Brief overview of two centuries of imaginative calorimetry
Brief overview of two centuries of imaginative calorimetry
X CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO E IV CONGRESSO PAN AMERICANO DE ANÁLISE TÉRMICA E CALORIMETRIA 17 – 20 de abril de 2016 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil Dr. Jean Rouquerol Title Brief overview of two centuries of imaginative calorimetry Summary Carrying out good calorimetric studies has never been an easy task. This is because of the difficulties (i) to « catch » the heat, which escapes so easily and (ii) to get well-characterized starting and final states of the system. Teaching calorimetry is also uneasy, due to the more than 100 calorimeters which were devised, either to improve the accuracy or sensitivity of the measurement or to suit specific applications. For the sake of an easy understanding (and hopefully of a fruitful teaching) we shall therefore propose a unified presentation of calorimetry. We shall first address the issue of the definition of heat (i.e. the physical quantity measured by a calorimeter), since, quite surprisingly, no general agreement does exist about it between various groups of scientists: for some calorimetrists and thermal engineers, heat can be stored (whereas for many thermodynamicists and physical chemists it cannot) and for a number of physicists heat cannot be transferred by radiation (which is not the opinion of a majority of scientists from other fields). We shall look for a definition able to be accepted by most of us. In a second part, we shall address the issue of the complexity and variety of calorimeters, which gave rise to more than 10 different nomenclatures: each one having its own, specific, objective or starting from a central calorimeter (either the most commonly used at the time of the presentation or the one devised and developed by the author of the nomenclature…). With the objective of making easier the teaching of calorimetry, we shall see how a few clear-cut criteria provide a nomenclature easy to handle, encompassing all existing calorimeters. This will give us the opportunity to stress the major original features of a number of calorimeters and to see to which extent they can meet our present needs. Associação Brasileira de Análise Térmica e Calorimetria CNPJ: 02.246.490/0001-36 Rua Professor Lineu Prestes, 748 Instituto de Química, Bloco 8 térreo, sala 0801 Laboratório de Análise Térmica Cidade Universitária, USP, 05508-000 - São Paulo, SP X CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO E IV CONGRESSO PAN AMERICANO DE ANÁLISE TÉRMICA E CALORIMETRIA 17 – 20 de abril de 2016 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil References *Rouquerol J., Rouquerol F., Llewellyn P., Denoyel R., (2015) “Principles and Applications of Calorimetry”. In: Reedijk, J. (Ed.) Elsevier Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering. Waltham, MA: Elsevier. 27May-2015 http://dx.doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409547-2.11009-1 *Rouquerol J., Wadso I., Lever T.J. And Haines P.J. “Developments in Nomenclature” (Chapter 2) In “Handbook of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry”, Volume 5, “Further Advances, Techniques and Applications”, M.Brown and P.Gallagher Eds, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007, pp 13- 54 Mini-CV Emeritus Research Director of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Address : Laboratoire MADIREL, Aix-Marseille Université, Centre de St Jérôme, 13397 Marseille Cedex 20, FRANCE Contact : [email protected] Research interests a) Thermal transformation of powders and porous solids : proposal (in 1964) and development of the general method of Controlled Rate Thermal Analysis (CRTA), which provides enhanced resolution and control of the thermal path. Application to the preparation of technological adsorbents with tailor-made porosity and highly reproducible surface properties. This approach was generalized under the generic, well-accepted name of Sample-Controlled Thermal Analysis (SCTA) and is available in many instruments. b) Gas adsorption and liquid adsorption, with special attention to its thermodynamic study. He developed unique adsorption microcalorimetry set-ups able to operate either at 77 or 87 K (for a critical assessment of the specific surface area, by either gas or liquid adsorption) or up to 50 bar, for the sake of gas separation and storage. Background Associação Brasileira de Análise Térmica e Calorimetria CNPJ: 02.246.490/0001-36 Rua Professor Lineu Prestes, 748 Instituto de Química, Bloco 8 térreo, sala 0801 Laboratório de Análise Térmica Cidade Universitária, USP, 05508-000 - São Paulo, SP X CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO E IV CONGRESSO PAN AMERICANO DE ANÁLISE TÉRMICA E CALORIMETRIA 17 – 20 de abril de 2016 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil 1964: PhD in Paris University (the “Sorbonne”) 1966: Enters the staff of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) 2002 : “Directeur de Recherches Emérite” in MADIREL, a joint laboratory between CNRS and Aix-Marseille University. Past and current commitments - - President of the French Association for Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis ( AFCAT ) (1985-1989) Director of the CNRS Center for Thermodynamics and Microcalorimetry (19902002) founded by Prof. E.Calvet in 1959 and then the “cradle” of heat-flowmeter microcalorimetry Chairman of IUPAC Commission I-6 ( Colloid and Surface Chemistry including Catalysis ) (1991 to 1994) President of ICTAC, the International Confederation of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2000-2006) Member of the Editorial or Advisory Board of Journals dealing with either Thermal Analysis (« Thermochimica Acta » (1989 – 2004), « Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry », (since 2007) or Adsorption ( « Adsorption Science and Technology », (1984 -1995), « Colloid and Interface Science », between (1982-1985), « Chemical Technology and Biotechnology » (1978-1986), « Langmuir » (1985-1988), and « Adsorption » (1993-2013) Scientific production ca. 200 published papers, 85 invited lectures in international conferences, 150 oral communications in conferences or lectures in universities and laboratories and 8 books (editor or author). The following give an idea of their principal orientations: The book « Sample-Controlled Thermal Analysis: origin, goals, multiple forms, applications and future » SORENSEN O.T. and ROUQUEROL J. Eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2003, 252 pages The chapter « Developments in Nomenclature in Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry» ROUQUEROL J., WADSO I., LEVER T.J. and HAINES P.J. Chapter 2 In “Handbook of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry”, Volume 5, “Further Advances, Techniques and Applications”, M.Brown and P.Gallagher Eds, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007, pp 13- 54 The IUPAC Report on « Liquid intrusion and alternative methods for the characterization of macroporous materials » ROUQUEROL J., BARON G., DENOYEL R., GIESCHE H., GROEN J., KLOBES P., LEVITZ P., NEIMARK A., RIGBY S., SKUDAS R., SING K.S.W., THOMMES M., UNGER K.K. Pure Appl. Chem. 2012, Vol 84, n01, 107-136. Associação Brasileira de Análise Térmica e Calorimetria CNPJ: 02.246.490/0001-36 Rua Professor Lineu Prestes, 748 Instituto de Química, Bloco 8 térreo, sala 0801 Laboratório de Análise Térmica Cidade Universitária, USP, 05508-000 - São Paulo, SP X CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO E IV CONGRESSO PAN AMERICANO DE ANÁLISE TÉRMICA E CALORIMETRIA 17 – 20 de abril de 2016 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil The book « Adsorption by powders and porous solids : principles, methodology and applications » ROUQUEROL F., ROUQUEROL J., SING K.S.W., LLEWELLYN P. and MAURIN G. Academic Press, 2014, 626 pages. Awards -Bronze medal of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (1971) -Silver medal of the French Society for National Industry (1971) -Lucien Chatin Award of Lyon Academy (1972) -Mettler Award of the North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) (1988) -Doctor Honoris Causa of UNED University, Madrid, Spain (2003) -Provence Award of the Société Chimique de France (2013) -Setaram Award of the Italian Association of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (AICAT) (2013) Associação Brasileira de Análise Térmica e Calorimetria CNPJ: 02.246.490/0001-36 Rua Professor Lineu Prestes, 748 Instituto de Química, Bloco 8 térreo, sala 0801 Laboratório de Análise Térmica Cidade Universitária, USP, 05508-000 - São Paulo, SP