Women in Physics in Latin America
Women in Physics in Latin America
Women in Physics in Latin America Why so few in leadership positions? – p.1 Brazil-Undergraduate (2000) Undergraduate Students:2.694.245 male:44% female:56% Undergraduate Students in Physics : 11.184 ( 0.5% ) male:8.987 ( 80% ) female:2.197 ( 20% ) Degrees given: male:489( 80% ) female:166 ( 26% ) – p.2 Brazil-Faculty (2000) Brasil: male: 116.975 (59%) female: 80.737 (41%) Physics: male: 84% female: 16% North: male:31 ( 84% ) female:6 ( 16% ) Northeast: male:216( 88% ) female:30 ( 12% ) – p.3 Faculty Center: male:57 ( 83% ) female:12 ( 17% ) Southeast: male:687( 84% ) female:132 ( 16% ) South male:175 ( 81% ) female:41 ( 19% ) – p.4 Brazilian Physical Society (2000) Bacharel: male:181 ( 77% ) female:54 ( 23% ) Master: male:522( 75% ) female:71 ( 25% ) Doctor: male:1275 ( 84% ) female:251 ( 16% ) – p.5 Grant Agency -CNPq (2005) 1A Male: 97% Female : 3% 1B Male: 91% Female : 9% 1C Male: 91% Female : 9% 1D Male: 87% Female : 13% 2 Male: 89% Female : 11% Total: Male:90.1% Female : 9.9% – p.6 Mexico-Graduate Students (2000) Lilia Meza Montes – p.7 Mexico-Researchers (2000) Lilia Meza Montes – p.8 Argentina-Undergraduate Silvina Ponce Dawson Entry year Percentage of women over total 1990 29% 1991 25% 1992 31% 1993 36% 1994 35% 1995 26% 1996 35% 1997 38% 1998 19% 1999 26% 2000 33% – p.9 Argentina-Undergraduate Silvina Ponce Dawson Entry year Percentage of women over total 1990 0% 1991 13% 1992 13% 1993 14% 1994 5% 1995 5% 1996 0% 1997 6% 1998 14% 1999 0% 2000 11% – p.10 Argentina-Graduate Silvina Ponce Dawson Year of graduation Percentage of women over total 1990 57% 1991 31% 1992 53% 1993 20% 1994 47% 1995 27% 1996 38% 1997 56% 1998 29% 1999 43% 2000 15% – p.11 Argentina-Graduate Silvina Ponce Dawson Entry year Percentage of women over total 1990 14% 1991 0% 1992 14% 1993 12.5% 1994 14% 1995 0% 1996 10% 1997 19% 1998 31% 1999 31% 2000 0% – p.12 Argentina - Professors Silvina Ponce Dawson Year Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor 1990 34 (33/1) 13 (11/2) 42 (36/6) 10% 1992 35 (34/1) 32 (26/6) 48 (43/5) 10% 1996 42 (40/2) 27 (21/6) 58 (46/12) 16% 1999 49 (46/3) 32 (24/8) 64 (54/10) 15% Percentage of women – p.13 Argentina - Researchers Silvina Ponce Dawson Category Superior 1996 Total (men/women) 2001 Total (men/women) 11 (10/1) 14 (13/1) 51 (48/3) 50 (48/2) Independendiente 99 (86/13) 92 (80/12) 98 (87/11) Adjunto 107 (76/31) 128 (91/37) Asistente 84 (51/33) 76 (53/23) All categories 322 (241/81) 367 (291/76) Principal 6 (6/0) 1999 Total (men/women) 44 (40/4) 127 (88/39) 64 (45/19) 353 (281/72) – p.14 Unicamp - Undergraduate Elza da Costa Cruz Vasconcellos and Sandra Negraes Brisolla Bacharéis em Física Média móvel anual centrada de 7 anos 40,0 35,0 30,0 25,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 Homens Mulheres 75 9 78 9 81 9 84 9 87 9 90 9 93 9 96 9 99 0 02 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 – p.15 Unicamp - Masters Elza da Costa Cruz Vasconcellos and Sandra Negraes Brisolla – p.16 Unicamp - Doctors Elza da Costa Cruz Vasconcellos and Sandra Negraes Brisolla Doutores titulados no IFGW /Unicamp por gênero % Masc 02 20 99 19 96 19 93 19 90 19 73 19 72 19 73 19 72 19 73 % Fem 19 19 72 90,0 80,0 70,0 60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 10,0 0,0 – p.17 Unicamp - Faculty -1994 Elza da Costa Cruz Vasconcellos and Sandra Negraes Brisolla 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Unicamp M Unicamp F MS3 MS4 MS5 MS6 – p.18 Unicamp - Faculty - Physics - 1994 Elza da Costa Cruz Vasconcellos and Sandra Negraes Brisolla 40 35 30 25 IFGW M 20 IFGW F 15 10 5 0 MS3 MS4 MS5 MS6 – p.19 Unicamp - Faculty -2004 Elza da Costa Cruz Vasconcellos and Sandra Negraes Brisolla 400 300 Unicamp M 200 Unicamp F 100 0 MS3 MS5 MS6 – p.20 Unicamp - Faculty - Physics - 2004 Elza da Costa Cruz Vasconcellos and Sandra Negraes Brisolla 60 50 40 IFGW M 30 IFGW F 20 10 0 MS3 MS5 MS6 – p.21 Researchers per number of papers 3 1A 1 4 2 1B 8 4 1C 8 4 1D 12 8 4 0 2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 – p.22 Researchers per number of students 12 8 4 1A 8 4 30 20 10 30 20 10 1B 1C 1D 40 20 0 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 – p.23 Average Papers per Level 120 M F artigos 90 60 30 0 2 1D 1C 1B 1A – p.24 What is the problem? Grant Agencies (Argentina): Men:13 Women:0 Grant Agencies (Argentina): Men:12 Women:0 – p.25 What is the solution? – p.26
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