, in relation to the last fiscal year, there were significant changes in the principal market risks to which the issuer is exposed or in the risk management policy adopted In regard to the risks exhibited in items 5.1 and 5.2, the Company believes there were no significant changes in the risks showed when compared to the previous fiscal year. Since the year of 2009, the Company adopted a Financial Policy, whose objective is to establish general guidelines for management and investment of financial resources, in line with the strategic guidelines and the risk profile of the business. This policy is to ensure efficiency in the management of the company’s assets and liabilities, supported by the Cash Management and Market Risk Management guidelines, approved by this board. 55 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 In 2014, the exchange impact on the Company’s financial result was negative by R$ 193 million, because of a 13.4% depreciation in real compared to U.S. dollar. In 2013, the exchange impact on the Company’s financial result was negative by R$ 241 million, because of a 14.6% depreciation in real compared to the U.S. dollar. In 2012, the exchange impacts on the Company’s financial result in the amount of R$ 191 million, basically because of a depreciation of 8.9% of real compared to the U.S. dollar. Such impacts are basically related to loan and financing contracts in foreign currency (mainly U.S. dollar), which accounted for 43% of the total amount financed in 2014, 34% of the total amount financed in 2013 and 45% of the total amount financed in 2012. The Company seeks to hedge itself against currency fluctuations, performing swap transactions, always in compliance with the guidelines established in its Financial Policy. 5.4. Provide other information as the issuer may deem significant No information deemed significant. 6. History of the issuer 6.1. In relation to the issuer’s incorporation, inform: a) Date: 04/09/1954 b) Nature: Joint Stock Company c) Country of incorporation: Brazil 6.2. Inform the issuer’s duration Undetermined 56 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 6.3. Brief History of the issuer History Cycles of the Company FOUNDATION (1956-1958) In an optimistic background created by the Development Plan of president Juscelino Kubitscheck - JK, the Company is founded on April 25, 1956. In June 1957, the Lanari-Horikoshi agreement consolidated the Japanese interest in the company, which received the financial investment of the governments of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and Japan. On August 16, 1958, JK thrust in the initial stake for the construction of the plant in Ipatinga, then a village with 300 inhabitants. CONSTRUCTION (1959-1962) Ipatinga lacks the infrastructure required to shelter the 10 thousand workers estimated for the construction works of the Company, which prepares an urbanization plan for the city and creates conditions to receive both the employees and the civil construction workers. On October 26, 1962, president João Goulart lights the first blast furnace and launches the plant, then with capacity to produce 500 thousand tons of iron annually. SOCIAL INVESTMENT (1965) The year is a benchmark for the social friendly operation of the Company. On May 1, 1965, the Company lays the foundation of Márcio Cunha Hospital. In the same year the population of Ipatinga receives the facilities of a pulmonology center, a preventive medicine center, three policlinics with dental offices, an emergency room - located inside the plant - and one childcare clinic. st 1 EXPANSION CYCLE (1969-1974) Brazil experiences a strong economic growth period and the Company commences its first expansion cycle, which boosts the production capacity to 1.4 million tons p.a. In 1970, with the foundation of Usiminas Mecânica, it starts to serve both the civil construction and mechanics sectors. Next year the Research Site starts to develop its own projects and operates in technology transfer. In 1974, with the inauguration of blast furnace 3, the annual production capacity reaches 3.5 million tons of steel p.a. BEATING RECESSION (1980) The Company reacts to the financial crisis the Country is going through with an internal economy program, applying a new system of smart, more flexible management, thus improving the use of physical, financial and human resources. The Company changes its central office to the new building main office, in the region of Pampulha, in Belo Horizonte. 57 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTMENT (1984) The Company pioneers in the State of Minas Gerais the Project Xerimbabo, which means “pet” in tupi, whose objective is to develop courses, seminars and exhibits focusing on environmental education. PRIVATIZATION AND MODERNIZATION (1991) On October 24, 1991, the Company becomes the first state-owned company to be privatized by the National Privatization Program. Next it receives investments of US$ 2.1 billion in technological updates to increase and optimize the production and boost the environmental protection. In November of that year, the company’s shares start to be trade on BM&FBOVESPA S.A. - Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros MERGER AND PIONEERING (1993-1996) Companhia Siderúrgica Paulista (Cosipa), one of the Country’s largest plants, with principal place of business in Cubatão (SP), is acquired by the Company, which invests in technological update, environmental recovery and safety. Still in 1993, electrolytic galvanization is launched at the Ipatinga plant, with investment of US$ 228 million. In 1996, the Ipatinga plant becomes the first company in Brazil and the second in the world to receive the certification of ISO 14001 concerning respect to environment and environmental protection. RESTRUCTURING (1998-2001) The current ownership of Usiminas is the result of a corporate restructuring that took place between 1998 and 2001 and involved Usiminas and Cosipa, through which Usiminas became the single shareholder of Cosipa. The restructuring consisted of reallocation of assets and liabilities between Usiminas and Cosipa, so that at the end of the process the former Usiminas could merge with the former Cosipa, which changed its designation and principal place of business, thus creating the current Usiminas, and the principal assets of the former Cosipa were transferred to the new company, Cosipa. It was centralized in Usiminas the right to use the Terminal of Cubatão and the correlated activities, the right to use the oxygen plant and explore gases generated in the steelworks process developed in Cubatão, as well as assumption of short-term indebtedness, in addition to the issue, by Cosipa, of debentures convertible into shares, which were subscribed for by Usiminas and converted into shares in October 2001, with its subsequent growing interest from 32% to 93% of the total capital of Cosipa. In 1999, following investment of US$ 852 million, the company launches the Country’s most modern cold roll laminating line - Cold Roll Laminating 2, with yearly production capacity of 1 million tons. In the same year, Unigal Ltda. (“Unigal”), a steel plate galvanizing company is created for the manufacture of automobiles, home appliances, civil construction, among other. 58 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 INTEGRATION (2005-2006) Usiminas executed public offer for the acquisition of remaining shares issued by Cosipa, withheld by its minority shareholders, held through auction in BOVESPA and finished on March 18, 2005 with the purpose of annulling the registration of public-traded company of Cosipa. The registration of public-traded company held by Cosipa was annulled on April 5, 2005. With capital going private, Cosipa commences to be the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary. Also in 2005, the company discloses partnership with Grupo Techint and interest of 14.2% in the steel company Ternium, thus forming a company with installed capacity of 12 million tons/p.a. In November 2006, shareholders execute a new agreement, which strengthens the control group and reaffirms the commitment towards the continuous improvement of its production process. RECENT INVESTMENTS (2007-2014) In order to optimize the business, Usiminas carried out, over the last 7 years, a number of investments in its several unities to improve the quality of its products, its production mix and to optimize the production and flow of own iron ore. In 2008, Usiminas acquired its iron ore mines, which consisted of a reserve of 2.6 billion tons of iron ore in the region of Serra Azul - MG, one of the biggest ore-producing states in Brazil. In order to flow that ore, the company also acquired, in the same year, a land in Baía de Sepetiba/RJ for transportation of iron ore for export and possible alternative for the Company’s future port installations. Still in 2008, Usiminas acquired Zamprogna, until then the biggest independent ore distributor and the greatest manufacturer of welded pipes in Brazil, thus increasing its distribution network especially in the south of the country. In 2009, Usiminas consolidated all of its steel processing and distributing companies into a single company, thus creating Soluções Usiminas. The year of 2009 was also marked by the merger of the former Cosipa, for the purpose of a synergy and optimization gain of human and financial resources. On March 18, 2009, Usiminas announced the release of a new brand, starting up the great reformulation in the architecture of its business. The new brand integrated the self-renewal process of Usiminas, commenced in 2008 with the implementation of a distinguished management model and renewal of the Company’s business structure. Still in 2009, the Company consolidated the group of its performance areas into four Business Units: Mining, Metallurgy, Steelworks, Steel Transformation, and Capital Assets. 59 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The most outstanding happening in the year of 2010 was the completion of two important investments. Coke Oven 3, in Ipatinga, became operational to increase own generation of coke, contributing to the reduction in the costs of Usiminas. CLC, an accelerated cooling equipment of Thick Plates, brought to the product of Usiminas a new technology that lead it to a new quality level. Such equipment allowed promising markets (such as those of oil and gas) to access the products of Usiminas, in product categories that could not be met by the company before. Still in 2010, Mineração Usiminas S.A. (MUSA) was created, through partnership with Sumitomo Corporation and, subsequently, that company executed several agreements to optimize its product production and flow. The company also executed an agreement with MMX to use the Port in the region of Itaguaí, which will allow MUSA to have a port exportation capacity as it increases its production level. In 2011, the company entered into cooperation and joint mining agreements, aiming to increase its production capacity, with MMX, MBL and Ferrous, in addition to having acquired the former contentious area. Great investments were made in the year of 2011, such as the new Hot Roll Galvanizing Line in Ipatinga, which increased the production capacity of the highest added value product of the company, and the foundry line of Usiminas Mecânica. The year of 2012 was marked by the entry of Ternium/Tenaris, replacing Votorantim and Camargo Correa in the control group consisting of shareholders Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (new designation to Nippon Steel Corporation) and Previdência Usiminas, which executed a new Shareholders’ Agreement until 2031. The Company strengthened itself to regain competitiveness by making efforts focused on key areas o four business, commercial and industrial. In 2012, a great cycle of investments in Metallurgy had come to an end. In the last five years, around R$ 11 billion were inverted in the modernization of our metallurgical units and in the increase of laminating and galvanization capacity for the production of higher added value steel. The Company finished its new Hot Strip Mill 2 (HSM 2). With investments in the amount of R$ 2.5 billion paid up since 2007, the equipment, installed in the Cubatão plant (SP), is one of the most modern in the world, with production capacity of 2.3 million tons/p.a. of hot-rolled steels. By doing that, the company increases its offer of products focused on more added value markets, such as the spare part, oil and gas, machinery and equipment industries, among others. Additionally, the Company started to strongly perform in the search of more efficient industrial processes and more integration with customers, seeking control of costs and CAPEX and adapting them to the challenging context that the industrial sector faces. In Mineração Usiminas the investments in total were R$ 554.8 million in 2012, mainly related to the Project Friáveis. The year of 2013 was marked by the recovery of good results in the Company’s operating cash generation, which strengthened its competitiveness by making efforts focused on key areas o four business, commercial and industrial. The Company worked over the year in the industrial processes, continuously seeking operational stability, efficiency, and cost reduction, with rigid discipline of controls. 60 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The investments in 2013 totaled R$ 981 million, 40% less compared to the year of 2012, in line with the Company’s strategy of optimizing its CAPEX. The principal investments in 2013 were: the Project Friáveis, expansion of the production capacity in Mineração Usiminas; new Pickling line No.3, in the Cubatão plant; and the reform of Coke Oven No. 2 in the Ipatinga plant. On December 20, 2013 the shareholding of Usiminas in the capital of Automotiva Usiminas S.A. (“Automotiva”) was fully sold to Aethra Sistemas Automotivos S.A. The sale of Automotiva is in line with the Company’s strategy to prioritize, in its portfolio, the transactions directly associated with its principal activities, seeking to maximize its competitive positioning. In Mineração Usiminas, in 2013 investments reached R$ 317.3 million, mostly regarding the Project Friáveis. The year 2013 was marked by the beginning of the operations of the Iron Ore Treatment Installation (ITM), designated Samambaia, as an integral part of the expansion plan of Mineração Usiminas, which estimates for 2014 the beginning of the operation of ITM Flotação, where it will reach the total annual production capacity of 12 million tons. Also, it was the beginning of the exploration of the mining rights leased of MBL, which borders those of Mineração Usiminas S.A., in the region of Serra Azul (MG), which increases the company’s access to its reserves. The leasing is to last 30 years or until depletion of the reserves. Still in 2013, Mineração Usiminas invested R$ 317.3 million, mainly in the conclusion of the Project Friáveis, increasing the iron ore production capacity to 12 million tons per year. The investments in 2014 totaled R$ 1.1 billion, 13.1% higher compared to the year of 2013. The main investments were related to maintenance CAPEX, reform of Coke Oven No. 2 in the Ipatinga plant and the conclusion of the Project Friáveis in the Mining unit. 87% of the total investments in 2014 were designated to the Steel unit, 8% to the Mining unit, 4% to the Steel Transformation unit and 1% to the Capital Assets unit. The Mining unit highlight in 2014 was the startup of the Iron Ore Treatment Installation (ITM) designated Flotação, that will recover Pellet Feed from natural thin iron ore, thin iron ore dam and thick reject from existing ITM´s and is part of the expansion plan for Mineração Usiminas, that estimates for 2015 the consolidation of basic engineering with the Compact Project, for adapting to the new iron ore world market scenario. Mineração Usiminas invested in 2014 R$ 94.3 million, mainly related to the projects of dam heightening and logistics flow, with the objective of adapting the current operation to the production levels estimated with the startup of the new plants of Project Friáveis. 6.4. Date of Registration with CVM 04/11/1994 61 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 6.5. Describe the principal corporate events, such as incorporations, mergers, spin-offs, incorporations of shares, disposals and acquisitions of corporate control, acquisitions of important assets that the issuer or any of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies have experienced in the last 3 fiscal years: In the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014 a) Event Fasal Trading Brasil closing b) Major business conditions At November 5 , 2014 the Company´s management decided to close down the subsidiary Fasal Trading Brasil. th Fasal Trading Brasil had as social object the trading of steel and metallurgical products, related services, as well as interest in other companies, national or foreign, with related or complementary activities to yours. c) Companies involved Fasal Trading Brasil d) Effects from the operation on the There was no effect resulting from this operation. shareholding structure, especially on the controlling interest, of shareholders with interest of more than 5% and officers of the company e) Shareholding structure before and after There was no change. operation In the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013 a) Event Disposal of subsidiary company “Automotiva”. b) Major business conditions On June 14, 2013, the Company executed with Aethra Sistemas Automotivos S.A. (“Aethra”) a contract of purchase and sale of shares (“Contract”), which established the whole transfer of shareholding in the capital of Automotiva Usiminas S.A. (“Automotiva”). The sales price (company’s value), based on the balance sheet of March 31, 2013, in the total amount of R$210 million and, as established in the Contract, will be adjusted based on the variation of the working capital between that balance sheet and the closure, occurred in November 2013. On December 20, 2013, after fulfillment of the precedent conditions provided for in the Contract, the operation of disposal was completed, for which the Company received the total sum of R$140 million and recorded a balance receivable of de R$16 million. c) Companies involved Automotiva Usiminas S.A. d) Effects from the operation on the There was no effect resulting from this operation. shareholding structure, especially on the controlling interest, of shareholders with interest of more than 5% and officers of the company e) Shareholding structure before and after There was no change. operation 62 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a) Event Capital increase in Mineração Usiminas. b) Major business conditions On September 26, 2013, the capital contribution in Mineração Usiminas S.A. was completed. In the transaction, the Company increased capital by transferring the land of its ownership in Itaguaí - RJ, in the amount of R$ 246 million, and the shareholders Serra Azul Iron Ore LLC and Sumitomo Corporation do Brasil S.A., companies of Grupo Sumitomo Corporation, contributed R$221 million, R$105 million being destined to the capital and R$ 116 million to the capital reserve of MUSA. c) Companies involved Usiminas, Mineração Usiminas, Serra Azul Iron Ore LLC and Sumitomo Corporation do Brasil S.A. d) Effects from the operation on the There was no effect resulting from this operation. shareholding structure, especially on the controlling interest, of shareholders with interest of more than 5% and officers of the company e) Corporate structure before and after There was no change. operation In the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 a) Event Downstream merger of Summit Empreendimentos Minerais Ltda. b) Major business conditions On October 26, 2012, Mineração Usiminas S.A. (“MUSA”), with the purpose of taking operational synergy, merged with its shareholder Summit Empreendimentos Minerais Ltda. (“SEM”), a limited liability company, with main place of business in São Paulo, State of São Paulo, in a downstream merger. c) Companies involved MUSA and SEM d) Effects from the operation on the As a result of that merger, the shares representing the capital of MUSA belonging shareholding structure, especially on the to SEM were allocated to Serra Azul Iron Ore L.L.C. and Sumitomo Corporation controlling interest, of shareholders with do Brasil S.A., sole unit of interest holders of SEM. interest of more than 5% and officers of the company e) Shareholding structure before and after There was no change in the shareholding structure of Mineração Usiminas after operation the downstream merger of SEM. a) Event Merger of Mineração Ouro Negro b) Major business conditions On September 28, 2012, Mineração Ouro Negro was merged by Mineração Usiminas c) Companies involved Mineração Usiminas and Mineração Ouro Negro d) Effects from the operation on the There was no effect resulting from this operation. shareholding structure, especially on the controlling interest, of shareholders with interest of more than 5% and officers of the company e) Shareholding structure before and after There was no change in the shareholding structure of Mineração Usiminas after operation the merger of Mineração Ouro Negro. 63 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a) Event Closure of the Activities of Usiminas Portugal b) Major business conditions On November 30, 2012, the Company restructured its shareholdings abroad, opting to close the activities of Usiminas Portugal, a company located in Portugal. That company was a subsidiary of Usiminas International. c) Companies involved Usiminas International and Usiminas Portugal d) Effects from the operation on the There was no effect resulting from this operation. shareholding structure, especially on the controlling interest, of shareholders with interest of more than 5% and officers of the company e) Shareholding structure before and after There was no change in the shareholding structure of Usiminas International operation a) Event Closure of the ativities of Fasal Trading Corporation b) Major business conditions On August 3, 2012, the Company restructured its shareholdings abroad and closed the activities of Fasal Trading Corporation, located in Florida, in the United States of America. That company was a subsidiary of Fasal Trading Brasil. c) Companies involved Fasal Trading Brasil and Fasal Trading Corporation d) Effects from the operation on the There was no effect resulting from this operation. shareholding structure, especially on the controlling interest, of shareholders with interest of more than 5% and officers of the company e) Shareholding structure before and after There was no change in the shareholding structure of Usiminas International operation 6.6. Indicate if the issuer filed any petition for bankruptcy, provided that it is based on relevant value, or for judicial or out-of-court reorganization There was no petition for bankruptcy in the last 3 fiscal years. 6.7. Provide other information as the issuer may deem relevant In addition to the information above, the Company believes there is no additional relevant information that must be provided in this item 6 of the Reference Form. 64 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 7. Activities of the issuer 7.1. Describe briefly the activities developed by the issuer and its subsidiaries According to its values, vision and corporate identity, the Company consolidates the group of its operations in four major business units: 1. Mining; 2. Steel production; 3. Steel transformation; 4. Capital assets. In the mining business unit there is allocation of the mineral assets of the mine of Serra Azul, located in the Iron Quadrilateral of Minas Gerais, and one back-up area situated in the Port of Itaguaí, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The business unit also has interest of the Company in MRS Logística S.A. (“MRS”), a concessionaire that controls, operates and monitors the South-east Network of the Federal Railway Network. The steel production activity counts on the plant of Ipatinga (MG) and Cubatão (SP) and Unigal Ltda., Jointventure between the Company (70% interest) and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Co. (30% interest), which processes hot-dip galvanized coils. Galvanized steel is especially used in the automotive, household appliance, and civil construction industries. Until February 2011, the activities of a subsidiary of the Company accounted for 14.25% of the total capital. The Company sold its total interest in the company Ternium in February 2011. Two private mixed use marine terminals also belong to the Steel business unit: the Private Terminal of Praia Mole (TPPM), in Espírito Santo, in which the Company participates as jointly-owned assets, and the Private Marine terminal of Cubatão (TMPC), in São Paulo, both situated outside the Organized Ports of Vitória and Santos, respectively. The business unit of steel transformation encompasses the companies Soluções em Aço Usiminas S.A (“Soluções Usiminas”) and Rios Unidos Logística e Transportes de Aço Ltda. (“Rios Unidos”). Soluções Usiminas (SU) was consolidated in 2009 and 2010 from the steel processing and distribution industries Fasal, Rio Negro, Dufer, and Zamprogna NSG, and the industrial assets of Usiminas, Usial and Usicorte. The capital of Soluções Usiminas is divided among the Company (68.9%), Metal One Corporation (20%) and the Sleumer family (11.1%). The company is specialized in the production of products and rendering of services from flat steels and in its distribution. The Company operates in the capital assets sector through Usiminas Mecânica S.A. (“Usiminas Mecânica”), one of the biggest Brazilian companies, which provides high added value products, such as industrial equipment and metallic structures, blanks and forged steel, several assemblies, railway cars, casted for a number of industry sectors. For more information about the activities of the Company’s subsidiaries, please refer to 9.1., letter “c” of this Reference Form. 65 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 7.2. In relation to each operational sector disclosed in the last year-end financial statements or, if any, in the consolidated financial statements, indicate the traded products and services, revenue from the sector and its percentage of the Company’s net revenue, and profit or loss of the segment and its percentage. a) Traded products and services In the Steel Business Unit, Usiminas produces and trades the following flat rolled steel products: plates, thick plates, hot-rolled products, cold-rolled products (uncoated products), electro-galvanized and hot-dip galvanized products (coated products). Plates: Primary products resulting from the continuous casting of carbon steel (from ultra-low to high content) and/or micro bonded steel, of thickness ranging from 210mm to 260mm at the Cubatão plant, and of 200mm and 252mm at the Ipatinga plant, width ranging from 700 to 2,000 millimeters and minimum height of 2,450 millimeters. The plates are basic inputs for the production of flat products. However, they can also be sold to clients. Heavy plates: Products resulting from hot rolling of steel plates, whether followed or not by thermal treatment, ensuring a wide range of mechanical properties, so that mechanical resistance limit values of 1000 MPa may be reached. As for dimensions, thickness may range from 6.0 to 150.0 millimeters, width from 900 to 3,900 millimeters, and height from 2,400 to 18,000 millimeters. The heavy plates may be provided under the condition of conventional rolling, controlled rolling or controlled rolling followed by accelerated cooling (TMCP). Those produced by conventional rolling may be supplied with thermal treatment, such as normalization, quenching and tempering. Those products may be applied in infrastructure businesses, civil construction (including bridges, hangars, and buildings), maritime platforms, large-diameter pipes, agricultural and mining tools, and power plants. Hot-rolled steels/Hot strips: Those products may be traded as coils or sheets and may reach high levels of mechanical resistance, around 800 MPa. In relation to thickness, they may contain materials from 1.5 to 20.0 mm and, as for width: between 715 and 2,050 mm. The principal consuming sectors are spare parts, small and large diameter tubes, civil construction, heavy structures, machinery and equipment, railway and highway equipment, agricultural tools and components of electrical and electronic appliances. Cold-rolled steels: Those products are traded as coils and sheets and may have high level of mechanical resistance, of 1000 MPa. In dimensional terms, they may be supplied with thickness ranging from 0.20 to 3.0 millimeters and width between 750 and 1,860 millimeters. Thin sheets and cold-rolled coils are applied in the automotive and spare part sector, packages, small-diameter tubes, as well as products of the civil and furniture sectors. 66 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Galvanized products: Consist of cold-rolled zinc-coated coils (or zinc-iron alloy). Galvanization consists of superficial coating of iron with metallic zinc, of one or more sides, applied through hot-dip (hot-dip galvanized) or electrolytic (electro-galvanized) process. The galvanized products are especially applied in automotive vehicles, civil construction (tiles, partition walls, gutter pipes etc.), electric appliances, electronic articles, storage tanks, and agricultural equipment. Hot-dip galvanized and electro-galvanized products are produced in the plant of Ipatinga. Galvanization is one of the cheapest and most efficient processes to protect steel against the corrosion caused by the exposure to water and atmospheric humidity. The Company produces galvanized sheets and coils in continuous processing lines through hot-dip, with thickness ranging from 0.40 millimeters to 3.00 millimeters and width between 700 millimeters and 1,830 millimeters and, in the electrolytic galvanization line, with thickness between 0.40 and 2.00 millimeters and width between 700 millimeters and 1,650 millimeters. Both processes result in highly adherent zinc-coated products, capable of being processed in almost all types of bending machines and stamping press. Automobile manufacturers, consumer appliance and construction industry use the products processed in the stamping press (leading the process of drawing formation in steel). The aggregate value of the galvanizing process allows the Company's plants get a higher profit margin with its galvanized products. In the Business Unit of Capital Assets, Usiminas counts on Usiminas Mecânica, which ranks among the country’s biggest companies of capital assets. The Company operates with Metallic Structures, and in the Naval and Offshore, Oil & Gas, Industrial Equipment, Industrial Assemblies, Casting and Railway cars sectors. In the Business Unit of Steel Transformation, Soluções Usiminas operates in the distribution and service markets as well as in the production of small-diameter tubes, offering its high added value products to its clients. The Company has capacity of processing more than 2 million tons of steel a year in its 9 industrial units, strategically distributed in the States of Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and Pernambuco. In addition to the cutting services of the steel products, Soluções Usiminas produces Forged Products and Blanks for a number of economic sectors, such as Automotive, Spare Parts, Civil Construction, Distribution, Electric Appliances, Machinery and Equipment, Household Appliances, among others. Please find below a description of those items. Stamped Products: Stamped products mainly consist of cold-rolled and electro-galvanized sheets and coils, cut and stamped in special formats. Stamped products include automotive parts and frameworks (chassis). The stamped products represent another market niche considered highly profitable for Usiminas. Blanks: Are thick hot- or cold-rolled or electro-galvanized sheets, or coils, cut in special formats (blanks), stamped and automotive parts and engineering services, produced and processed in the services and distribution centers of the Company. Still in the Steel transformation Business, Soluções Usiminas industrializes coils and sheets supplied by Usiminas in products such as several blanks, soldered sets, cylinders, welded tubes. On top of that, the company renders services such as transversal and longitudinal cut, laser welding, cleaning and others, and distributes coils and sheets supplied by Usiminas. In the Business Unit of Mining, Mineração Usiminas holds mineral assets with potentially mineable reserves estimated in 2.6 billion tons. In 2014, the sales of Mineração Usiminas totaled 5.6 million tons of iron ore, 73% of which to Usiminas and 27% to other clients. 67 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Other Products: Consist of “special products and services” generated in the steel production process or in the support process of steel production. It is worth mentioning the following products: casted, forged, nonrolled products (such as sludge and slag), carbo chemicals (benzene-toluene-xylene – BTX, ammonia, bitumen, naphthalene and tar), services of new rolling of plates and assets disposed of (such as old engines, non-ferrous scrap iron, deactivated equipment). Casting of the Company in Ipatinga is the greatest casting in South America when it comes to size of parts on demand for own use and for external clients and other metallurgical companies. Casted parts are produced as designed for a number of machines of hydroelectric power, mining and metallurgical plants, paper mills, among others, in steel, casted iron and other metals. Finally, the Company produces forged bars in Ipatinga. b) Revenue resulting from the sector and its percentage of the issuer’s net revenue and c) profit or loss resulting from the sector and their percentage of the issuer’s net profits The tables below show the revenue resulting from each Business Unit and its percentage of the Company’s net revenue, as well as of the operational profit or loss resulting from each Business Unit. At December 31, 2014 MINING STEEL PRODUCTION STEEL TRANSFORMATION CAPITAL ASSETS ADJUSTMENTS CONSOLIDATED COMPANY Net Revenue from Sales 742,988 10,928,650 2,340,952 794,278 (3,065,239) 11,741,629 Domestic market 617,278 9,326,927 2,332,918 786,156 (3,065,239) 9,998,040 Foreign market 125,710 1,601,723 8,034 8,122 - 1,743,589 (502,857) (10,076,472) (2,271,112) (715,897) 2,861,474 (10,704,864) Gross Profit 240,131 852,178 69,840 78,381 (203,765) 1,036,765 Operating (Expenses) Revenues (92,277) (259,862) (112,759) (53,640) 4,740 (513,798) Operating Profit (Loss) before Financ. 147,854 592,316 (42,919) 24,741 (199,025) 522,967 EBITDA 277,060 1,545,550 (3,730) 50,023 (5,833) 1,863,070 EBITDA MARGIN 37,3% 14,1% -0,2% 6,3% Percentage of Consolidated Net Revenue 5,0% 73,8% 15,8% 5,4% In thousand reais Cost of Products Sold 15,9% 68 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 At December 31, 2013 In thousand reais MINING STEEL PPRODUCTION STEEL TRANSFORMATION CAPITAL ASSETS ADJUSTMENTS CONSOLIDATED Net Revenue from Sales 1,136,097 11,336,465 2,463,791 972,332 (3,079,218) 12,829,467 Domestic market 1,024,434 10,185,002 2,443,053 959,893 (3,079,218) 11,533,164 111,663 1,151,463 20,738 12,439 (502,900) (10,569,533) (2,228,537) (921,618) 2,868,924 (11,353,664) 633,197 766,932 235,254 50,714 (210,294) 1,475,803 (124,177) (567,193) (198,332) (71,765) 5,343 (956,124) Operating Profit (Loss) before Financ. 509,020 199,739 36,922 (21,051) (204,951) 519,679 EBITDA (22,746) 1,806,426 Foreign market Cost of Products Sold Gross Profit Operating (Expenses)/Revenue 582,262 1,151,028 90,196 5,686 EBITDA MARGIN 51,3% 10,2% 3,7% 0,6% Percentage of Consolidated Net Revenue 7,14% 71,26% 15,49% 6,11% 1,296,303 14,1% At December 31, 2012 In thousand reais MINING STEEL PRODUCTION STEEL TRANSFORMATION CAPITAL ASSETS ADJUSTMENTS CONSOLIDATED Net Revenue from Sales 898,537 11,452,533 2,077,086 1,017,371 (2,734,646) 12,710,881 Domestic market 669,154 9,053,942 2,045,724 1,015,049 (2,670,993) 10,112,876 Foreign market 229,383 2,398,591 31,362 2,322 (63,653) 2,598,005 (341,994) (11,488,927) (1887,065) (997,214) 2,485,503 (12,229,697) 556,543 (36,394) 190,021 20,157 (249,143) 481,184 (151,246) (571,188) (183,228) (55,967) 7,220 (954,409) Operating Profit (Loss) before Financ. 405,297 (607,582) 6,793 (35,810) (241,923) (473,225) EBITDA 439,256 276,995 59,724 (10,566) (68,821) 696,588 EBITDA MARGIN 48.9% 2.4% 2.9% -1.0% Percentage of Consolidated Net Revenue 5.82% 74.15% 13.45% 6.58% Cost of Products Sold Gross Profit Operating (Expenses) Revenues 5.5% 69 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 7.3. In relation to the products and services corresponding to the operational sectors disclosed in item 7.2. , describe: Mining a) Characteristics of the production process The production process consists of extraction (excavation, perforation and handling) and processing (crushing, cleaning, concentration) of iron ore. The technology used in its extraction process is national, originated from its predecessor, J.Mendes, now acquired, and continuously improved by the Company, always in line with the sustainability of its business and its expansion projects. The yearly production capacity is 12.0 million tons of iron ore. Mining machines, equipment and facilities are covered by the Company’s corporate insurance policy. Preventive maintenances are performed from time to time by the company in compliance with its plans and safety policies. b) Characteristics of the distribution process In the year 2014, 73.0% of the total sales volume was sold to the Plants of Ipatinga – MG and Cubatão – SP, which belong to Usiminas, and the remaining part, destined to the domestic market, sold without intervention of third parties, commissioners or dealers. In 2012, the total amount sold to the plants belonging to Usiminas was 70.9% and, in 2013, it was 62.5%. The distribution process is mainly performed through highway transportation contracted with independent carriers and transportation companies of the Company until the railway terminals situated in Itaúna and Sarzedo, State of Minas Gerais. The responsibility for the other distribution phases is defined according to the commercial contract, which occurs through railway transportation until the plants belonging to Usiminas or until the port terminals, when they are destined to the external market. c) Characteristics of the operation markets In the midst of an environment filled with uncertainties, the year of 2012 was challenging to the global economy, which grew below the long-term trend for the second consecutive year. The generalized fall in the prices of ores was one of the consequences for the adverse macroeconomic scenario. The prices of iron ore became much more volatile, which showed great volatility of reduction, especially in the third quarter of the year. In 2011, although the prices of iron ore have beaten record during the first semester of the year, as from the end of the third quarter, the international economy moved backwards, showing slowdown levels, resulting especially from the stagnation in the developed countries and mild growth of the emerging economies. In the 22 domestic market, the country’s growth displays signs of robustness, accounting for 2.7% of the PIB , 23 according to data of IBGE . The prices of iron ore in the first semester of the year had more favorable levels compared to the last fiscal year, becoming less intense in the second semester due to some uncertainties especially in the maintenance of the growth rhythms of the great Asian markets, buyers of iron ore. The company ended its activities in the fiscal year of 2011 with a production of 6.3 million tons, flowed to its own Plants, clients both in the domestic and external markets. 22 23 Gross Domestic Product Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics 70 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 In the year of 2013, the global demand for iron ore increased 5% compared to 2012, reaching 1,874 billion tons. Out of that total volume, the percentage of the demand for ore importation in China was 40%, accounting for an 11% growth compared to 2012. The average price of iron ore in 2013 was higher than in the previous year, which was associated with the growing production of steel in China and its dependence on import of that raw material. Mineração Usiminas produced in this year 6.5 million tons. In 2014, China, which is the world's largest importer of iron ore, obtained a consumption 5% higher compared to 2013, and the import of raw materials by Asian country increased 13.3% over the previous year. However, the global supply also increased, especially with new volumes from Australia, which exported 21% more compared to 2013. The Brazilian product exports in 2014 advanced 5% over the previous year, reaching a volume of 346 million tons, mainly due to new projects of large mining. The increase in world supply and austerity in credit and funding resources in China resulted in a reduction of almost half the price of iron ore in the international market. This year, were produced by Mineração Usiminas 6.1 million tons of iron ore. The extraction of ore takes place in mineral concession areas authorized by DNPM 24, both in own or third parties’ mining areas. d) Possible seasonality None. e) Principal supplies and raw materials The principal supplies and raw materials acquired are fuels (diesel fuel, gasoline), whose market is regulated by ANP - Petroleum National Agency, while explosives for civilian use are regulated by the Ministry of Defense. i) Description of the relations maintained with the suppliers, including whether they are controlled or regulated by government, with indication of the bodies and the corresponding applicable law The company has executed long- and short-term contracts with fuel suppliers that do not belong to the companies of Usiminas in order to serve all units of the Companies of Usiminas, negotiating better prices due to the volume consumed. In regard to the explosives, the company has also executed long- and shortterm contracts with suppliers that do not belong to the companies of Usiminas in order to supply most of its supplies, and acquires a minor part of several suppliers available in the market. The supplies are subject to specific regulation. The fuel markets (diesel fuel, gasoline) are regulated by ANP – Petroleum National Agency (ANP Resolution No. 12, of March 21, 2007), and the explosives for civilian use are regulated by the Ministry of Defense (Decree No. 3665, of November 20, 2000). ii) Possible dependence on a few suppliers The supply of the supplies and raw materials the Company needs is contracted with a diffused base of suppliers. Therefore, the Company is not limited to a few suppliers to acquire those supplies and raw materials. 24 National Department of Mineral Production 71 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 iii) Possible volatility in its prices There is no important volatility in the prices of the supplies and raw materials acquired by the Company, except the fuels influenced by variations related to the behavior of the price of petroleum in the international market. Steel production a) Characteristics of the production process The Plants of Ipatinga and Cubatão are integrated. Please find below a brief summary of the steel production process. - Raw material yards The principal raw materials used in the production of steel in integrated plants are charcoal, iron ore, limestone, dolomite and manganese. Iron ore and charcoal are stored in raw material yards. Next, they are homogenized, sifted and calibrated for usage in the coke furnace and in the blast furnaces. - Coke furnace The mixture of charcoals (high, medium and low volatile charcoals and soft charcoals) is crushed and heated in vertical furnaces for removal of their volatile components. This distillation process transforms charcoal into coke, which is the fuel of the blast furnaces, thus providing heat and acting as a reducer. Such process also produces gas as byproduct, used by the plants in the burning of their furnaces, as well as a fuel source for their own generators. - Sintering Plant After the homogenization and sifting processes, the iron ore powder and the charcoal powders are mixed together with other materials (coke breeze, limestone, dolomite, dunite and anthracite) and processed to create agglomerate called sinter. Those raw materials are mixed and arranged in rolling mats, whose initial part has ignition furnaces that starts the combustion of coke and anthracite of the mixture. Next, through air suction, the combustion of the mixture is kept until it is totally burned, when also the particles resulting from the mixture of iron ore fine and other additions go through a superficial fusion, agglomerate and form a cake. After it is crushed and sifted, this cake will produce lump sinter in appropriate dimensions for usage in the blast furnaces, together with iron ore pellets and coke. - Blast furnace The blast furnace is loaded with sinter, coke, lump ore and pellets. During the process, the air is blown by special compressors, passes through a heat process in heat regenerators and is blown into the blast furnace through special vents, promoting the combustion of coke and injected charcoal. That combustion especially generates the reducing gas carbon monoxide, which will react with oxygen of iron oxides (found in sinter, pellet and lump ore) in the upper part of the blast furnace, absorbing oxygen, generating carbon dioxide and releasing the metal iron. In the lower part of the blast furnace, where coke and injected charcoal are burnt, iron and other impurities are casted in two phases, pig iron (which basically consists of iron and carbon) and slag, which mainly consists of oxides, calcium and magnesium. The compound mainly formed by iron and around 4% of carbon that it absorbs in contact with coke is called pig iron, which is the principal raw material for the steel manufacturing. 72 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 - Steel Mill In the steel mill, liquid pig iron, together with steel scrap, in addition to other additives in small volume such as manganese, nickel and aluminum ores, after being loaded into the converter, pass through oxygen blowing that starts the combustion of carbon of pig iron, thus reducing its content in the iron-carbon alloy and generating heat to cast the scraps and other additives. The alloy with less than 2% of carbon is called steel. Generally, that carbon content is from 0.0030 to 0.15%. In addition to the blowing into the converter, there are other supplementary metallurgical processes, such as desulphurization, degasification and desilication, performed in specific equipment and pans, according to the metallurgical and mechanical characteristics intended for the end product. In the steel mills, there is the continuous casting, in which liquid iron is put for solidification over roller tables with special cooling systems. Since the entire process is cooled, there is fast and superficial solidification of steel, thus forming plates with thickness from 200 to 250 millimeters, and then they are deburred and stored. This way, liquid pig iron is converted into steel, which may be then refined according to the standard specifications or the requirements of the clients. When it is ready, the steel is converted into plates that will be rolled or sold as semi-finished products. - Hot Rolling Line In the hot rolling line, the plates are heated again and then processed in the blooming mills, thus generating sketches. These are transferred through roller tables to the finishing mill, which is a set of six rollers in sequence that reduce the thickness of the sheet from 1.5 to 20 millimeters, and then the plate is transformed into hot-rolled coils. - Pickling Line In the pickling line, the hot-rolled coils pass through a cleaning process for removal of oxides generated due to the high temperature of the rolling process through a chemical process. The resulting material may be sold for specific usage (such as rerolling) or used as raw material in the cold roller. - Cold Rolling Line After the pickling process, the material passes through the cold strip roller, which reduces the thickness to thicknesses of up to 0.2 mm; subsequently, this material is sent to annealing and hardening rollers for adjustment of mechanical property, flatness and superficial rugosity. In this case, the resulting product is cold-rolled coils. - Coating Lines (Galvanization) There are three galvanization lines at the Company: 2 by hot-dip and 1 by electroplating. In the electrolytic galvanization line, the already annealed and hardened material resulting from cold rolling is received and processed in Zn bath, which is put through electroplating in one or both sides of the sheet. The end product of that line is therefore a cold rolled material with zinc coating in one or both faces, designated electrogalvanized. On its turn, in the Unigal’s hot-dip galvanization lines, the full-hard cold rolled material passes through annealing process and then is dipped in a casted zinc bath. When it goes out of the pot with liquid zinc, it receives, before its solidification, nitrogen jet, which must adjust the coating thickness. Since this is an immersion process, this type of galvanization only allows coating in both faces of the sheet. 73 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 - Maintenance The metallurgical plant is subject to scheduled maintenance from time to time. Rollers and coating lines generally are maintained on a semiannual or weekly basis, while blast furnaces and other important operational equipment are maintained on a monthly, semiannual or yearly basis. - Unigal Unigal Ltda. performs the galvanization of the cold rolled coil through hot-dip process, with generation of zinc-coated coil. - Insurances The insurance policies kept by the Company and some subsidiaries offer coverage deemed sufficient by Management. On December 31, 2014, the Company and some of its subsidiaries had insurance policies for buildings, goods and raw materials, equipment, machinery, real estates, objects, utensils and facilities that form the insured establishments and the corresponding premises of the Company, Usiminas Mecânica, Unigal and Usiroll, whose value at risk was US$27.9 billion (December 31, 2013 – US$28.3 billion), an insurance policy of operational risks (All Risks) with maximum indemnity limit of US$1,0 billion per claim. On December 31, 2014 and 2013, the maximum deductible amount for material damages was US$7.5 million and, for coverage of loss of profits (loss of revenue), the maximum deductible was 21 days (delay time). This insurance is to terminate on June 30, 2015. - Production In the year of 2014, the plants of Ipatinga and Cubatão produced 6.1 million tons of crude steel, 13.3% less than the production of crude steel in the year of 2013. In 2013, the production in those plants was 6.9 million tons of crude steel, 4.3% less than the production of crude steel in the year of 2012, which was 7.2 million tons. Rated capacities of production of Usiminas are distributed according to the following table: Nominal Capacity Line (thousand ton/year) Plant of Ipatinga Plant of Cubatão Heavy plates 1,000 1,000 Hot-rolled laminates 3,600 4,400 Cold-rolled laminates 2,500 1,200 Plates 5,000 4,500 360 - 1,050 - Galvanized Electro-galvanized Hot Dip Galvanized 74 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 b) Characteristics of the distribution process Usiminas currently counts on a logistic structure that is made up of thirteen distribution centers and eight customer deposits, in addition to two ports. Such structures are almost entirely situated in the South-east and South regions, which are strategic areas for the efficient service of the principal clients. Together with the quality of its products and services, the service structure has allowed the company to stand out as the biggest supplier of flat steels for the principal consuming sectors of the country. To serve the domestic market with assistance guarantee at the level of service agreed upon, the company strategically explores both Brazilian railway and railroad networks, as well as growing use of coastal trade to serve North and Northeast markets of the country. Both in flow and supply operations, Usiminas counts on services rendered by two great railway companies, MRS Logística S.A. and VLI, this one with FCA – Ferrovia Centro Atlântico and Vitória-Minas Railway, and with around 26 railroad carriers, including Rios Unidos, a company of Usiminas group. To serve the external market, the company counts on the structure of two marine terminals. Exports of products produced in the Plant of Cubatão are paid up directly through the Cubatão Terminal, while products produced in the Plant of Ipatinga are exported through the Praia Mole Terminal. c) Characteristics of the operation markets The principal focus of the metallurgical business of Usiminas is the domestic market. In the year of 2014, the total sales amounted to 5.5 million tons, 83% of which destined to the domestic market, which corresponds to 4.6 million tons of products. Such movement originates from the strategy of seeking higher sales profitability. The foreign market is also important for the company and becomes more relevant in times of weakened domestic market. The principal destinations for the exportations of Usiminas in 2014 were USA, Argentina, Mexico, Taiwan and Colombia. In the domestic market, Usiminas trades a varied range of products for the Automotive, Industrial, White Line and Civil Construction sectors. Among them, the Automotive sector points out as focus and accounted for 30% of the sales of Usiminas. In addition, Usiminas vigorously operates in the steel distribution market, through Soluções Usiminas, of clients that are partners of Rede Usiminas and of sales to the other distributing clients. Usiminas allocated 36% of its sales for this segment in 2014. 75 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Usiminas Regional Distribution of Sales of Flat Laminates (%): Description 2012 2013 2014 % % % 100 100 100 São Paulo 60 49 45 Minas Gerais 14 19 22 Rio Grande do Sul 7 12 11 Rio de Janeiro 5 3 4 Paraná/Santa Catarina 7 7 7 North/Northeast 5 6 8 Mid-West /ES 2 4 3 2012 2013 2014 % % % Automotive 33 32 30 Industrial 19 16 19 6 7 7 33 35 36 9 10 8 Domestic market Usiminas Sectorial Distribution of Sales (%): Markets White Line Large Network Civil Construction Does not include plates. The Brazilian market of flat steels consumed 13.4 million tons in 2014 (preliminary numbers), out 85% of the volume was supplied by the local plants and 15% by imports. The comparison with the year shows decrease of 9% after rise of 5% in 2013. The decline in consumption in 2014 comes reduction in industrial activity observed throughout the year, especially in the second half, and expected in the projections made at the beginning of the year. of which previous from the was not Even with the devaluation of Brazilian real to less attractive levels to imports, the volume of 2.0 million tons of imports astounded. In comparison with 2013, there was growth of 22%, and China remained as the principal origin of imports (about two thirds of the total), followed by Russia and Korea. Another challenge the local metallurgical company faced is the indirect steel imports, estimated in 4.8 million tons. Out of that total volume, around 3.3 million tons would correspond to flat steels found in imported end products. It is also estimated that two thirds of those indirect imports of flat steels are allocated to the sectors of machinery and equipment, vehicles and spare parts. 76 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Despite the challenges, the environment for steel production tends to have benefits in the medium term for the recovery of confidence and the stronger resumption of the industrial investments, especially in infrastructure. There is also expectation that commercial defense measures and policies supporting the local industry may improve the business environment for the national steel production. d) Possible seasonality Historically, in the months of December, January and February there is a slightly smaller demand due to pauses and blanket vacations that occur in several companies consuming steel. Considering this seasonality, the sales planning of the companies of Usiminas seeks to consider the compatibility of those variables while seeking to maintain the production stable, offsetting internal fluctuations with exportations to other markets. Physical Sales (thousand tons) Market 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 2014 Domestic market 1,268 1,236 1,064 1,005 4,572 169 220 337 242 968 1,437 1,456 1,401 1,247 5,541 Foreign market TOTAL Seasonality of markets in accumulated sales throughout the year: Domestic market Foreign market 28% 17% 27% 23% 23% 35% 22% 25% 100% 100% Total Share 26% 26% 25% 23% 100% Market shares in relation to the total sold in the period: Domestic market Foreign market TOTAL 88% 12% 85% 15% 76% 24% 81% 19% 83% 17% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 77 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Physical Sales (thousand tons) Market 1T13 2Q13 3T13 4T13 2013 Domestic market 1,226 1,428 1,453 1,299 5,407 365 144 112 193 813 1,591 1,572 1,565 1,492 6,220 Foreign market TOTAL Seasonality of markets in accumulated sales throughout the year: Domestic market Foreign market 23% 45% 26% 18% 27% 14% 24% 24% 100.00% 100.00% Total Share 26% 25% 25% 24% 100.00% Market shares in relation to the total sold in the period: Domestic market Foreign market TOTAL 77% 23% 91% 9% 93% 7% 87% 13% 87% 13% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Physical Sales (thousand tons) Market 1T12 2Q12 3T12 4T12 2012 Domestic market 1,246 1,327 1,262 1,209 5,044 267 561 487 522 1,837 1,513 1,888 1,749 1,731 6,881 Foreign market TOTAL Seasonality of markets in accumulated sales throughout the year: Domestic market Foreign market 25% 15% 26% 31% 25% 27% 24% 28% 100.00% 100.00% Total Share 22% 27% 25% 25% 100.00% Market shares in relation to the total sold in the period: Domestic market Foreign market TOTAL 82% 18% 70% 30% 72% 28% 70% 30% 73% 27% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 78 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 e) Principal supplies and raw materials, informing: i) Description of the relations maintained with the suppliers, including whether they are controlled or regulated by government, with indication of the bodies and the corresponding applicable law in relation to the Energy resources (electrical energy and gas), Usiminas maintains a long-term relation with the strategic suppliers in order to maintain the supply of electrical energy and other energy resources. Those suppliers are evaluated by their performance in complying with the contracts and delivering the products. The electrical energy supply nowadays is executed in the free energy market, which allows the purchase of energy from any generator and/or energy trader, the local distributor being in charge of delivering the product. On the other hand, the natural gas supply is executed only by the local concessionaire, which is entitled to supply the product in its concession region. Such scenario may be changed with the new gas law that is about to change the gas market to a market similar to that of electrical energy. The electrical energy supply is regulated by the Federal Government through ANEEL (Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency) and controlled by other bodies/entities, such as: ONS (National System Operator), CCEE (Chamber of Commerce of Electrical Energy), among others. The natural gas supply is regulated by state bodies which define the rates of the product. The other energy resources are not regulated, however, the suppliers are tied up to a single producer. With regards to Charcoal, Usiminas has executed long-term contracts with strategic suppliers to provide part of its supply chain related to solid fuels. Such suppliers are evaluated for their contractual and global financial performance, as well as flexibility in delivery. Since they are imported raw materials, safety stocks are maintained to reduce the risk of destocking caused by occasional logistic impacts. As for green petroleum coke, the supply is basically executed by a national supplier and periodically by foreign suppliers of several sources. In relation to metals and other supplies, we try to keep a long-term relation with the suppliers, esteeming the good relation and continuity of supply. We incessantly search for new agents in the market in order to maintain the competition healthy and take advantage of the opportunities. All suppliers are continuously evaluated and we always strategically plan the best purchase. We evaluate the suppliers for their capacity to serve the volume of Usiminas, quality/performance of the materials, environmental controls and labor conditions. In general, the suppliers have stocks of materials in their plants to serve the Company. Usiminas has always remained open to new suppliers and we have no supply issues with our partners. 79 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 ii) Possible dependence on a few suppliers In relation to Energy Sources (electrical energy and gas), the electrical energy supply has no dependence on a single supplier; however, the consuming unit must execute contracts of usage of the electrical system with the local distributor in case it is linked to the distribution network or with ONS, in case it is linked to the basic network. Currently Usiminas has supply contract with CEMIG until 2019. As for the supply of the other energy resources, although there is more than one supplier, there is a great dependence on a single producer; namely, Petrobrás. In relation to Charcoal/Coke, there is no explicit dependence on any specific supplier. However, we intend to develop long-standing relations. We have a wide range of suppliers with materials of superior quality that we try to favor in our acquisition base. With respect to metals and other supplies, in some specific cases we have only one supplier, but these are not the majority. The materials bought are always materials approved by the technical area and developed jointly. There is a continuous investment in the homologation of new suppliers and products. Most of the disbursement is concentrated on few materials and generally they have few supply options. iii) Possible volatility in its prices In relation to Energy Sources (electrical energy and gas), the prices of the electrical energy contracts are 25 negotiated among the parties and readjusted on a yearly basis with indexes checking inflation (IGP-M and 26 IPCA ). As for the rates for using the system, they are regulated by ANEEL and adjusted on a yearly basis. The rates charged for the other energy resources highly depend on the prices of refineries of Petrobrás, reason why their volatility is related to the readjustments performed by Petrobrás to the distributors. In relation to Charcoal, the prices are readjusted on a semiannual, quarterly or monthly basis, according to the marketing characteristics and the contracts with the suppliers. Concerning metals and other supplies, we have volatility in the prices of most of the materials bought. The prices of many of them are linked to the prices of the international market. Now and then we make “hedge” to reduce this effect and have a better budgetary foreseeability. We always seek negotiations with more extended term and fixed prices whenever applicable. 25 26 General Index of Market Prices Extended Consumer Price Index 80 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Steel transformation a) Characteristics of the production process The production process of the steel transformation sector occurs as follows: Soluções Usiminas performs two principal activities, (i) transforms the products flat steels into coils and thick plates into regular or figured sheets, cylinders, blanks, welded tubes, among others and (ii) stores and distributes the products supplied by the steel production unit , as needed by different clients. The sector of steel transformation aggregates: Soluções Usiminas is the biggest center of services in flat steel of Brazil and represents convenience to the clients because of the steel management, from acquisition to delivery, always in compliance with the most demanding standards of quality and specifications. Soluções Usiminas has own insurance policy for its equipment, buildings and other assets. b) Characteristics of the distribution process The steel transformation sector has regional service centers analyzing the needs of every client and offering customized products, such as processed flat steels (several cuts), scheduled Just-in-time deliveries, fractionation of deliveries, among others. The benefits to the clients are: flexibility, lower lead time, reduction of stocks, availability of room in their plants, among others. Soluções Usiminas has capacity to process more than 2 million tons of steel p.a. in its 09 sites in Guarulhos, São Roque, Bonsucesso, Taubaté, Campo Limpo Paulista, Humaitá, Santa Luzia, Betim, Serra and Suape. It serves the following sectors: automotive, civil construction, distribution, electric appliances, machinery and equipment, household appliances, among others. Thus, Usiminas strengthens its presence in the several sectors consuming steel by increasing the portfolio of products and services and better understanding their needs. At Soluções Usiminas, the distribution process is principally executed by highway transportation. c) Characteristics of the operation markets As described in this item for the steel production sector. d) Possible seasonality As described in this item for the steel production sector. e) Principal supplies and raw materials i) Description of the relations maintained with the suppliers, including whether they are controlled or regulated by government, with indication of the bodies and the corresponding applicable law At Soluções Usiminas, the principal raw material in the production process consists of steel coils, acquired almost entirely from the supplier Usiminas, situated in the same country. 81 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The suppliers operating the steel transformation sector are companies of Usiminas and that, therefore, foster a good relation among the production units and the corresponding suppliers. The supplies described above are subject to the same authorities and regulation described in item 7.5 of this Reference Form. ii) Possible dependence on a few suppliers At Soluções Usiminas, the principal supplies are acquired from the suppliers of Usiminas, situated in the same country. Soluções Usiminas does not significantly depend on suppliers that do not belong to Usiminas, and is not subject to important risks of supply. iii) Possible volatility in its prices At Soluções Usiminas, the principal supplier is its controlling company (Usiminas). Occasional volatilities in the prices of the goods are related to the oscillation in the price of the products that the Company sells or in the price of the raw materials and other supplies used in the production process. Capital assets a) Characteristics of the production process Subsidiary of the Company in the sector of capital assets, Usiminas Mecânica ranked among the greatest companies of capital assets of Brazil. The company operates in the following business areas: Metallic Structure and Bridges, Industrial Equipment, Industrial Assemblies, Blanks and Stamping, Casting and Railway Cars. The production process in the sector of capital assets starts from the technical specification and drawings of the equipment, bridges, structures and so on, until their final assembly, which is presumed cuts of sheets, special welding, tests, assemblies in the factory and, in the event they are contracted, transportation and assembly in loco. Among the numberless markets in which the company operates, nowadays the focus is on the following sectors: 1. Metallic Structures and Bridges: Engineering, Supply and Assemblies of Metallic Structures for plants and industrial buildings in the areas of civil construction, mining, refineries and metallurgy, including projects of airport facilities, railway, port and airport infrastructure; 27 o Naval/Offshore: Equipment for the E&P area - Petrobrás, process modules for FPSOs, components for fixed platforms, blocks of small and medium sized ships (up to 200 tons), Plets, Plems; 2. Oil & gas: Medium and large sized equipment (up to 250 tons) for petrochemical industries, refineries, fertilizer factories and industrial plants; 3. Metallurgy and Mining: Integrated solutions and turnkey projects, such as vacuum degasification systems, coke furnaces; 4. 27 Energy: Equipment and components for generation of hydroelectric, thermoelectric and aeolic plants; Exploration and Production 82 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 5. Industrial Assembly: electromechanical assembly services, systems and constructions for plants and industrial units of mining, steel production and oil & gas sectors; 6. Cars: Engineering and Supply of cable car/GDU type railway cars, PEE, Telescopes FTT (Cellulose), Platforms and others. Capacity of up to 3,000 cars/p.a. Supplies to all great railway operators in Brazil, with emphasis on VALE, MRS, FCA, ALL, being 220 units for Vale and 218 units for MRS; 7. Casting: Total capacity of 25,000 tons/p.a., being 2,000 tons for large dimension parts (up to 80 tons each one), and other 23,000 tons for parts of up to 3 tons each on, through automated system focused on the railway (bogies, sleepers), automotive/agricultural sectors (parts for harvesters, tractors). The following long-term projects are worth mentioning: Supply of furnaces, platforms, towers and bell mouths for Petrobrás; Supply and assembly of storage tanks for Petrobrás; Blanks for agricultural and railway tools and the naval industry; Manufacturing and assembly of shipyard for Brasfels; Disassembly and assembly of Furnace for Mineração Onça-Puma – Vale; Manufacturing and assembly of structures for Mina Cauê – Vale Electromechanical assembly for Mineração Barro Alto - Anglo American; Electromechanical assembly for Mineração em Canaã dos Carajás - Vale; Reform of Coke Furnace No. 3 – Usiminas; Supply of steel beams for changing ways of the urban transportation railway cars – São Paulo Project - Tiradentes Express – Bonbardier Transportation Brasil Ltda.; Electromechanical Assembly Services for Projeto da Nova Oeste [New West Project], in Mina Oeste, of Mineração Usiminas (MUSA), in the Region of Serra Azul, in Itatiaiuçu/MG. b) Characteristics of the distribution process The distribution in this sector occurs as soon as the goods are manufactured and delivered through railway, highway and maritime routes. The transportations are principally rendered by several outsourced companies that do not belong to the companies of Usiminas. Rios Unidos, one of the companies of Usiminas, also renders transportations to Usiminas Mecânica in volume not relevant. The sales of Usiminas Mecânica are performed through own commercial area, being two sales office, one at the main place of business of the company, in Belo Horizonte/MG, and the other in São Paulo capital. c) Characteristics of the operation markets, specially As described in this item for the steel production sector. d) Possible seasonality The sales of Usiminas Mecânica are linked to the demand for infrastructure and capital assets and, therefore, they depend on the economy performance and there is no important seasonability. 83 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 e) Principal supplies of raw materials, informing: i. Description of the relations maintained with the suppliers, including whether they are controlled or regulated by government, with indication of the bodies and the corresponding applicable law The principal raw material is steel and the principal suppliers are companies of Usiminas (subsidiary of Usiminas Mecânica), which adopt market practices in the commercial relations, which are subject to CVM regulations, for instance, periodic independent audits, responsible for evaluating the suitability of the accounting practices in relation to those relations and the financial statements. Since the supplies are acquired almost entirely from companies that belong to Usiminas, the applicable authority and legislation are the same applicable to the Company, as described in item 7.5. below. ii. Possible dependence on a few suppliers The sector of capital assets especially depends on companies that belong to Usiminas for the supply of the principal raw material, which is steel. For the principal supplies other than steel, such as electrode and paint, there are no dependencies on a few suppliers. iii. Possible volatility in its prices The possible volatilities of the goods prices are related to the possible oscillation in the price of the products that Usiminas sells in the market. That is because the commercial relations of Usiminas Mecânica with its holding company are the same as the conditions seen in the market. 7.4. Identify whether there are clients responsible for more than 10% of the issuer’s total net revenue The Company did not have any client with participation higher than 10% of its total net revenue in the last three fiscal years. 7.5. Describe the relevant effects of the state regulation on the Company’s activities and specifically comment on: a) need for governmental authorizations for performing activities and history of relation with the public administration to get such authorizations Brazilian Environmental Legislation The Brazilian legislation, starting with the Brazilian Constitution, defines the ecologically balanced environment as a right of everyone, defining nature as an asset for common use of the people and essential to the quality of life, imposing responsibility to the Public Power and the citizen for its defense and preservation. Therefore, the legal system encompasses countless control instruments through which every possible and regular intervention on the environment considered can be verified. Activities deemed as of significant intervention on the environment encompass exploration of the metallurgical industry (and commercialization of its products), which must comply with legal precepts, administrative rules and previously established rites. Also, obtaining environmental licenses for the business localization, installation and operation is vital for its regular operation. 84 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 To license enterprises whose environmental impacts exceed the municipal limits, as in the case of a metallurgical plant, the competence is delegated to the body of the state public power. Therefore, in the States of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, where the industrial plants of Usiminas are situated, the state authorities audit the plants of Ipatinga and Cubatão, requiring their compliance with the same environmental standards related to their operation licenses. In case of mining, since the area to be mined is within the limits of a Federation State, the state bodies are also in charge of granting applicable environmental licenses. Licenses abide by similar and sequential criteria and they are granted for high impact activities, mandatorily followed by the presentation of studies and reports (EIA/RIMA). Also, licenses are to validate the place (Previous License), installation of the enterprise (Installation License) and operation (Operation License). There are additional licenses to be obtained in specific situation, such as, for instance, the license for vegetal suppression, in cases such activity is proved to be required, and the granting, which is the license for usage of water resources. Environmental Licenses The production process of Metallurgical Plants results in emission of gaseous, liquid and solid wastes that may affect the environment, in addition to the use of environmental assets. Each State in which the companies of Usiminas operate is in charge of issuing the corresponding environmental licenses and the control of potentially polluting activities. The companies of Usiminas are duly licensed or under process of license revaluation (which, according to the terms of the legislation, is the same of valid license) and they are fully authorized to operate. As in the metallurgical plants, mining activities also demand Previous Environmental (LP), Installation (LI) and Operation (LO) licenses, each one of them with an expiry date that may vary, namely: LP not more than 5 years, LI not more than 6 years, and LO with a minimum of 4 years and maximum of 10 years. As for the back-up area adjacent to Port of Itaguaí, USIMINAS has been granted in 2010 specific license for environmental remediation of the area (LAR – Environmental Remediation License n. IN002873), and the subsequent certificates of LAR of restrictions (CA IN022706) in 2013. It is currently in regular process for obtaining the license to operate being issued by INEA (State Environmental Institute of Rio de Janeiro) for the activities of environmental and geotechnical monitoring, hydraulic barrier operation and station treatment implanted in place according to the LAR IN002873. Please remember that this area had been bought through a judicial auction and belonged to the bankrupt 2 state of Cia Industrial Ingá. The 850 m land concentrated one of the greatest environmental liabilities of the State of Rio de Janeiro and, thanks to its privileged location, this is a strategic area for the Company, since it will be rendered available for the iron ore cargo with destination to exportation and as a possible alternative for future port installations of the Company. 85 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 It is worth mentioning that not only obtainment, but also the maintenance of the licenses are subject to the compliance with certain specific conditions, permanently monitored by the environmental authorities. In relation to the plant of Ipatinga, the state environmental authorities encompass: State Department of Environment and Sustainable Development - SEMAD, which are connected to State Foundation of Environment – FEAM, the State Forest Institute – IEF and the Water Management Institute - IGAM and the State Council of Environmental Policy - COPAM and, in relation to the plant of Cubatão, the Department of 28 Environment of the State of São Paulo (SMA) and CETESB . The plant of Ipatinga currently has operation license for its industrial plant, with validity period until February 17, 2013. Renewal of the operation license within the legal term was required, and so the enterprise remains licensed until the manifestation of the Environmental Body. In 2008, Usiminas obtained the operation license to execute a thermoelectric energy generation plant, with validity period until October 8, 2016. In August 2006, Usiminas obtained before COPAM the Installation License (LI No. 113/2006) to implement Coke Furnace No. 3 in the plant of Ipatinga, with production capacity of 750,000 tons of coke p.a. Operation License for Coke furnace 3 was obtained, with validity period until 08/19/2014. 29 The conditions of this Operation license will be fulfilled within its validity period. On July 18, 2006, TAC with the State Prosecution Service of Minas Gerais, containing obligations already entered as conditions in the installation license referred to above, was signed. TAC was amended in October 2009 and the terms for complying with the clauses and conditions, which were also renegotiated with the competent Environmental Body, were extended. In 2014 two clauses agreed in 2009 were renegotiated with the prosecution, replacing the form of compliance with previously established. The plant of Cubatão is duly licensed by CETESB and has 1 Renewable Operation License encompassing all of its activities, with validity period until December 13, 2013. Renewal of the operation license within the legal term was required, and so the enterprise remains licensed until the manifestation of the competent Environmental Body. Federal Technical Registration In the federal instance, in order to ensure the control and check of the potentially polluting activities and activities using natural resources, the activities of Usiminas are registered as potentially polluting and using natural resources with IBAMA. Therefore, Usiminas holds Registration Certificate – CR, issued by IBAMA, valid for both plants. 28 29 Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental Conduct Adjustment Declaration 86 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Authorization for the Mining Activities Development Mining activities are subject to restrictions provided for by the Brazilian Federal Constitution and by the Mining Code (Decree Law No. 227, of February 28, 1967) and are subject to laws, rules and other applicable regulations, especially the ones edited by the National Department of Mineral Production - DNPM. Among the requirements applied, it is worth deposits are explored; (ii) to the employees’ environment; (iv) to the pollution prevention; communities where the mines are located. notification and submission of reports. mentioning the ones related to (i) the manner the mineral health and safety; (iii) to the protection and restoration of and (v) to the promotion of health and safety of the local The Mining Code also imposes certain requirements on According to Decree No. 97,632, of April 10, 1989, the ventures destined to exploration of mineral resources must be submitted for the competent environment body’s approval, together with the recovery plan of degraded area, environmental impact study - EIA and the environment impact report – RIMA. Possible deficiency in the environmental recovery may be deemed crime under Law No. 9,605, of February 12, 1998, which provides for criminal and administrative sanctions due to procedures and activities that affect the environment, and makes other provisions. The Company obtained all necessary authorizations and is in full performance with the obligations before DNPM. Granting for Water Use 30 On February 29, 2012, IGAM renewed the granting of right to use the state public water of Piracicaba 3 River, through granting of water, a volume of 3m /s being observed, with validity period of 5 years. According to DAEE Ordinance No. 1678, the Department of Waters and Electrical Energy has renewed the concession right of use of water, keeping the authorization for the Plant of Cubatão to collect water in the following points: Rio Quilombo, Fonte do Brites, Fonte de Morrão, Rio Mogi and Canal Mogi until May 20, 2015, the last two used only for industrial use. Law No. 9,433, of January 08, 1997, allows the charge for the use of water as an instrument of the National Policy of Water Resources. Both plants (Ipatinga and Cubatão) currently have already paid for the water. Mining Activities As detailed in item 9.1., letter “b”, of this Reference Form, the mining activity is subject to regulation of the National Department of Mineral Production – DNPM, which to date has conceded to Mineração Usiminas 25 (twenty-five) mining concessions grouped, 01 (one) concession recently published and 16 (sixteen) mining applications, totaling 42 (forty-two) mining rights of company ownership. Mineração Usiminas has also leased 06 (six) leased concessions of Mineração Brasileiras Ltda - MBL. Despite the fact that the Company is already registered as mining company with DNPM since the 70’s, it is only with the acquisition of J. Mendes, which occurred in February 2008, that it effectively commenced to have administrative proceedings before this body. 30 Instituto Mineiro de Gestão das Águas 87 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 b) environmental policy of the Company and costs incurred for compliance with the environmental regulation and, if that is the case, of other environmental practices, including the compliance with international standards of environmental protection The Company, in its operations, adopts as a guideline the development of activities in line with the environment through integrated, sustainable practices to decrease the environmental impacts of its operations. Therefore, it preventively considers the creation of solid wastes, atmospheric emissions and noises, rational use of water, energy and supplies, as well as the disposal of water effluents. The Company was the first company in the Brazilian metallurgical sector – second in the world – to achieve ISO 14001 Certification. All products traded fulfilled the rigorous requirements of the European Directives ROHS and ELV, “green stamps,” global references. Still in 2014, the Company continued the social and environmental projects in the regions where it maintains units, in addition to actions for material and waste recycling, preservation and recovery of green areas. Climate Opportunities The Company continued, in 2014, the process started in 2010, when it organized the first corporate inventory of carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and established the monitoring procedures. In order to systematize and optimize inventory preparation of the GHG emissions, the company implemented a computer system with seeking data and automatic calculations of emissions to Ipatinga and Cubatão Plants. The software also enables the monitoring of GHG emissions for each production process, through reports and graphs plotted for the different materials and fuel emitters. By means of that, the Company improved the corporate strategy to reduce GHG volume, gases that cause the Greenhouse Effect and, at the same time, sought to develop business units. The emissions of CO2 in steel production, calculated through the methodology established by the WorldSteel Association (Data Collection System), presented an average value in 2014 of 2.58t of CO 2 equivalent per ton of crude steel produced, with the emissions distributed according to the table below: Types of emissions Tons of CO2 equivalent per year Direct (sources controlled by organization) 14,448,094 Indirect (consumption of electricity acquired from SIN) 1,118,734 Indirect by other sources (third-party activity) 31,106 Total 15,597,934 The average CO2 emissions in 2014 were higher than emissions raised in 2013 mainly due to emission values of certain raw materials that were not included in the 2013 inventory. Solid wastes and recycling In 2014, highlights are the initiatives focused on the search of new ways of recycling in the very process and identification of good practices for waste collection, handling, stocking and transportation. 88 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 To reduce the disposal of solid waste and optimize the use of raw materials, the company completed the construction of Baia de Mistura de Resíduos, to mix sludge, industrial recycled, scale and other co-products for consumption in sintering. This initiative provided: Reuse of approximately 6,000 t / month of fine steel sludge before destined for landfills; Reduction of 60% in travel numbers for sending fine steel sludge to the industrial landfill; Reuse of approximately 160 t / month of the residue of mud casting Water Recirculation Center before sent to coprocessing. Out of the volume of wastes generated, 90% were reused as raw material for the production processes or destined to external recycling. The remaining 10% were disposed of in industrial embankment or destined to treatment with company prepared and licensed for such purpose. The principal wastes traded were slag of blast furnace and steel mill, which accounts for 41% of the wastes generated. The principal applications were cement manufacturing, bases of roads and railway trimming. Control of Atmospheric Emissions, Emissions of Effluents and Noises The Company preventively acts to reduce the atmospheric emissions, emissions of effluents and noises. To do so it has a program monitoring the emissions, which is consisted of equipment of constant emissions installed in the principal chimneys and isokinetic monitoring, both to control the emissions from dust removal systems and processes of combustion of industrial plants. The quality of air of the region is controlled by continuous monitoring stations situated around the industrial plants. Likewise, disposed water effluents are monitored routinely in compliance with the requirements described in the legislation in force. The Company has industrial water treatment systems and treatment stations of water effluents that treat waters used in the several processes, such as oily, galvanic, acid and organic effluents. It counts on water recirculation centers, indirect ones that basically consist of cooling towers, and direct ones, which consist of treatments for removing contaminants. The recirculation system allows a high recirculation rate of water in the steel production activity. Monitoring of noise is performed from time to time in 16 points around the industrial plant of Ipatinga, according to the requirements in force in the State. 89 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Energy Efficiency In 2014, the same proportion between energy acquired and generated in 2013 was kept, that is, of 71,3% and 28,7%, respectively, according to the table below: Electrical energy Unit Total % Acquired Mwh 2,220,211 71.30 GJ 23,223,403 Mwh 893,474 GJ 9,345,743 Mwh 3,113,685 GJ 32,569,146 Generated Total 28.70 100 Environmental Commitment The environment certifications, green stamps and the constant technological investments to develop the use of the natural resources confirm the Company’s commitment towards the environment. The social and environmental, preservation, maintenance and area recovery projects confirm the Company’s commitment towards environmental questions. Xerimbabo: Created in 1984, the Xerimbabo project of Environmental Education presents actions to foster the environmental conservation, the conscious entertainment and the environmental education. It offers preparatory seminars to the educators of the whole levels of education, competitions and exhibition, distributes pedagogical material to the participants, thus contributing to the playful activities and guided visits, in addition to monitoring offered to schools for pedagogical complementation. The project is part of the school calendar of several institutions of the State of Minas Gerais. Since 2010, the Project happens in the region of Serra Azul, where Mineração Usiminas operates. Over this 30 years of accomplishment in the region of Valley of Steel and 5 years in the region of Serra Azul, Xerimbabo received an audience of more than two million and four hundred participants, consolidating itself as a proposal of wide, non-fragmented Environmental Education, which refers to life in all manners, showing to the internal and the external audiences, with didactics, the Company’s production process, inside of a sustainability speech. Fishing Support Program: it helps, since 2006, fishermen from communities near the Plant of Cubatão (SP) by sponsoring materials, equipment and offering trainings to the artisanal fisher folk of the region for generating income through fishing. 2 Permanent Preservation Area - APP: The Plant of Ipatinga occupies around 10 km and is situated beside Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, a core zone of the Biosphere Reserve of the Atlantic Forest acknowledged by Unesco. 90 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 2 The Plant of Cubatão occupies a 12.5 km region next to a growth of mangroves and Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, whose management plan takes into consideration that there is an industrial pole in the region. The industrial complex of Cubatão is inside a Permanent Preservation Area (APP), encompassing river beds, hilltops, hills and the entire archeological inheritance of Sambaquis of Morro do Casqueirinho. In the week of environment of 2014, “Plante uma Vida” project was held. This is a project that integrates the environmental and sustainability actions of the Plant of Cubatão. One hundred ninety-eight employees participated in the event of this year. More than 19 specimens of native plants of the Atlantic Forest were used, such as manacá da serra, canelinha, cedro, ipê-amarelo-do-brejo and jequitibá branco. Molts now integrate the green area of the Plant, which has more than 1 million m2, divided into natural areas, such as Casqueirinho and Tapera hills, woods and gardens. In 2014, scientific research has been done in the Morro do Casqueirinho, that shelters an archaeological heritage (Sambaquis and Caieira) and in 2015 it is planned to continue their studies. Green Area Recovery Program: Since its foundation, the Company develops in Ipatinga actions to implant, reorganize and preserve green areas of the Company, with the cultivation and supply of molts, in addition to the preventive measure against fire through the technique of clearing around a wood to prevent the spreading of fire. In 2014, 153,070 m² of such technique was applied. In 2014 32,437,433 molts of several specimens were cultivated, 10,265 molts of arboreal specimens, 4,910 fruitful and 22,258 ornamental molts. Also, 8,460 kg of humus were processed. To preserve water resources, the Company has included in the program of green areas the Programa Mata Ciliar, whose objective is to recuperate the range of riparian forests in the left margin of Piracicaba and Doce Rivers. Project developed in partnership with Fundação Relictos, local NGO, and the State Institute of Forests (IEF), has covered an extension of 22 km, thus forming an area of 186 hectares, which encompasses the cities of Coronel Fabriciano, Ipatinga and Santana do Paraíso, in Minas Gerais. Between 1996 and 2011, around 400 thousand of molts of native specimens typical of original primary riparian forest were planted, in order to recover the quality of waters of those rivers, maintain the stability of the river beds, and eliminate one of the principal causes of silting. The results obtained by implanting Programa Mata Ciliar indicated the improvement of the local conditions of Piracicaba and Doce Rivers, in addition to fomenting the development of actions aiming to preserve those important water fountains for the region of the Valley of Steel. Currently the actions developed consist of maintenance and preservation of the native forest. Horto Florestal: Formed by a seedling nurse and areas with native forests, this is an area managed by the Plant of Ipatinga dedicated to develop programs of social and environmental characteristic for the production of molts, recovery of degraded areas in the metropolitan region of the Valley of Steel and environmental preservation, consciousness entertainment and environmental education. The seedling nurse is in charge of maintaining the green area recovery program of the plant. RPPN Lagoa Silvana: On the initiative of Usiminas, in August, 2014 it recognized the Private Natural Heritage Reserve - RPPN Lagoa Silvana. With 255.86 hectares, this area was recorded in the Real Estate Registry registry office in the city of Caratinga, in perpetuity representing an important step towards the conservation of biodiversity and benefit of future generations. 91 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Environmental Development Indexes In 2014, the Company worked to unify the corporate concepts and procedures in steel production, especially concerning the identification and evaluation of the environmental aspects and its associated impacts, in the inventory of emissions of greenhouse gas and in the establishment of Environmental Performance Objectives, Targets and Indexes. Materials The table below presents the principal supplies and raw materials used in steel production in the year of 2014. Main raw materials from external sources (in thousand t) Coal Petroleum coke Coke (purchased) Anthracite Minerals (iron and manganese) Pig iron Iron and steel scrap Raw dolomite Raw Limestone Calcitic/dolomitic lime Others Iron alloys Subtotal Main raw materials external sources (t) Coke Sinter Pig iron Iron and steel scrap Calcitic and dolomitic lime Subtotal Total Ipatinga 1,310.85 367.93 112.20 4,346.11 91.51 48.66 419.02 283.71 356.67 37.45 Cubatão 1,320.63 424.51 100.56 4,034.64 78.68 189.30 343.32 284.96 32.82 Total 2,631.48 792.44 212.76 8,380.75 91.51 127.34 608.32 627.03 641.63 70.27 40.03 170.09 210.12 7,414.14 6,679.51 14,393.65 from Ipatinga Cubatão Total 1,125.51 1,038.74 2,164.25 4,479.90 2,943.83 7,423.73 3,266.99 2,483.92 5,750.91 496.08 366.74 862.82 78.48 78.48 9,446.96 6,833.23 16,280.19 16,861.10 13,812.74 30,673.84 Percentage of the materials from recycling In 2014, around 90% of the wastes generated were recycled, including the reuse in the production process itself and the commercialization. The internal recycling of the wastes is made in the industrial plants, in which such procedure is shared with all collaborators. The principal wastes internally recycled were steel scrap, russeting, powders and fines generated in the several units. For commercialization, the highlights are slag of blast furnace and steelworks. 92 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Water resources The Company’s operations require consumption of great volumes of water, used as solvent, catalyzer, cleaning and cooling agents and in the dispersion of pollutants. Most of the water used circulates again in the facilities and part of it is returned to the rivers after being processed. The Company captures water from rivers near its Plants. Since it is authorized by legal bodies, the company captures water from Quilombo (for human consumption only) and Mogi (industrial use) Rivers, both in São Paulo, and Piracicaba River, in Minas Gerais. The mean volumes of water used in steel production and the water recirculation rate are presented in the table below: Water Unit Sea Water m 3 103,528,023 Surface freshwater m 3 67,046,878 Total m 3 170,574,901 Recirculated water m 3 1,534,184,504 Recirculated water % Discarded liquid effluents m 3 Total 95.8 141,733,170 The reduction in the captured volume of water (sea and fresh water) as well as the smallest volume of recirculated water in 2014, compared to 2013, is coupled to an essentially smaller volume of steel produced. Effluents All effluents of the steel production activity pass through a rigorous treatment before being returned to the environment, through a process that includes decantation, flocculation and filtration phases. Thus, the Company complies with the federal, state, and municipal standards where it operates. In 2014, 141.7 million cubic meters of water were disposed of through the sewers of the Plants of Ipatinga (MG) and Cubatão (SP). The volume was disposed of in Piracicaba River (Ipatinga) and in the Estuary (Cubatão). 93 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Atmospheric Emissions The steel production unit measures from time to time its atmospheric emissions. In 2014 the parameters NOx, SOx and MP (Particulate Matter), and the results are presented in the following table in tons p.a. Parameters Issues (t/year) NOx 14,264.74 Sox 11,935.35 Particulate material (PM) 10,761.82 Total 36,961.91 NOx emissions in 2014 were lower than emissions from the previous year due to the failures identified in the management system of the analysis results that led to a doubling of emissions in 2013. SOx emissions were reduced in 2014, due to implementation of the Natural Gas in the energy matrix of the company to replace fuel oil. Wastes In the steel production activity, the generated volume was 6.1 million tons in 2014. Out of which, around 86.4 thousand tons were hazardous wastes, which received specific treatment procedure with co-processing and disposition in appropriate and licensed industrial embankments. The Company acts through the Special Sales sector and integrated to the Environmental Management system, in the sale of carbo chemical products (co-product) and wastes generated, except those used in the process. The offer of wastes in the market foments partnerships with investors, universities and companies by making it possible to apply a tailing of a given business as input of another organization and fomenting studies of reuse and environmental impact. Data of waste generation and destination 2014 are presented as follows: Waste Amount (t/year) Generation 6,095,160 Hazardous Waste 86,425 Non-hazardous waste 6,008,735 Internal Recycling 2,913,412 Storage 140,417 Final provision 2,556,476 Marketing 5,469,888 Reuse (marketing + internal recycling) 6,095,160 94 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Reduction of impacts Eco-efficiency management is one of the assumptions of the Company’s operation and, in this sense, the continuous search for reduction of environmental impacts becomes part of the management activities of the Company. Out of the initiatives to reduce environmental impacts of products and services and extent of the reduction of those impacts, it is worth mentioning investments in improvements in the current dust removal systems, reform of the coke furnace and its peripherals and improvements in the water effluent measurement and control systems. Environmental Investments The investments in environment in the year of 2014 in connection with steel production were R$354.2 million, most of them to reduce atmospheric emissions (92%), especially in the continuing its projects for reform of coke furnace No. 2 and in the substitution of the dust removal system from the tap hole of blast furnace No. 3. at Plant of Ipatinga (MG). In addition, adjustments were made in this plant for natural gas injection in the hot rolling ovens. The rest of the investments (8%) was allocated to the adaptation project of steel slag beneficiation patio plant in Cubatão. c) dependence on patents, brands, licenses, granting, franchises, royalty contracts important for the development of the Company’s activities. Technology - In 2011, Usiminas started manufacturing high resistance thick steel plates with limits equal to or higher than 490 N/mm2, as a result of the retention, exclusive in Brazil, of the technology Continuous on Line Control Process (CLC). The technology transfer contract was executed in 2009 with Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation and remains in force during the effective date of the patents. In addition to Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Usiminas also organizes partnerships with research institutions and universities for development and research of products that are of the Company’s interest. Except the ones described above, the Company has no substantial dependence on third parties’ intellectual property. Brands - As commented in item 9, letter “b”, of this Reference Form, the brands held by the Company are restricted to the corporate identities of its companies. Although Usiminas does not depend on brands it held for its activities to be developed, such intangible asset is fundamental for the external perception of quality and values of Usiminas and is highly important for the Company and its corporate identity. According to 31 INPI rules, the brand Usiminas is highly noticeable, reason why no other company may register the name Usiminas as company in the same branch our brand operates. This same rule applies to many other countries in the world, which implies a virtually null risk of granting or possession of such name by third parties. 31 National Institute of Industrial Property 95 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Mineral Rights - Mineração Usiminas depends on granting of mineral rights to develop its mining activities, as mentioned in the item above and in item 9.1., letter ”b”, which, therefore, significantly depend on mining concessions of which it is a holder. 7.6. In relation to the countries from which the Company obtain relevant revenues, identify: a) the revenue from the clients assigned to the host country of the Company and its percentage of the total net revenue of the Company The total net revenue from the clients in the host country of the Company was R$ 11.7 billion, R$ 11.5 billion, and R$ 10.1 billion in the fiscal years ended December 31, 2014, 2013, and 2012, respectively, which accounts for 85.15%, 89.90%, and 79.56% of the total net revenue of the Company in the same periods, respectively. b) revenue from the clients assigned to each foreign country and its percentage of the total net revenue of the Company The revenues assigned to each foreign country in the last three fiscal years are as follows: 2014 2013 2012 Revenue in thousand R$ % of total net revenue Revenue in thousand R$ % of total net revenue Revenue in thousand R$ % of total net revenue USA 680.000 39% 194.445 15% 363,721 14% Argentina 296.410 17% 272.224 21% 337,741 13% Mexico 191.795 11% 0 0% 389,701 15% Taiwan 139.487 8% 103.704 8% 129,900 5% Colombia 139.487 8% 168.519 13% 311,761 12% Panama 52.308 3% - 0% - 0% Índia 34.872 2% - 0% 233,820 9% Venezuela 34.872 2% - 0% 129,900 5% China - 0% 233.335 18% - 0% Chile - 0% 103.704 8% 129,900 5% South Korea - 0% 64.815 5% - 0% Vietnam - 0% 64.815 5% - 0% 174.358 10% 90.742 7% 571,561 22% Net Revenue Foreign Market 1,743,589 14.85% 1.296.303 10.10% 2,598,005 20.44% Net Revenue Domestic Market 9,998,040 85.15% 11.533.164 89.90% 10,110,794 79.56% 11,741,629 100.00% 12.829.467 100.00% 12,708,799 100.00% Country Others Total Net Revenue 96 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 c) total revenue from foreign countries and its percentage of total net revenue of the Company As informed in the item above, the total revenue from foreign countries is R$ 1.7 billion, R$ 1.3 billion, and R$ 2.6 billion thousand in the fiscal years ended December 31, 2014, 2013, and 2012, respectively, and accounts for 14.85%, 10.10%, and 20.44% of the total net revenue in the same periods, respectively. 7.7. In relation to the foreign countries disclosed in item 7.6, inform to which extent the Company is subject to the regulation of those countries and how being so affects its business. The Company’s exportations are focused on the markets of Latin America, USA and Asia, and its products are internationally renowned. Since it does not conduct business that could be declared unfair in the markets it operates, there is no commercial dispute over its products of thick plates, cold-rolled steels, galvanized and electro-galvanized products, and plates. There is one antidumping proceeding against Usiminas (also against other Brazilian plants), filed by Canada over the hot-rolled steel products. Such proceeding started in 2001 and, since then and every 5 years, it has been renewed under the allegation that Brazil, since it is a great hot-rolled steel producer, could focus its sales on that same Canadian market if the case was terminated. Therefore, the Company believes that it does not generate foreign regulation effects that could affect its exportations. 7.8. Description of the relevant long-term relations of the Company that do not appear elsewhere in this Reference Form. In the year of 2012, the Company published its Annual Report of 2011, which encompasses sustainability indexes, which is available on the Company’s website and on the website of CVM – Brazilian Securities Commission In 2012 and in 2013, the Company proceeded with the principal actions related to community and environment. Such actions are presented in this item and in item 7.5 of this Reference Form. The Company did not issue a new report with sustainability information understanding that there were no relevant changes. In 2015, the Company will publish its Annual Report of 2014, which will be available on the Company’s website in mid 2015. 97 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Personnel Management Usiminas invests in the training and qualification of the employees, it offers social and labor benefits and compensation compatible with what is seen in the sector. The major focus of the professional training programs is to prepare the individuals for a management model directed to the Company’s competitiveness and productivity growth. In this sense, it is worth pointing out the activities of the Avançar program, focused on accelerated development of young professionals of high potential, and the continuity of the Educar program –Usiminas Corporate Education, which involves from continuous education actions to training customized to the company’s reality. The group ended 2014 with 94% of its direct employees participated in training sessions. In 2014, Usiminas invested in trainings to develop professionals from the steel production area (Blast Furnaces, Steelworks, Hot Rolling, Cranes and Maintenance), encompassing 2,446 participants, with the objective of offering more qualification to solve production-related situations. Trainings focused on safety (Regulatory Rules) and quality, as well as continuous education (Languages, Adult Education, Undergraduate, Graduate and Master’s Degree), which included 478 participants, were also given. Usiminas ended 2014 with 825,000 hours in training. Institutional Relations Aiming to defend the Company’s interests, Usiminas maintains a transparent and regular conversation with the representatives of the Public Power and regularly follows the major issues treated in the National Congress and in the Legislative Meetings and Municipal Chambers of the places where it maintains operations and where it individually or jointly works with class and/or entities, abiding by all rules and laws in force. The Company participated in defense actions of the metallurgical and industrial sectors with federal, state, and municipal authorities of its influence area, contributing to the improvement of the legislation and effort to keep jobs and market for the national industry. In 2015, the Company will keep making every effort to show the public authorities how important the sector is to generate wealth and jobs in Brazil, to ensure its operation in a sustainable manner. Political participation and electoral contributions In 2014, the Company provided financial support to the electoral process, and in accordance with current legislation, recorded at TSE the value of donations made to candidates and parties. 98 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Fight against corruption To fight the corruption and bribery practices, the Company uses and discloses to the employees specific instruments, e.g. the Code of Conduct and Open Channel, in addition to being a signatory of the Pact for Integrity and Fight Against Corruption of Instituto Ethos. Code of Conduct: approved in 2011, the Code provides the employees of the companies of Usiminas with the amounts of the Company to be used in the daily relation with the other employees, suppliers, clients and third parties in general. The Code is signed by employee when they are hired and must be complied with. Open Channel: Created in 2009, the Open Channel receives information about possible inconsistencies in Company operations. This management tool creates a communication space not only for employees, but also for customers, suppliers, investors and for the society in general, so that the Company is warned of possible fraud, corruption, bribe, harassment and theft, under secured secrecy and trust. The Open Channel allows anonymous tip and is in line with the governance good practices and with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). Each and every information is treated with transparency, whilst that deemed to have grounds is forwarded to the Internal Audit Committee which, in its turn, reports it to the Board of Directors. The Open Channel may be accessed through the internet, intranet or telephone. In 2014 the Anti-Corruption Law was the subject of classroom and e-learning courses with the participation of employees from all group companies. The course was designed by the area of Audit and had the support of the Legal area. There was reinforcing the Open Channel as well as the Code of Conduct. This preventive action, shows the values that the Company holds. Direct and Fiscal Incentive Investments The Company uses its own resources and also from the incentive laws to foster investments in the areas of education, culture, health, sports, social integration and environment. In 2014, Usiminas invested R$ 12 million, out of which R$ 7 million derived from incentives. The Company does not receive official resources to invest in its operational activities. Community The Company strengthens the relation with the communities of the regions in which it operates through their social, environmental and cultural projects, in addition to stimulate the local economic and social environmental development. Social Projects The Company invests in the development of the local communities through own projects or partnerships with non-governmental organizations and local governments. Some of those actions must be highlighted. More than 200 entities registered and served by volunteers of the group companies, benefiting thousands of people through the following programs: Winter-wear Campaign: 67,000 donations distributed in 2014. Christmas Solidarity Campaign: More than 100 thousand items collected in 2014. 99 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Day V: Day V mobilizes volunteers to work in the communities. Employees and their families participate in actions benefiting entities in the cities where the units of Valley of Steel, Mineração Usiminas, Usiminas Mecânica, Soluções Usiminas are situated, in the main place of business of the company, in Belo Horizonte. The objective is to foment the integration among company, employees and family members, to stimulate volunteer work and practice of citizenship, contributing to and supporting their initiatives and individual social responsibility to benefit the collective group. The activities carried out were linked to health, recreation and interaction with the elderly and rendering of services of painting, cleaning, electrical and mechanical maintenance. In 2014, there were more than 1400 employees participating. Mantiqueira Project: started in 2003, it motivates the citizenship and ensures the rights of 70 children and adolescents, of 6 to 17 years of age, living in the community of Pedra da Mantiqueira, a region near the plant of Cubatão. The project develops school tutoring activities, sport initiation, games, reading, arts, informatics, dance and theater workshops. The public served by the project was expanded in 2014, incorporating the households, focusing on socialization of families through the values, working protective and stimulating capacity that the family has in relation to children and adolescents in their development processes covering the entire community residents. Educação pelo Esporte: Project seeking citizenship through the practice of sports activities in three municipal schools of the region of Cubatão/MG. It develops the practice of volleyball and indoor football among 360 students, of schools of the Municipal Public Network of Education of Cubatão/SP, that are in a vulnerable situation. The objective is to strengthen the school through team work, as a team forming citizen students that are proactive and aware of their duties. Instituto Cultural Usiminas With operation focused on inclusion, formation and development of the citizen, Usiminas backed, in 2014, 40 projects through incentive laws to culture and sports (State Law of Incentive to Culture of Minas Gerais and São Paulo, Federal Law of Incentive to Culture, and Federal Law of incentive to Sports). The actions and partnerships raised more than R$ 7 million in sponsorships. One of the highlights of the backed projects was Circuito Usiminas de Cultura. The initiative lead several music, theater and circus shows, in addition to workshops and film exhibits, to six cities of the countryside of Minas Gerais and one district of Santos. In its fifth edition, more than 32 thousand people followed the programming in squares, schools and theaters of Ipatinga, Igarapé, Itatiaiuçu, Mateus Leme, Itaúna, Rio Manso and Cubatão and more than 47 schools were served by the project. The area of Education Action of the Instituto Cultural Usiminas has developed, since 2003, formation programs to artists, educators and students from the educational institutions of all Metropolitan Region of the Valley of Steel, living in 26 cities of the region. In 2014, more than 25 thousand people, among educators, students, academic students and artists in the region of the Valley of Steel participated in the activities. The program invests and believes in cultural training and public awareness as a multiplier agent so that art, education and culture issues have developments, thus generating local development by increasing social capital. Focusing on accessibility and culture democratization, Usiminas maintains in Ipatinga / MG, the Centro Cultural Usiminas. Opened in 1998, the area has become an important cultural center for Minas Gerais, 100 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 especially for the region of the Steel Valley. The space was created and designed to host local, national and international productions through free actions and popular prices, contributing to the regional culture development and strengthening. Since its creation, the space has been presenting year to year a huge audience evolution. In 2014 the Usiminas Cultural Center got an audience of more than 120 thousand people and completed 16 years of existence, guided by constant planning programs and diverse artistic events and activities, consolidating the close relationship between Usiminas and the region. For more information, visit 7.9. Other Information that the Company deems relevant. The company received the following awards in the year of 2014. Usiminas Institutional Investor Magazine (Metals & Mining Industry) A survey done by Institutional Investor Magazine, publication specialized in capital markets, with investors and market analysts on the areas of; investor relations (IR) of Latin America, Metals and mining sector that stood out in 2014. Usiminas achieved the following results: 3rd place: IR Magazine (search the Getúlio Vargas Foundation) Best investor relations program AutoData Magazine Usiminas was the highest ranked steel producer to be listed on the "quality and partnership Rankings 2014" from AutoData Magazine, the main publication in the Brazilian automotive market. The ranking reflects the consistency and quality of services provided by suppliers that supply to the the automotive chain, through the study of presence and regularity of companies in prizes offered by vehicle manufacturers and the main representative entities of the automotive sector in Brazil. Psa Peugeot-Citröen Usiminas was recognized by PSA Peugeot Citroën with a special prize awarded by the jury during the "Supplier Awards Latin America 2014". The automaker, which is present in Brazil since 2001, acknowledged Usiminas in the "Steel raw material", emphasizing the technical and commercial contribution Usiminas has had in developing and monitoring the policy of PSA in Latin America. John Deere Usiminas has remained among the best suppliers of John Deere,a manufacturer of agricultural machinery and implements. The mills of Ipatinga and Cubatão received, in 2014, the plate of "Supplier Partner", the highest level within the program:” Achieving Excellence” from John Deere, a worldwide initiative for the evaluation of its suppliers. The acknowledgment came during the 9th meeting of the company's Suppliers held in Campinas (SP). 101 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Mangels Usiminas was honored by Mangels Industrial with a plate referring to the quality of delivery of products and of the sales relationship. The new acknowledgment was received during the Mangels reward quality award, delivered in the Mangels suppliers’ convention, held in Três Corações,(MG), where Mangels awarded their best business partners across all business segments of the group, which specializes in the production of wheels and cylinders. Manitowoc Usiminas is, since May 2014, a qualified supplier of Manitowoc,the second largest manufacturer of cranes in the world. Usiminas was Invited to participate in the qualification process of local suppliers and received a 96% of score, a result considered excellent and equivalent to the level of an advanced supplier within the criteria of the American company. Aberje Usiminas was awarded the Aberje (Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial)-MG/Midwest regional and was a national finalist in the categories of Communication programs, projects and cultural activities and communication and relationship with the consumer. The Aberje is considered to be the most relevant in the Brazilian corporate communication. Business Communication Magazine Usiminas was included for the fourth time in a row in the list of "companies that best communicate with journalists", in a survey promoted by the Business magazine of Communication/Communication’s Studies’ Center-CECOM, audited by BDO Brazil, with 25 thousand journalists from all over Brazil. Only 23 Brazilian companies received this award in all four editions . Mineração Usiminas Best practice award in occupational safety and health by the Brazilian mining Institute (IBRAM) Mineração Usiminas won the third place award for the project "Registry management and treatment of deviation" in the category "Effective use of Communication systems in occupational health and safety applied in work procedures". The award is sponsored by the Social Service for industry (SESI) and the National Confederation of industry (CNI) and its goal is to recognize the best practices adopted by companies in the mineral sector, with more than 9,000 active companies, and to promote constant improvement of the health and safety conditions in the workplace. Largest Brazilian Mines & Ores magazine Minerales The West Mine, one of the operating units of Mineração Usiminas, stood out among the leading mines in Brazil, according to a survey conducted by the magazine Minérios & Minerales, considering the base year of 2013. The publication has reviewed the profile and operational performance of almost 200 units of different mineral substances over the past year. This was the 10th edition of the survey that annually updates the panorama national mining. The award was delivered in November 2014. 102 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 8. Economic group 8.1. Description of the economic group issuer is inserted in, indicating: a) Direct and indirect controllers As indicated in item 15.1 of this Reference Form, the Company is controlled by: (i) Nippon Group, comprised of: Nippon Usiminas Co. Ltd., Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (new name for Nippon Steel Corporation), Metal One Corporation and Mitsubishi Corporation do Brasil S.A.; (ii) T/T Group, comprised of: Confab Industrial S.A., Prosid Investments S.C.A., Siderar S.A.I.C and Ternium Investments S.à.r.l.; and (iii) Previdência Usiminas. (i) Nippon Group: Nippon Usiminas Co., Ltd., a company organized and existing under the laws of Japan, with main place of business in 6-1, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, registered with the Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (“CNPJ/MF”) under No. 005.527.337/0001-75, comprised of Japanese companies and Japanese government institutions with the specific purpose of owning Usiminas stock. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (new name for Nippon Steel Corporation), a company organized and existing under the laws of Japan, with main place of business in Marunouchi Park Bldg., 2-61, Marunouchi, Chiyoda Ward,100-8071, Tokyo, Japan, registered with CNPJ under No. 005.473.413/000107, part of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation Group, owner of 89.35% of the ordinary shares of Nippon Usiminas. The principal shareholders with interest in the capital stock of NSSMC are: Japan Trustee Service Bank, Ltd. (3.9%), The Master Trust Bank of Japan (3.2%), Sumitomo Corporation (2.8%), Nippon Life Insurance Company (2.7%) and Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (1.9%), as described in item 15.1 of this Reference Form. Mitsubishi Corporation do Brasil Ltda., a limited Brazilian company, registered with CNPJ/MF under No. 061.090.619/0001-29, with its main place of business located at Av. Paulista, No. 1294, 23º andar - sala 221 - Bela Vista, in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation. Metal One Corporation, a company organized and existing under the laws of Japan, registered with CNPJ/MF under No. 005.733.199/0001-80, with main place of business at 23-1, 3- chome, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014, Japan, is an affiliate of Mitsubishi Corporation. (ii) T/T Group: Confab Industrial S.A., a Brazilian company, with its main place of business located at Rua Manoel Coelho No. 303, 7º andar, Conjunto 72, Centro São Caetano do Sul, 09510-100, São Paulo - SP, Brazil, registered with CNPJ/MF under No. 60.882.628/0001-90, controlled by Tenaris S.A., company organized and existing under the laws of Luxembourg, through companies Tenaris Investiments S.àr.l and Siderca S.A.I.C; 103 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Prosid Investments S.C.A., company organized and existing under the laws of Uruguay, with main place of business in La Cumparsita 1373, 2º andar, Montevideo 11200, Uruguay, registered with CNPJ/MF under No. 14.759.342/0001-02, and controlled by Siderar S.A.I.C.; Siderar S.A.I.C., publicly-held entrepreneurial company organized and existing under the laws of Argentina, listed on the Stock Exchange of Buenos Aires – Argentina, with main place of business in Carlos M. Della Paolera 299, 16º andar, C1001AAF, Buenos Aires, Argentina, registered with CNPJ/MF under No. 05.722.544/0001-80, controlled by Ternium S.A., company organized and existing under the laws of Luxembourg; and Ternium Investments S.à r.l., company organized and existing under the laws of Luxembourg, with main place of business at No. 29, avenue de la Porte-Neuve, L-2227 Luxembourg, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with CNPJ/MF under No. 12.659.927/ 0001-17, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ternium S.A. Tenaris S.A. and Ternium S.A. are controlled by San Faustin S.A., company organized and existing under the laws of Luxembourg, which indirectly holds through its Luxembourg wholly-owned subsidiary, Techint Holdings S.à r.l., approximately 60.5% of stock issued by Tenaris S.A. and 62% of stock issued by Ternium S.A. (iii) Previdência Usiminas: Previdência Usiminas, a Brazilian company, registered with CNPJ/MF under No. 16.619.488/0001-70, with its main place of business located at Rua Prof. Vieira de Mendonça, No. 3011, 1º andar, CEP 31310-260, in the City of Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais. 104 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 b) Subsidiaries and affiliates Corporate Name Company Participation in the total capital of the Company at 03/31/2015 Codeme Engenharia S.A. Affiliate 30.7692% Cosipa Commercial Ltd. Subsidiary 100% Cosipa Overseas Ltd. Subsidiary 100% Fasal Trading Brasil S.A. (*) Jointly-controlled 50% Metalcentro Ltda. Subsidiary 100% MetForm S.A. Affiliate 30.7692% Mineração Usiminas S.A. Subsidiary 70% Modal Terminal de Graneis Ltda. (*) Jointly-controlled 50% MRS Logística S.A. Affiliate 11.4137% Rios Unidos Logística e Transportes de Aço Ltda. Subsidiary 100% Soluções em Aço Usiminas S.A. Subsidiary 68.877893% Paraopeba Cargo Terminal Affiliate 22.222% Sarzedo Cargo Terminal Affiliate 22.222% Unigal Ltda. (*) Jointly-controlled 70% Usiminas APS Subsidiary 100% Usiminas Commercial Ltd. Subsidiary 100% Usiminas Denmark Subsidiary 100% Usiminas Electrogalvanized Steel ApS Subsidiary 100% Usiminas Europa S.A Subsidiary 100% Usiminas Galvanized Steel ApS Subsidiary 100% Usiminas International Ltd. Subsidiary 100% Usiminas Mecânica S.A. Subsidiary 99.9975% Usiminas Participações e Logística S.A. Subsidiary 100% Usiroll Usiminas Court Tecnologia em Acabamento Superficial Ltda. (*) Jointly-controlled 50% (*) As of January 2013, these companies started to be presented by the equity method in the consolidated financial statements of the Company. 105 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 c) Interest of issuer in the group's companies The company holds no interest in other companies of the group besides those described above. d) Interests of companies of the group in issuer There is no interest by any of the companies of the group to which the Company belongs to besides those described above. e) Companies under common control The Company holds no interest in companies under common control. 106 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 8.2. Economic group's organization chart The organization chart presented below shows the organizational structure of the Company's economic group: PARTICIPATION IN COLIGATES AND/OR CONTROLLED (POSITION ON 3/31/2015) 107 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 8.3. Restructuring transactions, mergers, spin-offs, acquisitions of shares, disposals and acquisitions of corporate control and acquisitions and disposals of major assets: Regarding this information for the last three fiscal years, see item 6.5 of this Reference Form. 8.4. Provide other information that the issuer deems relevant. In addition to the information provided above, the Company believes that there is additional relevant information to be provided in item 8 of this Reference Form. 9. Relevant assets 9.1. Material fixed assets for the development of Company activities, indicating: a) Fixed assets, including those rented or leased, identifying location. Type of Property Property Address Municipality UF Total Area (Thousand m²) Built Area (Thousand m²) CORPORATE HEAD OFFICE RUA PROF. JOSÉ VIEIRA DE MENDONÇA, 3011 BELO HORIZONTE MG 72.0 45.0 FEITOSA I, II, III IPATINGA IPATINGA MG 10,579.0 0.0 LAGOA SILVANA BR 458 CARATINGA MG 6,120.0 0.1 POÇO REDONDO GROUND SANTANA DO PARAÍSO SANTANA DO PARAÍSO MG 2,276.0 0.0 CAPTAIN EDUARDO WAREHOUSE INDUSTRIAL CITY SANTA LUZIA MG 79.0 6.0 INTENDENTE CÂMARA PLANT RODOVIA BR 381, KM 210 IPATINGA MG 10,500.0 1,100.0 SERVICE CENTER - TAUBATÉ - SP AV. PROJETADA 1, S/Nº - B. PIRACANGAGUA DIST. PIRACANGAGUA SP 191.4 5.6 AIRPORT SANTANA DO PARAÍSO SANTANA DO PARAÍSO MG 703.0 0.0 JOSÉ BONIFÁCIO DE ANDRADA PLANT ESTRADA DE PIAÇAGUERA, KM6 CUBATÃO SP 10,000.0 781.0 CUBATÃO TERMINAL ESTRADA DE PIAÇAGUERA, KM 6 CUBATÃO SP 194.0 0.0 UTINGA TRANSHIPMENT TERMINAL AVENIDA DOS ESTADOS, N 3001 SANTO ANDRÉ SP 124.0 6.0 SANTANA DO PARAISO GROUNDS ( PART ) SANTANA DO PARAISO SANTANA DO PARAISO MG 5,352.01 0.0 PORTO ITAGUAÍ/SEPETIBA ITAGUAÍ ITAGUAÍ RJ 968.0 0.0 b) Patents, trademarks, licenses, concessions, franchises and technology transfer agreements, informing: duration; covered territory; events that could lead to loss of rights to such assets; possible consequences from the loss of such rights to the Company 108 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Patents Description of Patents i) Duration ii)Territory Manufacturing process of heavy plates in the standard state directly from hot rolling 07.24.17 In the country Steel family highly resistent to atmospheric corrosion for industrial application and process for its manufacturing. 02.12.18 In the country Colling system for hot coils. 05.25.18 In the country Adjustable leveling system for sintering machines 03.18.20 In the country Improvement in device for accelerated corrosion testing of metallic materials by the alternating immersion method 01.09.22 System for determining thermal profile of Blast Furnaces 09.21.20 In the country Process for obtaining black glass and dark ceramic as of Steelmaking slag 10.18.20 In the country Equipment to optimize the permeability of sintering mixtures 20.11.12 In the country Method for checking for leaks in the gas piping of industrial oven combustion systems 12.11.20 In the country Wet dedusting system using elevated reservoir for mineral coal handling machines 12.20.20 In the country Material for application in cracks and voids of refractory coatings, process and application of the material and equipment for the application of the material 12.28.20 System for continuous measurement of temperature of liquid metal using optical process 09.26.21 In the country Equipment for inspection of Blast Furnace walls in operation 08.16.22 In the country Structural steel having high resistance to atmospheric corrosion with low copper content 08.15.22 In the country Mobile device for anchoring of conveyor belt back rollers 10.24.22 In the country Upper valve extractor device and porous plug in Steelwork steel cooking pots 12.18.22 In the country Support Adapter bracket of rotary pincers for moving coils of machine wire using two hooks "C" 03.20.23 In the country Device for removal of short plates from Casting machine shafts 09.07.23 In the country System for measuring the temperature of the buffering mass of the Blast Furnace running bore 09.07.23 In the country Valve sealing device for eliminating contamination by nitrogen from the air in Continuous Casting steels 12.03.23 In the country Stabilizer for vertical type QL 02.25.24 In the country Device to elaborate side guides to conveyor belts. 02.24.20 In the country Equipment for boiling and saturation of refractory material to testing of mass density and apparent porosity. 11.18.22 In the country Cold rolled steel for the manufacture of formed parts with high mechanical resistance and its production process. 07.14.23 In the country 04.27.2025 In the country Fixing device of the measurerment sampling lance of temperature and liquid metal 10.29.26 In the country Device for continuous temperature measurement of liquid steel in the distributor with infrared pyrometer and optical fiber 06.06.26 USA Device for continuous temperature measurement of liquid steel in the distributor with infrared pyrometer and optical fiber 06.06.26 EPO - France Device for continuous temperature measurement of liquid steel in the distributor with infrared pyrometer and optical fiber 06.06.26 EPO - Italy Device for continuous temperature measurement of liquid steel in the distributor with infrared pyrometer and optical fiber 06.06.26 EPO - Germany Device for continuous temperature measurement of liquid steel in the distributor with infrared pyrometer and optical fiber 06.06.26 EPO - Spain Device for continuous temperature measurement of liquid steel in the distributor with infrared pyrometer and optical fiber 06.07.26 Japan Device for continuous temperature measurement of liquid steel in the distributor with infrared pyrometer and optical fiber 06.07.26 China Partial deoxidation of semikilled stell with cabon In the country In the country 109 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 iii) Events that could lead to losing the rights to such assets. The invention patent is valid for 20 years and the utility model patent for 15 years, according to Brazilian law. The privilege or rights over the subject matter of the patent letter ends after this period, when it becomes public domain. There are no defaults or disputes involving the Company that may culminate in loss of the aforementioned patent rights. iv) Possible consequences to issuer from the loss of such rights The licensing or sale of Usiminas patents provide benefits in two ways: (a) royalties from the sale of the licensed patent, where sales to third parties occur; (b) or discount on the purchase of inputs provided by partners in the development of the patented subject matter. Regarding current patents owned by the Company, in the case of loss of rights over these patents, the Company would not suffer significant financial impact, since the amounts involved are not material. However, the Company would no longer have the right to prevent third parties from using / producing / trading the product under patent. Trademarks The Company and its subsidiaries, affiliates and companies under common control currently use 8 registered and disclosed trademarks; namely : Usiminas, Usiminas Mecânica, Unigal, Saúde Usiminas, Previdência Usiminas, Instituto Cultural Usiminas, Soluções Usiminas and Mineração Usiminas. These trademarks are owned by the Company and were registered under the relevant categories related to activities performed by the Company and its subsidiaries affiliates and companies under common control. The Company also owns the following trademarks: Registration Number Class Nature (figurative, nominative or mixed) CANAL ABERTO (OPEN CHANNEL) 812990293 11:10 Nominative Filed 12/1/1986 COS-EP 400 RC 813732891 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Filed 9/14/1987 COS EEP CC TI 816301778 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Filed 8/8/1991 COS EEP CC T2 816301786 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Filed 8/8/1991 COSIPISO 816760497 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Registered 6/24/1992 USIGALVE-EEP 817554483 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Registered 9/28/1993 USIGALVE-EEP-PC 817554491 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Registered 9/28/1993 USIGALVE-PLUS-EEP 817554505 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Registered 9/28/1993 USIGALVE-N 818327243 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Registered 2/6/1995 USIFIRE 818327251 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Registered 2/6/1995 Mark AEROPORTO AIRPORT) DA USIMINAS Status Date of Deposit/Registration (USIMINAS 819846252 NCL(8 ) 39 Mixed Registered 1/21/1997 COSEL 819740934 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Filed 3/14/1997 COS EEP 819740942 06 : 20 - 30 Nominative Filed 3/14/1997 USICIVIL 819896896 40:15:00 Nominative Registered 3/14/1997 USICIVIL 819896900 37 : 05 - 40 Nominative Registered 3/14/1997 110 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Registered 6/9/1997 Mixed Filed 12/22/1997 Bearer Registered 7/15/1999 Bearer Registered 10/8/1999 Mixed Filed 10/8/1999 06 : 20 - 30 Mixed Filed 10/15/1999 NCL(8 ) 09 Mixed Filed 4/23/2004 827346492 NCL(8 ) 06 Nominative Filed 3/8/2005 827357621 NCL(8 ) 06 Nominative Filed 3/30/2005 USI-AR-360-L 827357630 NCL(8 ) 06 Nominative Filed 3/30/2005 USI-AR-360-VO-Q 827357648 NCL(8 ) 06 Nominative Filed 3/30/2005 USI-AR-360-Q 827357656 NCL(8 ) 06 Nominative Filed 3/30/2005 USIMINAS 827441339 NCL(9 ) 06 Mixed Filed 4/7/2005 USISAMPLE 900875089 NCL(9 ) 09 Nominative Filed 4/24/2008 USIMINAS 901437085 NCL(9 ) 06 Mixed Filed 2/4/2009 USIMINAS 901572365 NCL(9 ) 06 Nominative Registered 4/14/2009 UNIGAL 901861480 NCL(9 ) 06 Mixed Filed 8/13/2009 UNIGAL 906828848 NCL(10)06 Mixed Awaiting opposition submission deadline 10/1/2013 Automotiva Usiminas 901861456 NCL(9 ) 12 Mixed Registered 8/13/2009 8/13/2009 USIBRAS 819955280 06 : 20 - 30 INTERACTION 820431990 11:10 USICORT 821885715 NCL(8 ) 06 USILIGHT 822125889 NCL(8 ) 06 USILIGHT 822185164 7:20 PM USICORT 822185334 USISAMPLE 826576931 USI-ABRA-L USI-AR-400-L Nominative DUFER USIMINAS 901861499 NCL(9 ) 06 Mixed Request Awaiting Appeal Fasal Usiminas 901861596 NCL(9 ) 06 Mixed Request Awaiting Appeal 8/13/2009 UMSA 818591838 7:35 AM Nominative Registered 5/18/1995 UMSA 818591854 37:05 – 25-40 Nominative Registered 5/18/1995 UMSA 818591846 37:40 – 41 – 42 Nominative Registered 5/18/1995 UMSA 818591862 6:30 AM Nominative Registered 5/18/1995 UMSA 818591889 07:25 - 30 Nominative Registered 5/18/1995 UMSA 818591897 7:20 PM Nominative Registered 5/18/1995 USIMINAS MECÂNICA 818623942 37:05 – 25 – 40 Mixed Registered 6/14/1995 USIMINAS MECÂNICA 818623950 37:56 Figurative Registered 6/14/1995 Mixed Request Communicated 7/18/2011 USIMINAS 903863642 NCL(9)06 USIMINAS 901572454 NCL(9)06 Figurative Registered 4/14/2009 SINCRON 830751211 NCL(9)06 Nominative Registered 8/4/2010 CYCLE 830751181 NCL(9)06 Nominative Suspended Request 8/4/2010 EZULT 830751190 NCL(9)06 Nominative Registered 8/4/2010 SETTER 830751203 NCL(9)06 Nominative Register 8/4/2010 RAVUR 830751351 NCL(9)06 Nominative Registered 8/6/2010 ARPER 830763724 NCL(9)06 Nominative Registered 8/6/2010 EFFOR 830763708 NCL(9)06 Nominative Def. Notif. 8/6/2010 ARCTOS 830763716 NCL(9)06 Nominative Registered 8/6/2010 KORAGE 830763732 NCL(9)06 Nominative Registered 8/6/2010 Rios Unidos 006789110 38:20 Nominative Registration Extended 8/16/1977 TESMAF 810105764 1.597222222 Nominative Terminated 4/29/1981 TESMAF 811245861 1.677083333 Nominative Registered 7/26/1983 USISAÚDE 828721483 NCL(8)36 Mixed Registered 8/1/2006 USISAÚDE 902214527 NCL(9)36 Mixed Filed 12/21/2009 111 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 COSIPA 002472902 COSIPA COSIPA COSIPA 006126456 COSIPA 004095120 COS – AR 810901293 COS – AR – COR 811363767 COS – COR COS – RD 6/20/1956 01:10 -75 -85 Nominative Registered 002178362 NCL(8)01 Nominative Terminated 2/4/1959 007535759 0.256944444 Mixed Terminated 6/21/1968 01:85 – 90 Mixed Registered 6/21/1968 0.065972222 Nominative Registered 2/16/1971 06:10 – 20 – 30 Nominative Registered 7/2/1982 06:10 –20 – 30 Nominative Registered 11/10/1983 812944828 06:20 – 30 Nominative Registered 10/30/1986 812944810 06:20 – 30 Nominative Registered 10/30/1986 COS – FIT 817751750 0.270833333 Nominative Registered 3/30/1994 COSIPA 817965726 1.677083333 Nominative Registered 7/28/1994 COSIPA 817965700 38:20 - 40 Nominative Registered 7/28/1994 COSIPA 817965718 36:70 Nominative Registered 7/28/1994 COSIPA 817965769 38:20 - 40 Mixed Registered 7/28/1994 COSIPA 817965734 1.580555556 Nominative Registered 7/28/1994 COSIPA 817965742 1.677083333 Mixed Registered 7/28/1994 COSIPA 817965750 36:70 Mixed Registered 7/28/1994 COSIPA 817965777 1.580555556 Mixed Registered 7/28/1994 COS ALLOY 818443340 06:20 – 30 Nominative Registered 4/10/1995 COS – COR II 818443359 0.270833333 Nominative Registered 4/10/1995 COSIPA 818501626 38:20 - 40 Mixed Registered 6/9/1995 COSIPA 818501634 01:85 - 90 Mixed Registered 6/9/1995 COSIPA 818501588 1.580555556 Mixed Registered 6/9/1995 COSIPA 818501896 1.677083333 Mixed Registered 6/9/1995 COSIPA 818501600 36:70 Mixed Registered 6/9/1995 COSIPA 818501618 06:10 -20 - 30 Mixed Registered 6/9/1995 COSIPA 818501596 40:15 Mixed Registered 6/9/1995 COSAÚDE 819068560 1.677083333 Nominative Registered 3/13/1996 COS CF 500 819083372 06:20 – 30 Nominative Registered 3/28/1996 COSIPA 823254992 NCL(7) 16 Mixed Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA 823255000 NCL(7) 39 Mixed Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA AT SCHOOL 823254950 NCL(7) 41 Mixed Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA 823255018 NCL(7)40 Mixed Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA 823255026 NCL(7) 35 Mixed Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA 823255034 NCL(7) 42 Nominative Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA 823255042 NCL(7) 42 Mixed Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA NA ESCOLA (COSIPA AT SCHOO)L 823254933 NCL(7) 35 Nominative Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA NA ESCOLA (COSIPA AT SCHOOL) 823254941 NCL(7) 41 Nominative Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA 823255050 NCL(7) 01 Mixed Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA 823254984 NCL(7) 06 Mixed Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA 823254976 NCL(7) 36 Mixed Registered 5/15/2001 COSIPA NA ESCOLA (COSIPA AT SCHOOL) 823254968 NCL(7) 35 Mixed Registered 5/15/2001 CHAPA (PLATE) 823470199 NCL(7) 16 Nominative Registered 7/26/2011 INTERAÇÃO COSIPA (COSIPA INTERACTION) 826204252 NCL(8) 16 Nominative Registered 3/12/2004 Projeto Mantiqueira (Mantiqueira Project) 900077271 NCL(8) 41 Mixed Registered 11/9/2006 Projeto Mantiqueira (Mantiqueira Project) 900252480 NCL(9) 41 Nominative Registered 3/27/2007 SOLUÇÕES EM AÇO USIMINAS 840101740 NCL (10)35 Mixed Request Com. 4/24/2012 SOLUÇÕES EM AÇO USIMINAS 840101759 NCL (10)40 Mixed Request Com. 4/24/2012 112 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 MINING USIMINAS USIPREV PREVIDÊNCIA USIMINAS EMPREGADOS DA USIMINAS PREVIDÊNCIA USIMINAS CAIXA 904792200 NCL (10) 06 Mixed Request Com. 5/10/2012 904738833 NCL (10) 36 Mixed Request Com. 4/23/2012 904771814 NCL (10) 36 Mixed Request Com. 5/4/2012 904801152 NCL (10) 36 Mixed Request Com. DOS 5/15/2012 11/10/2014 SIDERBRITA 908569980 NCL (10) 19 Mixed Awaiting opposition submission deadline Nominative Awaiting opposition submission deadline Mixed Awaiting opposition submission deadline 11/10/2014 SIDERBRITA 908570120 NCL (10) 19 11/10/2014 SIDERBRITA PLUS 908570317 NCL (10) 19 11/10/2014 SIDERBRITA PLUS 908570392 NCL (10) 19 Nominative Awaiting opposition submission deadline AÇOCARD 840743696 NCL (10) 35 Mixed Awaiting opposition submission deadline 12/18/2013 AÇOCARD 840743700 NCL (10) 36 Mixed Awaiting opposition submission deadline 12/18/2013 i) Duration In Brazil, the acquisition of a trademark is only possible through trademark registration validly issued by the National Institute of Intellectual Property ("INPI"), where the holder is guaranteed the right to exclusive use throughout the country for 10 years from the date of concession of registration, renewable for equal and successive periods. During the registration process, the applicant has only an expectation of the right to use the trademarks applied for, to identify its products and services. ii ) Affected territory The trademarks owned by the Company were registered in Brazil, with no registered trademarks abroad. iii) Events that could lead to losing the rights to such assets. The Company is not aware of any event that may cause the loss of its intellectual property and trademarks. iv) Possible consequences to issuer from the loss of such rights The possible loss of rights over the trademarks registered by the Company and companies of Usiminas would cause the end of the right to their exclusive use in Brazil and it would face difficulties to prevent third parties from using identical or similar trademarks to market its products. In addition, if the Company or companies of Usiminas prove not to be the legitimate owners of the trademarks they use, there would be the possibility of suffering from litigation at criminal and civil levels for improper use of trademark and infringement of third party rights. As discussed above, the trademark "Usiminas" is one of the most valuable assets of the Company, which is why, notwithstanding loss of corporate identity, the loss of right to the trademark would have a material adverse impact on its business. 113 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Mining concessions Mining companies in Brazil can only explore and extract mineral resources according to their mining concessions provided by the National Department of Mineral Production - DNPM, autarchy of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of the Brazilian government. DNPM grants mineral research permits to the applicant for an initial period of three years. These permits are renewable as per discretionary decision of DNPM for a further period of one to three years, provided that the applicant demonstrates that the extension is necessary for the proper completion of the research activity. Local research activities must begin within 60 days from the official publication of the exploration license. After completing the activities of mineral exploration at the site, the company must submit a (positive or negative) final report to DNPM. If the geological survey reveals the existence of mineral deposits that are economically exploitable, the applicant company has one year (which may be extended by DNPM) from the approval of the final research report by DNPM to submit Economic Exploitation Plan (PAE), which shall contain a project descriptive memorandum, detailing the mining method to be adopted, the sizing of equipment, the economics involved and other legal requirements of the Mining Code. After approval of the PAE by DNPM, and its publication in the Brazilian Federal Gazette (“DOU”), the entrepreneur must submit Installation License, provided by the competent environmental agency, in a period of 180 days. When the mining concession is published, the dealer shall require the issuance of tenure of the deposit, which identifies the boundaries of the concession in the field, and start mining activities within at most six months. DNPM provides grant for an indefinite period lasting until depletion of the mineral deposit. The extracted minerals that are specified in the mining concession belong to the mining concessionaire. With the prior approval of DNPM, the concessionaire can transfer it to an unrelated party that is qualified to possess the mining concession. The entrepreneur must submit, on an annual basis, the Annual Mining Report, where data on mining, production, sale and collection of taxes and the Financial Compensation for Exploiting Mineral Resources - CFEM shall be presented. Failure to present the RAL - Annual Mining Report can result in penalties provided for in the mining code. The Company and Mineração Usiminas have several mining titles, including requirements for research, exploration permits and mining concessions, namely: Description of authorizations from DNPM (i) Validity (ii) Territory Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu/Itaúna - Case DNPM # 830.300/79 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 800.540 /75 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 006.274 /59 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 002.579 /53 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 000.441 /53 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu/Itaúna - Case DNPM # 805.221/77 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itaúna/Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 815.055/73 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itaúna - Case DNPM # 831.056/81 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itaúna - Case DNPM # 830.373/78 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 000.268 /63 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 800.743 /74 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 802.804 /71 Undetermined National Mining request in the city of Itatiaiuçu/Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 803.154/78 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 815.054/73 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 001.681/59 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 001.005 /60 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 000.288/63 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 831.153 /80 Undetermined National 114 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 830.301 /79 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 830.342 /82 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 814.668/73 Undetermined National Mining request in the city of Igarapé/Itatiaiuçu/Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 830.049/79 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 830.473/81 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 007.716 /57 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 005.797 /59 Undetermined National Mining request in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 831.143 /03 8/1/2009 National Mining request in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 833.867 /06 6/20/2011 National Mining request in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 831.755 /07 6/20/2011 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.649/10 9/23/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.652/10 9/23/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.655/10 9/23/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.657/10 10/3/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.659/10 9/23/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.648/10 9/23/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.654/10 9/23/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.656/10 9/23/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.658/10 10/3/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.650/10 9/23/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.653/10 9/23/2014 National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.669/10 Request of Search in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.670/10 Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.671/10 9/23/2014 National Undetermined National 9/02/2014 National Undetermined National Search Permit in the city of Rio Manso – Case DNPM # 832.651/10 9/23/2014 National Mining concession in the city of Itatiaiuçu/Itaúna - case DNPM # 830.364/88 2/23/1997 National Request of Search in the city of São Joaquim de Bicas – Case DNPM # 832.715/10 Mining request in the city of Itatiaiuçu/Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 830.443/83 2/28/1989 National 11/13/1987 National Mining request in the city of Itatiaiuçu/Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 831.075/85 7/25/1989 National Mining request in the city of Itatiaiuçu/Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 830.149/81 4/20/1985 National Mining request in the city of Igarapé/Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 803.274/78 5/16/2011 National 8/4/2008 National 12/10/1988 National Mining request in the city of Brumadinho/Igarapé - Case DNPM # 830.343/82 8/3/1991 National Mining request in the city of Brumadinho/Igarapé - Case DNPM # 834.338/94 3/22/2009 National Mining request in the city of Brumadinho/Igarapé - Case DNPM # 831.182/88 9/28/2004 National Mining request in the city of Brumadinho/Igarapé - Case DNPM # 830.410/82 2/10/1990 National Request of Search in the city of Itatiaiuçu – Case DNPM # 833.399/2011 Undetermined National Search Permit in the city of Marliéria – Case DNPM # 831.962/2012 Undetermined National Search Permit in the city of Marliéria – Case DNPM # 831.963/2012 Undetermined National Search Permit in the city of Marliéria – Case DNPM # 831.964/2012 Undetermined National Search Permit in the city of Marliéria – Case DNPM # 831.965/2012 Undetermined National Request of Search in the city of Cláudio – Case DNPM # 830.414/2014 Undetermined National Request of Search in the city of Cláudio – Case DNPM # 830.415/2014 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Pirapora do Bom Jesus/SP - case DNPM # 802.561/76 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Prudente de Morais/MG - Case DNPM # 73/61 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Salto de Pirapora/SP - Case DNPM # 007.535/63 Undetermined National Mining request in the city of Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 830.106 /85 Mining request in the city of Igarapé/Itatiaiuçu/Mateus Leme - Case DNPM # 830.035/03 Mining request in the city of Igarapé/Itatiaiuçu - Case DNPM # 805.218/77 115 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Mining concession in the city of Salto de Pirapora/SP - Case DNPM # 008.235/62 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Salto de Pirapora/SP - Case DNPM # 008.234/62 Undetermined National Mining concession in the city of Salto de Pirapora/SP - Case DNPM # 000.996/60 Undetermined National iii) Events that could lead to losing the rights to such assets. The Company is not aware of any event that may cause the loss of its mines. iv) Possible consequences of the loss of such rights to the issuer In the case of loss of concessions from DNPM, Mineração Usiminas would have its mining activities paralyzed in the respective areas. A complete halt of the ventures would only occur after the loss of all concessions in the name of the company, and the risk of losing the concessions is very low, resulting from the noncompliance with all obligations to DNPM, and even then, only after opening an administrative proceeding against the holder, against which appeal is permitted. The loss of all concessions, which is highly unlikely, as mentioned above, may impact the cost of iron ore for the company, since this amount of iron ore to be compensated, would likely be purchased in the market at a unit cost that is higher than its own production cost. 116 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 c) The companies in which issuer has ownership interest and in respect to them inform: Market Value of interest Book Value of Interest (PL) Corporate Name Headquarters Has registration with CVM Subsidiary / Affiliate Ownership interest % 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 12/31/2014 Appreciation or (devaluation) of interest , according to the book value 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 Appreciation or devaluation of interest according to the market value Dividends received 12/31/2012 Years of 2014, 2013 and 2012. 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 Codeme Engenharia S.A. Betim – MG No Affiliate 30.77 52,327 47,925 45,593 N/A 4,402 2,332 7,303 N/A 2,356 2,743 1,872 Cosipa Commercial Ltd. Cayman Islands No Subsidiary 100 25,353 32,200 21,263 N/A (6,847) 10,937 21,263 N/A 0 0 0 Cosipa Overseas Ltd. Cayman Islands No Subsidiary 100 592 16,007 19,021 N/A (15,415) (3,014) 1,442 N/A 14,916 0 0 MetForm S.A. Betim - MG No Affiliate 30.77 Mineração Usiminas S.A. B. Horizonte MG No Subsidiary 70 Rio de Janeiro 1.794-9 Affiliate 0.28 Itaquaquecetuba SP No Subsidiary 100 0 Soluções em Aço Usiminas SA B. Horizonte MG No Subsidiary 68.88 724,090 Unigal Ltda B. Horizonte MG No Jointlycontrolled 70 600,075 Usiminas Commercial Ltd. Cayman Islands No Subsidiary 100 61,761 Usiminas Europa S.A. Denmark No Subsidiary 100 Usiminas International Ltd Luxembourg No Subsidiary 100 Usiminas Mecânica S.A. B. Horizonte MG No Subsidiary São Paulo - SP No Ipatinga - MG No MRS Logística S.A. Rios Unidos Logística Transportes de Aço Ltda. Usiminas Participações Logística S/A e 13,239 11,985 10,956 N/A 1,254 1,029 (6,884) N/A 700 1,052 4,541 3,907,515 4,070,034 3,623,069 N/A (162,519) 446,965 395,357 N/A 354,908 176,510 58,689 7,958 7,762 7,027 N/A 196 735 603 N/A 848 530 630 0 9,459 N/A 0 (9,459) (747) N/A 0 0 0 756,461 773,441 N/A (32,371) (16,980) 5,243 N/A 0 11,336 0 636,738 680,713 N/A (36,663) (43,975) (74,015) N/A 164,499 161,000 175,000 52,224 24,857 N/A 9,537 27,367 24,857 N/A 0 0 0 1,929,453 1,742,345 1,588,086 N/A 187,108 154,259 (374,891) N/A 80,738 0 0 33,097 34,676 34,667 N/A (1,579) 9 (182,695) N/A 0 0 207,970 99.99 542,901 534,255 556,691 N/A 8,646 (22,436) (149,455) N/A 2,777 0 133,240 Subsidiary 16.70 57,206 55,280 51,278 N/A 1,926 4,002 5,334 N/A 5,263 4,467 2,883 Jointlycontrolled 50 9,842 8,743 7,542 N/A 1,099 1,201 1,594 N/A 0 0 0 e Usiroll Usiminas Court Tecnologia em Acabamento Superficial Ltda. Note: N/A = Not Applicable. Shares issued by the company are not traded in organized markets. 117 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 (i) Activities of Subsidiaries Codeme Engenharia S.A. – with main place of business in Betim, Estado de Minas Gerais, it manufactures and assembles steel constructions, especially industrial buildings, commercial sheds and multi-storey buildings. Codeme has plants in Betim (Minas Gerais) and Taubaté (São Paulo). Cosipa Commercial Ltd. - Headquartered on the Cayman Islands, it was organized in April 2006, aiming to optimize fundraising in foreign markets for Usiminas. Cosipa Overseas Ltd. - Headquartered on the Cayman Islands, it was organized in February 1994 with the objective of optimizing the operations of foreign trade of Usiminas, to facilitate purchases of imported raw materials and the export of steel products, besides being an instrument of fundraising in the international market for financing the investments of the Company. MetForm S.A. - With main place of business in Betim, Minas Gerais, and its business purpose is the manufacturing of steel roofing, galvanized steel decks and accessories, with or without painting. Metform has plants in Betim (Minas Gerais) and Taubaté (São Paulo). Mineração Usiminas S.A. - With main place of business in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, it is a partnership between the Company (70%) and Sumitomo Group (30%), whose main purpose is the extraction and processing of iron ore in the form of pellet feed, sinter feed and pellets. Most of its production, which is extracted from mines in the Serra Azul region, Iron Quadrangle of the state, is intended to be consumed by steel plants of the Company. MUSA holds a 50% interest in the jointly-controlled subsidiary Modal Terminal de Granéis Ltda. ("Modal"), with main place of business in Itaúna, Minas Gerais, whose business purpose is the operation of road and rail cargo terminals , storage and handling of ore and steel products and cargo road transportation. It has a 22.22% interest in the associated company Terminal de Cargas Sarzedo Ltda. ("Terminal Sarzedo") with main place of business in Sarzedo, Minas Gerais, whose main activities are cargo storage, road and rail terminal operation, warehousing and related services. It also holds a 22.22 % interest in the associated company Terminal de Cargas Paraopeba Ltda. ("Terminal Paraopeba") with main place of business in Sarzedo, Minas Gerais, its principal activities being the storage and handling of cargo in general, the administration and operation of road and rail cargo terminal and cargo road transportation. In addition, it controls Usiminas Participações e Logísticas S.A. ("UPL") with main place of business in São Paulo, Capital, whose business purpose is exclusively to directly hold shares and other securities issued by MRS Logística S.A. In 2011, MUSA acquired interest in Mineração Ouro Negro S.A. ("Mineração Ouro Negro") and merged with it in September 2012. MRS Logística S.A. - Headquartered in the city of Rio de Janeiro, MRS provides rail transportation and logistics services in Southeastern Brazil. Usiminas interest in MRS represents a strategic investment to optimize the supply of raw materials, transportation of finished products and third-party cargo transportation, mainly related to the operation of the Company's marine terminals. Rios Unidos Logística e Transportes de Aço Ltda. - established in Guarulhos, State of São Paulo, and its main business purpose is to cargo road transportation. 118 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Soluções Usiminas S.A. - With main place of business in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, it operates in the markets of distribution, services and small diameter pipes across Brazil, offering its customers high value-added products. The Company is capable of processing more than 2 million tons of steel a year in its 09 industrial units, strategically distributed in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and Pernambuco. It serves various economic sectors, such as Automotive, Spare Parts, Civil Construction, Distribution, Electric and Electronic Products, Machinery and Equipment and Home Appliances, among other. Unigal Ltda. - With main place of business in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, it is a joint venture established in 1998 by the Company (70%) and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (30%), with the goal of transforming cold-rolled coils into hot-dip galvanized coils, primarily to serve the automotive industry. Unigal, whose factory is located in Ipatinga, Minas Gerais, has an installed galvanizing capacity of 1,030 tons of steel per year. Usiminas Commercial Ltd. - Headquartered on the Cayman Islands, it was organized in April 2006, aiming to optimize fundraising in foreign markets for Usiminas. Usiminas Europa A/S – created in 2005, with main place of business in Copenhagen, Denmark, its main business purpose is to hold investments in wholly-owned subsidiaries Usiminas Galvanized Steel ApS (“Usiminas Galvanized“) and Usiminas Electrogalvanized Steel ApS (‘Usiminas Electrogalvanized”), whose main activity is to promote foreign trade with customers of galvanized steel and electrogalvanized steel produced by Usiminas, respectively. Usiminas International Ltd. - Headquartered in the Principality of Luxembourg, it was established in 2001 with the purpose of holding the Company's investments. Usiminas Mecânica S.A. - With main place of business in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, it is a capital assets company engaging in various sectors, such as Metallic Structures, Naval and Offshore, Oil and Gas, Industrial Equipment, Industrial Assemblies and Foundry and Railway Wagons. Usiminas Participações e Logística S.A. - With main place of business in São Paulo, Capital, whose business purpose is exclusively to directly hold shares and other securities issued by MRS Logística S/A. Usiroll Usiminas Court. Tecnologia em Acabamento Superficial Ltda. - With main place of business in Ipatinga, Minas Gerais State, it is dedicated to the provision of services, especially for grinding cylinders and rollers. (ii) reasons for the acquisition and maintenance of stake in subsidiary / associated company: In addition to the reasons described in the above item, the Company acquired / formed or holds interests in subsidiaries or associated companies listed above, in order to separate assets for exploration of different segments and market opportunities, with the consequent expansion of its branch activity, according to the activity performed by each of the companies above. 119 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 9.2. Other Information that the Company deems relevant. The Company believes that there is no other relevant information to be provided in this item 9 of the Reference Form. 10. Comments of the directors 10.1. Management’s discussion and analysis a) General financial and equity conditions The year of 2014 represented for Usiminas a year of consolidation of various initiatives aimed at increasing its profitability and reduce its debt level. Usiminas applied continued efforts to reduce costs and increase efficiency in plants, managing inventories and further striving to meet the demands of its customers. The Consolidated adjusted EBITDA totaled R$1,863 billion, showing an increase of 3.1% when compared to the year 2013, which was R$1,806 billion. This is due mainly to the improved performance of the Steel unit, which although it has had a lower sales volume,it had a higher average price which compensated for the lower contribution of mining, impacted by the significant decrease of iron ore prices in the international market. The Net debt, defined as gross financial debt less cash and cash equivalents, at the end of 2014 totaled R$ 3.8 billion. The net debt/EBITDA ratio in 12/31/2014 was 2.1 times while in 12/31/2013 was 1.9 times. The index of current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) in 12/31/2014 reached 1.73 times, slightly lower than 12/31/2013 which was of 1.86. In the year 2013, the adjusted EBITDA totaled R$1,806 billion, showing a significant increase of 159.3% when compared to the year 2012, which amounted to R$697 million, according to the best performance in all business units, especially the greater sales volume of Steel and mining units. Net debt at the end of 2013 was R$ 3.4 billion compared to R$ 3.7 billion at the end of 2012. The net debt/EBITDA index on 12/31/2013 was 1.9 times while in 12/31/2012 was 4.8 times. The index of current ratio in 12/31/2013 reached 1.86 times, slightly lower than in 12/31/2012 when it was of 1.98. In the year 2012, the adjusted EBITDA totaled R$697 million, showing a decrease of 46% when compared to the year 2011, which was of R $ 1.3 billion, due mostly to the reduction of the gross profit, with lower prices and unfavorable mix of sales in Steel. Net debt at the end of 2012 was R$3.7 billion, compared against R$3.9 billion at the end of 2011. The net debt/EBITDA in 12/31/2012 was 4.7 times showing a significant increase compared to the previous year due to the decrease in EBITDA. The index of current ratio in 12/31/2012 achieved 1.98 times, against 3.05 in 12/31/2011, due to the reduction of volumes in stock and an increase in the balance of suppliers. The directors consider that the financial conditions and the company's assets are sufficient to meet its short and medium term obligations. Maintaining the good level of financial indicators recorded in 2014, mainly as a result of the business ' performance reflected in EBITDA, kept the company in a position of comfort in relation to contractual terms of its financing agreements. The company’s cash flow and cash resources are sufficient to meet the financing of their activities and resource needs for the next 12 months. 120 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 b) Capital structure and possibility of redemption of shares or units of interest The board of Directors of Usiminas believes that the conditions for financial applications are suitable to allow future investments, cash flow and repayment of debts. The total liabilities of the company, comprising the total obligations with third parties, are decreasing since 2012 as shown in the table below. The relationship between equity and debt, net of cash and securities, can be summarized bellow: (In thousand of R$ Real) Consolidated 2014 2013 2012 11,722,447 12,524,049 14,260,747 Cash and cash equivalents and securities 2,851,903 3,468,816 4,660,876 Total Net Liabilities (A) 8,870,544 9,055,233 9,559,871 18,761,615 18,833,945 18,513,073 47% 48% 52% Total Liabilities Shareholders ' equity (B) Ratio (A)/(B) i. events of redemption The Company`s articles of incorporation contain no provision regarding redemption and so the provisions to be applied are that of the partnership by shares. ii. redemption price calculation method In the case of redemption, the company will adopt a formula in compliance with current legal provisions. c) Ability to pay in relation to financial commitments assumed In 12/31/2014, the company had in cash R$ 2.9 billion (R$ 3.5 billion in 12/31/2013 and R$4.7 billion in 12/31/2012). Its debt shows an average 3 years in 2014 (3 years in 2013 and 6 years 2012). The concentration of short-term debt in 12/31/2014 is 25.6% of the total debt (19.6% in 2013 and 20% in 2012). 121 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Profile consolidated Debt: Debts Profile - Consolidated Debts duration Since 2021 Local currency Foreign currency The company has the financial strength and lines of credit to renew its debts by stretching payment deadlines if necessary. Internal financial projections support the payment of the debt. d) Sources of working capital and capital expenditure financing The Company maintains an adequate operating cash to ensure a level of liquidity in accordance with its operations. Sources of financing are hired whereas our income projection and future investment plan defined by the Management. Our financing policy aims to avoid urgent needs for resources and using leverage to obtain improved terms on such deals. e) Sources of financing for working capital and investments in non-current assets to be used to cover liquidity shortfalls As described in the item above, the Company's policy is to maintain a level of comfortable operating cash, associated with a profile of adequate salaries and hiring of long-term financing. In addition, the Company has two revolving credit lines with the BNDES in the amount of R$2.9 billion to finance fixed assets. The Company also used in May/2014, a new revolving line of credit (Revolving Credit Facility), whose total value is of R$ 300 million and duration of 3 years, for possible financing for operating capital with Banco Itau Unibanco S.A. f) Levels of indebtedness and the characteristics of such debts, including: According to Notes 19 (Loans and Financing) and 20 (Debentures) of annual financial statements, Usiminas’ Companies had, on 12/31/2014, loans and financing in the amount of R$ 5.6 billion (R$ 5.8 billion on 12/31/2013 and R$ 7.7 billion on 12/31/2012 ) and R$ 1 billion debentures (R$ 1 billion on 12/31/2013 and R$ 258 million on 12/31/2012). 122 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 i. Relevant loan and financing contracts The main financing operations are: 1) Several loan agreements with the BNDES and Finame for the purpose of financing the investments of the Company, with maturities until 2024. On 12/31/2014 the debt balance of these operations was R$888 million (on 12/31/2013 it was R$ 1.1 billion and on 12/31/2012 it was R$ 1.2 billion). 2) Loan Contracts with the JBIC and commercial Japanese Banks for financing the construction of Thermoelectric Power Plant of Ipatinga, Coke ovens in Ipatinga, Hot Strip Mill Plant in Cubatao, with maturities until 2018. On 12/31/2014 the debt balance of these operations was R$ 1.3 billion ( on 12/31/2013 R$ 1.4 billion and on 12/31/2012 R$ 1.5 billion). 3) Export and Industrial Credit Notes and Industrial with Banco do Brasil for operating capital financing, with maturities until 2019. On 12/31/2014, the debt balance of these operations was R$ 2.9 billion (on 12/31/2013 R$ 2.5 billion and on 12/31/2012 it was R$ 2.9 billion). 4) On 1 October, 2013 the subsidiaries of the Company based in Denmark acquired $124.2 million of debt securities maturing in 2016 and $220.2 million of debt securities maturing in 2018, issued by the companies; Cosipa Commercial Ltda. and Usiminas Commercial Ltda., both controlled by the Company. This operation allows a better allocation of resources of the Company, in addition to reducing its leverage gross and reducing financial disbursements designed until the expiration of the above-mentioned titles. On December 30, 2014 the Company exercised a clause of early redemption (Early Redemption) of the title of debt maturing in 2016 and thus repurchased all of the securities issued. The early redemption was also done with the objective of reducing the gross leverage and the financial disbursements projected. On 12/31/2014 the debt balance of these operations was R$ 474 million (12/31/2013 R$ 586 million and 12/31/2012 it was R$ 1.3 billion). 5) Issuance of debentures in the amount of R$1.0 billion maturing in 2019, with the aim of meeting the various investment plans of the company. On 12/31/2014 the debt balance of this operation was R$ 1.0 billion (R$ 1 billion on 12/31/2013 and R$ 258 million on 12/31/2012). 6) Contracts of Prior payment of Export of Usiminas. The contract was settled on February 2014. On 12/31/2013 the debt balance of this operation was R$ 24 million (on 12/31/2012 it was R$ 552 million). ii. Other long-term relationships with financial institutions On 25 March 2013, Management decided to cancel the revolving line of credit (Revolving Credit Facility), hired on July 28, 2011, whose total value was US$750.0 million and duration of 5 years. On May 22, 2014, Management decided to hire a new revolving line of credit (Revolving Credit Facility), whose total value is of R$ 300 million and duration of 3 years. 123 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 iii. Subordination between the debts On 12/31/2013, the Company has only a subordinated debt, which is the issue of debentures in the amount of R$1.0 billion maturing in 2019, according to item N# 5 related in subitem f.i above. iv. Any restrictions imposed on the issuer, in particular, in relation to debt limits and acquisition of new debt, the distribution of dividends, the alienation of assets, the issuance of new securities and the the disposal of controlling interest The financial contracts mentioned in item (i) require the fulfilment of restrictive clauses (covenants) based on certain financial ratios, calculated on the consolidated financial statements of the Company. Failure to follow these requirements could generate an anticipation of the maturity of the bond. The clauses are: limitation on disposal of fixed assets to the value of consolidated fixed assets. limitation of Total Debt to EBITDA. limiting the Total Debt in relation to Total Debt plus Shareholders' Equity. limitation of Net Debt to EBITDA. limitation of interest expense to EBITDA. restrictions on changes in controlling interest. g) Limits for use of the funds already contracted On 12/31/2014 the Company still had the amount of R$ 266 million available with the BNDES to fulfill the additional disbursements of investments in progress, which can be used when necessary. 124 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 h) Significant changes in each item in the financial statements Balance Sheet for the years 2014, 2013 and 2012 and their variations Assets 12/31/2012 AV (%) 2012 Horizontal Analysis 2014 x 2013 Horizontal Analysis 2013 x 2012 8% 3,123,318 10% -20% -16% 835,629 3% 1,537,558 5% -11% -46% 4% 1,639,551 5% 1,568,105 5% -24% 5% 3,516,751 12% 3,850,420 12% 3,767,984 11% -9% 2% 358,418 1% 323,520 1% 485,093 1% 11% -33% 12,641 0% 12,413 0% 12,134 0% 2% 2% 65,392 0% 45,637 0% 50,093 0% 43% -9% 193,412 1% 119,937 0% 161,829 0% 61% -26% 8,245,211 27% 9,460,294 30% 10,706,114 33% -13% -12% 2,018,129 7% 1,914,996 6% 1,513,879 5% 5% 26% Amounts receivable from related companies 22,383 0% 20,831 0% 19,636 0% 7% 6% Inventories 54,942 0% - 0% - 0% 100% 0% Judicial Deposits 566,408 2% 565,404 2% 599,206 2% 0% -6% Derivative financial instruments 252,027 1% 40,608 0% 286,508 1% 521% -86% 12/31/2014 AV (%) 2014 12/31/2013 AV (%) 2013 2,109,812 7% 2,633,187 742,091 2% Trade accounts receivable 1,246,694 Inventories Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Securities Recoverable Taxes Dividends receivable Derivative financial instruments Other accounts receivable Total current assets Noncurrent assets Total Liquid-Assets Deferred income tax and social contribution Recoverable Taxes Other accounts receivable Investments in subsidiaries, jointly controlled and associated companies 95,835 0% 113,474 0% 131,583 0% -16% -14% 170,088 1% 175,029 1% 68,558 0% -3% 155% 1,145,787 4% 1,159,948 4% 1,182,052 4% -1% -2% Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets 15,535,573 51% 15,506,833 49% 15,852,506 48% 0% -2% 2,377,679 8% 2,400,577 8% 2,413,778 7% -1% -1% Total noncurrent assets 22,238,851 73% 21,897,700 70% 22,067,706 67% 2% -1% Total assets 30,484,062 100% 31,357,994 100% 32,773,820 100% -3% -4% 125 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Liabilities and Equity 12/31/2014 AV (%) 2014 12/31/2013 AV (%) 2013 12/31/2012 AV (%) 2012 Horizontal Analysis 2014 x 2013 Horizontal Analysis 2013 x 2012 Suppliers, contractors and freight 1,948,744 6% 2,422,024 8% 2,280,432 7% -20% 6% Loans and financing 1,655,799 5% 1,288,645 4% 1,400,823 4% 28% -8% 50,092 0% 41,525 0% 257,664 1% 21% -84% Advances in payment from customers 110,179 0% 178,309 1% 279,297 1% -38% -36% Amounts payable to related companies 338,357 1% 140,042 0% 204,920 1% 142% -32% Salaries and social charges 280,284 1% 250,849 1% 279,233 1% 12% -10% 94,206 0% 131,099 0% 114,844 0% -28% 14% 7,560 0% 25,770 0% 32,103 0% -71% -20% 22,743 0% 4,179 0% 83,185 0% 444% -95% 30,937 0% 1,122 0% 26,635 0% 2657% -96% 94,045 0% 51,015 0% 42,209 0% 84% 21% - 0% 213,607 1% 178,249 1% -100% 20% 136,480 0% 339,305 1% 221,461 1% -60% 53% 4,769,426 15% 5,087,491 16% 5,401,055 16% -6% -6% 3,979,775 13% 4,512,891 14% 6,339,267 19% -12% -29% 998,549 3% 997,920 3% - 0% 100% 9,972 0% 36,083 0% 41,483 0% -72% -13% Provision for contingencies 475,859 2% 506,679 2% 447,933 1% -6% 13% Provision for environmental remediation Post-employment Benefits 85,143 0% 76,588 0% 77,703 0% 11% -1% 1,187,788 4% 1,230,316 4% 1,396,812 4% -3% -12% 182,216 1% 52,910 0% 323,790 1% 244% -84% - 0% - 178,249 1% 0% -100% 33,719 0% 23,171 0% 54,455 0% 46% 54-57% 6,953,021 23% 7,436,558 24% 8,859,692 27% -7% -16% 11,722,447 38% 12,524,049 40% 14,260,747 44% -6% -12% Current Liabilities Debentures Taxes payable Tax payable in installments Income Tax and social contribution payable Dividends and interest on shareholders' equity (JSCP) payable Derivative financial instruments Accounts payable for acquisition of investments Other accounts payable Total current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities Loans and financing Debentures Taxes payable in installments Derivative financial instruments Accounts payable for acquisition of investments Other accounts payable Total noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities 126 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 12/31/2014 AV ( %) 2014 12/31/2013 AV ( %) 2013 12/31/2012 AV ( %) 2012 Horizontal Analysis 2014 x 2013 Horizontal Analysis 2013 x 2012 12,150,000 40% 12,150,000 39% 12,150,000 37% 0% 0% Income reserves 318,851 1% 313,084 1% 219,684 1% 2% 43% Income reserves 3,831,060 13% 3,699,154 12% 3,804,403 12% 4% -3% 419,753 1% 549,670 2% 434,342 1% -24% 27% 16,719,664 55% 16,711,908 53% 16,608,429 51% 0% 1% 2,041,951 7% 2,122,037 7% 1,904,644 6% -4% 11% 18,761,615 62% 18,833,945 60% 18,513,073 56% 0% 2% 30,484,062 100% 31,357,994 100% 32,773,820 100% -3% -4% Equity Capital Equity valuation adjustments Controlling shareholders’ equity Non-controlling shareholders Total equity assets Total liabilities and equity Below, significant changes are shown that represent more than 2% of the group to which they belong and which have varied more than 5% in the comparison between the periods. Analysis of the Consolidated Balance Sheet of the year 2014 in comparison with the year 2013 Current assets Cash and Cash Equivalents and securities The reduction of R$ 615 million recorded in the year 2014, occurred mainly on the basis of the purchase of EUROBONDS issued by the company itself in the amount of R$ 160 million, net payment of loans and financing in the amount of R$ 311 million and a reduction on the average closing date of payments of suppliers. Trade Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable from customers showed a reduction of 24%, which is equivalent to R$ 393 million, mainly due to lower volume billed with reduction of sales in the last quarter by 20 %. Inventory Inventories showed a reduction of 9% equivalent to R$ 334 million, mainly due to the lower production volume and the strong control on working capital. 127 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Derivative financial instruments The increase in derivative financial instruments was 43 %, moving from R$ 46 million on 31 December 2013 to R$ 65 million, as of December 31, 2014, primarily due to the increase of the US Dollar against the Brazilian Real, getting an increase in the mark- to-market instruments of swap, which aims to reduce the volatility of cash flow. Noncurrent assets Deferred income tax and social contribution Deferred taxes increased by R$ 103 million, due to the increase of temporary differences. It can highlight the variation of R$ 56 million on the exchange variation on loans and financing and the variation of R$ 45 million over the result in swap contracts. The other variations were pulverized. Derivative financial instruments The increase in derivative financial instruments in R$ 211 million stems from the increase in value of the US Dollar against the Yen and the Brazilian Real, which are the two main indexes of swap operations for the Company, obtaining an increase in mark-to-market instruments of swap. Additionally, the Company has hired new operations with active position in dollar value of US$ 175 million (R$ 393 million), with the goal to reduce the volatility of cash flow. Current Liabilities Suppliers, contractors and freight The reduction in accounts payable to suppliers, contractors and freight by 20 %, moving from R$ 2.42 billion to R$ 1.95 billion on 31 December 2014, was basically in accordance with the flow of operations of the Company. Loans and financing The increase in loans and financing in the short term in R$ 367 million, reflects the entry of contracts of operating Capital in the year 2014, as shown in the handling of loans and financing. The detail on the main financing contracts that constitutes the debt is available on items 10.1 letter f. Derivative financial instruments The increase in derivative financial instruments by R$ 43 million was basically the increase in the marking to market of swap instruments, that have passive position in Yen, which aims to reduce the exchange rate exposure. Noncurrent liabilities Loans and financing The reduction in loans and long-term financing of R$ 533 million in the fiscal year of 2014 reflects the amortization of the debt during the year as a result of the management’s effort to reduce the Company's debt. The detail on the main financing contracts that composes the debt is available on items 10.1 letter f. 128 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Derivative financial instruments The increase of the instruments in R$ 129 million, was due to the increase in the mark-to-market of operations with passive position in US Dollar and Yen, due to the appreciation of these currencies, getting an increase in mark-to-market of the instruments of swap. In addition the Company has hired new operations with passive position in the value of R$ 393 million, with the aim to reduce the volatility of cash flow. Analysis of the Consolidated Balance Sheet of the year 2013 in comparison with the year 2012 Current assets Cash and Cash Equivalents and securities The reduction of R$1.2 billion recorded in the year 2013, occurred mainly due to the purchase of EUROBONDS issued by the company itself in the amount of R$ 756 million and net payment of loans and financing value of R$ 761 million. Trade accounts receivable Accounts receivable from customers showed an increase of 4.6%, equivalent to R$ 71 million, mainly due the change in the mix of sales, with an increase in sales in the local market, with higher payment deadlines. Non-current assets Deferred income tax and social contribution Deferred taxes increased by R$ 401 million, due to the increase of tax losses of R$ 186 million and including temporary differences. The main are; provision for litigations, provision for profit sharing and others. Derivative financial instruments The reduction in derivative financial instruments in R$ 246 million was basically due to the appreciation of the US Dollar against the Yen, which are the two main indexes of swap operations of the Company. The operations that have active position in Yen obtained a negative variation in mark-to-market instruments of swap. The goal of these operations is to protect the flow of the Company's debt. Current Liabilities Suppliers, contractors and freight The increase in accounts payable to suppliers, contractors and freight was by 6 %, moving from R$ 2.28 billion to R$ 2.42 billion on 31 December 2013, was basically due the flow of operations of the Company. Loans and financing The reduction in loans and short term financing in R$ 112 million, reflects the amortization of the debt that occurred in the year 2013, as shown in the handling of loans and financing of fixed liabilities. The details on the main financing contracts that compose the debt are available on items 10.1 letter f. 129 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Debentures The reduction of short term debentures in R$ 216 million, from R$ 258 million, as of December 31, 2012 to R$ 42 million, as of December 31, 2013, was as a result of the payment of debentures by its closing date. Salaries and social charges The salaries and social taxes dropped R$ 28 million in the period, as a result of the effects of the Law of payroll tax relief, headcount adjustment and also for the sale of Usiminas Automotive that does not have its consolidated figures in 2013 in the amount of R$ 10 million. Other accounts payable The increase in the amount recorded in other accounts payable at R$117 million, ranging from R$ 221 million, as of December 31, 2012 to R$339 million on 31 December 2013, was due to higher values to pay for participation in the profits of employees in R$ 45 million and an increase in other taxes to be paid in the amount of R$ 50 million, mainly IPTU. Non-current liabilities Loans and financing The reduction in loans and long-term financing of R$ 1.8 billion in the year 2013, reflects the amortization of the debt that occurred in the year, resulting from their salaries and the effort of the administration to reduce the Company's debt. The details on the main financing contracts that compose the debt are available on items 10.1 letter f. Debentures The increase of the amount documented in Debentures of R$ 997 million stem from the operation of simple non-convertible debentures, held in 2013, in the amount of R$ 1.0 billion with maturity in six years and a rate of 1% a.a + 100% of the CDI. Provision for contingencies The increase in the amount registered for legal claims/litigations was 13 %, ranging from R$448 million on 31 December 2012 to R$ 506 million, as of December 31, 2013, reflecting provisions made for labor lawsuits and monetary updating of existing claims in progress. Post-employment Benefits The reduction of the amount recorded for post-employment benefits in R$ 166 million, ranging from R$1.4 billion at 31 December 2012 to R$1.2 billion at 31 December 2013, due to the annual review of actuarial norms about retirement plans and health of the Company. 130 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Derivative financial instruments The reduction in derivative financial instruments in R$ 270 million was basically due to the appreciation of the US Dollar against the Yen. The operations that have passive position in Yen obtained a positive variation in mark-to-market instruments of swap. The goal of these operations is to protect the flow of the Company's debt. Controlling Shareholders' Equity The net worth of the controlling shareholders increased by 1.0 %, ranging from R$16.6 billion on 31 December 2012 to R$1.7 billion on 31 December 2013. Statements of the years 2014, 2013 and 2012 and their variations 12/31/2012 AV (%) 2012 Horizontal Analysis 2014 x 2013 Horizontal Analysis 2013 x 2012 100% 12,710,881 100% -8% 1% (11,353,664 ) -88% (12,229,697 ) -96% -6% -7% 9% 1,475,803 12% 481,184 4% -30% 207% (513,797 ) -4% (956,124 ) -7% (954,409 ) -8% -46% 0% Selling expenses (290,930 ) -2% (336,443 ) -3% (374,715 ) -3% -14% -10% General and administrative expenses (501,549 ) -4% (567,982 ) -4% (480,916 ) -4% -12% 18% Other operating income (expenses) 278,682 2% (51,699 ) 0% (98,778 ) -1% -639% -48% Result of equity pickup 183,780 2% 181,201 1% 165,638 1% 1% 9% Income (loss) before financial result and taxes 706,748 6% 700,880 5% (307,587 ) -2% 1% -328% (522,831 ) -4% (895,209 ) -7% (491,144 ) -4% -42% 82% 183,917 2% (194,329 ) -2% (798,731 ) -6% -195% -76% 24,562 0% 211,120 2% 200,450 2% -88% 5% 208,479 2% 16,791 0% (598,281 ) -5% 1142% -103% 12./31/2013 AV (%) 2013 100% 12,829,467 (10,704,864 ) -91% Gross profit 1,036,765 Operating income (expenses) Revenues from sale of goods and/or services Cost of goods and/or services sold Financial result Income (loss) before taxes on profit Income tax and social contribution Consolidated net income (loss) for the period 12/31/2014 AV (%) 2014 11,741,629 131 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Analysis of consolidated results for the year 2014 compared to the year 2013 Revenue from sales of goods and services In the year ended on 31 December 2014, the net consolidated revenue of the Company reached R$11.7 billion, compared to R$12.8 billion in 2013. This revenue in the domestic market was lower than the year of 2013 by 13.3 %, and in the external market performance was higher than the year of 2013 by 34.5 %.The Steel unit net revenue was R$10.9 billion, 3.6% lower than in 2013, due to the impact of the lower sales volume in the domestic market by 15.4 %, partially offset by higher average price of 8.6% in the domestic market and a better mix of products in both markets. The year 2014 was marked by strong retraction of the Brazilian economy and the industrial sectors demands in steel consumption. In the Mining unit, net revenue showed a reduction of 34.6 %, reaching R$743.0 million, compared to R$1,136.0 million in the year 2013, due to the drop in the average price of iron ore and lower sales volume. At the processing plant, the Steel net revenue was R$2.3 billion, 5% lower than the year 2013, due to the lower volume of sales and services but partially offset by higher average price in 15.9% in the period. The unit of Capital Goods net revenue was R$794.3 million, 18.3% lower than in 2013, mainly as a result of the reduction in the volume of projects. Cost of goods or services sold In the year ended December 31, 2014, the cost of goods sold (COGS) totaled R$10.7 billion, 5.7% lower when compared to that of 2013, which amounted to R$11.4 billion in part due to the lower volume of steel sold by the Steel unit and cost reduction initiatives, such as the adequacy of the workforce, a reduction in hiring services from third parties and an increase in productivity throughout the Company. The Steel unit reduction was of R$493 million due primarily, to the lower volume of total sales and the cost reduction initiatives mentioned. The unit of Capital Goods, the reduction was of R$206 million as a result of the reduction in the volume of projects. Operating income and expenses In 2014 the operating income and expenses reduced by 46.3 %, from R$956.1 million to R$513.8 million. The main factor that contributed to this variation was the sale of surplus electrical energy, that in the year 2014, created revenue in the order of R$343.7 million in other expenses and operating income. In addition, the costs of sales in the period were R$290.9 million, 13.5% lower than in 2013, which amounted to R$336.4 million, due mainly to lower distribution costs, lower expenditure on personnel and social taxes and lower provision for uncertain accounts. General and administrative expenses dropped 11.7 % as a result of the reduction in labor expenses own and outsourcing. 132 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The following comparative table of operating expenses during the two financial years (*the balances are shown in thousands of reais). 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 Selling expenses (290,930 ) (336,443 ) General and administrative expenses (501,549 ) (567,982 ) 278,682 (51,699 ) (513,797 ) (956,124 ) Other revenues (expenses), net Financial Result In 2014, net financial expenses were R$522.8 million, against R$895.2 million in 2013, due to lower foreign exchange losses of R$47.4 million and lower commissions on financing of R$129.0 million. In addition, the year 2013 was impacted by the reverse operation of Hedge Accounting in R$174.8 million. During the years of 2014 and 2013, loans and financing of Usiminas’ Companies, at variable rates, were in Reais, U.S dollars, Yen and Euros. Interest rates contracted for loans and financing (*balances shown in thousands of Reais) are shown below: Pre-fixed 12/31/2014 % 12/31/2013 % 1,016,579 15 701,984 10 TJLP 618,078 9 836,348 12 Libor 1,260,972 19 1,464,803 21 CDI 2,525,280 38 2,526,983 37 214,665 3 271,418 4 5,635,574 84 5,801,536 84 1,048,641 16 1,039,445 16 Other Debentures CDI 6,684,215 100 6,840,981 100 In 2014 and 2013, the real interest rates on loans and financing of the Company, have impacted their results negatively in the amount of R$ 218 million and R$237 million, respectively. 133 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Analysis of consolidated results from the year 2013 compared to the year 2012 Sales of goods and services In the year 2013, the Company’s consolidated net revenue reached R$12.8 billion, practically stable when compared with the net consolidated revenue of the year 2012 (R$12.7 billion). The revenue in the domestic market was higher than in the year 2012 by 14.0 %, and in the external market performance was lower by 50.1 %. The sales mix of the Steelmaking unit accounted for 86.9% in the domestic market and 13.1% in exports, in line with the Company's strategy to prioritize their participation in the internal market. In the Mining unit, net revenue showed an increase of 26.4 %, reaching R$1.1 billion, compared to R$898.5 million in the year 2012 due to the higher sales volume and higher prices of iron ore at 3.3 %. At the steel’s processing plant the net revenue was R$ 2.5 billion, 18.6% higher than the year 2012 mainly due to higher sales volume and better prices. At the unit of Capital Goods, net revenue was R$972.3 million, 4.4% lower than in 2012, mainly as a result of lower revenues in the segment of structures. Cost of goods or services sold In the year ended December 31, 2013, the cost of consolidated sales (COGS) totaled R$11.4 billion, 7.2% lower when compared to 2012 which was R$12.2 billion, in part due to the lower volume of steel sold by our Steelmaking unit and the cost reduction initiatives, such as the adequacy of the workforce, a reduction in the outsourcing of services from third parties and to the increase in productivity throughout the Company. The Steelmaking unit’s reduction was of R$919 million, due primarily to the lower volume of total sales and the cost reduction initiatives mentioned. In the Mining unit the COGS increased by R$160 million, mainly due to the increase of 10.4% in the volume of sales during the year and higher costs with the lease of mineral rights that occurred from the 2nd quarter of 2013. Operating income and expenses In 2013 consolidated operating expenses were R$956.1 million, which have remained stable when compared to the year 2012, which amounted to R$ 954.4 million. General and administrative expenses were higher, mainly as a result of the reclassification of centers of costs with IT, HR and Supplies that were previously classified as cost. This reclassification allows a greater control of expenditure and a bigger accounting improvement. They were also higher than the other operating expenses, such as provisions for legal claims and litigations by R$101.5 million, an increase of R$ 103.4 million in the net cost of actual obligations and lower contribution of R$42.8 million of the “Reintegra” Program. The above mentioned increases were partially offset by lower spending on sales by 10.2 % due to the lower volume of exports in the Steelmaking and Mining. The following comparative table of operating expenses during the two financial years (*presented in thousands of Reais). 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 Sales expenses (336,443 ) (374,715 ) General and administrative expenses (567,982 ) (480,916 ) (51,699 ) (98,778 ) (956,124 ) (954,409 ) Other (expense) income, net 134 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Financial Result In the year ended 31 December 2013, the consolidated net financial result presented expenses of R$895.2 million compared to expenses of R$491.1 million in the year 2012, the effect of the increase in financial expenses stem from the devaluation of 14.6% of the Real over its passive position regarding foreign currencies. During the years of 2013 and 2012, loans and financing of Usiminas’ Companies, at variable rates, were indexed in Reais,U.S dollar, Yen and Euro. Interest rates of loans and financing contracts (*Balances presented in thousands of Reais) may be demonstrated as follows: 12/31/2013 % 12/31/2012 % Pre-fixed 701,984 10 1,497,058 19 TJLP 836,348 12 959,700 12 Libor 1,464,803 21 2,343,751 29 CDI 2,526,983 37 2,947,977 37 271,418 4 (8,396 ) 5,801,536 84 7,740,090 97 1,039,445 16 257,664 3 6,840,981 100 7,997,754 100 Other Debentures CDI In 2013 and 2012, the real interest rates on loans and financing of the Company, have impacted their results negatively in the amount of R$ 237 million and R$246 million, respectively. 10.2. The directors should comment on: a) The results of operations of the issuer, in particular: i. Description of any important components of revenue The Company's revenue is generated mainly from the sale of steel products, such as thick plates, hot-rolled, cold-rolled, plates, galvanized, among others, carried out by our Steelmaking unit. The revenue not recurring with the sale of electricity impacted the results of the Company in the year 2014. Usiminas also presents in its consolidated financial statements, revenue from Mining units, processing of Steel and Capital Goods. 135 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The revenue of these units stems mainly from: Mining: The Sale of iron ore. Steel-Processing: Processing and distribution of steel products. Capital Goods: Manufacture of Metal Structures, Industrial Equipment, Foundry and Railway wagons and Services of Industrial Assemblies. ii. Factors that materially affected operating results The operating result of the Usiminas is affected mainly by demand that influences the volume sold and the prices of our main products. Also, exchange rates facilitate the imports of products and diminish our competitiveness. In the year ended 31 December 2014, the consolidated net revenue of the Company reached R$11.7 billion compared to R$12.8 billion in 2013. This revenue in the domestic market was lower than the year of 2013 by 13.3 %, and in the external market performance was higher than the year of 2013 by 34.5 %. The sales mix of the Steelmaking unit represented 82.5% in the domestic market and 17.5% in exports. In the Mining unit, net revenues showed a reduction of 34.6 %, reaching R$743.0 million, compared to R$1.1 billion in the year 2013, according to the fall in the average price of iron ore and the lower volume of sales. At the Steel processing plant, net revenue was R$2.3 billion, 5% lower than the year 2013 due to the lower volume of sales and services, partially offset by higher average price of 15.9% in the period. The Capital Goods unit net revenue was R$794.3 million, 18.3% lower than in 2013, mainly as a result of the reduction in the volume of projects. In the year ended 31 December 2013, the net consolidated revenues of the Company reached R$12.8 billion, practically stable when compared with the consolidated revenues in the year 2012 (R$12.7 billion). This revenue in the domestic market was higher than the year 2012 by 14.0 %, and in the external market performance was lower than the year of 2012 by 50.1 %. The sales mix of the unit in the steelmaking industry accounted for 86.9% in the domestic market and 13.1% in exports, in line with the Company's strategy to prioritize their participation in the internal market. In the Mining unit, net revenues showed an increase of 26.4 %, reaching R$1.1 billion, compared to R$898.5 million in the year 2012, due to a higher sales volume and higher prices of iron ore by 3.3 %. At the Steel processing plant, net revenue was R$2.5 billion, 18.6% higher than the year 2012, mainly due to higher sales volume and higher prices. The Capital Goods unit’s net revenue was R$972.3 million, 4.4% lower than in 2012, mainly as a result of lower revenue in the segment of structures. In the year 2012 the net consolidated revenue reached R$12.7 billion, 6.8% higher than the net revenue in 2011 of R$11.9 billion, mainly due to higher sales volume of steel on the steelmaking unit. This revenue in the domestic market was lower than the year of 2011 by 2.3 %, and in the external market performance was higher than the year of 2011 by 66.9 %. In the Mining unit, net revenue showed a reduction of 7.8 %, reaching R$900 million, compared to R$1.0 billion in the year 2011, due to lower prices of iron ore in the global market in 2012. At the Steel processing plant,net income was R$2.1 billion, 3.3% lower than in 2011, mainly due to the lower volume of sales made by Soluções Usiminas. The Capital Goods unit net revenue was R$1.0 billion, 28.3% lower than in 2011, impacted by the reduction of the projects in the portfolio. 136 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 b) Variations in revenue attributable to changes in prices, exchange rates, inflation, changes in volumes and the introduction of new products and services i. Sales Volumes Indicators 2014 2013 2014 X 2013 2012 5,541 6,220 -10.9% 6,881 Domestic market 83% 87% -4 PP 73% Foreign market 17% 13% 4 PP 27% 5,623 6,755 -16.8% 6,115 Physical Sales of steel (t thousand) Sales of ore (t thousand) In 2014, the physical sales of steel products carried out by the steelmaking unit were 11% lower than the volume sold in 2013. The mix of destination of sales was 83% to the internal market representing a reduction of 15.4 %, in comparison with the previous year, due the weak demand in the internal market. Exports grew 19.1% partially offsetting the drop in demand on the domestic market. In the Mining unit, the total volume of sales recorded was 16.8% lower compared to 2013. We highlight the sales volume of the Steel Industry in 2014 on the table below: Detail of Physical Sales of Steel Product Thousand tons 2014 2013 2012 Var. 2014/2013 Physical sales total 5,541 100% 6,220 100% 6,881 100% -11% Heavy Plates 1,217 22% 1,278 21% 1,460 21% -5% Hot-rolled coils 1,863 34% 2,165 35% 2,074 30% -14% Cold-rolled 1,309 24% 1,462 24% 1,483 22% -10% Electro-galvanized 108 2% 122 1% 142 2% -11% Galvanized Hot Dip 770 14% 788 13% 709 10% -2% Processed Products 56 1% 137 2% 169 2% -59% 218 4% 268 4% 844 12% -19% Plates 137 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The main destinations of exports in 2014 were: Exportation - Main Markets ii. Sales Prices Despite the fierce competition between the local plants and the adverse business environment of the steel industry worldwide, the average selling price of steel products showed positive growth in 2014. The net revenue per ton was higher by 8.7% in comparison with the previous year due to the impact of the lower sales volume in the domestic market at 15.4 %, partially offset by higher average prices of 8.6% in the domestic market and a better mix of products in both markets. The stability of the Brazilian currency during most part of the year has made the price differential between the domestic steel and the landed imported in Brazil reach heights more attractive to imports. For the Mining unit in the year 2014, the net revenue per ton was 21.5% lower than the year 2013, due to the drop in the average price of iron ore in the international market. The reference of PLATTS prices adjusted for the period of classification of sales prices of Mineração Usiminas (62% Fe, CFR China) went from US$by 134.7/t in 2013 to US$ 103.6/t in 2014. These effects were partially offset by the impact of the appreciation of the Dollar that averaged 9.0% in the comparison between the years. In 2013, compared with 2012, there was an increase of 14.6 %, impacted by the exchange rate variation that influenced the market price of iron ore. In the year 2013 the sales prices of steel products showed positive variation due to the fierce competition between the local plants and the adverse business environment of the steel industry worldwide. The net revenue per ton was positively affected by the greater participation of sales to the domestic market and a better mix of products sold with greater participation of laminated and galvanized. In addition, the devaluation of the Brazilian currency meant that the price differential between the domestic steel and imported within Brazil remained at levels less attractive to imports. The average value per ton sold increased by 9.6% which includes sales to local markets and export. 138 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The selling prices of steel products sold by the Steelmaking unit were, during the year of 2012, affected by fierce competition between local mills. Despite the devaluation of the Brazilian currency, the volume of steel imported by Brazil remained high, pressing negatively domestic prices. The implementation of trade defense instruments such as the increase of the import tax for thick plates lines and hot-rolled coils only occurred in October 2012, having a limited impact in the year 2012. The net revenue per ton of steel products in 2012 was lowered by 4.86 %, affected by greater participation of sales of the foreign market and local competition aforementioned. c) Impacts of inflation, the variation of prices of the main raw materials and products, exchange rate, interest rate on the operating profit and the financial result of the issuer Variations in the sales cost For the Steelmaking Industry, the cost of the Company's sales totaled R$10.1 billion in 2014, 4.7% lower than in 2013. The COGS per ton in 2014 was higher by 7.0% when compared to 2013. There was no impact from the 6.4 % inflation, as measured by the IPCA, which impacted the costs in Brazilian Reais. Mainly; labor, outsourced services, energy, general expenses and the of 16.0% devaluation of the Brazilian Real (14.6% in 2013 and 8.9% in 2012), which has impacted the costs linked to the U.S Dollar. This was partially offset by a reduction in costs with iron ore and coal, the main raw materials used in the production process. The fixed costs with labor represent approximately 11% of the Company’s sales cost and follow the development of wage agreements of the categories and the variation of the INPC. The energy and utilities bills represent 10% Company’s sales cost. The electrical energy has specific contracts to ensure power supply and prices which are adjusted by the index of price variation IGP-M or by the IPCA, according to each contract. The remaining costs are influenced by local inflation. Exchange In addition to what was above-mentioned, Usiminas Companies’ operate internationally and are exposed to foreign exchange risks stemming from exposure to some currencies, especially in relation to U.S Dollar and, to a lesser extent, the Yen and the Euro. The exchange rate risk arises from assets and liabilities recognized and net investment in overseas operations. The financial policy of Usiminas companies’ highlight that the derivative transactions has the objective of reducing their costs, reduce the volatility in cash flow, reduce foreign exchange exposure and avoid the mismatch between currencies. As a protective measure to reduce the effect of exchange rate variation, the Administration has adopted as policy to use log swap operations and Non Deliverable Forwards (NDF) and, in addition, have its assets tied to exchange indexing, as shown below: 139 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 Foreign currency Assets Cash and cash equivalents 432,188 95,977 173,209 Securities 741,779 833,558 1,528,421 Accounts receivable 432,995 311,061 298,815 12,183 8,460 3,421 1,619,145 1,249,056 2,003,866 (2,436,521 ) (2,364,859 ) (3,653,781 ) Suppliers, contractors and freight (483,388 ) (614,622 ) (762,571 ) Advances from customers (140,222 ) (8,243 ) (44,724 ) (8,025 ) (288,416 ) 10,324 (3,068,156 ) (3,276,140 ) (4,450,752 ) (1,449,011 ) (2,027,084 ) (2,446,886 ) Advances to suppliers Liabilities in Foreign currency Loans and financing Other Net Exposure In 2014, 2013 and 2012 the exchange rate variation on the net liabilities position of the Company generated a loss of R$ 105 million, R$ 240 million and R$ 177 million respectively. Interest Rate During the years 2014, 2013 and 2012, loans and financing of Usiminas Companies’, at variable rates were denominated in Reais, U.S dollars, Yen and Euro. Interest rates for the loans and financing can be demonstrated as follows: In Thousands of Reais Consolidated 12/31/2014 % 12/31/2013 % 12/31/2012 % 2,006,717 26 701,984 10 1,497,058 19 TJLP 603,231 8 836,348 12 959,700 12 Libor 1,260,972 17 1,464,803 21 2,343,751 29 CDI 2,480,975 32 2,526,983 37 2,947,977 37 213,096 3 271,418 4 (8,396 ) 6,564,991 86 5,801,536 84 7,740,090 97 1,048,641 14 1,039,445 16 257,664 3 7,613,632 100 6,840,981 100 7,997,754 100 Pre-fixed Other Debentures CDI In 2014, 2013 and 2012, the actuall interest rates on loans and financing of the Company impacted their results negatively in the amount of R$218 million, R$ 237 million and R$246 million respectively. 140 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Impact on the financial result Monetary effects (assets) basically on short-term investments restated by reference to CDI variation Monetary Correction on judicial deposits Monetary effects (liabilities), mainly on loans and financing indexed by CDI and TJLP Foreign exchange gains and losses, net, arising from assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency (loans and financing, suppliers, short-term investments and customers) 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 116,309 119,463 134,408 22,177 35,433 40,651 (258,520 ) (228,769 ) (249,026 ) (193,118 ) (240,566 ) (176,534 ) 10.3. The directors should comment on the relevant effects that the events bellow have caused or are expected to cause in the financial statements of the issuer and its results: a) Introduction or disposal of operating segment The Company is comprised of four business units: Mining, Steel, steel Transformation and Capital Goods. In the fiscal year of 2012 there were no changes in the operating segments aforementioned. In 2013 the Company sold its stake in the subsidiary Automotiva Usiminas (see item b below) that was a part of the business unit of Processing of Steel. In 2014, the Company decided to terminate the activities in the subsidiary Fasal Trading Brasil. b) Constitution, acquisition or disposal of equity interest i. Disposal of the Automotive. On June 14, 2013, the Company signed a contract with Aethra Automotive Systems S.A. ( "Aethra") which provided for the transfer of its entire equity stake of Automotiva Usiminas S.A.. On December 20, 2013, after the fulfillment of the conditions laid down in the contract, the sale was completed. The Company received the amount of R$140 million and recognized a balance to receive R$16 million. The contract further provided that the value negotiated could be adjusted on the basis of the changes in the working capital between the balance of Automotive Usiminas in March 2013 and the closing date assessed in November 2013. Due to that, in January/2014 Aethra paid the Company the amount of R$16.5 million. ii. Incorporation of Mineração Ouro Negro. On September 28, 2012, Mineração Ouro Negro was incorporated by Mineração Usiminas with the objective to facilitate the operationalization of assets, simplifying the Company's organizational structure and providing a reduction of the costs of its corporate structure. 141 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 c) Events or operations not usual i. Capital Increase in Mineração Usiminas. On September 26, 2013, there was a capital inflows in Mineração Usiminas S.A. In the operation, the Company promoted an increase in capital through the transfer of a land in their ownership in Itaguaí - RJ, valued at R$ 246 million. Also, the shareholders of Serra Azul Iron Ore LLC and Sumitomo Corporation do Brasil S.A. , companies part of the Sumitomo’s Corporation group, allocated R$221 million, of which R$ 351 million for increase of capital and R$ 116 million as increase in reserves. ii. Incorporation of Summit Ventures Minerals Ltda. On October 26, 2012, Mineração Usiminas S.A., has incorporated its shareholder Summit Ventures Minerals Ltda., company limited, with headquarters in Sao Paulo, in the form of reverse incorporation. As a result of this merger, shares representing the share capital of Mineração Usiminas S.A. belonging to the Summit Ventures Minerals Ltda. were conferred onto the Serra Azul Iron Ore L. L. C. and the Sumitomo Corporation do Brasil S.A., unique quota holders of Summit Ventures Minerals Ltda. iii. Extinction of the Usiminas Portugal. On November 30, 2012, the Company restructured its shareholdings in group, opting to terminate the activities of the Usiminas Portugal, a company located in Portugal. This company was controlled by Usiminas International, a direct investment of Usiminas. iv. Extinction of Fasal Trading Corporation . On August 03, 2012, the Company restructured its shareholdings abroad and closed the activities of Fasal Trading Corporation , located in Florida,United States. This company was controlled by Fasal Trading Brazil,a direct investment of Usiminas. v. Closure of Fasal Trading Brazil. On November 05, 2014, the Company decided to terminate the activities of its subsidiary Fasal Trading Brazil, which was part of the business of the steelmaking unit. 10.4 Reviews of directors on changes in accounting practices a) Significant changes in accounting practices For the years 2014 and 2012, there were no new declarations or interpretations of CPC/IFRS that significantly impacted the Company's financial statements. For the year 2013, The Company has applied, for the first time, certain standards and amendments that require the reproduction of corresponding values. 142 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 These include: CPC 19 (R2) Joint Ventures CPC 33 (R1) Employee Benefits CPC 36 (R3) Consolidated Financial Statements CPC 45 Disclosure of participations in Other Entities CPC 46 Fair Value Measurement CPC 26 (R1) Presentation of Financial Statements. The announcements, new or reviewed that had significant effects on the financial statements of the Company and, consequently, resulted in production of corresponding values, are the following: (1) Joint ventures and Investment in associate, subsidiary and jointly-controlled entities. The Company adopted, as from the year 2013, IFRS 11 - "Joint Arrangements", issued in May 2011 and included as an amendment to the text of CPC 19 (R2) - "Joint Ventures ". Thus, as the proportionate consolidation method is no longer permitted, the Company ceased to proportionately consolidate jointlycontrolled entities Fasal Trading Brazil, Unigal and Usiroll, as well as subsidiary Mineração Usiminas ceased to proportionately consolidate its jointly-controlled entity Modal. Consequently, as from January 1, 2013, the equity interests in Fasal Trading Brazil (50%), Unigal (70%), Usiroll (50%) and Modal (50%) are accounted for by the equity method. The adoption of CPC 19 (R2) did not impact the financial statements of the parent company. (2) Employee Benefits The Company adopted CPC 33 (R1) Employee Benefits, applicable as from January 1, 2013. Due to the application of this standard, the computation of interest cost and expected return on plan assets of defined benefit plans was changed, and the effects are reflected in the financial statements of December 31, 2013. For the year 2012, the corresponding figures were restated to reflect these retrospective effects. (3) Other restatements (i) Court deposits The Company reassessed the presentation of process-related deposits. For 2013, management decided to maintain the balance of these deposits classified as noncurrent assets at their full amount and not the net amount of contingencies. The year 2012 has been adjusted for comparison purposes. (ii) DFC - Statement of cash flow This refers to the changes in "securities" account, which was reclassified from the group of "operating activities" to the group of "investing activities". (iii) DVA - Statement of value added This refers to the change in the value added distributed and to distribute due to the reclassification of sales taxes in consolidated. 143 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 b) Significant effects of changes in accounting practices In light of the changes in the standards, the Company restated its financial statements for the year ended 2013, the balances at December 31, 2012 and January 1, 2012, demonstrating the significant effects caused by changes in the standards, as follows: (a) Balance Sheet Company 12/31/2012 Balances Other restatements Balances restated 5,829,216 - 5,829,216 23,837,938 130,095 1,935,331 130,095 originally stated 1/1/2012 Balances Other restatements Balances restated 6,415,996 - 6,415,996 23,968,033 23,822,554 112,838 23,935,392 2,065,426 1,793,183 112,838 1,906,021 originally stated Assets Current Noncurrent Long-term receivables Investment PP&E Intangible assets Total assets 7,780,318 - 7,780,318 8,100,465 - 8,100,465 13,974,626 - 13,974,626 13,786,171 - 13,786,171 147,663 - 147,663 142,735 - 142,735 29,667,154 130,095 29,797,249 30,238,550 112,838 30,351,388 4,690,077 - 4,690,077 3,405,007 - 3,405,007 Liabilities and equity Current Noncurrent 8,368,648 130,095 8,498,743 9,549,750 112,838 9,662,588 Equity 16,608,429 - 16,608,429 17,283,793 - 17,283,793 Total liabilities and equity 29,667,154 130,095 29,797,249 30,238,550 112,838 30,351,388 Consolidated 12/31/2012 Balances Changes originally stated in CPC 19 (R2) Current 10,780,645 Noncurrent 1/1/2012 Balances Changes Other restatements Restated balances (74,531 ) - 10,706,114 12,616,945 (88,989 ) - 12,527,956 21,993,574 (94,543 ) 168,675 22,067,706 20,743,480 (64,703 ) 146,319 20,825,096 2,444,744 5,951 168,675 2,619,370 1,939,992 (7,353 ) 146,319 2,078,958 originally stated Other rein CPC 19 statements (R2) Restated balances Assets Long-term receivables Investment 453,062 728,990 - 1,182,052 428,382 801,278 - 1,229,660 16,653,120 (800,614 ) - 15,852,506 15,921,154 (829,277 ) - 15,091,877 2,442,648 (28,870 ) - 2,413,778 2,453,952 (29,351 ) - 2,424,601 32,774,219 (169,074 ) 168,675 32,773,820 33,360,425 (153,692 ) 146,319 33,353,052 Current 5,402,921 (1,866 ) - 5,401,055 4,092,173 14,807 - 4,106,980 Noncurrent 8,858,225 (167,208 ) 168,675 8,859,692 10,254,047 (168,499 ) 146,319 10,231,867 18,513,073 - - 18,513,073 19,014,205 - - 19,014,205 32,774,219 (169,074 ) 168,675 32,773,820 33,360,425 (153,692 ) 146,319 33,353,052 PP&E Intangible assets Total assets Liabilities and equity Equity Total liabilities and equity 144 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 (b) Income statement Company 12/31/2012 Original Balances published Amendments to the CPC 33 (R1) Net Revenues from sales and services Balances restated 11,414,421 - 11,414,421 (11,759,451 ) - (11,759,451 ) Operating income (expense) (422,251 ) (101,487 ) (523,738 ) Financial Result Cost of products and services sold (864,276 ) - (864,276 ) Equity 700,468 - 700,468 Provision for IR and CSLL 291,515 34,506 326,021 (639,574 ) (66,981 ) (706,555 ) Net income (loss) for the period Consolidated 12/31/2012 Original Balances published Net Revenues from sales and services Cost of products and services sold Amendments to the CPC 19 (R2) Amendments to the CPC 33 (R1) 12,708,799 2,082 - 12,710,881 (12,048,300 ) (181,397 ) - (12,229,697 ) Balances re-stated Operating income (expense) (860,142 ) 7,220 (101,487 ) (954,409 ) Financial Result (502,631 ) 11,487 - (491,144 ) Equity Provision for IR and CSLL Net income (loss) for the period 61,168 104,470 - 165,638 109,806 56,138 34,506 200,450 (531,300 ) - (66,981 ) (598,281 ) (c) cash flow statement Company 12/31/2012 Net Cash generated by operating activities Original Balances published Other until summer reruns came around Balances restated 2,076,755 (115,259 ) 1,961,496 121,978 115,259 237,237 Net cash used in investment activities Net cash used in financing activities (1,321,826 ) Exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents - (1,321,826 ) 10,610 - 10,610 Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents 887,517 - 887,517 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the financial year 363,586 - 363,586 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 1,251,103 - 1,251,103 145 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Consolidated 12/31/2012 Original Balances published Net Cash generated by activities 3,409,075 Amendments Other until summer reruns came Balances restated The CPC 19 (R2) around (217,495 ) (751,826 ) 2,439,754 Operational Net Cash applied to activities Investments (1,843,443 ) 186,672 751,826 (904,945 ) Net Cash applied to the activities of Funding (1,296,790 ) 32,267 - (1,264,523 ) Exchange rate changes on cash and Cash equivalents 10,610 - - 10,610 279,452 1,444 - 280,896 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the financial year 2,901,312 (58,890 ) - 2,842,422 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 3,180,764 (57,446 ) - 3,123,318 Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents (d) Statement of value added Company 12/31/2012 Original Balances published 15,045,929 Other until summer reruns came around - Balances restated (12,738,586 ) 1,934 (12,736,652 ) (852,062 ) - (852,062 ) 978,780 (103,421 ) 875,359 Value added to distribute 2,434,061 (101,487 ) 2,332,574 Personnel and charges 1,119,536 - 1,119,536 897,603 (34,506 ) 863,097 Remuneration of capital to third parties 1,056,496 - 1,056,496 Own capital (639,574 ) (66,981 ) (706,555 ) Value added distributed 2,434,061 (101,487 ) 2,332,574 Revenues Inputs Depreciation Received in transfer Taxes 15,045,929 146 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Consolidated 12/31/2012 Original Balances published Revenue Amendments Other until summer The CPC 19 (R2) reruns came around Balances restated 16,759,074 5,593 726,566 17,491,233 (13,446,325 ) (177,856 ) 82,955 (13,541,226 ) (997,718 ) 32,608 - (965,110 ) 555,443 (5,607 ) - 549,836 Value added to distribute 2,870,474 (145,262 ) 809,521 3,534,733 Personnel and charges 1,905,353 23,291 - 1,928,644 Taxes 585,607 (83,429 ) 809,521 1,311,699 Remuneration of capital to third parties 910,814 (18,143 ) - 892,671 Interest on equity (531,300 ) (66,981 ) - (598,281 ) Distributed value added 2,870,474 (145,262 ) 809,521 3,534,733 Inputs Depreciation Received in transfer c) Qualifications and emphases present in the auditor's report There are no qualifications and emphases in the auditor's report. 10.5. The directors shall indicate and comment on critical accounting policies adopted by the issuer, by exploring, in particular, accounting estimates made by the administration on issues uncertain and relevant to the financial situation and the results, which require subjective or complex decisions such as: provisions, contingencies, revenue recognition, tax credits, assets of long-term, life of active non-circulating, pension plans, adjustments to conversion into foreign currency, costs of environmental recovery, criteria for testing of recovery of assets and financial instruments The preparation of financial statements requires the use of critical accounting estimates and also the exercise of judgment by management. The estimates and accounting judgments are continually evaluated and are based on past experiences and other factors, including expectations of future events, which we consider reasonable in the current circumstances. On the basis of assumptions, Usiminas’ companies make estimates with respect to the future. Because of projections about future outcomes, the accounting estimates resulting may be different from their actual results that attempt to estimate. The estimates and prospects that have significant risk, which may cause adjustment in relevant accounting values of assets and liabilities for the next fiscal year, are addressed below: 147 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Recoverable Value (impairment) of goodwill Each year, Usiminas’ companies test any losses (impairment) in goodwill and other assets of long-term (when observed indicators of impairment), in accordance with the accounting policy described on Note 3.13. The recoverable amounts of cash-Generating Units (UGCs) were determined on the basis of calculations of value in use and net selling price, performed on the basis of estimates (Note 18). In the year ended on 31 December 2014, there were losses of R$2.0 million for the goodwill related to Metform, which is part of the operating segment of the Steelmaking unit. On 31 December 2013, was not ascertained any losses for impairment on assets (31 December 2012 - R$358 thousand, loss related to the goodwill allocated in UGC Modal). If the discount rate estimated before the tax applied to the cash flows discounted to the UGC Modal was 1% higher than the estimates of the administration, the segment would not have recognized loss on impairment. Income Tax and social contribution The Usiminas’ Companies are subject to income tax in the various countries in which it operates. There is a need for a significant assessment to determine the provision for income taxes in these countries. In many operations, the final projection of the tax is uncertain. Usiminas’ companies also set provisions for situations in which it is likely that additional values of taxes are due. When the final outcome of these matters is different from the values initially estimated and recorded, these differences affect assets and liabilities of current tax and deferred income tax in the period in which the definitive value is determined. Usiminas’companies recognizes deferred tax assets and liabilities based on the differences between the book value presented in the financial statements and the tax basis of assets and liabilities by using the tax rates in force. Deferred taxes are reviewed regularly in terms of possibility of recovery, whereas the generated historic profit and future projected taxable profit in accordance with technical feasibility studies. Fair value of derivatives and other financial instruments The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in active markets is determined by using assessment techniques. Usiminas’ Companies use their judgment to choose different methods and define norms that are mainly based on market conditions existing at the balance’s date. The sensitive analyzes of financial instruments, whereas a variation likely on the basis of indices of market and deterioration of 5 %, 25% and 50% on the likely scenario, are shown in the financial statements. Revenue Recognition The subsidiaty Usiminas Mecânica uses the method of percentage of completion (POC) to account for the revenue of current orders in an agreed fixed price. The use of POC method requires a projection of the services performed up to the base date of the balance sheet as a proportion of the services that were hired. 148 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Benefits of retirement plans The current value of obligations of retirement plans depends on a number of factors that are determined on the basis of actuarial calculations, using a series of assumptions. Among the assumptions used in determining the net cost (income) for retirement plans is the discount rate. Any changes in these assumptions will affect the accounting value of the obligations of retirement plans. Usiminas’ Companies define the appropriate discount rate at the end of each financial year, to determine the current value of cash outflows and estimate the amount required to settle the obligations of retirement plans. To determine the appropriate discount rate, Usiminas’ companies consider the interest rates of government securities held in the currency in which the benefits will be paid and that have maturities close to the deadlines of the respective obligations of retirement plans. Other important norms for the obligations of retirement plans are based, in part, in current market conditions. Additional information is disclosed in the financial statements. The Company and some of its subsidiaries recognize a liability related to the debt contracted to cover the lack of reserves. Provisions for litigations/legal claims Usiminas’ companies are involved in various legal affairs regarding litigation and administrative procedures. Provisions are made for all litigation representing possible losses. The assessment of the likelihood of a loss includes the evaluation of available evidence, including the opinion of legal advisors from within Usiminas’ companies and external legal advisors. The Administration believes that these provisions and the possible contingency are properly presented in the financial statements. Provisions for environmental recovery As part of its mining activities, which are carried out through its subsidiary Mineração Usiminas S.A.. The Company recognizes in the consolidated financial statements provision for obligations of environmental remediation. To determine the value of the provision, projections and estimates are made in relation to discount rates, expected cost for repair and the time expected for these costs. Rates of useful life of the fixed asset The depreciation of property, plant and equipment is calculated using the straight-line method in accordance with the life- span of the assets. The life-span is based on reports of engineers from Usiminas’ companies and external consultants, which are reviewed annually. The Administration considers that the life-span is properly assessed and presented in the financial statements. Segregation of interest and monetary variation related to domestic loans raised The Company performs the segregation of Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) on loans and financial investments, whose applied index are CDI and TJLP. This way, the installment for the IPCA is detached from interest on loans, financing, and income on financial applications and included under the caption: "monetary effects" in the financial result. 149 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Investment control classification The Company makes the classification of its investments pursuant to CPC 18 (R2) Investments in Associates, Subsidiaries and Jointly-Controlled Entities and CPC 19 (R2) Joint Ventures, whose application is subject to judgment in determining control and significant influence over investments. 10.6. With respect to internal controls adopted to ensure the preparation of the financial statements reliable, the directors should comment on: a) The degree of efficiency of such controls, indicating any imperfections and measures taken to correct them. The directors believe that the Company has internal controls adequate and that they demonstrated to be historically sufficient to ensure the draft of reliable financial statements. When possible imperfections in these controls are established, we conceive plans to remedy the shortcomings. The internal audit contributes to maintain the levels of corporate governance from the assessment of the risks of operating processes and improve their internal controls. b) Deficiencies and recommendations on internal controls present in the report of the independent auditor In the financial statements for the last 3 years, the external auditors of Usiminas, during the execution of their auditing, did not identify commendations or weaknesses in relation to internal controls of the Company that could be considered material and/or with significant impacts on the financial statements. Regarding other deficiencies identified by the external auditors, the Board considered it does not need any comment, by not being relevant. 10.7. If the issuer has done a public distribution offer of securities, the directors should comment on: a) As how the resources resulting from the offer were used The Company did not make public offer of securities in the past three fiscal years. b) If there were relevant differences between the effective application of resources and the proposals for applications disclosed in prospectuses of the respective distribution There was no public offer of securities in the past three years. c) If there has been any irregularities, the reasons for such irregularities There was no public offer of securities in the past three years. 150 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 10.8. The directors shall describe the relevant items not disclosed in the financial statements of the issuer, indicating: a) The assets and liabilities held by the issuer, directly or indirectly, that do not appear on its balance sheet (off-balance sheet items), such as: i. Operating market leases, assets and liabilities The company has the following operational leases agrrement: - Contract with the Salus Empreendimentos S/A, in the amount of R$ 173 million, with a debt balance of R$ 33 million, relating to the lease of locomotives, with maturity on 10/14/2015. - Contract with the MRC Railway Logistics DZSS-FC Ltda, in the value of R$ 29 million, with debt of R$ 11 million, relating to the lease of wagons platforms, with maturity on 03/01/2017. - Mineração Usiminas S.A. (MUSA) has a contract with the MBL – Materiais Básicos Ltda., signed in July 2011, the contract value is estimated at US$ 300 million for the lease of mineral rights in the area of Sierra Azul, Minas Gerais. The lease duration is 30 years, counted from October 15, 2012, date on which the lease was authorized by the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM) or until exhaustion of mineral reserves. ii. Portfolios of receivables downloaded on which the entity keep risks and responsibilities, indicating their respective liabilities There are none. iii. Contracts for future purchase and sale of products and services The Company has the following operational contracts relevant to future purchases: Contracts for the Supply of Iron Ore The main suppliers of iron ore to Usiminas Ipatinga are VALE S/A and the Mineração Usiminas S/A - MUSA. VALE S/A has contracts with Usiminas for the sale of iron ore, logistics of transportation of Usiminas’ ore by EFVM (Vitória-Minas ) and FCA - Railroad Atlantic Center. In Cubatao, the largest supplier is Mineração Usiminas MUSA followed by VALE S/A and Vetorial Mineração. The amount of current contracts is approximately R$ 1.8 billion per year. 151 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Contracts for the Supply of Coal and coke The mineral coal * used in steelmaking activities comes only from abroad due to the lack of coal with the ideal specifications to be used in the steelmaking process in Brazil. Usiminas has signed long-term contracts and spot purchases of imported coal and national coke (CVP) in the calendar year of 2014, corresponding to approximately 4.4 million tons, equivalent to 100% of the volume of coal provided for the supply of the activities of the two steel mills (in Ipatinga and Cubatao) until December 2014. The purchase of coke in the national and international market, coal injection (PCI) and the anthracite are computed in the data. Among the main suppliers of coal, anthracite and coke in the year of 2014, stand out the Alpha Coal, Patriot, Jim Walter Resources, Jellinbah mine and Petrobras Distribuidora, responsible for approximately 65% of the supply of coal and CVP to Usiminas in that period. In 2014, the approximate total amount of coal purchases, anthracite and PCI totaled R$ 912 million, and for the purchases of FMC (Coke) the approximate value was R$ 206 million. In 2014, Usiminas purchased 3 loads of metallurgical coke imported (total 140 thousand tons) to meet the deficit at the Ipatinga’s plant due to a revamp at the coking plant No 2. The approximate total amount for these purchases was of R$ 64 million. * Mineral Coal = coal for coking coal injection (PCI) and anthracite for sintering. Contracts for the Supply of Electrical Energy In June 2007, the Company signed with the CEMIG GT an electricity supply contract for the period starting 01/01/10 to 12/31/14, of approximately 320 MW average annual. At the end of 2009, the Company initiated the renegotiation of the contract to review the contractual conditions and extend the contract’s deadline for 10 years (January 01, 2010 to 31 December 2019). As a result of this renegotiation,there were signed two new documents: the first is a contract with the CEMIG GT in that Usiminas buys about 320 MW annual average for the period 2010 to 2012, reducing to 120 MW the annual average from 2013 to 2019. The second document is a “supplier” term in that Cemig GT leases to the Company part of its purchase agreement signed with the Santo Antonio Energia S. A - SAESA. By this second document, Usiminas receives from SAESA, from 2013 until 2019, the average amount of 200 MW per year. For the years 2013 and 2014 there is also a supply of energy in the volume of 20 MW average with the company CPFL Energia. These contracts account for approximately R$ 5.1 billion for the period from 01/01/2010 to 12/31/2019. 152 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Gas Supply Contract with the COMGAS USIMINAS and COMGAS concluded on 05/13/2002 the contract for the supply of firm natural gas for its plant in Cubatao. This contract was renewed until 05/31/2015 with the supply forecast of 312.500M ³ /day of natural gas for consumption in processes and blast furnaces. The value of the contract is of R$ 710 million and in 2014 there were R$ 216 million spent. Gas Supply Contract with the Gasmig USIMINAS and Gasmig have three contracts for the supply of natural gas to the Ipatinga Plant. The contract has hired a volume of 377.000M ³ /day to be used in the processes. It was signed in 09/21/2010 and renewed until 08/31/2017. The value of this contract is of R$ 337 million and in 2014 were paid R$ 105 million. The contract signed for thermoelectric supply has hired a volume of 60.000M ³ /day, and may be altered from 30.000m ³ /day 150.000M ³ /day at any time at the sole discretion of USIMINAS. It was concluded in 12/22/2014 and is valid until 12/31/2015. The value of this contract is of R$ 19 million. In addition to these, there is the interruptible contract for injection in blast furnaces, when necessary, with a volume of 256,000 m3/day. It was signed on 12/07/2010 and it is renewed automaticallyl. However, to replace this contract, USIMINAS has signed successive purchases of short term natural gas directly from Gasmig or through auctions held by PETROBRAS to distributors, in varying amounts. The values of these contracts are of R$ 57 million and in 2014 were paid R$ 15 million in natural gas for use in blast furnaces through short-term contracts. Service Contract with MRS The Mineração Usiminas has contract with MRS Logistica S.A. to rail transport services of iron ore in the period from 01/01/2011 to 11/30/2026. The annual value of this contract is in the order of R$ 253 million. Contract for the provision of services with Porto Sudeste do Brasil The Mineração Usiminas has a contract with the company Porto Sudeste do Brasil S.A. referring to docks services in the period of 5 (five) years from 2012. The annual value of this contract is of the order of US$ 68 million. v. Uncompleted construction contracts The Company has various contracts related to investments in its mills and in Mineração Usiminas, which aggregate the amount of R$ 554 million. v. Contracts of future receipts of funding None. 153 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 b) other items not disclosed in the financial statements None. 10.9. In relation to each of the items not disclosed in the financial statements listed in item 10.8, the directors should comment on: a) How such items change or could change the revenues, expenses, operating income, financial expenses or other items in the financial statements of the issuer The costs of the contract for operating leases referenced above are appropriate for the monthly operating results of the Company for the term of the contract. The costs of supply contracts are added to the result as they are used in the production process. The sales revenue related to contracts of Usiminas Mecânica, are added to the result as the development of each built item. b) Nature and purpose of operation The purpose of the Company to maintain these contracts is to ensure that supplies needed for the production process. c) The nature and amount of obligations and rights in favor of the issuer as a result of the operation. As mentioned in item 10.8. 10.10. The directors shall indicate and comment on the main elements of a business plan from the issuer, specifically expanding on the following topics: a) Investments i. Description of quantity and level of quality of the investments in progress and of planned investments The total volume of investments of Usiminas and of the subsidiaries in the year of 2014 was R$1.1 billion (R$981 million in 2013), being: - Plants of Ipatinga and Cubatao: R$964 million (R$600 million in 2013) - Subsidiaries: R$146 million (R$381 million in 2013) The investments in the plants are concentrated in appropriateness of coke ovens, the increase in the working life-span of the blast furnaces, improving quality, reducing costs, maintenance, technological updating of equipment and environmental protection. 154 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The investment projects follow its normal course of detail engineering, bidding, contracts and execution of works, as established on the schedule. The main investments of the Company are focused on Steel Production and Mining, as described below: Steel production The most relevant investments completed in 2014 were: Ipatinga: The de-dusting of the area around Blast Furnace #3: system Adequacy of de-dusting of Areas of Blast Furnace No. 3, composed of Bag Filter, Ducts, damper and Hoods. Start of operation was May/2014, in compliance with the requirements of environmental agencies. Replacement of fuel oil by Natural Gas in reheating furnace of the Hot Strip Rolling Mill and individualization of Natural Gas into the Blast Furnace 3: Deployment of Natural Gas as a complement to mix with the gas for steel consumption in the burners in the furnaces of the HSM, as a replacement to fuel oil. Individualization of the Natural Gas network of AF3 with the installation of a new receiving station and new connection with existing pipes. Start of operation was in August/2014, in compliance with the requirements of environmental agencies. Cooling System at AF03; Installation of system for cooling the cooling water of the crucible of Blast Furnace no. 3, with start-up of operations in April/2014, with the aim to meet the plans of extension of AF’s life-span. Large Repair from the Regenerator 4: Repair the wall refractory from the Regenerator #4 of AF#2 at the Plant in Ipatinga with the aim of avoiding the tampering of the framework and/or overall fall of refractory bricks and within the plan to extend the useful life of the furnaces, i.e. to prevent the complete failure of the regenerator in addition to minimizing the risk of accidents. Start of operation was in April/2014. CTE2 - insertion of NG as an Alternative Fuel: Deployment of Natural Gas as a complement to mix with the gas for steel consumption in the boilers of CRT2, replacing the fuel oil. Start of operation was in December/2014. Cubatao: Exchange of 21 Stave Coolers for Blast Furnace #2: Replace 21 stave coolers of cast iron by Coolers of copper, with a high rate of heat transfer and greater durability, ensuring the preservation of the framework and the useful life-span of the Blast Furnace. First exchange of 8 stave coolers completed in Nov/2013. 2ND exchange of 13 stave coolers completed in November/2014. AF2 - Replacement of slow water pipes from Blast Furnace: Implementation of recovery activities of the demineralized water system of the body of the Furnace 2. Start of operation in November/2014. 155 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Reform of Boilers 2 and 4: complete Reform of boilers 2 and 4 for recovery of steam production capacity of central thermoelectric power plant no. 1 (CTE-1) through the recovery of original conditions of design of boilers type “aquotubular” conventional. Start of operation in June/2014. AF2- Exchange chimney Slag Granulation: Restoration of the system of exhaust fumes of granulation of slag from AF2 of Cubatao in order to eliminate damage to the structures of the oven caused by water vapor with components of sulfur. Start of operation in November/2014. The main investments in progress are: Ipatinga Revamp of the coking plant No 2: Restore production of gas (COG) coke and coking 2 to 1,100,000 t/year and reduce the emission of particulates, gases and volatile matter to the atmosphere. The Battery no. 3, with a capacity of 550,000 tons/year, is idle due reform since 18/10/2010 and have its return to operation planned for the 1st semester of 2015. Blast Furnace 3 - Replacement of 28 Staves in levels B3 and S1: Acquisition and exchange of 28 stave coolers being 17 (seventeen) of level B3 and 11 (eleven) of level S1, aiming to: Rebuilding of the cooling system of the framework; Maintenance of safety and physical integrity of workers of AF3 area; Maintenance of thermal stability of AF3 and operational control. Estimate of start-up of operations in the 1st half of 2016. Repair of the Top of the Coke Plant 3: Repair from the top of the Coke Plant 3 to ensure safe standards of operation, avoiding the drastic reduction of the life-span of the furnace coke 3. Estimate start of operations in the 1st half of 2015. Replacement of Overhead Crane L8: Continuous Casting of Steel Mill 2: Replacement of the overhead crane for handling pots liquid steel in the meltshop 2 loading from the continuous casting machine. The new bridge will have a capacity of 260 T. Projections to start of operations in the 1st half of 2016. AF2 - Major Repair of Electrostatic precipitator no. 1: Implementation of modernization and electromechanical repair of PE-1, covering everything from the full exchange of the framework, plates, brackets, electrodes, bleeders, lids of visit, nozzles for washing etc. Estimate to start operations in 2ND semester of 2015. Blast 02 - Installation of Front Gate in the converters 4 and 5: Project, manufacture and installation of gates to front converters 4 and 5, seeking greater security and better efficiency of de-dusting. Estimate to start operations in 2ND semester of 2015. Converter 5 - Exchange of housing and cooling of the ring: Replacement of the framework of the Converter 5 and installation of air cooling system for the ring to continue activities of the Steelmaking Plant; Maintenance of productive capacity; Safety of people; Increase of life-span with the installation of the air cooling system for the ring. Estimate to start operations in 1st semester of 2016. 156 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Revamp of the PE’s scarfing in the mill: Make the REVAMP of the system of electrostatic precipitation of machines of scarfing at the Plant in Ipatinga aiming to continue the scarfing process , the safety of the workers who perform maintenance services and the reduction of emissions of particulate matter from the electrostatic precipitator. Estimate to start operations in 1st semester of 2015. HSM - Replacing the Thickness Gauge and Profile of the Output of the Finishing Train: New thickness gauge and profile x-ray mobile and fixed ensuring operational continuity of LTQ providing an improvement in the control of the process. Estimate to start operations in 1st semester of 2016. Cubatao: Adequacy of the yard of beneficiation of slag: Adequacy of facilities of the courtyard of beneficiation of slag and deployment of a Courtyard of Cure of slag in the technical requirements contained in the Operating License. Estimate to start operations in the 1st semester of 2016. Structural Reconstruction of the courtyards of raw materials and Sintering 2 and 3: Structural reconstruction and equipment of the courtyards of ore, Sinter 2 and Sinter 3 through the stabilization of structures and equipment, auxiliary systems and supply systems. Start of operation in January 2015. AF1: Supports Individualization of de-dusting of house of silos: This project is intended to make independent abstractions of dust in the areas through the installation of systems of secondary de-dusting specific to the following areas: (a) Screening of Sinter North, (b) Two side discharge belt conveyor of sinter and the balancing of the system. Estimate start of operations in the 2nd half of 2016. Sintering 3: Individualization of systems secondary de-dusting: This project is intended to make independent abstractions of powder of the areas of a)Cold sieving b) House of Silos and c) Machine of Sinter (power, discharge and some points near) through the installation of systems of secondary de-dusting specifics for the first two (items a and b) and balancing of the entire network. Estimate start of operations in the 1st half of 2016. Sintering 2: System Optimization of Secondary de-dusting: This project has aimed to optimize the system of secondary de-dusting Sintering 2. To achieve this you need to retrieve and modify part of the piping, run the rebalancing of the entire network and become independent of the three existing systems the abstractions of powder of the following areas: a)Cold Breaker b) discharge Spout the return of fine sinter , located in the house of silos of raw materials. While the pick-up points in the region of the breaker shall be met by a new bag filter, the other two will be ventilated by a bin vent in each one. Estimate start of operation in the 2nd semester of 2016. Utilities - Deployment of New Gasometer of COG of 22,500 m³: Construction of a new gasometer of COG with capacity of 22,500 m3 to be built using the base of the gasometer of 20,000 cu. m. For this condition,it will be required the demolition of the gasometer of 20,000 cu. m. Estimate start in the 2nd semester of 2016. Internal Logistics Plant Cubatão: Adequacy of the premises of the Plant of Cubatao for handling and storage of coils with dimensions of up to 2050mm wide , 2100mm in outer diameter and 35 ton of maximum weight. Estimate start in the 2nd semester of 2015, with partial deliveries until the end of the year. 157 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 AF2: Individualization of de-dusting system of transfer house J10: This project aims to improve the efficiency of de-dusting of House of Silos in the Blast Furnace 2 , in order to meet relevant legal requirements. For this reason, the abstraction of the House transfers "J10" will be answered by a new bag filter, which will be installed in the Yard area of ores. Estimate start in the 2nd semester of 2016. Dredging of Critical Points "A" and "B" of the Channel of Piaçaguera: Removal of sediment characterized as non-contaminated deposited at the bottom of the channel of Piaçaguera which gives access to the Port terminals of Usiminas in Cubatao/SP, to minimize the risks to navigation. Estimate start in the 2nd semester of 2015. Repair of Sill Coking 1 and Sub-threshold of Coke Plant 2: Repair in 16 channels of regenerators and “subsoleiras”, replacement of 16 sills refractory furnaces and replacement of 16 jamb's. The main objective is to prevent the drastic reduction of life-span of furnace Coke Plant 1 and 2, because the evolution of degradation, especially the channels of regenerators and subsoleiras. Start of operation in January 2015. AVCB Santos: Adequacy of facilities necessary for the certification of Self-Inspection from the Firefighters of the State of Sao Paulo in the areas of the Plant of Cubatão located within the municipality of Santos/SP, as shown in State Decree no. 46,076 of 31 August 2001. Estimate start in the 2nd semester of 2015. AF2 - Structural Repair of the Building of Granulation of Slag: Perform services for reinforcements and reconstitution of structural building of slag from AF2 of the Plant of Cubatao. Estimate start in the 2nd semester of 2016. Converter 6 - Replacement of Housing: Replacing the converter housing 6 to: operational Continuity of Steelworks; Maintenance of the productive capacity and peoples’ safety. Estimate start in the 2nd semester of 2015. Coke Plants 1 and 2 - Replacement of ducts and cleaning of firing system for COG: This project includes the replacement of piping and valves of the system of gas alternative fuel that supplies Batteries 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the unplugging of firing systems of same. Estimate start in the 2nd semester of 2015. Exchange of askarel transformers Plant Cubatao (Step 1): Replacement and disposal of 80 PCB transformers (askarel) at the Plant of Cubatao, 1ST batch, in compliance reached with the CETESB and Public Prosecutor (TAC) and the State Law 12288 (SP). Estimate start in the 1st semester of 2015. Exchange of askarel transformers Plant Cubatão ( 2ND Step): Replacement and disposal of 80 PCB transformers (askarel) at the Plant of Cubatao, 2ND batch, in compliance reached with the CETESB and Public Prosecutor (TAC) and the State Law 12288 (SP). Estimate start in the 1st semester of 2016. 158 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Future investments in the mills of Ipatinga and Cubatao are: Major Repairs and Improvements to the Coke Plants plant of Cubatão. Adequacy of the facilities of the plants to meet environmental standards. Deployment of automation systems and industrial management (projects of productivity); Projects of Sustaining the Plant of Ipatinga and Cubatão. Plan of Improvements, Major Repairs and reforms in the area of the Blast Furnaces (Ipatinga and Cubatão) aiming at extending the useful life-span of the furnaces. Mineração In the year of 2014 it was concluded the contruction of the ITM Flotation plant, installation of treatment of ore, integral to the project of non-friable Mineração Usiminas, which will allow for the recovery of Pellet Feed from natural recovery of dams and grinding course of existing ITMs. Infrastructure Projects: projects of heightening of dams and projects associated with the logistics of disposal, with the objective of bringing the current operation to new levels of production provided for with the beginning of operation of the new plants of the friable Project. Compact Design: development of conceptual engineering project that allows the use of the reserve of minerals designated "compact ores". The action planned for the year 2015 is the consolidation of basic engineering with the aim of adapting to the new scenario in the global market for iron ore. ii. Sources of financing of investments Usiminas has as a policy to diversify their funding sources and acquired long-term financing to meet its needs and also the need Usiminas’ controlled companies. The Directors of the Company adopt a conservative position to capture resources, hiring the loans and financing in advance in relation to the planned investments for the following years. Among the main sources of financing, the highlights are the operations with the private banks and public sector banks, capital markets, and fostering export agencies. The main funders of the Company are the Banco do Brasil, the Japanese bank JBIC and the BNDES. The main sources of funding are shown in item 10.1 (e). iii. Relevant divestments in progress and planned divestitures The Company continually assesses the strategic adequacy of its assets. b) Provided it has been already disclosed, it indicates the purchase of plants, equipment, patents, or other assets that should materially influence the productive capacity of the issuer In the year 2014 there were no acquisitions of plants, equipment, patents, or other relevant assets that should materially influence the productive capacity of the company. 159 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 c) New products and services i. Description of researches in progress that have been already released The development of; steel with high resistance for the automotive industry, including steel cold-rolled and coated steels, along with the development of its engineering application. Development of steel for shipbuilding and offshore platforms and its engineering application. Development of special steel for large diameter pipes for gas and oil pipelines. Support for the industrial Development of steel for ballistic purposes. Development of engineering application steel for the civil construction industry. Development of steel coated with zinc alloy with improved characteristics of resistance to atmospheric corrosion. Development of steel with special metallic coating to adapt to heat and its application in engineering. Development of new products hot dip galvanized. Development of new methods and experimental techniques aiming to support both to the development of new products and its use by customers. ii. Total amounts spent by the issuer in research for development of new products or services In 2014, the Company invested approximately R$ 7.5 million in the research of activities listed above. iii. Projects in development already disclosed Usiminas consolidated its process of product development, establishing a central coordination for the projects, which allowed a significant expansion of the portfolio of projects and a significant reduction in time to launch a new product. With the new system, the involvement of senior management was included in the steps of evaluation and selection of projects, aligning with the strategies of the Company, and mechanisms were created to increase the degree of interaction with the target customers, providing a better service according to their needs. In 2014, the Company registered an increase of 22% in the sold amount of new steels compared to in 2013. This result reflects the success of the strategy of Usiminas to seek the development of new products for a market that is increasingly demanding, particularly of steels of high and ultra-high mechanical resistance, using the new lines - Accelerated Cooling, Hot Strip Mill Plant at and with Hot-Dip Galvanizing (HDG). These lines, which represent the most relevant investments carried out in recent years, have placed the Company in the “state of the art” of the manufacture of these steels, contributing to the reduction in the need to import these materials of greater technological content. In the case of thick plates produced by Accelerated Cooling, it is worth mentioning the beginning of the supply of steel API X65 application for sour service, in the offshore pipelines of “Pre-Salt”. With the development of this steel, launched on the market in 2014, Usiminas joined the select group of steelmakers in the world that offers training for the supply of steel resistant to acid environment, aiming to manufacture tubes of large diameter pipes for use under strict conditions of deep waters. In addition, emphasis is placed on the provision of structural steel for application in high pressure conditions, of quality P355M, also launched in 2014, for the manufacture of penstocks of Belo Monte Power Plant. 160 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Regarding the products hot strip, stands out the supply of steel coils API X70, manufactured in new Mill Hot Strip installed in Usiminas at Cubatão, one of the most modern in the world, aiming at the production of ERW pipes for the Project GNEA (Brasileira Gasoducto Bolivia-Brasil del North-east Parts Argentine), which will allow the transport of larger volumes of gas from Bolivia to Argentina. Also using the new Mill, the steel class of “Complex Phase” is in the final phase of development of the class up to 800MPa resistance limit for the automotive industry. It should also be emphasized, the approval in 2014, mainly by the automobile industry, of a series of products of the new line of Stripping, installed in the plant of Cubatão, which allowed the extension of the offer and the mix of Usiminas dimensional material stripped at hot, with thicknesses between 1.5 and 6.5mm and widths between 600 and 1,800mm. For products strips to cold, with and without coating, Usiminas has also focused on the development of steels of greater mechanical resistance, especially to meet the demands of the automotive and auto parts. The year 2014 consolidated the supply of the Dual Phase 1000 steel galvanized by heat, produced in the new row with Hot-Dip Galvanizing and steel TRIP 800 electro-galvanized. These steels have good characteristics of adapting and energy-absorbing impact in the case of a collision and are approved by major automakers for application in safety parts. It should also be emphasized the development of HSLA steel500 galvanized, widely used in the manufacture vehicles and, also, in storage silos. In addition, to meet at the same time the criteria of high mechanical strength and excellent conformability for application in the manufacture of parts of more complex forms, we have in the final stages of development the steel for conformation to heat with coating Zn-Fe and steel Dual Phase 1000 with characteristic of hole expansion. 10.11. Factors that influenced the relevant operational performance, and that were not identified or commented on other items. There are none. 11. Projections The Company has the right to not provide the information relating to item 11 of Annex 24 of CVM Ruling No. 480/09 because it does not have the practice of disclosing operating and financial projections. 12. Annual shareholders’ meeting and management 12.1. Describe the management structure of issuer, as set forth in its articles of incorporation and bylaws, stating: a) Attributions of each board and committee The Company is managed by the Board of Directors, currently composed of 09 members (and their respective deputy members), and the Executive Board, currently consisting of the Chief Executive Officer and 4 Statutory Vice Chief Executive Officers. The Company management is further supported by Committees set up by the Board of Directors. The attributions of each board are detailed below: 161 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Executive Board The Executive Board is in charge of defining the Company’s primary organization, establishing the guidelines for its executive officers and performing the acts necessary to meet the Company purposes, actively and passively, in accordance legal or statutory provisions applicable. The Executive Board’s role is to guarantee the high quality of products and services offered to Usiminas' customers, as well as its competitiveness, promoting the social and economic and environmental sustainability of the regions where it operates. Its members are elected by the Board of Directors for a term of office of 2 years, their reelection being permitted. The Statutory Executive Board is divided as follows: Chief Executive Officer, Commercial Vice Chief Executive Officer, Financial and Investor Relations Vice Chief Executive Officer, Industrial Vice Executive Officer, Technology and Quality Vice Executive Officer, Vice Executive Officer of Subsidiaries and Vice Executive Officer of Corporate Planning. The Executive Board must, through voting by the majority of its members: a) approve the Company’s primary organization and Internal Regulation; b) issue standards and regulations to maintain the high quality of its services, meeting the provisions of these Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws; c) keep general control over execution of its deliberations, and to assess the results of Company activities; d) authorize, subject to the attributions of the Board of Directors in items (i) to (l) and (y) of article 13 above, all acts related to disposals, acquisitions or encumbering of the Company's property, plant and equipment items, borrowings, financing and other financial obligations, granting of guarantees, entering into contracts and realization of capital expenditures, including and especially acquisition, disposal, exchange and lease of assets and real estate not in use in its plants; e) prepare, for submission to the Board of Directors, annual and multiannual budgets, expansion and modernization projects and investment plans; f) approve salary tables, staffing and compensation plans and staffing table; g) prepare the Annual Management Report, the Financial Statements and other documents and submit them to the Board of Directors, and further in the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting; h) propose to the Board of Directors opening, transfer or closing of offices, branches, premises or other establishments in Brazil or abroad; and i) make decisions on other matters not included in its members' respective responsibilities, or in the responsibilities of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting or of the Board of Directors. Board of Directors The Company’s Board of Directors is in charge of setting the Company business general guidelines and deciding on strategic matters. The Company ensures to its employees the right to take a seat in the Board of Directors under its Bylaws. 162 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 The assignments of the Board of Directors are the following: a) elect and depose members of the Executive Board, and set their assignments under these Articles of Incorporation; b) inspect the executive officers’ management, examine, at any time, the Company’s books and papers, and request information on contracts and acts involving or that could involve the Company; c) resolve on convening the Annual Shareholders Meeting, under the law; d) give opinion on the Management Report and the Executive Board accounts; e) set the general guidelines of the Company business, establishing the Executive Board key guidelines, including as regards the technical aspects of production, selling, personnel and financial management, and expansion, as well as assure strict compliance therewith; f) set the criteria to control the Company’s business performance; g) approve annual and multiannual budgets, expansion projects and investment programs, as well as follow up on their execution and performance; h) approve the Company’s administrative structure and establish its salary policy; i) authorize acquisition or disposal by the Company of interest in other companies, regardless of the transaction amount, as well as guide Usiminas representatives while voting in annual shareholders meetings and meetings of the relevant bodies of the companies in which the Company holds interest, as regards (i) disposal or encumbering of property, plant and equipment items of companies in which the Company holds interest, whose book value exceeds R$ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais), either through a single transaction or a series of combined or related transactions, (ii) investments to be made by the Company in which it holds an estimated interest exceeding R$ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais), either through a single transaction or a series of combined or related transactions, (iii) loans and financing transactions of the company in which the Company holds interest exceeding R$ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais), either through a single transaction or a series of combined or related transactions, (iv) merger, takeover or acquisition operations and other types of corporate reorganization involving the company in which the Company holds interest, regardless of their respective amounts; j) subject to item (k) of this article 13 from Company’s Bylaws, approve disposal or encumbering of property, plant and equipment items, acquisition of property, plant and equipment items, taking of loans, financing and other financial obligations, granting of guarantees and entering into any contracts, whenever the amount of the assets disposed of, encumbered or acquired, of loans, financing and other financial obligations taken, of guarantees granted or of contracts entered into exceeds R$ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais), either through a single transaction or a series of combined or related transactions; k) approve taking or granting of loans or financing, granting of guarantees or approval of any act resulting in increase in the Company’s indebtedness, in an amount exceeding 2/3 (two thirds) of the Company’s equity; l) authorize any investment or capital expenditure in a projected amount exceeding R$ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais), either through a single transaction or a series of combined or related transactions, as well as differences above 10% (ten percent) of the amount initially authorized by the Board of Directors; m) authorize participation in consortiums of any nature and enter into contracts involving a comprehensive strategic alliance; n) authorize negotiation by the Company of shares issued by it; o) authorize issue of nonconvertible unsecured debentures, as well as decide on opportunities to issue debentures, their subscription and placement manner, their type and time and interest payment conditions, profit sharing and debentures reimbursement premium, if any, and on time and conditions of their maturity, amortization and redemption, upon assignment by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting; p) set terms and conditions to issue and place commercial papers and other marketable securities, whose issue is not under the exclusive discretion of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, provided that (i) such papers and securities are intended for primary or secondary public distribution, or (ii) are convertible or grant right to acquire or subscribe shares issued by the Company; q) approve the internal audit plan; r) approve appointment of the person in charge of the Internal Audit by the Executive Board, and such person must be an employee of Company, lawfully certified, and liaised with the Chairman of the Board of Directors; s) choose and dismiss independent auditors, as well as authorize their engagement for any other services not directly related to audit; t) establish tax incentive application policy; u) authorize opening, transfer or closing of offices, branches, premises or other establishments of the Company; v) approve the appointment of the general secretary, who must be a Company employee proposed by the Executive Board; x) resolve on distribution of dividends in the net income account in the annual or interim balance sheet and/or interest on equity, for approval by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting; y) approve any business or operation involving the Company or its subsidiaries on one hand and Related Parties on the other hand; z) decide on the creation, 163 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 modification and/or termination of benefit plans that may affect the actuarial calculation of Previdência Usiminas (the new corporate name of Caixa dos Empregados da Usiminas); aa) approve the preparation and amendment of the Material Information Disclosure Policy, Securities Trading policy for securities issued by the Company, Financial Policy, Code of Conduct of the Company; and bb) approve By-laws on operational matters not provided for by the Articles of Incorporation. The Board of Directors is regulated by an Internal Regulation. Committees of the Board of Directors: Currently, the Company’s Board of Directors has twocommittees; namely Audit and Human Resources committees whose purpose is to support, guide and assist decision making by the Board as regards specific matters. Each committee has an Internal Regulation approved by the Board of Directors, which determines its rules, responsibilities and assignments. The scope and responsibilities of each committee are the following: Audit Committee: a) Verify whether the Company has an adequate set of internal controls to manage risks of processes, by analyzing existing controls, and conveying its conclusions and recommendations to the Board of Directors; b) Follow up on action plans proposed by the Internal Audit and approved by Management, by monitoring implementation of actions deemed material, assessing their effectiveness, and reporting its conclusions and recommendations to the Board of Directors; c) Compare the Company’s accounting practices with those of other companies operating in the same industry, and recommend to the Board of Directors the implementation of any adjustments and improvements; d) Within timing compatible with the budget process, assess the Audit Plan and the Internal Audit budget for the following year, and convey its conclusions and recommendations to the Board of Directors; e) Take part in the selection process for engagement of Independent Auditors, submitting its conclusions to the Board; f) Analyze and review the Quarterly Financial Information (ITR) and the Standardized Financial Statements (DFP) prior to their publication, and present its conclusions and recommendations to the Board; and g) Review the Company’s procedures for analysis of questionings and internal and external whistleblowing as regards compliance with legal, ethical or corporate governance rules; and formally monitor the actions taken by the Company to address significant questionings and whistleblowing issues, submitting its conclusions and recommendations to the Board of Directors. 164 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Human Resources Committee: a) Assist the Board in analyzing policies, structures and practices related to compensation of executive officers adopted by domestic and foreign companies, of size and industries similar to the Company’s; b) Examine, discuss and prepare recommendations to the Board of Directors as regards policies on direct and indirect compensation of the Company management members; c) Analyze organizational structure proposals submitted by management, when such proposals imply the creation and/or elimination of positions in the Executive Board and/or significantly affect cost of labor, and submit such conclusions to the Board of Directors; d) Follow up on the overall development of the Company's executive officers career and the succession plan proposed by management, and submit its observations to the Board of Directors; and e) Monitor the performance of occupational health and safety indices of the Company, compare them to the indices of similar domestic and foreign companies, and convey its conclusion and recommendations to the Board of Directors. In addition to the above-mentioned Committees, the Company maintains a number of multi-sectorial committees, with specific agendas, which are responsible for studying strategic themes and assisting decision making by the Executive Board, besides promoting cross-sector synergy. These committees are the following: Strategy and Investment; Human Resources, Supplies; Innovation; Information Technology; Financial and Tax; Reporting,Compliance and Ethics. Strategy and Investment Committee: the Strategy and Investment Committee`s function is to advise the Company`s Executive Board in the definition of the strategy and investment policy and guidelines with a view to optimizing the allocation of Usiminas` capital according to established corporate goals. Its duties are: a) to analyze and recommend the medium and long-term strategy and the investments of the Usiminas Companies ; b) to investigate and inform of arrears and deviations of existing investments; c) to inform and comment on the “post-audits” of concluded investments; d) to establish the strategic planning and investment premises. Financial and Tax Committee: The Committee assignments are: a) examine, discuss and prepare recommendations as regards the Company’s Financial and Tax policy, including, but not limited to, investments and financial transactions, capital markets, short-term investments, raising and management of cash and financial risks; b) follow up on implementation of the financial policy approved by the Board of Directors, in order to assure that such policy is complied with; c) periodically assess the results of the financial policy implemented by the Company, and recommend revision of such policy, as the case may be, in order to assure that the defined objectives are met; and b) give support within its specific scope and in accordance with the requests made by it. Compliance Committee: The Compliance Committee is engaged in analyzing and resolving on all whistleblower issues received through Canal Aberto (Open Channel) that might expose acts of fraud, corruption, bribery, harassment etc. in Usiminas companies. 165 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Supplies Committee: The assignments of the Supplies Committee are: a) determine the Purchase policies and procedures for the entire Usiminas group; b) determine the supplies strategy; c) monitor the supplies performance; d) assist and monitor the implementation of initiatives related to supplies strategy; and e) determine actions to mitigate supplies-related risks, jointly with the Financial, Risks and Credit Committee. Innovation Committee: this committee`s function is to advise the Company`s Executive Board on policy and guidelines for innovation strategies. Its duties are the: a) validation of the innovation action plan and budget; b) definition of financial resources by project; c) make or buy decisions regarding technology; d) definition of industrial property objectives; e) consultancy in the definition of innovation metrics; f) approval of the list of potential strategic refined innovation topics; g) definition in balancing projects, considering the current portfolio; h) definition of the scale-up of new products; i) approval of the launch of new products and price recommendations; j) definition of the person responsible for each project to be developed, from among the Innovation Committee members; k) validation of adjustments in the portfolio and flow chart of projects; l) validation of portfolio balancing adjustments; m) general coordination of negotiations with partners. Information Technology Committee: The assignments of the Information Technology Committee are: a) determine the IT strategy and policy; b) assess investments; c) assist and monitor implementation of initiatives related to the Information Technology strategy; d) determine actions to mitigate Information Technology-related risks jointly with the risks committee. Reporting Committee: Usiminas' relationship with its external stakeholders is supported by a Reporting Committee created in 2011, having representatives of the following areas: Legal, Internal Audit, Accounting, Corporate Governance, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications area. The Committee’s key assignments are: Review all information on the Company and its subsidiaries disclosed to third parties, such as pre ss, Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), São Paulo Securities, Commodities & Futures Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA) and other regulatory bodies, especially the Reference Form, Annual Report, Press Releases, Earnings Releases, Material News Releases and Communications to the Market. Ethics Committee: Formed by representatives of multidisciplinary areas of Usiminas. Its function is to ensure compliance with the Conduct Code of the Company, and keep it updated. It is also responsibility of the committee to manifest any question, suggestions or issues related to this form. 166 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board is a permanent board and its primary assignments are, subject to the legal provisions, to supervise the acts of management members, examine and give an opinion on the financial statements for the year and report its conclusions to the Company shareholders. b) Date of setting up of supervisory board, if not a permanent board, and of committees The Supervisory Board is a permanent board, under item 12.1(a) above. The Audit and Human Resources Committees were set up on May 9, 2007. The other committees were set up on the dates below: . Strategy and Investments, on April 29, 2009 . Supplies, on November 9, 2009 . Innovation, on November 09, 2009 . Information Technology, on November 9, 2009 . Financial and Tax, on July 10, 2009 . Compliance, on June 29, 2009 . Reporting, on September 11, 2011 . Ethics committee, on February 22, 2011 c) Performance assessment criteria for each body or committee Based on its Human Resources Committee’s recommendations, the Board of Directors reviews the set of indicators and goals on an annual basis, in order to adjust them to the market practices, the global economic scenario, the interests of shareholders, and also for the purpose of encouraging the Company's sustainable performance in the long term. d) Executive board members, their assignments and individual powers The Chief Executive Officer is individually responsible for: a) chairing the Executive Board meetings, wherein he will have the casting vote, in addition to his normal vote; b) representing the Company in acts requiring individual representation, in or out of court, being entitled to assign another executive officer for the function; c) coordinating and guiding the activities of all other executive board members, in their respective areas; d) assign to any executive officer special activities and tasks, regardless of those normally assigned to them; e) monitor the implementation of the resolutions made by the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. The other members of the Executive Board are responsible for: fulfilling the assignments that the Law, the Articles of Incorporation and the Board of Directors give them, in order to perform the acts necessary for the Company’s normal operations, guiding and supervising the specific activities under their responsibility, executing specific tasks assigned to them by the Chief Executive Officer. 167 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 e) Performance assessment criteria for members of the board of directors, committees and the executive board The performance of the Executive Board members of Usiminas is assessed on an annual basis by the Company Board of Directors, with support from its Human Resources Committee. On that occasion, the Board assesses whether the quality indicators of the statutory executive board members were met, as well as whether global and individual goals were met. The members of the committees and the Board of Directors are not assessed. 12.2. Describe rules, policies and practices related to annual shareholders’ meetings, detailing: a) Convening periods The Company adopts the convening periods for shareholders meetings set forth by the corporation law. The Corporation Law requires that all annual shareholders’ meetings be convened upon three publications in the Federal Official Gazette or the Official Gazette of the State where the Company’s head office is located, and in another largely circulated newspaper, edited in the Company head office. The publications are currently made in the Official Gazette of Minas Gerais State, the official communications medium of Minas Gerais State, and in the newspaper Jornal Estado de Minas, the first convening being made within at least 15 days from the shareholders’ meeting, and the second convening made eight days prior to the meeting, as the case may be. Nonetheless, CVM may, in certain circumstances, determine that the first convening for annual shareholders’ meetings be made in up to 30 days prior to the date when the documents referring to the matters to be resolved are made available to shareholders. b) Scope The Company does not adopt differentiated practices or policies referring to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting set forth by the corporation law. c) Addresses (physical or electronic) where the documents related to the annual shareholders’ meeting will be available to shareholders for analysis Electronic:,, Physical: The Company’s head office at Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça 3011, in Belo Horizonte, Capital City of Minas Gerais State. d) Identification and management of conflicts of interest In addition to the general rules stipulated in the corporation law, the Company’s Articles of Incorporation provide for in their article 13, item "y", that the Board of Directors is responsible for approving any business or operation involving, on one hand, the Company and its subsidiaries and, on the other hand, Related Parties, pursuant to the definition given in the first paragraph of the referred to article. In addition, item “vii” of article 3 of the Board of Directors Internal Regulation provides that the Board of Directors must establish, within its scope, the overall guidelines of the Company’s business and decide on strategic matters, with a view of preventing and managing situations of conflict of interest or of diverging opinions, in a manner whereby the Company interests prevail at all times. Any conflicts of interest must be previously and formally stated, and the shareholder presenting the conflict must participate, discuss and vote the respective matter, in accordance with the Brazilian law. The nature and extension of the conflict of interest must be recorded in the meeting minutes 168 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 e) Request of power of attorneys by management for direct voting The Company does not adopt differentiated practices and policies referring to request of power of attorneys by management for direct voting, other than those stipulated in the corporation law. f) Formalities required for acceptance of power of attorneys granted by shareholders, stating whether the issuer accepts power of attorneys granted by shareholders via electronic means. The Company does not adopt differentiated practices and policies referring to formalities for acceptance of power of attorneys stipulated in the corporation law. As provided for by Law 6404/76, any shareholder may be represented in the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting by a proxy appointed less than 1 year before, who must be a shareholder, Company management member, attorney, financial institution or manager of investment funds representing the fund members. The Company requests that the shareholders represented by a proxy send a power of attorney 48 hours prior to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, so that such representation authenticity may be verified. The Company does not accept power of attorneys granted by electronic means. g) Maintenance of forums and pages on the worldwide web intended for receiving and sharing comments from the shareholders about the meeting agendas. The Company does not maintain forums on the Internet intended for receiving and sharing comments about meeting agendas. h) Live transmission of the video and/or audio of meetings The Company does not have mechanisms for live transmission of video and/or audio of meetings. i) Mechanisms to allow including shareholders’ proposals in the agenda There are no specific mechanisms to allow including shareholders’ proposals in the agenda. The Company may meet such requests, if applicable, on a case-by-case basis. 169 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 12.3. In a table format, list the dates and newspaper publishing: Fiscal year Publishing Newspaper – State of Brazil 12/31/2014 Financial statements Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais - MG 03/24/2015 Estado de Minas - MG 03/24/2015 Announcement to the shareholders about the Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais - MG publication of the financial statements Estado de Minas - MG Call for the annual shareholders meeting which Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais - MG analyzed the financial statements Date Waived Waived 03/28/2015 04/10/2015 04/17/2015 Estado de Minas - MG 03/28/2015 04/10/2015 04/17/2015 Minutes of the annual shareholders’ meeting which analyzed the financial statements Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais - MG Estado de Minas - MG Pending publication Pending publication Fiscal year Publishing Newspaper – State of Brazil 12/31/2013 Financial statements Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais – MG 03/22/2014 Estado de Minas – MG 03/24/2014 Announcement to the shareholders about the Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais – MG publication of the financial statements Estado de Minas – MG Call for the annual shareholders meeting which Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais – MG analyzed the financial statements Date Waived Waived 04/09/2014 04/10/2014 04/11/2014 Estado de Minas – MG 04/09/2014 04/10/2014 04/11/2014 Minutes of the annual shareholders’ meeting which analyzed the financial statements Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais – MG Estado de Minas – MG Pending publication Pending publication 170 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Fiscal year Publishing Newspaper – State of Brazil 12/31/2012 Financial statements Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais - MG 03/14/2013 Estado de Minas – MG 03/14/2013 Notice to the shareholders on financial statements Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais - MG made available Estado de Minas – MG Call for the annual shareholders’ meeting which Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais - MG analyzed the financial statements Date Waived Waived 03/28/2013 04/02/2013 04/04/2013 Estado de Minas - MG 03/28/2013 04/02/2013 04/04/2013 Minutes of the annual shareholders’ meeting Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais - MG which analyzed the financial statements Estado de Minas - MG 03/26/2013 03/26/2013 12.4. Describe the rules, policies and practices regarding the board of directors: a) Frequency of the meetings The Company’s board of directors ordinarily meets four times a year, following the previously set calendar and extraordinarily whenever deemed necessary to discuss the corporate interests. b) If any, the provisions in the shareholders’ agreement setting forth restriction or link with the exercise of the voting rights by the board members. The votes cast by the members of the Board of Directors appointed by the controlling shareholders are linked with the procedure described in item 15.5. of this Reference Form. c) Rules on identification and management of conflicts of interests The Board of Directors bylaws establish, among other obligations, that a particular interest or an interest conflicting with that of the Company shall be previously and formally declared. In this case, the member of the Board shall abstain from participating, discussing and voting in the respective meeting, and the nature and extent of the conflict shall be recorded in the minutes. 171 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 12.5. If any, describe the arbitration clause included in the bylaws for settlement of disputes among shareholders and between these and the issuing Company through arbitration: Not applicable. No arbitration clause has been included in the bylaws for settlement of disputes among shareholders and between these and the Company through arbitration. 12.6. In relation to each officer and members of the supervisory board of the issuing company, indicate the following in a table format: 1) Board of Directors - Full Members a. name Eiji Hashimoto b. age 59 years of age c. profession Businessman d. CPF or passport number 236.445.668-10 e. elected office held Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Fumihiko Wada b. age 67 years of age c. profession Businessman d. CPF or passport number TK4179689 e. elected office held Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes 172 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a. name Paulo Penido Pinto Marques b. age 57 years of age c. profession Engineer d. CPF or passport number 269.139.176-00 e. elected office held Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Financial Committee and Humam Resouces Committee Member j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Rita Rebelo Horta de Assis Fonseca b. age 45 years of age c. profession Economist d. CPF or passport number 790.197.496-68 e. elected office held Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Full member of the Human Resources Committee j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Elias de Matos Brito b. age 49 years of age c. profession Accountant d. CPF or passport number 816.669.777-72 e. elected office held Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes 173 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a. name Daniel Agustín Novegil b. age 62 years of age c. profession Industrial Engineer d. CPF or passport number 10330160N e. elected office held Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Roberto Caiuby Vidigal b. age 70 years of age c. profession Business Administrator d. CPF or passport number 007.763.518-34 e. elected office held Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name José Oscar Costa de Andrade b. age 68 years of age c. profession Metallurgical Engineer d. CPF or passport number 097.284.656/53 e. elected office held Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 25, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 25, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes (nominated by controlling shareholder and elected in accordance with the Company’s articles of incorporation ) 174 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a. name Marcelo Gasparino da Silva b. age 44 years of age c. profession Lawyer d. CPF or passport number 807.383.469-34 e. elected office held Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 25, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 25, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Chairman of the Board of Directors j. elected by a controlling shareholder? No a. name Lirio Albino Parisotto b. age 51 years of age c. profession Doctor d. CPF or passport number 057.653.581-87 e. elected office held Member of the Board of Directors (Election suspended due to a legal decision) f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? No 2) Board of Directors - Deputy Members a. name Takaaki Hirose b. age 53 years of age c. profession Economist d. CPF or passport number 236.895.678-66 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Audit Committee coordinator j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes 175 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a. name Hirohiko Maeke b. age 57 years of age c. profession Lawyer d. CPF or passport number TK0437339 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Yoichi Furuta b. age 56 years of age c. profession Businessman d. CPF or passport number TH6520391 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Gileno Antônio de Oliveira b. age 54 years of age c. profession Engineer d. CPF or passport number 441.159.206-10 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Industrial Engineering General Manager j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes 176 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a. name Pablo Daniel Brizzio b. age 45 years of age c. profession Industrial Engineer d. CPF or passport number AAB751477 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Mario Giuseppe Antonio Galli b. age 63 years of age c. profession Major in Philosophy d. CPF or passport number 835.771.675-91 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Oscar Montero Martinez b. age 54 years of age c. profession Industrial Engineer d. CPF or passport number 14.126.591 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes 177 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a. name Chrysantho de Miranda Sá Junior b. age 61 years of age c. profession Electrical Engineer (electronics option) d. CPF or passport number 272.337.906-04 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Board of Directors f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes (nominated by controlling shareholder and elected in accordance with the Company’s articles of incorporation) a. name Mauro Gentile Rodrigues da Cunha b. age 43 years of age c. profession Consultor d. CPF or passport number 004.275.077-66 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Board of Directors (Election suspended due to a legal decision) f. date of election April 06, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 06, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? No 3) Supervisory Board - Members a. name Masato Ninomiya b. age 66 years of age c. profession Lawyer d. CPF or passport number 806.096.277-91 e. elected office held Member of the Supervisory Board f. date of election April 28, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 28, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes 178 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a. name Lúcio de Lima Pires b. age 44 years of age c. profession Accountant d. CPF or passport number 812.099.596-15 e. elected office held Member of the Supervisory Board f. date of election April 28, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 28, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Paulo Frank Coelho da Rocha b. age 44 years of age c. profession Lawyer d. CPF or passport number 151.450.238-04 e. elected office held Member of the Supervisory Board f. date of election April 28, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 28, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Domenica Eisenstein Noronha b. age 38 years of age c. profession Economist d. CPF or passport number 090.448.297-93 e. elected office held Member of the Supervisory Board f. date of election April 28, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 28, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? No 179 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a. name Julio Sergio de Souza Cardozo b. age - c. profession Accountant and Business Administrator d. CPF or passport number 005.985.267-49 e. elected office held Full Member of the Supervisory Board f. date of election April 28, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 28, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? No 4) Supervisory Board - Deputy Members a. name Aurea Christine Tanaka b. age 42 years of age c. profession Lawyer d. CPF or passport number 181.789.838-85 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Supervisory Board f. date of election April 28, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 28, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Ely Tadeu Parente da Silva b. age 46 years of age c. profession Accountant d. CPF or passport number 587.729.016-91 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Supervisory Board f. date of election April 28, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 28, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes 180 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a. name Mário Roberto Villanova Nogueira b. age 52 years of age c. profession Lawyer d. CPF or passport number 112.981.928-03 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Supervisory Board f. date of election April 28, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 28, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Wanderley Rezende de Souza b. age 53 years of age c. profession Bank Clerk and Economist d. CPF or passport number 634.466.267-00 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Supervisory Board f. date of election April 28, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 28, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Peter Edward Cortes Marsden Wilson b. age - c. profession Business Administrator d. CPF or passport number 168.126.648-20 e. elected office held Deputy Member of the Supervisory Board f. date of election April 28, 2015 g. date of inauguration April 28, 2015 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? No 181 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 5) Executive Board The Board of Directors of the Company has not yet decided on the composition of the Executive Board to serve until the annual shareholders meeting of 2016. The mandate of the current members is, thus, extended to the realization of such determination, as determined by art. 150, § 4, of Law 6.404/76. a. name Rômel Erwin de Souza b. age 63 years of age c. profession Metallurgical Engineer d. CPF or passport number 222.313.666-49 e. elected office held Chief Executive Officer and IT and Quality Vice Chief Executive Officer f. date of election September 25, 2014 g. date of inauguration September 25, 2014 h. term of office Up until the next election meeting of the Board of Directors i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? No a. name Ronald Seckelmann b. age 59 years of age c. profession Business Administrator d. CPF or passport number 894.486.428-49 e. elected office held Finance and Investors’ Relations Vice Chief Executive Officer f. date of election September 25, 2014 g. date of inauguration September 25, 2014 h. term of office Up until the next election meeting of the Board of Directors i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company j. elected by a controlling shareholder? No a. name Sergio Leite de Andrade b. age 60 years of age c. profession Engineer d. CPF or passport number 233.336.777-68 e. elected office held Sales Vice Chief Executive Officer f. date of election May 07, 2014 g. date of inauguration May 07, 2014 h. term of office Up to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 2016 i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company. j. elected by a controlling shareholder? No 182 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a. name Nobuhiko Takamatsu b. age 59 years of age c. profession Engineer d. CPF or passport number 019.591.006-02 e. elected office held Corporate Planning Vice Chief Executive Officer f. date of election August 28, 2014 g. date of inauguration August 28, 2014 h. term of office Up to the next election of the members of the Executive Board. i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Finance Committee and Tax Committee Member j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes a. name Tulio Cesar do Couto Chipoletti b. age 57 years of age c. profession Industrial Engineer d. CPF or passport number 920.859.118-20 e. elected office held Industrial Vice Chief Executive Officer f. date of election October 24, 2014 g. date of inauguration October 24, 2014 h. term of office Up to the next election of the members of the Executive Board. i. other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Holds no other position or job at the Company. j. elected by a controlling shareholder? Yes 183 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 12.7. Provide the information mentioned in item 12.6 about the members of the statutory committees, as well as of the audit, risk, financial and remuneration committees, even if such committees or structures are not statutory. Audit Committee: Name Age Profession CPF or passport number Elected office held Date election Takaaki Hirose 53 years of age Economist 236.895.678-66 Coordinator 57 years of age Engineer 269.139.176-00 48 years of age Accountant 36 years of age Industrial Engineer Paulo Penido Marques Claudio Gugliuzza of Date of inauguration Term of office Other positions or jobs held at the appointing company June 13, 2014 June 13, 2014 Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 Deputy Member of the Board of Directors Full Member June 13, 2014 June 13, 2014 Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 Full Member Committee. - Full Member June 13, 2014 June 13, 2014 Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 Holds no other position or job at the Company 021.962.346-56 Full Member June 13, 2014 June 13, 2014 Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 Full Member Committee Date of inauguration Term of office Other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Pinto Gabriel Horacio Auterio of of Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Committee: Name Age Profession CPF or passport number Elected office held Date election Rodrigo Piña 42 years of age Industrial Engineer - Coordinator June 13, 2014 June 13, 2014 Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 Holds no other position or job at the Company Horacio Auterio 36 years of age Industrial Engineer 021.962.346-56 Full Member June 13, 2014 June 13, 2014 Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 Full Member of Audit Committee Tatsuya Miyahara 51 years of age Teacher 052.352.117-07 Full Member June 13, 2014 June 13, 2014 Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 Holds no other position or job at the Company 57 years of age Engineer 269.139.176-00 Full Member June 13, 2014 June 13, 2014 Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 Full Member of Audit Committee. 45 years of age Economist 790.197.496-68 Full Member June 13, 2014 June 13, 2014 Up to the annual shareholders meeting of 2016 Full Member of the Board of Directors Paulo Penido Marques of Pinto Rita Rebelo Horta de Assis Fonseca 184 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Financial Committee: Other positions or jobs held at the appointing company Elected by a controlling shareholder? Indefinite Chief Executive Officer and IT and Quality Vice Chief Executive Officer No October 29, 2013 Indefinite Finance and Investor Relations Vice Chief Executive Officer No CPF or passport number Elected office held Date of election Date inauguration of Term office September 25, 2014 September 25, 2014 October 29, 2013 of Name Age Profession Rômel Erwin de Souza 63 years of age Metallurgical Engineer 222.313.666-49 Full Member Ronald Seckelmann 59 years of age Manager 894.486.428-49 Full Member Coordinator Eduardo Moreira Pereira 48 years of age Manager 690.752.556-91 Full Member October 29, 2013 October 29, 2013 Indefinite Finance Supervisor No Nobuhiko Takamatsu 59 years of age Engineer 019.591.006-02 Full Member August 28, 2014 August 28, 2014 Indefinite Corporate Planning Vice Chief Executive Officer No Marcelo Hector Barreiro 45 years of age Economist 227.374.438-22 Full Member October 29, 2013 October 29, 2013 Indefinite Chief Controller No Shigekazu Iwamoto 45 years of age Manager 018.195.466-40 Full Member October 29, 2013 October 29, 2013 Indefinite Financial Specialist No and We found no formal document evidencing the inauguration of members of this committee; therefore, the Company considers the date of election for this purpose. 185 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 12.8. Information on Board of Directors, Executive Board and Supervisory Board members: a) Resumes Board of Directors - Full Members Eiji Hashimoto. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from the Graduate School of Commerce and Management of Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan. He worked at Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation as Manager and Group Manager of Flat Products, General Manager of Marketing Global, Director of the Department of Boards and Structures. Currently, he is Executive Director of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation and a member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Fumihiko Wada. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the Keio University of Japan. At Japan Bank for International Cooperation, he was Director-General, Director-General of the Department of Loans V, Treasurer and Controller, Director-General of Human Resources, Full Executive Director of the Americas; at Marubeni Corporation, he was Senior Vice CEO, Senior Corporate Executive of the Regional Department of Strategy and Coordination, Chairman of the Environment Business Promotion Committee, Corporate Advisor; Corporate Advisor of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation and Nippon Usiminas Co. Ltd.; CEO of Nippon Usiminas Co. Ltda. Currently, he is a member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Paulo Penido Pinto Marques. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG). He is currently a member of the Company’s Board of Directors, of which he was the Chairman. He was Finance and Investor Relations Officer of Embraer; Finance, Investor Relations and Administration Officer of Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN); Finance, Investor Relations and Information Technology Vice CEO of Usiminas; Vice President and Director of Financing and Credit at JP Morgan (Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York); Corporate and Financial Institutions Director of BankBoston; Investment Director, Vice President and Director of Financial Institutions and Transaction Services, Vice President and Senior Trader at Citibank. He as also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Transnordestina Logística; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ita Energética and member of the Board of Directors of MRS Logística S.A. Rita Rebelo Horta de Assis Fonseca. She has an Executive MBA in Finance from the IBMEC Business School, Specialization in Financial Management from the Dom Cabral Foundation and Bachelor’s Degree in Economic Sciences from PUC/MG. She was Investment Planning and Analysis Supervisor, Economicfinancial Planning Analyst and Cost and Budget Analyst at Usiminas. Currently, she is CEO of Previdência Usiminas, an entity that is part of the Company’s controlling group, and a member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Elias de Matos Brito. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in accounting from Morais Júnior Accounting and Adminstration University (Brazilian Institute of Accounting) – Rio de Janeiro, specialization in financial market by Estácio de Sá University. Currently, he is a court expert in the law court of the State of Rio de Janeiro and partner of the Exato Assessoria Contábil Ltda. He worked as liquidator of the Banco do Estado do Rio de Janeiro S.A.. He is currently a member of the Supervisory Board of Brookfield Incorporações S.A., Companhia de Seguros Aliança da Bahia, HRT Participações em Petróleo S. A., e PROFARMA S. A. and a member of the Usiminas` Board of Directors. 186 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Daniel Agustín Novegil. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Buenos Aires and a Master’s Degree in Administrative Science from the Stanford University. In 1978, he worked at Propulsora Siderúrgica S.A. (a company of the Techint Group) and was appointed Director-General of the Company in 1991. In 1993, after a merger between Propulsora and Somisa, he was appointed Executive Director of Siderar. In 1998, after acquisition of Sidor in Venezuela, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Sidor. In March 2003, he was appointed Flat and Long Steel Vice CEO of Techint and had corporate liabilities with Sidor and Siderar. He has been a member of the Board of Directors and CEO of Ternium S.A. since 2005. He has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Siderar since May 2005 and is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ternium México, S.A. de C.V., a company resulting from a merger between Hylsamex S.A. de C.V. and Grupo IMSA S.A. de C.V., and equity interest thereof was fully acquired by Ternium in 2005 and 2007, respectively. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Ternium Brasil S.A. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Latin American Iron and Steel Institute (ALACERO) and Chairman of the worldsteel Economics Committee. Currently, he is a member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Roberto Caiuby Vidigal. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the São Luis School of Economics - SP. He attended the Advanced Management Program of the Institut Européen D’Administration (Insead), Fontanebleau, France. He was CEO of the Confab Group, CEO of Techint Engenharia e Construção, Chairman of ‘Capítulo Brasileiro’ (Brazilian Chapter) of the Latin American Corporate Board (CEAL), CEO of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Industrias y Bienes de Capital (ALABIC), CEO of the Brazilian Association for the Development of Basic Industries (ABDIB), Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Energy and Nuclear Research Institute (IPEN), Vice CEO of Centro das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo (CIESP), member of the Advisory Board of Banco Finasa de Investimentos S.A., member of the Board of Directors of Refripar S.A., CEO of CGU Companhia de Seguros, member of the Board of Directors of Algar S.A. and CEO of Instituto Liberal de São Paulo. Currently, he is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Confab Industrial S.A., Chairman of the Board of Directors of Techint Engenharia e Construção S.A., member of the Board of Directors of San Faustin S.A., member of the Board of Directors of Air Liquide do Brasil, Chairman of the Advisory Board of S.A. O Estado de São Paulo, Chairman of the Advisory Board of OESP Gráfica S.A., member of the Executive Board of SIAT S.A. (Argentina), Chairman of the Advisory Board of Scania Latin America Ltda., member of the Strategy Board of Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo (FIESP), Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Ternium Brasil S.A., CEO of Siderúrgica do Norte Fluminense S.A. (SNF) and a member of the Company’s Board of Directors. José Oscar Costa de Andrade. Metallurgical Engineer with Specialization in Raw Materials and Operation of Blast Furnaces, Metallurgical Engineering Program. At Usiminas, he was Investment Analysis Engineer; Head of the Steelmaking and Inspection Department; Head of Technical Unit; Metallurgical Engineer of the Pig Iron Unit. Currently, he is a member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Marcelo Gasparino da Silva. Lawyer and certified to act as a member of Boards of Directors by the Brazilian Corporate Governance Institute (IBGC) and a member of Legal and State-owned Enterprises’ Commissions, with experience in mining production chain. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Usiminas, Eletrobras, Celesc and Tecnisa. He is Tax Advisor of AES Tietê. He was Tax Advisor of AES Eletropaulo and Bradespar, among others. He is a member of the Technical Commission of the Capital Market Investor Association (AMEC) and Spokesman of the Corporate Governance Group (GGC). Currently, he is the Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors. 187 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Lirio Albino Parisotto - Mr.Parisotto is the president of VIDEOLAR and a member of the Board of Directors of the Innova (Videolar’s company), the largest national producer of polystyrene. Mr. Parisotto has been an investor in the Brazilian capital market for more than 20 years, being a shareholder of Usiminas since 1997 and recognized as a supporter of improving corporate governance practices in all the companies that he invests in, one of the most active minority shareholders among national investors. He was elected the Entrepreneur of the year 2010 in an election sponsored by Ernest & Young in the Master category. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Eternit and is Vice President of the Foundation “Sustainable Amazon-MAKES” (Amazônia Sustentável-Faz). Mr. Parisotto was also a member of the Board of Directors of Usiminas from 2012 to 2014. Board of Directors - Deputy Members Takaaki Hirose. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the Waseda University. He was Manager of the Finance and Accounting Department, Manager of the Corporate Planning and Budget Department and General Manager of Yamata Plant Administration, at Nippon Steel Corporation, and also at Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, since October 2012. Currently, he is General Manager of Business Development Abroad of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation and a deputy member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Hirohiko Maeke. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Tokyo and Master’s Degree from the UW School of Law. He was Manager of the Legal Department of Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltda and General Manager and Director of the Legal Division of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation. Currently, he is General Manager of Business Development Abroad of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation and a deputy member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Yoichi Furuta. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Tokyo, Master of Business Administration, Harvard Business School. Worked as General Manager of Business Development Abroad of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation. Currently, he is the Chief Executive Officer Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation and a deputy member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Gileno Antônio de Oliveira. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG); Specialization in Material Sciences and Engineering from the São Carlos Federal University (UFSCar); completed the Graduate Program in Strategic Corporate Management from the Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG); Executive MBA in Project Management from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). He was Teacher of Chemistry and Mathematics for ‘Cursos Pré Vestibulares’ (courses focused on preparing students for taking entrance examinations) - Belo Horizonte; Professor of Differential and Integral Calculus, Mechanical Construction Materials, Metrology and Quality Engineering included in the Engineering Program of PUC-MG and Unileste-MG, Vale do Aço Campus; he was Director of the Brazilian Steelmaking and Material Association (ABM), member of the Rolling Commission (COLAM) and also Director of União Brasileira para a Qualidade (UBQ). At Usiminas, he was Metallurgical Engineering for Cold Rolling, Technical Manager of Cold Rolling and Steelmaking, Cold Rolling Supervisor and General Manager of Process Engineering. Currently, he is Chairman of the Decision-making Board of Previdência Usiminas, General Manager of Industrial Engineering of Usiminas and a deputy member of the Company’s Board of Directors. 188 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Pablo Daniel Brizzio - Mr.Brizzio graduated with a degree in Industrial Engineering at the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires, and has a Master’s degree in Administration Science (Master in Business Administration) at Duke University. He is the Director of Finance (Chief Financial Officer) of Ternium S.A. since 2010. Mario Giuseppe Antonio Galli. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from the University of Milan, is a licensed journalist and has over 23 years’ experience in Communications and New Media. He was Corporate Communications Officer of the Techint Group and managed re-branding projects of Tenaris and Ternium. He is liable for the following areas: marketing communications and employees, media relations and crisis communication management. He was Chairman of the Communications Committee of the World Steel Association (2009-2011). Currently, he is Corporate Communications Officer of Tenaris, Executive Director of Tenaris Confab Hastes de Bombeio, a member of the Board of Directors of Ternium Brasil S.A. and a deputy member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Oscar Montero Martinez. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering. Currently, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the following companies: Ternium México S.A. de C.V., Tenigal S. de R.L. de C.V., Ternium USA Inc., Acerus S.A. de C.V., APM, S.A. de C.V., Ternium Gas México S.A. de C.V., Ferropak Servicios S.A. de C.V., Ferropak Servicios S.A. de C.V., IMSA Monclova S.A. de C.V., Las Encinas S.A. de C.V., Acedor S.A. de C.V., Ferropak Comercial S.A. de C.V., Treasury Services S.A. de C.V. and Consorcio Minero Benito Juarez Peña Colorada, S.A. de C.V. (deputy). He is also Director-General of Planning and Operations of Ternium. Currently, he is a deputy member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Chrysantho de Miranda Sá Junior. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Santa Rita do Sapucaí National Telecommunications Institute (Inatel) (electronic option); MBA in Corporate Management from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and attended the Executive Development Program of the Dom Cabral Foundation (FDC). At Usiminas, he was Automation Equipment Manager; Energy Manager; Supervisor of the Energy and Transportation Department. He was also Executive Director of the São Francisco Xavier Foundation (FSFX). Currently, he is Benefits Officer of Previdência Usiminas, an entity that is part of the Company’s controlling group, and a deputy member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Mauro Gentile Rodrigues da Cunha - Mr.Cunha is President of Amec - Association of Investors in the Capital Market- since April 2012. Before that, he was the manager of Opus Investimentos Ltd. in Rio de Janeiro from October 2010 to March 2012. In Sao Paulo, Mr.Cunha was president of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC from May 2008 to April 2010 and advisor from May 2003 to April 2008 and represented IBGC in Brazil and abroad. He was a senior partner and director of investments in equities at Maua Investimentos Ltda. from July 2007 to September 2010 and director of Investments for Variable Income at Franklin Templeton Investments (Brazil) Ltda. from March 2006 to July 2007. Mr.Cunha was also Investment director of Bradesco Templeton Asset Management from August 2001 to March 2006. Mr. Cunha has also worked at Morgan Stanley Asset Management , Deutche Morgan Grenfell, Bank of America and Banco Pactual. Mr.Cunha currently participates in the Board of Directors of Petrobras, BR Distribuidora, Trisul and CESP. He is a chartered Financial Analyst - CFA since 1997, with an MBA from Graduate School of Business the University of Chicago (1998), and a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio (1992). He also works as a professor of Corporate Governance and as a consultant. 189 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Supervisory Board - Full Members Masato Ninomiya. He has a Doctor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Tokyo, Japan, Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the School of Law of the University of São Paulo, Bachelor of Arts from the School of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences from the University of São Paulo. Professor of the Department of International Law of the São Paulo School of Law and sworn translator of Japanese and English. Currently, he is a member of the Company’s Supervisory Board. Lúcio de Lima Pires. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from União de Negócios e Administração (UNA), in Belo Horizonte/MG, completed the Graduate Program in Financial Administration and Higher Education Methodology from União de Negócios e Administração (UNA), in Belo Horizonte/MG, and in Production Engineering with Emphasis on Supplementary Pension Plan from the Ideas Institute (UFRJ). Currently, he is Executive Accounting Manager of Previdência Usiminas, an entity that is part of the Company’s controlling group, and a member of the Company’s Supervisory Board. Paulo Frank Coelho da Rocha. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the School of Law of the University of São Paulo and Master’s Degree (LL.M.) in Corporation from the New York University School of Law. He was Foreign Associate in law firm Cravath, Swaine & Moore, in New York. Currently, he is a member of the International Bar Association, of the Advisory Board of "Working Group on Legal Opinions" of the American Bar Association; and of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-United States. He is co-author of book "Business Laws of Brazil". He has been a partner of law firm Demarest e Almeida since 2003 and is a member of the Company’s Supervisory Board. Domenica Eisenstein Noronha - Mrs.Noronha was a Tax Adviser (Holder) of Embratel Holdings S.A. from 2012 to 2014. She has a wide experience in advising companies in the area of investment banking with a career in the bank Morgan Stanley in operations of M&A and capital market. Other professional experiences include working for MCIWorldCom and SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). Mrs.Noronha has worked in the past as a consultant to companies. Currently, she is an independent managing partner at Tempo Capital Gestão de Recurso Ltd. Mrs.Noronha graduated from Georgetown University with specialization in Finance and Economics. She has certificates in CGA, CPA-20 and Series 7. Julio Sergio de Souza Cardozo - Mr. Cardozzo is a certified council manager by the - Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance. He is an Audit and Internal Controls professor at FGV and UERJ (University of Rio de Janeiro).He received the prize of the Federal Council of Accounting, the medal Merit Accountant CRCES, and the medal "Joaquim Monteiro de Carvalho - Order of Merit. He was a partner at Ernst & Young and CEO of the firm for South America. He was a Member of the supervisory board at Celesc and Usiminas. He is the President of BBA Aviation South America and the chairman of the supervisory board of the Olympic Games Rio 2016. Mr.Cardozo is also a tax advisor at Bradespar S.A. and a member of the GGC - Group of Corporate Governance. 190 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Supervisory Board - Deputy Members Aurea Christine Tanaka - Mrs. Tanaka graduated in Law from the University of Sao Paulo, with expertise in Corporate Law, including Tax, Economics, International Trade Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution of Controversies. She has a Ph.D. in Private International Law from the Faculty of Law at the University of Sao Paulo - Department of International Law and Post-doctorate, with research grant from; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Law and Politics. She currently works as a lawyer in the Law Firm of Masato Ninomiy, in the area of Private International Law, Alternative Resolution of Disputes, Commercial Law, Civil and Family Law. She was a researcher in the Program of Education for the Sustainable Development of the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, from 2008 to 2014 and served as a visiting Professor on the Department of Global Policies at Fraser's University, teaching Global Governance and Sustainability from 2013 to 2014. Ely Tadeu Parente da Silva. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC/MG) and completed the Graduate Program in Production Engineering with Emphasis on Supplementary Pension Plan from the Ideas Institute (UFRJ). He is Compliance Manager of Previdência Usiminas, an entity that is part of the Company’s controlling group. He holds no administration position in publicly-held companies. Currently, he is a deputy member of the Company’s Supervisory Board. Mário Roberto Villanova Nogueira. Bachelor's degree in Law from the School of Law of the University of São Paulo. Graduate degree in Business Administration from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). He is and invited Professor for the Economics, Business and Accountancy courses at University of São Paulo and Director of the Brazilian Institute for the Study of Competition, Consumer Relations and International Trade (IBRAC). Mário Roberto Villanova Nogueira also holds the position of partner at Demarest e Almeida Office since 1993. Currently he is a deputy member of the Company’s Supervisory Board. Wanderley Rezende de Souza. He worked at Sete Brasil Participações S.A., an investment company specialized in portfolio management with a focus on the pre-salt related offshore oil and gas, in the Equity Interest Management Office and as Executive Officer of Sete International – Austria. He has a degree in economics and management and an executive MBA in finance and law and finance. He was Team Manager and Executive at PREVI, where he led merger, acquisition, public offering, disposition and financial restructuring projects of companies such as Embraer, ALL, Usiminas, Perdigão, CPFL, Grupo Paranapanema, Acesita, Tupy, Neoenergia, GTD Participações and Vale. He was an alternate member of the Board od Directors of Embraer, a member of the Board of Directors of GTD Participações, Grupo Paranapanema and Usiminas, an alternate member of the Board of Directors of Cia. Café Iguaçu and chairperson of the Fiscal Concil of Tupy S.A. He was Manager of Accounts and Corporate Business at Banco do Brasil. Peter Edward Wilson - Mr.Wilson is a Business Administrator by the FGV-EAESP with a Master's Degree in Economics from EESP-FGV. Mr. Wilson is in the supervisory board of GAFISA S.A. , B2W S.A and he is a certified administration advisor by the IBGC and a certified manager by CVM and a partner at the finance consultancy; Managrow strategic Consulting in finance. He was controller Latin America of BNP in New York for the division of Investment Banking and a consultant of A. T Kearney Management Consulting. He was a Member of the supervisory board of VIVO S.A., Banco PINE and Trisul S.A.and is currently a member of the GGC - Group of Corporate Governance. 191 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Executive Board Rômel Erwin de Souza. Metallurgical Engineer from Engineering School of Federal University of Minas Gerais State (Brazil). He was a high school Physics Teacher; Coordinator of the Exact Sciences area of a high school equivalency course and Pre-College Entrance Examination; at Usiminas he was the Engineer of the Sulfuric Acid Pickling area; Engineer of Annealing of Cold-Rolled Strips area; Head of the Annealing area section; Manager of Hardening section; Manager of Manufacturing Production; General Manager at Usina Independente Câmara; Director of Ipatinga Complex and Account Director; Director at USIROLL; Member of the Steering Committee at UNIGAL; Deputy member of Siderar’s Board of Directors, being the last three companies integral parts of the company’s economic group. Chairman at the Brazil’s São Francisco Xavier Foundation (FSFX); Chairman at Previdência Usiminas; Advisor of the Brazilian Association of Metals (ABM); Coordinator and Instructor in the flat steel rolling training course of ABM; Member of the Board of Directors and Industrial Vice-President Officer od Usiminas. Currently Rômel Erwin de Souza is the Chief Executive Officer and Vice CEO of Technology and Quality at the Company. Ronald Seckelmann. Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), and participated in the Competitive Strategy Lecture at Harvard Business School. He was a Financial Analyst at Cargill Agrícola S.A; Controllership Division Manager at Alcoa Aluminium S.A.; Chief Planning and Control Officer at Vidraria Santa Marina S.A. (Saint-Gobain Group); Chief Administrative and Financial Officer at Igaras Papéis e Embalagens S.A.; Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer at Klabin S.A.; Vice CEO and Chief Financial and Control Officer at Bertin S.A. He served as Vice CEO and Chief Financial, Investor Relations and Information Technology Officer at the Company, and currently is the Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer and Vice CEO for Subsidiaries. Sergio Leite de Andrade. Bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ and Master in Metallurgical Engineering from Federal University of Minas Gerais/UFMG. At the Company, he was a researcher Engineer; Engineer of Integrated Control of Heavy Plates; Head of the Metallurgy Steel and Rolling of Plates Plant; Head of Standardization and Coordination Plant, responsible for the Integrated Control of Heavy Plates, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled Products; Managing Director of the Center for Research and Development; Technical and Manufacturing Managing Director; Chairman of the Quality Committee; Marketing Managing Director. He served as Vice CEO at the Company, Second Executive Steel-making Officer and current holds the position of Commercial Vice CEO. Nobuhiko Takamatsu - Mr. Takamtsu graduated in Engineering from the University of Tokyo. He has worked in Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation as; Superintendent of the Division of Iron in the plant of Muroran, Japan, Manager of the Department of Administration and Planning Technicians where he was supported to the International Institute of Iron and Steel, General Manager of the Division of Intellectual Property, Executive Counselor, Executive Director hired to serve as General Manager of the Division of Iron and Executive Advisor of the Vice President of Technology and Quality of Usiminas. Currently holds the position of Vice President of Corporate Planning at Usiminas. 192 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Tulio Cesar Couto Chipoletti - Mr. Chipoletti graduated in Industrial Engineering from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering - EIF, in Sao Bernardo do Campo – SP. He holds an MBA in Finance from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Market - IBMEC and also features the titles relating to courses of PGA (Advanced Management Program ) at The European Institute of Business Administration- Insead, France and in Executive Management from Stanford University , USA. Mr.Chipoletti worked as a project engineer at The Confab Industrial S.A., Manager of Design Engineering, Engineering Manager of the Plant of Pindamonhangaba, Manager of the Plant in Sao Caetano do Sul, Senior Executive - Director of the Division of Tubes, Vice President of Tubes and Area Manager of Brazil. Mr.Chipoletti, at the Solutions in Steel Usiminas S.A. has served as President and managing director. Mr. Chipoletti currently holds the position of Industrial Vice President at the Company. Audit Committee Claudio Gabriel Gugliuzza. Public Accountant - Universidade de Buenos Aires -Argentina- July 1988. Currently is Director of Tax Planning, Compliance and Administrative - Southern Cone at Ternium; he was Administrative Director of Siderar (Argentina); Regional Finance and Administrative Director – Global Management and Tax Planning of Tenaris (Argentina); Regional Finance and Administrative Director – South America (Argentina and Brazil) at Tenaris (Argentina); Financial/Economic Planning and Management Control Director at Tenaris (Argentina); Administrative Director of Commerciail Units at Tenaris (Argentina); At Tubos the Acero de México performed as Administrative Director; Commercial Planning Manager; Financial and Economic Planning Manager; Semi-Senior Auditor at Siderca - Argentina; Junior Auditor ay Siderca- Argentina; Junior Auditor at Pistrelli, Diaz e Associados. Actually, member of the Audit Committe of the Company. The CV of other Members of the Audit Committee are presented above in this same item. b) Description of any of the following events that have taken place over the past 5 years: i. Criminal conviction There is no criminal conviction for none of the Directors and Members of the Supervisory Board. ii. Conviction in administrative proceeding of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and penalties applied There is no conviction in administrative proceeding of CVM for none of the Directors and Members of the Supervisory Board. iii. Any unappealable conviction at the legal or administrative level, which has been suspended or disqualified them for the practice of any professional or commercial activity There is no unappealable conviction at the legal or administrative level for none of the Directors and Members of the Supervisory Board. 193 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 12.9. Report the existence of marital relation, stable union or kinship up the second degree between: a) Directors and members of the issuer’s Supervisory Board Not applicable. There is no marital relation, stable union or kinship up the second degree between directors and members of the Company’s Supervisory Board. b) Directors and members of the issuer’s Supervisory Board and (ii) directors of direct or indirect subsidiaries of the issuer Not applicable. There is no marital relation, stable union or kinship up the second degree between directors and members of the issuer’s Supervisory Board and (ii) the directors of direct or indirect subsidiaries of the Company c)Directors and members of the issuer’s Supervisory Board or its direct or indirect subsidiaries and (ii) direct or indirect controlling of the issuer Not applicable. There is no marital relation, stable union or kinship up the second degree between directors and members of the issuer’s Supervisory Board or of its direct and indirect subsidiaries and (ii) direct or indirect controlling companies of the Company d) Directors and members of the issuer’s Supervisory Board and (ii) directors of direct and indirect controlling companies of the issuer Not applicable. There is no marital relation, stable union or kinship up the second degree between directors and members of the issuer’s Supervisory Board and (ii) directors of direct and indirect controlling companies of the Company. 12.10. Report subordination, service rendering or control relations over the past 3 fiscal years between directors of the issuer and: a) Direct or indirect subsidiary of the issuer Not applicable. There are no subordination, service rendering or control relations over the past 3 fiscal years between directors of the Company and direct or indirect subsidiary of the Company. b) Direct or indirect controlling company of the issuer i) Fumihiko Wada, a full member of the Board of Directors, holds since 2010, the position of CEO at Nippon Usiminas Co. Ltd., a company that is part of the Group controlled by the issuer; ii) Eiji Hashimoto, a full member of the Board of Directors, holds the position of Chief Executive Officer at Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, a company that is part of the Group controlled by the issuer, as well as the position Director of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Empreendimentos Siderúrgicos Ltda; iii) Daniel Novegil, a full member of the Board of Directors, maintains working relationship with various subsidiaries of Ternium S.A., and holds the position of CEO at Ternium S.A., Chairmain of the Board of Directors at Siderar S.A.I.C and at Ternium México, S.A. de C.V., companies that are part of Techint Group, which, in its turn, is part of the Group controlled by the issuer; 194 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 iv) Roberto Caiuby Vidigal, a full member of the Board of Directors, maintains working relationships with various subsidiaries of Tenaris S.A.; is the Chairman of the Board of Directors at Confab Industrial S.A. and at Techint Engenharia e Construção S.A., and Member of the Board of Directors of San Faustin S.A., SIAT S.A., Tenaris Confab Hastes de Bombeio S.A., Confab Trading N.V. and Socotherm Brasil S.A., Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO at Ternium Brasil S.A.; v) Rita Horta Rebelo de Assis, a full member of the Board of Directors, holds since 2012, the position of Director Chairman of Previdência Usiminas, which is part of the Group controlled by the issuer, having held the position of Chief Financial Officer of the same entity from April 2010 to April 2012; vi) Paulo Penido Pinto Marques, a full member of the Board of Directors, maintains a service rendering agreement with Nippon Group, since 2012; vii) Chrysantho de Miranda Sá Junior, a deputy member of the Board of Directors, holds since 2012, the position of Director of Benefits of Previdência Usiminas, which is part of the Group controlled by the issuer; viii) Gileno Antônio Oliveira, a deputy member of the Board of Directors, holds the position of Chairman of the Decision-Making Board of Previdência Usiminas, which is part of the Group controlled by the issuer; ix) Yoichi Furuta, a deputy member of the Board of Directors, held the position of General Manager at Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation up to December 2011. Since January 2012, he holds the position of Executive Director at Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, which is part of the Group controlled by the issuer; x) x) Takaaki Hirose, a deputy member of the Board of Directors, holds the position of General Manager at Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation since april 2014. He is also CEO at Nippon Steel Corporation and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Empreendimentos Siderúrgicos, a company that is part of NSSMC Group which is part of the Group controlled by the issuer;xi) Hirohiko Maeke, a deputy member of the Board of Directors, holds the position of General Manager at Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation since april 2014, and he is also Director of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, which is part of the Group controlled by the issuer;xii) Oscar Montero Martinez, a deputy member of the Board of Directors, maintains working relationship with various subsidiaries of Ternium S.A., holds the position of Chief Planning Officer at Ternium S.A., and still is a member of the Board of Directors of various Ternium’s subsidiaries; xiii) Mario Guiseppe Antonio Galli, a deputy member of the Board of Directors, maintains working relationship with various subsidiaries of Tenaris S.A., is the Chief Communication Officer at Tenaris S.A. and member of the Board of Directors at Ternium Brasil S.A. and at Tenaris Confab Hastes de Bombeio S.A.; xiv) Lúcio de Lima Pires, a full member of the Supervisory Board, holds since 2011, the position of Accounting Executive Manager at Previdência Usiminas, which is part of the Group controlled by the issuer; xv) Ely Tadeu Parente da Silva, a full member of the Supervisory Board, holds the position of Compliance Manager at Previdência Usiminas, which is part the Group controlled by the issuer; xvi) Masato Ninomiya, a full member of the Supervisory Board maintains a service rendering agreement with Grupo Nippon; xvii) Carlos Augusto Assis, deputy member of the Supervisory Board maintains a service rendering agreement with Nippon Group. xix) Nobuhiro Yamamoto, a former deputy member of the Board of Directors and current Corporate Planning Vice CEO, held since 2012, the position of General Manager at Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation; xx) Rômel Erwin, a former full member of the Board of Directors and current CEO, held the position of Chairman of Previdência Usiminas from April 2010 to April 2012;xxi) Pablo Daniel Brizzio, a deputy member of the Board of Directors, of the Board of Directors at Ternium Investments S.à r.l. maintains working relationship with various subsidiaries of Ternium S.A., is the Financial Director of Ternium S.A. 195 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 xxii) Nobuhiko Takamatsu, Vice President of Corporate Planning at Usiminas, is also Executive Consultant of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, since September 2014. c) If relevant, supplier, customer, debtor or creditor of the issuer, its subsidiary or parent company or subsidiaries of any of these parties There is no significant subordination relationship among supplier, customer, debtor or creditor of the issuer, its subsidiary or parent companies or subsidiaries of any of these parties listed in the item above. 12.11. Describe the provisions of any agreements, including insurance policies, which provide for the payment or reimbursement of expenses incurred by the directors, arising from compensation for damage caused to third parties or to the issuer, penalties imposed by state agents, or agreements aimed at resolving administrative or legal proceedings, due to the exercise of their functions: The Company has Civil Liability Insurance for Directors and Officers (D&O), which covers any financial convictions imputed against the Company’s directors by virtue of in-court or out-of-court lawsuits that arose during their term of office, related to the exercise of their functions at the Company, including any defense costs. 12.12. Provide other information the issuer deems significant The Company guarantees the control and monitoring of good Corporate Governance practices with the support of two mechanisms: the Internal Audit Office that acts preemptively to ensure risk control and reduction; and the Open Channel created in 2009 to receive complaints from customers, suppliers, investors and employees on irregularities in the Company's operations. Accordingly, Usiminas operates cohesively and with transparency, which ensures greater safety and reliability in the Company's operations. 13. Compensation of Managers 13.1. Describe the policy or practice of compensation of the board of directors, statutory and nonstatutory directors, supervisory board, statutory, audit, risk, financial and compensation committees, addressing the following aspects: a) Objectives of the policy or practice of compensation The Board of Directors, based on the recommendation of its Human Resources Committee, annually reviews the compensation for the members of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Officers. The compensation policy is based on market practices, which take into account the creation of value for the Company, its shareholders and other stakeholders, determined by meeting the quantitative and qualitative targets linked to the overall performance of the Company. Your goal is to properly recognize the contribution of each member of the Board of Directors, Statutory and Non-statutory Officers in view of the achievement of strategic objectives, in line with best market practices. There is no compensation for the members of the Committees of Usiminas. 196 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 b) Composition of compensation, stating: i. Description of the compensation elements and objectives of each: For Statutory Officers: the total value of the fixed and variable annual compensation is determined by decision of the Board of Directors, on the recommendation of its Human Resources Committee, as the market study submitted annually. Fixed compensation is paid monthly throughout the year. The variable compensation linked to the achievement of quantitative and qualitative goals related to the overall performance of the Company is paid as a bonus after final determination of performance parameters based on the audited balance sheet and approved by the Board of Directors. The Company also has a plan of share-based compensation to its Statutory Officers. For Board of Directors members: fixed compensation according to budget approved at the Annual General Meeting. There is no variable compensation practice. For Supervisory Board members: a monthly compensation of active members is fixed at ten percent (10%) of the value of the fixed compensation average paid to Statutory Officers of the Company, pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 162 of Law No. 6404/76. There is no variable compensation practice. ii. The proportion of each element in total compensation - according to the above For Statutory Officers: the composition of total compensation, assuming the achievement of 100% of the goals that define the variable compensation, as set out in the annual plan (target value) is: 37% in respect of fixed compensation, 37% to variable compensation and 26% to stock-based compensation. To the Boards of Directors and Supervisory Board, fixed compensation is set at 100%. 197 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 iii. Calculation methodology and adjustment of each compensation element Fixed Compensation - the methodology used for calculation/adjustment of the fixed compensation of the Company management (Board of Directors and Statutory Officers) is based on the review of market practices and prevailing economic conditions. This methodology ensures that the policy adopted by the Company is competitive and is in line with the market and the interests of the shareholders of Usiminas. Variable Compensation (Statutory Officers) - the methodology applicable to the variable compensation is based on the establishment of economic, financial, quantitative and qualitative indicators linked to the Company's overall performance in compliance with collective and individual targets. Annually, the Board of Directors, on the recommendation of its Human Resources Committee, revises the set of indicators and targets in order to adapt them to market practices, the global economic situation, the interests of shareholders and also, aiming to encourage the sustainable performance of the Company in the long term. Additionally, the Company has share-based compensation plan, as detailed in Section 13.4. iv. Reasons for the compensation composition The Company believes that the compensation of its executives composes by fixed and variable portions meets market principles and allows the evaluation of its executives’ performance in line with the Company's overall performance. c) Key performance indicators that are taken into consideration in determining each compensation element The fixed compensation takes into account market values obtained by specialized consultants, in accordance with best market practices. The short-term variable compensation takes into consideration quantitative and qualitative indicators, determined annually based on market studies and situational aspects of the global economy. Examples of quantitative indicators are: EBITDA Margin, Cost of Production, among others. Qualitative indicators are linked to the specific contribution of each director to the Company's results. The long-term variable compensation takes into account the strategic objectives of the Company in accordance with the best market practices, in connection with the Company performance against the financial market. d) How compensation is structured to reflect the evolution of performance indicators The Company understands that the compensation policy linked to the fulfillment of quantitative and qualitative targets (as explained in the previous section) allows an adequately measurement of evolution of each of its interests based on performance indicators to which weights are assigned for performance evaluation and determination of variable compensation. The relative weighting of each performance indicator is allocated annually by the Board of Directors, on the recommendation of its Human Resources Committee which takes into account economic factors such weighting distributed in groups of indicators of the Usiminas Group, indicators of the Business Units and Individual Indicators that will add value to the Company. 198 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 e) How the policy or practice of compensation is aligned with the issuer’s interests in the short, medium and long term The compensation policy is aligned: Short term: compensation is based on monitoring the market base salary of each position according to similar companies operating in its area of expertise, ensuring adequate compensation. Medium term: aligned with performance targets set annually for each business and aimed at leveraging the overall performance of the Company. The targets are reset annually. Long term: as of 2011 the Company adopted the Plan for Granting Stock Options issued by the Company. The plan aims to align the long-term interests in view of the potential appreciation of stocks in the search of results by the Company. The Stock Option Plan issued by the Company was approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting of 4/14/2011. f) Existence of compensation supported by subsidiaries or direct or indirect parent companies Some officers receive compensation paid by Controllers of the Company, as detailed in section 13.15. g) Any compensation or benefit related to the occurrence of certain corporate events, such as the transfer of equity control of the issuer No compensation or benefit is related to the occurrence of certain corporate events, such as the sale of Company equity control. 199 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 13.2. Regarding compensation recognized in the last 3 fiscal years and planned for the current fiscal year, the Board of Directors, the Statutory Officers and the Supervisory Board, prepare a table with the following content: Fiscal year ended 12/31/2012 Amounts in reais Annual Fixed Compensation Board Number of Members Variable Compensation Salary or Management Fees Direct and Indirect Benefits Compensation for Participation in Committees Others (**) Bonuses (****) Profit Sharing Compensation for Participation in Meetings Committees Benefits Generated by Expiry of Mandate Share-based Compensation (***) Total Others (**) PostEmployment Benefits Statutory Officers 6.42 8,051,781.23 1,667,095.45 N/A 2,189,543.58 1,840,344.00 N/A N/A N/A 312,858.58 N/A 1,718,229.00 1,528,463.00 17,308,314.84 Board of Directors 9.50 3,954,681.80 - N/A 612,396.80 - N/A N/A N/A - N/A - N/A 4,567,078.60 4.75 569,549.71 - N/A 113,909.94 - N/A N/A N/A - N/A - N/A 683,459.65 12,576,012.74 1,667,095.45 N/A 2,915,850.32 1,840,344.00 N/A N/A N/A 312,858.58 N/A 1,718,229.00 1,528,463.00 22,558,853.09 Supervisory Board 20.67 Total * Refers to fees ** Refers to social charges payable by the company *** The amount of share-based compensation refers to the cost of the benefit of the plan to grant stock options of the Company, calculated on the fair value of the options granted according to the Black-Scholes model. **** Corresponds to the bonuses paid in 2012, calculated on the performance evaluation for the fiscal year 2011. The number of members on each board corresponds to the annual average number of members on each board determined monthly, with two decimal places. Total compensation accounted for in 2012, including provision of variable compensation with social charges payable in 2013, totaled R$ 32.6 million. 200 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2013 Amounts in reais Fixed Annual Compensation Board Number of Members Variable Compensation Salary or Management Fees (*) Direct and Indirect Benefits Compensation for Participation in Committees Others (**) Bonuses (****) Profit Sharing Compensation for Participation in Meetings Committees Benefits Generated by Expiry of Mandate Share-based Compensation (***) Total Others (**) PostEmployment Benefits Statutory Officers 7.00 8,506,853.64 3,737,297.81 N/A 2,690,263.49 5,065,090.00 N/A N/A N/A 1,013,018.00 N/A N/A 4,515,693.72 25,528,216.66 Board of Directors 10.33 4,545,170.79 - N/A 909,034.16 - N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A - 5,454,204.95 5.00 607,632.54 - N/A 121,526.45 - N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A - 729,158.99 22.33 13,659,656.97 3,737,297.81 N/A 3,720,824.10 5,065,090.00 N/A N/A N/A 1,013,018.00 N/A N/A 4,515,693.72 31,711,580.60 Supervisory Board Total * Refers to fees ** Refers to social charges payable by the company *** The amount of share-based compensation refers to the cost of the benefit of the plan to grant stock options of the Company, calculated on the fair value of the options granted according to the Black-Scholes model. **** Corresponds to the bonuses paid in 2013, calculated on the performance evaluation for the fiscal year 2012. The number of members on each board corresponds to the annual average number of members on each board determined monthly, with two decimal places. Total compensation accounted for in 2013, including provision of variable compensation with social charges payable in 2014, amounted to R$ 36.7 million. 201 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2014 Amounts in reais Fixed Annual Compensation Board Statutory Officers Board of Directors Supervisory Board Number of Members Salary or Management Fees Direct and Indirect Benefits Compensation for Participation in Committees Variable Compensation Others (**) Bonus Profit Sharing Compensation for Participation in Meetings Committees Others (**) PostEmployment Benefits Benefits Generated by Expiry of Mandate Share-based Compensation (***) Total 6,50 7.966.157,52 1.769.694,16 N/A 3.032.894,29 8.310.243,18 N/A N/A N/A 1.662.048,64 N/A N/A 5.511.776,61 28.252.714,40 9,25 4.890.136,64 - N/A 745.590,48 - N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A - 5.635.727,12 5,00 616.372,40 - N/A 123.274,50 - N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A - 739.646,90 20,75 13.472.666.56 1.769.694,16 N/A 3.901.759,27 8.310.243,18 N/A N/A N/A 1.662.048,64 N/A N/A 5.511.776,61 34.628.188,42 Total * Refers to fees ** Refers to social charges payable by the company *** The amount of share-based compensation refers to the cost of the benefit of the plan to grant stock options of the Company, calculated on the fair value of the options granted according to the Black-Scholes model. **** Corresponds to the bonuses paid in 2014, calculated on the performance evaluation for the fiscal year 2013. The number of members on each board corresponds to the annual average number of members on each board determined monthly, with two decimal places. Total compensation accounted for in 2014, including provision of variable compensation with social charges payable in 2014, amounted to R$ 36.4 million. 202 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Estimated Remuneration for the fiscal year ending 12/31/2015 Amounts in reais Fixed Annual Compensation Board Statutory Officers Board of Directors Supervisory Board Number of Members Salary or Management Fees Direct and Indirect Benefits 7,00 8.920.534,08 3.569.513,89 10,00 4.641.720,00 5,00 22,00 Compensation for Participation in Committees Variable Compensation Profit Sharing Compensation for Participation in Meetings Committees Others (**) PostEmployment Benefits Benefits Generated by Expiry of Mandate Share-based Compensation (***) Total Others (**) Bonus N/A 4.018.471,30 8.920.534,08 N/A N/A N/A 2.569.113,82 N/A N/A 4.227.952,00 32.226.119,17 0,00 N/A 1.336.815,36 - N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A N/A 5.978.535,36 637.181,01 0,00 N/A 183.508,13 - N/A N/A N/A - N/A N/A N/A 820.689,14 14.199.435,09 3.569.513,89 N/A 5.538.794,79 8.920.534,08 N/A N/A N/A 2.569.113,82 N/A N/A 4.227.952,00 39.025.343,67 Total * Refers to fees ** Refers to social charges payable by the company *** The amount of share-based compensation refers to the cost of the benefit of the plan to grant stock options of the Company, calculated on the fair value of the options granted according to the Black-Scholes model. The number of members on each board corresponds to the annual average number of members on each board determined monthly, with two decimal places. As approved at the Annual General Meeting held on April 28, 2015, the overall maximum amount of management compensation provided for the period between the Annual General Meeting (AGM) AGM 2015 and 2016 is R$ 45.5 million. 203 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 13.3. The variable compensation for the last three fiscal years and planned for the current fiscal year of the Board of Directors, the Statutory Officers and the Supervisory Board, prepare a table with the following content: Statutory Officers Board of Directors (**) Supervisory Board (**) 6.42 8.75 4.67 Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan None. It is related to the achievement of targets. N/A N/A Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan R$ 35,000,000.00 (*) N/A N/A Amount provided for in the compensation plan - if the targets established are met None. It is related to the achievement of targets. N/A N/A Amount effectively recognized R$ 1,840,344.00 N/A N/A Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan N/A N/A N/A Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan N/A N/A N/A Amount provided for in the compensation plan - if the targets established are met N/A N/A N/A Amount effectively recognized N/A N/A N/A Fiscal year ended 12/31/2012 Number of members (***) Bonus Profit sharing N/A = not applicable because there is no payment with this regard. (*) Variable Compensation is always paid based on targets exceeded, on a continuous scale starting at zero. The limit for payment including the fixed compensation is the annual funds defined in Ordinary General Meeting, which in the case of 2012 is R$ 35 million. (**) Variable Compensation is not paid to the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors. (***) The number of members on each body corresponds to the annual average number of members on each board determined monthly, with two decimal places. - Determination of the amounts corresponding to the period from January to December, said amount relates to the period between the Meetings. 204 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Statutory Officers Board of Directors (**) Supervisory Board (**) 7.00 10.33 5.00 Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan None. It is related to the achievement of targets. N/A N/A Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan (*) R$ 40,000,000.00 N/A N/A Amount provided for in the compensation plan - if the targets established are met None. It is related to the achievement of targets. N/A N/A Amount effectively recognized (****) R$ 5,065,090.00 N/A N/A Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan N/A N/A N/A Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan N/A N/A N/A Amount provided for in the compensation plan - if the targets established are met N/A N/A N/A Amount effectively recognized N/A N/A N/A Fiscal year ended 12/31/2013 Number of members (***) Bonus Profit sharing N/A = not applicable, since no such payments were made. (*) Variable Compensation is always paid based on targets exceeded, on a continuous scale starting at zero. The total annual funds defined in Ordinary General Assembly, amounting to R$ 40 million in 2013. (**) Variable Compensation is not paid for the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. (***) The number of members of each body corresponds to the annual average of the number of members of each body determined monthly, with two decimal places. (****) Relates to bonus paid in 2013, based on the performance evaluation in 2012. - Determination of the amounts corresponding to the period from January to December, said amount relates to the period between the Meetings. 205 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Statutory Officers Board of Directors (**) Supervisory Board (**) 6,50 9,25 5.00 Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan None. It is related to the achievement of targets. N/A N/A Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan (*) R$ 45,500,000.00 N/A N/A Amount provided for in the compensation plan - if the targets established are met R$ 8.310.243,18 N/A N/A Amount effectively recognized (****) - N/A N/A Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan N/A N/A N/A Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan N/A N/A N/A Amount provided for in the compensation plan - if the targets established are met N/A N/A N/A Amount effectively recognized N/A N/A N/A Fiscal year ending 12/31/2014 Number of members Bonus Profit sharing N/A = not applicable, since no such payment was made. (*) Variable Compensation is always paid based on targets exceeded, on a continuous scale starting at zero. The total annual funds were defined in the Ordinary General Meeting on April 25, 2014, amounting to R$ 45,5 million in 2014. (**) Variable Compensation is not paid to the Supervisory Board and to the Board of Directors. (***) The number of members of each body corresponds to the annual average of the number of members of each body determined monthly, with two decimal places. (****) Relates to bonus paid in 2014, based on the performance evaluation in 2013. - Determination of the amounts corresponding to the period from January to December, said amount relates to the period between the Meetings. 206 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Variable compensation for the year 2015 Statutory Officers Board of Directors (**) Supervisory Board (**) 7,00 10,00 5.00 Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan None. It is related to the achievement of targets. (*) N/A N/A Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan R$ 45,500,000.00 N/A N/A Amount provided for in the compensation plan - if the targets established are met R$ 8.920.534,08 N/A N/A Amount effectively recognized - N/A N/A Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan N/A N/A N/A Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan N/A N/A N/A Amount provided for in the compensation plan - if the targets established are met N/A N/A N/A Amount effectively recognized N/A N/A N/A Fiscal year ending 12/31/2015 Number of members Bonus Profit sharing N/A = not applicable, since no such payment was made. (*) Variable Compensation is always paid based on targets exceeded, on a continuous scale starting at zero. The total annual funds were defined in the Ordinary General Meeting, amounting to R$ 45,5 million in 2015. (**) Variable Compensation is not paid to the Supervisory Board and to the Board of Directors. - Determination of the amounts corresponding to the period from January to December, said amount relates to the period between the Meetings. 207 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 13.4. Shares based compensation plan for the Board of Directors and the Statutory Officers, in force in the last fiscal year and planned for the current fiscal year. The Company stock option plan was approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting on April 14th, 2011. In 2011, Statutory Officers, other Officers and General Managers of the Company were eligible for the stock option plan. For fiscal year 2014 the stock option plan, approved on April 14th, 2011 is still in force. a) General terms and conditions The general plan rules are formally approved by the shareholders. Once approved, the plan is managed by the Board of Directors, supported by the Human Resources Committee for this purpose. The Board of Directors and the Human Resources Committee are advised on technical and operating aspects by the human resources, legal and financial areas of Usiminas, or external consultants. Only the Board of Directors has decision-making powers on the plan, within the limits approved by the shareholders. All executives and employees are potentially eligible for the plan. However, those actually elected to receive grants must be approved by the Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the Human Resources Committee. The plan has annual grants of options (programs), subject to the rules and especially the authorized capital (number of shares) by the shareholders. All annual programs shall be approved by the Board of Directors. b) The main objectives of the plan - Alignment of interests between executives and shareholders - Encourage sustainable value creation - Attraction and retention of key professionals for the business - Competitiveness with market practices c) How the plan contributes to these objectives The plan is considered as the link between the Management goals and those of the Company. d) As the plan is included in the issuer’s compensation policy The plan is an integral part of Usiminas’ total compensation strategy, and it is an important element to maintain the the Company's competitiveness on the market, as well as a tool to attract and retain key professionals for the business. e) How the plan aligns the short-, medium- and long-term interests of managers and the issuer The stock option plan grants the right to buy Usiminas shares at a price (the exercise price of the options) and time (grace period for purchase of shares) determined. The predetermined price aligns the interests of share valuation and timing of release to ensure solid purchase decisions in search of medium- and long-term results. 208 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 f) Maximum number of shares covered The maximum total number of shares subject to be granted to all eligible employees is 50,689,310 preferred shares (USIM5), representing 5% of the total capital of Usiminas in 5 programs to be carried out from 2011 to 2015. g) Maximum number of options to be granted The maximum number of options granted in each year to the total eligible managers was as follows: 2011 Grant - 1,638,515 options, representing 0.162% of total shares issued by the Company. 2012 Grant - 1,740,556 options, representing 0.172% of total shares issued by the Company. 2013 Grant - 1,784,802 options, representing 0.176% of total shares issued by the Company. 2014 Grant - 1,197,493 options, representing 0.118% of total shares issued by the Company. h) Conditions for acquisition of shares The Option shall be exercised through the acquisition or subscription of the underlying shares against payment to the Company corresponding to the value corresponding to the Exercise Price pursuant to the Option Agreement. i) Criteria for determining the purchase or exercise price The Board of Directors sets the exercise price ("Exercise Price") of each option at the time the exemption is granted, which is equivalent to the weighted average closing price of the Preferred Shares applicable on BM&FBOVESPA - Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros S.A. ("BM & FBovespa") in the month prior to the date of grant of the options. j) Criteria for determining the exercise period The Board of Directors may set a time from which the Option will be exercisable ("Grace Period") and may also provide that the Option will be exercisable in installments. Unless decided otherwise by the Board of Directors, (i) one third (1/ 3) of the options will become exercisable one year after the date of grant, (ii) one third (1/ 3) of the options will be exercisable two years after the date of grant and (iii) one third (1/ 3) of the options will become exercisable three years after the date of grant. The Board of Directors may determine the maximum period subsequent to grant date during which the Option may be exercised ("Exercise Period"), and the Options may not be exercised after seven (7) years from the date of grant. k) Form of settlement The exercise price for each share subject to the option will be paid in cash in full on the date chosen by the employee exercising the option, i.e., the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the elected employee and Usiminas or the signature of the respective subscription list, as appropriate. 209 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 l) Restrictions on transfer of shares During the Exercise Period, Participants are prohibited from selling the options granted to them or create any burden on these options. m) Criteria and events that, when found, will cause the suspension, amendment or termination of the plan The suspension, amendment or termination of the plan takes place before the termination of employment relationship between the Company and the party eligible to the stock-based compensation to the Company program as same criteria/events described in the item below. n) Effects of the withdrawal of the issuer’s manager on his rights under the share-based compensation plan (a) Termination Without Cause - In case of termination of the Participants by the Company or its Subsidiaries, upon termination of his employment contract without cause or dismissal from his position as manager not motivated by events that, in case of an employment relationship, would be a termination for cause under the labor law, the Participants may exercise their options now exercisable within thirty (30) days as from the respective Date of Termination, after which all Options granted to the Participants will be automatically canceled and cease to have any effect. (b) Termination for Cause - In case of the Participants’ termination for cause by the Company or its Subsidiaries, upon termination of the employment contract for cause or dismissal from his position as manager motivated by events that, in case of an employment relationship, would be a termination for cause under the labor law, all non-exercised options, whether exercisable or not, will be extinguished by operation of law and canceled on the respective Date of Termination or the date of the event giving rise the termination or removal of the Participant, whichever occurs first. (c) Voluntary Termination - In the event of voluntary termination of any Company’s or its Subsidiaries’ Participants, the Participants may exercise their options now exercisable within thirty (30) days of the respective Date of Termination, after which all Options granted to the Participants will be automatically canceled and cease to have any effect. (d) Termination by Retirement - In the event of Retirement, the Participants may exercise their options now exercisable within thirty (30) days of the resepctive Date of Termination, after which all Options granted to the Participants will be automatically canceled and cease to have any effect. (e) Death - On the death of a Participant, the right to exercise all options granted to the Participant will be anticipated and their heirs or successors, by legal or testamentary succession, may exercise them during the period of twelve (12) months subsequent to the date of Termination, after which all Options granted to the Participant will be automatically canceled and cease to have any effect. (f) Termination for Permanent Disability - If a Participant is on continuous and authorized leave caused by permanent disability, the right to exercise all options granted to the Participant will be accelerated and these may be exercised within 12 (twelve) months after the Date of Termination, after which all Options granted to the Participant will be automatically canceled and cease to have any effect. (g) Withdrawal After Disposal of Company’s Controlling Equity - In case of disposal, whether direct or indirect, of controlling stock of Usiminas, the Participant who, in the first twelve (12) months following the disposal of Usiminas’ controlling equity, is terminated without cause or removed from a manager position not motivated by events that, in case of an employment relationship, would be a termination for cause under the labor law, shall be entitled to the early exercise of all options granted to him and can exercise them within 30 days following the Date of Termination, at the end of which all Options granted to the Participant will be automatically canceled and cease to have any effect. 210 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 13.5. State the number of shares or units of interest directly or indirectly held in Brazil or abroad, and other securities convertible into shares or units of interest issued by the issuer, its direct or indirect controlling members, controlled by or under common control companies, members of the board, the statutory officers or supervisory board, grouped by board, at the close of the last fiscal year Number of securities at 12/31/2014 Company Security Board of Directors (*) Statutory Officers Supervisory Board (*) Usiminas Common share 34 2 1,000 Usiminas Class A preferred share 175,032 43.789 1000 * The balance of shares includes the effective and deputy members of the board of Directors and of the Supervisory Board. ** The options granted and not exercised are not included in the above table. 13.6. Stock-based compensation recognized in P&L for the last 3 fiscal years and planned for the current fiscal year, the Board of Directors and the Statutory Officers. The General and Special Meeting of April 14, 2011, approved the Plan for Granting Stock Options issued by the Company. The Company recognizes expenses from the plans to grant stock options pursuant to the Accounting Standards CPC 10 (R1) and ICPC05 options, guiding the determination and registration according to the grace period in which the option becomes exercisable. Share-based compensation for fiscal years ended 2012, 2013 and 2014 2012 Program Statutory Officers 7 Board of Directors* 1 Grant Date: 11/28/2012 11/28/2012 Number of options granted: 1,447,091 46,112 Deadline for options to become exercisable: Total of 3 years, with the possibility of advancing 33% per year, after the first year as of the grant (0/33/33/33 ). Total of 3 years, with the possibility of advancing 33% per year, after the first year as of the grant (0/33/33/33) Maximum deadline for the exercise of options: Term of restriction for the transfer of shares: Weighted average exercise price: 7 years from date of grant Not Applicable R$ 10.58 7 years from date of grant Not Applicable R$ 10.58 Fair value of options on the date of grant: R$ 4.32 R$ 4.32 Potential dilution in case of exercise of all options granted: 0.1427% of Usiminas. Number of members: Grants of stock purchase options the total capital of 0.0045% of the total capital of Usiminas. * Grant in view of Company employment status and not as Board member. 211 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 2013 Program Statutory Officers 7 Board of Directors* 1 Grant Date: 11/28/2013 11/28/2013 Number of options granted: 1,180,596 39,071 Deadline for options to become exercisable: Total of 3 years, with the possibility of advancing 33% per year, after the first year as of the grant (0/33/33/33 ). Total of 3 years, with the possibility of advancing 33% per year, after the first year as of the grant (0/33/33/33) Maximum deadline for the exercise of options: 7 years from date of grant 7 years from date of grant Term of restriction for the transfer of shares: Not Applicable Not Applicable Weighted average exercise price: R$ 11.47 R$ 11.47 Fair value of options on the date of grant: R$ 6.30 R$ 6.30 Potential dilution in case of exercise of all options granted: 0.1109% of the entire capital of Usiminas. 0.0039% of the entire capital of Usiminas. Number of members: Grants of stock purchase options * Grant in view of Company employment status and not as Board member. 212 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 2014 Program Statutory Officers 5 Board of Directors* 1 Grant Date: 11/27/2014 11/27/2014 Number of options granted: 1,197,493 79,506 Deadline for options to become exercisable: Total of 3 years, with the possibility of advancing 33% per year, after the first year as of the grant (0/33/33/33 ). Total of 3 years, with the possibility of advancing 33% per year, after the first year as of the grant (0/33/33/33) Maximum deadline for the exercise of options: 7 years from date of grant 7 years from date of grant Term of restriction for the transfer of shares: Not Applicable Not Applicable Weighted average exercise price: R$ 6.14 R$ 6.14 Fair value of options on the date of grant: R$ 2.85 R$ 2.85 Potential dilution in case of exercise of all options granted: 0.1181% of the entire capital of Usiminas. 0.0078% of the entire capital of Usiminas. Number of members: Grants of stock purchase options * Grant in view of Company employment status and not as Board member. 213 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Movement of options granted for the last 3 fiscal years Statutory Board of Directors Officers Total Fiscal year ended in 2012 a Outstanding options at the beginning of the fiscal year 1,361,441 78,268 1,439,709 b 2012 Grant Program Options lost during the fiscal year 1,447,091 (951,328) 46,112 - 1,493,203 (951,328) c Options exercised during the fiscal year - - - d Options expired during the fiscal year - - - 1,857,204 124,380 1,981,584 Outstanding options at the end of the fiscal year Fiscal year ended 2013 a Outstanding options at the beginning of the fiscal year 1,857,204 124,380 1,981,584 b c d 2013 Grant Program Options lost during the fiscal year Options exercised during the fiscal year Options expired during the fiscal year Outstanding options at the end of the fiscal year 1,124,476 (183,596) 2,798,084 39,071 163,451 1,163,547 (183,596) 2,961,535 2,798,084 163,451 2,961,535 56,120 - 56,120 1,197,493 79,506 1,276,999 Fiscal year ended 2014 a Outstanding options at the beginning of the fiscal year 2013 Grant Program (voluntary subscription) 2014 Grant Program b Options lost during the fiscal year (1,579,274) - (1,579,274) c Options exercised during the fiscal year - - - d Options expired during the fiscal year - - - 2,472,423 242,957 2,715,380 820,795 122,033 942,828 1,651,628 120,924 1,772,552 Outstanding options at the end of the fiscal year Oustanding exercisable options Outstanding non-exercisable options The expenses for Board of Directors members recognizes in 2012, 2013 and 2014 fiscal years and the amount estimated for 2015 are informed in 13.2 item. 214 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 13.7 Options outstanding of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Officers at the end of the last fiscal year. Related to the 2012 Program Board Number of members in relation to non-exercisable options i. quantity ii. date on which they will become exercisable iii. maximum deadline for the exercise of options iv. term of restriction for the transfer of shares v. weighted average exercise price vi. Fair value of the options on the last day of the fiscal year Statutory Officers Board of Directors* 7 1 179,743 15,371 11/28/2013, 11/28/2014 and 11/28/2015 (33%/ 33%/33%) 11/28/2013, 11/28/2014 and 11/28/2015 (33%/ 33%/33%) 11/27/2019 11/27/2019 Not Applicable Not Applicable R$ 10.58 R$ 10.58 ** ** 359,487 30,741 11/27/2019 11/27/2019 Not Applicable Not Applicable R$ 10.58 R$ 10.58 in relation to exercisable options i. quantity ii. maximum deadline for the exercise of options iii. term of restriction for the transfer of shares iv. weighted average exercise price v. Fair value of the options on the last day of the fiscal year ** ** vi. fair value of all options on the last day of the fiscal year ** ** * Received in view of the Company executive’s employment status and not as Board member. ** The company did not determine the fair value of the options on the last day of the fiscal year. 215 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Related to the 2013 Program Board Number of members in relation to non-exercisable options i. quantity ii. date on which they will become exercisable iii. maximum deadline for the exercise of options iv. term of restriction for the transfer of shares v. weighted average exercise price vi. Fair value of the options on the last day of the fiscal year Statutory Officers Board of Directors* 7 1 274,391 26,047 11/28/2014, 11/28/2015 and 11/28/2016 (33%/ 33%/33%) 11/28/2014, 11/28/2015 and 11/28/2016 (33%/ 33%/33%) 11/27/2020 11/27/2020 Not Applicable Not Applicable R$ 11,47 R$ 11,47 ** ** 137,196 13,024 11/27/2020 11/27/2020 Not Applicable Not Applicable R$ 11,47 R$ 11,47 in relation to exercisable options vii. quantity viii. maximum deadline for the exercise of options ix. term of restriction for the transfer of shares x. weighted average exercise price xi. fair value of the options on the last day of the fiscal year ** ** xii. fair value of all options on the last day of the fiscal year ** ** * Received in connection with the Company employment status and not as Board member. ** The company did not determine the fair value of the options on the last day of the fiscal year. 216 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Related to the 2014 Program Board Number of members in relation to non-exercisable options vii. quantity viii. date on which they will become exercisable ix. maximum deadline for the exercise of options x. term of restriction for the transfer of shares xi. weighted average exercise price xii. Fair value of the options on the last day of the fiscal year Statutory Officers Board of Directors* 5 1 1,197,493 79,506 11/28/2015, 11/28/2016 and 11/28/2017 (33%/33%/33%) 11/28/2015, 11/28/2016 and 11/28/2017 (33%/ 33%/33%) 11/27/2021 11/27/2021 Not Applicable Not Applicable R$ 6,14 R$ 6,14 ** ** - - 11/27/2021 11/27/2021 Not Applicable Not Applicable R$ 6,14 R$ 6,14 in relation to exercisable options xiii. quantity xiv. maximum deadline for the exercise of options xv. term of restriction for the transfer of shares xvi. weighted average exercise price xvii. Fair value of the options on the last day of the fiscal year ** ** xviii. fair value of all options on the last day of the fiscal year ** ** * Received in view of the Company executive’s status. ** The company did not determine the fair value of the options on the last day of the fiscal year. 217 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 13.8 Options exercised and shares delivered relating to stock-based compensation of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Officers for the past 3 fiscal years. For the fiscal year of 2013 the following options were exercised by the Statutory Officers: Board Number of members In relation to the options exercised, inform: Statutory Officers Board of Directors 3 0 183,596 0 10.58 0 2.77 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA Number of shares weighted average exercise price Total value of the difference between the exercise value and the market value of the shares related to options exercised In relation to the shares delivered Number of shares weighted average acquisition price Total value of the difference between the acquisition value and the market value of the shares acquired In the fiscal years of 2012 and 2014, stock options were not exercised. 218 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 13.9 Summary of information necessary for understanding the data disclosed in items 13.6 to 13.8, and the explanation of the pricing of shares and options, including at least: The key assumptions used in accordance with the Black-Scholes pricing model of granting programs were as follows: 2012 Grant Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 R$ 4.06 R$ 4.32 R$4.61 Share price at the time R$ 10.38 R$ 10.38 R$ 10.38 Exercise price R$ 10.58 R$ 10.58 R$ 10.58 Fair value on the date of grant Volatility of the share price Grace period (3 years) Estimated dividends Risk-free rate of return Adjusted duration 37.95% 37.95% 37.95% 33% after year 1 33% after year 2 33% after year 3 0.63% 0.63% 0.63% 8.63% p.a. 8.75% p.a. 8.87% p.a. 4 years 4.5 years 5 years 2013 Grant Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 R$ 5.87 R$ 6.30 R$ 6.58 Share price at the time R$ 11.88 R$ 11.88 R$ 11.88 Exercise price R$ 11.47 R$ 11.47 R$ 11.47 Fair value on the date of grant Volatility of the share price Grace period (3 years) Estimated dividends 43.38% 43.38% 43.38% 33% after year 1 33% after year 2 33% after year 3 0% 0% 0% 11.34% p.a. 11.37% p.a. 11.40% p.a. 4 years 4.5 years 5 years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Fair value on the date of grant R$ 2,66 R$ 2,85 R$ 3,02 Share price at the time R$ 5,70 R$ 5,70 R$ 5,70 Exercise price R$ 6,14 R$ 6,14 R$ 6,14 Risk-free rate of return Adjusted duration 2014 Grant Volatility of the share price Grace period (3 years) Estimated dividends Risk-free rate of return Adjusted duration 43,41% 43,41% 43,41% 33% after year 1 33% after year 2 33% after year 3 0% 2.94% 0% 12,10% p.a. 12,11% p.a. 12,12% p.a. 4 years 4.5 years 5 years 219 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 i. Method used and the assumptions made to incorporate the effects of expected early exercise Black-Scholes methodology. There is no early exercise of options, vesting is 33% per year after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of the grant date of the plan. ii. Method of determining the expected volatility To calculate the adjusted volatility, the adjusted history of 36 months preceding the grant was considered. iii. If any other option feature was incorporated into the fair value measurement There was no other feature incorporated into the fair value measurement. 13.10 Pension plans in effect granted to the members of the Board of Directors and Statutory Officers. Retirement plans in force granted to members of the Board of Directors and Statutory Officers Conditions to retire in advance Total accumulated value of contributions made during the last fiscal year, deducting the portion related to the contributions made directly by managers Possibility of early withdrawal and applicable conditions 0 0 N/A Board No. Members Plan Name Amount managers meet conditions retirement Board of Directors 0 N/A N/A N/A 1 None of managers Statutory Officers 3 USIPREV of who the for Updated Value of accumulated contributions in the pension plan until the end of the last fiscal year, deducting the portion related to the contributions made directly by managers the R$ 908,971.46 R$ 176,287.01 None of the Management members (*) (*) Early redemption may be required only by participants who have ceased their employment relationship and are not yet in their benefit payout phase. Withdrawal corresponds to 100% of the participant’s reserve balance plus a percentage applicable on the sponsoring employer’s account balance, ranging from 10 to 80% of the employer’s portion reserve depending on the time of enrollment with the plan (10% vested after 3 full years, increased by 10% every year up to 80% as from 10 years of enrollment). 220 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 13.11 In the form of a table, indicate for the past 3 fiscal years, for the Board of Directors, Statutory Officers or the Supervisory Board: board, number of members, value of highest individual income, lowest individual income and average individual income. The information presented in this item is in agreement with the data reported in item 13.2. Amounts in reais Statutory Officers Board of Directors Supervisory Board 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 Number of members 6,50 7.00 6.42 9,25 10.33 9.50 5.00 5.00 4.75 Value of the highest income (real) 7,897,449.74 6,103,224.53 3,143,438.84 2,093,440.12 1,966,504.94 1,286,454.11 147,929.40 145,831.80 144,883.97 Value of the lowest income (real) 3,301,490.86 2,962,227.67 1,151,637.02 331,038.00 375,300.00 273,400.00 147,929.40 145,831.80 144,883.97 Average (real) 4,346,586.71 3,646,888.09 2,695,999.20 609,267.80 527,996.61 480,745.12 147,929.40 145,831.80 143,886.24 income Comments: (a) The number of members on each board corresponds to the annual average number of members on each board, monthly determined, with two decimal places. (b) The value of the smallest annual individual income was calculated with the exclusion of members who held the position for less than 12 months. 13.12 Describe contractual arrangements, insurance policies or other instruments which are mechanisms of remuneration or compensation for management in the event of dismissal or retirement, indicating the financial consequences for the issuer Two Executive Board members have in their contracts non-competition clauses that forbid the performance of duties in the flat steel industries in Brazil, for a 12 month period, after the employment termination. Due to this restriction, the Company agreed to pay a compensation amount in favor of those Executives equivalent to 12 times the value of the monthly compensation to one of them, and 3 times the monthly compensation per year as an Executive member of the Company to the other one. 13.13 Compared to the last 3 fiscal years, indicate the percentage of total compensation of each body recognized in the issuer relating to members of the Board of Directors, Statutory Officers or the Supervisory Board who are directly or indirectly related to the controlling shareholders, as defined in accounting rules on this matter. Fiscal year ended (2014) Fiscal year ended (2013) Fiscal year ended (2012) Board of Directors 80% 79% 79% Supervisory Board 60% 60% 60% Statutory Officers 62% 60% 64% Board 221 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 13.14 Compared to the last 3 fiscal years, indicate the amounts recognized in the issuer’s P&L as compensation to members of the board of directors, the statutory officers or supervisory board, grouped by board, for any reason other than the position they hold, such as commissions and consulting or advisory services. Amounts in reais Board Fiscal year ended (2014) Fiscal year ended (2013) Fiscal year ended (2012) Board of Directors 198,395.29 171,547.76 102,943.48 Supervisory Board - - - Statutory Officers - - - 13.15 Compared to the last 3 fiscal years, indicate the amounts recognized in the majority shareholders’ P&L, whether direct or indirect, companies under common control and subsidiaries of the issuer, as compensation for members of the Board of Directors, Statutory Officers or the Supervisory Board of the Issuer, grouped by body, specifying that such amounts were paid to these individuals. Amounts in reais 2014 2013 2012 Board of Directors 37,597,071.07 28,453,450.33 32,079,698.30 Supervisory Board 463,408.61 414,975.65 256,887.04 - - 1,551,669.70 Statutory Officers Values converted to real at the exchange rate ruling on 05/28/2015. No amounts were paid by subsidiaries or companies under common control. 13.16 Other Information that the Company deems significant. Management members abroad will be entitled to exercise total stock options granted according to the Company’s stock option plan, within no longer than 30 (thirty) days as from the end of their employment relationship. (Clause 10.1 of the stock option plan will not be applied), as approved by the Board of Directors. 222 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 14. Human Resources 14.1. Describe the Human Resources of the issuer, providing the following information: a) Number of employees (total, by groups based on activity and geographic location) At the end of 2014 the Usiminas companies had 20,225 employees. Of these, 12,176 employees belong to the Company and 8,049 belong to its subsidiaries and affiliates. Of total own staff, 94,9% is located in the Southeast region of Brazil, where Ipatinga/MG and Cubatão/SP plants are located, besides Unigal and Usiminas Mecânica, both located in Ipatinga/MG. Number of employees by type of employment Parent company Fiscal year ended 12/31/2014 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2013 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2012 (excludes those on leave*) (excludes those on leave*) (excludes those on leave*) 16 17 16 210 212 202 Senior 2,145 2,135 2,249 Intermediate 1,782 2,068 2,687 245 282 338 7,778 7,831 8,322 12,176 12,545 13,814 Executive Board Management Administrative Operational Number of employees by type of employment Subsidiaries Fiscal year ended 12/31/2014 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2013 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2012 (excludes those on leave*) (excludes those on leave*) (excludes those on leave*) 1 2 2 93 113 129 Senior 874 1,046 1,126 Intermediate 606 807 1,219 Administrative 262 348 815 6,213 8,008 7,917 8,049 10,324 11,208 Executive Board Management Operational 223 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Number of employees by region Parent company Fiscal year ended 12/31/2014 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2013 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2012 (excludes those on leave*) (excludes those on leave*) (excludes those on leave*) 13 10 10 12,162 12,534 13,800 Midwest Region - - - Northeast Region 1 1 4 Northern Region - - - 12,176 12,545 13,814 Southern Region Southeast Region Number of employees by region Subsidiaries Fiscal year ended 12/31/2012 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2014 Fiscal year ended 12/31/2013 (excludes those on leave*) (excludes those on leave*) (excludes those on leave*) 436 488 594 7,034 7,957 9,842 - - 79 Northeast Region 27 32 72 Northern Region 552 1,847 621 8,049 10,324 11,208 Southern Region Southeast Region Midwest Region b) Number of outsourced employees (total, by groups based on activity and geographic location) The number of outsourced employees in Usiminas companies for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014 was 17,507. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013 the number was 16,310, and for the year ended December 31, 2012 was 18,816. The Company does not currently have a structure of information to contractors, where it is possible to find such information by groups based on activity performed and by geographic location. c) Turnover rate The Company turnover rate for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014 was 7,43%. d) Exposure to the issuer liabilities and labor contingencies 224 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 For information about liabilities and labor contingencies of the Company, refer to section 4.3 to 4.7 of this Reference Form. 14.2. Comment on any relevant changes occurred with respect to the figures disclosed in item 14.1 above At the end of 2014, Usiminas companies’ staff was reduced by 2,644 employees, if we consider the Company’s employees in service. The distribution of the workforce, by geographic region, maintained the same trend over recent years, concentrating in the Southeast of Brazil. 14.3. Describe the policy for the compensation of issuer’s employees, stating: a) Policy on salaries and variable compensation The Company’s compensation policy aims to ensure the competitiveness of salaries, benefits and short-term incentives, as well as the attraction and retention of Human Resources needed to achieve strategic business results, always based on similar market values. The salary reference is the midline of a given market comprised of companies: of the same segment, of the high technology sector, and of the same size, considering sales and number of employees. Periodical review is performed to ensure the level of competitiveness of salaries paid. Profit Sharing Plans Usiminas has developed and maintains a profit sharing plan in order to allow employees obtain financial gains and, from the business viewpoint, leverage the Company's results. The program meets all the requirements of Laws No. 10101/2000 and 12832/13, regulating the issue, one of its strengths being the direct negotiation with an employee committee, elected by and from among them, to set and engage in goals to be met in each year. The labor union is entitled to appoint a representative as a member of the committee and also participates in the whole negotiation process. The program considers, in addition to the financial goals of each business, the operating targets and thus are closer to the worker, allowing each of them to know what can actually be done to leverage the Usiminas results and therefore improve their income. b) Benefits Policy A benefit policy ensures benefits and facilities to all employees of Usiminas companies in order to provide them safety and well-being, both internally and externally. A benefit package is offered to its employees, including medical, hospital and dental care, food vouchers, transportation, daycare, education and participation in professional development, group life insurance and pension plan program. 225 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Pension Plans The Company offers its employees pension plans administered by Usiminas Previdência, formerly Caixa dos Empregados da Usiminas - CAIXA, and the associated Fundação Cosipa de Seguridade Social - FEMCO. Administrative Rulings No. 165, published in the Federal Official Gazette of 3/30/2012, and Administrative Ruling No. 273, published in the Federal Official Gazette of 5/30/2012, the National Supervisory Office for Pension Funds - PREVIC approved the merger of FEMCO into Previdência Usiminas, effective on June 30, 2012, maintaining the rights and obligations of the Sponsors, Participants and Beneficiaries in relation to their benefit plans. The primary purpose of these plans is to provide additional income to the benefits granted by the INSS. Plan participants are also employees of other sponsoring companies, including employees of Previdência Usiminas. Contributions to the plans mentioned are made by their sponsors and employees, based on the specific rules of each benefit plan. Usiminas sponsors four complementary pension plans for its employees, namely: two defined benefit plans called Benefit Plan 1 - PB1 and Defined Benefit Plan - PBD; a defined contribution: Mixed Social Security Benefit Plan No. 1 - COSIPREV; and variable contribution plan: Benefit Plan 2 - USIPREV, the latter being only open to new members. At December 31, 2014 Previdência Usiminas administrated net assets of R$ 7.8 billion (R$ 7.4 billion in 2013) and had 40,554 participants, 20,891 active employees and 19,663 beneficiaries (42,758 participants, 23,144 active employees and 19,614 beneficiaries), ranking, in relation to the value of investments, 16th among closed-end pension funds, and 7th place in the ranking of private entities, presented by the Brazilian Association of Closed-end Supplementary Pension Entities - ABRAPP. The usual contributions, and those intended for the Benefit Risk and Administrative Expenses held by the Company Previdência Usiminas during the year ended December 31, 2014 for the four benefit plans totaled R$ 33.8 million (R$ 33.5 million at December 31, 2013). The consolidated accounts for the year 2014 to all the Sponsors for the four benefit plans contributions totaled R$ 46.7 million (R$ 47.8 million for the year 2013). The benefit plan defined as PB1 was instituted in 1972, and sponsored by: the Company, Usiminas Mecânica S.A. - UMSA, Fundação São Francisco Xavier, Cooperativa de Crédito de Livre Admissão do Vale do Aço LTDA – SICOOB Vale do Aço, a Cooperativa de Consumo dos Empregados da Usiminas LTDA CONSUL, Associação dos Empregados do Sistema Usiminas – AEU and Previdência Usiminas itself in relation to its employees. Since November 1996, the plan is closed to new participants. The Company contributed R$ 170.4 million during the year ended December 31, 2014 (R$ 149 million in 2013) as an extraordinary contribution related to insufficient technical reserves (past service) calculated at the end of 1994 (repayment plan approved by the Secretariat for Pension Funds - SPC - under the Ministry of Social Security, which provides monthly payments for 19 years as from January 2002). 226 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 At December 31, 2014, PB1 had 9,212 participants, 9,204 retirees and 8 active employees (9,264 at December 31, 2013, with 9,252 retirees and 12 active employees). At December 31, 2014, the PB1 plan had net assets of R$ 4.4 billion (R$ 4.3 billion at December 31, 2013). In August 1998, Benefits 2 plan - USIPREV was instituted, which is now offered to employees of the sponsoring companies. This plan also allowed the migration of the participants from the former PB1 plan, and in that year, approximately 80.4% of the participants migrated to USIPREV plan. In addition to the Sponsors mentioned in PB1, USIPREV is also sponsored by: Unigal Ltda., Automotiva Usiminas S.A. (in process of Sponsorship withdrawal), Mineração Usiminas S.A., Soluções em Aço Usiminas S.A., and Rios Unidos Logística e Transporte de Aço Ltda. At December 31, 2014, USIPREV had 19,410 participants, 1,694 retirees and 17,716 active employees (21,277 at December 31, 2013, with 1,604 retirees and 19,673 active employees). At December 31, 2014, the USIPREV plan had net assets of R$ 1,4 billion (R$ 1,3 billion at December 31, 2013). The defined benefit plan - PBD was established in 1975 and, since December 2000, has been closed to new participants. Sponsors of PBD are Usiminas and Previdência Usiminas. Companhia Ferro e Aço Vitória COFAVI, former sponsor of PBD, is in bankruptcy proceedings. There are several lawsuits against the entity resulting from this situation. It is noteworthy that there is no joint liability among the sponsors of this plan. Also during the year 2014, only with regard to the defined benefit plan - PBD, the Company paid the debt, duly contracted, amounting to R$ 24,4 million (R$ 21,5 million in 2013), for adjustment of the present value reserve to cover the expenses with the fund relating to past services. The remaining balance of the debt at December 31, 2014 amounted to R$ 238,9 million (R$ 256,1 million at December 31, 2013). At December 31, 2014, the PBD plan had 8,018 participants, 7,923 retirees and 95 active employees (8,072 at December 31, 2013, with 7,960 retirees and 112 active employees). At December 31, 2014, the PBD plan had net assets worth R$ 1.3 billion (R$ 1.3 billion at December 31, 2013). In December 2000, the COSIprev Plan was created. This plan, similarly to USIPREV plan, also allowed participants to migrate from of the former PBD plan in 2001. Approximately 81% of the participants migrated to COSIprev. COSIprev is sponsored by Usiminas, Usiminas Mecânica S.A., Soluções em Aço Usiminas S.A., Mineração Usiminas and Previdência Usiminas itself for its employees. At December 31, 2014, the COSIprev plan had 3,914 participants, 842 retirees and 3,072 active employees (4,145 at December 31, 2013, with 798 retirees and 3,347 active employees). 227 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 At December 31, 2014, the COSIprev plan net assets amounted to R$ 600 million (R$ 600 million at December 31, 2013). c) Characteristics of share-based compensation of non-employee directors In fiscal year 2011 the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of April 14, 2011 approved the Plan for Granting Company Stock Options. The plan is an integral part of the total compensation of the Usiminas strategy and an important element to maintaining the competitiveness of the company practices in the market, as well as attraction and retention of professional who are key for the business. The general plan rules were formally approved by the shareholders. The Board of Directors and Committee are advised on technical and operational aspects of human resources, legal and financial areas of Usiminas, or external consultants. Only the Board of Directors has decision-making powers on the plan, within the limits approved by the shareholders. All executives and employees are potentially eligible for the plan. However, those actually elected to receive grants must be approved by the Board of Directors, as from executive board’s initial recommendation to the Human Resources Committee. The plan has annual grants of options (program), complying with the rules and especially the authorized capital (number of shares) by the shareholders. All annual programs shall be approved by the Board of Directors. There are two events for options grant: 1) A quantity of share options related to the performance of the employee and the Company, which is measure in his annual variable compensation (bonus). The employee receives the options without any obligation of buying Company shares. 2) An extra amount of stock options is allowed to the eligible employees. They can apply a part (maximum of 50%) of their annual bonus received in the previous year to buy Company shares. The plan grants a quantity of stock options in relation to quantity of shares acquired. The relationship between shares acquired and stock options grant depends on the percentage of the bonus applied (maximum 1:2,5). The exercise price of these options and period to exercise them are the same of point 1. The exercise price for each individual year is approved by the Board of Directors using the previous month average weighted price to the date of grant. The option life is 7 years and the vesting is defined in 3-year time, 33% per year from the date of grant. 228 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 14.4. Describe the relationship between the issuer and unions Usiminas relationship with the various unions that make up its base always guided by transparency, respect for freedom of association, ethics and constant dialogs. The Company maintains regular dialog channels, so that any conflicts or deadlocks are resolved through negotiations. Monthly meetings with the various unions representing each base are held at each base, as a channel to address daily issues and resolve them. Five base dates are adopted for the negotiation of collective bargaining agreement with the unions, namely: May, August, September, October and November. The dialog occurs with 12 major unions, linked to 5 different union associations in 6 states of Brazil. On these occasions of formal negotiation, Usiminas is signatory to collective bargaining agreements negotiated directly between the company and its unions, and also of collective labor conventions, negotiated between the trade unions and their respective unions. Always guided by transparency, professionalism and ethics, Usiminas developed and applies a Code of Business Conduct, developed with the involvement of employees, which deals with the participation in unions, highlighting: a - Usiminas values the role of unions as organizations representing the interests of its employees. b - The Company recognizes the right of employees to freedom of association and respect of union membership, not practicing any kind of discrimination against unionized employees. 229 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 15. Control 15.1/2. Identify the shareholder or group of controlling shareholders, indicating for each: (a) name; (b) nationality; (c) Individual / Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (“CPF/CNPJ”); (d) number of shares held, by class and type; (e) percentage held in relation to the relevant class or kind; (f) percentage held in relation to total capital; (g) whether it is part of the shareholders' agreement and In a table, list containing the information of the shareholders or groups of shareholders acting together or representing the same interest, with interest equal to or exceeding 5% of the same class or type of shares that are not listed in item 15.1: Date of last amendment Common share % Participation in same type / class Yes 10/31/2014 136,131,296 26.94 - - - 0 13.43 0 Yes Yes 01/16/2012 10,000,000 1.98 - - - 0 0.99 0 Yes Yes 01/16/2012 34,109,762 6.75 - - - 0 3.36 0 American No No 03/23/2015 0 0 58,313,699 11.47 - 0 5.75 58,313,699 05.473.413/0001-07 Japonese Yes Yes 01/16/2012 27,347,796 5.41 307,926 0.06 - 0 2.73 307,926 Prosid Investiments S.C.A. 14.759.342/0001-02 Uruguayan Yes Yes 01/16/2012 20,000,000 3.96 - - - 0 1.97 0 Metal One Corporation 05.733.199/0001-80 Japonese Yes Yes 09/30/2010 759,248 0.15 - - - 0 0.07 0 Nippon Usiminas Co. Ltd. 05.527.337/0001-75 Japonese Yes Yes 09/30/2010 119,969,788 23.74 2,830,832 0.56 - 0 12.11 2,830,832 Mitsubishi Corporation do Brasil S.A. 61.090.619/0001-29 Brazilian Yes Yes 09/30/2010 7,449,544 1.47 - - - 0 0.73 0 Confab Industrial S.A. 60.882.628/0001-90 Brazilian Yes Yes 01/16/2012 25,000,000 4.95 - - - 0 2.47 0 Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional ("GRUPO") 33.042.730/0001-04 Brazilian No No 11/21/2011 71,390,302 14.13 105,215,700 20.69 - 0 17.42 105,215,700 Treasury stock - - - - - 2,526,656 0.5 23,705,728 4.66 - 0 2.59 23,705,728 Other - - - - - 50,576,292 10.02 318,073,158 62.56 78,463 100 36.38 318,151,621 505,260,684 100 508,447,043 100 78,463 100 100 508,525,506 Shareholder Corporate Taxpayer ID ("CNPJ") Nationality Participates in a Shareholders' Agreement Ternium Investiments S.àr.l 12.659.927/0001-17 Luxembourgian Yes Siderar S.A.I.C. 05.722.544/0001-80 Argentinean Previdência Usiminas 16.619.488/0001-70 Brazilian Pzena Investment Management, LLC 19.847.901/0001-41 Nippon Steel Corporation Controlling shareholder Total Class A preferred shares % Participatio n in same type / class Class B preferred shares % Participatio n in same type / class % in relation to total capital Shareholder For the controlling shareholders, the table above shows the total number of shares linked and non-linked to the Company’s control block. CSN has their political rights suspended in accordance with CADE decision issued in 2014. 230 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 (h) if the shareholder is a legal entity, a list containing the information referred to in subitems "a” to "d "about their direct and indirect majority shareholders, including individual controlling shareholders, yet such information is treated as confidential by operation of the legal business or by the law of the country where the partner or majority shareholder are appointed or domiciled. Nippon Usiminas CO., LTD. Shares in units Base Date: 12/31/2014 Shareholder Nationality Corporate Taxpayer ID ("CNPJ") Common shares Total Quantity % Quantity % 300,914 100.00 300,914 100.00 300,914 100.00 300,914 100.00 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation - NSSMC Total Japanese Not enrolled Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) is a publicly-traded Company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange – Japan. It is the parent company of the Nippon Steel Group, whose main business is the production of steel, in addition to meeting the Engineering, Construction, Chemical, Systems Technology and other sectors, through various other subsidiaries. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation's major shareholders are as follows: Main Shareholders % Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. 3.9% The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. 3.2% Sumitomo Corporation 2.8% Nippon Life Insurance Company 2.7% Mizuho Bank, Ltd. 1.9% Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 1.5% Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 1.5% The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. 1.4% Kobe Steel, Ltd. 1.4% The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV10 1.1% Mitsubishi Corporation do Brasil S.A. – CNPJ 61.090.619/0001-29 Mitsubishi Corporation do Brazil S.A., whose major shareholders are Mitsubishi Corporation with 83.18% stake in the capital, and Mitsubishi International Corporation (US), with a 16.82% stake in the capital. Mitsubishi International (US) major and sole shareholder is Mitsubishi Corporation with a 100% stake in the capital of the former. 231 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Metal One Corporation SHARES IN UNITS Basic Date: 12/31/2014 Shareholder Nationality Corporate Taxpayer ID ("CNPJ") Mitsubishi Corporation Japanese Sojitz Corporation Japanese Common shares Total Quantity % Quantity % Not Enrolled 1,200,000 60.00 1,200,000 60.00 Not Enrolled 800,000 40.00 800,000 40.00 2,000,000 100.00 2,000,000 100.00 Total The major shareholders of Mitsubishi Corporation are listed above. Sojitz Corporation's major shareholders are as follows: Major Shareholders % Japan Trustee Services Bank,Ltd. 11.52% The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. 3.05% Trust & Custody Services Bank, Ltd. 1.63% Bbh Boston Custodian for Gmo Intl Intrinsic Value Fund 1.49% State Street Bank and Trust Company 505223 1.46% Melon Bank, N.A., na qualidade de representante da Melon Omnibus US Pension 1.2% Individual stock ownership 1.18% The Chase Manhattan Bank, n.a. London Secs Lending Omnibus Account 1.0% Nomura Singapore Limited Customer Segregated A/C FJ-1309 0.86% State Street Bank and Trust Company 505225 0.84% Confab Industrial S.A. - CNPJ 60.882.628/0001-90 SHARES IN UNITS Basic Date: 12/31/2015 Shareholder Common shares Total Quantity % Quantity % Siderca S.A.I.C.(1) 167,308,639 41.91 167,308,639 41.91 Tenaris Investments S.à rl. (2) 231,901,398 58.09 231,901,398 58.09 Total 399,210,037 100.00 399,210,037 100.00 (1) Argentinean Siderca S.A.I.C.’s major shareholders are Luxembourgian Tenaris Investments S.à.rl, and Uruguayan Tenaris Global Services S.A., both wholly owned subsidiaries of Tenaris S.A., who own approximately 97.49% and 2.50%, respectively, of the issued shares of Siderca S.A.I.C. 232 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 (2) Tenaris Investments S.à rl. is a Luxembourgian company owned by Tenaris S.A who own approximately 100% of its shares. Tenaris S.A. is a publicly-traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) - United States of America, on the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange - Argentina, on the Milan Stock Exchange (MTA) - Italy, and on the Mexico Stock Exchange - Mexico. Tenaris S.A. is the parent company of the Tenaris Group, which, through various subsidiaries mainly engaged in the production and supply of steel pipes and the service provision to the global energy industry, as well as to certain industrial applications. Tenaris S.A. is controlled by Luxembourg-based corporation San Faustin S.A., ("San Faustin"), which indirectly owns through its wholly-owned subsidiary Techint Holdings S.à rl approximately 60.5% of the shares of Tenaris S.A. Rocca & Partners Stichting Administratiekantoor Aandelen San Faustin, a Dutch private foundation ("RP STAK"), owns shares of San Faustin sufficient to control San Faustin. No individual or group of individuals controls RP STAK. PROSID INVESTMENTS S.A. CNPJ 14.759.342/0001-02 03/31/2015 Prosid Investments S.A. (former name: Prosid Investments SCA) is a Uruguayan company, whose major shareholder is Siderar S.A.I.C. with 99.99% equity. SIDERAR S.A.I.C. CNPJ 05.722.544/0001-80 03/31/2015 Siderar S.A.I.C. is a publicly-traded company based in Argentina and listed on the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange - Argentina. Siderar S.A.I.C. major shareholders are Ternium International España, SLU, a whollyowned Spanish subsidiary of Ternium Investments S.à r.l., which owns approximately 60.94% of the shares of Siderar S.A.I.C., and the Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social (ANSeS), an Argentinean government entity which owns approximately 26.03% of the shares of Siderar S.A.I.C. The controlling equity of Ternium Investments S.à r.l. is broken down below: 233 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 TERNIUM INVESTMENTS S.À R.L. CNPJ 12.659.927/0001-17 03/31/2015 Ternium Investments S.à R. L. is a Luxembourg-based limited liability company whose sole shareholder is Ternium S.A., which owns 100% of equity interest. Ternium S.A. is a publicly-traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) - United States of America. Ternium S.A. is the parent company of the Ternium Group, which, through various subsidiaries, engages mainly in the production of flat and long steel, with production centers located in Argentina, Colombia, the United States of America, Guatemala and Mexico. Ternium S.A. is a subsidiary of San Faustin, which indirectly holds, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Techint Holdings S.à rl based in Luxembourg, approximately 62% of the shares of Ternium S.A. (includes 11.46% equity interest through Tenaris Investments S.à r.l). RP STAK holds San Faustin shares in a sufficient number to control San Faustin. No individual or group of individuals controls RP STAK. Previdência Usiminas Usiminas employees’ pension fund existing and organized in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. 234 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 15.3. In a table, describe how capital is held, as decided at the last general meeting of shareholders: In units Date of last meeting 28/04/2015 Amount held by individual shareholders Amount held by legal entity shareholders Amount held by institutional investors 41.777 952 686 Outstanding shares Outstanding shares corresponding to all issuer's shares, except those owned by the majority shareholder, related parties, the issuer’s management and treasury stock. Quantity % Common 121,966,457 24.14 Preferred 481,462,198 94.68 Class A Preferred shares 481,380,035 94.68 82,163 100.00 603,428,655 59.52 Shares Classe B Preferred shares Total 235 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 15.4. If the issuer so wishes, insert an organization chart of the issuer’s shareholders, identifying all direct and indirect controlling shareholders and the shareholders owning equity equal to or higher than 5% of a class or type of shares, provided that compatible with the information presented in items 15.1 and 15.2 The Company has the option to not disclose the organization chart of its shareholders. 15.5. In connection with any shareholders agreement filed at the headquarters of the issuer or to which the majority shareholder is a party to, regulating the exercise of voting rights or the transfer of Company shares, include: I – Usiminas’ Shareholders Agreement: a) Parties Confab Industrial S.A. ("Confab"), Prosid Investments S.C.A. ("Prosid"), Siderar S.A.I.C. ("Siderar") and Ternium Investments S.à R. L. ("Ternium Investments" and, together with Confab, Prosid and Siderar, the "Ternium/Tenaris Group"), Previdência Usiminas, Metal One Corporation ("Metal One "), Mitsubishi Corporation do Brasil, S.A. ("Mitsubishi"), Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation ("NSSMC") and Nippon Usiminas Co., Ltd. ("UN", and together with Metal One, Mitsubishi and NSSMC, the "NSSMC Group"), and as a consenting party, Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - Usiminas ("Usiminas "and "Shareholders Agreement"). b) Date of execution January 16, 2012 c) Duration The Shareholders Agreement will be valid until November 6, 2031 ("Termination Date"), subject to renewal for successive periods of five (5) years, unless shareholders representing more than ten percent (10%) of all shares addressed by the Shareholders Agreement ("Voting Shares") shares notify in writing about their decision not to renew this Agreement, no shorter than 180 (one hundred eighty) days after the termination Date or the date of expiry of any such additional period thereafter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, from November 6, 2016 Previdência Usiminas, through delivery to all other signatories to the Shareholders Agreement and to Usiminas of prior notice in writing to that effect will have the option (but not the obligation), under and subject to the conditions set out in the Shareholders Agreement, to relieve all (but not less than all) of its Voting Shares addressed by such document. 236 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 d) Description of the terms relating to the exercise of voting rights and the power to control The Shareholders' Agreement provides for the prior meeting between the representatives of their parties to determine the position to be expressed in the Usiminas’ General Meeting or the Board of Directors Meeting ("Prior Meeting "). Matters submitted to the Prior Meeting are subject to approval by shareholders who in the aggregate own no less than sixty-five percent (65%) of total Voting Shares ("Ordinary Resolution "), and certain matters submitted to the Prior Meeting, as provided for in the Shareholders Agreement, may only be approved upon the affirmative vote of shareholders representing in the aggregate at least ninety percent (90%) of the total number of Voting Shares. e) Description of the terms relating to the appointment of management The Shareholders Agreement provides as follows regarding the appointment of Usiminas management: (i) Board of Directors: While the NSSMC Group and the Ternium/Tenaris Group own at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of Voting Shares each, (i) NSSMC and the Ternium Group/Tenaris will jointly indicate most members of the Board of Directors (i.e., no less than one half plus one of the total number of members of the Board of Directors to be elected by the shareholders at the General Meeting) and their respective deputies, and (ii) NSSMC and the Ternium/Tenaris Group individually appoint, any case, equal number of members of the Board of Directors (and their deputies); provided that NSSMC and the Ternium/Tenaris Group appoint, in any case, no less than three (3) members of the Board of Directors (and their deputies) each; also observing that the members of the Board of Directors appointed by NSSMC will include (and will not be added to) the member that NU has the right to elect in accordance with article 27 of Usiminas’ articles of incorporation. Additionally, while Previdência Usiminas holds ten percent (10%) or more of the total number of Voting Shares and (b) any person or group of persons entitled to elect one member of the Board in accordance with paragraph 1, article 12 of the Usiminas’ articles of incorporation have exercised (or has submitted a written statement of what it intends to exercise), that right in a General Meeting that will elect members of the Board of Directors, then Previdência Usiminas shall appoint two (2) members of the Board of Directors (and their respective deputies). If, however, any person or group of persons have chosen (or have submitted written indication of what it intends to elect) a member of the Board of Directors, based on paragraph 1, article 12, then Previdência Usiminas shall appoint one (1) member of the Board of Directors (and the respective deputy). Nothing will prevent Previdência Usiminas from representing Usiminas employees or from electing a member of the Board of Directors on its behalf; provided, however, that the member(s) appointed by Previdência Usiminas will understand (and will not be added to any member Previdência Usiminas appoints on behalf of Usiminas employees. The appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be approved at the Prior Meeting by Ordinary Resolution, among the individuals appointed to be elected as members of the Board of Directors. (ii) Officers: NSSMC and the Ternium/Tenaris Group will have the right to appoint by consensus the CEO of Usiminas, who, in his turn, shall appoint the other members of the Board for the same period (and the election of these members shall be approved at the Prior Meeting by Ordinary Resolution), observing that NSSMC and Ternium will have the right of each of them appointing one (1) member of the Board (whose election will not be subject to approval at the Prior Meeting). 237 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 f) Description of the terms relating to the transfer of shares and the preference for purchasing them If any shareholder belonging to the NSSMC Group, the Ternium/Tenaris Group or Previdência Usiminas Group intends in good faith and receives a written offer to transfer the whole or any part of its Voting Shares to a third party (i.e., a person that is not an affiliate of such shareholder and/or does not belong to the same group as that of the shareholder), the mechanism for offering preemptive right, pursuant to the Shareholders Agreement, shall be observed. Additionally, if a change of control or bankruptcy event (as such terms are defined in the Shareholders Agreement) occurs in relation to one of the signatories to this agreement, unless the signatories agree otherwise in writing within thirty (30) days following the date on which they have been notified of the occurrence of the events in question, the provisions relating to the preemptive right shall apply mutatis mutandis. g) Description of clauses that restrict or bind voting rights of members of the board The Prior Meeting mechanism described under "Description of the clauses relating to the exercise of voting rights and the power of control"(15.5.1 (d)) above applies in relation to meetings of the Usiminas Board of Directors. II - The Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement a) Parties Confab, Prosid, Siderar and Ternium Investments b) Date of execution January 16, 2012 c) Duration The Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement of the shall be effective for the period the parties to such agreement remain as shareholders of Usiminas. d) Description of the terms relating to the exercise of voting rights and the controlling power The Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement provides that a prior meeting shall be held between the representatives of their parties to determine Ternium/Tenaris Group vote in Prior Meetings held under the provisions of the Shareholders Agreement described in item 15.5.1 above (hereinafter "Usiminas shareholders Agreement "). Furthermore, quorums and voting restrictions in Prior Meetings addressed by the Usiminas Shareholders Agreement apply, whenever appropriate, to the Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement. Finally, the Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement contemplates that the parties shall negotiate in good faith and shall make their best efforts to achieve consensus if any project or operation to be voted under the Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement and the Usiminas Shareholders Agreement may result (if passed) to the prejudice to any party. 238 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 e) Description of the clauses relating to the appointment of management The Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement contains the following provisions for the appointment of Usiminas management: (i) Board of Directors: The Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement provides that (A) Confab shall be entitled to appoint one (1) member to the Board of Directors of Usiminas, (B) Siderar and Ternium Investments shall be entitled to appoint, by consensus, one (1) member of the Board of Directors of Usiminas and (C) Ternium Investments shall have the right to appoint the remaining members of the Board of Directors to be appointed by the Ternium/Tenaris Group under the Usiminas Shareholders Agreement. (ii) Supervisory Board: Ternium Investments shall have the right to appoint members of the Supervisory Board, following the appointment by the Ternium/Tenaris Group pursuant to the Usiminas Shareholders Agreement, and Confab and Siderar shall have veto right with respect to that appointment. (iii) Officers: Should the Ternium/Tenaris Group have the right to appoint the CEO of Usiminas by consensus with Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, such appointment shall be made by Ternium Investments. f) Description of the clauses relating to the transfer of shares and the preemptive right The Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement contains the following provisions for the transfer of Usiminas shares by members of Ternium/Tenaris Group: (i) Put Option: according to the Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement , should a change of control occurs with respect to Ternium Investments, Confab and Siderar shall have the option to sell all of their Usiminas shares to Ternium Investments during twenty four (24) months after such change of control at a price per share equivalent to weighted average volume of trading price at closing for the last 12 months on the BM&FBovespa immediately prior to the date on which the change of control has occurred, plus a premium on said average established in the agreement. (ii) Tag Along right: the Ternium/Tenaris Group Shareholders Agreement also provides that, if Ternium Investments intends to sell its Usiminas shares to any person other than an affiliate of Ternium Investments, Confab and Siderar shall have the option to include their Usiminas shares in this transaction and sell them for the same price and on other terms and conditions applicable to Ternium Investments. g) Description of clauses that restrict or bind the voting rights of members of the board The mechanism of prior meeting between representatives of the Ternium/Tenaris Group described under "Description of the clauses relating to the exercise of voting rights and the power of control” above shall apply in relation to meetings of the Usiminas’ Board of Directors. 239 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 15.6. Indicate significant changes in shareholdings of members of the group of control and issuer’s management On January 16, 2012, as disclosed by the Company in a material news release, the Ternium/Tenaris Group acquired the common shares of the Company previously held by the V/C Group and part of the common shares held by Previdência Usiminas, totaling approximately 27.66% of common shares of Usiminas, which represent approximately 13.78% stake in Usiminas, for R$ 36.00 per share, totaling R$ 5,030,686,656.00. Also, the shareholder Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation acquired from Previdência Usiminas approximately 1.69% of the common shares of Usiminas, corresponding to approximately 0.84% of total share capital, at a price of R$ 36.00 per share, totaling R$ 306,987,840.00. On October 31, 2014 , as disclosed by the Company in a material news release, Ternium S.àr.l Investments acquired common shares previously held by Caixa de Previdência dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil – PREVI. (i) Previ holds 1,379,592 common shares, representing approximately 0.27% of the Company’s common shares (ii) Ternium holds 136,131,296 common shares (compared to the 84,741,296 common shares held prior to completion of the transaction), representing approximately 26.94% of the common shares of the Company (as compared with 16.77 % before the transaction). The breakdown of the controlling group at the closing date of the last 3 fiscal years was as follows: Controlling group 2012 SHAREHOLDER Nippon Usiminas Nippon Steel Corporation Mitsubish Corporation do Brasil S/A Metal One Number of Voting Shares Percentage in Total Common Shares Percentage in Total Shares 119,969,788 23.74% 20,621,196 7,449,544 2013 Number of Voting Shares Percentage in Total Common Shares Percentage in Total Shares 11.83% 119,969,788 23.74% 4.08% 2.03% 20,621,196 1.47% 0.73% 7,449,544 2014 Number of Voting Shares Percentage in Total Common Shares Percentage in Total Shares 11.83% 119,969,788 23.74% 11.83% 4.08% 2.03% 20,621,196 4.08% 2.03% 1.47% 0.73% 7,449,544 1.47% 0.73% 759,248 0.15% 0.07% 759,248 0.15% 0.07% 759,248 0.15% 0.07% 148,799,776 29.45% 14.68% 148,799,776 29.45% 14.68% 148,799,776 29.45% 14.68% Confab Industrial S.A. 25,000,000 4.95% 2.47% 25,000,000 4.95% 2.47% 25,000,000 4.95% 2.47% Prosid Investments S.C.A. 20,000,000 3.96% 1.97% 20,000,000 3.96% 1.97% 20,000,000 3.96% 1.97% Siderar S.A.I.C. 10,000,000 1.98% 0.99% 10,000,000 1.98% 0.99% 10,000,000 1.98% 0.99% Ternium Investments S.àr.l 84,741,296 16.77% 8.36% 84,741,296 16.77% 8.36% 84,741,296 16.77% 8.36% 139,741,296 27.66% 13.79% 139,741,296 27.66% 13.79% 139,741,296 27.66% 13.79% 34,109,762 6.75% 3.36% 34,109,762 6.75% 3.36% 34,109,762 6.75% 3.36% Grupo Nippon Ternium/Techint Previdência Usiminas Previdência Usiminas Total 34,109,762 6.75% 3.36% 34,109,762 6.75% 3.36% 34,109,762 6.75% 3.36% 322,650,834 63.86% 31.83% 322,650,834 63.86% 31.83% 322,650,834 63.86% 31.83% 240 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 15.7. Provide other information as issuer may deem significant No further significant information. 16. Transactions with Related Parties 16.1. Describe the rules, policies and practices of the issuer as to Transactions with related parties, as defined by the accounting rules addressing the subject The Company's corporate governance practices and those recommended and/or required by law, including those set out in the Rules of the Corporate Governance Level 1 of BM&FBOVESPA. In addition to the obligations provided for by law, the Company adopts specific procedures for carrying out transactions with related parties. According to the Company's articles of incorporation, the Board of Directors approve any business or transaction involving, on one side, the Company or its controlled companies, and on the other hand, Related Parties. Still, if the Related Party is a member of the Board of Directors or shareholder who has no relationship with the Board of Directors, it shall not participate in the decision regarding the business or operation in question, and such circumstances shall be noted in the minutes of the Directors' Board meeting. For the purposes of the articles of incorporation, Related Parties are: a) Any shareholder of the Company who is a member of the controlling group or who holds shares representing more than five percent (5%) of the voting capital and total capital; b) any directors of the Company, whether a principal or deputy, or the shareholders mentioned in item "a” above, as well as their spouses and relatives up to second degree; c) any subsidiaries, parents, affiliates or companies under common control of any of the persons mentioned in items "a" and "b" above. The articles of incorporation also provide that the Company shall not grant loans to its directors, members of the controlling group or to any person related to them, whether directly or indirectly. Also the Company’s bylaws of the Board of Directors state that, in case of conflict of interest, the board members shall: (i) declare such conflict; (ii) refrain from participating, discussing and voting on the matter; (iii) formally state the conflict in the minutes of the meeting. Furthermore, the board members shall not: (i) perform any act using the company's assets, to the detriment of the company; (ii) receive, by virtue of their office, any direct or indirect personal advantage from third parties without an express authorization in the articles of incorporation or given by a general meeting; and (iii) take part in any corporate transaction involving a conflict of interest with the Company, or in related decisions made with other members of the board. Finally, the Shareholders' Agreement establishes that the Company's transactions with related parties will not be taken at previous meetings of shareholders and should be freely voted by the Board of Directors as they consider appropriate without any binding or binding unified positioning of the previous shareholders controllers. 241 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 16.2. Report, in relation to transactions with related parties, that according to accounting standards should be disclosed in the issuer’s individual or consolidated financial statements and which have been carried out in the last 3 fiscal years or are in effect in the current fiscal year: Name Related Party Relationship with the Issuer AUTOMOTIVA USIMINAS S/A Subsidiary AUTOMOTIVA USIMINAS S/A Subsidiary CODEME ENGENHARIA S/A Affiliate CODEME ENGENHARIA S/A Affiliate CODEME ENGENHARIA S/A Affiliate Transaction Date Object of the Contract Amount Involved in the Business (in Reais) Existing balance Amount of Related Party Related Warranties and Insurance 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 84,732,000.00 0.00 84,732,000.00 None 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 86,289,000.00 0.00 86,289,000.00 None 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 43,475,000.00 0.00 43,475,000.00 None 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 39,356,000.00 0.00 39,356,000.00 None 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 30,082,000.00 0.00 30,082,000.00 None 1/1/2015 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 9,223,000.00 0.00 9,223,000.00 None INVESTMENT - CIVIL ENGINEERING 5,490,000.00 0.00 5,490,000.00 None 21,500,000.00 0.00 21,500,000.00 None 100,000,000.00 0.00 100,000,000.00 None ORE SHIPMENT 15,035,967.27 0.00 15,035,967.27 None 25,000,000.00 0.00 25,000,000.00 None CODEME ENGENHARIA S/A Affiliate CODEME ENGENHARIA S/A Affiliate COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 10/3/2011 COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 1/5/2012 10/16/2014 3/15/2011 ORE SHIPMENT MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 3/12/2012 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 4/5/2012 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA 24,000,000.00 0.00 24,000,000.00 None 65,000,000.00 0.00 65,000,000.00 None COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 5/2/2012 PYMNT. TX. SERV. PORT COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 5/28/2012 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA 16,326,779.91 0.00 16,326,779.91 None 25,000,000.00 0.00 25,000,000.00 None 21,000,000.00 0.00 21,000,000.00 None COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 7/30/2012 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 8/6/2012 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA Duration 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 3/31/2015 5/31/2015 3/15/2012 1/30/2012 12/31/2012 3/31/2012 4/30/2012 12/31/2013 6/30/2012 8/31/2012 8/31/2012 Termination or revocation conditions Nature and Reasons for the operation Interest rate charged None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 242 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 8/31/2012 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA 17,331,471.02 0.00 17,331,471.02 None COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 10/2/2012 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA 14,229,492.61 0.00 14,229,492.61 None 11,386,915.91 0.00 11,386,915.91 None COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 10/29/2012 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 5/27/2013 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA 10,362,727.27 0.00 10,362,727.27 None 12,206,818.18 0.00 12,206,818.18 None COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 6/25/2013 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 8/5/2013 MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA 13,438,571.43 0.00 13,438,571.43 None MIN. FE BITOLADO CASA DE PEDRA 45,714,285.71 0.00 45,714,285.71 None PORT SERVICE TO IMPORT AND EXPORT 30,000,000.00 24,905.42 30,000,000.00 None PORT SERVICE TO IMPORT AND EXPORT 33,000,000.00 25,536,136.95 33,000,000.00 None 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 447,295,000.00 0.00 447,295,000.00 None 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 294,881,000.00 0.00 294,881,000.00 None 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 153,791,000.00 0.00 153,791,000.00 None SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 130,218,000.00 0.00 130,218,000.00 None 12,381,455.00 0.00 12,381,455.00 None 467,400,000.00 506,844,000.00 467,400,000.00 None COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 10/15/2013 COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder 12/5/2013 COMPANHIA SIDERÚRGICA NAC Non-controlling shareholder CONFAB INDUSTRIAL S A Controlling shareholder CONFAB INDUSTRIAL S A Controlling shareholder 4/3/2014 CONFAB INDUSTRIAL S A Controlling shareholder CONFAB INDUSTRIAL S A Controlling shareholder 1/1/2015 CONFAB INDUSTRIAL S A Controlling shareholder 3/2/2012 COSIPA COMMERCIAL Subsidiary COSIPA OVERSEAS LTD. Subsidiary COSIPA OVERSEAS LTD. Subsidiary COSIPA OVERSEAS LTD. Subsidiary EXIROS B.V Other related parties 6/14/2006 5/11/2000 8" PIPELINE LOAN AGREEMENT LOAN AGREEMENT 75,376,000.00 0.00 75,376,000.00 None 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 412,785,000.00 0.00 412,785,000.00 None 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 74,484,000.00 0.00 74,484,000.00 None 4/12/2013 CONSULTING SERVICES – PURCHASE 11,138,435.00 3,393,245.87 11,138,435.00 None 9/30/2012 10/31/2012 11/30/2012 6/30/2013 7/31/2013 8/31/2013 3/31/2014 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 3/31/2015 9/30/2012 6/14/2016 1/15/2012 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 6/30/2016 Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Breach of Contract Working capital 4,275% p.a. Breach of Contract Working capital 1,75% e 2,50% + Libor p.a. None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 243 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 DEPARTMENT FERRASA (COLÔMBIA – PANAMÁ) Other related parties METAL ONE SHIBAURA BRASIL Other related parties METFORM S/A Affiliate METFORM S/A Affiliate METFORM S/A Affiliate METFORM S/A METFORM S/A Affiliate Affiliate MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A MINERACAO USIMINAS S A MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 21,094,000.00 0.00 21,094,000.00 None 1/1/2015 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 6,546,192.04 0.00 6,546,192.04 None 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 21,465,000.00 0.00 21,465,000.00 None 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 25,793,000.00 0.00 25,793,000.00 None 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 38,145,000.00 0.00 38,145,000.00 None 1/1/2015 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 4,916,000.00 0.00 4,916,000.00 None TELHA CHAPA TRAPEZ AÇO USIGAL-GI CF-01 2,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 None 9/30/2011 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 260,000,000.00 0.00 260,000,000.00 None 9/30/2011 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 115,000,000.00 0.00 115,000,000.00 None 12/29/2011 SHARED SERVICE SHARED SERVICE 40,000,000.00 0.00 40,000,000.00 None 1/5/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 35,000,000.00 0.00 35,000,000.00 None 1/5/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 65,000,000.00 0.00 65,000,000.00 None 1/26/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 70,000,000.00 0.00 70,000,000.00 None 1/26/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 25,000,000.00 0.00 25,000,000.00 None 2/28/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 72,000,000.00 0.00 72,000,000.00 None 2/28/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 23,000,000.00 0.00 23,000,000.00 None 3/30/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 19,000,000.00 0.00 19,000,000.00 None 3/30/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 70,000,000.00 0.00 70,000,000.00 None 10/20/2010 12/31/2014 3/31/2015 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 3/31/2015 1/31/2012 1/30/2012 1/30/2012 1/1/2015 2/1/2012 2/1/2012 3/1/2012 3/1/2012 3/31/2012 3/31/2012 4/30/2012 4/30/2012 None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 244 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A MINERACAO USIMINAS S A MINERAÇÃO USIMINAS S.A. Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary MINERACAO USIMINAS S A Subsidiary MINERAÇÃO USIMINAS S.A. Subsidiary MINERAÇÃO USIMINAS S.A. MINERAÇÃO USIMINAS S.A. MINERAÇÃO USIMINAS S.A. MITSUBISHI CORPORATION MITSUBISHI CORPORATION Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Controlling shareholder Controlling shareholder 4/26/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 70,000,000.00 0.00 70,000,000.00 None 4/26/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 21,000,000.00 0.00 21,000,000.00 None 5/28/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 65,314,147.73 0.00 65,314,147.73 None 5/28/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 21,584,400.00 0.00 21,584,400.00 None 7/1/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 20,784,727.27 0.00 20,784,727.27 None 7/3/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 63,545,340.91 0.00 63,545,340.91 None 8/1/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 59,000,000.00 0.00 59,000,000.00 None 8/1/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 16,000,000.00 0.00 16,000,000.00 None 8/30/2012 IRON ORE PELLET MUSA 10,848,598.48 0.00 10,848,598.48 None 8/31/2012 MUSA FINE IRON ORE - TCS 47,542,275.00 0.00 47,542,275.00 None 10/1/2012 MUSA FINE IRON ORE - TCS 163,340,292.10 0.00 163,340,292.10 None 10/1/2012 IRON ORE PELLETS MUSA MODAL 59,011,300.00 0.00 59,011,300.00 None 12/14/2012 LUMP ORE - MUSA 361,973,804.17 0.00 361,973,804.17 None 12/19/2012 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 64,417,500.00 0.00 64,417,500.00 None 1/16/2013 FINE IRON ORE MUSA 665,654,039.00 0.00 665,654,039.00 None 1/16/2013 12/5/2013 12/5/2013 2/12/2008 2/12/2008 LUMP ORE - MUSA MP - ORE 364,889,539.17 408,423,380.91 0.00 92,177,763.09 364,889,539.17 408,423,380.91 None None MP - ORE 737,496,376.00 270,114,611.87 737,496,376.00 None LAMINADOR DE TIRAS QUENTE Nº2 822,482,603.50 0.00 822,482,603.50 None 33,530,042.36 1,500,225.42 33,530,042.36 None SUPERVISION ERECTION LUMP SUM 5/30/2012 5/30/2012 6/30/2012 6/30/2012 7/31/2012 7/31/2012 8/31/2012 8/31/2012 9/30/2012 9/30/2012 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 1/31/2013 12/31/2013 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 6/30/2013 6/30/2014 Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 245 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 MITSUBISHI CORPORATION Controlling shareholder 3/25/2008 MITSUBISHI CORPORATION DO BRASIL Controlling shareholder 3/25/2008 MITSUBISHI CORPORATION Controlling shareholder 4/4/2008 MITSUBISHI CORPORATION MITSUBISHI CORPORATION DO BRASIL Controlling shareholder Controlling shareholder 5/21/2008 10/9/2008 Controlling shareholder 2/18/2010 MITSUBISHI CORPORATION LAMINADOR DE TIRAS QUENTE Nº2 28,491,495.48 0.00 28,491,495.48 None 132,617,000.00 0.00 132,617,000.00 None LAMINADOR DE TIRAS QUENTE Nº2 5,175,987.48 0.00 5,175,987.48 None SUPERVISION ERECTION LUMP SUM 8,496,071.89 0.00 8,496,071.89 None SUPERVISION OF ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING 2,737,410.26 0.00 2,737,410.26 None ROUGHER MILL EQUIPMENT FOR PLATE MILL 181,871,114.89 0.00 181,871,114.89 None FOREIGN COMMISSIONING SUPERVISION 7,008,470.15 0.00 7,008,470.15 None EQUIPMENT MITSUBISHI CORPORATION Controlling shareholder 2/22/2010 MODAL TERMINAL DE GRANEIS Jointlycontrolled 12/31/2009 ORE TRANSPORT AT THE PORT 27,281,600.00 0.00 27,281,600.00 None 5,103,000.00 0.00 5,103,000.00 None MODAL TERMINAL DE GRANEIS Jointlycontrolled 6/28/2012 ORE TRANSPORT AT THE PORT MODAL TERMINAL DE GRANEIS Jointlycontrolled 1/1/2013 ORE TRANSPORT AT THE PORT 27,465,000.00 14,083,332.67 27,465,000.00 None 4/1/2010 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 75,000,000.00 0.00 75,000,000.00 None PROVIDING ROAD TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 94,000,000.00 24,605,113.46 94,000,000.00 None PROVIDING ROAD TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 240,000,000.00 47,512,402.95 240,000,000.00 None 1,071,819,600.00 366,928,668.23 1,071,819,600.00 None 78,624,000.00 0.00 78,624,000.00 None 104,385,600.00 0.00 104,385,600.00 None MRS LOGISTICA S/A MRS LOGÍSTICA S/A MRS LOGÍSTICA S/A MRS LOGÍSTICA S/A MRS LOGÍSTICA S/A MRS LOGÍSTICA S/A Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate 8/1/2010 8/1/2010 1/1/2011 1/1/2011 1/1/2011 PROVIDING RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FRETE ESCOAMENTO DETERMINAÇÃO CONTRATO FRETE ABASTEC FERROV INDUSTRIALIZACAO 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 6/30/2013 12/31/2012 3/31/2012 3/31/2012 6/30/2013 6/28/2013 12/31/2016 3/31/2014 7/31/2015 7/31/2015 11/30/2026 11/30/2026 10/30/2012 Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 246 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 MRS LOGÍSTICA S/A MRS LOGÍSTICA S/A Affiliate Affiliate MRS LOGÍSTICA S/A Affiliate NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION Controlling shareholder 10/25/2012 4/15/2014 11/21/2014 2/17/2009 NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION Controlling shareholder 2/20/2009 NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION Controlling shareholder 3/24/2009 NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION Controlling shareholder NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION Controlling shareholder NIPPON STEEL ENGINEERING Controlling shareholder 3/23/2009 5/24/2010 8/7/2008 NIPPON STEEL ENGINEERING Controlling shareholder 8/7/2008 NIPPON STEEL ENGINEERING Controlling shareholder 2/1/2010 NIPPON STEEL ENGINEERING Controlling shareholder 3/6/2013 NIPPON STEEL ENGINEERING Controlling shareholder 2/28/2014 NIPPON STEEL TRADING Controlling shareholder 6/14/2010 NIPPON USIMINAS Controlling shareholder 1/31/2006 PROVIDING RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 128,769,615.60 39,414,741.99 128,769,615.60 None 4,398,871.31 2,500,921.28 4,398,871.31 None PROVIDING RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 221,500,000.00 221,500,000.00 221,500,000.00 None TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY - IPA EXPANSION 17,273,776.52 6,488,776.48 17,273,776.52 None TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY CUBATÃO EXPANSION 12,083,728.43 570,156.98 12,083,728.43 None TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY IPATINGA CLC 16,352,032.15 3,847,865.78 16,352,032.15 None 419,274,000.00 419,274,000.00 419,274,000.00 None 21,283,223.00 9,913,918.98 21,283,223.00 None 359,537,500.00 0.00 359,537,500.00 None SUPERVISION OF ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING 14,381,500.00 0.00 14,381,500.00 None COOLING PLATE JBXX0650000056 20,847,848.00 0.00 20,847,848.00 None STAVE COOLER COPPER ROW S2 OF AF#2 5,090,074.54 0.00 5,090,074.54 None INVESTMENT ACQUISITION OF EQUIPAMENT 6,936,437.90 495,681.57 6,936,437.90 None EQUIPMENT 7,498,553.65 0.00 7,498,553.65 None PROVIDING ROAD TRANSPORTATION SERVICES ROYALTY - CLC IPATINGA FEE - USINA 1 - TA VII TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY HOT-DIP GALVANIZING LINE LOAN AGREEMENT 168,200,000.00 54,954,040.87 168,200,000.00 Ipatinga Thermoelectric Plant Mortgage 11/30/2026 4/30/2015 12/31/2018 10/6/2012 10/6/2013 3/24/2019 3/23/2027 9/1/2014 12/30/2012 12/31/2012 4/30/2012 12/31/2014 5/31/2016 12/31/2012 1/19/2016 Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee PP&E (financing of investment in Ipatinga thermoelectric plant) 1,475% + Libor p.a. Breach of Contract 247 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 NIPPON USIMINAS Controlling shareholder 5/28/2007 POMINI TENOVA Other related parties 9/9/2008 POMINI TENOVA Other related parties RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E Subsidiary RIOS UNIDOS LOGIST TRANSP RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E Subsidiary Subsidiary RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E Subsidiary RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E Subsidiary RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E RIOS UNIDOS LOGIST TRANSP RIOS UNIDOS LOGIST TRANSP RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Affiliate Subsidiary RIOS UNIDOS LOGIST TRANSP Subsidiary RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E Subsidiary RIOS UNIDOS LOGIST TRANSP RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E Subsidiary Subsidiary 417,888,000.00 227,670,870.61 417,888,000.00 Ipatinga Coking Plant Mortgage ASSEMBLY SERVICES 56,395,050.17 0.00 56,395,050.17 None 9/9/2008 ASSEMBLY SERVICES 3,779,631.91 0.00 3,779,631.91 None 4/7/2009 SERVICE PROVISION TAUBATE 33,546,132.97 0.00 33,546,132.97 None 6/26/2009 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 47,477,534.31 0.00 47,477,534.31 None HIGHWAY SUPPLY FREIGHT INDUSTRIALIZATION 95,427,307.20 0.00 95,427,307.20 None HIGHWAY SUPPLY FREIGHT INDUSTRIALIZATION 3,407,250.00 0.00 3,407,250.00 None 5/1/2011 EXTERNAL PRODUCT-FLOW 2,739,982.26 246,800.69 2.739,982.26 None 1/1/2012 BULK HANDLING PORTO - 1st ADIT 24,769,846.47 0.00 24,769,846.47 None 1/2/2012 PEAÇÃO DE CARGA IMBIRUÇU 3,489,131.00 0.00 3,489,131.00 None 1/2/2012 PEAÇÃO CUBATÃO BOBINEIRA 4,237,394.06 0.00 4,237,394.06 None 7/28/2009 2/17/2010 3/1/2012 3/9/2012 6/1/2012 LOAN AGREEMENT RUNOFF FRONT 12,000,000.00 0.00 12,000,000.00 None PROVIDING ROAD TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 58,324,112.00 0.00 58,324,112.00 None TESP MOVEMENT 7/12/2012 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 10/15/2012 TRANSPORT INT PROD SIDER 10/22/2012 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 3/30/2013 IRON ORE HIGHWAY FREIGHTFluxing Agents 6,763,730.42 0.00 6,763,730.42 None 21,473,651.00 0.00 21,473,651.00 None 6,437,055.00 0.00 6,437,055.00 None 12,602,661.00 0.00 12,602,661.00 None 7,451,312.40 0.00 7,451,312.40 None 27/03/2017 12/31/2012 1/31/2014 1/10/2015 7/28/2012 9/27/2013 8/31/2012 1/10/2016 12/31/2014 1/31/2013 4/30/2013 3/31/2013 12/31/2014 5/30/2013 7/28/2013 10/15/2013 7/28/2013 3/31/2016 PP&E (financing of investment in Ipatinga coking plant) 1,23% e 0,83% + Libor p.a. Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Breach of Contract 248 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary RIOS UNIDOS LOGISTICA E Subsidiary SIAT S/A Other related parties 7/24/2013 7/28/2014 11/1/2014 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 20,800,000.00 0.00 20,800,000.00 None PROVIDING ROAD TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 20,800,000.00 9,000,568.16 20,800,000.00 None 2,520,000.00 1,048,693.39 2,520,000.00 None EXTERNAL PRODUCT-FLOW PROVIDING ROAD TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 20,800,000.00 9,959,000.00 20,800,000.00 None 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 78,561,000.00 0.00 78,561,000.00 None 59,782,053.22 0.00 59,782,053.22 None 8/27/2014 SIAT S/A Other related parties 1/1/2015 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS SIDERAR S A I C Controlling shareholder 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 117,594,000.00 0.00 117,594,000.00 None SIDERAR S A I C Controlling shareholder 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 45,385,000.00 0.00 45,385,000.00 None SIDERAR S A I C Controlling shareholder 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 25,995,000.00 0.00 25,995,000.00 None SIDERAR S A I C Controlling shareholder 1/1/2015 12,045,000.00 0.00 12,045,000.00 None SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS Subsidiary SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS Subsidiary SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS Subsidiary SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS Subsidiary SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS Subsidiary SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 1,872,972,000.00 0.00 1,872,972,000.00 None 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 2,471,082,000.00 0.00 2,471,082,000.00 None 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 2,679,415,000.00 0.00 2,679,415,000.00 None 1/1/2015 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 704,388,000.00 0.00 704,388,000.00 None 42,778,303.26 0.00 42,778,303.26 None 8/1/2009 BLANK IRREGULAR 27.07.2014 27.07.2015 30.10.2015 27.07.2015 12/31/2014 3/31/2015 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 03/31/2015 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 3/31/2015 12/31/2012 Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee The subsidiary engages to contract a personal liability insurance related to the transportation of goods Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 249 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS Subsidiary SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS Subsidiary SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS Subsidiary SOLUCOES EM ACO USIMINAS Subsidiary TECHINT ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUÇÃO SA Other related parties TECHINT ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUÇÃO SA Other related parties TERMINAL DE CARGAS DE SAR Affiliate TERMINAL DE CARGAS DE SAR Affiliate TERNIUM INTERNACIONAL EL SALVADOR Other related parties 12/22/2009 12/22/2009 4/26/2010 9/27/2011 5/15/2012 7/19/2012 9/26/2012 BLANK IRREGULAR 3,827,027.17 0.00 3,827,027.17 None BLANK FOR WHEEL 6,111,199.29 0.00 6,111,199.29 None STEEL TUBE 42.4x3.2mm BLACK C/C 2440 2,596,727.00 0.00 2,596,727.00 None TRANSPORT 2,091,600.00 168,012.92 2,091,600.00 None STEEL TUBE DIN ST00 CC 3.75MM DN 2” 5.23 KG 5,191,573.40 1,069,887.32 5,191,573.40 None METALBASA CFF (0,85X914X1792) 2,047,426.50 0.00 2,047,426.50 None BLANK IRREGULAR 36,978,292.46 0.00 36,978,292.46 None 10/3/2012 BENEFICIATION OF PRODUCTS - BLANK 2,440,631.67 22,929.11 2,440,631.67 None 8/29/2014 INVESTMENT - CIVIL ENGINEERING 98,116,287.00 80,771,320.03 98,116,287.00 None 3,780,000.00 378,000.00 3,780,000.00 None 91,443,200.00 20,776,229.90 91,443,200.00 None 2,208,600.00 1,815,921.26 2,208,600.00 None 108,710,000.00 0.00 108,710,000.00 None 9,869,000.00 0.00 9,869,000.00 None 8,779,000.00 4,235,983.91 8,779,000.00 None 65,211,000.00 0.00 65,211,000.00 None 12,237,000.00 0.00 12,237,000.00 None 9/4/2014 ENGINERING SERVICES (PROJECTS) 9/1/2011 SERVICES OF TRANSPORTATION 10/2/2013 TRANSHIPMENT OF ORE HIGHWAYXRAIL 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS TERNIUM ENGINEERING AND SERVICES Other related parties 3/11/2013 TERNIUM ENGINEERING AND SERVICES Other related parties 12/14/2013 VISUAL FLASH – IT LICENSE AND TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY SOFTWARE LICENSE AND KNOW-HOW TERNIUM INTERNACIONAL Other related parties 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS TERNIUM INTERNACIONAL ESPAÑA Other related parties 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 5/30/2012 2/10/2015 5/30/2015 7/18/2013 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 10/31/2015 1/31/2016 8/31/2015 4/30/2014 12/31/2014 3/28/2014 12/31/2014 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 250 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 TERNIUM INTERNACIONAL ESPAÑA Other related parties 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 88,451,000.00 0.00 88,451,000.00 None TERNIUM INTERNACIONAL SA – MONTEVIDEO/URUGUAI Other related parties 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 37,676,000.00 0.00 37,676,000.00 None 98,465,000.00 0.00 98,465,000.00 None TERNIUM INTERNACIONAL SA – MONTEVIDEO/URUGUAI Other related parties 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS TERNIUM INTERNACIONAL SA – MONTEVIDEO/URUGUAI Other related parties 1/1/2015 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 9,259,000.00 0.00 9,259,000.00 None 4,410,000.00 0.00 4,410,000.00 None 4,339,000.00 0.00 4,339,000.00 None TERNIUM INTERNACIONAL SA – SAN JOSÉ/COSTA RICA Other related parties 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS TERNIUM INTERNACIONAL USA Other related parties 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS TERNIUM MEXICO SA DE CV Other related parties 1/1/2012 VENDA DE PRODUTOS SIDERÚRGICOS TERNIUM MEXICO SA DE CV Other related parties 1/1/2013 VENDA DE PRODUTOS SIDERÚRGICOS Other related parties 1/1/2012 TERNIUM PROCUREMENT SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS CYLINDER AND ROLLER GRINDING CGL I None 42,820,000.00 0,00 42.820.000,00 None 8,770,000.00 0,00 8,770,000.00 82,775,000.00 0.00 82,775,000.00 None 3,435,136.01 911,329.62 3,435,136.01 None UNIGAL LTDA Jointlycontrolled 8/1/2010 UNIGAL LTDA Jointlycontrolled 1/3/2005 USIMINAS PRODUCT PLATING 2,000,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000,000.00 None BENEFICIATION OF PRODUCTS 2,000,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000,000.00 None USIMINAS PRODUCT PLATING 1,240,000,000.00 717,260,447.75 1,240,000,000.00 None UNIGAL LTDA Jointlycontrolled 1/3/2005 UNIGAL LTDA Jointlycontrolled 11/27/2013 USIMINAS COMMERCIAL Subsidiary USIMINAS ELETROGALVANIZED Subsidiary USIMINAS ELETROGALVANIZED Subsidiary USIMINAS ELETROGALVANIZED Subsidiary USIMINAS ELETROGALVANIZED Subsidiary USIMINAS GALVANIZED Subsidiary 1/18/2008 LOAN AGREEMENT 880,516,000.00 954,822,960.00 880,516,000.00 None 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 280,290,000.00 0.00 280,290,000.00 None 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 87,906,000.00 0.00 87,906,000.00 None 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 23,299,000.00 0.00 23,299,000.00 None 1/1/2015 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 9,593,000.00 0.00 9,593,000.00 None 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 459,231,000.00 0.00 459,231,000.00 None 12/31/2013 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 3/31/2015 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 12/31/2014 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 1/17/2018 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 3/31/2015 12/31/2012 None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Working capital 4,1165% p.a. None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None None Breach of Contract 251 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 USIMINAS GALVANIZED Subsidiary USIMINAS GALVANIZED Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 165,384,000.00 0.00 165,384,000.00 None 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 127,890,000.00 0.00 127,890,000.00 None 1/1/2012 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 276,151,000.00 0.00 276,151,000.00 None 1/1/2013 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 85,840,000.00 0.00 85,840,000.00 None 1/1/2014 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 55,617,000.00 0.00 55,617,000.00 None 1/1/2015 SALE OF STEEL PRODUCTS 17,100,000.00 0.00 17,100,000.00 None 1/1/1996 RECOVERY ROLLS LING CONTINUOUS 98,553,166.34 0.00 98,553,166.34 None PART STAMPED/BLANK FOR WHEEL 67,859,133.60 0.00 67,859,133.60 None WORKSHOP OF MOLDS MLC 1, 2 AND 3 - JAN/11 38,317,106.13 0.00 38,317,106.13 None 3/30/2001 11/1/2003 8/1/2006 3/8/2007 12/30/2008 2/27/2009 3/5/2009 4/1/2009 4/1/2009 4/1/2009 4/1/2009 BLANK CIRCULAR CG 27,513,741.07 0.00 27,513,741.07 None RECONDITIONING OF MLC ROLLS 1, 2, 3 4 77,799,749.56 0.00 77,799,749.56 None BENEFITED COLD DISC 10,777,145.13 0.00 10,777,145.13 None 222,757,434.93 0.00 222,757,434.93 None LENDING FOUNDRY AREAS/FORGING/LAB 3,162,179.03 3,162,179.03 3,162,179.03 None PROVIDERS OF PARTS AND SERVICES 5,414,096.24 0.00 5,414,096.24 None PROVIDERS OF PARTS AND SERVICES 57,901,775.01 13,314,882.41 57,901,775.01 None PROVIDERS OF PARTS AND SERVICES 33,870,064.37 6,325,555.21 33,870,064.37 None 2,521,688.01 0.00 2,521,688.01 None ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY PROVIDERS OF PARTS AND 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 3/31/2015 11/28/2014 12/31/2012 7/1/2012 12/31/2012 3/1/2013 12/31/2012 4/30/2013 12/31/2028 3/31/2029 3/31/2029 3/31/2029 3/31/2029 None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee None Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 252 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 SERVICES USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary PROVIDERS OF PARTS AND SERVICES 2,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 None PROVIDERS OF PARTS AND SERVICES 10,209,119.41 4,997,959.68 10,209,119.41 None PROVIDERS OF PARTS AND SERVICES 20,000,000.00 0.00 20,000,000.00 None PROVIDERS PARTS MANUF/RETRIEV. AND SERVICES 17,969,399.77 1,992,239.24 17,969,399.77 None PROVIDERS OF PARTS AND SERVICES 20,728,114.20 0.00 20,728,114.20 None MECHANICAL WORKSHOP AND CALD. - CUBATÃO 47,856,881.59 5,401,293.25 47,856,881.59 None BEARING HOUSING A12M050-0028 A 22,277,848.82 0.00 22,277,848.82 None 138,472,218.20 0.00 138,472,218.20 None CLC ELECTROMECHANIC AL ASSEMBLY 69,463,200.51 0.00 69,463,200.51 None ASSEMBLY BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT LTQ 2 543,219,757.36 0.00 543,219,757.36 None 9,731,677.05 0.00 9,731,677.05 None MECHANICAL WORKSHOP AND BOILER_FACTURY 1 12,768,322.95 0.00 12,768,322.95 None 9/28/2009 PAYMENT READJUST NOV/2011 37,828,800.68 0.00 37,828,800.68 None 2/23/2010 REPLACEMENT OF AF2 STAVES 3,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 None 3/5/2010 ADDENDUM Nº 3 ITEM 10 RC 130,000,000.00 6,917,093.79 130,000,000.00 None 4/1/2009 4/1/2009 4/1/2009 4/1/2009 4/1/2009 5/25/2009 5/25/2009 7/16/2009 7/17/2009 8/14/2009 9/14/2009 9/14/2009 CGL WAREHOUSE FITTING AND EQUIPMENT 2 MECHANICAL WORKSHOP AND CALD._FACTORY 1 3/31/2029 3/31/2029 3/31/2029 3/31/2029 3/31/2029 4/15/2029 4/15/2029 7/31/2012 2/29/2012 3/15/2013 4/15/2029 4/15/2029 9/6/2012 12/31/2013 5/31/2015 Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 253 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary Subsidiary 4/30/2010 NATIONAL EQUIPMENT 62,600,000.00 0.00 62,600,000.00 None 5/5/2010 GRID BB0107M80336 2 85,942,600.72 80,624,581.15 85,942,600.72 None SUPPORT RING TURNER WAGONS R40B010DEM013 58,883,190.01 54,838,987.47 58,883,190.01 None STEELWORK SUPPORT SERVICES - SAFETY 3,223,848.00 0.00 3,223,848.00 None MACHINE GRID SINTER EE1224M102601 9,293,669.80 0.00 9,293,669.80 None 91,447,481.49 0.00 91,447,481.49 None ABAFADOR (RECOZ.5) KK3006M0002061 5,104,023.00 0.00 5,104,023.00 None METALLIC STRUCTURE-SG8100-S-5SC0023 3,463,676.00 0.00 3,463,676.00 None ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY 10,569,496.59 0.00 10,569,496.59 None SINTERING GRID B51M230-0184F 13,080,229.94 0.00 13,080,229.94 None MELTING TROUGH GAS SYSTEM OG STEELWORKS 1 9,000,000.00 0.00 9,000,000.00 None WAGON PLATFORM 130T DES.D72M6500004/1 6,134,857.14 0.00 6,134,857.14 None 10/21/2011 MAINTENANCE OF MLC SEGMENTS 5,400,000.00 0.00 5,400,000.00 None 11/7/2011 ELECTROMECHANIC AL MAINTENANCE 68,450,824.76 0.00 68,450,824.76 None 11/8/2011 ELECTROMECHANIC AL MAINTENANCE 68,641,820.80 0.00 68,641,820.80 None 5/5/2010 6/1/2010 10/5/2010 11/26/2010 3/10/2011 4/11/2011 4/20/2011 5/10/2011 8/1/2011 10/14/2011 12/12/2011 12/14/2011 REPLACEMENT OF 28 AF2 STAVES CLC METALLIC STRUCTURES FOR 2,115,623.40 40,250,712.92 0.00 0.00 2,115,623.40 40,250,712.92 None None 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 12/31/2012 5/31/2012 12/31/2012 8/31/2013 3/10/2014 7/15/2012 5/31/2013 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 8/30/2012 7/31/2012 7/31/2012 7/31/2012 11/30/2013 12/31/2012 Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 254 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 NOVA OESTE USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary MONT. PERI ELECTROMECHANIC S AND EQUIPMENT 118,000,000.00 0.00 118,000,000.00 None 3/15/2012 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY 100,886,550.57 177,865.10 100,886,550.57 None 4/1/2012 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY 64,409,990.77 152,440.81 64,409,990.77 None 8/2/2012 REPAIR VARIOUS MECHANICAL PARTS 13,603,701.00 13,603,701.00 13,603,701.00 None PRE MOUNTED SET ROLL A70B262ETM001 15,574,031.75 0.00 15,574,031.75 None PERI ELECTROMECHANIC S AND EQUIPMENT ASSEMBLY 8,700,000.00 0.00 8,700,000.00 None STEEL POT CC3080M6000678 11,044,258.41 0.00 11,044,258.41 None ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY 32,436,497.00 1,649,005.92 32,436,497.00 None 1/23/2012 10/24/2012 1/14/2013 3/21/2013 7/1/2013 7/22/2013 8/1/2013 8/5/2013 TUYERE.AF3 -0155 1CAM.(CAST) 2,885,070.04 1,562,352.64 2,885,070.04 None REPLACEMENT OF 08 AF2 STAVES 17,450,000.00 0.00 17,450,000.00 None STEEL SCRAP 3,100,000.00 0.00 3,100,000.00 None 8/12/2013 GR.BEARING BEAMS EXCHANGE LINE "E" 3,009,345.65 1.181,142.72 3,009,345.65 None 9/26/2013 POT TT0502M80007 TRANSP SLAG 25T 6,074,147.52 5,284,334.17 6,074,147.52 None 144,654,022.00 13,505,095.87 144,654,022.00 None 42,322,744.97 41,499,090.23 42,322,744.97 None 6,407,000.00 5,676,877.82 6,407,000.00 None 10/25/2013 2/1/2014 4/3/2014 4/29/2014 ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY RECOVERY ROLLS LING CONTINUOUS IPATINGA MACHINING PRODUCTS INVESTMENT ASSEMBLY 26,927,375.06 0.00 26,927,375.06 None 7/31/2013 2/28/2015 4/30/2014 8/30/2013 12/31/2014 10/30/2013 12/31/2016 1/30/2015 6/30/2015 12/31/2013 12/31/2013 6/30/2015 1/30/2016 7/30/2015 2/28/2015 4/30/2016 12/31/2014 Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee 255 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 SERVICES USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIMINAS MECANICA S A USIROLL USIMINAS COURT TE USIROLL USIMINAS COURT TE USIROLL USIMINAS COURT TE Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary USIROLL USIMINAS COURT TE Subsidiary VALLOUREC & SUMITOMO TUBOS Other related parties 6/10/2014 8/6/2014 8/13/2014 10/1/2000 9/1/2003 10/1/2011 1/30/2013 2/4/2014 INDUSTRIAL ASSEMBLY 29,288,594.82 13,179,867.68 29,288,594.82 None INVESTMENT ASSEMBLY SERVICES 26,366,495.93 0.00 26,366,495.93 None INVESTMENT PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENTS 7,777,320.00 7,777,320.00 7,777,320.00 None CYLINDER CHROMATISATION UP TO 300/MONTH 5,708,552.35 0.00 5,708,552.35 None LAM.CYLINDER TW TEXTUR/CHROMAT.C .USIROLL 46,890,374.23 0.00 46,890,374.23 None CHROMATISED CYLINDER TW < = 300UN USIROLL 32,688,397.00 8,581,814.68 32,688,397.00 None CYLINDER CHROMATISATION UP TO 300/MONTH 4,851,199.00 1,720,015.35 4,851,199.00 None MP - ORE 10,000,000.00 0.00 10,000,000.00 None 4/30/2015 12/31/2014 5/15/2016 12/31/2020 12/31/2019 9/30/2021 9/30/2021 12/31/2014 Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Not a loan or guarantee Note.: 1) Since 2013, Automotiva Usiminas S.A. is no longer a related partiy of the Company. 2) Since 2014, Fasal Trading Brasil is no longer a related partiy of the Company. 3) The object of contract “Sale of steel products” refers to the sales invoicing on the period. 4) The contracts with Ternium Engineering and Services totalize R$ 15.5 million and R$ 13.4 million, respectively, considering taxes and import fees. 5) The balances informed on expired contracts refer to unused amouts. 256 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 16.3. In relation to each one of the transactions or joint transactions mentioned in item 16.2 above which took place in the last fiscal year: a) identify the measures adopted to deal with conflicts of interest; and b) demonstrate the strictly arm’s length character of the conditions agreed or the appropriate compensatory payment. In case of conflict of interests, the Company adopts the rules mentioned in item 16.1 to address these conflicts. Moreover, in accordance with the Brazilian Corporation Law, any member of the Board of Directors of the Company is prohibited from voting at any meeting or meetings of the Board of Directors or act in any business or transaction in which they have conflicting interests with the Company. Company transactions and business with related parties follow market standards and are supported by relevant previous assessments of their conditions and the Company’s strict interest in carrying out such assessments. The arm’s length transactions between related parties are supported by appropriate documentation or other evidence held by the Company. 17. Capital 17.1. Capital composition Position at December 31, 2014 Date of authorization or approval 9/27/2010 Capital value (Real) Term of payment Number of common shares (units) Number of preferred shares (units) Total number of shares (units) 12,150,000,000.00 Paid-in capital 505,260,684 508,525,506 1,013,786,190 Social Capital by class of shares Preferred Share Class Number of shares (Units) Class A Preferred 508,443,343 Class B Preferred 82,163 Except for Class B preferred shares, which may at any time and sole discretion of the shareholder be converted into Class A Preferred Shares, the Company has not issued securities or securities convertible into shares. 257 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 17.2. In relation to issuer’s capital increases, state: There was no company's capital increase for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2014, December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012. 17.3. Regarding splits, reverse splits and bonuses, inform in table form: No splits, reverse splits and bonus shares were performed for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2014, December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012. 17.4. In relation to the issuer's capital reductions, indicate: There was no capital reduction for the last three fiscal years. 17.5. Provide other information the issuer deems significant In 2014, 400 Class B preferred shares were converted into class A preferred shares. In 2013, 3,231 Class B preferred shares were converted into class A preferred shares. In 2012, no Class B preferred shares were converted into class A preferred shares. The conversion described above does not change the equity value of shares issued by the Company. However, the Company believes that the conversion results in higher liquidity for shareholders who have exercised their right, in light of the breadth of the market in class "A". There is no further relevant information in addition to that disclosed above. 258 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 18. Securities 18.1. Describe the rights of each class and type of shares issued: Share Type Preferred Share Class Tag Along% Common - 80.00 Dividend Rights According to the Company's articles of incorporation and the Corporation Law, the Company shareholders are entitled to receive dividends or other distributions made in respect of shares of the Company in proportion to their equity interest. The Company's articles of incorporation provide for a mandatory minimum dividend of 25% of net income. Voting Rights Full Description of Restricted Vote None. Convertibility No Condition for Convertibility and effects on capital None. Right to repayment of capital Yes Description of the Characteristics of repayment of capital Withdrawal/Recess: The capital to be reimbursed by the Company in the cases provided by law shall be established based on the value of equity disclosed in the last balance sheet approved at the Company's General Meeting, pursuant to Article 45 of Law No. 6404 of December 15, 1976. Redemption: In accordance with the Brazilian Corporation Law, the Company's shares may be redeemed as decided by the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting representing no less than 50% of capital. Restriction to Circulation Yes Description of Restriction Only those described in item 15.5.f of this Reference Form, concerning the shareholders agreement filed at the Company's headquarters. Conditions for amendment to the rights guaranteed by such securities In addition to the conditions described in item 15.5. and this Reference Form, according to the Corporation Law, or the Company's articles of incorporation or decisions made at a general meeting may deprive a shareholder of the right to: (i) profit sharing; (ii) participate, in case of Company liquidation, in the distribution of any remaining assets in proportion to their shareholding; (iii) oversee the management of the Company, pursuant to the Corporation Law; (iv) pre-emption upon future capital increases, except in certain circumstances set out in the Corporation Law and in the Company’s articles of incorporation; and (v) withdraw from the company in the cases provided for in the Corporation Law. Other significant characteristics It behooves the Annual General Meeting to decide on the allocation of net income and dividend distribution. The articles of incorporation authorize the General Meeting to decide on the distribution of dividends due to pre-existing income reserves or retained earnings from previous years. The articles of incorporation further provide that the Company may prepare balance sheets for sixmonth periods or for shorter periods and that the Board of Directors may decide to distribute dividends, including interim dividends, to the retained earnings account disclosed in the last annual balance sheet. Under the Corporation Law, in the event of sale of a controlling equity in the Company, all holders of common shares are entitled to include their shares in a public offering of shares to be held by the acquirer of the controlling equity, and to receive at least 80% of the amount paid per share with voting rights, as an integral part of the controlling stock. 259 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Share Type Preferred Share Class Tag Along% Preferred Class A 0.00 Dividend Rights Holders of class A preferred are entitled to dividends 10% higher than those for common shares, and shall enjoy the same preemptive right as that of holders of Class B preferred shares, but only after meeting the preemptive right attached to Class B preferred shares. The preferred shares are entitled to participate, under the same conditions as those of common shares, any bonuses voted in the General Meeting. Voting Rights Without Right Description of Restricted Vote None. Convertibility No Condition for Convertibility and effects on capital None. Right to repayment of capital Yes Description of the Characteristics of repayment of capital Liquidation: The holders of class A preferred shares shall have priority in capital reimbursement, without any premium in the event of Company liquidation, but only after meeting the priority given to the class B preferred shares. Withdrawal/Recess: The amount of reimbursement to be paid by the Company in the cases provided by law shall be established based on the value of equity disclosed in the last balance sheet approved at the shareholders meeting pursuant to Article 45 of Law No. 6404 of December 15, 1976. Redemption: In accordance with the Brazilian Corporation Law, the Company's shares may be redeemed as decided by the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting representing no less than 50% of capital. Restricted Circulation No Description of Restriction None. Conditions for amendment to the rights guaranteed by such securities In addition to the conditions described in item 15.5. of this Reference Form, in accordance with the Corporation Law neither the Company's articles of incorporation nor the decisions at a general meeting may deprive a shareholder of the right to: (i) profit sharing; (ii) participate, in case of Company liquidation, in the distribution of any remaining assets in proportion to their shareholding; (iii) oversee the management of the Company, pursuant to the Corporation Law; (iv) preemption upon future capital increases, except in certain circumstances set out in the Corporation Law and in the Company’s articles of incorporation; and (v) withdraw from the company in the cases provided for in the Corporation Law. Other significant characteristics It behooves the Annual General Meeting of the Company to decide on the allocation of net income and dividend distribution. The Company's articles of incorporation authorize the General Meeting to decide on the distribution of dividends due to pre-existing income reserve or retained earnings from previous years. The articles of incorporation further provide that the Company may prepare balance sheets for six-month periods or for shorter periods and that the Board of Directors may decide to distribute dividends, including interim dividends, to the retained earnings account disclosed in the last annual balance sheet. 260 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Share Type Preferred Share Class Tag Along% Preferred Class B 0.00 Dividend Rights The holders of Class B preferred shares are entitled to dividends 10% higher than those for common shares, and have priority in capital reimbursement in the event of liquidation. The preferred shares are entitled to participate, under the same conditions as those of common shares, any bonuses voted in the General Meeting. Voting Rights Without Right Description of Restricted Vote None. Convertibility Yes Condition for convertibility and effects on capital i. Conditions: The class B preferred shares may, at any time and at the sole discretion of the holder of such shares, be converted into class A preferred shares. Preferred shares may not be converted into common shares. ii. Effects on Capital: Does not affect capital, except number of shares per class, in case of conversion of class B preferred shares into class A preferred shares. Right to repayment of capital Yes Description of the Characteristics of repayment of capital Liquidation: Holders of Class B preferred shares will have priority in capital reimbursement, without any premium in the event of Company liquidation. Withdrawal/Recess: The amount of reimbursement to be paid by the Company, in the cases provided by law, shall be established based on the value of equity disclosed in the last balance sheet approved at the shareholders meeting pursuant to article 45 of Law No. 6404 of December 15, 1976. Redemption: In accordance with the Brazilian Corporation Law, the Company's shares may be redeemed as decided by the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting representing no less than 50% of capital. The redemption of the shares shall be paid with retained earnings, income reserves or capital reserves. Should the redemption do not cover total shares, a random selection shall be made. Restriction to Circulation No Description of Restriction None. Conditions for amendment to the rights guaranteed by such securities In addition to the conditions described in item 15.5. and this Reference Form according to the Corporation Law, or the Company's articles of incorporation or decisions made at a general meeting may deprive a shareholder of the right to: (i) profit sharing; (ii) participate, in case of Company liquidation, in the distribution of any remaining assets in proportion to their shareholding; (iii) oversee the management of the Company, pursuant to the Corporation Law; (iv) pre-emption upon future capital increases, except in certain circumstances set out in the Corporation Law and in the Company’s articles of incorporation; and (v) withdraw from the company in the cases provided for in the Corporation Law. Other significant characteristics It behooves the Annual General Meeting of the Company to decide on the allocation of net income and dividend distribution. The Company's articles of incorporation authorize the General Meeting to decide on the distribution of dividends due to pre-existing income reserve or retained earnings from previous years. The articles of incorporation further provide that the Company may prepare balance sheets for six-month periods or for shorter periods and that the Board of Directors may decide to distribute dividends, including interim dividends, to the retained earnings account disclosed in the last annual balance sheet. 261 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 18.2. Describe, if applicable, the provisions limiting the voting rights of significant shareholders or that require them to make a public offer There are no provisions limiting the voting rights of significant shareholders or requiring them to make a public offer. 18.3. Describe exceptions and conditions precedent related to equity or political rights provided for in the Company’s articles of incorporation The articles of incorporation provide for no exceptions and conditions precedent related to equity or political rights. 262 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 18.4. In a table, inform volume of trades as well as the highest and lowest quoted values of securities traded on stock exchanges or organized OTC market, in each quarter of the last 3 fiscal years: Fiscal Year 12/31/2014 Financial Volume Traded (R$) Highest Quoted Value (R$) Lowest Quoted Value (R$) Quote Factor BM&F Bovespa 317,303,211.00 12.74 7.94 R$ per unit BM&F Bovespa 144,364,909.00 9.33 6.82 R$ per unit Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 171,007,909.00 8.48 6.64 R$ per unit Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 475,459,195.00 12.75 6.01 R$ per unit Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 4,896,811,913.00 14.08 8.52 R$ per unit PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 3,227,567,207.00 10.24 7.58 R$ per unit Preferred PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 3,566,814,098.00 9.00 6.37 R$ per unit Preferred PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 2,367,947,116.00 6.85 4.32 R$ per unit Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 0.00 0.00 0.00 R$ per unit 2Q2014 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 0.00 0.00 0.00 R$ per unit 3Q2014 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 2,728.00 6.82 6.82 R$ per unit 4Q2014 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 2,010 6.70 6.70 R$ per unit In the quarter Security Type 1Q2014 Shares 2Q2014 Shares 3Q2014 Class Market Administrative Entity Common Stock Exchange Common Stock Exchange Shares Common 4Q2014 Shares Common 1Q2014 Shares Preferred PNA 2Q2014 Shares Preferred 3Q2014 Shares 4Q2014 Shares 1Q2014 263 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Fiscal Year 12/31/2013 Financial Volume Traded (R$) Highest Quoted Value (R$) Lowest Quoted Value (R$) Quote Factor BM&F Bovespa 323,129,571.00 14.64 9.90 R$ per unit BM&F Bovespa 254,052,877.00 11.62 7.65 R$ per unit Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 324,112,689.00 10.75 6.84 R$ per unit Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 312,140,944.00 12.80 10.74 R$ per unit PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 4,449,437,058.00 13.25 9.24 R$ per unit Preferred PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 4,020,969,444.00 11.39 7.43 R$ per unit Shares Preferred PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 5,020,870,101.00 10.96 6.55 R$ per unit Shares Preferred PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 4,701,346,201.00 14.50 10.91 R$ per unit 1Q2013 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 0.00 0.00 0.00 R$ per unit 2Q2013 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 3,597.00 11.99 11.99 R$ per unit 3Q2013 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 50,388.00 8.80 7.17 R$ per unit 4Q2013 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 30,147.00 11.13 10.99 R$ per unit Security Type Class Market Administrative Entity Financial Volume Traded (R$) Highest Quoted Value (R$) Lowest Quoted Value (R$) Quote Factor 1Q2012 Shares Common Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 459,038,553.00 20.20 15.07 R$ per unit 2Q2012 Shares Common Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 879,777,426.00 20.10 7.56 R$ per unit 3Q2012 Shares Common Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 484,001,709.00 13.54 6.57 R$ per unit 4Q2012 Shares Common Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 374,589,108.00 14.06 10.60 R$ per unit 1Q2012 Shares Preferred PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 4,186,464,660.00 13.64 10.32 R$ per unit 2Q2012 Shares Preferred PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 3,844,189,800.00 12.34 6.05 R$ per unit 3Q2012 Shares Preferred PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 5,990,861,760.00 12.20 5.62 R$ per unit 4Q2012 Shares Preferred PNA Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 4,831,633,810.00 13.05 9.51 R$ per unit 1Q2012 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 13,680.00 13.91 12.42 R$ per unit 2Q2012 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 7,074.00 11.02 6.99 R$ per unit 3Q2012 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 17,903.00 11.31 6.01 R$ per unit 4Q2012 Shares Preferred PNB Stock Exchange BM&F Bovespa 17,893.00 12.20 11.31 R$ per unit In the quarter Security Type 1Q2013 Shares 2Q2013 Shares 3Q2013 4Q2013 Class Market Administrative Entity Common Stock Exchange Common Stock Exchange Shares Common Shares Common 1Q2013 Shares Preferred 2Q2013 Shares 3Q2013 4Q2013 Fiscal Year 12/31/2012 In the quarter Source: Economatica Comment: Possible relevant fluctuations in the securities quotation should be analyzed taking into consideration the issuing of new securities related to bonuses and splits, as described on items 17.2 and 17.3. 264 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 USNZY US Equity Financial Volume Traded (US$) Highest Quoted Value (US$) Lowest Quoted Value (US$) Volume Traded (R$) OTC 16,033,033.92 5.92 3.62 37,921,515.81 OTC 22,795,858.97 4.54 3.46 50,824,787.64 Stock Exchange OTC 30,502,685.27 4.00 2.59 69,379,097.11 PNA Stock Exchange OTC 19,887,791.31 2.84 1.64 50,589,431.46 PNA Stock Exchange OTC 13,991,727.00 6.58 4.66 27,983,454.00 Preferred PNA Stock Exchange OTC 23,245,849.70 5.78 3.39 48,118,908.88 ADS level 1 Preferred PNA Stock Exchange OTC 25,514,934.80 4.66 2.95 58,429,200.69 ADS level 1 Preferred PNA Stock Exchange OTC 16,546,518.50 6.25 4.30 37,726,062.18 1Q2012 ADS level 1 Preferred PNA Stock Exchange OTC 58,084,508.19 7.60 5.62 341,883,700.00 2Q2012 ADS level 1 Preferred PNA Stock Exchange OTC 34,580,879.86 6.74 2.91 197,951,100.00 3Q2012 ADS level 1 Preferred PNA Stock Exchange OTC 53,996,682.63 6.02 2.74 121,811,600.00 4Q2012 ADS level 1 Preferred PNA Stock Exchange OTC 22,193,350.92 6.28 4.66 76,662,490.00 In the quarter Security Type Class Market Administrative Entity 1Q2014 ADS level 1 Preferred PNA Stock Exchange 2Q2014 ADS level 1 Preferred PNA Stock Exchange 3Q2014 ADS level 1 Preferred PNA 4Q2014 ADS level 1 Preferred 1Q2013 ADS level 1 Preferred 2Q2013 ADS level 1 3Q2013 4Q2013 265 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 18.5. Describe issued securities other than shares: Debentures: The Company held 6 issues of debentures, of which 1 is outstanding, and 5 have already been settled by the Company upon their respective maturities and/or in advance. 6th issue of debentures of the Company a) Identification of the security Non-convertible debentures. b) Quantity 100,000 simple debentures. c) Value Nominal unit value on the date of issue of R$ 10,000.00. Total issue amounted to R$1,000,000,000.00. d) Date of issue January 30, 2013. e) Restrictions on the movement There are no restrictions on the movement. f) Convertibility of shares or right to subscribe for or purchase shares of the issuer, stating: The debentures are not convertible into shares, nor give their holders the right to subscribe or acquire shares of the Company. g) Possibility of redemption, indicating: i) Hypotheses of Redemption The Issuer may, at its sole discretion, redeem early, in full or in part, the Debentures as from the twentyfifth month of validity of the Debentures, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Corporation Law and in the Debenture Indenture. 266 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 ii) Redemption value calculation formula a) Optional Early Redemption shall be made by paying (i) the Unit Par Value or the balance of the Unit Par Value of the Debentures subject to the Optional Early Redemption, plus the corresponding remuneration, calculated on a pro rata basis from the Payout Date or the payment date of the immediately preceding yield , whichever occurs last, inclusive, until the date of effective Optional Early Redemption, exclusive; (ii) any charges due; and (iii) the premium on the values mentioned in subsection “a” above, according to the table that follows: PERIOD (AS FROM THE ISSUANCE DATE) PREMIUM January 31, 2015 to January 30, 2016 1.40%. January 31, 2016 to January 30, 2017 1.00%. January 31, 2017 to January 30, 2018 0.50%. January 31, 2018 to January 29, 2019 0.35%. b) If the Debentures are registered with the Clearing House for the Custody and Financial Settlement of Securities (CETIP), the Optional Early Redemption shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures adopted by CETIP. c) In the event of Partial Early Redemption, the Debentures to be redeemed shall be identified by random drawing, to be held in the presence of the Trustee and having results disclosed to all Debenture holders by way of a communication under article 55, paragraph 2 of the Brazilian Corporation Law. All stages of this process, such as due identification of Debenture holders, qualification, drawing, computation, apportionment and validation of the number of Debentures to be redeemed shall be performed out of CETIP. A partial Optional Early Redemption, if any, regarding Debentures electronically held in custody at CETIP21, shall be carried out in accordance with CETIP procedures. h) With respect to securities that are debt securities, indicate: i) Maturity, including the conditions of acceleration The Debentures will have a term of six (6) years as from the Date of Issue, thus maturing on January 30, 2019. 267 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Hypotheses of Early Maturity: The Trustee shall declare the early maturity of all obligations relating to the Debentures and demand immediate payment, in case of occurrence of any of the following events: (a) (i) filing for in-court reorganization; (ii) voluntary filing for bankruptcy by Issuer and/or subsidiaries of Issuer; (iii) decreed bankruptcy of Issuer and/or subsidiaries of Issuer; (iv) proposed out-of-court reorganization plan to any creditor or class of creditors, (v) liquidation, dissolution or termination of Issuer; or (vi) filing by third parties requesting decreeing of Issuer bankruptcy; (b) legitimate protest of securities against Issuer, even if as guarantor, of which the individual or aggregate amount due and unpaid exceeds R$ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million Brazilian reais) or the equivalent amount in other currencies; (c) the acceleration of maturity of or default on any financial obligation of Issuer (d) failure by the Issuer to comply with any monetary obligation to the debenture holders, provided for in this debenture issue indenture, not remediated within one (1) business day; (e) noncompliance of Issuer with any non-pecuniary obligation related to the Issue assumed in this Indenture, unless for a maximum term of ten (10) business days; (f) noncompliance with any decision or final unappelable judgment or final arbitration decision of condemnatory nature, against Issuer (g) non-renewal, cancellation, revocation or suspension of permits, concessions, grants and licenses, including environmental ones, relevant to due conduction of the activities; (h) capital reduction of Issuer and/or repurchase by Issuer of its own shares for cancellation; (i) if the Issuer is in arrears with the payment obligations set forth in this Indenture, and decides to distribute dividends or interest on equity or any other profit sharing provided for in the Articles of Incorporation of Issuer, except, however, payment of the minimum dividend provided for in Article 202 of the Corporation Law; (j) Issuer conversion into a limited liability company, in accordance with Articles 220 to 222 of the Corporation Law; 268 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 (k) transfer by Issuer, or any form of assignment or promise to assign to third parties of any obligation related to the Debentures; (l) the main activity of Issuer starts to no longer be that contained in its charter on the Issue Date; (m) if any of the representations of Issuer, under this Indenture, prove to be false , incorrect or deceitful, in any material respect; (n) failure by Issuer to maintain the following financial index calculated and revised, as appropriate, biannually (i) ratio obtained by dividing Net Debt to EBITDA not exceeding 3.50, as of December 31, 2013; (o) noncompliance by Issuer with the allocation of proceeds from the Issue, (p) expropriation, confiscation or any other action of any governmental entity that results in the loss by Issuer and/or companies controlled by Issuer of title to or direct possession of its assets; (q) the occurrence of merger, spin-off or takeover involving Issuer, unless (i) such corporate transaction is, pursuant to Article 231 of the Corporation Law, approved by Debenture holders of sixty-six percent (66%) outstanding Debentures; or (ii) a merger, spin-off or takeover (a) does not affect Issuer’s payment capacity and (b) the surviving entity is the Issuer itself; (r) if there is transfer of direct controlling interest of Issuer, as defined in Article 116 of the Corporation Law, including through corporate reorganization, resulting in the Issuer now being controlled by person or entity not belonging to the current controlling group; (s) if Standard & Poor's downgrade the rating of the issue in two grades based on the rating to be disclosed until Issue Date, by virtue of (i) any change in ownership structure, which will result in the loss, transfer or disposal of controlling interest by current controlling shareholders, or (ii) the disposal of assets of Issuer confirmedly significantly affecting its payment capacity; (t) the occurrence of any procedure of seizure, attachment or garnishment of assets of Issuer and/or of any of the Relevant Subsidiaries, which may impact by 15% of equity (considering, for this, the consolidation of the figures calculated for Issuer and the Relevant Subsidiaries, together), unless such procedure is suspended, halted, reversed or extinct within twenty (20) days of its inception; (u) the sale, assignment or other transfer by Issuer and/or any of the Relevant Subsidiaries, of relevant fixed assets (including fixed assets and investments) that may materially affect the activities of Issuer, except transactions in the ordinary course of business; (v) suspension of trading or of recording of trading of the Debentures at CETIP not cured within fifteen (15) working days. 269 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Automatic Early Maturity The occurrence of any of the events listed in subparagraphs "a", "c", "d ", "g" and "l" above, will result in the automatic acceleration of the Debentures, irrespective of any query to the debenture holders, warning or notification, whether in court or out-of-court. Early Maturity by the General Meeting of Debenture Holders Upon the occurrence of any other events listed above, provided that not remediated within their due dates, if applicable, the Trustee shall, within five (5) business days from the date on which it becomes aware of the occurrence of any such event, convene a General Debenture Holders Meeting (AGD), to discuss the declaration of early maturity of the Debentures, following the convening procedure provided below. In the AGD mentioned above, which will be held in accordance with the procedures and quorum set forth in this Indenture, the holders of the Debentures may elect, by determination of holders representing at least 66% (sixty -six percent) of the outstanding Debentures on the first call, or a simple majority of those present on the second call, that the Trustee does not declare the acceleration of the Debentures. ii. Interests The Debentures will be entitled to yield equal to 100 % (one hundred percent) of the accumulated variation of the average daily one day interbank deposit rate, over extra group, called " DI Rate Over Extra Group ", expressed as a percentage per year of 252 business days, calculated and published daily by CETIP in the daily bulletin on its website "DI Rate"), plus exponential spread of one percent (1.00%) per year of 252 business days ("Surcharge" and together with the DI Rate "Yield"). iii. Guarantee and, if security interest, description of the asset The 6th issue Debentures of the Company are unsecured. iv. In the absence of guarantee, if the loan is unsecured or subordinated The Debentures are unsecured. v. Any restrictions imposed on the issuer in relation to: ● distribution of dividends 270 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Maturity acceleration may occur if the company distributes dividends, pays interest on equity or makes any other payments to its shareholders, being in default on any of its obligations under the Indenture, except, however, payment of the minimum mandatory dividend. ● disposal of certain assets Maturity acceleration may occur if the Company disposes of assets in a way that materially and negatively affect its payment capacity, reviewed by the agency rating the issue to a risk level below brA of Standard & Poor's or equivalent by Moody's Latin America or Fitch Ratings. ● the contracting of new debts There is no restriction on contracting new debt. ● issuance of new securities There is no restriction on the issuance of new securities. vi. the trustee, indicating the main terms of the contract Key information on the Trustee: Pentágono S.A. Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Avenida das Américas, n.º 4.200, bloco 4, sala 514. Rio de Janeiro - RJ At.: Mr. Marco Aurélio Ferreira Phone: +55 (21) 3385-4565 Facsimile: +55 (21) 3385-4046 E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] The contract with Pentágono S.A. Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários begins on the date of the debenture issue indenture (January 30, 2013), effective until the expiration of the issue (January 30, 2019). A fee charged annually by Pentágono in the amount of R$ 3 thousand, adjusted annually by the IGP is established. There are no material obligations to the Company. 271 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 i. Conditions for amendment to the rights guaranteed by such securities In case of temporary unavailability of the DI rate upon payment of any monetary obligation in the Indenture, it shall be replaced by the same daily rate produced by the DI rate last known until the date of calculation, without any financial compensation being due, both by the Company as of the debenture holders, upon the subsequent disclosure of the DI rate. In the absence of calculation and/or disclosure of the DI Rate for more than 10 days of the expected date of its disclosure, or still, in the case of its extinction or inapplicability by operation of legal or judicial determination, the Trustee shall convene a meeting of debenture holders, which shall be conducted in the manner and time stipulated in Corporation Law and in the Indenture, for these to define, in common agreement with the Company, the new parameter to be applied, which shall reflect the parameters used in similar operations existing at the time. Until the determination of this parameter, the same daily rate produced by the last DI Rate published shall be used for calculating the amount of any obligations under the Indenture. If the DI Rate comes to be disclosed prior to the General Meeting of Debenture Holders, said meeting shall no longer be held, and the DI Rate, from its disclosure, shall again be used for yield calculation purposes. If there is no agreement on the substitute rate between the Company and the Debenture Holders representing at least 66% of the outstanding Debentures, the Company shall select, at its sole discretion, one of the following alternatives, committing itself to communicate it in writing to the trustee, within 10 days from the date of the respective meeting: (a) the Company shall make an early redemption and, consequently, cancel all of the Debentures, within 30 days from the date of the respective meeting of debenture holders, for their Unit Par Value not amortized under the Indenture, plus yield due up to the date of actual redemption and subsequent cancellation, calculated pro rata from the Issue Date or the last Yield Payment Date, as applicable. In this case, in the calculation of yield applicable to the Debentures to be redeemed and canceled shall use the same daily rate produced by the last known DI Rate; or (b) the Company shall submit amortization schedule of all outstanding debentures, not exceeding the final maturity and the average amortization term of the Debentures. During the amortization period by the Company, the frequency of payment of yield shall continue to be that pre - established, noting that, until full redemption of the Debentures, the Substitute Rate shall be used. If the Substitute Rate is not based on a 252 business day term, this rate shall be adjusted to reflect the basis of 252 working days. The General Meeting of Debenture holders may be held with quorum of (i) at least half of the outstanding debentures upon the first call, or (ii) upon the second call, with any number of debenture holders. In the resolutions of the meeting, each debenture will entitle holder to one vote, being the appointment of attorney allowed, whether debenture holder or not. Except as otherwise provided in the Indenture, changes in the characteristics and conditions of the debentures and the issue shall be approved by debenture holders representing at least 66% of the outstanding debentures, noting that changes in yield and/or guarantees and/or maturity and/or renegotiation, redemption or repayment of debentures and/or provisions on quorum provided for in the indenture shall be approved debenture holders representing 90% of the outstanding debentures. 272 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 j. Other significant characteristics No other characteristics considered significant. ADRs or ADSs The Company maintains a program of ADR (American Depositary Receipts), also called ADS (American Depositary Shares). In September 1994, there was a Global Offering in the amount of U.S. $ 480,035,400.00 in American Depositary Shares, U.S. $ 13.28 per ADS, to qualified institutional investors under Rule 144A, in the U.S. market, with ADS backed by preferred shares, traded on PORTAL. These ADS started to be backed by class A preferred shares on January 29, 1999. In September 2001, the ADS Level 1was started, with securities traded on the OTC market (OTC - Over the Counter), backed by preferred shares A. In May 2007, there was beginning of the ADS 144A program backed by common shares, traded on PORTAL and in November 2007, the ADS Level 1 program backed by common shares traded over the counter (OTC - Over the Counter). 18.6. Indicate the Brazilian markets in which the issuer's securities are admitted to trading: The shares of the Company are traded on BM&FBOVESPA, in Level 1 of Corporate Governance Practices segment of the BM&FBOVESPA; 4th issue debentures of the Company are listed for trading on the secondary market through the National Debenture System of CETIP S.A. - OTC - Derivatives and Assets and of BOVESPAFIX of BM&FBOVESPA. The 5th issue debenture was registered for trading also with CETIP and this debenture was settled in December 2010 by an amendment approved by the Meeting of Debenture Holders. 18.7. For each class and type of securities traded on foreign markets: Besides ADSs as described in item 18.5 above, the Class A preferred shares and common shares of the Company are traded on Latibex, as detailed below. Latibex Since July 2005, the Company trades its class A preferred shares on the Stock Exchange of Madrid - Spain, through the international market for Latin American securities - Latibex, with the aim of facilitating access to the shares of the Company by the European financial community. Since inception through the end of fiscal 2011, the Company's shares are among the most actively traded on Latibex. 273 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 a) Country In the United States "U.S.", American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), also called ADS (American Depositary Shares), are traded, representing common and preferred shares. In Spain, the following securities are traded: class A preferred shares and common shares. b) Market In the USA: ADS 144A on PORTAL and ADS Level 1 on the OTC (Over the Counter) market In Spain: Latibex - Market for Latin American Securities c) Managing entity of the market in which the securities are admitted to trading In USA: the managing entity of the securities mentioned in item 18.7 (a), ADS (Level 1) is OTC Markets. In Spain: the managing entity of the securities mentioned in item 18.7 (a) is Bolsas Y Mercados Españoles BME. d) Date of admission to trading In the USA: ADS (144A) Preferred on 09/01/1994 (USNMY) ADS (144A) Common 05/02/2007 - (USDML) ADS (Level 1) Preferred A on 09/25/2001 (USNZY) ADS (Level 1) Common, on 11/20/2007 (USDMY) In Spain: Preferred class A shares, on 07/05/2005 (XUSI) Common Shares on 5/3/2007 (XUSIO) e) Trading segment In the United States: PORTAL (ADS 144A) and OTC market (ADS Level 1). In Spain: No trading segment. 274 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 f) Date of beginning of listing in the trading segment See item 18.7.(D) above. g) Percentage of trading volume abroad in relation to the total trading volume of each class and type in the last fiscal year In 2014: USA: 34,536,313 ADSs representing preferred shares class A (USNZY) were traded, representing 2.07% of the total trading volume of the class A preferred shares. Spain: 3,901,772 class A (XUSI) preferred shares, representing 0.23% of the total trading volume of the Class A common shares and 1,382,458 common shares (XUSIO), representing 1.11% of the total trading volume of the common shares were traded. In 2013: USA: 17,979,104 ADSs representing preferred shares class A (USNZY) were traded, representing 1.01% of the total trading volume of the class A preferred shares. Spain: 2,201,035 class A (XUSI) preferred shares, representing 0.12% of the total trading volume of the Class A common shares and 975,384 common shares (XUSIO), representing 0.84% of the total trading volume of the common shares were traded. In 2012: USA: 33,227,421 ADSs representing preferred shares class A (USNZY) were traded, representing 1.71% of the total trading volume of the class A preferred shares. Spain: 1,929,825 class A (XUSI) preferred shares, representing 0.10% of the total trading volume of the Class A preferred shares and 1,440,734 common shares (XUSIO), representing 0.75% of the total trading volume of the common shares were traded. h) Proportion of overseas depositary receipts for each class and type of shares Proportion of 1 certificate of deposit for each 1 share issued by the Company, for the type and class of share backing ADS. i) Depositary Bank In the U.S., BNY Mellon is the depositary bank for all securities. In Spain, there is no depositary bank. 275 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 j) Custodian Bradesco S/A Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários - for all securities backing the securities issued abroad. 18.8. Describe the public offerings made by the issuer or by third parties, including controlling shareholders, affiliates and subsidiaries for the securities of the issuer in the last 3 fiscal years: There was no public offering of securities of the Company in the last three fiscal years. 18.9. Describe the public offerings made by the issuer regarding shares issued by third parties in the last 3 fiscal years: The Company did not make public offers of shares issued by third parties. 18.10. Provide other information as issuer may deem relevant Additionally to the information provided above, the Company believes that there is no additional relevant information that should be provided in this item 18 of the Reference Form. 276 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 19. Repurchase plans and treasury securities 19.1. Plans to repurchase shares of the issuer for the last 3 fiscal years: There were no plans to repurchase shares in the last 3 fiscal years. Fiscal Year: 12/31/2014 Shares Share Type Preferred Share Class Common Quantity (units) Total Amount (Thousand reais) Weighted average price (Reais) 2,526,656 69,132 27.36 Acquisition - - - Disposal - - - Cancellation - - - 2,526,656 69,132 27.36 Quantity (units) Total Amount (Thousand reais) Weighted average price (Reais) 23,757,710 35,708 1.50 - - - (51,982) (78) (1.50) - - - 23,705,728 35,630 1.50 Operation Opening Balance Closing Balance Share Type Preferred Share Class Preferred Preferred Class A Operation Opening Balance Acquisition Disposal Cancellation Closing Balance 277 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Fiscal Year: 12/31/2013 Shares Share Type Preferred Share Class Common Quantity (units) Total Amount (Thousand reais) Weighted average price (Reais) 2,526,656 69,132 27.36 Acquisition - - - Disposal - - - Cancellation - - - 2,526,656 69,132 27.36 Operation Opening Balance Closing Balance Share Type Preferred Share Class Preferred Operation Opening Balance Acquisition Disposal Cancellation Closing Balance Preferred Class A Quantity (units) Total Amount (Thousand reais) Weighted average price (Reais) 24,060,356 36,163 1.50 - - - (302,646) (455) (1.50) - - - 23,757,710 35,708 1.50 278 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 Fiscal Year: 12/31/2012 Shares Share Type Preferred Share Class Common Quantity (units) Total Amount (Thousand reais) Weighted average price (Reais) 2,526,654 69,132 27.36 Acquisition 2 - - Disposal - - - Cancellation - - - 2,526,656 69,132 27.36 Quantity (units) Total Amount (Thousand reais) Weighted average price (Reais) 24,060,356 36,163 1.50 Acquisition - - - Disposal - - - Cancellation - - - 24,060,356 36,163 1.50 Operation Opening Balance Closing Balance Share Type Preferred Share Class Preferred Preferred Class A Operation Opening Balance Closing Balance 279 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 19.3. Securities held in treasury at the close of the last fiscal year, indicate, in tabular form, segregating by type and class: Class / Type Quantity Weighted average purchase price Date of purchase % in relation to the outstanding securities of the same class and type Common 200,400 6.54 11/5/1997 0.08% Class A Preferred 2,028,700 7.00 11/5/1997 0.84% Class A Preferred 7,268,650 4.95 6/25/1998 3.01% 361,082 Not Applicable. Shares that were held in treasury in the course of Usiminas/Cosipa corporate restructuring which ended on January 29, 1999, as described in item 6.3 of this reference form. 1/29/1999 0.14% Class A* Preferred 331,576 Not Applicable. Shares that were held in treasury in the course of Usiminas/Cosipa corporate restructuring which ended on January 29, 1999, as described in item 6.3 of this reference form. 3/27/2005 37.99% Class A Preferred (4,282,180) Not applicable, Canceled Actions 12/29/2003 (1,77%) Common 280,741 Not Applicable. Shares acquired as bonus. 11/27/2007 0.11% Class A Preferred 2,673,373 Not Applicable. Shares acquired as bonus. 11/27/2007 1.11% Common 421,111 Not Applicable. Shares acquired as bonus. 3/26/2008 0.17% Class A Preferred 4,010,059 Not Applicable. Shares acquired as bonus. 3/26/2008 1.66% Common (7) Not Applicable. 4/28/2010 0.00% Common 1,263,327 Not Applicable. Shares related to split 9/27/2010 0.25% Class A Preferred 12,030,178 Not Applicable. Shares related to split 9/27/2010 2.37% Common 2 Not Applicable. 12/31/2012 0.00% Class A Preferred (302,646) 1.50 12/31/2013 0.00% Class A Preferred (51,982) 1.50 12/31/2014 0.00% Total at 12/31/2014 26,232,384 Common * The Class A Preferred Shares result from the conversion, by the Company, of the Class B preferred shares held in corporate restructuring of Usiminas and Cosipa completed on January 29, 1999 (as described in item 6.3. of this Reference Form). As described in item 18.1.c of this Reference Form and provided for in the Company's articles of incorporation , the class "B "preferred shares are convertible into Class "A” preferred shares at a ratio of 1:1. As presented in item 19.2, at December 31, 2014 the Company had 2,526,656 treasury common shares and 23,705,728 Class A Preferred Shares. At December 31, 2013 the Company had 2,526,656 treasury common shares and 23,757,710 Class A Preferred Shares. At December 31, 2012 the Company had 2,526,656 Common Shares in treasury and 24,060,356 Class A Preferred Shares. 19.4. Other Information that the Company deems significant. The Company does not use financial instruments for purposes of asset protection (hedge) involving fluctuations in prices of shares issued by it, including transactions associated with instruments as "Total Return Equity Swap” or similar operations. 280 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 20. Policy for security trading 20.1. Indicate whether the issuer has adopted policy for the trading of securities issued by it by controlling shareholders, whether direct or indirect, directors, board of directors members, supervisory board members and of any other bodies with technical or advisory functions, created by statutory provision, stating: (a) date of approval; (b) related persons; main characteristics; (d) periods in which trading is not allowed and description of the procedures adopted to monitor trading in such periods. The Standard on Disclosure of Information and Trading of Securities issued by the Company ("Trading Policy") was approved at the Board meeting held on June 20, 2002. According to the extract from said Standard, the underlined terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below. Material Act or Fact: Any decision of controlling shareholder, of the general meeting or of the management bodies of the Company, or any other act or fact of political administrative, technical, business or economic and financial nature related to the Company’s business, which may significantly affect: (a) the price of Securities; (b) the decision of investors to purchase, sell or hold Securities; and (c) the decision of investors to exercise any rights attaching to the holder of Securities. Stock Exchanges: Stock Exchanges and/or entities of organized domestic or foreign market, in which the Securities are admitted to trading. CVM: Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission. Investor Relations Officer: Administrator appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company for the performance of certain statutorily defined functions, who will also be responsible for the enforcement and monitoring of trading and disclosure policies established by the Company. Related Parties: In relation to the Company, jointly or individually, controlling shareholders, whether direct or indirect, Board of Directors members, Officers and members of the Supervisory Board. Securities: In its broadest sense, any shares, debentures, warrants, subscription receipts and rights and promissory notes issued by the Company and any securities related thereto. 281 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 I. Principles 1.1. The Related Parties should act before the Company and any third party, agents or not of the capital market, in compliance with the provisions of the Trading Policy and the principles of loyalty, integrity and truthfulness. 1.2. Related Parties should always take into consideration their role in relation to society in general, the Company and its employees, and regulators, whether national or foreign. 1.3. It is the duty of the Related Parties to allow access for all investors to Relevant Acts or Facts, being forbidden the use, in any way, for their own benefit or that of third parties, of any Privileged Information. 1.4. The Related Parties shall ensure that disclosure of information about the Company's business or its principal shareholders, if any, in the domestic or foreign market, is made complete and timely, and should also cover the correct and precise reality of the Relevant Act or Fact to be disclosed. II. Trading Policy 2.1. The Related Parties shall refrain from trading Securities issued by the Company that they have, in the following cases: (a) prior to disclosure to the market of Relevant Act or Fact; (b) within the period of fifteen (15) days prior to the disclosure of the Quarterly Information, Annual Report and Financial Statements; and (c) in the period between the decision to increase or reduce capital, distribute dividends or bonus shares or issue other Securities, and the publication of the related notices or announcements. 2.1.1. The above prohibitions shall also apply to Related Parties who leave the Company prior to the public disclosure of the Relevant Act or Fact related to business or fact arising during their term of office and shall extend for a period of six (6) months after their leaving. 2.1.2. The prohibition of trading with Securities prior to the disclosure of Relevant Act or Fact shall also apply to any persons who have knowledge of such information, especially to people who have a commercial relationship with the Company, including independent auditors, securities analysts, consultants and institutions that are part of the distribution system. 2.2. While the operation is not disclosed, it is prohibited for the competent bodies of the Company to resolve on the acquisition or sale of shares issued by the Company: (i) if any agreement on the transfer of share control of the Company has been concluded, or if an option or mandate for this purpose has been granted; or (ii) if there is an intention to promote takeover, spin-off, merger, transformation or corporate reorganization involving the Company. 282 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 III. General Provisions 3.1. Compliance with the provisions of the Disclosure Policy does not dispense the Related Parties with compliance with any other obligations imposed by CVM or by any other law or regulatory standard. 3.2. Under paragraph 3 of article 17 of CVM Ruling No. 358, dated 01/03/2002 and the Company's Trading Policy, the Director of Investor Relations is responsible for enforcement and monitoring of the provisions of the Trading Policy. 3.3. Any changes to the provisions of the Trading Policy shall be communicated to the CVM and the Stock Exchanges. 20.2. Provide other information that the Company deems significant Additionally to the information provided above, the Company believes that there is no additional relevant information that should be provided in this item 20 of the Reference Form. 21. Disclosure policy for securities 21.1. Describe internal rules, regulations or procedures adopted by the issuer to ensure that information required to be disclosed publicly is collected, processed and reported accurately and timely In addition to the disclosure policy described below, the Company also has a Disclosure Committee, as described in item 12.1 of this Reference Form, which also evaluates the disclosure of the Company’s information. 21.2. Describe the policy for the disclosure of material act or fact adopted by the issuer, indicating the procedures for maintaining confidentiality of undisclosed material information The disclosure policy of the Company was approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on June 20, 2002 ("Disclosure Policy"). For purposes of the Company's Disclosure Policy, terms shall have the meanings assigned to them in item 20 of this Reference Form. I. Principles 1.1. The Related Parties must act before the Company and any third party, agents or not of the capital market, in compliance with the requirements of the Disclosure Policy and the principles of loyalty, integrity and truthfulness. 283 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 1.2. Related Parties must always take into consideration their role in relation to society in general, the Company and its employees, and regulators, whether national or foreign. 1.3. It is the duty of the Related Parties to allow access for all investors to Relevant Acts or Facts, being forbidden the use, in any way, for their own benefit or that of third parties, any Privileged Information. 1.4. The Related Parties shall ensure that disclosure of information about the Company's business or its principal shareholders, if any, in the domestic or foreign market, is made complete and timely, and should also cover the correct and precise reality of the Relevant Act or Fact to be disclosed. II. Disclosure Policy 2.1. The Director of Investor Relations shall perform the disclosure and communication to the CVM and the Stock Exchanges of any relevant act or fact occurred or related to the Company's business, as well as ensure the full and immediate disclosure, simultaneously in all markets in which such Securities are admitted to trading. 2.2. The Related Parties shall communicate to the Director of Investor Relations, to do this in accordance with the provisions of the Disclosure Policy, any relevant act or fact of which they are aware due to the exercise of their functions at the Company. 2.3. Disclosure of Relevant Act or Fact shall be made, whenever possible, before or after the close of trading on the Stock Exchanges. In case of impossibility of application of this provision because of the trading hours of the domestic and foreign markets, the hours of operation in the domestic market should prevail. 2.3.1. In case disclosure of Relevant Act or Fact during the operating hours of the Stock Exchanges, is mandatory, the Director of Investor Relations may, at the time of disclosure, request the suspension of trading of the Securities in such entities. The request referred to in this subsection shall only be carried out in Brazil if suspension is also observed by the foreign Stock Exchanges. 2.4. The disclosure referred to in item 2.1. shall be made through publication in newspapers of general circulation used by the Company and may be made in summary form, indicating the address on the Internet where complete information is available to all investors with the same content as that sent to the CVM and to the Stock Exchanges. 2.5. The Investor Relations Officer shall inform the CVM and the Stock Exchanges and disclose to the market, if applicable, any material act or fact that he may come to disclose abroad, due to application of standards or regulations of r capital market regulators or foreign stock exchanges. 2.6. Related Parties that detect omission of the Director of Investor Relations in the disclosure of any Relevant Act or Fact will only be exempt from their personal responsibilities when immediately communicating the Material Act or Fact to CVM. III. Communication of Shareholding 3.1. Members of the Board of Directors, Officers, members of the Supervisory Board and/or of any bodies with technical or advisory functions that come to be created by operation of the Company's bylaws, shall communicate to the CVM, the Company and the domestic Stock Exchanges the quantity, characteristics and manner of acquisition of the Securities and securities issued by parent companies or subsidiaries of the Company, which are publicly-traded companies, or related to them, they hold, as well as any subsequent changes in their positions. 284 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 3.1.1. In the communication addressed in the previous subsection, there shall also be indication of Securities that are owned by their spouse, partner, any dependent included in his income tax return and of companies controlled by them, whether directly or indirectly. 3.2. The communication referred to in this item III shall be made by the persons mentioned in subsection 3.1. (i) within thirty (30) days after the approval of the Disclosure Policy; (ii) immediately after taking office; and (iii) within a maximum period of ten (10) days after the end of the month in which there were changes in the positions held by them, stating the final position in the period. IV. Exception to Immediate Disclosure 4.1. Material Acts or Facts may not be disclosed if the Controlling Shareholders or the Directors believe that their disclosure would jeopardize the legitimate interests of the Company. 4.2. If information concerning Material Acts or Facts mentioned in the previous subsection escape the control or atypical fluctuation in price or quantity of the Securities traded takes place, such Material Acts or Facts must be immediately disclosed by the Director of Investor Relations or directly by Controlling Shareholders or the Directors. V. The Non-disclosure Policy 5.1. The Related Parties must maintain the confidentiality of privileged information to which they have access by virtue of their job or position, until its disclosure to the market, as well as must ensure that subordinates and others they trust do the same, being jointly liable in the event of noncompliance. 5.2. Related Parties must make people who will provide services to the Company, including independent auditors, securities analysts, consultants and distribution system institutions, observe the provisions of subsection 5.1. VI. General Provisions 6.1. Compliance with the provisions of the Disclosure Policy does not dispense Related Parties with compliance with any other obligations imposed by the CVM or by any other law or regulatory standard. 6.2. Under paragraph 3 of article 17 of CVM Ruling No. 358, dated 01/03/2002 and the Disclosure Policy, the Director of Investor Relations will be responsible for enforcing and monitoring the provisions of the Disclosure Policy. 6.3. Any amendments to the Disclosure Policy shall be communicated to the CVM and the Stock Exchanges. 21.3. Inform the disclosure of information to managers responsible for implementation, maintenance, evaluation and monitoring of the policy As indicated in subsection 6.2 of item 21.2. above, the Director of Investor Relations of the Company is primarily responsible for the enforcement and monitoring of the Disclosure Policy. 285 Usiminas Headquarters Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011 Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260 Belo Horizonte - MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 21.4. Provide other information as issuer may deem significant The Company believes that there is additional significant information to be provided in this Item 21 of the Reference Form. 22. Extraordinary business 22.1. Indicate the acquisition or disposal of any relevant asset that is not related to the normal business operation of the issuer for the last 3 fiscal years The Company has not purchased in the last 3 fiscal years any relevant asset that is not related to the normal operation of the company's business. 22.2. Indicate significant changes in the conduct of business of the issuer for the last 3 fiscal years th The Company´s Executive Board, in a meeting held on May 18 , 2015, decided to temporarily interrupt st operations in Blast Furnaces #1 at the Cubatão plant and #1 at the Ipatinga plant, from May 31 and June th 4 , 2015, respectively. Pig iron production will be reduced by approximately 120 thousand tons per month. Such adjustment intends to adapt the production to the current steel market demand and will bring opportunities of cost reduction and competitiveness improvement during the current market scenario. 22.3. Identify significant contracts by issuer and its subsidiaries not directly related to its operating activities for the last 3 fiscal years In the last 3 fiscal years, the Company or its subsidiaries did not execute any significant contract that is not related to their operating activities. 22.4. Provide other information as issuer may deem significant If there is any discrepancy between the English and Portuguese versions of this Reference Form, the Portuguese version shall prevail. 286
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