38.Exam Time Table Circular March 2008
SHIVAJI UNIVERSITY, KOLHAPUR No. SU/Exam/App/6839 To : Date : 07-10-2008 www.unishivaji.ac.in The Principals of the affiliated Colleges & Recognised Institutes. Sir/Madam, I am sending herewith Circular No. 144 Exam. dated 07-10-2008 notifying the dates of the commencement of the University Examinations to be held in April, 2009, the last dates for receiving admission forms and admission fees prescribed for various examinations for your information. The dates of the commencement of the University Examinations may please be brought to the notice of all the students and the members of the staff immediately. The teachers may please be instructed to complete the syllabus in time. A late fee of Rs. 50/- and Super late fee Rs. 300/- in addition to the prescribed examination fee shall be charged to a candidate who submits his application for admission to the examination after the last date fixed for the receipt of the admission forms of the examinations concerned is over. The detail program for submission of the On-line examination forms should be finalised and displayed on notice board for information of students by every college. The hard copy of examination forms filled On-line should be submitted to the university office on prescribed dates given in the enclosed circular No. of 2009. Detail instructions for filing On-line examination forms will be provided separately, and the examination form for the students whose result is kept as reserved or marked as detain, should be filled mannually. The details of the last date for submission of the admission forms are given in column Nos. A & B of the Circular No. 144 Examination forms will not be accepted even with late fee after the last date given in Column No. 6 in the table, is over. The postal delay will not be taken into account and late fee will be charged in the cases when the forms are received after the due date but before the date prescribed for receiving them with late fee. Under the provisions of the Ordinances the applications for admission to each of the examinations must be submitted by the candidates through the Principals of their Colleges so as to reach the University Office not later than the dates prescribed in the Circular. The convocation fee should be collected from the final year student alongwith the examination fee. You are requested to submit hard copy of the examination forms and the fees to the University Office on or before the dates prescribed in the Circular. For details Please refer this office latter No. 7775 dtd. 18-11-2006. Your co-operation in maintaining the time/schedule given in the Circular will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Dr. B. M. Hirdekar Controller of Examinations Encl. : As above Copy to : 1) The Heads of University Departments at Kolhapur. 2) Concerned Sections in the University Office for information and necessary action. 3) The Controller of Examinations, Solapur University, Solapur. oedmOr odÚm[rR>, H$m{ëhm[ya 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) D _hÎdmÀ`m gyMZm D narjm AmdoXZ-nÌ {dÚmÏ`mªZr Amnë`m _hm{dÚmc`mZo {Xcoë`m VmaIm§Zm gmXa H$amd`mMo AgyZ _hm{dÚmc`mZo {dÚmÏ`mªMo narjm AO© narjm ewëH$ {dc§~ ewëH$mgh {Xcoë`m VmaIm§Zm _hm{dÚmc`mÀ`m à{V{ZYr_m\©$VM {dÚmnrR>m_Ü`o XmIc H$amd`mMo AmhoV. {ZYm©arV VmaIoZ§Va {dÚmÏ`mªZm narjm AO© KodyZ {dÚmnrR>mV nmR>dy Z`o. narjm AO© gmXa H$aVmZm BH$S>rc n[anÌH$ H«$. 4045 {X. 21-10-2003 Zwgma gd© ~m~tMr nyV©Vm H$ê$ZM gmXa H$amdoV. H$moUË`mhr n[apñWVrV _wXVrZ§Va narjm AO© ñdrH$maco OmUma ZmhrV. narjm AOm©_Ü`o Z_yX Ho$coë`m {df`m_Ü`o H$moUVmhr \o$a~Xc H$aÊ`mV `oUma Zmhr. {dÚmÏ`mªZr Á`m {df`mgmR>r gÌo R>odcr AmhoV. VoM {df` narjm AOm©V Z_yX H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. {dÚmWu Á`m _hm{dÚmc`m_Ü`o {eH$V Amho Ë`m {R>H$mUMo narjm H|$Ð narjm AOm©_Ü`o Z_yX H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. Ë`m_Ü`o H$moUVmhr ~Xc H$aVm `oUma Zmhr. {dÚmÏ`mªZr {ZdS>coco {df` narjm H|$Ð ~amo~a Z_yX Ho$co Amho qH$dm Zmhr `mMr àmMm`mªZr ImÌr H$ê$ZM narjm AO© ñdrH$mamdm. {dÚmÏ`mªMo narjm AO© {dÚmnrR>mg gmXa H$aVmZm narjm AOm©Mr {df`dma d AmS>ZmdmÀ`m _wimjamÀ`m H«$_mZwgma Zoh_rà_mUo OwiUr H$ê$Z XmIc H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. narjoÀ`m {ZYm©arV doimnÌH$mV H$moUË`mhr H$maUmñVd ~Xc H$aÊ`mV `oUma Zmhr. ~r. E., ~r. H$m°_. Aä`mgH«$_mÀ`m àmË`{jH$ narjm coIr narjonydu KoÊ`mV `oVrc. {dÚmÏ`mªZr narjm AOm©gmo~V nyduÀ`m narjoÀ`m JwUVË`mMr gmjm§{H$V àV OmoS>Uo Amdí`H$ Amho. AmQ>mo./Zmoìh|. 2008 _Ü`o Pmcoë`m ~r. E./~r. H$m°_²./~r. Eñgr./E_². E./E_². H$m°_²./{dYr/E_². Eñgr./E_. ~r. E./ E_². gr. E. B. narjm§gmR>r ~gcoë`m {dÚmÏ`mªMo narjm AO© gmXa H$aÊ`mÀ`m VmaIm _hm{dÚmc`m§Zm Z§Va H$i{dÊ`mV `oVrc. gVrÀ`m emar[aH$ {ejU narjog d ~r. Eñgr. ^mJ -1 àmË`{jH$ n[ajog ~gUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªMr JwUVVm `mXr em. {e. narjm d ~r. Eñgr. ^mJ -1 àmË`{jH$ n[ajm g§në`mZ§Va n§Yam {Xdgm§À`m AmV {dÚmnrR>mg gmXa H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. Á`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm H$mhr {deof An[ahm`© H$maUmñVd {ZYm©arV _wXVrV narjm AO© _hm{dÚmc`m_Ü`o gmXa H$aVm `oV Zmhr Aem àg§Jr àmMm`© / g§MmcH$ / {d^mJ à_wI `m§Zr Ë`m {dÚmÏ`m©g Amcoë`m AS>MUtMm {dMma H$ê$Z A{V{dc§~ ewëH$ én`o 300-00 AmH$mê$Z AO© ñdrH$mamdoV. gXaMo AO© ñdrH$maÊ`mMr _wXV {dÚmÏ`mªZr {Z`_rV é. 50 Mo {dc§~ ewëH$ ^ê$Z gmXa H$aÊ`mÀ`m A§{V_ VmaIoZ§Va \$V 21 {Xdg AgyZ àmMm`m©Zr, {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m nXì`wÎma {d^mJ à_wImZr Aem àH$maMo AO© EH${ÌV H$ê$Z cJoM Xwgè`m {Xder {dÚmnrR> H$m`m©c`mg gmXa H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. A{V{dc§~ ewëH$ KoVmZm narjm ewëH$ A{YH$ {dc§~ ewëH$ A{YH$ A{V{dc§~ ewëH$ Aer AmH$maUr H$aÊ`mV `mdr. (CXm. 240 + 50 + 300 = 590) _Ü`dVu _wë`_mnZ ewëH$, n[a{Z[ajU ewëH$ d JwUVVm ewëH$ narjm ewëH$m_Ü`o g_m{dï> Amho. VgoM {d{eð> n[apñWVrMm {dMma H$ê$Z A{V {dc§~ewëH$ pñdH$mê$Z AO© pñdH$maÊ`mÀ`m VmaIonmgyZ nwT>o coIr qH$dm àmË`{jH$ narjm gwê$ hmoÊ`mÀ`m VmaIonydu 31 {Xdgmn`ªV é. 50/- à{V{XZr; 30 {Xdg Vo 21 {Xdgmn`ªV é. 100/- à{V{XZr d 20 {Xdg Vo 10 {Xdgmn`ªV é. 500/ - à{V{XZr {deof {dc§~ ewëH$ AmH$mê$Z {dÚmÏ`m©Mm narjm AO© pñdH$mamdm d Vo Vm~S>Vmo~ Xwgè`m {Xder _hm{dÚmc`mÀ`m à{V{ZYr_m\©$VM {dÚmnrR>mV gmXa H$amdoV. VX²Z§Va `oUmao AO© pñdH$mê$ Z`oV. VgoM {dÚmÏ`mªZm narjm AO© KoD$Z {dÚmnrR>mH$S>o nmR>dy Z`o. `m gyMZoMo H$mQ>oH$moanUo nmcZ H$amdo. A{^`m§{ÌH$s/{dYr {dÚmÏ`mªMo JwUVVm ewëH$ àË`oH$ dfm©H$arVm ñdV§Ì é. 25/- à_mUo AmH$mamdo. àmMm`mªZr An§J {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m ~m~VrV àW_ df© narjoÀ`mdoir {dhrV Z_wÝ`mV AO© ¿`mdoV Aem {dÚmÏ`mªZm gXaMr gdcV A§{V_ narjm hmoB©n`ªV (nXdr/nXì`wÎma) amhrc. VgoM Ñï>rhrZ {dÚmÏ`mª~m~VrV ~«oc {cnrMm dmna qH$dm g§JUH$, Q>§H$coIZ `§Ì CncãY H$ê$Z Úmd`mMo Agoc Va Aem {dÚmÏ`mªMo àñVmd àdoemdoirM _hm{dÚmc`mZo {dÚmnrR>mg gmXa H$amdoV. n`m©daUemó Aä`mgH«$_mMr narjm \$s é. 50/- {Z`_rV narjm AOm©gmo~VM {dÚmnrR>mH$S>o nmR>dmdr. nXdr/nX{dH$m A§{V_ narjog ~gUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr Xrjm§V ewëH$ é. 250/- narjm AOm©gmo~VM ^amd`mMo AmhoV. CÎmrU© {dÚmÏ`mªMr nXdr à_mUnÌo Xrjm§V g_ma§^mV àXmZ H$aÊ`mV `oVrc. _mÌ AZwÎmrU© {dÚmÏ`m©Zm Vo gXaMr narjm CÎmrU© Pmë`mZ§Va `oUmè`m nXdrXmZ g_ma§^mV XoÊ`mV `oVrc. Aem {dÚmÏ`mªZr Xrjm§V ewëH$ é. 250/- nwZ ü ^aÊ`mMr Amdí`H$Vm Zmhr. AZwÎmrU© d E. Q>r. Ho$. Q>r. àmßV {dÚmÏ`mªMo narjm ewëH$ pñdH$maVmZm Á`m {dÚmÏ`mªMr 50% qH$dm Ë`mhÿZ H$_r {df` amhVrb Ë`m§Zm g§~§YrV narjoÀ`m EHw$U ewëH$mÀ`m 50% ewëH$ AmH$maÊ`mV `oB©b d 50% nojm OmñV {df`mgmR>r g§nyU© narjm ewëH$ AmH$maÊ`mV `oB©b. SHIVAJI UNIVERSITY, KOLHAPUR Circular No. 144 Exam. of 2009 The following is the schedule of the University examinations to be held in the first half of the year 2009 fixed by the Board of Examinations as per the provisions of the Maharashtra University Act. 1994 Section 71 (1). This information should be brought to the notice of the concerned students and the staff members immediately. A) Last dates of receiving admission forms at the following examination : In the College / University P. G. Deptt. from the Students Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. H 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Without Late Fee With Late Fee With Super Late Fee 01-12-2008 10-12-2008 18-12-2008 EXAMINATION B. A. Part-I (M/E) B. A. Part-II (M/E) B. A. Part-III (M) ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES M. A. (Sanskrit) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (Marathi) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (Kannada) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (Urdu) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (Hindi) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (English) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (Russian) (Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (Philosophy) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (History) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (Economics) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (Political Science) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (Sociology) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. (Home Sceince) (M/E) M. A. (A. I. H. C. & A.) (No. Exam.) M. A. (Psychology) (Annual / Sem.) (M/E) M. A. Public Administration (Ext. only) (M/E) M. A. Mass Communication Sem. I (M) M. A. Mass Communication Sem. II (E) M. A. Mass Communication Sem. III (E) M. A. Mass Communication Sem. IV (M) P. G. Dip. Course in Human Rights (M) and Duties (Political Science) Bridge Course in Economics (P. G.) (M) Bridge Course in Economics (U. G. Level) Dip. Course in Classical Music Part-I (M) Dip. Course in Classical Music Part-II (E) Certificate Course in Dramatics (M) Diploma Course in Dramatics (M) Dip. in Instrumental Music Part-I (M) Dip. in Instrumental Music Part-II (E) Dip. in Portrait/Composition/Landscape Part-I (M) Dip.in Portrait/Composition/Landscape Part-II (E) * for Part-II / Sem. IV Students only Date of Commencement In the University from the College / University P. G. Deptt. Without With With Super Late Fee Late Fee Late Fee 8-12-2008 Examination Fee 17/4/2009 30/3/2009 23/3/2009 240/240/240/- 16-4-2009 16-4-2009 16-4-2009 16-4-2009 16-4-2009 16-4-2009 16-4-2009 30-4-2009 30-4-2009 30-4-2009 30-4-2009 30-4-2009 30-4-2009 -30-4-2009 30-4-2009 18-5-2009 19-5-2009 18-5-2009 19-5-2009 16-5-2009 430/430/430/430/430/430/430/430/430/430/430/430/430/430/530/430/430/430/430/430/430/- 16-5-2009 850/250/300/300/250/300/300/300/300/300/- 18-5-2009 18-5-2009 27-5-2009 27-5-2009 18-5-2009 18-5-2009 16-5-2009 16-5-2009 20-12-2008 20-12-2008 Convocation Fee Remarks ----250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --- ----250/250/250/250/--250/250/250/--250/--250/(P. T. O.) (2) Sr. No. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. l 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. Date of Commencement Examination Fee (M) (M) (E) (E) (M) 16-5-2009 17-5-2009 16-5-2009 17-5-2009 16-5-2009 530/530/530/530/630/- (M) 17-5-2009 630/- --250/- (E) (E) (E) (M) (E) (M) (M) (M) (M) 16-5-2009 16-5-2009 28-5-2009 22-5-2009 22-5-2009 22-5-2009 28-5-2009 28-5-2009 16-5-2009 250/250/250/430/430/430/250/250/300/- 250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/--- (E) 16-5-2009 300/- 250/- Dip. Course in Classical Dance Part-I (Kathak) (M) Dip. Course in Classical Dance Part-II (Kathak) (E) 23-5-2009 23-5-2009 28-5-2009 28-5-2009 28-5-2009 29-5-2009 28-5-2009 29-5-2009 28-5-2009 23-5-2009 23-5-2009 23-5-2009 23-5-2009 16-5-2009 16-5-2009 10-4-2009 10-4-2009 10-4-2009 10-4-2009 20-4-2009 300/300/430/250/300/250/250/250/250/300/300/300/340/250/250/520/760/430/760/300/- --250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/250/- 18-5-2009 820/- 250/- 03-4-2009 28-3-2009 23-3-2009 23-4-2009 16-4-2009 310/310/310/490/490/- ----250/--250/- EXAMINATION M. P. A. (Dramatics) Part-I (Theatre Arts) M. P. A. (Dramatics) Part-II (Theatre Arts) M. P. A. (Music) Part-I M. P. A. (Music) Part-II M. P. A. Instrumental Music (Tabla, Sitar, Harmonium) Part-I M. P. A. Instrumental Music (Tabla, Sitar, Harmonium) Part-II Bridge Course (Vacol) Bridge Course (Instrumental) Bridge Course (Dramatics) P. G. Diploma in Rural Development P. G. Dip. in Tourism & Travel P. G. Dip. in Museology Certificate Course in Sugam Sangeet Certificate course in Jainology & Prakrit Dip. Course in Classical Dance Part-I (Bharat Nattyam) Dip. Course in Classical Dance Part-II (Bharat Nattyam) P. G. Diploma course in Jainology & Prakrit(M) Certificate course in Shahiri (E) Dip. in Gandhian Studies (M) Certificate Course in Japanese Language (M) Certificate Course in French Language (E) Certificate Course in German Language (E) Certificate Course in Russian Language (M) Dip. Course in Russian Language (M) Diploma Course in Japanese Language (M) Diploma Course in German Language (M) Higher Diploma Course in Russian Language (M) Certificate course in Hindi Nivedak (M) Crash Course in Sinhalese (M) Bachelor of Library & Information Science (E) M. Lib. and Information Science (Regular) (E) Bachelor of Journalism & Communication(M) Master of Journalism & Communication (M) Diploma in Hindi Translation (M) P. G. Dip. in Treasury P. G. Dip. in Forex Management & Trade Finance M. Phil. (M) Career Oriented Courses in (Arts Faculty) Certificate Course Diploma Course Advance Diploma B. S. W. Part-I (M/E) B. S. W. Part-II (M/E) B. S. W. Part-III (M) M. S. W. Part-I (E) M. S. W. Part-II (E) Convocation Fee --250/--250/- Remarks (3) Sr. No. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. H 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. l 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. EXAMINATION B. B. A. Part-I B. B. A. Part-II B. B. A. Part-III B. Com. Part-I B. Com. Part-II B. Com. Part-III (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES M. Com. (Annual/ Sem) (M/E) M. B. A. Sem. I (M) M. B. A. Sem. II (E) M. B. A. Sem. III (M) M. B. A. Sem. IV (E) M. B. A. (Executive) Sem I (M) M. B. A. (Exicutive) Sem II (E) M. B. A. (Distance made) Sem I (M) M. B. A. (Distance made) Sem II (E) Master of Valuation Sem I (M) Master of Valuation Sem II (E) D. B. M. (M) Dip. in Computer Management /PGDCA (M) B. C. A. Sem. I (Commerce) (M) B. C. A. Sem. II (Commerce) (M) B. C. A. Sem. III (Commerce) (M) B.C.A. Sem. IV (Commerce) (E) B. C. A. Sem. V (Commerce) (E) B. C. A. Sem. VI (Commerce) (E) Dip. Course in Commerce (DIT) (M) M. C. A. (Commerce) Sem. I (M) M. C. A. (Commerce) Sem. II (E) M. C. A. (Commerce) Sem. III (E) M. C. A. (Commerce) Sem. IV (M) M. C. A. (Commerce) Sem. V (M) M. C. A. (Commerce) Sem. VI P. G. Dip. in Banking & Finance (M) Career Oriented Courses in : Commerce Faculty Certificate Course Diploma Course Advance Diploma Diploma in Interior Designing and Decoration Part-I Diploma in Interior Designing and Decoration Part-II Diploma in Interior Designing and Decoration Part-III Bachelor of Interior Design Part-I Bachelor of Interior Design Part-II Bachelor of Interior Design Part-III Date of Commencement Examination Fee 08-4-2009 31-3-2009 23-3-2009 06-4-2009 30-3-2009 23-3-2009 340/340/340/240/240/240/- ----250/----250/- 23-3-2009 27-4-2009 28-4-2009 28-4-2009 27-4-2009 27-4-2009 28-4-2009 27-4-2009 28-4-2009 27-4-2009 28-4-2009 30-3-2009 20-4-2009 28-3-2009 23-3-2009 3-4-2009 28-3-2009 23-3-2009 03-4-2009 20-4-2009 4-5-2009 5-5-2009 4-5-2009 4-5-2009 5-5-2009 430/480/480/480/480/480/480/480/480/500/500/710/690/340/340/340/340/340/340/370/1110/1110/1110/1110/1110/1110/500/- 250/------250/------------250/250/----------250/250/----------250/250/- 16-5-2009 Convocation Fee Remarks ------(M) 14-4-2009 1170/- --- (M) (M) 7-4-2009 30-3-2009 1170/- --- (E) (E) (E) 14-4-2009 7-4-2009 30-3-2009 1170/1170/1170/1170/- 250/----250/(P. T. O.) (4) Sr. No. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. H 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. Date of Commencement Examination Fee (M) 14-4-2009 1170/- --- (M) 07-4-2009 1170/- --- (M) (M) 30-3-2009 15-4-2009 1170/1170/- 250/--- (E) 8-4-2009 1170/- --- (M) 30-3-2009 1170/- 250/- (M) (M) (E) (M) (E) (E) (M) (E) (E) (E) (E) (M) (M) (M) (M) (E) (E) (E) (E) (M) 04-5-2009 05-5-2009 04-5-2009 23-3-2009 04-4-2009 23-3-2009 06-4-2009 24-3-2009 24-3-2009 06-4-2009 06-4-2009 23-3-2009 23-3-2009 24-3-2009 24-3-2009 23-3-2009 23-3-2009 24-3-2009 24-3-2009 27-5-2009 1330/1330/1330/350/350/400/400/460/460/460/460/510/510/510/510/570/570/570/570/500/- ----250/------------250/--------250/----250/250/250/- (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) 25-5-2009 16-5-2009 15-5-2009 16-5-2009 06-4-2009 850/850/850/850/370/- --250/----250/- (M/E) (M/E) (E) (M/E) (M/E) (E) (E) (E) (M) 14-4-2009 31-3-2009 23-3-2009 14-4-2009 31-3-2009 23-3-2009 14-4-2009 31-3-2009 23-3-2009 ---- 240/240/240/240/240/240/280/280/280/- ----250/----250/----250/- EXAMINATION Bachelor of Dress Making and Fashion Co-ordination (First Year) Bachelor of Dress Making and Fashion Co-ordination (Second Year) Bachelor of Dress Making and Fashion Co-ordination (Third Year) Bachelor of Food Technology and Management (First Year) Bachelor of Food Technology and Management (Second Year) Bachelor of Food Technology and Management (Third Year) Bachelor of Design Part I Bachelor of Design Part II Bachelor of Design Part III Ist Year of Five Year Law Sem. I Ist Year of Five Year Law Sem. II IInd Year of Five Year Law Sem. III IInd Year of Five Year Law Sem. IV IIIrd Year of Five Year Law Sem. V First Year of three Year Law Sem. I IIIrd Year of Five Year Law Sem. VI First Year of three year Law Sem. II IVth Year of Five Year Law Sem. VII IInd Year of three year Law Sem. III IVth Year of Five Year Law Sem. VIII IInd Year of Three Year Law Sem. IV Vth Year of Five Year Law Sem. IX IIIrd Year of three Year Law Sem. V Vth year of Five Year Law Sem. X IIIrd Year of three year law VI P. G. Dip. Course in Human Rights & Values in Education LL. M. Part-I LL. M. Part-II LL. M. Sem.-I LL. M. Sem.-II Diploma Course in Law ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES B. Sc. Part-I B. Sc. Part-II B. Sc. Part-III B. Sc. Bio-technology Part-I B. Sc. Bio-technology Part-II B. Sc. Bio-technology Part-III B. C. S. Part-I B. C. S. Part-II B. C. S. Part-III B. C. S. (Practical) Part-I B. C. S. (Practical) Part-II B. C. S. (Practical) Part-III Convocation Fee Remarks (5) Sr. No. H 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. l 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. EXAMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES B. Sc. Practicals B. Sc. Part-I B. Sc. Part-II B. Sc. Part-III B. Sc. Biotechnology Part-I B. Sc. Biotechnology Part-II B. Sc. Biotechnology Part-III Career Oriented Courses in : Science Faculty Certificate Course Diploma Course Adv. Diploma Course M. A. / M. Sc. (Maths) Sem. I (M) M. A. / M. Sc. (Maths) Sem. II (M) M. A. / M. Sc. (Maths) Sem. III (E) M. A. / M. Sc. (Maths) Sem. IV (E) M. A. / M. Sc. (Geog.) Sem. I (M) M. A. / M. Sc. (Geog.) Sem. II (M) M. A. / M. Sc. (Geog.) Sem. III (E) M. A. / M. Sc. (Geog.) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Stat) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Stat) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Stat.) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Stat.) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Physics) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Physics) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Physics) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Physics) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Chemistry) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Chemistry) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Chemistry) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Chemistry) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Organic Chimistry) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Organic Chimistry) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Organic Chimistry) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Organic Chimistry) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Agro-Chemical & Pest Management)(M) Sem. I M. Sc. (Agro-Chemical & Pest Management)(M) Sem. II M. Sc. (Agro-Chemical & Pest Management)(E) Sem. III M. Sc. (Agro-Chemical & Pest Management)(E) Sem. IV M. Sc. (Botany) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Botany) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Botany) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Botany) Sem. IV (E) Date of Commencement Examination Fee 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/680/680/680/680/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/- 02-4-2009 580/- 02-4-2009 580/- 01-4-2009 580/- 250/- 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 580/580/580/580/- 250/- Convocation Fee Remarks 250/- 250/- 250/- 250/- 250/- 250/- 250/- (P. T. O.) (6) Sr. No. EXAMINATION Date of Commencement Examination Fee 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. M. Sc. (Bio-Technology) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Bio-Technology) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Bio-Technology) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Bio-Technology) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Zoology) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Zoology) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Zoology) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Zoology) Sem. IV (E) ü M. Sc. (Sericulture) Sem. I ï No M. Sc. (Sericulture) Sem. II ý M. Sc. (Sericulture) Sem. III ï Exam. þ M. Sc. (Sericulture) Sem. IV M. Sc. (Electronics) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Electronics) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Electronics) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Electronics) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Bio-Chemistry) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Bio-Chemistry) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Bio-Chemistry) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Bio-Chemistry) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Electronics Science) Sem. I ü ï M. Sc. (Electronics Science) Sem. II ï M. Sc. (Electronics Science) Sem. III ï M. Sc. (Electronics Science) Sem. IV ï ï M. Sc. (Polymer Chemistry) Sem. I ï M. Sc. (Polymer Chemistry) Sem. II ï No M. Sc. (Polymer Chemistry) Sem. III ý ï Exam. M. Sc. (Polymer Chemistry) Sem. IV ï M. Sc. (Applied Electronics) Sem. I ï ï M. Sc. (Applied Electronics) Sem. II ï M. Sc. (Applied Electronics) Sem. III ï M. Sc. (Applied Electronics) Sem. IV ï þ M. Sc. (Microbiology/Applied Microbiology) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Microbiology/Applied Microbiology) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Microbiology/Applied Microbiology) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Microbiology/Applied Microbiology) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Geology) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Geology) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Geology) Sem. III M. Sc. (Geology) Sem. IV M. Sc. (Environmental Science) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Environmental Science) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Environmental Science) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Environmental Science) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Horizontal Mobility) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Horizontal Mobility) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Horizontal Mobility) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Horizontal Mobility) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. (Environmental Biotechnology) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Environmental Biotechnology) Sem.II (M) 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 --------01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 ------------01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 --01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/- Convocation Fee 250/- 250/- 250/- 250/- 250/- 250/250/- 250/- 250/- 250/- 250/- 250/----- Remarks (7) Sr. No. EXAMINATION 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. M. Sc. (Environmental Biotechnology) Sem.III (E) M. Sc. (Environmental Biotechnology) Sem.IV (E) M. Sc. (T & D) P. G. D. E. P. M. M. Sc. (Computer Science) Sem. I (M) M. Sc. (Computer Science) Sem. II (M) M. Sc. (Computer Science) Sem. III (E) M. Sc. (Computer Science) Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. Tech. (Maths) - Sem. I (M) M. Sc. Tech. (Maths) - Sem. II (M) M. Sc. Tech. (Maths) - Sem. III (E) M. Sc. Tech. (Maths) - Sem. IV (E) M. Sc. Food Science & Technology Sem. I (M) M. Sc. Food Science & Technology Sem. II (M) M. Sc. Food Science & Technology Sem. III (E) M. Sc. Food Science & Technology Sem. IV (E) Applied Chemistry (M. Sc.) - Sem. I (M) Applied Chemistry ( M. Sc.) - Sem. II (M) Applied Chemistry ( M. Sc.) - Sem. III (E) Applied Chemistry ( M. Sc.) - Sem. IV (E) Certified Courses Analytical Instrumentation (E) P. G. Dip. in Protin food Technology (Soya Protin) P. G. Diploma in Acturial Science (Sem. I) (M) P. G. Diploma in Acturial Science (Sem. II) (M) P. G. Diploma Geoinformatics (Sem. I) (E) P. G. Diploma Geoinformatics (Sem. II) (E) P. G. Diploma in Bioinformatics (M) P. G. Diploma in Geomorphology (M) P. G. Diploma in Agrobiochemisty (E) P. G. Diploma in Nutrition & Dietetics (E) P. G. Diploma in Fruits & Vegitable (E) Master of Computer Applications (Science) Sem. I (M) Master of Computer Applications (Science) Sem. II (M) Master of Computer Applications (Science) Sem. III (E) Master of Computer Applications (Science) Sem. IV (E) Master of Computer Application (Science) Sem. V (M) Master of Computer Application (Science) Sem. VI Diploma Course in Computer Programming i) B. Ed. Part-I (Regular/Phy. Handicaped) (M) ii) B. Ed. Part-II Viva voce/Practical M. Ed. (Annual) i) M. Ed. Sem I (E) M. Ed. Sem II (E) ii) M. Ed. viva voce i) B. P. Ed. (E) ii) B. P. Ed. (Practicals) i) M. P. Ed. Part-I & II (Regular Theory) ii) M. P. Ed. Practicals (Regular) F. Y. B. A. B. Ed. (Spl) (M) S. Y. B. A. B. Ed. (Spl.) (M) T. Y. B. A. B. Ed. (Spl.) (E) Date of Commencement Examination Fee 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 23-5-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 01-4-2009 02-4-2009 02-4-2009 01-4-2009 10-4-2009 580/580/580/580/830/830/830/830/830/830/830/830/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/580/830/1170/- --250/250/250/------250/------250/------250/------250/250/250/- --- Convocation Fee 16-05-2009 17-05-2009 11-04-2009 10-04-2009 16-05-2009 16-05-2009 16-05-2009 16-05-2009 16-05-2009 10-4-2009 11-4-2009 10-4-2009 11-4-2009 10-4-2009 --10-4-2009 6-4-2009 16-2-2009 6-4-2009 6-4-2009 7-4-2009 430/430/- 250/250/- 430/430/430/430/430/730/730/730/730/730/730/690/390/260/1110/1110/1110/- 250/250/250/250/250/----------250/250/- After Theory --- 6-4-2009 16-2-2009 6-4-2009 9-2-2009 16-4-2009 03-4-2009 23-3-2009 600/--- --- 250/250/--- 250/--- 250/--- 830/- 250/- --- --------- 400/400/400/- Remarks (P. T. O.) (8) Sr. No. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. H 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. Date of Commencement EXAMINATION Final Year B. A. B. Ed. (Spl.) B. A. B. Ed. (Spl.) Practicals (Before Theory Exam.) P. G. Dip. in Mass Communication Edu. P. G. Dip. Teachers Training Edu. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES First M. B. B. S. Second M. B. B. S. i) Part Examination of Third M. B. B. S. * ii) Third M. B. B. S. M. D. / M. S. M. Sc. (Medical) P. G. Medical Diplomas D. M. L. T. First B. A. M. S. (No Examinations) Second B. A. M. S. Third B. A. M. S. First B. H. M. S. (No Examinations) Second B. H. M. S. (No Examinations) Third B. H. M. S. Final B. H. M. S. M. D. (Ayu.) Preliminary (Theory) M. D. (Ayu.) Part-II M. D. (Homeopathic) Part-I & II (E) (E) (E) (M) (M) (E) Convocation Fee 16-4-2009 400/- 250/- -16-5-2009 16-5-2009 50/13-4-2009 18-4-2009 13-4-2009 -750/750/-1230/1730/1730/1730/3630/3630/2480/880/1230/1730/1730/1230/1730/1730/1730/3630/3630/3630/- -250/250/----250/250/250/250/250/------250/-250/250/- (M) (M) (E) (E) 4-5-2009 4-5-2009 4-5-2009 4-5-2009 -- (M) 14-4-2009 --18-4-2009 13-4-2009 04-5-2009 04-5-2009 04-5-2009 (M) (E) (M) (E) (E) Examination Fee Entrance Examinations Remarks -- Proposed Date of Entrance Examination 1. a) M. A./M. Sc. Geography b) M. Sc. (All Subject) c) M.C.A. 26-4-2009 26-4-2009 2. a) M. Lib. Science, b) B. Lib. Sc., c) B. J. C., d) M. J. C., e) M. A. Mass Communication 03-5-2009 3. M. Ed. 3-5-2009 4. M. A. (Entrance) for (other faculty) 10-5-2009 5. a) M. Tech. b) B. Tech. c) B. A. B. Ed. d) B.C.S., B.B.A. and B.C.A. e) MBA (Executive/Distance Mode) will be declare later 10-5-2009 N. B. : (1) Sr. No. 318 to 325, 327, 328 & 331 to 335 Practical Exam. after Theory Examinations). (9) B) Last dates of receiving admission forms at the following examinations. In the College / University P. G. Deptt. from the Students Sr. No. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. In the University from the College / University P. G. Deptt. Without Late Fee With Late Fee With Super Late Fee Without Late Fee With Late Fee With Super Late Fee 24-1-2009 3-2-2009 11-2-2009 2-2-2009 13-2-2009 13-2-2009 EXAMINATION F. E. i) Sem. I (M) ii) Sem. II (M) S. E. i) Sem. III (E) ii) Sem. IV (M) T. E. i) Sem. V (M) ii) Sem. VI (E) B. E. i) Sem. VII (E) ii) Sem. VIII (E) B. Tech. Sem. I (M) B. Tech. Sem. II (M) M. E. Sem. I (M) M. E. Sem. II (M) M. E. Sem. III M. E. Sem. IV (Dissertation) M. E. (Vacational) Sem. I (M) M. E. (Vacational) Sem. II (M) M. E. (Vacational) Sem. III M. E. (Vacational) Sem. IV (Disertation) M. Tech. Sem. I (M) M. Tech Sem. II (M) M. Tech. Sem. III M. Tech. Sem. IV (Disertation) Cert. Course in Business Management (M) F. Y. Architecture (M) S. Y. Architecture (M) T. Y. Architecture Part-I (E) T. Y. Architecture Part-II (Viva-Voce) Final Year Architecture Part-I (E) Final Year Architecture Part-II (Viva-Voce) First Year B. Pharm Science Sem. I (M) First Year B. Pharm Science Sem. II (M) Second Year B. Pharm Science Sem. III (E) Second Year B. Pharm Science Sem. IV (E) Third Year B. Pharm Science Sem.V (M) Third Year B. Pharm Science Sem.VI (M) Fourth Year B. Pharm. Science Sem. VII (E) Fourth Year B. Pharm. Science Sem. VIII (E) Third Year B. Pharmacy (Old) (M) Final Year B. Pharmacy (E) M. Pharmacy Sem. I (M) M. Pharmacy Sem. II (E) M. Pharmacy Sem. III, IV (Dissertation) Dip. Course in Computer Science Part-I (M) Dip. Course in Computer Science Part-II (M) Date of Commencement 04-5-2009 11-5-2009 04-5-2009 11-5-2009 04-5-2009 11-5-2009 04-5-2009 11-5-2009 10-4-2009 11-4-2009 25-5-2009 26-5-2009 ----25-5-2009 26-5-2009 25-5-2009 26-5-2009 ----16-5-2009 04-5-2009 05-5-2009 04-5-2009 --05-5-2009 --6-5-2009 7-5-2009 6-5-2009 7-5-2009 6-5-2009 7-5-2009 06-05-2009 07-05-2009 6-5-2009 7-5-2009 06-5-2009 07-5-2009 -4-5-2009 5-5-2009 Examination Fee Convocation Fee 540/540/620/620/680/680/750/750/620/620/1630/1630/310/2530/3030/3030/600/3030/1630/1630/310/2530/750/750/750/750/220/880/880/620/620/620/620/620/620/700/700/620/700/1350/1350/1910/750/750/- (N. B. : (1) Sr. No. 336 to 372, 374, 375 Practical Exam. before Theory Examinations). Remarks --------------250/----------250/------250/------250/250/----------250/--------------250/--250/----250/--250/- (P. T. O.) (10) Sr. No. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. H EXAMINATION Date of Commencement First Year Master of Computer Applications i) Part-I (Engg.) (M) 4-5-2009 ii) Part-II (Engg.) (M) 5-5-2009 Second Year Master of Computer Applications i) Part-I (Engg.) (E) 4-5-2009 ii) Part-II (Engg.) (E) 5-5-2009 Final Year Master of Computer Application i) Part-I (Engg.) (M) 4-5-2009 ii) Part-II (Engg.) -First Year B. Textile Sem. I (M) 4-5-2009 First Year B. Textile Sem. II (E) 11-5-2009 Second Year B. Textile Sem. I (E) 4-5-2009 Second Year B. Textile Sem. II (M) 11-5-2009 Third Year B. Textile Sem. I (M) 04-5-2009 Third Year B. Textile Sem. II (E) 11-5-2009 Final Year B. Textile Sem. I (E) 4-5-2009 Final Year B. Textile Sem. II (E) 11-5-2009 B. Textile Practicals -M. Textile Sem. I (M) 25-5-2009 M. Textile Sem. II (M) 26-5-2009 M. Textile Sem. III M. Textile Sem. IV (Dissertation) M. Architecture Sem. I ü will be ï M. Architecture Sem. II ýï declare M. Architecture Sem. III ï separatly M. Architecture Sem. IV þ Environmental Studies Examination Fee Convocation Fee 930/930/- ----- 930/930/- ----- 930/930/880/880/880/880/880/880/980/980/-1630/1630/310/2530/5000/5000/5000/5000/- --250/--------------250/-------250/------250/- Remarks -- N. B. : (1) Sr. No. 376 to 381 Practical Exam. before Theory Examinations. (N. B. : (2) Sr. No. 382 to 392 Practical Exam. after Theory Examinations. 1. Day and Date of Theory & Practical examination career oriented courses will declared by concerned college 2. Theory and Practical Examination of Career Oriented courses under Faculty of Arts, Science & Commerce will be conducted by the concerned colleges. H 2. Environmental Science 1) Date of Examination Will be declared in the examination programme of respective examination. 2) Examination fee Rs. 50/- should be sent along with Students Examination form. Examination Fee for Fail / A. T. K. T. Student i) A Student who has failed in 50% or less than 50% Subjects.... 50% of exam. fee of concerned Examination ii) A Student who has failed in more than 50% subjects.................. Full exam. fee of concerned Examination Note :i) Result will be declared within 30/45 days after the Last date of conclusion of respective Theory/Practical Examination as per Maharashtra University Act 1994 rule No. 72. ii) For Engineering Examination Statement of Marks fee Rs. 50/- be charged (i.e. Rs. 25/- for each statement of marks) for candidate appearing for F.E. I & II / S. E. I & II, F. E. II & S. E. I & II / S. E. II & T. E. I etc. l Vidyanager, KOLHAPUR. Date : 07-10-2008 (S. U. Press : DTP 2 : 262/500/L-38/8-2008) Dr. B. M. Hirdekar Controller of Examinations
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