Untitled - Alberta Pharmacy Students` Association


Untitled - Alberta Pharmacy Students` Association
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Past President
Tim Leung
[email protected]
CAPSI Jr. Representative
Victor Wong
[email protected]
1st year Class Rep.
Sheldon Chow
[email protected]
Tyler Watson
[email protected]
CSHP Representative
Serena Bains
[email protected]
2nd year Class Rep.
Reid McDonald
[email protected]
Published and Distributed
Greg Gandoke
[email protected]
IPSF Representative
Mychan Mai
[email protected]
3rd year Class Rep
Jenny Hoang
[email protected]
September, November,
VP External
Brett Edwards
[email protected]
Recruitment Director
Bryson Le
[email protected]
4th year Class Rep.
Cindy San
[email protected]
VP Academic
Anita Gustafson
[email protected]
Fundraising Director
Jamie Kotlewski
[email protected]
Male Sport Rep.
Nathan Morin
[email protected]
VP Administration
Peggy Karas
[email protected]
Interprofessional Director
Sarah Hasenbank
[email protected]
Female Sport Rep.
Heather Roflik
[email protected]
VP Finance
Peter Lok
[email protected]
Community Education
Darlene Korn
[email protected]
1st year Social Rep.
Asheesh Saincher
[email protected]
VP Student Services
Jocelyn St. Amour
[email protected]
RxA Representative
Stephanie Moore
[email protected]
Publications Director
Kristen Marlow
[email protected]
Social Director
Linda Nguyen
[email protected]
2nd year Social Rep.
Joey Ton
[email protected]
3rd year Social Rep.
Stephen Yu
[email protected]
4th year Social Rep.
Please send any Questions, Concerns, Comments to the Editors:
Eugenio (Mike) Pettinato: [email protected]
Andrew Wong: [email protected]
This Newsletter is
bi– monthly in
February and March
DISCLAIMER: Any opinions
or viewpoints that are
published herein are
directly from the
contributing author and
does not represent the
philosophy or viewpoints
of the Faculty of
Pharmacy or the
University of Alberta
Page 3
IT’S OFFICIAL, Pharm D is Here!!!!
Dr. Pitt’s patient. Luckily Dr. Dinah Soares,
the Head of Surgery in Calgary, was able to
immediately contact Kerev at his home in
Seattle for advice on how to save the man’s
Foosball Can Be Dangerous
Health Canada has put out an emergency
advisory on Friday, stating that there has
been several case reports of people getting severe and debilitating cramping of
their wrist after playing foosball for
greater than 16 hours at a time. Jenny
Tull, a 1st year pharmacy student, was
hospitalized Sunday with severe wrist
cramping. “This is definitely a very dangerous sport,” she explained, “after
playing about 17 hours straight, I started
getting this sharp pain shooting up my
wrist and then the rest is a blur, I
blacked out.” Health Canada advises to
refrain from playing over 15 hours of
foosball at a time and recommends that if
a game does take longer than 15 hours to
just take 7-8 grams of Tylenol bid prn.
Finally, after 19 years of debate and hard
work, Pharm D has been passed at the
University of Alberta. On February 10,
New Courses Teach Relaxation and
2011, Dr. Corey O. Graff announced that
there has been a bill passed to allow the
Pharm D program to be implemented in
the Fall 2011. The class of 2012 will be the
Two new pharmacy courses have been
first class to get the chance to be in the
added to next year’s curriculum. Pharm
program, with only 130 students accepted. 420, The Study of Marijuana, will be a new
Students will require the listed criteria: a course offered to teach students the value
3.9 GPA minimum or a 6 out of 9 (for
of marijuana, how to smoke it to gain the
students over 30 on the 9-point scale),
most therapeutic effects and how to promust be able to fully diagnose, prescribe
mote it clinically. This new course is obviand counsel a patient under 3 minutes
ously needed now since marijuana has been
without doing too much harm, must have legalized in Alberta. The other new course is
20/20 vision and can’t be colorblind and
Pharm 666, Witchcraft Medicine. This
they must recite the standards of prac- course will not only teach about the wonders
tice/code of ethics backwards word for
of ergot, certain mushrooms and toads, but
word while crouching in the praying lotus
will also teach how homeopathy is better
yoga position. Billy Rubin, from 6th year,
than any modern treatment we have today.
By: Mikey Petting-Yu; MIB, AUC, FLK
stated, “this criteria is a little bit much,
Clinical Practice Leader at
but I don’t see it being impossible.” I will
Greg Runs Hospital
have to disagree with Billy on this one
Gum is For Chewing
since I wear glasses.
Some stories you hear are just bizarre,
especially route of administration stories
Calgary Physician Jailed
like a woman eating her suppository or
spreading spermicidal jelly on her toast.
A Calgary physician, Dr. Harry R. M. Pitts,
However, this may be the most bizarro of
was sentenced to 5 years of prison on
them all! An elderly Swedish man, Jerry
January 12, 2011 for severe malpractice
Atrick, decided he wouldn’t listen to his
causing harm. Dr. Pitts was accused of
Apothecary or read the instructions on his
using a ping-pong ball in a liver transplant Nicorette Gum package. Needless to say, he
he performed on December 2, 2010.
burnt his lips and fingers trying to light the
When asked what his reasoning was be- gum. When he realized that it wasn’t working
hind such a ridiculous procedure, he sim- he decided to try the patch, but rolling and
ply stated that he had seen it done on
lighting a patch wasn’t effective either.
Grey’s Anatomy. “If Karev can make it
However, he was able to quit cold turkey in
work, why can’t I?” The ping-pong ball
the hospital and now eats chicken instead.
caused an infection leading to sepsis in
Page 4
Hello Px-Harmers!
My name is Tyler Watson, aka
Gerry Dee, aka Michael C. Scott, aka Brad
Pitt… Ok I may have lied about the Gerry
Dee one, but I swear people always mistake
me for the other two.
Now that the token ego-boost is
out of the way, I can properly introduce
myself as the new Alberta Pharmacy Students’ Association President. Many of you
are probably wondering what happened to
that extremely good looking, Bruce Leetype President that graced the Dent-Pharm
hallways for the past 3 years. That gentleman, none other than the infamous Timothy
Leung, completed his term as President of
APSA on December 1st, 2010. And while that
might seem like a weird time to have a
changeover, it is actually quite rational and
I will attempt to explain why.
The term for the President position on APSA Council is 2 years and runs
from April of the “Elect” year until April of
the “Past- President” year. Clear as mud?
Probably not, so maybe it will make more
sense with the diagram below:
As you can see above, when
someone is elected as President, they first
act as the President-Elect for 7 months.
During this time, the President-Elect works
closely with the President to get comfortable with the various roles and responsibilities the position requires. Other than
getting Tim his daily coffee and doing his
homework, I spent my time as PresidentElect helping draft the Student Handbook
distributed to the Class of 2014, developing
the Community Support Committee, and
working with faculty on initiatives such as
Strategic Planning and the Accreditation
Process. It was an enjoyable 7 months
through which I developed a good understanding of what it meant to be President
and how I could successfully (I hope!) continue Tim’s legacy.
In December, after the PresidentElect term is complete, a vote of confidence
takes place at the APSA changeover meeting to determine whether the PresidentElect will transition into the President. At
the same time, assuming the vote of confidence is successful, the President transitions into the Past-President position. Luckily for me, APSA Council voted in favour of
my move into the President’s position
which I will occupy until December of 2011.
Tim will continue to act as the Past-
President until April of 2011 and his role
is primarily to act as a resource and
guide for APSA Council and myself.
Over the next 9 months, I hope
to continue on with many of the initiatives APSA Council has developed in the
past few years. These include:
continuing to promote healthy
living through activities of the
Community Support Committee
strengthening the unity of the
profession by increasing facultystudent interaction
advocating for the profession in
a manner that raises awareness
for the capabilities of Pharmacists
prepare the student body for our
potential move into the Edmonton
Clinic Health Academy
That, in a nut-shell, is how the
Presidential transition works. If you
have any questions about this, or any of
APSA’s initiatives, feel free to contact
Tyler Watson
APSA President
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though and I didn’t realize it at first, but there
By the time you read this, the Super Bowl will were two sets of everything, literal mirror images of each other on the left and the right sides
be over, the Packers led by Aaron “I get to
of the room and it was because the democrats
play now that Favre’s gone” Rodgers has
beaten Big Ben “Rapelisburger” to win. What and republicans don’t mingle. They sat, talked and
ate on their respective sides. I know it’s hard to
you don’t know is that I won an all-inclusive
believe but it really is that bad in American polipackage put on by an international student
group called Hillel to go to the white house
super bowl party (as donated by Vice PresiAfter a while of sitting around and working up the
dent Joe Lieberman). This is how the weekcourage to talk to J.Lo, he came in, the leader of
end went down.
the free world and first black president of the
United States. Obama was in the house (well
I arrived in Washington on the Saturday
really I assume he never wasn’t in the house
before, via Air Canada, nothing too special
considering he lives there, but anyways) and sat
there. However, what was special was that
smack dab in the middle of the room in between
once picking up my luggage and going
the republicans and democrats, but slightly more
through customs (my business is my pleasover to the democrat side. I couldn’t lose this
ure heh heh...) there was a limo waiting for
opportunity, I promptly walked right over and
introduced myself,
didn’t even have to share it with a bunch of
prom going high schoolers or anything. It
“Mr President? Hi, my name is Nathan”
was weird though, I mean all that space and
I’m the only one sitting. Meh, scratch that off
“Oh, hello Nathan, how are you?”
the bucket list. Anyways they put me up in
the Hilton and I spent the first night of my
Obamadventure watching porn. Just kidding, “I’m ok, just kind of hanging out, nice house by
the way”
I just studied Infectious disease. Although
watching porn would have been a good call to
“Thanks, and what do you do Nathan?”
study herpes...
The big day arrived, after the Hilton’s breakfast (fit for a king I might add) I packed my
backpack and headed over to the White
house via limo...again. Upon arriving I got
what I can only assume is the usual treatment from secret services, you know the pat
-down airport security style, x-raying my
bag, asking me if I belong to any un-savory
organizations (a huge list while they gauge
your reaction when you answer “no” to each
one). After that I got led to a room, with a
large monitor, chairs and snacks, with waiters walking around asking you if you wanted
horsdourves. A few famous people were
there too, like Jennifer Lopez and Rev. Al
Sharpton. The rest of the guests were congressmen and what I can only assume is
their family members. It’s kind of funny
“I am a pharmacy student from Edmonton Alberta
Canada, I won a contest to come here”
were many instances where he would start
screaming “cover two” while throwing popcorn
at the screen, but being from Chicago, can you
really blame him for being passionate about
defense? And even though he said on TV he
wasn’t cheering for either side, it was definitely not the Packers. He cheered every time
someone left with an injury, and joked about
getting the presidential phone to phone the
Steelers’ defensive coordinator and tell him to
tell his players to “get off their asses and play
some ball”. Words to live by indeed. You should
have seen him when Donald Driver got hurt, it
was like Christmas at the Obama’s. He was
sure that Driver’s injury would seal it for the
Steelers. Sadly, he was wrong, and after cursing multiple times he picked up the phone and
called the Packers to congratulate them. Apparently being president involves a fair amount
of acting. I guess Ronald Reagan was onto
At the end of the party I thanked the hosts and
Obama once more telling him if he had Facebook to add me, if you’re wondering, he does
not have Facebook. I was then searched again
by security to make sure I didn’t steal anything
or had a camera on me and taken to the airport
(limo count 3!). I promptly got back on the
plane and arrived home Sunday night.
Good times
“Ah yes, Bill’s thing. Are you enjoying yourself?”
BY: Nathan Morin
“Ya it’s pretty cool, not going to lie although I’m
kind of star struck, but enough about me, how are
“I’m ok, A little fizzed right now, I just finished an
interview with that tool Bill O’reilly.”
“No to fond of him are you”
“No, No I am not, oh shhhh the games starting”
If you haven’t realized it yet, I sat with the president for the game, right beside him and his family. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! Although the man behind
Obamacare isn’t as polished as you think. There
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cited. He had filled out 24 Vday cards
out with his little hands, and personally
licked all the envelopes. He rode his
pink bike to school (which was a hand
me down from his sister) and secured
all the VDay cards in the basket on the
front. This bike was old and worn out
and was even missing a seat, but that
didn’t stop Leter Pok from riding it with
Welcome to my next edition of what grinds
my gears. For those of you who were unable
to read the first few, pretty much Grind my
gears is about my PET PEEVES!
Like I mentioned before the editors of PQ
have taken notice to my complaining and
have given me an avenue to vent. So let’s
kick of a list of my dislikes and complaints
for this year:
This goes out to all those students who have
tried to use the stupid computers in the DP
4064 & 4068 Labs. They take forever to
load, AND it’s a WAITING GAME, here are
some things you can do to kill time while the
computer loads up:
Read the USP (twice)
Go to the CAB Tim Hortons and order a
double-double. Go to the back of the
line, drink it, and order another when
it’s your turn again.
Read up on how to fix computers….and
fix one!
Balance on one leg of your chair.
Count the holes on your watch strap or
Blink Widly than close your eyes really
tight for an interesting light show.
Now your computer has loaded and you
click internet explorer, you wait some
more. Now you get a message and remember you forgot to authenticate. You
now authenticate and finally press internet explorer. Now it’s a race, you have
approximately 3 mins to do your work
before it freezes on you.
On a side note, I have had several people
complain about an easy assignment
taking them longer than usual to complete. I ask them the same question“were you in the computer lab”- they
said “yes”. Its common sense now that
these things don’t work!
2. Valentines Day:
Now, I am no romantic myself, but I
learned a lot about Valentines Day and
why we should hate it from a good friend
of mine named LETER POK. Leter Pok is
an interesting man, he is like the Grinch
of Valentines day. The background of
Leter Pok is an interesting story. Just
like the Grinch-----Leter Pok has a small
heart, his stopped growing in 1996 after
a very upsetting Valentines day story.
These are true story events that happened to Leter Pok on Feb. 14th, 1996;
Like most students who went out and
bought Valentines Day cards for all their
classmates, Leter Pok was super ex-
He got dressed that morning, and wore
bright pink socks to go with the colors
of VDAY! Which he still wears till this
When he got to school, he was super
excited to exchange cards and he personally hand delivered all the cards to
everyone’s desk before class began. To
his dismay, the teacher suggested that
everyone exchange VDAY cards in the
afternoon after recess. Leter was a
little disappointed, but he was excited
to see all the cards and cinnamon
candy’s that were coming his way.
UNFORTUNATELY- Just before recess
the teacher pulled Leter Pok aside and
told him that he was going to be moved
to a special class for the rest of the
school year. It was an ESL class. Poor
Leter thought this stood for Extra Special Lover, but it was for English as a
Second Language. Leter was forced to
move right away and unfortunately did
not receive the VDAY cards he was
expecting. His heart stopped growing
that day, and Leter is now got no more
room for love in his heart.
Please help him out, Lets all get LETER
POK a Valentines day Card and drop it
off in the APSA office.
Greg Gandoke
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Aries – March 21 – April 20
Yes, shaving the wool will make it look bigger. Trust me you need to.
Star Reader: Mikey Petting-Yu
Taurus – April 21 – May 21
Red bothers you today. A lot. So much that you run head first all over the place and look like a fool.
Gemini – May 22 – June 21
Your best experience would be with twins. Trust me. But let’s face it, you can’t get twins.
Cancer – June 22 – July 22
Got an itch? It’s because you have crabs. Go see your doctor or pharmacist.
Leo – July 23 -August 21
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, you will sleep tonight. And when I say jungle, I mean ghetto and when I say sleep, I really mean
you will have nightmares. Sorry
Virgo – August 22 – September 23
You are like a pretty flower today, but remember flowers wilt and get wrinkly, so don’t wait any longer. Find someone tonight.
Libra – September 24 – October 23
Life is about learning balance. In other words start working out 3 times a week, or the scale will continue to tip.
Scorpio – October 24 – November 22
It is said that Scorpio’s have 9 lives. That’s false, your life barely counts as one.
Sagittarius – November 23 – December 22
Today you won’t feel fully human, but who does really? You also wont look fully human, so maybe plastic surgery can help.
Capricorn – December 23 – January 20
One day you will die and sleep with the fishes. So for now take life by the horns.
Aquarius – January 21 – February 19
Think of the world as an Aquarium. We are all fishes, some people are dolphins, some are sharks. You are like the suckerfish
that eats the crap off the bottom.
Pisces – February 20- March 20
Read Aquarius’s, except you are like the sea cucumber that eats it’s own feces (too bad you weren’t born later).