50ans de technoedif
50ans de technoedif
50 ANOS TECHNOEDIF 50 YEARS TECHNOEDIF 50 ANS DE TECHNOEDIF ENGENHARIA, S.A. ENGINEERING, SA ENGENHARIA, S.A. É com enorme orgulho e satisfação que comunicamos a todos os nossos clientes, instituições e fornecedores que se completam, neste mês de Janeiro, 50 anos de existência da TECHNOEDIF Engenharia, S.A. It is with great pride and satisfaction that we inform all our clients, institutions and suppliers that TECHNOEDIF Engenharia, S.A. celebrates its 50th anniversary this January. C’est avec beaucoup de fierté et de satisfaction que nous communiquons à tous nos clients, institutions et fournisseurs que, en ce mois de Janvier, TECHNOEDIF Engenharia, S.A. fête ses 50 ans d’existence. Along these 50 years our company underwent considerable changes allowing it to successfully survive the successive developments in this business both at national and international levels. Au cours de ces 50 ans, l’entreprise a subi des transformations diverses et profondes qui lui ont permis de survivre, avec succès, aux modifications et aux évolutions successives engendrées par la conjoncture nationale et mondiale. Ao longo destes 50 anos a empresa passou por transformações diversas e profundas que lhe permitiram sobreviver, com sucesso, às sucessivas alterações e evoluções que a conjuntura nacional e mundial foram registando. Entre estas transformações destacam-se a viragem ocorrida no início dos anos 90 para a prestação de serviços na área da indústria de processo e, nos últimos 10 anos, a mudança radical dos seus meios e métodos de produção, através da utilização dos mais modernos programas informáticos 3D para todas as disciplinas. Assim, decorridos estes 50 anos, podemos afirmar que a TECHNOEDIF Engenharia, S.A. conquistou o estatuto de empresa líder no mercado nacional de engenharia para a indústria e energia e cimentou a sua posição no estrangeiro, onde tem presença continua em muitos países. Naturalmente que este percurso nem sempre foi fácil mas, a dedicação e o empenho que todos os colaboradores puseram ao serviço da empresa, a confiança que os nossos clientes em nós depositaram e o apoio que as diversas instituições e fornecedores nos deram, permitiram-nos ultrapassar os diferentes obstáculos e contribuíram para a excelente credibilidade que a empresa detém no mercado. Como reflexo destes 50 anos a empresa detém um acervo de conhecimentos e uma lista extensa de referências de projectos executados com sucesso, dos quais juntamos os mais marcantes num pequeno anexo a esta missiva. Amongst these changes we highlight the turn occurred in the early 90s to start supplying services for the process industries, and in the last 10 years, the radical change in our resources and production methods by introducing state-of-the-art 3D IT tools in all disciplines. Having passed 50 years, we can say that TECHNOEDIF Engenharia, S.A. has achieved the status of leader within the national engineering market for the industry and energy sectors and has cemented its position internationally, where it maintains a continuous presence in several countries. Of course, this journey has not always been an easy one, but the dedication and commitment to the company by all our employees, the trust deposited on us by our clients and the support of the various institutions and suppliers, allowed us to deal with any obstacles in our way and have contributed to our excellent standing in the market today. As a result of these 50 years, the company has acquired a wealth of knowledge and an extensive reference list of successfully executed projects, from which we highlight the most relevant here below. Parmi ces transformations, on peut noter le tournant pris dans les années 90 vers la prestation de services dans le secteur de l’Industrie des Procédés et, au cours de ces 10 dernières années, le changement radical des moyens et des méthodes de production avec l’utilisation, par toutes les disciplines, des programmes informatiques 3D les plus modernes. Ainsi, 50 ans après, nous pouvons affirmer que TECHNOEDIF Engenharia, S.A., a conquis le statut d’entreprise leader sur le marché national de l’ingénierie pour l’Industrie et l’Energie et a assis sa position à l’étranger où elle est présente en continue dans plusieurs pays. Bien entendu, ce parcours n’a pas toujours été facile mais, le dévouement et l’implication que tous les collaborateurs ont mis au service de l’entreprise, la confiance accordée par les clients et le soutien apporté par les diverses institutions et fournisseurs, ont permis de surmonter les divers obstacles et ont contribué à affirmer l’excellente crédibilité que l’entreprise détient sur le marché. Ces 50 ans d’existence ont apportés à l’entreprise de solides connaissances et une vaste liste de références de projets réalisés avec succès parmi lesquels, nous présentons ici les plus marquants. Fernando Carvalho Presidente / Chairman / Président 15/01/2015 02 FACTOS / MILESTONES / FAITS MARQUANTS 1965 Constituição da Lusotecna, por Augusto Supico, Olívio Bento e Nobre da Costa Creation of Lusotecna, by Augusto Supico, Olívio Bento and Nobre da Costa Création de l’entreprise Lusotecna par Augusto Supico, Olívio Bento et Nobre da Costa 1989 A Technip adquire 63% do Capital Social Technip acquires 63% of the company Technip acquiert 63% de l’entreprise 1998 Criado o Departamento de Processo Creation of the industrial process department Création du département procédé 2001 A denominação social é alterada para Technip Portugal The Company’s registered name changes to Technip Portugal La dénomination sociale devient Technip Portugal 2002 Certificação segundo a NP EN ISO9001, pelo Bureau Veritas. A participação da Technip aumenta para 93% NP EN ISO9001 certification issued by Bureau Veritas. Technip’s participation increases to 93% Certification NP EN ISO9001 émise par le Bureau Veritas. La participation de Technip passe à 93% 2005 Na sequência de um MBO, a posição da Technip é adquirida pela Technoedif SGPS, constituída por Fernando Carvalho, Manuel Oliveira, Joaquim Lourenço, Gomes da Cruz, Orlando Almeida, Mário Silva, António Farracho e Nuno Maria. Following a MBO agreement, Technip’s shares in the company acquired by TECHNOEDIF SGPS, constituted by Fernando Carvalho, Manuel Oliveira Joaquim Lourenço, Gomes da Cruz, Orlando Almeida, Mário Silva, António Farracho and Nuno Maria A la suite d’un MBO, TECHNOEDIF SGPS, composée de Fernando Carvalho, Manuel Oliveira, Joaquim Lourenço, Joaquim Gomes da Cruz, Orlando Almeida, Mário Silva, António Farracho et Nuno Maria, acquiert la part de Technip. 2006 A denominação social passa a ser Technoedif Engenharia The registered name changes to TECHNOEDIF Engenharia La dénomination sociale devient TECHNOEDIF Engenharia 2011 Aumento do Capital Social para 1 milhão de euros Capital stock increased to €1 million Augmentation du Capital Social à 1 million d’euros Certificação do Sistema Integrado de Gestão (Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança) de acordo com NP EN ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004 e OHSAS18001:2007, pelo Bureau Veritas. Certification of the Integrated Management System (Quality, Health, Safety and Environment) according to the NP EN ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004 and OHSAS18001:2007, by Bureau Veritas Certification, par le Bureau Veritas, du Système Intégré de Gestion (Qualité, Environnement et Sécurité) conformément aux normes NP EN ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004 et OHSAS18001:2007 2013 Constituída a TECHNOEDIF Mozambique Engineering, em associação com parceiros locais TECHNOEDIF Mozambique Engineering was created through association with local partners Constitution de TECHNOEDIF Mozambique Engeneering en association avec des partenaires locaux 03 1965 / 1975 2012 F RAMADA - Cold Rolling Mill - Portugal 2012 LEIRIA CEMENT COMPANY - Portugal 2012 VILAMOURA - Motel, Golf Club and Residences - Portugal 2012 SIDERURGIA NACIONAL - Cold Rolling Mill - Portugal 2012 CIMPOR - Cement Production Facility - Portugal 2012 EDP - Carregado and Setúbal Thermal Power Plants - Portugal 04 1975 / 1985 2012 EPAL - Telheiras Water Pumping Plant - Portugal 2012 CNP - Ethylene Plant - Portugal 2012 SINES - Oil and Petrochemical Terminals - Portugal 2012 QUIMIGAL - Alverca Nitric Acid Plant - Portugal 2012 RENAULT - Car Assembly Plant - Portugal 05 2012 EDP - Sines Thermal Power Plant - Portugal 1985 / 1995 2012 CAIXA GERAL DE DEPÓSITOS - Head-Office Building - Portugal 2012 BANCO DE PORTUGAL - Technical and Administrative Facilities - Portugal 2012 2012 SOMINCOR - Mining Installations at Neves Corvo - Portugal TORRE DO TOMBO - National archives - Portugal 2012 METRO LISBON - Rolling stock parking facilities and Maintenance - Portugal 2012 PORTUCEL - Conversion of a Paper Machine - Portugal 06 1995 / 2005 2012 VALORSUL - Solid Waste Treatment Plant - Portugal 2012 ESTORIL Congress Centre and Exhibition Hall - Portugal 2012 REPSOL SINES - Thermal Power Plant Rehabilitation - Portugal 2012 GALP ENERGIA - HDS Revamping Unit - Portugal 2012 GALP ENERGIA - Sines Bottle Filling Plant - Portugal 07 2012 GALP ENERGIA - Cracking Complex - Portugal 2005 / 2015 2012 2012 REPSOL SINES - Steam Cracker Capacity Creep Project - Portugal CELBI / EDP - 30 MW and 70 MW Turbines Installation - Portugal 2012 CUF QI - Nitric Acid Plant - Portugal 2012 REPSOL SINES - High Density Polyethylene Plant - Portugal 2012 TOTAL - HDS Scheme Study - France GALP ENERGIA - Cogeneration Plant - Portugal 08 2005 / 2015 2012 GALP ENERGIA - Reactors Replacement for Units 1300 & 3300 - Portugal 2012 CELTEJO - Evaporation Unit - Portugal 2012 PDO LLC - Thuleilat Gathering Station, Marmul Cluster - CFD Study - Oman PPS - Storage Facilities for Petroleum Products and LPG - Portugal 2012 GALP ENERGIA - CCR Platforming Exchanger Replacement - Portugal 09 FERROSTAAL / NAFTAL - LPG and MP Pumping Stations - Algeria 2005 / 2015 2012 EFACEC / SONANGOL - Combined Cycle Plant - Angola SGL GROUP / FISIPE - Pitu Project - Portugal 2012 TOMÉ / FERROSTAAL CONSORTIUM - Engineering for the FPSO vessels - Brazil GALP ENERGIA - Aromatics Plant - Portugal 2012 GALP ENERGIA - FCC Revamp Project - Portugal FERROSTAAL / ZAIKMUNAI - Gas Treatment Unit - Kazakhstan 10 2005 / 2015 2012 REPSOL SINES - Increasing of Propane Processing in Single Cracking - Portugal IGBTL- Beira Petroleum Terminal - Mozambique 2012 CELBI - Expansion Project - Portugal GDK / SONANGOL LOGISTICA - FEED to CT Malembo - Angola PROSERNAT - Campana Refinery - Argentina GDK / SONANGOL LOGISTICA - Lubango´s Bulk Storage Plant - Angola 11 TECHNOEDIF ENGENHARIA, SA Taguspark Edifício Qualidade A3, Av. Prof. Dr. Cavaco Silva, 5B 2740-296 Porto Salvo - Portugal Tel: + 351 21 470 6600 Fax: + 351 21 470 6604 E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.technoedif.com Capital Social € 1.000.000 - NIF/Matrícula n.º 500 171 459 C. R. C. Cascais