- Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop
- Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop
ARTSImit Towards natural and efficient Human-Robot collaboration: from the neurocognitive basis of joint action in humans to robotics Estela Bicho et al University of Minho, Portugal [email protected] http://www.dei.uminho.pt/pessoas/estela/ Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop 2014 1 People involved at Uminho: Estela Bicho Wolfram Erlhagen Luís Louro Rui Silva Eliana Silva Nzoji Hipólito Toni Machado Anwar Hussein Albert Mukovskiy Emanuel Sousa Günter Westphal Sergio Monteiro Flora Ferreira Fabian Chersi Collaborations and acknowledgments: Radboud University Nijmegen Harold Bekkering Ruud Meulenbroek Hein Van Schie Ellen de Bruin Raymond Cuijpers Roger Newman-Norlund Institut für Neuroinformatik, Bochum Gregor Schöner, Axel Steinhage University of Parma Leo Fogassi, Giacomo Rizolatti Technical University Munchën Alois Knoll, Ellen Foster, Manuel Giuliani 2 1 University of Minho 3 Towards natural and efficient Human-Robot collaboration Tentative outline • Motivation? • What makes a robot a socially inteligent assistant? • How to achieve the goal of synthesizing such robots? • Multidisciplinary projects and results obtained so far • Scientific and technical relevance 4 2 Efficient Human-Human Interaction/Collaboration Video (Nominated for the 6 finalists for the IEEE IROS 2012 Jubilee video award) 5 Requirements for the robot: Human-like social and cognitive capacities • Action understanding • Goal inference • Anticipation • Action/Error Monitoring • Decision making in joint action: to select complementary appropriate behaviour that takes into account the actions and intentions of the human-partner 6 3 Our approach to natural and efficient Human-Robot Collaboration? Hmm, what is he trying to build? Hmm, what is he trying to build? Give me the short slat, please? Give me the short slat, please? • Neurodynamics and embodied view of (social) cognition • Multidisciplinary approach: • Cognitive psychology • Neuroscience • Mathematical modelling (of neural and behavioural data), • Robotics 7 JAST – Joint Action Science and Technology funded by EC (ref. IST-2-003747-IP) Cognitive basis of joint action time 1.Reaction What are thestudies,… perceptual, reasoning and action processes in humans that support joint action? Nijmegen Inst. For Cognition and Information, Max Planck Institut for Biological Cybernetics Neural bases of joint action brain 2. Which are thescanning, underlying brain EEG, fMRI, ERN structures involved in joint action? Mathematical modelling/Theory F.C.Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nimegen 3. Can we build robot Dynamic Field Theory, Nonlinear Dynamics control architectures based on the neuroOptimization, Information Theory... cognitive mechanisms supporting joint action University of Minho in humans? Technical UniversityMunchën Joint action in autonomous robots Synthesis of socially inteligent robots: action understanding/intention reading, learning, goal-directed imitation, anticipation, error handling coordination of decisions and actions 4. Will this improve the quality of human-robot interaction? 10 4 Joint Construction Task #1: Toy vehicle scenario Symmetric task Assumptions: • Human and robot know the construction plan • Human and robot can make assembly tasks • The spatial distribution of parts in the workspace obliges each agent to hand over pieces • The logical order to assemble the object is not unique • No direct verbal communication/Instructions Challenge: Coordination of decisions and actions in time? 11 Joint Construction Task #2: Asymmetric task ? Baufix Scenario Assumptions: • Several Target Objects • Which may be initially different for human and robot • Robot is not performing assembly actions • Direct verbal communication / Instructions Challenges: 1. 2. 3. 4. Inference of immediate goal & conflict monitoring Inference of final goal & conflict monitoring Conflict handling Integration of verbal communication 12 5 Efficient and fluent joint action performance Requires that each team member: monitors the actions of the partner, interprets actions in terms of their outcomes/goals, detects/anticipates errors, use the predictions to select, adequate complementary behaviors, acts in anticipation of user needs 13 Interpretation of others’ actions: basic mechanisms Bekkering, et al (2009); Newman-Norlund et al (2007 a,b); ... • • Action understanding (at different levels of goal hierarchy) through motor simulation/ressonance is a possible mechanism: perceived actions are automatically mapped onto corresponding motor representation of the observer to predict the action effect We usually care little about the surface behavior but interpret observed actions in terms of their goals: what object is he/she going to grasp? and what for? • Contextual information matters: a given action can be organized by very different intentions. • Motor resonance mechanism also in joint actions tasks • Decision making in joint action: the inferred goal of the partner biases the selection of a complementary action sequence • Highly context sensitive mapping of observed actions onto selected actions 14 6 Action understanding through motor simulation First neurophysiological evidence: Mirror neurons in the premotor cortex (F5) • Actions able to trigger mirror neurons must be goal-directed •Mirror neurons encode the purpose of the movement and not the movement details, e.g., independent of hand orientation or even the effector used. • Degree of congruency may vary (e.g., precision vs full grip) • Motor vocabulary: “grasping”, “reaching”, “placing” etc. (adapted from Rizzolatti et al, 2001) 15 Mirror Neurons in area PF/PFG: code the (ultimate) goal of an observed action sequence Goal / intention of the ‘reaching-grasping-placing’ sequence? Visual responses Task 1: Action sequence observation task eating put in container Motor responses Task 2: Motor sequence task (adapted from Fogassi et al, Science, 2005) 16 7 Action organization in the parietal cortex • Neurons of inferior parietal cortex appear to be organized in chains of individual motor acts, each of which is aimed to a final action goal. Goal direct action sequences are represented by chains of mirror neurons coding subsequente acts • triggered by multi-modal input (observed motor act, contextual cues like object properties, verbal utterances) (Fogassi et al, Science, 2005) • Action related speech activates mirror system (e.g., Buccino et al., 2005) (grasping for placing) 17 Dynamic Model of Joint Action Implements a flexible mapping from observed actions (AOL) onto complementary actions (AEL) as a dynamic process that integrates: - shared task knowledge (CSGL) - the inferred action goal of the partner (IL) which is inferred based on motor simulation (layer ASL) (Erlhagen et al, 2006) - contextual information (OML) Action observation layer (AOL) Observed motor primitives Goal directed chains of motor primitives Goal directed chains of motor primitives Bicho et al 2010,2011a,b2011 18 8 Example of two goal-directed chains AOL AOL: Visual description of observed motor primitives (reach,grasp,…) ASL: Goal-directed actions IL (each a sequence of motor primitives) IL: Inferred Goal OML: Objects, CSGL: shared task knowledge Hover OML CSGL AEL: Reachgrasp/wheel -plug plug Reachgrasp/wheel -Handover 19 handover reach grasp Dynamic Neural Field Implementation • neural activation in each layer ui(x) evolves continuously in time as a field dynamics: ui ( x ,t ) t ui ( x ,t ) wi ( x x' )Fi ui ( x' ,t ) dx' h S i ( x ,t ) i= AOL, OML, ASL, IL, AEL,… Amari, 1977 neuronal activation patterns encode task relevant information Ex: AOL Working memory: activation patterns are self-sustained persistent inner states x accounts for the important temporal dimension of joint action: cognitive processes unfold continuously in time under the influence of multiple sources of information activation represented in connected layers (‘synaptic links’) Decision making through lateral inhibition x (e.g., Erlhagen & Schöner, Psychological review, 2002; Bicho, Mallet, Schöner, Int.Journal of Robotics Research, 2000; Erlhagen & Bicho, J. Neuroengineering, 2006) 20 9 Example: Activation in Action Execution Layer Total input to Action Execution Layer Competition among two goal directed actions: Activation in Action Execution Layer E = Reach-Grasp-Nut-Handover D= Reach-Grasp-Wheel- Insert D E 21 Extension to Error Monitoring Necessary to cope with unexpected events and errors. guideline •Motor representations for goal inference become activated irrespective of the correctness of the observed movement! (van Schie et al., De Bruijn et al) Error monitoring layer (EML): • different populations in EML are sensitive to a mismatch between expected and observed consequences; • integrate activity from: • IL and CSGL (Error in intention) • ASL and OML (Error in the ‘means’) • AEL and proprioceptive/visual feedback (Error in execution) • inhibition of “prepotent” complementary actions • neurophysiological evidence in areas of PFC and ACC 23 10 “Think aloud”: speech as output Speech production was added to verbalize meaning of the activity in the DNFs. - Feedback about its reasoning to the user - Explain the errors Helps the human to coordinate with the robot Bicho et al (2010) 24 Verbal communication Action related speech as input to fields: • changes time course of field dynamics • may change decisions or may help to disambiguate • verbal instructions (‘“Give me the wheel” activates the motor representation of a pointing/request gesture) dialogue dialogue 25 11 Human & Robot in Action: Results I. Construction task #1: Toy vehicle II. Construction task #2: Baufix III. “Drinking” scenario 26 Vision system • Object recognition and state of the construction zoom AOL • Gesture recognition OML CSGL AOL Recognition Through Combination of Feature- and Correspondence-Based Pattern Recognizers (Günter Westphal, 2006) 27 12 Videos: Video_Fig3_Anticipatory_AS_April09.mpg video_Fig3_Anticipatory_AS_April09_DNF(slow )-1.avi A look inside Anticipatory behavior AG W OML OML ILN ILW EL CSGL IRW ASL RW-AG-I IL Error in intention IW/(ILW) Error in ‘means’ AEL RN-AG-H 28 Understanding Partially Occluded Actions ARoS knows that there is a wheel behind the occluding object Action_Toy_Vehicle_with_Occluder_19052010.mpg 29 13 Results: Time matters (Bicho et al, 2011a) Human first inserts the wheel and then the nut on his side t1 t2 Left: after inserting the nut the human immediately hands over the wheel to the robot t5A t3 t7A Video_DF_Teste_1_3A.avi Right: the human is slower and the robot request the wheel t5B t6A Video_Teste 1_3A.mpg t4 t6B Video_Teste 1_3B.mpg Video_DF_Teste_1_3B.avi t7B 30 Nomination for the 6 finalists for the IEEE IROS 2012 Jubilee video award: "videos illustrating the history and/or milestones in intelligent robotics and/or intelligent systems in the last 25 years." With the HRI work: “The Powers of Prediction: Robots that can read Intentions” Bicho et al, 2012 Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JisAUhyXzus&feature=youtu.be http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/robotics-hardware/iros-2012-video-friday 31 14 European ICT research success stories ICT Results ... Results that Lead the way... http://staging.esn.eu/projects/ICT-Results/Success_stories.html 32 Summary of main achievements • We have developed a DNF-based robot control architecture for joint action taking into account neuro-cognitive principles underlying joint action in humans: • Action understanding and goal inference at different levels • Fluency: Selection of complementary actions based on an anticipatory model of action observation . • Flexibility: Context-dependent selection of mappings • Different types of error detection (intention, means, execution): different reactions possible ranging from speech to communicative gestures and repair actions . • Dynamic field architecture reflects the importance of timing of actions and decisions for efficient team performance. • Integration of verbal and non-verbal communication • Changes of inter-field connections allow to adapt personality of the robot: more social or more selfish robot behavior anticipatory vs. non-anticipatory action selection: some users prefer to control the robot by giving orders 33 15 Towards (more) socially inteligent assistive robots: when Action Meets Emotions • the same action, with a different facial expression may have an underling diferent goal/intention • The same facial expression may have an underlying different emotional state deppending on the context Rui Silva Embodied view of emotions: Kelly & Barsade, 2001; Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia, 2008, 2010 Ferri et al, 2010; Wiswede et al, 2009 • Shared emotions and the role of emotions in joint tasks? current inspiration John Michael, 2011. 34 References W.Erlhagen, E. Bicho, “The dynamic neural field approach to cognitive robotics”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 3 (2006), R36-R54. · E. Bicho, W. Erlhagen, L. Louro, E. Costa e Silva, R. Silva, N. Hipolito,"A dynamic field approach to goal inference, error detection and anticipatory action selection in human-robot collaboration", in "New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction", Edited by Kerstin Dautenhahn & Joe Sanders, ,pp. 135-164. Advances in Interaction Studies, ISSN 1879-873X John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2011. E.Bicho, W. Erlhagen, L.Louro, E. Costa e Silva, “Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of decision making in joint action: a HumanRobot interaction study”, Human Movement Science, 30 (2011) 846–868. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.humov.2010.08.012 · E.Bicho, L.Louro, W. Erlhagen, “Integrating verbal and non-verbal communication in a dynamic neural field architecture for human-robot interaction”, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, May 2010, Vol.4, Article 5 ,doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2010.00005. (videos: http://dei-s1.dei.uminho.pt/pessoas/estela/JASTVideosFneurorobotics.htm ) W. Erlhagen, E. Bicho, “A Dynamic Neural Field Approach to Natural and Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration”, chapter in “Neural Fields: Theory and Applications”, Edts Stephen Coombes, Peter beim Graben, Roland Potthast, and James J. Wright, Springer, 31st May 2014, ISBN 978-3-642-54592-4. W.Erlhagen, et al, “Action-understanding and Imitation Learning in a Robot-Human Task”, Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations, pp.261-268, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2005. · W.Erlhagen, A.Mukovskiy, E. Bicho, “A dynamic model for action understanding and goal-directed imitation”, Brain Research, 1083 (2006), 174-188. · W.Erlhagen, A.Mukovskiy,E. Bicho, G.Panin, C.Kiss, A.knoll, H. van Schie, H.Bekkering, “Goal-directed Imitation for Robots: a bio-inspired approach to action understanding and skill learning”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 54 (2006), 353-360. 35 16 Thank you! Estela Bicho Erlhagen ([email protected]) http://www.dei.uminho.pt/pessoas/estela/ 36 17
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