services news


services news


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services news

services news Você confere com exclusividade o artigo Estratégias de Motivação de Equipe e Retenção de Pessoas elaborado pela nossa redação. O texto é fruto de um

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SERVICES NEWS News, you will read exclusively Antônio Marques’ Profile, president of GESC (Shared Services Study Group) in 2012 and director of Gerdau’s SSC for six years. In this interview, Marques leaves some ...

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CRM - IEG expectations. Currently, it is possible to notice an increasingly performance of the SSCs in this point. The Shared Services Centers are seeking to understand the needs and customer expectations me...

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services news

services news que a busca por uma abordagem centralizada dos serviços compartilhados não é apenas para reduzir custos. A

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Shared Services News

Shared Services News Para conseguir operar os processos de mais de 40 empresas do Grupo, o CSC da Camargo Corrêa conta com muita autonomia, pró-atividade e metodologias, que permitem equacionar o desafio de atender bem...

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Shared Services News

Shared Services News CIO da Time Warner visa reduzir custos através de serviços compartilhados

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owcen The 45th edition of the Shared Services News has compiled articles and news about the subject, such as the article written by the SSNews team about the importance of the role of Global Process Owne...

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