Photonics from Berlin-Brandenburg


Photonics from Berlin-Brandenburg
Photonics from Berlin-Brandenburg
Welcome to the German capital region
International Congress and Exhibition
Berlin, 11–13 October 2016
– 27 kNing +++ Networking & Party
Previ ++ Invited talks +++ Matchma
Keynotes +
Optical technologies have a long tradition in Berlin and Brandenburg: Siemens, Osram and AEG
illuminated the capital as the “City of Light”, and the
lenses was developed in Rathenow, Brandenburg.
Today in the region, there are world-renowned research facilities and innovative companies that
supply the products the world is demanding.
With their multi-faceted spectrum of expertise, the
many companies and research facilities, along with
excellent infrastructure and its huge pool of highly
skilled workers make the Berlin-Brandenburg region one of the world’s leading locations in the photonics sector.
The six focal areas essential for driving these developments forward are:
Laser technology
Lighting technology
Photonics for communication and sensors
Optical analytics
Biomedical and ophthalmic optics
Microsystems technology
For more information please visit our website at
The Photonics cluster in Berlin-Brandenburg feaber of specialized small and medium-sized enterprises with a broad spectrum of know-how. This
creates ideal conditions for reciprocal transfer between science and industry and, at the same time,
is a driving force for innovation in other sectors.
The almost 4,000 new industrial jobs created in the
last 10 years, an average annual revenue growth
of 8%, an export share of 68% and the R&D share
of almost 17% of total revenue all testify to its position.
Around 400 technology companies, 10 institutions
of higher education and 26 non-university research
facilities with 16,600 employees are the core of
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology
Berlin inspires – as a creative metropolis, as a start-up hub, as a place for innovative technology and science. Berlin is
business and technology development at this internationally attractive location. The traditional industry sectors are supplemented by numerous startups and crossover technologies from the clusters healthcare industry, ICT, media, creative industries, transport, mobility, logistics, energy technology as well as photonics. With this combination of future technologies
and traditional sectors in the process of modernization, Berlin’s industry landscape offers clear opportunities for business
Photonics have a long tradition in the capital region: Siemens, Osram and AEG Berlin have been brightly illuminating the
Products or Services:
Nearly 400 technology companies and more than 30 university and non-university research institutes research and develop
high-tech components, systems and products in Berlin for the world market. A total of 16,600 people work in the innovative
core of the cluster. With its wide range of expertise, the capital region has become one of the world‘s leading locations for
photonics and microsystems technologies.
lish business in Berlin. Search for technology partners and collaboration, elaboration of funding possibilities for Investments
and technology projects, internationalization and administrative help.
Our comprehensive service and information offers allow us to support and advise photonics and microsystems technology
companies that want to become established in Berlin, move to Berlin or grow here.
lish business in Berlin. Search for technology partners and collaboration, elaboration of funding possibilities for Investments
and technology projects, internationalization and administrative help.
Products or Services:
Search for technology partners and collaboration, elaboration of funding possibilities for Investments and technology pro-
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology
Fasanenstraße 85
10623 Berlin
Fasanenstraße 85
10623 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 172 9967-342
[email protected]
Contact: Melanie Vogel,
Project Manager Manufacturing Industries
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 46302-342
Cel: +49 (0) 172 9967-342
Phone: +49 (0) 172 9912-584
[email protected]
Contact: Dr. Danny Krautz,
Key Account Manager Photonics
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 46302-584
Cel: +49 (0) 172 9912-584
CERTI Foundation
DirectPhotonics Industries
The Reference Center Foundation for Innovative Technologies (CERTI) is an independent private institution dedicated to
the development of innovative technology products and solutions.
DirectPhotonics, established in 2011, develops, manufactures and sells ultra-high brightness diode lasers that are re-
Founded on October 31, 1984 in Florianópolis, CERTI is a national wide institution with three branches strategically placed
on: Manaus (North), Brasilia (National District Capital in Middle-West) and Florianopolis (South). They create a perfect partnership for the development of products, researches and consulting services in the following areas: industrial metrology,
instrumentation and automation, mechaoptoelectronics, quality assurance, innovative entrepreneurship, industrial
manufacturing, digital convergence, edutainment, green economy and intelligent systems.
to become the new workhorse in cutting and welding applications. Development and Manufacturing of industrial lasers,
mainly direct-diode-lasers, for material processing e.g. cutting, welding.
CERTI has been operating on the concepts of quality, speed, innovation, responsibility and value delivery. CERTI has been
devoted to innovations and R&D unceasingly and has accumulated years of experiences in entrepreneurship, with its incubator, projects of technological poles and also programs of creation and development of technology based enterprises
around the country; hardware and software design, digital convergence and intelligent systems, considering specialist system, connectivity, embedded software, human machine interfaces, equipment and devices and others; and also advanced
enhancing resonator.
This capacity is often combined in end-to-end multidisciplinary projects comprising manufacturing, supply chain, market
ment. For its mature methodology of project development, CERTI is capable to offer its solutions to various segments, as
automotive industry, health, IT, agroindustry, O&G, Education, Energy, and others.
Products or Services:
100 to 500 Watt direct-diode-lasers: DirectProcess900, DirectLight100, Diodelasers for soldering and FRIT-Welding: DirectBond800, Wavelength stabilized diode-lasers at 15xxnm/976nm
Working with enabling technologies and meaningful and useful tools to improve life quality and to generate relevant business impacts, CERTI is recognized in Brazil and abroad for its vanguard projects and services.
output power levels from a few hundred Watts up to the Kilowatt range, and with a beam parameter product of 7.5 mm.mrad
Key to entering this competitive market is not only a diode laser system with unprecedented beam quality, but also an
architecture that is designed with manufacturability in mind. Our team of engineers comes with long experience, both in
building high brightness diode lasers and in automatically assembling laser systems, assuring high reproducibility and reliability. – See more at:
Interests theme for the mission in Brazil:
Potential OEM customers and partners in applications concerning material processing, Welding (metal, plastic), cutting
(metal, hybrid materials), soldering
Fundação CERTI
Campus UFSC
Caixa Postal 5053
Florianópolis – Brazil
Max-Planck-Str. 3
12489 Berlin
Phone: +55 (0) 48 32392114
[email protected]
Daniel Rosa, Business Manager
at CERTI Institute of Technology
Phone: +55 (0) 48 32392114
Cel: +55 (0) 48 88142380
Skype: sr.danielrosa
Phone: +49 (0) 30 639287240
Fax: +49 (0) 30 63928742
[email protected]
Wolfgang Gries, CEO/Managing Director
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 639287240
Cel: +49 (0) 170 2301422
enviacon international
Fraunhofer IPK – Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology
enviacon international is a consultancy active in the areas of market research, new business development, policy consulting, event management and location marketing. We are headquartered in Berlin with two further locations in Brazil and
the US. Our dedicated team of consultants and analysts offer services for companies and public institutions with an international focus.
Fraunhofer IPK in Berlin stands for over 35 years of excellence in production science. We conduct applied research
and development across the whole process spectrum of manufacturing industry – from product development, production
processes, maintenance of investment goods, and product recycling to the design and management of manufacturing
companies. We also transfer production technology solutions to areas of application outside of industry such as medicine,
transport and security. IPK is structured in seven divisions: Corporate Management, Virtual Product Creation, Production
Systems, Joining and Coating Technology, Automation Technology, Quality Management, and Medical Technology. Close
collaboration between divisions means that we are able to tackle even extremely complex issues.
Products or Services:
• market research
• business development
• policy consulting
• event management
• location marketing
As an institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, we tailor our work closely to the needs and requirements of our customers
and partners. With its market orientation and high real-world value, our R&D helps to sharpen their long-term competitive
edge. We develop forward-looking novel solutions and modernize, optimize and extend existing technologies and appli-
Interests theme for the mission in Brazil:
• Contact to German companies that need support for their market entry in Brazil
• Contact to Brazilian companies that are interested in starting cooperation with German companies
business in in Europe (company representation)
• Contact to Brazilian public organizations that need support by attracting companies from Europe for investments resp.
location marketing
sustainability, and environmental compatibility. Apart from contract research, we also conduct pre-competitive research
projects to develop innovative concepts for tomorrow’s production, working closely with our partners to transform the basic
innovations thus delivered into marketable products.
Your Partner in Science:
Universität Berlin in the Production Technology Center (PTZ) on the Spreebogen embankment in the Berlin district of Charlottenburg. Both institutes have been connected by close bonds of cooperation ever since Fraunhofer IPK was founded.
innovation from basic research and application-oriented expertise through to ready-to-use technologies. This means, for
Fraunhofer IPK
Martin-Buber-Str. 25
14163 Berlin
Pascalstr. 8–9
10587 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 8148841-11
Fax: +49 (0) 30 8148841-11
[email protected]
Contact: David Carlos Domingos,
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 39006-413
Fax: Fax: +49 (0)30 / 3 93 25 03
Cel: +55 (0) 61 8347-7198
Contact: Dr. Markus Will,
Dr. Konrad Bauer, CEO
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 8148841-11
Cel: +49 (0) 170 5712174
[email protected]
Phone: +55 (0) 61 3317-8918
Cel: +55 (0) 21 98800-4434
Merck Performance Materials
Performance Materials comprises Merck’s entire specialty chemicals business. The portfolio includes high-tech perforcustomer contact. FOC develops and manufactures passive optical components meeting the highest challenging customer
and industry partners. With the access to own production and storage in Berlin we are able to support customer requests
tem. All products are applicable for indoor and also outdoor using.
cable for all kinds of network structures. This way we enter into a new level in terms of data transfer and also for network
government), railway or off-shore- cables. Additional it is comfortable surveil man hole and cabinet access because you
don’t need a power supply.
For planning, installation and operating of a FLIP system we are looking for local cooperation to:
• breakdown optical parameters and network structure
• planning of system, evaluation of parameters, preparation security model
• software adaption for provider management system
• system installation with hard- and software
• optional service provider
Integrated Circuits
Lighting Applications
Solar & Energy
Cosmetics, Food
Printing & Plastics
With a high market share, Merck has established itself as the global market and technology leader in liquid crystal mixtures. Merck has the broadest product offering in the industry meeting individual customer needs and offering solutions for
all display sizes, from smartphones and tablet computers to large-size television screens. Merck’s portfolio also comprises
materials that are used in integrated circuits. Furthermore Merck develops and markets a comprehensive product portfolio
of decorative effect pigments and functional materials. The effect pigments are primarily used in automotive and industrial
coatings, plastics, printing applications, and cosmetics in order to give products a unique shine.
Customers from the sectors consumer electronics, lighting, printing technology, plastics applications and cosmetics make
use of materials and solutions from Merck. Thanks to comprehensive investments in research & development, Merck is
constantly extending its leading position as an innovator and reliable partner.
Particularly in light of climate change, high energy prices and current events related to nuclear energy, Merck is focusing on
sustainable materials. Merck is active in the growing markets of energy-saving LEDs for lighting, OLEDs for displays and
Products or Services: Materials for LED/OLED, Photovoltaics (OPV, DSSC, Silicon, Perovskites) and barrier coatings
Merck KGaA
Justus-von-Liebig Str. 7
12489 Berlin
Frankfurter Landstr. 250
64293 Darmstadt
Phone: +49 (0) 30 565507-0
Fax: +49 (0) 30 565507-19
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 6151 720
[email protected]
Contact: Dr. Thomas Kietzke, MBE
Christian Kutza, CEO, Founder
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 565507-12
Cel: +49 (0) 172 7216373
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 6151 72 3055
Cel: +49 (0) 151 14543055
OSRAM OLED – Innovation leader for OLED technology
lopment work is dating back to the beginnings of OLED research for display technologies in predecessor departments at the
in designing and processing of OLED devices was generated. OSRAM OLED is actively expanding this knowledge which
makes the company a highly recognized partner in technology cooperations and customer projects.
By running a pilot production line in top-in-class cleanroom facilities at Regensburg, Germany, OSRAM OLED does not
only emphasize laboratory achievements, but sets also a focus on production capable processes and reliability. OSRAM
OLED is dedicated to high quality and has a clear mission to develop OLEDs for the use in automotive and general lighting
applications. Cutting edge technology and customer orientation are the basis for high level professional support and make
OSRAM OLED a key player in the OLED landscape today.
Since its founding in Berlin in 1919, Ottobock has pursued a vision: to improve the mobility of people with disabilities
through innovative products. In doing so, the company equates quality with “Quality for life”: the quality of life enjoyed by
the people who use Ottobock products every day. People at the centre, their individuality and requirements and needs with
respect to functionality, quality as well as design form the basis for the company‘s enduring capability of innovation.
and Technogel (chemistry), and Sycor (information and communication technology). “These three pillars will support our
family member, he took over the position from his father Dr. Max Näder in 1990, the son-in-law of the company‘s founder
Otto Bock.
Products or Services: OLED modules for Lighting
EUR 724.1 million, adjusted for currency exchange effects, and the number of employees increased to over 6,000 worldInterests theme for the mission in Brazil:
Explore collaboration opportunities
service companies in 50 countries places the company near its customers thanks to a global presence.
Participation during the Delegation Journey:
20.09. – 22.09. Brazilian – German Business Days in Joinville
23.09. – 26.09. Company and Institute visit in Santa Catarina and Sao Paulo
27.09. – 29.09. Participation during the SBPmat conference in Rio
All together
ideally positioned and capable of offering its customers a virtually unprecedented wide range of products and extensive
Nonnendammallee 44
13629 Berlin
Ebertstraße 15 a
10117 Berlin
Products or Services:
prosthesis for amputees, orthosis, materials & equipment for orthopedic segment, wheel chairs accessories and neuro
rehabilitation solutions.
Phone fehlt
E-Mail fehlt
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 941 8503507
Cel: +49 (0) 160 90131582
Phone: +49 (0) 30 398206
Fax: +49 (0) 30 398206-111
[email protected]
Contact: Wilson Zampini,
Regional President Latin America
[email protected]
Phone: +55 (0) 19 37293519
Cel: +55 (0) 19 992944235
Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research
The Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research of the Land Berlin aims to foster the international competitiveness of Berlin‘s economy. Especially small and medium enterprises get support in access to new markets abroad
and in identifying international technology partner. The funding instruments of the State of Berlin, in particular the “Programme for internationalization” are aligned to this and offer small and medium enterprises as well as business networks
R&D. Mr. Kieburg is managing director and owner oft he company.
more complex issues such as technology transfer, joint R&D cooperation and building sustainable international networks
standard solutions, the company is primarily dedicated to the development and production of specialized equipment for
innovative laser technology with the main emphasis being on minimized micrometres in laser processing.
Papua New Guinea 2001–2003) and is since 2004 responsible to establish successfully international economic network
ble on the market.
The Company’s Application Laboratory has highly diverse processors with varying lasers at it’s disposal for acquiring and
Products or Services:
Cooperation request:
Microsystems Technology, Microelectronics, Precision Engineering, Automotive suppliers, Medical
Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research
Martin-Luther-Str. 105
10825 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 90138111
Fax: +49 (0) 30 90138528
[email protected]
Barbara Staib,
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 90138111
James-Franck-Str. 21
D-12489 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 3300810 11
Fax: +49 (0) 30 3300810 29
[email protected]
Dr. Kieburg, Geschäftsführer/CEO
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 3300810 11
T-Systems International
SIOD brings paper to life by printing simple displays. They allow paper to light up, show simple animations and will provi-
Drawing on a global infrastructure of data centers and networks, T-Systems operates information and communication
technology systems for multinational corporations and public sector institutions. On this basis, Deutsche Telekom offers
based products like printed advertisement in magazines, packaging, greetings cards and many more. These animations
are catching the eye and staying in the mind of customers, increasing the effectiveness of advertisement and improving the
visibility at the point of sale.
over 20 countries and global delivery capability, T-Systems provides support to companies in all industries. Some 47,800
employees combine industry expertise with ICT innovations.
services, IT and Telecom Infrastructure, Development and Maintenance Applications and Industry Solutions. In 2011, Tbatteries as well as the energy of the sun.
Products or Services:
• illuminated printed advertisement
• illuminated packaging
• printed OLEDs
Interests theme for the mission in Brazil:
New contacts with Brazilian business partners for expansion of business
Participation during the Delegation Journey:
20.09. – 22.09. Brazilian – German Business Days in Joinville
23.09. – 26.09. Company and Institute visit in Santa Catarina and Sao Paulo
Interests theme for the mission in Brazil:
• Cooperation partners for setting up an OLED production in Brasil
• Searching to explore new market potentials
Customers from Packaging, Retail & Consumer Goods
Technologie Campus 1
09126 Chemnitz
Phone: +49 (0) 371 531 35486
[email protected]
Französische Straße 33 a-c
10117 Berlin
Marcin Ratajczak, CEO
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 371 53135486
Cel: +49 (0) 157 77015172
Phone: +49 (0) 30 835385121
Fax: +49 (0) 30 835385129
[email protected]
Contact: Michael Wenzel
Vertrieb / Sales
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 835385121
Cel: +49 (0) 170 9118108
Contact: Peter Jung
CFO T-Systems do Brazil
[email protected]
Phone: +55 11 21842967
Cel: +55 11 987141116
University of Potsdam
Weitnauer Rechtsanwälte
Milene Mendes de Oliveira is an adjunct teacher and a PhD student in the Department of English and American Studies
Weitnauer stands for Finance, Technology, Transactions and provides legal advice to international and domestic companies
German and Brazilian business people, to understand how business between these two cultures is put into practice, and
to collect material for her research project.
Tax Law, IP and Competition, IT, Life Sciences and Transportation as well as Arbitration and Litigation, all both on national
and international level, are recognized throughout Germany and abroad. Our team of internationally educated business
lawyers and tax advisors enables us to offer a one-stop solution for complex legal issues and to successfully conclude large
Products or Services: Research / Education
and professional networks in Brazil enabling us to support businesses in and from Brazil with the entire range of our services.
Interests theme for the mission in Brazil:
German-Brazilian negotiations and business conversations in general
Products or Services:
Legal advice, relating to, including drafting and negotiation of, domestic and international
Participation during the Delegation Journey:
20.09. – 22.09. Brazilian – German Business Days in Joinville
23.09. – 26.09. Company and Institute visit in Santa Catarina and Sao Paulo
27.09. – 29.09. Participation during the SBPmat conference in Rio
All together
Milene Oliveira is a CAPES scholarship holder.
shareholders’ agreements
manufacturing, supply and distributorship agreements,
transfer of technology agreements;
license and cooperation agreements;
private-public partnership agreements;
tender procedures.
Representation of domestic and international clients in
• arbitration and litigation proceedings.
Brazilian Desk for clients from or investing in Brazil.
Weitnauer Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
University of Potsdam
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
Französische Straße 13
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 331 977-0
E-Mail fehlt
Foto: Karla Fritze
Contact: Milene Mendes de Oliveira,
Adjunct teacher / PhD Candidate
[email protected]
Phone fehlt
Cel: +49 (0) 176 64716081
Phone: +49 (0) 30 2309677-0
Fax: +49 (0) 30 2309677-99
[email protected]
Dr. Sven Schilf, Partner
[email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 2309677-0
Cel: +49 (0) 173 6193183
Meet us at
Laser World
Photonics 20 f
Hall B3, Booth
The region for precision.
Our aim: your success!
Berlin and Brandenburg support the Photonics cluster with an economic policy developed across state borders. The cluster is managed
under the aegis of Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, the
Brandenburg Economic Development Board (ZAB) and the network
Our aim is to provide comprehensive support to companies and scienin the capital region.
We are ready to assist you with:
Finding a site
Technology transfer and
R&D cooperation
Cooperating in networks
Recruiting personnel
Developing international
Reach out and contact us!
PHOTOS: Cover: Berlin Partner/Dorland. Inside: Copyright by the respective companies
DESIGN: Connex, Berlin. PRINT: LASERLINE, Berlin
Investing in your future!
European Regional
Development Fund
Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und
Technologie GmbH
Fasanenstraße 85
10623 Berlin
Twitter: @BerlinPartner
ZAB ZukunftsAgentur
Brandenburg GmbH
Steinstraße 104-106
14480 Potsdam
OpTecBB e.V.
Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin
Gerrit Rössler
Tel +49 30 46302 456
[email protected]
Dr. Anne Techen
Tel +49 331 660 3271
[email protected]
Dr. Frank Lerch
Tel +49 30 63921728
[email protected]
Publisher: Berlin Partner for Business and
Technology in cooperation with the Brandenburg
Economic Development Board (ZAB), commissioned by the Berlin State Senate Department for
Economics, Technology and Research and the
Brandenburg State Ministry for Economic Affairs
and Energy. Funded by the State of Berlin and the
State of Brandenburg as well as the Investitionsbank Berlin, cofunded by the European Union –
European Regional Development Fund.