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agenda - Câmara Municipal de Vila Real de Santo António

agenda - Câmara Municipal de Vila Real de Santo António Local: Praça Marquês de Pombal em Vila Real de Santo António (Dia 24) Org.: Associação Cultural de Vila Real de Santo António Apoio: Câmara Municipal de Vila Real de Santo António

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agenda - Câmara Municipal de Vila Real de Santo António

agenda - Câmara Municipal de Vila Real de Santo António EXHIBITION “INDÚSTRIA CONSERVEIRA EM VRSA” EXHIBITION “ARTES LITOGRÁFICAS” Time: 9.30am> 12.30pm / 2pm> 4.45pm (Monday to Friday) Venue: Municipal History Archive

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Agenda - VRSA - Maio - May 2008 - Câmara Municipal de Vila Real

Agenda - VRSA - Maio - May 2008 - Câmara Municipal de Vila Real of pieces from this period, the standard lamps lit homes by burning olive oil placed in the upper section. Used during the first half of the 13th century, the piece was recently restored in order t...

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