Newsletter - St. Nicholas School


Newsletter - St. Nicholas School
St. Nicholas
Newsletter :: March II :: 2010
Upcoming events
Fri 26th
Casual Clothes Day
March 29th to April 2nd
Easter Week
Mon 5th
Winter Uniform
Thu 8th
Infants and Junior Parents' Day
Wed 21st
Tiradentes holiday
Thu 22
Earth Day
Year 4 - Toca da Raposa
University Update
After Easter Year 11 students will be taking
a serious look at what they will be doing
after they finish their IB Diploma in May
2011. For some this will be a ‘gap’ year,
for others starting coursinho or starting
university overseas.
Students will be
reviewing the options open to them and
learning the skills necessary to apply (now
or in the future), including how to write
the difficult ‘Personal Statement’.
those considering overseas universities,
the Diploma gives direct access to many
countries and many universities offer
generous scholarships to encourage
students with the IB Diploma to apply. To
help students familiarise themselves with
what is on offer outside Brazil, we have
been promoting various events, some
in school, some outside. Events have
included the following:
KG - Cia do Bichos
Mr Brotherton
In our school:
Saint Michael's College, Vermont (USA),
King's College, London (UK), Oxbridge
Academic Programmes - Holiday study
trips (UK), Goldsmiths, University of
London (UK), The European University,
University of Wisconsin-Superior, University
of Central Missouri, Ohio University,
Eastern Washington University, Ferris
State University, Maryville College (USA),
The University of York (UK), Queen Mary,
London and Royal Holloway (UK)
Centro de Eventos do Colégio São Luis:
Salão do Estudante (18 countries)
Chapel School:
CIS Canadian University
universities (Canada)
Hotel Intercontinental:
Expo-Study Abroad (About 10 countries)
Wed 14th April - Year 2X
Thu 15th April - Year 4Y
Thu 21st April - Year 5Y
Catarina Marchon da Silva and Claudia Chakmati
The PYP Exhibition Health For All group are
organising a few activities for the school.
We propose that everyone start the day at
the court with an outdoor activity involving
dance and exercise. We also propose that
8.30pm Saturdy March 27, 2010
See your world in a whole new light
Do not forget
your tie after the
Easter Break!
all computer rooms are closed during break
and lunch time, and encourage everyone
to organise outdoor games.
Stay Healthy!
Year 8 visita o museu da língua
No dia 16 de março os alunos do Year 8
foram ao Museu da Língua Portuguesa e
experimentaram observar a língua falada
no Brasil através de jogos interativos e
filmes. A turma teve a sorte de realizar a
visita no dia em que a exposição "Menas: o
certo que é errado e o errado que é certo"
foi inaugurada. A proposta desta exposição
é discutir as variações linguísticas em
português. Veja as impressões que alguns
alunos escreveram sobre a visita.
No dia 16 de março, o year 8 fez um
passeio ao Museu da Língua Portuguesa.
Foi um passeio muito legal, nós visitamos
várias salas diferentes. Em uma sala nós
descobrimos a origem de certas palavras
em Português; em outra sala, a gente ouviu
pessoas falando Português em diversas
partes do mundo, porém a sala mais legal
foi uma em que a gente juntou sílabas
em um computador que ocupava uma
mesa, e quando juntávamos as sílabas,
o computador mostrava o significado e a
origem das palavras formadas.
Mr Costa
No final, nós atravessamos um corredor
onde nas paredes estavam escritas
várias frases com erros de português, por
exemplo: Herrar é umano. No final desse
corredor, nós entramos em uma sala de
cinema onde mostraram um vídeo de
dez minutos sobre a história da Língua
Portuguesa. Quando o filme acabou, nós
entramos em uma sala muito escura, todo
mundo se deitou e ficamos vendo imagens
no teto enquanto poemas eram lidos por
brasileiros famosos.
Por Nicolas Gekker (Yr 8)
No dia em que a gente visitou o museu,
uma exposição foi inaugurada, era a
exposição do Menas – certo do errado e
o errado do certo. Nessa exposição, havia
várias frases postas em diferentes posições
em linha reta, mas quando se olhava por
um buraquinho você conseguia ler o que
estava escrito na frase.
Wood Working ECA has been a success!! ACOMI Children Spend a
Mrs Fletcher
Working with wood can be loads of fun!
Children love it when they have the chance
to handle new material. The brand new
Wood Working ECA for Years 1 and 2 is
every Tuesday, from 3.30 to 4.10. The
right supervision turns this moment of
craftsmanship into a most exciting and
safe experience.
Children have the chance to improve their
own abilities, boost their self-esteem and
learn a lot about types of wood, where they
come from,
what people
build with it
or how can
we use this
Here we have a list of other benefits:
●● Eye-hand coordination
Morning of Easter Fun!
On Thursday, the school invited some
children from the ACOMI to spend one
morning of Easter activities with us. Year
2 children spent their snacks with them,
and representatives of Junior and Senior
Student Council organised some games
and an Easter egg hunt with them. In
return, the teachers and children of the
crèche performed a very nice Easter Day
presentation. Though the time they spent
with us was short, it was a fun-filled and
rewarding morning. The crèche children
went home not just with an Easter basket
of goodies, but a memorable moment
spent in warmth with our children!
●● Development of Fine-motor skills
●● Problem-solving
●● Role-playing
●● Creative thinking
●● Imagination
●● Matching/classification
●● Sorting
●● Comparing/measuring
●● Textures and properties
●● Co-operation
●● Respect for tools and materials
●● Increased awareness and understanding
of the world around them
●● Language development
Well done!!!
LANGUAGE CORNER • Current affairs
Dedé Toffoli
Do this crossword puzzle and get updated with what is going on at our school!
Answers to Mrs. Toffoli (ESL) may get you an R.O.A.!
05. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _E _ _ _
11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K _ _ _ _
01. What you must wear after the Easter Week!
02. “Passover”, Jewish holiday that starts on
March 30 and goes till April 6.
03. Exciting week full of activities and events
took place from March 15 to 19.
04. Brazilian hero celebrated on April 21.
05. What typical sweet some might get and
eat during Easter.
06. Important international holiday celebrated
on April 22.
07. Animal that represents Easter.
08. International holiday celebrated on May 1.
09. What juniors and infants will have on April 8.
10. Typical type of bread eaten by the Jewish
during Passover.
11. Celebration of Irish patron saint on March 17
Name:__________________________________ Year: _ ___________
Last issue's winners: Thomas (3X), Bryan Cho & Frankie (5X), Ami & Sarah (6X), Sally & Pedro camargo (6Y)
Winter Uniform
After Easter Break
A new type of tailored shirt (optional) for
the girls is now available.
As previously mentioned the,
anorak will not be part of the
uniform as from Year 3 - the
blazer is to be worn.
Uniform shops
Rua Prof. Vahia de Abreu, 736/ 744 – Vila
3849-5751/ 3846.9873
[email protected]
Rua Dr. Renato Paes de Barros, 113 - Itaim
3168-7975 / 3168-5416
[email protected]
Last week was our second Science Week. It was a great success in the whole school community. There were lots of things going on such as
break time demonstrations performed by teachers, lunch time experiments and challenges for each year group. There were also quizzes
in the Infant, Junior and Senior Schools, students teaching students and of course the second Junior Science fair competition.
It was truly amazing to see how many scientists we have in our school! Well done to all and get ready for an even more exciting
science week next year!
Aprendendo Sempre
Coluna St. Nicks
Drogas - Filme: Meu nome não é Johnny
Mrs. Lima
Esta semana, depois de vivenciar o papel
de “editora” da Coluna St Nicks, observei
a alegria e satisfação dos alunos cujos
textos têm sido publicados, sem contar,
o orgulho dos pais dos autores. Um
deles me relatou que o pai pregou seu
texto na tela do computador. Sim, é para
ficarmos orgulhosos das crianças que
experimentam a sensação de escreverem
suas idéias e serem lidas, expressaremse e serem ouvidas. Por enquanto, esta
experiência ainda precisa amadurecer,
ou ainda, os alunos precisam, pois
aguardamos o dia em que eles sejam
capazes de não apenas escrever e revisar,
mas também escolher os textos de sua
A partir daí, apreciando os frutos do
trabalho e continuando a incentivá-lo,
surgiu a idéia de um aluno, de escrever
provérbios chineses e interpretá-los. Por
isso, vou colocar um dos que ele escolheu,
bem como sua interpretação. E não só vou
publicá-lo, como aproveitar sua idéia e
deixar uma citação para nos fazer pensar
a respeito da tarefa de educar:
Aquele a quem a palavra não educar,
também o pau não educará.
- Sócrates
Catarina Colaço
Olhemos os pontos negativos e positivos
de envolver sua vida nas drogas. O lado
positivo mais comum seria que os usuários
tomam drogas porque eles se livram do
estresse, e sentem uma boa sensação,
então isso seria o lado positivo para os
usuários, mas depois de um tempo, claro
que vão ver efeitos negativos e bem
pesados. Se a pessoa também estiver
envolvida no negócio das drogas a pessoa
pode ganhar muito dinheiro com esse tipo
de investimento, só que também pode
perder isso muito rapidamente. Para o
usuário é uma grande diversão e também
é visto como uma coisa “maneira”, pelos
mais jovens.
Apesar de ter seus pontos positivos há mais
pontos negativos que podem acabar com
a vida da pessoa. Pois, a pessoa pode se
tornar dependente, ficar doente e também
viciada. Ainda mais que isto, incentiva
o tráfico de drogas e outros crimes.
Provavelmente quando isso acontecer você
perde sua família, amigos e seus bens,
tudo o que você tinha como bons valores.
Se você acabar por entrar nessa situação,
muito envolvido com as drogas, você
pode ser preso.
Não acho que deviam proibir o uso de
drogas, somente aquelas que têm um
efeito muito forte. É uma curiosidade
que muita gente tem, mas somente os
inteligentes sabem como se controlar.
Claro que devem existir limites, mas não
a proibição. Não estou falando que isso
dá um incentivo, mas sim perceber que
não é saudável. Além disso, comparando
o negativo e positivo qualquer pessoa
perceberia que os negativos são coisas
muito difíceis de lidar, sendo o uso da
droga proibida. Também temos que ser
muito específicos na classificação das
Sou contra a exportação de drogas
como maconha, cocaína e o uso contra
a vontade da pessoa, mas não sou
totalmente contra o uso. Penso que temos
curiosidade de saber qual é a sensação ,
porém temos que ser espertos tomando
a melhor decisão sempre.
A seguir, um provérbio interpretado por Lucas McAlonan (Y7):
"Um amigo não cai do céu, mas ele vem da tua amizade"
– o provérbio diz que você só arruma amigos pela amizade.
Para ler mais provérbios interpretados pelo Lucas e os textos da Gabi e Ju (Y7) ou
Lucas Bender e Sofia, confira na nossa Intranet!
Senior Girls Basketball
St Nicholas 32 vs. St Pauls 21
Yr7&8 Girls Futsal
St Nicholas 6 vs. Graded 0
On the up...
Five star and a case for defence!
scoring just
4pts or losing
in the last
St Nicks led
1st quarter
to the end,
claiming an all motivating first victory, but,
more importantly, huge improvements
collectively as a team. St Nicks delivered
continuously on offence, this time led by
the impressive Kaoruko. Palak, Clarissa
and Erina. Everyone contributed to a high
points tally and a rewarding evening by all
Camila D clearly
and topped a
memorable clean
sheet and win
last week. Three
debutants, Ester,
Yoon and Lisa ,
performed well.
Special mention also goes to Sofia Soares
who was once again excellent in front of goal,
scoring five of the six goals. How many goals
she has in St Nicholas appearances I don’t
know but it’s certainly a credit to her overall
ability as a player.
U15 Boys Futsal
St Nicholas 3 vs. Chapel 3
St Nicholas throws away two-goal lead in Chapel deadlock.
St Nicholas appeared to be cruising
towards a comfortable victory when Kenji
scored in the first 30 seconds with a
cheeky back heel and Daccache grabbed
a sublime left foot strike. The St Nicholas
side was left ruing missed opportunities,
fine Chapel goalkeeping and lapsed focus
at the back. Although the better side and
a fine second half team performance,
St Nicks deserved and hoped to seal a
victory, but it was just not to be.
Mr Moss
Boys Basketball
St Nicholas 36 vs. Chapel 25
St Nicholas 28 vs. St Pauls 22
The streak continues...
The winning streak reached six victories
in two completely different games. Yet,
St Nicks came back in both games in the
2nd quarters to claim wins on the road and
at home. Both games showed the team's
ability to adapt, their quality and work
ethic. The competitive togetherness, the
team’s defence and rebounding from Ichi
and Rodrigo has been impressive. As well as
the assists from Leo and the performances
from our top points scorer/one man
offence, Theo (32pts in total). There’s still
a lot of basketball skill to improve on, but
the Snr boys are clearly moving forward
and benefiting from all their hard work.
Think Green
Mrs Vassellucci
The food scrap bucket
Composting food scraps at home is one of the most
important aspects of home composting.
Why? Because food scrap items such as vegetable and fruit waste, meal leftovers, coffee
grounds, tea bags, stale bread, grains, and general refrigerator spoilage are an everyday
occurrence in most households.
Up to 90 percent of waste thrown out by businesses like supermarkets, restaurants and
even in our own houses is food scraps. In fact, food scraps are the third largest segment
of the waste stream with nearly 26 million tons generated each year. Of the overall waste
stream, about 12% is food-related, behind paper and plastic.
What home food waste can you compost?
Not all food waste is created equally. You should know this or else you may have problems
popping up in your compost bin or pile. BIG PROBLEMS! Actually, once you look at the
chart below, commonsense will be your guide.
Do compost
A Food Scrap Bucket
is simple to locate.
Just look for a 4-5
gallon bucket at
your local hardware
store. Some food
wholesalers have some as well. Keep the
bucket near your backdoor or compost bin.
A good way to keep
fruit flies or gnats
from sneaking into
the bucket is to
line the lid with
newspaper. This also
cuts down on odours
seeping out. Replace the paper when it gets
moist and deteriorates.
Pour the contents
Compost Pail into the
Food Scrap Bucket.
Don't compost
●●All your vegetable and fruit waste, ●●Meat or meat waste, such as bones,
(including rinds and cores) even if fat, gristle, skin, etc.
they are moldy and ugly
●●Fish or fish waste
●●Old bread, doughnuts, cookies,
noodles: ●●Dairy products, such as cheese,
butter, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream
anything made out of flour!
cheese, sour cream, etc.
●●Grains (cooked or uncooked): rice,
●●Grease and oils of any kind
barley, you name it
Why can't you compost this food
●●Coffee grounds, tea bags, filters
●●Fruit or vegetable pulp from juicing
●●They inbalance the otherwise
nutrient-rich structure of other food
●●Old spices
and vegetation waste and breakdown
●●Outdated boxed foods from the slowly
●●They attract rodents and other
●●Egg shells (crush well)
scavenging animals
●●Corn cobs and husks (cobs ●●Meat attracts maggots
breakdown very slowly)
●●Your compost bin will smell to holy
hell and back!
How simple can it be!
Wash your Kitchen
Pail well to use again.
Here's a good trick
to cut down on odors
or potential fruit
flies or gnats: have
nearby a small pail
of finished compost,
peat moss, sawdust,
rock dust, leaf mulch or humus (good soil).
Then, scoop a trowel
full of the material
and sprinkle it on
the top of the newlyadded food scraps.
A sure fire way to
help the food scraps to breakdown, because
of the addition of BROWNs to the GREENs of
the food scraps.
Commemorations, celebrations and fun events around the world
Action Committee / International Committee
1st - April Fool’s Day is marked by playing practical jokes on
friends and neighbours, or sending them on fools' errands, the
aim of which is to embarrass the gullible.
2nd - International Children's Book Day was chosen to
commemorate the birthday of famous Danish storyteller Hans
Christian Andersen. It is a celebration of children's books around
the world.
4th - Easter Sunday is observed by many Christians to celebrate
the miracle of Jesus coming back to life after crucifixion.
People celebrate Easter using the rabbit as part of its symbol,
and exchanging eggs, candied eggs or chocolate eggs. Eggs
symbolise new life, while the rabbit or Easter bunny is a symbol
of the moon as the moon determines the date of Easter.
- International Day for Landmines Awareness and
Assistance in Mine Action aims to raise people’s awareness
about landmines and unexploded grenades, missiles etc., which
kill or maim over 15 thousand every year. This campaign hopes
for the complete eradication of these dangerous weapons.
- Qingming Festival meaning Clear and Bright Festival, is a
traditional Chinese festival that is usually observed on April 5
except during leap year when it is on April 4th. It is a time when
people take care of the graves of departed loved ones, and also
when people go out to enjoy the greenery of springtime.
30th March to 5th April - Passover, also known as Pesach, is
the Jewish festival of freedom. It is held every spring to celebrate
the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, where they had been slaves,
about 3200 years ago.
7th - World Health Day is celebrated to raise people's awareness
of specific health themes. These themes change every year as
decided by the World Health Organization (WHO), and this year's
theme is "Urbanisation and Health - 1000 Cities, 1000 Lives."