Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents Preface................................................................................................................................................. xvii Chapter 1 The Idea of a Green New Deal in a Quintuple Helix Model of Knowledge, Know-How and Innovation...................................................................................................................................... 1 Thorsten D. Barth, University of Vienna, Austria Chapter 2 The Semi-Aquatic Theory: Semi-Aquatic Evolutionary Phase and Environment, Language Development of Modern Humans. With a Short Epilog on Conceptualized Evolution, Social Ecology and the Quintuple Helix................................................................................................ 16 George S. Campbell, Austria David F. J. Campbell, University of Klagenfurt, Austria Chapter 3 The Evaluation of the Implementation of Sustainability Norms: An Exercise for Experts or Citizens?................................................................................................................................................. 32 Helga Pülzl, University of Salzburg, Austria, & Rutgers University, USA Doris Wydra, University of Salzburg, Austria Chapter 4 Reflections on Mode 3, the Co-Evolution of Knowledge and Innovation Systems and How It Relates to Sustainable Development: Conceptual Framework for “Epistemic Governance”............... 46 Alice B. M. Vadrot, Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Science (ICCR), Austria Chapter 5 A Study of Tourist Perceptions of Overseas Travel Stress While Visiting Bangkok, Thailand............. 56 Adarsh Batra, Assumption University, Thailand Chapter 6 Employee Behavioral Intentions in Adopting Information Technology: The Case of the Greek Hotel Industry.............................................................................................................................. 73 Anastasia A. Katou, University of Macedonia, Greece Margarita A. Vogiatzi, Technical Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece Chapter 7 Ecotourism for Community Development: A Stakeholder’s Perspective in Great Himalayan National Park......................................................................................................................................... 88 S. P. Bansal, Himachal Pradesh University, India Jaswinder Kumar, Himachal Pradesh University, India Chapter 8 Sustainable Tourism Development in India: An Empirical Examination of Stakeholders’ Perceptions............................................................................................................................................. 99 Mohinder C. Dhiman, Kurukshetra University, India Arvind Kumar Dubey, Indira Gandhi National Open University, India Chapter 9 Sustainable Development of Pilgrimage Tourism in Jammu Region: An Investigation of Rural Residents’ Attitude..................................................................................................................... 112 Vinay Chauhan, University of Jammu, India Chapter 10 Community Based Eco Cultural Heritage Tourism for Sustainable Development in the Asian Region: A Conceptual Framework............................................................................................ 124 G. Poyya Moli, Pondicherry University, India Chapter 11 How to Survive in an Environment of Technological Changes: A Sustainable Technology Strategy for SMEs................................................................................................................................ 141 Antonino Ardilio, Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation, Germany Joachim Warschat, Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation, Germany Chapter 12 Option Value Embedded on the Brazilian Flex and Sustainable Vehicles........................................... 157 Alceu S. Camargo, Jr., Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Abraham S. O. Yu, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Paulo Tromboni de S. Nascimento, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Jose Vidal Belinetti, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil José J. Marques, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Leandro J. Morilhas, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Chapter 13 The Effect of Business Characteristics on the Methods of Knowledge Protections............................ 172 Xu Bin, National University of Singapore, Singapore Tan Kay Chuan, National University of Singapore, Singapore Chapter 14 TQM for Sustainable Development through NPD in Developing Countries...................................... 201 Fasil Taddese, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Hiroshi Osada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Chapter 15 Forecasting Renewable Energy Technologies in Desalination and Power Generation Using Taxonomies................................................................................................................................ 219 Gihan Dawelbait, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, UAE Andreas Henschel, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, UAE Toufic Mezher, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, UAE Wei Lee Woon, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, UAE Chapter 16 Common Problems and Lessons Learned from Managing Large-Scale US Government IS/IT Projects....................................................................................................................................... 234 Peerasit Patanakul, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA Saif Syed Omar, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA Chapter 17 A Hybrid Style of E-Learning in MBA Education Across Borders..................................................... 253 Caroline Benton, University of Tsukuba, Japan Rémy Magnier-Watanabe, University of Tsukuba, Japan Harald Herrig, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France Olivier Aba, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France Chapter 18 Strategic Environmental Assessment as a Tool to Develop Power in Transboundary Water Basin Settings...................................................................................................................................... 269 Jakob J. Granit, Stockholm International Water Institute, Sweden R. Michael King, SNC-Lavalin Inc., Canada Raymond Noël, Newaygo Consultants Inc., Canada Chapter 19 When Low-Carbon means Low-Cost: Putting Lessons from Nature to work in our Cities................ 282 Stephen J. Salter, Farallon Consultants Limited, Canada Chapter 20 Application of Methodologies for Environmental Flow Determination in an Andean and a Mediterranean Basin: Two Case Studies of the Pance River (Colombia) and Wadi River (Palestine) Basin............................................................................................................... 296 Yesid Carvajal-Escobar, Universidad del Valle, Colombia Ziad Mimi, Birzeit University, Palestine Saed Khayat, Palestine Technical University- Tulkarm, Palestine Saleh Sulieman, Birzeit University, Palestine Wilson Garces, Universidad del Valle, Colombia Guillermo Cespedes, Universidad del Valle, Colombia Chapter 21 Water Access in the Fight Against Poverty: Tourism or Multiple Use of Water Services?................. 315 Diego Azqueta, University of Alcalá, Spain Álvaro Montoya, University of Alcalá, Spain Chapter 22 The Best Desalination Technology for the Persian Gulf...................................................................... 326 Akbar Adibfar, MAPNA Group, Iran Chapter 23 Investigation of Deforestation of Environmental Protection Areas of Madeira River Permanent Preservation Areas in Rondônia Amazon, Brazil............................................................... 335 Marcelo Rodrigues dos Anjos, Federal University of Amazonas, and Centro de Estudos da Cultura e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia RIOTERRA, Brazil Marla Schulz, Empresa Brasileira de Geoprocessamento (EMBRAGEO), Brazil Compilation of References................................................................................................................ 344 About the Contributors..................................................................................................................... 382 Index.................................................................................................................................................... 385
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