T Construções Madeira (17)


T Construções Madeira (17)
Play Houses
Beach Bars
for children
Stella e Kitty
Kit completo (madeira perfilada para paredes, tábuas para
Complete Kit (shaped wood for walls, roof and floor planks,
telhado, portas e janelas com vidro simples ou duplo, tela
doors and windows with single or double glass, asphalt fabric
asfáltica para cobertura do telhado).
for roof covering).
Instruções detalhadas de montagem.
Detailed assembly instructions.
Construção sólida e duradoura, com elevada tecnologia.
Solid, long lasting, and high technology construction.
5 anos de garantia.
5 years warranty.
Complete Kit (shaped wood for walls, roof and floor planks, doors and
windows with single or double glass, asphalt fabric for roof covering).
Small Constructions
fir wood/ shell
Detailed assembly instructions.
Solid and long lasting, and high technology construction.
5 years warranty.
GLOBALDIS - Distribuição global de materiais, S.A.
Vale de Cambra
Rua da Vicaima
T. +351 256 426 400
Malhada Velha - Ferreiras
T. +351 289 580 640
Vilar do Pinheiro
Via José Régio, 256
T. +351 229 069 040
[email protected]
Contact Center 808 50 50 30
Wooden Houses
with one or two storeys
Garden Shelters
sheds and annexes
HOUSE KIT includes: beams (45 mm thick/ high) treated
Complete Kit (shaped wood for walls, roof and floor
Complete Kit (shaped wood for walls, roof and floor
by impregnation for house foundations (only under-
planks, doors and windows with single or double glass,
planks, doors and windows with single or double glass,
neath the walls), ceiling beams, shaped wood for walls in
asphalt fabric for roof covering).
asphalt fabric for roof covering).
Detailed assembly instructions.
Detailed assembly instructions.
Solid, long lasting, and high technology construction.
Solid, long lasting, and high technology construction.
5 years warranty.
5 years warranty.
also covered with or without annex
solid wood or lamella, floor, ceiling planks, roof building
materials: beams and third, tracks, panels and balcony
beams, stairs, grids and terrace poles (if exists), insulation material for walls (panels, clapboards and rubber
joints), asphalt fabric and toll kit.

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