Áreas protected by Legal and Environment Rules
Áreas protected by Legal and Environment Rules
Why Agriculuture ? Why Brazil ? Why Bahia ? Where is it all going to com from? Demand for food, feed and biofuels (billion tons/yr.) Increasing strains on productivity Meat Consumption X Agricultural Area per capita (in hectares) The world cannot be fed without Brazil Fresh Water Supply X Arable Land reserve (milj. Ha) The Cerrado; the worlds grazing reserve There is no production of soy in the Amazone Source: EMBRAPA Protected Areas in Brasil Áreas protected by Legal and Environment Rules: Conservated areas. Legal reserve Permanent reserve 2.294.343 km2 2.685.542 km2 1.442.544 km2 27% 32% 17% TOTAL: 6.059.526 km2* 71% Available for agriculture, urbanisation and infrastructure. 2.455.350 km2 29% Fonte: Levantamento Professor Evaristo Miranda – Embrapa Satélite Agriculture and Nature Conservation BRASIL Netherlands Land Use Soy production in Brazil World production of Soy 2010/11 91 15 9 68 54 Country USA Brasil Argentina China Índia Mondial USDA Production 2009/10 91.417 68.000 54.000 14.500 8.750 258.002 BRAZIL • 2º production and processing. • 2º exporter of oil, flower and grains. • 243.000 producers Fonte: ABIOVE/ APROSOJA Brasil – Principal Markets Soy flower US$ 4,6 bi Soy Grains US$ 11,4 bi EU 71% EU 30% China 56% Development of principal markets for Brasil oil, grain and meal EU 1990: 2005: 2008: 2009: China 68% 49% 43% 41% 1990: 4% 2005: 20% 2008: 36% 2009: 39% Fonte: Secex Produção de Soja no Brasil Evolução da Área e Produção de Soja Em milhões de hectares e milhões de toneladas Área 68,5 Produção 52,0 28% 49,8 52,3 55,0 58,4 60,0 57,2 69 65 42,2 11% 38,4 32,9 7% 17% 14% 23,3 22,7 20,7 21,3 21,7 23,5 23,2 18,5 21,4 13,6 14,0 16,4 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ÁREA DE SOJA ÁREA DE SOJA PERCENTUAL DOS ESTADO PRODUÇÃO DE SOJA Fonte: Conab Fonte: USDA e Consultorias Privadas Logistic Challenges Potential reduction of Logistic Costs. • Transfer to railway and river modalities. 96 10 Diesel (lts/ 1000 TKU) 5 Tranport mix Brazil Soy 7% 33% 60% Fonte: Ministério dos Transportes , DOT Marine Administration, TCL e ABIOVE Destinated ports for Export of Soy 5% 2% 5% 8% 25% 36% 16% Fonte: Secex Elaboração: Aprosoja Freight costs US$/Ton 129 54 US$/Ton US$ 130/Ton 100 61 Logistic Cost 2010 56 25 From 50 US$ per ton on, freight cost are the major production costs. 23 US$ 20/Ton Fonte: IMEA / Centrogrãos Future driver of value: Logistics Cost of soy in US$/ha Bahia Oeste 5,5 million hectare Cerrado, 11 million Valley PLANTED AREA 2011/12 Crop Plan 2011/12 YIELD KG/HA YIELD COMPARED CROP LAND PRICES COMPARED
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