Material Fact - Third Buyback Program


Material Fact - Third Buyback Program
A Publicly Traded Company with Authorized Capital
CNPJ/MF nº 04.065.791/0001-99
NIRE 35.300.190.785
Sao Paulo, August 26, 2015. Senior Solution S.A. (BM&FBOVESPA: SNSL3) (“Company”), the leading
provider of software applications for the financial sector in Brazil, in compliance with CVM
Instruction 358, announces that the Board of Directors approved, at a meeting held today, the third
common shares buyback program (“Program”), pursuant to CVM Instruction 10, as amended, with
the following characteristics:
Purpose: To maximize the value generation for shareholders by investing part of the
available financial resources in the acquisition of common shares to hold onto treasury
for subsequent sale or cancellation.
Term: The program will run for up to 365 days from this date, ending on August 24,
Number of shares: The program will comprise the repurchase of up to 700,000 common
shares. According to the definition of article 5 of CVM Instruction 10, the number of
outstanding shares is 11,787,203. Therefore, the amount of shares to be acquired
corresponds to 5.94% of the outstanding shares.
Resources: For the repurchase of shares, the Company will use funds limited to the
amount of "Retained Earnings" and "Capital Reserve" accounts, which presented a
balance of R$ 17,743,697.17 and R$ 763,393.72 as at June 30, 2015, totalling R$
18,507,090.89 on the date of the Company’s last quarterly report.
Intermediantion: Repurchase trades will be made at BM&FBOVESPA through the
following brokers: (i) BTG Pactual Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A.,
headquartered at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3477, 14o andar-parte, Sao Paulo, State
of SP; (ii) Fator S.A. Corretora de Valores, headquartered at Rua Dr. Renato Paes de
Barros, 1017, 11º e 12º andares, Sao Paulo, State of Sao Paulo; e (iii) XP Investimentos
CCTVM S.A., headquartered at Praia de Botafogo, 501, Sala 601 - A1, Rio de Janeiro,
State of Rio de Janeiro.
Implementation: the Board of Directors delegated to the Management power to adopt
all the measures necessary to implement the Program, being incumbent upon the
Management the determination of time and amount of shares to be acquired, subject to
the limits established by the regulations in force, the Company's Securities Trading Policy
and the Program.
Thiago Almeida Ribeiro da Rocha
Investor Relations Officer