military service.
military service.
LEEDS UNIVERSITY. SUPPLEMENT TO THE “ GRYPHON.” MILITARY SERVICE. December, 1916. LEEDS UNIVERSITY. ROLL OF HONOUR. Corrections and A dditions fo r fu tu re issues should be sent to M r. A . G. Ruston, The University, Leeds. FALLEN IN THE SERVICE OF THEIR COUNTRY. 2nd Lieut. E . W , Wilson Killed. Captain F . A. Forster Killed. Killed. Lieut.-Col. W . L. Loring Killed. Private P. C. Ellis Died in Hospital. Private G. ^ . Denny Killed. Lieut. F . S. Staveley Killed. Lieut. K . Musgrave Killed. Lieut. R . A. Seym our-Jones Killed. P rivate G. S. Grundy Killed. Lieut. E . A. Hopkins Died from the effects of Lieut. C. F . W hitaker poisonous gas. Killed. Lieut. G. S. Shannon Killed. Colonel C. L . Robinson Lieut. F . H. Hyland Killed. Killed. Corporal T. D. Lum b Killed. 2nd Lieut. E . Irish Killed. Lieut. E . Lee Killed. Captain C. H artnell Died of Pneumonia. Captain J . P. B . Maitland Killed. Lieut. J . W . Carter Killed. Captain R . Randerson Died of wounds. Lieut. G. H. Willis Died of wounds. Lieut. E . Worsnop Killed. Lieut. Ian McLean Wilson Killed. Private J . F . W ebster Died of wounds. Lieut. W. C. Isle Died of wounds. Lieut. S. Porter . . Killed. Private N. Dalton Killed. Corporal L . Ackroyd Killed. Capt. A. R . Forsell Died from wounds. Lieut. E . H. Gibson Died from wounds. Captain W. W. Stoney Killed. 2nd Lieut. C. Salm an Killed. Lieut. C. R . A. W artnaby Killed. Sergt. S. P. Shippam Killed. 2nd Lieut. P. A. Margetts Killed. Sergt. E . Gaille . . Killed. Private A. C. J . Coombes Killed. Lieut. S. E . Peirce Killed. Capt. F. M. L a n g .. Died from illness contracted Lieut. A. C. Denham during training. Killed. 2nd Lieut. A. N. Wade C cmvFRsrci KIBRARY IEFDS 4 FALLEN IN THE SERVICE OF THEIR COUNTRY. 2nd Lieut. C. G. W eston Killed. P rivate J . L. Pattinson Killed. Lieut. G. H. Hutchinson Killed. Driver Edgar Sm ith Died from wounds. Lieut. L. M. Morland Died from wounds. Killed. Lieut. R . H. Hummel Died from wounds. Lieut. R . B . H. Rayner Killed. P rivate J . N. Sen Died from injuries received at Surgeon P. D. Pickles the sinking of H .M .S. Russell. Died from wounds. Corporal G. S. Fairburn-H art Killed. Lieut. G. E . Montgomery Killed. Lieut. R . E . Sissons Died from wounds. Lieut. J . R . Wilkinson Killed. Lieut. F . P. Lees .. Killed. Lieut. J . G. Vause Killed. Lieut. D. Fairley . . Died from wounds. M ajor A. N. W heatley Missing. 2nd Lieut. F . Dinsdale Lieut. M. H. W ebster Killed. 2nd Lieut. E . C. Audaer Missing. Lieut. W. E . Waud Killed" Killed. Capt. R . C. Calvert Lieut. J . Edmanson Killed. 2nd Lieut. L. A. D. David Killed. Lieut, and Adi. S. Dawson Killed. Killed. 2nd Lieut. T. J . Mitchell Lieut. J . L. Jam eson Killed. P rivate T. W . Bell Killed. Lieut. L. M. Lupton Killed. 2nd Lieut. F . Wilkinson Killed. Killed. Captain C. S. Wolstenholme Killed. Captain H. R . Knowles . . Killed. Sergeant B . France Killed. Corporal F . B . Bower Killed. Lieut. V. C. D. Boyd-Carpenter Killed. 2nd Lieut. W. G. A. W alter Killed. 2nd Lieut. M K . Gray Killed. Lieut. A. G. Goodson Killed. 2nd Lieut. C. B . Newman Killed. 2nd Lieut. K . M. Priestm an Killed. 2nd Lieut. H. A. W yllie . . Killed. 2nd Lieut. C. W. Tomlinson Died from wounds. Corporal G. E . Pexton Killed. 2nd Lieut. R. L itton Missing, believed Killed. 2nd Lieut. L. B . G. Young Died from wounds. 2nd Lieut. W . B . Naylor Killed. 2nd Lieut. K . W . Sutcliffe Died from wounds. Captain M. Peto Died from wounds. Private E . A. Carlton Killed bv shell. Private W. J . Moody 2nd Lieut. H. E . Appleyard Killed. 2nd Lieut. F . Green Killed. 2nd Lieut. A. V. Skevington K illed. Killed. 2nd Lieut. H. Hovle FALLEN IN THE SERVICE OF THEIR COUNTRY. . . Killed. Corporal A. E . W atts . . Killed. Lieut. E . M. Carre Missing, believed Killed. 2nd Lieut. J . A. C. Spencer Killed. Private H. K . Attenborough . . Killed. P rivate G. F . Sm ith Killed. Captain H. K . Snowdon . . Killed. P rivate H. Pugmire Died from wounds. 2nd Lieut. T. H. Graham Died in hospital. P rivate E . W ilkinson Killed. Lieut. N. Bastow Killed. 2nd Lieut. L. Beaum ont . . Killed. 2nd Lieut. T. H. Graham Missing. 2nd Lieut. A. E . Wynn . . Killed. P rivate W. Beech . . Killed. P rivate O. Hirst Missing, believed Killed. Private R . Gaunt . . Killed. 2nd Lieut. F . Green Killed during bombing prac 2nd Lieut. R.» H artley tice. Killed. P rivate Cass B utler WOUNDED OR TAKEN PRISONER ON ACTIVE SERVICE. W’ounded. Lieut,-Col. F . H. Nugent Missing. 2nd Lieut. A. W . Meller Prisoner of W’ar. Corporal G. S. Mallinson Wounded. Lieut. J . Gill WTounded. Lieut. H. W . Y ates Wounded and a Prisoner. Lieut. J . R . Wilkinson . . Wounded. Lieut. A. E . Bevan Wrounded. Captain G. W . Williamson Wounded. Lieut. G. N. Stockdale . . :. Wounded. Lieut. A. W. Rhodes Wounded. Private A. T. Sm ith Wounded (three tim es). Captain N. M. North Wounded. Lieut. W. L. M. Gabriel Disabled by gas. Lieut. F . H. Boardall Wounded. Lieut. G. B . Howarth Wounded. 2nd Lieut. W. Ackroyd Wounded (twice). M ajor R . Cattley Wounded. Captain W. W. Adamson Wounded. Lieut. D. J . Wilson Wounded. Lieut. G. Knowles Wounded. Lieut. W. F. Jackson Wounded. Lieut. N. E . Atkinson Missing. Lieut. H. Curtis Wounded. Lieut. H. G. Kaye Wounded and Missing. Lieut. T. E . B est Wounded. 2nd Lieut. J . C. Banks Wounded and Missing. 2nd Lieut. F . C. B ro w n .. Wounded. Lieut. J. H. Pollock Missing. Lieut. G. E . Montgomery Wounded. 2nd Lieut. C. B . Clay Wounded. 2nd Lieut. C. E . A llu m .. Wounded. Lieut. J . H abberjam G WOUNDED O R TAKEN P R IS O N E R Lieut. R . J . M. Ladell 2nd Lieut. E . Myers Lieut. R . C. Calvert 2nd Lieut. J. A. Stephens 2nd Lieut. E . J . Morrish 2nd Lieut. W. R . Atkin 2nd Lieut. H. P e ttitt Lieut. G. G. W hitaker Lieut. W. Gould Lieut. G. B . Clay Lieut. G. Milner Lieut. A. R . Baines Captain R . Milnes 2nd Lieut. D. V. D rake. . 2nd Lieut. A. V. Milton 2nd Lieut. T. P. W. Rogers 2nd Lieut. J . A. Stephens Lieut. J . H. Mawson Private F . Morrell Lieut. P. Hinckley Private J . Clement Capt. H. Iv. Woodhead Private L. Hodkinson 2nd Lieut. H. G. K yle 2nd Lieut. J . M. Clayton Capt. S. B . Kay Lieut. P. E . Cuckow Lieut. F . L. Seym our-Jones Capt. N. M. Comber 2nd Lieut. M. Firth Capt. S. S. Greaves Lieut. J . P. Musson Capt. J . D. Ferguson Lieut.-Col. E . A. W raith Lieut. C. W. Banks Lieut. A. B . Cohen Lieut. G. Asquith Lieut. A. W. Wilson 2nd Lieut. H. A. Judd Lieut. C. S. Greaves Capt. J . C. Brash 2nd Lieut. L. A. D. David Lieut. R . G. Dobson Lieut. T. C. Simpson Lieut. G. B . W hitaker Lieut. P. G. Norman Lieut. Pope Sm ith 2nd Lieut. J . Hazard 2nd Lieut. J . P. Norfolk 2nd Lieut. E . Myers Lieut. R . M. S. Blease Lieut. E . C. Cockburn Lieut. R . G. Dobson .. ON ACTIVE SERVICE. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Suffering from Enteric con tracted at the Dardanelles. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded and taken prisoner. Suffering from gas poisoning. Wounded. WTounded. Wounded. Wounded. Disabled by gas. Wounded. Wounded in sinking of The Royal Edward. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded (twice). Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Missing a t the Dardanelles. Wounded. Wounded (twice). Wounded. Invalided home from Gallipoli Drum of ear destroyed. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded (twice). Wounded. Wounded (twice). Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. WOUNDED OR TAKEN P R IS O N E R Lieut. J . S. Crawford Lieut. E . F . Wilkinson Private H. A. Dyson Lieut. W. R . Atkin Private E . Mitchell Lieut. H. E . Woolley Lieut. O. Morgan 2nd Lieut. H. Prime Lieut. F . R . B . Jow itt 2nd Lieut. J . S. Parker Lieut. E . E . Ainley 2nd Lieut. W. H. P o rritt. . Lieut. R . M. Pinder Lieut. E . H. Bottom ley 2nd Lieut. H. W hitham 2nd Lieut. T. Simpson Captain J . R . Atkinson Lieut. E . A. Braithw aite Private G. W. Clarkson 2nd Lieut. W. Ratcliff Lieut. L. C. Watson 2nd Lieut. F. E . Massie 2nd Lieut. H. Davies 2nd Lieut. S. Howarth 2nd Lieut. G. B . Smith 2nd Lieut. G. E . Milner 2nd Lieut. J. C. Stimp'son 2nd Lieut. D. H. Drake 2nd Lieut., A. N. H utton Lieut. H. D. Gaunt 2nd Lieut. J . J . Ile tt 2nd Lieut. H. J . Dailey 2nd Lieut. J . H. Birkinshaw 2nd Lieut. D. C. Lyall 2nd Lieut. A. M. Hey Lieut. S. H. Panter Lieut. W. H. Col beck Captain A. W . Rhodes 2nd Lieut. G. O. Wood 2nd Lieut. R . C. Groom 2nd Lieut. F. A. Rush worth Lieut. G. R . S. W alker 2nd Lieut. H. J. Butler Lieut. P. Hinckley 2nd Lieut. A. Shaw Lieut. A. B . Hoggett Lieut. N. Evers Lieut. S. N. Priestley 2nd Lieut. H. Hoyle 2nd Lieut. R . F . Woodroofe P rivate J. Middlebrook Sergeant L . Sm ith 2nd Lieut. G. G. Ellison 2nd Lieut. H. Ingham 2nd Lieut. L. Beaum ont Captain T. D. P ratt ON ACTIVE SERVICE. .. .. Wounded. Wounded (twice). Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Prisoner of War. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Missing. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wo.mded. WTounded. Wounded. Missing. Missing. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Missing. Wounded. WOUNDED OR TAKEN P RIS ON E R 2nd Lieut. R. Beilis Lieut. F. W halley Sergeant P. H. Bagenal . . Captain E . Billington 2nd Lieut. A. K. Verity . . 2nd Lieut. J . H. Hodgson 2nd Lieut. N. E. Lane 2nd Lieut. R . Woodhead Lieut. J . Burrows 2nd Lieut. R . Middleton . . 2nd Lieut. C. H. Mitchell Lieut. G. K. Will 2nd Lieut. C. A. Pollock . . 2nd Lieut. A. E . Reynolds 2nd Lieut. E . K. Head Captain N. M. North 2nd Lieut. H. A. Chippendale 2nd Lieut. H. S. Fryer 2nd Lieut. G. F. W alker . . 2nd Lieut. C. P. Ambler . . 2nd Lieut. A. Wild 2nd Lieut. F. Quarmby . . Private W. W. W. Sowery Corporal J . Heuthwaite . . 2nd Lieut. T. S. Athron . . 2nd Lieut. J. E . N. Fligg Capt. A. W. Armitage . . 2nd Lieut. G. R. Haddelsey 2nd Lieut. D. P. Hirsch 2nd Lieut. D. G. Ineson Sergeant J . Widdowson . . Private W. C. Barron 2nd Lieut. F. A. Rushworth Lieut. W. P. Bowman . . Captain C. W. Banks Lance-Corporal E . Holmes Lance-Corporal A. L. Taylor Captain W. H. Perkins Private S. B . Roberts 2nd Lieut. J . E . Moseley Captain S. B . K ay 2nd Lieut. G. C. Pilgrim W. Knowles Speeden ON ACTIVE SERVICE. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Missing. Missing. Missing. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Missing. Wounded. Gassed. Wounded. Wounded. Missing. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Missing. Missing. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Wounded. Invalided out of Service. THE FOLLOWING HAVE RECEIVED MILITARY DISTINCTION. Col. A. W. Mayo Robson has been appointed a Companion of the Order of the B ath for distinguished service in the field. Lieut.-Col. A. E . L. W ear has been mentioned in despatches and awarded the Order of St. Michael and St. George. Lieut.-Col. A. Plugge has been awarded the Order of St. Michael and St. George. Lieut.-Col. E . A. H irst has been appointed Companion of the Order of S t Michael and St. George. Lieut.-Col. F. H. Nugent has been awarded the Distinguished Service Order. 9 THE FOLLOWING HAVE RECEIVED MILITARY DISTINCTION. Sergeant P. H. Bagenal has been awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. 2nd Lieut. Eric Fitzwater Wilkinson was awarded the M ilitary Cross—“ For conspicuous gallantry and coolness on Ju ly 15th, 1915, near St. Julien, in assisting to carry a wounded soldier for a distance of 120 yards under circumstances of great danger and difficulty.’’ 2nd Lieut. G.. S. Shannon has been mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross after his death. Lieut. G. B . Howarth has been awarded the Military Cross— “ For conspicuous gallantry. During an attack, when all communications were cut, he volunteered and went to the infantry head-.quarters under very heavy shell fire, thereby maintaining communication while the wires were being repaired." 2nd Lieut. J . L. Jameson has been awarded the M ilitary Cross— “ For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When his Captain was injured early in the day he took command, and set a line example to his men. Although himself suffering considerably, he stuck to his work, and at one time carried bombs to a bombing party, going across the open to do so.” 2nd Lieut. S. E . Pierce has been awarded the Military Cross after his death— “ For conspicuous gallantry. When the enemy commenced their attack he roused his company and opened fire almost immediately. He was thrown down and wounded in several places by the explosion of a trench mortar shell, but he rallied his men, distributed grenades, and stuck to his duty till all immediate danger was over.” 2nd Lieut. A. A. Kerr has been awarded the Military Cross— “ For gallant conduct and devotion to duty when acting as forward observing officer. Under very heavy fire he made repeated attem pts to lay his wire up to the captured position.” 2nd Lieut. J. R . Bellerby has been awarded the M ilitary Cross— “ For conspicuous gallantry and skill in covering a detachm ent of infantry and machine-guns during retirement. He was subjected to heavy fire and continuous bomb attacks. He has shown the utmost devotion to duty.” 2nd Lieut. Wilson Ratcliff has been awarded the M ilitary Cross— “ For gallantry and devotion to duty during an enemy counter-attack on captured trenches. Though wounded, he went forward to his guns and reorganised his teams, which were losing heavily. He acted as one of the team for a gun, and continued, though wounded, until the attack was repulsed.” Lieut. G. N. Stockdale has been awarded the M ilitary Cross— “ For conspicuous courage and ability in the handling of his company in attack, and in consolidating his position under heavy machine-gun and rifle fire. He has on all occasions shown himself to be a capable and brave leader.” C apt. H . R. K now les .. . . has been awarded the M ilitary Cross. Capt. J. Milner . . . . . . ,, ,, Capt. L. E . de St. Paer .. ,, Capt. J . C. Brash . . . . „ ,, ,, Capt. N. M. North .. .. ,, „ ,, Lieut. Rawdon Briggs C olour-Sergeant F e a r .. .. ,, ., Lieut. T . C. Simpson C a p tain M . Peto 2nd Lieut. H. A. Bowker .. ,, 10 THE FOLLOWING HAVE RECEIVED MILITARY DISTINCTION. has been awarded the M ilitary Cross. Captain H. R . Partridge Captain S. S. Greaves . . 2nd Lieut. L. R . Moir . . Lieut. H. L. B ailey 2nd Lieut. W . H. Dean . . 2nd Lieut. H. Bowman . . Lieut. G. Armitage 2nd Lieut. S. R . B u tle r . . 2nd Lieut. J . Huggins . . Additional B ar. Lieut. G. N. Stockdale . . has been mentioned in despatches. Lieut. G. Armitage Lieut. N. E . Atkinson . . Lieut.-Col. H. E . Aykroyd Lieut. H. T. B ates Lieut. D. Chamberlain . . Lieut.-Col. H. Collinson . . Captain M. Coplans Lieut.-Col. L. P. Demetriadi M ajor W. F. Ellis Lieut. G. Helps Lieut.-Col. E . A. H irst . . Lieut. G. B . Howarth C aptain H . R. K now les L ieu t. L . M . L u pton Captain J . C. M etcalfe . . Capt. J . Milner Sir Berkeley G. A. Moynihan Lieut.-Col. F. H. Nugent Captain L. E . de St. Paer C aptain M . P eto . . Lieut. C. M. P ra tt Lieut. J . W. T albot M ajor F. W halley Captain H. J . M cLaren Lieut. A. B . L. D utton 11 ON ACTIVE SERVICE. Name. P ast Student Abell, C. F. — Ackernlev, H. S. Student A ckroyd, L . — Ackroyd, L. F. M. Student Ackroyd, W. P ast Student Adams, L. G. Adamson, W. W .. . D em onstrator Student Ainley, E . E . — Airey, H. W. S. — Akeroyd, W . T. P ast Student Alkin, F . H. Student Atkin, R . L . — Allen, W . S. Student Allum, C. E . Ambler, C. P. Student Anderson, A. E . P. P ast Student Student Anderson, O. — Anderson, P. — Anderson, R . P ast Student Anderson, R . H. Student Anderton, W. D. P ast Student Angus, E . G. P ast Student Anning, G. P. Inst, in Farriery A nstey, W. J . . Cadet — . Cadet . Ex-Lance-C pl. — — . Corporal . Cadet Cadet — . . . . . . . . A p p ley ard , H . E . . . Student . Student Appleyard, J . E. — . Appleyard, O. W. P ast Student ApThomas, K . — . Archer, E . P. — . Armitage, A. W . . . . Student ’“Armitage, G. Armitage, J . A. R'. Student P a st Student Armstrong, H. Armstrong, P. T . . . Student Student Armstrong, W. . Student Arnold, T . R . A rnold-Forster,F.H . P ast Student — . Arthur, R . O. . Student Ashmell, J . F . P ast Student A squith, G. — . Athron, T. S. . Student A tkin, J. . . D em onstrator . A tkin, W. R. . P ast Student Atkinson, G. Med. Sch. Librari an Atkinson, H. C. . Student Atkinson, J . R . . * Atkinson, N. E . . . Student Cadet Cadet Cadet Ex-C adet — Corporal Cadet Lance-Corpl. ---Corporal — — — ■ —Cadet Cadet -—Cadet Cadet Cadet — — — — Cadet — Cadet — Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet — Cadet Cadet * Mentioned in despatches. L ieut., R .N .V .R . Cadet U nit, Lichfield. Corporal, Royal Engineers. Cadet Unit, Cambridge. Lieu t., Cav. Regt. Captain, R.G .A . Captain O.C. Sanitary Sec. Lieut. (T .F .), W est Riding. Private, W est Yorks. Private, Cadet U nit, Camb. Private, Forage D epart ment, A.S.C. Capt., E a st Lancs. Lieu t., R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., Cheshire R egt. 2nd Lieu t., W .R . Regt. Lieu t., R .F .A . Sergt., R.A.M .C. Despatch Rider, Royal Eng. 2nd Lieut., R .F.C . 2nd Lieut. (K.) Rifle Brig. Capt. (S .R .), R.A.M .C. Captain, R .F .A . Captain, 2nd N.G. H ospital. Instructor in Farriery to Northern Command. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. 2nd L ieut., W . Yorks. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. 2nd L ieut., M.M .G.S. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Capt., K .O .Y .L .I. Lieut. (T .F .), R .F .A . Captain, W . Yorks. Corpl., Despatch Rider R .E . Lieut., R.N .A .S. Lance-Corporal, R .E . P rivate, W. Yorks. Captain, W. Yorks. Private, R .F . Private, R .F .A . 2nd L ieut., Y . & L. 2nd L ieut., W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut., Royal Engnrs. Capt., Army Service Corps. Captain, W. Yorks. Lieut., W. Yorks. 12 Status in University. Name. A ttenborough ,H . K . Student — Audaer, E . C. Member of Com. . * Aykroyd, H. E . . __ P ast Student Student P ast Student Clinical Lecturer . P ast Student Student — P ast Student Backhouse, R . fB agenal, P. H. Bagshaw, E . Bailey, A. E. Bain, E . W. Bainbridge, J . S. Baines, A. R. Baker, F. P. Baldwin, E . V. Banks, C. W. Banks, J . C. Banks, L. G. Banks, R . S. Bannister, A. Bannister, W. Barber, W. N. Barbier, P. Barker, C. J. Barker, F. L. D. Barker, F . W. Barker, G. Barker, G. Barker, H. W. Barker, H. W. Barker, J . S. Barker, W. . . Barnes, W. E . B arr, ] . W. Barran, P. A. B arrett, N. K. B arron , W .C . Barrs, A. G. Baruxaki, L. A. . Bastable, A. L. . B astable, O. ♦B ates, H. T. B ates, W. N. B a tt, A. B attersby, C. B attle , A. E. Lance-Corpl. . Private, K ing’s Royal R i ties. 2nd Lieut., Lancs. Fusiliers. . Lt.Col. O.C. (R .F .A ., T .F .). — Cadet , , , . — — — — — Student — Student P ast Student P ast Student P ast Student Student P ast Student — Ex-Cadet — . . Rank and Unit. Ex-Cadet Cadet — Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet — .— — Barber, B . A. Barber, C .. . Barber, S. Status in O.T.C. — Professor . . — — — — — P ast Student P ast Student — — Student ■ —■ P ast Student P ast Student Student Professor . . Student P ast Student Student Student Student Ad. Staff . . Student Student * Mentioned in despatches. Ex-C adet — Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet — — Cadet Cadet .. .. .. — Cadet — — — — Cadet Cadet Cadet •• Cadet Lance-Corpl. — Ex-C adet .. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Sergt., R.A.M.C. Lieut., R .E . Artificer, H.M. Navy. Captain, 2nd N.G. H ospital. 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Private, Cadet Unit, Oxford 2nd Lieut., R .E . Captain, W. Yorks. Lieut. (K .), E ast Yorks. Private, R .F.C . Lieut., Yorkshires. Sapper, R.N .D . Eng. U nit. Lc.-Cpl., Despatch Rider, Yorks. Hussars. Chaplain, H.M. Forces. Signaller, R.N . Division. 2nd Lieut., R .H .A ., Eastern. Command. Private, M .T., A.S.C. Interpreter, Royal Irish F. 2nd Lieut., R .E . 2nd Lieut., W est Ridings. 2nd Lieut., W .R . B r. R .F .A . Private, Leeds Rifles. Private, W est Yorks. Major, W est Yorks. Private, R.A.M.C. Lieut., Lancs. Fusiliers. Private, Cadet Unit, L ich field. Corporal (T .F .), R.A.M.C. Private, R . Highlanders. Major, R .F .A . Corporal, Yorks. Hussars. Private, K .R .R . Lieut-Col. 2nd N.G. H osptl. P iiv ate, W. Yorks. Lieut., Northumb. R .F .A . Lieut, and Qrmr. N .F . Amb. (T .F .). Lieut.-Surgeon, W .R . Clear ing Divn. Corp., Despatch Rider, R .E . 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. Private, Duke of W ellingts. Capt. (T .F .), W. Yorks t Awarded D.C.M . 13 Status in University. Name. . Student B a tty , S. . . Beadon, F. S. Beakbane, H. Bean, B . D. H. Bean, B . H. Bean, K . D. Bean, W. H. . . . . . — Pas^ Student Student P ast Student P ast Student P ast Student Status in O.T.C. . . Cadet — . . Ex-C adet Billington, E . Bingham , A. C. _ . .* Student — . — P ast Student Student . Student — P ast Student Student . P ast Student — P ast Student P ast Student — — Student — Student — Student P ast Student . Binns, F . H. Birch, de Burgh . Birkbeck, V. H. . Birkinshaw, J . H. Blackburn C. G. C Blackburn, F. Blackburn, G. Blackburn, G A. Blackburn, J . H. Blackburn. J . P. . . Bland, B. S. . Blease, R. M. S. . . . . . . Cadet — . . Cadet Cadet — .. .. .. .. .. ■ —Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet — Lance-Corpl, — . . Cadet . . Cadet — . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Corporal . . Ex-Cadet — . . . Lance-Corpl. . . Ex-Cadet . Student Student Student Professor . . __ Student . — •— — . . E x-Sergt. Beaum ont, J . B . . Student — . . Cadet B eaum ont, I.. . . Ex-C adet Becker, J . E. . — B eckett, Hon. W. G.Mem. of Univ. Court Beckw ith, J . F . B eech, W ... Beetham , C. H. Behrens, J . H. Bell, J . S . . . B ell, T. W. tB ellerb y , J . R. Beilis, R. . . B ennett, J . B ennett, J . B ennett, W. G. Bentley, A. M. Bentley, O. B entley, P. Bentley, W. C. Bergman, B. Berry, B . A. B est; J . F. B est, T. E . Bettison, H. Bevan, A. E. Bew lay, T. H. Rank and Unit. — — P ast Student P ast Student Student Student Student Student — — .. .. .. .. Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet • —— . . Ex-Cadet — — . . Cadet . Private, W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut., D .L .I. Lieut., R .F .A . Lieut., Divl. Engrs. 2nd Lieut., R .W . Fus. Lieut., R.A.M.C. Lance-Corporal, Despatch Rider, Devons. Lieut., N.C. Sig. Coys., R .E . 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Lieut., London Div. Sig. Co. Capt., Asst. M ilitary Sec., Pers. Staff. 2nd Lieut., W est Riding. Private, 2nd Lieut., N .Staffs. R egt. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. Sergeant, Royal Engineers. Private, K ing’s Royal Rifles. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Corporal, R .E . Sergt., W. Yorks. Regt. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., R.G.A. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Regt. Capt., K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut., R .E . Private, A rtists Rifles. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Regt. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Lieut. (K .), W est Riding. 2nd Lieut., E. Yorks. Regt. Lieut., Norfolk Regt. 2nd Lieut., R.G.A . Spec. Res. Capt. (T .F .), W. Yorks. Lieut., R .E . Motor Cyclists’ Sec Private, R F.A. Colonel, Army Med. Ser.,Asst. Direc. of Med. Ser. 2nd Lieut., Lincs. 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. Private, Cadet Unit, Cur’gh. 2nd Lieut., E ast Yorks. Lieut., 2nd R .F .A . Lieut., R.A.M.C. Capt., W .R . Field Amblnce. Sapper, R .E . L ieut., W. Yorks. Lieut., W. Yorks. + Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 14 Status in University Name. Bloom, M. Boardall, F. H. . . Boldison, A. B onar, D. D. M. . . Booth, A. J . Borrill, J . H . B ottom ley, E . H. Bowen, D. Bow er, F . B . Bowes, H. G. fBow ker, H. A. Bowman, H. Bowman, W . P. . . B ovd-C arpenter, V. C. D. Boyle, C. W. Bovle, H. K. Boyle, W. Bradley, D. Student Student — Student Student Student Student Lecturer . . Student Lecturer . . Student — Student Student P ast Student Student P ast Student Student Bragg, W. L. Braithw aite, E . A. Braithw aite, E . W. B raithw aite, L . R . Bram ley, R . F . . . jB ra s h , J . C. Brekke, L. O. Bretherick, A. R . Brewer, R . W . A. Student Student P ast Student Clinical Lecturer — Student Student Bridson, E . Brierley, G. W. Brierly, P. L. Briggs, M. S. Briggs, N. fBriggs, R . Briggs, R . M. C. Briggs, W. Broadbent, B . L. Broadbent, W. A. Broadw ith, W. Brocklehurst, J . M. Brooke, G. M. Brooke, H. W . Brown, F. C. Brown, G. F. Brown, G. W. Brown, H. H. Brown, H. H. Brown, W . S. Bruce. E . . . Student Student — P ast Student — P ast Student Student Student P ast Student P ast Student Student —■ — Student — — Student Student Student Student P ast Student — Student Status in O.T.C. Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet — Cadet Cadet — . — Lance-Corpl. Cadet — , — . Rank and Unit. P rivate, R.A.M .C. Capt., K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieu t., Res. B a tt. Lincs. 2nd Lieu t., R.G .A . 2nd L ieut., R .F .A . Sapper, Royal Engineers. Lieut., York & Lancs. Captain, W. Yorks. Corporal, R .E . Captain, A.V.C. 2nd L ieut., W . Yorks. R eg. 2nd L ieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Lieut., R .F .C . Lieut., R .E . — , Lieut., Marconi Work, South Sea Isles. Lance-Corpl. Captain, WT. Yorks. —• . Capt., N.C. Sig. Coys., R .E . , Friends’ Amb. U nit (Branch — of B .R .C .). — . 2nd Lieut., R .H .A . (T .F .). Cadet . Lieu t., Y ork & Lancs. — . Captain, W est Yorks. — . M ajor, 2nd N.G. Hospital. Cadet . Private, Sherwx>od Rangers. Ex-Sergeant Captain, R.A.M .C. Ex-C adet . . 2nd L ieu t., E a st Yorks. Cadet . Private, R.G .A . . Hon. Lieut., Insp. of Mech. — T ., A.S.C. Cadet . Gunner, R .F .A . — . Corporal, R.A.M .C. Cadet . Capt. (K .), E a st Lancs. — . Lieut., R.A.M .C. Ex-C adet . . Lieut. (K .), R.A.M.C. — . Lieut. (K .), R .E . — . Lieut., W. Riding Regt. — . Bom bard., R .F .A . Cadet . 2nd Lieut. (K .), W est R id. Cadet . Private, R .F .A . Cadet . Private, W est Yorks. — . Private, Army Vet. Corps. Corporal . 2nd Lieu t., W . Yorks. Cadet . Capt. (K .), E a st Yorks. Cadet . 2nd Lieut. (K .),N o t. & Der. Cadet . 2nd L ieut., E a st Yorks. — . Lieut., Lincolns. Ex-O .C .,O .T.C . Lieut., Indian Med. Ser. — . . Gunner, R.G .A . Cadet . 2nd Lieu t., W. Yorks. Regt. Cadet . 2nd Lieut., B lack W atch. f Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross'. 15 Name. Status in University. Status in O.T.C. 2nd Lieu t., R .E . . Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. — Flight Sub-Lieut., R.N . Private, A rtists’ Rifles. Cadet Stoker Private, Northumb. Fus. — . Private, R.A.M .C. Lance-Corpl. Captain (Iv.), K .O .Y .L .I. — Capt. (T .F .). 2nd N.G. Hosp. Ex-C adet . . 2nd Lieut. (T.), W . Yorks. Cadet 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. Cadet Ex-C adet . . Lieut., R .F.C . — Private, Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieut., N otts & Derbys. 2nd Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. Cadet Ex-C adet . . 2nd Lieu t., R .F .A . Cadet Private, R.A.M.C. Cadet 2nd Lieut... Yorkshires Bruch, C. E. Brunton, J . H. B ryan t, P. L. Buckton, C. Burgess, J . B u rn ett, W. H. Burrill, H. R . Burrow , J . le F . C. Burrows, H. R . Burrow s, J . Burstow , E . E . B u tler, C. . . B u tler, Cass B utler, H. J . B utler, P. B utler, S. R . !. Butterfield, E . Butterfield, R . S . . . P ast Student — Student — Student Student Student Lecturer . . Callaert, M. Calverley, G. Calvert, E . E . Calvert, R. C. Cameron, W. S. Carlisle, G. C. Carlton, E . A . Carmichael, C. W. Carr, W ..................... Carre, E . M . Carruthers, J . N. Carter, G. N. Carter, J . IV. Cartledge, C. D. Student Mechanic Student P ast Student P ast Student -—— — A sst.inTextileD ept. Student Student — Student P ast Student __ — Ex-C adet — — Corporal Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet — Student P ast Student Hon. Fellow — Student Student Student -—Cadet — Cadet — Cadet Cartwright, C. H. Catterall, A. C attley, R . Caunt, H. V. Cawthorn, G. P. Chadwick, A. L . Chalmers, A. A. . . Chalton, J . S. * Chamberlain, D. . . Chamberlain, G. P. Chambers, J . Chapman, A. A. Chapman, C. H. Chapman, R . E . Chaumeton, P. Cheavin, W. H. S. Cheetham, C. N. Cheetham, H. — — — Student Student — Student Student — — — Student — P ast Student Student — Student Student P ast Student Student — Rank and Unit. Cadet — Cadet Cadet Cadet — Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet —Cadet Sergeant * .Mentioned in despatches. Private, C .I.B .I. Private, Sanitary Co. 2nd Lieut., E . Yorks. Regt. Capt. (T .F .), W . Yorks. Captain, A.S.C. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. Private, London Scottish. Private, Sussex R egt. Driver, A.S.C. 2nd Lieut. R .F .C . Lce-Cpl. Arg. & Suth. High. Lce-Cpl., Leeds Rifles. 2nd Lieut. (K .), W est Rid. 2nd Lieut., N orthampton. Service B a tt. (Pioneers). Private, R.A.M .C. Private, A rtists’ Rifles. M ajor, W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. Sergt., Army Vet. Corps. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. Private, W. Yorks. 2nd L ieut., R .F .A . Lieut. (K .), R.G .A . 2nd L ieut., R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., W est Riding. Private, M .T. A.S.C. Lieut. (K .)t R.G .A . Captain, W. Y ork . 2nd Lieu t., Lincolns. Lieut. (S .R .), W .R . 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. 16 Name. Status in University. Status in O.T.C. Rank and Unit. Childe, A. L. B . Lance-Corpl. •— Chippendale, D. Lance-Corpl. -— • Chippendale, H. A. Lance-Corpl. — Churton, T. Clinical Lecturer . . ■ —. Clafton, W. Cadet Clark, E . K it son . . Mem. of Court Form er C.O. Clarke, D. A. P. P ast Student Clarke, E . J . P ast Student Clarke, G. W. S. . . P ast Student Clarke, J . B . Clarke, Mason Clarkson, G. C. . x Clarkson, G. W . . . Clarkson, R . H. . . Clay, C. B. Clay, H ...................... Clayton, J . M. Clegg, A. E . Clegg, F ..................... Clement, J . Clough, A. N. Clough, F . V. Clucas, A. H. Clutterbuck, P. W. Coates, H. B . Cockburn, E . C. Cockshott, E . Cohen, A. B . Colbeck, F. Colbeck, W. H. Coles, H. . . *Collinson, H. Comber, N. M. Constantine, R . B . Cooke, J . E . Cooke, W. E . Coombes, A . C. J . Copeland, J . Coplans, E . * Coplans, M. Coulson, G. A. Coultas, H. W . . . Coupland, J . A. Cowling, G. H. Cox, H. Craig, D. . . Craven, D. H. Crawford, G. B . — — — Cadet Gymn. Instructor Serg.-M ajor — E x-Stu d ent Student Cadet — Student ■ —• Cadet — Cadet — Cadet -— Cadet , — . .. Student — Student . . .. — Cadet , — Cadet Student Cadet — Student , -—. Cadet Student E x-C ad et . ., -— Cadet , Student Cadet , —. Cadet , Student Cadet . — Corporal . Hon. Dem onstrator . A ssistant Lecturer Cadet . Student Cadet . — . Cadet . — Student . P ast Student Cadet . —• Cadet . — P ast Student . Form er Dem onstrator — . —. Student . —. P ast Student . Hon. Dem onstrator — . A ssistant Lecturer Cadet . — P ast Student . P ast Student — . Student Cadet . — Cadet Mentioned in despatches. . Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Captain, R.A.M .C. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. Lieut.-Col. O.C. Div., Base* France. Surgeon, H.M .S. “ Pem broke.” Capt. & O.C. Cyclist Corps, Motor Cyclist, B ritish Red Cross. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Coy.-Sergt.-M ajor. 2nd Lieut., Canadian Cont. Private, W. Yorks. R egt. P rivate (T .F .), R.A.M.C. 2nd Lieut. (T.), Leicesters. 2nd Lieut., W . Riding. 2nd Lieut., R .E . Private, A rtists’ Rifles. Driver, A.S.C. (M.T.) Private (K .), Coldstreams. P rivate (T .F .), R.A.M.C. Private, Cadet Unit, Cur’gh. Captain (T .F .), W. Yorks. Corpl. Chem. Corps., R .E . Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. Private, Sherwood Rangers. Lieut., W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Lieut., W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut., W . Yorks. Lieut.-Col. (T .F .),F ield Am. Captain (K .), Yorkshires. Lieut., W est Yorks. R egt. Private, R .F .C . (M.T.). Private, Royal Grenadiers. Private, Royal Fusiliers. 2nd Lieut., W. Ridings. Lieut., R.A.M.C. Captain, R.A.M .C. Private, R.A.M .C. 2nd Lieut. (K .), R .E . M ajor, R.A.M.C. 2nd Lieut., Duke of W ell. Private, Royal Fusiliers. Sapper, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieut., Tynem outh R .G .A . 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. 17 Name. Crawford, J . Crawford, J . S. Crawshaw, R . Croft, E . H. Crompton, Status in University. P ast Student L ate Engng. Dept. Student P ast Student Status in O.T.C. Cadet — — Corporal _ Croskell, A. C. . . P ast Student Crosland, F. Student Cross, E . . . Student — Cross! ey, W. R . — Crowther, P. T. — Crowthers, W . O. Cuckow, P. E . Student Currie, D. I. Student Curtis, H. Student Cusworth, E . F . . a Student Cadet Ex-C adet . . Cadet Cadet Cadet Corporal Sergeant Lance-Corpl. Cadet Dale, F . R . Cadet Rank and Unit. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Lieut., R.A.M .C. Private, W . Yorks. Regt. Lieut., R .E . 2nd Lieut. 2nd Lieut., Beds. Regt. Corporal, Royal Engineers. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Private, W est Ridings. Lieut., Yorks. Light Inf. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. Lieut. (K .), N otts & Derbys. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut. (K .), W est Yorks. Gunner, R .F .A . 2nd L ieut., T .F . (unat tached list). — Dallas. T. L. Cadet 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . — f Dailey, H. L. Cadet 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. R egt. — D alton, N . Student ................ P rivate, Buffs. — Darlow’, F. Captain, W .R . Casualty C.S. P ast Student Darwin, R. H. Capt., Reserve of Officers— P ast Student — Yorks. — Davenport, C. Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Davey, N. H. Cadet 2nd Lieut., E . Yorks. Student — D avid, L . A . D. Cadet 2nd Lieut., Yorks. R t. Davies, H. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . P ast Student — Davis, W. H. Student Ex-C adet . . Capt., K .O .Y .L .I. Davy, J .M . Surgeon Probationer, R .N . Student — V .R . Davy, T. S. 2nd Lieut., S. Staffs. R egt. Student Cadet —. Daw, S. W. Capt., 2nd N.G. Hospital. Dem onstrator — Dawrson, D. Private, Yorks. Regt. Student — Dawson, J .M . R .N .V .R . Student — Lieu t., Y ork & Lancs. D awson, S. Cadet fD ean, W . H. 2nd L ieut., W .R . B r.R .F .A . Student Cadet Trooper, W estm inster Drag. Death, A. F. Cadet Student — 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. R egt. Delves, F . W. Cadet — Lt.-Col., O.C. Cas. Clear. S t. *Dem etriadi, L. P. P ast Student — Private, Cadet Unit, Oxford Denby, J . C. Cadet Lieut., Bedford Regt. D enham , A . C. Student Cadet R oyal Naval Air Service. Denham, B . M. Student Cadet — Dennison, J . P. Bom bardier, R .F .A . P ast Student Dennison, M. H. 2nd Lieut. (K .), R .F .A . Student Cadet P rivate (T .F .), R.A.M .C. D enny, G. A. Student Cadet Denton, G. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Student Cadet — Captain, R .E . Dewiar, M. B . U. Sergt. — Lieut. (T.), R .F .A . Dewhirst, S. Cadet — 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. D exter, F. R . P. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., Yorks & Lancs. Dinsdale, F. Student Cadet * Mentioned in despatches. — f Mentioned in despatches and1 awarded the Military Cross. 18 Status in University. Dixon, E . . . Dixon, F . M. Drury, E . W. Duchesne, H. Duck, A. . . Dudley, H. W. Duffin, J . F . Duffin, S. B . Dugdale, E . T . S. Dunbar, L. Duncan, C. E . Dunnill, H. *D u tton, A. B . L. D utton, F. F. Dwerryhouse, A. Dyson, C. Dyson, H. A. Dyson, R . J . Rank and Unit. Cadet P ast Student Dixon, H. E . Dixon, J . V. Dixon, K . Dixon, R . G. Dobbin, G. L. Dobson, F.G . Dobson, J. Dobson, J . F. Dobson, J . S. Dobson, R . G. Dodd, P. W. Dolphin, C. E . Drake, A. V. Drake, D. H. Drake, H. Draper, A. D. Status in O.T.C. P ast Student Cadet Cadet P ast Student Cadet P ast Student P ast Student Lecturer . . P ast Student Student Lecturer . . Student Lance-Corpl. Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet . P ast Student . P ast Student . . . . . . Student Student Student Lecturer . . P ast Student P ast Student P ast Student . P ast Student Student Student R. Lecturer . . Student . . " A ssistant . . Student E arle, J . R . Earles, J . . . Eastham , L. E . S. Eastwood, G. E dm anson , J . Edwards, W. L. C. Eggleston, F . N. . . E lgey, J ..................... E lliott, C. Ellis, Douglas Ellis, |.N . E llis, P . C. *E llis, W. F. Ellison, G. G. P ast Student P ast Stfident Student — Student Student — Student P ast Student P ast Student P ast Student Student P ast Student — Ex-Col.-Sergt. Cadet Lance-Corpl. Cadet . Cadet .. — .. — .. . Cadet .. — .. . Cadet .. _ . . . . . . — Cadet Cadet Cadet — Cadet -—— — — Ex-Cadet — Cadet * Mentioned in despatches. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., . .. .. 2nd Lieut., W . Ridings. 2nd Lieut., Northumb. Div. Cyc. Corps. Captain, Middlesex. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., W est Rid. R egt. Lieut. (T .F .), Cas. Clr. Sta. Private, Yorks. Hussars. M ajor (T .F .), Field Amb. Captain, R .F .A . Lieut.-Col., Adm inistrator, 2nd N.G. Hospital. P rivate, Northumb. Fus. Lieut. (T .F .), W. Yorks. Capt. (T .F .), W. Yorks. P rivate, R.A.M.C. P rivate, W est Ridings. 2nd Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. Private, Welsh Regim ent. 2nd Lieut., Supply Reserve Depot. Prob. Surgeon, R .N .V .R . Lieut. (S .R .), Bedford. Gunner, R.G .A . Lieut., R.A.M .C. Sergt., Highland L .I. Lieut., R . Inniskilling Fus. Lieut., Beds. Yeom anry. L ieut., R.A.M .C. 2nd Lieut., Royal Fusiliers. Private, K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut., R .E . Lieut., Cheshire Regt. Captain, R.G .A . Capt. (T .F .), W. Yorks. Private, W. Yorks. Royal Naval Air Service. Capt., Yorkshire Regt. 2nd Lieu., Yorks. Regt. (K.) Corpl. (R .E . Chem. Corps). Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Private, R.A.M .C. Gunner, R .F .A . Private, K .R .R . Trooper, E .R . Yeom anry. Capt., R.A.M.C. 2nd Lieut., R .E . Private, Hon. Artillery Co. Major, R.A.M.C. Lieut., W .Y . Regt. i k •i 1w 19 Status in University. Name. Ellison, H. Ellison, S. Elson, W . C. Elwess, E . English, G. W . Evans, E . Evers, N. . . Evers, W . Ewing, J . . . E xley, C. F . E xley, J .................... Face, F. S. F airbu rn -H art,G :S . F a irley , D. Farley, W. A. Fattorini, F . B . Faw cett, E . f F e a r , W. H . Fearnley, L. W . K. Fearnside, D. Fenner, J . H. Fenner, W . N. Ferguson, J . D. Fielding, A. E . B . Findlay, J . C. Finnerty. W. E . . . Finnic, T. M. Firth , A. . . Firth, H .................... Firth , H. W. Firth , J . R. Firth , M. . . Firth , W. S. Fisher, A. S. Fisher, J . B . Fisher-Sm ith, E . L. Fistwell, A. R . Flatow , E . W. Flatow , E . W . Flesher, F . A. Fletcher, A. E . Fletcher, S. R . H. Fligg. J . E . N. .. Forbes, R . D. F o r sell, A. R. Forster, F . A. Foulds, G. C. Fow’ler, E . S. G. Fox, A. Fox, J. P. Fox, L. H. Student Student Student P ast Student Student Student Student P ast Student Student — Student Student P ast Student Art Lecturer — Student — P ast Student — P ast Student Student P ast Student P ast Student — ___ Student Mechanic . . Student Student P ast Student Student Student Student P ast Student Student — — -— Student Student — — Student Student — P ast Student P ast Student — ' Student Student Status in O.T.C. . . Cadet . . Cadet — — — . . Cadet . . Cadet — — . . Cadet . . Cadet Rank and Unit. Private, R .F .A . Lieut., R .F .A . Driver, A.S.C. (M.T.) Trooper, Yorks. Hus. (Res.). Captain, A.S.C. 2nd Lieut., K ing’s R . Rifles. Lieut. (K.) W .Y . Gunner, R .F .A . Capt., O.C. Field Amb. Bombardier, R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., A.S C. Corpl., R .E . (Cliem. Corps). — . . Cadet Corpl. (K .), W est Yorks. Lieut. (K .), Y ork & Lancs. . . Cadet Riflem an, W est Yorks. — 2nd Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. . . Cadet Forage Departm ent A .S.C. — . . Col.-Ser. In str . Regt. S er.-M ajo r,W .R .R eg . Private, R.A.M .C. — P rivate, R .H .A . . . Cadet Captain, R.G .A . — 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . — Captain, R.A.M .C. — Capt., Div. Engs. (R .E .). — 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), W. Yorks. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., Lincs. . . Cadet Flight Lieut., R .F.C . .. — Sergt. (T .F .) W. Yorks. — . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. 2nd Lieut., North. Fusiliers. . . Cadet Lieut., Sim la Vol. Rifles. — . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., W . Yorks. — . . Private, Pioneer R .E . 2nd Lieut., Lincs. . . Cadet — Lieut., R.A.M .C. 2nd Lieut. (K .), A.S.C. . . Cadet Private, Cadet Unit, Cur’gh. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., W . Riding Regt. . . Cadet Private, K .R .R . . . Cadet 2nd Lieu t., R . Warwicks. — Lieut., Railw ay Corps. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., Not. & Der. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., Canadian. . . Cadet . . Lance-Corpl. Capt. (T .F .), Leicestershire. . . A djut. O.T.C. Captain, Royal Fusiliers. 2nd Lieut., W est Riding. — Captain, R.A.M .C. — Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. . . Cadet P rivate, Friends’ A m b.U nit. — Private, Friends’ A m b.U nit. — + Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 20 Name. Status in University. Foxton, H. F ran ce, B . France, L. W. France, T . W. Student Student Student Frank, J . H. Frank, R. Frank, R . A. Student Student P ast Student — Status in O.T.C. . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Ex-C adet — Rank and Unit. Lieut., Field Ambulance. Sergeant, W. Yorks. Regt. Gunner, R .F .A . Private, Cadet Unit, L ich field. Capt. (K .), K .O .Y .L .I. . . 2nd Lieut., A.S.C. 2nd Lieut., K ing’s L iver pool Regt. 2nd Lieut., A.S.C. Private, W est Yorks. Lieut., & A dj., W. Yorks. Lieut., R.A.M.C. Despatch Rider, R .E . R.A.M .C. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Frank, R . V. Student Freer, G. H. Student French, W. E . Lecturer . . Frobisher, J . H. M. P ast Student Froggatt, C. — Fryer, F. . . Student Fryer, H. S. P ast Student . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Cadet — . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Cadet Gabriel, W. L. M. G aille, E . Gardner, C. H. Gardner, C. J . Gardner, W. . . Col.-Sergeant — . . Cadet — — Student P ast Student — Student P ast Student — G arnett, H. R . A. Garrard, W. J . C. Student — Garside, A. B . Gaunt, A. P ast Student — Gaunt, H. D. Gaunt, J . P ast Student Gaunt, P. . . P ast Student Gaunt, R . Student Gendall, P. P. W. Student Gibson, A. Caretaker . . Gibson, E . H . P ast Student — Giggal, E . Gilchrist, D. Student Gill, J ......................... Student — Gill, R . H. Gillender, J . O. — . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Cadet — . . Cadet — — — — .. — . . Cadet — . . E x-Sergeant . . Cadet . . Cadet Gilliat, H. G illiatt, R . V. Gillies, J . C. Ginesi, S. . . Gissing, A. C. Glasson, C. Gledhill, C. Glew, J. W. Goldthorp, L. Goldthorpe, J . R . Goode, C. W. Goodman, G. T. . . Goodman, J. — . . Cadet . . . . Cadet P ast Student — P ast Student — Student — Student — Student — Milk Tester Student Professor . . — .. .. .. .. .. Cadet Cadet Lance-Corpl. Lance-Corpl. Cadet — . . Cadet — Lieut. (S .R .), W est Yorks. Sergeant. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Lieut., Transport Officer, R.A.M.C. 2nd Lieut., S. Staffs. 2nd Lieut., W orcesters. 2nd Lieut., W. Riding. Private, W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut. ( K ) , K .O .Y .L .I. Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Lieut., W .Y . Private. Chaplain. Sergt., Cam. Highlanders. Lieut., R .N .V .D . Private. 2nd Lieut., H.A.C. Lieut, and Adj. (S .R .), R .E . Private, Royal Fusiliers. Private, Cadet Unit, Netheravon. 2nd Lieut., W .Y . Regt. Private A rtists’ Rifles. Surgeon, H.M.S. “ D rake.” Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Sapper, R.N . 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Lieut., R.G.A . 2nd Lieut., R .F .C . Private (T .F .). Captain (T .F .), R .F .A . Major. Inspector of Aeropls. 21 Status in University. Name. Goodman, R . M. Goodson, A . G. Gordon, G. Gordon, G. S. Goss, F. H. Gough, A. Gough, W. Gould, W .. . Gozney, C. M. Graham, R. G raham , T. H . Graham, T. N. Grange, C. D ’O. Gray, M . K . Gray, W . D. Greaves, C. S. -fGreaves, S. S. Green, A. E . Green, B . C. Green, C. R . Green, F . . . G reen , F . . . Greenwood, H. Gregory, F. S. Gregory, R . S. Gregson, W. Grey, S. Griffith, F. Griffith, T. W . Grindle, W. G. Grindle, W . S. Groocock, C. H. Groocock, H. L. Groom, R. C. Oroser, St. J . B . G rundy, G. S. ■Guthrie, A. .. . . . . . . . . . . P ast Student Student Student Professor Student P ast Student Hon. Demonstrator Student Student Student — — . . P ast Student — — . Student . Student . Student . Student . P ast Student . Student . Student . Student . Student •—■ . Student — . P ast Student .. . . Professor . . . P ast Student . Student . — . . P ast Student . S tu d ert . . Student . P ast Student . P ast Student Status in O.T.C. — Sergeant Cadet Cadet — — . Cadet Ex-C adet . . Cadet Lance-Corpl. Lance-Corpl. — Lance-Corpl. Cadet Ex-C adet . . Cadet Ex-Sergeant Ex-C adet . . — Cadet Cadet Cadet — Cadet — Bugler ---— — — Cadet — Cadet — — — H abberiam , J. . Student Haddelsev, G. R . . — Hadwen, F. G. . P ast Student Cadet Cadet — Hadwen, J . W. . Haining, R. H. . Hall, N. W. . H all, F . V. Hallidav, W . j . . . H allitt, W. . Hamilton, A. Hamilton, T. Hammond, J . B . Hamond, C. P. — — Cadet Sergeant ■ —Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet P ast Student Student — P a st Student Student — -—■ — — Rank and Unit. Lieut., M .T., A.S.C. 2nd Lieut., Aust. Forces. 2nd Lieut., W. Ridings. Captain (T .F .), W. Yorks. Lieut. (S.R .), R.A.M .C. Captain, R.A.M .C. Captain, R.A.M .C. Lieut., E . Yorks. Captain (T.), Clearing Sta. 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), W .R . 2nd Lieut., Royal Fusiliers. 2nd Lieut., R .F . (K .). M ajor, 1st N.G. Hospital. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., R .E . Captain (T .F .), Field Amb. Captain (T .F .), W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut.. E . Lancs. 2nd Lieut., R .F . 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Private, W est Yorks. Private, Seaforth Highland. Despatch Rider, R .E . Captain, Derby. Yeom an. Bugler, A.S.C. Lieut., R.A.M .C. M ajor, 2nd N.G. Hospital. Private, R .E . Corporal, R .E . Despatch Rider, R .E . Lieut., R .E . Lieut. (T .F .), Leeds Rifles. Chaplain. Private, Hon. Arty. Comp. 2nd Lieut., Madras Art. Vol. Lieut., Y . & L. Regt. 2nd Lieut., Lincoln. Regt. Private, Volunteers at Petrograd. 2nd Lieut., Cumb. Regt. Captain, R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., York & Lancs. Sergt. Instructor, W. Yorks. P rivate, W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., Northumb. Fus. 2nd Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. 2nd Lieut. (T.), W. Yorks. P rivate, Cadet Unit, Oxford P rivate, W est Yorks. f Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 22 Name. Hampshire, J . W. Hampshire, P. Hansell, J . B . Hanson, C. K. Hanson, I i . H ardaker, E . V. Hardie, A. G. Hardy, D. W. Hargreave, W. V . . . Hargreaves, R . Harland, W. H. . . Harris, G. S. Harrison, A. R . Harrison, C. Harrison, C. H. Harrison, D. H artley, C. W. H artley, P. H artley, R. H artley, W . H. H artnell, C. Harwood, E . Haslam, J . Hawthorne, E . H. H ayes, D. R . Hayes, G. C. Haythorne, A. Hazard, J . de V. Head, E . K. Healey, J . R . Heap, H. . . H eaton, W. J . Hebblethwaite, A.S. H sbblethwaite, W. M. Hellewell, F . *H elps, G .................... Hepper, E . R . Hep worth, A. A. Hessel, W. T. Hey, A. M. Hey, W. H ickey, J . A. Hickson, B . Higginbottom, N. E . V. Hill, H ....................... Hill, H. C. Hill, H. H. Hill, J. S .................... Hill, W. B . Status in University. Student A ssistant . . P ast Student — P ast Student Student P ast Student P ast Student Student — P ast Student — — -r— Student Student P ast Student — — Student Student — Student — Lecturer . . Student Student Student Student — Student Student Student — Student — — P ast Student Student P ast Student P ast Student Student Student Student — Student — P ast Student Status in O.T.C. Rank and Unit. _ Private, R.A.M .C. Private, 2nd N.G. H ospital. 2nd Lieut., R.G .A . . . Cadet P rivate, N otts & Derby. — Captain, W. Riding Regt. . . Cadet 2nd L ieut., W est Yorks. — Trooper, Lothian & Border Horse. — Lieut., Field Ambulance. — Trooper, Scottish Horse. . . Cadet P rivate, Artists ’ R fls,, O. T .C. — 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. . . Cadet Private, W est Yorks. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., H .L .I. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. . . Cadet P rivate (T .F .), R.A.M .C. . . Cadet Private, Royal Fusiliers. — Lieut., R.A.M .C. . . Lance-Corpl. 2nd L ieut., E a st Yorks. . . Cadet Private, Inns of C’rt O.T.C. . . Ex-Col.-Sergt. Captain (T .F .), W . Yorks. . . Cadet Sergt., R .F .A . . . Cadet Private, Cadet Unit, Oxford . . Cadet Private, Seaforths. . . Cadet P rivate, R.G .A . — Lieut., R.A.M .C. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., W. Riding R egt. — 2nd Lieut., R .E . . . Cadet 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), Y . & L . . . Cadet Gunner, R .F .A . . . Cadet P rivate, R .F .C . (M.T.). — P rivate, Inns of C’rt O.T.C. . . Ex-C adet . . Captain, Cas. Clearing Sta. — 2nd Lieut., — — .. .. .. .. Bugler Cadet Cadet Cadet . . Cadet — — . . Ex-C adet . . Cadet Gunner (T .F .), R .F .A . Lieut. (T .F .) R .F .A . Lieut., W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut., Lancs. Fusiliers. Captain, K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut., E a st Yorks. Private, Royal Fusiliers. 2nd Lieut., Ayrshire Yeom . . . Lieut., Yorkshires. Private, Royal Marines. — . . Lance-Corpl. — . . Corporal — * Mentioned in despatches. Private, W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. Seaman. 2nd L ieut., Lincs. Regt. Lieut., R.A.M.C. 23 Name. Hillas, N ................... Hillyard, N. H. Hilton, F. Hinckley, P. Hirsch, D. P. Hirst, A. . . } H irst, E . A. H irst, G. H. C. H irst, J . E . M. H irst, 0 . . . Hobley, J . Hodgson, A. H. Hodgson, C. H. Hodgson, D. M. Hodgson, F . W. R . Hodgson, G. A. Hodgson, J . H. Hodkinson, L. Hoffenberg, I. E . H oggett, A. B . Holden, A. F. Holgate, E . F . Hoi gate, J . Hollis, A .................... H olmes, E . Holroyd, B . H olt, A. A. H olt, H. M. Hooper, R. H op k in s, E . A . H oppenstadt, I. Hoppenstadt, M. Horner, K . C. Horrox, R . O. Horsfall, J . D. Horsfield, D. G. Horsley, E . fH ow arth, G. B . Howarth, S. Howden, C. W. . . Howe, C. A. H oyle, H ................... Huddleston, W . H. Hudson, G. L. Hudson, J . H. Hudspeth, H. M. Hufhngton, T. Huggins, J. Hughes, W. J . .. Status in O.T.C. Status in University. Student Student Student Student — Student Member of Com. — — Student P ast Student —• — Student — Student Student P ast Student Student Student P ast Student — P ast Student P ast Student Student — — Student — Student P ast Student Student — — P ast Student — Student Student — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student — — . . . . . Rank and Unit. Cadet Cadet Ex-C adet Ex-C adet Cadet — — Cadet Cadet — — Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet — 2nd L ieut., W est Ridings. Lieut., R .F .A . Private, R .F . Lieut. (K .), Leicestershire. 2nd Lieut.. Yorks. Regt. P rivate (K .), W .Y . Lt.-Col. (T .F .), R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L I. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Private, W est Yorks. Private, Northumb. Fus. 2nd Lieut. (K .), R .F .A . Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. 2nd Lieut. (T .F .) E . Yorks. Private, R.G .A . Lieut. (S .R .), R.A.M .C. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. P rivate R .W .F . P rivate, Manch. Regt. Cadet Lieut., W .Y . 2nd Lieut., N otts. Yeom an. — Cadet 2nd Lieut., Brigade R .F .A . — Chauffeur, Croix Rouge, Francaise. 2nd Lieut., H ants. — Lance-Corpl., K .R .R . — Cadet 2nd Lieut., Seaforth High. Cadet Private, M .T., A.S.C. Ex-C adet . . 2nd Lieut., E a st Lancs. Cadet 2nd Lieut., A.S.C. E x-Sergeant 2nd Lieut., (S.R .) Bedford. — Private, Canadian E . F. — Corpl., Chem. Corps., R .E . Cadet 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. Cadet Private, M .T., A.S.C. — Capt., W est Riding Regt. Cadet P rivate, Cadet Unit, Camb. Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieut., K .R .R . Cadet Lieut. (T .F .), R .F .A . Cadet 2nd Lieut., E . Yorks. R egt. — Private, W est Yorks. — Private, A rtists’ Rfls.O .T.C , — 2nd Lieut., R .N . Lancs. Regt. — Captain, W. Riding. Cadet Lieut. (T .F .), K .O .Y .L .I. Cadet 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Cadet Lieut., R .E . Cadet 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. Cadet 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. — Private, Royal Fusiliers. f Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. J Mentioned in despatches and awarded Order of St. Michael and St. George. 24 Name. Status in University. Status in O.T.C. Humby, R . . . Student (formerly R . Stoltenhoff). Hummel, J . J . . . P ast Student H um m el, R. H . . . P ast Student Humphrey, B . . . P ast Student H unter, G. B . . . P ast Student Huntriss, E . M. . . P ast Student Hutchinson, C. W. Student H utchinson, G. H . P ast Student Hutchinson, J . Y . Student Hutchinson. R . . . Student H utton, A. N. . . P ast Student Hyde, L. . . . . Student (formerly L. Heidrich). H yland, F . H . . . Student Ex-C adet Rank and Unit. . . Capt., R.N . Divn. Eng. U nit Ex-Cadet Lieut., Field Ambulance. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., Suffolk Regt. Corporal, A.S.C. Captain, W. Riding R egt. Lance-Corpl.. K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. R.N . Air Service. Private, Lieut. (K .), W .Y . Staff Sergeant, R .F .A . Cadet Obsever, Royal Flying Cor. Ile tt, J . J . . . . Vice-Chan.’s Sec. Illingworth, A. C. Illingworth, J . Tnchbold, G. Ineson, D. G. . . Student Ineson, J . W. Ingham, H. Ingham, H. Oxley P ast Student Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Ingle, A. . . Ingle, R . . . Inm an, L. D. Irish , E . Irvin, A. E . Isaacs, A. . . Isle, W. C. Isles, H. . . Ives, E . L. Ives, J . H. B . Ives, W. B . Ives, W. B . Cadet 2nd Lieut., Manch. Regt. Lieut., W est Riding Regt. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. 2nd Lieu t., N otts & Derby. 2nd L ieut., Yorks. & Lancs. Private, Royal Welsh Fus. 2nd Lieut., W .Y . Major, R .F .A ., O.C. Depot, Hare wood Barracks. Pte. Inns of Court O.T.C. Private, A.S.C. Lieut., Durham Light Inf. 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), W .Y . Lieut. (K.), Temporary. Trooper, Yorks. Hussars. 2nd Lieut., Staffs. Regt. Private, R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Despatch Rider, R .E . 2nd Lieut., A.S.C. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Jackson, E . H. Jackson, G. G. Jackson , H. E . Jackson , J . D. Jackson, J . S. Jackson, W. Jackson, W. F. Jacobs, D. Jam es, G. B . Jam es, G. L. Jam es, R . K. Jam es, W. Ja m eso n , J . L. Jam ieson, J. K. Jarm an, R . Jeavons, C. A. Cadet P ast Student Student Student Cadet Sergeant Cadet Cadet P ast Student Student Student Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet P ast Student Cadet Lance-Corpl. Student Student Cadet Ex-C adet Cadet . Student Cadet Cadet Lab. A sst.. . Student Professor . . Cadet Lance-Corpl. Cadet Lieut. (T.), A.S.C. 2nd Lieut., R .E . Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. Army College, Farnham . Ship’s W riter, R.N . Despatch Rider, R .E . 2nd Lieut., R .E . 2nd Lieut., W . Yorks. 2nd L ieut., R oyal Warwick. Private, R .E . P rivate, Cadet Unit, Camb. Corpl., R .E . (Chem. Corps). Lieut. (T .F .), W. Yorks. Major, 2nd N.G. Hospital. Sergt., Army Gymn. Staff. 2nd Lieut., West Yorks. 25 Status in University. Name. Jefferson, V. Jenkin, C. F. Jenkinson, H. Jennings, J . S. Jessop, G. E . Jobson, D. L. M. Johnson, E . R . Johnson, G. G. F. Johnson, H. S. Johnson, S. Johnson, S. G. Johnson, S. H. Johnson, W. G. . Jones, A. E . Jones, A. O. Jones, E . G. Jones, E . O. Jones, L. R. Jordan, W. jo w itt, F . R . B . . Judd, H. A. K ay, S. B . K ay, W. . . K aye, H. G. K aye, S. H. Kelk, C. K. Kendal], J . H. F . . Kendall, R. K ent, L. H. Kenworthy, T . R. Keogh, B . J . f Kerr, A. A. Kerr, H. . . Kerr, R. Kerry, H. Keswick, J. B . T. Killen, T. B . King, A. . . King, G. J . King, J . . . King, J .................... King, L. . . K irby, F . O. K irk, A. . . K irk, A. . . K irk, A. A. K irk, G. W. L. . K itson, H. Ivnaggs,R.Lawforc Kniveton, S. Knowles, A. E xternal Exam iner — Student —-—— Student P ast Student Student . . — — ' — —. Student Student Student Asst. Lecturer Student ;--P ast Student Student — — Student — — Student P ast Student Student — — Student — Student P ast Student — Student — Student — Student P ast Student — Student P ast Student P ast Student P ast Student Professor Student Status in O.T.C. Rank and Unit. Cadet —• Cadet Private, M .T., A.S.C. . Lieut., R .N .V .R . Private, Sherwood Rangers. . P rivate, A.O.D. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Cadet 2nd Lieut., York & Lancs. Cadet Cadet Private,C adet Unit, Lichfld. — . . . 2nd Lieut.. Essex. — Captain, York & Lancs. Sergt., W. Yorks. Regt. Cadet . 2nd Lieut., W . Yorks. Cadet 2nd Lieut., Liverpool R egt. Cadet Cadet P rivate, Inns of Court. Cadet P rivate, R .E . , — Private, R.A.M .C. -—P rivate (T .F .), R.A.M.C. Cadet 2nd Lieut. (K .), E . Yorks. —Captain, W. Yorks. — Gunner, R .F .A . Cadet Lieut., W. Yorks. 2nd Lieut., R .E . —■ Ex-Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Lance-Corpl. Cadet .— .—. Ex-C adet . . Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet -— — Cadet —. Cadet —• Cadet — — Cadet — — — — — Cadet Cadet Captain, Yorkshires. Private, Cadet Unit, Cur’gh. Captain, K .O .Y .L .I. P rivate, M .T., A.S.C. 2nd Lieut., Yorkshire R egt. 2nd Lieut., R .E . Lance-Corpl., K .O .Y .L .I. L ieut., R .E . Captain, R.A.M .C. Private, Munster Fusiliers. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Coy-Ser.-M ajor, R.N . Unit. P rivate (T .F .), R.A.M .C. Gunner, R .F .A . Lieut., R.A.M .C. P rivate, R.G .A . Bom bardier, R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. R egt. Trooper, Yorks. Hussars. 2nd Lieut., Cameron High. Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. 2nd Lieut. (T .F .) R .E . Lieut., W est Riding R egt. Private, Royal Fusiliers. P rivate, R .F . Captain (K .), R.A.M .C. M ajor, A.S.C. M ajor, R.A.M .C. P rivate (T .F .), R.A.M .C. Private, R .F . f Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 26 Status in University. Name. Knowles, C. R . Knowles, F . E. Knowles, G. f K n ow les, H . R. Knowles, H. S. Knowles, J . Knowles, O. Knowles, P. B . Knowles, R . E . K yle, H. G. Student Student Student Student P ast Student — P ast Student Student Student P ast Student Status in O.T.C. Ex-C adet Cadet Ex-C adet — Cadet — -—— — Rank and Unit. Sick B erth Reserve. . . 2nd Lieut., Y o rk & Lancs. 2nd Lieut., Brigade R .F .A . . . Captain (K .), R A .M .C . Captain, R .F .A . Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. Corporal, Yorks. Hussars. P rivate, A.V.C. Private, A rtists’ Rifles. 2nd Lieut., R .S . Fusiliers. _ P ast Student Lieut., R.A.M .C. Student Cadet 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. Student Ex-Lance-Cp] . Lieut., N .F. — Cadet 2nd Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. — P ast Student Lieut., Base Hospital. .—, Cadet 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. — P ast Student Capt., Arg. & Suth. High. Student Cadet Captain (S .R .), R A .M .C . Form er R es’ch Ass . P rivate (K .), K .R .R .C . ■ —Cadet Private, A rtists’ Rifles. — Student Private, Field Ambulance. -—P ast Student Private, Coldstream Guards —■ Cadet P rivate, Cadet Unit, Camb. -—P ast Student Private, R.A.M .C. — Student Private, A.V.C. — Student Private, R.A.M .C. — Student Lieut., Naval Base Hosp. — Cadet 2nd Lieut., S. Lancs. — P ast Student Capt., Norfolk R egt. Res. — Cadet 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Lecturer . . Cadet Lieut. (T .F .), W est Riding. Student E x-C adet . . 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . — P ast Student Lieut., —■ Cadet 2nd Lieut., L.N . Lancs. — Cadet Private, Hussars. Professor . . —Major, R.A.M.C. Student Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieut., W . Yorks. P ast Student — Captain, E . Surrey Regt. P ast Student — Capt., Paym aster Nor. Com. — Cadet Private, K .O .Y .L .I. — P ast Student Captain (T .F .), Field Amb. Student Ex-Sergeant Captain, R.A.M.C. — Form er Professor. Lieut.-Col. 2nd N.G. Hosp. -— . Student 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . P ast Student 2nd Lieut., Flying School -— Hendon. — Lloyd, W . Gibbs . . Demonstrator Lieut. (T .F .), R.A.M.C. Lloyd-Jones, N. . . P a st Student — Trooper, Dragoons. Lockwood, C. H. P ast Student Captain, W .R . Regt. —Lodge, S. D. Cadet Lieut. (S.R .), R.A.M.C. Lodge, W. O. Student Ex-Cadet Surgeon, R.N . Ladell, R . J. M. Laing, R . C. Lakem an, R . M. Lam bert, H. T. Landman, A. J . . . Lane, N. E . L an g, F . M . L a Touche, J . J . D. Law, D. J. Laws, E . H. Lawson, C. V. Lawson, D. Lawson, H. A. C .. . Lawson, T. L ay cock, D. S. L aycock, T. Leake, C. E . Leake, R . L. Leatham , C. M. Ledgard, W. A. . . L ee, E . Lee, H ........................ Lees, F . P. L ev itt, R. Lewis, T. C. Leyton, A. S. Ling, G. F. M. Lightfoot, K . Lightm an, S. Lister, F . . . Lister, W. L ittle, C. J . H. Littlewood, H. Littlewood, Litton, R. . . t Mentioned in despatches and awarded, the Military Cross. 27 Status in University. Lom as-W alker, G .B . Long, V. H. S. Longbottom , E . B . Longbottom , H. F. Loving, W. L . Lucas. J . O. Ludolf, H. G. Lum b, M. G. L u m b, T. D. Lupton, A. M. Lupton, F. Lupton, F . A. Lupton, H. P. * Lupton, L . M . Lupton, N. D. Lyall, D. C. M acaulay, G. C. G. Macfadyen, W. . * Macgregor, D. H. Macleod, N. Macpherson, D. E . Macvean, H. J. Maden, J . Magson, W. M aitla n d , J . P . B . Mallinson, E . Mallinson, G. S. Mann, L. J . M argetts, P . A. Marr, H. M. Marriner, R . V. M arriott. J . H. . . M arriott, R . H. M arriott, W. M. Marsh, W. A. Marshal], H. Martin, N. W. Martin, R . H. Martindale, H. R. Marton, N. W. Massey, A. Massie, F . E . Massie, W. H. Mather, J . W. Mawson, F. Mawson, J . H. J Mayo-Robson, A.W McCarmick, A. J . McDiarmid, D. M cErvel, W. A. . . Status in O.T.C. Cadet . . Lieut., Army P ay D epart. Cadet . . 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. Cadet . . P rivate, Hon. Arty. Comp. E x -A d ju tan t Lieut.-Col. Warwick. R egt. Cadet . . Lieut. (K.) R.G .A . — . . Lieut., R.A.M .C. . . Trooper, Yorks. Hussers. . . Corpora], Yorks. Hussars. . . Captain, R .F .A . Cadet . . 2nd Lieut., Seaforth High. . . M ajor, W .Y . (T .F .). Cadet . . Corpl., Chem. Corps., R .E . . . Lieut., R .F .A . (T .F .). Cadet . . Captain (T .F .), W. Yorks. Cadet . . 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), W. Rid. Student Student Student P ast Student Student P ast Student P ast Student Student P ast Student Student Student Professor . . Student P ast Student P ast Student Student Student Student P ast Student Student P ast Student P ast Student Student P ast Student P ast Student Student Student P ast Student Student Student Student P ast Student P ast Student P ast Student Em eritus Professo P ast Student Student * Mentioned in despatches. Rank and Unit. X . . 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. . . 2nd Lieut. (K .), R .S . Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieut., R .E . Cadet . . Lieut. (K .), Y ork & Lancs. — . . Captain, Gordon Higdlds. . . Captain, 2nd N.G. H ospital. Cadet . . Lieut., W. Riding. Cadet . . Private, A rtists’ Rifles. Cadet . . Captain & A djutant (K .), K .O .Y .L .I. Cadet . . Lieut., R .E . Cadet . . Despatch Rider, R .E . Sig. Cadet . . P rivate, Inns of C’rt. O.T.C. . . 2nd Lieut., Lincolns. . . Lance-Corpl., San. Section. . . Captain, W .R . Regt. — . . Private, R.A.M .C. . . Sergeant, W .R . Regt. . . Capt., K ing’s Royal Rifles. •— . . 2nd Lieut., Essex. . . 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Cadet . . 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . . . Private, Royal Fusiliers. . . Lieut. (T .F .), R .E . Ex-C adet . . 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Cadet . . 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Cadet . . Lieut. (T .F .), K .O .Y .L .I. Cadet . . 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . . . Sapper, R .N .D . — . . Lieut., R .E . — . . Lieut., R .E . . . Col., Army Medical Service. Cadet . . Private, A.V.C. . . 2nd Lieut., E . Lancs. Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieut. (K.) North Staffs. Mentioned in despatches and awarded C.B. McGill, E . A. McGrath, J . C. M cLaren, H. ♦M cLaren, H. J . . Mee, W. F. Meller, A. W. Melton, A. F . Me non, K. M etcalfe, A. H. ♦Metcalfe, J . C. Middlebrook, J . . Middleton, F. Middleton, R. Middleton, W. Midgley, F . W. . Millard, W. A. . Milner, A .. . Milner, G. Milner, G. E . Milner, G. L. Milner, J . . . Milnes, R . Milnes, T. W. Milton, A. V. Mitchell, A. E . . Mitchell, C. H. . Mitchell, E . M itchell, J. M itchell, J . A. . Mitchell, J , P. M itchell, T. J . Mitchell, W. B . . M offatt, H. R . . Mohun, N. H. fM oir, L. R . M ontgom ery, G. E . Moody, S. M oody, W. J . Moore, C. . . Moore, F. W. Moore, L. . . More, G. L. Morgan, O. M ori and, L . M . Morrell, F. Morrish. E . J. Mosby, S. W. Moseley, [. E . Moss, G. ) .W . Mosses, L . . . Moxon, C. E . Status in O.T.C. Status in University. Name. P ast Student — P ast Student ■ — Student Student — P ast Student — Student Student P ast Student — P ast Student Student Lecturer . . — Student . . — Student Student — Student — Student — Student — Student — — — Student P ast Student — Student P ast Student Student — — . . Student Student P ast Student Student P ast Student Student Student — Student Student Student * Mentioned in despatches. . . Cadet .. .. .. .. Cadet Cadet Ex-C adet . . Cadet — . . Cadet — — . — . . Cadet .. — . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Ex-C adet . . . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Ex-C adet . . . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Corporal — . . Cadet — . . Cadet — . . Cadet . . Lance-Corpl. . . Cadet — . . Cadet . . Cadet — — . . Cadet . . Cadet — . . Ex-C adet . . — . . Cadet — . . Lance-Corpl. . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Ex-C adet . . — . . Cadet Rank and Unit. Lieut., R.G.A . Captain (K .), R .F .A . Lieut., R .E . Captain, R .E . Private, R.A.M.C. 2nd Lieut. (S.R .), E . Yorks. Private, Cadet Unit, Oxford Lieut., Indian Medical Ser. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. Capt. (T .F .), Field Amb. Private. Major, R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., R .E . Private, Scots Guards. Private, London Welsh Reg. 2nd Lieut., Northum b. Fus. Lieut., R .E . 2nd Lieut. (T .F .) W . Yorks. 2nd Lieut., E .R . Yeom anry. Capt. (Adj)., A.S.C. Capt. (K .), Somerset L .I. 2nd Lieut., E a st Yorks. 2nd Lieut. (K .), E . Yorks. Private (K .j, W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Regt. Private, WTest Yorks. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. Lance-Corporal, R .E . Private, Inns of Court. 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. Gunner, R .F .A . 1st A.M., R .F .C . 2nd Lieut., N orthants. Private (T .F .) R.A.M .C, Lieut., Dorsetshire Regt. 2nd Lieut., Univ. & Pub. Schools B a tt. Private, Royal Fusiliers. Private, W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., R .E . P rivate, Royal Scots Fus. Private (T.),' R.A.M .C. Lieut., W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., W . Yorks. Regt. Private, Pub. Schools B a tt. 2nd Lieut. (K .), E . Yorks. Wireless Telegraphy Corps. 2nd Lieut., Northumb. Fus. 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Private (T .F .), Field Amb. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . t Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. Status in University. Name. Professor . . *M oynihan, Sir Berkeley G. A. M urgatroyd, C. S P ast Student Murphy, H. N. M usgrave, K . Musson, G. F. Musson, J . P. Myers, A. L. Myers, E . . . P ast Student P ast Student Student P ast Student Past Student Student Narcross, J . W. Naylor, C .. . Naylor, F . H. Naylor, F. H. Naylor, G. E . N aylor, W. B . Nelson, A. E . N esbitt, J.^C. N evitt, G. R . Newby, A. N ew m an. C. B . Newton, H. Student Student Student Nicholson, P. Nightingale, P. R. Norfolk, J . P. Norman, P. G. North J . R . tN orth, N. M. ^Nugent, F. H. Nunnelev, F . W. . N uttall, J .M . O ’Brien, H. E . Oldfield, C. Oldrey, H. C. OHroyd, A. N. Oldroyd, W. L. Oliver, C. H. Orton, H. W. Oxley, C. . . O xtoby, F . E . Status in O.T.C. . Pan ter, S. H. Pape, W. Y. Parker, G. A. Parker, H. Parker, J . Parker, J . S. Parkinson, H. vS. . Parkinson, J . Ex-Cadet Rank and Unit. . Lieut. Col. Consultant Surg. Northern Command. . 2nd Lieut., Royal E a st K ent Yeom ry. . 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. . Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. . 2nd Lieut., A.S.C. . Lieu t., R.A.M .C. . Lance-Corp., W est Yorks. . 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. P ast Student Student Assistant Student Student Corporal Cadet Lance-Corpl Cadet . . Ex-C adet . . . Cadet . Corporal, Scots Guards. Lance-Corporal, A.S.C. 2nd Lieut., Royal Scots. 2nd Lieut., Royal Scots. P rivate, A rtists’ Rifles. 2nd Lieut., W . Ridings. 2nd Lieut., R .E . Private, R.A.M .C. Capt. (T .F .), W est Yorks. Private, R.A.M .C. 2nd Lieut., W. Riding. Trooper, Lowland Mounted — Student P ast Student P ast Student Student Student —. P ast Student Lecturer Cadet Ex-C adet .— —-—E x-Sergeant E x - A djutant — Cadet 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., E a st Yorks. L ieut., E a st Yorks. Captain (K .), R .E . Private, W. Yorks. Regt. Capt., Northumb. Fusiliers. Lieut.-Col. Rifle Brigade. Tem porary Surgeon, R .N . 2nd Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. P ast Student Hon. Demonstrator — — Student — Student • — Student __ — Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Lance-Corpl. Cadet ■ — Captain, R .E . Captain, R A .M .C . 2nd Lieut., R .E . P rivate, H.A.C. 2nd Lieut., W. Ridings. Lieut., Y ork & Lancasters. 2nd Lieut... Dorsets. Gunner, R .F .A . Private, Yorks. Regt. Cadet Cadet Cadet — Lieut., Welsh Fusiliers. Private, R.A.M .C, (T .F .). Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. Lieut., R .F .A . Corporal, R .E . 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Regt. 2nd Lieut., Lancs. Fusiliers. Captain, R .E . __ .— — Student Student Cadet — —. Student P ast Student Cadet . . . . . O• * Mentioned in despatches. | Mentioned in despatches nd awarded the Military Cross. X Mentioned in despatches and awarded D S .O . 30 Name. Parr, T. A. Parry, A. C. Parsons, G. Partridge, H. H. . 1 Partridge, H. R . . Partridge, J . K. . Paterson, A. M. . Paterson.. G. Paterson, M. B . . P attinson, J . L yn Pawley. F . L. Pawson, A. G. Peacock, B . W . . Pearson, G. Pearson, L. G. Peeters, G. ■fP eirce, 5. E. Percival, R . T. Perkins, J . C. Perkins, W. H. . Petch, F ..................... t Peto, M ..................... . P e ttitt, E . . P e ttitt, H. , Pexton, G .E . Phillips, G. E . F. Phillips, C. E . V. , Phillips, C. K. . Pickard, G. Pickard, G. D. ■. ,. Pickard, H. . Pickard, R. L. . Pickles, C. C. , Pickles, H. D. . P ic k les , P . D. Pickles, W. N. . ,. Pilgrim, G. C. , Pilley, A. E . . Pilley, J . S. Pinder, J. . Pinder, R . M. , P latts, M. G. Plews, R . H. C. . . . JPIugge, A. Status in University. Student :--- Student Student Student Student P ast Student Student Student P ast Student P ast Student — Student — Student Student Student Student Student Asst. Lecturer P ast Student Student — P ast Student Student Student — Student Student Student -—• Student P ast Student Student P ast Student P ast Student — Student P ast Student Student -—P ast Student P ast Student P ast Student Lecturer . . Plumley, A. G. G. .— Pogson, W . F. , Student Pollock, C. A. Pollock, J . H. H. Student , Student Poole, H. C. Pope, H. B . , Student % Status in O.T.C. Rank and Unit. Private, K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. 2nd Lieut., H .L .I. Private, R.A.M.C. E x-Sergeant Captain (T .F .), Field Amb. Cadet 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. — Captain, R .N .D .D .E . 2nd Lieut., R.G .A . — . . Cadet Private, W est Yorks. R egt. — Private, Ontario B a tt. Captain, R.G .A . — . . Cadet Lieut., WTest Yorks. — Lance-Corporal, A.S.C, . . Cadet Private, Inns of C’rt O.T.C. . . Ex-C adet Surgeon, Field Ambulance. — Private, Belgian Army. 2 n d L ie u t.(T .F .),K .O .Y .L .I. . . Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieut., Ox. & B u ck s.L .I. . . Ex-C adet Lieut. (S .R .), W est Yorks. . . O.C., O.T.C. Captain (T .F .), D .L .I. — 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . . . Cadet Captain (K .), R.A.M .C. . . Cadet Lieut., A.S.C. —2nd Lieut., Somerset L .I. — Corporal, Chem. Corps, R .E . — Private, K .O .Y .L .I. . . Cadet Lieut., R .F .A . . . Cadet 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), W. Yorks. — Private, R .E .M .T . — Private, R .E . . . Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieut., Royal W est Sur. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . — Lieut., Yorks. . . Ex-C adet . . Capt., 2nd N.G. H ospital. .. Surgeon, R .N .Y .R . — Surgeon, R .N .V .R . . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., Yorks. L .I. . . Lance-Corpl. Lieut. (T .F .), K .O .Y .L .I. — 2nd Lieut., South Staffs. — Lieu t., W .R . . . Cadet Lieut. (T .F .), W est Riding. — Lieut., R .E . — 2nd Lieut., A.S.C. — Lieut.-Col., O.C. New Zea land Contingent. — Lieut., R.A.M .C. . . Corporal 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. — 2nd Lieut., R .E . . . Lance-Corpl. Lieut. (K .), R . Irish Rifles. . . Cadet Bom bardier, R .F .A . . . Ex-C adet . . Captain (T .F .), Field Amb. .. ., .. .. .. Cadet Cadet t Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. Mentioned in despatches and awarded Order of St. Michael and St. tieorge. 31 Name. P orritt, W . H. Porter, S. P otte , V. J . Pounder, B . W. . Powell, J . A. Powell, V. S. * P ratt, C. M. P ra tt, T. D. Preston, E . B . Priestley, G. F . M. Priestley, Fred Priestley, J . H. . Priestley, L. A. Priestley, S. N. P riestm an, K . M . . Prime, H. Prince, L. C. Pringle, J . A. Procter, H. * Procter, J . Proud, F . B . Pryce, A. M. P ugm ire, H . Pullan, C. M. Pullan, F . N. Purchas, A. W. Purdon, A. O. Status in O.T.C. Status in University. Rank and Unit. . %Corporal . Cadet — . Ex-C ad et . . . Cadet . Cadet . Cadet Cadet . Cadet . — . — — . Prol'essor . . O.C., O.T.C. — Cadet . A ccountant’s Asst. — , — Student . — Student . Student — . — Cadet . — P ast Student . — P ast Student — Cadet , — Dem onstrator , — P ast Student . Student Cadet . Student . Cadet — P ast Student , Student Ex-C adet . . --L aboratory Asst. Student Student — Student Student — P ast Student Quarmby, F . D em onstrator Radlev, A. O. Raley, Aid. W . E . Student Memb. of Court Ralph, H. Student Ralphs A. P ast Student Ram sden, A. Student Student Ram sden, E . A. P ast Student Ram sden, J . Student Ram sden, J . H. Randall, B . P ast Student Randall, W . Student — P an d er son, R. Raper, H. S. Lecturer . . .— Rasche, J . E . — j R atcliff, W . Ratcliffe, S. Student Raworth, R . P ast Student R ayner, R. B . H. Student Read, H. E . Student — Read, W. Redington, G. Student Rendall, L. A. .. — * Mentioned in despatches. Cadet . 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. Lieut., Y ork & Lancasters. Private (K .), W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), W. Rid. Private, R.G .A . Lieut., A.S.C. 2nd Lieut., E . Yorks. R egt. Capt. (T .F .), W est Riding. 2nd Lieut., South Staffs.. Lieut., Aust. Imp. Forces. M ajor, R .F .A . Capt., Gen. Staff, E x . Force. Lieut. (T .F .), R .F .A . Lieut. (T.F.) Gloucesters. 2nd Lieut., R .E . 2nd Lieut., R .E . Sergeant, R .F .A . 2nd L ieut., Gloucesters. Sapper, R .E . 2nd Lieut., Gloucester R egt. R.N . Lieut., R.A.M.C. Private.. K ing’s Royal Rifles 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Driver, A.S.C. (M.T.). Manager, Shell F a ct., Birm . 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. . 2nd Lieut., W est Ridings. . Lieut., Cheshires. , Commandant of Newhall Camp, Silkstone. — Gunner, R .F .A . — Sergeant, R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., Leicester R egt. Cadet 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. R egt. Cadet — Trooper, E .R . Yeom anry. Capt. (K .), Y ork & Lancs. Cadet — . Corporal, Despatch Rider. — Corporal, K .E . Cadet Captain (K.) Yorkshires. — Capt., R.A.M .C. Cadet 2nd Lieut., D .L .I. Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieu t., K .O .Y .L .I. — 2nd Lieu t., E a st Surreys. — Lieut. (T .F .), R .E . 2nd Lieut. (K.) W . Yorks. Cadet 2nd L ieu t., Y . Regt. Cadet 2nd L ieu t., K .O .Y .L .I. Cadet Private, Army V et. Corps. — Private, Cadet U nit.Lichfld. Cadet Cadet — f Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. Name. Rendell, E . de L. R. Rennard, I. A. Rennison, H. W. Reynolds, A. E . Rhodes, A. W. Rhodes, C. Rhodes, W. P. Richards, C. T. Richards, C. W. Richardson, A. Richardson, G. Richardson, H. Richardson, W . R R idd ett, S. A. Ridley, W . O. R iley, A. V. Rintoul, W. Roberts, D. E . Roberts, F. R oberts, G. E . Roberts, S. B . Roberts, W. B . Roberts, W. H. Robinson, C. L . Robinson, F . E . Robinson, L. M. Robinson, L. M. Robinson, R. Robson, A. B . Robson, M. Rochdale, R t. Hon Lord Rogers, T. P. W. Rolleston, L. C. Roper, D. Roper, W. H. Rosamond, A. Rose, R . W. Rothwell, P. Rowe, C. H. Rowell, H. S. Rowland, F. Rudd, J . . . Rudd, J . H. Rudd, J . R . Ruddock, H. E. Rusby, J . E . Rusholme, W. E . Rushwrorth, F. A. Rutherford, L. Rutterford, L. A. Rym er, H. A. Status in University. P ast Student P ast Student Student Clerk Student Status in O.T.C. Cadet Lance-Corp Cadet Cadet Ex-C adet Ex-C adet Student Student Surgical Tutor Laboratory A tten t. — Student Cadet P ast Student P ast Student P ast Student Cadet P ast Student Student P ast Student Member of Com. P ast Student P ast Student P ast Student Student Lance-Corp Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet P ast Student Student Student Student Cadet Cadet Cadet P ast Student Student P ast Student A ssistant Lecturer Student P ast Student Student Student Cadet Lance-Corpl Cadet Cadet Cadet Ex-C adet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Rank and Unit. Sapper, R .N .D ., R .E . Private, R.A.M.C. 2nd Lieut., Northumb. Fus. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Regt. Capt. (S .R .), E a st Yorks. P rivate, Inns of Court. 2nd Lieut., South Staffs. 2nd Lieut. (K .), R.G .A . Captain, A.S.C. Captain, R.A.M.C. Private, A.S.C. Lieut., R .E . 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. Dental Surgeon, R.A.M .C. E xp. Force. Sergt., 1st Wireless Co., R .E . 2nd Lieut. (K .), R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., R .E . Captain (K .), K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut., Northumb. Fus. Royal Navy. Private, R .F . 2nd Lieut., A.S.C. Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Colonel, Monmouth. Terris^ Lieut., R.N . Lieut., R .N .V .R . 2nd Lieut., Lancs. Fusiliers. 2nd Lieut., W .R . B r. R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., W est Ridings. 2nd Lieut., Northumb. Fus. Lieut.-Col. O.C., Lancs. Fus. 2nd Lieut., W . Yorks. 2nd Lieut. (K .), Cheshires. Seaman. Lieu t., E ast Yorks. Private, Royal Fus. P rivate, W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Capt. (S .R .), Y ork & Lancs. Lieut., R.G .A . Corporal, N .F. Private, W .R . 2nd Lieu t., R .F .A . P rivate, A.S.C. (M .T.). 2nd Lieut., W .R . B r. R .F .A . Lieut. (S .R .), R.A.M .C. Private, Cadet Unit, Oxford 2nd Lieut., Yorks. Regt. P rivate, A.S.C. (M .T.). Lieut. (K .), E . Yorks. Private, R .F . 33 Status in University. Name. fS t. Paer, L. E . de S alm an, C. Sanderson, T. Sandham, G. H. Sargent, H. E . Sayes, J . . . S carlett, F . J . Scattergood, B . P. Chief Clerk Student Student P ast Student — — -r- --- ---Scliofield, A. Schofield, F. Student — Schofield, j . ,— Schofield, R. B . — Scholefield, H. — Scholes, W. T. — Scott, G. R . S cott, S. Student Sellers, V. G. Student Sen, J . A7. . . P ast Student Senior, A. Student Senior, A. P ast Student Senior, G. P ast Student Seym our-Jones, F .L . Student Seym our- Jo n es , R. A . Student Shackleton, H. P. Student f Shannon, G. S. P ast Student Sharp, C. Student Sharpe, C. G. K . . . P ast Student Shaw, A. . . P ast Student — Shaw, A. . . Shaw, G. . . P ast Student Shaw, G. L. P ast Student Shaw, N. . . — Shaw, S ..................... Sheard, H. Sheard, J .H . Sheard, W. H. Shepherd, C. G. . . Shepherd, R . V. S h ip p a m , S. P. Shires, B . . . Shires, J. . . Shutt, J ..................... Silcock, E . H. Silvester, A. W. . . Simpson, H. Simpson, T. j-Simpson, T . C. Singleton, A. Sissons, R. E . Sizer, N. . . P ast Student P ast Student Student — — Student P ast Student P ast Student — Student Student — — • — P ast Student P ast Student Student Student Status in O.T.C. Rank and Unit. Captain (T .F .), R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., R . Berk. Regt. 2nd Lieut., Cheshire Regt. Trooper, Yorks. Hussars. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Private, Cadet Unit,Lichfid. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. Coy. Sergt.-M ajor, Musket ry Staff. . . Cadet Private, Inns of C’rt O.T.C. . . Cadet Lce.-Cpl., Sea forth High. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., Middlesex. . . Cadet Royal Welsh Fusiliers. . . Cadet Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., W. R . Regt. . . Cadet Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. .. Private, E ast Yorks. — Trooper, Yorks. Hussars. .. Private, W est Yorks. . . Cadet Lieut., W .Y . Supy. Co. — Gunner, Divl. Amm. Col. — Trooper, Yorks. Hussars. . . Corporal 2nd Lieut., R .W . Fusiliers. . . E x-Subn. L ieut., S. Lancs. . . Ex-C adet . . Captain, R.A.M.C. • —2nd Lieut., Dorset Regt. Private. • — — M ajor, R.A.M.C. — Sapper, R .N .D ., R .E . . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., W .R . Regt. — Private, K .O .R .L .R . Sergt., R.A.M.C. — W'arrant Officer, Exped. . . Cadet Force Cantns. —■ Corpora], R .N .D .D .E . — Corporal, A.S.C. — Private, R .H .A . . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. . . Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieut., Liverpools. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut. (K .), W . Yorks. — Sergt., K .O .Y .L .I. Captain (S .R .), RA.M.C. . . Cadet Private, K ing’s Royal Rifles. . . Cadet Corporal (T .F .), R.A.M .C. . . Ex-Corporal Lieut. (T .F .), W. Y crks. . . Cadet 2nd Lieut., E . Lancs. . . Cadet Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . . . Cadet — Lieut. (T .F .), R .E . Corpora], Armv Vet. Corps. Lieut. (T .F .), W . Yorks. . . Cadet . . Ex-Lce.-C pl. Lieut. (K .), R .E . . . Cadet . . Cadet — . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Cadet . . Cadet , , . . t Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 34 Name. Skelsey, F . W . . Skelsey, H. Skelsey, R . M. Skevington, A . V. Skevington, H. R . Skirrow, W. A. R . Slade, F . . . Sloan, R . J . J . . Smailes, W. H. Smale, E . S. Sm art, W. Sm ith, A. M. Sm ith, A. P. Sm ith, A. T. Sm ith, C. H. Sm ith, C. R . Sm ith, C. S. Sm ith, E . Sm ith, F . W. Sm ith, F . W. Sm ith, G. B . Sm ith, G. S. Sm ith, G. W. Sm ith, H. Sm ith, H. H. Sm ith, J . L. W. . Sm ith, L. . . Sm ith, O. . . Sm ith, O. W. Sm ith, P. R . Sm ith, R . E . Sm ith, S. A. Smithells, A. Smithells, C. J. Soar, R . R . Southern, W. Soutter, J . F . S. . Sowden, A. Sowrey, W. W. H. Sparling, H. Speeden, W . K . . Speight, D. E . Speight, W. L. Spencer, J . A. C. Spiegelhalter, C. . Stainsbv, G. W. . Staveley, F . S. Staveley, J . Stead, T . B . Stedeford, L. Steele, B . Stephens, J . A. Stephenson, H. . Status in University. P ast Student — — Student — — Student P ast Student P ast Student —P ast Student Student — P ast Student — — — Student Student Student Student — P ast Student — — Student Student — — — P ast Student P ast Student Professor of Chem. Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student — — P ast Student P ast Student Student P ast Student Student — P ast Student — — P ast Student Status in O.T.C. Rank and Unit. _ Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet — — Cadet — -—• Cadet — Cadet Cadet Cadet — — Ex-C ad et Cadet Cadet .. — Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet — — — Lance-Corpl. Ex-C ad et . . — — Col.-Sergeant Lance-Corpl. Cadet — Cadet Cadet — — — — Ex-C adet . . Cadet — Cadet Cadet — Captain, A.N.Z. Engineers. 2nd Lieut., W. Ridings. Captain, W est Riding Regt. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Private. P rivate (T .F .), R.A.M .C. Captain, K .O .S .B . Lieut., Field Ambulance. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Lance-Corpl., K ing’s R . R . Private, R .E . 2nd Lieut., W. Riding. 2nd Lieut., 1st Canadians. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. 2nd Lieu t., Border Regt. P rivate, A.S.C. Private, W est Yorks. Lieu t., W .R . 2nd Lieut., Y ork & Lancs. 2nd Lieut., South Staffs. Lance-Corpl., 1st Canadians Lieut., WT. Yorks. Regt. 2nd Lieut., A.S.C. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. P rivate, W est Yorks. Lieut., Northumb. Fusiliers. P rivate, R oyal Welsh Fus. P rivate, Cadet Unit, Cur’gh. Surgeon, R .N .V .R . Lieu t., R .E . Lieut.-Col. Home Forces. Capt. (K .), Gloucesters. Sub-Lieut., R .N .A .S. Private, M anchester Regt. Trooper, E .R . Yeom anry. Captain (T .F .). W est Yorks. Private, Seaforth High. Lieu t., W. Riding. R .N .A .S. Lieu t., R .E . P rivate, Cadet Unit,Lichfld. 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Regt. Private, Pub. Sch. Brigade. Chaplain. Lieut., Yorks. Regt. Lance-Corpl., Cumb. Bord. 2nd Lieut., N. Staffs. Regt. P rivate, Forage Corps. 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut. (K ), E . Yorks. L ieu t., Indian E xp . Force, Egypt. Status in University. Name. _ Stephenson, M. B . Stew art, A. B . . . Student Stew art, J. Student — Stew art, J . Stew art, J . D. M. Student Stew art, K. — . Stew art, M. J. Hon. Demonstrator — Stillwell, S. T. C. Stim pson, J . C. Student Stirling, H. K. P ast Student Stirling, W. P ast Student P ast Student Stobart, R . F. -fStockdale, G. N. Student Stockdale, G. V. Student . . .. — Stocks, C. H. Stocks, H. H. P ast Student Student Stockwell, P. P ast Student Stoddard, A. A. — Stones, N .. . P ast Student Stoney, W . IV. Storey-B ates, W. E . Student Student S to tt, C. . . P ast Student S to tt, F . . . — S to tt, H. A. Student Strickland, J . Student Strong, R. — Stubbs, T. E . — Stubley, C. J . Sucksm ith, W. Student — Sunderland, J . -— Sunderland, J . P a st Student Sutcliffe, F . M. Sutcliffe, K . W . Student Sutcliffe, W. H. P ast Student Svensson, G. Sweeting, C. P. Sykes, F . . . Sykes, F . W . Sykes, M. N. Sykes, N. . . Symons, H. W. P ast Student Student — — S tu d e n t.. . . Student Tabiner, R . V. C .. . ♦Talbot, J . W. Talbot, R . I\. Tankard, D. L. M. Tasker, R . B . T ate, W. R . Taylor, A. L. Taylor, B . G. Taylor, J . Student Student Student * Mentioned in despatches. — Rank and Unit. Cadet — — Cadet Cadet Cadet — Cadet Lance-Corpl. — — — Ex-Col.-Serg. Ex-Col.-Serg. Cadet — Cadet — Cadet — — — — Cadet Cadet — Cadet Cadet — Cadet Cadet — Cadet Cadet — 2nd Lieut., E . Yorks. R.N . Sick B erth Res. Private, R .F . 2nd Lieut. (K .), R .F .A . 2nd Lieut., W .R . Regt. Private, Cadet U nit, Camb. Captain, 2nd N.G. H ospital. P rivate, Cadet U nit, Camb. 2nd Lieu t., W est Yorks. 2nd L ieu t., R .F .A . Lieu t., Liverpool Regt. 2nd Lieu t., Northumb. Fus. Lieut. (S .R .), W est Yorks. Captain (S .R .), R.A.M .C. P rivate, W est Riding R egt. Corporal, R .E . 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. L ieut., I.A .R .O . 2nd L ieut., Manchesters. Capt., African Med. Corps. Chaplain. Lieut., W. Riding Regt. Lieut., Cheshire Regt. Private, Royal W elsh Fus. Corpl., Chem. Corps., R .E . Capt., Chaplain. 2nd Lieut., Lincs. 2nd L ieut., W. Rid. R .F .A . Private, W est Yorks. Corporal, W est Yorks. R.N . Corporal, R .E . 2nd Lieut. K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), R .F .A . A ssistant Works Manager, Enfield Rifle Factory. — Lance-Corporal, A.S.C. — Lieut., R.A.M .C. Lance-Corpl. 2nd L ieut., R .F .A . Cadet P rivate, R.A.M.C. — Private, Friends' Amb. Unit Ex-C adet . . Capt. (T .F .), Cas. Cl. S ta. Cadet — P ast Student Student Student Status in O.T.C. Private, Royal Fusiliers. Lieu t., R .E . — Lieut., W . Yorks. R egt. Cadet Trooper, Scottish Horse. Ex-C ad et . . Lieut. (T .F .), R .E . Lance-Corpl. 2nd Lieu t., Warwicks. — Lnce-Cpl., Civil Serv. Rifles. Cadet Lance-Corporal, A.S.C. Cadet 2nd L ieut., W. Yorks. R eg t. — f Mentioned in despatches and awarded the Military Cross. 36 Name. Status in University. Status in O.T.C. Rank and Unit. Taylor, S. V. Telford, G. F . .. Telling, W. H. M. Terry, E . . . Tetley, R . F . Tetley, S. . . Thackray, H. Thomas, H. H. Thomas, R. Thomas, W. M. . . Thompson, B . C. Thompson, G. C. Thompson, H. W . Thompson, V. W. Thompson. W. D. Thompson, W. Thorne will, A. Thornton, E . Thornton, R . Thorp, G. Thorp, S .................... Thorpe, H. S. Thorpe, W. F . Tindall, R . Tiplady, H. N. .. T om linson, C. W. Tonkinson, E . B. Tonks, L. H. Topham, H. G. T rotter, A. D. Trundle, A. L. Tuck well, H. M. S. Tuke, P. G. Turnbull, E . O. Turner, G. C. Turner, H. Turner, T. L. S. Tuzo, J . A. Twidale, j . H. Cadet — Student — Clinical Lecturer . . — Cadet — Lance-Corpl. Cadet — Student Lance-Corpl. Student —Student — Student Cadet Student — Student —. Cadet — Lance-Corpl. — Stud ent. . — Lecturer -—Student — P ast Student — Cadet -—P ast Student — P ast Student Ex-C adet . . Student — Student — Student — Cadet .— Cadet — Cadet Cadet Student — Cadet —. P ast Student — Student Cadet Cadet Cadet —P ast Student Sergeant Student — Lance-Corpl. — Cadet — , P ast Student , P ast Student — Vaughan, A. L. Vause, H. W. Vause, J . G. Veale, R . A. V erity, A. K . V erity, A. R . Vining, C. W . Cadet Cadet Ex-C adet Student — Hon. D em onstrator Ex-C adet Student Ex-C adet Student Hon. Dem onstrator — P ast Student Waddell, L. W. Waddington, A. B . Student Waddington, C. G. Student -— Waddington, C. W. Waddington, E . N. Private, R .F .A . Private, Scots Guards. Lt.-Col. 2nd N.G. H ospital. 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), W. Yorks. Capt. (T .F .), W est Y orks. Private, Inns of Court Private (T .F .), Leeds Rifles. 2nd Lieut., W . Yorks. 2nd Lieut., Royal Scots. 2nd Lieut., H.A.C. 2nd Lieut. (K .), R .G .A . Private (T .F .), R.A.M.C. Private, Cadet Unit, Oxford 2nd L ieut., Warwicks. 2nd Lieut., R .W . Fusiliers. Lt.-Col., 2nd N.G. H ospital. 2nd Lieut., N. Staffs. Regt. Corporal, R .E . 2nd Lieut., W. Riding R egt. C.Q.M.S., R .E . 2nd Lieut., Manchesters. 2nd Lieut. (K .), R.G .A . 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), S. Staffs. Private, R.A.M.C. R.N . 2nd L ieut., W .R . R egt. 2nd Lieut., R .E . 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Regt. 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), Bor. Regt. 2nd Lieut., Y . & L. Regt. Lieut., R .F .A . Lieut., R .F .A . Gunner, R .H .A . Private, Army Vet. Corps. Captain, W. Yorks. Regt. 2nd Lieut., A.S.C. Sapper, R .N .D . Div. Eng. Lieut., Royal Sussex Regt. Driver, R .E . , 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. . .L ieu t. (K .), W est Yorks. M ajor, 2nd N.G. H ospital. . ., 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . , 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . . Major, 2nd N.G. H ospital. _ , Cadet Ex-C adet . ., , Cadet Lance-Corpl. Lieut., R .F.C . Private, Roval Fusiliers. Captain (S .R .), R.A.M.C. 2nd L ieut., W. Yorks. Regt. 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . 37 Name. W addington, G. . . Waddington, G. G. W ade, A . N. Wade, F . H. Wade, J .C . Wadsworth, E . H. Wadsworth, W. H. Waide, W . F. Wainwright, J. H. W aite, J . H. W alker, A. L. W alker, C. V. W alker, F . H. W alker, G. F . W alker, G. K. Walker, G. R . S. . . W alker, H. Seeker W a lk e r,J. W alker, J . H. W alker, J . P. W alker, R . B . Walshaw, H. W alter, W. G. A. . . W alton, H. Ward, A. P. Ward, G .................... Ward, G. S. Ward, H. S. Waring, J . W artnaby, C. R . A. W artnaby, W. T . . . W atherston, R. ]. H F. W atson, C. W. W atson, F . L. W atson, G. L. W atson, G. W. W atson, G. W. A. W atson, J. A. W atson, L. C. W atson, W. A. . . Watts, A . E . W aud, W. E . fW ear, A. E . L. . .. W ebb, H. R . W ebster, E . L. W ebster, F. Webster, J . F . W ebster, M. H. ... *W ebster, M . H. W est, R ................ Status in University. Status in O.T.C. ..... Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet -— — Cadet Cadet Lance-Corpl. Cadet Ex-C adet . . 2nd Lieut. (K .), Yorkshires. 2nd L ieut., R.G.A . 2nd Lieut. ( K ) , K .O .Y .L .I. Private. Lance-Corpl., W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., W. Rid. Regt. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. 2nd Lieut,, R .F .A . Private, Royal Fusiliers. Private, A.V.C. Lieu t., R.A.M .C. Lieut. (K .). K .O .Y .L .I. L ieu t., A.S.C. 2nd Lieut. (K .), E . Yorks. Captain, R .E . Capt. (T .F .), W est Yorks. M ajor, 2nd N.G. Hospital. — Q .-M .-S., R.A.M .C. — Tem porary M ajor, A.S.C. Ex-Corporal Lieu t., R.A.M .C. Lieut., Yorkshire Hussars. Cadet 2nd Lieut., E . Yorks. Ex-C adet . . 2nd Lieut., Aust. Cont. Cadet Cpl., Despatch Rider, R .E . Cadet 2nd Lieut., N .F. — 2nd Lieut., Worcesters. Cadet Lieut., W est Yorks. Cadet 2nd Lieut., S. Staffs. Cadet 2nd Lieut., N. Staffs. Regt. — Lieut., N orthants. Yeoman. 2nd L ieut., R .F .C . Subaltern . ., 2nd Lieut., Leicesters. . . Student . — — — — —— P ast Student P a st Student Student — Student Student Student Clinical Lecturer P ast Student P ast Student Student P ast Student — Student Student .— P ast Student Student Student — P ast Student P ast Student Student Student P ast Student P ast Student Hon. Dem onstrato Student P a st Student P ast Student Student Mechanic . . — P ast Student Student — Student Student Student Student P ast Student Rank and Unit. — — — r . . — Cadet — -— Cadet Cadet — Ex-C ad et Cadet — . . Lieut., R.A.M .C. Capt. (T .F .), W est Yorks. Capt. (T .F .), W est Yorks. M ajor, 2nd N.G. Hospital. Seaman, R .N .D . R .F .A . Lieut., W est Yorks. Private, M .T., A.S.C. Corpl., Chem. Corps., R .E . 2nd Lieut. (K .), N .F. Lt.-C ol., Clearing Hospital. 2nd Lieut., S. Staffs. Regt. Private, W .Y ., M.U. 2nd Lieut., R.G .A . P rivate, R .N .D . 2nd Lieu t., W est Yorks. Lieut., W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., Royal Marines. * Mentioned in despatches. + Mentioned in despatches and awarded Order of St. Michael and St. George. 38 Status in University. Name. W estmoreland, A. W eston, C. G. Westwood, H. W halley, A. H. . . * W halley, F. W halley, F . W harram , C. E. W harton, H. W heater, L . E . W heatley, A . N. W heatley, R . Wheelhouse, R. W hitaker, C. F . W hitaker, F . A. W hitaker, G. W hitaker, G. B . . . W hitaker, G. G. W hite, A. E . W hite, C.................... W hite, C.................... W hitehead, A. L. W hitehead, K. S. W hitfield, J . W hitham , H. W hitham , J . S. Whitwam, H. E . W hitw orth,W .H . B . Widdowson, J. Wigglesworth, F . . . Wigham, W. S. W igram, R. F . Wild, A ...................... Wildon, E . H. fW ilkinson, E . F. W ilkin son, F . W ilkinson, J . C. F. W ilkin son, J . R . . . Wilkinson, J . W. W ilks, A. G. W ill, G. K . Williamson, G. W. Williamson, N. T. W illis, G .H . Wilman, J. B . W illott, E . S. Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, W ilson, Wilson, W ilson, Status in O.T.C. L ab. A ssistant Student P ast Student P ast Student P ast Student Student . .. L ecturer .. Student .. .. .. .. P ast Student .. Student P ast Student Student Tutor Student Student Student P ast Student H all Porter Student Student Student Student Student Student Student A. W. . . Student Student C .. D. J . Student E . W. P ast Student H. Student I. M cL. : Mentioned in despatches. Signaller, R .E . 2nd Lieut. (K.)> Yorkshires. 2nd L ieut., R .E . Private, Inns of Court. L t.-C o l.(T .F .), Field Amb. Lieut., R .F .A . Cadet 2nd L ieut., Manch. Regt. Cadet 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), W. Rid. Corporal, R oss’s Scouts. M ajor, D.O.W . Regt. Corporal, R .E . Cadet Private, W est Yorks. Sergeant 2nd Lieut. (S .R .), W. Rid. Cadet Lieut., R .E . Private, R.A.M .C. L ieu t., R .E . Cadet 2nd Lieut. (K .), Y . & L. Chaplain. A.C. H .M .S. “ B arh am .’' 2nd L ieut., W . Riding Regt. Cadet M ajor, R.A.M .C. Cadet 2nd Lieut. (K .), W .R . Lance-Corpl., H .L .I. Cadet Corporal 2nd Lieu t., W est Yorks. Cadet 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), W . Yorks. Capt. (T .F .), W .R . Regt. Cadet Private, M .T., A.S.C. Serg., New Zealand Corps. Captain (T .F .), Field Amb. P rivate, Friends’ Amb. Un. 2nd L ieu t., Hamp. Regt. 2nd Lieut., D .L .I. Cadet 2nd Lieut., R .F .A . Ex-C ad et . L ieu t., R .E . Cadet 2nd L ieu t., Dorsets. Lance-Corpl. 2nd L ieut., London R egt. L ieu t., Lancs. Fusiliers. Serg.-M ajor In stru c.,R .F .A . Bugler, W est Yorks. Cadet 2nd Lieut. (T .F .), W. Yorks. Ex-C adet Captain, Manchesters. Captain, R.A.M .C. Ex-C adet Lieut., South Lancashires. Lieut., R.A.M .C. Ex-C adet L ee.-Sergt., Australian L ight Horse. Ex-Cadet Lieut. (T .F .), Leeds R . Captain, R.A.M .C. Cadet . Lieut., Yorkshire Regt. Ex-C adet . 2nd Lieut. (S .R .), W .Y . . 2nd Lieut., R .E . . Lieut. (K .)f Yorkshires. Ex-C adet Cadet Cadet P ast Student P ast Student Student L aboratory Asst. Student Student Student L ab. A ssistant Rank and Unit. t Awarded the Military Cross. 39 Name. Status in University. Student Wilson, J . Student Wilson, J . Student Wilson, J . R . Student Wilson, M. L. Wilson, O. B . W interbottom ,G. H . P ast Student P ast Student W ither, J . M. W olstenholme, C. S. P ast Student Womersley, J . H. C. P ast Student Wood, A. . . Student Wood, A. B. Student Wood, G. O. Student Wood, H. . . Wood, H. E . Wood, J . A. S. . P a st Student Wood, J . E . Student Wood, J . N. Student Wood, L. A. Woodcock, J . N. . Woodcock, V. J . . Student W oodcock, V. J . . Woodhead, A. E . . Lecturer . . P ast Student Woodhead, H. K . Woodhead, J . Woodhead, R . Woodroofe, E . R. Woodroofe, R . F . Woods, H. V. Woodward, A. M Woolley, F . Woolley, H. E . Wordsworth, W. Worrel, R . T. Worsley, W . E . W orsnop, E . W raith, E . A. W right, C. E . W right, E . J . W right, G. A. W right, H. W right, H. N. W right, H. R . P. W right, J . W right, R . S. W yllie, H . A . Wynn, A. E . Y ates, H. W. Yelland, E . J . Young, F . T. Young, L . G. B . Student Student Status in O.T.C. Rank and Unit. Cadet Ex-C adet Lance-Corpl Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Lance-Corpl Lance-Corpl Q.-M. Sergt. Cadet Cadet Ex-C adet Cadet Cadet . Asst. Lecturer Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Student Student P a st Student P ast Student Ex-C adet Cadet Cadet Student Cadet Cadet Student Asst. Lecturer Student Student Student Student Cadet Lance-Corpl. Cadet Cadet Cadet 2nd Lieut., K .O .Y .L .I. Lieu t., R .E . 2nd Lieu t., N otts & Derbys. Corporal, R .E . Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. Gunner, R.G .A . Private, A.S.C. Captain, Durham L .I. 2nd Lieut., R.G .A . Captain, Y . & L. Seaman. 2nd L ieut., W est Riding. 2nd L ieut., R .F .A . 2nd L ieut., W. Riding. 2nd Lieu t., W. Yorks. Lieut. (T .F .), W .R . Regt. 2nd Lieu t., R .F .A . Gunner, R .F .A . Private, Inns of Court. 2nd Lieut., Northumb. Fus. 2nd L ieut., R .F.C . Lieut. (T .F .), O.C., O.T.C. Capt., Brigade Musketry Officer, Seaforths. 2nd Lieut., R .E . 2nd Lieut., W. Yorks. Lieut. (T .F .), K .O .Y .L .I. 2nd Lieu t., Y ork & Lancs. 2nd Lieu t,, Sherwood Fores ters Pioneers. 2nd L ieut., Interpreter. Private, Cadet Unit, Camb. L ieu t., W. Yorks. Private, Cadet Unit, Cur’gh. Gunner, R .F .A . Private, (T .F .) W .Y . R egt. Lieut. (K .), W. Yorks. Lieut.-Col. R.A.M .C. Private, H.A.C. Private, Inns of Court. Lieut. ( K ) , K .O .Y .L .I. Private, L .N .A .S .B .R . Lieut. (K .), Divl. Cyc. Coy. L ieu t., W .Y . R egt. Lieut. (T .F .), Field Amb. Private, Inns of Court. 2nd Lieut., W est Yorks. 2nd Lieut., R .F.C . Lieut. (S .R .), W. Riding. 2nd Lieut., W est Rid. Regt. 2nd Lieut., Buffs. 2nd Lieut. (K .), Cheshires. cl ti w x s c j? 2 .5 < £► O -! •-1 rft) r« . > d s a a> P O <TD b<? to 4^ aCO 4CO 03 to CO ! to oo o to 4^ OC to o © 9 19 Fallen on active service. " to -a «c 5 to .... Wounded on active service. Commissions obtained through Leeds University O.T.C. i IC.B. - « I ! w C.M.G. - D.S.O. ! o D.C.M. 1 s g W C/1 : d h % o H o s; tr - - to (O to o to CO Ot Cl Military Cross. 1 C7» a Mentioned in despatches. % SUMMARY Total Number on active service. © 1 333 Men serving in the ranks. 9 70 OC 18 7 05 CC 4g Commissioned Officers on active service. <35 1 «o oc ! 302 I