activity report 2010


activity report 2010
Content: Annual Activity Report 2010, presented by CIMAR – Associated Laboratory to
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
1. GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 1
2. RESEARCH TEAM.......................................................................................................................... 2
3. OBJECTIVES AND ACHIEVEMENTS ............................................................................................. 13
4. ACTIVITIES.................................................................................................................................. 16
5. FUNDING ................................................................................................................................... 18
6. GENERAL INDICATORS ............................................................................................................... 19
7. RESEARCH LINES (THEMATIC AREAS) ........................................................................................ 20
RL1 - Ecology, Biodiversity and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems...................................... 20
RL2 - Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology........................................................................ 25
RL3 - Biology and Marine Biotechnologies ............................................................................... 29
RL4 - Aquaculture ...................................................................................................................... 34
8. RESEARCH GROUPS ................................................................................................................... 38
Aquaculture Research Group (Aquagroup)............................................................................... 40
Aquatic Insular Research ........................................................................................................... 48
Biogeographical Ecology and Evolution (BEE) ........................................................................... 54
Biophysics.................................................................................................................................. 62
Cellular and Inorganic Biochemistry (CIB) ................................................................................. 66
Cellular, Molecular and Analytical Studies (LECEMA) ............................................................... 69
Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability (CS&B) ....................................................................... 77
Chemistry and Biological Activity of Marine Natural Products ................................................. 82
Coastal Biodiversity ................................................................................................................... 86
Comparative Molecular Endocrinology (CME) .......................................................................... 96
Ecology and Restoration of Estuarine and Coastal Habitats (ECOREACH) .............................. 104
Ecophysiology.......................................................................................................................... 108
Ecotoxicology and Ecology (ECOTOX) ..................................................................................... 114
Ecotoxicology, Genomics and Evolution (LEGE) ...................................................................... 123
Environmental Technologies ................................................................................................... 131
Environmental Toxicology ....................................................................................................... 136
Evolution, Development and Gene Expression (EDGE)........................................................... 143
Fish Nutrition........................................................................................................................... 151
Fisheries Biology and Hydroecology Research Group (FBHRG) .............................................. 156
Fisheries, Biodiversity and Conservation ................................................................................ 160
Functional Biochemistry and Proteomics ............................................................................... 166
Geology and Paleoceanography ............................................................................................. 169
Hydrobiology ........................................................................................................................... 177
Marine Biotechnologies (MarBiotech) .................................................................................... 185
Marine Community Ecology and Evolution (LMCEE) .............................................................. 188
Marine Plant Ecology (ALGAE) ................................................................................................ 196
Microbial Ecology and Evolution ............................................................................................. 201
Modelling and Coastal Management ...................................................................................... 204
Nutrition, Growth and Quality of Fish (LANUCE) .................................................................... 208
Oceanic and Coastal Dynamics ............................................................................................... 216
Pathology ................................................................................................................................ 226
Plant Systematics and Bioinformatics ..................................................................................... 233
Synthesis and Organic Reactivity ............................................................................................ 236
9. OTHER LA ACTIVITIES...................................................................................................... 241
9a. Services and resources ...................................................................................................... 241
9b. Networking actions ........................................................................................................... 243
9c. Training .............................................................................................................................. 245
9d. Outreach/science and society ........................................................................................... 247
9e. International events .......................................................................................................... 249
10. INTERNAL EVALUATIONS .............................................................................................. 251
SCIENTIFIC OUTPUT 2009 (Publications, Advanced Training, Communications, Patents)
Evaluation Report 2010
1.1 Name of Research Unit
CIMAR - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental
1.2 Coordinator
João José Oliveira Dias Coimbra
1.3 Main Scientific Domain
Marine Sciences
1.4 Leading Hosting Institution
Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental – CIIMAR
1.5 Other Insitutions involved
Centro de Ciências do Mar – CCMAR
Evaluation Report 2010
2.1 Member researchers with PhD
1. Adelino Vicente Mendonça Canário (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 50%)
2. Aires Manuel Pereira Oliva Teles (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 50%)
3. Anake Kijjoa (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 60%)
4. Deborah Mary Power (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 50%)
5. Eduardo Jorge Sousa Rocha (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 40%)
6. Fernando Francisco Machado Veloso Gomes (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 60%)
7. Francisco de Almeida Taveira Pinto (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 50%)
8. Helena Maria Leite Pato Granja (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 50%)
9. João José Oliveira Dias Coimbra (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 70%)
10. José Pedro de Andrade e Silva Andrade (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 50%)
11. Lúcia Maria das Candeias Guilhermino (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 60%)
12. Maria Leonor Quintais Cancela Fonseca (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 50%)
13. Rogério Alves Ferreira Monteiro (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 40%)
14. Vitor Manuel Oliveira Vasconcelos (Agregação / Professor Catedrático / 70%)
15. Adriano Agostinho Donas Bôto Bordalo e Sá (Agregação / Professor Associado / 40%)
16. Alexandre Manuel Silva Lobo Cunha (Agregação / Professor Associado / 40%)
17. António José Rogeiro Gouveia (Agregação / Professor Associado / 50%)
18. Karim Erzini (Agregação / Professor Associado / 33%)
19. Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente (Agregação / Professor Associado / 75%)
20. Maria Leonor Nunes Ribeiro Cruzeiro (Agregação / Professor Associado / 50%)
21. Maria Lurdes Santos Cristiano (Agregação / Professor Associado / 50%)
22. Maria Margarida M. Castro (Agregação / Professor Associado / 50%)
23. Maria Natividade Ribeiro Vieira (Agregação / Professor Associado / 50%)
24. Rui Orlando Pimenta Santos (Agregação / Professor Associado / 50%)
25. Ana Isabel de Melo Azevedo Neto (Agregação / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
26. Aurélia Maria de Pinho Marques Saraiva (Agregação / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
27. Paulo José de Azevedo Pinto Rema (Agregação / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
28. Carlos José Correia de Azevedo (Agregação / Aposentado/Jubilado / 80%)
29. Jorge Guimarães da Costa Eiras (Agregação / Aposentado/Jubilado / 50%)
30. Maria Armanda Reis Henriques (Agregação / Aposentado/Jubilado / 50%)
31. Maria Teresa Dinis (Agregação / Aposentado/Jubilado / 75%)
32. Maria Teresa Sá Dias de Vasconcelos (Agregação / Aposentado/Jubilado / 40%)
33. António Manuel Santos Afonso (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 50%)
34. Isabel Maria Trigueiros Sousa Pinto Machado (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 50%)
35. João Paulo de Sousa Cabral (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 35%)
36. Jorge Pereira Machado (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 60%)
37. José Carlos Pinto Bastos Teixeira da Silva (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 50%)
38. Manuel Aureliano Pereira Martins Alves (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 50%)
39. Maria Alexandra Anica Teodósio Chicharo (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 50%)
40. Maria João Tome Costa Sousa Rocha (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 40%)
41. Paulo Manuel Rodrigues Vaz-Pires (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 50%)
42. Pedro Manuel Silva Duarte (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 30%)
43. Rodrigo Jorge Fonseca de Oliveira Maia (Doutoramento / Professor Associado / 60%)
44. Alberto Teodorico Rodrigues Moura Correia (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 30%)
45. Ana Carolina Tavares Estima Santos da Cunha Feming (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar /
46. António Paulo Alves Ferreira de Carvalho (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
47. Carla Batista Carvalho Batista Pinto (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 30%)
Evaluation Report 2010
48. Cristina Maria Bravo de Faria Cruz (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
49. Dina Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues da Costa Simes (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
50. Eduardo Nuno Picoto Lopes Barata (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
51. Gerhard Michael Weber (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 30%)
52. Graça Maria Figueiredo Casal (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
53. João Carlos Serafim Varela (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
54. João Pedro Gomes Moreira Pêgo (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 60%)
55. José Alberto Álvares Pereira Gonçalves (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 30%)
56. José Américo Pereira de Sousa (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
57. José Carlos Fernandes Antunes (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
58. José Fernando Magalhães Gonçalves (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 30%)
59. Luisa Paula Viola Afonso Barreira (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
60. Manfred Josef Kaufmann (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 40%)
61. Margarida de Lurdes de Jesus Bastos Cristo (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
62. Maria Antónia Santos Mendes Salgado (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 35%)
63. Maria Clara Gomes Quadros Lázaro da Silva (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
64. Maria Clara Ramalho Monteiro Pires Basto (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
65. Maria Clara Semedo da Silva Costa (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 40%)
66. Maria Ester Tavares Alvares Serrao (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
67. Maria Joana Afonso Pereira Fernandes (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
68. Maria João Faria Leite Dias dos Santos (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
69. Maria Manuela Fraga Juliano (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
70. Maria Margarida da Fonseca e Castro Cardoso (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 30%)
71. Maria Teresa Calvinho Cerveira Borges (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
72. Paula Cristina Paulo Videira da Silva (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 40%)
73. Paulo Alexandre de Avilez Rodrigues de Almeida Valente (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar /
74. Paulo José Relvas Almeida (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
75. Paulo Manuel Rodrigues Martins da Costa (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
76. Pedro Miguel Leal Rodrigues (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
77. Rita Castilho (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
78. Ronaldo Gomes de Sousa (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
79. Sérgio dos Reis Marques Madeira (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 30%)
80. Teresa Isabel Mendonça Modesto (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar / 50%)
81. Paulo Jorge Rosa Santos (Doutoramento / Professor Auxiliar Convidado / 50%)
82. Albina Dolores Cardoso da Silva Castro Resende (Doutoramento / Professor Coordenador /
83. Eduardo Bruno Oliveira Esteves (Doutoramento / Professor-Adjunto Equiparado / 50%)
84. Maria Alexandra de Sousa Lourenço Nunes (Doutoramento / Professor-Adjunto / 50%)
85. Maria do Rosário Fidalgo Martins (Doutoramento / Professor-Adjunto / 50%)
86. Maria Dulce da Mota Antunes de Oliveira Estêvão (Doutoramento / Professor-Adjunto / 40%)
87. Maria Luisa Machado Cerqueira Bastos (Doutoramento / Investigador Principal / 50%)
88. Agostinho Antunes Pereira (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
89. Alexandre Marmoto de Oliveira Campos (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
90. Ana Maria Ferreira Bio (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
91. Ana Paula de Campos Mucha (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
92. Carlos Alexandre Sarabando Gravato (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
93. Cristina Marisa Ribeiro de Almeida (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
94. Cymon John Cox (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
95. Elsa Maria Branco Froufe Andrade (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
96. Filipe Alexandre Oliveira dos Santos Alberto (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
97. Francisco Arenas Parra (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
98. Gareth Anthony Pearson (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
Evaluation Report 2010
99. Iacopo Bertocci (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
100. Isabel Gonçalves de Barbosa Araújo (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
101. João Carlos dos Reis Cardoso (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
102. João Miguel Sousa da Silva (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
103. Jonathan Mark Wilson (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
104. Jorge Manuel dos Santos Gonçalves (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
105. Jorge Proença Dias (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
106. Juan Fuentes Diaz (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
107. Kim Richard Larsen (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
108. Laura Maria Simões Coutinho Guimarães (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
109. Luís Eugénio Castanheira da Conceição (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
110. Luís Filipe Costa Castro (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
111. Machiel Simon Bos (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
112. Maria Helena Tabuaço Rêgo Martins Peres (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
113. Marta Mega Rufino (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
114. Marta Sofia Sá Ferreira (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
115. Miguel Alberto Fernandes Machado e Santos (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
116. Paulo Jorge Travessa Gavaia (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
117. Pedro Miguel Guerreiro Costa Guerreiro (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
118. Peter Colin Hubbard (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
119. Radhouane Ben Hamadou (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
120. Ralph Urbatzka (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
121. Rodrigo da Silva Costa (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
122. Rodrigo Ozório (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
123. Rui Miguel Andrade Caldeira (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
124. Susana Maria Pereira da Costa Moreira (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
125. Vicent Laizé (Doutoramento / Investigador Auxiliar / 100%)
126. Rosa Carmina Cervantes Cianca (Doutoramento / Investigador / 100%)
127. Ana Margarida Araújo Amaral (Doutoramento /Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
128. Paula Raquel da Silva Jorge Coutinho Ferreira (Doutoramento / Técnico Superior e Técnico /
129. Fernanda Russell Pinto (Doutoramento / Aposentado/Jubilado / 60%)
130. Alexandra Paula Mimoso Henriques Cunha (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) /
131. Alfredo Nuno Damasceno Pinto de Oliveira (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) /
132. Amalia Pérez Jiménez (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
133. Ana Alexandra Pedrosa Ramos (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
134. Ana Filipa Naughton Henriques Andrez (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
135. Ana Luisa Frazão Pereira (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
136. Ana Mafalda Saraiva Baptista (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
137. António de Vilhena Andrade Ferreira Sykes (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) /
138. Aschwin Hillebrand Engelen (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
139. Carla Alexandra São Bento Viegas (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
140. Carla Marília Abreu Freitas (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
141. Catarina Cortes Valente de Oliveira (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
142. Catarina Isabel de Matos Martins (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
143. Catarina Maria Pinto Mora Pinto de Magalhães (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) /
144. Cláudia Raquel Cêa de Aragão Teixeira (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
145. Cristina Isabel Coelho Dias Lopes (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
146. Daniel António Martins Tiago (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
Evaluation Report 2010
147. Dulce Isabel Assis Alves Martins (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
148. Eva Cacabelos Reyes (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
149. Fernando Cánivas García (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
150. Francisco Miguel de Sousa Leitão (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
151. Gustavo Oliveira de Meneses Martins (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
152. Holly Freedman (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
153. Isabel Cristina Oliveira Gonzalez Cunha (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
154. Isabelle Martins Gil (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
155. Joana Costa Vilhena de Bessa Campos (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
156. Joana Fernandes da Fonseca da Costa Martins Osswald (Doutoramento / Não aplicável
(bolseiro) / 100%)
157. Joana Ferreira Marques Ferreira Cardoso (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
158. João Lemos Gomes Canning Clode (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
159. João Luis Vargas de Almeida Saraiva (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
160. João Sollari Allegro Machado Lopes (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
161. Jorge Afonso Martins da Palma (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
162. Justyna Kopecka-Pilarczyk (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
163. Katy Nicastro (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
164. Larraitz Garmendia (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
165. Laurence Alexandrine Mathilde Deloffre (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
166. Ledicia Rey Salgueiro (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
167. Leonardo Filipe Rodrigues da Mata (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
168. Luís Miguel dos Santos Russo Vieira (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
169. Luisa Margarida Batista Custodio (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
170. Manuel Gesto Rodríguez (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
171. Marcelino Miguel Guedes de Jesus Oliveira (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) /
172. Marco António do Nascimento Sequeira de Jesus Campinho (Doutoramento / Não aplicável
(bolseiro) / 100%)
173. Marcos Rubal Garcia (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
174. María Asunción Lago Lestón (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
175. Maria de Fátima Azevedo Alexandrino Fernandes (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) /
176. Maria del Mar Huertas Pau (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
177. Maria Elena Varela Alvarez (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
178. Maria Emília Carvalho Salgueiro (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
179. Maria João Fernandes Martins (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
180. Maria Purificación Veiga Sanchez (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
181. Maria Regina Oliveira Lopes da Cunha (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
182. Maria Teresa Garrett Silveirinha Sottomayor Neuparth (Doutoramento / Não aplicável
(bolseiro) / 100%)
183. Mercedes Gonzalez Wanguemert (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
184. Nadège Richard (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
185. Natércia Maria da Silva Conceição (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
186. Nikolay Kolmakov (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
187. Nuna Cláudia Peixoto de Araújo (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
188. Onno Everhardus Diekmann (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
189. Patrícia Isabel Silvestre Pinto (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
190. Paula Cristina Enes Oliveira da Silva (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
191. Pedro Miguel Coutinho Victorino Borges Morais (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) /
192. Pedro Nuno da Costa Leão (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
193. Raquel Castro Alves Ferreira da Silva (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
Evaluation Report 2010
194. Rita Alexandra Duarte Borges (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
195. Rui Manuel do Amaral Branco de Oliveira Quartau (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro)
/ 100%)
196. Rui Pedro Andrade Coelho (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
197. Rui Pedro Gonçalves Pereira (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
198. Rute Andreia Rodrigues da Fonseca (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
199. Rute Sofia Tavares Martins Brazona (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
200. Sandra Cristina da Costa e Silva Ramos (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
201. Sara Judite Lopes Teixeira (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
202. Sara Maria Mira da Silva (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
203. Simone Cavenati (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
204. Sofia Alexandra Dias Engrola (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
205. Sonia Martinez Paramo (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
206. Susana Isabel dos Santos Cabaço (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
207. Susana Rodrigues Pereira (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
208. Teodor Ludmilov Stoichev (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
209. Teresa Alexandra Ribeiro Rodrigues (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
210. Teresa Paula Martins Tiago (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
211. Tida Dethoup (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
212. Vijayakumar Parameswaran (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
213. Zardi Gerardo (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
214. Sérgia Catarina de Amorim Costa Dias (Doutoramento / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
215. Maria da Nazaré Parada Figueiredo de Sousa Couto (Doutoramento / Não aplicável
(investigador) / 95%)
2.2 Member researchers without PhD
1. Cristina Maria Viegas Inácio (Mestrado / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
2. Filipe Marco Andrade Alves (Mestrado / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 75%)
3. Hugo Gabriel Maia da Silva Santos (Mestrado / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
4. João Carlos Pereira Morais (Mestrado / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
5. Marta Sofia Mendes Valente Bernardo (Mestrado / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
6. Miguel Ângelo Salgado dos Santos (Mestrado / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 30%)
7. Patrícia Reis da Silva (Mestrado / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
8. Pedro Alexandre Pereira dos Reis (Mestrado / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
9. Sofia Ferreira da Rosa Gonçalves (Mestrado / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
10. Susana Micaela Machado Ferreira do Vale (Mestrado / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
11. Allan Tainá de Souza (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
12. Ana Isabel Delfin dos Santos Alexandre (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
13. Ana Isabel Duarte André (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
14. Ana Sofia Cardoso Mesquita (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
15. Ana Vanessa Basto Regueiras (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
16. André Sucena Afonso (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
17. Andreia Lúcia Gonçalves Adrião (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
18. Andreia Seia Rebotim (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
19. Aurélie Pinto Rodrigues (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
20. Bárbara Bilreiro de Mendoça Frazão (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
21. Benjamín Costas Refojos (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
22. Bruno Pessoa Lopes Claro (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
23. Buga Berkovic (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
24. Catarina da Rocha Cruzeiro (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
25. Catarina Fernanda de Carvalho Pinheiro Teixeira (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
Evaluation Report 2010
26. Catarina Figueiredo da Mota (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
27. Catarina Vizetto Guerreiro Duarte (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
28. Cátia Isabel Moura da Silva (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
29. Chiara Maria Angela Coniglione (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
30. Chommanard Sumngern (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
31. Cristiana Ivone Tavares Moreira (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
32. Cristiane Cassiolato Pires Hardoim (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
33. Cristovão José Martins Nunes (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
34. David Maria Aguiar Abecasis (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
35. Diogo Filipe da Silva Gonçalves Soares Paulo (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
36. Edison Samir Mascarenhas Carvalho (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
37. Emanuel Filipe Escaleira Maldonado (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
38. Eva Catarina Costa Amorim (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
39. Fátima de Carvalho Vaz Pinto (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
40. Francisca Isabel Merino Nunes Cabral Cavaleiro (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
41. Franscisco Cid Gonçalves Mont’ Alverne Rocha Pires (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) /
42. Gisela João Ribeiro Lemos Dionisio (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
43. Guilherme Moura Paredes (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
44. Guillermin Aguero Chapin (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
45. Helena Isabel Costa de Oliveira (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
46.Hugo Galvão Caiano Pereira (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
47. Hugo Manuel da Silva Ribeiro (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
48. Imran Khan (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
49. Inês Maria dos Santos Guerreiro (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
50. Joana do Passo Carneiro Azevedo (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
51. Joana Fernandez de Carvalho (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
52. Joana Ferreira Costa (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
53. Joana Isabel Correia Bondoso (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
54. Joana Maria Reis Franco Cruz (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
55. Joana Ruela Boavida (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
56. João Miguel Martins Novaes Pinto da Costa (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
57. João Pedro Gonçalves Cardeira da Silva (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
58. José Carlos de Morais Martins (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
59. Juliana Marina Moreira Mendes (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
60. Kartik Sunagar (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
61. Laura Diniz Leite (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
62. Luis Gabriel da Silva Luis Laura Diniz Leite (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
63. Mahaut Diane Marie Stephanie de Labroue de Vareilles Sommieres (Mestrado / Não aplicável
(bolseiro) / 100%)
64. Márcio André Guerreiro Coelho (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
65. Margarida Dulce da Conceição Aragão Hermida (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
66. Maria Alexandra Santos Martins (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
67. Maria Catarina Murteira Rico dos Santos Campos (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) /
68. Maria Filipa Bento de Oliveira Falcão Castanheira (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
69. Mariana Fonseca Hinzmann (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
70. Marina N’Deye Pereira Silva (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
71. Marina Tamagnini Mendes (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
72. Martina Di Iulio Ilarri (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
73. Micaela de Fátima da Rocha Mota (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
74. Miguel Albergaria Furtado Semedo (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolsa)/ 100%)
75. Miguel Filipe Ferreira da Costa Ramos (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
Evaluation Report 2010
76. Miguel José Teodoro Correia (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
77. Monya Mendes Costa (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
78. Nelson Alexandre Castilho Coelho (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
78. Nelson Gonçalo Mortágua Gomes (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
80. Odete Marinho Gonçalves (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
81. Parthibaraj Anoop Alex (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
82. Patrícia Alexandra Correia Oliveira (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
83. Patrícia Isabel Laginha Pereira da Silva (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
84. Paulo Alexandre Frias Fernandes (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
85. Paulo Jorge Machado Teixeira de Morais (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
86. Pedro Alexandre Coelho Borges (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
87. Pedro Miguel Meireles Pinto (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
88. Pedro Neves de Carvalho (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
89. Raquel Andreia Pinheiro Vieira (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
90. Renata Isabel de Sousa Gonçalves (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
91. Ricardo Mário Bastos Leite (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
92. Richard Deurloo (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
93. Rita Alves Costa (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
94. Rui Alexandre Mendes Gonçalves Mendes (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
95. Rute Sofia Borlido Fiúza Fernandes Pinto (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
96. Siby Philip (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
97. Silvia Filipa Vicente Gregório (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
98. Sofia Ester e Sousa de Aguilar Dias (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
99. Sofia Gabriel Garcia Santos (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
100. Sofia Isabel Franco Cavaco (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
101. Sónia Maria de Sousa Olim (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
102. Sonia Rodriguez Benitez (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
103. Susana Maria Rocha Pina (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
104. Tânia Ribeiro Pinheiro (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
105. Vânia Cristina Palma Roberto (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
106. Vânia de Jesus Paiva Freitas (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
107. Vera Alexandra Garcia da Fonseca Batista (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
108. Vera Lúcia Fernandes Rodrigues (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
109. Virgínia Filipa Pereira Monteiro da Cunha (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
110. Vitor Oliveira Lopes (Mestrado / Não aplicável (bolseiro)/ 100%)
111. Américo da Silva Magalhães (Mestrado / Não aplicável (estudante)/ 30%)
112. Ana Rita Ferreira Patarra (Mestrado / Não aplicável (estudante)/ 100%)
113. Dalila do Rosário Encarnação Serpa (Mestrado / Não aplicável (estudante)/ 50%)
114. Luciana Paiva das Neves (Mestrado / Não aplicável (estudante)/ 100%)
115. Marisa Alexandra Marques de Freitas (Mestrado / Não aplicável (estudante)/ 100%)
116. Nelson Ribeiro Pires (Mestrado / Não aplicável (estudante)/ 50%)
117. Afonso Costa Lucas Prestes (Licenciatura / Investigador / 100%)
118. Eunice Rute Magalhães Nogueira Xavier (Licenciatura / Investigador / 100%)
119. Maria Margarida Oliveira Maló Machado (Licenciatura / Investigador / 60%)
120. Nuno Miguel da Silva Ascensão Vaz Álvaro (Licenciatura / Investigador / 100%)
121. Ana Isabel Carvalho Machado (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
122. Ana Margarida Brites Caetano Dinis (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 75%)
123. Andreia Sofia Pires Pinto (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
124. Isabel Regal Teixeira (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
125. Jimmy Melro James (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
126. João Eugénio Bernardino Pena dos Reis (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
127. Liliane Leman (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 80%)
Evaluation Report 2010
128. Pedro António Nobre Soares Pinto das Neves (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico /
129. Pedro Miguel Gama Cláudio (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
130. Tânia Sofia da Silva Guerreiro (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
131. Francisco Ricardo Lacerda Branco (Licenciatura / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
132. Alexandra Isabel Rodrigues Filipe (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
133. Lopes Ismael (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
134. Amnat Eamvijarn (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
135. Ana Catarina da Cruz Gonçalves Café (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
136. Ana Cristina Pereira da Silva Gonçalves Balau (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
137. Ana Cristina Silva Rocha (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
138. Ana Filipa dos Santos Gonçalves (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
139. Ana Isabel dos Santos Esteves (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
140. Ana Isabel dos Santos Couto (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
141. Ana Mafalda Rocha Tavares (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
142. Ana Mafalda Tomás Correia (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
143. Ana Margarida Pinto Henrique Machado (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
144. Ana Rita Andrade Coelho (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
145. Ana Rita Guillot Caldas (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
146. Anabela Ben-Simon Brito (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
147. Anabela Rodrigues Lopes (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
148. André Gonçalo Antunes dos Santos (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) 100%)
149. Astrid Yazmine Mejia Martinez (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) 100%)
150. Brigite Sandra Nunes Simões (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
151. Bruno Emanuel Pereira Louro (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
152. Catarina Dias Cavaleiro (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
153. Célia Teresa Neto dos Santos (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
154. Cindy Vitória Fazenda (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
155. Cláudia Filipa Devesa André Moreira (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
156. Cláudia Sofia Patrão Beliz Rosa e Silva (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
157. Conceição Alexandra Costa Caetano (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
158. Cristina Prates Laranjinha Ventura (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
159. Daniela da Silva Lima (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
160. Eduardo Bruno de Freitas Vivas (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
161. Elisabete Alexandra Dias de Matos (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
162. Fabiana Encarnação Pinto Freitas (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
163. Filipe André Moreira de Figueiredo (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
164. Francisco Luís Wallenstein Faria e Maia de Macedo (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) /
165. Gonçalo Jorge Franco Silva (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
166. Izabela Luiza Reis (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
167. Joana Alexandra Teixeira Rosa (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
168. Joana Faria da Costa (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
169. Joana Reis de Almeida (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
170. Joana Silveira Soares (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
171. João Miranda Neiva (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
172. João Paulo Rodrigues Machado (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
173. Jorge Manuel Ferreira de Assis (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
174. José Maria Peiro Crespo (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
175. Lília Isabel Lameirinhas Cabral (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
176. Luci Catarina Agostinho Jesus (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
177. Manuel Peixoto de Magalhães Lopes Lima (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
178. Manuela Maria Neiva Maranhão (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
Evaluation Report 2010
179. Marco Alexandre Cavaco Cerqueira (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
180. Maria Inês de Almeida Páscoa (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
181. Maria Joao Rodrigues Pereira (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 50%)
182. Maria Patrícia Frojan Fuentes (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
183. Marisa Sárria Pereira de Passos (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
184. Marta Isabel da Silva Rafael (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
185. Michael Nogueira Viegas (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
186. Monica Sofia Furtado Martins (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
187.Olga María Hernández Martínez (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
188. Patricia Alexandra Cavaleiro Diogo (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
189. Patrícia Isabel da Mota e Silva (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
190. Paula Liliana Vila Nova Salgado (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
191. Pedro Filipe dos Santos Palma (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
192. Pedro Filipe Duarte Alves da Veiga (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
193. Rita Isabel Pontes Barbosa Colen (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
194. Rui Carlos Pinto Borges (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
195. Rula Dominguez Fernandez (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
196. Sheila Natalí Estrada Allis (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
197. Silvia Maria dos Santos Albano (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
198. Sofia Raquel Soares Mesquita (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
199. Sónia Margarida Fernandes Manso (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
200. Suradet Buttachon (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
201. Tânia Raquel Santos Aires (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
202. Tomé Pereira de Azevedo Santos Silva (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
203. Vitor Manuel Capela Ramos (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
204. Viviana Raquel Vieira da Silva Lopes (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
205. Wanida Auamcharoen (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
206. Wilson Gabriel Poseiro Coutinho Pinto (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
207. Adriano Miguel Ricardo Andrade (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 40%)
208. Ana Campos da Costa e Silva (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
209. Ana Sofia da Silva Azevedo (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 40%)
210. André Pinhal Gonçalves (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
211. Andreia Mota Rego (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 40%)
212. Bernardo Bordalo Domingues dos Santos (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
213. Carla Patrícia Rodrigues Olim (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
214. Carlos José Magalhães e Silva (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
215. Carlos Miguel Henriques Ferreira (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
216. Carolina Machado Malheiro Rodrigues (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
217. Carolina Oliveira Castro (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
218. Cláudia Santos Ferreira (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
219. Cristiana Andreia Valente Oliveira (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
220. Cristiano Joaquim Gonçalves Freitas (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 30%)
221. David Lopes Calvão (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 40%)
222. Diogo Manuel Andrade da Silva (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 75%)
223. Elsa Maria da Silva Carvalho (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 60%)
224. Filipa Isabel da Rocha Cardoso (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
225. Florbela Alexandra Silva Vieira Martins (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
226. Francisco de Assis Medeiros dos Santos (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
227. Francisco Rosário de Figueiredo (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
228. Helena Rita de Carvalho Ferraz Pedrosa Teodósio (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) /
229. Ildefonso José Vital Simões (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
230. Ivone da Silva Pinheiro (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 30%)
Evaluation Report 2010
231. João Faria de Oliveira Santos (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
232. João Manuel Almeida Antunes Coelho (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 20%)
233. João Rodrigo Gonçalves Goiana Mesquita (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (Estudante) / 10%)
234. Jorge Tiago Vieira Ferreirinha Antunes (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
235. José Luís das Dores Sousa (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
236. Juliana Andreia Silva da Cunha (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
237. Liliana Isabel Tomé dos Anjos Guerreiro (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
238. Marcelo José Seabra Azevedo (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
239. Marcos Lobo de Sousa (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
240. Maria João Santos de Almeida (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 40%)
241. Maria Lígia da Silva Sousa (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
242. Maria Sofia Ramos Costa (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
243. Marisa Pinto da Silva (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
244. Paula Alexandra Rodrigues e Araújo Guedes (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) /
245. Pedro Miguel Gouveia Santos (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
246. Pedro Miguel Moreira Araújo (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
247. Pedro Silva Vilares (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
248. Ricardo Manuel Campinho Capela (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (Estudante) / 75%)
249. Ricardo Reis Albes Soares Cardoso (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 40%)
250. Rute Sofia Barros Pinto (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
251. Sílvia Araújo Santos (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
252. Susana Luísa Amaral da Cruz (Licenciatura / Não aplicável (estudante) / 40%)
253. António Marco Oliveira Cunha (Ensino secundário / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
254. Helena Sofia Fernandes Teixeira (Ensino secundário / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
255. Marcos António Viegas Granja (Ensino secundário / Técnico Superior e Técnico / 100%)
256. Ana Moreira Silva (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 25%)
257. Hugo Emanuel Santos Vidal (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 20%)
258. Marisa Sofia Sousa Oliveira (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 20%)
259. Ricardo José da Silva Castro (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 25%)
260. Tânia Isabel Boto Sérgio (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (bolseiro) / 100%)
261. Andreia Raquel da Costa e Silva (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
262. Filipa João de Sousa (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
263. Francisco António Baptista Fernandes (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (estudante) / 25%)
264. Francisco Miguel de Sousa Ferreira (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
265. Joana Catarina Pereira Jorge Fonseca da Rocha (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável
(estudante) / 50%)
266. Joana Maria Soares Pereira (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (estudante) / 100%)
267. Patricio José Bastos Gonçalves (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
268. Tiago André Machado Ribeiro (Ensino secundário / Não aplicável (estudante) / 50%)
Evaluation Report 2010
2.3 Summary
Academic degree
116; 24%
135; 28%
215; 45%
16; 3%
Figure 1. Distribution of Member researchers according to academic degree.
Figure 2. Distribution of Member researchers - PhD holders according to
professional category.
Evaluation Report 2010
3.1 Unit description
CIMAR Associated Laboratory (CIMAR LA) was initiated in 2002 as a partnership between
CIIMAR (University of Porto) and CCMAR (University of Algarve). CIMAR LA is directed by a
managing board composed by six members, three from each of the two partner institutions. The
Director of CIIMAR is the head of the managing board and President of CIMAR LA and the ViceVice-President is the Director of CCMAR. Board members meet regularly personally or via
videoconference to analyze progress and strategic planning. CIIMAR and CCMAR are two
separate legal entities and management and implementation of administrative tasks must be
carried out separately and in coordination. The leaders at the two centers are in permanent
contact ensuring effective management of CIMAR LA.
CIMAR LA integrates 33 research groups, scientifically organized in 5 research lines each with
two coordinators: 1) Ecology, Biodiversity and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems; 2)
Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology; 3) Biology and Marine Biotechnologies; 4)
Aquaculture; 5) Physical Oceanography, Coastal Dynamics and Engineering. Line 5) has been
recently added. CIMAR, LA offers internal and external services for analytical chemistry and
molecular biology and genetics.
CIMAR LA has five horizontal programmes: 1) Public awareness of science; 2) Post-graduate
studies; 3) Thematic networks; 4) Technology transfer; 5) Support to public policies.
CIMAR LA established formal links with the Research Unit on Eco-Ethology (UIEE) at the Higher
Institute of Applied Ethology (ISPA) focusing on behavioral endocrinology, evolutionary biology
and conservation and an application to FCT has been made for UIEE to become the third partner
institution of CIMAR LA. From very early stage CIMAR LA also established formal institutional
links with the Marine Geology department of LNEG (former IGM), covering aspects related to
geochemistry and climate change. This cooperation translated in a significant level of
collaborative research projects and post graduate student supervision. .
CIMAR LA has a cooperation agreement with CESAM-LA (University of Aveiro) to develop and
implement a large collaborative program that includes a Joint Doctoral Program in Marine and
Environmental Sciences (launched in 2007/2008), a coastal monitoring program and a capacity
building program aimed at Portuguese speaking countries.
The CIMAR LA network was also enlarged by regional agreements with several research
institutions, such as ISR – Institute of Systems and Robotics and INEGI – Institute for institute for
mechanical engineering and industrial management, in Porto. Two small CIMAR research groups
were setup in the Madeira and Azores Archipelagos.
3.2 General objectives
The main objectives of CIMAR LA are “to understand natural processes in the ocean and the
coastal zone, to study and implement sustainable exploitation of aquatic resources and to
Evaluation Report 2010
characterize and monitor the impact of human activities in the environment”. With these
objectives from the initial 10 lines of research, 5 lines as indicated above have consolidated.
CIMAR LA is distributed in different regions covering distinct biogeographical areas - north and
south of Portugal, Madeira and the Azores. This allows for effective monitoring of the coastal
environments in these regions (North of Portugal and Algarve), in the context of nature
conservation, the impact of human activities, and the sustainability of aquaculture and fisheries.
International networking activities are an important component of CIMAR LA activity as can be
witnessed by the presence in several international research and infrastructure projects and
networking, concerted and support actions.
One of the strategic objectives of CIMAR LA is to extend scientific cooperation and training to
tropical and subtropical regions, especially Portuguese speaking countries. This objective has
had limited success largely by the lack of availability of sponsoring programmes supporting this
kind of action.
The permeation of scientific results to society is an important objective which is achieved
through: a) intensification of links with companies and the promotion of innovation, technology
transfer and entrepreneurship; b) Outreach activities through interaction with schools, “Ciência
Viva” centres, and the wider public; c) promoting networking activities among the scientific
communities and various stakeholders; d) training of Masters and Doctoral students , postgraduate courses and summers schools; e) the support public policies.
3.3 Main achievements during the year of 2010
Steady increase in scientific output, despite 2010 lagged 10% below the exceptional 2009. Even
so, the number ISI indexed papers in 2010 was 5% greater than in 2008 and 26% higher than in
2007. Intergroup publications stabilized at levels of the most recent years (aprox. 10% of sci.
output). Networking actions paralleled 2009, which represents a rise of 36% vs 2008. As to
funding, the LA FCT baseline support for 2010 was at the level of previous years, but it was
followed by a significantly higher input via competitive money, particularly via FCT projects,
which generated 6% more in budget in 2010 vs 2009. Overall, funding was maintained.
Knowledge on marine evolutionary ecology and biogeography, and population dynamics of a
range of species.
Assessment of the ecological status of transitional waters and development of tools towards the
implementation of the WFD.
Improved knowledge of effects of climate events, ocean acidification, temperature,
precipitation and introduced/invasive species.
Evaluation Report 2010
Enlargement of a computation cluster, now providing a platform for genome assembly
phylogenetic analyses.
Discovery and description of new species, mapping of biodiversity and identification of essential
habitats in coastal waters, contributions and creation of data bases.
Developed analytical techniques to measure environmental contaminants and cyanobacteria
toxins, and their environmental degradation.
Demonstration that the retinoic acid receptor RXR is a key player in imposex induction by the
androgenic chemical tributyltin.
Validation of methods and integrated strategies to assess the effects and risks of global climate
changes, pollutants, biotoxins, and other stressors on marine ecosystems biodiversity,
functioning and evolution were validated, using a molecular to ecosystem level approach, also
clarifying mechanisms of toxicity.
Application of high throughput methods of transcriptome analyses (microarray, SAGE, 454
sequencing), tackling physiological challenges and novel genes in teleosts and one Antarctic
bivalve. Studies proofing the concept of allying “new generation sequencing” to PCR and
A draft sequence of the European sea bass genome was advanced, along with a draft regulatory
network of genes involved in ion homeostasis in enterobacteria. Perkinsus genome was
completed more fish pathogenic agents of economic interest were identified.
A main achievement was a steady contribution to the establishment of intensive and semiintensive farming systems for new species in the Mediterranean area and enhancement of
performance of well-established species through nutrition and sustainable practices.
Patents in recent years and the creation of two spin-off companies, in feed manufacture
(Sparos, Lda) and in biomedical diagnostics (GenoGla
Evaluation Report 2010
4.1 Integrative/multidisciplinary activities during the year of 2010
Continued contribution to databases of coastal marine and marine ecosystems
(M@RBYS) maintained by the Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma
Continental (Task Group for the Extension of the Portuguese Continental Shelf);
participation in the EMEPC/M@rBis/Selvagens campaign in June 2010.
Continued partnership with INEGI (Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial
Management) for development of hyperbaric chambers involving teams of engineers
and marine biologists.
Continued editions of Marine and Environmental Sciences Doctoral Programme
involving CIMAR and CESAM (Universities of Porto, Aveiro and Algarve).
A new ERASMUS Mundus doctoral programme in Marine Sciences – Mares, Marine
Health and Conservation – dealing with the impacts of humans on the natural marine
environment, from coastal engineering structures, to sound pollution, biodiversity and
resource management. It promotes mobility and multidisciplinarity.
Collaborations between biologists and chemists to identify new biomolecules and their
function: from pheromones in fishes to toxins in cyanobacteria and cytostatic
compounds from sponges with potential for pharma industry.
Collaborations between industry and aquaculture-nutrition groups, and between the
latter and molecular biology groups. The goals are to get new species cultured, to
promote growth improvements, and, ultimately, to understand growth mechanisms
derived from new nutritional formulations.
Collaborations between biologists and oceanographers for correlating physical
oceanographic features with fish and shrimp migration patterns, aiming conservation
and sustainable exploitation.
4.2 Outreach activities during the year of 2010
CIMAR manages two centres for environmental interpretation and monitoring through
agreements with the municipalities: CMIA-Vila do Conde ( and
CMIA-Matosinhos ( During 2010, CMIAs displayed 7 temporary
exhibitions, organized conferences and performed regular in house and field activities for public
of different ages. A Scientific Culture fortnight (11-29 Nov), an intensive program of science
outreach for the general public that included 6 conferences, 3 exhibitions, 4 workshops and 1
field trip was also organized. Also, CIMAR scientists manage two public aquariums and fisheries
museums: Aguda Littoral Station - ELA (, ca 50000 visitors/year) and River
Minho AQUAMuseum (, ca 30000 visitors/year). Both stations have
a special relevance in what concerns Environmental Education Programs.
Evaluation Report 2010
CIMAR regularly participates in the Ciência Viva Programme ( to
contribute to the promotion of a scientific and technological culture among the population and
more specifically to encourage the use of experimental methods in science learning, involving
both scientific and school communities. In 2010, CIMAR participated in the following activities:
Scientists go to School, Science on Holidays for Young People, Biology Activities in the Summer,
“Café de Ciência - Science for Biodiversity” (17 March), EXPOMAR exhibition in Olhão (28 April-2
May), “Bioblitz - Looking for marine biodiversity” (4-5 Sept), Science and Technology Week (2228 Nov), “First encounters with Science” (23-27 Nov) and the European initiative “Reseachers’
Night” (24 Sept).
Since 2006, CIMAR has been organizing the Sea Itinerant University (UIM)
(, a program that aims to promote the
maritime identity of Portuguese and Spanish students. Courses were organized on land and on
board the vessel CREOULA, a 4-masted training ship of the Portuguese Navy, under the theme
"Knowledge and adventure".
CIMAR regularly participates in events and exhibitions aimed at encouraging high schools
students to engage in scientific careers, such as the “Junior University”
(, “Science, Education and Innovation” exhibition by the Univ of
Porto (25-28 March) and LAB-IT®-The Itinerant Laboratory in Molecular Genetics. The Centre
continued the collaboration with the Visionarium - Europarque Science Centre to implement a
national project using Daphnia as biological model for experimental teaching of sciences in high
(, an outreach program for intertidal biodiversity
monitoring in beaches of the North coast. Both CIIMAR and CCMAR received visits from schools
throughout the year.
Other activities included the development of a new website for CIIMAR (, the
release of CIIMAR Newsletter - WAVES, pages in social networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter,
Youtube, Google maps, Vimeo,) and the organization of weekly internal seminars at both
Dissemination was also channeled through the media: publications in non-scientific journals and
newspapers (e.g. Alphagalileo, Ciência Hoje, JN, DN, Expresso, Agência Lusa, Visão, National
Geographic), participation in TV and radio programs (e.g. SIC, Rádio Renascença, Antena 1).
Evaluation Report 2010
Units FCT **
Project FCT
Other National
(*) Base + Programmatic; (**) Base + Programmatic of the units before the criation of the LA.
Evaluation Report 2010
6.1 Composition and training
No. of Researchers Hired
(Ciência Programme)
No. of researchers (FTE)
Training Masters
(Master theses completed)
Training PhDs
(PhD theses completed)
Evaluation Report 2010
RL1 - Ecology, Biodiversity and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
7a. General description
1. Designation
Ecology, Biodiversity and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
2. Principal investigator
Karim Erzini
3. Main scientific domain
Marine Sciences
7b. Objectives and achievements
1. General objectives
The general objectives of RL1 are to study selected aspects of marine geology, oceanography,
marine biodiversity and ecosystems, integrating research to provide a sound scientific basis for
assessment, management, and policy related with the marine ecosystems. Within this
framework, the objectives include the following:
Promote the geological research of the oceans and coastal regions, the
paleoceanography, and the processes related to the occurrence of marine mineral
Determine the composition, abundance and distribution of the national marine
Determine the impacts of climate change and local human action by monitoring and
studying coastal and estuarine ecosystem functioning, and long-term changes in
marine communities and habitats;
Study the genetics, population biology, ecology and recruitment of ecologically and
commercially important species;
Investigate the physiological adaptations of migratory fishes, to different salinity
and hydrostatic pressure;
Participate in International networks on marine biodiversity;
Evaluation Report 2010
Train young scientists and to disseminate scientific knowledge.
2. Main achievements
Ecotoxicology and pollution
Development of ecotoxicity lab bioassay and determination the physiological impact of
toxicant exposure and environmental changes through the measurement of biomarkers.
Study of effects of PAHs, pesticides, metals and pharmaceuticals on several marine and
freshwater species of temperate and tropical areas, including mechanisms of toxicity
and detoxification.
Genetics and phylogeography
Contributions to understanding marine evolutionary ecology and biogeography of a
range of species, from sea grasses to mid-Atlantic ridge vent sea shrimps, sea
cucumbers and fishes.
Biology, ecology and conservation
Contributions to the understanding of the life cycles and population dynamics of a wide
range of marine species. Evaluation of the effects of marine protected areas.
Culture and economic valorisation
Important advances in the culture and economic valorisation of species such as the red
alga, cuttlefish and sea horses.
Coastal, estuarine and lagoon processes
Assessment of the ecological status of transitional waters and development of tools
towards the implementation of the WFD. Development of hydrodynamic models.
Assessment of coastal dynamics, vulnerability, mapping and risk assessment.
Recruitment studies of estuarine and lagoon species.
Global changes
Improved knowledge of effects of climate events, ocean acidification, temperature,
precipitation and introduced/invasive species. Creation of database for studying large
scale patterns and long-term changes.
Technical developments and capacity building
Enlargement of a computation cluster, now providing a platform for genome assembly
phylogenetic analyses, BLAST analyses, transcriptome assembly and expression
analyses. Completion of a new laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art instruments
for microbial metagenomics / molecular ecology research.
Evaluation Report 2010
Discovery and description of new species, mapping of biodiversity and identification of
essential habitats in coastal waters, contributions and creation of data bases.
Participation in several EU Networks (e.g. COST ACTION, LargeNet project of MarBEF,
MARS, EMBRC, EPBRS) and other international collaborative projects.
Research training
Training at the undergraduate and graduate levels (MSc and PhD programs),
participation in the Erasmus Mundus MSc in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation and
Dissemination & Outreach
Activities to foster dialogue between scientists and society.
7c. Research lines output
1. Collaborative publications in peer review journals
Examples of collaborative publications:
Azevedo, IC, Bordalo, AA, Duarte, PM. 2010. Influence of river discharge patterns on the
hydrodynamics and potential contaminant dispersal in the Douro estuary (Portugal). Water
Research 44: 3133-3146.
Azevedo, IC, Duarte, PM, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Temporal and Spatial variability of phytoplankton
photosynthetic characteristics in a southern European estuary (Douro, Portugal). Marine Ecology
Progress Series 412: 29-44.
Bertocci, I et al. 2010. Canopy-forming species mediate the effects of disturbance on macroalgal
assemblages on Portuguese rocky shores. Marine Ecology Progress Series 414: 107-116.
Campos, J et al. 2010. Fluctuations of brown shrimp Crangon crangon abundance in the western
Dutch Wadden Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 405: 203-219.
Carvalho, PN et al. 2010. Ability of salt marsh plants for TBT remediation in sediments.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17: 1279-1286.
Costa-Dias, S, Sousa, R, Antunes, C. 2010. Ecological quality assessment of the lower Lima
estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 234-239.
Delgado, C, Canário, AVM, Dellinger, T. 2010. Sex ratios of loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta
during the juvenile pelagic stage. Marine Biology 157: 979-990.
Evaluation Report 2010
Ferreira, F et al. 2010. Sexing blennies using genital papilla morphology or anogenital distance.
Journal of Fish Biology 77: 1432-1438.
Freitas, V et al. 2010. Temperature tolerance and energetics: a dynamic energy budget-based
comparison of North Atlantic marine species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
365: 3553-3565.
Morais, P et al. 2010. Diversity of anchovy migration patterns in an European temperate estuary
and in its adjacent coastal area: Implications for fishery management. Journal of Sea Research
64: 295-303.
Mucha, AP et al. 2010. LMWOA exudation by salt marsh plants: Natural variation and response
to Cu contamination. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88: 63-70.
Vandepitte, L et al. 2010. Data integration for European marine biodiversity research: creating a
database on benthos and plankton to study large-scale patterns and long-term changes.
Hydrobiologia 644: 1-13.
2. Collaborative other publications
Examples of collaborative other publications:
Pereira, R, Yarish, C. 2010. The role of Porphyra in sustainable culture systems: Physiology and
applications. In: Israel, A, Einav, R (Eds). Role of Seaweeds in a Globally Changing Environment,
Springer Publishers, pp. 339-353.
3. PhD theses completed (Co-supervision or clearly multidisciplinary projects)
From the 9 PhD theses completed in 2010, 5 were in collaboration with national institutions, 3
with international institutions.
Azevedo, Alberto Carlos de Oliveira Antunes. 2010. Sistema integrado de modelação para apoio
e mitigação de acidentes de hidrocarbonetos em estuários e orla costeira. PhD thesis,
LNEC/University of Lisbon. Supervisors: Anabela Pacheco de Oliveira (LNEC), José CPB Teixeira
da Silva.
Bartilotti, Cátia Alexandra Vieira. 2010. Decapod crustacean larvae dynamics in the west
continental coast of Portugal: the region adjacent to Aveiro coastal lagoon as model. PhD thesis
in Marine Ecology, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Antonina dos Santos (IPIMAR), Cosupervisor: Margarida Castro (CIMAR-FBC).
Faria, Ana. 2010. Ontogeny of behavioural abilities in temperate reef fish larvae. PhD thesis,
University of Algarve. Supervisors: Emanuel Gonçalves (ISPA), Maria Alexandra Chícharo
Gonçalves, Hernâni. 2010. Automatic registration of satellite images. PhD thesis in Surveying
Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: José A Gonçalves (CIMAR-OCD),
Co-supervisor: Luís Corte-Real (INESC Porto, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto).
Evaluation Report 2010
León Cisneros, Karla. 2010. Filogeografia do género Scinaia (Rhodophyta) de áreas transicionais.
PhD thesis in Marine Botany, University of the Azores. Supervisor: Ana I Neto (CIMAR-AIR), Cosupervisor: Rafael Riosmena Rodríguez (University Baja California Sur, México).
Marçalo, Ana Luisa Barreto 2010. Avaliação de stress em sardinha (Sardina pilchardus) durante a
pesca do cerco Universidade do Algarve Supervisors: Karim Erzini (CIMAR-FBC), Yorgos
Stratoudakis (IPIMAR).
Pereira, A. 2010. Desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de modelação, calibração e gestão
de ecossistemas costeiros, com recurso a agentes inteligentes. PhD in Electronic Engineering
and Computers, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. Supervisor: Pedro Duarte (CIMARBiodiversity of Aquatic Ecosystems).
Rosas Alquicira, Edgar Francisco. 2010. Filogeografia de algas Corallinales (Rhodophyta) das
Califórnias. PhD thesis in Marine Botany, University of the Azores. Supervisor: Ana I Neto
(CIMAR-AIR), Co-supervisor: Rafael Riosmena Rodríguez (University Baja California Sur, México).
Sousa, Joaquim, 2010. Integration of DInSAR and DGPS for location and characterization of
active faults. Supervisor: Luísa Bastos (CIMAR-OCD), Co-supervisor: Ramon Hanssen (Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands).
Evaluation Report 2010
RL2 - Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
7a. General description
1. Designation
Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
2. Principal investigator
Lúcia Maria das Candeias Guilhermino
3. Main scientific domain
7b. Objectives and achievements
1. General objectives
The central objective of RL2 is to investigate the effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors
on biodiversity and functioning of ecosystems using a molecular to ecosystem level approach.
Special attention has been given to long-term alterations induced on marine ecosystems by
global stressors (pollution, invasive species and climate changes). Specifically, we intend to:
Study interactions of stressors with molecular targets to investigate mechanisms of
toxicity and defenses
Compare responses among species and establish phylogeographic patterns of evolution;
Investigate reflexes of molecular interactions at higher levels of biological organization;
Develop new methods for human and ecological risk assessment;
Study the functioning of ecosystems under stress in a climate changing world;
Monitoring water quality and developing strategies to improve it;
Develop methods for conservation, bioremediation and restoration, contributing to
environmental sustainability.
2. Main achievements
More than 65 papers in international journals and 70 presentations in meetings by the 5
core labs.
Knowledge on the role of vascular plants in conditioning the environment & plant
capability for rhizoremediation.
Evaluation Report 2010
Development and optimization of analytical techniques to measure environmental
contaminants and cyanobacteria toxins, and their environmental degradation.
Characterization and allelopathy of compounds produced by cyanobacteria.
Knowledge on the phylogeny of glutathione S-transferases and phosphoprotein
phosphatases enzymes.
Knowledge on the mechanisms of toxicity, detoxication of contaminants (e.g. PAHs,
metals, pharmaceuticals, Hazardous & Noxious Substances, oils, xenostrogens) and
Demonstration that the nuclear receptor RXR is a key player in imposex induction by the
androgenic chemical tributyltin.
Cloning and sequencing of several ABC transporter genes, and others, in model species.
Insights of modeling of PPARα and other genes involved on lipid metabolism in fish.
Development of software tools to perform evolutionary analyses on gene/protein
Knowledge on the biological and ecological effects of contaminants.
Validation of several biomarkers and organisms as sentinel species for use in monitoring
and environmental risk assessment in the marine environment.
Relationships between several biomarkers, behaviour and population parameters.
Derivation of PNECs for marine species.
Validation of integrated approaches (ecology, ecotoxicology & chemistry) for monitoring
in marine environments.
Knowledge on the impact of extreme events (e.g. heatwaves) on the competition
between native and invasive aquatic species, population and communities resistance
and resilience, and ecosystem functioning.
Impacts of climate changes and pollution on biogeochemical cycles.
Ecological, ecotoxicological and/or toxicological knowledge on tropical and Antarctic
Scientific support to regulations and policies .
Evaluation Report 2010
7c. Research lines output
1. Collaborative publications in peer review journals
Examples of collaborative publications:
Azevedo, IC, Bordalo, AA, Duarte, PM. 2010. Influence of river discharge patterns on the
hydrodynamics and potential contaminant dispersal in the Douro estuary (Portugal). Water
Research 44: 3133-3146.
Carvalho, PN et al. 2010. Ability of salt marsh plants for TBT remediation in sediments.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17: 1279-1286.
Costa-Dias, S et al. 2010. Factors influencing epibenthic assemblages in the Minho estuary (NW
Iberian Peninsula). Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 240-246.
Costa-Dias, S, Sousa, R, Antunes, C. 2010. Ecological quality assessment of the lower Lima
estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 234-239.
El Ghazali, I et al. 2010. Effects of the microcystin profile of a bloom on the toxicity and toxin
accumulation in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). larvae. Journal of Fish Biology 76:1415-1430.
El Ghazali, I et al. 2010. Effect of different microcystin profiles on the toxins bioaccumulation in
common carp (Cyprinus carpio) larvae via Artemia nauplii. Ecotoxicology and Environmental
Safety 73:762-770.
Ferreira, F et al. 2010. Sexing blennies using genital papilla morphology or anogenital distance.
Journal of Fish Biology 77: 1432-1438.
Mucha, AP et al. 2010. LMWOA exudation by salt marsh plants: Natural variation and response
to Cu contamination. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88: 63-70.
Nogueira, I et al. 2010. Toxic effects of domoic acid in the sea bream Sparus aurata. Marine
Drugs 8: 2721-2732.
Silva, P et al. 2010. Expression of the myosin light chains 1,2 and 3 in the muscle of blackspot
seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo, during development. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 11251132.
Stoichev, T et al. 2010. Fate and effects of nonylphenol in the presence of the cyanobacterium
Microcystis aeruginosa. Chemistry and Ecology 26: 395-399.
In press
Lima, D et al. Aquatic Toxicology, dói: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2010.09.022.
Ribeiro, H et al. Biodegradation, doi: 10.1007/s10532-010-9446-9.
Evaluation Report 2010
Sarria, MP et al. Environment International, doi:10.1016/j.envint.2010.11.004.
Silva, P, et al. Aquaculture Research, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2109.2010.02627.x.
2. Collaborative other publications
Examples of collaborative other publications:
Wilson, JM, Castro, LFC. 2010. Morphological diversity of the gastrointestinal tract in fishes. In:
Grosell, M, Farrell, AP, Brauner, CJ (Eds). The multifunctional gut of fish – Volume 30, Elsevier
Inc., pp. 1-55. ISBN: 978-0-12-374982-6.
In press
Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA, Castro, LFC (in press). Lipid homeostasis perturbation by
organotins: effects on vertebrates and invertebrates. In: Pagliarani, A., Trombetti, F, Ventrella, V
(Eds). Biochemical and biological effects of organotins, Chapter 6. Beham Science Publishers,
3. PhD theses completed (Co-supervision or clearly multidisciplinary projects)
From the 4 PhD theses completed in 2010, 2 were in collaboration with national institutions.
Couto, Maria Nazaré PFS. 2010. Investigation of physical, chemical and biological factors
implicated in the biological remediation of nonvolatile petroleum hydrocarbons. PhD thesis in
Environmental Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor:
Maria Clara P Basto (CIMAR-CSB)
Leão, Pedro. 2010. Allelopathic properties of cyanobacteria isolated from Portuguese
freshwaters. PhD thesis in Environmental Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Sciences,
University of Porto. Supervisor: Vítor Vasconcelos (CIMAR-LEGE)
Lima, Inês de Marrazes. 2010. Ecotoxicological effects of petrochemical products on natural
populations of Mytilus galloprovincialis inhabiting rocky shores along the NW coast of Portugal.
PhD thesis in Aquatic Sciences, ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Lúcia Guilhermino
(CIMAR-ECOTOX), Co-supervisor: Amadeu MVM Soares (CESAM, University of Aveiro).
Ribeiro, Cláudia Maria Rosa. 2010. Chemical identification and monitoring of natural and
xenoestrogens compounds in the estuaries of the estuaries of the Portuguese rivers Douro,
Mondego and Sado – Insights on their disruption potential by in vitro exposures of testis from
the model organism Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). PhD Thesis in Biomedical Sciences,
ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Maria João Rocha (CIMAR-LECEMA), Co-supervisors:
Eduardo Rocha (CIMAR-LECEMA), Maria Elisabeth Tiritan (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
Evaluation Report 2010
RL3 - Biology and Marine Biotechnologies
7a. General description
1. Designation
Biology and Marine Biotechnologies
2. Principal investigator
Deborah Mary Power
3. Main scientific domain
Biological Sciences
7b. Objectives and achievements
1. General objectives
The Biology and Marine Biotechnology RL saw the inclusion of 2 new groups in 2010 to
consolidate its broad portfolio of basic research. The central pillars are the same as previous
To extend fundamental knowledge about marine organisms in a changing environment
at a molecular (omics) to whole organism (systems biology) level and across the
evolutionary scale;
To establish how natural and man-made environmental challenges and pathogens
impact organism function and survival;
To reinforce the drive to promote the identification of potential “spin-offs” arising from
basic biology and stimulate pilot studies and links with industry (eg. “near market”
solutions, such as, genotyping for aquaculture species, diagnostic tests in pathology);
There is continued commitment to disseminate knowledge in high impact peer-review
journals and at International conferences and provide high quality training for a new
generation of scientists and contribute to generate a “knowledge-based society”.
Translation of research activities and communication to other stakeholders (scientists,
policy makers, industry, teachers and the public) is a priority.
2. Main achievements
This RL includes 13 RG and this section presents only major achievements perceived as
having a significant impact at a national or international level.
Application of high throughput methods of transcriptome analysis (microarray, SAGE,
454 sequencing) for teleosts subject to physiological challenges, such as, hydrostatic
Evaluation Report 2010
pressure, cortisol and divergent somatic growth. Transcriptome analysis (454
seqeuncing) of the Antarctic bivalve (Laternula elliptica) for discovery of novel genes.
Collaboration with colleagues from Bangor Univ in the discovery of unsuspected
diversity of metazoan in benthic habitats. The methodology used is proof of concept of
allying “new generation sequencing” to PCR and bioinformatics.
Accomplished with colleagues from the Max Plank Institute of Molecular Biology a draft
sequence of the European sea bass genome, a basic resource for the scientific
community and aquaculture industry.
Draft regulatory network of genes involved in ion homeostasis in enterobacteria (E. coli)
and completion of Perkinsus genome.
Identification and description of pathogens and parasites of fish of economic interest,
such as turbot and blackspot seabream together with pathogens from invertebrates.
Consolidation of the research area of chemical biology and marine biotechnology.
Screening methods established for bioactive compounds in marine photosynthetic and
isolation of bioactive secondary metabolites from fungus.
Refinement of a bio-refinery strategy and isolation of several strains, of microalgae with
a very promising lipid profile suitable for the production of biodiesel.
Consolidation of a chemical survey and tools for analysis of xenoestrogenic endocrine
disrupting compounds (EDCs) in marine fish and bivalves in Portugal water ways.
Identification of peroxisome receptors (PPARs) as a novel estradiol target.
Spin-offs; design and synthesis of endoperoxide-based antimalarials and falcipain
inhibitors; gammacarboxyglutamate-rich protein, methods and assays for its detection
and quantification; method to deduce the three dimensional structure of a protein from
its amino acid sequence.
Consolidation of links and collaborations with Agência Ciência Viva and Centro de
Ciência Viva to communicate science to schools and the general public.
7c. Research lines output
1. Collaborative publications in peer review journals
Examples of collaborative publications:
Alves, RN, Cordeiro, O, Silva, TS, Richard, N, de Vareilles, M, Marino, G, Di Marco, P, Rodrigues,
PM, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Metabolic molecular indicators of chronic stress in gilthead seabream
(Sparus aurata) using comparative proteomics. Aquaculture 299: 57-66.
Evaluation Report 2010
Conceicão, LEC, Aragão, C, Richard, N, Engrola, S, Gavaia, P, Mira, S, Dias, J. 2010. Novel
methodologies in marine fish larval nutrition. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1-16.
Conceicao, N, Cox, CJ, Simões, B, Viegas, M, Cancela, ML. 2010. Comparative promoter analysis
and its application to the identification of candidate regulatory factors of cartilage-expressed
genes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26(2): 245-250.
Delgado, C, Canário, AVM, Dellinger, T. 2010. Sex ratios of loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta
during the juvenile pelagic stage. Marine Biology 157: 979-990.
Louro, B, Passos, ALS, Souche, E, Tsigenopoulos, C, Beck, A, Bonhomme, F, Cancela, L, Cerdà, J,
Clark, MS, Kotoulas, G, Lubzens, E, Planas, J, Volckaert, FAM, Reinhardt, R, Canario, AVM. 2010.
Gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) expressed
sequence tags: characterization, tissue specific expression and gene markers. Marine Genomics
3(3-4): 179-191.
Nogueira, I, Lobo da Cunha, AL, Afonso, A, Rivera, S, Azevedo, J, Monteiro, R, Cervantes, R,
Gago-Martinez, A, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Toxic effects of domoic acid in the sea bream Sparus
aurata. Marine Drugs 8: 2721-2732.
Rosa, J, Tiago, DM, Dias, J, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Serum-related stimulation of the
proliferation and mineralization of seabream bone-derived cells. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
26: 245-250.
Silva, P, Power, DM, Valente, LMP, Silva, N, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E. 2010. Expression of the
myosin light chains 1,2 and 3 in the muscle of blackspot seabream during development. Fish
Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1125-1132.
Viegas, CS, Conceição, N, Fazenda, C, Simes, DC, Cancela, ML. 2010. Expression of Gla-rich
protein (GRP) in newly developed cartilage-derived cell cultures from sturgeon (Acipenser
naccarii). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26: 214-218.
In press
Lima, D et al. Aquatic Toxicology, doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2010.09.022.
Silva, P et al. Aquaculture Research, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2109.2010.02627.x.
2. Collaborative other publications
Examples of other collaborative publications:
Cancela, ML, Bargelloni, L, Boudry, P, Boulo, V, Dias, J, Huvet, A, Laizé, V, Lapègue, S, Leite, R,
Mira, S, Nielsen, EE, Planas, JV, Roher, N, Sarropoulou, E, Volckaert, FAM. 2010. Genomic
Approaches in Aquaculture and Fisheries. In: Cock, JM, Viard, F, Tessamar-Raible, K, Boyen, C
(Eds). Introduction to Marine Genomics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 213-286. ISBN 978-90481-8616-7.
Evaluation Report 2010
Ozorio, ROA, Hubbard, PC, Barata, EN, Valente, LMP, Canário, AVM. 2010. Olfactory Sensitivity
to Amino Acids in the Blackspot Seabream (Pagellus Bogaraveo, Brünnich 1768): How Effective
is the Electro-olfactogram in Seawater?. Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-10 October, Porto,
Portugal. European Aquaculture Society, pp. 946-947.
Viegas, CSB, Cavaco, S, Neves, PL, Ferreira, A, João, A, Williamson, MK, Price, PA, Cancela, ML,
Simes, DC. 2010. Gla-rich protein is a novel vitamin K-dependent protein present in serum that
accumulates at sites of pathological calcifications. Journal Club, Kidney International 77: 265266.
Wilson, JM, Castro, LFC. 2010. Morphological diversity of the gastrointestinal tract in fishes. In:
Grosell, M, Farrell, AP, Brauner, CJ (Eds). The multifunctional gut of fish – Volume 30, Elsevier
Inc., pp. 1-55. ISBN: 978-0-12-374982-6.
In press
Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA, Castro, LFC (in press). Lipid homeostasis perturbation by
organotins: effects on vertebrates and invertebrates. In: Pagliarani, A., Trombetti, F, Ventrella, V
(Eds). Biochemical and biological effects of organotins, Chapter 6. Beham Science Publishers,
3. PhD theses completed (Co-supervision or clearly multidisciplinary projects)
From the 6 PhD theses completed in 2010, 1 was in collaboration with national institutions, and
2 with RG within the RL.
Francisco, Claire Juliana. 2010. Parasitas do mexilhão Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamark, 1819
(BIVALVIA: MYTILIDAE) com relevância para Trematoda: ciclo de vida, características
morfológicas e moleculares. PhD thesis in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Maria João Santos (CIMAR-Pathology).
Guerreiro, Liliana Isabel Tomé dos Anjos. 2010. Biochemical and biological characteristics of
novel piscine forms of parathyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone related peptide: a
proteomic approach. PhD thesis in Molecular Biology, University of the Algarve. Supervisor:
Deborah M Power (CIMAR-CME).
Martins, Florbela Alexandra Silva Vieira. 2010. Evolution of the extracellular matrix in
deuterostomes and the influence of calcitropic hormones. PhD thesis in Molecular Biology,
University of the Algarve. Supervisor: Deborah M Power (CIMAR-CME).
Neves, Mónica. 2010. Bio-removal of toxic metals by metal resistant anaerobic bacteria:
molecular characterization and performance studies. PhD thesis in Environmental
Biotechnology, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria Clara Costa (CIMAR-ET), Co-supervisor:
Raul Barros (University of Algarve).
Ribeiro, Cláudia Maria Rosa. 2010. Chemical identification and monitoring of natural and
xenoestrogens compounds in the estuaries of the estuaries of the Portuguese rivers Douro,
Mondego and Sado – Insights on their disruption potential by in vitro exposures of testis from
the model organism Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). PhD Thesis in Biomedical Sciences,
Evaluation Report 2010
ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Maria João Rocha (CIMAR-LECEMA), Co-supervisors:
Eduardo Rocha (CIMAR-LECEMA), Maria Elisabeth Tiritan (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
Viegas, Carla. 2010. Identification and characterization of a new calcium binding protein from
sturgeon, Gla rich protein or GRP. PhD thesis in Biochemistry – Cellular and Molecular Biology,
University of Algarve. Supervisor: M Leonor Cancela (CIMAR-EDGE), Co-supervisor: Dina C Simes
Evaluation Report 2010
RL4 - Aquaculture
7a. General description
1. Designation
2. Principal investigator
Maria Teresa Dinis
3. Main scientific domain
Marine Sciences
7b. Objectives and achievements
1. General objectives
The objective of RL is to promote the generation of high quality scientific knowledge through
fundamental and applied research, to tackle some of the sustainability challenges facing the
aquaculture industry.
Strategic research areas were defined and clearly consolidated.
Biological assessment of the cultivation potential of new aquaculture species, for the
establishment of sustainable culture practices to facilitate the industrialization process
in areas of broodstock management, larval rearing, nutrition, growth and flesh quality of
new species for Mediterranean aquaculture.
Fish Nutrition, which fostered a better understanding of the nutritional modulation of
intermediary metabolism, oxidative stress damage, nutritional requirements, utilization
of alternative feedstuffs to fish meal and oil and optimal feed formulations for enhanced
performance, improved quality of fish and lower environmental impact.
Fish Immunology & Health aiming a better understanding of host/pathogens interaction
mechanisms and the establishment of immunostimulation strategies to enhance stress
resistance and welfare of farmed fish.
2. Main achievements
The collaboration between the RG of RL4 was reinforced. The major achievement of the RL is its
contribution through fundamental knowledge and practical collaboration with the industry to
the establishment of intensive and semi-intensive farming systems for new species in the
Mediterranean area and enhancement of performance of well established species through
nutrition and sustainable practices.
Evaluation Report 2010
Main scientific achievements:
Development of practical diets with low levels of marine-derived proteins for
Senegalese sole, gilthead seabream, white seabream.
Optimization of nutrient requirements, dietary formulations and feeding practices for
blackspot seabream and reinforcement of research on the nutritional requirements of
Diplodus sp. aiming a comparative evaluation among species and establishing the
potential for aquaculture of these promising omnivorous species.
Evaluation of different feed restriction protocols on growth performance and
compensatory growth of turbot under commercial rearing conditions. The effect of
different feeding regimes in growth, feed utilization and N excretion of Senegalese sole
was evaluated. This information is of immediate practical application for the
management of feeding in turbot and sole aquaculture.
Evaluation of blood plasma metabolites and free amino acid levels in Senegalese sole
after feed deprivation indicated a high usage of body protein for as energy substrates, a
higher ammonia detoxification activity and active liver gluconeogenic processes.
Development of immunostimulation strategies to enhance stress resistance and
immune response in Senegalese sole.
Proposition of a set of chronic stress molecular markers based on liver proteome
expression, which includes proteins involved in eg. protein metabolism, carbohydrate
metabolism and energy homeostasis.
Pursue the valorization of aquaculture products potential following 2 vectors: benefits
evaluation for human health of the incorporation of conjugated linoleic acid in the diets
and evaluating sensory, physical, microbiological characterization of freshness in
Understanding the environmental and epigenetic factors that regulate muscle
differentiation to optimize growth and meat quality.
7c. Research lines output
1. Collaborative publications in peer review journals
Examples of collaborative publications:
Alves, RN, Cordeiro, O, Silva, TS, Richard, N, de Vareilles, M, Marino, G, Di Marco, P, Rodrigues,
PM, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Metabolic molecular indicators of chronic stress in gilthead seabream
(Sparus aurata) using comparative proteomics. Aquaculture 299: 57-66.
Evaluation Report 2010
Bertocci, I, Arenas, F, Matias, M, Vaselli, S, Araújo, R, Abreu, H, Pereira, R, Vieira, R, Sousa-Pinto,
I. 2010. Canopy-forming species mediate the effects of disturbance on macroalgal assemblages
on Portuguese rocky shores. Marine Ecology Progress Series 414: 107-116.
Conceicão, LEC, Aragão, C, Richard, N, Engrola, S, Gavaia, P, Mira, S, Dias, J. 2010. Novel
methodologies in marine fish larval nutrition. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1-16.
Dias, J, Yúfera, M, Valente, LMP, Rema, P. 2010. Feed transit and apparent protein, phosphorus
and energy digestibility of practical feed ingredients by Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis).
Aquaculture 302: 94-99.
El Ghazali, I, Saqrane, S, Carvalho, AP, Ouahid, Y, Del Campo, F, Vasconcelos, V, Oudra, B. 2010.
Effects of the microcystin profile of a bloom on the toxicity and toxin accumulation in common
carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). larvae. Journal of Fish Biology 76:1415-1430.
El Ghazali, I, Saqrane, S, Carvalho, AP, Ouahid, Y, del Campo, FF, Oudra, B, Vasconcelos, V. 2010.
Effect of different microcystin profiles on the toxins bioaccumulation in common carp (Cyprinus
carpio) larvae via Artemia nauplii. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73:762-770.
Rosa, J, Tiago, DM, Dias, J, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Serum-related stimulation of the
proliferation and mineralization of seabream bone-derived cells. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
26: 245-250.
Silva, P, Power, DM, Valente, LMP, Silva, N, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E. 2010. Expression of the
myosin light chains 1,2 and 3 in the muscle of blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo, during
development. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1125-1132.
In press
Abreu, MH, Pereira, R, Yarish, C, Buschmann, AH, Sousa-Pinto, I. (in press). Aquaculture, doi:
Silva, P, Valente, LMP, Olmedo, M, Álvarez-Blázquez, B, Galante, MH, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E.
(in press). Aquaculture Research, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2109.2010.02627.x.
2. Collaborative other publications
Examples of collaborative other publications:
Cancela, ML, Bargelloni, L, Boudry, P, Boulo, V, Dias, J, Huvet, A, Laizé, V, Lapègue, S, Leite, R,
Mira, S, Nielsen, EE, Planas, JV, Roher, N, Sarropoulou, E, Volckaert, FAM. 2010. Genomic
Approaches in Aquaculture and Fisheries. In: Cock, JM, Viard, F, Tessamar-Raible, K, Boyen, C
(Eds). Introduction to Marine Genomics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 213-286. ISBN 978-90481-8616-7.
Ozorio, ROA, Hubbard, PC, Barata, EN, Valente, LMP, Canário, AVM. 2010. Olfactory Sensitivity
to Amino Acids in the Blackspot Seabream (Pagellus Bogaraveo, Brünnich 1768): How Effective
is the Electro-olfactogram in Seawater?. Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-10 October, Porto,
Portugal. European Aquaculture Society, pp. 946-947.
Evaluation Report 2010
Pereira, R, Yarish, C. 2010. The role of Porphyra in sustainable culture systems: Physiology and
applications. In: Israel, A, Einav, R (Eds). Role of Seaweeds in a Globally Changing Environment,
Springer Publishers, pp. 339-353.
Quental-Ferreira, H, Ramalho Ribeiro, A, Dias, J, Yúfera, M, Arias, AM, Falcão, M, Serpa, D, Aires,
T, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Cunha, ME, Valente, LMP, Dinis, MT; Conceição, L. 2010. Sustainable semiintensive polyculture of seabream and sole in earthern ponds. Aquaculture Europe 35(3): 17-21.
Vaz-Pires, P, Escórcio, C, Soares, S, Ramalho, A, Matos, E, Dias, J. 2010. Optimising fish
slaughtering procedures for semi-intensive aquaculture. Aquaculture Europe 35(3): 26-28.
Vaz-Pires, P, Ramalho, A, Jesus, A, Soares, F, Conceição, L, Dinis, MT, Ribeiro, L, Pousão-Ferreira,
P, Cunha, ME, Quental-Ferreira, H, Yúfera, M, Marino, G, Boglione, C, Cataudella, S, Hussenot, J,
Begout, M-L, Makridis, P, Buard, E, Blachier, P. 2010. A joint European certification system for
sustainable non-intensive aquaculture: a proposal from the SEACASE Project. Aquaculture
Europe 35(2): 17-22.
3. PhD theses completed (Co-supervision or clearly multidisciplinary projects)
From the 4 PhD theses completed in 2010, 2 were in collaboration with national institutions, 3
with international institutions, and 1 with RG within the RL.
Barrento, Sara. 2010. Nutritional quality and physiological responses to transport and storage of
live crustaceans traded in Portugal. PhD thesis in Animal Science, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Maria Leonor Nunes (IPIMAR), Co-supervisor: Paulo Vaz-Pires (CIMAR-LANUCE).
Ribeiro, Ana Rita de Araújo. 2010. Thyroid status in senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae –
effects of iodine and selenium supplementation. PhD thesis in Aquaculture, University of
Algarve. Supervisors: Maria Teresa Dinis (CIMAR-Aquagroup), Laura Ribeiro (IPIMAR), Mari
Moren (NIFES, Norway).
Silva, Amélia Cláudia Figueiredo. 2010. Nutritional regulation of lipid deposition in blackspot
seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo). PhD thesis in Aquatic Sciences, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Luisa MP Valente (CIMAR-LANUCE), Co-supervisoror: Geneviéve Corraze (INRA,
Silva, Joana Margarida Guimarães. 2010. Use of alternative protein sources in diets for
senegalese sole (Senegalese sole Kaup, 1858) juveniles. PhD thesis in Aquatic Sciences, ICBAS,
University of Porto. Supervisor: Luisa MP Valente (CIMAR-LANUCE)., Co-supervisoros: Marite
Espe (NIFES, Norway), Luís Conceição (CIMAR-Aquagroup).
Evaluation Report 2010
1. Research group
Principal Investigator
Name of the Research Groups
Maria Teresa Dinis
Aquaculture Research Group (Aquagroup)
Ana Isabel de Melo Azevedo Neto
Aquatic Insular Research (AIR)
Maria Ester Tavares Alvares Serrao
Biogeographical Ecology and Evolution (BEE)
Maria Leonor Nunes Ribeiro Cruzeiro
Manuel Aureliano Pereira Martins Alves
Cellular and Inorganic Biochemistry (CIB)
Eduardo Jorge Sousa Rocha
Cellular, Molecular and Analytical Studies
Maria Teresa Sá Dias de Vasconcelos
Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability (CS&B)
Anake Kijjoa
Chemistry and Biological Activity of Marine
Natural Products
Isabel Maria Trigueiros Sousa Pinto Machado
Coastal Biodiversity
Adelino Vicente Mendonca Canario
Comparative Molecular Endocrinology (CME)
Luis Manuel Zambujal Chicharo
Ecology and Restoration of Estuarine and
Coastal Habitats (ECOREACH)
João José Oliveira Dias Coimbra
Lúcia Maria das Candeias Guilhermino
Ecotoxicology and Ecology (ECOTOX)
Vitor Manuel Oliveira Vasconcelos
Ecotoxicology, Genomics and Evolution (LEGE)
Maria Clara Semedo da Silva Costa
Environmental Technologies
Evaluation Report 2010
Maria Armanda Reis Henriques
Environmental Toxicology (LETOX)
Maria Leonor Quintais Cancela Fonseca
Evolution, Development and Gene Expression
Aires Manuel Pereira Oliva Teles
Fish Nutrition
José Pedro de Andrade e Silva Andrade
Fisheries Biology and Hydroecology Research
Group (FBHRG)
Karim Erzini
Fisheries, Biodiversity and Conservation
Dina Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues da Costa
Functional Biochemistry and Proteomics
João José Oliveira Dias Coimbra
Geology and Paleoceanography
Adriano Agostinho Donas Bôto Bordalo e Sá
João Carlos Serafim Varela
Marine Biotechnologies (MarBiotech)
Elsa Maria Branco Froufe Andrade
Marine Community Ecology and Evolution
Rui Orlando Pimenta Santos
Marine Plant Ecology (ALGAE)
Rodrigo da Silva Costa
Microbial Ecology and Evolution
Fernando Francisco Machado Veloso Gomes
Modelling and Coastal Management
Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente
Nutrition, Growth and Quality of Fish (LANUCE)
Maria Luisa Machado Cerqueira Bastos
Oceanic and Coastal Dynamics
Jorge Guimaraes da Costa Eiras
Cymon John Cox
Plant Systematics and Bioinformatics
Maria Lurdes Santos Cristiano
Synthesis and Organic Reactivity
Evaluation Report 2010
Aquaculture Research Group (Aquagroup)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Aquaculture research group (Aquagroup)
2. Principal investigator
Maria Teresa Dinis
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
In 2010, the Aquagroup was involved in 13 research projects, in 7 of them with a coordination
role. The majority of projects (8) were funded through FCT, while 5 were undertaken by
European funding (FP6, FP7 and national funding schemes for industrial collaborations). The
total funding (full duration of projects) for Aquagroup encompassed 1.57 Millions EUR (including
Funds spent in 2010:
FCT pluriannual funding
National funding
31.756 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/67017/2006, EFAR
43.879 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/71685/2006, HYDRAA
70.541 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/70855/2006, FATTYBONE
59.833 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/70858/2006, TEXBREAM
77.907 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/64533/2006, CRYOSPERM
26.723 EUR, FCT, PTDC/CVT/102481/2008, ULTRAFISH
International funding
6.244 EUR, European Commission, FP6, Contract Nr. 044483, SEACASE
16.228 EUR, European Commission, FP7-SME-2008-1-232305, PROSPAWN
Evaluation Report 2010
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The mission of the Aquaculture Research Group is to generate scientific knowledge, through
fundamental and applied research, to tackle some of the evolving sustainability challenges
facing the aquaculture industry. The team assembles a range of competencies that allow a
multidisciplinary approach of several research themes:
Nutrition and metabolism in marine fish and cuttlefish: studies on the role of amino
acids, fatty acids, glucose and vitamins in digestive efficiency, intermediary metabolism,
immune competence and skeletal deformities (HYDRAA, FATTYBONE, EFARFish,
zootechnical and biochemical assessment criteria, most projects integrate also
functional genomics, proteomics, tracer studies and metabolic modeling approaches.
Broodstock Management of new species (Senegalese sole, dusky grouper) with a strong
emphasis on nutrition and welfare (ECOAQUA, PROSPAWN) and the improvement of
semen cryopreservation success in various farmed species (seabass, seabream and
turbot) (CRYOSPERM) through the addition of antioxidants to reduced oxidative stress.
Quality and Safety of Fish: proteome analysis was associated with traditional
biochemical criteria to study the role of nutritional factors and farming practices as
modulators of flesh softening and aroma in farmed fish (TEXBREAM, SEACASE).
Production Systems: has tackled aspects related to the estimation of optimal
environmental conditions for natural spawning of sole (PROSPAWN) and the
development of effective tools for the assessment of competitiveness and sustainability
of extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture production in Southern Europe (SEACASE).
Fish Welfare: addressed issues as the dietary modulation of the immune status in fish
(PhD project) and stress response (Post-doc project) and the definition of operational
welfare indicators in broodstock fish (ECOAQUA, PROSPAWN).
2. Main achievements
Through its leading role in the SEACASE project, the Aquagroup has reinforced its
dialogue with the Portuguese semi-intensive fish farming industry, creating a strong
momentum in its strategy “from lab to farm”, for instance with its activities in the
development of eco-friendly feeds for semi-intensive fish farming. The societal
relevance of this project is reflected in several radio and newspapers interviews, and
also a national TV interview.
Evaluation Report 2010
Development of practical diets with low levels of marine-derived proteins for sole and
Differential Scanning Calorimetry analysis is a fast and low-cost technique that proved
reliable in discerning seabream subjected to different storage conditions.
Taurine transporter gene in sole was cloned and its expression suggests the existence of
an enterohepatic recycling pathway for taurine in flatfish.
Coping styles were identified in sole juveniles, through the study of individual
differences in oxygen consumption under different physiological conditions.
Cortisol response to air exposure in sole post-larvae is affected by ARA to EPA ratio.
A set of stress markers was proposed based on liver proteome expression, which
includes proteins involved in e.g., protein metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism and
energy homeostasis.
Feed deprivation was shown to affect blood plasma metabolites and free amino acid
levels in sole, indicating a high usage of body protein as energy substrates.
The lipid composition of seabass spermatozoa membranes could be used as indicators
of sperm freezability.
In seabass sperm cryopreservation, the addition of antioxidants to the freezing media
improved sperm motility, which is one of the impaired parameters during
Sole exposition to spring simulated conditions during autumn, modulated the melatonin
rhythm, indicating the possibility to enhance the spawning season.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Alves Martins, D, Estévez, A, Stickland, N, Simbi, B, Yúfera, M. 2010. Dietary lecithin source
affects growth potential and gene expression in Sparus aurata larvae. Lipids 45: 1011-1023.
2. Alves, RN, Cordeiro, O, Silva, TS, Richard, N, de Vareilles, M, Marino, G, Di Marco, P,
Rodrigues, PM, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Metabolic molecular indicators of chronic stress in
gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) using comparative proteomics. Aquaculture 299: 57-66.
3. Aragão, C, Costas, B, Vargas-Chacoff, L, Ruiz-Jarabo, I, Dinis, MT, Mancera, JM, Conceicão, LEC.
2010. Changes in plasma amino acid levels in a euryhaline fish exposed to different
environmental salinities. Amino Acids 38: 311-317.
Evaluation Report 2010
4. Cabrita, E, Sarasquete, C, Martínez-Páramo, S, Robles, V, Beirão, J, Pérez-Cerezales, S,
Herráez, MP. 2010. Cryopreservation of fish sperm: applications and perspectives. Journal of
Applied Ichthyology 26: 623-635.
5. Calado, R, Pimentel, T, Cleary, D, Dionísio, G, Nunes, C, Lopes da Silva, T, Dinis, MT, Reis, A.
2010. Providing a common diet to different marine decapods does not standardize the fatty acid
profiles of their larvae: a warning sign for experimentation using invertebrate larvae produced in
captivity. Marine Biology 157: 2427-2434.
6. Conceicão, LEC, Aragão, C, Richard, N, Engrola, S, Gavaia, P, Mira, S, Dias, J. 2010. Novel
methodologies in marine fish larval nutrition. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1-16.
7. Conceicão, LEC, Yúfera, M, Makridis, P, Morais, S, Dinis, MT. 2010. Live feeds for early stages
of fish rearing. Aquaculture Research 36: 1-16.
8. Dias, J, Yúfera, M, Valente, LMP, Rema, P. 2010. Feed transit and apparent protein,
phosphorus and energy digestibility of practical feed ingredients by Senegalese sole (Solea
senegalensis). Aquaculture 302: 94-99.
9. Diogo, P, Soares, F, Dinis, MT, Cabrita, E. 2010. The influence of ovarian fluid on Solea
senegalensis sperm motility. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26: 690-695.
10. Engrola, S, Dinis, MT, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Senegalese sole larvae growth and protein
utilization is depressed when co-fed high levels of inert diet and Artemia since first feeding.
Aquaculture Nutrition 16: 457-465.
11. Gómez-Requeni, P, Conceição, LEC, Olderbakk Jordal, A, Rønnestad, I. 2010. A reference
growth curve for nutritional experiments in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and changes in whole body
proteome during development. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1199-1215.
12. Makridis, P, Libeiro, L, Rocha, R, Dinis MT. 2010. Influence of microalgae supernatant, and
bacteria isolated from microalgae cultures, on microbiology, and digestive capacity of larval
gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, and Senegalese Sole, Solea senegalensis. Journal of the World
Aquaculture Society 41: 780-790.
13. Martins, CIM, Eding, EH, Verdegem, MCJ, Heinsbroek, LTN, Schneider, O, Blancheton, JP,
d'Orbcastel, ER, Verreth, JAJ. 2010. New developments in recirculating aquaculture systems in
Europe: A perspective on environmental sustainability. Aquacultural Engineering 43: 83-93.
14. Matos, E, Gonçalves, A, Nunes, ML, Dinis, MT, Dias, J. 2010. Effect of harvesting stress and
slaughter conditions on selected flesh quality criteria of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata).
Aquaculture 305: 66-72.
15. Pérez-Cerezales, S, Martínez-Páramo, S, Beirão, J, Herráez, MP. 2010. Evaluation of DNA
damage as a quality marker for rainbow trout sperm cryopreservation and use of LDL as
cryoprotectant. Theriogenology 74: 282-289.
Evaluation Report 2010
16. Pérez-Cerezales, S, Martínez-Páramo, S, Beirão, J, Herráez, MP. 2010. Fertilization capacity
with rainbow trout DNA damaged sperm and embryo developmental success. Reproduction
139: 1-10.
17. Pinto, W, Figueira, L, Ribeiro, L, Yúfera, M, Dinis, MT, Aragão, C. 2010. Dietary taurine
supplementation enhances metamorphosis and growth potential of Solea senegalensis larvae.
Aquaculture 309: 159-164.
18. Pinto, W, Rodrigues, V, Dinis, MT, Aragão, C. 2010. Can dietary aromatic amino acid
supplementation be beneficial during fish metamorphosis? Aquaculture 310: 200-205.
19. Rosa, J, Tiago, DM, Dias, J, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Serum-related stimulation of the
proliferation and mineralization of seabream bone-derived cells. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
26: 245-250.
20. Silva, PIM, Martins, CIM, Engrola, S, Marino, G, Øverli, Ø, Conceicão, LEC. 2010. Individual
differences in cortisol levels and behaviour of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) juveniles:
evidences for coping styles. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 124: 75-81.
21. Silva, TS, Cordeiro, O, Richard, N, Conceição, LEC, Rodrigues, PM. 2010. Changes in the
soluble bone proteome of reared white seabream (Diplodus sargus) with skeletal deformities.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D 6: 82-91.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Cancela, ML, Bargelloni, L, Boudry, P, Boulo, V, Dias, J, Huvet, A, Laizé, V, Lapègue, S, Leite, R,
Mira, S, Nielsen, EE, Planas, JV, Roher, N, Sarropoulou, E, Volckaert, FAM. 2010. Genomic
Approaches in Aquaculture and Fisheries. In: Cock, JM, Viard, F, Tessamar-Raible, K, Boyen, C
(Eds). Introduction to Marine Genomics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 213-286. ISBN 978-90481-8616-7.
2. Conceição, LEC, Aragão, C, Rønnestad, I. 2010. Protein metabolism and amino acid
requirements in fish larvae. In: Cruz-Suarez, LE, Ricque-Marie, D, Tapia-Salazar, M, Nieto-López,
MG, Villareal-Cavazos, DA, Gamboa-Delgado, J (Eds). Avances en Nutrición Acuícola X Memorias del X Simposio Internacional de Nutrición Acuícola, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo
León, Monterrey, México, pp. 251-264.
3. Anras, L, Boglione, C, Cataudella, S, Dinis, MT, Livi, S, Makridis, P, Marino,G, Ramalho, A,
Yúfera, M. 2010. The current status of extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture practices in
Southern Europe. Aquaculture Europe 35(2): 12-17.
4. Dias, J, Conceição, LEC, Rodrigues, V, Colen, R, Ramalho Ribeiro, A, Ferreira, H, Aires, T, Silva,
JMG, Escórcio, C, Valente, LMP. 2010. Aquaculture growth has triggered environmental
concerns. Aquaculture Europe 35(2): 5-11.
5. Quental-Ferreira, H, Ramalho Ribeiro, A, Dias, J, Yúfera, M, Arias, AM, Falcão, M, Serpa, D,
Aires, T, Pusão-Ferreira, P, Cunha, ME, Valente, LMP, Dinis, MT; Conceição, L. 2010. Sustainable
Evaluation Report 2010
semi-intensive polyculture of seabream and sole in earthern ponds. Aquaculture Europe 35(3):
6. Vaz-Pires, P, Ramalho, A, Jesus, A, Soares, F, Conceição, L, Dinis, MT, Ribeiro, L, PousãoFerreira, P, Cunha, ME, Quental-Ferreira, H, Yúfera, M, Marino, G, Boglione, C, Cataudella, S,
Hussenot, J, Begout, M-L, Makridis, P, Buard, E, Blachier, P. 2010. A joint certification system for
sustainable non-intensive aquaculture: a proposal from the SEACASE Project. Aquaculture
Europe 35(2): 17-22.
7. Vaz-Pires, P, Escórcio, C, Soares, S, Ramalho, A, Matos, E, Dias, J. 2010. Optimising fish
slaughtering procedures for semi-intensive aquaculture. Aquaculture Europe 35(3): 26-28.
8. Ramalho, A, Dinis, MT. 2010. Portuguese aquaculture: current status and perspectives.
Aquaculture Europe 35(3): 5-12.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Dinis, MT. 2010. A Aquacultura em Portugal In: Rey-Méndez, M., Fernández Casal, J, Lodeiros,
C, Guerra, A (Eds). Foro Rec. Mar. Ac. Rías Gal. 12: 79-85.
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Ma, Simão. 2010. Efeitos da adição de antioxidantes nos meios de criopreservação de sémen de
peixes Teleósteos. Master thesis in Zootechnical Engineering - Animal Production, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Technical University of Lisbon. Supervisor: Maria Teresa Dinis, CoSupervisor: Fernando Ribeiro Alves Afonso.
Marujo, Débora. 2010. Efeito de um concentrado de microlagas liofilizadas na larvicultura da
dourada, Sparus aurata. Master thesis in Marine Biology - Fisheries and Aquaculture, Faculty of
Sciences and Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria Teresa Dinis, Co-supervisor:
Pedro Pousão-Ferreira.
Peixoto, Lúcia. 2010. Avaliação da inclusão de EVOCOL em dietas formuladas para juvenis de
linguado (Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858). Master thesis in Marine Biology - Fisheries and
Aquaculture, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria
Teresa Dinis, Co-supervisor: Mariano Lastra.
Carrasquinho, Ricardo. 2010. Gestão e maneio de uma unidade de piscicultura em mar aberto
na costa sul de Portugal. Master thesis in Marine Biology - Fisheries and Aquaculture, Faculty of
Sciences and Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria Teresa Dinis, Co-supervisor:
Pedro Pousão-Ferreira.
Evaluation Report 2010
Ribeiro, Ana Rita de Araújo. 2010. Thyroid status in senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae –
effects of iodine and selenium supplementation. PhD thesis in Aquaculture, University of
Algarve. Supervisors: Maria Teresa Dinis, Laura Ribeiro (IPIMAR), Mari Moren (NIFES, Norway).
Silva, Joana. 2010. Effectiveness of alternative protein sources in meeting the true amino acid
requirements of Senegalese sole. PhD thesis in Aquatic Sciences, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisors: Luís Conceição, Luísa Valente, Marit Espe.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
National Workshop on “Aquacultura Extensiva e Semi-intensiva: Policultivo, o Caso de
Estudo Português”. Workshop in the framework of the SEACASE Project, 19 January
2010, Tavira, Portugal (100 attendees).
International Workshop on "Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive Aquaculture
Production in Southern Europe”. Final workshop of the SEACASE Project, 20-21 January
2010, Tavira, Portugal (130 attendees).
Aquaculture Europe10, organized by the European Aquaculture Society, 5-8 October
2010, Porto, Portugal. MT Dinis - Member of the Steering Committee.
7. Industry contract research
Over the years, the scientific expertise and reliable experimental facilities associated to the
Aquaculture Research Group have gained recognition by the aquaculture industry. In 2010, the
Aquagroup conducted contract-research activities with two newly created technology-based
Vale I&DT INOVSEA - Production of polychaetes as feed for broodstock fish in
aquaculture. Company: INOVSEA Lda.
Vale I&DT MARSENSING - Potential application of underwater acoustic stimuli in marine
aquaculture. Company: MarSensing Lda.
The Aquagroup is also a partner in three projects involving an industrial collaboration:
GREENDIETS: Formulation and test of new diets with microalgae concentrates for
application in the aquaculture sector. Funding by QREN I&DT. Company: NECTON S.A.
MICALA: Development of a novel microencapsulated feed for fish larvae. Funding by
QREN I&DT. Company: SPAROS Lda.
Evaluation Report 2010
PROSPAWN: Implementation of natural spawning for marine fish species in culture improving the quality of off-spring and animal welfare. Funding by EU-FP7 Research for
the Benefit of SMEs. Consortium led by AKVAPLAN-NIVA AS.
Additionally, the Aquagroup as also gained a prize Caixa Agricola do Algarve do ALGARVE 2010
with a project entitled BIOAQUAL.
8. Internationalization
The Aquaculture Research Group has a long standing tradition of associating itself to
international cooperation windows. In 2010, 4 PhD students within the Aquagroup benefited
from structural collaborations with other European research institutions, namely NIFES
(Norway), BIO/UiB (Norway), NTU (former DIFRES, Denmark), and Bodø University College
(Norway). This aspect is also reflected by the fact that 13 out of the 21 (62%) articles in
international peer-reviewed journals that the Aquagroup published in 2010 were written in
collaboration with colleagues from institutions outside Portugal.
The Aquagroup members have been active participants in the following networking structures
and Steering Committees at European level:
COST Action 867 - Welfare of fish in European aquaculture. L Conceição is one of the
Portuguese representatives in the Management Committee.
European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP). J Dias is a member
of the working groups “Sustainable raw materials for fish feed production” focused on
the establishment of the Strategic Research Agenda. L Conceição is the Chair of the
workgroup 2 “Hatchery/Nursery production of fry and spat”, of the Thematic Area 3
“Managing the Biological Lifecycle”.
COST Action FA0801 “LARVANET - Critical success factors for fish larval production in
European Aquaculture: a multidisciplinary network”. L Conceição is the Vice-Chair and
one of the Portuguese representatives in the Management Committee.
European Aquaculture Society (EAS) - MT Dinis is one of the board members for 20102012.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Aquatic Insular Research
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Aquatic Insular Research (AIR)
2. Principal investigator
Ana Isabel de Melo Azevedo Neto
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
FCT pluriannual funding
EU funding
82.000 EUR, INTERREG III B 2000-2006, Açores-Madeira-Canárias - Gestión sostenible de los
recursos marinos, 2009-2012.
55.250 EUR, Programa de Cooperação Transnacional Açores-Madeira-Canárias, PCT-MAC 20072013, project GESMAR (MAC/2/C068).
National funding
306.000 EUR, Direcção Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia - Unidade piloto de produção de
óleo vegetal a partir de microalgas, 2008-2010.
94.000 EUR, Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar - Estudo da viabilidade de produção de
lapa (Patella e Haliotis) em aquacultura intensiva, 2007-2010.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Characterize the natural spatial and temporal variability in the structure of benthic
communities and determine patterns of distribution and abundance of species;
Study how the loss of biological diversity can affect community structure;
Evaluation Report 2010
Develop and promote environmental monitoring schemes/long term data acquisition on
biodiversity and habitats;
Develop an index for the classification of coastal waters in the sub-region Macaronesia
under the EU Marine Strategy;
Investigate the taxonomy and biology of selected macroalgae species;
Investigate new chemical entities from marine organisms with novel pharmacological
Investigate the content of lipids, protein and fiber in macroalgae species;
Investigate the potential of new isolated Azorean strains of Haematococcus in
astaxantin production using outdoor photobioreactors;
Produce outreach programs and materials for the general public and schools;
Promote research that is relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of marine
Improve communication and cooperation between researchers and policy makers to
facilitate the design and implementation of knowledge based policies and action plans,
at regional, National and European level.
2. Main achievements
Illegal harvesting of limpets in the Azores was confirmed to be a common practice both
inside and outside protected areas. Lack of enforcement of regulations is a likely reason
for the failure of legislation to protect limpet populations and facilitate stock recovery.
The dominance of the Azorean intertidal by algal turfs was shown to be a result of the
chronic exploitation of limpets. Therefore, conservation strategies aimed at increasing
limpet abundances should find ways to restore intertidal communities to their predisturbed state.
Developement of a tool for the assessment of ecological quality of rocky shores in the
Macaronesian archipelagos.
Several additions to the Azorean seaweed flora.
Typification and status of the red calcareous alga Amphiroa cryptarthrodia Zanardini.
Coralline algae were confirmed to be an ecological important group on the Azorean
C. elongata was found to be a useful bioindicator of heavy metal contamination.
Several species of macroalgae were confirmed to be good sources of fiber, protein and
Evaluation Report 2010
The culture system developed for astaxantin production from the microalgae
Haematococcus was shown to have potential for upscaling.
Astaxantin production from Azorean Haematococcus strains was shown to be higher
than most commercial strains.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Athanasiadis, A, Neto, AI. 2010. On the occurrence of Mesophyllum expansum (Philippi)
Cabioch et Mendoza (Melobesioideae, Corallinales, Rhodophyta) in the Mediterranean, the
Canary Isles and the Azores. Botanica Marina 53: 333-341.
2. Canning-Clode, J, Maloney, KO, Mcmahon, SM, Wahl, M. 2010. Expanded view of the localregional richness relationship by incorporating functional richness and time: a large-scale
perspective. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 875-885.
3. Couto, RP, Neto, AI, Rodrigues, AS. 2010. Metal concentration and structural changes in
Corallina elongata (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) from hydrothermal vents. Marine Pollution
Bulletin 60: 509-514.
4. Delgado, C, Canário, AVM, Dellinger, T. 2010. Sex ratios of loggerhead sea turtles Caretta
caretta during the juvenile pelagic stage. Marine Biology 157: 979-990.
5. Gabriel, D, Parente, MI, Neto, AI, Raposo, M, Schils, T, Fredericq, S. 2010. Phylogenetic
appraisal of the genus Platoma (Nemastomatales, Rhodophyta), including life history and
morphological observations on P. cyclocolpum from the Azores. Phycologia 49 (1): 2-21.
6. Martins, GM, Thompson, RC, Neto, AI, Hawkins, SJ, Jenkins, SR. 2010. Enhancing stocks of the
exploited limpet Patella candei via modifications in coastal engineering. Biological Conservation
143: 203-211.
7. Martins, GM, Thompson, RC, Neto, AI, Hawkins, SJ, Jenkins, SR. 2010. Exploitation of intertidal
grazers as a driver of community divergence. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 1282-1289.
8. McCarthya, AL, Heppella, S, Royerb, F, Freitas, C, Dellinger, D. 2010. Identification of likely
foraging habitat of pelagic loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the North Atlantic through
analysis of telemetry track sinuosity. Progress in Oceanography 86: 224-231.
9. Parente, MI, Fletcher, RL, Neto, AI, Tittley, I, Sousa, AF, Draisma, S, Gabriel, D. 2010. Life
history and morphological studies of Punctaria tenuissima (Chordariaceae, Phaeophyceae), a
new record for the Azores. Botanica Marina 53 (3): 223-231.
10. Rosas-Alquicira, EF, Riosmena-Rodríguez, R, Neto, AI. 2010. The typification and status of
Amphiroa cryptarthrodia (Corallinales, Rhodophyta). Phycological Research 58: 248-257.
Evaluation Report 2010
11. Silva, A, Brotas, V, Orive, E, Neto, AI. 2010. First records of Ostreopsis heptagona, Ostreopsis
cf. siamensis and Ostreopsis cf. ovata in Atlantic waters of the Azores archipelago (Portugal).
Harmful Algal News 42: 1-2.
In press
12. León-Cisneros, K, Riosmena-Rodríguez, R, Neto AI. (in press). A re-evaluation of Scinaia
(Nemaliales, Rhodophyta) in the Azores. Helgoland Marine Research, doi: 10.1007/s10152-0100207-2.
13. León-Cisneros, K, Nogueira, E, Riosmena-Rodríguez, R, Neto, AI. (in press). Life-cycle of
Scinaia interrupta (Nemaliales; Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology, doi:
14. Martins, GM, Jenkins, SR, Hawkins, SJ, Neto, AI, Medeiros, AR, Thompson, RC. (in press).
Illegal harvesting affects the success of fishing closure areas. Journal of the Marine Biological
Association UK, doi: 10.1017/S0025315410001189.
15. Patarra, RF, Paiva, L, Neto, AI, Lima, E, Baptista, J. (in press). Nutritional value of selected
macroalgae. Journal of Applied Phycology, doi: 10.1007/s10811-010-9556-0.
16. Rosas-Alquicira, EF, Riosmena-Rodríguez, R, Neto, AI. (in press). Segregation characters used
within Amphiroa (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) and taxonomic reevaluation of the genus in the
Azores. Journal of Applied Phycology, doi: 10.1007/s10811-010-9606-7.
17. Rosas-Alquicira, EF, Riosmena-Rodríguez, R, Afonso-Carrillo, J, Neto, AI. (in press). Taxonomic
biodiversity of geniculate coralline red algae (Corallinales; Rhodophyta) from the Macaronesia
region: summary and analysis. Helgoland Marine Research, doi: 10.1007/s10152-010-0209-0.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Jenkins, SR, Martins, GM. 2010. Chapter 4 - Succession on Hard Substrata. In: Dürr S,
Thomason JC (Eds). Biofouling. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 60-72.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Wallenstein, FM, Peres, SD Xavier, ED, Neto, AI. 2010. Phytobenthic communities of intertidal
rock pools in the eastern islands of Azores and their relation to position on shore and pool
morphology. Arquipélago. Life and Marine Science 27: 9-20.
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Pereira, Nuno Miguel Campos Mendes Sousa. 2010. Avaliação do potencial aquícola da
população de amêijoas Venerupis aurea (Gmelin, 1791) da ilha de S. Jorge (Açores). Master
Evaluation Report 2010
thesis in Sea Sciences – Marine Resources, ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Ana I Neto,
Co-supervisor: Domitília Matias (IPIMAR).
Álvaro, Nuno Miguel Vaz. 2010. Proposta de plano de monitorização para a área protegida para
a gestão de habitats ou espécies do Ilhéu de Vila Franca do Campo. Master thesis in Coastal
Management, University of the Azores. Supervisor: Fátima Alves (University of Aveiro), Cosupervisor: Ana I Neto.
Rosas Alquicira, Edgar Francisco. 2010. Filogeografia de algas Corallinales (Rhodophyta) das
Californias. PhD thesis in Marine Botany, University of the Azores. Supervisor: Ana I Neto, Cosupervisor: Rafael Riosmena Rodríguez (University Baja California Sur, México).
León Cisneros, Karla. 2010. Filogeografia do género Scinaia (Rhodophyta) de áreas transicionais.
PhD thesis in Marine Botany, University of the Azores. Supervisor: Ana I Neto, Co-supervisor:
Rafael Riosmena Rodríguez (University Baja California Sur, México).
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
International Symposium FloraMac2010, 23-25 September 2010, Ponta Delgada, Azores.
Ana I Neto – Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committee.
7. Industry contract research
The group develops research in collaboration with the company ALGICEL for industrial
microalgae production.
8. Internationalization
The main activities at the international level were:
The active collaboration in the preparation of the research proposal LAUMACAT Diversity and phylogenetic relationships on the benthic marine algae with
pharmacological potencial: the Laurencia complex (Rhodophyta) in Macaronesia
archipelagos, tropical and subtropical Atlantic. Phase III. Subdirección General de
Proyectos de Investigación, Gobierno de España. The project, involving 11 partners
(University of Laguna, Tenerife, The Canaries; CIIMAR/CIMAR; University of Azores;
Environment Agency of Brasil - Botanical Institute; University of Iztapalapa, Mexico;
State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; University of São Paulo, Brasil; University of
Madeira; Marine Biology Station of Funchal; University of Messina, Italy; University of
Espírito Santo, Brasil), was approved and will start on January 2011.
Evaluation Report 2010
The active collaboration in the preparation of the proposal OCEANEEDS - Optimized
Culture of Marine Organisms for Human Health and Environmental Applications. 7th
Framework Program (delivered in January 2010). The project, involving 9 partners
(PHARMAMAR, Spain; Arvam, France; Mata Karang, Indonesia; Marinomed, Viena,
Austria; University of Almeria, Spain; University of Bonn, German, University of
Wageningen, Netherlands; CIIMAR/CIMAR; Geological Institute Igme-Csic, Madrid,
Spain), was not approved.
The active collaboration in the preparation of the proposal Evaluación de la taxonomía
del género Amphiroa (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) en la costa de Oaxaca. In collaboration
with Universidad del Mar, Oaxaca, Mexico. Under evaluation.
Joint coordination of graduated students at MSc and PhD levels with several
internacional institutions, e.g. the Universities of Bangor, Plymouth and Heriot-Watt
(UK) and Baja California del Sur (Mexico).
Coordination of small research projects under the European Program Eurodisseia.
9. Government/organization contract research
1. Neto, AI, Prestes, ACL, Álvaro, NMV, Xavier, ERN. 2010. Estudo da viabilidade de produção de
Lapa (Patella e Haliotis) em aquacultura intensiva. Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos
Açores, 21p.
2. Neto, AI, Álvaro, NV, Azevedo, JMN. 2010. Estudo de impacte ambiental. Porto das Pipas –
Angra do Heroísmo: terminal de cruzeiros. Caracterização da flora e fauna marinhas, avaliação
do impacte ambiental, medidas minimizadoras e monitorização. Departamento de Biologia,
Universidade dos Açores, 13p.
Evaluation Report 2010
Biogeographical Ecology and Evolution (BEE)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Biogeographical Ecology and Evolution
2. Principal investigator
Maria Ester Tavares Alvares Serrao
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
FCT pluriannual funding.
FCT National funding
638 EUR, POCI/MAR/57342/2004, NETWORK.
44.912 EUR, PTDC/MAR/65461/2006, MEGIKELP.
58.163 EUR, PTDC/MAR/72630/2006, SOPA.
86.082 EUR, PTDC/MAR/64749/2006, IBISA.
2.267 EUR, EURODEEP/0002/2007, DEECON.
53.411 EUR, PTDC/MAR/104477/2008, POLYANDRY.
43.579 EUR, PTDC/BIA-BEC/103916/2008, PERMYT.
82.152 EUR, PTDC/MAR/099887/2008, RIASCAPEGEN.
Evaluation Report 2010
64.259 EUR, PTDC/MAR/108013/2008, CANARYGRASS.
33.307 EUR, PTDC/MAR/099698/2008, NORIGENOMICS.
86.268 EUR, PTDC/MAR/108105/2008, HYBRID.
85.521 EUR, PTDC/AAC-CLI/109108/2008, EDGES.
European funding
81.972 EUR, European Commission, Contract Nr. 226248, ENV.2008., ATP.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
We aim at understanding marine evolutionary ecology and biogeography.
A large focus of our current research in evolutionary ecology is the nature of barriers limiting
gene flow in marine populations, a first step towards speciation. Another main goal is the
understanding of mating systems and their role in driving reproductive isolation, speciation,
hybrid zones. Selective gradients of environmental stress in parapatric species are a main study
model to test drivers of ecological speciation in sister species and the role of local selection in
secondary contact zones following invasions.
In biogeographical theory we empirically test predictions from evolutionary ecology of
species´ranges, whereby distributional edges and marginal habitats are expected to have lower
diversity and higher differentiation which trade-off with higher selective pressures for stressdriven local adaptation at range edges, reducing their evolvability.
We track genetic imprints of ocean-climate cycles from Pleistocene ice ages, on several taxa of
pelagic and benthic marine species across various oceans and seas, inferred from genetic
structure and molecular phylogenies. We look for imprints of historical climate change on
retreating and leading edge populations of marine species.
Biological models are varied marine organisms such as plants, algae, animals, their associated
micro-organisms, using a variety of approaches, from molecular to experimental ecology and
phylogenetic reconstruction.
We focus particular research objectives on ecosystems that play important roles in our planet,
for global climate and ocean productivity (polar phytoplankton metatranscriptomics), for living
under extreme conditions for life (dispersal along deep sea vents), or for sustaining marine
biodiversity (dispersal and diversity of kelp forests and seagrass meadows), for their role as
invasive (evolutionary ecology).
All these objectives require novel developments in genomics markers and software.
Evaluation Report 2010
2. Main achievements
Major discoveries:
I. Speciation:
A novel Fucus speciation event is driven by natural selection and high selfing;
Speciation history, timings and drivers were inferred for Holothuria and pearl oysters.
II. Phylogeography, gene flow:
Iberia contains high and private genetic diversity for cold-temperate species, and was as
source of post-glacial recolonization, during which introgressed organelles in Fucus
expanded northwards by surfing;
Along Mid-Atlantic Ridge thermal vents, shrimp populations suffered a bottleneck or
founder event followed by a recent demographic expansion;
Gene flow across giant kelp beds in California is best explained using seascape features;
White seabream show high connectivity across Iberian and Mediterranean sites, but are
genetically distinct in the Azores;
Genetic structure of Holothuria polii at a coastal lagoon shows recent demographic
growth and environmental correlates;
Past vicariance and current low connectivity were inferred in a Mediterranean seagrass;
Seagrass meadows in Brittany are a mosaic of clones with distinct origins in space and
A single surviving clone of the seagrass Zostera noltii in the Canary Islands, has its closest
relatives in northern Morocco, the best donor for future restoration.
Global analyses of the genetic diversity-stability relationship in seagrasses contradicts
predictions in revealing a negative relationship and a threshold below which no
relationship exists.
III. Stress-driven evolution/ecology:
Rapid (thousands yrs) stress-response divergence occurred between sympatric F.
radicans and F. vesiculosus in the Baltic Sea.
During heat shock in Fucus serratus, there is overexpression of photoprotective and
heat-shock genes.
Competitive outcome of invasive and indigenous intertidal mussels in South Africa is
determined by local habitat variability and is influenced by gaping differences mediating
temperature and desiccation stress.
Evaluation Report 2010
IV. Technical development:
Microsatellite markers for a seahorse.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Alberto, F, Raimondi, PT, Reed, DC, Coelho, NC, Leblois, R, Whitmer, A, Serrão, EA. 2010.
Habitat continuity and geographic distance predict population genetic differentiation in giant
kelp. Ecology 91: 49-56.
2. Arnaud-Haond, S, Marbà, N, Diaz-Almela, E, Serrão, EA, Duarte, CM. 2010. Comparative
analysis of stability - genetic diversity in seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadows yields
unexpected results. Estuaries and Coasts 33: 878-889.
3. Barluenga, M, Austerlitz, F, Elzinga, JA, Teixeira, S, Goudet, J, Bernasconi, G. 2010. Fine scale
spatial genetic structure and gene dispersal in Silene latifolia. Heredity: 1-12.
4. Becheler, R, Diekmann, O, Hily, C, Moalic, Y, Arnaud-Haond, S. 2010. The concept of
population in clonal organisms: mosaics of temporally colonized patches are forming highly
diverse meadows of Zostera marina in Brittany. Molecular Ecology 19: 2394-2407.
5. Billard, E, Serrão, EA, Pearson, GA, Destombe, C, Valero, M. 2010. Fucus vesiculosus and
spiralis species complex: a nested model of local adaptation at the shore level. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 405: 163-174.
6. Borrero-Pérez, GH, Gómez-Zurita, J, González-Wangüemert, M, Marcos, C, Pérez-Ruzafa, A.
2010. Molecular systematics of the genus Holothuria in the Mediterranean and Northeastern
Atlantic and a molecular clock for the diversification of the Holothuriidae (Echinodermata:
Holothuroidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: 899-906.
7. Diekmann, OE, Gouveia, L, Perez, JA, Gil-Rodriguez, C, Serrao, EA. 2010. The possible origin of
Zostera noltii in the Canary Islands and guidelines for restoration. Marine Biology 157: 21092115.
8. González-Wangüemert, M, Cánovas, F, Pérez-Ruzafa, A, Marcos, C, Alexandrino, P. 2010.
Connectivity patterns inferred from the genetic structure of white seabream (Diplodus sargus
L.). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 383: 23-31.
9. Lago-Leston, A, Mota, C, Kautsky, L, Pearson, GA. 2010. Functional divergence in heat shock
response following rapid speciation of Fucus spp. in the Baltic Sea. Marine Biology 157: 683-688.
10. Neiva, J, Pearson, GA, Valero, M, Serrao, EA. 2010. Surfing the wave on a borrowed board:
range expansion and spread of introgressed organellar genomes in the seaweed Fucus
ceranoides L. Molecular Ecology 19: 4812-4822.
Evaluation Report 2010
11. Nicastro, KR, Zardi, GI, McQuaid, CD. 2010. Differential reproductive investment, attachment
strength and mortality of invasive and indigenous mussels across heterogeneous environments.
Biological Invasions 12: 2165-2177.
12. Nicastro, KR, Zardi, GI, McQuaid, CD, Stephens, L, Radloff, S, Blatch, GL. 2010. The role of
gaping behaviour in habitat partitioning between coexisting intertidal mussels. BMC Ecology 10:
13. Pearson, GA, Hoarau, G, Lago-Leston, A, Coyer, JA, Kube, M, Henckel, K, Serrão, EA, Corre, E,
Stam, WT, Olsen, JL. 2010. An expressed sequence Tag (EST) analysis of the intertidal brown
seaweeds Fucus serratus (L.) and F. vesiculosus (L.) (Heterokontophyta, Phaeophyceae) in
response to abiotic stressors. Marine Biotechnology 12: 195-213.
14. Serra, IA, Innocenti, AM, Di Maida, G, Calvo, S, Migliaccio, M, Zambianchi, E, Pizzigalli, C,
Arnaud-Haond, S, Duarte, CM, Serrão, EA, Procaccini, G. 2010. Genetic structure in the
Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Disentangling past vicariance events from
contemporary patterns of gene flow. Molecular Ecology 19: 557-568.
15. Teixeira, S, Cambon-Bonavita, M, Serrao, EA, Desbruyeres, D, Arnaud-Haond, S. 2010. Recent
population expansion and connectivity in the hydrothermal shrimp Rimicaris exoculata along
the Mid Atlantic Ridge. Journal of Biogeography 38: 564-574.
16. Vergara-Chen,C, González-Wangüemert, M, Marcos, C, Pérez-Ruzafa, A. 2010. Genetic
diversity and connectivity remain high in Holothuria polii (Delle Chiaje 1823) across a coastal
lagoon-open sea environmental gradient. Genetica 138: 895-906.
In press
17. Van de Vliet, MS, Diekmann, OE, Serrão, ETA. (in press). Highly polymorphic microsatellite
markers for the Short-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus hippocampus), including markers from a
closely related species the Long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus). Conservation
Genetics Resources, doi: 10.1007/s12686-009-9022-y.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Lima dos Reis, Jandir João. 2010. The genetic mating system in the black striped pipefish,
Syngnathus abaster (Risso, 1827) in Ria Formosa, revealed by microsatellites. Master thesis in
Evaluation Report 2010
Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Co-supervisors: Onno Diekmann, Ester Serrao, Filipe
Pires, Rita. 2010. Padrões temporais e verticais de pequena escala na ocorrência de larvas de
peixe na Ria de Aveiro, Portugal. Master thesis in Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Cosupervisors: Rita Borges, Ester Serrao, Emanuel Gonçalves (ISPA).
Afonso, João Marcos da Silva. 2010. Padrões verticais e inter-anuais nas assembleias de larvas
de peixe junto ao substrato rochoso do Parque Marinho da Arrábida. Master thesis in Marine
Biology, University of Algarve. Co-supervisors: Rita Borges, Ester Serrao, Emanuel Gonçalves
Berkovic, Buga. 2010. Effect of habitat fragmentation on bivalve larvae recruitment: study of
Pinna nobilis and Pectinidae species larvae. Master thesis in Marine Biodiversity and
Conservation, University of Algarve. Co-supervisors: Ester Serrao, Iris Hendriks (IMEDEA, CSIC).
Purroy Albet, Ariadna. 2010. Spatial assessment and impact of artisanal fisheries´activity in Cap
de Creus. Master thesis in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, University of Algarve. Cosupervisors: Ester Serrao, Rafael Sardá and Susana Requena (CSIC, Barcelona).
Barradas, Ana Rita. 2010. Laminaria ochroleuca canopy effect on intertidal under storey benthic
assemblages in northern Portugal. Master thesis in Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Cosupervisors: Ester Serrao, Filipe Alberto.
Rocha, Patrícia Carolina Rendall. 2010. Descrição do desenvolvimento larvar de Tripterygion
delaisi (Pisces: Tripterygiidae). Master thesis in Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Cosupervisors: Rita Borges, Ester Serrao, Emanuel Gonçalves (ISPA).
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
Awards/donations from industry / private foundations:
Fundação EDP - Biodiversidade - award for project FINDKELP: 35.000 EUR.
BES, Banco Espírito Santo - Honorary mention of Prize BES - Biodiversidade for project
Throttleman – Inaqua, Oceanário de Lisboa, National Geographic Channel award for
project Deep Reefs: 25.000 EUR.
Evaluation Report 2010
8. Internationalization
Nearly all of the team´s research projects and publications were conducted in collaboration with
various international teams of experts in each field (examples below).
All our PhD students have international co-supervisors, selected with the main goal of
broadening their experience and internationalization of their careers.
Two team members gave invited plenary talks at international meetings in 2010.
Our team includes one of the local coordinators of the European MSc degree in Marine
Biodiversity and Conservation, referees for 33 scientific journals, one associate editor of
European Journal of Phycology, one referee for European Research Council grants.
Examples of international collaborative publications:
Aires, T, Marbà, N, Cunha, RL, Kendrick, GA, Walker, DI, Serrao, EA, Duarte, CM, ArnaudHaond, S. 2011. Marine Ecology Progress Series 421: 117-130.
Alberto, F, Raimondi, PT, Reed, DC, Coelho, NC, Leblois, R, Whitmer, A, Serrão, EA. 2010.
Ecology 91: 49-56.
Becheler, R, Diekmann, O, Hily, C, Moalic, Y, Arnaud-Haond, S. 2010. Molecular Ecology
19: 2394-2407.
Billard, E, Serrão, EA, Pearson, GA, Destombe, C, Valero, M. 2010. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 405: 163-174.
Borrero-Pérez, GH, Gómez-Zurita, J, González-Wangüemert, MC, Pérez-Ruzafa, A. 2010.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: 899-906.
Coyer JA, Hoarau G, Costa J, Hogerdijk B, Serrão EA, Billard E, Valero M, Pearson GA,
Olsen, J. 2011. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 58: 283-296.
Moalic, Y, Arnaud-Haond, S, Perrin, C, Pearson, GA, Serrao, EA. 2011. BMC Evolutionary
Biology 11: 33.
Neiva, J, Pearson, GA, Valero, M, Serrao, EA. 2010. Molecular Ecology 19: 4812-4822.
Nicastro, KR, Zardi, GI, McQuaid, CD, Stephens, L, Radloff, S, Blatch, GL. 2010. BMC
Ecology 10: 17.
Pearson, GA, Hoarau, G, Lago-Leston, A, Coyer, JA, Kube, M, Henckel, K, Serrão, EA,
Corre, E, Stam, WT, Olsen, JL. 2010. Marine Biotechnology 12: 195-213.
Serra, IA, Innocenti, AM, Di Maida, G, Calvo, S, Migliaccio, M, Zambianchi, E, Pizzigalli, C,
Arnaud-Haond, S, Duarte, CM, Serrão, EA, Procaccini G. 2010. Molecular Ecology 19:
Evaluation Report 2010
Teixeira, S, Cambon-Bonavita, M, Serrao, EA, Desbruyeres, D, Arnaud-Haond, S. 2011.
Journal of Biogeography 38: 564-574.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
2. Principal investigator
Maria Leonor Nunes Ribeiro Cruzeiro
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
FCT Pluriannual funding
National funding
1.111 EUR. FCT, PTDC/SAU-GMG/098274/2008 - Intermediates states: At the crossroads of
pathways to folding and pathways to disease.
20000 CPU hours. L Cruzeiro is PI in the supercomputing project “Um mecanismo cinético para a
formação da estrutura das proteínas” in the supercomputer “Milipeia” of the Laboratory for
Advanced Computing of the University of Coimbra.
ca 23.340 EUR per annum, Postdoctoral grant for Dr. Holly Freedman, funded by FCT, ref.
SFRH/BPD/41143/2007. Supervisor: L Cruzeiro.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The ultimate aim of the Biophysics Group is to understand how proteins fold and also how they
function, something that is not only of interest for Marine Biology but also for Biology in
general, as well as for Biomedicine and for the Biotechnology and the Pharmaceutical industries.
Our scientific approach is based on two fundamental assumptions: a) the free energy landscape
of proteins includes many kinetic traps, that is, many folded conformations that have the same
free energy as the native state, and b) protein folding and function involve the storing and
propagation of energy in the form of vibrational excited states (VES), something that LC has
Evaluation Report 2010
named the VES hypothesis. The model we use for energy transfer in proteins is the
Davyodv/Scott model in which the vibrational state usually considered is the amide I vibration;
however, but the NH stretch vibration, which is two times more energetic, may also be
important since its energy corresponds to the total energy released in the hydrolysis of ATP.
In 2010 three specific objectives were pursued: 1) further simulations were performed to show
that the free energy landscape of proteins is multi-funnel shaped and to develop further the
kinetic mechanism for protein folding proposed before; 2) the modified code of GROMACS in
which the influence of quantum vibrational excited states on protein dynamics is included was
applied to protein structural rearrangements associated with mechanical work, and 3) research
on the the solectron concept for electron (super)conductivity in condensed matter proposed by
Prof. Manuel G. Velarde, of the Instituto Pluridisciplinar of the Universidad Complutense,
Madrid, Spain, was extended to electron transfer in proteins.
2. Main achievements
Concerning objective 1) simulations of four proteins, representative of the four main CATH
protein classes, with a duration of at least 50 nanoseconds (50 times longer than our previous
simulations) confirmed the thermal stability of four non-native states, one for each of the
proteins, suggesting that the free energy landscape of those four proteins is not funnel shaped
as is currently assumed. These results were obtained in collaboration with Prof. Paulo A. Lopes,
of CITI/UNL and have also led to the renewal of a provisional patent application with the aim of
finding a USA partner since according, to European Patent law, a computer algorithm is not
Concerning objective 2) we found that the presence of an amide I vibration deca-alanine can
lead to a more helical conformation of this peptide, in just a few picoseconds, provided the
change of the quantum vibrational energy with the hydrogen bond compression is greater than
a few hundred picoNewtons, a value that is possible for the quantum NH stretch vibrations of
peptides. These results have been published in Physical Review B. So far, the quantum modes in
the modified GROMACS code are treated as stationary states while in fact they are transient
states. CP2K is a quantum software that can describe transient states in mixed quantumclassical systems. Dr. Holly Freedman, a postdoctoral collaborator in the Biophysics group,
visited Prof. Marta Ramos in November 2010 and in order to learn how to install and use CP2K,
and also visited the IBM group in Zurich who is developing that software.
Concerning objective 3), a manuscript entitled “On the possibility of electric transport mediated
by long living intrinsic localized solectron modes” was finalized for publication and a program to
simulate an electron pair with the Solectron-Hubbard Hamiltonian was written. Dr. Oliva Garcia
Cantu Ros and Prof. Manuel G. Velarde , of the Instituto Pluridisciplinar of the Universidad
Complutense, Madrid, Spain, visited CCMAR in June and September, respectively, and while LC
visited Madrid in February, August and November, also to work on electron transfer from
donors to acceptors in proteins.
Evaluation Report 2010
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Freedman, H, Martel, P, Cruzeiro, L. 2010. Mixed quantum-classical dynamics of an amide I
vibrational excitation in a protein α-helix. Physical Review B 82: 174308.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Cruzeiro, L. 2010. Protein Folding. In: Springborg, M. (Ed). Specialist Periodic Reports of the
Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, Chem. Modell., vol. 7, pp. 89-114. ISBN: 978-1-84755-075-0.
2. Cruzeiro, L, Lopes, PA. 2010. Parallel Computing and Protein Design. In: Proceedings of the 4th
Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings, 24-27 May, Braga, Portugal. Proença, A,
Pina, A, Tobío, JG, Ribeiro, L (Eds), pp. 132-143. ISBN 978-84-9745-549-7.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
5. Patents/propotypes
Cruzeiro, L. 2010. Método para deduzir a estrutura tridimensional de uma proteína a partir da
sequência de aminoácidos. Portuguese Provisional Patent Application nº 105299, 20th
September 2010.
6. Organization of conferences
L Cruzeiro organized the Mini workshop on “Computer Simulations of Nanobiological Systems”,
CCMAR, University of Algarve, 27 May 2010.
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
The collaboration of the Biophysics group with Prof. Manuel Garcia Velarde of the Instituto
Pluridisciplinar of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid is now funded by the EXPLORA grant
(see section 1.4). In 2010, the visits to CCMAR by Dr. Oliva Garcia Cantu Ros, a postdoctoral
researcher in Prof. Velarde’s group, between 20-28 June and by Prof. Velarde himself in
September were funded by the EXPLORA project, as well as the three visits by L Cruzeiro to
Madrid in February, August and November. These visits resulted in the writing of manuscripts
for publication (two of which will appear in 2011).
Evaluation Report 2010
In spite of the fact that a collaborative grant submitted by L Cruzeiro and by Prof. Michael
Springborg of the University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany, to Acções Integradas LusoAlemães was turned down, the collaboration with Prof. Springborg continues, and a student of
Prof. Springborg has started to do the quantum calculations to evaluate the coupling
parameters needed for the simulation of vibrational energy storage and transfer in proteins.
The Biophysics group has also an on-going collaboration with the Nonlinear Physics Group of the
University of Seville, Seville, Spain and in particular with Prof. Francisco Romero Romero (the
leader) and Dr. Jesús Cuevas Maraver, on the general theme of protein folding and function. In
particular we have been studying quantum thermalization schemes based on Lindblad
Finally, L Cruzeiro is also an honorary research fellow at the Mathematics Department of HeriotWatt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, where the Biophysics group collaborates with Prof.
Chris Eilbeck on the interaction of quantum particles with mechanical vibrations, with models
that are an extension of those applied to energy transfer in proteins.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Cellular and Inorganic Biochemistry (CIB)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
BioVanadium, now consolidated as Cellular and Inorganic Biochemistry (CIB)
2. Principal investigator
Manuel Aureliano Pereira Martins Alves
3. Location of group (Host institution)
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
FCT Pluriannual funding
Ca. 4.000 EUR
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Within the research that the group of Cellular and Inorganic Biochemistry developed at CCmar
(in collaboration with others research groups), the main objectives for 2010 were the following;
i) Study the interaction of decavanadate with a muscle protein, actin; ii) Study the effects of
peroxynitrite on the structure and function of a muscle protein, myosin; iii) Study the effects of
oxidative on neurons and iv) Study the effects of immunosuppressive agents in adipocytes.
2. Main achievements
Within the research that the group of Cellular Inorganic Biochemistry developed at CCmar (in
collaboration with others research groups), the main objectives for 2010 were the following; i)
Study the interaction of decavanadate with a muscle protein, actin; ii) Study the effects of
peroxynitrite on the structure and function of a muscle protein, myosin; iii) Study the effects of
oxidative on neurons and iv) Study the effects of immunosuppressive agents in adipocytes.
Evaluation Report 2010
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Ramos, S, Moura, JJG, Aureliano, M. 2010. Actin as a potential target for decavanadate,
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 104: 1234-1239.
2. Tiago, T, Palma, PS, Gutierrez-Merino, C, Aureliano, M. 2010. Peroxynitrite-mediated
oxidative modifications of myosin and implications on structure and function. Free Radical
Research 44: 1317-1327.
3. Marques-da-Silva, D, Samhan-Arias, AK, Tiago, T, Gutierrez-Merino, C. 2010. L-type calcium
channels and cytochrome b(5) reductase are components of protein complexes tightly
associated with lipid rafts microdomains of the neuronal plasma membrane. Journal of
Proteomics 73: 1502-1510.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Ramos, S, Moura, JJG, Aureliano, M. Decavanadate effects in actin structure and function.
FEBS Journal 277: 190.
2. Pereira, MJ, Palming, J, Svensson, MK, Aureliano, M Eriksson, J. 2010. Immunosuppresive
agents alter insulin signalling and glucose and lipid metabolism in human subcutaneous
adipocytes. Diabetologia 53: 710.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Pereira, Ana Margarida. 2010. Efeito de complexos de vanádio na bomba de cálcio de retículo
sarcoplasmático. Master thesis in Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies,
University of Algarve. Supervisor: Manuel Aureliano.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
4th SPB Clinical Biochemistry Workshop, University of Algarve, 29 January 2010, Faro,
Portugal. Manuel Aureliano – Member of the Organizing Committee.
Evaluation Report 2010
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Cellular, Molecular and Analytical Studies (LECEMA)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Cellular, Molecular and Analytical Studies (LECEMA)
2. Principal investigator
Eduardo Jorge Sousa Rocha
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
35.000 EUR, FCT Pluriannual funding.
National funding
66.781 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/68885/2006, Lipid metabolism disruption in marine fish by
xenobiotic ligands of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs).
14.421 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/70436/2006, An integrative study on the toxicopathic lesions in
Portuguese estuarine fishes - Assessing injury impact and toxicogenomic implications in
experimental models.
17.228 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/68106/2006, The modulation of retinoic acid signalling pathways
by environmental pollutants in teleosts.
11.082 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/68106/2006, The modulation of retinoic acid signalling pathways
by environmental pollutants in teleosts.
3.682 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/105199/2008, O repertório de receptores nucleares em
invertebrados: investigações evolutivas e de disrupção endócrina.
500 EUR, FCT, PTDC/CVT/102453/2008, Ovary apoptosis in zebrafish (Danio rerio): pathways
characterization, role in sexual differentiation and as endocrine disruptors chemicals target.
Evaluation Report 2010
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The general strategic scientific objectives for the group set up back in 2003 were to build a
multidisciplinary group and to establish a well-equipped lab space at the CIIMAR new facilities in
Porto. We aimed to build a team able to support multidisciplinary studies in field and laboratory
studies, and well positioned to establish cooperation with other national and international
groups. The research efforts at the LECEMA (formerly LECEM) soon targeted both fundamental
and applied studies, correlating structure with function in selected fish and molluscs, either in
normal and pathological scenarios (namely in toxicological contexts). Some emphasis was as is
being put on influences of steroid hormones and xenobiotics in unexplored targets, from
molecular (eg, mechanisms of imposex and of PPARs involvement in peroxisomal changes) to
organ levels (eg, liver responses to subacute toxicity). More recently we aimed to expand our
expertise to chemical analysis in parallel to biochemical approaches, aiming data integration. As
a dynamic group, we established a strategy to expand our studies to in vitro approaches, namely
for getting mechanistic insights on some phenomena we discovered in vivo. We will increasingly
use in vitro systems to study fundamental and toxicological problems.
As to non-experimental studies in aquatic biology, our main objective has been to contribute for
a better knowledge of the structure and function of the fish liver, and other related aspects of
the digestive tract, considering gender and seasonal effects. More recently, those studies also
involved the kidney, establishing a comparative approach between events detected in liver and
that are for example explored as a new thesis of endocrine (estrogenic) modulation of
peroxisomal function. Comparative studies with phylogenetic emphasis were also made in the
digestive apparatus of molluscs, including hydrothermal-vent bivalves from the Azores. These
approaches aimed to provide sound baseline data to support field and experimental (inc.
toxicopathological) studies, which were initiated combining biomarkers with analytical
chemistry targeting toxicants.
As to experimental studies, our aim has been to target biological problems related with
endocrine regulation vs disruption in aquatic animals, namely on liver and reproductive system.
Examples of those are: 1) how and to what extent fish peroxisomes are regulated and disrupted
by estrogenic compounds and xenobiotic ligands of PPARs; and 2) what are the fine molecular
mechanisms involved in the development of male penis and female imposex whereas expanding
this approach for studying the impact of known endocrine disrupting chemicals (agonists and
antagonists) to invertebrate nuclear receptors. In additional experiments, in cooperation with
other research groups at CIMAR and from other institutions, we want to become a reference in
implementing histopathology for diagnosis of toxicophatic lesions and also testing new
quantitative approaches at tissue level for evaluating the intensity of effects of reference
xenobiotics, like pesticides.
We also set the aim to put our expertise in some more ambitious field studies in toxicology, in
cooperation with other groups, with a focus on endocrine disruption biological targets and their
correlation with a wide range of contaminants for which we validated methods. We aim to cover
a wider range of relevant contaminants, particularly those with known endocrine /
neuroendocrine disruption effects, but also other such as pharmaceuticals. Under a current
project, we are continuing to conduct surveys in several main estuaries in Portugal. In the near
Evaluation Report 2010
future, with partners already established, we aim to offer integrated databases and innovative
approaches such as the one inserted in a very recently funded project for tackling endocrine
disruption by studying an invertebrate repertoire of nuclear receptors.
Besides research, we want to continue to give support to post-graduate studies. Such aim is
currently being fulfilled by hosting master and doctoral students, and also by supporting
advanced hands-on courses, namely one focused on cellular and molecular biology techniques
within the Master in Marine Sciences – Marine Resources (Univ. Porto).
2. Main achievements
Highlights of main research achievements:
Line 1) Peroxisomes and related nuclear receptors (PPARs, RXRs, RARs) – Interplay mechanisms,
endocrine modulation, and metabolic consequences of disruption
We continued to work on mechanisms inherent to our hypothesis and new discover that PPARs
gene expression varies along the fish breeding cycle. We started working on molecular pathways
impacts and metabolic consequences on lipid profiling. Moreover, we continued to offer insights
after establishing that PPARα expression in females followed the same annual variation pattern
as peroxisome size and enzyme activities, and an inverse pattern relatively to the salmonid type
of annual plasma estradiol levels. The data agreed with the idea that PPARα is under estradiol
modulation and that cross-talk between this receptor and the estrogen receptor exists. This has
implications on fundamental biology and toxicology. In the same vein, we expanded the
reported first sequence of the peroxisomal 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 4 in fish, which
was in accordance with a dual role for this enzyme in the liver: fatty acid and estradiol
catabolism, throughout the annual breeding cycle of female trout. We also looked at the gene
expression of a key peroxisomal enzyme (urate oxidase) and one crucial protein involved in
peroxisome biogenesis (PEX11) with the trout model. In agreement to our data and hypothesis,
the seasonal expression kinetics in females was closely related with key reproductive physiology
events. All these regulatory aspects started to be tackled with in vitro assays. We managed to
partially reproduce in primary liver cultures what is seen in vivo under estradiol influence: a
decrease in the size of peroxisomes with parallel decreases of expression of some peroxissomalrelated genes. Other insights of modeling of PPARα and other genes involved on lipid
metabolism were also explored in a commercially important fish, the turbot Scophthalmus
maximus. Further, on a phylogenetic perspective, we initiated an exhaustive search of Nuclear
Receptor (NR) on publish and unpublished genomes to determine the NR complement in
invertebrates. The analysis has been complemented with phylogenetic analysis, generating a
comprehensive context of NR diversity in invertebrate genomes. Some experimental work has
begun with the isolation of PPAR and RAR orthologues in molluscs and echinoderms, for future
toxicology studies.
Line 2) Toxicopathology, Toxicogenomics and Chemical Toxicology
We continue to publish new chemical surveys for xenoestrogenic endocrine disrupting
compounds (EDCs) and diverse pharmaceuticals in Portugal, covering estuaries like the Sado,
Mondego, Douro or the Ave. The approach integrated seasonal and spatial distributions. We
continued to cover EDCs either of animal (estradiol and estrone), vegetal (daidzein, genistein
and biochanin A), pharmaceutical (17a-ethynylestradiol, propanolol, antibiotics, among other)
Evaluation Report 2010
or industrial (alkylphenols) origins. We recently enlarged of analytical portfolio of validated
methods, eg, with a method covering dozens of pesticides. Several compounds existed in high
amounts in water, and taking in account that these pollutants may additively contribute to
endocrine disruption, we concluded that all estuaries had a biologically significant pollution by
EDCs. Overall, almost all EDCs existed in all seasons and, therefore, might have been
contributing to endocrine disruption, as revealed by the relatively high rate of ovotestis in some
local fish (around 20% in mullets, by our most recent data). Also in the Douro, we published
surveys for tackling a range of pharmaceuticals, using previously validated methodology. With
embryo tests and experimental exposures we wanted to tackle whether or not the chemicals
and concentrations that we are finding in the wild have biological impacts, namely on the gonad
maturation kinetics and on the brain-hypophysis-gonad axis, combining quantitative
histopathology with molecular and even behavioral approaches. For this we used several model
organisms, such as the zebrafish. Finally, we published some data from an international
partnership, tackling endocrine disruption from anti-androgens, using the frog Xenopus laevis.
Other studies) Lines 1 and 2 Related Contributions to Aquatic Biology
When studying the liver both for peroxisome biology and for toxicology, we continued to
generate sound reference data that establishes ranges of normality for our model species, by
using stereological approaches on both fish liver and kidney, and organs of mollusks (in the
latter with emphasis on the phylogeny of the digestive tube of Opisthobranchia).
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Behrends, T, Urbatzka, R, Krackow, S, Elepfandt, A, Kloas, W. 2010. Mate calling behavior of
male South African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) is suppressed by the antiandrogenic endocrine
disrupting compound flutamide. General and Comparative Endrocrinology 168: 269-274.
2. Hermelink, B, Urbatzka, R, Wiegand, C, Pflugmacher, S, Lutz, I, Kloas, W. 2010. Aqueous leaf
extracts display endocrine activities in vitro and disrupt sexual differentiation of male Xenopus
laevis tadpoles in vivo. General and Comparative Endocrinology 168: 245-255.
3. Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Oliveira, E, Alves, A, Coelho, R, Calado, G. 2010. Light and electron
microscopic study of the anterior oesophagus of Bulla striata (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia). Acta
Zoologica 91:125-138.
4. Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Oliveira, E, Ferreira, I, Coelho, R, Calado, G. 2010. Histochemical and
ultrastructural characterization of the posterior esophagus of Bulla striata (Mollusca,
Opisthobranchia). Microscopy and Microanalysis 16: 688-698.
5. Madureira, TV, Barreiro, JC, Rocha, MJ, Rocha, E, Cass, QB, Tiritan, ME. 2010. Spatio-temporal
distribution of pharmaceuticals in the Douro River estuary (Portugal): A study using liquid
chromatography ion trap mass spectrometry. Science of the Total Environment 408: 5513-5520.
Evaluation Report 2010
6. Madureira, TV, Rocha, MJ, Cass, QB, Tiritan, ME. 2010. Development and optimization of a
HPLC-DAD method for the determination of diverse pharmaceuticals in estuarine surface
waters. Journal of Chromatographic Science 48: 176-182.
7. Massari, A, Urbatzka, R, Cevasco, A, Canesi, L, Lanza, C, Scarabelli, L, Kloas, W, Mandich, A.
2010. Aromatase mRNA expression in the brain of adult Xenopus laevis exposed to Lambro river
water and endocrine disrupting compounds. General and Comparative Endrocrinology 168: 262268.
8. Nogueira, I, Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Afonso, A, Rivera, S, Azevedo, J, Monteiro, RAF, Cervantes, R,
Gago-Martinez, A, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Toxic effects of domoic acid in the seabream Sparus
aurata. Marine Drugs 8: 2721 -2732.
9. Resende, AD, Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Malhão, F, Franquinho, F, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E. 2010.
Histological and stereological characterization of brown trout (Salmo trutta) trunk kidney.
Microscopy and Microanalysis 16: 677-687.
10. Rocha, E, Rocha, MJ, Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Galante, MH, Monteiro, RAF. 2010. The hepatocytes
of the brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario): A stereological study of some cytoplasmic components
during the breeding cycle. Microscopic Research & Technique 73: 766-778.
11. Urbatzka, R, Lorenz, C, Lutz, I, Kloas, W. 2010. Expression profiles of LH beta, FSH beta and
their gonadal receptor mRNAs during sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. General
and Comparative Endocrinology 168: 239-244.
12. Silva, P, Power, DM, Valente, LMP, Silva, N, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E. 2010. Expression of the
myosin light chains 1, 2 and 3 in the muscle of blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo,
Brunnich), during development. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1125-1132.
In press
13. Rocha, MJ, Ribeiro, C, Ribeiro, M. (in press). Development and optimization of a GC-MS
method to evaluate relevant endocrine disrupters in environmental matrices - estrogens and
persistent pollutants. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, doi:
14. Silva, P, Valente, LMP, Olmedo, M, Álvarez-Blázquez, B, Galante, MH, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha,
E. (in press). Influence of temperature on muscle fibre hyperplasia and hypertrophy in larvae of
blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo. Aquaculture Research, doi: 10.1111/j.13652109.2010.02627.x.
15. Lima, D, Reis-Henriques, MA, Silva, R, Santos, AI, Castro, FC, Santos, MM (in press).
Tributyltin-induced imposex in marine gastropods involves tissue-specific modulation of the
Retinoid X Receptor. Aquatic Toxicology, doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2010.09.022.
Evaluation Report 2010
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Urbatzka, R, Rocha, MJ, Rocha, E. 2010. Regulation of Ovarian Development and Function in
Teleosts. In: Norris, DO, Lopez, KH (Eds). Hormones and Reproduction in Vertebrates – Volume 1
Fishes, Academic Press, pp. 65-82. ISBN: 978-0-12-375009-9.
2. Wilson, JM, Castro, LFC. 2010. Morphological diversity of the gastrointestinal tract in fishes.
In: Grosell, M, Farrell, AP, Brauner, CJ (Eds). The multifunctional gut of fish – Volume 30, Elsevier
Inc., pp. 1-55. ISBN: 978-0-12-374982-6.
3. Rebok, K, Kostov, V, Rocha, E, Jordanova, M. 2010. Can rodlet cells change in barbell (Barbus
peloponnesius) from the river Bregalnica be used as biomarkers of environmental
contamination? Proceedings of the BALWOIS 2010 – Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 1-7.
In press
4. Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA, Castro, LFC (in press). Lipid homeostasis perturbation by
organotins: effects on vertebrates and invertebrates. In: Pagliarani, A., Trombetti, F, Ventrella, V
(Eds). Biochemical and biological effects of organotins, Chapter 6. Beham Science Publishers,
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Santos, Marta Susana Amaro. 2010. An histopathological and stereological study of proliferative
hepatocellular lesions in a fish model of experimental carcinogenesis and in a sentinel fish.
Master thesis in Oncology. ICBAS, University of Porto, Supervisor: Eduardo Rocha, Co-supervisor:
Rogério A.F. Monteiro.
Pereira, Fernanda Cristina Rodrigues Malhão. 2010. Characterization of the trout liver cell line
RTL-W1 and its potential for carcinogenesis-related studies. Master thesis in Oncology. ICBAS,
University of Porto, Supervisor: Eduardo Rocha, Co-supervisor: Rogério AF Monteiro.
Silva, Rita Ribeiro. 2010. Hepatic regeneration and the role of platelets. Master thesis, Medicine,
ICBAS, University of Porto, Supervisor: Eduardo Rocha.
Ribeiro, Cláudia Maria Rosa. 2010. Chemical identification and monitoring of natural and
xenoestrogens compounds in the estuaries of the estuaries of the Portuguese rivers Douro,
Mondego and Sado – Insights on their disruption potential by in vitro exposures of testis from
the model organism Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). PhD Thesis in Biomedical Sciences,
Evaluation Report 2010
ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Maria João Rocha, Co-supervisors: Eduardo Rocha, Maria
Elisabeth Tiritan.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
International recognition by publishers and peers
Team members served as peer-reviewers in indexed journals. The PI continued as
Editor-in-Chief of Comparative Hepatology (BioMed Central - Springer). We published
two invited book chapters for internationally renowned book houses.
Reinforcing scientific networking
From our 17 international publications, we had 9 papers in with colleagues (at least one
co-author) from abroad, so making 53% of our scientific output with international
networking. Also, 47% of our scientific output had at least 1 author from other national
group. All these figures materialized our tradition to consistently build collaborations.
Collaborative projects continued in 2010, with research groups in Macedonia (Faculty of
Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Univ. Sts. Cyril & Methodius), Japan (several
partners), Norway (NTNU, Trondheim), UK (King’s Colleague and CEFAS), USA (Duke
University), Germany (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries,
Berlin, Germany), Thailand (Kasetsart University and adding King Mongkut’s University
of Technology, Bangkok) and Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil).
International collaborative papers were:
Behrends T, Urbatzka R, Krackow S, Elepfandt A, Kloas W. 2010. General and
Comparative Endrocrinology 168: 269-274.
Hermelink B, Urbatzka R, Wiegand C, Pflugmacher S, Lutz I, Kloas W. 2010. General and
Comparative Endocrinology 168: 245-255.
Madureira TV, Barreiro JC, Rocha MJ, Rocha E, Cass QB, Tiritan ME. 2010. Science of the
Total Environment 408: 5513-5520.
Madureira TV, Rocha MJ, Cass QB, Tiritan ME. 2010. Journal of Chromatographic Science
48: 176-182.
Evaluation Report 2010
Massari A, Urbatzka R, Cevasco A, Canesi L, Lanza C, Scarabelli L, Kloas W, Mandich A.
2010. General and Comparative Endrocrinology 168: 262-268.
Urbatzka R, Lorenz C, Lutz I, Kloas W. 2010. General and Comparative Endocrinology
168: 239-244.
Rebok K, Kostov V, Rocha E, Jordanova M. 2010. Proceedings of the BALWOIS 2010 –
Ohrid (Republic of Macedonia), pp. 1-7.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability (CS&B)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability (CS&B)
2. Principal investigator
Maria Teresa Sa Dias de Vasconcelos
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
In the year 2010 the CS&B Lab was involved in three financed projects/protocols at the National
level and one at the International level as a coordinator (Portuguese part). National
projects/protocols were financed by a private company (Aquaculture Company), by FCT (project
PTDC/MAR/099140/2008) and by Rectorate of University of Porto /Santader Totta (Investigação
Jovem, Univ Porto). The international project was financed by FCT and by the Spanish partner
(project ERA-AMPERA/0003/2007). Another source of financing was the Pluriannual FCT funds
attributed to PhD researchers and doctoral fees. Total funds involved in the mentioned period
was ca. 50.000 EUR. A part of those funds (ca. 5 %) were obtained through contract-research
activities (in cooperation with private companies), whereas the research project financed by FCT
and project partner accounted for ca. 38 % and Pluriannual FCT funds and doctoral fees
represented ca. 57 % of the total funds.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Research carried out at CS&B Lab intends to give a contribution for the comprehensiveness of
biogeochemical processes in aquatic environment and soil in order to be able to find
remediation solutions when required. It may be also relevant for risk assessment purposes.
Main objectives for 2010 were as follows:
To proceed the studies on mutual interactions among phytoplankton (mainly
cyanobacteria) and emerging contaminants (endocrine disrupters and pharmaceutical
To proceed the studies on the suitability of vascular plants for application in
technologies of remediation, namely of metals and organic contaminants, like
Evaluation Report 2010
pesticides, hydrocarbons or organotins, giving emphasis on the plant role in
conditioning the nearby environment. The interactions between plants and the
microbial community in its rhizosphere were also accounted for. Included in this topic
was the investigation on suitable biological remediation processes for the
reduction/elimination of residues of commonly used pharmaceuticals compounds which
are released by waste water treatment plants (WWTP) into the aquatic environment;
To proceed investigation on bioremediation of beaches contaminated with petroleum
To proceed the research on the monitorization of contamination by inorganic and
organic pollutants, namely metals and PAHs, using marine organisms as bioindicators.
These studies included financed projects in progress, collaboration protocols, Post Doc, PhD,
MSc and under-graduation projects.
2. Main achievements
Studies on mutual interactions of phytoplankton and compounds with endocrine disrupting
effects and pharmaceutics are in progress, anchored by a Post Doc, a PhD project and an undergraduation project. One paper was published, two are accepted and another is in preparation. A
Post Doc project on cyanobacteria toxins, carried out in collaboration with CIIMAR LEGE Lab,
also fits this research line, with one paper in preparation. The line focused on mutual influence
of metallic species and cyanobacteria resulted on one submitted paper.
Studies regarding optimization of analytical methods for determination of veterinary
pharmaceuticals were carried out under a PhD and a Post Doc projects and two papers are
During 2010 the PhD project on the theme: “the barnacle as bioindicator of metals and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contamination in the Portuguese coast” continued. The main
objectives of this research are to optimize the analytical methods to measure metals and
organic pollutants in biological marine matrices using the experience of the laboratory; to find
out whether the barnacles in the northern Portuguese coast can be used as bioindicators of
these chemical compounds in the marine environment; what levels of metals and organic
compounds can be accumulated in these organisms and if those levels influence barnacles
distribution on the coast. One research paper has been accepted for publication at an
international scientific journal and two others have been submitted. Some of the results were
also presented as a poster at a national Congress. Water quality analysis of aquaculture
enterprises are also being carried out and knowledge and experience in quality assurance and
control is being achieved.
Studies on the role of vascular plants in conditioning the nearby environment and plant
capability for rhizoremediation (direct plant action combined with microbial role) continued
with two papers published. This topic was intensified in the ambit of PhD project and a national
project, both in collaboration with CIIMAR Hydrobiology Lab, with three papers already
accepted for publication and in preparation. Optimization of methodologies for detection and
quantification of compounds released by vascular plants into the medium (exudates) were
carried out with success, in the ambit of a PhD project and a paper with the results is in
Evaluation Report 2010
preparation. Under this PhD projects several studies on the the effects compounds exudated by
plants were carried out.
The investigation of suitability of biological processes for remediation of a soil contaminated
with petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) were concluded (in the ambit of a finished PhD, MSc and
under-graduated projects) main results being obtained on optimization of expeditious methods
to estimate PHC degradation extent, role/evolution of microbial community and plant influence
on PHC degradation. Four articles and one book chapter are submitted on this topic. The
research, in collaboration with CIIMAR Hydrobiology Lab (an international interdisciplinary
project), concerning PHC bioremediation in contaminated beaches continued, involving an
under-graduation and two MSc projects.
Results of the different studies were presented as oral or poster communications, in nine
National and International Conferences.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Carvalho, PN, Basto, MCP, Silva, MFGM, Machado, A, Bordalo, A, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010.
Ability of salt marsh plants for TBT remediation in sediments. Environmental Science and
Pollution Research 17: 1279-1286.
2. Couto, MNPFS, Monteiro, E, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. Mesocosms trials of bioremediation of
contaminated soil of a petroleum refinery: comparison of natural attenuation, biostimulation
and bioaugmentation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17: 1339-1346.
3. Mucha, AP, Almeida, CMR, Bordalo, A, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. LMWOA (low molecular
weight organic acid) exudation by salt marsh plants: Natural variation and response to Cu
contamination. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88: 63-70.
4. Stoichev, T, Basto, MCP, Vasconcelos, V, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. Fate and effects of
nonylphenol in the presence of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Chemistry and
Ecology 26: 395-399.
In press
5. Morais, P de, Stoichev, T, Basto, MCP, Carvalho, PN, Vasconcelos, MT. (in press). A headspace
SPME-GC-ECD method suitable for determination of chlorophenols in water samples. Analytical
and Bioanalytical Chemistry, doi: 10.1007/s00216-010-4610-y.
6. Mucha, AP, Almeida, CMR, Magalhães, CM, Vasconcelos, MTSD, Bordalo, A. (in press). Salt
marsh plant-microorganism interaction in the presence of mixed contamination. International
Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, doi: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2010.12.005.
Evaluation Report 2010
7. Ribeiro, H, Mucha, AP, Almeida, CMR, Bordalo, AA. (in press). Hydrocarbon degradation
potential of salt marsh plant-microorganisms associations. Biodegradation, doi:
8. Stoichev, T, Baptista, MS, Basto, MCP, Vasconcelos, VM, Vasconcelos MTSD. (in press). Fate
and effects of minocycline and its degradation products in a Microcystis aeruginosa culture
medium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2010.10.015.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Pinto, Dorabela SSP. 2010. Avaliação da eficiência de remediação biológica (em termos
microbiológicos e fitorremediação) de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo num solo contaminado.
Master thesis in Environmental Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Porto. Supervisor: Maria Clara P Basto.
Guedes, Paula ARA. 2010. Avaliação de estratégias de biorremediação para áreas afectadas por
derrames de petróleo. Master thesis in Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Maria Clara P Basto, Co-supervisor: C Marisa Almeida
Couto, Maria Nazaré PFS. 2010. Investigation of physical, chemical and biological factors
implicated in the biological remediation of nonvolatile petroleum hydrocarbons. PhD thesis in
Environmental Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor:
Maria Clara P Basto.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
Cooperation with:
Evaluation Report 2010
Real Companhia Velha on Characterization of Port Wine
SMGP – Consultores, Lda on chemical characterization of occupational environment
Paracélsia Industria Farmacêutica S.A. on aluminum determination on serum samples
Hovione FarmaCiencia SA on survey of some pharmaceutics effects on freshwater
cyanobacteria. Does Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) during pharmaceutics
manufacture influence the biological response?
Department of Production and Systems, School of Engineering, University of Minho
Small and Media Companies, like Sondar Company and ECOINSIDE - Soluções em
Ecoeficiência e Sustentabilidade, Lda., and Centres, like Centro de Apoio Tecnologia à
Indústria Metalomecânica (CATIM), for training courses and projects for under-graduate
and graduate students, namely for development of MSc theses.
International programs of Quality Control: Lead in Blood, Instituto Nacional de
Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo - INSHT, Zaragoza, Spain; Metals in Air, INSHT,
Barcelona, Spain.
8. Internationalization
Research Collaboration
Research collaboration with Marine and Environmental Geology group, University of
Vigo, Spain (Prof. Ana Bernabeu) and Groupe d’Étude de l’Hydrodynamique et de la
Dynamique Sédimentaire Littorale, University of Montpellier, France (Prof. Frédéric
Bouchette) in the frame of the international project OILDEBEACH (an INTERREG project
from the ERA-NET AMPERA).
Cooperation in International Organizations:
International programs of Quality Control: Lead in Blood: Instituto Nacional de
Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (INSHT), Zaragoza; Metals in Air: INSHT, Barcelona.
Review of scientific papers:
Senior CS&B members act very frequently as reviewers for several international
scientific journals.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Chemistry and Biological Activity of Marine Natural Products
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Chemistry and Biological Activity of Marine Natural Products
2. Principal investigator
Anake Kijjoa
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
FCT Pluriannual funding
FCT National funding
FCT POCI/MAR/58114/2004 - Characterization and antitumor activity evaluation of the bioactive
compounds from the marine sponges.
FCT PTDC/MAR/100482/2008 - Bioactive products in marine algae of Azores (AzoAlg) (approved
budget 148.346 EUR).
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The objectives of the research group are:
Search for bioactive secondary metabolites produced by terrestrial and marine derived
macro- and microorganisms through collaborative bioprospecting programmes;
Study of structural features of the isolated compounds by advanced spectroscopic
Evaluation of biological and pharmacological activities of the crude extracts and pure
compounds obtained from terrestrial and marine derived micro-and microorganisms;
Evaluation of antitumor activity of secondary metabolites obtained from soil and
marine-derived fungi as well as studying their mechanism underlying this activity;
Evaluation Report 2010
Profiling the secondary metabolites for the chemosystematic evaluation.
Profiling the secondary metabolites for the chemosystematic evaluation.
2. Main achievements
The main achievements of the group are:
Isolation and characterization of three novel reverse prenylated indole alkaloids from
the culture of soil fungus Neosartorya glabra with relevant antitumor activity;
Isolation and characterization of the bioactive secondary metabolites from the culture
of the sponge associated fungus Eurotium cristanum;
Isolation and identification of novel secondary metabolites with unprecedented
structural features from the cultures of soil and marine fungi.
Scientific output in publications
The group has published so far around 100 peer reviewed papers in the field of
bioactive natural products from terrestrial and marine sources.
Scientific networking and collaborations
Although maintaining traditional collaborations with the Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry of the Florida State University (U.S.A), Institute of Marine Science of
Burapha University (Thailand) and Faculty of Agriculture of Kasetsart University
(Thailand), the group has started the research collaboration with Prof. Robert Kiss
(Laboratory of Toxicology - Institute of Pharmacy - Free University of Brussels) as well as
with Prof. Peter Proksch (Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology,
University of Düsseldorf, Germany).
International recognition by publishing houses and editors
The number and quality of scientific publications of the principal investigator (Anake
Kijjoa) has been recognized internationally. This is reflected by the participation of
Anake Kijjoa as a member of Editorial Advisory Board of the scientific journals Marine
Drugs and Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. Anake Kijjoa is also a regular reviewer of
the manuscripts submitted for publication in various journals such as Chemistry and
Physics of Lipid, Journal of Natural Products, Marine Drugs, Pharmaceutical Biology.
The international recognition of the work of Anake Kijjoa in the field of Marine Natural
Products has resulted in the organization of the 6th European Conference on Marine
Natural Product which took place in Porto, Portugal, 19-23 July 2009 and his
appointment as a member of the International Advisory Board in the 7th European
Conference on Marine Natural Product which will take place in Strömstad, Sweden, 1418 August 20011. Besides, Anake Kijjoa was appointed as a member of the Marine
Board Working Group in Marine Biotechnology of the European Scientific Foundation.
As a member of this working group, he was invited to coordinate the topics of
Evaluation Report 2010
“Development of Novel Pharmaceutical Products” and “Biodiscovery/Bioscreening for
Novel drugs, compounds and biomaterials” for the Position Paper of this group which is
published by the Marine Biotechnology Board in 2010.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Almeida, AP, Dethoup, T, Singburaudom, N, Lima, R, Vasconcelos, MH, Madalena, M, Kijjoa, A.
2010. The in vitro anticancer activity of the crude extract of the sponge-associated fungus
Eurotium cristanum and its secondary metabolites. Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals 1: 25-29.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Kijjoa A. (Guest Editor). 2010. Special Issue: Marine Natural Products, 6th European
Conference on Marine Natural Products, Porto, 19-23 July 2009. Phytochemistry Reviews 9(4).
2. Auamcharoen, W, Chandrapatya, A, Naengchomnong, W, Kijjoa, A. 2010. A new tetralone
from Diospyros cauliflora. Planta Medica 76: 1207.
3. Queiroz,CA, Kijjoa, A, David, JM, David, JP. Flavonoids and benzoic acid derivatives from
Dioclea virgata. Planta Medica 76: 1284.
4. Bǿrrensen, T, Boyen, C, Dobson, A, Höfle, M, Ianora, A, Jaspars, M, Kijjoa, A, Olafsen, J,
Querellou, J, Rigos, G, Wijffels, R. 2010. Marine Biotechnology: A new vision and strategy for
Europe. Marine Board-ESF Position Paper 15: 1-91.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
8. Internationalization
Collaborative Research
The group has collaboration in research work with the following international
institutions: Laboratory of Toxicology - Institute of Pharmacy - Free University of
Brussels (Prof. Robert Kiss); Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture,
Kasetsart University, Thailand (Prof. Leka Manoch); Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA (Professor Werner Herz);
Bangsaen Institute of Marine Science, Burapha University, Chonburi, Thailand (Dr.
Sumaitt Putchakarn).
Graduate Training
The laboratory of Natural Products Chemistry has received PhD’s students from Thailand
and Brazil for the training on isolation, purification and structure elucidation of natural
products, under the network of mobility programme.
ERASMUS Programme with the Faculty of Pharmacy, Ankara University, Turkey.
ASEM-DUO Network with Burapha University, Bangkok, Thailand.
A Kijjoa is a member of Marine Board Working Group in Marine Biotechnology. He is
coordinating the topics of “Development of Novel Pharmaceutical Products” and
“Biodiscovery/Bioscreening for Novel drugs, compounds and biomaterials” for the
Position Paper of this group which will be published by the Marine Biotechnology Board
in 2010.
A Kijjoa is a member of Editorial Advisory Board of the Following Journals: Marine Drugs,
Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals.
A Kijjoa is a reviewer of the following scientific journals: Chemistry and Physics of Lipids,
Journal of Natural Products, Marine Drugs, Pharmaceutical Biology.
A Kijjoa was also a guest editor of the Special Issue: Marine Natural Products (6th
European Conference on Marine Natural Products, Porto, 19-23 July 2009).
Phytochemistry Reviews, Volume 9, Number 4, 2010.
9. Government/organization contract research
A Kijjoa is a member of Marine Board Working Group in Marine Biotechnology. He is
coordinating the topics of “Development of Novel Pharmaceutical Products” and
“Biodiscovery/Bioscreening for Novel drugs, compounds and biomaterials” for the Position
Paper of this group which will be published by the Marine Biotechnology Board in 2010.
Evaluation Report 2010
Coastal Biodiversity
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Coastal Biodiversity
2. Principal investigator
Isabel Maria Trigueiros Sousa Pinto Machado
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
30.000 EUR FCT pluriannual funding
FCT, 2010-2013 (about 1 M Euros)
121.000 EUR, BENEFITS - Benefits of production of seaweeds in multitrophic aquaculture
117.000 EUR, PHYSIOGRAPHY - Physiological stress of intertidal fucoids related to their
68.000 EUR, INVASEA - Shifts from seagrass to seaweed dominated system
35.000 EUR, CARRAGEENAN - Microstructure and the mechanical properties in carrageenan gels
70.000 EUR, CleF - The combined impacts of invasion and climate change on coastal ecosystem
54.000 EUR, PhD and Post-doc grants
FP6 and FP7, EC
203.000 EUR, Era-Net BIODIVERSA, 2006-2010
148.000 EUR, BIOSTRAT - Developing the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy, 2006-2010
80.000 EUR, KNEU, 2010-2013
24.000 EUR, Quanternaire
Evaluation Report 2010
100.000 EUR, QREN, IBEROMARE Centro Multipolar de Valorização de Recursos Marinhos, 20092011
58.000 EUR, QREN, EEMA Avaliação do Estado Ecológicos das Massas de Água Costeiras, 20092011
57.000, Axa Foundation, Marine Aliens and Climate Change, 2009-2011
220.000, Polis Litoral, CHRACTER, 2010-2012
Approved to start in 2011 (about 0.5 M Euros)
62.000 EUR, FP7, Euromarine
265.000 EUR, FP7, Seaweed Star
63.336 EUR, FCT, GreenMount
20.000 EUR, FCT, RAP
135.000 EUR, Norwegian Research Council, SeaweedTech and Seabreed
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The general objectives of the group are:
To increase knowledge and understanding of the different levels of organization of
marine biodiversity (from organisms, populations, communities and ecosystems), its
importance for the functioning of the living world and the consequences of
anthropogenic pressures, particularly under current and predicted scenarios of global
environmental changes.
To increase our knowledge on a sustainable use of marine organisms, in order to
produce or improve economic resources without endangering the functioning of marine
ecosystems and the services they provide.
To increase collaboration with companies and technological centers to promote
economic activities that use the sea and its resources in a sustainable way, furthering
the knowledge and expertise of our group within this interdisciplinary and multicultural
environment, while helping the development of new products and services.
To create an awareness of general public and young people in particular about the
importance of biodiversity and of its role on the functioning of ecosystems and their
services and the need to preserve it.
Evaluation Report 2010
To strengthen reciprocal links between researchers and policy makers and managers,
especially those responsible for marine and coastal areas and resources, in order to
promote policy relevant research and to increase the contribution of scientific results to
political decisions and management.
Within this framework the specific objectives of our group are:
To determine the patterns of distribution and abundance of species on benthic
communities and their variation at different spatial and temporal scales, across their
geographic range of distribution in European waters, with special focus on communities
along the Portuguese coast.
To assess the effects of different stressors on coastal biodiversity, detected from the
level of individual physiological responses to the functional effects at the ecosystem
level, and using different approaches: from ecophysiological measurements to
observational studies, demographic modelling and experimental manipulations of
To evaluate the structure and dynamics of biotic interactions and food webs in coastal
systems, through the use of traditional and stable isotope signatures methods, and
compare this with processes occurring in shallow seamounts.
To develop hydrodynamic models for our coast with integration of physical,
geochemical and biological data to understand fluxes nutrient and CO2 from land and
oceanic origin and how they influence coastal productivity.
To determine the role of coastal ecosystems as a CO2 sinks and how this role may be
affected by global warming.
To evaluate the effectiveness of large scale mariculture of macroalgae as CO2 sink and
for production of biofuel, and other products as protein for feed and ashes for fertilizers
together with companies operating at international level in aquaculture, marine
transport, energy and new materials for cultivation.
To evaluate the use of macroalgae as water purifiers and as an aquaculture product
through the implementation of Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture systems (IMTAs), in
collaboration with existing commercial fish farms.
To develop new products from different marine organisms, and increase the value of
species used to improve water quality (IMTA systems) or discard organisms.
To increase knowledge of the impacts of traditional and local fisheries and harvest of
marine animals and algae on these resources and on the ecosystems that support them.
Besides these research objectives we also aim at:
Producing outreach programs and materials for the general public and school children
and improve public awareness and understanding of links and specificity of taxonomy,
Evaluation Report 2010
ecology and evolution, and of the increasing need and urgency for applying a scientific
approach integrating these disciplines to coastal management and nature conservation.
Promoting research that is relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of marine
biodiversity, especially under a climate change context.
Improving the effectiveness of communication and cooperation between researchers
and policy makers in order to implement scientifically-based policies and action plans, at
regional, National, European and Global level, including adaptation and mitigation
strategies under climate change and biological invasions scenarios. This goal is
strengthened through the development of programs for environmental characterization
and long term data acquisition, in cooperation with and funding by regional and
european institutions.
2. Main achievements
Our lab was the result of an internal re-organization that broke the Laboratory of Biodiversity of
Aquatic Ecosystems in 4 labs. During 2010 we published 31 papers, including 17 in ISI journals,
and 6 books or book chapters and submitted several more.
Other main achievement during 2010 included:
Determination of seasonal patterns of tidepool macroalgae communities in two north
Portugal beaches and the spatial variability of intertidal macroalgal communities along
the North Portuguese coast.
Determination of the interactive effects of environmental stressors, namely air and
water temperature on the metabolism and growth of key intertidal seaweeds like
several species of Fucus and Hymanthalia.
Investigations on the interactive effects of climate stressors (pCO2 and water
temperature increases) and invasions on the functioning of macroalgal communities.
Start of research on new invaders to our seashores (i.e. Xenostrobus securis and Undaria
Tests on the effect of native predator (Carcinus maenas) in the invasivility of the nonindigenous mussel (Xenostrobus securis)
Implementation of an hydrodynamic models for the Minho estuary
Characterization of the productivity and capacity for nutrient uptake of different
seaweeds including Martocarpus stellatus and Porphyra dioica, in IMTA.
Testing selected seaweed species grown in IMTA systems as ingredients for fish feed
and as source for compounds with antibiotic activity.
Evaluation Report 2010
We leaded and participate in several European, bilateral and National projects that were funded
and will start in 2011 including:
Greenmount: “Seamount benthic primary production: a new hypothesis to explain
abundance and biodiversity over shallow seamounts” funded by FCT to continue our
research on the structure and dynamics of biotic interactions and food webs in coastal
systems, and compare this with processes occurring in shallow seamounts.
RAP – “Responses to Anthropogenic Perturbations: climatic and nutrient effects on rock
pool assemblages” and OCEANKELP “Effects of ocean climate on the macroecology and
resilience to disturbances of kelp beds” funded by FCT that will enable us to develop
more work in intertidal and on the kelp forests along the west coast of Portugal,
understand the changes that have been observed and predict further changes as a
result of climate changes.
BIP “SeaweedTech - Development of large scale offshore seaweed cultivation” and BIP
“Seabreed - Industrial seaweed seedling production for large scale offshore cultivation
processs”, funded by the Nowergian Research Council and “Seaweed Star - Offshore
cultivation of seaweed” funded by FP7. These projects will allow us to significantly
further our work with (see below) to develop large scale mariculture of seaweeds to
produce biofuels, having also as by-product protein that will be tested for fish feed and
ash that will be tested as fertilizer.
EUROMARINE – “Integration of European Marine Research Networks of Excellence” and
EMBOS – “Pan-European Marine Biodiversity Observatory System” funded by FP7 to
continue to work at European level to increase knowledge and monitoring of marine
For outreach and involvement of young people in research we continued our program
“MOBIDIC: the school goes to the beach” for monitoring rocky shore communities with school
children and their teachers, had several internships for high school students, held a summer
program and participated in several science fairs.
For linking research with policy makers and managers and promoting policy relevant research,
at the European level we continue to participate in the EPBRS, which met to discuss research
priorities for Europe and organized the meeting in Brussels: “Positive Visions for Biodiversity”
This meeting produced a list of priority actions and a community that will follow more initiatives
in the following years, and started a new FP7 project: KNEU – “Developing a Knowledge Network
on biodiversity”. At international level we participated in the meeting of the Convention for
Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan integrating the national delegation (see more under
At regional level, we started a project “Caracterização da actividade pesqueira costeira e dos
seus impactes nos recursos e nas comunidades marinhas do Litoral Norte” funded by Polis Litoral
Norte to characterize the traditional fisheries and intertital harvesting activities and their impact
on the resources and on the coastal ecosystems of the North Coast of Portugal.
Evaluation Report 2010
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Azevedo, IC, Bordalo, AA, Duarte, P. 2010. Influence of river discharge patterns on the
hydrodynamics and potential contaminant dispersion in the Douro estuary (Portugal). Water
Research 44: 3133-3146.
2. Azevedo, IC, Duarte, P, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton
photosynthetic characteristics in a southern European estuary (Douro, Portugal). Marine Ecology
Progress Series 412: 29-44.
3. Bertocci, I., Arenas, F., Matias, M., Vaselli, S., Araújo, R., Abreu, H., Pereira, R., Vieira, R.,
Sousa-Pinto, I. 2010. Canopy-forming species mediate the effects of disturbance on macroalgal
assemblages on Portuguese rocky shores. Marine Ecology Progress Series 414: 107-116.
4. Cabral, JP. 2010. La revista Broteria, los jesuitas naturalistas y Gonçalo Sampaio. Intercambio
de plantas e ideas y el desarrollo de la botánica en Portugal. Asclepio - Revista de Historia de la
Medicina y de la Ciencia 62(1): 61-92.
5. Cabral, JP. 2010. O depósito de conchas do sítio arqueológico das “Areias Altas” (Porto,
Portugal). Estudo morfológico e morfométrico das conchas de moluscos. Férvedes 6: 73-82.
6. Cabral, JP. 2010. Can we use indoor fungi as bioindicators of indoor air quality? Historical
perspectives and open questions. Science of the Total Environment 408: 4285-4295.
7. Cabral, JP. 2010. Water microbiology. Bacterial pathogens and water. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health 7: 3657-3703.
8. Duarte, P, Fernández-Reiriz, MJ, Filgueira, RA, Labarta, U. 2010. Modelling mussel growth in
ecosystems with low suspended matter loads, Journal of Sea Research 64: 273-286.
9. Konar, B, Iken, K, Cruz-Motta, JJ, Benedetti-Cecchi, L, Knowlton, A, Pohle, G, Miloslavich, P,
Edwards, M, Trott, T, Kimani, E, Riosmena-Rodriguez, R, Wong, M, Jenkins, S, Mead, A, Silva, A,
Sousa Pinto, I, Shirayama, Y. 2010. Global patterns of macroalgal diversity and biomass in rocky
nearshore environments. Plos One 5: 13195.
10. Moreira, J, Veiga, P, Rubal, M. 2010. First record of Pisione guanche (Polychaeta: Pisionidae)
at the Azores Archipielago. Marine Biodiversity Records 3: 1-6.
11. Vandepitte, L, Vanhoorne, B, Kraberg, A, Anisimova, N, Antoniadou, C, Araújo, R, Bartsch, I,
Beker, B, Benedetti-Cecchi, L, Bertocci, I, Cochrane, SJ, Cooper, KM, Craeymeersch, JA, Christou,
E, Crisp, DJ, Dahle, S, De Boissier, M, de Kluijver, M, Denisenko, S, De Vito, D, Duineveld, G,
Escaravage, V, Fleischer, D, Fraschetti, S, Giangrande, A, Heip, CHR, Hummel, H, Janas, U, Karez,
R, Kedra, M, Kingston, P, Kuhlenkamp, R, Libes, M, Martens, P, Mees, J, Mieszkowska, N,
Mudrak, S, Munda, I, Orfanidis, S, Orlando-Bonaca, M, Palerud, R, Rachor, E, Reichert, K,
Rumohr, H, Schiedek, D, Schubert, P, Sistermans, WCH, Pinto, IS, Southward, AJ, Terlizzi, A,
Tsiaga, E, van Beusekom, JEE. 2010. Data integration for European marine biodiversity research:
Evaluation Report 2010
creating a database on benthos and plankton to study large-scale patterns and long-term
changes. Hydrobiologia 644: 1-13.
12. Veiga, P, Besteiro, C, Rubal, M. 2010. The role of sediment type on the vertical distribution of
meiofauna at two Galician rias (NW Iberian Peninsula). Cahiers de Biologie Marine 51: 249-263.
13. Veiga, P, Besteiro, C, Rubal, M. 2010. Meiofauna communities in exposed sandy beaches on
the Galician coast (NW Spain), six months after the Prestige oil spill: the role of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Scientia Marina 74: 385-394.
In press
14. Abreu, MH, Pereira, R, Yarish, C, Buschmann, AH, Sousa-Pinto, I. (in press). IMTA with
Gracilaria vermiculophylla: Productivity and nutrient removal performance of the seaweed in a
land-based pilot scale system. Aquaculture, doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2010.12.036.
15. Araújo, R, Violante, J, Pereira, R, Abreu, H, Arenas, F, Sousa-Pinto, I (in press). The recently
introduced seaweed Grateloupia turuturu on the Portuguese coast: distribution and population
dynamics. Phycologia.
16. Araújo, R, Serrão, EA, Sousa-Pinto, I, Ǻberg, P (in press). Phenotypic differentiation at
southern limit borders: the case-study of two fucoid macroalgal species with different lifehistory traits. Journal of Phycology.
17. Veiga, P, Besteiro, C, Rubal, M. (in press). Meiofauna communities structure at different
spatial scales on sandy beaches from a ria environment. The role of abiotic factors. Marine
Biology Research, doi: 10.1080/17451000.2010.527987.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Araújo, R, Cabral, JP. 2010. Fungal air quality in medical protected environments. In: Kumar, A
(Ed). Air Quality, InTech. ISBN: 978-953-307-131-2.
2. Carvalho, AR, Barros, N, Duarte, P. 2010. Impact of Oporto Metropolitan Area Carbon Dioxide
Emissions over the Adjacent Coastal Zone. In: Duarte, P, Santana-Casiano, JM (Eds). Oceans and
the atmospheric carbon content, Springer, pp. 23-46. ISBN 978-90-481-9820-7.
3. Duarte, P, Santana-Casiano, JM (Eds.) 2010. Oceans and the Atmospheric Carbon Content.
Springer, 176 pp. ISBN 978-90-481-9820-7.
4. Elmqvist, TE, Maltby, E, Barker, Las, Mortimer, CAs, Aronson, J, De Groot, R, Fitter, A, Mace, G,
Norberg, J, Perrings, C, Sousa Pinto, I, Ring, I. 2010. Biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem
services. In: Pushpam, K. (Ed). The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Ecological and
Economic Foundations, Earthscan, London, UK, pp. 41-111. ISBN 978-18-497-1212-5.
5. Pereira, R, Yarish, C. 2010. The role of Porphyra in sustainable culture systems: Physiology and
applications. In: Israel, A, Einav, R (Eds). Role of Seaweeds in a Globally Changing Environment,
Springer Publishers, pp. 339-353.
Evaluation Report 2010
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Arenas, F. 2010. Macroalgal marine invasions: Some highlights and knowledge gaps. Algas 43:
2. Cabral, JP. 2010. Gonçalo Sampaio e a história da botânica. Memórias da Sociedade
Broteriana, volume XXXIV, Sociedade Broteriana, Coimbra, Portugal.
3. Sousa Pinto, I. 2010. 2010 – Ano Internacional da Biodiversidade. Proceedings of the XI
Jornadas Sobre Conservação da Natureza e Educação Ambiental: Educação para a
Sustentabilidade. 8-9 Maio, Caminha, Portugal.
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Domingues-Santos, Bernardo. 2010. Bioremediation efficiency of Mastocarpus stellatus
(Stackhouse) Guiry, in an Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture System. Master in Aquaculture,
Interuniversity UB-UAB-UPC. Supervisor: Isabel Sousa Pinto, Co-supervisor: Lourdes Reig (UPC).
Silva, Diogo. 2010. Discrimination of Trisopterus luscus (Linnaeus 1758) stocks in the northern of
Portugal using otolith elemental fingerprints. Master thesis in Sea Sciences - Marine Resources,
ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Alberto Correia, Co-supervisor: Paulo Santos.
Pimenta, Pedro. 2010. Biodiversity in Serra da Aboboreira, NO Portugal. Master thesis,
University of Porto. Supervisor: Paulo Santos.
Carvalho, André. 2010. Macrobenthos Biodiversity in Cávado estuary. Master thesis, University
of Porto. Supervisor: Paulo Santos
Viegas, Sofia. 2010. Development of a more objective index for the quantification of
environmental impacts. Master thesis, University of Porto. Supervisor: Paulo Santos, Cosupervisor: Sílvia Mesquita.
Pereira, A. 2010. Desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de modelação, calibração e gestão
de ecossistemas costeiros, com recurso a agentes inteligentes. PhD in Electronic Engineering
and Computers, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. Supervisor: Pedro Duarte.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
Workshop “O Mar Aqui Tão Perto I”, Ocupação Científica dos Jovens nas Férias, Ciência Viva, 28
June - 2 July 2010, Porto, Portugal. I Sousa Pinto, R Vieira, M Pereira Silva - Organizers.
Evaluation Report 2010
Workshop “O Mar Aqui Tão Perto II”, Ocupação Científica dos Jovens nas Férias, Ciência Viva,
26-30 July 2010, Porto, Portugal. I Sousa Pinto, R Vieira, M Pereira Silva - Organizers.
7. Industry contract research
During 2010 we increased significantly our work with private companies. We finished a contract
with Quaternaire Portugal – Consultoria p/ o Desenvolvimento, S.A. for the characterization of
coastal ecosystems and a management plan for biological resources and nature conservation for
the POOC (Plan for Management of the Coastal Area) of Pico Island, Azores.
Besides this we signed 3 contracts of research with companies that will start in 2011.
BIP “SeaweedTech - Development of large scale offshore seaweed cultivation” and BIP
“Seabreed - Industrial seaweed seedling production for large scale offshore cultivation
processs”, and “Seaweed Star - Offshore cultivation of Seaweed”. These project will be develop
with companies as Seaweed Energy Solutions, Aqualine Lda, Stolt Sea Farm AS, Winds Enterprise
and Statoil, as well as SINTEF Fisheries and aquaculture and NTNU from Norway to develop large
scale mariculture of seaweeds to produce biofuels, having also as by-product protein that will be
tested for fish feed and ash that will be tested as fertilizer.
8. Internationalization
A high percentage of the work of our group is done within European and International
collaborations. In 2010 we participated in 3 project from 6 and 7th Framework Programs EC,
with researcher from about 70 European institutions, we are about to start 3 more and wrote
and presented 3 other that are under evaluation. Our publications reflect this international
involvement (see list). Furthermore Isabel Sousa Pinto is member of the Steering or Executive
Committees of several European research organizations as: a) European Platform for
Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS), b) “Census of Marine Life” (European Section), c)
MARBEF+ Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning”, d) MARS – European Network of
Marine Research Institutes and Stations, e) Euromarine: Integrating the NoEs on Marine
Biodiversity and f) EMBOS Pan-European Marine Biodiversity Observatory System. She is also
member of a) the “Study Group on Biodiversity Science” from ICES (International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea), b) Working Group 5 – “Marine Ecosystem Change” from GEO BON
(Group on Earth Observation – Global Biodiversity Observation Network) c) “Policy Interface
Panel” from MARCOM+: Integrating Marine and Maritime Science Communities and d) editorial
Board of the journal “Marine Biodiversity” edited by Springer, Germany.
As part of EPBRS work we were involved in the organization of the meeting in Brussels: “Positive
Visions for Biodiversity” that brought together 250 people from very different backgrounds from
around the world to discuss the vision for the future for the living world and how to get to this
We started a new FP7 project: KNEU – “Developing a Knowledge Network on biodiversity” that
aims at creating and testing a prototype scientific panel at European level to give inputs to
IPBES: Intergovernamental Science Policy Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services created
by the United Nations in 2010.
We started to work with several international companies (see Industry Contract Research).
Evaluation Report 2010
We continued to offer the course “Monitoring of Rocky Shores” for the Erasmus Mundus Master
program “Marine Biodiversity and Conservation” (EMBC) and welcomed 20 students from
different countries in April and participated in the development of the Erasmus Mundus
Doctoral Program MARES.
9. Government/organization contract research
2009/2010 – Isabel Sousa Pinto was the Portuguese focal point for the study: "The impact of
European policy on the development of the European Research Area (ERA)” in the areas
relevant to the Environment (including climate change)".
Isabel Sousa Pinto participated in the Convention for Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan
integrating the National Delegation by indication of the Ministry of Science Technology and
Higher Education (MCTES), and being responsible to follow the working groups on Biodiversity
and Climate Change, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity, Relations between the Conventions and
the Inter-Governmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). This Convention
approved a new strategic plan for 2011-2020 and the Nagoya Protocol to regulate the access
and use of genetic resources and welcomed the launch of IPBES a scientific panel equivalent to
IPCC for Biodiversity.
Our lab started the project Character “Caracterização da actividade pesqueira costeira e dos
seus impactes nos recursos e nas comunidades marinhas do Litoral Norte” funded by Polis Litoral
Norte, a public society for requalification and valorisation of the north coast of Portugal. The
main objectives are the characterization of the main marine coastal habitats, the identification
of the main species present in these habitats and its abundance. We will also characterize the
traditional fisheries and intertital harvesting activities and their impact on the resources and on
the coastal ecosystems of the North Coast of Portugal. The data obtained will be used for the
elaboration of proposals for the sustainability of the traditional fishing in the northern coast of
Portugal. The project was first presented during “Encontros do Litoral: Litoral Norte – Galiza”
held in Viana do Castelo (Portugal) from 24 to 25 November 2010.
Evaluation Report 2010
Comparative Molecular Endocrinology (CME)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Comparative Molecular Endocrinology (CME)
2. Principal investigator
Adelino Vicente Mendonca Canario
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
FCT Pluriannual funding.
National funding
25.695 EUR, FCT, PTDC/CVT/66735/2006, PTHL.
23.369 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/69749/2006, SALARIA.
73.885 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/104008/2008, BICA.
68.043 EUR, FCT, PTDC/CVT/104750/2008.
European funding
112.243 EUR, European Commission, Contract Nr. 222719, LIFECYCLE.
35.034 EUR, European Commission, Contract Nr. 227799, ASSEMBLE.
11.102 EUR, Interreg IV – Atlantic Area, 2009-1/127, SHAREBIOTECH.
12.128 EUR, European Commission, COST ES0906.
Evaluation Report 2010
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The main aim of the group is to study the role of hormones and their metabolites on the
physiology and the evolution of the endocrine system, using fish as the principal model and as
required other invertebrate and vertebrate models. The research is directed at four main
interrelated themes: 1) Hormonal control of Reproduction and Development; 2) Calcitropic
hormones, mineral metabolism and environmental adaptation, 3) Hormones, pheromones and
behaviour, 4) The impact of genotype on phenotype. Specific objectives are:
1) Hormonal control of reproduction and development
To establish the identity, function and mechanisms of action of key regulatory factors in
relation to sex differentiation, puberty and gonad maturation.
To understand the process of metamorphosis and skeletal development in fishes, and
the role of thyroid and metabolic hormones.
2) Calcitropic hormones, mineral metabolism and environmental adaptation
To understand the evolution of mineral homeostasis and the role of endocrine
regulating factors, their site of action and the molecular mechanisms responsible for
their biological actions.
To understand the process of ossification and regeneration in fishes and the role of the
extracellular matrix, minerals and endocrine factors.
3) Hormones, pheromones and behaviour
To understand the underlying mechanisms regulating the interaction between
hormones and behaviour in fishes.
To understand how fish detect biologically important environmental chemical cues pheromones, food-related odorants and inorganic cations (Ca2+ and Na+) and how this
olfactory input is centrally processed to evoke the appropriate physiological and
behavioural responses.
4) The impact of genotype on phenotype
To apply an integrative and systems approach, from the genome to individuals and
populations, to the study of the evolution of endocrine hormones/systems and their
impact on phenotype.
2. Main achievements
Scientific discoveries:
Evaluation Report 2010
We have established the basis for characterization of the endocrine regulation of
bicarbonate secretion in the intestinal epithelium of marine fish; its relationship with
calcium transport and the potential importance of calcitropic hormones in ion
regulation at whole body level.
Used new generation sequencing and serial analysis of gene expression to produce the
gill transcriptome and how it changed in response to calcium changes.
Established PTHrP as a regulator of phosphate in fish kidney.
Discovered with colleagues from the University of Madeira that the female:male sex
ratio of loggerhead turtles around Madeira is much lower than that of young when
leaving the nesting beaches, which is indicative of differential mortality.
Collaborated with colleagues from Bangor University in the discovery of unsuspected
diversity of nematode species in benthic habitat. The methodology used is proof of
concept of allying new generation sequencing to PCR and bioinformatics.
Identified a novel cartilage acidic protein in fishes homologues of which are present in
many organisms from bacteria to human. The protein is normally extracellular and in
fish is also secreted by the pituitary.
Identified with European colleagues potential quantitative trait loci for the cortisol
response, as well as for growth and somatic characters in sea bass.
Technology development /transfer:
Developed with colleagues from the Roscoff Marine Station of a high-throughput
method to produce recombinant proteins which can be used for crystallization and
structural analysis and other studies.
Accomplished with colleagues from the Max Plank Institute of Molecular Biology a draft
sequence of the European sea bass genome, a basic resource for the scientific
community and aquaculture industry.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Campinho, MA, Galay-Burgos, M, Sweeney, GE, Power, DM. 2010. Coordination of deiodinase
and thyroid hormone receptor expression during the larval to juvenile transition in sea bream
(Sparus aurata, Linnaeus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 165(2): 181-194.
2. Cardoso, JCR, Vieira, FA, Gomes, AS, Power, DM. 2010. The serendipitous origin of chordate
secretin peptide family members. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 135.
Evaluation Report 2010
3. Clark, MS, Thorne, MAS, Vieira, FA, Cardoso, JCR, Power, DM, Peck, LS. 2010. Insights into
shell deposition in the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica: gene discovery in the mantle
transcriptome using 454 pyrosequencing. BMC Genomics 11: 362.
4. Creer, S, Fonseca, VG, Porazinska, DL, Giblin-Davis, RM, Sung, W, Power, DM, Packer, M,
Carvalho, GR, Blaxter, ML, Lambshead, PJD, Thomas, WK. 2010. Ultrasequencing of the
meiofaunal biosphere: practice, pitfalls and promises. Molecular Ecology 19: 4-20.
5. Delgado, C, Canário, AVM, Dellinger, T. 2010. Sex ratios of loggerhead sea turtles Caretta
caretta during the juvenile pelagic stage. Marine Biology 157: 979-990.
6. Ferraresso, S, Milan, M, Pellizzari, C, Vitulo, N, Reinhardt, R, Canario, AVM, Patarnello, T,
Bargelloni, L. 2010. Development of an oligo DNA microarray for the European sea bass and its
application to expression profiling of jaw deformity. BMC Genomics 11: 354.
7. Fonseca, VG, Carvalho, GR, Sung, W, Johnson, HF, Power, DM, Neill, SP, Packer, M, Blaxter,
ML, Lambshead, PJD, Thomas, WK, Creer, S. 2010. Second-generation environmental sequencing
unmasks marine metazoan biodiversity. Nature Communications 1: 98.
8. Fuentes, J, Brinca, L, Guerreiro, PM, Power, DM. 2010. PRL and GH synthesis and release from
the sea bream (Sparus auratus L.) pituitary gland in vitro in response to osmotic challenge.
General and Comparative Endocrinology168(1): 95-102.
9. Fuentes, J, Power, DM, Canario, AV. 2010. Parathyroid hormone-related protein-stanniocalcin
antagonism in regulation of bicarbonate secretion and calcium precipitation in a marine fish
intestine. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
299(1): R150-158.
10. Goncalves, D, Saraiva, J, Teles, M, Teodosio, R, Canario, AVM, Oliveira, RF. 2010. Brain
aromatase mRNA expression in two populations of the peacock blenny Salaria pavo with
divergent mating systems. Hormones and Behavior 57(2): 155-161.
11. Groisillier, A, Herve, C, Jeudy, A, Rebuffet, E, Pluchon, PF, Chevolot, Y, Flament, D, Geslin, C,
Morgado, IM, Power, DM, Branno, M, Moreau, H, Michel, G, Boyen, C, Czjzek, M. 2010. MARINEEXPRESS: taking advantage of high throughput cloning and expression strategies for the postgenomic analysis of marine organisms. Microbial Cell Factories 9: 45.
12. Guerreiro, PM, Canario, AVM, Power, DM, Renfro, JL. 2010. Piscine PTHrP regulation of
calcium and phosphate transport in winter flounder renal proximal tubule primary cultures
American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 299: R603R611.
13. Huertas, M, Hagey, L, Hofmann, AF, Cerda, J, Canario, AVM, Hubbard, PC. 2010. Olfactory
sensitivity to bile fluid and bile salts in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), goldfish (Carassius
auratus) and Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) suggests a `broad range'
sensitivity not confined to those produced by conspecifics alone. Journal of Experimental
Biology 213(2): 308-317.
Evaluation Report 2010
14. Ibarz, A, Costa, R, Harrison, AP, Power, DM. 2010. Dietary keto-acid feed-back on pituitary
activity in gilthead sea bream: Effects of oral doses of AKG. A proteomic approach. General and
Comparative Endocrinology 169(3): 284-292.
15. Kuhl, H, Beck, A, Wozniak, G, Canario, AVM, Volckaert, FAM, Reinhardt, R. 2010. The
European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax genome puzzle: comparative BAC-mapping and low
coverage shotgun sequencing. BMC Genomics 11: 68.
16. Louro, B, Passos, ALS, Souche, E, Tsigenopoulos, C, Beck, A, Bonhomme, F, Cancela, L, Cerdà,
J, Clark, MS, Kotoulas, G, Lubzens, E, Planas, J, Volckaert, FAM, Reinhardt, R, Canario, AVM.
2010. Gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
expressed sequence tags: characterization, tissue specific expression and gene markers. Marine
Genomics 3(3-4): 179-191.
17. Massault, C, Hellemans, B, Louro, B, Batargias, C, Van Houdt, JKJ, Canario, AVM, Volckaert,
FAM, Bovenhuis, H, Haley, C, de Koning, DJ. 2010. QTL for body weight, morphometric traits and
stress response in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. Animal Genetics 41(4): 337-345.
18. Pinheiro, PLC, Cardoso, JCR, Gomes, AS, Fuentes, J, Power, DM, Canário, AVM. 2010. Gene
structure, transcripts and calciotropic effects of the PTH family of peptides in Xenopus and
chicken. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 373.
19. Pinto, PI, Matsumura, H, Thorne, MA, Power, DM, Terauchi, R, Reinhardt, R, Canario, AVM.
2010. Gill transcriptome response to changes in environmental calcium in the green spotted
puffer fish. BMC Genomics 11: 476.
20. Power, DM, Fuentes, J, Harrison, AP. 2010. A non-invasive monitoring device for anesthetics
in fish. Open Access Animal Physiology 2: 1-7.
21. Redruello, B, Louro, B, Anjos, L, Silva, N, Greenwell, RS, Canario, AVM, Power, DM. 2010.
CRTAC1 homolog proteins are conserved from cyanobacteria to man and secreted by the teleost
fish pituitary gland. Gene 456(1-2): 1-14.
22. Silva, P, Power, DM, Valente, LMP, Silva, N, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E. 2010. Expression of the
myosin light chains 1,2 and 3 in the muscle of blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo, during
development. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1125-1132.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Power, DM, Guerreiro, PMG, Hubbard, PC, Huertas, M, Morgado, IM, Fuentes, J. 2010.
Endocrinology applied to aquaculture finfish. In: Koumondouros, G (Ed). Recent Advances in
Aquaculture Research, Transworld Research Network, Kerala, pp. 1-54.
2. Brown, CL, Power, DM, Núñez, JM. 2010. Disorders of development in fish. In: Fish Diseases
and Disorders, Vol 2, 2nd edition, CABI, Oxon, UK.
3. Ozorio, ROA, Hubbard, PC, Barata, EN, Valente, LMP, Canário, AVM. 2010. Olfactory sensitivity
to amino acids in the blackspot seabream (Pagellus Bogaraveo, Brünnich 1768): How effective is
Evaluation Report 2010
the electro-olfactogram in seawater?. Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-10 October, Porto, Portugal.
European Aquaculture Society, pp. 946-947.
4. Louro, B, Hadjipavlou, G, Hemani, G, Leach, R, Nadaf, J, Rowe, S, de Koning, DJ. 2009.
Extensive QTL and Association Analyses of the QTLMAS2009 Data. 13th QTL-MAS Workshop,
BMC Proceedings 4 (Suppl 1): S11.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Guerreiro, PM, Bataille, AM, Renfro, JL. 2010. PiT-like transporters are associated with
inorganic phosphate transport by choroid plexus of spiny dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias).
Bulletin MDIBL 49: p.5.
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Silva, Maria João. 2010. Control of ammonia during fish transport: the usage of AmQuel® in
laboratory trials. Master thesis in Marine Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies,
University of Algarve. Supervisor: Teresa Modesto, Co-supervisor: Pedro Guerreiro.
Filipe, Alexandra. 2010. Clonagem e análise de sequências codificantes de terpeno sintases das
plantas aromáticas Thymus mastichina e Thymus albicans. Master thesis in Biological
Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Natália
Marques, Co-supervisor: João Cardoso.
Encarnação, Sandra Paula. 2010. Caracterização dos mecanismos de transporte epitelial no
intestino da Dourada, Sparus auratus. Master thesis in Marine Biology, Faculty of Sciences and
Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Juan Fuentes, Co-supervisor: Deborah Power.
Elias, Carlos Alexandre. 2010. Produção e expressão de péptidos recombinantes contra dsRNA.
Master thesis in Biological Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of
Algarve. Supervisor: Fernando Cardoso (INETI/UTPAM), Co-supervisor: Deborah Power.
Sobral, João Miguel Banha. 2010. Influência do gene HMOX1 (Heme Oxigenase I) na genética
dos acidentes vasculares cerebrais. Master thesis in Biological Engineering, Faculty of Sciences
and Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Astrid Vicente (INS Dr Ricardo Jorge), Cosupervisor: Deborah Power.
Andrade, André Alçada Baptista Rebelo. 2010. Identification of reliable reference gene(s) for
quantitative-PCR studies in male and female tissues and during oogenesis in the Mozambique
tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. Master thesis in Marine Biology, Faculty of Sciences and
Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Adelino Canario, Co-supervisor: Laurence
Evaluation Report 2010
Martins, Florbela Alexandra Silva Vieira. 2010. Evolution of the extracellular matrix in
deuterostomes and the influence of calcitropic hormones. PhD thesis in Molecular Biology,
University of the Algarve. Supervisor: Deborah M Power.
Guerreiro, Liliana Isabel Tomé dos Anjos. 2010. Biochemical and biological characteristics of
novel piscine forms of parathyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone related peptide: a
proteomic approach. PhD thesis in Molecular Biology, University of the Algarve. Supervisor:
Deborah M Power.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
2nd UTEN Workshop 2010 – Marine and Bio-Sciences, Research Collaboration &
Network Building for Commercialization, CCMAR, University of Algarve, 27-28
5th and 6th CCMAR Seminar Sessions (2009/2010 – 2010/2011) Weekly seminars
(October through June) featuring in-house and external invited speakers. These
seminars are meant to inform CCMAR members on what research is being done in the
various groups, introduce new members and collaborators or invite scientists or entities
with relevant expertise or information. These sessions provide a forum for discussion
and collaboration. Guerreiro PM – Organizer.
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
In 2010 the group published with colleagues from 12 countries and 21 universities and
research institutes from Europe and the USA. LIFECYCLE is an FP7 Project with 14 partners
(; Sharebiotech is a Atlantic Area biotechnology project of 10
partners, half foreign. The group leader coordinates participation infrastructure projects
ASSEMBLE ( ESFRI infrastructure European Marine Biological
Resource Centre ( International projects submitted for funding
(MG4U, Euromarine). Representative in COST Action 867 “Welfare of Fish in European
Aquaculture” (P Guerreiro). Organized international Workshop Marine and Bio-Sciences
Research Collaboration & Network Building for Commercialization with US, Portuguese and
German institutions. Oral communications at international conferences Aquaculture Europe
2010, Porto, Portugal; 13th QTL-MAS Workshop, Wageningen, The Netherlands; Plant and
Animal Genomics Conference XVIII, January 8-14, San Diego USA; 32nd Conference for the
International Society for Animal Genetics, Edinburgh, UK; 9th International Congress on the
Biology of Fish, Barcelona, Spain. Scientists from Spain (Univ Barcelona, Univ Cadiz), Sweden
Evaluation Report 2010
(Univ Goteborg), UK (British Antarctic Survey), Denmark (Univ Copenhagen), Greece (Univ
Thessaly), Germany (U Dusseldorf) made work visits to our laboratory (1 week – 5 months).
Researchers from our group made research visits to Denmark (Univ Copenhagen), Sweden
(Univ Goteborg), USA ( Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory), UK (British Antarctic
Survey, Univ Aberdeen), Spain (Univ Cadiz) for periods of 1 week to 3 months. D Power is
associate editor of General Comparative Endocrinology (Elsevier); A Canario is Advisory
editor of Acta Ethologica (Springer) and Associate Editor for Animal Endocrinology of
Endocrinology Studies (Pagepress). Group members reviewed ca. 50 manuscripts for
international journals. Reviewed project applications for the European Commission and
programmes in several countries (Argentina, France, Spain, UK, The Netherlands, USA,
Canada). A Canario coordinates and is one of the mentors of the doctoral programme
ERASMUS Mundus MARES ( D Power is vice-presidente of Iberian
Association of Comparative Endocrinology.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Ecology and Restoration of Estuarine and Coastal Habitats (ECOREACH)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Ecology and Restoration of Estuarine and Coastal Habitats (ECOREACH)
2. Principal investigator
Luis Manuel Zambujal Chicharo
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
FCT pluriannual funding
National funding
13.894 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/098643/2008, MODELA - Modelling the dynamics of fish larvae and
relevant oceanographic processes.
37.197 EUR, FCT, ERA-NET CIRCLE-MED, ERA-CIRCLE/0004/2007, ACID BIV - The integrated
impacts of marine acidification, temperature and precipitation changes on coastal biodiversity
and fisheries: how to adapt?.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Our research are mainly focused on Biological and physical-chemical processes in transitional
water (from catchment to marine ecosystems) namely, primary and secondary production
processes, nutrient cycles, the characterization of habitats, population and community dynamics
and trophic interactions. We aimed to understand the natural variability of aquatic ecosystems
(inflow, tides, upwelling, winds) and the ecologic impacts by human activities (fisheries,
pollution, dams, NIS/alien species, etc), particularly at rivers, estuarine and coastal areas. The
study of nursery functions of coastal ecosystems is also an objective of our group, especially
focused on the larval condition and growth. Considering the current scenario for climatic
changes another aim of our group is to analyze the effect of acidification in marine invertebrate.
Evaluation Report 2010
2. Main achievements
The main achievement in our group was related to the project CircleMed: The integrated
impacts of marine acidification, temperature and precipitation changes on bivalve coastal
biodiversity and fisheries: how to adapt? (ACIDBIV). Results obtained in the Venice lagoon
highlighted effects of seawater acidification at biochemical, cellular and organism level in both
species considered. Detrimental effects were observed in adults exposed for short time to
reduced pH and temperature/salinity variations (as foreseen in climate change scenarios), as
well as the longterm exposure of juvenile bivalves to reduced pH, which caused mortality and
severe damage to the shells. In general, the experiments done in the Ria Formosa lagoon
showed a less detrimental response of the studied bivalves to seawater acidification. Juveniles
of both species studied were able to survive more than 80 days exposed to extreme reductions
of seawater pH (0.7 units). No dissolution or damage to the shells was observed, although
mussels in the acidified treatments showed reduced net calcification, indicating that the
composition or structure of the shell was affected. Some physiological parameters (RNA:DNA
ratio, ingestion rates, excretion rates and respiration rates) of R. decussatus were significantly
affected by the acidification conditions tested. The effects of seawater acidification on the
different physiological rates of bivalves studied were consistently stronger for the extreme pH
reduction (-0.7 pH units). The responses of the common species (M. galloprovincialis) also
differed between locations and according to the stage of life cycle. This suggest that, even for
the same species or process, the responses may be variable at local scales, which emphasizes
the danger of extrapolating results from a few model species or from one region to another.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Morais, P, Babaluk, J, Correia, AT, Chícharo, MA, Campbell, JL, Chícharo, L. 2010. Diversity of
anchovy migration patterns in a European temperate estuary and in its adjacent coastal area:
Implications for fishery management. Journal Sea Research, 64: 295-303. IF=1.556.
2. Leitão, A, Carvalho, S, Ben-Hamadou, R, Gaspar, MB. 2010. Cytogenetics of Hediste
diversicolor (Annelida: Polychaeta) and comparative karyological analysis within Nereididae.
Aquatic Biology 10: 193-200.
In press
3. Morais, P, Martins, F, Chícharo, MA, Lopes, J, Chícharo, L. (in press). Merging anchovy eggs
abundance into a hydrodynamic model as an assessment tool for estuarine ecohydrological
management. River Research Applications, doi: 10.1002/rra.1443.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Ben‐Hamadou, R, Chícharo, MA, Cruz, J, Madeira, C, Morais, P, Chícharo, L. 2010. Spatial
distribution of zooplankton communities in the Algarve coastal zone (Northeast Atlantic Ocean)
In: Gislason, A, Gorsky, G. (Eds). Proceedings of the Joint ICES/CIESM Workshop to Compare
Evaluation Report 2010
Zooplankton Ecology and Methodologies between the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic
(WKZEM). ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 300. 2-7.
2. Chícharo, L, Ben-Hamadou, R, Amaral, A, Range, P, Mateus, C, Piló, D, Marques, R, Morais, P,
Chícharo, MA. 2010. Applying the Ecohydrology approach for the sustainable functioning of
coastal ecosystems. In: Hydrocomplexity: New Tools for Solving Wicked Water Problems. IAHS
Publ. 338. pp. 163-165.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Chícharo, L, Chícharo, MA, Ben-Hamadou, R. 2010. Eco-hidrologia em estuários e zonas
costeiras: o caso do Estuário de Guadiana. In: A Gestão da água e dos Recursos Hídricos. Revista
Internacional em Língua Portuguesa, Vol III, nº22: 55-66.
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Faria, Ana. 2010. Ontogeny of behavioural abilities in temperate reef fish larvae. PhD thesis,
University of Algarve. Supervisors: Emanuel Gonçalves (ISPA), Maria Alexandra Chícharo.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
ACID BIV, ERA-CIRCLE/0004/2007), The integrated impacts of marine acidification, temperature
and precipitation changes on bivalve coastal biodiversity and fisheries: how to adapt? CIRCLEMED (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Tunisie), April 2008 - March 2011. Partners University of Padova,
CSIC Vigo, University Bizerte.
Bilateral FCT-MESRST project (Portugal-Tunisia), GUAMED - Coastal ecology and global changes.
A comparative study between Guadiana and Medjerda coastal zones, 2008-2010.
Graduate Training
Advanced Course on Tools to the ecohydrologic management of coastal systems in arid and
semi arid zones, 17-21 July 2010, Cairo, Egypt.
Collaborative publication
Evaluation Report 2010
Morais, P, Babaluk, J, Correia, AT, Chícharo, MA, Campbell, JL, Chícharo, L. 2010. Diversity of
anchovy migration patterns in a European temperate estuary and in its adjacent coastal area:
Implications for fishery management. Journal Sea Research 64: 295-303. IF(2009)=1.556,
Faria, AM, Muha, T, Morote, E, Chícharo, MA. 2011. Influence of starvation on the critical
swimming behaviour of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) and its relationship with
RNA/DNA ratios during ontogeny. Scientia Marina 75(1): 87-94. IF(2005-2009)=1.515.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
2. Principal investigator
João José Oliveira Dias Coimbra
3. Location of group
CIIMAR- Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
In 2010, the main sources of funding for the group came from FCT project included 98.000 EUR
as principal investigators and ca. 17.000 EUR as members of research teams, as well as FCT
pluriannual funding (38.500 EUR). In total amounting to for approximately 153.500 EUR. Other
sources of funding included EU COST action TD0903 (150.000 EUR), SFI (Sea Fisheries Institute in
Gdynia, Poland) (200 EUR) and collaboration on a UK BBSRC grant (2.000 EUR).
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
10. Investigate the physiological challenges faced by migratory fishes (Anguilla anguilla,
Platichthys flesus, Petromyzon marinus, Scyliorhinus cannicula, Pagellus bogaraveo) and
other aquatic organisms, focusing on the abiotic factors of salinity and hydrostatic
pressure. The species that are investigated are of commercial and/or biological
11. Determine migratory patterns of fishes (A. anguilla, Conger conger, P. flesus) at different
life history stages using otolith microstructure and microchemistry techniques. The use
of otolith elemental and isotopic signatures is being use to study stock and population
structure for several Portuguese important fishing species, such as C. conger, S.
acantharus, D. vulgaris and T. luscus.
12. The potential use of the chronological proprieties of fish otoliths is being tested in an
attempt to use otoliths biomarkers of aquatic metallic pollution.
13. Defining the mechanisms for dealing with physiological constraints and challenges of
ammonotelism in fishes.
Evaluation Report 2010
14. Elucidate the mechanisms of shell calcification and biomineralization in freshwater
bivalves (Anodonta cygnea) under normal and ecotoxic conditions. In addition, to
evaluate the immune responses to toxic and pathogenic agents in bivalves and to define
the culture conditions for freshwater bivalves (A. cygnea, A. anatina, Potomida littoralis,
Unio delphinus and Margaritifera margaritifera).
15. Technological advances to aid in biological discovers and monitoring of the
environment. Specifically the development of methods for the non-invasive monitoring
of physiological parameters and the development of hyperbaric systems for the
maintenance of fish and other aquatic organisms for investigating hydrostatic pressure
effects on physiology.
2. Main Achievements
Completion of microarray experiments in both eel (Anguilla anguilla) and trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss in response to increased hydrostatic pressure to identify an
number of pressure sensitive genes and zebrafish (Danio rerio) to ammonia exposure to
identify ammonia responsive genes.
Determination of a comprehensive battery of biomarkers in several fish species in
reaction to high hydrostatic pressure. In 2010, experiments were conducted with
dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula), rainbow trout (O. mykiss) and turbot (Psetta maxima).
Elucidation of the stock structure in the Portuguese north coast for T. luscus. Population
structure of two sparids fishes (D. vulgaris and S. cantharus) in the SW Portuguese coast.
Design of the new method for studying the effects of bivalve fluids on the mineralization
of biosynthetic membranes under specific conditions
Discovery and assessments of new population of freshwater bivalve Margaritifera
margaritifera in the Tamega basin (north of Portugal)
Identification of the branchial mechanism of ammonia elimination in the air-breathing
fish Misgurnus anguilliacaudatus as involving coupling of a rhesus ammonia transporter
and proton pump.
Inclusion in EU level networks (e.g. COST ACTION - TD0903) and participation in national
(FCT) and international (UK BBSRC, Canada NSERC) collaborative projects.
Dissemination of results generated by the group. In 2010 we collectively have 16
international peer reviewed publications in addition to two other publications. We also
have 19 conference presentations, 9 of which were paper presentations. Group
members have also been actively involved in education of the public.
Research training at the undergraduate and graduate levels (3 MSc completed in 2010).
Evaluation Report 2010
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Antunes, F, Hinzmann, M, Lopes-Lima, M, Machado, J, da Costa, PM. 2010. Association
between environmental microbiota and indigenous bacteria found in hemolymph, extrapallial
fluid and mucus of Anodonta cygnea (Linnaeus, 1758). Microbial Ecology 60: 304-309.
2. Campos, J, Bio, A, Cardoso, JFMF, Dapper, R, Witte, JIJ, Van der Veer, HW. 2010. Fluctuations
of brown shrimp Crangon crangon abundance in the western Dutch Wadden Sea. Marine
Ecolology Progress Series 405: 203-219.
3. Chew, SF, Tng, YY, Wee, NL, Tok, CY, Wilson, JM, Ip, YK. 2010. Intestinal osmoregulatory
acclimation and nitrogen metabolism in juveniles of the freshwater marble goby exposed to
seawater. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 180: 511-520.
4. Costa-Dias, S, Dias, E, Lobon-Cervia, J, Antunes, C, Coimbra J. 2010. Infection by
Anguillicoloides crassus in a riverine stock of European eel, Anguilla anguilla. Fisheries
Management and Ecology 17: 485-492.
5. Costa-Dias, S, Freitas, V, Sousa, R, Antunes, C. 2010. Factors influencing epibenthic
assemblages in the Minho estuary (NW Iberian Peninsula). Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 240246.
6. Costa-Dias, S, Sousa, R, Antunes, C. 2010. Ecological quality assessment of the lower Lima
estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 234-239.
7. Freitas, V, Cardoso, JFMF, Lika, K, Peck, MA, Campos, J, Kooijman, SALM, Van der Veer, HW.
2010. Temperature tolerance and energetics: a dynamic energy budget-based comparison of
North Atlantic marine species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365: 3553-3565.
8. Fu, C, Wilson, JM, Rombough, P, Brauner, CJ. 2010. Ions first: Naþ uptake shifts from the skin
to the gills before O2 uptake in developing rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Proceedings of
the Royal Society B 277: 1553-1560.
9. Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J. 2010. Effect of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on Na+/K+ATPase in juvenile gilthead seabream Sparus aurata. Short communication. Journal of Fish
Biology 76(3): 716-722.
10. Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J. 2010. In vitro effects of pesticides and metals on the activity of
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from different tissues of the blue mussel, Mytilus trossulus L.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and
Agricultural Wastes 45(1): 46-52.
11. Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J. 2010. The effect of pesticides and metals on acetylcholinesterase
(AChE) in various tissues of blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus L.) in short-term in vivo exposures at
different temperatures. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food
Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 45(4): 336-346.
Evaluation Report 2010
12. Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J, Coimbra, J. 2010. Short term high hydrostatic pressure effect on
selected biomarkers in silver eel (Anguilla anguilla). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology 391: 118-124.
13. Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J, Coimbra, J. 2010. The effect of elevated hydrostatic pressure upon
selected biomarkers in juvenile blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo in a 14 day-long
experiment. Brief communication. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 279-284.
14. Lopes, A, Lopes-Lima, M, Bobos, I, Ferreira, J, Gomes, S, Reis, R, Mano, J, Machado, J. 2010.
The effects of Anodonta cygnea biological fluids on biomineralization of chitosan membranes.
Journal of Membrane Science 364: 82-89.
15. Lopes-Lima, M, Rocha, A, Goncalves, F, Andrade, J, Machado, J. 2010. Microstructural
characterization of inner shell layers in the freshwater bivalve Anodonta cygnea. Journal of
Shellfish Research 29: 969-973.
16. McGuire, A, Aluru, N, Takemura, A, Weil, R, Wilson, JM, Vijayan, MM. 2010. Osmotic shock
adaptation by cortisol involves the suppression of gill metabolic capacity in Mozambique Tilapia.
General and Comparative Endocrinology 165: 321-329.
17. Morais, P, Babaluk, J, Correia, AT, Chícharo, MA, Campbell, JL, Chícharo, L. 2010. Diversity of
anchovy migration patterns in an European temperate estuary and in its adjacent coastal area:
Implications for fishery management. Journal of Sea Research 64: 295-303.
In press
18. Machado, J, Lopes-Lima, M. (in press). Calcification mechanism in freshwater mussels:
potential targets for cadmium. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, doi:
19. Moreira-Silva, JC, Tsui, TKN, Coimbra, JC, Ip, YK, Wilson, JM. (in press). Branchial ammonia
excretion in the Asian weatherloach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Teleostei: Cobitidae)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C, doi: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2009.08.006.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Wilson, JM, Castro, LFC. 2010. Morphological diversity of the gastrointestinal tract in fishes.
In: Grosell, M, Farrell, AP, Brauner, CJ (Eds). The multifunctional gut of fish – Volume 30, Elsevier
Inc., pp. 1-55. ISBN: 978-0-12-374982-6.
2. Cardoso, JFMF, Freitas, SM, Veer, HW, Machado, JP. 2010. Age determination in bivalves:
validation of the seasonality in growth bands – a first test for the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria.
Proceedings of the workshop Bivalves biomineralisation: Archival potential and proxy
incorporation, The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Belgium, KVAB
D/2010/0455/00: 63-66.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
Evaluation Report 2010
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Capela, Ricardo. 2010. Fish otoliths as potential chronological biomarkers of environmental
aquatic contamination by heavy metals. Master thesis in Aquatic Biological Resources, Faculty of
Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Alberto Correia, Co-supervisor: Bruno Nunes
(University Fernando Pessoa, CESAM).
Gonçalves, Annie. 2010. Ecotoxicological and histological assessment of the effects of the
benzalconium chloride in the mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki) after an acute exposition.
Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Sciences Faculty, University Fernando Pessoa.
Supervisor: Bruno Nunes (University Fernado Pessoa, CESAM), Co-supervisor: Alberto Correia.
Silva, Diogo. 2010. Discrimination of Trisopterus luscus (Linnaeus 1758) stocks in the northern of
Portugal using otolith elemental fingerprints. Master thesis in Sea Sciences - Marine Resources,
ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Alberto Correia, Co-supervisor: Paulo Santos.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
I Jornadas de Medicina Integrativa, Centro de Formação DEFI do Centro Hospitalar do
Porto (HGSA), 26-29 November 2010, Porto, Portugal. J Machado – Member of the
Organizing Commitee.
Luso-Brasileiro de Medicinas Naturais nas suas duas vertentes: Reabilitação Motora e
Fitoterapia Chinesa, 29 September 2010, Porto, Portugal. J Machado – Member of
Honour Committee and Moderator.
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization (Collaborative publication, Research, Graduate Training Networks
or other forms of participation of the Research Group at the international level)
In 2010, the Ecophysiology group had 10 publications and 9 conference presentations with
international collaborators. In addition through collaborations on, we have been involved in the
advanced training of doctoral researchers in Porto (Luciana Rodrigues de Souza Bastos, in
collaboration with Prof C Arruda de Oliveira Freire, Federal University of Paraná, Brasil; Koorosh
Sarvi Moghanloo, in collaboration with M Kalbassi, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Iran). J
Wilson in the group is also involved in collaborative research with Prof MP Wilkie, Wilfred
Laurier University, funded by the Natural Sciences and Research Council, Canada; and RW
Wilson, University of Exeter, funded by the British Biological Sciences Research Council, BBSRC,
UK. J Machado has active collaborations to study bivalve shell structure with Prof A Checa,
Evaluation Report 2010
University of Granada, Spain; Prof H Frank, University of Bayreuth, Germany; T Vanderlei Alves,
CRPNM, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba - IFPB, Brazil.
A Correia is involved in collaborative research with Paul Hamer, Victoria Dept Industries,
Australia, and Prof. Alcides Sial, Federal Univ Pernambuco, Brazil, concerning the use of otolith
isotopes and elemental signatures as a tool for fish stock discrimination purposes.
We also currently have a post-doctoral researcher, A Damasceno-Oliveira, with a cross
appointment to the Liverpool Microarray Facility and Centre for BioArray Innovation, University
of Liverpool with Prof A Cossins. Post-doctoral researcher, J Kopecka-Pilarczyk has established a
collaboration with H Dabrowska from Sea Fisheries Institute in Gdynia, Poland, on comparison of
organic contaminant levels and selected biomarkers in flounder from the Douro and Vistula
River estuaries. In addition JFMF Cardoso is completing a joint post doc in the Department of
Ecology of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research on bivalve research. Through
provisions in their FCT fellowships or project funding, students have worked abroad (O
Gonçalves, MI Pascoa, U Waterloo).
9. Government/organization contract research (Work carried out by the Research Group
that resulted in a publication or report. Of particular importance are those involved in
public policy advice)
Ecophysiology Group participates in NATURA-MINHO-MIÑO, a project funded by Interreg IV
POCTEP, the Transboundary territorial cooperation program between North of Portugal and
Galicia. This project aims the join valorization of natural resources in the river Minho
Hydrographical basin, the promotion of sustainable development and biodiversity and habitat
conservation (Natura 2000) in the transboundary territory of North of Portugal and Galicia. It
involves the participation of regional authorities (General Directorate of Nature Conservation in
Galicia and ICBN - Institute for Nature Conservation and Biodiversity of the Portuguese Ministry
for the Environment) assuring the effective involvement in public policy advice.
Evaluation Report 2010
Ecotoxicology and Ecology (ECOTOX)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Ecotoxicology and Ecology (ECOTOX)
2. Principal investigator
Lúcia Maria das Candeias Guilhermino
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
In 2010, ECOTOX brought directly to CIIMAR 901.452 EUR and other funds through projects
coordinated by other CIIMAR members; 855.960 EUR came directly to the group: FCT and other
research projects (772.460 EUR), pluriannual FCT funds (28.000 EUR), students fees (17.500
EUR) and other (38.000 EUR). In addition, ECOTOX members participated in international
meetings with travelling/stay expenses directly covered and several projects are under
evaluation (not included in the budget).
28.000 EUR FCT pluriannual funding
FCT National funding
199.776 EUR (new project), PTDC/AAC-AMB/110331/2009, 2011-2014. PI: Lúcia Guilhermino.
50.040 EUR, LTER/BIA-BEC/0019/2009, 2011-2014. Responsible at CIIMAR: Lúcia Guilhermino.
119.068 EUR, PTDC/MAR/108369/2008, 2010-2014. PI: Natividade Vieira.
189.814 EUR, PTDC/MAR/71143/2006, 2008-2011. PI : Laura Guimarães.
57.987 EUR, EU ERA-AMPERA 0001/2007, 2008-2011 + BI grant. PI: Lúcia Guilhermino.
38.000 EUR, University, industry, other sources. (Lúcia Guilhermino)
2.500 EUR other projects.
17.500 EUR PhD student fees.
Evaluation Report 2010
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The central objective of ECOTOX Lab is to investigate the evolution and functioning of aquatic
ecosystems under anthropogenic and “natural” stress, with emphasis on estuarine and coastal
ecosystems. We are particularly interested in the assessment of long-term alterations induced
by global stressors (e.g. pollution, biological invasions and climate changes) on both biotic and
abiotic components of ecosystems, in understanding how and why these alterations may affect
their structure and functioning and how to achieve a compromise between biodiversity
conservation and sustainable development in global change scenarios. For this, we have been
working in several Portuguese ecosystems and in tropical selected areas, using 3
complementary approaches: comparison of similar ecosystems under different types and/or
levels of pollution (and other global stressors), study over time of the same ecosystem and
comparison of similar problems in temperate and tropical regions. In all cases, integrated
strategies including methods from ecotoxicology, ecology, genetics, and chemistry have been
Specifically we intend to:
Identify and quantify ecosystems services in the Portuguese coast and selected areas in
the tropics, identify and characterize their problems (e.g. chemical pollution,
eutrophication, landscape alterations, climate changes, biological invasions), study their
evolution over time, develop novel methods and approaches for ecological risk
assessment, perform ecological and ecotoxicological long-term monitoring of selected
areas and ecological risk assessment .
Assess the impact of stressors on organisms, populations and on the whole ecosystem
by using conventional approaches such as ecological and ecotoxicological monitoring,
bioaccumulation and biomagnification studies, ecological risk assessment and new
methods developed by the group (e.g. in situ and laboratory bioassays with native
species, environmental biomarkers).
Understand the mechanisms of action of stressors at sub-individual, individual and
population levels and how the presence of stressors can influence species relationships
(e.g. predation, competition, facilitation), biotic/abiotic interactions, energy transfer and
nutrient cycling in ecosystems.
Contribute for the achievement of a compromise between biodiversity conservation and
sustainability by providing tools, results and recommendations to decision-makers
supporting scientific-based environmental policies and ecosystem management.
2. Main achievements
23 full papers published in international scientific per-reviewed journals.
2 books and 1 book chapter.
Evaluation Report 2010
Effects of PAHs, pesticides, metals and pharmaceuticals on several marine and
freshwater species of temperate and tropical areas, including mechanisms of toxicity
and biotransformation.
Relationships between several biomarkers and behaviour parameters.
Knowledge about contamination levels in NW Portuguese coast (Aveiro lagoon –
Spanish border), Minho, Lima, Cávado and Douro Rivers estuaries and Aveiro lagoon,
using integrated approaches including water quality variables, chemical analysis (e.g.
metals, PAHs, pesticides), bioaccumulation factors, biomarkers and condition indexes in
fish (eels; common goby).
Knowledge on the freshwater tidal area of Minho estuary, mainly of the macrobenthic
community, population dynamics of key-species, impact of 2009 heat wave on the
community and populations resistance and resilience.
Knowledge on the biological effects of contaminants in coastal and estuarine fish.
Identification and characterization of the non-native invasive species introduced in the
Minho and Lima rivers. Particularly attention was focused in the non-native invasive
species Corbicula fluminea, including its impact on native species and on ecosystems
1 PhD Thesis and 6 MSc Thesis concluded.
Advanced training in Ecotoxicology and Ecology of 10 students, including 5 from other
8 Visits of senior researchers from Brazil, Finland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, The
Netherlands and Spain.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Afonso, MJ, Chaminé, H, Marques, JM, Carreira, PM, Guimarães, L, Guilhermino, L, Gomes, A,
Fonseca, PE, Pires, A, Rocha, F. 2010. Environmental issues in urban groundwater systems: a
multidisciplinary study of the Paranhos and Salgueiros spring waters, Porto (NW Portugal).
Environmental Earth Sciences 61: 379-392.
2. Agra, A, Guilhermino, L, Soares, A, Barata, C. 2010. Genetic costs of tolerance to metals in
Daphnia longispina populations historically exposed to a copper mine drainage. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry 29: 939-946.
3. Almeida, JR, Oliveira, C, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Linking behavioural alterations with
biomarkers responses in the European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax L. exposed to the
organophosphate pesticide fenitrothion. Ecotoxicology 19: 1369-1381.
Evaluation Report 2010
4. Costa-Dias, S, Sousa, R, Antunes, C. 2010. Ecological quality assessment of the lower Lima
estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 234-239.
5. Costa-Dias, S, Freitas, V, Sousa, R, Antunes, C. 2010. Factors influencing epibenthic
assemblages in the Minho estuary (NW Iberian Peninsula). Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 240246.
6. Ferreira, F, Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA, Vieira, NM, Monteiro, NM. 2010. Sexing
blennies using genital papilla morphology or anogenital distance. Journal of Fish Biology 77:
7. Frasco, MF, Erzen, I, Stojan, J, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Localization and properties of
cholinesterases in the common prawn (Palaemon serratus): a kinetic-histochemical study.
Biological Bulletin 218: 1-5.
8. Gravato, C, Guimarães, L, Santos, J, Faria, M, Alves, A, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Comparative
study about the effects of pollution on glass and yellow eels (Anguilla anguilla) from the
estuaries of Minho, Lima and Douro Rivers (NW Portugal). Ecotoxicology and Environmental
Safety 73: 524-533.
9. Martínez-López, E, Sousa, AR, María-Mojica, P, Gómez-Ramirez, P, Guilhermino, L, GarcíaFernández, AJ. 2010. Blood delta-ALAD, lead and cadmium concentrations in spur-thighed
tortoises (Testudo graeca) from Southeastern Spain and Northern Africa. Ecotoxicology 19: 670677.
10. Menezes, S, Soares, AMVM, Guilhermino, L, Peck, MR. 2010. Can the activities of
acetylcholinesterase and glutathione S-transferases of Crangon crangon (L.) be used as
biomarkers of fuel oil exposure? Water, Air and Soil Pollution 208: 317-322.
11. Moreira, SM, Moreira-Santos, M, Rendón-von Osten, J, da silva, EM, Ribeiro, R, Guilhermino,
L, Soares, AM. 2010. Ecotoxicological tools for the tropics: Sublethal assays with fish to evaluate
edge-of-field pesticide runoff toxicity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73: 893-899.
12. Oliva, M, de Canales, MLG, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Perales, JA. 2010. Biochemical effects
and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in senegal sole (Solea senegalensis) from a Huelva
estuary (SW Spain). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73: 1842-1851.
13. Silva, K, Vieira, MN, Almada, VC, Monteiro, NM. 2010. Reversing sex-role reversal competes
only when you must. Behavioural Ecology Animal 79(4): 885-893.
14. Silva K, Vieira, MN, Almada, VC, Monteiro, NM. 2010. Female reproductive tactics: Scanning
for male quality and number. Behavioural Ecology 20: 768-772
15. Wenning, RJ, Nunns Jr, WR, Stahl Jr, RG, Guilhermino, L, Menzie, C, Römbke, J, Helm, RC.
2010. Global climate change and environmental contaminants: a SETAC call for research.
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 6(2): 197-198.
Evaluation Report 2010
In press
16. Amorim, MJB, Oliveira, E, Teixeira, AS, Gravato, CS, Loureiro, S, Guilhermino, L, Van Gestel,
CAM, Soares, AMVM. (in press). Toxicity and bioaccumulation of phenanthrene in Enchytraeus
albinus (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30.
17. Ferreira, F, Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA, Vieira, N, Monteiro, NM. (in press). Sexing the
shanny, Lipophrys pholis, using genital papilla morphology or anogenital distance. Notes on two
other sympatric rocky intertidal blennies. Journal of Fish Biology.
18. Gomes, SIL, Novais, SC, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Scott-Fordsmand, JJ, Soares, AMVM,
Amorim, MJB. (in press). Effect of Cu-nanoparticles versus one Cu-salt: analysis of stress and
neuro-muscular biomarkers response in Enchytraeus albidus (Oligochaeta). Nanotoxicology.
19. Howcroft, CF, Gravato, C, Amorim, MJ, Novais, SC, Soares, AM, Guilhermino, L. (in press).
Biochemical characterization of cholinesterases in Enchytraeus albidus and assessment of in vivo
and in vitro effects of different soil properties, copper and phenmedipham. Ecotoxicology.
20. Ilarri, M, Antunes, C, Guilhermino, L, Sousa, R. (in press). Massive mortality of the Asian clam
Corbicula fluminea in a highly invaded area. Biological Invasions.
21. Rubal, M., Guilhermino, L., Medina, M.H. (in press). Two strategies to live in low chronic
pollution estuaries: the potential role of life style. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.
22. Sarria, MP, Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA, Vieira, NM, Monteiro, NM. (in press). The
unpredictable effects of mixtures of androgenic and estrogenic chemicals on fish early life.
Environment International, doi:10.1016/j.envint.2010.11.004.
23. Vieira, MN, Bio, A. (in press). Functioning and zooplankton ecology of a Portuguese artisanal
salina. Journal Sea Research.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Afonso, MJ, Pires, A, Chaminé, HI, Marques, JM, Guimarães, L, Guilhermino, L, Rocha, FT.
2010. Aquifer vulnerability assessment of urban areas using a GIS-based cartography: Paranhos
groundwater pilot site, Porto, NW Portugal. In: Paliwal, BS (Ed). Global Groundwater Resources
and Management. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, pp. 259-278.
2. Guilhermino, L, Guimarães, L. 2010. Are complex approaches a real advantage in the
assessment of ecotoxicological effects in real scenarios? Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology A 157: S19-S20.
3. Guimarães, L, Gravato, C, Santos, J, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Impact of pollution on the
development of glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) entering three NW Portuguese estuaries.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A - Molecular and Integrative Physiology 157: S25.
Evaluation Report 2010
4. Hernández-Garcia, A, Romero, D, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Garcia-Fernández, AJ. 2010.
Effects on enzymatic antioxidant system of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) erythrocytes exposed
in vitro to lead and cadmium. Toxicology Letters 196: 128-129.
5. Mesquita, SR, Guilhermino, L, Guimarães, L. 2010. Assessing the effects of the selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine on Carcinus maenas using locomotor behaviour and
biomarkers as effect criteria. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 157: S23.
6. Hernández-Garcia, A, Romero, D, Tagliati, CA, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Garcia-Fernández,
AJ. 2010. Glutathione S-transferase activity, glutathione and lipid peroxidation levels in mallard
(Anas platyrhynchos) erythrocytes exposed to lead and cadmium in vitro. Toxicology Letters 196:
7. Oliveira, M, Vieira, LR, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Acute effects of pyrene on the
common goby Pomatoschistus microps (Teleostei, Gobiidae). Toxicology Letters 196, 127-128.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Almeida, JR, Sá, N. 2010. Guia de Mergulho da Madeira (Madeira Diving Guide). Veraçor
Editores, Ponta Delgada, 109p.
2. Fidalgo, ML, Sousa, L, Oliveira, A, Magalhães, P. 2010. Norte do sonho. Caminha e o estuário
do rio Minho. Edição da Câmara Municipal de Caminha, Caminha, ISBN: 978-989-95920-4-9,
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Oliveira, Cristiana, 2010. Effects of pesticides in biomarkers and behaviour of Palaemon serratus.
Master thesis in Applied Biology: branch of Toxicology and Ecotoxicology, Department of
Biology, University of Aveiro. Supervisor: Carlos Gravato.
Rodrigues, Carolina. 2010. Avaliação da Qualidade de Ecológica do Rio Ferreira nos Concelhos de
Valongo e Paços de Ferreira. Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water Quality,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Natividade Vieira.
Sousa, Raquel Cristina Ferreira. 2010. Avaliação da Qualidade da água da Ribeira da Madalena.
Influência da vegetação riparia nos grupos funcionais de macroinvertebrados bentónicos.
Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water Quality, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Porto. Supervisor: Natividade Vieira.
Almeida, Helena Lopes. 2010. Avaliação da Qualidade da Biológica da água de um ecossistema
fluvial - Ribeira da Madalena. Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water Quality,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Natividade Vieira.
Mesquita, Sofia. 2010. Testing the potential of chitobiase activity of Carcinus maenas as a
biomarker in environmental studies. Master thesis in Contamination and Environmental
Evaluation Report 2010
Toxicology, Faculty of Sciences and ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Laura Guimarães, Cosupervisor: Lúcia Guilhermino.
Duarte, Daniel João da Silva Tavares. 2010. Master thesis in Contamination and Environmental
Toxicology, Faculty of Sciences and ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: M Soto (University of
the Basque Country), Co-supervisor: Lúcia Guilhermino.
Lima, Inês de Marrazes. 2010. Ecotoxicological effects of petrochemical products on natural
populations of Mytilus galloprovincialis inhabiting rocky shores along the NW coast of Portugal.
PhD thesis in Aquatic Sciences, ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Lúcia Guilhermino, Cosupervisor: Amadeu MVM Soares (CESAM, University of Aveiro).
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
L Guilhermino is President of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry –
Europe (SETAC-Europe), chaired and organised several meetings and conference calls of
the SETAC Europe Council, in cooperation with the SETAC Europe Executive Committee
and the SETAC Europe office. One of the SETAC Europe Council Meetings (Chaired by L
Guilhermino) and the Long Range Planning meeting (Chaired by the Vice-President of
SETAC Europe – P Campbell) were held at CIIMAR. Porto, 27-28 September 2010.
L Guilhermino was Chair of the Local Organising Committee, and of the Scientific
Committee of the “12º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia – Serviços dos Ecossistemas.
Desafios e ameaças num mundo em mudança”, organised by the Portuguese Society of
Ecology, University of Porto (ICBAS & FCUP) and CIIMAR. Porto, 18-20 October 2010.
She and several ECOTOX members were chairs of sessions on this meeting.
L Guilhermino was member of the Scientific Committee, and organised and chaired (in
cooperation with C Menzie, J Rombke, R Wenning) the Special Session “SS02 – Global
stressors: climate changes, invasive species, and chemicals”. SETAC Europe 20th Annual
Meeting – Science and Technology for Environmental Protection, Seville, 23- 27 May
C Gravato was Chair of the session “Linking sub-individual effects with ecologically
relevant parameters” during the SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Seville, 23- 27
May 2010.
L Guilhermino was member of the Scientific Committee and Chair of the session
“Ecotoxicology” of the XV Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology, Ponta
Delgada, 5- 9 July 2010.
Evaluation Report 2010
L Guilhermino was Chair and Organizer (in cooperation with JC Marques and J Coimbra)
of the session “Ecossistemas Marinhos”. Ciência 2010 – Encontro com a Ciência e
Tecnologia em Portugal, Lisboa, 4-7 July 2010.
L Guilhermino was Chair of one session in the topic “Ecological risk assessment in
marine and estuarine ecosystems: how to integrate physicochemical, ecological and
ecotoxicological methods” in the ECSA 47 Symposium. Figueira da Foz, 14-19 September
Workshop PETGENES - Genetic Alterations in Aquatic Organisms After Exposure to
Pollutants, CIIMAR & ICBAS, University of Porto. Organised by L Guilhermino, J Rotchell
and L Guimarães, within the scope of a Bilateral Cooperation Programme between FCT
and the British Council. CIIMAR, 12-13 January 2010.
7. Industry contract research
The laboratory of Ecotoxicology and Ecology provides consulting and other services to industry,
including toxicity tests and support for REACH, the European Community Regulation on
chemicals and their safe use (EC 1907/2006). The laboratory has been also performing toxicity
assays, environmental studies and consulting services regarding the management of residuals,
sediments removal and other environmental matters for national industry, local and national
Authorities (e.g. Municipalities). In addition, Lúcia Guilhermino has been participating in projects
of the Autonomous University of Campeche, Mexico, in cooperation with oil and pesticide
companies operating in the Gulf of Mexico to reduce the environmental and human health
impact of the oil extraction and transformation, and of the use of pesticides in agriculture.
Natividade Vieira collaborated with the laboratory of Semiarid Federal University of Rio Grande
do Norte in the monitoring of solar saltern River Estuary Mossóro, and cooperated in studies of
the river environment impact Potengi, with Petrobras and Biogeoquimica Laboratory, Federal
University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
8. Internationalization
L Guilhermino is President of SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) –
Europe, Chair of its Executive Council, member of World Council of SETAC and of several
Committees of this scientific society. She is also member (scientific expert) of the Working
Group on Biological Effects of Environmental Contaminants of the ICES. R Sousa is a member of
The European Group on Biological Invasions Council. L Guilhermino has been evaluator of
projects/grants for the International Science Foundation. She and R Sousa have been evaluating
projects for the Fondo Investigacion Científica de Argentina. L Guilhermino is Associate Editor of
Biomarkers, member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, and of
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. R Sousa is member of the Editorial
Board of Water SA. ECOTOX members with a PhD are regular reviewers of scientific SCI journals
(e.g. Chemosphere, Environmental Pollution, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Environment
International, Marine Pollution Bulletin, etc). The lab is a partner of the ERA-NET project
RAMOCS (EU ERA-AMPERA 0001/2007), is involved in several networks and initiatives for
international cooperation, and has intensive scientific cooperation with research groups in
Europe, Africa, America and Asia, including: Belgium (Univ Antwerp), France (Univ Catholique
Ouest), Norway (Univ Oslo, NIVA), Slovenia (Univ Ljublajana), Finland (Finish Environmental
Evaluation Report 2010
Institute), Spain (CSIC Torre La Sal, CSIC Barcelona, INIA, Univ Basque Country, Univ Coruna, Univ
Extremadura, Univ Murcia, Univ Valencia, Univ Vigo); UK (Plymouth Marine Lab, Univ Sussex,
Univ Cambridge), Brazil (Univ Federal Baía, Univ S Paulo and Univ, Federal do Rio Grande do
Norte, Natal), Costa Rica (Univ Nacional), Mexico (Univ Campeche, CIAD Mazatlán, Univ Puebla),
USA (Univ Georgia), Tunisia (Higher Inst Agronomy Choott Mariem), India (Univ Madras).
Agra, A, Guilhermino, L, Soares, A, Barata, C. 2010. Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry 29: 939-946.
Frasco, MF, Erzen, I, Stojan, J, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Biological Bulletin 218: 1-5.
Martínez-López, E, Sousa, AR, María-Mojica, P, Gómez-Ramirez, P, Guilhermino, L,
García-Fernández, AJ. 2010. Ecotoxicology 19: 670-677.
Oliva, M, de Canales, MLG, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Perales, JA. 2010. Ecotoxicology
and Environmental Safety 73: 1842-1851.
Wenning, RJ, Nunns Jr, WR, Stahl Jr, RG, Guilhermino, L, Menzie, C, Römbke, J, Helm, RC.
2010. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 6 (2): 197-198.
9. Government/organization contract research
Several members of ECOTOX participated in meetings to establish priorities of scientific policy,
science, research and action (e.g. management, sustainable development) at global, European,
national and regional levels in several areas such as: Environment, Marine Sciences, Climate
Changes, Chemicals use in Developing Countries. In addition, L Guilhermino is member of the
Council of the North Hydrographic Region of Portugal (“Conselho da Região Hidrográfica do
Norte”) assisting and advising the Administration of the Hydrographic Region of the North of
Portugal (ARH-Norte) on the application of funds and adoption of strategies, plans and projects
related with water use and management of river basins, among other matters, contributing for
the development of the North Region of the country. She is member of the core group of the
project LTER/BIA-BEC/0019/2009 (total budget: 199.932 EUR), recently funded by FCT and
where the North and Centre Hydrographic Regions participate as end-use partners. She is also
member of the Working Group on Biological Effects of Environmental Contaminants of the
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea that develops methods and strategies to
protect the marine environment assisting several international organizations and conventions
such as OSPAR.
Evaluation Report 2010
Ecotoxicology, Genomics and Evolution (LEGE)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Ecotoxicology, Genomics and Evolution (LEGE)
2. Principal investigator
Vitor Manuel Oliveira Vasconcelos
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
FCT pluriannual funding
National funding
140.818 EUR, FCT, PTDC/AMB/67075/2006. 2008-2010. PI: V Vasconcelos.
188.980 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/68106/2006. 2008-2011. PI: M Santos, Researcher: A Antunes.
148.000 EUR, FCT, PTDC/BIA-BDE/70982/2006. 2008-2011. PI: A Antunes.
126.706 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/099642/2008. 2010-2012. PI: V Vasconcelos.
87.024 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/102258/2008. 2010-2012. PI: V Vasconcelos.
198.767 EUR, FCT, PTDC/AAC-AMB/102121/2008, NISTRACKS. 2010-2013. PI: L Guilhermino,
Researcher: A Antunes.
199.997 EUR, FCT, PTDC/AAC-AMB/104983/2008. 2010-2013. Researcher: A Antunes.
124.570 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/102638/2008. 2010-2012. Researcher: V Vasconcelos.
9.000 EUR, Pre-graduation projects, Univ Porto.
European funding
138.033 EUR, INTERREG IV B Atlantic Area, ATLANTOX. 2009-2010. PI: V Vasconcelos.
195.514 EUR, INTERREG IV B Atlantic Area, PHARMATLANTIC. 2010-2012. PI: V Vasconcelos.
209.969 EUR, INTERREG IV B Atlantic Area, ShareBiotech. 2010-2012. PI: A Antunes.
Evaluation Report 2010
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
LEGE- Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Genomics and Evolution is a laboratory of CIIMAR and
CIMAR-LA dedicated to the study of toxic organisms and its natural toxins diversity, including
production mechanisms and control of their occurrence in a ecotoxicological and evolutionary
genomic/proteomic perspective. It is also a major aim, to study the toxin-tolerance levels among
varied organisms (from humans, to other animals and plants), which requires the molecular
characterization of relevant cellular mechanisms, including detoxification, development and
genetic disease onset.
Specific objectives:
Ecotoxicological study of cyanobacteria and other potentially toxic organisms in marine,
brackish and freshwaters. Occurrence of the main species and of the main toxins, and
production of bioactive compounds with potential pharmacological interest.
Ecotoxicological assays regarding the effects of neurotoxins and hepatotoxins in
different organisms. Use of behavioral and histopathological alterations as endpoints.
Studies on the bioaccumulation of toxins and research of possible toxin vectors. Human
health risk assessment of toxin occurrence in drinking, recreational waters. Impact of
contamination of toxins in water used for agriculture.
Use of molecular and computational genomics/proteomics tools to characterize
systemic functional behaviors of the cell and the organism (from humans, to other
animals and plants). This includes understanding the interaction and adaptive evolution
of cellular protein-coding genes operating in toxin production, detoxification,
development, and genetic disease onset in various organisms.
Use of molecular genomics for assessing the biogeography and phylogenetic
relationships of toxic organisms (from cyanobacteria to metazoans) and non-toxic
organisms with varied resistance to the effects of natural toxins.
2. Main achievements
The development of new analytical techniques, namely HPLC and Capilary Electrophoresis for
the detection of BMMA in marine and freshwaters allowed its application to cyanobacteria from
marine and estuarine environments. High levels of these neurotoxins were found in Portuguese
isolates comparing with other published reports. All samples were positive for BMAA. BMAA
presence was not related to the geographic origin or taxonomy of the isolates and no
correlation between free and bound BMAA concentrations was observed within or between
taxonomic groups. These data offer the first confirmation of the taxonomic and geographic
ubiquity of BMAA from naturally-occurring populations of cyanobacteria in estuaries.
Allelopathy was studied related to compounds produced by cyanobacteria and we concluded
that although some effects may be verified towards the germination and growth of several
plants, cyanobacteria metabolites seem not to affect the dynamics of bacteria in Water
Treatment Plants. Low densities of cyanobacteria have allelopathic effects in green algae and we
Evaluation Report 2010
isolated and structurally characterized new allelopathic substances – portoamides - produced by
a freshwater Oscillatoria.
The marine toxin domoic acid was shown to induce toxic effects on sea bream. The nonexistence of major permanent brain damage in S. aurata distinguishable under light microscopy,
associated with reversibility of toxic signs suggests occurrence of neuronal recovery in affected
individuals or higher individual DA resistance. Tetrodotoxin was found in some invertebrate
species of the Portuguese Coast for the first time. The common toxins found in freshwater
cyanobacteria were not detected in their marine and estuarine congeners, although toxic effects
were observed against sea urchin embryos, virus and some human cell lines. The inhibition of
HSV-1 and the strong cytotoxicity against L929 cells observed emphasizes the importance of
evaluating the impact of those estuarine cyanobacteria on aquatic ecosystem and on human
Phylogenetic analyses assessed the evolution and functional diversification of the cytosolic GSTs,
a large group of ubiquitous enzymes involved in detoxification and well known for their
undesired side effects during chemotherapy. Protection against oxidative stress seems to be the
major driver of positive selection in mammalian cGSTs, explaining the overall expansion pattern
of this subfamily.
PhosphoProtein Phosphatases (PPP) enzymes involved in key cellular processes such as
morphogenesis, synaptic transmission and apoptosis are the target of multiple naturallyoccurring toxins, namely MC. The phylogeny of PPPs among metazoans and the molecular
interaction of varied toxins with the PPPs, highlighted (1) which specific structural differences
within the similarly folded catalytic core of the PPPs explain their diverse sensitivities to toxin
inhibition, and (2) which structural features presented by the various toxins account for the
differential inhibitory potency towards each PPP.
We assessed the phylogenetic relationships and adaptive evolution of important metazoan gene
products involved in key cellular processes and often disrupted by environmental contaminants,
which can be a cause of cancer and endocrine disruption. We characterized the gene/protein
evolution of the Retinoid X Receptor (RXR), a nuclear receptor highly relevant the embryonic
development of the vertebrate embryos; the matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE)
that belongs to a family of small integrin-binding ligand N-linked glycoproteins with an
important role in skeleton development; and the Hedgehog (Hh) gene family that codifies a class
of secreted proteins that act as signaling molecules during embryo development.
Software tools to perform evolutionary analyses on gene/protein sequences were developed:
(1) IMPACT – a new GUI that estimates evolutionary rates on protein sequences by assessing
changes in biochemical constraints, phylogeny and protein structure; and (2) TI2BioP
(Topological Indices to BioPolymers) – an alignment-free approach that allows the calculation of
the spectral moments as simple topological indices (TIs) to seek Quantitative Sequence-Function
Relationships (QSFR) models, which we successfully applied to the study of bacteriocins,
proteinaceous toxins produced by both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.
During 2010, we published a total of 25 papers in SCI journals, 1 book chapter, presented 18 oral
communications and 31 posters in national and international conferences.
Evaluation Report 2010
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Vasconcelos, V, Azevedo, J, Silva, M, Ramos, V. 2010. Effects of marine toxins on the
reproduction and early stages development of aquatic organisms. Marine Drugs 8(1): 59-79.
2. Campos, A, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. Molecular mechanisms of microcystin toxicity in animals.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11: 268-287.
3. Lopes, V, Antunes, A, Martins, R, Welker, M, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Morphological,
toxicological and molecular characterization of a benthic Nodularia strain isolated from a
Portuguese estuary. Research in Microbiology 161: 9-17.
4. Lopes, V, Fernandez, N, Martins, R, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. Primary screening for bioactivity
of brackishwater cyanobacteria: Ecotoxicity and embryotoxicity of crude extracts. Marine Drugs
8: 471-482.
5. Almeida, AM, van Harten, S, Campos, A, Coelho, AV, Cardoso, LA. 2010. The effect of weight
loss on protein profiles of gastrocnemius muscle in rabbits: a study using 1D electrophoresis and
peptide mass fingerprinting. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 94(2): 174-185.
6. González-Díaz, H, Dea-Ayuela, MA, Pérez-Montoto, LG, Prado-Prado, FJ, Agüero-Chapín, G,
Bolas-Fernández, F, Vazquez-Padrón, RI, Ubeira, FM. 2010. QSAR for RNases and theoreticexperimental study of molecular diversity on peptide mass fingerprints of a new Leishmania
infantum protein. Molecular Diversity 14: 349-369.
7. El Ghazali, I, Saqrane, S, Carvalho, AP, Ouahid, Y, Del Campo, F, Vasconcelos, V, Oudra, B.
2010. Effects of the microcystin profile of a bloom on the toxicity and toxin accumulation in
common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). larvae. Journal of Fish Biology 76:1415-1430.
8. Almeida, AM, Campos, A, Francisco, R, van Harten, S, Cardoso, LA, Coelho, AV. 2010.
Proteomic investigation of the effects of weight loss in the gastrocnemius muscle of wild and
New Zealand white rabbits via 2D-electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF MS. Animal Genetics 41: 260272.
9. Fathalli, A, Jenhani, A, Saker, M, Moreira, C, Romdhane, MS, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. First
observation of the toxic and invasive cyanobacterium species Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in
Tunisian freshwaters. Toxicity assessment and molecular characterization. Fresenius
Environmental Bulletin 19: 1074-1083
10. El Ghazali, I, Saqrane, S, Carvalho, AP, Ouahid, Y, del Campo, FF, Oudra, B, Vasconcelos, V.
2010. Effect of different microcystin profiles on the toxins bioaccumulation in common carp
(Cyprinus carpio) larvae via Artemia nauplii. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73:762770.
11. Frazão, B, Martins, R, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Are know toxins involved in the toxicity of
picoplanktonic and filamentous North Atlantic marine cyanobacteria?. Marine Drugs 8: 19081919.
Evaluation Report 2010
12. Vasconcelos, VM, Vale, M, Martins, A, Antunes, A, Azevedo, J, Welker, M, Lopez, O,
Montejano, G. 2010. First report on the occurrence of microcystins in planktonic cyanobacteria
from Central Mexico analyzed by molecular, immunological and chemical methods. Toxicon 56:
13. Ramos, V, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Palytoxin and analogues: biological and ecological effects.
Marine Drugs 8(7): 2021-2037.
14. Leão, PN, Pereira, AR, Liu, W-T, König, GM, Dorrestein, PC, Vasconcelos, VM, Gerwick, WH.
2010. Synergistic allelochemicals from a freshwater cyanobacterium. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences 107: 11183-11188.
15. Silva, P, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Allelopathic effect of water contaminated with
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii on the germination and growth of several plant species.
Chemistry and Ecology 26: 263-271.
16. Herfindal, L, Jokela, J, Myhren, L, Permi, P, Selheim, F, Wahlsten, M, Kleppe, R, Krakstad, C,
Vasconcelos, V, Sivonen, K, Døskeland, SO. 2010. A novel nostocyclopeptide inhibits microcystin
and nodularin induced apoptosis in hepatocytes. ChemBioChem 11: 1594-1599.
17. Campos, A, Carvajal-Vallejos, PK, Villalobos, E, Franco, CF, Almeida, AM, Coelho, AV, Torné,
JM, Santos, M. 2010. Characterisation of Zea mays L. plastidial transglutaminase: interactions
with thylakoid membrane proteins. Plant Biology 12: 708-716.
18. Stoichev, T, Basto, MCP, Vasconcelos, V, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. Fate and effects of NP in
the presence of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Chemistry and Ecology 26: 395399.
19. Nogueira, I, Lobo da Cunha, AL, Afonso, A, Rivera, S, Azevedo, J, Monteiro, R, Cervantes, R,
Gago-Martinez, A, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Toxic effects of domoic acid in the sea bream Sparus
aurata. Marine Drugs 8: 2721-2732.
20. da Fonseca, RR, Kosiol, C, Vinar, T, Siepel, A, Nielsen, R. 2010. Positive selection on apoptosis
related genes. FEBS Letters 584: 469-476.
21. Martins, J, Peixe, L, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Cyanobacteria and Bacteria co-occurrence in a
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP): Absence of Allelopathic Effects. Water, Science and
Technology 62(8): 1954-1962.
22. Marques, JRF, da Fonseca, RR, Drury, B, Melo, A. 2010. Conformational characterization of
disulfide bonds: A tool for protein classification. Journal of Theoretical Biology 267: 388-395.
23. da Fonseca, RR, Johnson, WE, O’Brien, SJ, Vasconcelos, V, Antunes, A. 2010. Molecular
evolution and the role of oxidative stress in the expansion and functional diversification of
cytosolic glutathione transferases. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 281.
24. Ramos, V, Seabra, R, Brito, Â, Santos, A, Santos, CL, Lopo, M, Moradas-Ferreira, P,
Vasconcelos, V, Tamagnini, P. 2010. Characterization of a marine unicellular cyanobacterium
Evaluation Report 2010
that constitutes a separate clade together with thermophilic strains. European Journal of
Phycology 44: 394-403.
25. Azul, AM, Ramos, V, Sales, F. 2010. Early effects of fire on herbaceous vegetation and
mycorrhizal symbiosis in high altitude grasslands of Natural Park of Estrela Mountain (PNSE).
Symbiosis 52: 113-123.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Agüero-Chapin, G, Sánchez-Rodríguez, A, Antunes, A, de la Riva GA, González Díaz, H. 2010.
Chapter 5: Network entropies classification of fungi and bacteria of fungi and bacteria cellulases
of interest for biotechnology. In: González-Díaz, H, Munteanu, CR (Eds). Topological Indices for
Medicinal Chemistry, Biology, Parasitology, Neurological and Social Networks, Transworld
Research Network, Kerala, India, pp. 69-95. ISBN 978-81-7895-989-9.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Salgado, Lídia. 2010. Desinfecção de águas naturais contaminadas com cianobactérias por
fotocatálise solar. Master thesis in Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University
of Porto. Cu-supervisor: Vítor Vasconcelos, Rui Boaventura and Vítor Vilar (Faculty of
Engineering, University of Porto).
Roldão, Mariana. 2010. Ecotoxicologia e Educação. Dos estudos no estuário do Rio Ave à
elaboração de ferramentas educativas. Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water
Quality, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Vítor Vasconcelos.
Silva, Marisa. 2010. Tetrodotoxin ocurrence in Portuguese coastal waters: first report on Atlantic
coastal waters. Master thesis in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor:
Vítor Vasconcelos.
Joussef, Samira. 2010. Evolutionary genetics of the AMT domain of the microcystin gene cluster
in various cyanobacteria genera. Master thesis in Contamination and Environmental Toxicology,
Faculty of Sciences and ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Agostinho Antunes, Cosupervisor: Vítor Vasconcelos.
Leão, Pedro. 2010. Allelopathic properties of cyanobacteria isolated from Portuguese
freshwaters. PhD thesis in Environmental Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Sciences,
University of Porto. Supervisor: Vítor Vasconcelos.
Evaluation Report 2010
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, Istanbul, Turkey, 29 August – 4
September 2010 (V Vasconcelos – Member of Scientific Commission).
12º Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ecologia, SPECO, Porto, 18-20 October 2010
(V Vasconcelos – Member of Scientific Commission and Vice-president of Organizing
ECClima - Estuaries in a changing climate – International Conference, CIIMAR, 5-8 April
2011 (V Vasconcelos – Member of Scientific Commission).
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
V Vasconcelos: Stephan Pflugmacher, IGB, Berlin, Germany; Stein-Oven Doskeland, Univ Bergen,
Norway; Brahim Oudra, Univ Cadi Ayyad, Marrakesh, Morocco; Ana Gago, Univ Vigo, Spain;
Amel Jenhani, INAT, Tunis, Tunisia; Jordi Molgo, CNRS, Paris, France, Gustavo Montejano, Lab
Phycology, National Univ Mexico, Mexico; Luis Botana, Univ Santiago Compostela, Lugo, Spain.
Member of the Task Force - Marine and Freshwaters Toxins – of the Association of Official
Analytical Chemists - AOAC International (2007-).
A Antunes: Stephen J O’Brien, Warren E Johnson, Shu-Jin Luo, Jennifer Troyer, Jill PeconSlaterry, Melody E Roelke, Lab of Genomic Diversity, NCI, NIH, MD, USA; Gustavo de la Riva,
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Univ Miami, Florida, USA; Sue VandeWoude, Sam
Franklin, Colorado State Univ, CO, USA; Craig Packer, Univ Minnesota, USA; Laurence Frank, Univ
California Berkeley, USA; Katherine C Prager, Univ California Davis, USA; David Wildt, Mitch
Bush, Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park, Front Royal, USA; Kuo-Chen Chou, Gordon Life
Science Inst, San Diego, USA; Eugenio Uriarte, ITESS, Guanajuato, Mexico; Humberto GonzalezDiaz, Florencio M Ubeira, Univ Santiago Compostela, Spain; Graham Hemson, Wildlife
Conservation Research Unit, Tubney, Oxon, UK; Christiaan Winterbach, Hanlie Winterbach, Tau
Consultants, Maun, Botswana; Kathy A Alexander, Department of Wildlife & National Parks,
Kasane, Botswana; Philip Stander, Ministry of Environment & Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia;
Ludwig Siefert, Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda; Margaret Driciru, Uganda Wildlife Authority,
Kampala, Uganda; Paul J Funston, Tshwane Univ of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa; Gus Mills,
Univ Pretoria, South Africa; Paolo Martelli, Ocean Park, Aberdeen, Hong Kong; Olga Uphyrkina,
Inst Biology & Soil Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia; Aminael Sanchez-Rodríguez, Gisselle PérezMachado, Reinaldo Molina-Ruiz,
unierkis Pérez-Castillo, Aliuska Morales-Helguera,
ReinaldoMolina-Ruiz, CBQ, IBP, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, UCLV, Santa Clara, Cuba;
Philippe Gaubert, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
Evaluation Report 2010
A Campos: Mireya Santos, Josep Maria Torné, Center of Research in Agrogenomics – CRAG,
CSIC-IRTA-UAB, Barcelona, Spain; Ana M Camean, Ana I Prieto, Faculty of Pharmacy, Univ Seville,
9. Government/organization contract research
LEGE has been responsible for the analysis of water and counseling to many public health
departments in what concerns the environmental and human health risk management
associated with toxic cyanobacteria and other phytoplankton.
LEGE has been working in a national project coordinated by INAG (Portuguese Water Institute,
Ministry of Environment) in the Water Framework Directive of Costal Waters. Responsible for
the phytoplankton analysis of northern estuaries.
V Vasconcelos is also consultant with INAG in order to coordinate a national intercalibration
exercise for phytoplankton analysis in freshwaters.
V Vasconcelos, as the scientific Coordinator of CMIA Vila do Conde until March 2010
(Interpretation and Monitoring Center of Vila do Conde) has directed the study of the physicochemical and microbiological quality of the beaches of Vila do Conde area. A Report on the
Water Quality of those beaches during 2008 was published and distributed to Public health
Authorities, Municipality of Vila do Conde and CIMAR.
A Antunes as the scientific Coordinator of CMIA Matosinhos (Interpretation and Monitoring
Center of Matosinhos) has launched the public reopening of this CMIA in August 2010
(, which included monthly seminars and public thematic
exhibitions, plus several didactic activities to high school students and the general public.
Contracts with National authorities:
Avaliação do estado ecológico das massas de água costeiras e de transição adjacentes e
do potencial ecológico das massas de água fortemente modificadas. Funded by POVT/
Eixo III - Combate à Erosão Costeira, QREN, 2009-2010. Responsable: V
Vasconcelos.Ensaio laboratorial de fitoplâncton de águas doces. Coordenação do
exercício interlaboratorial nacional. Funded by INAG, 2009-2010. Responsable: V
Evaluation Report 2010
Environmental Technologies
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Environmental Technologies
2. Principal investigator
Maria Clara Semedo da Silva Costa
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
The funding sources of Environmental Technologies group of CCMAR in 2010 were:
4.302 EUR FCT Pluriannual funding.
2.750 EUR, partial budget given by FCT to the University of Algarve for the PhD
scholarship of Mónica Sofia Furtado Martins, SFRH/BD/29677/2006.
1.850 EUR, Joint research Portugal- Tunisia protocol, funded by FCT and Ministry of High
Education and Scientific Research and Technology of Tunisia, for missions between both
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
General objectives:
The central aim of the Environmental Technologies group is to contribute to the better
knowledge and development of sustainable biotechnologies based on the use of anaerobic
bacteria for the decontamination or recovery of metals from metals contaminated waters or
effluents. The production of materials with useful applications (e.g. nanomaterials) instead of
wastes as a consequence of the bioremediation processes is also aimed. The molecular
identification of the bacteria involved, the metals-bacteria interactions and the dynamics of the
bacterial communities are also objectives of the research developed by this group.
Specific objectives:
In the framework of Mónica Martins PhD
Evaluation Report 2010
The objectives of the fourth year of her PhD entitled “Bio-removal of toxic metals by metal
resistant anaerobic bacteria: molecular characterization and performance studies” were:
Phylogenetic analysis of a bacterial community developed in a bioremediation process
for the treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD) using wine wastes as carbon source
Investigation of bacterial community shifts during bioremediation of AMD from two
Portuguese mines
Phylogenetic characterization of a bacterial community resistant to aluminium (III)
Screening of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) resistant to bromate and with ability for
bromate removal from aqueous solution
In the framework of João Costa PhD
The objectives of the second year of his PhD were:
Synthesis of metallic sulphide nanoparticles (nanoparticles of zinc, copper and iron)
using biologically generated sulphide
Synthesis of metallic sulphide nanocomposites (nanocomposites of zinc, copper and iron
sulphides) using TiO2 and SiO2 as supports using biologically generated sulphide
Characterization of the synthesized nanoparticles and nanocomposites
In the framework of Maria Fernandes postdoc
Multiple molecular characterization of a bacterial consortium isolated from an Icelandic
fumarole displaying exceptionally high levels of sulphate reduction and metals
2. Main achievements
In the framework of Mónica Martins PhD
The phylogenetic analysis of a bacterial community developed in a bioremediation
process for the treatment of AMD using wine wastes as carbon source allowed the
identification of bacteria affiliated with Desulfovibrio, Clostridium, Citrobacter and
Cronobacter genera and with Bacteroidales order.
The temporal evolution of the bacterial populations involved in two bioremediation
processes where different AMD sources were used revealed that the AMD fed to the
system was determinant for the establishment of different bacterial populations.
Phylogenetic analysis of a bacterial community resistant to soluble Al(III) showed that it
was mainly composed by bacteria closely related to Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (90%).
Considering the increasing environmental restrictions imposed to the presence of
bromate in water the search of bacteria highly resistant to this anion and with ability for
Evaluation Report 2010
its removal is a novel research topic of great interest. A SRB consortium isolated from
sludge from a waste water treatment plant showed resistance to bromate and ability to
simultaneously remove bromate and sulphate which is a very promising result.
In the framework of João Costa PhD
We have successfully synthesized metallic sulphide nanoparticles (NPs), namely, ZnS and
CuS, in the absence or presence of TiO2 or SiO2 as support, in batch, using biologically
generated sulphide added to artificial solutions containing one, two or the three main
metals present in AMD (Cu, Zn, Fe), as well as AMD. These NPs have been characterized
using X-Ray Diffraction and Electron Microscopy (TEM and SEM), coupled to EnergyDispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. It has been established that the composition of the
growth media and the presence of bacteria or particulates do not present great
influence on the characteristics of the synthesized NPs.
In the framework of Maria Fernandes postdoc
The molecular characterization of a bacterial consortium isolated from an Icelandic
fumarole, that displayed unusual metabolic rates in the presence of Fe, Cu and Zn was
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Martins, M, Faleiro, ML, Costa, AMR, Chaves, S, Tenreiro, R, Matos, AP, Costa, MC. 2010.
Mechanism of uranium (VI) removal by two anaerobic bacterial communities. Journal of
Hazardous Materials 184: 89-96.
2. Martins, M, Faleiro, ML, Chaves, S, Tenreiro, R, Costa, MC. 2010. Effect of uranium (VI) on two
sulphate-reducing bacteria cultures from a uranium mine site. Science of the Total Environment
408: 2621-2628.
3. Martins, M, Faleiro, ML, Chaves, S, Tenreiro, R, Santos, ES, Costa, MC. 2010. Anaerobic bioremoval of uranium (VI) and chromium (VI): Comparison of microbial community structure.
Journal of Hazardous Materials 176: 1065-1072.
4. Martins, M, Santos, ES, Pires, C, Barros, RJ, Costa, MC. 2010. Production of irrigation water
from bioremediation of acid mine drainage: comparing the performance of two representative
systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 18: 248-253.
Evaluation Report 2010
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
Neves, Mónica. 2010. Bio-removal of toxic metals by metal resistant anaerobic bacteria:
molecular characterization and performance studies. PhD thesis in Environmental
Biotechnology, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria Clara Costa, Co-supervisor: Raul Barros.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
5. Patents/propotypes
Costa, MC, Barros, RJ, Martins, MS, Jesus, C. Patente Nacional nº 103894, Uso de lama
de mármore para pré-tratamento químico de efluentes ácidos, 06/08/2010.
Costa, MC, Barros, RJ, Martins, MS, Jesus, C. Patente Nacional nº 104182, Uso de
resíduos vinícolas como fonte de carbono e de energia para bactérias sulfato-redutoras,
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
Joint research Portugal-Tunisia protocol 2010, entitled “Study of microbial metal-removal to
bioremediate non radioactive and radioactive wastes” funded by Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology (FCT) and Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research and
Technology of Tunisia. A research project aiming the application of metal-removal bacteria to
bioremediate non radioactive and radioactive wastes such as phosphogypsum material existing
in both countries was started in 2010 in the framework of Portugal-Tunisia protocol. In that
context the PhD student Mónica Martins and the Environmental Technologies group leader,
Maria Clara Costa, spent a period at the National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies
(CNSTN) for exchange of scientific experience. A PhD student from Tunisia and her supervisor
Dr. Haïtham Sghaier, researcher at CNSTN, will be also received in the Environmental
Technologies laboratory in 2011, also aiming the exchange of scientific knowledge.
The Environmental Technologies group has collaboration with Prof. José Miguel Nieto and Prof.
Manuel Olias from Huelva University who have been working in the chemical treatment of acid
Evaluation Report 2010
mine drainage. Their groups have already implemented in situ pilot and field scale plants in the
mines of Monte Romero and Esperanza, Spain, respectively. As a result of that collaboration a
research project entitled “TRASAGUA – Sustainable treatment of acid mine drainage from the
Iberian Pyrite Belt” and integrated in the RISE II Project was submitted to POCTEP programme
(Programme for Portugal and Spain cooperation) by Algarve University, having the University of
Huelva as a partner. That project aims the optimization of AMD treatment by the addition of a
biological step, based on the use of sulphate-reducing bacteria in which the Environmental
Technologies group has recognised expertise.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Environmental Toxicology
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Environmental Toxicology
2. Principal investigator
Maria Armanda Reis Henriques
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
22.500 EUR FCT pluriannual funding.
National funding
71.000 EUR, FCT PTDC/MAR/68106/2006, The modulation of retinoic acid signaling pathways by
environmental pollutants in teleosts. 09/2008-08/2011. PI: M Santos.
45.652 EUR, FCT PTDC/MAR/098791/2008, The role of ABC transporter proteins in chemically
induced hepatic cancer in zebrafish (Danio rerio). 04/2010-03/2013. PI: M Ferreira.
55.260 EUR, PTDC/AGR-AAM/102316/2008, Cephalopods:-Benefits and risks of consumption; Evaluation of biomarkers responses to organic pollution. 2010-2013. PI: MA Henriques.
64.500 EUR, FCT PTDC/MAR/105199/2008, The invertebrate repertoire of nuclear receptors:
evolutionary and endocrine disruption insights. Responsible partner at LETOX: M Santos.
European funding
265.120 EUR, INTERREG IV Atlantic Area, ARCOPOL – The Atlantic Region’ Coastal POLlution
Response. 01/2009-12/2011. Partner Scientific Leader: MA Henriques.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The research of the Environmental Toxicology Group (LETOX) in 2010 focused in several areas.
Evaluation Report 2010
In the field of endocrine disruption the main aim is to improve environmental risk assessment of
endocrine disrupting chemicals by using a multiparametric approach which combines molecular
biology and ecological methodologies in order to understand the mechanisms of toxicity of
endocrine disrupting chemicals, single and in mixtures, and their impact in the aquatic
ecosystems. Since the genomic make up of aquatic animals varies considerably, our approach
takes in consideration an evolutionary perspective thus focusing in the impact of EDCs across
different phyla. The EDCs of interest include androgenic, anti-androgenic and estrogenic
chemicals and well as emergent pollutants such as pharmaceuticals. Since the endocrinology
and the genomic make up of most invertebrates are poorly characterized, we aim at improving
the understanding of invertebrate’s endocrinology and link it with the impact of EDCs in key
signaling pathways.
The research area concerning pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment is a new objective.
Among the quantity of pharmaceuticals sold, psychopharmaca comprise a major group in terms
of sales – particularly in Portugal. Since they specifically target neurotransmitters in the brain,
severe impact on vital functions such as the endocrine regulation has to be assumed at low
concentrations. In an environmental monitoring study, prevailing psychopharmaceuticals in a
hot spot estuary (Douro) are identified and subsequently considered as model substances to
reveal their impact on the main hormone systems (reproduction, osmoregulation, growth and
development) in fish. Assessing the neuroendocrine disruption will not just provide
sophisticated data for environmental risk assessment but allows for new insights on
neuroendocrinology and the interlinkage of hormone systems, contributing to a better
understanding of fish endocrinology. In parallel, we continued our research on the mechanisms
of detoxification of organic contaminants including research on efflux membrane transporters in
fish, the multidrug resistance pump P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and the multridrug resistanceassociated proteins (MRPs) involved in the multixenobiotic resistance (MXR), or the newly called
phase 0 and phase III of detoxification. Moreover, these ABC transporter proteins are involved in
the resistance to chemotherapy in human tumours, while in fish this subject remains less
explored. In the field, fish exposed to pollutants have shown to develop tumours, and by
chemically inducing liver tumours in zebrafish we have the goal to increase the knowledge on
the role of these transmembrane transporters in tumours and their protective role by effluxing
toxic chemicals from cells. While in a medical approach the goal is to inhibit ABC transporters, in
an ecotoxicological approach the ideal situation is to have the efflux proteins working properly
in order to protect aquatic organisms. Other topic of research is the study of the potential toxic
effects of PCBs and PAHs, as well as the toxicity of their metabolites in aquatic organisms
included in human diet to obtain a better understanding of their body distribution. Juvenile
gilthead seabream and commum octopus, both marine species with high lipid content and
ecological relevant, are studied by the evaluation of different endpoints, as the levels of the
biotransformation and oxidative stress enzymes, DNA damage and endocrine effects to give the
toxic effects and the possible transfer of these chemicals through the food chain.
Another line of research aims at improving the prevention, response and mitigation in the scope
of the European project ARCOPOL with the objective to establish methodology for
environmental damage assessment, based on hazard evaluation of the most relevant HNS.
In the scope of the surveillance monitoring programs a new task started at LETOX, which aims to
establish scientific and valid criteria allowing the classification of the different types of water
bodies of transition in southern Galicia and northern Portugal, in international waters of Minho
Evaluation Report 2010
estuary. CIIMAR and LETOX are one of the members of the Team-Minho project, and have the
responsibility to develop biological responses (bioindicators and biomarkers) to be integrate in
investigative monitoring programs for the implementation of Water Framework Directive.
2. Main achievements
In the scope of ED, we continued an innovative approach which aims the understanding of the
effects of antagonistic EDCs under complex mixtures in fish. We demonstrated that mixture
effects of androgenic and estrogenic chemicals induce unpredictable effects in comparison with
single exposure. This finding is essential to improve environmental risk assessment of chemical
mixtures of EDCs acting through dissimilar mode of action. In contrast to most studies focusing
on effects of EDCs in reproduction, we initiated a new research area dealing with the effects of
these chemicals in larvae/juvenile. Our data indicates that androgenic chemicals, estrogenic
chemicals, modulators of retinoic acid signaling pathways as well as other pharmaceuticals
induce subtle changes in ecological relevant endpoints such as behaviour and embryonic
development, which are often missed in most studies, but may have important implications in
survival during the juvenile phase, and hence impact population dynamics. In the field, we have
validated the use of a new sentinel species, the shanny Lypophris pholis, for estrogenic
chemical’s pollution monitoring. We continue the isolation of several nuclear receptors in
invertebrates, and, at the moment, we are testing the functionality of such signalling pathways,
and whether they are prone to disruption by several environmental chemicals. We have
demonstrated that the nuclear receptor RXR is a key player in imposex induction by the
androgenic chemical tributyltin.
We started a project that focuses on the role of the efflux ABC transporters in chemically
induced hepatic tumours using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as the model species. In humans, these
transmembrane transport proteins are responsible for the resistance to chemotherapy,
phenomenon called multidrug resistance (MDR). In fish a parallel mechanism has been
described, the multixenobiotic resistance (MXR), however the role of ABC transporters in fish
hepatic tumours remains uncertain and with this project we hope to achieve a better knowledge
in this resistance mechanism. We have now cloned and sequenced several ABC transporter
genes in two important model species, the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Nile
tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), as well as gene expression of the mention genes in different
conditions of exposure to PAH in Nile Tilapia. With the last referred work we were able to bring
new knowledge on the possible cooperation of the efflux proteins with biotransformation
enzymes, in the overall detoxification mechanism. Moreover, MXR activity assays and
biotransformation enzymes, phase I and phase II, in seabass primary cultured hepatocytes have
been proven to be fully functional and this new in vitro system can become a useful tool to
screen pollutants effects, at the detoxification level, in a marine species. One important
conclusion was obtained by the exposure of juvenile Nile tilapia to benzo(a)pyrene in water and
in diet that showed different metabolization pathways according to the different exposure
routes, and moreover the different tissue distribution of the carcinogenic BaP metabolite, the 3hydroxy benzo(a)pyrene.
We were able to measure for the first time biomarkers of exposure in octopus (Octopus
vulgaris), mainly oxidative stress biomarkers such as antioxidant enzyme activities and oxidative
damages in lipids and proteins, which will be useful data in order to validate this as a
Evaluation Report 2010
bioindicator species for monitoring purposes, and also assess its quality for human consumption
by measuring oxidative damages in the consumed part of the body.
The work developed under ARCOPOL has released a bibliographic review of ecological risk
assessment methodologies and derivations of PNECs (Predictive No Effect Concentration) for
marine species. We validated the use of the shanny L. pholis for pollution monitoring of both
chronic and spill oil pollution, demonstrating, in the field, the impact of a moderate oil spill of
the Petrogal refinery. Based on the list of 12 HNS previously selected, an approach in monitoring
HNS contamination, based on the biological responses at individual level by measuring
physiological markers and biomarkers of exposure/effect were developed in the crustacean
Artemia franciscana and the amphipode Gammarus exposed to different concentrations of
xylene the first HNS of the list to be studied.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Ferreira, F, Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA, Vieira, NM, Monteiro, NM. 2010. Sexing
blennies using genital papilla morphology or ano-genital distance. Journal of Fish Biology 77:
2. Ferreira, M, Caetano, M, Antunes, P, Costa, J, Gil, O, Bandarra, N, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Vale, C,
Reis-Henriques, MA. 2010. Assessment of contaminants and biomarkers of exposure in wild and
farmed seabass. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73: 579-588.
3. Santos, MM, Solé, M, Lima, D, Hambach, B, Ferreira, AM, Reis-Henriques, MA. 2010.
Validating a multi-biomarker approach with the shanny Lipophrys pholis to monitor oil spills in
European marine ecosystems. Chemosphere 81: 685-691.
4. Trubiroha, A, Kroupova, H, Wuertz, S, Frank, SN, Sures, B, Kloas, W. 2010. Naturally-induced
endocrine disruption by the parasite Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda) in roach (Rutilus
rutilus).General and Comparative Endocrinology 166: 234-240.
In press
5. Lima, D, Reis-Henriques, MA, Silva, R, Santos, AI, Castro, FC, Santos, MM (in press).
Tributyltin-induced imposex in marine gastropods involves tissue-specific modulation of the
Retinoid X Receptor. Aquatic Toxicology.
6. Neuparth, T, Moreira, S, Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA (in press). Hazardous and Noxious
Substances (HNS) in the marine environment: prioritizing HNS that pose major risk in a
European context. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
7. Sárria, MP, Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA, Vieira, NM, Monteiro, NM (in press). The
unpredictable effects of mixtures of androgenic and estrogenic chemicals on fish early life.
Environment International.
Evaluation Report 2010
8. Costa, PM, Neuparth, T, Caeiro, S, Lobo, J, Martins, M, Ferreira, AM, Caetano, M, Vale, C,
Delvalls, TA, Costa, MH (in press). Assessment of the genotoxic potential of contaminated
estuarine sediments of fish peripheral blood: Laboratory versus in situ studies. Environmental
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA, Castro, LFC (in press). Lipid homeostasis perturbation by
organotins: effects on vertebrates and invertebrates. In: Pagliarani, A., Trombetti, F, Ventrella, V
(Eds). Biochemical and biological effects of organotins, Chapter 6. Beham Science Publishers, Ltd
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
Institut de Ciences del Mar - CSIC, Dr. Montserrat Sóle; the collaboration deals with the
effects of oil pollution in fish and invertebrates.
Instituto Tecnolóxico para o Control do Medio Mariño de Galicia (INTECMAR).
Federal Institute of Hydrology (Koblenz), Thomas Ternes, Guido Fink; Chemical analysis
of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment.
Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (Berlin), Prof. Werner Kloas, Ilka
Lutz; Expression analysis of single cells (Laser dissection microscope, qPCR), two ongoing
projects (“Parasites as endocrine disruptors”, “Reproductive physiology of Sander”).
Evaluation Report 2010
ENEA Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Roberto Morabito and Paolo Massanisso; we seek to
understand the effects of pollutants with endocrine disrupting properties, in sexual
development and reproduction of fish.
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia.
University of Bizerte, Laboratory of Environment Bio-monitoring, Department of
Biology; the collaboration focus on the effects of EDCs in molluscs.
Osaka University, Department of Toxicology, Prof. Junichi Nishikawa; Together with this
group, we try to better understand the effects of EDCs in invertebrates, through
modulation of nuclear receptors. This collaboration has already resulted in one
publication in a reputable international journal.
Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Laboratory for Molecular Ecotoxicology, Tvrtko Smital;
purpose to increase the knowledge on the detoxification mechanisms in aquatic species,
by studying phase 0 and III.
National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa; To evaluate the impact of the
more representative organic pollutants in some species of fish living in estuaries and
coastal zones.
Conseil Régional d’Aquaculture, Conseil Régional de Bretagne, Conseil Régional des Pays
de la Loire, Conseil Régional de Poitou Charentis.
United Kingdom
Department of Biological Sciences, Brunel University, Centre for Toxicology, The School
of Pharmacy, University of London, Devon Country Council, Dorset Country Council,
Pembrokeshire County Council, Environmental and Heritage Services, Devon Wildlife
9. Government/organization contract research
LETOX participates in ARCOPOL - The Atlantic Regions Coastal Pollution Response, a project
funded by Interreg IV Atlantic Area, the transnational territorial cooperation program between
regions of the Atlantic Area. This project aims to improve the preparedness, response and
Evaluation Report 2010
mitigation capabilities of local responders to accidental coastal pollution specifically against oil,
hazardous and noxious substances and inert spills. It involves the participation of regional and
national authorities (National Maritime Authority of the Ministry of National Defence and Port
Authority in Portugal) assuring the effective involvement in public policy advice.
Evaluation Report 2010
Evolution, Development and Gene Expression (EDGE)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Evolution, Development and Gene Expression (EDGE)
2. Principal investigator
Maria Leonor Quintais Cancela Fonseca
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
19.333 EUR FCT Pluriannual funding
National funding
24.169 EUR, FCT, PTDC/CVT/72083/2006, ISOPERK.
77.784 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/105313/2008, FISHCELL.
63.547 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/105152/2008, SPECIALK.
European funding
40.000 EUR, EU/FP7, ASSEMBLE-2008-227799.
Collaborative actions
COST ACTION FA0801, LARVANET (no budget).
Industrial contracts
10.000 EUR, NOVOZYMES (Denmark).
Collaborations with local schools and city halls
30.000 EUR, DREA – UALG – Lab-IT, 12/2008-11/2012.
Evaluation Report 2010
50.000 EUR, Programa na Fronteira das Ciências da Vida, Prize awarded by the Calouste
Gulbenkian Foundation, 2009-2012.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
I. Molecular determinants of tissue mineralization
Develop in vitro cell systems to analyze
expression/regulation and signaling pathways in fish.
Develop in vivo systems to analyze gene expression and unveil de novo bone formation
and regeneration pathways in fish.
Develop fish-based screening methods to identify novel osteogenic molecules with
therapeutic potential.
Implement zebrafish as a model system to study bone-related human pathologies.
Identify proteins involved in normal and abnormal skeletal development and calcium
metabolism, and study their gene expression/regulation. Establish relevance for human
health and disease.
Determine microRNAs involved in fish skeletogenesis and in vitro mineralization, and
identify target gene(s).
Develop fish embryonic stem cells for the production of transgenic animals and to
achieve differentiation into various mesenchyme derived lineages.
Explore the mechanisms of action of nutrients (e.g. vitamins and fatty acids) on skeletal
ontogenesis and development of anomalies.
II. Perkinsus-bivalve interactions
Determine Perkinsus infection prevalence in bivalves along Portuguese coast and
identify permissive/non-permissive species.
Identify environmental parameters affecting Perkinsus survival/proliferation/infection.
Develop molecular diagnostic tools to evaluate bivalve infection by Perkinsus.
Develop genomic tools to identify Perkinsus/clam genes & metabolic pathways involved
in parasite infection
Evaluation Report 2010
III. Population genetics
Development of molecular tools suitable for paternity and genotyping wild populations
for conservation & management purposes, as well as for implementation of new
aquaculture species of interest.
IV. Analysis of microbial/invertebrate genomes to unveil possible targets for biotechnological
Identification of AMP’s (Anti Microbial peptides).
Identification and expression of hydrolases of GH9 family.
Sequencing of an entire new virus family.
2. Main achievements
I. Molecular determinants of tissue mineralization
Development of new mineralogenic cell lines from seabream, zebrafish, salmon,
sturgeon and Xenopus, and ES cell lines from seabream blastula.
Purification & cloning of fish bone Gla proteins. Evidence for two isoforms for OC and
GRP in fish; Characterization of their evolutionary relationship.
Analysis of the promoter activity of a variety of bone- and cartilage-related genes (e.g.
SDR, FHL2, BMP2, MEF2C, RUNX3); Identification of transcription factor binding sites.
Identification of signaling pathways (e.g. MAPK and PI-3K) regulating in vitro
mineralization of fish bone-derived cell lines.
Implementation of new zebrafish rearing and microinjection facilities.
Identification of a microRNA affecting post-transcriptional expression of BMP2 and
mineralogenic capacity of fish cell lines.
Characterization of fish skeletal deformities by immuno-histomorphological approaches.
Characterization of bone structure in deep-sea fish.
Characterization of the role of seabream FHL2 in craniofacial muscle development and
its action on cell division and differentiation.
II. Perkinsus-bivalve interactions
Development of a clonal culture of Perkinsus olseni and in vitro testing of drugs (e.g.
antimalarial) and ex vivo clam infection to identify environmental conditions affecting
parasite proliferation/survival.
Optimization of PCR-ELISA-based assay to determine Perkinsus levels & species.
Evaluation Report 2010
Identification through functional genomics of target metabolic pathways (e.g. shikimate,
folate) to control Perkinsus infection in hatcheries.
Sequencing of clam and Perkinsus transcriptome and completion of Perkinsus genome.
III. Population genetics
Development & optimization of:
Molecular markers (microsatellites) for Dusky grouper for management stock studies
and offspring assignment;
Paternity and genetic diversity analyses to determine differential contribution from
brooders in specific populations of Senegalese sole (management and aquaculture).
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Anjos, A, Leite, RB, Shahbazkia, HR, Cancela, ML. 2010. MAQ, a bioinformatics tool for
automatic macroarray analysis. International Journal of Computer Applications 4(3): 1.
2. Bensimon-Brito, A, Cancela, ML, Huysseune, A, Witten, PE. 2010. The zebrafish (Danio rerio)
caudal complex - a model to study vertebral body fusion. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26(2):
3. Cancela, ML, Witten, PE. 2010. Advances in skeletal biology by understanding the fish
skeleton: a multidisciplinary challenge. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26(2): 147-147.
4. Conceição, LEC, Aragão, C, Richard, N, Engrola, S, Gavaia, PJ, Mira, S, Dias, J. 2010. Novel
methodologies in marine fish larval nutrition. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1-16.
5. Conceicao, N, Cox, CJ, Simões, B, Viegas, M, Cancela, ML. 2010. Comparative promoter
analysis and its application to the identification of candidate regulatory factors of cartilageexpressed genes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26(2): 245-250.
6. Cunha, ME, Quental-Fereira, H, Boglione, C, Palamara, E, Gavaia, P, Pousão-Fereira, P. 2010.
Rearing fish larvae for extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture - the “natural” mesocosms
system. Aquaculture Europe 35(2): 23-26.
7. Dâmaso-Rodrigues, ML, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Ribeiro, L, Coutinho, J, Bandarra, NM, Gavaia, PJ,
Narciso, L, Morais, S. 2010. Lack of essential fatty acids in live feed during larval and post larval
rearing: effect on the performance of juvenile Solea senegalensis. Aquaculture International
18(5): 741-757.
8. Fazenda, C, Simões, B, Kelsh, RN, Cancela, ML, Conceição, N. 2010. Dual transcriptional
regulation by runx2 of matrix Gla protein in Xenopus laevis. Gene 450(1-2): 94-102.
Evaluation Report 2010
9. Louro, B, Passos, ALS, Souche, EL, Tsigenopoulos, C, Beck, A, Lagnel, J, Bonhomme, F, Cancela,
L, Cerda, J, Clark, MS, Lubzens, E, Magoulas, A, Planas, JV, Volckaert, FAM, Reinhardt, R, Canario,
AVM. 2010. Gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
expressed sequence tags: Characterization, tissue-specific expression and gene markers. Marine
Genomics 3(3-4): 179-191.
10. Rafael, MS, Marques, CL, Parameswaran, V, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Fish bone-derived
cell lines: an alternative in vitro cell system to study bone biology. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
26: 230-234.
11. Rosa, JT, Tiago, DM, Dias, J, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Serum-specific stimulation of
proliferation and mineralization of fish bone-derived cells. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26:
12. Simão, MF, Leite, RB, Rocha, C, Cancela, ML. 2010. Changes in bioturbation of iron
biogeochemistry and in molecular response of the clam Ruditapes decussates upon Perkinsus
olseni Infection. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 59: 433-443.
13. Viegas, CSB, Conceição, N, Fazenda, C, Simes, DC, Cancela, ML. 2010. Expression of Gla-rich
protein (GRP) in newly developed cartilage-derived cell cultures from sturgeon (Acipenser
naccarii). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26 (2): 214-218.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Cancela, ML, Bargelloni, L, Boudry, P, Boulo, V, Dias, J, Huvet, A, Laizé V, Lapègue, S, Leite, R,
Mira, S, Nielsen, EE, Planas, JV, Roher, N, Sarropoulou, E, Volckaert, FAM. 2010. Genomic
approaches in aquaculture and fisheries. In: Cock, JM, Viard, F, Tessamar-Raible, K, Boyen, C
(Eds). Introduction to Marine Genomics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 213-286. ISBN 978-90481-8616-7.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Simão, Márcio. 2010. Identification and characterization of two different transcripts of ferritin in
the clam R. decussatus. Expression of the corresponding isoforms to evaluate some of their
biological properties. Master thesis in Molecular and Microbial Biology, Faculty of Sciences and
Technology, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Leonor Cancela, Co-supervisor: Ricardo Leite.
Viegas, Carla. 2010. Identification and characterization of a new calcium binding protein from
sturgeon, Gla rich protein or GRP. PhD thesis in Biochemistry, University of Algarve. Supervisor:
M. Leonor Cancela, Co-supervisor: Dina C. Simes.
Evaluation Report 2010
5. Patents/propotypes
Identification of compound that affects osteogenesis, involves inducing fin regeneration
of ray-finned fish by amputating fish fin, contacting fish with test compound, and
determining re-mineralization index of fin regeneration. Patent Number(s):
WO2010044689-A2; WO2010044689-A3. Inventor(s): Brito AB, Cancela ML, Gavaia PJ,
Laizé V. Date: 22Abril 2010 and 10 June 2010.
New isolated polypeptide having organophosphorous hydrolase activity selected from
polypeptide containing amino acid sequence, polypeptide encoded by polynucleotide,
variant containing deletion of amino acids, used in nucleic acid construct. Patent
Number(s): WO2010128115-A1; EP2248893-A1. Inventor(s): Danielsen S, Skov LK, Leite
R, Laizé V, Cancela ML. Date: 11 November 2010.
New isolated polypeptide with organophosphorus hydrolase activity selected from e.g.
polypeptide with amino acid sequence having specific identity to mature polypeptide
and polypeptide encoded by polynucleotide, used in such as composition. Patent
Number(s): WO2010128116-A1. Inventor(s): Danielsen S, Skov LK, Leite R, Laizé V,
Cancela ML. Date: 11 November 2010.
A gamma-carboxyglutamate-rich protein, methods and assays for its detection,
purification and quantification and uses thereof. Patent Number(s): WO2010024704.
Inventor(s): Simes DC, Viegas CSB, Cancela ML. Date: 03 March 2010.
6. Organization of conferences
Seminars of PhD students from Biomedical Sciences Program, 18 November 2010, Faro,
Portugal. Cancela ML - Coordinator.
4th Clinical Biochemistry Workshop, 29 January 2010 Faro, Portugal. A Alves, L Cancela, J
Martins, R Leite - Organizing Committee.
National Congress from the Portuguese Society of Biochemistry, 15-17 December 2010,
Porto, Portugal. Cancela ML - Member of the Scientific Committee and co-organizer of
the symposium Gene Expression and Disease.
7. Industry contract research
Novozyme SA (Denmark): Research collaboration aiming at the identification of genes
with biotechnological applications. Construction of cDNA libraries for Illumina
sequencing and posterior assemblage and gene identification.
Technophage SA (Portugal): Research collaboration aiming at the discovery of new
molecules with therapeutic potential for human bone-related diseases. Proof-ofconcept experiments.
SM Nutritional Products (Switzerland): Research collaboration aiming at investigating
Evaluation Report 2010
the effect of HyD on in vitro mineralization and in vivo bone formation. Partnership with
SGS ICS (Portugal) Gavaia PJ was contracted as Scientific expert consultant for auditing
the Oceanarium of Lisbon in the process of renewing NP EN ISO 9001:2000, NP EN ISO
14001:2004 and EMAS.
8. Internationalization
EU/FP7-ASSEMBLE-2008-227799. EDGE is leading work package 14 (Improvement of
provision of marine animal cell cultures/lines and tools for functional genomics); EDGE:
108.890 EUR.
EU-ALW-GO-MG/10-07 /Bone cell mechanics under altered gravity /MechanoCell 20102014. Coordinator: JJWA Van Loon. EDGE participates with fish mineralogenic cell lines
and expertise.
EU/FP6-SEACASE-2005-SSP5A. EDGE studies skeletal malformations as potential markers
to differentiate fish reared in different systems (EDGE: 160.00 EUR).
EU/FP7-PROSPAWN-SME-2008-1. EDGE evaluates Senegalese sole
contributions to F1 and inbreeding levels in F1 crosses (EDGE: 22.800 EUR).
POCTEP-0251-ECOAQUA. EDGE involved in development of markers to assess
broodstock contributions to progeny/evaluate different male contribution in
competition conditions (EDGE: 50.000 EUR).
COST ACTION/FA0801/Larvanet. Coordinator: Amos Tandler. Aims to improve scientific
knowledge underlying sustainable aquaculture. Participants from 13 countries.
Project evaluation (e.g. French National Research Agency (ANR), and European Research
Council (ERC), referees (over 15 journals).
Collaborative actions with Spain (FCT, CRUP, Spanish Ministry of Science) (2).
Oral communications + plenary lectures at international conferences (4).
Leite R. External consultant for Fungal screening, AMPs discovery and Next Generation
Sequencing in Novozymes (DK).
Training (2010)
Training: 3 MSc & 9 PhD students, 4 post-docs and international students.
Teaching: undergraduate ERASMUS/SOCRATES students in ongoing University degrees.
Hosting: visiting researchers from Norway, Belgium, Spain, France, UK and Canada.
Evaluation Report 2010
Coordination (ML Cancela): (i) master course on Biology of Bone and Cartilage (Master
degree in Biomedical sciences, UALG). Teaching involved lecturers from France,
Germany and Belgium. (ii) PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences (includes students from
Brazil & Mexico)
Research dissemination
13 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 1 chapter (edited by ML Cancela) in
international book, 24 communications in international meetings, 1 invited lecture
(MLC, NOVOZYMES Company, Denmark), organization of 2 international
9. Government/organization contract research
Cancela ML (since January 2009) - President of the Board of the Assembly of the Portuguese
Biochemistry Society, a non-profit, nationally recognized organization promoting the
development and dissemination of biochemistry in Portugal. Of particular relevance has been
the collaboration in the organization of a special interest meeting (Clinical Biochemistry, Faro
Jan 2010) and promoting Biochemistry and Molecular Biology education in local high schools
through seminars, training of high school teachers and implementation of laboratory classes.
Cancela ML - National representative of the Portuguese Society of Biochemistry in the
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) and the Pan American
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Association (PABMB).
Evaluation Report 2010
Fish Nutrition
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Fish Nutrition
2. Principal investigator
Aires Manuel Pereira Oliva Teles
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
16.750 EUR, FCT Pluriannual funding.
National funding
501.203 EUR, Sistema de Incentivos à I&DT - FEDER - Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional
2007-2013, OPTISOLE - Investigação e desenvolvimento na produção de juvenis de linguado:
incremento da resistência a patologias e do crescimento. Participating Institutions: FCUP, ICBAS,
CIIMAR, ACC, SPARUS. Participants of the Laboratory of Nutrition: A Oliva Teles, H Peres, AP
Carvalho, I Guerreiro. 2008-2011.
5.000 EUR, University of Porto - Pluridisciplinary projects, Valorização do excedente de levedura
da indústria cervejeira – potencial de utilização em dietas para os juvenis de linguado (Solea
senegalensis). Participating institutions: FCUP, CIIMAR, IBMC. Participants of the Laboratory of
Nutrition: A Oliva Teles, H Peres. 2010-2011.
4.000 EUR, University of Porto - Pluridisciplinary projects, Variações sazonais no estado
nutricional da solha-das-pedras Platichthys flesus no estuário do rio Minho. Participating
institutions: FCUP, CIIMAR. Participants of the Laboratory of Nutrition: P Carvalho.
188.980 EUR, FCT PTDC/MAR/68106/2006, The modulation of retinoic acid signalling pathways
by environmental pollutants in teleosts. Participating institutions: CIIMAR, ICETA. Participants of
the Laboratory of Nutrition: AP Carvalho. 2007-2010.
Evaluation Report 2010
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The Fish Nutrition group research is directed to the study of fundamental and applied aspects of
the nutrition and feeding of larvae and juveniles of fish species well established in marine
aquaculture (sea bass, sea bream, turbot), candidate species for aquaculture (sargus sp., sole,
meagre), and ornamental species (zebrafish, angelfish, kribensis, jewelfish).
Main research activities are directed towards the study of:
Protein and amino acid requirements, metabolism and utilization efficiency;
Utilization of dietary lipids and carbohydrates;
Phosphorus requirement and bioavailability;
Potential of feedstuffs alternative to fish meal as dietary ingredients;
Nutritional strategies for health and welfare improvement of fish;
Development of microparticulate diets and weaning strategies for fish larvae.
Studies aim contributing for a deeper insight on nutritional requirements and of metabolic
utilization of nutrients by fish, therefore gaining basic information regarding the physiological
aspects of comparative animal nutrition and contributing for a scientific based improvement of
fish diets. From an applied perspective, studies aim maximization of fish growth and feed
utilization while reducing the environmental impact due to feeding. Evaluation of potential
utilization of plant feedstuffs and other feedstuffs such as yeast aims partial or total
replacement of dietary fish meal aiming to reduce pressure on fisheries and decrease fish feeds
dependence on this limited commodity. This way it is expected to contribute for the sustainable
development of aquaculture.
2. Main achievements
During the present year research was very much focused on studying the regulation of glucose
metabolism in European sea bass (Publications nr 5 and 9). Also, the growth and feed utilization
of European sea bass and gilthead sea bream fed diets including carbohydrates of different
complexities was also evaluated (Publications nr 6 and 7).
The effect of two temperatures and of the dietary protein to lipid ratio in Senegalese dole
juveniles was also studied (Publications nr 8). This research will be prosecuted in the next year
using two other temperatures and different fish sizes aiming to establish the most adequate
temperature for Senegalese sole juvenile growth and feed utilization as well as to establish the
best protein to lipid ratio of the diets. Based on this information it is expected to establish a
growth model for the species.
The work on potential evaluation plant feedstuffs for incorporation in diets for juveniles was
also continued. The study of pea seed meal potential was pursued by evaluating the response of
Evaluation Report 2010
common carp to diets including pea seed meal subject to different thermal processing methods
(Publications nr 2) and the digestibility of selected feed ingredients for tilapia (Publications nr
10) was also evaluated. A trial on the effect of purified antinutrients (saponins and
phytoestrogens) in sea bass (Dicentratchus labrax) juveniles was performed within the
framework of Ana Couto Phd. Thesis, and the partial or total replacement of fish meal by plant
feedstuffs mixture in white sea bream diets was analysed within the context of Inês Cardoso
MsC Thesis. Still running are studies on the effect of taurine supplementation in plant protein
based diets for white sea bream (Carolina Oliveira MsC Thesis) and the nutrient and amino acids
digestibility of plant feedstuffs in meager (Carla Olim MsC Thesis).
The analysis of different feed restriction protocols on growth performance and compensatory
growth of turbot under commercial rearing conditions was also evaluated (Publications nr 1).
Also, the effect of feeding regime (daily, night, or mixed) in growth, feed utilization and N
excretion of Senegalese sole juveniles was also evaluated within the framework of Gonçalo
Marinho MsC Thesis. This information is of immediate practical application for the management
of feeding in turbot aquaculture.
Studies on the toxicological effect of algal blooms in fish larvae was also continued (Publications
nr 3 and 4).
A review of the state of art on nutrition and feeding of sparids was prepared (Other Publications
nr 1) and another review on the utilization of carbohydrates by European sea bass and gilthead
sea bream was also prepared and submitted for publication.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Blanquet, I, Oliva-Teles, A. 2010. The effect of feed restriction on performance of turbot
(Scophthalmus maximus) juveniles under commercial rearing conditions. Aquaculture Research
41: 1255-1260.
2. Davies, SJ, Gouveia, A. 2010. Response of common carp fed diets containing an isogenic pea
seed meal (Pisum sativum) subjected to different thermal processing methods. Aquaculture,
305(1-4): 117-123.
3. El ghazali, I, Saqrane, S, Carvalho, AP, Ouahid, Y, del Campo, FF, Oudra, B, Vasconcelos, V.
2010. Effect of different microcystin profiles on the toxins bioaccumulation in common carp
(Cyprinus carpio) larvae via Artemia nauplii. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73:762770.
4. El Ghazali, I, Saqrane, S, Carvalho, AP, Ouahid, Y, Del Campo, F, Vasconcelos, V, Oudra, B.
2010. Effects of the microcystin profile of a bloom on the toxicity and toxin accumulation in
common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). larvae. Journal of Fish Biology 76:1415-1430.
5. Enes, P, Sanchez-Gurmaches, J, Navarro, I, Gutiérrez, J, Oliva-Teles, A. 2010. Role of insulin
and IGF-I on the regulation of glucose metabolism in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Evaluation Report 2010
fed with different dietary carbohydrate levels. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 157A:
6. Enes, P, Peres, H, Couto, A, Oliva-Teles, A 2010. Growth performance and metabolic
utilization of diets including starch, dextrin, maltose or glucose as carbohydrate source by
gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) juveniles. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 903-910.
Accepted/in press
7. Enes, P, Couto, A, Peres, H, Oliva-Teles, A. (accepted). Growth, feed utilization and glycaemic
responses in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax juveniles fed carbohydrate of different
complexities. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society.
8. Guerreiro, I, Peres, H, Cunha, M, Oliva-Teles, A. (accepted). Effect of temperature and dietary
protein/lipids ratio on growth performance, feed utilization and body composition of juvenile
Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). Aquaculture Nutrition.
9. Enes, P, Peres, H, Sanchez-Gurmaches, J, Navarro, I, Gutiérrez, J, Oliva-Teles, A. (accepted).
Insulin and IGF-I response to a glucose load in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
juveniles. Aquaculture.
10. Davies, SJ, Abdel-Warith, AA, Gouveia, A. (in press). Digestibility characteristics of selected
feed ingredients for developing bespoke diets for tilapia culture in Europe and North America.
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Oliva-Teles, A, Lupatsch, I, Nengas, I. 2011. Nutrition and feeding of sparidae. In: Pavlidis, M,
Mylonas, C (Eds). Biology of Sparids. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-4051-9772-4.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Cardoso, Inês. 2010. Substituição de farinha de peixe por farinhas vegetais em sargo legítimo,
Diplodus sargus: efeitos na performance, digestibilidade e alterações da histologia do intestino.
Master thesis in Aquatic Biological Resources, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Aires Oliva Teles, Co-supervisor: Helena Peres.
Marinho, Gonçalo. 2010. Efeito do regime de alimentação – diurno, nocturno e misto – no
crescimento, na utilização do alimento e na excreção azotada em juvenis de linguado Solea
senegalensis. Master thesis in Aquatic Biological Resources, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Porto. Supervisor: António Paulo Carvalho; co-supervisor: Helena Peres.
Evaluation Report 2010
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
European Aquaculture Society Meeting “Aquaculture Europe 2010 - Seafarming
Tomorrow”, 5-8 October 2010, Porto, Portugal. A Oliva Teles - Member of the Local
Organizing Committee.
7. Industry contract research
Within our group two projects are running in connection with the industry:
OPTISOLE – Investigação e desenvolvimento na produção de juvenis de linguado: incremento da
resistência a patologias e do crescimento
This is an industry based project submitted by A. Coelho e Castro, Lda. That aims solving
specific problems of Senegalese sole rearing. Our group is responsible for establishing a
growth model for S. sole juveniles based on temperature and diet quality. It is also
aimed to establish the most adequate temperature for juvenile sole rearing and the best
dietary protein to lipid ratio of the diets. Our group is also involved in evaluating the
effect of larval rearing temperature on larval development and deformities.
Valorização do excedente de levedura da indústria cervejeira – potencial de utilização em dietas
para os juvenis de linguado (Solea senegalensis)
This project is founded by UNICER, within the framework of UP Pluridisciplinary projects,
and aims at evaluating the potential use of brewers yeast in Senegalese sole juveniles
diets. UNICER is a brewer company and brewers yeast is a by-product of this industry,
therefore valorization of this sub-product is of particular interest for the company.
8. Internationalization
Seven out of eleven publications and a running PhD were done in collaboration with
international researchers (Publications nr 2,3,4,5,9,10 and Other Publications nr 11).
Colleagues that collaborate in our publications during this year include: SJ Davies (University of
Plymouth), A Krogdahl (Norwegian School of Veterinary Sciences), J Sanchez-Gurmaches
(University of Barcelona), I Navarro (University of Barcelona), J Gutiérrez (University of
Barcelona), I El Ghazali (University Cadi Ayyad), S Saqrane (University Cadi Ayyad), B Oudra
(University Cadi Ayyad), Y Ouahid (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), FF Del Campo
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), I Lupatsch (Swansea University), Y Nengas (Hellenic Centre
for Marine Research).
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Fisheries Biology and Hydroecology Research Group (FBHRG)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Fisheries Biology and Hydroecology Research Group (FBHRG)
2. Principal investigator
José Pedro de Andrade e Silva Andrade
3. Location of group (Host institution)
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
5.821 EUR FCT Pluriannual funding.
National funding:
74.846 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/102348/2008, SEPIAMETA - On the metabolism of the European
cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758).
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Regarding cuttlefish culture, the 2010 scientific objectives were as follows:
to determine the possibility of increasing cuttlefish fecundity and fertility under captivity
through the use of increased bottom areas;
to determine the nutritional and energy content of several different prey used in the
culture of cuttlefish;
to understand the usefulness of using anaesthetics as welfare promoters in the
manipulation of cuttlefish juveniles and to determine the best anaesthetic agent.
As for non-scientific objectives and still regarding cuttlefish culture, these were to increase the
amount of human resources of the group based on quality and to establish national and
international cooperation on complementary fields of research to achieve the 5 year plan
described in the 2009 report.
Evaluation Report 2010
Regarding seahorse ecology and culture, the scientific objectives for 2010 were as follows:
to investigate the causes for the decline in seahorse population numbers registered in
the Ria Formosa during the past 6-7 years;
to determine the influence of pre-inductive photoperiod variations on long snout
seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus) broodstock response to an inductive photothermal
to determine the effects of photoperiod and light intensity on growth, survival and
activity of juvenile long snout seahorse (H. guttulatus);
and, to evaluate the foraging, growth and survival of juvenile long snout seahorse (H.
guttulatus) reared in different prey concentrations.
2. Main achievements
Regarding cuttlefish culture and scientific objectives, the main achievement was the
identification of the best anesthesia agent to perform manipulation in European cuttlefish
juveniles and what may be considered an acceptable stress. The results of this experiment will
be presented on the forthcoming EUROCEPH 2011, where both researchers and EU will discuss
the recently adopted EU Directive 2010/63/EU revising Directive 86/609/EEC on the protection
of animals used for scientific purposes. The revised Directive brings all cephalopods (adults and
immature forms) within the legislative framework currently covering research using vertebrates.
A workshop session in this meeting is dedicated to a review of this legislation and the likely
impact it will have on current and future research in this area and the practical implications for
the welfare of these species.
The nutritional and energy content of several prey have been determined and will now be used
to understand the growth, enzyme activity and metabolism of the species.
As for non-scientific objectives and still regarding cuttlefish culture, the group has 2 new
technicians that were hired by SEPIAMETA and a new PhD candidate which will work on the
inbreeding of cultured cuttlefish.
Regarding seahorse ecology, field data collected will help understand the human impact on the
local seahorse communities and to determine which mitigation actions should be implemented.
With respect to seahorse culture, it was possible to identify the optimal photothermal
conditions to induce and implement out of season breeding programs, condition that will
facilitate the completion of the future work plan. Beside that, we have optimized husbandry
protocols regarding photoperiod, light intensity and prey concentrations that favour the best
possible growth and survival of juvenile H. guttulatus in captivity.
In continuity with the previous year’s research guidelines, it was also possible to consolidate
practical knowledge on juvenile seahorse culture with allowed us to establish a successful
breeding program never attained before for this species.
As for non-scientific objectives a MsC thesis on seahorse breeding behavior was presented and
several other small scale research plans by under graduated students were developed. During
Evaluation Report 2010
2010 we intensified the scientific cooperation with other international institutions, namely the
Project Seahorse, the Zoological Society of London and the University of Guelph (Fish Nutrition
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
The FBHRG has published a total of 2 ISI-listed peer-reviewed articles, which resulted from
international collaborations. The mean Impact Factor (based on ISI JCR 2009) for those 2
publications was 1.990. During this year, the FBHRG has published 0.5 publications (ISI) per
FBHGR member with a PhD degree.
Hormiga, JA, Almansa, E, Sykes, AV, Torres, N. 2010. Model based optimization of feeding
regimens in aquaculture: Application to the improvement of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae
viability in captivity. Journal of Biotechnology 149: 209-214.
In press
Sykes, AV, Domingues, PM, Marquéz, L, Andrade, JP. (in press). The effects of tank colours
on growth and survival of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis, Linnaeus 1758) hatchlings and
juveniles. Aquaculture Research.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Fialho, Ana Isa Marques. 2010. Caracterização do comportamento reprodutivo do cavalo
marinho de focinho comprido (Hippocampus guttulatus). Master thesis in Marine Biology,
University of Algarve.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
8. Internationalization
Within the seahorse research program, the FBHG maintains a research partnership both with
the Fish Nutrition Laboratory of the Department of Animal and Poultry Science of the University
of Guelph, Canada leaded by Dr. Dominique P. Bureau and the Project Seahorse, an
interdisciplinary and international organization committed to the conservation and sustainable
use of the world’s coastal marine ecosystems. The on-going research activity with these
institutions as rendered several scientific articles and an improvement of the scientific know
how of the group members. Recently, a member of the FBHG, the PhD student Miguel Correia
was invited to join Project Seahorse.
Regarding cuttlefish collaborative research, publication and graduate training, the FBHG
maintains partnerships with the University of La Laguna (ERASMUS Program with the University
of Algarve), the Spanish Institute of Oceanography in the Canary Islands and in Vigo, the CIFPA
“Agua del Pino” in Huelva, and other laboratories of the ASSEMBLE project (227799 FP7).
Despite a COST network regarding cephalopod aquaculture development was not approved for
funding, the preparation of this proposal has extended the cooperation with other laboratories
in the near future. Collaboration with the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of
the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Malaga (Spain) has been developed within the
frame of the analysis of inbreeding in consecutive generations of cuttlefish produced in
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Fisheries, Biodiversity and Conservation
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Fisheries, Biodiversity and Conservation
2. Principal investigator
Karim Erzini
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
FCT pluriannual funding.
National funding
23.630 EUR, FCT, PTDC/BIA-BDE/64539/2006.
European funding
210.011 EUR, European Commission, LIFE NATURE, LIFE06 NAT/P/000192, BIOMARES.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Fishing and fishing related activities are of considerable importance in the Algarve (southern
Portugal), which is the Portuguese region with the highest percentage of the working population
directly or indirectly involved in fisheries. The main objectives of the group are to contribute to
the improved management and sustainable exploitation of the multi-species resources of the
Algarve coastal waters. In recent years, the fisheries sector has been under considerable
pressure, with a decline in landings of many of the most important species. Within this context,
the main objectives of the group are to contribute to the improved management and
sustainable exploitation of the multi-species resources of the Algarve coastal waters. Specific
objectives include:
Evaluation Report 2010
Studying the impact of commercial fishing activity and the implications for biodiversity:
species and size selectivity of different gears, quantification of the by-catch and discards
of different gears, and evaluation of ghost fishing;
Studying the impact of recreational fishing activity;
Finding ways to mitigate by-catch, discarding and to propose management measures
and changes in legislation based on the above mentioned studies;
Biology, population dynamics, and ecology of fish and invertebrates: growth and
mortality parameters, maturity and reproduction, feeding ecology;
Identification of essential fish habitat, by classification of the bottom, mapping of the
biodiversity and distribution and abundance of key species;
Long-term monitoring of key habitats and recruitment of fish and invertebrates;
Evaluation of the effects of marine protected areas;
Understanding the spatio-temporal dynamics of key commercial species by means of
tagging and telemetry studies;
Modeling and simulation studies for spatio-temporal dynamics, eco-trophic modeling,
evaluating the effects of different management measures, and understanding the
influence of environmental and fisheries factors.
2. Main achievements
2010 was the final year of the BIOMARES Life project, with several actions completed. Sixty two
plots of seagrasses, with a total of 2,460 planting units (5,276 plant sods), were created and
distributed along 7 ha of the target area. Monitoring of seagrass and fish was carried out using
underwater methods and fishing gear (trammel nets and traps). Other important achievements
were the organization of the European Seagrass Restoration Workshop, in September 2010, the
launching of a seagrass conservation project “Adopt-a-seagrass-meadow”, and the successful
use of acoustic telemetry to study habitat use and movements of fish and cuttlefish in the
Arrábida marine park.
The study and mapping of the seabed from 0 to 30 meters depth between the mouth of the
Arade River (Portimão) and Ponta da Piedade (Lagos) was finished. It was possible to identify a
total of 567 species, consisting of 116 fish (17.5%), 461 (76.1%) benthic macroinvertebrates and
39 algae (6.4%) species, adding 48 new species to previous phases of this study (RENSUB I, II and
III). In total, for all of these studies, approximately 1495 species (1349 animals + 146
algae/plants) were recorded, increasing what is already the largest inventory of marine species
of the Algarve coast and one of the largest nationally. At this stage, the sampling effort allowed
the discovery of three more new species recorded for the first time in Portugal/Europe (out of a
total of 36 species). This project has contributed for the launching of two research projects on
the measuring and determining the importance of marine invertebrates and the living
microorganisms associated to them in the production of metabolites potentially useful for the
pharmaceutical industry. The project has produced maps of habitats, densities, species richness,
Evaluation Report 2010
diversity, threatened species and an integrated map that would facilitate the decision making
process related to the marine spatial planning.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Afonso, CML, Bonomolo, G, Monteiro, P, Bentes, L, Oliveira, F, Veiga, P, Rangel, MO, Sousa, I,
Leite, L, Gonçalves, JMS. 2010. First record of Ocinebrina nicolai (Mollusca: Gastropoda:
Muricidae: Ocenebrinae) in north-eastern Atlantic waters. Marine Biodiversity Records 3: 1-4.
2. Coelho, R, Bentes, L, Correia, C, Gonçalves, JMS, Lino, PG, Monteiro, P, Ribeiro, J, Erzini, K.
2010. Life history of the common pandora, Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Actinopterygii:
Sparidae) from southern Portugal. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 58: 233-245.
3. Coelho, R, Rey, J, Gil de Sola, L, Fernandez-Carvalho, J, Erzini, K. 2010. Comparing NE Atlantic
and Mediterranean populations of a deep water lanternshark, with comments on the efficiency
of density dependant compensatory mechanisms. Marine Biology Research 6: 373-380.
4. Coelho, R. 2010. [Book Review]: Biology and Management of Dogfish Sharks, Edited by V.F.
Gallucci, G.A. McFarlane & G.G. Bargmann. Marine Biology Research 6: 415-416.
5. Coelho, R., Erzini, K. 2010. Depth distribution of the velvet belly, Etmopterus spinax, in
relation to growth and reproductive cycle: The case study of a deep water lantern shark with a
wide ranging critical habitat. Marine Biology Research 6: 381-389.
6. Erzini, K, Gonçalves, JMS, Bentes, L, Lino, PG, Ribeiro, J, Moutopoulos, DK, Stergiou, KI. 2010.
Competition between static gears of the small-scale fisheries in Algarve waters (southern
Portugal). Mediterranean Marine Science 11(2): 225-243.
7. Korn, M, Green, AJ, Machado, M, García-de-Lomas, J, Cristo, M, Cancela da Fonseca, L, Frisch,
D, Pérez-Bote, JL, Hundsdoerfer, AK. 2010. Phylogeny, molecular ecology and taxonomy of
southern Iberian lineages of Triops mauritanicus (Crustacea: Notostraca). Organisms, Diversity &
Evolution 10 (5): 409-440.
8. Marçalo, A, Marques, TA, Araújo, J, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Erzini, K, Stratoudakis, Y. 2010. Fishing
simulation experiments for predicting the effects of purse-seine capture on sardine (Sardina
pilchardus). ICES Journal of Marine Science 67: 334-344.
9. Mendonca, VM, Al Saady, S, Al Kiyumi, A, Erzini, K. 2010. Interactions between green turtles
(Chelonia mydas) and foxes (Vulpes vulpes arabica, V. rueppellii sabaea, and V. cana) on turtle
nesting grounds in the Northwestern Indian Ocean: Impacts of the fox community on the
behavior of nesting sea turtles at the Ras Al Hadd Turtle Reserve, Oman. Zoological Studies 49:
10. Monteiro, P, Bentes, L, Coelho, R, Correia, C, Erzini, K, Lino, PG, Ribeiro, J, Gonçalves, JMS.
2010. Age and growth, mortality and reproduction of the striped sea bream, Lithognathus
Evaluation Report 2010
mormyrus Linnaeus 1758, from the south coast of Portugal (Algarve). Marine Biology Research
6: 53-65.
11. Mourato, BL, Coelho, R, Amorim, AF, Carvalho, F, Hazin, FHV, Burgess, G. 2010. Size at
maturity and length-weight relationships of the blurred lantern shark Etmopterus bigelowi
(Squaliformes: Etmopteridae), caught off southeastern Brazil. Ciencias Marinas 36: 323-331.
12. Rey, J, Coelho, R, Lloris, D, Séret, B, Gil de Sola, L. 2010. Distribution pattern of Galeus
atlanticus in the Alborán Sea (south western Mediterranean) and some sexual character
comparison with Galeus melastomus. Marine Biology Research 6: 364-372.
13. Veiga, P, Ribeiro, J, Gonçalves, JMS, Erzini, K. 2010. Quantifying recreational shore angling
catch and harvest in the south of Portugal (Northeast Atlantic): implications for conservation
and integrated fisheries management. Journal of Fish Biology 76: 2216-2237.
14. Xavier JC, Cherel Y, Assis CA, Sendão J, Borges TC. 2010. The feeding ecology of Conger eels
(Conger conger) in the North-east Atlantic. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the
United Kingdom 90: 493-501.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Delongueville, C, Scaillet, R, Afonso CML. 2010. Première signalisation de Nassarius sesarmus
(Marrat, 1877) le long des côtes européennes de l’Atlantique Nord-Est (Algarve - sud du
Portugal). NOVAPEX / Société Belge de Malacologie 11(4): 117-119.
2. Balasubramanian, A, Meenakumari, B, Boopendranath, MR, Pravin, P, Erzini, K. 2010. Mesh
selectivity of drift gillnet for Caranx sexfasciatus and Caranx tille. Fishery Technology 47: 111120.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
Tavares, PC, Shapouri, M, Martins, C, Pereira, P, Falcão, M, Machado, M, Cancela da Fonseca, L.
2010. Variability in sources of organic matter influencing invertebrate community as revealed by
pigment levels in mesoscale experiments. In: Martins, J, Tavares, A, Tavares, M, Ribeiro, L (Eds).
Paula Tavares - Uma Ciência de Rosto Humano, CVRM - Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, pp.
Rangel, MO, Dentinho, TP, Araújo, G, Lopes, J, Gonçalves, JMS, Erzini, K. 2010 Análise custo
viagem de roteiros subaquáticos (de apneia) na Praia da Marinha (Algarve). Revista Portuguesa
de Estudos Regionais 22: 77-89.
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Baptista, Miguel. 2010. Determination of age and growth of Galeus melastomus, Rafinesque,
1810, a deep water shark, using a modified cobalt nitrate technique European Master Thesis in
Evaluation Report 2010
Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, University of Algarve and University of Ghent.
Supervisors: Rui Coelho, Karim Erzini.
Graça, Mariana João Dias. 2010. Caracterização da pesca grossa na ilha de Madeira. Master
thesis in Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Supervisors: Karim Erzini, Mafalda Freitas
(Marine Biological Station of Funchal).
Nhanca, Florentino João Lopes. 2010. Caracterização da pesca industrial na ZEE da Guiné-Bissau
com vista ao seu desenvolvimento sustentável. Master thesis in Management and Nature
Conservation, University of Algarve. Supervisors: Karim Erzini, Jorge MS Gonçalves.
Voguel, Camille. 2010. Geostatistical exploration of integrated VMS data from the Aran Ground
Nephrops fishery with associated survey estimates: Establishing the relationship between
fishing, biotic and abiotic variables. Erasmus Mundus Master in Biodiversity and Conservation,
University of Algarve. Supervisor: Colm Lordan (Marine Institute, Galaway, Ireland), Cosupervisor: Margarida Castro.
Bartilotti, Cátia Alexandra Vieira. 2010. Decapod crustacean larvae dynamics in the west
continental coast of Portugal: the region adjacent to Aveiro coastal lagoon as model. PhD thesis
in Marine Ecology, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Antonina dos Santos (IPIMAR), Cosupervisor: Margarida Castro.
Marçalo, Ana Luisa Barreto 2010. Avaliação de stress em sardinha (Sardina pilchardus) durante a
pesca do cerco Universidade do Algarve Supervisors: Karim Erzini, Yorgos Stratoudakis (IPIMAR).
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
Workshop sobre Biodiversidade Marinha na Arrábida, 22 May 2010, Sesimbra, Portugal.
Alexandra Cunha – Organizer.
XVI Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology, 6-10 September 2010, University of Alicante,
Alicante, Spain. Karim Erzini, Alexandra Cunha - Members of the Scientific Committee.
I European Seagrass Workshop, 30 September – 1 October, Portinho da Arrábida,
7. Industry contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
8. Internationalization
Teaching in the Masters Acuicultura y Pesca: Recursos Marinos Y Sostentabilidad, of the
University of Cadiz: module on fishing gears and selectivity taught by K. Erzini.
Participation and coordination of the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Marine Biodiversity and
Conservation (K. Erzini)
Participation in the BIOMARES Project of Dr. Chris Pickerell (Cornell University) and in the 1st
European Seagrass Restoration Workshop (27 September - 2 October 2010) (A. Cunha)
Participation in the scientific cruise (RV METEOR) "Monitoring Atlantic seamounts life (Ampere)"
in cooperation with the University of Hamburg. Atlantic ocean,16 November-23 December.
The group received a Tunisian fisheries scientist (Lofti ben Naceur) for a visit of one week, within
the framework of the Luso-Tunisian collaborative project (Fishing gear characterisation and
modernisation in Tunisia and Portugal), funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology /
9. Government/organization contract research
Project funded by ARH Algarve: Cartography and characterization of the marine communities off
the National Underwater Ecological Reserve between the Arade river and Ponta da Piedade
Gonçalves, JMS, Monteiro, P, Afonso, C, Oliveira, F, Rangel, MO, Machado, M, Veiga, P, Leite, L,
Sousa, I, Bentes, L, Fonseca, L, Erzini, K. 2010. Cartografia e caracterização das biocenoses
marinhas da Reserva Ecológica Nacional Submarina entre a foz do Rio Arade e a Ponta da
Piedade. Relatório Final. ARH Algarve. CCMAR, Faro, 122 pp. + Anexos.
Evaluation Report 2010
Functional Biochemistry and Proteomics
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Functional Biochemistry and Proteomics
2. Principal investigator
Dina Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues da Costa Simes
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
FCT Pluriannual funding
National funding
60.731 EUR, FCT, PTDC/SAL/ESA/101186/2008, BIOMARKGRP - Studies for the establishment of
GRP as a biomarker for vascular calcification. Research Team: DC Simes (PI), CSB Viegas, ML
Cancela, I Carvalho, PL Neves, A Ferreira Research Team:, A João, MJMV Gomes, ICS Pinto, APA
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Our team group as long expertise in the biochemical aspects of vitamin K-dependent proteins
and particularly unique knowledge with respect of the biochemistry, molecular biology as well
as biomedical aspects of a new Gla rich protein (GRP). The discovery of this new Gla protein, in
which our team was involved and the submission of a patent with medical application have lead
to the establishment of a new research line, based on collaborations that include Nephrology
and Cardiology Department, Orthopedic and Trauma Department, Faro Hospital, Portugal;
Department of Dermatology, Lisbon Central Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal
One important line of research of our group is diagnostics based on circulating GRP, which is a
patented system to monitor cardiovascular disease via biochemical markers in blood. The
biochemical aspects of this protein highly enriched in Gla residues turns this protein in one of
the strongest inhibitors of pathological mineralization related diseases known to date. This
circulating protein may reflect calcification processes and inhibition of those processes in the
Evaluation Report 2010
organism. Our main goal is to validate the ELISA–based assay that we have described as a
valuable assay to study GRP as a marker of mineral associated pathologies (e.g. vascular
calcification osteoarthritis and calcinosis associated diseases).
It is also our aim to establish GRP as a soft tissue calcification inhibitor, by studying GRP role and
molecular mechanism underlying its function in vascular mineralization, contributing with new
knowledge on the mechanisms leading to pathological calcifications, and with the identification
of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for the treatment of diseases related to ectopic
ECM mineralization of vascular tissues.
Another goal of our team is the collaboration with other groups and research lines in the
aquaculture field of research more related to the study of the relation of diet and
supplementation on fish skeletal and muscle proteome as well the effects of factors that could
influence flesh texture as accessed by post-mortem changes in fish muscle proteome.
2. Main achievements
We were able to confirm that GRP is a novel vitamin K-dependent protein present in serum
widely expressed and accumulated in mammalian tissues, including soft and skeletal tissues, and
associated with calcium crystals in situations of ectopic calcification, both in calcified arteries
and skin calcinosis.
In this last year we were able to validate specific GRP antibodies for the use in human research
and we showed that GRP is highly accumulated in the human skin and vascular system, and
more importantly, is clearly associated with soft tissue calcification pathologies and ectopic
calcifications in these tissues. We detected the presence of GRP in non-calcified vascular system.
In calcified vascular system associated pathologies, GRP was found highly accumulated at sites
of mineral deposition, co-localized with the mineral.
We have optimize the 2-DE Proteomics analysis procedures for the study of (1) human articular
cartilage and the identification of osteoarthritis biomarkers (2) characterization of GRP present
in human serum samples in healthy patients for comparison with dialysis patients with chronic
kidney diseases stages (stages 1 to 5) (3) fractionation procedures for fish muscle proteomics (4)
changes in the liver proteome of Senegalese sole in response to repeated handling stress (5)
Proteomic analysis of nacre soluble matrix proteins from Crassostrea gigas.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Viegas, CS, Conceição, N, Fazenda, C, Simes, DC, Cancela, ML. 2010. Expression of Gla-rich
protein (GRP) in newly developed cartilage-derived cell cultures from sturgeon (Acipenser
naccarii). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26: 214-218.
2. Alves, RN, Cordeiro, O, Silva, TS, Richard, N, de Vareilles, M, Marino, G, Di Marco, P,
Rodrigues, PM, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Metabolic molecular indicators of chronic stress in
gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) using comparative proteomics. Aquaculture 299 (1-4): 57-66.
Evaluation Report 2010
In press
3. Matos, E, Silva, TS, Tiago, T, Aureliano, M, Dinis, MT, Dias, J. (in press). Effect of harvesting
stress and storage conditions on protein degradation in fillets of farmed gilthead seabream
(Sparus aurata): A differential scanning calorimetry study. Food Chemistry, doi:
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Silva, TS, Cordeiro, O, Jessen, F, Dias, J, Rodrigues, PM. 2010. On the reproducibility of a
fractionation procedure for fish muscle proteomics. American Biotechnology Laboratory 28(4):
3. Other publications national
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Cavaco, Sofia. 2010. Isolamento e caracterização de proteínas contendo Gla da cartilagem e pele
de mamífero. Master thesis in Molecular Biology and Microbiology, University of Algarve.
Supervisor: Dina Costa Simes.
Viegas, CSB. 2010. Identification and characterization of a new calcium binding protein from
sturgeon, Gla rich protein or GRP: Contribution to unveil its function in vertebrates. PhD thesis
in Biochemistry – Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Dina Costa
5. Patents/propotypes
PATENTSCOPE publication number WO/2010/024704 - A gammacarboxyglutamate-rich protein,
methods and assays for its detection, purification and quantification and uses thereof.
Publication date: 04.03.2010.
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Geology and Paleoceanography
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Geology and Paleoceanography
2. Principal investigator
Fátima Abrantes (represented by João Coimbra)
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental. Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
The group which develops its activity at the Marine Geology Unit of LNEG was funded by several
sources: Ministry of Economy and Innovation (MEI), FCT (national projects and Eurocores ESF),
pluriannual funds through CIMAR and other funds for participation in meetings.
The funds financially executed at CIIMAR in 2010:
FCT pluriannual funding
FCT National funding
172.800 EUR, PTDC/CLI/70772/2006, INTER-TRACE, 2008-2011. PI: A Voelker.
175.163 EUR, PTDC/MAR/65197/2006, MELT KP5, 2008-2011. PI: P. Ferreira.
100.000 EUR, PTDC/AAC-AMB/108449/2008, MONA, 2010-2013. PI: I. Gil.
183.691 EUR, PTDC/MAR/102045/2008, CALIBERIA, 2010-2013. PI: E. Salgueiro.
199.976 EUR, PTDC/AAC-CLI/100157/2008, CLIMHOL, 2010-2013. PI: F. Naughton.
European Regional Development Fund
106.280 EUR, INTERREG IV POCTEP, Natura Miño-Minho, 2009-2011. PI: C Antunes.
In addition, two national projects (SCARPS; HOLOCLIMA) and one ESF EuroMARC project
(AMOCINT) –all with FCT funding– are executed at LNEG.
Evaluation Report 2010
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The general objectives of our group comprise: to execute the scientific projects that are a part of
our main research program “INGMAR - Investigação em Geologia Marinha” with excellent
quality; to submit and gain new projects; to publish our results in high quality journals; to
actively contribute to the education of new technicians and marine geology researchers; and to
disseminate the results obtained.
In scientific terms, the interaction between oceanic productivity, one of the main mechanisms
controlling atmospheric pCO2, climate and ocean circulation, is one of the main study areas of
the Paleoceanography/ Paleoclimatology and Environment group. As such we reconstructed
productivity and climate conditions during particular intervals under different climate forcing
conditions (e.g., CUPEX project) such as the Last Glacial maximum (LGM; 21.000 ±2000 yr ago)
and the Holocene Climate Optimum (8000 ±1500 yr ago), or during older interglacial periods, i.e.
periods with climate forcing similar to the current period (prior to the industrial revolution). For
the older interglacials work focused on Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 5 (80.000 – 127.000 yr ago;
AMOCINT project) and the glacial/ interglacial cycles within the period from MIS 9 to 16
(300.000 – 630.000 yr ago; PORTO & INTER-TRACE projects). The impact of interglacial climate
variability during the Holocene, the current interglacial, on vegetation on both sides of the
North Atlantic Ocean is being studied in the CLIMHOL project. Productivity changes under even
warmer climate conditions, i.e. during the Pliocene (2.6 – 5.3 million yr ago), that might be
similar to the future climate, are being reconstructed in the polar North Pacific (Bering Sea)
based on material from IODP expedition 323.
Another major research topic is impacts of abrupt climate change, especially during the
transition from a glacial to an interglacial (= deglaciation), on the ocean-climate system. The
MONO project focuses on changes during the last deglaciation, while records from the
AMOCINT and PORTO projects revealed abrupt climate changes during older periods.
No reconstruction of past climate change is, however, possible without the ground truthing of
the parameters used, i.e. the calibration of proxies. Proxies can only be applied to past
conditions if it can be shown on a regional scale or in comparison to instrumental data that the
proxy is really reflecting the respective (hydrographic) conditions. We concentrate partly on
plankton foraminifer based proxies in regard to stable isotope and trace element data (e.g.,
CALIBERIA project). To calibrate plankton foraminifer derived stable isotope data, analyzes are
being done in the shells of alive or dead foraminifer shells collected with plankton tows
throughout the eastern North Atlantic Ocean or a sediment trap off Vigo (Galicia) and in the
surrounding seawater.
Another objective deals with the investigation of the origin of the different pollutants that reach
the coastal regions and their relation with climate, vegetation, agriculture techniques and type
of culture, that is, to evaluate the influence of human kind since 9.000 years B.P., through the
analyses of persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals and biomarkers in the sediments of the
Minho Estuary and the inner-shelf.
The SCARPS project of the coastal geology group aims to reconstruct the shoreline over the last
6000 yr and major phases of aeolian movements in the region spanning from the Troia
Evaluation Report 2010
Peninsula to Santo Andre, Costa da Caparica, Quiaios-Mira. Within the cooperation program
with other Portuguese speaking countries, the coastal geology group collaborates with
Mozambique and its national direction for geology “Direcção Nacional de Geologia de
Moçambique” (Cooperation IPAD/LNEG/DNG) in the preparation of the Bilene Map.
Within the theme of natural resources, on-going research focuses on the Mid Atlantic Ridge
(MAR) sulfides, the Fe-Mn nodules and shelf inerts. For the MAR study region, research so far
concentrated on the various textural images of the seafloor that reflect differences in eruptive
styles. Texture mapping TOBI side-scan sonar data and multibeam bathymetry data provides
critical new views of the seafloor, views which can be used to gain a better understanding of the
products of volcanism within the axial zone at the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge and their
spatial and temporal relationships.
2. Main achievements
The development of (new) proxy calibrations was continued during 2010 with the focus on the
Tagus and Minho regions, the Portuguese margin and the North Pacific. C. Lopes et al. published
a paper on the North Pacific diatom calibration. E. Salgueiro et al., on the other hand, are in the
process of establishing regional calibrations for the trace element ratios of Mg/ Ca, Cd/ Ca and
Ba/ Ca in Iberian margin plankton foraminifer shells. Plankton foraminifer and pteropod
abundances in the plankton tow material of cruises PO383 and 384 in the Azores Front region
were also determined.
Work continues on reconstructing oceanographic and climatic changes during interglacials. In
their manuscript Voelker et al. showed that hydrographic during interglacial MIS 9e, 11c and
13a-c in the mid-latitude North Atlantic were overall not much different. The high-resolution
Uk37’-Sea Surface Temperature record of core MD03-2699 off Portugal by Rodrigues et al. (in
press) confirms this observation and highlights the long-term temperature stability during MIS
13 (535.000 – 475.000 yr ago). Productivity and input of terrestrial biomarkers, on the other
hand, were higher during MIS 13 than the younger interglacial MIS 11c and 9e. Proxy records for
productivity and North Atlantic overturning strength from core MD01-2446, retrieved from the
Tore Seamount, indicate that open ocean productivity increased during the colder phases of MIS
5 and during glacial MIS 6 and 4 suggesting higher nutrient availability during times when the
overturning circulation was reduced.
A high-resolution diatom study in deep-sea records (cores OCE326GGC26 and OCE326GGC14)
from the Laurentian fan off Nova Scotia (Canada), covering the last 19.000 years, revealed high
variability in the sea ice cover during the last deglaciation.
The diatom study in Pliocene sediments from sites drilled during IODP Exp. 323 lead to
adjustment in the regional biostratigraphy and to the finding of species that were previously
only known from modern sediments. A detailed study on the diatom-rich laminated sections
with an age of 3.03 Ma is underway to ascertain if these laminations (or layers) were produced
by changes in diatom productivity and if we can determine seasonal succession.
The study on the interaction between hydrographic conditions and vegetation during the
Holocene by F. Naughton concentrates currently on core KNR178JPC32 off the Cape Hatteras
(USA) for which a low-resolution pollen record was established. F. Naughton, furthermore,
Evaluation Report 2010
compiled a pollen atlas consisting of three volumes for North American, an essential tool for her
The multi-proxy study from the drill site in the Tagus estuary near Vila Franca de Xira revealed
changes in terrestrial and marine input to this location during the last 14.000 yr (Master thesis
of C. Santos). Although discontinuous, the SST record shows a decreasing trend from Early to
Late Holocene. Important terrigenous input is recorded during the Younger Dryas/Holocene
transition when sea level rise allowed sediment accumulation inside the estuary.
For the Natura Miño – Minho project a suite of proxy data (e.g., element composition; grain size;
diatom abundance; biomarkers) was generated for the surface samples and the DIVA 09 core
collected on the shelf. For the DIVA 09 core additional available proxy records include XRF and
planktonic and benthic foraminifer stable isotope records. The age model for this core was
established based on 210Pb and 14C measurements and the core covers the last 2000 years.
Within the estuary, field work during 2010 lead to the selection of sites to be drilled and finally
two drill cores. One of the drill cores yielded a 14C age of about 6700 yr B.P. For the estuary
cores, XRF and diatom abundance data already exists.
For the SCARPS project several km of geophysical (GPR) and topographic surveys (beach profiles)
were completed and cores for detailed studies retrieved. Furthermore, samples were collected
for OSL analyses. The collaboration with Mozambique and its national direction for geology led
to the completion of the Bazaruto Map (1:25,000). The study on the evolution of the shelves of
the Azores islands resulted in the publication by R. Quartau et al. about Faial.
The MELT KP5 project suffered a major setback when the planned study of the Menez Gwen
segment of the MAR could not be done during the Coralfish cruise in August 2010. Thus work
currently focuses on the interpretation of existing TOBI side-scan sonar and multibeam
bathymetry data and on the chemical analyses of MAR basalt samples collected during previous
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Cermeno, P, de Vargas, C, Abrantes, F, Falkowski, PG. 2010. Phytoplankton biogeography and
community stability in the Ocean. Plos One 5(3): e10037.
2. Fletcher, WJ, Sanchez-Goni, MF, Allen, JRM, Cheddadi, R, Combourieu-Nebout, N, Huntley, B,
Lawson, I, Londeix, L, Magri, D, Margari, V, Mueller, UC, Naughton, F, Novenko, E, Roucoux, K,
Tzedakis, PC. 2010. Millennial-scale variability during the last glacial in vegetation records from
Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews 29: 2839-2864.
3. Flores, J-A, Colmenero-Hidalgo, E, Mejia-Molina, AE, Baumann, K-H, Henderiks, J, Larsson, K,
Prabhu, CN, Sierro, FJ, Rodrigues, T. 2010. Distribution of large Emiliania huxleyi specimens in
the Central and Northeast Atlantic during the last 25,000 years and its utility to monitor the
onset of warm conditions. Marine Micropaleontology 76: 53-66.
Evaluation Report 2010
4. Gil, IM, Keigwin, LD, Abrantes, FG. 2010. Comparison of diatom records of the Heinrich event
1 in the Western North Atlantic. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 9:
5. Kjellström, E, Brandefelt, J, Naeslund, JO, Smith, B, Strandberg, G, Voelker, AHL, Wohlfarth, B.
2010. Simulated climate conditions in Europe during the Marine Isotope Stage 3 stadial. Boreas
39: 436-456.
6. Lopes, C, Abrantes, F, Mix, AC. 2010. Environmental controls of diatoms species in North-east
Pacific sediments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297: 188-200.
7. Mil-Homens, M, Costa, A, Lebreiro, S, Canário, J, Lopes, C, Mouro, F, Mateus, M, Stigter, H,
Richter, T, Branco, V, Trancoso, M, Melo, Z, Boer, W. 2010. Temporal clustering of metals in a
short sediment core of the Cascais Canyon (Portuguese Margin). Scientia Marina 74(S1): 89-98.
8. Rodrigues, T, Grimalt, JO, Abrantes, F, Naughton, F, Flores, J-A. 2010. The last glacialinterglacial transition (LGIT) in the western mid-latitudes of the North Atlantic: Abrupt sea
surface temperature change and sea level implications. Quaternary Science Reviews 29: 18531862.
9. Rogerson, M, Colmenero-Hidalgo, E, Levine, RC, Rohling, EJ, Voelker, AHL, Bigg, GR, Schönfeld,
J, Cacho, I, Sierro, FJ, Loewemark, L, Reguera, MI, de Abreu, L, Garrick, K. 2010. Enhanced
Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange during Atlantic freshening phases. Geochemistry, Geophysics,
Geosystems 11(8): Q08013.
10. Salgueiro, E, Voelker, AHL, de Abreu, L, Abrantes, F, Meggers, H, Wefer, G. 2010.
Temperature and Productivity Changes off the Western Iberian Margin during the last 150 ky,
Quaternary Science Reviews 29: 680-695.
11. Voelker, AHL, Rodrigues, T, Billups, K, Oppo, D, McManus, J, Stein, R, Hefter, J. Grimalt, JO.
2010. Variations in mid-latitude North Atlantic surface water properties during the mid-Brunhes
(MIS 9-14) and their implications for the thermohaline circulation. Climate of the Past 6(4): 531552.
In press
12. Rodrigues, T, Voelker, AHL, Grimalt, JO, Abrantes, F, Naughton, F. (in press), Iberian Margin
Sea Surface Temperature during MIS 15 to 9 (580-300 ka): Glacial suborbital variability vs.
interglacial stability, Paleoceanography, doi: 10.1029/2010PA001927.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Abrantes, F, Voelker, A, Sierro, FJ, Naughton, F, Rodrigues, T, Cacho, I, Ariztegui, D, Brayshaw,
D, Sicre, M-A, Batista, L., in press. Paleoclimate Variability in the Mediterranean Region. In:
Lionello, P (Ed). Mediterranean Climate: from Past to the Future.
2. Naughton, F, Drago, T, Sanchez-Goñi, MF, Freitas, MC, Andrade, C. (in press). Climate
variability in the north-western Iberian Peninsula during the last deglaciation. In: Pedro Duarte,
Evaluation Report 2010
M da Silva, Santana-Casiano, M (Eds). Oceans and the Atmospheric Carbon Content. Springer
3. Voelker, AHL, de Abreu, L. (in press). A Review of abrupt climate change events in the
Northeastern Atlantic Ocean (Iberian Margin): Latitudinal, longitudinal and vertical gradients. In:
Rashid, H, Polyak, L, Mosley-Thompson, E. (Eds). Understanding the Causes, Mechanisms and
Extent of the Abrupt Climate Change. AGU Geophysical Monograph.
4. Voelker, AHL, Lebreiro, S. 2010. Millennial-scale changes in deep water properties at the
middepth western Iberian margin linked to Mediterranean Outflow Water activity. Extended
abstract, Deep Water Processes and Products Congress, Baiona, Spain. Geo-Temas 11, Spanish
Geological Society (Sociedad Geológica de España).
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Nave, S, Lebreiro, S, Kissel, C, Guihou, A, Figueiredo, MO, Silva, TP, Michel, E, Cortijo, E,
Labeyrie, L, Voelker, A. 2010. Variações da produtividade oceânica durante o último Interglaciar
e a sua relação com a Circulação Thermohalina (Open ocean productivity changes during the
Last Interglacial and its relation to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation). Actas do VIII
Congresso Nacional de Geologia, Braga, Portugal. e-terra, vol 12, nº 13, Julho de 2010,
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Santos, Célia. 2010. Reconstrução das condições paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas no estuário
do Rio Tejo durante o Holocénico (~12 000 anos). Master thesis in Sea Sciences – Marine
Resources, ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: F Abrantes.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
Steering Committee for the ESF programme on “Workshops on Marine Research Drilling
(Magellan Workshop Series)”, February 2010, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. F
Abrantes - Organizer.
Congress on Deep Water Processes and Products, Baiona (Spain), 16-18 June 2010. F.
Abrantes - Member of the Scientific Committee.
II Seminário Ibérico IGBP – International Geosphere Biosphere Programme “Mudança
ambiental global na Península Ibérica – Uma visão integrada”, November 2010, Lisbon,
Portugal. F Abrantes – Member of the Scientific Committee.
Evaluation Report 2010
Congress on Deep Water Processes and Products, 16-18 June 2010, Baiona, Spain. A
Voelker – Member of the Executive Committee.
AGU Fall Meeting session on “Interglacial Climate Variability”, December 2010, San
Francisco, USA. A Voelker - Initiator and Convenor.
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
Research stays and advanced training:
University of Vigo, Spain; M Rufino as Visiting scientist; January 2010.
Malmo, Sweden; 53rd Multibeam Sonar Training Course - Ocean Mapping Group
(University of New Brunswick) and Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping (University of
New Hampshire); March 2010; R Quartau.
University of Bremen, Germany; I Gil as Visiting Scientist; April-June 2010.
IODP Summer School “Ocean and climate changes in polar and subpolar environments”
at the Université du Québec à Montreal (UQAM) and the Université du Québec à
Rimouski, Canada; June-July 2010; C Ventura.
ECORD Summer School “Dynamics of Past Climate Change” at MARUM, University
Bremen, Germany; September 2010; A Rebotim, C Santos, L Matos and S Mateus.
CSIC Vigo, Spain; week-long visits by E Salgueiro in July and September 2010 and by A
Rebotim in October-November 2010.
Oceanographic campaigns
SO206 Cruise: “Investigations on active dewatering sites at the convergent margin off
Costa Rica (pre-site survey for IODP proposal 633)”; June 2010; Participant: M Nuzzo.
KNR197-10 cruise on R/V KNORR from Ponta Delgada, Açores, to Woods Hole, USA; July
2010; Participant: I Gil.
“Acção Integrada Luso Espanhola” field work; Lagoa de Sto Andre, Portugal; Participant:
S Costas.
Meeting Organization
A Voelker: Executive committee member for the Congress on Deep Water Processes and
Products in Baiona, Spain, June 2010.
Evaluation Report 2010
F Abrantes: Executive committee member for II Seminário Ibérico IGBP “Mudança
ambiental global na Península Ibérica – Uma visão integrada”, Lisbon, Portugal;
November 2010.
A Voelker: AGU Fall Meeting session on “Interglacial Climate Variability”, San Francisco,
USA; December 2010.
National delegation
ECORD Science Support and Advisory Committee (ESSAC) of IODP; F Abrantes, A
IMAGES project Scientific Committee (SciCom); A Voelker.
PAGES project SciCom; F Abrantes.
ESF MedCLIVAR project SciCom; F Abrantes.
COST Action ES0907: The INTIMATE Project: INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial
records (60,000 to 8000 years ago); A Voelker
Contribution to international projects
Results from CALIBERIA and INGMAR projects to GEOTRACES (SCOR program).
Results from PORTO, INTER-TRACE and AMOCINT projects to PAGES PIGs (Past
Interglacials) working group.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
2. Principal investigator
Adriano Agostinho Donas Bôto Bordalo e Sá
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
- 13.000 EUR, FCT Pluriannual funding.
- National funding
23.000 EUR, Annual research funding ICBAS-UP.
35.000 EUR, QREN-2009/003442, ECOPISCIS, 2009-2011.
130.000 EUR, FCT, PTDC/AAC-CLI/103539/2008.
123.706 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/098914/2008.
120.000 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/099140/2008.
INAG, POVT-03-0133-FCOES-00017, Avaliação do estado ecológico das massas de água costeiras
e de transição e do potencial ecológico das massas de água fortemente modificadas. 2009-2011.
Suldouro, Portugal - Avaliação do potencial de eutrofização do Rio Inha na envolvente da exlixeira de Canedo, 2009-2010.
AHR Norte, River Douro estuary management plan. Development of the model for tenders call,
- International funding
Aida, Spain - Seasonal variability of water quality in the new water network of Bolama, Bijagos
archipelago; Assessment of water quality in wells in the Buba area, Guinea-Bissau.
Evaluation Report 2010
Spanish Red Cross - Assessment of water quality in wells and boreholes in the Gabu, Bafatá and
Bubaque areas, Guinea-Bissau.
- FCT Scholarships
5.500 EUR, SFRH/BD/47631/2008, SFRH/BD/46146/2008.
4.000 EUR, Univ Porto, Microbial Life in Extreme Antarctica Environments.
500 EUR, Univ Porto, Escola de Ciências da Vida e da Saúde. Summer course.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The activities within the lab, in what CIIMAR is concerned, are spread over three main areas: (i)
research; (ii) consulting; and (iii) outreach. The lab aims to contribute to the advance of science
from a multidisciplinary point of view, dealing from water quality monitoring to modelling, from
early life stages of fish to denitrification and global warming and environmental and human
health. Research is carried out in temperate (Portugal), tropical (Thailand - SE Asia, GuineaBissau - W Africa, S. Tomé and Principe - W Africa) and extreme environments (Antarctica).
The main research areas are:
Monitoring estuarine water quality in terms of physical (conductivity, salinity,
temperature, turbidity), chemical (dissolved oxygen, inorganic carbon, pH, nitrate,
nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, silicate) and biological (bacteria, viruses, fecal indicators,
primary production) parameters;
Estuarine primary productivity;
Nitrogen and sulfur cycles; processes, interactions and microbial communities
Effects of N and S cycles disturbances on cumulative global warming potential;
Ecology of microbial communities in the extreme cold environments of Antarctic icefree Dry Valeys, with a focus on the main N cycle microbial contributors;
Anthropogenic impact in estuarine communities;
Phytoremediation and bioremediation, highlighting the role of the both plants and
microorganisms in the removal of metals and hydrocarbons from estuarine and coastal
Evaluation Report 2010
Estuarine fish assemblages, with special emphasis to the estuarine nursery role for early
life stages of fishes;
Implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD);
Ecological modelling;
Tropical water quality;
Ecology of cholera;
Water management and public health.
2. Main achievements
Monitoring estuarine water quality
Research in the River Douro estuary involving monthly water column (since 1985) key
environmental data.
Estuarine primary productivityResearch in the River Douro estuary has been performed
in the water column, intertidal sediments and hard surfaces.
Nitrogen cycle and global warming
Research has been carried out in the water, sediments and hard surfaces in several
estuaries in Portugal as well as in Thailand. Nitrogen fixation, nitrification,
denitrification, annamox and nitrous oxide production, a powerful green-house gas
were evaluated. In addition, the structure of the microbial populations involved in
nitrification and denitrification and anammox are also studied.
Nitrogen and Sulfur Cycle interactions
Discovery of the occurrence of a novel inhibitory interaction between organic sulfur
degradation compounds and the last step of denitrification (i.e. reduction of N2O and
N2) in estuarine sediments and in a bacterial pure culture (Silicibacter pomeroyi). The
inhibition of the last step of denitrification limits nitrogen loss through N2 and enhance
nitrogen loss via N2O, a greenhouse gas. These findings represent a new perspective
concerning the interaction and controls between nitrogen and sulfur cycles in the
marine environment and promote a new line of research that is being currently
Ecology of Microbial communities in Antarctic Soils
Research on bacteria cyanobacteria and ammonia oxidizers biodiversity and response to
environmental constraints has been carried out in the ice-free regions of Transantarctic
Mountains. A multidisciplinary approach to understand how geological history,
Evaluation Report 2010
geographic gradients, and soil geochemical variables drive spatial differences in diversity
and distribution of the microbial communities was used.
Anthropogenic impact on estuarine communities
Research performed in estuaries in order to understand the effect of heavy metals and
other pollutants on macrobenthic and microbial communities and on the denitrification
process with a main focus on N2O emissions.
Phytoremediation and bioremediation
The role of the interaction between plants and microorganisms in the removal of heavy
metals and organic pollutants from sediments has been studied in several estuaries in
Portugal (Douro, Cávado and Lima). Additionally, the feasibility of bioremediation as a
clean-up tool of subsurface oil has been evaluated, by studying microbial communities,
and their hydrocarbon degradation potential, in beaches that still contaminated several
years after the sinking of the Prestige oil tanker (N.W. Spain).
Estuarine fish assemblages
Understanding of fish dynamics, focusing on the potential nursery role of estuaries and
ultimately assess the carrying capacity of these ecosystems for fish species, some with
high economical important such as sardines and flatfishes. Deriving and testing of an
ecological indicator of the fish estuarine nursery function, to evaluate the ecological
status of estuarine ecosystems, towards the implementation of the Water Framework
Implementation of the WFD
Research conducted in several northern Portuguese estuaries in order to assess the
ecological status of transitional waters and develop tools towards the implementation
of the Water Framework Directive.
Ecological modeling
By means of an object-oriented model several key parameters, including primary
production, have been modelled in the River Douro estuary.
Tropical water quality, cholera and public health
Research in Thailand, Guinea-Bissau and S. Tomé & Principe. In Thailand the water
quality of the Bangpakong River watershed and subtidal sediments has been carried out.
In Guinea-Bissau, water quality and its relation to disease including cholera has been
evaluated and sustainable measures do increase water quality have been designed. In S.
Tomé & Principe the water quality in the island of S. Tomé was evaluated for the first
Evaluation Report 2010
Several activities fostering the dialogue between scientists and society, to improve the
public knowledge and perception of science and to increase the interest of the young in
science, namely through participation in the summer courses of University of Porto
(Universidade Junior) and collaboration with Ciência Viva (Projecto Oceanos,
Biodiversidade e Saúde Humana) will be implemented. Moreover, scientific sound
measures to reduce the risk of using contaminated water to be implemented in a
sustainable way in Wets Africa will be developed.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Teixeira, C, Magalhães, C, Boaventura, RAR, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Potential rates and
environmental controls of denitrification and nitrous oxide production in temperate urbanized
estuary. Marine and Environmental Research 70: 336-342.
2. Ramos, S, Ré, P, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Recruitment of flatfish species to an estuarine nursery
habitat (Lima estuary, NW Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Sea Research 64: 473-486.
3. Azevedo, IA, Duarte, PM, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Temporal and Spatial variability of phytoplankton
photosynthetic characteristics in a southern European estuary (Douro, Portugal). Marine Ecology
Progress Series 412: 29-44.
4. Mucha, APC, Almeida, CMR, Bordalo, AA, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. LMWOA exudation by
salt marsh plants: natural variation and response to Cu contamination. Estuarine, Coastal and
Shelf Science 88: 63-70.
5. Azevedo, IA, Bordalo, AA, Duarte, PM. 2010. Influence of river discharge patterns on the
hydrodynamics and potential contaminant dispersal in the Douro estuary (Portugal). Water
Research 44: 3133-3146.
6. Carvalho, PN, Basto, MCP, Silva, MFGM, Machado, A, Bordalo, AA, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010.
Ability of salt marsh plants for TBT remediation in sediments. Environmental Science Pollution
Research 17: 1279-1286.
In press
7. Carvalho, L, Cortes, R, Bordalo, AA (in press). Evaluation of the ecological status of an
impaired watershed by using a multi-index approach. Environmental Monitoring and
Assessment, doi: 10.1007/s10661-010-1473-9.
8. Ribeiro, H, Mucha, AP, Almeida, MCR, Bordalo, AA (in press). Hydrocarbon degradation
potential of salt marsh plant microorganisms associations. Biodegradation. doi: 10.1007/s10532010-9446-9.
Evaluation Report 2010
9. Mucha, AP, Almeida, CMR, Magalhães, CM, Vasconcelos, MTSD, Bordalo, A. (in press). Salt
marsh plant-microorganism interaction in the presence of mixed contamination. International
Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, doi: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2010.12.005.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Amorim, Eva. 2010. Bacterial indicators of bathing water quality in Douro estuary and Porto
coastal front. Master thesis in Sciences of the Sea-Sea Resources, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Adriano A Bordalo e Sá, Co-supervisor: Isabel Azevedo.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
Aida, Spain - Seasonal variability of water quality in the new water network of Bolama, Bijagos
archipelago, Guinea-Bissau.
Aida, Spain - Assessment of water quality in wells in the Buba area, Guinea-Bissau.
Spanish Red Cross, Spain - Assessment of water quality in wells and boreholes in the Gabu,
Bafatá and Bubaque areas, Guinea-Bissau.Suldouro, Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos
Sólidos Urbanos, SA (Portugal) - Avaliação do potencial de eutrofização do Rio Inha na
envolvente da ex-lixeira de Canedo.
Northern River Basin Administration (ARH-Portugal) - River Douro estuary management plan.
Development of the model for tenders call.
Evaluation Report 2010
8. Internationalization
United Kingdom
IECS, U. Hull: Prof. M. Elliott. Derive and test a quantitative indicator of ecosystem
functioning and health for use in management plans and the future policies for the
estuarine management.
GEOMA, University of Vigo. Prof. Ana Bernabeu. Buried oil in the intertidal beach zone:
coupling between beach morphodynamic, natural degradation, forcing mechanisms and
biological activity.
GLADYS, University of Montpellier 2. Prof. Frédéric Bouchette. Buried oil in the intertidal
beach zone: coupling between beach morphodynamic, natural degradation, forcing
mechanisms and biological activity.
United States of America
Dept of Marine Science, UGA: Prof. W Wiebe, Prof. J Hollibaugh, Prof. S Joye. Structure
and function of microbial communities; biogeochemical cycling of nutrients.
RSMAS, University of Miami: Prof. R Cowen and Prof. C Paris, Fisheries oceanography
and larval ecology.
Dauphin Island Sea Lab, University of South Alabama. Prof. R Kiene. Cycling of organic
sulfur in aquatic systems.
Dep. of Microbiology, University of Tennessee. Prof. A Buchan. Ecology of microbial
communities that mediate biogeochemical processes of organic sulfur cycling.
University of Maryland. Prof. Rita Colwell. Cholera dynamics in aquatic systems.
New Zealand
University of Waikato. Prof. C Cary, Prof. I R McDonald. Microbial diversity and
environmental constrains along latitudinal gradient of Antarctic terrestrial
LIZI, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro: Prof. Ana Bonecker. Ichthyoplankton
biology and ecology in tropical and temperate estuaries.
Evaluation Report 2010
Variability of well/borehole water quality dry/wet seasons, outbreak of intestinal
diseases and cholera. AIDA (NGO Ayuda, Intercambio y Desarrollo) and Spanish Red
University of Burapha: Prof. Kashane Chalermwat. Microbial dynamics and activity on
Bangpakong estuary.
9. Government/organization contract research
QREN-2009/003442: ECOPISCIS. 2009-2011.
POVT-03-0133-FCOES-00017, INAG, EEMA - Avaliação do Estado Ecológico das Massas de Água
Costeiras e de Transição e do Potencial Ecológico das Massas de Água Fortemente Modificadas.
Suldouro, Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos, SA - Avaliação do potencial de
eutrofização do Rio Inha na envolvente da ex-lixeira de Canedo. 2009-2010.
Seasonal variability of water quality in the new water network of Bolama, Bijagos archipelago,
Guinea-Bissau. Aida, Spain. 2008-2011.
Assessment of water quality in wells in the Buba area, Guinea-Bissau. Aida, Spain. 2010-2011.
Assessment of water quality in wells and boreholes in the Gabu, Bafatá and Bubaque areas,
Guinea-Bissau. Spanish Red Cross. 2009-2010.
Evaluation Report 2010
Marine Biotechnologies (MarBiotech)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Marine Biotechnologies (MarBiotech)
2. Principal investigator
João Carlos Serafim Varela
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funding spent in 2010:
2.620 EUR FCT Pluriannual funding
FCT National funding
61.328 EUR, PTDC/MAR/103957/2008, SEABIOMED - Marine photosynthetic organisms of the
Algarve coast with biomedical applications.
20.179 EUR, PTDC/BIA-MIC/101036/2008, CYANO - Regulation of iron homeostasis in
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Up until recently, the main research field of the MarBiotech (Marine Biotechnology) research
group was focused on the elucidation of the molecular basis of the elevated carotenoid
accumulation in the microalga Dunaliella salina. However, as the marine biotechnology scientific
field at large became quite dynamic, the Principal Investigator decided to widen the scientific
objectives of the group, extending the MarBiotech research interests over to three emerging
research topics: 1) algae-derived biofuels; 2) marine bioactive compounds; and 3) iron
homeostasis in cyanobacteria. Line Research 2) is essential for the implementation of a biorefinery strategy for the production of High Valuable Products (HVPs). HVPs will be used to
defray production costs of the biomass and enable entrepreneurial partners to produce biofuels
(mainly biodiesel and bio-jetfuel) at competitive prices with petrodiesel.
Evaluation Report 2010
At the moment, line research 1) has undergone a slight strategic shift. Instead of focusing on
microalgae-derived biofuels alone, MarBiotech has extended the search for ways of producing
biofuels by anaerobic digestion of seaweeds in collaboration with Dr. Alistair Sutherland, a
group leader at the Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences at the Glasgow
Caledonian University, UK. This common effort has culminated with the submission of a Marie
Curie Fellowship by Dr. Sutherland to come over to CCMAR and develop part of this research at
our facilities.
The study of iron homeostasis is a recent research line due to a collaborative effort of
MarBiotech with Dr. Matthias Futschik’s lab at CBME (University Algarve) and Prof. Wolfgang
Hess’s CyanoLab (University Freiburg, Germany) using a systems biology approach to
understanding how iron availability is regulated in ecologically relevant cyanobacteria. This
study will be in the near future extended to understand how iron homeostasis and
photosynthesis regulatory networks interact. The use of systems biology will be a powerful,
innovative way of understanding how primary productivity in the marine environment is
modulated by iron availability at the genetic and molecular levels.
2. Main achievements
In 2010, in collaboration with Atlantik Fish, S.A., a Portuguese aquaculture company established
on the East coast of Algarve, MarBiotech initiated a research line in order to find autochthonous
microalgae strains with suitable lipid profiles for biofuel production. The final goal is to obtain
microalgae able to grow in low cost photobioreactors in the Atlantik Fish facilities with high lipid
productivity. Due to this effort, we were able to isolate several strains, one of which a
Tetraselmis sp. strain (AF3G) that showed a very promising lipid profile (high lipid content with
low amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids) suitable for the production of biodiesel (Pereira et
al. 2010; Sobral, 2010). Interestingly, in the implementation of the SEABIOMED project, this
microalgal strain showed very high levels of radical scavenging, suggesting that its biomass will
be a good source of antioxidants as well (Custódio, 2010). This is in agreement with the
biorefinery concept in which biomass can be used for different ends, maximizing its value.
In collaboration with Necton, S.A. and Atlantik Fish, S.A the MarBiotech research group screened
for bioactive compounds in 36 marine photosynthetic organisms (SEABIOMED project), namely
24 species of macroalgae (12 phaeophytes, 6 rhodophytes, 6 chlorophytes), 2 seagrasses
(Zostera noltii and Cymodocea nodosa) and 10 microalgal strains (7 chlorophytes, 1
eustigmatophyte, 1 cryptophyte and 1 heterokontophyte). From these samples, more than 100
different extracts were generated by conventional solvent extraction, of which about 40%
showed significant antioxidant activity and 30-40% displayed iron and copper chelating activity.
From the 39 extracts screened for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity, 46% exhibited
moderate to high activity, and about 60% of the fractions tested seem to have antitumoral
activity. Concerning the latter bioactivity, the most promising candidates are Phaeophyte brown
algae, which showed IC50 values lower than 50 µg of crude extract for tumoural cells.
Conversely, in non-tumoural cells the extracts did not reduce cell viability significantly at the
concentrations that were toxic to tumour cells. In addition, the MarBiotech group carried out a
one-day field survey in order to assess the halophyte biodiversity present in a limited area of the
Algarve (Praia de Faro and adjacent salt marshes) and in an aquaculture facility (Atlantik Fish).
This one-day prospection resulted in the collection of 25 species, belonging to 23 genera. From
the species collected, 85% were still unexplored from the biomedical point of view. Five
Evaluation Report 2010
different extracts from 5 species were tested for cytoxicity against 2 human cancer cells and a
non-cancerous human cell line. About 56% of these extracts significantly reduced the viability of
both cancer cell lines after a 72h treatment at a concentration of 125 µg/ml. Moreover, 2
extracts of a Juncus spp showed significantly lower toxicity against non-cancerous cells. We also
evaluated methanol crude extracts from 18 species concerning neuroprotection: 11% had
moderate cholinesterase inhibitory (ChEI) activity, and 28% exhibited potent ChEI coupled with
copper and iron chelation.
Similarly, in the CYANO project, and on schedule, we have built a first draft of the regulatory
network of genes involved in ion homeostasis in enterobacteria (E. coli) as well as in
cyanobacteria (Synechocystis sp.; Prieto, 2010; Prieto et al., 2010). An interesting result coming
out of this study is that non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) seem to play an important role in the
regulation of ion homeostasis in bacteria, as they regulate the central node of the iron
regulatory network (Fur gene product). This work was carried out in collaboration with
Wolfgang Hess and Claudia Steglich, using data from three different independent datasets (Kegg
expression, GEO and ArrayExpress databases). A manuscript describing these results is in
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
3. Other publications national
4. Master and PhD theses completed
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Marine Community Ecology and Evolution (LMCEE)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Marine Community Ecology and Evolution
2. Principal investigator
Elsa Maria Branco Froufe Andrade
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental. Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
FCT Pluriannual funding
FCT National funding
68.088 EUR, PTCD/MAR/109954/2009, RAP - Responses to Anthropogenic Perturbations:
climatic and nutrient effects on rock pool assemblages. Starting in the beginning of 2011.
118.743 EUR, PTDC/MAR/109954/2009, OCEAN KELP - Effects of ocean climate on the
macroecology and resilience to disturbances of kelp beds. Starting in the beginning of 2011.
European funding
1.0693.694 EUR, EEA Financial Mechanism, Managing effects of global climate on estuarine
biodiversity and productivity. Ending in 30 April 2011.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The scientific strategies of the LMCEE will integrate cross-discipline approaches related to the
different levels of organization of marine and estuarine biodiversity: from genome over
organism, to populations, communities and ecosystems across biogeographical regions. Such an
approach is key to gain a complete understanding of the consequences of anthropogenicmediated actions over marine biodiversity. This is particularly relevant nowadays, since the
resilience of marine biodiversity to human perturbations can be exacerbated under a scenario of
global climate change. Therefore, LMCEE aims at linking research efforts from such disciplines
covering different levels of biodiversity organization into a solid scientific framework. The
specific research lines of the group include:
Evaluation Report 2010
To describe the biodiversity of marine invertebrates from deep-sea Portuguese
territorial waters and from estuarine fauna.
To describe patterns of spatial and temporal variation in the biodiversity costal marine
habitat along the Atlantic coast of continental Portugal, with some particular case
studies like the Minho Estuary, both through site-specific studies and by ecological
To contribute to disentangle the complexity of trophic interactions in estuarine
environments by traditional stomach content analysis, food preference investigations,
through determination of stable isotopes (C and N) signatures across the food web, and
by integrating the information into ecological modeling.
To determine the effect of anthropogenic-mediated disturbances (such as
sedimentation, nutrient enrichment, etc) over the organization and structure of marine
and estuarine biodiversity, from individual populations to entire communities, therefore
aiming to estimate the effects of changes in marine and estuarine biodiversity over the
functioning of marine and estuarine ecosystems.
To understand how marine and estuarine biodiversity respond to predicted changes in
environmental variables (e.g. global warming and climate change) in combination with
other concurrent stressors (e.g. eutrophication), using modeling tools.
To apply molecular methodologies in biodiversity, population and conservation and
evolutionary genetics to gain further understanding on historical and contemporary
evolutionary forces that govern genetic variation in nature, i.e. the evolutionary
relationships and life history variation of organisms.
Improving the public awareness and understanding of links and specificity of taxonomy,
ecology and evolution, and of the increasing need and urgency for applying a scientific
approach integrating all these disciplines to biodiversity and conservation research.
To contribute to the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) by making
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools available to stakeholders for data analysis,
to identify spatial connections between different layers of information, and as a support
of the estuarine and coastal management specially of the climate change effects in the
estuarine and coastal area of the Minho Estuary.
2. Main achievements
As member of the FCT project "METALAND: Inferring Metapopulation Dynamics with Landscape
Genetics for Vertebrates of Mauritanian Mountains" (PTDC/BIA-BEC 099934-2008), E Froufe
processed many taxa for genetic analysis. This resulted in 1 publication (several more in prep.),
including analysis of two comersal fishes, Tilapia sp, and Barbus sp.
As member of the FCT project "Diversification in the biomechanical and physiological
performance of scorpions across biogeographic barriers" (PTDC/BIA-BEC 104644-2008), E Froufe
processed several scorpions' taxa for genetic analysis, resulting in 1 publication (several more in
Evaluation Report 2010
A long-term study of the phylogeography of marine taxa in the Macaronesia, resulted in 2
Established combination of morphological and molecular techniques applied to the microcrustaceans resulted in 1 publication.
Deep-sea collections from the Selvagem cruise (EMEPC) and from the Azores are screened for
micro-crustaceans. Additional collections of micro-crustaceans from other Atlantic and Pacific
deep-sea basins have been obtained from IFREMER, NHMUK, University of Bergen,
Schenckenberg institution, and NIWA and screened for suitable target species.
A database of available deep-sea species was build for the BIODEEP FCT proposal.
A novel trap design are constructed for the collection, determination of population structure,
recolonization potential and evaluation of potential as Bioindicator organisms of microcrustaceans, for the BIOMES FCT proposal.
Shallow-water collection expeditions to multiple locations along the Portuguese coast (from
Viana do Castelo to Sines) were conducted and the micro-crustaceans, sorted, identified, and
processed for genetic analysis.
One new family and genus, four new deep-sea species as well as two new shallow-water species
of micro-crustaceans, have been described and illustrated and the type-species of the most
common shallow-water species have been redescribed from Mindelo.
Two suborder phylogenies of micro-crustaceans, have been published.
Site-specific and experimental data was collected for building population dynamics models and
to contribute to Dynamic Energy Budgets model of key-stone species from Minho Estuary.
An hydrodynamic model for the Minho estuary was developed and is being validated and finetunned to simulate different scenarios of climate change and to analyse previewed effects in the
hydrodynamic patterns of the area. The cross-analysis of these effects with population dynamics
models allows for insight on possible climate change impacts at population level.
A Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database for the Minho estuary was built and is
updated for use as an ICZM tool, on effects of climate change. It includes traditional geographic
information as well as hydrodynamic and ecological information like the spatial and temporal
species distribution.
The requirements to the vulnerability assessment to climate change risks of Minho River Estuary
were investigated, including the legal and the institutional frameworks with co-interference in
the management of the area.
As part of an EU network of research on marine biodiversity (LargeNet project of MarBEF), a
database was build on plankton and benthos suitable to study large scale patterns and longterm changes.
Evaluation Report 2010
Collaborations with leading Portuguese and foreign scientists allowed for relevant studies which
improved ecological knowledge of effects on climate events, introduced species, marine
protected areas and biological interactions on intertidal and subtidal benthic assemblages. From
these studies 10 publications are published (or in press) in high profile ecology and marine
biology journals.
Participation of I Bertocci reinforced the involvement of CIIMAR to the EMEPC mission to
Selvagens Islands, contributing to collections of biological data from rocky intertidal habitats.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Balata, D, Piazzi, L, Nesti, U, Bulleri, F, Bertocci, I. 2010. Effects of enhanced loads of nutrients
on epiphytes on leaves and rhizomes of Posidonia oceanica. Journal of Sea Research 63: 173179.
2. Bertocci, I, Maggi, E, Vaselli, S, Benedetti-Cecchi, L. 2010. Resistance of rocky shore
assemblages of algae and invertebrates to changes in intensity and temporal variability of aerial
exposure. Marine Ecology Progress Series 400: 75-86.
3. Bertocci, I, Arenas, F, Matias, M, Vaselli, S, Araújo, R, Abreu, H, Pereira, R, Vieira, R, SousaPinto, I. 2010. Canopy-forming species mediate the effects of disturbance on macroalgal
assemblages on Portuguese rocky shores. Marine Ecology Progress Series 414: 107-116.
4. Bulleri, F, Balata, D, Bertocci, I, Tamburello, L, Benedetti-Cecchi, L. 2010. The seaweed
Caulerpa racemosa on Mediterranean rocky reefs: from passenger to driver of ecological
change. Ecology 91: 2205-2212.
5. Campos, J, Bio, A, Cardoso, JFMF, Dapper, R, Witte, JIJ,Van der Veer, HW. 2010. Fluctuations
on the brown shrimp Crangon crangon (Crustacea: Caridea) abundance in the western Dutch
Wadden Sea, The Netherlands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 405: 203-219
6. Claudet, J, Osenberg, CW, Domenici, P, Badalamenti, F, Milazzo, M, Falcón, JM, Bertocci, I,
Benedetti-Cecchi, L, García-Charton, J-A, Goñi, R, Borg, JA, Forcada, A, de Lucia, GA, PérezRuzafa, Á, Afonso, P, Brito, A, Guala, I, Le Diréach, L, SanchezJerez, P, Somerfield, PJ, Planes, S.
2010. Marine reserves: fish life history and ecological traits matter. Ecological Applications 20:
7. Dolbeth, M, Martinho, F, Freitas, V, Costa-Dias, S, Campos, J, Pardal, MA. 2010. Multi-year
comparisons of fish recruitment, growth and production in two drought-affected Iberian
estuaries. Marine and Freshwater Research 61: 1399-1415.
8. Incera, M, Bertocci, I, Benedetti-Cecchi, L. 2010. Effects of mean intensity and temporal
variability of disturbance on the invasion of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Caulerpales) in
rock pools. Biological Invasions 12: 501-514.
Evaluation Report 2010
9. Freitas, V, Campos, J, Skreslet, S, Van der Veer, HW. 2010. Habitat quality of a subarctic
nursery ground for 0-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.). Journal of Sea Research 64: 26-33.
10. Freitas, V, Cardoso, JFMF, Lika, K, Peck, MA, Campos, J, Kooijman, SALM, Van der Veer, HW.
2010. Temperature tolerance and energetics, a Dynamic Energy Budget-based comparison of
North Atlantic marine species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365: 3553-3565.
11. Schander, C, Rapp, HT, Kongsrud, JA, Bakken, T, Berge, J, Cochrane, S, Oug, E, Byrkjedal, I,
Todt, C, Cedhagen, T, Fosshagen, A, Gebruk, A, Larsen, K, Levin, L, Obst, M, Pleijel, F, Stöhr, S,
Warén, A, Mikkelsen, NT, Hadler-Jacobsen, S, Keuning, R, Petersen, KH, Thorseth, IH, Pedersen,
RB. 2010. The fauna of hydrothermal vents on the Mohn Ridge (North Atlantic). Marine Biology
Research 6(2): 155-171.
12. Sousa, P, Froufe, E, Alves, PC, Harris, DJ. 2010. Genetic diversity within Scorpions of the
genus Buthus from the Iberian Peninsula: mitochondrial DNA sequence data indicate additional
distinct cryptic lineages. Journal of Arachnology 38(2): 206-211.
13. Thomsen, MS, Wernberg, T, Altieri, A, Tuya, F, Gulbransen, D, McGlathery, K, Holmerk, M,
Silliman, BR. 2010. Facilitation cascades via habitat formation and modification. Integrative and
Comparative Biology 50:158-175.
14. Thomsen, MS, Wernberg, T, Tuya, F, Silliman, BR. 2010. Ecological performance and possible
origin of a ubiquitous but under-studied gastropod. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 87: 501509.
15. Tuya, F, Larsen, K, Platt, V. 2010. Patterns of abundance and assemblage structure of
epifauna inhabiting two morphologically different kelp holdfasts. Hydrobiologia 658(1): 373-382.
16. Tuya, F, Vanderklift, MA, Hyndes, GA, Wernberg, T, Thomsen, MS, Hanson, C. 2010.
Proximity to reefs affects the balance between positive and negative effects on seagrass fauna.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 405: 175-186.
17. Vandepitte, L, Vanhoorne, B, Kraberg, A, Anisimova, N, Antoniadou, C, Araújo, R, Bartsch, I,
Beker, B, Benedetti-Cecchi, L, Bertocci, I, Cochrane, S, Cooper, K, Craeymeersch, J, Christou, E,
Crisp, DJ, Dahle, S, de Boissier, M, de Kluijver, M, Denisenko, S, De Vito, D, Duineveld, G,
Escaravage, V, Fleischer, D, Fraschetti, S, Giangrande, A, Heip, C, Hummel, H, Janas, U, Karez, R,
Kedra, M, Kingston, P, Kuhlenkamp, R, Libes, M, Martens, P, Mees, J, Mieszkowska, N, Mudrak,
S, Munda, I, Orfanidis, S, Orlando-Bonaca, M, Palerud, R, Rachor, E, Reichert, K, Rumohr, H,
Schiedek, D, Schubert, P, Sistermans, WCH, Sousa Pinto, I, Southward, AJ, Terlizzi, A, Tsiaga, E,
van Beusekom, J, Vanden Berghe, E, Warzocha, J, Wasmund, N, Weslawski, JM, Widdicombe, C,
Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M, Zettler, ML. 2010. Data integration for European marine biodiversity
research: creating a database on benthos and plankton to study large-scale patterns and longterm changes. Hydrobiologia 644: 1-13.
18. Vasconcelos, R, Froufe, E, Brito, JC, Carranza, S, Harris, DJ. 2010. Phylogeography of
Amietophrynus regularis based on mitochondrial DNA sequences: inferences regarding the Cape
Verde population and biogeographical patterns. Journal of African Zoology 45(2): 291–298.
Evaluation Report 2010
19. Wernberg, T, Thomsen, MS, Tuya, F, Kendrick, GA, Staehr, PA, Toohey, BD. 2010. Decreasing
resilience of kelp beds along a latitudinal temperature gradient: potential implications for a
warmer future. Ecology Letters 13: 685-694.
20. Wernberg, T, Tuya, F, Thomsen, MS, Kendrick, GA. 2010. Turban snails as habitat for foliose
algae: contrasting geographical patterns in species richness. Marine and Freshwater Research
61: 1237-1242.
In press
21. Froufe, E, Alexandrino, P, Cabezas, P, Pérez-Losada, M. (in press). Comparative
phylogeography of three lobster species from the Macaronesia (NE Atlantic). Crustacean Issues.
22. Gonzalez-Wanguemert, M, Froufe, E, Alexandrino, P. (in press). Phylogeographical history of
the white seabream Diplodus sargus (Sparidae):Implications for island biogeography. Marine
Biology Research.
23. Vandeperre, F, Higgins, RM, Sánchez-Meca, J, Maynou, F, Goñi, R, Martín-Sosa, P, PérezRuzafa, A, Afonso, P, Bertocci, I, Crec’hriou, R, D’Anna, G, Dimech, M, Dorta, C, Esparza, O,
Falcón, JM, Forcada, A, Guala, I, Le Direach, L, Marcos, C, Ojeda-Martínez, C, Pipitone, C,
Schembri, PJ, Stelzenmüller, V, Stobart, B, Serrão Santos, R. (in press). Effects of no-take area
size and age of marine protected areas on fishery yields: a metaanalytical approach. Fish and
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Larsen, K. 2010. Order Tanaidacea: Tanaids. In: Gordon, DP (Ed). Species 2000. The New
Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity, Chapter 8, Subphylum, Crustacea, Volume 2, Canterbury,
University Press, Christchurch, pp. 164-166.
2. Larsen, K, Froufe, E. 2010. Identification of polymorphic species within groups of
morphologically conservative taxa: combining morphological and molecular techniques. In:
Nimis, PL, Vignes Lebbe, R (Eds). Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems – pp.
301-305. ISBN 978-88-8303-295-0.
3. Larsen, K (in press). Tanaidacea. In: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology.
4. Larsen, K. (in press). Tanaidacea. In: De Grave, S, Martin, J. (Eds). Crustacean Field Collecting
and Preservation Techniques, Cambridge University Press.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
Evaluation Report 2010
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Araújo-Silva, Catarina de Lourdes. 2010. Taxonomia e aspectos ecologicos de Tanaidacea
(crustacea: Peracarida) da plataforma continental e bancos oceanicos no Programa REVIZEE.
Master thesis, University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. Supervisor: Kim Larsen.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
Collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Bodo University College,
Vreij University of Amsterdam, University of Crete and University of Hamburg resulted in 3
publications. One PhD student is under the co-supervision with Bergen University. Collaboration
is also undergoing with Tromso University.
One master student (supervisor Kim Larsen) completed her thesis and published two
taxonomical publications. Collaboration between Dr. Larsen and the Zoological Museum of
Copenhagen resulted in the publication of a new family and genus. Collaboration with NIWA,
New Zealand resulted in publication of 1 suborder phylogeny. Collaboration with University of
Grand Canaria resulted in many samples of macronesian micro-crustaceans.
Collaboration with the University of Pisa and CETMAR (Vigo) resulted in several publications on
effects of climate-related disturbances and invasive organisms. Collaborations with the same
team led to publications on the effects of eutrophication and mechanisms of succession of
intertidal assemblages.
Collaboration with University of Salento and the team of the EU project EmpaFish resulted in a
publication on the importance of fish life and ecological traits for the effectiveness of marine
protected areas. Collaboration with Universidade dos Açores resulted in a publication on the
effects of traits of marine protected areas on fishery yields.
Collaboration with L Vandepitte from VLIZ (Oostende, Belgium) and the LargeNet team (MarBEF
network) resulted in the compilation and publication of a plankton and benthos dataset suitable
to be used for assessing long-term and large-scale changes in marine biodiversity.
Collaborations with researchers from CIIMAR resulted in a publication on habitat-forming
macroalgae and mechanical disturbance on intertidal habitats. Collaboration with CIMAR’s PhD
student JP Oliveira resulted in a publication on effects of type and timing of disturbance on rock
pool assemblages.
Evaluation Report 2010
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Marine Plant Ecology (ALGAE)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Marine Plant Ecology (ALGAE)
2. Principal investigator
Rui Orlando Pimenta Santos
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
19.333 EUR FCT Pluriannual funding
National funding
62.289 EUR, FCT, PTDC/AAC-CLI/103348/2008, METABOLISMO.
21.493 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/098069/2008, INVASEA.
European funding
25.784 EUR, European Commission, INTERREG SUDOE, SOE1/P2/F153, ECO-LAGUNES.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
I. Ecology of coastal systems:
The group aims to understand the population biology and ecophysiological processes that
regulate the survival and production of marine vegetation, which are the basis of their ecological
goods and services. We aim to reveal the importance of biological communities dominated by
macrophytes for the carbon and nitrogen metabolism of coastal systems, in particular the
environmental drivers of photosynthesis and community production, respiration and
calcification. The nitrogen metabolism of seagrasses and how this may determine the nitrogen
cycle of coastal systems is also a group objective.
Evaluation Report 2010
II. Human impacts on coastal ecosystems:
This research line focuses on the effects of human-related disturbances on costal ecosystems,
including physical disturbances, increased nitrogen loads, alterations of the water quality
parameters that determine seagrass productivity and distribution, and global change effects
such as temperature and CO2/acidification.
Within the Water Framework Directive (WFD), we aim to use macroalgae and marine
angiosperms as biological elements to classify the ecological status of the Portuguese coastal
and transitional water bodies. A specific objective is to investigate biological indicators of
seagrasses and seaweeds that can be used to assess the condition of those communities. As
well, we aim to understand the general decline of seagrasses in the coastal systems, particularly
the human-induced shifts from seagrasses to seaweed domination.
III. Economic valorisation of seaweeds
Following the applied research of last years that demonstrated an integrated cultivation system
in a fish farm for the production of biologically active halogenated compounds from
Asparagopsis spp. with commercial application in the cosmetics industry, we aimed to
investigate how to improve the concentration of such compounds in the produced biomass. We
also aimed at revealing novel potential applications of halogenated metabolites: the use of
waterborne seaweed metabolites to provide an alternative technology to antibiotics in different
stages of intensive fish production, linking for the first time, quantitative seaweed chemical
analysis with molecular microbial techniques.
2. Main achievements
In 2010 we published 6 papers and presented 14 communications at international scientific
Some of our scientific contributions focused on the reproductive biology of Zostera marina, an
endangered species at Ria Formosa. Its low germination and seedling survival rates suggest a
bottleneck in the species’ reproductive cycle that may account for its decline in this system. On
the other hand, the uptake rates of inorganic nitrogen of the most important seagrass species of
Ria Formosa, Zostera noltii, showed that ammonium is its preferential inorganic nitrogen source.
However, in the absence of ammonium the species may also uptake nitrate at high rates. The
activity of key enzymes for nitrogen uptake was much higher in the leaves than in the roots,
highlighting the importance of the leaves as primary reducing sites in the nitrogen assimilation
process. Our research on the population dynamics of the third seagrass species present at Ria
Formosa, Cymodocea nodosa, revealed that the net recruitment of all meadows, which were
under different sedimentary regimes, was negative. If environmental conditions will remain the
same, all these meadows are predicted to decline to extinction.
An important theoretical contribution was made to understanding the demographic
mechanisms that determine the dynamics of the relative abundance of phases in biphasic life
cycles, unifying previous numerical and observational attempts at this question. We showed
how the three co-occurring population processes—growth, fertility, and looping—may dominate
the dynamics of the population, determining both its growth rate and ploidy ratio.
Evaluation Report 2010
In the ambit of the economical valorisation of seaweeds we showed that the red alga
Asparagopsis taxiformis cultivated in Southern Portugal in an integrated aquaculture system
using fish farm effluents shows the highest production rates ever reported for cultivated
macroalgae. The biological active halogenated metabolites that Asparagopsis spp. produce may
be enhanced by the addition of H2O2 to the cultures, prior (3 h) to biomass harvesting.
In 2010, the following national-funded projects started under the coordination of our group:
Whole-system metabolism and CO2 fluxes in a coastal lagoon dominated by saltmarsh and
seagrass meadows, PTDC/AAC-CLI/103348/2008
Shifts from seagrass to seaweed dominated systems (INVASEA), PTDC/MAR/098069/2008
We also participate in the national-funded project “Landscape genetics of a coastal lagoon; an
empirical and modeling approach using the seagrass Zostera noltii in Ria Formosa,
The COST Action network ES0906 “Seagrass productivity: from genes to ecosystem
management”, chaired by the coordinator of the research group officially started in March 15
2010. In July 1 2010 the CCMAR started its role as Grant Holder, to financially manage the
Under the Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories financed by the European
Community (ASSEMBLE – EC/FP7/227799) we improved and optimized the seagrass mesocosm
cultivation system that started to be constructed in 2009 in the Ramalhete Field Station of
CCMAR. During 2010 we were able to maintain the 3 species of seagrasses present at Ria
Formosa lagoon, Zostera noltii, Z. marina and Cymodocea nodosa, for many months in good
conditions. An experimental assessment of the effects of enriched CO2 on seagrass
photosynthesis, production and nitrogen uptake was made during 2010. The system is now
prepared to assess experimentally the effects of both CO2 and nitrogen enrichment on
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Cabaço, S, Ferreira, Ó, Santos, R. 2010. Population dynamics of the seagrass Cymodocea
nodosa in Ria Formosa lagoon following inlet artificial relocation. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science 87: 510-516.
2. Cabaço, S, Santos. R. 2010. Reproduction of the eelgrass Zostera marina at the species
southern distributional limit in the Eastern Atlantic. Marine Ecology 31: 300-308.
3. Alexandre, A, Silva, J, Santos, R. 2010. Inorganic nitrogen uptake and related enzymatic
activity in the seagrass Zostera noltii. Marine Ecology 31(4): 539-545.
Evaluation Report 2010
4. Mata, L, Schuenhoff, A, Santos R. 2010. A direct comparison of two seaweed biofilters:
Asparagopsis armata and Ulva rigida. Journal Applied Phycology 22: 639-644.
5. Vieira, V, Santos,R. 2010. Demographic mechanisms determining the dynamics of the relative
abundance of phases in biphasic life cycles. Journal of Phycology 46: 1128-1137.
In press
6. Mata, L, Gaspar, H., Santos, R. (in press). Effects of hydrogen peroxide on the content of major
volatile halogenated compounds in the red alga Asparagopsis taxiformis (Bonnemaisoniaceae).
Journal Applied Phycology, doi: 10.1007/s10811-010-9582-y.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Guerra, Luís Miguel. 2010. Análise multivariada da evolução sucessão dunar na Península do
Ancão e Ilha da Barreta. Master thesis, University of Algarve. Supervisors: Rui Santos, Vasco
Mateus, Carmen Sofia Cardoso. 2010. Análise do efeito da halófita Salicornia ramosissima na
remoção de nutrientes em substrato sólido e em meio hidropónico. Master thesis, University of
Algarve. Supervisors: Luís Chícharo, Rui Santos.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
Even though only 1 in 7 published papers in 2010 were in collaboration with foreign colleagues
(14%), 10 of the 15 communications (67%) made in international scientific meetings were done
in collaboration with international research teams. Eventually, some of these will be published
in the near future.
Evaluation Report 2010
The group leader is the chair of COST Action ES0906, “Seagrass productivity: from genes to
ecosystem management”. This network aims to improve the scientific collaboration among
European research groups and to bridge the gap between scientists and seagrass managers. It
involves 19 European countries and over a hundred researchers from Europe, Australia and USA.
All the group’s new approved projects involve foreign partners and/or institutions. The same
applies for all the pending proposals. Active collaborations are currently underway with
European partners from Stockholm University, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Università Tor
Vergata, Universidad de Cádiz and Universidad de A Coruña. These collaborations take form as
partnerships in projects, graduate and undergraduate student reciprocal training, and
collaborative informal research. Overseas partners include NOAA (USA), the Smithsonian
Environmental Research Center (USA) and Tel Aviv University (Israel). All overseas partners are
involved in ongoing and pending projects.
We play an active role on the Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories financed
by the European Community (ASSEMBLE – EC/FP7/227799), particularly on the development
and maintenance of seagrass mesocosms at CCMAR, and interacting with visiting scientists that
apply to use this facility.
Team members integrate Editorial Boards of indexed international scientific journals such as
Marine Ecology and Marine Environmental Research. The group leader is an Associate Editor of
Estuaries and Coasts. The team members regularly act as referees for many international
scientific journals.
The group leader was the chair of a mini-symposium session at the XX International Seaweed
Symposium, Ensenada, Mexico. He was also the chair of the students presentations evaluation
board in the World Seagrass Conference, Phuket, Thailand.
The research group is responsible for the seasonal monitoring of two sites in Ria Formosa
lagoon, for the world-wide SeagrassNet monitoring program (
9. Government/organization contract research
A report was prepared for the Water Institute of Portugal (INAG) on the assessment of the
biological quality elements, macroalgae, seagrasses and saltmarshes of the coastal and
transition waters of the Portuguese coast, in the ambit of the project “EEMA: Ecological status
of coastal and transitional waters of the Portuguese coast, under the Water Framework
Evaluation Report 2010
Microbial Ecology and Evolution
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Microbial Ecology and Evolution
2. Principal investigator
Rodrigo da Silva Costa
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
FCT pluriannual funding
National funding
93.13 EUR, FCT, PTDC/AAC-CLI/107916/2008, Global climate change and pollution: a synergy
designed for disaster?.
80.882 EUR, FCT, PTDC/MAR/101431/2008, Exploring the bacterial diversity encrypted in the
metagenomes of marine sponges.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The Microbial Ecology and Evolution Research Group seeks to understand the causes and
consequences of microbial diversity in nature. We apply molecular tools to unravel the
composition and function of microbial consortia in natural settings and microcosms. This
enables us to investigate the driving forces that shape microbial community structure in the
open environment and under experimental control. Current research addresses the molecular
ecology of bacteria in marine sponges and the response of the microbiota of marine sediments
to global change and pollution.
2. Main achievements
A main goal and concrete achievement was the structuring of a new laboratory to completion.
This new lab is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and is suited for microbial
Evaluation Report 2010
metagenomics / molecular ecology research. Furthermore, in 2010 the group has kept a fair
scientific productivity while investing in infrastructure, established novel national and
international collaborations, launched two national research projects, acquired more research
funds for 2011 and significantly invested in scientific diffusion and training of under graduated
students. The aforementioned activities are more precisely highlighted below.
Creation of a functional metagenomics /molecular biology laboratory in the first
semester of 2010;
Startup of two national projects;
Three publications in peer reviewed international journals;
Research fund acquisition for 2011 through collaboration in two novel projects.
International collaborations
Host of two foreign working groups under the ASSEMBLE programme: Dr. Jan Dirk van
Elsas (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) and Dr. Thomas Wichard (FriedrichSchiller Jena University, Germany);
All 2010 publications resulted from international cooperation with research groups from
Germany, The Netherlands, Brazil, and Portugal, among others.
Education and training
Co-supervision of three Master students: Catarina Cúcio (Supervision: Marine Ecology
and Evolution, CCMAR); 2. Ana Cristina Castanheira (Supervision: Marine Ecology and
Evolution, CCMAR); 3. Diana Sofia Conduto António (Supervision: Prof. Dr. Margarida P.
Reis, FCT, Univ Algarve).
Supervision of one Ph.D. student: Cristiane CP Hardoim, Research grant: SFRH/ BD/
60873/ 2009.
Scientific diffusion actions
The group has been represented in many venues, both in Europe and overseas (see
below). In 2010, focus was given to introducing the group itself and its current research
to a broad and international audience. It is felt that a more intensive dissemination
campaign is needed within CCMAR and Univ Algarve. The group regularly releases its
research outcomes on Facebook. As from 2011 we will cross-feed the more relevant
information posted on this page with the CCMAR webpage. We plan to contribute with
at least two oral presentations at the internal seminar organized by CCMAR.
Evaluation Report 2010
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Dini-Andreote, F, Andreote, FD, Costa, R, Taketani, RG, van Elsas, JD, et al. 2010. Bacterial soil
community in a Brazilian sugarcane field. Plant and Soil 336: 337-349.
2. Gomes, NCM, Flocco, CG, Costa, R, Junca, H, Vilchez, R, et al. 2010. Mangrove microniches
determine the structural and functional diversity of enriched petroleum hydrocarbon-degrading
consortia. Fems Microbiology Ecology 74: 276-290.
3. Van Elsas, JD, Semenov, A, Costa, R, Trevors, J. 2011. Survival of Escherichia coli in the
environment: fundamental and public health aspects. The ISME Journal 5: 367 (published on line
in June 2010, doi: 10.1038/ismej.2010.80).
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
Host of two foreign working groups under the ASSEMBLE programme: Dr. Jan Dirk van Elsas
(University of Groningen, The Netherlands) and Dr. Thomas Wichard (Friedrich-Schiller Jena
University, Germany);
All 2010 publications resulted from international cooperation with research groups from
Germany, The Netherlands, Brazil, and Portugal, among others.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Modelling and Coastal Management
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Modelling and Coastal Management
2. Principal investigator
Fernando Francisco Machado Veloso Gomes
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental. Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
FCT pluriannual funding
European funding
ANCORIM - Atlantic Network for Coastal Risk Management, Interreg Atlantic Area, 2009-2011.
DEWFORA - Improved Drought Early Warning and FORecasting to preparedness and adaptation
to droughts in Africa
National funding
FCT PTDC/ECM/100887/2008
FCT PTDC/ECM/099999/2008
FCT PTDC/ECM/101353/2008
FCT PTDC/ECM/099752/2008
Two service contracts with the National Water Authority (INAG), Ministry of
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Wave prediction and interaction:
Evaluation Report 2010
Computational and physical modelling techniques to predict near shore wave field to
provide site-specific wave climate and extreme conditions and the interaction of waves,
currents and solid boundaries.
Coastal impact assessment:
Medium and long modelling and field studies to investigate the impact of harbours
structures, coastal protection structures, dredging activities, artificial sand nourishment
on beaches and dunes, considering scenarios of climate change and variability. Use of
remote sensing data. New technical solutions for coastal protection.
Integrated coastal zone management:
Research, consultancy and support in coastal risk assessment and management, coastal,
port and estuary Master Plans, Integrated Coastal Management Strategy, Climate
Water resources management:
Extreme events, with special focus on water stress, scarcity and droughts and
development of indicators. Application of decision support system tools for testing and
evaluation of different water stress mitigation options. EU and WFD policy
implementation, with emphasis on shared river issues and special focus on bilateral
Iberian shared river basins. Stakeholder’s involvement and public participation.
Influence of the operation and management of urban water systems in water resources
Sediment transport and river hydraulics:
Sediment transport studies, employing new analytical and experimental technologies.
Urban rivers rehabilitation methods, embracing engineering and environmental
techniques. Computational modelling of river hydraulic and aquifers behaviour,
assessing quantity and quality issues.
2. Main achievements
Wave prediction and interaction:
Computational and physical modelling (Wave tank of Faculty of Engineering).
Coastal impact assessment:
Improvement of LTC model (medium and long term modelling considering scenarios of
climate change and variability). Experimental evaluation of new coastal protection
solutions. Conclusion of two PhD theses. Two new pos-doc research.
Evaluation Report 2010
Integrated coastal zone management:
More than ten scientific and technical reports delivered to the Ministry of Environment
(National Water Authority INAG).
Water resources management:
Conclusion of an EU project. New EU project. Scientific and technical reports delivered
to the Ministry of Environment (National Water Authority INAG). Conclusion of one PhD
Sediment transport and river hydraulics:
Urban rivers rehabilitation methods, embracing engineering and environmental
techniques. Conclusion of one PhD thesis.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
In press
1. Taveira Pinto, F, Rosa Santos, P, Veloso Gomes, F, Guedes Lopes, H. (in press). Efficiency
analysis to reflection of a new quay wall type, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Maritime Special
Issue, TJHR 574378.
2. Teodoro, AC, Pais-Barbosa, J, Gonçalves, H, Veloso-Gomes, F, Taveira-Pinto, F. (in press).
Identification of beach features/patterns through image classification techniques applied to
remotely sensed data, International Journal of Remote Sensing.
3. Correia, L, El-Ahmadi, A, Molle, B, Maia, R, Oliveira, I. (in press). Benchmark Irrigation
Practices on Olives using a Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Irrigation and Drainage.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Pais-Barbosa, J, Veloso-Gomes, F, Taveira Pinto, F. 2010. GIS Applications for Coastal
Morphodynamics' Analysis of the Portuguese West Coast, Coastal and Marine Geospatial
Technologies (book series: Coastal Systems and Continental Margins), Ed Green, DR, Springer,
pp. 275-283.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Pais-Barbosa, J, Veloso-Gomes, F, Taveira Pinto, F. 2010. Análise de formas e padrões
costeiros como indicadores de erosão na zona costeira noroeste de Portugal. Revista da
Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos, APRH, Volume 31#2, pp. 15-26.
Evaluation Report 2010
2. Petan, S, Taveira-Pinto, F, Mikoš, M, Pais-Barbosa, J. 2010. Modelação da erosão do solo da
bacia hidrográfica do Rio Leça, com a Equação RUSLE e SIG. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de
Recursos Hídricos, (APRH), Volume 31#1, pp. 99-110.
3. Vivas, E, Maia, R. 2010. A Gestão de Escassez e Secas enquadrando as Alterações Climáticas.
Revista Recursos Hídricos, Volume 31, nº 1, Março de 2010.
4. Master and PhD theses completed
1. Santos, Paulo Jorge Rosa. 2010. Análise da Interacção de Navios com Dispositivos de
Acostagem e Amarração. Estudo em Modelo Físico do Posto “A” do Terminal de Petroleiros do
Porto de Leixões. PhD thesis in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Fernando Veloso Gomes, Co-supervisor: Francisco Taveira Pinto.
2. da Silva, Raquel Castro Alves Ferreira. 2010. Avaliação Experimental e Numérica de
Parâmetros Associados a Modelos de Evolução da Linha de Costa. PhD thesis in Civil
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. Supervisor: Fernando Veloso Gomes,
Co-supervisor: Francisco Taveira Pinto.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
9. Government/organization contract research
Contract with the Ministry of Environment (INAG / FEUP): coastal consultancy and
Contract with the Ministry of Environment (INAG / FEUP): water stress, scarcity and
droughts management.
Evaluation Report 2010
Nutrition, Growth and Quality of Fish (LANUCE)
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Nutrition, Growth and Quality of Fish (LANUCE)
2. Principal investigator
Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
21.000 EUR, FCT Pluriannual funding
National funding
135.000 EUR (CIIMAR), FCT PTDC/MAR/105229/2008, BenefitS - Benefícios da produção de
macroalgas marinhas em sistemas de aquacultura integrada multitrófica. Total funding: 170.000
128.000 EUR (CIIMAR), FCT PTDC/MAR/098035/2008, Fisiologia da regulação de iões e ferro na
lampreia marinha (Petromyzon marinus) - um parasita. Total funding: 154.000 EUR, 2009-2012. :
PI: J Wilson (CIIMAR).
45.000 EUR (CIIMAR), AdI, QREN, PROAMBIENTE- Sustainable and environmental friendly
aquafeeds for Senegalese sole. In consortium with the company A. Coelho e Castro, Lda. Total
funding: 591.000 EUR, 2009-2012. PI: L Valente.
188.000 EUR (CIIMAR), FCT PTDC/MAR/70858/2006, TEXBREAM - Post-mortem changes in
gilthead sea bream muscle proteins: its implications to flesh texture, 2008-2011. Total funding:
PI: J Dias (CCMAR).
40.000 EUR (CIIMAR), QREN, ECOPISCIS - Waste Management in Fish Production, project 3442.
Total funding: 591.369 EUR, 2009-2012. PI: JF Gonçalves (ICBAS), R Ozório.
40.000 EUR (CIIMAR), AdI, QREN, PROBIOSOLEA - Selecção e avaliação de estirpes de probioticos
para uso na aquacultura do linguado (Solea senegalensis), project 13551. Total funding: 550.000
EUR. PI: R Ozório.
Evaluation Report 2010
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The central aim of the group is to contribute to the sustainable development of the aquaculture
The central aim of the group is to contribute to the sustainable development of the aquaculture
industry, through basic and applied research directed to the optimisation of diets and cultivation
techniques in order to improve growth and muscle quality. Special attention has been given to
the introduction of new species to aquaculture, namely the blackspot seabream (Pagellus
bogaraveo), the sole (Solea senegalensis), the bream (Diplodus sargus) and the octopus
(Octopus vulgaris).
2. Main achievements
During the course of 2010, LANUCE group has published 28 papers in international peer review
journals, 4 scientific reports, has presented 27 oral and 29 poster communications. In addition,
LANUCE has concluded 3 PhD thesis, 2 MSc thesis and collaborated in the organization of 3
International meetings. The achievements mentioned above is a result of the scientific outcome
that described below.
Nutrient requirements, dietary formulations and feeding practices were optimized for
Senegalese sole and bream. Optimal growth of sole is obtained with 8% lipids; the estimated
lysine requirement (4.68 g lysine / 16 g N) was used to design diets using plant protein sources.
The great acceptability of plant in Senegalense sole was demonstrated.. Several projects are still
going on to test plant protein diets during ongrowing stages and clarify the impact of lipids on
sole metabolism (7 papers, 1 PhD student).
The production of ornamental aquatic species has now evolved into an industrial activity.
Information regarding nutritional requirements, food utilization and behaviour of ornamental
fish were considered.
Understanding the environmental factors that regulates muscle differentiation and growth is
important to select the best strategy to optimize growth and meat quality The muscle growth
potential and its relation to cellularity and sensorial characteristics were evaluated in several
species and rearing conditions. SEACASE EU projected leaded by CCMAR clearly demonstrated
that it is possible to discriminate products from distinct rearing systems. (3 papers)
LANUCE just started a project on the evaluation of epigenetic factors on muscle growth and
differentiation in Senegalse sole (1 PhD student).
In intensive marine fish production, the large quantity of disinfectants and drugs released into
the rearing water can negatively affect the integrity of the gastrointestinal microflora, thereby
reducing growth and hindering the immunologic status of the fish. Until now, antibiotics have
been the most employed agents in the treatment of diseases in aquaculture; however, the
environmental and food contamination resulting from its use, as well as the development of
pathogens with increased antimicrobial resistance constitute emerging problems which need
effective and urgent solutions. Probiotics may inhibit the colonization of pathogen bacteria by
various mechanisms. The reduction of stress-related impact by probiotics is expected to improve
growth performance and reduce acute as well as chronic stress. Output: PhD: 2 (in course).
Evaluation Report 2010
Crustaceans that are traded alive were studied, with the objectives of characterization of the
main species, reducing the high mortality rates during handling and transportation and
improvement of general welfare (1 PhD thesis finished, 9 articles + 1 submitted).
Different approaches were studied to obtain improvements and added value for fish product
industrial waste, namely in preservation and gelification properties of fish minces (1 PhD thesis
in finishing phase, 7 articles published + 1 submitted).
Products obtained from salted/dried cod, namely rehydrated frozen products recently
introduced in the seafood market of countries like Portugal, are being studied. Main objective is
to improve the industrial procedures, reducing processing times and costs (1 PhD thesis started
in 2010).
Sensory methods for seafood evaluation continue to be one of the working areas, in 2010, by
giving external support to a PhD thesis under development at Buenos Aires, Argentina, for
common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (1 PhD thesis, advanced phase).
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Antunes, F, Hinzmann, M, Lopes-Lima, M, Machado, J, Martins da Costa, P. 2010. Relationship
between environmental microbiota and indigenous bacteria found in hemolymph, extrapallial
fluid and mucus of Anodonta cygnea (Linnaeus, 1758). Microbial Ecology 60 (2): 304-309.
2. Araújo, C, Torres, C, Silva, N, Carneiro, C, Gonçalves, A, Radhouani, H, Correia, S, da Costa, PM,
Paccheco, R, Zarazaga, M, Ruiz-Larrea, F, Poeta, P, Igrejas, G. 2010. Vancomycin-resistant
enterococci from Portuguese wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Basic Microbiology 50:
3. Barrento, S, Marques, A, Teixeira, B, Mendes, R, Bandarra, N, Vaz-Pires, P, Nunes, ML. 2010.
Chemical composition, cholesterol, fatty acid and amino acid in two populations of brown crab
Cancer pagurus: Ecological and human health implications. Journal of Food Composition and
Analysis 23(7): 716-725.
4. Barrento, S, Marques, A, Vaz-Pires, P, Nunes, ML. 2010. Live shipment of immersed crabs
Cancer pagurus from England to Portugal and recovery in stocking tanks: stress parameter
characterization. ICES Journal of Marine Science 67: 435-443.
5. Bertocci, I, Arenas, F, Matias, M, Vaselli, S, Araújo, R, Abreu, H, Pereira, R, Vieira, R, SousaPinto, I. 2010. Canopy-forming species mediate the effects of disturbance on macroalgal
assemblages on Portuguese rocky shores. Marine Ecology Progress Series 414: 107-116.
6. Campos, C, Valente, LMP, Borges, P, Bizuayehu, ST, Fernandes, JMO. 2010. Dietary lipid levels
have a remarkable impact on the expression of growth-related genes in Senegalese sole (Solea
senegalensis Kaup). Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 200-209.
Evaluation Report 2010
7. Cardoso, C, Mendes, R, Pedro, S, Vaz-Pires, P, Nunes, M. 2010. Quality changes during storage
of minced fish products containing dietary fibre and fortified with ω3 fatty acids. Food Science
and Technology International 16(1): 131-142.
8. Cardoso, C, Mendes, R, Vaz-Pires, P, Nunes, ML. 2010. Effect of salt and MTGase on the
production of high quality gels from farmed sea bass. Journal of Food Engineering 101: 98-105.
9. Cardoso, CL, Mendes, RO, Salvador, AM, Saraiva, JA, Vaz-Pires, P, Nunes, ML. 2010. Quality
characteristics of high pressure-induced hake (Merluccius capensis) protein gels with and
without MTGase. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 19: 193-213.
10. Dias, J, Yúfera, M, Valente, LMP, Rema, P. 2010. Feed transit and apparent protein,
phosphorus and energy digestibility of practical feed ingredients by Senegalese sole (Solea
senegalensis). Aquaculture 302: 94-99.
11. Figueiredo-Silva, AC, Corraze, G, Kaushik, S, Peleteiro, JB, Valente, LMP. 2010. Modulation of
blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) intermediary metabolic pathways by dispensable
amino acids. Amino acids 39: 1401-1416.
12. Figueiredo-Silva, AC, Corraze, G, Valente, LMP. 2010. The growth and nutrient utilisation of
blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) under different feeding regimes. Fish Physiology and
Biochemistry 36: 1113-1124.
13. Figueiredo-Silva, AC, Corraze, G, Borges, P, Valente, LMP. 2010. Dietary protein/lipid level
and protein source effects on growth, tissue composition and lipid metabolism of Blackspot
seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) Aquaculture Nutrition 16: 173-187.
14. Gonçalves, JFM, Turini, BGS, Ozório, ROA. 2010. The effects of stocking densities on
performance of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) fed diets with L-carnitine supplementation.
Scientia Agricola 67(2): 151-157.
15. Martins da Costa, P, Bica, A, Vaz-Pires, P, Bernardo, F. 2010. Changes in antimicrobial
resistance among faecal enterococci isolated from growing broilers prophylactically medicated
with three commercial antimicrobials. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 93: 71-76.
16. Nogueira, N, Cordeiro, N, Canada, P, Cruz e Silva, P, Ozório, ROA. 2010. Separate and
combined effects of cyclic fasting and L-carnitine supplementation in red porgy (Pagrus pagrus,
L. 1758). Aquaculture Research 41: e795–e806.
17. Ozorio, ROA, Van Ginneken, VJT, Bessa, RJB, Verstegen, MWA, Verreth, JAJ, Huisman, EA.
2010. Effects of exercise on L-carnitine and lipid metabolism in African catfish (Clarias
gariepinus) fed different dietary L-carnitine and lipid levels. British Journal of Nutrition 103:
18. Ozório, ROA, Turini, BGS, Moro, G, Oliveira, LST, Portz, L, Cyrino, JEP. 2010. Growth, nitrogen
gain and indispensable amino acid retention of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Holmberg 1887)
fed different brewers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) levels. Aquaculture Nutrition 16: 276283.
Evaluation Report 2010
19. Pinto, L, Radhouani, L, Coelho, C, Martins da Costa, P, Simões, R, Brandão, RML, Torres, C,
Igrejas, G, Poeta, P. 2010. Genetic detection of extended-spectrum {beta}-lactamases
Escherichia coli in birds of prey from Serra da Estrela Natural Reserve of Portugal. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 76(12): 4118-20.
20. Seixas, P, Otero, A, Valente, LMP, Dias, J, Rey-Méndez, M. 2010. Growth and fatty acid
composition of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae fed with enriched Artemia or co-fed with an inert
diet. Aquaculture International 18: 1121-1135.
21. Seixas, P, Rey-Méndez, M, Valente, LMP, Otero, A. 2010. High DHA content in Artemia is
ineffective to improve Octopus vulgaris paralarvae rearing. Aquaculture 300: 156-162.
22. Silva, JMG, Espe, M, Conceição, LEC, Dias, J, Costas, B, Valente, LMP. 2010. Feed intake and
growth of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858) fed diets with partial replacement of
fish meal with plant proteins. Aquaculture Research 41: e20-e30.
23. Silva, P, Power, DM, Valente, LMP, Silva, N, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E. 2010. Expression of the
myosin light chains 1,2 and 3 in the muscle of blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo, during
development. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1125-1132.
24. Simões, R, Poirel, L, Martins da Costa, P, Nordmann, P. 2010. Seagulls and beaches as a
reservoir for emerging extended spectrum beta-lactamase producers in Escherichia coli.
Emerging Infectious Diseases 16(1): 110-112.
25. Valente, LMP, Olmedo, M, Álvarez-Blázquez, B, Borges, P, Soares, S, Gomes, EFS, Pazos, G,
Linares, F. 2010. Dietary protein and carbohydrate source on growth, body composition and
tissue lipid deposition of blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo (Brunnich). Animal Physiology
and Animal Nutrition 94: 212-219.
In press
26. Abreu, MH, Pereira, R, Yarish, C, Buschmann, AH, Sousa-Pinto, I. (in press). Aquaculture, doi:
27. Martins da Costa, P, Oliveira, M, Ramos, B, Bernardo, F. (in press). Livestock Science,
28. Oliveira, M, Vieira-Pinto, M, Martins da Costa, P, Vilela, CL, Martins, C, Bernardo, F. (in
press). Food Research International, doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2010.08.011.
29. Silva, P, Valente, LMP, Olmedo, M, Álvarez-Blázquez, B, Galante, MH, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha,
E. (in press). Aquaculture Research, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2109.2010.02627.x.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Pereira, R, Yarish, C. 2010. The role of Porphyra in sustainable culture systems: Physiology and
Applications. In: Israel, A, Einav, R, Seckbach, J (Eds). Role of Seaweeds in Globally Changing
Evaluation Report 2010
Environments, Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 15. Springer Publishers,
pp. 339-353.
2. Moraes, J, Iwashita, M, Ozório, R, Rema,, P, Moraes, F. 2010. Influence of Vitamin E
Supplementation on Dermal Wound Healing in Tilapia, Oreochromis Niloticus. In: De Carlo, F,
Bassano, A. Freswater Ecosystems and Aquaculture Research. Nova Science publishers, Inc. New
York, pp. 177-192. ISBN 978-1-60741-707-1.
3. Dias, J, Conceição, LEC, Rodrigues, V, Colen, R, Ramalho Ribeiro, A, Ferreira, H, Aires, T, Silva,
JMG, Escórcio, C, Valente, LMP. 2010. Improving the environmental sustainability of aquafeeds
for gilthead seabream and Senegalese sole. Aquaculture Europe 35 (2): 5-11.
4. Quental-Ferreira, H, Ribeiro, AR, Dias, J, Yúfera, M, Arias, AM, Falcão, M, Serpa, D, Aires, T,
Pousão-Ferreira, P, Cunha, ME, Valente, LMP. Dinis, MT, Conceição, L. 2010. Sustainable Semiintensive polyculture of seabream and sole in earth ponds. Aquaculture Europe 35 (3): 17-21.
5. Vaz-Pires, P, Ramalho, A, Jesus, A, Soares, F, Conceição, L, Dinis, MT, Ribeiro, L, PousãoFerreira, P, Cunha, ME, Quental Ferreira, H, Yúfera, M, Marino, G, Boglione, C, Cataudella, S,
Hussenot, J, Begout, ML, Makridis, P, Buard, E, Blachier, P. 2010. A Joint european certification
system for sustainable non-intensive aquaculture: a proposal from the SEACASE project.
Aquaculture Europe 35(2): 17-22.
6. Vaz-Pires, P, Escórcio, C, Soares, S, Ramalho, A, Matos, E, Dias, J. 2010. Optimising fish
slaughtering procedures for semi-intensive aquaculture. Aquaculture Europe 35(3): 26-28.
7. Ozorio, ROA, Hubbard, PC, Barata, EN, Valente, LMP, Canário, AVM. 2010. Olfactory sensitivity
to amino acids in the blackspot seabream (Pagellus Bogaraveo, Brünnich 1768): How effective is
the electro-olfactogram in seawater?. Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-10 October, Porto, Portugal.
European Aquaculture Society, pp. 946-947.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Mesquita, João Rodrigo GG. 2010. Norovirus Contamination of shellfish from high sanitary
production areas of Portugal. Master thesis in Sciences of Engineering / Zootechnical
Engineering, University of Tas-os-Montes and Alto Douro.
Lino, Filipe Correia. 2010. Oxygen consumption experiments in the Pepper, furrow shell Scrobicularia plana (da Costa) under starvation conditions - DEB model parameter estimation.
Master thesis in Sciences of Engineering / Zootechnical Engineering, University of Tas-os-Montes
and Alto Douro.
Evaluation Report 2010
Barrento, Sara. 2010. Nutritional quality and physiological responses to transport and storage of
live crustaceans traded in Portugal. PhD thesis in Animal Science, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Maria Leonor Nunes (IPIMAR), Co-supervisor: Paulo Vaz-Pires.
Silva, Amélia Cláudia Figueiredo. 2010. Nutritional regulation of lipid deposition in blackspot
seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo). PhD thesis in Aquatic Sciences, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Luisa M.P. Valente, Co-supervisoror: Geneviéve Corraze (INRA, France).
Silva, Joana Margarida Guimarães. 2010. Use of alternative protein sources in diets for
senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858) juveniles. PhD thesis in Aquatic Sciences, ICBAS,
University of Porto. Supervisor: Luisa M.P. Valente, Co-supervisoros: Marite Espe (NIFES,
Norway), Luís Conceição.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
European Aquaculture Society Meeting “Aquaculture Europe 2010 - Seafarming Tomorrow”, 5-8
October 2010, Porto, Portugal. L Valente - Member of the Local Organizing Committee.
COST FA0801 meeting “Critical success factors for fish larval production in European
Aquaculture: a multidisciplinary network (LARVANET)”, 5-6 October, porto, Portugal. L Valente Member of the Local Organizing Committee (50 participants of 16 countries).
Symposium “Muscle development and growth”, integrated in the “9th International Congress on
the Biology of Fish”, American Fisheries Society, 5-8 July 2010, Barcelona, Spain. L Valente Member of the Scientific Committe.
7. Industry contract research
Collaboration protocol with a feed and aquaculture company A. Coelho e Castro, for the
development of dietary formulations for Senegalese sole, reduction of the environmental
impact and assurance of fish quality (Project QREN, Support to investigation of applied research
in companies, 2009-2012).
LANUCE together with ICBAS/UP coordinate the ECOPISCIS project in consortium with a
Portuguese aquaculture enterprise Quinta-do-Salmão Ltd. (Project QREN 3442). The aim of
ECOPISCIS is to develop an environmental friendly, long-run alternative to minimize biological
waste from fish production.
LANUCE together with ICBAS/UP coordinate the PROAMBIENTE project in consortium with a
Portuguese aquaculture enterprise Quinta-do-Salmão Ltd. (Project QREN 5362). The aim of
Evaluation Report 2010
PROAMBIENTE is to develop production technologies of sole in a sustainable manner, reducing
the environmental impact, improving the well-being and the product quality of the animals.
LANUCE together with ICBAS/UP coordinate the PROBIOSOLEA project in consortium with a
Portuguese company Biostrument. (Project QREN 5362). The aim of PROBIOSOLEA is to
minimize the incidence of diseases related disorders in sole by use of probiotics. To improve the
intestinal balance, immunologic defenses, thus, the well-being of the animals by applying “blue
aquaculture” practices.
8. Internationalization
LANUCE has long established collaborations with several international Institutes to develop
research programs and co-supervision of PhD students:
SEACASE, financed by the EU, involving 5 Countries, coordinated by CCMAR.
NIFES, Bergen, Norway. Co-supervision of 1 PhD thesis (Marit Espe): 3 publications.
UMR, Nutrition Aquaculture Génomique, INRA, St-Pee-Sur Nivelle, France. Cosupervision of a PhD thesis by Geneviéve Corraze: 4 publications. 1 COST action 825.
Bødo University, Norway. Co-supervision of a PhD thesis by Jorge Fernandes. 1 COST
action 825, 1 proposal for a PhD thesis.
NIOZ; Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, The Netherlands. Co-supervision of
1 MSc thesis (CC de Aguiar Carvalho).
Barcelona University, Spain (Joaquin Gutierrez). 2 publications. 1 COST action 825.
Instituto Español de Oceanografia and Consellería de Pesca e Asuntos Marítimos
(CPAM), Spain (Peleteiro, T, Olmedo, M, Linares, F, Villanueva, JLR). 1 Interreg project
submitted and 1 Spanish project. 2 publications.
University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain. Co-supervision of 1 PhD thesis
(Manuel Rey Mèndez and Ana Otero). 4 publications.
Through an IBEROEKA network (IBK 10-633), CIIMAR has international collaboration
with the State University of São Paulo (UNESP, Brazil) and Federal University of
Pernambuco (UFRPE, Brazil). Co-supervision of 1 PhD thesis and 3 MSc Thesis.
Through the Edital Ciências do Mar Nº. 09/2009 (CAPES, Brazil), CIIMAR has an
international collaboration with the Federal University of São Paulo (ESALQ-USP, Brazil),
Centro de Energia Nuclear Aplicada a Agricultura (CENA-USP, Brazil), and Agencia
Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA).
COST Action FA0801 - Critical success factors for fish larval production in European
Aquaculture: a multidisciplinary network (LARVANET).
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Oceanic and Coastal Dynamics
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
Oceanic and Coastal Dynamics
2. Principal investigator
Maria Luisa Machado Cerqueira Bastos
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
42.900 EUR, FCT Pluriannual funding.
FCT National funding
PTDC/AAC-CLI/105296/2008, Long Term Variability of the Canary Current Upwelling System LongUp. CIIMAR: 81.454 EUR. 2010-2013.
PTDC/ECM/103801/2008, MOWADI. CIIMAR: 6.600 EUR, 2010-2012.
PTDC/AAC-AMB/113-469/2009, PACMAN. CIIMAR: 23.904 EUR.
PTDC/MAR/108177/2008, The Azores and St. Helena currents from satellite altimetry: assessing
their congeneracy and role in the subtropical Atlantic (ASH). CIIMAR: 54.260 EUR.
ERA-NET AMPERA - FCT, DEOSOM - Detection and Evaluation of Oil Spills by Optical Methods..
CIIMAR: 43.800 EUR, 2008-2011.
International funding
INTERREG IV POCTEP, RAIA - Observatorio Oceánico del Margen Ibérico. CIIMAR: 121.651 EUR,
8.770 EUR, GEOMAD and i-WAKE, EUFAR Transnational access projects.
8.400 EUR, ESA/ESRIN, Development of Radar Altimetry data processing in the oceanic coastal
zone (COASTALT – Phase 2).
CNES/ISRO, SARAL/AltiKa AO, Characterization of the subtropical Atlantic from the synergistic
use of satellite altimetry and remote sensing data (AtlantiKa). No funding.
Evaluation Report 2010
ESA, AO for GOCE 4319, Coastal Altimetry Improvement in the Portuguese EEZ for Geodesy and
Oceanography – CALTIGO. No funding.
EUMETSAT/CNES, CNES-DSP/OT/07-4571, Coastal ALtimetry - Improvement of the wet
TROpospheric correction (CALITRO). No funding.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Main objectives were related to the study of ocean, coastal and estuarine dynamics, focused on
the following aspects:
Evaluation and understanding of long term sea-level variations along the Portuguese
coast, achieved through the analysis of historical and actual tide gauge data, including
reliability assessment. GPS measurements at tide gauge were also analysed to monitor
and understand the vertical land movement at these locations.
Research of tidal phenomena such as ocean tides in front of the Portuguese coast and
ocean tide loading in the Canary Islands.
Research into Madeira Island wakes, using numeric and laboratory models, satellite
remote sensing data, and in situ observations.
Investigation of the long term variability of the Canary Current Upwelling System
(CCUS), to assess how the structure of the CCUS responds, in decadal scales, to the
global warming.
Investigation of the influence of the mesoscale activity on the coastal ecosystem
functioning, to assess how coastal ocean dynamics controls the distribution of chemical
and biological properties and their cross-shore transport.
Study of the generation, propagation and dissipation of internal solitary waves (ISW) in
coastal ocean and deep ocean environments.
Exploitation of satellite remote sensing data, for different applications and studies such
as: development of methods for coastal altimetry, namely the development of new
methodologies for the computation of the wet tropospheric correction to improve
coastal altimetry; exploitation of satellite radar imagery as useful information on past
and future oil spill disasters; support to numerical model runs, providing initial
conditions and validation data.
Exploitation of satellite positioning techniques (with real-time direct georreferencing
capabilities) integrated with laser systems for the implementation of a waterborne
system for water pollution surveillance.
Evaluation Report 2010
Understanding of coastal and estuarine morphodynamics, through environmental
monitoring using: terrestrial mobile mapping techniques (with videogrametry);
waterborne bathymetry and bottom morphology monitoring (with sonar equipment);
and, airborne photogrammetric determination of terrain topography.
Assessment of the usefulness of high resolution SAR image data for studies of coastal
erosion processes, their evolution and climate impacts.
Further objectives in 2010 were:
Networking and integration of the COD team within the international and coastal and
oceanographic research communities.
Improvement of the high performance computing system (HPC) of CIIMAR to support
the different numerical modeling studies.
Implementation of a COD dedicated web page for dissemination of the group activities.
Training of MSc and PhD students, both nationally and internationally, including
collaboration in doctoral programmes.
Preparation and submission of applications to national and international funding
schemes, including FCT, INTERRREG and FP7 projects.
Dissemination and knowledge transfer in national and international meetings.
Participation in the LA initiatives for the dissemination of scientific results and public
Cooperation with other CIIMAR research groups through the support in the use, analysis
and exploitation of georeferenced and remote sensing data.
To provide oceanic and meteorological forecasts (in cooperation with other researchers)
and release the information through the COD web page.
Maintain collaboration with the Lisbon Oceanography Institute in the study of
atmospheric gravity waves in the Red Sea.
2. Main achievements
Tides and sea-level studies:
Preservation, processing and analysis of historical sea level records from the Leixões tide
gauge covering the period 1890–2004. Records were digitised and hourly sea levels
Development of a tide model for several Portuguese coastlines. Examples include a
regional tide model for the West Iberian Margin developed in the scope of the
COASTALT project and a tide model for the Selvagens developed for the
Evaluation Report 2010
EMEPC/M@rbis/Selvagens 2010 campaign. Recognition of the work has generated new
requests for models in the Kattegatt area (Sweden) and Loch Ness (United Kingdom).
Reanalysis of the tide gauge data from Cascais using a methodology developed by COD.
Sea-level rise at this station was estimated using a new noise model, to obtain realistic
errors for the estimated sea-level rise.
An innovative method for the computation of the wet tropospheric correction for
satellite Coastal Altimetry measurements, was developed and implemented in the SW
European region. The method is based on the combination of GNSS-derived
tropospheric delays with valid Microwave Radiometer (MWR) measurements and
numerical weather model (NWM) data. This study is being extended to reach the
maturity required for an operational and desirable global implementation.
Ocean and atmospheric processes at Madeira.
One of the challenges faced in the study of Madeira Island wakes has been the lack of
sampling means to obtain a synoptic (i.e., quasi-simultaneous) high-resolution view of
atmospheric and oceanic wakes. The I-WAKE project, allowed for collection of airborne
observations of atmospheric wakes (high-altitude) and of oceanic wakes (low-altitude),
as well as concurrent oceanographic data.
To improve the height reference surface around Madeira region, an airborne gravimetry
campaign, 'GEOMAD', took place together with the I-Wake campaign. The results will
provide a new local geoid for Madeira and together with satellite altimetry, have the
potential to give information on the surface currents around Madeira.
COD participated in EMEPC/M@rbis/Selvagens 2010 campaign, with the objective of
overseeing the physical oceanography aspects of this mission. In-situ data (transects)
were collected during a wake episode south of Madeira.
Assessment of the dynamic nature (temporal and spatial scales) of (sub) meso-scale
island-induced features around the Madeira Archipelago, was the aim of ESA project
(6248) focussing mostly on the synergy between Synthetic Aperture Radar data and
Ocean color.
Ocean circulation:
Preliminary results on the long term variability of the CCUS showed that in the Iberian
sector different mesoscale features respond to the observed global warming in different
ways. During 2010 it was possible to extend the research to the entire CCUS from 43 to
Quantification of the cross-shelf exchange of chemical and biological properties
between coastal and oceanic waters off SW Iberia; conclusions about the impact on the
regional oceanography. The investigation of the inner shelf dynamics and its control on
biological properties was initiated.
Evaluation Report 2010
Gridded maps of zonal (U) and meridional (V) components of the surface geostrophic
currents have been derived. Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) grids were derived for the period
June 1995 to present, using a linear space-time objective analysis technique that
combines multi-mission along-track SLA values referred to the GSFC00.1 Based on the
SLA grids, Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT) grids have been computed, supported
by historical hydrographic data.
Analysis of a comprehensive dataset of ENVISAT ASAR and TerraSAR-X imagery of the
central Mascarene Plateau (Indian Ocean), which showed packets of large ISWs
propagating towards the west-northwest and the east-southeast from the sill between
Saya de Malha and Nazareth Banks near 12.51S, revealed the largest waves yet
recorded anywhere in the world’s ocean. New insights into the generation mechanisms
of internal waves, recently observed in the Indian Ocean, were obtained.
Coastal processes studies:
Assessment of present coastal dynamics through coastal monitoring of land forms and
processes, and their forcing factors for vulnerability mapping and risk assessment.
Erosion risk evaluation on specific coastal sectors and risk maps were based on
comprehensive monitoring program results, hydro-dynamic models and meteorological
Development of Matlab code for a k-means type algorithm for automatic detection of
oil spills in SAR images. The algorithm will be adapted to detect the coastline
morphology in aerial photographs and high resolution TerraSAR-X images.
Collaboration in the development of a low cost laser based system for early oil spill
detection in riverine and coastal waters.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Bos, MS. 2010. Comment on “Anomalous ocean load tide signal observed in lake-level
variations in Tierra del Fuego” by A. Richter et al. Geophysical Research Letters 36: L04303.
2. Bos, MS, Bastos, L, Fernandes, RMS. 2010. The influence of seasonal signals on the estimation
of the tectonic motion in short continuous GPS time-series. Journal of Geodynamics 49(3-4):
3. Campos, J, Bio, A, Cardoso, JFMF, Dapper, R, Witte, J IJ, Van der Veer, HW. 2010. Fluctuations
of brown shrimp Crangon crangon abundance in the western Dutch Wadden Sea. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 405: 203-219.
4. Cravo, A, Relvas, P, Cardeira, S, Rita, F, Madureira, M, Sánchez, R. 2010. An upwelling filament
off Southwest Iberia: effect on the chlorophyll a and nutrients exportation, Continental Shelf
Research 30: 1601-1613.
Evaluation Report 2010
5. Fernandes, MJ, Lázaro, C, Nunes, AL, Pires, N, Bastos, L, Mendes, VB. 2010. GNSS-derived Path
Delay: an approach to compute the wet tropospheric correction for coastal altimetry, IEEE
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 7(3): 596-600.
6. Granja, H, Rocha, F, Matias, M, Moura, R, Caldas, F, Marques, J, Tareco, H. 2010. Lagoa da
Apúlia: a residual lagoon from Late Holocene (NW coastal zone of Portugal). Quaternary
International, 221: 46-57.
7. Honrado, J, Vicente, J, Lomba, A, Alves, P, Macedo, JA, Henriques, R, Granja, H, Caldas, FB.
2010. Fine-scale patterns of vegetation assembly in the monitoring of changes in coastal sanddune landscapes. Web Ecology 10: 1-14.
8. King, MA, Altamimi, Z, Boehm, J, Bos, M, Dach, R, Elosegui, P, Fund, F, Hernandez-Pajares, M,
Lavallee, D, Cerveira, PJM, Penna, N, Riva, REM, Steigenberger, P, van Dam, T, Vittuari, L,
Williams, S, Willis, P. 2010. Improved constraints on models of glacial isostatic adjustment: A
review of the contribution of ground-based geodetic observations. Surveys in Geophysics 31(5):
9. Macedo, JA, Alves, P, Lomba, A, Vicente, J, Hespanhol, H, Henriques, R, Granja, H, Honrado, J.
2010. On the interest of plant functional classifications to study community-level effects of
increased disturbance on coastal dune vegetation. Acta Botanica Gallica 157 (2): 305-315.
10. Madeira, S, Gonçalves, JA, Bastos, L. 2010. Photogrammetric mapping and measuring
application using MATLAB. Computers and Geosciences 36(6): 699-706.
11. Sousa, JJ, Ruiz, AM, Hanssen, RF, Bastos, L, Gil, AJ, Galindo-Zaldívar, J. 2010. PS-InSAR
processing methodologies in the detection of field surface deformation – study of the Granada
basin (Central Betic Cordilleras, Southern Spain). Journal of Geodynamics 49: 181-189.
In press
12. Geng, Y,Deurloo, R, Bastos, L. (in press). Hybrid Derivative-free Extended Kalman Filter for
Unknown Lever-arm Estimation in Tightly-coupled DGPS/INS Integration. GPS Solutions, doi:
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Bastos, L, Bos, MS, Fernandes, RMS. 2010. Deformation and Tectonics: Contribution of GPS
Measurements to Plate Tectonics – Overview and Recent Developments, In: Xu, Guochang (Ed).
Sciences of Geodesy - I, Advances and Future Directions, pp. 155184. ISBN 978-3-642-11740.
2. Bio, A, Meirinho, A, Ramírez, I, Geraldes, P. 2010. Empirical modelling of Balearic shearwater
(Puffinus mauretanicus) census data for the Portuguese Atlantic. In: Calado, H, Gil, A (Eds).
Geographic technologies applied to Marine Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone
Management, Centro de Informação Geográfica e Planeamento Territorial, Azores University,
pp. 23-30. ISBN: 978-972-8612-64-1.
Evaluation Report 2010
3. Granja, HM. 2010. Les dunes côtières du nord-ouest du Portugal. In: Roland Paskoff et les
littoraux: regards de chercheurs. In: Duvat, V, Battiau-Queney, Y, Clus-Auby, C, Prat, M-C (Eds).
L’ Harmattan, Paris, pp. 230-238. ISBN:978-2-296-13264-1.
4. Granja, HM. 2010. Le combat de Roland Paskoff contre la defense lourde des côtes. In: Roland
Paskoff et les littoraux: regards de chercheurs. Duvat, V, Battiau-Queney, Y, Clus-Auby, C, Prat,
M-C (Eds). L’ Harmattan, Paris, pp. 277-287. ISBN:978-2-296-13264-1.
5. Robinson, IS, da Silva, J. 2010. Chapter 12 Internal waves. In: Robinson, IS (Ed). Discovering
the Ocean from Space, The unique applications of satellite oceanography. Springer Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg, pp. 453-483. ISBN: 978-3-540-24430-1.
6. Araújo, IB, Caldeira, R, Couvelard, X. 2010. Island induced (sub) mesoscale features around
Madeira Archipelago (initial findings). Proceedings of the Third International Workshop SeaSAR
2010 ‘Advances in SAR Oceanography from ENVISAT, ERS and ESA third party missions’. 25-29
January, Frascati, Italy. ESA SP-679, CD-ROM, 8p.
7. Gonçalves, H, Gonçalves, JA, Corte-Real, L. 2010. The use of similarity images on multi-sensor
automatic image registration. In: Wagner, W, Székely, B (Eds): ISPRS TC VII Symposium – 100
Years ISPRS, 5-7 July 2010, Vienna, Austria. IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B, pp. 233-238.
8. Gonçalves, JA. 2010. Automatic image orientation and DSM extraction from ALOS-PRISM
triplet images. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
(IGARSS'10), pp. 2295-2298.
9. Gonçalves, JA, Bastos, L, Perez, B, Magalhães, A. 2010. Monitoring of beaches and sand dunes
using digital aerial photography with direct georeferencing. In: Wagner, W, Székely, B. (Eds):
ISPRS TC VII Symposium – 100 Years ISPRS, 5-7 July 2010, Vienna, Austria, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII,
Part 7B, pp. 228-232.
10. Lazar, A, Stegner, A, Caldeira, R, Pennel, R, Dong, C, Didelle, H, Viboud, S. 2010. Vortex
Assymetry in island wakes. Proceedings of the HYDRALAB III Joint User Meeting, 1-4 February
2010, Hannover, Germany, 4p. ISBN: 978-3-00-030141-4.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Barbosa, SM, Fernandes, MJ. 2010. Variação do nível do mar em Cascais: Sazonalidade &
tendência. Actas da VI Conferência Nacional de Cartografia e Geodesia, Centro Cultural de
Congressos das Caldas da Rainha, Edições Lidel, pp. 474-481.
2. Gonçalves, J, 2010. Conversões de Sistemas de Coordenadas Nacionais para ETRS89
Utilizando Grelhas. Cartografia e Geodesia 2009, Edições Lidel, Lisboa.
3. Pires, N, Fernandes, MJ, Nunes, A. 2010. Viabilidade da aplicação dos produtos troposféricos
IGS e EPN na altimetria por satélite em zonas costeiras. Actas da VI Conferência Nacional de
Cartografia e Geodesia, Centro Cultural de Congressos das Caldas da Rainha, Edições Lidel, 378390.
Evaluation Report 2010
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Faria, Rosa. 2010. Optimização do processamento de dados GNSS de alta taxa de amostragem
em tempo quase-real em modo singular Master thesis in Surveying Engineering, Faculty of
Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Rui Fernandes, Co-supervisor: José A Gonçalves.
Mendes, Ricardo. 2010. Orientação e calibração de dados ALS. Master thesis in Surveying
Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Ismael Colomina, Cosupervisor: José A Gonçalves.
Nascimento, Ângela. 2010. Campanha MPDO para sardinha (IPIMAR, 2005). Caracterização
hidrográfica sobre a plataforma continental Ibérica. Aplicação dos dados de perfis de
temperatura à datação de ovos de sardinha, efeitos sobre a estimativa de produção de ovos.
Master thesis in Oceanography, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Algarve.
Supervisor: Paulo Relvas, Co-supervisor: Maria Manuel Angélico (INRB-IPIMAR).
Vasco, Enoque Canganjo. 2010. Caracterização hidrográfica e química da região costeira de
Benguela, Angola. Master thesis in Oceanography, Faculty of Sciences and Technology,
University of Algarve. Supervisor: Paulo Relvas, Co-supervisor: Alexandra Cravo.
Gonçalves, Hernâni. 2010. Automatic registration of satellite images. PhD thesis in Surveying
Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: José A Gonçalves (CIMAR-OCD),
Co-supervisor: Luís Corte-Real (INESC Porto, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto).
Sousa, Joaquim, 2010. Integration of DInSAR and DGPS for location and characterization of
active faults. Supervisor: Luísa Bastos, Co-supervisor: Ramon Hanssen (Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands).
Azevedo, Alberto Carlos de Oliveira Antunes. 2010. Sistema integrado de modelação para apoio
e mitigação de acidentes de hidrocarbonetos em estuários e orla costeira. PhD thesis,
LNEC/University of Lisbon. Supervisors: Anabela Pacheco de Oliveira (LNEC), José CPB Teixeira
da Silva.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
4th Workshop on Coastal Altimetry, 14-15 October 2010, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Porto, Porto, Portugal. Joana Fernandes - Chair of the Organizing Committee and member of the
Local Committee; Clara Lázaro - Member of the Scientific and Local Committees; Alexandra
Nunes - Chair of the Local Committee.
Evaluation Report 2010
Workshop “Sea-level rise along the Portuguese coast”, 28 May 2010, CIIMAR, Porto. Isabel
Araújo and Machiel Bos – Members of the Organizing and Scientific Committees.
15th General Assembly of WEGENER Istanbul, September 14-17 2010, Turkey. Luísa Bastos Member of Scientific Committee.
7. Industry contract research
“Conservação e Análise do Registo Histórico dos Maregramas de Leixões” under contract with
the Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões (APDL, Port Authority) to analyse more than
100 years of tide gauge data from Leixões.
8. Internationalization
Collaboration with several international research centers that resulted in the submission of joint
publications and projects.
Instituto de Astronomía y Geodesia, Spain, in the analysis of tidal gravity observations made at
the Canary Islands, to study the elastic properties of the Earth in that region. The results will be
published in the article “Verifying the body tide at the Canary Islands using tidal gravimetry
observations”, accepted for publication (in 2011) by the Journal of Geodynamics.
Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden, in ocean tide loading. Writing of a chapter on ocean
tide loading that will be submitted to the book editor by April 2011.
The University of Newcastle, United Kingdom, in the project "Global loading and
deformation at tidal timescales". This project will validate the ocean tides with GPS
University of Vienna, CLS-Soprano, Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique and CNRS
from France, in the submission of joint projects for the study of ocean and atmospheric
processes in Madeira.
The group was involved in an international proposal led by the National Oceanographic
Centre, Southampton (UK) in the scope of the ESA Climate Change Initiative, aiming at
the generation of sea level products for climate studies.
Meteogalicia, Centro Tecnológico del Mar, Instituto Tecnolóxico para o Control do
Medio Mariño, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas
in the preparation of the project Observatorio Marino del Margen Ibérico y del Litoral.
Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and University of
Princeton, in the USA; Ocean Modelling and Forecasting Group, National Oceanography
Centre and University of Loughborough in the U.K., resulting in joint publications.
Evaluation Report 2010
9. Government/organization contract research
Development of Radar Altimetry data processing in the oceanic coastal zone (COASTALT – Phase
2), ESA/ESRIN Contract No. 21201/08/I-LG (CCN3), funded by ESA, period 2008-2011. Results
from the modeling task were reported to ESA.
Airborne observations of Nonlinear Evolution of internal Waves generated by internal (tidal)
beams, a new EUFAR EU Project; participating institutions and project leaders: University of
Lisbon, JCB da Silva, T. Gerkema, NIOZ Holland, L. Gostiaux, Coriolis Lab, France, A.L. New,
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK; research aircraft time (no funding involved).
The generation of internal tides and solitary waves by submarine canyons and plateaus off the
Portugal coast, Treaty of Windsor CRUP Project; participating institutions and project leaders:
Loughborough University, Prof Roger Grimshaw and University of Lisbon, Prof José da Silva.
Evaluation Report 2010
8a. Group description
1. Group name / denomination
2. Principal investigator
Jorge Guimaraes da Costa Eiras
3. Location of group
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Porto
8b. Funding, sources, dates
FCT Pluriannual funding.
4.000 EUR, Sistema de Incentivos à I&DT - FEDER - Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional
2007-2013, OPTISOLE - Investigação e desenvolvimento na produção de juvenis de linguado:
incremento da resistência a patologias e do crescimento.
1.428 EUR, Scientific Illustration Colour Courses 1st Edition and 2 Edition and Nature
Photography .
672 EUR, FCT BII grants CIIMAR/C2008/BII-11/2010.
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The Laboratory of Pathology is a laboratory dedicated to the Pathology of Aquatic Organisms,
principally Fish. The main research lines of the Laboratory are: 1) Fish bacteriology; 2) Pathology
of farmed fish; 3) Fish parasitology; 4) Impact of fish parasites in Public Health; 5) Ecology of fish
The specific objectives for the next year / years are:
Contribute to a better knowledge of fish, molluscs and annelids parasites specially that
ones with greater impact in fisheries, aquaculture and public health;
Evaluate the use of parasites as biological tags for commercially important fish species;
Evaluate the impact of Kudoa (Myxozoa) infection in sardine flesh quality
Evaluation Report 2010
Continue the studies on parasite species that infect several hosts collected in different
shallow-water ecosystems;
Continue the studies on bacterial fish diseases specially that ones important to Fish
Continue the studies on the detection and isolation of bacteriophages from the
environment and their potential use as prophylactic and therapeutic agents against fish
pathogenic bacteria.
2. Main achievements
Description of several new species of Myxozoa and Microsporea from fishes from Africa
and South America using electron microscopy and, or, molecular approach.
Description of species of Myxozoa (Actinosporea) of Polychaetes.
Preliminary results of Kudoa (Myxozoa) infection levels on Portuguese sardine.
Preliminary results on the pathology of farmed turbot (Psetta maxima).
The study of the populational dynamic of flounder and octopus parasites.
First results on the parasites of blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo, a highly
appreciated fish with great commercial value and recently introduced in aquaculture.
Description of a new species, Caligus musaicus 2010 Cavaleiro, Santos & Ho (Copepoda:
Caligidae) parasitic on the flounder Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus) off Portugal.
Description of a new species- Halomonhystera parasitica 2010 Poinar, Duarte & Santos
(Nematoda: Monhysteridae), a parasite of Talorchestia brito (Crustacea: Talitridae) in
The results obtained allowed the publication of several papers (16) in International
Journals referred (ISI) and the presentation of communications in international (12) and
national (16) meetings.
4 PhD, 6 MSc and 3 undergraduate students performed their research in the Laboratory
and 1PhD and 6 MSc theses were completed with success.
The “XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia” (Annual Portuguese Meeting of
Parasitology),which took place in the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto (8-10
September) was organized by some team members (JC Eiras, A Saraiva, C Cruz, M João
Santos). It was attended by 102 people - 38 oral communications and 70 poster
communications were presented, besides the organization of some round tables on
important parasitological topics.
Evaluation Report 2010
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Azevedo, C, Marques, DKS, Casal, G, Amaral, CMC, Silva, EV, Matos, P, Matos, E. 2010.
Ultrastructural re-description of Henneguya piaractus (Myxozoa), a parasite of the freshwater
fish Piaractus mesopotamicus (Teleostei, Characidae) from the Paraguay river, Brazil. Acta
Protozoologica 49: 115-120.
2. Azevedo, C, Casal, G, Mendonça, I, Carvalho, E, Matos, P, Matos, E. 2010. Light and electron
microscopy of Myxobolus sciades n. sp. (Myxozoa), a parasite of the gills of the Brazilian fish
Sciades herzbergii (Block, 1794) (Teleostei: Ariidae). Memórias Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 105(2):
3. Azevedo, C, Samuel, N, Saveia, A, Delgado, F, Casal, G. 2010. Light and electron microscopic
data of spore of Thelohanellus rhabdalestus n. sp. (Myxozoa: Myxosporea), a parasite of a
freshwater fish from Kwanza River of Angola. Systematic Parasitology, 79: 19-25.
4. Casal, G, Teles-Grilo, ML, Matos, E, Azevedo, C. 2010. Ultrastructural and molecular
characterization of a new Microsporidium parasite from the Amazonian fish,
Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni (Rhamphichthyidae). Journal of Parasitology 96: 1155-1163.
5. Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ, Ho, J-S. 2010. Caligus musaicus n. sp. (Copepoda: Caligidae) parasitic
on the flounder Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus) off Portugal. Crustaceana 83 (4): 457-464.
6. Eiras, JC, Monteiro, CM, Brasil-Sato, MC. 2010. Myxobolus franciscoi sp. nov. (Myxozoa,
Myxobolidae), a parasite of Prochilodus argenteus (Actynopterygii, Prochilodontidae) from the
Upper São Francisco River, Brazil, with a revision of Myxobolus spp. from South America.
Zoologia 27: 131-137.
7. Francisco, C, Almeida, A, Castro, A, Santos, MJ. 2010. Development of a PCR-RFLP marker to
genetically distinguish Prosorhynchus crucibulum and Prosorhynchus aculeatus. Parasitology
International 59: 40-34.
8. Francisco, C, Hermida, M, Santos, MJ. 2010. Parasites and Symbionts from Mytilus
galloprovincialis (Lamark, 1819) (Bivalves: Mytilidae) of the Aveiro Estuary Portugal. Journal of
Parasitology. 96(1): 200-205.
9. Marques, JF, Santos, MJ, Cabral, HN. 2010. Aggregation patterns of macroendoparasites in
phylogenetically related fish hosts. Parasitology 137(11): 1671-1680.
10. Milanin, T, Eiras, JC, Arana, S, Maia, AAM, Alves, AL, Silva, MRM, Carriero, MM, Ceccarelli,
PS, Adriano, EA. 2010. Phylogeny, ultrastructure, histopathology and prevalence of Myxobolus
oliveirai n. sp., a parasite of Brycon hilarii (Characidae) in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil. Memórias
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 105: 762-769.
11. Poinar, G, Duarte, D, Santos, MJ. 2010. Halomonhystera parasitica n. sp. (Nematoda:
Monhysteridae), a parasite of Talorchestia brito (Crustacea: Talitridae) in Portugal Systematic
Parasitology 75: 53-58.
Evaluation Report 2010
12. Romano, L, Eiras, JC, Raibenberg, FC, Alvares, M, Saraiva, A, Cruz, C. 2010. A case of ceroid
deposition in the kidney of feral rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, in Alicura impoundment,
Argentina. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 30: 25-29.
13. Santos, MJ, Cavaleiro, F, Campos, P, Sousa, A, Teixeira, F, Martins, M. 2010. Impact of
amoeba and scuticociliatidia infections on the aquaculture European sea bass (Dicentrarchus
labrax L.) in Portugal. Veterinary Parasitology 171: 15-21.
14. Swiderski, Z, Gibson, DI, Santos, MJ, Poddubnaya, LG. 2010. Ultrastructure of the
intrauterine eggs of Didymobothrium rudolphii (Monticelli, 1890) (Cestoda, Spathebothriidea,
Acrobothriidae) and its phylogenetic implications. Acta Parasitologica 55(3): 254-269.
In press
15. Francisco, C, Almeida, A, Castro, A, Pina, S, Fernanda, R-P, Pedro, R, Santos, MJ. (in press).
Morphological and molecular analysis of metacercariae of Diphtherostomum brusinae (Stossich,
1888) Stossich, 1903 from a new bivalve host Mytilus galloprovincialis. Journal of Helminthology,
doi: 10.1017/S0022149X10000428.
16. Marques, J, Santos, MJ, Teixeira, CM, Batista, MI, Cabral, HN. (in press). Host-parasite
relationships in flatfish (Pleuronectiformes) – the relative importance of host biology, ecology
and phylogeny. Parasitology, doi: 10.1017/S0031182010001009.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Eiras, JC, Takemoto, RM, Pavanelli, GC. 2010. Diversidade dos Parasitas de Peixes de Água
Doce do Brasil. Maringá, Brasil, Clichetec, 333 pp.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Castro, R, Silva, A, Casal, G, Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ. 2010. Estudo comparativo dos
ectoparasitas da cavala, Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, 1782 e da sarda, Scomber scombrus
Linnaeus, 1758 na costa norte de Portugal Continental. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 85.
2. Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ. 2010. Análise microambiental da infecção de Octopus vulgaris
Cuvier, 1797 (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) por Octopicola superba superba Humes, 1957
(Copepoda: Octopicolidae) na costa Portuguesa. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 92.
3. Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ. 2010. Padrão de ocorrência espacial de Octopicola superba superba
Humes, 1957 (Copepoda: Octopicolidae) em polvo comum, Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797
(Cephalopoda: Octopodidae), da costa Portuguesa. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 91.
4. Correia, M, Cavaleiro, FI, Formigo, NE, Santos, MJ. 2010. Restrição de nichos ecológicos no
tracto intestinal da solha Europeia Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Teleostei: Pleuronectidae)
por helmintas parasitas. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 62.
Evaluation Report 2010
5. Francisco, CJ, Almeida, A, Castro, AM, Pina, S, Russel-Pinto, F, Rodrigues, P, Santos, MJ. 2010.
Variabilidade da região ITS1 de Diphtherostomum brusinae (Trematoda: Zoogonidae). Acta
Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 129.
6. Francisco, CJ, Bray, RA, Lanfranchi, AL, Almeida, A, Timi, JT, Castro, AM, Santos, MJ. 2010.
Caracterização molecular de Prosorhynchus spp. (Trematoda: Bucephalidae). Acta Parasitológica
Portuguesa 17(2): 45.
7. Pina, S, Russell-Pinto, F, Rodrigues P. 2010. Caracterização morfológica e molecular da
metacercária Microphallus primas (Digenea: Microphallidae). Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa
17(2): 44.
8. Rangel, LF, Santos, MJ. 2010. Um novo método para a amostragem de parasitas Myxozoa no
celoma de poliquetas marinhos. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 83.
9. Santos, MJ, Severino, R. 2010. Métodos de controlo de Amyloodinium ocellatum em robalo
(Dicentrarchus labrax L.) “amigos” do ambiente. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 60.
10. Severino, R, Santos, MJ. 2010. Controlo químico do ectoparasita Amyloodinium ocellatum no
robalo (Dicentrarchus labrax). Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 87.
11. Silva, A, Castro, R, Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ. 2010. Estudo comparativo dos endoparasitas da
cavala, Scomber japonicus Houttuyn 1782, e da sarda, Scomber scombrus, Linnaeus 1758, da
costa Noroeste de Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 84.
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Barbosa, Ana. 2010. Estudo de parâmetros hematológicos de pregado (Psetta maxima Linnaeus,
1758) de cultura Master thesis in Biological Aquatic Resources, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Porto. Supervisor: Cristina Cruz.
Jerónimo, Daniel Baptista. 2010. Pesquisa de agentes patogénicos em rodovalho (Psetta maxima
L.) de cultura. Master thesis in Aquatic Biologic Resources, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Porto. Supervisor: Aurélia Saraiva.
Marques, Joana Filipa. 2010. Caracterização bioquímica e molecular de estirpes de Yersinia
ruckeri isoladas em Portugal. Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water Quality,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: José Américo Sousa.
Mendes, Cristiane. 2010. Caracterização de isolados de Vibrio anguillarum originários de
pisciculturas portuguesas. Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water Quality, Faculty
of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: José Américo Sousa.
Reisinho, Inês Isabel Ribeiro Oliveira. 2010. Pesquisa de parasitas de tainha do estuário do rio
Douro. Master thesis in Sciences of the Sea - Sea Resources, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Aurélia Saraiva.
Evaluation Report 2010
Silva, Ana. 2010. Contribuição para o estudo da parasitose provocada por Kudoa sp. em Sardina
pilchardus (Walb., 1792.) Master thesis in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Cristina Cruz.
Francisco, Claire Juliana. 2010. Parasitas do mexilhão Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamark, 1819
(BIVALVIA: MYTILIDAE) com relevância para Trematoda: ciclo de vida, características
morfológicas e moleculares. PhD thesis in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Maria João Santos.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, 8-10
September 2010. JC Eiras - President, A Saraiva, C Cruz, M João Santos – Members of the
Organizing Committee.
7. Industry contract research
Project OPTISOLE - Investigação e desenvolvimento na produção de juvenis de linguado:
incremento da resistência a patologias e do crescimento - project funded under
“Sistema de Incentivos à I&DT - FEDER - QREN”.
Technical assistance to fish farms.
8. Internationalization
Collaboration with institutions from different countries:
Univ. Kingston, UK (Prof. Angela Davis).
Natural History Museum, London, UK (Prof. David Gibson, Dr. Rod Bray).
Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic (Prof. F Moravec, Prof. T Scholz).
Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary (Prof. K Molnár, Prof. C Szekély).
Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Fac. Biologia, Dep. Microbilogia y Parasitologia, Spain
(Prof. Alicia Toranzo, Prof. Juan Barja).
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas, Vigo, Spain (Dr. António Figueras, Dr. Camiño
Centro de Control do Medio Mariño (CCMM), Consellería de Pesca e Asuntos Marítimos,
Spain (Dr. Jaime Montes).
Evaluation Report 2010
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Pesqueira de Luanda, Angola (Ana Paula, Nelson
California State Univ. Long Beach, USA (Prof. Jo-shey Ho).
Oregon State Univ., Depart. Zoology, Corvallis, USA (Prof. George Poinar)
Humboldt State Univ., California, USA (Dr. Katie R. McGourty).
Univ. Maringá, Brazil (Prof. Gilberto Pavanelli, Prof. Ricardo Takemoto).
Univ. Rio Grande, Brazil (Prof. Joaber).
Fisheries Institute of São Paulo, Brazil (Prof. Maria José Ranzani).
Carlos Azevedo Research Laboratory, Federal Rural University of Amazónia, Belém,
Brazil (Prof. Dr. Edilson Matos).
Federal Univ. Pará, Belém, Brazil (Prof. Patrícia Matos).
Federal Univ. Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil (Prof. Dr. Paulo Padovan, Prof. Dr. Isaíras
Federal Univ. Piauí, Fac. Med. Veterinária,Teresina, Brazil (Prof. Ivete Mendonça).
Federal Univ. Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil (Prof. Patrícia Garcia).
Univ. Federal Fluminense, Fac. Med. Veterinária,Niterói, Brazil (Prof. Dr. Sérgio
Carmona, Prof. Dr. Marcelo Knoff).
Univ. Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (Prof. Dr. José Luis Luque).
Enbrapa, Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (Dr. Débora Marques).
Univ. Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,
Departamento de Biología, Laboratorio de Parasitología, Mar del Plata, Argentina (Prof.
Juan Timi).
Collaboration in the project “Revisión de la familia Gymnophallidae Odhner, 1900 basada en
estudios morfológicos y moleculares” with Florencia Cremonte, Centro Nacional Patagónico,
Provincia del Chubut, Argentina.
Evaluation of PhD thesis “Studies on Monogenetic Trematodes of some fishes of Karachi coast”
of the Jinnah Univ. for Women, Nazimabad, Karachi, Pakistan (MJ Santos).
Portuguese contact of the International Ichthyoparasitology Newsletter (MJ Santos).
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Plant Systematics and Bioinformatics
8a. Group description
1. Group Name / denomination
Plant Systematics and Bioinformatics
2. Principal investigator
Cymon John Cox
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
Funds spent in 2010:
3.000 EUR FCT Pluriannual funding
39.754 EUR, FCT, PTDC/BIA-BCM/099565/2008 - The origin and early diversification of
plants: a phylogenomic approach employing novel composition-heterogeneous
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
Our group has two major research themes: evolutionary plant systematics and bioinformatics.
As phylogenetic systematists our primary research aim is the reconstruction of ancestral
relationships among organisms using molecular and morphological character data. The resulting
evolutionary trees inform us of past trajectories of organismal traits, aspects of paleobiodiversity, and provide the context for phyto-geographic analyses. Evolutionary process
modeling is an integral part of organismal systematics and increasing computational power has
enabled us to apply evermore complex models. In this regard, we are particularly interested in
both across-data and temporal forms of substitution process heterogeneity in maximum
likelihood and Bayesian analytical contexts. Although often ignored by phylogenetists, process
heterogeneity is present at all level of the tree of Life and its accommodation in our models is
having an increasingly profound impact on phylogenetic systematics. The enormous growth in
the availability of genetic data, and the increasing ease in which new data are obtainable, has
meant that systematists are becoming increasingly reliant on bioinformatic frameworks to
manage and manipulate the large amounts of data they employ. Moreover, the proliferation of
phylogenetic software has necessitated that systematists are able to interpret the utility of new
Evaluation Report 2010
algorithms and software, as well as implement their own ideas in novel analyses. We are
particularly interested in the development of new bioinformatic software for the manipulation
and analysis of phylogenetic data.
2. Main achievements
The Postdoctoral Research Assistant Joao Sollari Lopes was hired in April to participate in the
FCT funded project “The origin and early diversification of plants: a phylogenomic approach
employing novel composition-heterogeneous methods” (PTDC/BIA-BCM/099565/2008, PI Cox).
Despite the late hire of the PDRA the project time-line has remained on schedule.
During 2010 the PSB group has enlarged the computation cluster facility housed in the UALG
Datacentre ( The cluster now consists of 5 machines and a total of 80 CPUs:
2 servers purchased from the pluriannual allowance of the group PI), 2 servers purchased from
the FCT project (PTDC/BIA-BCM/099565/2008, PI Cox), and a single machine purchased by Drs.
Cancela and Cruzeiro of CCMAR. The cluster also has a 8000V UPS and battery unit purchased by
CCMAR. More than 60 bioinformatic software packages and analytical pipelines have been
installed and the cluster mirrors the majority of data held at NCBI Genbank. In the past year, the
cluster has provided a computational platform for genome assembly (Roche 454 data),
phylogenetic analyses, BLAST analyses, and transcriptome assembly and expression analyses
(Illumina data).
FCT funding was sought and awarded for the project “A conquista do meio terrestre: estudo
filogenético da evolução do cloroplasto das Charophyta e plantas terrestres utilizando modelos
de substituição heterogéneos de dados e tempo.” (PTDC/BIA-EVF/113129/2009, PI Cox).
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Cox, CJ, Goffinet, B, Wickett, NJ, Boles, SB, Shaw, AJ. 2010. Moss diversity: a molecular
phylogenetic analysis of genera. Phytotaxa 9: 175-195.
2. Shaw, AJ, Cox, CJ, Buck, WR, Devos, N, Buchanan, AM, Cave, L, Seppelt, R, Shaw, B, Larran, J,
Andrus, R, Greilhuber, J, Temsch, EM. 2010. Newly resolved relationships in an early land plant
lineage: Bryophyta class Sphagnopsida (peat mosses). American Journal of Botany 97: 15111531.
3. Shaw, AJ, Devos, N, Cox, CJ, Boles, SB, Shaw, B, Buchanan, AM, Cave, L, Seppelt, R. 2010.
Peatmoss (Sphagnum) diversification associated with Miocene Northern Hemisphere climatic
cooling? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 1139-1145.
4. Batini, C, Lopes, J, Behar, DM, Calafell, F, Jorde, LB, van der Veen, L, Quintana-Murci, L,
Spedini, G, Destro-Bisol, G, Comas, D. 2010. Insights into demographic history of african pygmies
from complete mitochondrial genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28: 1099-1110.
Evaluation Report 2010
5. Conceição, N, Cox, CJ, Simões, B, Viegas, M, Cancela, ML. 2010. Comparative promoter
analysis and its application to the identification of candidate regulatory factors of cartilageexpressed genes. The Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26: 245-250.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Lopes, JS. 2010. 10 years of Software development for approximate Bayesian computation. In:
Clary, TS (Ed). Horizons in Computer science Research, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge.
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
4. Master and PhD theses completed
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization
All of the group productivity is done within an international context and in collaboration with
various international experts within the field. These collaborations have resulted in 5 publication
is international peer-reviewed journals.
The PI was invited to speak at the SMBE meeting in Lyon, France on the topic of eukaryotic cell
evolution. The PI reviewed articles for the international peer-review journals: Systematic
Biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, BMC-Evolutionary Biology, and The Bryologist. The PI
also examined a MSc. Thesis submitted at the Natural History Museum, London, England.
9. Government/organization contract research
Evaluation Report 2010
Synthesis and Organic Reactivity
8a. Group description
1. Group Name / denomination
Group of Synthesis and Organic Reactivity
2. Principal investigator
Maria Lurdes Santos Cristiano
3. Location of group
CCMAR - Centro de Ciências do Mar, Faro
8b. Funding, sources, dates
FCT Pluriannual funding.
National funding
7.756 EUR, FCT PTDC/QUI/67674/2006, Studies on the reactivity of derivatives of tetrazole and
isothiazole: isothizazolyl-tetrazoles as potential bidentate ligands and their application in
8c. Objectives and achievements
1. Objectives
The research in the group is directed to two main areas: Physical Organic Chemistry and Medicinal
Physical Organic Chemistry
Structure-reactivity relationships provide valuable information for the interpretation and
prediction of the outcome of reactions. as this approach may be applied to all reacting
systems. For instance, it establishes grounds for the elucidation and interpretation of the
interactions between pharmacologically active compounds and their biological targets,
providing essential information for drug design and optimization.
Our research involves synthesis, structural analysis and investigation of the reactivity of
derivatives of heterocyclic bioactive compounds. The aim is the improvement and finetuning of properties, for instance the optimization of biological activity, and also the
development of new synthetic methods applicable to the preparation of bioactive
compounds and to the modification of natural products. Structural elucidation and
Evaluation Report 2010
mechanistic investigations are approached, in catalysed and non-catalysed reactions.
During 2010, we focused essentially on the investigation of the structure, photochemistry
and thermochemistry of bioactive derivatives of tetrazole, benzisothiazole (saccharin) and
Medicinal Chemistry
Within this area we aim to develop hybrid endoperoxide antimalarial drugs. Two types of
these chimeric drugs are targeted. In one of them, an endoperoxide is coupled with a
plasmodial DNA-binding agent and in the other with a plasmodial protease inhibitor. The
rationale is based on the ability of Fe(II) to selectively cleave the peroxide bridge,
generating radical species (ROS or carbon-centered radicals) and liberating the partner
drug (DNS-binder or protease inhibitor). Activation can occur in the cytosol or inside the
digestive vacuole of plasmodia spa. If the drug target is DNA, the active species produced
should be capable of simultaneous selective oxidative damage to a complementary strand
and of non-covalent interaction to the helix, in a combination chemotherapy-like
approach. If the endoperoxide is coupled with a plasmodial cysteine protease inhibitor,
the two pharmacophores will be liberated inside the digestive vacuole. Because tumor
cells are known to have higher Fe(II) concentrations than normal cells, the DNA-directed
peroxide compounds designed may also act as potential antiproliferative agents in
various cancer cell lines. Several artemisinin-type compounds have demonstrated high
cytotoxic activity against various tumor cell lines.
Within ARTEMIP, the aim is to investigate the embriotoxicity and teratogenicity of
Artemisinin-type drugs. The work packages under the responsibility of the University of
Algarve are related with the synthesis of probe peroxides with demonstrated antimalarial
activity (affinity labelled, radio-labelled or fluorescent) in order to assess distribution and
accumulation and elucidate the mechanism of action.
2. Main achievements
Under the research topic of reactivity, research in the area of Physical Organic Chemistry was
continued. The studies were directed to the investigation of structure and reactivity of bioactive
derivatives of tetrazole, benzisothiazole (saccharin) and endoperoxides. Important results were
published concerning the structure and photochemistry of bioactive tetrazoles and the effect of
hydrogen-bonding in the properties of nitro aromatics.
A major investment was made in the design and synthesis of endoperoxide-based antimalarials
and falcipain inhibitors. The targets are hybrid drugs, designed within the concept of
combination chemotherapy, whereby two active pharmacophores, directed to different
intracellular targets, are combined within the same chemical entity. In vitro and in vivo tests for
our compounds are conducted at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and at the
Department of Pharmacology of the University of Liverpool. Major results were published in
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
A big effort was made towards meeting the objectives of the ARTEMIP project, started in March
2008. Contracted deliverables for the workpakage related to synthesis were provided. Results of
biological tests on the compounds delivered have called for the synthesis of other analogues,
which has been conducted. A set of radio-labelled and fluorescent probes was provided and
Evaluation Report 2010
tested by other partner institutions, namely The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the
University of Liverpool, the University of Gotemborg, the University of Leiden and WHO/TDR.
Collaboration was established with the EDGE group of CCMAR, with the aim of evaluating the
activity of antiplasmodial endoperoxides on Perkinsus olseni. A range of endoperoxide
compounds was prepared and tested on cultures of P. olseni, and preliminary results show that
the compounds act as growth inhibitors of P. olseni in the micromolar range. Studies were
conducted in order to evaluate the effect of Fe(II) concentration on activity and the rôle of the
peroxide bridge on activity. Results point to a Fe(II) concentration dependent mechanism of
activation/growth-inhibition. Further investigation is planned, directed to an evaluation of the
mechanisms of action and accumulation. Some endoperoxides linked to a fluorophore label have
been prepared, following analysis by confocal microscopy.
8d. Productivity
1. Publications in peer review journals
1. Johnstone, RAW, Loureiro, RMS, Cristiano, MLS, Labat, G. 2010. Bond Energy/Bond Order
relationships for N-O linkages and a quantitative measure of ionicity: the role of nitro groups in
hydrogen bonding. ARKIVOC 2010(v): 142-169.
2. Ismael, A, Cristiano, MLS, Fausto, R, Gomez-Zavaglia, A. 2010. Tautomer selective
photochemistry of 1-(tetrazol-5-yl)ethanol. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114: 13076-13085.
3. Frija, LMT, Ismael, A, Cristiano, MLS. 2010. Photochemical transformations of tetrazole
derivatives: applications in organic synthesis. Molecules 15(5): 3757-3774.
4. Gibbons, P, Verissimo, E, Araujo, NC, Barton, V, Nixon, GL, Amewu, RK, Chadwick, J, Stocks,
PA, Biagini, GA, Srivastava, A, Rosenthal, PJ, Gut, J, Guedes, RC, Moreira, R, Sharma, R, Berry, N,
Cristiano, MLS, Shone, AE, Ward, SA, O’Neill, PM. 2010. Endoperoxide Carbonyl Falcipain 2/3
Inhibitor Hybrids; Towards Combination Chemotherapy of Malaria through a Single Chemical
Entity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 53: 8202-8206.
2. Other publications international (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
3. Other publications national (Books, chapters or full papers published in conference
1. Araújo, NCP, Bringela, A, Veríssimo, E, O’Neill, PM, Cristiano, MLS. 2010. New peptidic
cysteine protease inhibitors, Revista Portuguesa de Farmácia, vol. LII (4): 32.
2. Araújo, NCP, Cabral, LIL, Pensée, L, Sabbani, O’Neill, PM, Cristiano, MLS. 2010. Design and
synthesis od endoperoxide hybrids directed to plasmodial DNA, Revista Portuguesa de Farmácia,
vol. LII (4): 116.
Evaluation Report 2010
4. Master and PhD theses completed
Guerreiro, Bruno Emanuel 2010. Endoperóxidos com actividade antimalárica: estrutura,
reactividade e actividade. Master thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Science and
Technology, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria de Lurdes Cristiano.
Czepiel, Aneta 2010. Synthesis of saccharyl tetrazoles and investigation of their potential as
nitrogen ligands. Master thesis in Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of
Algarve. Supervisor: Maria de Lurdes Cristiano.
5. Patents/propotypes
6. Organization of conferences
20th International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, 22-28 August 2010, Busan, South
Korea. (Maria de Lurdes Cristiano - Member of the International Advisory Board).
7. Industry contract research
8. Internationalization (Collaborative publication, Research, Graduate Training Networks
or other forms of participation of the Research Group at the international level)
The Synthesis and Organic Reactivity group maintains international collaborations with the
groups of:
Prof. Paul O’Neill, Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool;
Prof. Kevin Park, Department of Pharmacology, University of Liverpool;
Prof. Stephan Ward, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine;
Prof. Piero Olliaro, WHO/TDR;
Prof. Bob Van der Water, Toxicology and Drug Safety Sciences, University of Leiden;
Prof. Michael Ashton, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Department of
Pharmacology, University of Gothenburg;
Dr. Andrea Gomez-Zavaglia, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de
Alimentos (Conicet La Plata, UNLP), ARGENTINA;
Prof. Robert Johnstone, Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool.
Evaluation Report 2010
9. Government/organization contract research (Work carried out by the Research Group
that resulted in a publication or report. Of particular importance are those involved in
public policy advice)
The PI of the group belongs to the following organizations:
- IUPAC, Subcomitee on Structural and Mechanistic Chemistry; Portuguese
- International standing committee for European Symposia on Organic Reactivity;
- Technical Group to support FP7 – Health theme.
Evaluation Report 2010
9a. Services and resources
1. Internal services and resources (Sharing of equipment and other resources both within
the LA, between LAs or with other institutions of Higher Education nationally or
CIMAR LA occupies infrastructures in two distinct locations, one at the University of Porto (ca
3500 m2) and another one at the University of Algarve (ca 1800 m2). Each infrastructure
includes facilities (1000 m2) to maintain aquatic organisms with an overall capacity of 60000
liters of seawater and freshwater. CIMAR researchers have also access to an aquaculture
experimental station located in the Algarve (ca 2 ha). CIMAR acquired two small vessels (12 and
17 meters), one was completely operational for coastal and estuarine campaigns in 2009 and
another is being equipped.
In 2009, an within the frame of the University of Porto Park of Science and Technology, the
proposal for the new building that will hold CIIMAR was submitted and accepted for funding
Several medium and large size equipment was acquired in the last few years through a
competitive national programme for scientific re-equipment and FCT funding (2 million EUR),
mostly for analytical chemistry and molecular and genetic research (a list of the equipment is
presented in the 2008 report). Through another funding program, an Isotope Ratio Mass
Spectrometers (IRMS) was also acquired. The equipment is available to other LAs and Higher
Education Institutions. The reverse is also true for access to equipment in other institutions
Smaller pieces of equipment have been continuously acquired via diverse projects (from FCT
and other sources).
CIMAR High Performance Computer (HPC - 160 CPUs, 360 GB of RAM, 4 TB of storage space,, used for parallel computing (e.g. to run ocean circulation
numerical models, meteorological forecasting models, etc.), was fully operational in 2009. The
North Iberian Ocean Observatory (RAIA) allows access to updated databases of satellite remote
sensing data and numerical model solutions for the NE Atlantic. CIMAR HPC is an integral part of
the University of Porto computer network and there are plans to be an active stakeholder of the
IBERGRID as well as EGEE (
CIMAR is partner in several initiatives, such as the European Network of Marine Institutes and
Stations - MARS (, the European Marine Biological Research Centres EMBRC
(, that facilitate collaborations and shared access to infrastructures
and to a comprehensive set of coastal marine ecosystems and marine organisms, research
vessels and state-of-the-art experimental genomic and proteomic facilities.
Other resources shared with national and international institutions include: cell culture facilities
and cell lines (e.g. Univ Bergen, NIFES, Univ Ghent), zebrafish culture facilities (IMM-Institute for
Molecular Medicine, Lisbon).
Evaluation Report 2010
In the framework of the agreement between FCT and the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute,
CIMAR researchers have also the possibility to hire ship time at an affordable cost.
Internal (and external) services for analytical chemistry and molecular and genetic research are
provided. Administration and technical support is composed of 24 staff, including public and
international relations, science and technology management, project management, finance, IT
systems, image and communication, law, biotery, and maintenance.
Through several protocol agreements with higher education institutions, CIMAR has been
supporting pre and post graduation training by providing facilities and resources including the
participation of non-academic staff in teaching activities.
2. External services and resources (Scientific or technical services provided both nationally
or internationally to Governments/Institutions or the community)
CIMAR has been increasingly committed in the support of public policies. Most relevant
activities to provide scientific and technical services both nationally and internationally to
Governments/Institutions and the community are:
Member of European Science Foundation – Marine Board.
Founding member of the R&D Consortium OCEANOS, submitted and approved for
funding by FCT in 2009, that aim to reinforce the State Laboratories and provide
scientific basis for advice and policy based on research of excellence on marine science
and technology at an internationally competitive level; join action of 5 State
Laboratories, 1 Associated Laboratory (CIMAR), 4 Universities and 1 R&D network
Founding member of the Institute for the Development of the Knowledge and the
Economy of the Sea (IDCEM - Agency for the promotion of scientific knowledge,
valorization of research and technology service agreements, and promotion of
Member of the Maritime Cluster - OCEANO XXI, through IDCEM, a cluster of enterprises
and research centres that aim to promote and strengthen the maritime economy.
Contribution to the implementation of the Ocean Agenda of the North Region, North
Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N) (; Leadership of the Ocean agenda for the territorial
cooperation North of Portugal - Galicia.
Contribution to the Regional Spatial Planning of Algarve, CCDR-Algarve.
Contribution to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, National
Institute for Water (INAG) (eg. Project EEMA - Ecological status of coastal and
transitional waters of the Portuguese coast).
Moreover, CIMAR has been involved in several R&D projects aimed to give support to European
Territorial cooperation (eg. Interreg Atlantic Area, Interreg Sudoe, Interreg POCTEP) and has
Evaluation Report 2010
been regularly requested by the government to give advice on legislation (eg. Environment and
fishing) and on bilateral agreements involving Portugal.
At the individual level, members of the Direction of CIMAR have also been involved in several
National delegate for FP7 (“Environment, including Climate Change” Theme) (J
Director of IDCEM and Vice-President of OCEANO XXI ( (J
Focal Point of the Minister of Science and Technology on the National Ocean Strategy
(Task Group for Maritime Affairs - EMAM) (J Coimbra).
Members of the Councils of Hydrographic Regions, assisting and advising the
Administrations of the North and Algarve Hydrographic Regions (ARH-Norte, AHRAlgarve).
Two members of CIMAR were elected as President of the Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry - SETAC Europe (L Guilhermino) and Vice-President of the
Iberian Association of Comparative Endocrinology (D Power).
A member acted as regional focal point of FCT for the ERA-NET BIOME (C Delgado).
Moreover, CIMAR members participate regularly in national (FCT) and international
evaluation panels, and are Associate or Advisory Editors of several international
CIMAR provided services for the industry in several areas including water quality (chemical,
biological and toxicological), diet formulation for aquaculture, DNA extraction and genotyping,
physical oceanographic data collection and environmental consulting studies.
Both CIIMAR and CCMAR have been qualified for providing R&D and innovation services to SMEs
under the Portuguese National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN, 2007-2013).
9b. Networking actions
1. Networking actions (Both national and international activities)
Most relevant:
Evaluation Report 2010
KNEU- Developing a Knowledge Network for European Expertise on biodiversity and
ecosystem services to inform policy making and economic sectors
EUROMARINE - Integration of European Marine Research Networks of ExcellencE
MarBEF + - Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
MARS - European Network of Marine Institutes and Stations (
ASSEMBLE - Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories (EU FP7,
EMBRC - European Marine Biological Research Centres, ESFRI infrastructure
European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (
Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (
Functional Dynamics in Complex Chemical and Biological Systems (
Development and implementation of a pan-European Marine Biodiversity Observatory
System – EMBOS, ES1003
Improved constrains on models of glacial isostatic adjustment, ES0701
Welfare of fish in European aquaculture - n. 867
Critical success factors for fish larval production in European Aquaculture: a
multidisciplinary network - n. FA0801
Providing the scientific basis for managing the goods and services arising from European
seagrassecosystems under anthropogenic pressure – n. ES0906
Integrating ice core, marine and terrestrial records (60.000 to 8.000 years ago) – n.
EPBRS (, and the supportive network Biostrat
Ocean Tracking Network (
Evaluation Report 2010
Seagrass Net Monitoring Program (
ICES Working Groups: Habitat Mapping; Biological Effects of Environmental
Contaminants (
Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química (
European Atlantic Periphery Marine Socio-Economic Network
R&D National Consortium OCEANOS
DivMar - National network on Costal Marine Biodiversity (
European Network in Aquaculture, Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Management
9c. Training
1. Training activities (Activities of the LA as a whole)
In 2010, 70 MSc students and 22 PhD students completed their degree under (co)-supervision of
CIMAR members.
Undergraduated students incorporated in R&D project teams, with Integration into
Research Grants (BII), and in the pluridisciplinary program of Univ Porto on Microbial
Life in Extreme Antarctica Environments.
Doctoral School in Marine and Environmental Sciences
Erasmus Mundus MARES – Doctoral Programme on Marine Ecosystem Health and
Conservation (
Erasmus Mundus Master in Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation
European Master in Aquaculture and Fisheries
Master in Ecological Management of Catchments in Europe
Master in Marine Sciences - Marine Resources, Univ Porto
Evaluation Report 2010
Master in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Univ Porto
Master in Aquaculture and Fisheries, Univ Algarve
Master in Marine Biology, Univ Algarve
Master in Biomedical Sciences, Univ Algarve
ASEM-duo Fellowship Programme with Burapha Univ, Thailand
Advanced Courses on Marine Ecotoxicology, 26-30 April; Freshwater Ecotoxicology, 1-5
March; Biomarkers, 22-26 March; Porto
5th Radiation Safety Course, 31 May - 1 June, Faro
Scientific Illustration Courses, 22-28 May, Faro; 8-6 June, Porto
LARVITA Fish Larvae Training School, 22-26 Nov, Faro
Workshop on “Genetic Alterations in Aquatic Organisms after Exposure to Pollutants”,
12-13 Jan, Porto
Workshop on "Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive Aquaculture Production in
Southern Europe”, 20-21 January, Tavira
4th SPB Clinical Biochemistry Workshop, 29 Jan, Faro
Workshop on “New Tools for better planning, response management and damage
assessment in HNS, inert and oil spills”, 30 April, Lisbon
I Workshop on “Marine Biodiversity in Arrabida”, 22 May, Sesimbra
Workshop on “Computer Simulations of Nanobiological Systems”, 27 May, Faro
Workshop on “Sea-level rise along the Portuguese coast”, 28 May, Porto
2nd UTEN Workshop 2010 – Marine and Bio-Sciences, Research Collaboration &
Network Building for Commercialization, 27-28 Sept, Faro
I European Seagrass Workshop, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, Portinho da Arrábida
4th Workshop on “Coastal Altimetry”, 14-15 Oct, Porto
Workshop on “Critical success factors for fish larval production in European
Aquaculture: a multidisciplinary network”, 5-6 Oct, Porto
Evaluation Report 2010
9d. Outreach/science and society
1. Outreach/science and society (Activities that the LA as a whole)
CIMAR has performed a significant effort in the promotion of outreach/Science and Society
activities, to foster the dialogue between scientists and society, to improve the public
knowledge and perception of science and to increase the interest of the young students towards
scientific careers.
CMIAs – Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Centres:
CIMAR manages two centres for environmental interpretation and monitoring through
agreements with the municipalities: CMIA-Vila do Conde (
and CMIA-Matosinhos ( During 2010, CMIAs displayed 7
temporary exhibitions, organized conferences and performed regular in house and field
activities for public of different ages. A Scientific Culture fortnight (11-29 Nov), an
intensive program of science outreach for the general public that included 6
conferences, 3 exhibitions, 4 workshops and 1 field trip was also organized.
Public aquariums and fisheries museums:
CIMAR researchers manage two public aquariums and fisheries museums: Aguda Littoral
Station - ELA (, ca 50000 visitors/year) and River Minho
AQUAMuseum (, ca 30000 visitors/year). Both stations
have a special relevance in what concerns Environmental Education Programs.
Several types of activities have been implemented at both CCMAR and CIIMAR, to contribute to
the promotion of a scientific and technological culture among the Portuguese population and
more specifically to encourage the use of experimental methods in science learning, involving
both scientific and school communities.
Scientists go to School: presentation of scientific lectures at elementary and high
schools (23 lectures throughout Algarve).
Science on Holidays for Young People aiming to offer high school students the
opportunity for first-hand contact with the reality of scientific research work during
their summer vacations: scientific internships for 24 students (5-10 days).
Biology Activities in the Summer: 38 activities (4-8 hours each) for general public of all
ages, in particular family groups.
“Café de Ciência - Science for Biodiversity”, Assembly of the Republic, 17 March.
Science and Technology Week, 22-28 Nov.
Evaluation Report 2010
“First encounters with Science”, in cooperation with CCViva of Tavira, 23-27 Nov.
UIM is a program that aims to promote the maritime identity of Portuguese and Spanish
university students, through the contact with the sea and its potentialities, related
activities and culture. Courses are organised in land and on board the vessel CREOULA, a
4-masted training ship of the Portuguese Navy built in 1937. The theme of the 2010
course was "Knowledge and adventure".
CIMAR regularly participates in events and exhibitions aimed at encouraging high
schools students to engage in scientific careers:
“Junior University” (, within the School of Life and
Health Sciences.
“Science, Education and Innovation” exhibition by the University of Porto (25-28
LAB-IT®-The Itinerant Laboratory in Molecular Genetics.
Collaboration with the Visionarium - Europarque Science Centre to implement a national
project using Daphnia as biological model for experimental teaching of sciences in high
schools (
MOBIDIC - School in the Beach, an outreach program for intertidal biodiversity
monitoring in beaches of the North coast (
Both CIIMAR and CCMAR received visits from schools throughout the year.
European initiative “Reseachers’ Night”, 24 Sept (
Birdwatching – Discover Birds and Birdlife in the Algarve
EXPOMAR exhibition, 28 April-2 May (
Other activities included the development of a new website for CIIMAR (, the
release of CIIMAR Newsletter - WAVES, pages in social networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter,
Youtube, Google maps, Vimeo) and the organization of weekly internal seminars at both
Evaluation Report 2010
Dissemination was also channeled through the media: publications in non-scientific journals and
newspapers (e.g. Alphagalileo, Ciência Hoje, JN, DN, Expresso, Agência Lusa, Visão, National
Geographic), participation in TV and radio programs (e.g. SIC, Rádio Renascença, Antena 1).
9e. International events
1. Organization of international events (Events that are international in dimension and
required the involvement of the LA for their implementation)
Aquaculture Europe 2010 - Seafarming Tomorrow, European Aquaculture Society, 5-8
October, Porto, Portugal (ca 1100 attendees, 55 countries)
FloraMac2010, 23-25 Sept, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Iberian Symposium on River Minho Hydrographic Basin, 19-20 Nov, Vila Nova de
Cerveira, Portugal.
Workshop PETGENES - Genetic Alterations in Aquatic Organisms after Exposure to
Pollutants, 12-13 January, Porto, Portugal
Workshop on "Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive Aquaculture Production in
Southern Europe”, 20-21 January, Tavira, Portugal (130 attendees)
4th SPB Clinical Biochemistry Workshop, Interaction between biochemistry and clinical
practice, 29 January, Faro, Portugal
Workshop on “New Tools for better planning, response management and damage
assessment in HNS, inert and oil spills”, 30 April, European Agency for Maritime Safety,
Lisbon, Portugal
I Workshop on “Marine Biodiversity in Arrabida”, 22 May, Sesimbra, Portugal
Workshop on “Computer Simulations of Nanobiological Systems”, 27 May, Faro,
Workshop on “Sea-level rise along the Portuguese coast”, 28 May, Porto, Portugal
2nd UTEN Workshop 2010 – Marine and Bio-Sciences, Research Collaboration &
Network Building for Commercialization, 27-28 Sept, Faro, Portugal
I European Seagrass Workshop, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, Portinho da Arrábida, Portugal
Evaluation Report 2010
4th Workshop on “Coastal Altimetry”, 14-15 Oct, Porto, Portugal
Workshop on “Critical success factors for fish larval production in European
Aquaculture: a multidisciplinary network - LARVANET”, 5-6 Oct, Porto, Portugal.
SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, 23- 27 May, Spain
Congress on Deep Water Processes and Products, 16-18 June, Spain
9th International Congress on the Biology of Fish, American Fisheries Society, 5-8 July,
XV Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology, 5- 9 July, Portugal
8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29 August - 4 Sept, Turkey
XVI Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology, 6-10 Sept, Spain
XIV National Congress of Parasitology, 8-10 Sept, Portuga
National Congress from the Portuguese Society of Biochemistry, 15-17 Dec, Portugal
20th International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, 22-28 August, South
INTERNAL SEMINARS AT CIIMAR AND CCMAR, weekly/monthly along the year
Evaluation Report 2010
10.1 Summary of internal evaluations during 2010
During 2010, the contact with members of the External Advisory Board was maintained, mainly
with Prof. Steve Hawkins and mainly for follow up of previous recommendations for promoting
the research capability in the general area of marine biodiversity and ecosystems science. The
recommendations have been implemented. Meanwhile, we had foreseen an internal evaluation
exercise by the External Advisory Board, to be held simultaneously with the annual meeting of
CIMAR-LA, as we were expecting the results of the external evaluation carried out by FCT in
2008 during the 2nd semester of 2009, but only delivered to us in 2010. In sequence of this
external examination, which was very positive and resulting only in minor suggestions, the
evaluation panel concluded that the CIMAR continued to merit its LA status. Facing the
conclusion of this external evaluation, the inexistence of major criticisms or recommendations,
and the eminence/start of discussions with Ministry of Science and Technology and FCT as to an
eventual new contract for the LA, we concluded that a new internal exercise by the External
Advisory Board would really make sense only after the definition of the future status of the LA.
10.2 Future internal evaluations programmed for 2011
In the light of recent announcement of a new governmental contract with the CIMAR LA, which
can potentially cover the next decade, pending on the evaluation results at mid-term, we
envisage the following strategic actions as to the future internal evaluations: 1) to rethink and
likely remodel the External Advisory Board, to better incorporate external feedback on our
activities in physical oceanography and coastal dynamics, areas that were reinforced with new
researchers in the past years; 2) to schedule a first working visit with the renewed External
Advisory Board, soon after signing the new contract and focusing on the new starting-point of
the LA and on the 5-year strategic program that is associated with the emergence of the new LA
contract; 3) to schedule an annual visit of the External Advisory Board, coinciding with the
annual meeting of the LA; 4) to capitalize on the use of the available video-conference tools to
promote more regular discussions with each and every expert of the External Advisory Board.
Evaluation Report 2010
Almeida, JR, Sá, N. 2010. Guia de Mergulho da Madeira (Madeira Diving Guide). Veraçor Editores,
Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 109 p.
Duarte, P, Santana-Casiano, JM. 2010. Oceans and the Atmospheric Carbon Content. Springer,
176 p. ISBN: 978-90-481-9820-7.
Eiras, JC, Takemoto, RM, Pavanelli, GC. 2010. Diversidade dos Parasitas de Peixes de Água Doce
do Brasil. Clichetec, Maringá, Brasil, 333 p.
Fidalgo, ML, Sousa, L, Oliveira, A, Magalhães, P. 2010. Norte do Sonho. Caminha e o Estuário do
Rio Minho. Edição da Câmara Municipal de Caminha, Caminha, Portugal, 165 p. ISBN: 978-98995920-4-9.
González-Díaz, H, Agüero-Chapin, G, Munteanu, CR, Prado-Prado, F, Chou, KC, Duardo-Sanchez,
A, Patlewicz, G, López-Díaz, A. 2010. Alignment-free Models in Plant Genomics: Theoretical,
Experimental, and Legal Issues - Agriculture Issues and Policies. Nova Science Publishers Inc., NY,
USA, 78 p. ISBN: 978-1-60692-638-3.
BOOKS (Chapters)
Afonso, MJ, Pires, A, Chaminé, HI, Marques, JM, Guimarães, L, Guilhermino, L, Rocha, FT. 2010.
Aquifer vulnerability assessment of urban areas using a GIS-based cartography: Paranhos
groundwater pilot site, Porto, NW Portugal. In: Paliwal, BS (Ed). Global Groundwater Resources
and Management. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, pp. 259-278. ISBN: 978-8172336196.
Agüero-Chapin, G, Sánchez-Rodríguez, A, Antunes, A, de la Riva GA, González Díaz, H. 2010.
Network entropies classification of fungi and bacteria of fungi and bacteria cellulases of interest
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Chemistry, Biology, Parasitology, Neurological and Social Networks. Transworld Research
Network, Kerala, India, pp. 69-95. ISBN 978-81-7895-989-9.
Araújo, R, Cabral, JP. 2010. Fungal air quality in medical protected environments. In: Kumar, A (Ed).
Air Quality. InTech. ISBN 978-953-307-131-2.
Bastos, L, Bos, MS, Fernandes, RMS. 2010. Deformation and tectonics: Contribution of GPS
measurements to plate tectonics – Overview and recent developments. In: Xu, Guochang (Ed).
Sciences of Geodesy - I, Advances and Future Directions, pp. 155-184. ISBN 978-3-642-11740.
Bio, A, Meirinho, A, Ramírez, I, Geraldes, P. 2010. Empirical modelling of Balearic shearwater
(Puffinus mauretanicus) census data for the Portuguese Atlantic. In: Calado, H, Gil, A (Eds).
Geographic Technologies Applied to Marine Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone
Evaluation Report 2010
Management. Centro de Informação Geográfica e Planeamento Territorial, Azores University, pp.
23-30. ISBN 978-972-8612-64-1.
Brown, CL, Power, DM, Núñez, JM. 2010. Disorders of development in fish. In: Leatherland, JF,
Woo, PTF (Eds). Fish Diseases and Disorders, Vol 2, 2nd edition, CABI, Oxon, UK, pp. 166-181.
ISBN 978-1-84593-553-5.
Cancela, ML, Bargelloni, L, Boudry, P, Boulo, V, Dias, J, Huvet, A, Laizé, V, Lapègue, S, Leite, R,
Mira, S, Nielsen, EE, Planas, JV, Roher, N, Sarropoulou, E, Volckaert, FAM. 2010. Genomic
Approaches in Aquaculture and Fisheries. In: Cock, JM, Viard, F, Tessamar-Raible, K, Boyen, C
(Eds). Introduction to Marine Genomics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 213-286. ISBN 978-90481-8616-7.
Carvalho, AR, Barros, N, Duarte, P. 2010. Impact of Oporto metropolitan area carbon dioxide
emissions over the adjacent coastal zone. In: Duarte, P, Santana-Casiano, JM (Eds). Oceans and
the Atmospheric Carbon Content, Springer, pp. 23-46. ISBN 978-90-481-9820-7.
Conceição, LEC, Aragão, C, Rønnestad, I. 2010. Protein metabolism and amino acid requirements
in fish larvae. In: Cruz-Suarez, LE, Ricque-Marie, D, Tapia-Salazar, M, Nieto-López, MG, VillarealCavazos, DA, Gamboa-Delgado, J (Eds). Avances en Nutrición Acuícola X - Memorias del X
Simposio Internacional de Nutrición Acuícola, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey,
México, pp. 251-264.
10. Cruzeiro, L. 2010. Protein Folding. In: Springborg, M. (Ed). Specialist Periodic Reports of the Royal
Society of Chemistry, UK, Chem. Modell., vol. 7, pp. 89-114. ISBN 978-1-84755-075-0.
11. Elmqvist, TE, Maltby, E, Barker, Las, Mortimer, CAs, Aronson, J, De Groot, R, Fitter, A, Mace, G,
Norberg, J, Perrings, C, Sousa Pinto, I, Ring, I. 2010. Biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem
services. In: Pushpam, K. (Ed). The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Ecological and
Economic Foundations. Earthscan, London, UK, pp. 41-111. ISBN 978-18-497-1212-5.
12. Granja, HM. 2010. Le combat de Roland Paskoff contre la defense lourde des côtes. In: Duvat, V,
Battiau-Queney, Y, Clus-Auby, C, Prat, M-C (Eds). Roland Paskoff et les Littoraux: Regards de
Chercheurs. L’ Harmattan, Paris, France, pp. 277-287. ISBN 978-2-296-13264-1.
13. Granja, HM. 2010. Les dunes côtières du nord-ouest du Portugal. In: Duvat, V, Battiau-Queney, Y,
Clus-Auby, C, Prat, M-C (Eds). Roland Paskoff et les Littoraux: Regards de Chercheurs. L’
Harmattan, Paris, France, pp. 230-238. ISBN 978-2-296-13264-1.
14. Jenkins, SR, Martins, GM. 2010. Succession on hard substrata. In: Dürr, S, Thomason, JC (Eds).
Biofouling. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 60-72. ISBN: 978-14-4431-546-2.
15. Larsen, K, Froufe, E. 2010. Identification of polymorphic species within groups of morphologically
conservative taxa: combining morphological and molecular techniques. In: Nimis, PL, Vignes
Lebbe, R (Eds). Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems. Edizione Universitá di
Trieste, pp. 301-305. ISBN 978-88-8303-295-0.
16. Larsen, K. 2010. Order Tanaidacea: Tanaids. In: Gordon, DP (Ed). Species 2000 - The New Zealand
Inventory of Biodiversity. Chapter 8 - Subphylum Crustacea, Volume 2, Canterbury, University
Press, Christchurch, pp. 164-166.
Evaluation Report 2010
17. Lopes, JS. 2010. 10 years of software development for approximate Bayesian computation. In:
Clary, TS (Ed). Horizons in Computer Science Research, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge,
18. Moraes, J, Iwashita, M, Ozório, R, Rema, P, Moraes, F. 2010. Influence of vitamin E
supplementation on dermal wound healing in tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. In: De Carlo, F,
Bassano, A (Eds). Freswater Ecosystems and Aquaculture Research. Nova Science Publishers Inc.,
New York, pp. 177-192. ISBN 978-1-60741-707-1.
19. Pais-Barbosa, J, Veloso-Gomes, F, Taveira Pinto, F. 2010. GIS tool for coastal morphodynamics
analysis. In: Green, DR (Ed). Coastal and Marine Geospatial Technologies - Coastal Systems and
Continental Margins, Springer, Volume 13, pp. 275-283. ISBN: 978-1-4020-9720-1.
20. Pereira, R, Yarish, C. 2010. The role of Porphyra in sustainable culture systems: Physiology and
applications. In: Israel, A, Einav, R, Seckbach, J (Eds). Role of Seaweeds in Globally Changing
Environments - Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology. Springer Publishers,
Volume 15, pp. 339-353. ISBN: 978-90-481-8569-6.
21. Power, DM, Guerreiro, PMG, Hubbard, PC, Huertas, M, Morgado, IM, Fuentes, J. 2010.
Endocrinology applied to aquaculture finfish. In: Koumondouros, G (Ed). Recent Advances in
Aquaculture Research, Transworld Research Network, Kerala, pp. 1-54.
22. Robinson, IS, da Silva, J. 2010. Internal waves. In: Robinson, IS (Ed). Discovering the Ocean from
Space, The Unique Applications of Satellite Oceanography. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,
Chapter 12, pp. 453-483. ISBN: 978-3-540-24430-1.
23. Tavares, PC, Shapouri, M, Martins, C, Pereira, P, Falcão, M, Machado, M, Cancela da Fonseca, L.
2010. Variability in sources of organic matter influencing invertebrate community as revealed by
pigment levels in mesoscale experiments. In: Martins, J, Tavares, A, Tavares, M, Ribeiro, L (Eds).
Paula Tavares - Uma Ciência de Rosto Humano, CVRM - Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, pp. 4063.
24. Urbatzka, R, Rocha, MJ, Rocha, E. 2010. Regulation of ovarian development and function in
teleosts. In: Norris, DO, Lopez, KH (Eds). Hormones and Reproduction in Vertebrates. Academic
Press, Volume 1 – Fishes, pp. 65-82. ISBN: 978-0-12-375009-9.
25. Wilson, JM, Castro, LFC. 2010. Morphological diversity of the gastrointestinal tract in fishes. In:
Grosell, M, Farrell, AP, Brauner, CJ (Eds). The Multifunctional Gut of Fish. Elsevier Inc., Volume
30, pp. 1-55. ISBN: 978-0-12-374982-6.
Afonso, CML, Bonomolo, G, Monteiro, P, Bentes, L, Oliveira, F, Veiga, P, Rangel, MO, Sousa, I,
Leite, L, Gonçalves, JMS. 2010. First record of Ocinebrina nicolai (Mollusca: Gastropoda:
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Afonso, MJ, Chaminé, H, Marques, JM, Carreira, PM, Guimarães, L, Guilhermino, L, Gomes, A,
Fonseca, PE, Pires, A, Rocha, F. 2010. Environmental issues in urban groundwater systems: a
multidisciplinary study of the Paranhos and Salgueiros spring waters, Porto (NW Portugal).
Environmental Earth Sciences 61: 379-392. IF=0.678.
Evaluation Report 2010
Agra, A, Guilhermino, L, Soares, A, Barata, C. 2010. Genetic costs of tolerance to metals in
Daphnia longispina populations historically exposed to a copper mine drainage. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry 29: 939-946. IF=3.026.
Alberto, F, Raimondi, PT, Reed, DC, Coelho, NC, Leblois, R, Whitmer, A, Serrão, EA. 2010. Habitat
continuity and geographic distance predict population genetic differentiation in giant kelp.
Ecology 91: 49-56. IF=5.073.
Alexandre, A, Silva, J, Santos, R. 2010. Inorganic nitrogen uptake and related enzymatic activity in
the seagrass Zostera noltii. Marine Ecology 31(4): 539-545. IF=1.272.
Almeida, AM, Campos, A, Francisco, R, van Harten, S, Cardoso, LA, Coelho, AV. 2010. Proteomic
investigation of the effects of weight loss in the gastrocnemius muscle of wild and New Zealand
white rabbits via 2D-electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF MS. Animal Genetics 41: 260-272. IF=2.203.
Almeida, AM, van Harten, S, Campos, A, Coelho, AV, Cardoso, LA. 2010. The effect of weight loss
on protein profiles of gastrocnemius muscle in rabbits: a study using 1D electrophoresis and
peptide mass fingerprinting. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 94(2): 174-185.
Almeida, AP, Dethoup, T, Singburaudom, N, Lima, R, Vasconcelos, MH, Madalena, M, Kijjoa, A.
2010. The in vitro anticancer activity of the crude extract of the sponge-associated fungus
Eurotium cristanum and its secondary metabolites. Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals 1: 25-29.
Almeida, JR, Oliveira, C, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Linking behavioural alterations with
biomarkers responses in the European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax L. exposed to the
organophosphate pesticide fenitrothion. Ecotoxicology 19: 1369-1381. IF=3.051.
10. Alves, CQ, Kijjoa, A, David, JM, David, JP. 2010. Flavonoids and benzoic acid derivatives from
Diodea virgata. Planta Medica 76(12): 1284-1284. IF=2.369.
11. Alves Martins, D, Estévez, A, Stickland, N, Simbi, B, Yúfera, M. 2010. Dietary lecithin source
affects growth potential and gene expression in Sparus aurata larvae. Lipids 45: 1011-1023.
12. Alves, RN, Cordeiro, O, Silva, TS, Richard, N, de Vareilles, M, Marino, G, Di Marco, P, Rodrigues,
PM, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Metabolic molecular indicators of chronic stress in gilthead seabream
(Sparus aurata) using comparative proteomics. Aquaculture 299: 57-66. IF=2.044.
13. Antunes, F, Hinzmann, M, Lopes-Lima, M, Machado, J, da Costa, PM. 2010. Association between
environmental microbiota and indigenous bacteria found in hemolymph, extrapallial fluid and
mucus of Anodonta cygnea (Linnaeus, 1758). Microbial Ecology 60: 304-309. IF=2.875.
14. Aragão, C, Costas, B, Vargas-Chacoff, L, Ruiz-Jarabo, I, Dinis, MT, Mancera, JM, Conceicão, LEC.
2010. Changes in plasma amino acid levels in a euryhaline fish exposed to different
environmental salinities. Amino Acids 38: 311-317. IF=4.106.
15. Araújo, C, Torres, C, Silva, N, Carneiro, C, Gonçalves, A, Radhouani, H, Correia, S, da Costa, PM,
Paccheco, R, Zarazaga, M, Ruiz-Larrea, F, Poeta, P, Igrejas, G. 2010. Vancomycin-resistant
enterococci from Portuguese wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Basic Microbiology 50:
605-609. IF=1.395.
Evaluation Report 2010
16. Arnaud-Haond, S, Marbà, N, Diaz-Almela, E, Serrão, EA, Duarte, CM. 2010. Comparative analysis
of stability - genetic diversity in seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadows yields unexpected
results. Estuaries and Coasts 33: 878-889. IF=1.921.
17. Athanasiadis, A, Neto, AI. 2010. On the occurrence of Mesophyllum expansum (Philippi) Cabioch
et Mendoza (Melobesioideae, Corallinales, Rhodophyta) in the Mediterranean, the Canary Isles
and the Azores. Botanica Marina 53: 333-341. IF=1.623.
18. Auamcharoen, W, Chandrapatya, A, Naengchomnong, W, Kijjoa, A. 2010. A new tetralone from
Diospyros cauliflora. Planta Medica 76: 1207. IF=2.369.
19. Azevedo, C, Casal, G, Mendonça, I, Carvalho, E, Matos, P, Matos, E. 2010. Light and electron
microscopy of Myxobolus sciades n. sp. (Myxozoa), a parasite of the gills of the Brazilian fish
Sciades herzbergii (Block, 1794) (Teleostei: Ariidae). Memórias Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 105(2):
203-207. IF=2.058.
20. Azevedo, C, Marques, DKS, Casal, G, Amaral, CMC, Silva, EV, Matos, P, Matos, E. 2010.
Ultrastructural re-description of Henneguya piaractus (Myxozoa), a parasite of the freshwater
fish Piaractus mesopotamicus (Teleostei, Characidae) from the Paraguay river, Brazil. Acta
Protozoologica 49: 115-120. IF=0.881.
21. Azevedo, C, Samuel, N, Saveia, A, Delgado, F, Casal, G. 2010. Light and electron microscopic data
of spore of Thelohanellus rhabdalestus n. sp. (Myxozoa: Myxosporea), a parasite of a freshwater
fish from Kwanza River of Angola. Systematic Parasitology 79: 19-25. IF=1.056.
22. Azevedo, IC, Bordalo, AA, Duarte, P. 2010. Influence of river discharge patterns on the
hydrodynamics and potential contaminant dispersion in the Douro estuary (Portugal). Water
Research 44: 3133-3146. IF=4.546.
23. Azevedo, IC, Duarte, P, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton
photosynthetic characteristics in a southern European estuary (Douro, Portugal). Marine Ecology
Progress Series 412: 29-44. IF=2.483.
24. Azul, AM, Ramos, V, Sales, F. 2010. Early effects of fire on herbaceous vegetation and mycorrhizal
symbiosis in high altitude grasslands of Natural Park of Estrela Mountain (PNSE). Symbiosis 52:
113-123. IF=1.442.
25. Balata, D, Piazzi, L, Nesti, U, Bulleri, F, Bertocci, I. 2010. Effects of enhanced loads of nutrients on
epiphytes on leaves and rhizomes of Posidonia oceanica. Journal of Sea Research 63: 173-179.
26. Barrento, S, Marques, A, Teixeira, B, Mendes, R, Bandarra, N, Vaz-Pires, P, Nunes, ML. 2010.
Chemical composition, cholesterol, fatty acid and amino acid in two populations of brown crab
Cancer pagurus: Ecological and human health implications. Journal of Food Composition and
Analysis 23(7): 716-725. IF=1.948.
27. Barrento, S, Marques, A, Vaz-Pires, P, Nunes, ML. 2010. Live shipment of immersed crabs Cancer
pagurus from England to Portugal and recovery in stocking tanks: stress parameter
characterization. ICES Journal of Marine Science 67: 435-443. IF=1.808.
28. Batini, C, Lopes, J, Behar, DM, Calafell, F, Jorde, LB, van der Veen, L, Quintana-Murci, L, Spedini,
G, Destro-Bisol, G, Comas, D. 2010. Insights into demographic history of african pygmies from
complete mitochondrial genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28: 1099-1110. IF=5.510.
Evaluation Report 2010
29. Becheler, R, Diekmann, O, Hily, C, Moalic, Y, Arnaud-Haond, S. 2010. The concept of population in
clonal organisms: mosaics of temporally colonized patches are forming highly diverse meadows
of Zostera marina in Brittany. Molecular Ecology 19: 2394-2407. IF=6.457.
30. Behrends, T, Urbatzka, R, Krackow, S, Elepfandt, A, Kloas, W. 2010. Mate calling behavior of male
South African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) is suppressed by the antiandrogenic endocrine
disrupting compound flutamide. General and Comparative Endocrinology 168: 269-274. IF=3.108.
31. Bensimon-Brito, A, Cancela, ML, Huysseune, A, Witten, PE. 2010. The zebrafish (Danio rerio)
caudal complex - a model to study vertebral body fusion. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26(2):
235-238. IF=0.945.
32. Bertocci, I, Arenas, F, Matias, M, Vaselli, S, Araújo, R, Abreu, H, Pereira, R, Vieira, R, Sousa-Pinto,
I. 2010. Canopy-forming species mediate the effects of disturbance on macroalgal assemblages
on Portuguese rocky shores. Marine Ecology Progress Series 414: 107-116. IF=2.483.
33. Bertocci, I, Maggi, E, Vaselli, S, Benedetti-Cecchi, L. 2010. Resistance of rocky shore assemblages
of algae and invertebrates to changes in intensity and temporal variability of aerial exposure.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 400: 75-86. IF=2.483.
34. Billard, E, Serrão, EA, Pearson, GA, Destombe, C, Valero, M. 2010. Fucus vesiculosus and spiralis
species complex: a nested model of local adaptation at the shore level. Marine Ecology Progress
Series 405: 163-174. IF=2.483.
35. Blanquet, I, Oliva-Teles, A. 2010. The effect of feed restriction on performance of turbot
(Scophthalmus maximus) juveniles under commercial rearing conditions. Aquaculture Research
41: 1255-1260. IF=1.186.
36. Borrero-Pérez, GH, Gómez-Zurita, J, González-Wangüemert, M, Marcos, C, Pérez-Ruzafa, A. 2010.
Molecular systematics of the genus Holothuria in the Mediterranean and Northeastern Atlantic
and a molecular clock for the diversification of the Holothuriidae (Echinodermata:
Holothuroidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: 899-906. IF=3.889.
37. Bos, MS, Bastos, L, Fernandes, RMS. 2010. The influence of seasonal signals on the estimation of
the tectonic motion in short continuous GPS time-series. Journal of Geodynamics 49(3-4): 205209. IF=1.197.
38. Bos, MS. 2010. Comment on “Anomalous ocean load tide signal observed in lake-level variations
in Tierra del Fuego” by A. Richter et al. Geophysical Research Letters 36: L04303. IF=3.505.
39. Bulleri, F, Balata, D, Bertocci, I, Tamburello, L, Benedetti-Cecchi, L. 2010. The seaweed Caulerpa
racemosa on Mediterranean rocky reefs: from passenger to driver of ecological change. Ecology
91: 2205-2212. IF=5.073.
40. Cabaço, S, Ferreira, Ó, Santos, R. 2010. Population dynamics of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa
in Ria Formosa lagoon following inlet artificial relocation. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 87:
510-516. IF=1.887.
41. Cabaço, S, Santos. R. 2010. Reproduction of the eelgrass Zostera marina at the species southern
distributional limit in the Eastern Atlantic. Marine Ecology – An Evolutionary Prespective 31: 300308. IF=1.272.
Evaluation Report 2010
42. Cabral, JP. 2010. Can we use indoor fungi as bioindicators of indoor air quality? Historical
perspectives and open questions. Science of the Total Environment 408: 4285-4295. IF=3.190.
43. Cabral, JP. 2010. La revista Broteria, los jesuitas naturalistas y Gonçalo Sampaio. Intercambio de
plantas e ideas y el desarrollo de la botánica en Portugal. Asclepio - Revista de Historia de la
Medicina y de la Ciencia 62(1): 61-92.
44. Cabral, JP. 2010. Water microbiology. Bacterial pathogens and water. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health 7: 3657-3703.
45. Cabrita, E, Sarasquete, C, Martínez-Páramo, S, Robles, V, Beirão, J, Pérez-Cerezales, S, Herráez,
MP. 2010. Cryopreservation of fish sperm: applications and perspectives. Journal of Applied
Ichthyology 26: 623-635. IF=0.945.
46. Calado, R, Pimentel, T, Cleary, D, Dionísio, G, Nunes, C, Lopes da Silva, T, Dinis, MT, Reis, A. 2010.
Providing a common diet to different marine decapods does not standardize the fatty acid
profiles of their larvae: a warning sign for experimentation using invertebrate larvae produced in
captivity. Marine Biology 157: 2427-2434. IF=2.011.
47. Campinho, MA, Galay-Burgos, M, Sweeney, GE, Power, DM. 2010. Coordination of deiodinase
and thyroid hormone receptor expression during the larval to juvenile transition in sea bream
(Sparus aurata, Linnaeus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 165(2): 181-194. IF=3.108.
48. Campos, A, Carvajal-Vallejos, PK, Villalobos, E, Franco, CF, Almeida, AM, Coelho, AV, Torné, JM,
Santos, M. 2010. Characterisation of Zea mays L. plastidial transglutaminase: interactions with
thylakoid membrane proteins. Plant Biology 12: 708-716. IF=2.409.
49. Campos, A, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. Molecular Mechanisms of Microcystin Toxicity in Animals.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11: 268-287. IF=2.279.
50. Campos, C, Valente, LMP, Borges, P, Bizuayehu, ST, Fernandes, JMO. 2010. Dietary lipid levels
have a remarkable impact on the expression of growth-related genes in Senegalese sole (Solea
senegalensis Kaup). Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 200-209. IF=3.040.
51. Campos, J, Bio, A, Cardoso, JFMF, Dapper, R, Witte, J IJ, Van der Veer, HW. 2010. Fluctuations of
brown shrimp Crangon crangon abundance in the western Dutch Wadden Sea. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 405: 203-219. IF=2.483.
52. Cancela, ML, Witten, PE. 2010. Advances in skeletal biology by understanding the fish skeleton: a
multidisciplinary challenge. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26(2): 147-147. IF=0.945.
53. Canning-Clode, J, Maloney, KO, Mcmahon, SM, Wahl, M. 2010. Expanded view of the localregional richness relationship by incorporating functional richness and time: a large-scale
perspective. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 875-885. IF=5.273.
54. Cardoso, C, Mendes, R, Pedro, S, Vaz-Pires, P, Nunes, M. 2010. Quality changes during storage of
minced fish products containing dietary fibre and fortified with ω3 fatty acids. Food Science and
Technology International 16(1): 131-142. IF=0.577.
55. Cardoso, C, Mendes, R, Vaz-Pires, P, Nunes, ML. 2010. Effect of salt and MTGase on the
production of high quality gels from farmed sea bass. Journal of Food Engineering 101: 98-105.
Evaluation Report 2010
56. Cardoso, CL, Mendes, RO, Salvador, AM, Saraiva, JA, Vaz-Pires, P, Nunes, ML. 2010. Quality
characteristics of high pressure-induced hake (Merluccius capensis) protein gels with and without
MTGase. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 19: 193-213. IF=0.481.
57. Cardoso, JCR, Vieira, FA, Gomes, AS, Power, DM. 2010. The serendipitous origin of chordate
secretin peptide family members. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 135. IF=3.702.
58. Carvalho, PN, Basto, MCP, Silva, MFGM, Machado, A, Bordalo, A, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010.
Ability of salt marsh plants for TBT remediation in sediments. Environmental Science and
Pollution Research 17: 1279-1286. IF=2.870.
59. Casal, G, Teles-Grilo, ML, Matos, E, Azevedo, C. 2010. Ultrastructural and molecular
characterization of a new Microsporidium parasite from the Amazonian fish,
Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni (Rhamphichthyidae). Journal of Parasitology 96: 1155-1163.
60. Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ, Ho, J-S. 2010. Caligus musaicus n. sp. (Copepoda: Caligidae) parasitic on
the flounder Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus) off Portugal. Crustaceana 83 (4): 457-464. IF=0.630.
61. Cermeno, P, de Vargas, C, Abrantes, F, Falkowski, PG. 2010. Phytoplankton biogeography and
community stability in the Ocean. Plos One 5(3): e10037. IF=4.411.
62. Chew, SF, Tng, YY, Wee, NL, Tok, CY, Wilson, JM, Ip, YK. 2010. Intestinal osmoregulatory
acclimation and nitrogen metabolism in juveniles of the freshwater marble goby exposed to
seawater. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 180: 511-520. IF=2.400.
63. Clark, MS, Thorne, MAS, Vieira, FA, Cardoso, JCR, Power, DM, Peck, LS. 2010. Insights into shell
deposition in the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica: gene discovery in the mantle transcriptome
using 454 pyrosequencing. BMC Genomics 11: 362. IF=4.206.
64. Claudet, J, Osenberg, CW, Domenici, P, Badalamenti, F, Milazzo, M, Falcón, JM, Bertocci, I,
Benedetti-Cecchi, L, García-Charton, J-A, Goñi, R, Borg, JA, Forcada, A, de Lucia, GA, Pérez-Ruzafa,
Á, Afonso, P, Brito, A, Guala, I, Le Diréach, L, SanchezJerez, P, Somerfield, PJ, Planes, S. 2010.
Marine reserves: fish life history and ecological traits matter. Ecological Applications 20: 830-839.
65. Coelho, R, Bentes, L, Correia, C, Gonçalves, JMS, Lino, PG, Monteiro, P, Ribeiro, J, Erzini, K. 2010.
Life history of the common pandora, Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Actinopterygii:
Sparidae) from southern Portugal. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 58: 233-245. IF=0.266.
66. Coelho, R, Rey, J, Gil de Sola, L, Fernandez-Carvalho, J, Erzini, K. 2010. Comparing NE Atlantic and
Mediterranean populations of a deep water lanternshark, with comments on the efficiency of
density dependant compensatory mechanisms. Marine Biology Research 6: 373-380. IF=1.484.
67. Coelho, R. 2010. [Book Review]: Biology and Management of Dogfish Sharks, Edited by V.F.
Gallucci, G.A. McFarlane & G.G. Bargmann. Marine Biology Research 6: 415-416. IF=1.484.
68. Coelho, R., Erzini, K. 2010. Depth distribution of the velvet belly, Etmopterus spinax, in relation to
growth and reproductive cycle: The case study of a deep water lantern shark with a wide ranging
critical habitat. Marine Biology Research 6: 381-389. IF=1.484.
Evaluation Report 2010
69. Conceicão, LEC, Aragão, C, Richard, N, Engrola, S, Gavaia, P, Mira, S, Dias, J. 2010. Novel
methodologies in marine fish larval nutrition. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1-16.
70. Conceicão, LEC, Yúfera, M, Makridis, P, Morais, S, Dinis, MT. 2010. Live feeds for early stages of
fish rearing. Aquaculture Research 36: 1-16. IF=1.186.
71. Conceicao, N, Cox, CJ, Simões, B, Viegas, M, Cancela, ML. 2010. Comparative promoter analysis
and its application to the identification of candidate regulatory factors of cartilage-expressed
genes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26(2): 245-250. IF=0.945.
72. Costa-Dias, S, Dias, E, Lobon-Cervia, J, Antunes, C, Coimbra J. 2010. Infection by Anguillicoloides
crassus in a riverine stock of European eel, Anguilla anguilla. Fisheries Management and Ecology
17: 485-492. IF=0.798.
73. Costa-Dias, S, Freitas, V, Sousa, R, Antunes, C. 2010. Factors influencing epibenthic assemblages
in the Minho estuary (NW Iberian Peninsula). Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 240-246. IF=2.359.
74. Costa-Dias, S, Sousa, R, Antunes, C. 2010. Ecological quality assessment of the lower Lima
estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 234-239. IF=2.359.
75. Couto, MNPFS, Monteiro, E, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. Mesocosms trials of bioremediation of
contaminated soil of a petroleum refinery: comparison of natural attenuation, biostimulation
and bioaugmentation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17: 1339-1346. IF=2.870.
76. Couto, RP, Neto, AI, Rodrigues, AS. 2010. Metal concentration and structural changes in Corallina
elongata (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) from hydrothermal vents. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60: 509514. IF=2.359.
77. Cox, CJ, Goffinet, B, Wickett, NJ, Boles, SB, Shaw, AJ. 2010. Moss diversity: a molecular
phylogenetic analysis of genera. Phytotaxa 9: 175-195.
78. Cravo, A, Relvas, P, Cardeira, S, Rita, F, Madureira, M, Sánchez, R. 2010. An upwelling filament off
Southwest Iberia: effect on the chlorophyll a and nutrients exportation. Continental Shelf
Research 30: 1601-1613. IF=1.928.
79. Creer, S, Fonseca, VG, Porazinska, DL, Giblin-Davis, RM, Sung, W, Power, DM, Packer, M,
Carvalho, GR, Blaxter, ML, Lambshead, PJD, Thomas, WK. 2010. Ultrasequencing of the
meiofaunal biosphere: practice, pitfalls and promises. Molecular Ecology 19: 4-20. IF=6.457.
80. da Fonseca, RR, Johnson, WE, O’Brien, SJ, Vasconcelos, V, Antunes, A. 2010. Molecular evolution
and the role of oxidative stress in the expansion and functional diversification of cytosolic
glutathione transferases. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 281. IF=3.702.
81. da Fonseca, RR, Kosiol, C, Vinar, T, Siepel, A, Nielsen, R. 2010. Positive selection on apoptosis
related genes. FEBS Letters 584: 469-476. IF=3.601.
82. Dâmaso-Rodrigues, ML, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Ribeiro, L, Coutinho, J, Bandarra, NM, Gavaia, PJ,
Narciso, L, Morais, S. 2010. Lack of essential fatty acids in live feed during larval and post larval
rearing: effect on the performance of juvenile Solea senegalensis. Aquaculture International
18(5): 741-757. IF=0.880.
Evaluation Report 2010
83. Davies, SJ, Gouveia, A. 2010. Response of common carp fed diets containing an isogenic pea seed
meal (Pisum sativum) subjected to different thermal processing methods. Aquaculture 305(1-4):
117-123. IF=2.044.
84. Delgado, C, Canário, AVM, Dellinger, T. 2010. Sex ratios of loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta
during the juvenile pelagic stage. Marine Biology 157: 979-990. IF=2.011.
85. Dias, J, Yúfera, M, Valente, LMP, Rema, P. 2010. Feed transit and apparent protein, phosphorus
and energy digestibility of practical feed ingredients by Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis).
Aquaculture 302: 94-99. IF=2.044.
86. Diekmann, OE, Gouveia, L, Perez, JA, Gil-Rodriguez, C, Serrao, EA. 2010. The possible origin of
Zostera noltii in the Canary Islands and guidelines for restoration. Marine Biology 157: 21092115. IF=2.011.
87. Dini-Andreote, F, Andreote, FD, Costa, R, Taketani, RG, van Elsas, JD, Araújo, WL. 2010. Bacterial
soil community in a Brazilian sugarcane field. Plant and Soil 336: 337-349. IF=2.773.
88. Diogo, P, Soares, F, Dinis, MT, Cabrita, E. 2010. The influence of ovarian fluid on Solea
senegalensis sperm motility. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26: 690-695. IF=0.945.
89. Dolbeth, M, Martinho, F, Freitas, V, Costa-Dias, S, Campos, J, Pardal, MA. 2010. Multi-year
comparisons of fish recruitment, growth and production in two drought-affected Iberian
estuaries. Marine and Freshwater Research 61: 1399-1415. IF=1.572.
90. Duarte, P, Fernández-Reiriz, MJ, Filgueira, RA, Labarta, U. 2010. Modelling mussel growth in
ecosystems with low suspended matter loads. Journal of Sea Research 64: 273-286. IF=2.444.
91. Eiras, JC, Monteiro, CM, Brasil-Sato, MC. 2010. Myxobolus franciscoi sp. nov. (Myxozoa,
Myxobolidae), a parasite of Prochilodus argenteus (Actynopterygii, Prochilodontidae) from the
Upper São Francisco River, Brazil, with a revision of Myxobolus spp. from South America.
Zoologia 27: 131-137. IF=0.373.
92. El Ghazali, I, Saqrane, S, Carvalho, AP, Ouahid, Y, Del Campo, F, Vasconcelos, V, Oudra, B. 2010.
Effects of the microcystin profile of a bloom on the toxicity and toxin accumulation in common
carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) larvae. Journal of Fish Biology 76:1415-1430. IF=1.330.
93. El Ghazali, I, Saqrane, S, Carvalho, AP, Ouahid, Y, del Campo, FF, Oudra, B, Vasconcelos, V. 2010.
Effect of different microcystin profiles on the toxins bioaccumulation in common carp (Cyprinus
carpio) larvae via Artemia nauplii. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73:762-770. IF=2.340.
94. Enes, P, Peres, H, Couto, A, Oliva-Teles, A 2010. Growth performance and metabolic utilization of
diets including starch, dextrin, maltose or glucose as carbohydrate source by gilthead sea bream
(Sparus aurata) juveniles. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 903-910. IF=1.607.
95. Enes, P, Sanchez-Gurmaches, J, Navarro, I, Gutiérrez, J, Oliva-Teles, A. 2010. Role of insulin and
IGF-I on the regulation of glucose metabolism in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fed
with different dietary carbohydrate levels. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 157A: 346353. IF=2.134.
96. Engrola, S, Dinis, MT, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Senegalese sole larvae growth and protein utilization
is depressed when co-fed high levels of inert diet and Artemia since first feeding. Aquaculture
Nutrition 16: 457-465. IF=1.393.
Evaluation Report 2010
97. Erzini, K, Gonçalves, JMS, Bentes, L, Lino, PG, Ribeiro, J, Moutopoulos, DK, Stergiou, KI. 2010.
Competition between static gears of the small-scale fisheries in Algarve waters (southern
Portugal). Mediterranean Marine Science 11(2): 225-243. IF=0.568.
98. Fathalli, A, Jenhani, A, Saker, M, Moreira, C, Romdhane, MS, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. First
observation of the toxic and invasive cyanobacterium species Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in
Tunisian freshwaters. Toxicity assessment and molecular characterization. Fresenius
Environmental Bulletin 19: 1074-1083. IF=0.716.
99. Fazenda, C, Simões, B, Kelsh, RN, Cancela, ML, Conceição, N. 2010. Dual transcriptional
regulation by runx2 of matrix Gla protein in Xenopus laevis. Gene 450(1-2): 94-102. IF=2.266.
100. Fernandes, MJ, Lázaro, C, Nunes, AL, Pires, N, Bastos, L, Mendes, VB. 2010. GNSS-derived Path
Delay: an approach to compute the wet tropospheric correction for coastal altimetry. IEEE
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 7(3): 596-600. IF=1.431.
101. Ferraresso, S, Milan, M, Pellizzari, C, Vitulo, N, Reinhardt, R, Canario, AVM, Patarnello, T,
Bargelloni, L. 2010. Development of an oligo DNA microarray for the European sea bass and its
application to expression profiling of jaw deformity. BMC Genomics 11: 354. IF=4.206.
102. Ferreira, F, Santos, MM, Reis-Henriques, MA, Vieira, NM, Monteiro, NM. 2010. Sexing blennies
using genital papilla morphology or anogenital distance. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 1432-1438.
103. Ferreira, M, Caetano, M, Antunes, P, Costa, J, Gil, O, Bandarra, N, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Vale, C,
Reis-Henriques, MA. 2010. Assessment of contaminants and biomarkers of exposure in wild and
farmed seabass. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73: 579-588. IF=2.340.
104. Figueiredo-Silva, AC, Corraze, G, Borges, P, Valente, LMP. 2010. Dietary protein/lipid level and
protein source effects on growth, tissue composition and lipid metabolism of Blackspot
seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo). Aquaculture Nutrition 16: 173-187. IF=1.393.
105. Figueiredo-Silva, AC, Corraze, G, Kaushik, S, Peleteiro, JB, Valente, LMP. 2010. Modulation of
blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) intermediary metabolic pathways by dispensable
amino acids. Amino Acids 39: 1401-1416. IF=4.106.
106. Figueiredo-Silva, AC, Corraze, G, Valente, LMP. 2010. The growth and nutrient utilisation of
blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) under different feeding regimes. Fish Physiology and
Biochemistry 36: 1113-1124. IF=1.607.
107. Fletcher, WJ, Sanchez-Goni, MF, Allen, JRM, Cheddadi, R, Combourieu-Nebout, N, Huntley, B,
Lawson, I, Londeix, L, Magri, D, Margari, V, Mueller, UC, Naughton, F, Novenko, E, Roucoux, K,
Tzedakis, PC. 2010. Millennial-scale variability during the last glacial in vegetation records from
Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews 29: 2839-2864. IF=4.657.
108. Flores, J-A, Colmenero-Hidalgo, E, Mejia-Molina, AE, Baumann, K-H, Henderiks, J, Larsson, K,
Prabhu, CN, Sierro, FJ, Rodrigues, T. 2010. Distribution of large Emiliania huxleyi specimens in the
Central and Northeast Atlantic during the last 25,000 years and its utility to monitor the onset of
warm conditions. Marine Micropaleontology 76: 53-66. IF=2.321.
109. Fonseca, VG, Carvalho, GR, Sung, W, Johnson, HF, Power, DM, Neill, SP, Packer, M, Blaxter, ML,
Lambshead, PJD, Thomas, WK, Creer, S. 2010. Second-generation environmental sequencing
unmasks marine metazoan biodiversity. Nature Communications 1: 98.
Evaluation Report 2010
110. Francisco, C, Almeida, A, Castro, A, Santos, MJ. 2010. Development of a PCR-RFLP marker to
genetically distinguish Prosorhynchus crucibulum and Prosorhynchus aculeatus. Parasitology
International 59: 40-34. IF=2.259.
111. Francisco, C, Hermida, M, Santos, MJ. 2010. Parasites and Symbionts from Mytilus
galloprovincialis (Lamark, 1819) (Bivalves: Mytilidae) of the Aveiro Estuary Portugal. Journal of
Parasitology 96(1): 200-205. IF=1.208.
112. Frasco, MF, Erzen, I, Stojan, J, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Localization and properties of
cholinesterases in the common prawn (Palaemon serratus): a kinetic-histochemical study.
Biological Bulletin 218: 1-5. IF=2.475.
113. Frazão, B, Martins, R, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Are know toxins involved in the toxicity of
picoplanktonic and filamentous North Atlantic marine cyanobacteria?. Marine Drugs 8: 19081919. IF=3.471.
114. Freedman, H, Martel, P, Cruzeiro, L. 2010. Mixed quantum-classical dynamics of an amide I
vibrational excitation in a protein α-helix. Physical Review B 82: 174308. IF=3.774.
115. Freitas, V, Campos, J, Skreslet, S, Van der Veer, HW. 2010. Habitat quality of a subarctic nursery
ground for 0-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.). Journal of Sea Research 64: 26-33. IF=2.444.
116. Freitas, V, Cardoso, JFMF, Lika, K, Peck, MA, Campos, J, Kooijman, SALM, Van der Veer, HW.
2010. Temperature tolerance and energetics: a dynamic energy budget-based comparison of
North Atlantic marine species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365: 3553-3565.
117. Frija, LMT, Ismael, A, Cristiano, MLS. 2010. Photochemical transformations of tetrazole
derivatives: applications in organic synthesis. Molecules 15(5): 3757-3774. IF=1.988.
118. Fu, C, Wilson, JM, Rombough, P, Brauner, CJ. 2010. Ions first: Naþ uptake shifts from the skin to
the gills before O2 uptake in developing rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Proceedings of the
Royal Society B 277: 1553-1560. IF=5.064.
119. Fuentes, J, Brinca, L, Guerreiro, PM, Power, DM. 2010. PRL and GH synthesis and release from
the sea bream (Sparus auratus L.) pituitary gland in vitro in response to osmotic challenge.
General and Comparative Endocrinology 168(1): 95-102. IF=3.108.
120. Fuentes, J, Power, DM, Canario, AV. 2010. Parathyroid hormone-related protein-stanniocalcin
antagonism in regulation of bicarbonate secretion and calcium precipitation in a marine fish
intestine. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
299(1): R150-158. IF=3.284.
121. Gabriel, D, Parente, MI, Neto, AI, Raposo, M, Schils, T, Fredericq, S. 2010. Phylogenetic appraisal
of the genus Platoma (Nemastomatales, Rhodophyta), including life history and morphological
observations on P. cyclocolpum from the Azores. Phycologia 49 (1): 2-21. IF=2.080.
122. Gibbons, P, Verissimo, E, Araujo, NC, Barton, V, Nixon, GL, Amewu, RK, Chadwick, J, Stocks, PA,
Biagini, GA, Srivastava, A, Rosenthal, PJ, Gut, J, Guedes, RC, Moreira, R, Sharma, R, Berry, N,
Cristiano, MLS, Shone, AE, Ward, SA, O’Neill, PM. 2010. Endoperoxide carbonyl falcipain 2/3
inhibitor hybrids; towards combination chemotherapy of malaria through a single chemical
entity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 53: 8202-8206. IF=5.207.
Evaluation Report 2010
123. Gil, IM, Keigwin, LD, Abrantes, FG. 2010. Comparison of diatom records of the Heinrich event 1 in
the Western North Atlantic. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 9: 012008.
124. Gomes, NCM, Flocco, CG, Costa, R, Junca, H, Vilchez, R, et al. 2010. Mangrove microniches
determine the structural and functional diversity of enriched petroleum hydrocarbon-degrading
consortia. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 74: 276-290. IF=3.456.
125. Gómez-Requeni, P, Conceição, LEC, Olderbakk Jordal, A, Rønnestad, I. 2010. A reference growth
curve for nutritional experiments in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and changes in whole body proteome
during development. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1199-1215. IF=1.607.
126. Goncalves, D, Saraiva, J, Teles, M, Teodosio, R, Canario, AVM, Oliveira, RF. 2010. Brain aromatase
mRNA expression in two populations of the peacock blenny Salaria pavo with divergent mating
systems. Hormones and Behavior 57(2): 155-161. IF=3.991.
127. Gonçalves, JFM, Turini, BGS, Ozório, ROA. 2010. The effects of stocking densities on performance
of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) fed diets with L-carnitine supplementation. Scientia Agricola
67(2): 151-157. IF=0.816.
128. González-Díaz, H, Dea-Ayuela, MA, Pérez-Montoto, LG, Prado-Prado, FJ, Agüero-Chapín, G, BolasFernández, F, Vazquez-Padrón, RI, Ubeira, FM. 2010. QSAR for RNases and theoreticexperimental study of molecular diversity on peptide mass fingerprints of a new Leishmania
infantum protein. Molecular Diversity 14: 349-369. IF=3.721.
129. González-Wangüemert, M, Cánovas, F, Pérez-Ruzafa, A, Marcos, C, Alexandrino, P. 2010.
Connectivity patterns inferred from the genetic structure of white seabream (Diplodus sargus L.).
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 383: 23-31. IF=1.910.
130. Granja, H, Rocha, F, Matias, M, Moura, R, Caldas, F, Marques, J, Tareco, H. 2010. Lagoa da Apúlia:
a residual lagoon from Late Holocene (NW coastal zone of Portugal). Quaternary International
221: 46-57. IF=1.768.
131. Gravato, C, Guimarães, L, Santos, J, Faria, M, Alves, A, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Comparative study
about the effects of pollution on glass and yellow eels (Anguilla anguilla) from the estuaries of
Minho, Lima and Douro Rivers (NW Portugal). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73: 524533. IF=2.340.
132. Groisillier, A, Herve, C, Jeudy, A, Rebuffet, E, Pluchon, PF, Chevolot, Y, Flament, D, Geslin, C,
Morgado, IM, Power, DM, Branno, M, Moreau, H, Michel, G, Boyen, C, Czjzek, M. 2010. MARINEEXPRESS: taking advantage of high throughput cloning and expression strategies for the postgenomic analysis of marine organisms. Microbial Cell Factories 9: 45. IF=4.544.
133. Guedes, AC, Meireles, LA, Amaro, HM, Malcata, FX. 2010. Changes in lipid class and fatty acid
composition of cultures of Pavlova lutheri, in response to light intensity. Journal of the American
Oil Chemists Society 87(7): 791-801. IF=1.587.
134. Guerreiro, PM, Canario, AVM, Power, DM, Renfro, JL. 2010. Piscine PTHrP regulation of calcium
and phosphate transport in winter flounder renal proximal tubule primary cultures. American
Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 299: R603-R611.
Evaluation Report 2010
135. Guilhermino, L, Guimarães, L. 2010. Are complex approaches a real advantage in the assessment
of ecotoxicological effects in real scenarios? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 157:
S19-S20. IF=2.134.
136. Guimarães, L, Gravato, C, Santos, J, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Impact of pollution on the
development of glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) entering three NW Portuguese estuaries.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A - Molecular and Integrative Physiology 157: S25.
137. Herfindal, L, Jokela, J, Myhren, L, Permi, P, Selheim, F, Wahlsten, M, Kleppe, R, Krakstad, C,
Vasconcelos, V, Sivonen, K, Døskeland, SO. 2010. A novel nostocyclopeptide inhibits microcystin
and nodularin induced apoptosis in hepatocytes. CHEMBIOCHEM 11: 1594-1599. IF=3.945.
138. Hermelink, B, Urbatzka, R, Wiegand, C, Pflugmacher, S, Lutz, I, Kloas, W. 2010. Aqueous leaf
extracts display endocrine activities in vitro and disrupt sexual differentiation of male Xenopus
laevis tadpoles in vivo. General and Comparative Endocrinology 168: 245-255. IF=3.108.
139. Hernández-Garcia, A, Romero, D, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Garcia-Fernández, AJ. 2010. Effects
on enzymatic antioxidant system of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) erythrocytes exposed in vitro
to lead and cadmium. Toxicology Letters 196: 128-129. IF=3.581.
140. Hernández-Garcia, A, Romero, D, Tagliati, CA, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Garcia-Fernández, AJ.
2010. Glutathione S-transferase activity, glutathione and lipid peroxidation levels in mallard
(Anas platyrhynchos) erythrocytes exposed to lead and cadmium in vitro. Toxicology Letters 196:
128. IF=3.581.
141. Honrado, J, Vicente, J, Lomba, A, Alves, P, Macedo, JA, Henriques, R, Granja, H, Caldas, FB. 2010.
Fine-scale patterns of vegetation assembly in the monitoring of changes in coastal sand-dune
landscapes. Web Ecology 10: 1-14.
142. Hormiga, JA, Almansa, E, Sykes, AV, Torres, N. 2010. Model based optimization of feeding
regimens in aquaculture: Application to the improvement of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae viability
in captivity. Journal of Biotechnology 149: 209-214. IF=2.970.
143. Huertas, M, Hagey, L, Hofmann, AF, Cerda, J, Canario, AVM, Hubbard, PC. 2010. Olfactory
sensitivity to bile fluid and bile salts in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), goldfish (Carassius
auratus) and Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) suggests a 'broad range' sensitivity
not confined to those produced by conspecifics alone. Journal of Experimental Biology 213(2):
308-317. IF=3.040.
144. Ibarz, A, Costa, R, Harrison, AP, Power, DM. 2010. Dietary keto-acid feed-back on pituitary
activity in gilthead sea bream: Effects of oral doses of AKG. A proteomic approach. General and
Comparative Endocrinology 169(3): 284-292. IF=3.108.
145. Iglesias, T, Lobon-Cervia, J, Dias, SC, Antunes, C. 2010. Variation of life traits of glass eels of
Anguilla anguilla (L.) during the colonization of Rios Naln and Minho estuaries (northwestern
Iberian Peninsula). Hydrobiologia 651(1): 213-223. IF=1.964.
146. Incera, M, Bertocci, I, Benedetti-Cecchi, L. 2010. Effects of mean intensity and temporal
variability of disturbance on the invasion of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Caulerpales) in
rock pools. Biological Invasions 12: 501-514. IF=3.474.
147. Ismael, A, Cristiano, MLS, Fausto, R, Gomez-Zavaglia, A. 2010. Tautomer selective
Evaluation Report 2010
photochemistry of 1-(tetrazol-5-yl)ethanol. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114: 13076-13085.
148. Johnstone, RAW, Loureiro, RMS, Cristiano, MLS, Labat, G. 2010. Bond Energy/Bond Order
relationships for N-O linkages and a quantitative measure of ionicity: the role of nitro groups in
hydrogen bonding. ARKIVOC 2010(v): 142-169. IF=1.096.
149. King, MA, Altamimi, Z, Boehm, J, Bos, M, Dach, R, Elosegui, P, Fund, F, Hernandez-Pajares, M,
Lavallee, D, Cerveira, PJM, Penna, N, Riva, REM, Steigenberger, P, van Dam, T, Vittuari, L,
Williams, S, Willis, P. 2010. Improved constraints on models of glacial isostatic adjustment: A
review of the contribution of ground-based geodetic observations. Surveys in Geophysics 31(5):
465-507. IF=3.590.
150. Kjellström, E, Brandefelt, J, Naeslund, JO, Smith, B, Strandberg, G, Voelker, AHL, Wohlfarth, B.
2010. Simulated climate conditions in Europe during the Marine Isotope Stage 3 stadial. BOREAS
39: 436-456. IF=3.052.
151. Konar, B, Iken, K, Cruz-Motta, JJ, Benedetti-Cecchi, L, Knowlton, A, Pohle, G, Miloslavich, P,
Edwards, M, Trott, T, Kimani, E, Riosmena-Rodriguez, R, Wong, M, Jenkins, S, Mead, A, Silva, A,
Sousa Pinto, I, Shirayama, Y. 2010. Global patterns of macroalgal diversity and biomass in rocky
nearshore environments. Plos One 5: 13195. IF=4.411.
152. Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J, Coimbra, J. 2010. Short term high hydrostatic pressure effect on selected
biomarkers in silver eel (Anguilla anguilla). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
391: 118-124. IF=1.910.
153. Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J, Coimbra, J. 2010. The effect of elevated hydrostatic pressure upon selected
biomarkers in juvenile blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo in a 14 day-long experiment. Brief
communication. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 279-284. IF=1.330.
154. Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J. 2010. Effect of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on Na /K ATPase in juvenile gilthead seabream Sparus aurata. Short communication. Journal of Fish
Biology 76(3): 716-722. IF=1.330.
155. Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J. 2010. In vitro effects of pesticides and metals on the activity of
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from different tissues of the blue mussel, Mytilus trossulus L. Journal
of Environmental Science and Health B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes
45(1): 46-52. IF=1.119.
156. Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J. 2010. The effect of pesticides and metals on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in
various tissues of blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus L.) in short-term in vivo exposures at different
temperatures. Journal of Environmental Science and Health B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants,
and Agricultural Wastes 45(4): 336-346. IF=1.119.
157. Korn, M, Green, AJ, Machado, M, García-de-Lomas, J, Cristo, M, Cancela da Fonseca, L, Frisch, D,
Pérez-Bote, JL, Hundsdoerfer, AK. 2010. Phylogeny, molecular ecology and taxonomy of southern
Iberian lineages of Triops mauritanicus (Crustacea: Notostraca). Organisms Diversity & Evolution
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158. Kuhl, H, Beck, A, Wozniak, G, Canario, AVM, Volckaert, FAM, Reinhardt, R. 2010. The European
sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax genome puzzle: comparative BAC-mapping and low coverage
shotgun sequencing. BMC Genomics 11: 68. IF=4.206.
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159. Kumar, A, Ergas, S, Yuan, X, Sahu, A, Zhang, QO, Dewulf, J, Malcata, FX, van Langenhove, H. 2010.
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160. Lago-Leston, A, Mota, C, Kautsky, L, Pearson, GA. 2010. Functional divergence in heat shock
response following rapid speciation of Fucus spp. in the Baltic Sea. Marine Biology 157: 683-688.
161. Leão, PN, Pereira, AR, Liu, W-T, König, GM, Dorrestein, PC, Vasconcelos, VM, Gerwick, WH. 2010.
Synergistic allelochemicals from a freshwater cyanobacterium. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107: 11183-11188. IF=9.771.
162. Leitão, A, Carvalho, S, Ben-Hamadou, R, Gaspar, MB. 2010. Cytogenetics of Hediste diversicolor
(Annelida: Polychaeta) and comparative karyological analysis within Nereididae. Aquatic Biology
10: 193-200. IF=1.611.
163. Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Oliveira, E, Alves, A, Coelho, R, Calado, G. 2010. Light and electron microscopic
study of the anterior oesophagus of Bulla striata (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia). Acta Zoologica
91:125-138. IF=1.130.
164. Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Oliveira, E, Ferreira, I, Coelho, R, Calado, G. 2010. Histochemical and
ultrastructural characterization of the posterior esophagus of Bulla striata (Mollusca,
Opisthobranchia). Microscopy and Microanalysis 16: 688-698. IF=3.259.
165. Lopes, A, Lopes-Lima, M, Bobos, I, Ferreira, J, Gomes, S, Reis, R, Mano, J, Machado, J. 2010. The
effects of Anodonta cygnea biological fluids on biomineralization of chitosan membranes. Journal
of Membrane Science 364: 82-89. IF=3.673.
166. Lopes, C, Abrantes, F, Mix, AC. 2010. Environmental controls of diatoms species in North-east
Pacific sediments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297: 188-200. IF=2.390.
167. Lopes, V, Antunes, A, Martins, R, Welker, M, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Morphological, toxicological
and molecular characterization of a benthic Nodularia strain isolated from a Portuguese estuary.
Research in Microbiology 161: 9-17. IF=2.405.
168. Lopes, V, Fernandez, N, Martins, R, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. Primary screening for bioactivity of
brackishwater cyanobacteria: Ecotoxicity and embryotoxicity of crude extracts. Marine Drugs 8:
471-482. IF=3.471.
169. Lopes-Lima, M, Rocha, A, Goncalves, F, Andrade, J, Machado, J. 2010. Microstructural
characterization of inner shell layers in the freshwater bivalve Anodonta cygnea. Journal of
Shellfish Research 29: 969-973. IF=1.041.
170. Louro, B, Hadjipavlou, G, Hemani, G, Leach, R, Nadaf, J, Rowe, S, de Koning, DJ. 2009. Extensive
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Proceedings 4 (Suppl 1): S11.
171. Louro, B, Passos, ALS, Souche, E, Tsigenopoulos, C, Beck, A, Bonhomme, F, Cancela, L, Cerdà, J,
Clark, MS, Kotoulas, G, Lubzens, E, Planas, J, Volckaert, FAM, Reinhardt, R, Canario, AVM. 2010.
Gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) expressed
sequence tags: characterization, tissue specific expression and gene markers. Marine Genomics
3(3-4): 179-191. IF=0.841.
Evaluation Report 2010
172. Macedo, JA, Alves, P, Lomba, A, Vicente, J, Hespanhol, H, Henriques, R, Granja, H, Honrado, J.
2010. On the interest of plant functional classifications to study community-level effects of
increased disturbance on coastal dune vegetation. Acta Botanica Gallica 157 (2): 305-315.
173. Madeira, S, Gonçalves, JA, Bastos, L. 2010. Photogrammetric mapping and measuring application
using MATLAB. Computers & Geosciences 36(6): 699-706. IF=1.416.
174. Madureira, TV, Barreiro, JC, Rocha, MJ, Rocha, E, Cass, QB, Tiritan, ME. 2010. Spatio-temporal
distribution of pharmaceuticals in the Douro River estuary (Portugal): A study using liquid
chromatography ion trap mass spectrometry. Science of the Total Environment 408: 5513-5520.
175. Madureira, TV, Rocha, MJ, Cass, QB, Tiritan, ME. 2010. Development and optimization of a HPLCDAD method for the determination of diverse pharmaceuticals in estuarine surface waters.
Journal of Chromatographic Science 48: 176-182. IF=1.078.
176. Makridis, P, Libeiro, L, Rocha, R, Dinis MT. 2010. Influence of microalgae supernatant, and
bacteria isolated from microalgae cultures, on microbiology, and digestive capacity of larval
gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, and Senegalese Sole, Solea senegalensis. Journal of the World
Aquaculture Society 41: 780-790. IF=0.839.
177. Marçalo, A, Marques, TA, Araújo, J, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Erzini, K, Stratoudakis, Y. 2010. Fishing
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178. Marques, JF, Santos, MJ, Cabral, HN. 2010. Aggregation patterns of macroendoparasites in
phylogenetically related fish hosts. Parasitology 137(11): 1671-1680. IF=2.522.
179. Marques, JRF, da Fonseca, RR, Drury, B, Melo, A. 2010. Conformational characterization of
disulfide bonds: A tool for protein classification. Journal of Theoretical Biology 267: 388-395.
180. Marques, JRF, da Fonseca, RR, Drury, B, Melo, A. 2010. Amino acid patterns around disulfide
bonds. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11(11): 4673-4686. IF=2.279.
181. Marques-da-Silva, D, Samhan-Arias, AK, Tiago, T, Gutierrez-Merino, C. 2010. L-type calcium
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with lipid rafts microdomains of the neuronal plasma membrane. Journal of Proteomics 73:
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182. Martínez-López, E, Sousa, AR, María-Mojica, P, Gómez-Ramirez, P, Guilhermino, L, GarcíaFernández, AJ. 2010. Blood delta-ALAD, lead and cadmium concentrations in spur-thighed
tortoises (Testudo graeca) from Southeastern Spain and Northern Africa. Ecotoxicology 19: 670677. IF=3.051.
183. Martins da Costa, P, Bica, A, Vaz-Pires, P, Bernardo, F. 2010. Changes in antimicrobial resistance
among faecal enterococci isolated from growing broilers prophylactically medicated with three
commercial antimicrobials. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 93: 71-76. IF=2.070.
184. Martins, CIM, Eding, EH, Verdegem, MCJ, Heinsbroek, LTN, Schneider, O, Blancheton, JP,
d'Orbcastel, ER, Verreth, JAJ. 2010. New developments in recirculating aquaculture systems in
Evaluation Report 2010
Europe: A perspective on environmental sustainability. Aquacultural Engineering 43: 83-93.
185. Martins, GM, Thompson, RC, Neto, AI, Hawkins, SJ, Jenkins, SR. 2010. Enhancing stocks of the
exploited limpet Patella candei via modifications in coastal engineering. Biological Conservation
143: 203-211. IF=3.498.
186. Martins, GM, Thompson, RC, Neto, AI, Hawkins, SJ, Jenkins, SR. 2010. Exploitation of intertidal
grazers as a driver of community divergence. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 1282-1289. IF=4.970.
187. Martins, J, Peixe, L, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Cyanobacteria and Bacteria co-occurrence in a
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP): Absence of Allelopathic Effects. Water, Science and
Technology 62(8): 1954-1962. IF=1.056.
188. Martins, M, Faleiro, ML, Chaves, S, Tenreiro, R, Costa, MC. 2010. Effect of uranium (VI) on two
sulphate-reducing bacteria cultures from a uranium mine site. Science of the Total Environment
408: 2621-2628. IF=3.190.
189. Martins, M, Faleiro, ML, Chaves, S, Tenreiro, R, Santos, ES, Costa, MC. 2010. Anaerobic bioremoval of uranium (VI) and chromium (VI): Comparison of microbial community structure.
Journal of Hazardous Materials 176: 1065-1072. IF=3.723.
190. Martins, M, Faleiro, ML, Costa, AMR, Chaves, S, Tenreiro, R, Matos, AP, Costa, MC. 2010.
Mechanism of uranium (VI) removal by two anaerobic bacterial communities. Journal of
Hazardous Materials 184: 89-96. IF=3.723.
191. Martins, M, Santos, ES, Pires, C, Barros, RJ, Costa, MC. 2010. Production of irrigation water from
bioremediation of acid mine drainage: comparing the performance of two representative
systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 18: 248-253. IF=2.430.
192. Massari, A, Urbatzka, R, Cevasco, A, Canesi, L, Lanza, C, Scarabelli, L, Kloas, W, Mandich, A. 2010.
Aromatase mRNA expression in the brain of adult Xenopus laevis exposed to Lambro river water
and endocrine disrupting compounds. General and Comparative Endocrinology 168: 262-268.
193. Massault, C, Hellemans, B, Louro, B, Batargias, C, Van Houdt, JKJ, Canario, AVM, Volckaert, FAM,
Bovenhuis, H, Haley, C, de Koning, DJ. 2010. QTL for body weight, morphometric traits and stress
response in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. Animal Genetics 41(4): 337-345. IF=2.203.
194. Mata, L, Schuenhoff, A, Santos R. 2010. A direct comparison of two seaweed biofilters:
Asparagopsis armata and Ulva rigida. Journal of Applied Phycology 22: 639-644. IF=1.792.
195. Matos, E, Gonçalves, A, Nunes, ML, Dinis, MT, Dias, J. 2010. Effect of harvesting stress and
slaughter conditions on selected flesh quality criteria of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata).
Aquaculture 305: 66-72. IF=2.044.
196. McCarthya, AL, Heppella, S, Royerb, F, Freitas, C, Dellinger, D. 2010. Identification of likely
foraging habitat of pelagic loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the North Atlantic through
analysis of telemetry track sinuosity. Progress in Oceanography 86: 224-231. IF=3.269.
197. McGuire, A, Aluru, N, Takemura, A, Weil, R, Wilson, JM, Vijayan, MM. 2010. Osmotic shock
adaptation by cortisol involves the suppression of gill metabolic capacity in Mozambique Tilapia.
General and Comparative Endocrinology 165: 321-329. IF=3.108.
Evaluation Report 2010
198. Medeiros, PR, Grempel, RG, Souza, AT, Ilarri, MI, Rosa, RS. 2010. Non-random reef use by fishes
at two dominant zones in a tropical, algal-dominated coastal reef. Environmental Biology of
Fishes 87(3): 237-246. IF=0.792.
199. Medeiros, PR, Souza, AT, Ilarri, MI. 2010. Habitat use and behavioural ecology of the juveniles of
two sympatric damselfishes (Actinopterygii: Pomacentridae) in the south-western Atlantic
Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology 77(7): 1599-1615. IF=1.330.
200. Mendonca, VM, Al Saady, S, Al Kiyumi, A, Erzini, K. 2010. Interactions between green turtles
(Chelonia mydas) and foxes (Vulpes vulpes arabica, V. rueppellii sabaea, and V. cana) on turtle
nesting grounds in the Northwestern Indian Ocean: Impacts of the fox community on the
behavior of nesting sea turtles at the Ras Al Hadd Turtle Reserve, Oman. Zoological Studies 49:
437-452. IF=1.046.
201. Menezes, S, Soares, AMVM, Guilhermino, L, Peck, MR. 2010. Can the activities of
acetylcholinesterase and glutathione S-transferases of Crangon crangon (L.) be used as
biomarkers of fuel oil exposure? Water, Air and Soil Pollution 208: 317-322. IF=1.765.
202. Mesquita, SR, Guilhermino, L, Guimarães, L. 2010. Assessing the effects of the selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine on Carcinus maenas using locomotor behaviour and biomarkers as
effect criteria. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 157: S23. IF=2.134.
203. Milanin, T, Eiras, JC, Arana, S, Maia, AAM, Alves, AL, Silva, MRM, Carriero, MM, Ceccarelli, PS,
Adriano, EA. 2010. Phylogeny, ultrastructure, histopathology and prevalence of Myxobolus
oliveirai n. sp., a parasite of Brycon hilarii (Characidae) in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil. Memórias
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 105: 762-769. IF=2.058.
204. Mil-Homens, M, Costa, A, Lebreiro, S, Canário, J, Lopes, C, Mouro, F, Mateus, M, Stigter, H,
Richter, T, Branco, V, Trancoso, M, Melo, Z, Boer, W. 2010. Temporal clustering of metals in a
short sediment core of the Cascais Canyon (Portuguese Margin). Scientia Marina 74(S1): 89-98.
205. Monteiro, P, Bentes, L, Coelho, R, Correia, C, Erzini, K, Lino, PG, Ribeiro, J, Gonçalves, JMS. 2010.
Age and growth, mortality and reproduction of the striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus
Linnaeus 1758, from the south coast of Portugal (Algarve). Marine Biology Research 6: 53-65.
206. Morais, P, Babaluk, J, Correia, AT, Chícharo, MA, Campbell, JL, Chícharo, L. 2010. Diversity of
anchovy migration patterns in an European temperate estuary and in its adjacent coastal area:
Implications for fishery management. Journal of Sea Research 64: 295-303. IF=2.444.
207. Moreira, J, Veiga, P, Rubal, M. 2010. First record of Pisione guanche (Polychaeta: Pisionidae) at
the Azores Archipielago. Marine Biodiversity Records 3: 1-6.
208. Moreira, SM, Moreira-Santos, M, Rendón-von Osten, J, da silva, EM, Ribeiro, R, Guilhermino, L,
Soares, AM. 2010. Ecotoxicological tools for the tropics: Sublethal assays with fish to evaluate
edge-of-field pesticide runoff toxicity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73: 893-899.
209. Moreira-Silva, J, Tsui, TKN, Coimbra, J, Vijayan, MM, Ip, YK, Wilson, JM. 2010. Branchial ammonia
excretion in the Asian weatherloach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology C – Toxicology & Pharmacology 151(1): 40-50. IF=2.325.
Evaluation Report 2010
210. Mota, A, Guedes, F, Areias, J, Pinho, L, Cardoso, MF. 2010. Alcohol consumption among patients
with hepatitis B infection in northern Portugal considering gender and hepatitis B virus genotype
differences. Alcohol 44(2): 149-156. IF=2.423.
211. Mourato, BL, Coelho, R, Amorim, AF, Carvalho, F, Hazin, FHV, Burgess, G. 2010. Size at maturity
and length-weight relationships of the blurred lantern shark Etmopterus bigelowi (Squaliformes:
Etmopteridae), caught off southeastern Brazil. Ciencias Marinas 36: 323-331. IF=0.618.
212. Mucha, AP, Almeida, CMR, Bordalo, A, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. LMWOA (low molecular weight
organic acid) exudation by salt marsh plants: Natural variation and response to Cu
contamination. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88: 63-70. IF=1.887.
213. Neiva, J, Pearson, GA, Valero, M, Serrao, EA. 2010. Surfing the wave on a borrowed board: range
expansion and spread of introgressed organellar genomes in the seaweed Fucus ceranoides L.
Molecular Ecology 19: 4812-4822. IF=6.457.
214. Nicastro, KR, Zardi, GI, McQuaid, CD, Stephens, L, Radloff, S, Blatch, GL. 2010. The role of gaping
behaviour in habitat partitioning between coexisting intertidal mussels. BMC Ecology 10: 17.
215. Nicastro, KR, Zardi, GI, McQuaid, CD. 2010. Differential reproductive investment, attachment
strength and mortality of invasive and indigenous mussels across heterogeneous environments.
Biological Invasions 12: 2165-2177. IF=3.474.
216. Nogueira, I, Lobo da Cunha, AL, Afonso, A, Rivera, S, Azevedo, J, Monteiro, R, Cervantes, R, GagoMartinez, A, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Toxic effects of domoic acid in the sea bream Sparus aurata.
Marine Drugs 8: 2721-2732. IF=3.471.
217. Nogueira, N, Cordeiro, N, Canada, P, Cruz e Silva, P, Ozorio, ROA. 2010. Separate and combined
effects of cyclic fasting and l-carnitine supplementation in red porgy (Pagrus pagrus, L. 1978).
Aquaculture Research 41(11): e795-e806. IF=1.186.
218. Oliva, M, de Canales, MLG, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Perales, JA. 2010. Biochemical effects and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in senegal sole (Solea senegalensis) from a Huelva
estuary (SW Spain). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73: 1842-1851. IF=2.340.
219. Oliveira, M, Vieira, LR, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Acute effects of pyrene on the common
goby Pomatoschistus microps (Teleostei, Gobiidae). Toxicology Letters 196: 127-128. IF=3.581.
220. Ozório, ROA, Turini, BGS, Moro, G, Oliveira, LST, Portz, L, Cyrino, JEP. 2010. Growth, nitrogen gain
and indispensable amino acid retention of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Holmberg 1887) fed
different brewers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) levels. Aquaculture Nutrition 16: 276-283.
221. Ozorio, ROA, Van Ginneken, VJT, Bessa, RJB, Verstegen, MWA, Verreth, JAJ, Huisman, EA. 2010.
Effects of exercise on L-carnitine and lipid metabolism in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed
different dietary L-carnitine and lipid levels. British Journal of Nutrition 103: 1139-1150. IF=3.072.
222. Parente, MI, Fletcher, RL, Neto, AI, Tittley, I, Sousa, AF, Draisma, S, Gabriel, D. 2010. Life history
and morphological studies of Punctaria tenuissima (Chordariaceae, Phaeophyceae), a new record
for the Azores. Botanica Marina 53 (3): 223-231. IF=1.623.
Evaluation Report 2010
223. Pereira, AM, Robalo, JI, Freyhof, J, Maia, C, Fonseca, JP, Valente, A, Almada, VC. 2010.
Phylogeographical analysis reveals multiple conservation units in brook lampreys Lampetra
planeri of Portuguese streams. Journal of Fish Biology 77(2): 361-371. IF=1.330.
224. Pearson, GA, Hoarau, G, Lago-Leston, A, Coyer, JA, Kube, M, Henckel, K, Serrão, EA, Corre, E,
Stam, WT, Olsen, JL. 2010. An expressed sequence Tag (EST) analysis of the intertidal brown
seaweeds Fucus serratus (L.) and F. vesiculosus (L.) (Heterokontophyta, Phaeophyceae) in
response to abiotic stressors. Marine Biotechnology 12: 195-213. IF=2.962.
225. Pereira, MJ, Palming, J, Svensson, MK, Aureliano, M Eriksson, J. 2010. Immunosuppresive agents
alter insulin signalling and glucose and lipid metabolism in human subcutaneous adipocytes.
Diabetologia 53: 710. IF=6.973.
226. Pérez-Cerezales, S, Martínez-Páramo, S, Beirão, J, Herráez, MP. 2010. Evaluation of DNA damage
as a quality marker for rainbow trout sperm cryopreservation and use of LDL as cryoprotectant.
Theriogenology 74: 282-289. IF=2.045.
227. Pérez-Cerezales, S, Martínez-Páramo, S, Beirão, J, Herráez, MP. 2010. Fertilization capacity with
rainbow trout DNA damaged sperm and embryo developmental success. Reproduction 139: 1-10.
228. Pinheiro, PLC, Cardoso, JCR, Gomes, AS, Fuentes, J, Power, DM, Canário, AVM. 2010. Gene
structure, transcripts and calciotropic effects of the PTH family of peptides in Xenopus and
chicken. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 373. IF=3.702.
229. Pinto, L, Radhouani, L, Coelho, C, Martins da Costa, P, Simões, R, Brandão, RML, Torres, C, Igrejas,
G and Poeta, P. 2010. Genetic detection of extended-spectrum {beta}-lactamases Escherichia coli
in birds of prey from Serra da Estrela Natural Reserve of Portugal. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 76(12): 4118-20. IF=3.778.
230. Pinto, PI, Matsumura, H, Thorne, MA, Power, DM, Terauchi, R, Reinhardt, R, Canario, AVM. 2010.
Gill transcriptome response to changes in environmental calcium in the green spotted puffer fish.
BMC Genomics 11: 476. IF=4.206.
231. Pinto, W, Figueira, L, Ribeiro, L, Yúfera, M, Dinis, MT, Aragão, C. 2010. Dietary taurine
supplementation enhances metamorphosis and growth potential of Solea senegalensis larvae.
Aquaculture 309: 159-164. IF=2.044.
232. Pinto, W, Rodrigues, V, Dinis, MT, Aragão, C. 2010. Can dietary aromatic amino acid
supplementation be beneficial during fish metamorphosis? Aquaculture 310: 200-205. IF=2.044.
233. Poinar, G, Duarte, D, Santos, MJ. 2010. Halomonhystera parasitica n. sp. (Nematoda:
Monhysteridae), a parasite of Talorchestia brito (Crustacea: Talitridae) in Portugal. Systematic
Parasitology 75: 53-58. IF=1.056.
234. Power, DM, Fuentes, J, Harrison, AP. 2010. A non-invasive monitoring device for anesthetics in
fish. Open Access Animal Physiology 2: 1-7.
235. Queiroz, CA, Kijjoa, A, David, JM, David, JP. Flavonoids and benzoic acid derivatives from Dioclea
virgata. Planta Medica 76: 1284. IF=2.369.
Evaluation Report 2010
236. Rafael, MS, Marques, CL, Parameswaran, V, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Fish bone-derived cell
lines: an alternative in vitro cell system to study bone biology. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26:
230-234. IF=0.945.
237. Ramos, S, Moura, JJG, Aureliano, M. 2010. Actin as a potential target for decavanadate. Journal
of Inorganic Biochemistry 104: 1234-1239. IF=3.317.
238. Ramos, S, Moura, JJG, Aureliano, M. Decavanadate effects in actin structure and function. FEBS
Journal 277: 190. IF=3.129.
239. Ramos, S, Ré, P, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Recruitment of flatfish species to an estuarine nursery
habitat (Lima estuary, NW Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Sea Research 64: 473-486. IF=2.444.
240. Ramos, V, Seabra, R, Brito, Â, Santos, A, Santos, CL, Lopo, M, Moradas-Ferreira, P, Vasconcelos, V,
Tamagnini, P. 2010. Characterization of a marine unicellular cyanobacterium that constitutes a
separate clade together with thermophilic strains. European Journal of Phycology 44: 394-403.
241. Ramos, V, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Palytoxin and analogues: biological and ecological effects.
Marine Drugs 8(7): 2021-2037. IF=3.471.
242. Redruello, B, Louro, B, Anjos, L, Silva, N, Greenwell, RS, Canario, AVM, Power, DM. 2010. CRTAC1
homolog proteins are conserved from cyanobacteria to man and secreted by the teleost fish
pituitary gland. Gene 456(1-2): 1-14. IF=2.266.
243. Resende, AD, Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Malhão, F, Franquinho, F, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E. 2010.
Histological and stereological characterization of brown trout (Salmo trutta) trunk kidney.
Microscopy and Microanalysis 16: 677-687. IF=3.259.
244. Rey, J, Coelho, R, Lloris, D, Séret, B, Gil de Sola, L. 2010. Distribution pattern of Galeus atlanticus
in the Alborán Sea (south western Mediterranean) and some sexual character comparison with
Galeus melastomus. Marine Biology Research 6: 364-372. IF=1.484.
245. Rocha, E, Rocha, MJ, Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Galante, MH, Monteiro, RAF. 2010. The hepatocytes of
the brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario): A stereological study of some cytoplasmic components
during the breeding cycle. Microscopy Research and Technique 73: 766-778. IF=1.721.
246. Rodrigues, T, Grimalt, JO, Abrantes, F, Naughton, F, Flores, J-A. 2010. The last glacial-interglacial
transition (LGIT) in the western mid-latitudes of the North Atlantic: Abrupt sea surface
temperature change and sea level implications. Quaternary Science Reviews 29: 1853-1862.
247. Rogerson, M, Colmenero-Hidalgo, E, Levine, RC, Rohling, EJ, Voelker, AHL, Bigg, GR, Schönfeld, J,
Cacho, I, Sierro, FJ, Loewemark, L, Reguera, MI, de Abreu, L, Garrick, K. 2010. Enhanced
Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange during Atlantic freshening phases. Geochemistry, Geophysics,
Geosystems 11(8): Q08013. IF=3.368.
248. Romano, L, Eiras, JC, Raibenberg, FC, Alvares, M, Saraiva, A, Cruz, C. 2010. A case of ceroid
deposition in the kidney of feral rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, in Alicura impoundment,
Argentina. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 30: 25-29. IF=0.414.
Evaluation Report 2010
249. Rosa, J, Tiago, DM, Dias, J, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Serum-related stimulation of the
proliferation and mineralization of seabream bone-derived cells. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
26: 245-250. IF=0.945.
250. Rosas-Alquicira, EF, Riosmena-Rodríguez, R, Neto, AI. 2010. The typification and status of
Amphiroa cryptarthrodia (Corallinales, Rhodophyta). Phycological Research 58: 248-257.
251. Salgueiro, E, Voelker, AHL, de Abreu, L, Abrantes, F, Meggers, H, Wefer, G. 2010. Temperature
and Productivity Changes off the Western Iberian Margin during the last 150 ky. Quaternary
Science Reviews 29: 680-695. IF=4.657.
252. Santos, MJ, Cavaleiro, F, Campos, P, Sousa, A, Teixeira, F, Martins, M. 2010. Impact of amoeba
and scuticociliatidia infections on the aquaculture European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) in
Portugal. Veterinary Parasitology 171: 15-21. IF=2.331.
253. Santos, MM, Solé, M, Lima, D, Hambach, B, Ferreira, AM, Reis-Henriques, MA. 2010. Validating a
multi-biomarker approach with the shanny Lipophrys pholis to monitor oil spills in European
marine ecosystems. Chemosphere 81: 685-691. IF=3.155.
254. Sarrico, CS, Rosa, MJ, Teixeira, PN, Cardoso, MF. 2010. Assessing quality and evaluating
performance in higher education: worlds apart or complementary views?. Minerva 48(1): 35-54.
255. Schander, C, Rapp, HT, Kongsrud, JA, Bakken, T, Berge, J, Cochrane, S, Oug, E, Byrkjedal, I, Todt, C,
Cedhagen, T, Fosshagen, A, Gebruk, A, Larsen, K, Levin, L, Obst, M, Pleijel, F, Stöhr, S, Warén, A,
Mikkelsen, NT, Hadler-Jacobsen, S, Keuning, R, Petersen, KH, Thorseth, IH, Pedersen, RB. 2010.
The fauna of hydrothermal vents on the Mohn Ridge (North Atlantic). Marine Biology Research
6(2): 155-171. IF=1.484.
256. Seixas, P, Otero, A, Valente, LMP, Dias, J, Rey-Méndez, M. 2010. Growth and fatty acid
composition of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae fed with enriched Artemia or co-fed with an inert
diet. Aquaculture International 18: 1121-1135. IF=0.880.
257. Seixas, P, Rey-Méndez, M, Valente, LMP, Otero, A. 2010. High DHA content in Artemia is
ineffective to improve Octopus vulgaris paralarvae rearing. Aquaculture 300: 156-162. IF=2.044.
258. Serra, IA, Innocenti, AM, Di Maida, G, Calvo, S, Migliaccio, M, Zambianchi, E, Pizzigalli, C, ArnaudHaond, S, Duarte, CM, Serrão, EA, Procaccini, G. 2010. Genetic structure in the Mediterranean
seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Disentangling past vicariance events from contemporary patterns of
gene flow. Molecular Ecology 19: 557-568. IF=6.457.
259. Shaw, AJ, Cox, CJ, Buck, WR, Devos, N, Buchanan, AM, Cave, L, Seppelt, R, Shaw, B, Larran, J,
Andrus, R, Greilhuber, J, Temsch, EM. 2010. Newly resolved relationships in an early land plant
lineage: Bryophyta class Sphagnopsida (peat mosses). American Journal of Botany 97: 1511-1531.
260. Shaw, AJ, Devos, N, Cox, CJ, Boles, SB, Shaw, B, Buchanan, AM, Cave, L, Seppelt, R. 2010.
Peatmoss (Sphagnum) diversification associated with Miocene Northern Hemisphere climatic
cooling?. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 1139-1145. IF=3.889.
261. Silva, JMG, Espe, M, Conceição, LEC, Dias, J, Costas, B, Valente, LMP. 2010. Feed intake and
growth of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858) fed diets with partial replacement of
fish meal with plant proteins. Aquaculture Research 41: e20-e30. IF=1.186.
Evaluation Report 2010
262. Silva K, Vieira, MN, Almada, VC, Monteiro, NM. 2010. Female reproductive tactics: Scanning for
male quality and number. Behavioral Ecology 20: 768-772. IF=2.926.
263. Silva, K, Vieira, MN, Almada, VC, Monteiro, NM. 2010. Reversing sex-role reversal competes only
when you must. Animal Behaviour 79(4): 885-893. IF=3.101.
264. Silva, P, Power, DM, Valente, LMP, Silva, N, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E. 2010. Expression of the
myosin light chains 1,2 and 3 in the muscle of blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo, during
development. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36: 1125-1132. IF=1.607.
265. Silva, P, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Allelopathic effect of water contaminated with Cylindrospermopsis
raciborskii on the germination and growth of several plant species. Chemistry and Ecology 26:
263-271. IF=0.776.
266. Silva, PIM, Martins, CIM, Engrola, S, Marino, G, Øverli, Ø, Conceicão, LEC. 2010. Individual
differences in cortisol levels and behaviour of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) juveniles:
evidences for coping styles. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 124: 75-81. IF=1.555.
267. Silva, TS, Cordeiro, O, Richard, N, Conceição, LEC, Rodrigues, PM. 2010. Changes in the soluble
bone proteome of reared white seabream (Diplodus sargus) with skeletal deformities.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D 6: 82-91. IF=1.800.
268. Simão, MF, Leite, RB, Rocha, C, Cancela, ML. 2010. Changes in bioturbation of iron
biogeochemistry and in molecular response of the clam Ruditapes decussates upon Perkinsus
olseni infection. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 59: 433-443. IF=1.930.
269. Simões, R, Poirel, L, Martins da Costa, P, Nordmann, P. 2010. Seagulls and beaches as a reservoir
for emerging extended spectrum beta-lactamase producers in Escherichia coli. Emerging
Infectious Diseases 16(1): 110-112. IF=6.859.
270. Sousa, JJ, Ruiz, AM, Hanssen, RF, Bastos, L, Gil, AJ, Galindo-Zaldívar, J. 2010. PS-InSAR processing
methodologies in the detection of field surface deformation – study of the Granada basin
(Central Betic Cordilleras, Southern Spain). Journal of Geodynamics 49: 181-189. IF=1.197.
271. Sousa, P, Froufe, E, Alves, PC, Harris, DJ. 2010. Genetic diversity within Scorpions of the genus
Buthus from the Iberian Peninsula: mitochondrial DNA sequence data indicate additional distinct
cryptic lineages. Journal of Arachnology 38(2): 206-211. IF=0.901.
272. Stoichev, T, Basto, MCP, Vasconcelos, V, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. Fate and effects of
nonylphenol in the presence of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Chemistry and
Ecology 26: 395-399. IF=0.776.
273. Swiderski, Z, Gibson, DI, Santos, MJ, Poddubnaya, LG. 2010. Ultrastructure of the intrauterine
eggs of Didymobothrium rudolphii (Monticelli, 1890) (Cestoda, Spathebothriidea, Acrobothriidae)
and its phylogenetic implications. Acta Parasitologica 55(3): 254-269. IF=1.144.
274. Teixeira, C, Magalhães, C, Boaventura, RAR, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Potential rates and
environmental controls of denitrification and nitrous oxide production in temperate urbanized
estuary. Marine Environmental Research 70: 336-342. IF=1.953.
275. Teixeira, S, Cambon-Bonavita, M, Serrao, EA, Desbruyeres, D, Arnaud-Haond, S. 2010. Recent
population expansion and connectivity in the hydrothermal shrimp Rimicaris exoculata along the
Mid Atlantic Ridge. Journal of Biogeography 38: 564-574. IF=4.273.
Evaluation Report 2010
276. Thomsen, MS, Wernberg, T, Altieri, A, Tuya, F, Gulbransen, D, McGlathery, K, Holmerk, M,
Silliman, BR. 2010. Facilitation cascades via habitat formation and modification. Integrative and
Comparative Biology 50:158-175. IF=2.626.
277. Thomsen, MS, Wernberg, T, Tuya, F, Silliman, BR. 2010. Ecological performance and possible
origin of a ubiquitous but under-studied gastropod. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 87: 501509. IF=1.887.
278. Tiago, T, Palma, PS, Gutierrez-Merino, C, Aureliano, M. 2010. Peroxynitrite-mediated oxidative
modifications of myosin and implications on structure and function. Free Radical Research 44:
1317-1327. IF=2.805.
279. Trubiroha, A, Kroupova, H, Wuertz, S, Frank, SN, Sures, B, Kloas, W. 2010. Naturally-induced
endocrine disruption by the parasite Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda) in roach (Rutilus rutilus).General
and Comparative Endocrinology 166: 234-240. IF=3.108.
280. Tuya, F, Larsen, K, Platt, V. 2010. Patterns of abundance and assemblage structure of epifauna
inhabiting two morphologically different kelp holdfasts. Hydrobiologia 658(1): 373-382. IF=1.964.
281. Tuya, F, Vanderklift, MA, Hyndes, GA, Wernberg, T, Thomsen, MS, Hanson, C. 2010. Proximity to
reefs affects the balance between positive and negative effects on seagrass fauna. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 405: 175-186. IF=2.483.
282. Urbatzka, R, Lorenz, C, Lutz, I, Kloas, W. 2010. Expression profiles of LH beta, FSH beta and their
gonadal receptor mRNAs during sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. General and
Comparative Endocrinology 168: 239-244. IF=3.108.
283. Valente, LMP, Olmedo, M, Álvarez-Blázquez, B, Borges, P, Soares, S, Gomes, EFS, Pazos, G,
Linares, F. 2010. Dietary protein and carbohydrate source on growth, body composition and
tissue lipid deposition of blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo (Brunnich). Animal Physiology
and Animal Nutrition 94: 212-219. IF=1.106.
284. van der Veer, HW, Freitas, V, Koot, J, White, JIJ, Zuur, AF. 2010. Food limitation in epibenthic
species in temperate intertidal systems in summer: analysis of 0-group plaice Pleuronectes
platessa. Marine Ecology Progress Series 416: 215-227. IF=2.483.
285. Van Elsas, JD, Semenov, A, Costa, R, Trevors, J. 2011. Survival of Escherichia coli in the
environment: fundamental and public health aspects. ISME Journal 5: 367. IF=6.153.
286. Vandepitte, L, Vanhoorne, B, Kraberg, A, Anisimova, N, Antoniadou, C, Araújo, R, Bartsch, I,
Beker, B, Benedetti-Cecchi, L, Bertocci, I, Cochrane, SJ, Cooper, KM, Craeymeersch, JA, Christou,
E, Crisp, DJ, Dahle, S, De Boissier, M, de Kluijver, M, Denisenko, S, De Vito, D, Duineveld, G,
Escaravage, V, Fleischer, D, Fraschetti, S, Giangrande, A, Heip, CHR, Hummel, H, Janas, U, Karez,
R, Kedra, M, Kingston, P, Kuhlenkamp, R, Libes, M, Martens, P, Mees, J, Mieszkowska, N, Mudrak,
S, Munda, I, Orfanidis, S, Orlando-Bonaca, M, Palerud, R, Rachor, E, Reichert, K, Rumohr, H,
Schiedek, D, Schubert, P, Sistermans, WCH, Pinto, IS, Southward, AJ, Terlizzi, A, Tsiaga, E, van
Beusekom, JEE. 2010. Data integration for European marine biodiversity research: creating a
database on benthos and plankton to study large-scale patterns and long-term changes.
Hydrobiologia 644: 1-13. IF=1.964.
287. Vasconcelos, R, Froufe, E, Brito, JC, Carranza, S, Harris, DJ. 2010. Phylogeography of
Amietophrynus regularis based on mitochondrial DNA sequences: inferences regarding the Cape
Verde population and biogeographical patterns. African Zoology 45(2): 291-298. IF=1.018.
Evaluation Report 2010
288. Vasconcelos, V, Azevedo, J, Silva, M, Ramos, V. 2010. Effects of marine toxins on the
reproduction and early stages development of aquatic organisms. Marine Drugs 8(1): 59-79.
289. Vasconcelos, VM, Vale, M, Martins, A, Antunes, A, Azevedo, J, Welker, M, Lopez, O, Montejano,
G. 2010. First report on the occurrence of microcystins in planktonic cyanobacteria from Central
Mexico analyzed by molecular, immunological and chemical methods. Toxicon 56: 425-431.
290. Veiga, P, Besteiro, C, Rubal, M. 2010. Meiofauna communities in exposed sandy beaches on the
Galician coast (NW Spain), six months after the Prestige oil spill: the role of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs). Scientia Marina 74: 385-394. IF=1.079.
291. Veiga, P, Besteiro, C, Rubal, M. 2010. The role of sediment type on the vertical distribution of
meiofauna at two Galician rias (NW Iberian Peninsula). Cahiers de Biologie Marine 51: 249-263.
292. Veiga, P, Ribeiro, J, Gonçalves, JMS, Erzini, K. 2010. Quantifying recreational shore angling catch
and harvest in the south of Portugal (Northeast Atlantic): implications for conservation and
integrated fisheries management. Journal of Fish Biology 76: 2216-2237. IF=1.330.
293. Vergara-Chen,C, González-Wangüemert, M, Marcos, C, Pérez-Ruzafa, A. 2010. Genetic diversity
and connectivity remain high in Holothuria polii (Delle Chiaje 1823) across a coastal lagoon-open
sea environmental gradient. Genetica 138: 895-906. IF=2.358.
294. Viegas, CS, Conceição, N, Fazenda, C, Simes, DC, Cancela, ML. 2010. Expression of Gla-rich protein
(GRP) in newly developed cartilage-derived cell cultures from sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii).
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26: 214-218. IF=0.945.
295. Vieira, V, Santos, R. 2010. Demographic mechanisms determining the dynamics of the relative
abundance of phases in biphasic life cycles. Journal of Phycology 46: 1128-1137. IF=2.239.
296. Villanueva, RD, Sousa, AMM, Goncalves, MP, Nilsson, M, Hilliou, L. 2010. Production and
properties of agar from the invasive marine alga, Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Gracilariales,
Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology 22(2): 211-220. IF=1.792.
297. Voelker, AHL, Rodrigues, T, Billups, K, Oppo, D, McManus, J, Stein, R, Hefter, J. Grimalt, JO. 2010.
Variations in mid-latitude North Atlantic surface water properties during the mid-Brunhes (MIS 914) and their implications for the thermohaline circulation. Climate of the Past 6(4): 531-552.
298. Wallenstein, FM, Peres, SD Xavier, ED, Neto, AI. 2010. Phytobenthic communities of intertidal
rock pools in the eastern islands of Azores and their relation to position on shore and pool
morphology. Arquipélago. Life and Marine Science 27: 9-20.
299. Wenning, RJ, Nunns Jr, WR, Stahl Jr, RG, Guilhermino, L, Menzie, C, Römbke, J, Helm, RC. 2010.
Global climate change and environmental contaminants: a SETAC call for research. Integrated
Environmental Assessment and Management 6(2): 197-198.
300. Wernberg, T, Thomsen, MS, Tuya, F, Kendrick, GA, Staehr, PA, Toohey, BD. 2010. Decreasing
resilience of kelp beds along a latitudinal temperature gradient: potential implications for a
warmer future. Ecology Letters 13: 685-694. IF=15.253.
Evaluation Report 2010
301. Wernberg, T, Tuya, F, Thomsen, MS, Kendrick, GA. 2010. Turban snails as habitat for foliose
algae: contrasting geographical patterns in species richness. Marine and Freshwater Research 61:
1237-1242. IF=1.572.
302. Xavier JC, Cherel Y, Assis CA, Sendão J, Borges, TC. 2010. The feeding ecology of Conger eels
(Conger conger) in the North-east Atlantic. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the
United Kingdom 90: 493-501. IF=0.933.
Anras, L, Boglione, C, Cataudella, S, Dinis, MT, Livi, S, Makridis, P, Marino, G, Ramalho, A, Yúfera,
M. 2010. The current status of extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture practices in Southern
Europe. Aquaculture Europe 35(2): 12-17.
Arenas, F. 2010. Macroalgal marine invasions: Some highlights and knowledge gaps. Algas –
Boletin de la Sociedad Española de Ficología 43: 16-19.
Balasubramanian, A, Meenakumari, B, Boopendranath, MR, Pravin, P, Erzini, K. 2010. Mesh
selectivity of drift gillnet for Caranx sexfasciatus and Caranx tille. Fishery Technology 47: 111120.
Bǿrrensen, T, Boyen, C, Dobson, A, Höfle, M, Ianora, A, Jaspars, M, Kijjoa, A, Olafsen, J,
Querellou, J, Rigos, G, Wijffels, R. 2010. Marine Biotechnology: A new vision and strategy for
Europe. Marine Board-ESF Position Paper 15: 1-91.
Cunha, ME, Quental-Fereira, H, Boglione, C, Palamara, E, Gavaia, P, Pousão-Fereira, P. 2010.
Rearing fish larvae for extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture - the “natural” mesocosms
system. Aquaculture Europe 35(2): 23-26.
Delongueville, C, Scaillet, R, Afonso CML. 2010. Première signalisation de Nassarius sesarmus
(Marrat, 1877) le long des côtes européennes de l’Atlantique Nord-Est (Algarve - sud du
Portugal). NOVAPEX / Société Belge de Malacologie 11(4): 117-119.
Dias, J, Conceição, LEC, Rodrigues, V, Colen, R, Ramalho Ribeiro, A, Ferreira, H, Aires, T, Silva,
JMG, Escórcio, C, Valente, LMP. 2010. Aquaculture growth has triggered environmental concerns.
Aquaculture Europe 35(2): 5-11.
Guerreiro, PM, Bataille, AM, Renfro, JL. 2010. PiT-like transporters are associated with inorganic
phosphate transport by choroid plexus of spiny dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias). Bulletin MDIBL
49: p.5.
Quental-Ferreira, H, Ramalho Ribeiro, A, Dias, J, Yúfera, M, Arias, AM, Falcão, M, Serpa, D, Aires,
T, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Cunha, ME, Valente, LMP, Dinis, MT, Conceição, L. 2010. Sustainable semiintensive polyculture of seabream and sole in earthern ponds. Aquaculture Europe 35(3): 17-21.
10. Ramalho, A, Dinis, MT. 2010. Portuguese aquaculture: current status and perspectives.
Aquaculture Europe 35(3): 5-12.
Evaluation Report 2010
11. Silva, A, Brotas, V, Orive, E, Neto, AI. 2010. First records of Ostreopsis heptagona, Ostreopsis cf.
siamensis and Ostreopsis cf. ovata in Atlantic waters of the Azores Archipelago (Portugal).
Harmful Algal News 42: 1-2.
12. Silva, TS, Cordeiro, O, Jessen, F, Dias, J, Rodrigues, PM. 2010. On the reproducibility of a
fractionation procedure for fish muscle proteomics. American Biotechnology Laboratory 28(4): 813.
13. Vaz-Pires, P, Escórcio, C, Soares, S, Ramalho, A, Matos, E, Dias, J. 2010. Optimising fish
slaughtering procedures for semi-intensive aquaculture. Aquaculture Europe 35(3): 26-28.
14. Vaz-Pires, P, Ramalho, A, Jesus, A, Soares, F, Conceição, L, Dinis, MT, Ribeiro, L, Pousão-Ferreira,
P, Cunha, ME, Quental-Ferreira, H, Yúfera, M, Marino, G, Boglione, C, Cataudella, S, Hussenot, J,
Begout, M-L, Makridis, P, Buard, E, Blachier, P. 2010. A joint certification system for sustainable
non-intensive aquaculture: a proposal from the SEACASE Project. Aquaculture Europe 35(2): 1722.
Araújo, NCP, Bringela, A, Veríssimo, E, O’Neill, PM, Cristiano, MLS. 2010. New peptidic cysteine
protease inhibitors, Revista Portuguesa de Farmácia, vol. LII (4): 32.
Araújo, NCP, Cabral, LIL, Pensée, L, Sabbani, O’Neill, PM, Cristiano, MLS. 2010. Design and
synthesis of endoperoxide hybrids directed to plasmodial DNA, Revista Portuguesa de Farmácia,
vol. LII (4): 116.
Cabral, JP. 2010. Gonçalo Sampaio e a história da botânica. Memórias da Sociedade Broteriana,
volume XXXIV, Sociedade Broteriana, Coimbra, Portugal.
Chícharo, L, Chícharo, MA, Ben-Hamadou, R. 2010. Eco-hidrologia em estuários e zonas costeiras:
o caso do Estuário de Guadiana. In: A Gestão da água e dos Recursos Hídricos. Revista
Internacional em Língua Portuguesa, Vol III, nº22: 55-66.
Gonçalves, J, 2010. Conversões de sistemas de coordenadas nacionais para ETRS89 utilizando
grelhas. Actas da 6ª Conferência Nacional de Cartografia e Geodesia, 7-8 Maio 2009, Edições
Lidel, 9 p.
Pais-Barbosa, J, Veloso-Gomes, F, Taveira Pinto, F. 2010. Análise de formas e padrões costeiros
como indicadores de erosão na zona costeira noroeste de Portugal. Revista da Associação
Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos 31(1): 15-26.
Petan, S, Taveira-Pinto, F, Mikoš, M, Pais-Barbosa, J. 2010. Modelação da erosão do solo da bacia
hidrográfica do Rio Leça, com a Equação RUSLE e SIG. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de
Recursos Hídricos 31(1): 99-110.
Rangel, MO, Dentinho, TP, Araújo, G, Lopes, J, Gonçalves, JMS, Erzini, K. 2010 Análise custo
viagem de roteiros subaquáticos (de apneia) na Praia da Marinha (Algarve). Revista Portuguesa
de Estudos Regionais 22: 77-89.
Evaluation Report 2010
1. Azevedo, Alberto Carlos de Oliveira Antunes. 2010. Sistema integrado de modelação para apoio e
mitigação de acidentes de hidrocarbonetos em estuários e orla costeira. PhD thesis,
LNEC/University of Lisbon. Supervisors: Anabela Pacheco de Oliveira, José CPB Teixeira da Silva.
2. Barrento, Sara. 2010. Nutritional quality and physiological responses to transport and storage of
live crustaceans traded in Portugal. PhD thesis in Animal Science, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Maria Leonor Nunes (IPIMAR), Co-supervisor: Paulo Vaz-Pires.
3. Bartilotti, Cátia Alexandra Vieira. 2010. Decapod crustacean larvae dynamics in the west
continental coast of Portugal: the region adjacent to Aveiro coastal lagoon as model. PhD thesis
in Marine Ecology, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Antonina dos Santos (IPIMAR), Cosupervisor: Margarida Castro.
Couto, Maria Nazaré PFS. 2010. Investigation of physical, chemical and biological factors
implicated in the biological remediation of nonvolatile petroleum hydrocarbons. PhD thesis in
Environmental Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor:
Maria Clara P Basto.
Faria, Ana. 2010. Ontogeny of behavioural abilities in temperate reef fish larvae. PhD thesis,
University of Algarve. Supervisors: Emanuel Gonçalves (ISPA), Maria Alexandra Chícharo.
Francisco, Claire Juliana. 2010. Parasitas do mexilhão Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamark, 1819
(BIVALVIA: MYTILIDAE) com relevância para Trematoda: ciclo de vida, características
morfológicas e moleculares. PhD thesis in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Maria João Santos.
Gonçalves, Hernâni. 2010. Automatic registration of satellite images. PhD thesis in Surveying
Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: José A Gonçalves, Co-supervisor:
Luís Corte-Real (INESC Porto, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto).
Guerreiro, Liliana Isabel Tomé dos Anjos. 2010. Biochemical and biological characteristics of
novel piscine forms of parathyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone related peptide: a
proteomic approach. PhD thesis in Molecular Biology, University of the Algarve. Supervisor:
Deborah M Power.
Leão, Pedro. 2010. Allelopathic properties of cyanobacteria isolated from Portuguese
freshwaters. PhD thesis in Environmental Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Sciences,
University of Porto. Supervisor: Vítor Vasconcelos.
10. León Cisneros, Karla. 2010. Filogeografia do género Scinaia (Rhodophyta) de áreas transicionais.
PhD thesis in Marine Botany, University of the Azores. Supervisor: Ana I Neto, Co-supervisor:
Rafael Riosmena Rodríguez (University Baja California Sur, México).
11. Lima, Inês de Marrazes. 2010. Ecotoxicological effects of petrochemical products on natural
populations of Mytilus galloprovincialis inhabiting rocky shores along the NW coast of Portugal.
Evaluation Report 2010
PhD thesis in Aquatic Sciences, ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Lúcia Guilhermino, Cosupervisor: Amadeu MVM Soares (CESAM, University of Aveiro).
12. Marçalo, Ana Luisa Barreto 2010. Avaliação de stress em sardinha (Sardina pilchardus) durante a
pesca do cerco Universidade do Algarve Supervisors: Karim Erzini, Yorgos Stratoudakis (IPIMAR).
13. Martins, Florbela Alexandra Silva Vieira. 2010. Evolution of the extracellular matrix in
deuterostomes and the influence of calcitropic hormones. PhD thesis in Molecular Biology,
University of the Algarve. Supervisor: Deborah M Power.
14. Neves, Mónica. 2010. Bio-removal of toxic metals by metal resistant anaerobic bacteria:
molecular characterization and performance studies. PhD thesis in Environmental Biotechnology,
University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria Clara Costa, Co-supervisor: Raul Barros.
15. Pereira, A. 2010. Desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de modelação, calibração e gestão
de ecossistemas costeiros, com recurso a agentes inteligentes. PhD in Electronic Engineering and
Computers, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. Supervisor: Pedro Duarte.
16. Ribeiro, Ana Rita de Araújo. 2010. Thyroid status in senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae –
effects of iodine and selenium supplementation. PhD thesis in Aquaculture, University of Algarve.
Supervisors: Maria Teresa Dinis, Laura Ribeiro (IPIMAR), Mari Moren (NIFES, Norway).
17. Ribeiro, Cláudia Maria Rosa. 2010. Chemical identification and monitoring of natural and
xenoestrogens compounds in the estuaries of the estuaries of the Portuguese rivers Douro,
Mondego and Sado – Insights on their disruption potential by in vitro exposures of testis from
the model organism Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). PhD Thesis in Biomedical Sciences,
ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Maria João Rocha, Co-supervisors: Eduardo Rocha, Maria
Elisabeth Tiritan.
18. Rosas Alquicira, Edgar Francisco. 2010. Filogeografia de algas Corallinales (Rhodophyta) das
Califórnias. PhD thesis in Marine Botany, University of the Azores. Supervisor: Ana I Neto, Cosupervisor: Rafael Riosmena Rodríguez (University Baja California Sur, México).
19. Santos, Paulo Jorge Rosa. 2010. Análise da Interacção de Navios com Dispositivos de Acostagem
e Amarração. Estudo em Modelo Físico do Posto “A” do Terminal de Petroleiros do Porto de
Leixões. PhD thesis in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. Supervisor:
Fernando Veloso Gomes, Co-supervisor: Francisco Taveira Pinto.
20. Silva, Amélia Cláudia Figueiredo. 2010. Nutritional regulation of lipid deposition in blackspot
seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo). PhD thesis in Aquatic Sciences, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Luisa M.P. Valente, Co-supervisoror: Geneviéve Corraze (INRA, France).
21. Silva, Joana Margarida Guimarães. 2010. Use of alternative protein sources in diets for
senegalese sole (Senegalese sole Kaup, 1858) juveniles. PhD thesis in Aquatic Sciences, ICBAS,
University of Porto. Supervisor: Luisa M.P. Valente, Co-supervisoros: Marite Espe (NIFES,
Norway), Luís Conceição.
22. Silva, Raquel Castro Alves Ferreira. 2010. Avaliação Experimental e Numérica de Parâmetros
Associados a Modelos de Evolução da Linha de Costa. PhD thesis in Civil Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Porto. Supervisor: Fernando Veloso Gomes, Co-supervisor: Francisco
Taveira Pinto.
Evaluation Report 2010
23. Sousa, Joaquim, 2010. Integration of DInSAR and DGPS for location and characterization of active
faults. Supervisor: Luísa Bastos, Co-supervisor: Ramon Hanssen (Delft University of Technology,
The Netherlands).
24. Viegas, Carla. 2010. Identification and characterization of a new calcium binding protein from
sturgeon, Gla rich protein or GRP. PhD thesis in Biochemistry – Cellular and Molecular Biology,
University of Algarve. Supervisor: M. Leonor Cancela, Co-supervisor: Dina C Simes
Afonso, João Marcos da Silva. 2010. Padrões verticais e inter-anuais nas assembleias de larvas de
peixe junto ao substrato rochoso do Parque Marinho da Arrábida. Master thesis in Marine
Biology, University of Algarve. Co-supervisors: Rita Borges, Ester Serrao, Emanuel Gonçalves
2. Almeida, Helena Lopes. 2010. Avaliação da Qualidade da Biológica da água de um ecossistema
fluvial - Ribeira da Madalena. Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water Quality, Faculty
of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Natividade Vieira.
Álvaro, Nuno Miguel Vaz. 2010. Proposta de plano de monitorização para a área protegida para a
gestão de habitats ou espécies do Ilhéu de Vila Franca do Campo. Master thesis in Coastal
Management, University of the Azores. Supervisor: Fátima Alves (University of Aveiro), Cosupervisor: Ana I Neto.
Amorim, Eva. 2010. Bacterial indicators of bathing water quality in Douro estuary and Porto
coastal front. Master thesis in Sciences of the Sea-Sea Resources, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Adriano A Bordalo e Sá, Co-supervisor: Isabel Azevedo.
Andrade, André Alçada Baptista Rebelo. 2010. Identification of reliable reference gene(s) for
quantitative-PCR studies in male and female tissues and during oogenesis in the Mozambique
tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. Master thesis in Marine Biology, Faculty of Sciences and
Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Adelino Canario, Co-supervisor: Laurence
Araújo-Silva, Catarina de Lourdes. 2010. Taxonomia e aspectos ecologicos de Tanaidacea
(crustacea: Peracarida) da plataforma continental e bancos oceanicos no Programa REVIZEE.
Master thesis, University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. Supervisor: Kim Larsen.
Baptista, Miguel. 2010. Determination of age and growth of Galeus melastomus, Rafinesque,
1810, a deep water shark, using a modified cobalt nitrate technique European Master Thesis in
Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, University of Algarve and University of Ghent. Supervisors:
Rui Coelho, Karim Erzini.
Barbosa, Ana. 2010. Estudo de parâmetros hematológicos de pregado (Psetta maxima Linnaeus,
1758) de cultura Master thesis in Biological Aquatic Resources, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Porto. Supervisor: Cristina Cruz.
Barradas, Ana Rita. 2010. Laminaria ochroleuca canopy effect on intertidal under storey benthic
assemblages in northern Portugal. Master thesis in Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Cosupervisors: Ester Serrao, Filipe Alberto.
Evaluation Report 2010
10. Berkovic, Buga. 2010. Effect of habitat fragmentation on bivalve larvae recruitment: study of
Pinna nobilis and Pectinidae species larvae. Master thesis in Marine Biodiversity and
Conservation, University of Algarve. Co-supervisors: Ester Serrao, Iris Hendriks (IMEDEA, CSIC).
11. Capela, Ricardo. 2010. Fish otoliths as potential chronological biomarkers of environmental
aquatic contamination by heavy metals. Master thesis in Aquatic Biological Resources, Faculty of
Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Alberto Correia, Co-supervisor: Bruno Nunes (University
Fernando Pessoa, CESAM).
12. Cardoso, Inês. 2010. Substituição de farinha de peixe por farinhas vegetais em sargo legítimo,
Diplodus sargus: efeitos na performance, digestibilidade e alterações da histologia do intestino.
Master thesis in Aquatic Biological Resources, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor:
Aires Oliva Teles, Co-supervisor: Helena Peres.
13. Carrasquinho, Ricardo. 2010. Gestão e maneio de uma unidade de piscicultura em mar aberto na
costa sul de Portugal. Master thesis in Marine Biology - Fisheries and Aquaculture, Faculty of
Sciences and Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria Teresa Dinis, Co-supervisor:
Pedro Pousão-Ferreira.
14. Carvalho, André. 2010. Macrobenthos Biodiversity in Cávado estuary. Master thesis, University of
Porto. Supervisor: Paulo Santos
15. Cavaco, Sofia. 2010. Isolamento e caracterização de proteínas contendo Gla da cartilagem e pele
de mamífero. Master thesis in Molecular Biology and Microbiology, University of Algarve.
Supervisor: Dina Costa Simes.
16. Czepiel, Aneta 2010. Synthesis of saccharyl tetrazoles and investigation of their potential as
nitrogen ligands. Master thesis in Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of
Algarve. Supervisor: Maria de Lurdes Cristiano.
17. Domingues-Santos, Bernardo. 2010. Bioremediation efficiency of Mastocarpus stellatus
(Stackhouse) Guiry, in an Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture System. Master in Aquaculture,
Interuniversity UB-UAB-UPC. Supervisor: Isabel Sousa Pinto, Co-supervisor: Lourdes Reig (UPC).
18. Duarte, Daniel João da Silva Tavares. 2010. Master thesis in Contamination and Environmental
Toxicology, Faculty of Sciences and ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: M Soto (University of
the Basque Country), Co-supervisor: Lúcia Guilhermino.
19. Elias, Carlos Alexandre. 2010. Produção e expressão de péptidos recombinantes contra dsRNA.
Master thesis in Biological Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of
Algarve. Supervisor: Fernando Cardoso (INETI/UTPAM), Co-supervisor: Deborah Power.
20. Encarnação, Sandra Paula. 2010. Caracterização dos mecanismos de transporte epitelial no
intestino da Dourada, Sparus auratus. Master thesis in Marine Biology, Faculty of Sciences and
Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Juan Fuentes, Co-supervisor: Deborah Power.
21. Faria, Rosa. 2010. Optimização do processamento de dados GNSS de alta taxa de amostragem
em tempo quase-real em modo singular Master thesis in Surveying Engineering, Faculty of
Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Rui Fernandes, Co-supervisor: José A Gonçalves.
22. Fialho, Ana Isa Marques. 2010. Caracterização do comportamento reprodutivo do cavalo
marinho de focinho comprido (Hippocampus guttulatus). Master thesis in Marine Biology,
University of Algarve.
Evaluation Report 2010
23. Filipe, Alexandra. 2010. Clonagem e análise de sequências codificantes de terpeno sintases das
plantas aromáticas Thymus mastichina e Thymus albicans. Master thesis in Biological
Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Natália
Marques, Co-supervisor: João Cardoso.
24. Gonçalves, Annie. 2010. Ecotoxicological and histological assessment of the effects of the
benzalconium chloride in the mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki) after an acute exposition.
Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Sciences Faculty, University Fernando Pessoa.
Supervisor: Bruno Nunes (University Fernado Pessoa, CESAM), Co-supervisor: Alberto Correia.
25. Graça, Mariana João Dias. 2010. Caracterização da pesca grossa na ilha de Madeira. Master
thesis in Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Supervisors: Karim Erzini, Mafalda Freitas (Marine
Biological Station of Funchal).
26. Guedes, Paula ARA. 2010. Avaliação de estratégias de biorremediação para áreas afectadas por
derrames de petróleo. Master thesis in Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Maria Clara P Basto, Co-supervisor: C Marisa Almeida.
27. Guerra, Luís Miguel. 2010. Análise multivariada da evolução sucessão dunar na Península do
Ancão e Ilha da Barreta. Master thesis, University of Algarve. Supervisors: Rui Santos, Vasco
28. Guerreiro, Bruno Emanuel 2010. Endoperóxidos com actividade antimalárica: estrutura,
reactividade e actividade. Master thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Science and
Technology, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria de Lurdes Cristiano.
29. Jerónimo, Daniel Baptista. 2010. Pesquisa de agentes patogénicos em rodovalho (Psetta maxima
L.) de cultura. Master thesis in Aquatic Biologic Resources, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Porto. Supervisor: Aurélia Saraiva.
30. Joussef, Samira. 2010. Evolutionary genetics of the AMT domain of the microcystin gene cluster
in various cyanobacteria genera. Master thesis in Contamination and Environmental Toxicology,
Faculty of Sciences and ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Agostinho Antunes, Co-supervisor:
Vítor Vasconcelos.
31. Lima dos Reis, Jandir João. 2010. The genetic mating system in the black striped pipefish,
Syngnathus abaster (Risso, 1827) in Ria Formosa, revealed by microsatellites. Master thesis in
Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Co-supervisors: Onno Diekmann, Ester Serrao, Filipe
32. Lino, Filipe Correia. 2010. Oxygen consumption experiments in the Pepper, furrow shell Scrobicularia plana (da Costa) under starvation conditions - DEB model parameter estimation.
Master thesis in Sciences of Engineering / Zootechnical Engineering, University of Tas-os-Montes
and Alto Douro.
33. Ma, Simão. 2010. Efeitos da adição de antioxidantes nos meios de criopreservação de sémen de
peixes Teleósteos. Master thesis in Zootechnical Engineering - Animal Production, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Technical University of Lisbon. Supervisor: Maria Teresa Dinis, CoSupervisor: Fernando Ribeiro Alves Afonso.
34. Marinho, Gonçalo. 2010. Efeito do regime de alimentação – diurno, nocturno e misto – no
crescimento, na utilização do alimento e na excreção azotada em juvenis de linguado Solea
Evaluation Report 2010
senegalensis. Master thesis in Aquatic Biological Resources, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Porto. Supervisor: António Paulo Carvalho; co-supervisor: Helena Peres.
35. Marques, Joana Filipa. 2010. Caracterização bioquímica e molecular de estirpes de Yersinia
ruckeri isoladas em Portugal. Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water Quality, Faculty
of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: José Américo Sousa.
36. Marujo, Débora. 2010. Efeito de um concentrado de microlagas liofilizadas na larvicultura da
dourada, Sparus aurata. Master thesis in Marine Biology - Fisheries and Aquaculture, Faculty of
Sciences and Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria Teresa Dinis, Co-supervisor:
Pedro Pousão-Ferreira.
37. Mateus, Carmen Sofia Cardoso. 2010. Análise do efeito da halófita Salicornia ramosissima na
remoção de nutrientes em substrato sólido e em meio hidropónico. Master thesis, University of
Algarve. Supervisors: Luís Chícharo, Rui Santos.
38. Mendes, Cristiane. 2010. Caracterização de isolados de Vibrio anguillarum originários de
pisciculturas portuguesas. Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water Quality, Faculty of
Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: José Américo Sousa.
39. Mendes, Ricardo. 2010. Orientação e calibração de dados ALS. Master thesis in Surveying
Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Ismael Colomina, Co-supervisor:
José A Gonçalves.
40. Mesquita, João Rodrigo GG. 2010. Norovirus contamination of shellfish from high sanitary
production areas of Portugal. Master thesis in Sciences of Engineering / Zootechnical
Engineering, University of Tas-os-Montes and Alto Douro.
41. Mesquita, Sofia. 2010. Testing the potential of chitobiase activity of Carcinus maenas as a
biomarker in environmental studies. Master thesis in Contamination and Environmental
Toxicology, Faculty of Sciences and ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Laura Guimarães, Cosupervisor: Lúcia Guilhermino.
42. Nascimento, Ângela. 2010. Campanha MPDO para sardinha (IPIMAR, 2005). Caracterização
hidrográfica sobre a plataforma continental Ibérica. Aplicação dos dados de perfis de
temperatura à datação de ovos de sardinha, efeitos sobre a estimativa de produção de ovos.
Master thesis in Oceanography, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Algarve.
Supervisor: Paulo Relvas, Co-supervisor: Maria Manuel Angélico (INRB-IPIMAR).
43. Nhanca, Florentino João Lopes. 2010. Caracterização da pesca industrial na ZEE da Guiné-Bissau
com vista ao seu desenvolvimento sustentável. Master thesis in Management and Nature
Conservation, University of Algarve. Supervisors: Karim Erzini, Jorge MS Gonçalves.
44. Oliveira, Cristiana, 2010. Effects of pesticides in biomarkers and behaviour of Palaemon serratus.
Master thesis in Applied Biology: branch of Toxicology and Ecotoxicology, Department of Biology,
University of Aveiro. Supervisor: Carlos Gravato.
45. Peixoto, Lúcia. 2010. Avaliação da inclusão de EVOCOL em dietas formuladas para juvenis de
linguado (Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858). Master thesis in Marine Biology - Fisheries and
Aquaculture, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Maria
Teresa Dinis, Co-supervisor: Mariano Lastra.
Evaluation Report 2010
46. Pereira, Ana Margarida. 2010. Efeito de complexos de vanádio na bomba de cálcio de retículo
sarcoplasmático. Master thesis in Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University
of Algarve. Supervisor: Manuel Aureliano.
47. Pereira, Fernanda Cristina Rodrigues Malhão. 2010. Characterization of the trout liver cell line
RTL-W1 and its potential for carcinogenesis-related studies. Master thesis in Oncology. ICBAS,
University of Porto, Supervisor: Eduardo Rocha, Co-supervisor: Rogério AF Monteiro.
48. Pereira, Nuno Miguel Campos Mendes Sousa. 2010. Avaliação do potencial aquícola da
população de amêijoas Venerupis aurea (Gmelin, 1791) da ilha de S. Jorge (Açores). Master thesis
in Sea Sciences – Marine Resources, ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Ana I Neto, Cosupervisor: Domitília Matias (IPIMAR).
49. Pimenta, Pedro. 2010. Biodiversity in Serra da Aboboreira, NO Portugal. Master thesis, University
of Porto. Supervisor: Paulo Santos.
50. Pinto, Dorabela SSP. 2010. Avaliação da eficiência de remediação biológica (em termos
microbiológicos e fitorremediação) de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo num solo contaminado.
Master thesis in Environmental Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Maria Clara P Basto.
51. Pires, Rita. 2010. Padrões temporais e verticais de pequena escala na ocorrência de larvas de
peixe na Ria de Aveiro, Portugal. Master thesis in Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Cosupervisors: Rita Borges, Ester Serrao, Emanuel Gonçalves (ISPA).
52. Purroy Albet, Ariadna. 2010. Spatial assessment and impact of artisanal fisheries´activity in Cap
de Creus. Master thesis in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, University of Algarve. Cosupervisors: Ester Serrao, Rafael Sardá and Susana Requena (CSIC, Barcelona).
53. Reisinho, Inês Isabel Ribeiro Oliveira. 2010. Pesquisa de parasitas de tainha do estuário do rio
Douro. Master thesis in Sciences of the Sea - Sea Resources, ICBAS, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Aurélia Saraiva.
54. Rocha, Patrícia Carolina Rendall. 2010. Descrição do desenvolvimento larvar de Tripterygion
delaisi (Pisces: Tripterygiidae). Master thesis in Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Cosupervisors: Rita Borges, Ester Serrao, Emanuel Gonçalves (ISPA).
55. Rodrigues, Carolina. 2010. Avaliação da Qualidade de Ecológica do Rio Ferreira nos Concelhos de
Valongo e Paços de Ferreira. Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water Quality, Faculty
of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Natividade Vieira.
56. Roldão, Mariana. 2010. Ecotoxicologia e Educação. Dos estudos no estuário do Rio Ave à
elaboração de ferramentas educativas. Master thesis in Biology and Management of Water
Quality, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor: Vítor Vasconcelos.
57. Salgado, Lídia. 2010. Desinfecção de águas naturais contaminadas com cianobactérias por
fotocatálise solar. Master thesis in Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University
of Porto. Cu-supervisor: Vítor Vasconcelos, Rui Boaventura and Vítor Vilar (Faculty of
Engineering, University of Porto).
58. Santos, Célia. 2010. Reconstrução das condições paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas no estuário
do Rio Tejo durante o Holocénico (~12 000 anos). Master thesis in Sea Sciences – Marine
Resources, ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: F Abrantes.
Evaluation Report 2010
59. Santos, Marta Susana Amaro. 2010. An histopathological and stereological study of proliferative
hepatocellular lesions in a fish model of experimental carcinogenesis and in a sentinel fish.
Master thesis in Oncology. ICBAS, University of Porto, Supervisor: Eduardo Rocha, Co-supervisor:
Rogério A.F. Monteiro.
60. Silva, Ana. 2010. Contribuição para o estudo da parasitose provocada por Kudoa sp. em Sardina
pilchardus (Walb., 1792.) Master thesis in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Cristina Cruz.
61. Silva, Diogo. 2010. Discrimination of Trisopterus luscus (Linnaeus 1758) stocks in the northern of
Portugal using otolith elemental fingerprints. Master thesis in Sea Sciences - Marine Resources,
ICBAS, University of Porto. Supervisor: Alberto Correia, Co-supervisor: Paulo Santos.
62. Silva, Maria João. 2010. Control of ammonia during fish transport: the usage of AmQuel® in
laboratory trials. Master thesis in Marine Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies,
University of Algarve. Supervisor: Teresa Modesto, Co-supervisor: Pedro Guerreiro.
63. Silva, Marisa. 2010. Tetrodotoxin ocurrence in Portuguese coastal waters: first report on Atlantic
coastal waters. Master thesis in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Supervisor:
Vítor Vasconcelos.
64. Silva, Rita Ribeiro. 2010. Hepatic regeneration and the role of platelets. Master thesis, Medicine,
ICBAS, University of Porto, Supervisor: Eduardo Rocha.
65. Simão, Márcio. 2010. Identification and characterization of two different transcripts of ferritin in
the clam R. Decussatus. Expression of the corresponding isoforms to evaluate some of their
biological properties. Master thesis in Molecular and Microbial Biology, Faculty of Sciences and
Technology, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Leonor Cancela, Co-supervisor: Ricardo Leite.
66. Sobral, João Miguel Banha. 2010. Influência do gene HMOX1 (Heme Oxigenase I) na genética dos
acidentes vasculares cerebrais. Master thesis in Biological Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and
Technologies, University of Algarve. Supervisor: Astrid Vicente (INS Dr Ricardo Jorge), Cosupervisor: Deborah Power.
67. Sousa, Raquel Cristina Ferreira. 2010. Avaliação da Qualidade da água da Ribeira da Madalena.
Influência da vegetação riparia nos grupos funcionais de macroinvertebrados bentónicos. Master
thesis in Biology and Management of Water Quality, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto.
Supervisor: Natividade Vieira.
68. Vasco, Enoque Canganjo. 2010. Caracterização hidrográfica e química da região costeira de
Benguela, Angola. Master thesis in Oceanography, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University
of Algarve. Supervisor: Paulo Relvas, Co-supervisor: Alexandra Cravo.
69. Viegas, Sofia. 2010. Development of a more objective index for the quantification of
environmental impacts. Master thesis, University of Porto. Supervisor: Paulo Santos, Cosupervisor: Sílvia Mesquita.
70. Voguel, Camille. 2010. Geostatistical exploration of integrated VMS data from the Aran Ground
Nephrops fishery with associated survey estimates: Establishing the relationship between fishing,
biotic and abiotic variables. Erasmus Mundus Master in Biodiversity and Conservation, University
of Algarve. Supervisor: Colm Lordan (Marine Institute, Galaway, Ireland), Co-supervisor:
Margarida Castro.
Evaluation Report 2010
Abrantes, F. 2010. Past climate fluctuations: the Iberian Margin Record. II IGBP Iberian Seminar:
Global Change in the Iberian Peninsula: An integrated approach, 4-5 November, Lisbon, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
Abreu, MH, Pereira, R, Buschmann, A, Yarish, C, Sousa-Pinto, I. 2010. Land-based Integrated
Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: the red seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss as the
biofilter component. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
Abreu, MH, Pereira, R, Figueroa, F, Buschmann, A, Yarish, C, Sousa-Pinto, I. 2010. Integrated
multi-trophic aquaculture in Portugal: Experiments with the red seaweed Gracilaria
vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss in a sole and turbot fish farm. World Aquaculture 2010, 1-5
March, San Diego, USA. (Oral communication)
Abreu, MH, Pereira, R, Korbee, N, Figueroa, F, Buschmann, A, Yarish, C, Sousa-Pinto, I. 2010.
Sustainable exploration of a non-indigenous species: the case study of Gracilaria vermiculophylla
(Ohmi) Papenfuss in Portugal. XX International Seaweed Symposium, 22-26 February, Ensenada,
Mexico. (Oral communication)
Agüero-Chapin, G, Pérez-Machado, G, Molina-Ruiz, R, Pérez-Castillo, Y, Morales-Helguera, A,
Vasconcelos, V, Antunes, A. 2010. A QSFR-like model to detect proteinaceous bacteriocins. Its
practical application to the discovery of new bacteriocin-like domains. IV International
Symposium on Chemistry, 1-4 June, Santa Clara, Cuba.
Alex, A, Vasconcelos, V, Tamagnini, P, Santos, A, Antunes, A. 2010. Cyanobacteria- sponge
symbioses: an evolutionary genomic approach. VIII World Sponge Conference, 20-24 September,
Girona, Spain.
Alexandrino, M, Canário, AV, Costa, MC. 2010. Characterization of a high performance bacterial
consortium for AMD bioremediation. 14th International Biotechnology Symposium, 14-18
September, Rimini, Italy.
Alfonso, A, Rodriguez, P, Otero, P, Vasconcelos, V, Vale, P, Katikou, P, Molgo, J, Botana, LM. 2010.
The changing profile of marine toxins in Europe. 18th Meeting in Advanced Toxicology, 13-14
December, Paris, France. (Oral communication)
Almeida, CMR, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. Evaluation ex-situ of the potential of Halimione
portulacoides for metal phytoremediation. International Phytotechnologies Conference 2010, 26
- 29 September, Parma, Italy.
10. Almeida, JR, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Bioassays based on fish swimming behaviour for
the marine environment: short-term effects of pyrene on the sea bass. ICES Annual Science
Conference, 20-24 September, Nantes, France.
11. Almeida, JR, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Integrating ecologically relevant parameters in
environmental studies: linking swimming performance with biomarkers responses in the sea bass
(Dicentrarchus labrax). VIII Iberian Congress and V Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental
Evaluation Report 2010
Contamination and Toxicology – CICTA 2010, 29 November-4 December, Heredia, Costa Rica.
(Oral communication)
12. Almeida, JR, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Linking sub-individual responses with behaviour: a
study with sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) exposed to pyrene. 20th Annual Meeting of the
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville,
13. Almeida, JR, Luis, L, Vieira, LR, Oliveira, M, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Acute effects of
pyrene on four marine species with different ecological functions. SETAC North America 31st
Annual Meeting, 7-11 November, Portland, USA.
14. Álvaro, NV, Prestes, ACL, Neto, AI. 2010. Sea bed mapping and subtidal communities
identification in Azorean MPAs – Preliminary results providing tools for marine resources
conservation. International Meeting on Marine Resources - IMMR'10, 16-17 November, Peniche,
15. Alves Martins, D, Morais, S, Castanheira, MF, Martínez-Rodríguez, G, Mendes, AC, PousãoFerreira, P, Rocha, F, Yúfera, M, Bandarra, NM, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Effects of dietary
arachidonic acido n cortisol production and the expression of genes related to stress response,
lipid and eicosanoid metabolism in Senegalese sole post-larvae. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 58 October, Porto, Portugal.
16. Alves Martins, D, Morais, S, Rocha, F, Castanheira, MF, Martínez-Rodríguez, G, Yúfera, M,
Bandarra, NM, Bell, JG, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Dietary fatty acids affect the expression of genes
related to stress response, lipid and eicosanoid metabolism in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
larvae. 9th International congress on the Biology of Fish, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral
17. Amorim, A, Oliveira, E, Lobo-da-Cunha, A. 2010. A novel approach in the study of the male
copulatory system of Bulla striata (Cephalaspidea). 3rd International Workshop on
Opisthobranchs, 1-4 September, Vigo, Spain.
18. Amorim, E, Ramos, S, Azevedo, I, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Relevance of temporal and spatial variability
for monitoring the microbiological water quality in an urban bathing area. The Water Research
Conference, 11-14 April, Lisbon, Portugal.
19. Anjos, MC, Medeiros, J, Neto, AI, Barreto, MC. 2010. Polyphenols and antioxidant activity in
macroalgae from Azores. International Symposium FloraMac 2010, 23-25 Spetember, Ponta
Delgada, Azores, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p. 84.
20. Antunes, A, Philip, S, da Fonseca, RR, Reis-Henriques, MA, Vasconcelos, V, Castro, LFC, Santos,
MM. 2010. The modulation of retinoic acid signalling pathways by environmental pollutants in
marine metazoans. CIESM 39th Congress, 10-14 May, Venice, Italy. (Oral communication)
21. Antunes, A, Philip, S, da Fonseca, RR, Reis-Henriques, MA, Vasconcelos, V, Castro, LFC, Santos,
MM. 2010. Evolution and modulation of retinoic acid signalling pathways in metazoans. VIII
Iberian Congress and V Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
– CICTA 2010, 29 November-4 December, Heredia, Costa Rica. (Oral communication)
22. Antunes, A, Philip, S, da Fonseca, RR, Reis-Henriques, MA, Vasconcelos, V, Castro, LFC, Santos,
MM. 2010.The modulation of retinoic acid signaling pathways by environmental pollutants in
marine metazoans. CIESM 39th Congress, 10-14 May, Venice, Italy. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
23. Antunes, A. 2010. The role of genetics in the conservation of biodiversity. 18th Annual South East
Asia Zoo Association - SEAZA Conference, 3-6 November, Bali, Indonesia. (Oral communication)
24. Antunes, A. 2010. The role of genetics in wildlife rescue. 2nd International Conference on Wildlife
Rescue in East and Southeast Asia, 9-13 November, Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam. (Oral
25. Aragão, C, Pinto, W, Dinis, MT. 2010. Dietary tyrosine utilisation in flatfish: the choice between
metamorphosis and stress response. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
26. Araújo, IB, Caldeira, R, Couvelard, X. 2010. Island induced (sub) mesoscale features around
Madeira Archipelago (initial findings). 3th International Workshop SeaSAR 2010 - Advances in
SAR Oceanography from ENVISAT, ERS and ESA third party missions, 25-29 January, Frascati,
27. Araújo, J, Mota, M, Braga, C, Sousa, R, Roleira, A, Carvalho, R, Antunes, C. 2010. Exotic
macrofauna at the River Minho international. V Iberian Symposium of the River Minho
Hydrological Basin, 19-20 November, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
28. Araújo-Silva, CDL, Larsen, K, Coelho, PA. 2010. Registro de novas ocorrências e espécies de
Tanaidacea (Peracarida) coletados durante o Programma Revizee- NE. 6th Congress of the
Brazilian Crustacean Society, 7-10 November, Bahia, Brazil. (Oral communication)
29. Araújo-Silva, CDL, Souza-Filho, JF, Coelho, PA, Larsen, K. 2010. Distribuição e ecologia de
Tanaidacea (Peracarida) da plataforma continental e bancos oceanicos de Nordeste do Brazil. 6th
Congress of the Brazilian Crustacean Society, 7-10 November, Bahia, Brazil.
30. Arnaud-Haond, S, Teixeira, S, Moalic, Y, Desbruyéres, D. 2010. Networks of marine Biodiversity.
Biodiversity in the 21st Century, 10-13 October, Ramat-Hanadiv, Israel. (Oral communication)
31. Arnaud-Haond, S, Teixeira, S. 2010. Overview of connectivity at vents and seeps- temporal and
spatial scales. Workshop on the Design of Marine Protected Areas for Hydrothermal-Vent and
Cold-Seep Ecosystems Potentially Threatened by Human Activities in the Deep Sea, 31 May-4
June, Dinard, France. (Oral communication)
32. Auamcharoen, W, Chandrapatya, A, Naengchomnong W, Kijjoa, A. 2010. A new tetralone from
Diospyros cauliflora. 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for
Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, 29 August-2 September, Berlin, Germany.
33. Azevedo, C, Casal, G, Marques, D, Silva, E, Matos, P, Matos, E. 2010. Dados ultrastruturais de
Myxobolus sp. (Phylum Myxozoa), parasita de Brycon hilarii, teleósteo do Pantanal. XI
ENBRAPOA, 19-22 July, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
34. Azevedo, C, Casal, G, Matos, P, Matos, E. 2010. Estrutura fina do esporo de Triangulamyxa sp.
(Myxozoa, Myxosporea), um parasita da bexiga urinária de Psittacus colomesus (Teleostei) do rio
Tocantins afluente do rio Amazonas. XI ENBRAPOA, 19-22 July, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
35. Azevedo, I, Ramos, S, Mucha, A, Bordalo, A. 2010. Applicability of ecological assessment tools for
management decision-making: a case study from the Lima Estuary, Portugal. ECSA 47 Symposium
- Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal. (Oral
Evaluation Report 2010
36. Baptista, M, Figueiredo, I, Coelho, R, Erzini, K. 2010. Age and growth of the deep water shark
Galeus melastomus (Elasmobranchii: Scyliorhinidae), in the southern coast of Portugal. ICES
Annual Science Conference, 20-24 September, Nantes, France.
37. Baptista, MS, Cianca, RCC, Lopes, VR, Almeida, CMR, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. BMAA
quantification in estuarine cyanobacteria by HPLC and CE – a comparative study. Cyano 2010, 8th
International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria - ICTC8, 29 August-4 September, Istanbul,
38. Barbosa, N, Vale, C, Santos, P. 2010. Heavy metals in white clam Spisula solida from the northern
Portuguese coast. VIII Iberian Congress and V Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology – CICTA 2010, 29 November-4 December, Heredia, Costa Rica.
(Oral communication)
39. Barbosa, SM, Fernandes, MJ, Lázaro, C, Nunes, AL, Cipollini, P. 2010: Comparison of coastal
altimetry and tide gauge data along the west Iberian coast. EGU General Assembly 2010, 2-7
May, Wien, Austria.
40. Barbosa, SM, Fernandes, MJ, Lázaro, C, Nunes, AL, Pires, N, Cipollini, P. 2010.
Frequency‐dependent comparison of satellite altimetry and tide gauge measurements. 4th
Coastal Altimetry Workshop, 14-15 October, Porto, Portugal.
41. Barbosa, SM, Fernandes, MJ, Lázaro, C, Nunes, AL, Pires, N, Cipollini, P. 2010. Validation of
coastal altimetry data along the west Iberian coast. ESA Living Planet Symposium, 28 June-2 July,
Bergen, Norway. (Oral communication)
42. Barrios, C, de la Cruz, D, Franco, L, Dias, J, Dinis, MT. 2010. Aquaculture production in Guatemala: its
current status and implications in promoting food security. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8
October, Porto, Portugal.
43. Barros, P, Martins, R. 2010. Modelos biológicos de investigação em toxicologia de cianobactérias.
I International Health Congress Gaia-Porto, 23-25 September, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.
44. Bayona, J, Readman, J, Thomas, K, Beiras, R, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Implementation of risk
assessment methodologies for oil and chemical spills in the European marine environment
(RAMOCS). 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry –
SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
45. Ben-Hamadou, R. 2010. Ecohydrology & biodiversity in coastal zones. International Workshop on
Tools to the Ecohydrologic Management of Coastal Systems in Arid and Semi-arid Zones, 17-21
July, Cairo, Egypt. (Oral communication)
46. Ben-Hamadou, R. 2010. The Ecohydrology paradigm. International Workshop on Tools to the
Ecohydrologic Management of Coastal Systems in Arid and Semi-arid Zones, 17-21 July, Cairo,
Egypt. (Oral communication)
47. Bensimon-Brito, A, Cancela, ML, Huysseune, A, Witten, PE. 2010. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) caudal
complex - a model for vertebral fusion. 9th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, 2631 July, Punta del Este, Uruguay.
48. Bensimon-Brito, A, Cardeira-da-Silva, J, Cancela, ML, Huysseune, A, Witten, PE. 2010. Zebrafish
(Danio rerio) vertebral column – two distinct mineralization patterns. 9th International Meeting
on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, 16-20 June, Madison, USA.
Evaluation Report 2010
49. Bio, A, Meirinho, A, Ramírez, I, Geraldes, P. 2010. Empirical modelling of Balearic shearwater
(Puffinus mauretanicus) census data for the Portuguese Atlantic. GIslands 2010  International
Summer School on Marine Spatial Planning, 7-12 August, Ponta Delgada, Portugal. (Oral
50. Bio, A, Vieira, N, Costa, MJ, Valente, A. 2010. Assessment of habitat and water quality of the
Portuguese river Febros and one of its tributaries. XV Congress of the Iberian Association of
Limnology, 5-9 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. (Oral communication)
51. Bio, AMF, Vieira, MN. 2010. Artisanal salinas – unique wetland habitats worth preserving: the
case of Aveiro, Portugal. SIL 2010  31st Congress of the International Society of Limnology, 1520 August, Cape Town, South Africa. (Oral communication)
52. Boglione, C, Fontagne, S, Gavaia, PJ, Gisbert, E, Kjorsvik, E, Koumoundouros, G, Moren, M,
Moutou, K, Witten, PR. 2010. Determinism and causative factors for morphological anomalies in
reared European fishes. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 - Seafarming tomorrow, 5-8 October,
Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
53. Bordalo, AA, Azevedo, I. 2010. How to manage an estuary? An example from the Portuguese
legal criteria. ECSA 47 Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 14-19 September,
Figueira da Foz, Portugal. (Oral communication)
54. Borges, A, Carvalho, M, Santos, P. 2010. Computer application for assistance in comparing
growth curves of fish stocks. International Statistical Ecology Conference 2010 – ISEC 2010, 2-5
March, Belfast, United Kingdom. (Oral communication)
55. Borges, P, Medale, F, Dias, J, Valente, LMP. 2010. Influence of different Protein/Lipid ratios on
growth performance and intermediary metabolism of Senegalese sole. EAS Aquaculture Europe
2010 - Seafarming tomorrow, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 224-225. (Oral
56. Bos, MS, Araújo, IB, Bastos, L, Fernandes, MJ. 2010. A regional set of tide‐level maps for the West
Iberian Coast. 4th Workshop on Coastal Altimetry, 14-15 October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral
57. Bos, MS, Bastos, L, Fernandes, RMS. 2010. Investigating the noise properties of GPS stations in
Iberia. 15th General Assembly of WEGENER, 14-17 September, Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral
58. Bos, MS, Fernandes, RMS, Araújo, IB, Bastos, L, Vasconcelos, M. 2010. Error analysis of Cascais
absolute sea-level change. 2nd International meeting on Data Analysis and Modelling in Earth
Sciences. DAMES'2010, 22-24 September, Lisbon, Portugal. (Oral communication)
59. Bos, MS, Penna, NT, Keshin, M, Clarke, PJ, Baker, TF. 2010. Status of ocean tide loading
displacement modelling. International GNSS Service (IGS) 2010 Workshop, 28 June-2 July,
Newcastle, United Kingdom. (Oral communication)
60. Brandefelt, J, Kjellström, E, Naeslund, JO, Strandberg, G, Voelker, AHL, Wohlfarth, B. 2010. The
importance of equilibration in glacial climate simulations. EGU General Assembly, 3-7 May,
Viena, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-12736. (Oral communication)
61. Burgess, G, Coelho, R, Schofield, P. 2010. Australian lantern sharks of the Etmopterus lucifer
complex (Etmopteridae). Sharks International, 6-11 June, Cairns, Australia. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
62. Cabral, H, Fonseca, V, Gamito, R, Gonçalves, C, Costa, JL, Erzini, K, Gonçalves, J, Martins, J, Leite,
L, Andrade, JP, Ramos, S, Bordalo, A, Amorim, E, Neto, JM, Marques, JC, Rebelo, JE, Silva, C,
Castro, N, Almeida, PR, Domingos, I, Gordo, LS, Costa, MJ. 2010. Estuarine Fish Assessment Index
(EFAI): a multimetric tool for the assessment of the ecological status of transitional waters. ECSA
47 Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
63. Caldeira, C, Correia, AT, Gonçalves, F, Nunes, B. 2010. Assessment of metallic pollution using a
biomarker approach. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
64. Campinho, MA, Cardoso, JC, Silva, N, Power, DM. 2010. Remodeling the gastrointestinal tract
during metamorphosis of the atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). EAS Aquaculture
Europe 2010 - Seafarming tomorrow, 5-10 October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
65. Campos, A, Puerto, M, Prieto, A, Cameán, A, Almeida, AM, Coelho, AV, Vasconcelos, V. 2010.
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins in the mediterranean mussel Mytilus
galloprovincialis. Proteomlux 2010 - International Conference on Proteomics in Plants,
Microorganisms and Environment, 18-20 October, Luxembourg. (Oral communication)
66. Campos, A, Puerto, M, Prieto, A, Cameán, A, Almeida, AM, Coelho, AV, Vasconcelos, V. 2010.
Analysis of protein expression in bivalve species exposed to the cyanobacteria
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. 4th EUPA meeting and 6th PROCURA Meeting, 23-27 October,
Estoril, Portugal.
67. Campos, A, Puerto, M, Prieto, A, Cameán, A, Almeida, AM, Coelho, AV, Vasconcelos, V. 2010.
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis for analysis of protein expression in Mytilus
galloprovincialis. 4th EUPA meeting and 6th PROCURA Meeting, 23-27 October, Estoril, Portugal.
68. Campos, AM, Puerto, MP, Prieto, AI, Cameán, AM, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. Two-dimensional gel
electrophoresis of proteins for functional proteomics in bivalve species. 20th Annual Meeting of
the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville,
69. Campos, C, Conceição, L, Valente, LMP, Fernandes, JMO. 2010. Incubation temperature affects
methyltransferases expression during ontogeny of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010 - Seafarming tomorrow, 5-10 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of
abstracts, pp. 270-271.
70. Campos, C, Conceição, L, Valente, LMP, Fernandes, JMO. 2010. Methyltransferases in ontogenic
thermal plasticity in Senegalese sole. 9th International Congress on the Biology of Fish of the
American Fisheries Society, 5-8 July, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral communication)
71. Campos, C, Conceição, LEC, Valente, LMP, Fernandes, JMO. 2010. Thermal plasticity of
methyltransferases expression during ontogeny of Senegalese sole. 9th International Congress on
the Biology of Fish, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral communication)
72. Cancela, ML. 2010. Gla Proteins as calcification inhibitors. ESF Exploratory workshop on
Microcrystal-induced inflammation and joint diseases in humans, 11-12 March, Paris, France.
(Invited oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
73. Canning-Clode, J, Maloney, K, McMahon, S, Wahl, M. 2010. Integrating succession and functional
richness in the local-regional richness relationship - a global scale perspective. 39th Benthic
Ecology Meeting, 10-13 March, Wilmington, NC, USA. (Oral communication)
74. Canning-Clode, J. 2010. Fouling community recruitment, local vs. regional species pools. ICES
Benthic Ecology Working Group Meeting 2010, 19-23 April, Edgewater, Maryland, USA. (Invited
oral communication)
75. Capela, RC, Silva, HC, Silva, DM, Hamer, PA, Nunes, B, Correia, AT. 2010. Trace elemental
incorporation in otoliths in otoliths of the European eel (Anguilla Anguilla): the potential use of a
chronological indicator of environmental aquatic exposure to metal contamination. 9th
International Congress on the Biology of Fish, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
76. Cardeira, J, Mendes, AC, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Cancela, ML, Gavaia, PJ. 2010. Characterization of
lordosis-kyphosis vertebral deformities in juvenile Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup
1858) by immuno-histochemical techniques. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 - Seafarming
tomorrow, 5-10 October, Porto, Portugal.
77. Cardeira, J, Nicolau, L, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Cancela, ML, Gavaia, PJ. 2010. Early skeletal
development of meagre (Argyrosomus regius, Asso 1801). International Meeting on Marine
Resources - IMMR'10, 16-17 November, Peniche, Portugal.
78. Cardeira, S, Cravo, A, Relvas, P. 2010. Chlorophyll a and nutrients fluxes and transports in the
south Portuguese coast. XV Iberian Seminar of Marine Chemistry, 22-24 February, Vigo, Spain.
(Oral communication)
79. Cardinal, M, Cornet, J, Donnay-Moreno, C, Gouygou, JP, Bergé, JP, Hussenot, J, Rocha, E, Malhão,
F, Escórcio, C, Bacelar, M, Valente, LMP. 2010. Product quality according to the rearing system:
Intensive / semi-Intensive / Extensive / Integrated system. Model species: sea bream (Sparus
aurata). International Workshop on sustainable extensive and semi-intensive coastal aquaculture
in southern Europe, 20-21 January 2010, Tavira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
80. Cardoso, JFMF, Witte, JIJ, Veer, HW. 2010. Differential reproductive strategies of two bivalves in
the Dutch Wadden Sea. Annual Netherlands Ecology Meeting, 9-10 February, Lunteren, The
Netherlands. (Oral communication)
81. Carrola, J, Santos, N, Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A, Viegas, I, Rocha, MJ, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E.
2010. Frequency of micronuclei and of other nuclear aberrations in erythrocytes of mullets from
the Mondego, Douro and Ave estuaries - Preliminary data from a major toxicopathology survey.
20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe
2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
82. Carvalho, F, Murie, D, Hazin, F, Coelho, R, Travassos, P, Hazin, H, Burgess, G. 2010. Elasmobranch
catches and discards in the pelagic longline fishery in Brazilian fishing grounds off the Southwest
Atlantic Ocean: an overview of the last 32 years. Sharks International, 6-11 June, Cairns,
83. Carvalho, PN, Evangelista, R, Basto, MCP, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. Can some estuarine salt
marsh plants influence distribution and remediation of DDT and its metabolites? 20th Annual
Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27
May, Seville, Spain.
Evaluation Report 2010
84. Castanheira, MF, Martins, CIM, Engrola, S, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Daily oxygen consumption
rhythms of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) juveniles. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Seafarming tomorrow, 5-10 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 295-296.
85. Castro, LFC, Gonçalves, O, Wilson, JM. 2010. Pepsinogen precursor genes in the shark,
Scyliorhinus canicula: insights into pepsinogen evolution. 9th International Congress of Fish
Biology, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
86. Castro, LFC, Lima, D, Nishikawa, J-I, Hiromori, Y, Nakanishi, T, Fonseca, R, Antunes, A, Mazariegos,
JG, Campo-Paysaa, F, Machado, A, Reis-Henriques, MA, Laudet, V, Schubert, M, Santos, MM.
2010. Ancient bilaterian retinoic acid signaling: characterization of the Retinoic Acid receptor
(RAR) from the lophotrochozoan mollusk Nucella lapillus. 25th Conference of European
Comparative Endocrinologists, 31 August-4 September, Pécs, Hungary. (Oral communication)
87. Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ. 2010. The pattern of site selection of Acanthochondria cornuta
(Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Chondracanthidae) in the European flounder, Platichthys flesus
(Teleostei: Pleuronectidae). 1st International Workshop on Symbiontic Copepoda, 4-8 December,
San Pedro, California, USA. (Oral communication)
88. Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ. 2010. What do we know about the octopicolid copepods? 1st
International Workshop on Symbiontic Copepoda, 4-8 December, San Pedro, California, USA.
89. Cavenati, S, Carvalho, PN, Almeida, CMR, Basto, MCP, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. A simple
method for quantification of tetracyclines in wastewater samples. 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry
Congress, 29 August-2 September, Nürnberg, Germany.
90. Cianca, RCC, Baptista, MS, Lopes, VR, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. Validation of a Reversed-phase
HPLC/FD Method for β-methylamino-L-alanine quantitative analysis using methanol elution
instead of acetonitrile. 14th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 1-5 November, Crete,
91. Cipollini, P, Barbosa, S, Coelho, H, Fernandes, J, Gommenginger, C, Gómez-Enri, J, Martin-Puig, C,
Vignudelli, S, Woodworth, P, Benveniste, J, Bastos, L, Byfield, V, Challenor, P, Dinardo, S, Gleason,
S, Lázaro, C, Lucas, BM, Moreno, L, Nunes, A, Pires, N, Quartly, G, Snaith, H, Tsimplis, M, Wolf, J.
2010. A summary of the COASTALT project and its contribution to the monitoring of coastal sea
level. EGU 2010 General Assembly, 2-7 May, Vienna, Austria.
92. Coelho, R, Santos, MN, Hazin, F, Carvalho, F, Fernandez-Carvalho, J, Burgess, G. 2010. TransAtlantic pelagic sharks research initiative 2010. ICES Annual Science Conference, 20-24
September, Nantes, France.
93. Colen, R, Rodrigues, V, Conceição, L, Dinis, MT, Ribeiro, AR, Escórcio, C, Valente, LMP, Aires, T,
Dias, J. 2010. Growth performance of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles fed a low
fishmeal diet. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 - Seafarming tomorrow, 5-10 October, Porto,
Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 327-328.
94. Conceição, LEC, Aragão, C, Dias, J, Costas, B, Terova, G, Martins, C, Tort, L. 2010. Modulation of
fish welfare through adequate dietary nitrogen formulations. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Seafarming tomorrow, 5-10 October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
95. Conceição, LEC, Aragão, C, Rønnestad I. 2010. Protein metabolism and amino acid requirements
in fish larvae. X Simposio Internacional de Nutrición Acuícola, 8-10 November, San Nicolás de los
Garza, Nuevo León, México. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
96. Conceição, LEC, Cordeiro, O, Alves, RN, Silva, TS, Richard, N, de Vareilles, M, Rodrigues, PM. 2010.
Proteome expression as a tool to identify stress indicators in farmed fish. 9th International
Congress on the Biology of Fish, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral invited communication)
97. Conceição, LEC. 2010. How to reduce variability in operational results: specific issues in extensive
and semi-intensive systems. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 - Seafarming tomorrow, 5-10 October,
Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
98. Cordeiro, OD, Silva, TS, Alves, RN, Costas, B, Wulff, T, Richard, N, de Vareilles, M, Conceição, LEC,
Rodrigues, PM. 2010. Changes in the liver proteome of Senegalese sole in response to repeated
handling stress: the unfolded protein response. 4th EUPA Meeting and 6th PROCURA Meeting,
23-27 October, Estoril, Portugal.
99. Correia, AT, Carocinho, B, Erzini, K, Hamer, PA, Silva, A. 2010. Population structure of the sardine
(Sardina pilchardus) inferred from otolith elemental analysis. XVI Iberian Symposium of Marine
Biology Studies, 6-10 September, Alicante, Spain. (Oral Communication)
100.Correia, AT, Pipa, P, Gonçalves, JMS, Erzini, K, Hamer, P. 2010. Assessing the population structure
of the common two-banded sea bream (Diplodus vulgaris) at the SW Portuguese coast using
otolith elemental fingerprinting. 9th Internacional Congress on the Biology of Fish - Symposium
Fish Habitat: improving connectivity, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral Communication)
101.Correia, AT, Pipa, P, Gonçalves, JMS, Erzini, K, Hamer, P. 2010. New insights about the life cycle of
Diplodus vulgaris at the SW Portuguese coast using otolith fingerprint analysis. 45th European
Marine Biology Symposium, 23-27 August, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. (Oral Communication)
102.Costa, A, Mil-Homens, M. 2010. Distribuição granulométrica dos sedimentos de superfície do
estuário do rio Minho. V Iberian Symposium of the River Minho Hydrological Basin, 19-20
November, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal.
103.Costa, R, Esteves, AI, Hardoim, CCP. 2010. The Microbial Ecology and Evolution Research Group
at the Centre of Marine Sciences, Algarve, Portugal. Microbial Genomics & Metagenomics
Workshop, 18-22 October, Walnut Creek, CA, USA.
104.Costa, R, Keller, T, Nunes da Rocha, U, Xavier, J, Van Overbeek, L, Van Elsas, JD. 2010. 16S rRNA
gene-based analysis of bacterial diversity and composition in the freshwater sponge Ephydatia
fluviatilis. VIII World Sponge Conference, 20-24 September, Girona, Spain.
105.Costa, R. 2010. Community structure and function in “hot spots” of microbial activity. 2010. The
International Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization (FISH) Course, 22-26 February, Vienna, Austria.
(Oral communication)
106.Costa, R. 2010. Unveiling the Zostera marina microbiome. Seagrass Workshop, 6-9 December,
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. (Oral communication)
107.Costas, B, Rêgo, PC, Conceição, LEC, Dias, J, Afonso, A. 2010. Effects of dietary arginine on the stress
response and some haematological and immune parameters of turbot (Schophthalmus maximus).
9th International Congress on the Biology of Fish, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral
108.Costas, B, Silva, JMG, Conceição, LEC, Dias, J, Valente, LMP, Afonso, A. 2010. Influence of fish
meal replacement by plant-protein sources and indispensable amino acids supplementation on
innate immune parameters of Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010
Evaluation Report 2010
- Seafarming tomorrow, 5-10 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 335-336. (Oral
109.Couto, A, Enes, P, Peres, H, Oliva-Teles, A. 2010. Growth performance of European sea bass
(Dicentrarchus labrax) fed diets containing whole cereal meals. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Seafarming tomorrow, 5-10 October, Porto, Portugal.
110.Couto, CMCM, Pinto, I, Madureira, TV, Rocha, MJ, Tiritan, ME, Almeida, AA. 2010. Spatiotemporal distribution of metals in the Douro River estuary (Portugal). 20th Annual Meeting of the
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville,
111.Couto, CMCM, Pinto, I, Madureira, TV, Rocha, MJ, Tiritan, ME, Almeida, AA. 2010. Evaluation on
the influence of WTPs on estuarine water quality – anthropogenic influences on metal content
on surface waters of the Douro estuary (Portugal). 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
112.Couto, RP, Neto, AI, Rodrigues, AS. 2010. Limpet shell modifications at intertidal hydrothermal
vents. 45rd European Marine Biology Symposium, 23-27 August, Edinburgh, Scotland. Book of
abstracts, p.60.
113.Couto, RP, Neto, AI, Rodrigues, AS. 2010. Metal concentrations and structural changes in
coralline algae from hydrothermal vents. International Symposium FloraMac 2010, 23-25
September, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.53. (Oral communication)
114.Couto, RP, Rodrigues, AS, Neto, AI. 2010. Coralline algae, structuring organisms of warm
temperate intertidal communities. International Symposium FloraMac 2010, 23-25 September,
Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.64.
115.Couto, RP, Rosas-Alquicira, EF, Rodrigues, AS, Neto, AI. 2010. Choreonema thuretii and
Pneophyllum confervicolum (Corallinales, Rhodophyta), new corallines to the Azores.
International Symposium FloraMac 2010, 23-25 September, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.
Book of abstracts, p.39.
116.Cox, CJ. 2010. Investigating the archaebacterial origin of eukaryotes. Annual Meeting of the
Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution - SMBE 2010, 4-8 July, Lyon, France. (Invited oral
117.Crans, DC, Trujillo, AM, Winter, PW, Roess, D, Aureliano, M. 2010. Membrane interactions
impacting the toxic and beneficial effects of vanadium-containing oxometalates. International
Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societes - PACIFICHEM 2010, 15-20 December, Hawaai, USA
(Oral communication).
118.Cristiano, MLS, Ismael, A, Frija, L, Fausto, R, Reva, I. 2010. Isomerisations in heteroaromatic allyl
ethers: selectivity and mechanism. 20th International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry,
22-28 August, Busan, South Korea. (Oral communication)
119.Cristiano, MLS. 2010. Applications of antimalarial endoperoxide drugs to aquaculture. 2nd UTEN
Workshop 2010, Marine and Bio-Sciences, 27-28 September, Faro, Portugal. (Invited oral
Evaluation Report 2010
120.Cristiano, MLS. 2010. Design and synthesis of fluorescent compounds derived from artemisinin,
deoxyartemisinin and ozonide; suitability of the compounds as probes of embriotoxicity and
teratogenicity. 6 May, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. (Invited oral communication)
121.Cristiano, MLS. 2010. Photochemistry of tetrazoles; applications in organic synthesis. 2nd
Iberoamerican Symposium of Organic Chemistry, 8-11 September, Santiago de Compostela.
(Invited oral communication)
122.Cristiano, MLS. 2010. Synthetic approaches to biotin-tagged derivatives of artemisinin,
deoxyartemisinin and ozonide to be used as affinity probes of embriotoxicity and teratogenicity.
20 October University of Leiden, The Netherlands. (Invited oral communication)
123.Cruz, C, Silva, A, Vaz, A, Luís, L, Hermida, M, Saraiva, A. 2010. Ocorrência de Kudoa spp.
(Myxozoa, Multivalvulida) em peixes marinhos usados para consumo humano em Portugal. XI
ENBRAPOA, 19-22 July, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. (Oral communication)
124.Cruzeiro, L, Lopes, PA. 2010. Parallel computing and protein design. 4th Iberian Grid
Infrastructure Conference Proceedings, 24-27 May, Braga, Portugal. (Oral communication)
125.Cruzeiro, L. 2010. A kinetic mechanism for protein folding in a multi-funnel free energy
landscape. IV Spanish-Portuguese Biophysical Congress 2010, 8-10 July, Zaragoza, Spain. (Oral
126.Cruzeiro, L. 2010. The VES Hypothesis and Protein Function. 1st Porto Meeting on Theory and
Experiments in Nonlinear Physics, 7-9 July, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
127.Cunha, AH Assis, J, Tavares, D, Tavares, JT, Paulos, L, Serrão, E, Erzini, K. 2010. Adopt-a-SeagrassMeadow: a people´s conservation program. World Seagrass Biology Conference and International
Seagrass Workshop 2010, 22-30 November, Phuket and Trang, Thailand.
128.Cunha, AH, Erzini, K, Serrão, E, Gonçalves, E, Henriques, M, Henriques, V, Guerra, M, Duarte, C,
Marbá, N, Fonseca, M. 2010. Biomares a LIFE project to restore and manage the biodiversity of
Luiz Saldanha Marine Park. XVI Iberian Symposium of Marine Biology Studies, 6-10 September,
Alicante, Spain. (Oral communication)
129.Cunha, AH, Paulo, D, Rodrigues, S, Boavida, J, Fonseca, M. 2010. Open ocean restoration in the
eastern Atlantic coast: challenges and lessons. I European Seagrass Restoration Workshop, 30
September, Portinho da Arrábida, Portugal. (Oral communication)
130.Cunha, AH, Paulo, D, Rodrigues, S, Boavida, J, Fonseca, M. 2010. Open ocean restoration in the
eastern Atlantic coast: challenges and lessons. World Seagrass Biology Conference and
International Seagrass Workshop, 22-30 November, Phuket and Trang, Thailand. (Oral
131.Cunha, AH, Serrão, E, Assis, J. 2010. Seagrass Status of Portuguese Seagrasses: are seagrasses the
most endangered marine habitat? International Coastal Conservation Conference - ICCCM, 12-17
April, Estoril, Portugal. (Oral communication)
132.Cunha, AH, Serrão, E, Assis, J. 2010. Seagrass Status of Portuguese Seagrasses: are seagrasses the
most endangered marine habitat? ECSA 47 Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association,
14-19 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
133.Cunha, I, Galante-Oliveira, S, Rocha, E, Castro, FL. 2010. Effects of treatment with the standard
PPARa ligand WY14643 on juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus - II. Gene expression. 20th
Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010,
23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
134.Cunha, I, Galante-Oliveira, S, Rocha, E, Castro, LFC. 2010. Pattern of expression of PPARα1/α2
and other genes involved on lipid metabolism on post-hatched turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
larvae. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
135.Custódio, L, Barradas, AR, Justo, T, Barreira, L, Varela, J. 2010.Evaluation of the antioxidant
potential of selected species of microalgae. 8th European Workshop of Microalgal Biotechnology,
7-10 June, Nuthetal, Germany.
136.Custódio, L, Justo T, Vizetto-Duarte, C, Pereira, H, Silvestre, L, Barreira, L, Rauter, AP, Alberício, F,
Varela, J. 2010. Chelating and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of selected species of
microalgae. International Meeting on Marine Resources - IMMR'10, 16-17 November, Peniche,
Portugal. (Oral Communication).
137.da Silva, JCB, Grimshaw, RHJ, Magalhaes, JM. 2010. Observations of internal solitary wave
reflection at a step-like submarine bank and strong oblique interaction at Race Point Channel,
(Cape Cod). European Geophysical Union - EGU General Assembly 2010, 2-7 May, Vienna,
Austria. (Oral communication)
138.da Silva, JCB, New, AL, Helfrich, KR, Pineda, J, Ostrowski, M, Basik-Sangolay, B, Magalhaes, JM,
Azevedo, A. 2010. Internal solitary waves in the world’s ocean and some mechanisms of their
formation. European Space Agengy SEASAR 2010 Workshop, 25-29 January, Frascati, Italy. (Oral
communication) la Riva, GA, Agüero-Chapin, G, Morales-Aragón, JC, Pérez-Machado, G, Vasconcelos, V,
Antunes, A. 2010. Comparative enzymatic activity of three recombinant RNAse III and effect of
bacterial RNAse III expressed in transformed yeasts. 3th International Research Congress
CIPITECH 2010, 13-15 November, Instituto Tecnológico de Parral, Mexico. (Oral communication) Vareilles, M, Gomèz-Requeni, P, Kousoulaki, K, Cordeiro, O, Silva, TS, Richard, N, Conceição,
LEC, Rodrigues, PM, Rønnestad, I. 2010. Growth and muscle proteome response to fish protein
hydrolysates in the diet of zebrafish. 14th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and
Feeding, 31 May-4 June, Qingdao, China. Vareilles, M, Gómez-Requeni, P, Kousoulaki, K, Richard, N, Cordeiro, O, Silva, TS, Rodrigues,
PM, Conceição, LEC, Rønnestad, I. 2010. Growth and muscle proteome response to a dietary
lysine unbalance in zebrafish juveniles. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto,
Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 360-361. Vareilles, M, Gómez-Requeni, P. Kousoulaki, K, Richard, N, Cordeiro, O, Silva, TS, Rodrigues,
PM, Conceição, LEC, Rønnestad, I. 2010. Growth and muscle proteome response to a dietary
lysine unbalance in zebrafish juveniles. 14th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and
Feeding, 31 May-4 June, Qingdao, China.
143.Desprat, S, Sanchez Goñi, MF, Naughton, F, Turon, J-L, Malaizé, B. 2010. Interglacial climatic
variability in southern Europe from NW Iberian marine pollen records. American Geophysical
Union - AGU Fall Meeting, 5-9 December, San Francisco, California, USA.
Evaluation Report 2010
144.Dias, J, Conceição, LEC, Ramalho Ribeiro, A, Aires, T, Borges, P, Valente, L, Rema, P, Dinis, MT.
2010. Diet formulation for sustainable fish farming in ponds/lagoons. International Workshop on
Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive Coast Aquaculture in Southern Europe, 20-21 January,
Tavira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
145.Dias, J, Rema, P, Verlhac, V. 2010. Protease supplementation enhances the apparent digestibility of
nutrients and energy in Nile tilapia fed plant-protein rich diets with variable crude protein content.
14th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, 31 May-4 June, Qingdao, China.
146.Dias, J, Rodrigues, V, Colen, R, Bandarra, N, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V, Gavaia, PJ. 2010. Effects of
dietary lipid sources on bone composition and metabolism in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
juveniles. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
147.Dias, J, Yúfera, M, Valente, LMP, Rema, P. 2010. Feed transit and apparent protein, phosphorus
and energy digestibility of practical feed ingredients by Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 373-374.
148.Dias, ML, Souza, GTR, Eiras, JC, Machado, MH, Pavanelli, GC, Silva, ES. 2010. Desenvolvimento de
metacercárias de Clinostomum complanatum Rud. 1814 (Digenea: Clinostomidae) a adultos
ovígeros em hospedeiro experimental. XI ENBRAPOA, 19-22 July, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
149.Dini-Andreote, F, Andreote, FD, Costa, R, Taketani, RG, Van Elsas, JD, Araújo, WL. 2010. The
bacterial soil community in a Brazilian sugar cane field. 13th International Symposium on
Microbial Ecology, 22-27 August, Seattle, USA.
150.Diogo, P, Soares, F, Beirão, J, Dinis, MT, Cabrita, E. 2010. Parameters affecting sperm motility
activation in Solea senegalensis: multivariate cluster analysis vs mean values analysis. EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
151.Dionísio, G, Cunha, ME, Ferreira, H, Makridis, P, Cancela, ML, Gavaia, PJ. 2010. Effect of two
culture conditions on growth and skeletogenesis of Solea senegalensis early life stages. EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
152.Dionísio, G, Richard, N, Bensimon-Brito, A, Cancela, ML, Gavaia, PJ. 2010. Effect of dietary vitamin
K supplementation on growth and skeletal development of two teleost models. International
Meeting on Marine Resources - IMMR'10, 16-17 November, Peniche, Portugal. (Oral
153.Dolbeth, M, Sousa, R, Cusson, M, Pardal, MA. 2010. Secondary invertebrate production as a tool
to better understand the aquatic ecosystem. ECSA 47 Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences
Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal. (Oral communication)
154.Duarte, H, Silva, A, Mil-Homens, M, Borges, R, Lopes, C, Santos, C, Cavaleiro, C, Mateus, S, Lopes,
AL. 2010. Bedforms and sediment distribution in the Minho estuary (Northern Portugal).
European Geophysical Union - EGU General Assembly, 2-7 May, Vienna, Austria.
155.Duarte, P, Pereira, A, Reis, LP, Labarta, U, Fernandéz-Reiriz, M, Cranford, P. 2010. Carrying
capacity modelling combined with decision support tools. Workshop – Networking Research on
Tools to Support Decision Making and to Develop Sustainability in Shellfish Aquaculture
Management and Exploitation, 5th October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
156.Duarte, P, Pereira, A., Reis, LP. 2010. An integrated ecological modeling and decision support
methodology for coastal ecosystem analysis and management. ECSA 47 Symposium - Estuarine
Coastal Sciences Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal. (Oral communication)
157.Duarte, S, Fidalgo, ML, Pascoal, C, Cássio, F. 2010. Food preferences of the freshwater shrimp
Atyaephyra desmarestii. XV Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology, 5-9 July, Ponta
Delgada, Azores, Portugal. (Oral communication)
158.Einarsdóttir, IE, Jönsson, EB, Thrandur Björnsson, BTh, Power, DM. 2010. Distribution of ghrelinproducing cells and Na+K+-ATPase in tissues of atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in
early development. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
159.El Khalloufi, F, El Ghazali, I, Saqrane, S, Ouahid, Y, Del Campo, FF, Vasconcelos, V, Oudra, B. 2010.
Induction of necrosis of the tomato plant leaves exposed to microcystins. 8th International
Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4 September, Istambul, Turkey.
160.El Khalloufi, F, Lahrouni, M, El Ghazali, I, Oufdou, Kh, Vasconcelos, VM, Oudra, B. 2010.
Contamination of irrigation water by microcystins: Effects on the potential symbiotic association
between rhizobia and Medicago sativa. 8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29
August-4 September, Istambul, Turkey.
161.Engelen, A, Diekmann, O, Coelho, M, Costa, J, Pearson, G, Marbà, N, Serrão, E, Duarte, C. 2010.
Climate change effects on canopy-forming ecosystem structuring species at leading and rear
edges versus central distribution zones. AQUASHIFT Workshop - The Impact of Climate Variability
on Aquatic Ecosystems, 4-7 October, Kiel, Germany.
162.Engelen, A, Lévèque, L, Engel, C, Viard, F, Destombe, C, Valero, M. 2010. Unraveling population
dynamics of Laminaria digitata using matrix models: life history and management strategies.
Ecokelp International workshop on Algal Resource Management, 3-5 June, Brest, France. (Oral
163.Engrola, S, Cabrita, E, Teixeira, H, Conceição, LEC, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Dinis, MT. 2010. Female
performance of dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus Lowe 1854) during consecutive years. EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 418-419.
164.Erzini, K. 2010. Performance indicators for the Professor Luíz Saldanha Marine Park: a multicriteria approach. MAIA Internacional Workshop - MPAs Monitoring strategies, 8-9 November,
Sesimbra, Portugal. (Oral communication)
165.Estrada-Allis, SN, Caldeira, RMA, Rodríguez-Santana, Á, Sangrà, P, Machín, F, Couvelard, X. 2010.
Hacia la construcción de un modelo regional en el Sistema de Afloramiento de la Península
Ibérica (IPUS). EOF – Spanish Workshop on Physical Oceanography, 13-15 October, Barcelona,
Spain. (Oral communication)
166.Fathalli, A, Jenhani, A, Moreira, C, Antunes, A, Welker, M, Romdhane, M, Vasconcelos, V. 2010.
Toxicity assessment and phylogenetic characterization of Microcystis strains isolated from
Tunisian freshwaters. 8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria. 29 August-4
September, Istambul, Turkey.
167.Fernandes, J, Campos, C, Valente, L. 2010. Molecular evolution of zebrafish Dnmt3 genes and
differential expression in relation to embryonic temperature. SEB Annual Main Meeting 2010, 30
June-3 July, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
168.Fernandes, MJ, Benveniste, J, Berry, P, Cipollini, P, Coelho, E, Collard, F, Deng, X, Emery, W,
Fenoglio-Marc, L, Gommenginger, C, Ichikawa, K, Saraceno, M, Scharroo, R, Smith, W, Strub, T,
Vandermark, D, Vignudelli, S, Wilkin, J, Woodworth, P. 2010. Report on the 4th Coastal Altimetry
Workshop, 18-20 October, OSTST 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. (Keynote communication)
169.Fernandes, MJ, Lázaro, C, Nunes, A, Pires, N, Cipollini, P. 2010. Tropospheric corrections for
coastal altimetry. ESA Living Planet Symposium, 28 June-2 July, Bergen, Norway. (Oral
170.Fernandes, MJ, Lázaro, C, Nunes, A, Pires, N, Salgado, M, Cipollini, P. 2010. GPD – towards a
global implementation. 4th Workshop on Coastal Altimetry, 14-15 October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral
171.Fernandes, MJ, Lázaro, C, Nunes, A, Pires, N, Salgado, M, Cipollini, P. 2010. Inter-comparison
between existing wet tropospheric corrections for coastal altimetry. OSTST 2010, 18-20 October,
Lisbon, Portugal.
172.Fernandez-Carvalho, J, Coelho, R, Santos, MN. 2010. Age and growth of the big eye thresher
shark, Alopias superciliosus, in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. ICES Annual Science Conference 2010,
20-24 September, Nantes, France.
173.Ferreira, C, Reis, B, Figueiredo, F, Cruzeiro, C, Rocha, E, Rocha, MJ. 2010. Regular chemical
monitoring reveals continuous water pollution by estrogenic endocrine disruptor compounds in
the Douro River estuary, Porto, Portugal. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
174.Ferreira, H, Ramalho Ribeiro, A, Dias, J, Yúfera, M, Arias, A, Falcão, M, Serpa, D, Aires, T, PousãoFerreira, P, Cunha, ME, Valente, LMP, Dinis, MT, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Sustainable semi-intensive
polyculture of seabream and sole in earth ponds. International Workshop on Sustainable
Extensive and Semi-intensive Coast Aquaculture in Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
175.Ferreira, H, Ribeiro, AR, Dias, J, Yúfera, MI, Arias, A, Falcão, M, Serpa, D, Aires, T, Pousão-Ferreira,
P, Cunha, ME, Valente, LMP, Dinis, MT, Conceição, L. 2010. Sustainable Semi-intensive
polyculture of seabream and sole in earth ponds. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October,
Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 453-454. (Oral communication)
176.Ferreira, M, Zaja, R, Reis-Henriques, MA, Moradas-Ferreira, P, Smital, T. 2010. CYP1A activity and
the ABC proteins(s) mediated multixenobiotic resistance in european bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
primary cultured hepatocytes. 6th. International Conference on Marine Pollution and
Ecotoxicology, 31 May-3 June, Hong Kong, China. (Oral Communication)
177.Ferrette, BLS, Mendonça, FF, Oliveira, C, Gadig, OBF, Coelho, R, Foresti, F, Santos, MN 2010
Determination of multiple paternity in the crocodile shark (Pseudocarcharias kamoharai) in the
Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. 56th Brazilian Congress of Genetics, 14-17 September, Guarujá, São
Paulo, Brazil.
178.Figueiredo, F, Ribeiro, M, Ferreira, C, Reis, B, Cruzeiro, C, Rocha, E, Rocha, MJ. 2010.
Measurement of several classes of pesticides by GC-MS in the Douro River estuary, Porto,
Portugal. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry –
SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
Evaluation Report 2010
179.Figueiredo-Silva, AC, Corraze, G, Kaushik, S, Peleteiro, JB, Valente, LMP. 2010. Modulation of
blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) intermediary metabolic pathways by dispensable
amino acids. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp.
180.Figueiredo-Silva, AC, Corraze, G, Valente, LMP. 2010. Recent advances and future steps
concerning blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) nutrition. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 58 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 463-464.
181.Franklin, CE, Reilly, BD, Cramp, RL, Wilson, JM. 2010. Ion transporters in the gills of the
euryhaline bull shark: effect of environmental salinity. 9th International Congress of Fish Biology,
5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral communication)
182.Frazão, B, Martins, R, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Are known cyanotoxins involved in the toxicity of
picoplanktonic and filamentous North Atlantic marine cyanobacteria? VIII Iberian Congress and V
Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology – CICTA 2010, 29
November-4 December, Heredia, Costa Rica.
183.Freedman, H, Cruzeiro, L. 2010. Amide I vibration within an MD simulation. CECAM Workshop on
Quantum Coherence, 9-12 May, Dublin, Ireland.
184.Freedman, H, Martel, P, Cruzeiro, L. 2010. Quantum-classical molecular dynamics simulation.
CECAM Workshop on Protein Folding Dynamics, 4-7 October, Lausanne, Switzerland.
185.Freitas, F, Mota, M, Nogueira, AJA, Antunes, C, Sousa, R. 2010. Distribution of the invasive crayfish
Procambarus clarkii in the international section of the River Minho (NW of the Iberian Peninsula).
V Iberian Symposium of the River Minho Hydrological Basin, 19-20 November, Vila Nova de
Cerveira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
186.Freitas, M, Azevedo, J, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Biodisponibilidade de cianotoxinas em alimentos e
implicações para a saúde humana. I International Health Congress Gaia-Porto, 23-25 September,
Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. (Oral communication)
187.Freitas, M, Martins, A, Moreira, C, Azevedo, J, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Monitorização de
cianobactérias e cianotoxinas: métodos e volumes de amostragem. I International Health
Congress Gaia-Porto, 23-25 September, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. (Oral communication)
188.Freitas, M, Martins, A, Regueiras, A, Azevedo, J, Moreira, C, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Monitoring of
cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in Mira and Vela lakes (Central Portugal) comparing different
methods and sample volumes. 8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4
September, Istambul, Turkey.
189.Gadelha, J, Von Osten, J, Guilhermino, L, Abreu, S, Soares, A, Morgado, F. 2010. Sea anemones
Actinia equina and Anemonia sulcata as bioindicators of persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
bioaccumulation in the Iberian Coast. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain. Book of abstracts,
190.Galante-Oliveira, S, Castro, LFC, Rocha, E, Cunha, I. 2010. Developmental toxicity of fibrates on
turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) embryos: effects on mortality, growth, use of vitelline reserves
and malformation rates. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
Evaluation Report 2010
191.Galante-Oliveira, S, Resende, D, Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A, Rocha, E, Cunha, I. 2010. Effects of
treatment with the standard PPARa ligand WY14643 on juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus I. Biochemical parameters. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
192.Gama, M, Guilhermino, L, Canhoto, C. 2010. Effects of temperature and food quality on the
ecology, elemental composition and biomarkers of Echinogammarus meridionalis: a preliminary
approach. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry –
SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain. Abstract book, p.121.
193.García, S, Garrido, D, Rosas, C, Sykes, AV, Domingues, P. 2010. Characterization of the enzymatic
activity in the gastric juice and digestive gland of Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) and Cuttlefish (Sepia
officinalis) at different pH and temperatures. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto,
194.García-Marín, P, Hernández, I, Cabaço, S, Brun, FG, Silva, J, Santos, R, Vergara, JJ. 2010. Seagrass
Indicator for South Iberian Peninsula (SISIP): first steps to fulfill the WFD requirements. ECSA 47
Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
195.García‐Marín, P, Hernández, I, Cabaço, S, Brun, FG, Silva, J, Santos, R, Vergara, JJ. 2010. Seagrass
indicators in the southern Iberian Peninsula: first steps to fulfilling WFD requirements. ICES
Annual Science Conference, 20-24 September, Nantes, France.
196.Garel, E, Barbosa, AB, Bhaskar, P, Chícharo, MA, Cravo, A, Ferreira, O. 2010. Multi-parametric
signature of the lower Guadiana Estuary from 2-year long continuous monitoring. ECSA 47
Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal.
197.Garrido, S, Cristóvão, AR, Palma, S, Baptista, H, Nunes, G, Lobo, V, Santos, E, Baylina, N, Gordo, L,
Chícharo, MA, Santos, AMP, Saiz, E, Ré, P. 2010. Reproduction of the sardine Sardina pilchardus
in laboratory conditions effect of food availability on the survival, development and growth of
first-feeding larvae Nova. 9th Larval Biology Symposium, 23-27 August, Wellington, New Zeeland.
198.Gavaia, PJ, Cunha, ME, Ferreira, H, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Cancela, ML. 2010. Early skeletal
development of the dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus, Lowe), produced under extensive
mesocosms conditions. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
199.Gavaia, PJ, Richard, N, Dâmaso, L, Dinis, MT, Pousão-Fereira, P, Engrola, S, Conceição LEC,
Cancela, L. 2010. Evaluation of the skeletal quality in Senegalese sole (Solea senagalensis) reared
under intensive vs extensive conditions. International Workshop on Sustainable Extensive and
Semi-intensive Coast Aquaculture in Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira, Portugal.
200.Gavaia, PJ. 2010. Ossification and Malformations. LARVITA Fish Larvae Training School. COST
action FA0801, 22-26 November, Faro, Portugal. (Oral communication)
201.Gil, IM, Keigwin, L, Abrantes, F. 2010. Deglacial diatom record from the Laurentian Fan (South of
Newfoundland) reveals the tempo of the ice formation and dispersion. 10th International
Conference on Paleoceanography, 29 August-3 September, San Diego, USA.
202.Gonçalves, A, Bandarra, N, Dias, J, Nunes, ML. 2010. Effect of diet with low fish-derived protein
and oil on the sensory properties and nutritional value of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata).
International Workshop on Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive Coast Aquaculture in
Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
203.Gonçalves, A, Matos, E, Dias, J, Nunes, ML. 2010. Effect of the replacement of dietary fishmeal
and fish oil by vegetable ingredients on the sensory quality of farmed gilthead sea bream (Sparus
aurata). 4th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, 5-8 September, Vitoria,
204.Gonçalves, AF, Rodrigues, P, Coimbra, J, Wilson, JM. 2010. Effects of ammonia on bacterial
lipopolysaccharide induction of the acute phase response in Danio rerio. 9th International
Congress of Fish Biology, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral communication)
205.Gonçalves, H, Gonçalves, JA, Corte-Real, L. 2010. The use of similarity images on multi-sensor
automatic image registration. ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, 5-7 July, Vienna, Austria.
(Oral communication)
206.Gonçalves, J, Café, C, Ozório, ROA, Marques, M, Correia, N, Gomes, R, Fernandes, F, Teles, T,
Calheiros, J, Bordalo, AA. 2010. A novel floating waste treatment plant for inland cage
aquaculture. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
207.Gonçalves, JA, Bastos, L, Perez, B, Magalhães, A. 2010. Monitoring of beaches and sand dunes
using digital aerial photography with direct georeferencing. ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years
ISPRS, 5-7 July, Vienna, Austria. (Oral communication)
208.Gonçalves, JA. 2010. Automatic image orientation and DSM extraction from ALOS-PRISM triplet
images. 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing - IGARSS'10, 25-30 July, Hawaii,
209.Gonçalves, JMS, Bentes, L, Monteiro, P, Rangel, MO, Veiga, P, Afonso, C, Oliveira, F, Erzini, K.
2010. RENSUB – Mapping marine biodiversity for coastal management. 45th European Marine
Biology Symposium, 23-27 August, Edinburgh, Scotland.
210.Gonçalves, JMS, Monteiro, P, Oliveira, F, Afonso, C, Veiga, P, Rangel, MO, Erzini, K, Bentes, L.
2010. Coastal management based on mapping and classification of the Algarve marine subtidal
communities. International Coastal Conservation Conference - ICCCM, 12-17 April, Estoril,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
211.Gonçalves, JMS. 2010. Portuguese experiences with MSP. GISLANDS 2010 International Summer
School on Marine Spatial Planning – MSP, 7 August, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. (Oral
212.Gonçalves, O, Castro, LFC, Smolka, AJ, Wilson, JM. 2010. The cypriniform stomach. A case of
reinvention? 9th International Congress of Fish Biology, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
213.Gonçalves, O, Castro, LFC, Wilson, JM. 2010. Stomach loss in fishes. A case of déjà vu. 9th
International Congress of Fish Biology, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral communication)
214.Granja, H, Bastos, L, Pinho, J, Gonçalves, J, Henriques, R, Bio, A, Magalhães, A. 2010. Small
harbours risks: lowering for fishery and increasing erosion. The case of Portinho da Aguda (NW
Portugal). Littoral 2010, 21-23 September, London, United Kingdom. (Oral communication)
215.Grüneberg, J, Engelen, A, Costa, R, Wichard, T. 2010. Induction of algal morphogenesis in Ulva
mutabilis by its associated bacteria in the lagoon Ria Formosa (Portugal). 2nd VAAM Workshop
on Symbiotic Interactions, 7-8 October, Würzburg, Germany.
Evaluation Report 2010
216.Guerreiro, I, Peres, H, Oliva-Teles, A. 2010. Effect of dietary protein/lipid level on performance of
Senegalase sole (Solea senegalensis) juveniles reared at two different temperatures. EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
217.Guerreiro, I, Peres, H, Oliva-Teles, A. 2010. Effect of temperature and dietary protein/lipid ratio
on growth performance and feed utilization of juvenile Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis).
International Workshop on Extensive and Semi-intensive Aquaculture Production in Southern
Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira, Portugal.
218.Guerreiro, PM, Bataille, AM, Renfro, JL. 2010. The shark choroid plexus actively removes
inorganic phosphate from cerebrospinal fluid. 9th International Congress of Fish Biology, 5-9 July,
Barcelona, Spain.
219.Guimarães, L, Gravato, C, Santos, J, Faria, M, Alves, A, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Does pollution affects
the initial development of glass eels that enter NW Portuguese estuaries? ECSA 47 Symposium Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal. Book of
abstracts, p.139.
220.Guimarães, L, Gravato, C, Santos, J, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Impact of pollution on the development
of glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) entering three NW Portuguese estuaries. 27th Congress of the
European Society of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 5-9 September, Alessandria, Italy.
221.Guimarães, L, Gravato, C, Sousa, A, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Impact of oil-derived pollution on
natural populations of P. microps from NW Portuguese estuaries. 20th Annual Meeting of the
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville,
222.Hermida, M, Saraiva, A, Cruz, C. 2010. Dados preliminares sobre a parasitofauna do goraz,
Pagellus bogaraveo (Teleostei: Sparidae) na região dos Açores, Atlântico Nordeste. XI ENBRAPOA,
19-22 July, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
223.Hernández-Garcia, A, Romero, D, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Garcia-Fernández, AJ. 2010. Effects
on enzymatic antioxidant system of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) erythrocytes exposed in vitro
to lead and cadmium. XII International Congress of Toxicology – IUTOX 2010, 19-23 July 2010,
Barcelona, Spain.
224.Hernández-Garcia, A, Romero, D, Tagliati, CA, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Garcia-Fernández, AJ.
2010. Glutathione S-transferase activity, glutathione and lipid peroxidation levels in mallard
(Anas platyrhynchos) erythrocytes exposed to lead and cadmium in vitro. XII International
Congress of Toxicology – IUTOX 2010, 19-23 July 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
225.Herráez, MP, Pérez-Cerezales, S, Martínez-Páramo, S, Beirão, J, Martínez-Pastor, F, GutiérrezAdán, A. 2010. Altered gene expression in embryo obtained with DNA-cryodamaged sperm. 1st
International Congress on Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Reproductive Cells,
Tissue & Organs, 22-25 April, Valencia, Spain.
226.Horvath, A, Martínez-Páramo, S, Urbanyi, B, Kovacs, A, Herráez, MP. 2010. Cryopreservation of
common carp (Cyprinus carpio) sperm in large volumes and subsequent effect of ovarian fluid on
sperm activation. 11st International Symposium on Spermatology, 24-29 June, Okinawa, Japan.
227.Hubbard, PC. 2010. Olfactory sensitivity to inorganic cations in fish. ECRO 2010 - European
Chemoreception Research organization XXth Congress, 14-19 September, Avignon, France.
Evaluation Report 2010
228.Huertas, M, Canário, AVM, Hubbard, PC. 2010. Olfactory sensitivity to Ca2+ and Na+ in the
European eel (Anguilla anguilla). ECRO 2010 - European Chemoreception Research organization
XXth Congress, 14-19 September, Avignon, France.
229.Hussenot, J, Cardinal, M, Cariou, S, Fabre, R, Kaas, R, Richard, M, Valente, L, Bruant, J-S. 2010. A
fish-macroalgae integrated system to reduce wastes in a land-based marine fish hatchery: a case
study in the seacase Project. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of
abstracts, pp. 601-602. (Oral communication
230.Hussenot, J, Cardinal, M, Cariu, S, Dupuy, B, Fabre, R, Hamdaoui, M, Hervé, A, Kaas, R, Richard,
M, Valente, L, Bruant, JS. 2010. Integrated system versus lagoon/pond treatment as effluent
purification process in a land-based marine fish hatchery. International Workshop on Sustainable
Extensive and Semi-intensive Coast Aquaculture in Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
231.Ibarz, A, Costa, R, Henderson, A, Power, DM. 2010. The intermediate metabolite, alpha
ketoglutarate, regulates the pituitary proteome of the gilthead sea bream. 9th International
Congress on the Biology of Fish, 5- 9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
232.Ilarri, M, Antunes, C, Guilhermino, L, Sousa, R. 2010. Massive mortality of the Asian clam
Corbicula fluminea in a highly invaded area. Aquashift Conference 2010, 4-7 October, Kiel,
233.Ilarri, M, Freitas, F, Dias, S, Antunes, C, Guilhermino, L, Sousa, R. 2010. The Asian clam Corbicula
fluminea as ecosystem engineer: effects on the diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates. V Iberian
Symposium of the River Minho Hydrological Basin, 19-20 November, Vila Nova de Cerveira,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
234.Jalobeanu, A, Gama, C, Gonçalves, JA. 2010. Probabilistic surface change detection and
measurement from digital aerial stereo images. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote
Sensing - IGARSS'10, 25-30 July, Hawaii, USA. (Oral communication)
235.Jenhani, A, Fathalli, A, Moreira, C, Antunes, A, Romdhane, M, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Portoamides
– new synergistic allelochemicals from Oscillatoria sp. 8th International Conference on Toxic
Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4 September, Istambul, Turkey.
236.Keller, T, Costa, R, Jousset, A, Van Overbeek, L, Van Elsas, JD. 2010. Genotypic and phenotypic
characterization of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. isolated from the freshwater sponge Ephydatia
fluviatilis. VIII World Sponge Conference, 20-24 September, Girona, Spain.
237.Keller, T, Iacovella, A Hubbard, PC, Canário, AVM, Barata, EN. 2010. Olfactory responses of male
and female Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus Peters 1852) to a putative urinary
pheromone that signals male dominance. 26th Annual Meeting of the International Society of
Chemical Ecology, 31 July-4 August, Tours, France.
238.Keshin, M, Penna, NT, Clarke, PJ, Bos, MS, Baker, TF. 2010. Anomalous tidal loading signals in
South-West England and Brittany. EGU General Assembly, 2-7 May, Vienna, Austria.
239.Keshin, M, Penna, NT, Clarke, PJ, Bos, MS, Baker, TF. 2010. GPS estimation of anomalous tidal
loading displacements. International GNSS Service (IGS) 2010 Workshop, 28 June-2 July,
Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Evaluation Report 2010
240.Kijjoa, A. 2010. Drugs, nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals from marine sources – EU Perspectives.
Thai Professional Conferences 2010: Green Thailand, 5-7 July 2010, Bangkok, Thailand. (Invited
oral communication)
241.Kolbadinejad, S, Hajimoradloo, A, Ghorbani, R, Wilson, JM. 2010. Effects of gradual increase of
salinity on some osmoregulatory functions in Caspian Roach, Rutilus rutilus caspicus in the
southeast of Caspian Sea, Iran. 9th International Congress of Fish Biology, 5-9 July, Barcelona,
242.Kolmakov, N, Canário, AVM, Hubbard, PC. 2010. Olfactory sensitivity to neurotransmitters in
goldfish. ECRO - European Chemoreception Research organization XXth Congress, 14-19
September, Avignon, France.
243.Kopecka-Pilarczyk, J, Gonçalves, OM, Coimbra, J, Wilson, JM. 2010. Effects of high hydrostatic
selected biomarkers in small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula). 9th International Congress
on the Biology of Fishes, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
244.Lahrouni, M, El Khallouf, F, El Ghazali, I, Oufdou, Kh, Vasconcelos, V, Oudra, B. 2010. Effects of
cyanotoxins (MC-LR) on the germination, growth and physiology of Vicia faba bean. 8th
International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4 September, Istambul, Turkey.
245.Laranjeira, A, Serradeiro, R, Barroso, C, Carvalho, AP, Pacheco, M. 2010. Effect of density and
photoperiod on growth and feed utilization of juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) under
intensive production conditions. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
246.Larsen, K, Froufe, E. 2010. Identification of polymorphic species within groups of morphologically
conservative taxa: combining morphological and molecular techniques. Congress on Biodiversity
Education and Divulgation, Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems, UNESCO /
EDIT / STERNA / KeyToNature, 20-22 September, Paris, France.
247.Leão, P, Pereira, AR, Liu, W-T., Ng, J, Pevzner, P, Dorrestein, PC, König, GM, Vasconcelos, VM,
Gerwick, WH. 2010. Molecular techniques for the toxicological assessment of cyanobacterial
blooms in Tunisian freshwaters. 8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29 August4 September, Istambul, Turkey.
248.Leão, P, Ramos, V, Vale, V, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Response of a Microcystis-dominated planktonic
community to cyanobacterial allelochemicals. 8th International Conference on Toxic
Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4 September, Istambul, Turkey. (Oral communication)
249.Leitão, F, Ben-Hamadou, R, Chicharo, A, Manjua, A, Morales, J, Moreno, O, Jimenez, C, Malta,
Erik-Jan, Sempere, F, Chicharo, L. 2010. DIMEAGUA (Development and Harmonization of
commun indicators, metodologies and strategies for the application of the WFD to Guadiana
Transitional and Coastal areas). ECSA 47 Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 1419 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.125.
250.Leite, RB, Cancela, ML. 2010. Changes at transcriptome level during host- parasite interaction
using Perkinsus olseni as a model. 35th FEBS Congress Molecules of Life, 26 June 26-1 July,
Gothenburg, Sweden. FEBS Journal 277: 118. (Oral communication)
251.León-Cisneros, K, Nogueira, EM, Neto, AI. 2010. Development of Botryocladia macaronesica
(Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta) under laboratory conditions. International Symposium FloraMac
2010, 23-25 September, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.70.
Evaluation Report 2010
252.León-Cisneros, K, Nogueira, EM, Riosmena-Rodriguez, R, Neto, AI. 2010. Life-cycle of Scinaia
interrupta (Nemaliales; Rhodophyta). XX International Seaweed Symposium, 22-26 February,
Ensenada, México. Book of abstracts, p.74. (Oral communication)
253.Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Oliveira, E, Alves, A, Malheiro, AR, Miranda, L, Resende, AD, Coelho, R, Calado,
G. 2010. Comparative analysis of the digestive systems in Bulla striata (Cephalaspidea) and
Aplysia depilans (Anaspidea). 3rd International Workshop on Opisthobranchs, 1-4 September,
Vigo, Spain (Oral communication)
254.Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Oliveira, E, Alves, A, Santos, T, Sousa, J, Coelho, R, Calado, C. 2010.
Comparative study of the crop in the carnivorous opisthobranchs Philinopsis depicta and Aglaja
tricolorata (Cephalaspidea, Aglajidae). 17th World Congress of Malacology, 18-24 July, Phuket,
Thailand. (Oral communication)
255.Lopes, C, Mix, AC. 2010. Anomalous freshwater inputs in the NE Pacific: possible implications for
paleoceanographic reconstructions. 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 22-26 February, Portland,
256.Lopes, C, Mix, AC. 2010. Assessing Paleoceanographic Reconstruction Uncertainties caused by
No-Analogs: a NE Pacific Example. American Geophysical Union - AGU Fall Meeting, 5-9
December, San Francisco, California, USA.
257.Lopes, V, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. How different are estuarine cyanobacteria from their freshwater
and marine congeners? 8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4
September, Istambul, Turkey. (Oral communication)
258.Lopes, VR, Martins, A, Ramos, V, Lobo, V, Welker, M, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Molecular and
chemical trace of cyanobacteria on estuaries. 8th International Conference on Toxic
Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4 September, Istambul, Turkey.
259.Lopes, VR, Ramos, V, Martins, A, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Genotypic and phenotypic profiles of
cyanobacteria from estuaries: are they related to marine and freshwater counterparts? 8th
International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4 September, Istambul, Turkey.
260.Louro, B, Pinto, PIS, Law, A, Canario, AVM, Fontagné, S, Kuhl, H, Matsumura, H, Terauchi, R,
Reinhardt, R, De Koning, DJ, Power, DM. 2010. Molecular markers of trout skeletal development
under dietary mineral restriction: SuperSAGE with next generation sequencing. Plant and Animal
Genomics XVIII Conference, 8-14 January, San Diego, USA. (Oral communication)
261.Louro, B, Pinto, PIS, Law, A, Canario, AVM, Fontagné, S, Kuhl, H, Matsumura, H, Terauchi, R,
Reinhardt, R, De Koning, DJ, Power, DM. 2010. SuperSAGE with next generation sequencing:
Gene expression effects of mineral-restricted diets in rainbow trout. 32nd Conference for the
International Society for Animal Genetics, 26-30July, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. (Oral
262.Luis, L, Almeida, JR, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Acute effects of naphthalene on mortality
and biomarkers of the common prawn (Palaemon serratus). VIII Iberian Congress and V
Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology – CICTA 2010, 29
November-4 December, Heredia, Costa Rica.
263.Luis, L, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Effects of pyrene on survival, biomarkers and behaviour
of the common prawn (Palaemon serratus). 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
Evaluation Report 2010
264.Luis, L, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Effects of pyrene on the common prawn (Palaemon
serratus): biomarkers and behaviour. ECSA 47 Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences
Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal.
265.Ma, S, Diogo, P, Martínez-Páramo, S, Dinis, MT, Sarasquete, C, Cabrita, E. 2010. Effect of
antioxidant supplementation in fish sperm extenders on post-thaw sperm quality and DNA
fragmentation. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
266.Macedo, JA, Vicente, J, Lomba, A, Henriques, R, Granja, H, Honrado, J. 2010. Early indicators of
coastal dynamics in climate change vulnerability assessment. 1st Anual BioPlant Workshop, 29-30
March, Porto, Portugal.
267.Machado, A, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Analysis of bacterial community composition in acidic well water
in Guinea-Bissau (West Africa). The Water Research Conference, 11-14 April, Lisbon, Portugal.
268.Machado, A, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Seasonal occurrence of Vibrio cholerae in acidic well water in
Guinea-Bissau (West Africa). The Water Research Conference, 11-14 April, Lisbon, Portugal.
269.Madureira, TV, Couto, C, Barreiro, JC, Cass, QB, Pinto, I, Rocha, MJ, Almeida, AA, Tiritan, ME.
2010. Evaluation of the influence of WWTPs on estuarine water quality - correlation between a
sewage molecular marker and the metal content on surface waters of the Douro estuary
(Portugal). 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry –
SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
270.Magalhães, C, Kiene, RP, Buchan, A, Machado, A, Teixeira, C, Wiebe, WJ, Bordalo, AA. 2010. A
novel inhibitory interaction between dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and the denitrification
pathway. 5th International Symposium on Biological and Environmental Chemistry of DMS(P) and
Related Compounds, 19-22 October, Goa, India. (Oral communication)
271.Magalhães, C, Salgado, C, Kiene, RP, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Effect of salinity on microbial DMSP
decomposition and DMS formation in estuarine systems. 5th International Symposium on
Biological and Environmental Chemistry of DMS(P) and Related Compounds, 19-22 October, Goa,
272.Marcos, R, Malhão, F, Galante, H, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E. 2010. Influence of age and sex in the
number and ultrastructure of the rat hepatic stellate cells: preliminary data. 15th International
Symposium on Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid, 29 August-1 September, Pasadena, California, USA.
273.Martínez, B, Rubal, M, Arenas, F, García-Plazaola, I, Esteban, R, López Figueroa, F, Pereira, R,
Sousa-Pinto, I, Burgués, S, Trilla, A, Saldaña, L, Viejo, R. 2010. Fucus serratus response to the
warming and tidal stress at its southern rear edge. XVI Iberian Symposium of Marine Biology
Studies, 6-10 September, Alicante, Spain. (Oral communication)
274.Martínez-Páramo, S, Diogo, P, Dinis, MT, Herráez, MP, Cabrita, E. 2010. Does antioxidant addition
to the extender produce any effect on European seabass sperm cryoresistance? 47th Annual
meeting of the Society for Cryobiology, 17-20 July, Bristol, United Kingdom.
275.Martínez-Páramo, S, Diogo, P, Dinis, MT, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Herráez, MP, Cabrita, E. 2010.
Seasonal determination of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) sperm quality: is there any
correlation with sperm resistance to cryopreservation? EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8
October, Porto, Portugal.
Evaluation Report 2010
276.Martins, A, Guimarães, L, Soares, AMVM, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Combined effects of temperature
and florfenicol on life history traits of the cladoceran Daphnia magna Straus. 20th Annual
Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27
May, Seville, Spain.
277.Martins, CIM, Castanheira, MF, Engrola, S, Costas, B, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Individual differences
in metabolism are predictive of coping styles in Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis. EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
278.Martins, R, Seabra, R, Ramos, V, Lopes, V, Melo, P, Fernandes, H, Tamagnini, P, Vasconcelos, V.
2010. Evaluation of marine Cyanobium strains for citotoxicity, mutagenicity, genotoxicity and
embryogenesis toxicity. 8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4
September, Istambul, Turkey.
279.Matos, E, Colen, R, Dinis, MT, Dias, J, Nunes, ML, Bandarra, N, Gonçalves, A. 2010. Effect of dietary
plant protein and vegetable oil sources on post-mortem changes in gilthead seabream muscle and its
implications on muscle texture. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto,
280.Matos, E, Dinis, MT, Rodrigues, P, Valente, LMP, Gonçalves, A, Nunes, ML, Dias, J. 2010. Farming
practices of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) in semi-intensive earth ponds: effects on the flesh
quality. International Workshop on Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive Coast Aquaculture
in Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
281.Mendes, AC, Martins, D, Castanho, S, Coutinho, J, Bandarra, N, Conceição, LEC, Morais, S,
Pousão-Ferreira, P. 2010. Growth and survival of Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis, fed with
different levels of EFA. International Workshop on Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive
Coast Aquaculture in Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira, Portugal.
282.Mendonça, R, Leitão, A, Barata, EN. 2010. Opercular frequency ventilation reflects the activity
and personality of Mozambique tilapia males (Oreochromis mossambicus, Peters 1852). 13th
International Behavioral Ecology Conference, 27 September-1 October, Perth, Australia.
283.Mesquita, S, Martins, A, Duarte, D, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Guimarães, L. 2010. Biomarker
responses in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, from two NW Portuguese estuaries, both similar in
nature but different in anthropogenic contamination. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
284.Mesquita, SR, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Guimarães, L. 2010. Neurotransmission, energy
metabolism and moult-related biomarkers in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, following
cadmium exposure. ICES Annual Science Conference, 20-24 September, Nantes, France. Book of
abstracts, p.123.
285.Mesquita, SR, Guilhermino, L, Guimarães, L. 2010. Assessing the effects of the selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine on Carcinus maenas using locomotor behaviour and biomarkers as
effect criteria. 27th ESCPBnew Congress - New European Society for Comparative Physiology and
Biochemistry, 5-9 September, Alessandria, Italy. (Oral communication)
286.Mesquita, SR, Guilhermino, L, Guimarães, L. 2010. N-acetyl-[beta]-glucosaminidase activity of
Carcinus maenas as a possible environmental biomarker for use in ecotoxicological studies. ECSA
47 Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz,
Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 140-141.
Evaluation Report 2010
287.Milanin, T, Eiras, JC, Arana, S, Maia, AAM, Silva, MRM, Cariero, MM, Ceccarelli, PS, Adriano, EA.
2010. Análises molecular, histopatológica, ultraestrutural e da prevalência de Myxobolus sp.
parasita de Brycon hilarii (Vharacidae), do Pantanal Mato-Grossense. XI ENBRAPOA, 19-22 July,
Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
288.Mil-Homens, M, Costa, A, Fonseca, S, Serrano, R, Mateus, M, Melo, Z, Sousa, R, Trancoso, A.
2010. Concentrações naturais de metais em traço em sedimentos do Estuário do Rio Minho:
Valores de Baseline para estudos ambientais. V Iberian Symposium of the River Minho
Hydrological Basin, 19-20 November, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal.
289.Mira, S, Madeira, C, Cabrita, E, Soares, F, Cancela, ML, Dinis, MT. 2010. Parental contribution of
Solea senegalensis assessed with microsatellite markers. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010
Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
290.Mohseni, M, Ozório, ROA, Pourali, H, Lee, S, Bai, SC. 2010. Optimal dietary lipid to carbohydrate
ratio in beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) fed different L-carnitine levels. Aquaculture Europe 2010,
October 5-8, 2010, Porto, Portugal.
291.Monteiro, P, Bentes, L, Gonçalves, JMS. 2010. Collating habitat maps. Current situation –
Portugal. Workshop on Collating Habitat Maps, MESH Atlantic, 18-21 October, Brest, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
292.Monteiro, P, Veiga, P, Oliveira, F, Bentes, L, Oliveira, MO, Afonso, C, Erzini, K, Gonçalves, JMS.
2010. Habitats classification of the South coast of Portugal (Algarve) using the EUNIS (European
Nature Information System) approach. International Coastal Conservation Conference - ICCCM,
12-17 April, Estoril, Portugal.
293.Monteiro, P, Veiga, P, Oliveira, F, Bentes, L, Rangel, MO, Afonso, C, Sousa, I, Leite, L, Erzini, K,
Gonçalves, JMS. 2010. Assessment of macro-scale habitat preferences of two comber species
(Serranus hepatus and Serranus cabrilla) off the south coast of Portugal (Algarve). XVI Iberian
Symposium of Marine Biology Studies, 6-10 September, Alicante, Spain.
294.Moraes, JRE, Bozzo, FR, Ozório, ROA, Moraes, FR. 2010. Hematological parameters in pacu
(Piaractus mesopotamicus) after swim bladder injection of thioglycolate, lipopolysaccharide and
inactivated Aeromonas hydrophila. 9th International Congress on the Biology of Fish, 5-9 July,
2010, Barcelona, Spain.
295.Moraes, JRE, Moraes, FR, Sucasas, LF, Peres, H, Oliva-Teles, A, Ozório, ROA. 2010. Influence of
dietary vitamin e and l-carnitine on the wound healing process in European sea bass. EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
296.Morais, P de, Stoichev, T, Basto, MCP, Vasconcelos, MT. 2010. Optimization of solid-phase
microextraction coupled to gas chromatography (SPME-GC-ECD) for determination of
chlorophenols in water samples. 12th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction
Technologies - ExTech 2010, 20 - 22 September, Poznan, Poland. Book of Abstracts, p.107.
297.Moreira, C, Martins, A, Vasconcelos, V, Antunes, A. 2010. Variação e dinâmica da comunidade de
cianobactérias no estuário do Rio Minho. V Iberian Symposium of the River Minho Hydrological
Basin, 19-20 November, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
298.Moreira, C, Vasconcelos, V, Antunes, A. 2010. Evolution and phylogenetics of worldwide strains
of the invasive cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. SMBE 2010 - Annual Meeting of
the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, 4-8 July, Lyon, France.
Evaluation Report 2010
299.Moreira, C, Vasconcelos, V, Antunes, A. 2010. Phylogeny of microcystins produced by Microcystis
aeruginosa: evidences for a biogeographical trend?. 8th International Conference on Toxic
Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4 September, Istambul, Turkey.
300.Mota, M, Antunes, C, Bio, A, Costa-Dias, S, Sousa, R. 2010. Temporal changes in the ichthyofauna
at a tidal freshwater zone of the River Minho. V Iberian Symposium of the River Minho
Hydrological Basin, 19-20 November, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
301.Mucha, AP, Almeida, CMR, Magalhães, C, Reis, I, Guedes, P, Almeida, R, Couto, MN, Bordalo, AA.
2010. Microbial community response to the Prestige buried fuel in intertidal beach zones. The
Water Research Conference, 11-14 April, Lisbon, Portugal.
302.Mucha, AP, Almeida, CMR, Magalhães, CM, Reis, I, Guedes, P, Almeida, R, Bordalo, AA. 2010.
Contribution of the microbial community for the degradation of buried fuel in the intertidal
beach zone. The Water Research Conference, 11-14 April, Lisbon, Portugal.
303.Naughton, F, Sánchez Goñi, MF, Duprat, J, Cortijo, E, Abrantes, F. 2010. Climate variability during
the last deglaciation in north-western Iberian margin and adjacent landmasses. II IGBP Iberian
Seminar: Global Change in the Iberian Peninsula: An integrated approach, 4-5 November, Lisbon,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
304.Navarro, G, Flecha, S, Prieto, L, Olivé, I, Taglialatela, S, Rouco, M, Roque, D, Moreno, A, FerrerMarco, M, Relvas, P, Ruiz, J, Huertas, IE. 2010. Masas de agua y nutrientes inorgánicos en el Golfo
de Cádiz: distribución y análisis. XV Iberan Seminar of Marine Chemistry, 22-24 February, Vigo,
Spain. (Oral communication)
305.Nave, S, Lebreiro, S, Kissel, C, Guihou, A, Figueiredo, MO, Silva, TP, Michel, E, Cortijo, E, Labeyrie,
L, Voelker, A. 2010. Open oceanic productivity changes at mid-latitudes during interglacials and
its relation to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. EGU General Assembly, 3-7 May,
Viena, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-14696-1. (Oral communication)
306.Nave, S, Lebreiro, S, Kissel, C, Guihou, A, Figueiredo, MO, Silva, TP, Michel, E, Cortijo, E, Labeyrie,
L, Voelker, A. 2010. Oceanic biological productivity changes off Iberia during MIS 5 and its
relation to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. 10th International Conference on
Paleoceanography, 29 August-3 September, La Jolla, San Diego, USA.
307.Neto, AI, Martins, GM, Wallenstein, FM, Titley, I. 2010. Phycological research in the Azores: past,
present and future. International Symposium FloraMac 2010, 23-25 September, Ponta Delgada,
Azores, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.33. (Oral communication)
308.Neto, AI, Patarra, RF, Brotas, V, Álvaro, NV, Gameiro, C, Silva, A, Diniz, T, Prestes, ACL, Azevedo,
JMN, Medeiros, MC, Pacheco, DM, Gaspar, JL. 2010. Ecological quality of Azorean coastal waters.
International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and
Mediterranean, 12-17 April, Estoril, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.16. (Oral communication)
309.Nogueira, EM, Medeiros, J, Neto, AI. 2010. Algal collections in the Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha,
AZB. International Symposium FloraMac 2010, 23-25 September, Ponta Delgada, Azores,
Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.40.
310.Nogueira, M, Teixeira, AT, Varandas, S, Lopes-Lima, M, Hinzmann, M, Machado, J, Cortes, RM.
2010. Caracterização ecológica das populações de mexilhão-de-rio (Margaritifera margaritifera
L.) e de truta (Salmo trutta L.) na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Tua (NE Portugal). XV Iberian Congress
of Limnology, 5-9 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.
Evaluation Report 2010
311.Novais, S, Gomes, S, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Soares, AMVM, De Coen, W, Amorim, MJB. 2010.
Reproduction and biochemical responses in Enchytraeus albidus (Oligochaeta) exposed to heavymetals: effects of zinc and cadmium. VIII Iberian Congress and V Iberoamerican Congress of
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology – CICTA 2010, 29 November-4 December, Heredia,
Costa Rica. (Oral communication)
312.Novais, S, Howcroft-Ferreira, C, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, De Coen, W, Soares, AMVM, Amorim,
MJB. 2010. From gene to population - linking effects from different levels of organization in
Enchytraeus albidus - microarrays, biomarkers and traditional toxicity tests. 20th Annual Meeting
of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May,
Seville, Spain. (Oral communication)
313.Oliveira, C, Dinis, MT, Mañanos, E, Sánchez-Vázquez, J. 2010. Current knowledge on reproduction
rhythms in Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8
October, Porto, Portugal.
314.Oliveira, C, Dinis, MT, Mañanos, E, Sánchez-Vázquez, J. 2010. Reproduction rhythms in Senegal
sole: synchronization to seasonal, lunar and daily cycles. 9th International Congress on the
Biology of Fish, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
315.Oliveira, C, Gravato, C, Soares, AMVM, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Acute effects of fenitrothion on
Palaemon serratus assessed at different levels of biological organization. 20th Annual Meeting of
the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville,
Spain. (Oral communication)
316.Oliveira, DV, Cavaco, SI, Cordeiro, OD, Silva, TS, Rodrigues, PM, Simes, DC. 2010. Proteomic
analysis of nacre soluble matrix proteins from Crassostrea gigas. 4th EuPA Meeting and 6th
ProCura Meeting, 23-27 October, Estoril, Portugal.
317.Oliveira, M, Vieira, LR, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Acute effects of pyrene on the common
goby Pomatoschistus microps (Teleostei, Gobiidae). XII International Congress of Toxicology –
IUTOX 2010, 19-23 July, Barcelona, Spain.
318.Oliveira, M, Vieira, LR, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Pyrene effects on Pomatoschistus
microps (Teleostei, Gobiidae) - An acute study. ECSA 47 Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences
Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal.
319.Oliveira, P, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Relationships between polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) "metabolites" (2,3,4 and 5 rings) levels and biomarker responses in wild
populations of mussels from the portuguese NW coast. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
320.Oliveira, RF, Balteiro, J, Alves, MJ, Coelho, C, Martins, R, Pereira, MJ, Cruz, A. 2010. Avaliação, in
vitro, da sensibilidade Giardia lamblia ao metronidazol recorrendo a diferentes metodologias. XX
Pan-American Congress of Pharmaceutics and XIV Congress of the South American
Pharmaceutical Federation, 25-29 May, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
321.Oropesa, AL, Soler, F, Martins, A, Guimarães, L, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Acute and chronic toxicity
of the progestin levonorgestrel to Daphnia magna. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
322.Osswald, J, Passo, J, Vasconcelos, V, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Determinação do factor de
bioacumulação da anatoxina-a na truta arco-íris (Oncorhincus mykiss), por HPLC-FL, em
Evaluation Report 2010
condições laboratoriais. XV Iberian Congress of Limnology, 5-9 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
323.Ozorio, ROA, Hubbard, PC, Barata, EN, Valente, LMP, Canario, AMV. 2010. Olfactory sensitivity to
amino acids in the blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo Brunnich 1768): how effective is the
electro-olfactogram in seawater? EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto,
Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 946-947.
324.Ozorio, ROA, Peres, H, Valente, LMP, Oliva-Teles, A, Gonçalves, J. 2010. Attractant and
antioxidant roles of dietary supplemental levels of selected amino acids in blackspot seabream
(Pagellus bogaraveo Brunnich 1768). EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October,
Porto, Portugal.
325.Pacchiarini, T, Cabrita, E, Cross, I, Ortiz-Delgado, JB, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Gavaia, PJ, Rebordinos, L,
Sarasquete, C. 2010. The vasa maternal factor in Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis: molecular
characterization and gene expression pattern analysis during early development and adulthood.
EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
326.Palma, J, Bureau, DP, Andrade, JP. 2010. Effect of broodstock nutrition on the long snout
seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus) reproduction and brood quality. EAS Aquaculture Europe
2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
327.Palma, J, Bureau, DP, Andrade, JP. 2010. Optimizing Artemia enrichment and feeding protocol
when rearing juvenile long snout seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus. EAS Aquaculture Europe
2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
328.Palma, J, Bureau, DP, Andrade, JP. 2010. Using enriched shrimp as a diet for long snout seahorse,
Hippocampus guttulatus. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto,
329.Palumbo, E, Amore, FO, Flores, J-A, Volker, A. 2010. Paleo-climate changes during Termination V
off Iberia as revealed by coccoliths assemblages. EGU General Assembly, 3-7 May, Viena, Austria.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-6388-2. (Oral communication)
330.Páscoa, I, Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A, Castro, LFC, Wilson, J.M. 2010. Effects of prolactin and
cortisol on branchial ammonia transporter expression in zebrafish. 9th International Congress of
Fish Biology, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
331.Patarra, RF, Brotas, V, Álvaro, NV, Gameiro, C, Silva, A, Diniz, T, Prestes, ACL, Azevedo, JMN,
Medeiros, MC, Pacheco, DM, Gaspar, JL, Neto, AI. 2010. Ecological quality of Azorean coastal
waters: Macrophytes and Phytoplankton evaluation. International Symposium FloraMac 2010,
23-25 September, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.53. (Oral
332.Patarra, RF, Paiva, L, Leite, J, Lima, E, Neto, AI, Baptista, J. 2010. Nutritional Value and Antioxidant
Activity of Selected Azorean Macrophytes. International Symposium FloraMac 2010, 23-25
September, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.
333.Patton, G, Martin, PA, Voelker, A. 2010. Trace element/Ca measured in planktonic foraminifera
during Heinrich Events in the Iberian Margin and Gulf of Cadiz. 10th International Conference on
Paleoceanography, 29 August-3 September, La Jolla, San Diego, USA.
Evaluation Report 2010
334.Pearson, GA, Lago-Leston, A, Canovas, F, Agusti, S, Duarte, C, Serrão, EA. 2010. Exploring
phytoplankton communities in the Southern Ocean using metatranscriptomics. ESF-COST HighLevel Research Conference, Marine Biotechnology: Future Challenges, 20-25 June, Acquafredda
di Maratea, Italy.
335.Pearson, GA, Serrão, EA, Canovas, F, Lago-Leston, A, Neiva, J, Nicastro, K, Zardi, G. 2010.
Environmnental genomics of Fucus: stress management, mergers and acquisitions in the
intertidal zone. Ectocarpus 2010 - a Decade of Algal Genomics, 7-9 April, Ghent, Belgium. (Invited
oral communication)
336.Peleteiro, JB, Rodríguez-Villanueva, JL, Escorcio, C, Alvárez-Blázquez, B, Bacelar, M, Linares, F,
Saavedra, MJ, Cal, RM, Magadán, S, Valente, LMP. 2010. Is recirculation the system for Senegal
sole Solea senegalensis cultura? Comparison of two cultura systems using a control diet and a
plant-based diet until market size. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto,
Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 986-987.
337.Pereira, H, Barreira, L, Custódio, L, Varela, J. 2010. Optimization of lipid production in marine
microalgal species by biochemical engineering and high throughput screening. International
Meeting on Marine Resources - IMMR'10, 16-17 November, Peniche, Portugal.
338.Pereira, H, Sobral, AF, Custódio, L, Barreira, L, Varela, J. 2010. Novel microalgal strains from the
Algarve coast for biofuel production. 8th European Workshop of Microalgal Biotechnology, 7-10
June, Nuthetal, Germany.
339.Pereira, MJR, Palming, J, Svensson, MK, Aureliano, M, Carvalho, E, Eriksson, JW. 2010. Effects of
immunosuppressive agents on glucose and lipid metabolism in human subcutaneous adipocytes.
American Diabetes Association's 70th Scientific Sessions, 25-29 June, Orlando, Florida, USA.
340.Pereira, MJR, Palming, J, Svensson, MK, Aureliano, M, Carvalho, E, Eriksson, JW. 2010.
Immunosuppressive agents alter insulin signalling and glucose and lipid metabolims in human
subcutaneous adipocytes. 46th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of
Diabetes, 20-24 September, Stockholm, Sweden.
341.Pereira, MJR, Palming, J, Svensson, MK, Aureliano, M, Carvalho, E, Eriksson, JW. 2010. Effects of
immunosuppressive agents on glucose and lipid metabolism in human subcutaneous adipocytes.
American Diabetes Association's 70th Scientific Sessions, 25-29 June, Orlando, Florida, USA. (Oral
342.Pereira, R, Abreu, H, Valente, L, Rema, P, Sousa-Pinto, I. 2010. Production of seaweeds in
integrated multitrophic aquaculture for application as ingredients in fish-feed. XX International
Seaweed Symposium, 22-26 February, Ensenada, Mexico. (Oral communication)
343.Pereira, R, Valente, L, Sousa-Pinto, I, Rema, P. 2010. Digestibility coeficients of IMTA produced
seaweeds, by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). 49th
Annual Northeast Algal Symposium, 16-18 April, Bristol, USA.
344.Pereira, R, Valente, L, Sousa-Pinto, I, Rema, P. 2010. Apparent digestibility coeficients of fours
species of seaweeds by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and nile tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus). Aquaculture 2010, Meeting of the World Aquaculture Society, 1-5 March, San Diego,
345.Pereira, R, Valente, L, Sousa-Pinto, I, Rema, P. 2010. Evaluation of IMTA produced seaweeds
Gracilaria, Porphyra and Ulva as dietary ingredients in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). EAS
Evaluation Report 2010
Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 994995. (Oral communication)
346.Pereira, T, Varó, I, Vieira, MN, Torreblanca, A. 2010. Effects of temperature change on three
biomarkers in gilthead seabram (Sparus aurata). 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
347.Peres, H, Perez-Jimenez, A, Rubio, V, Oliva-Teles, A. 2010. Role of white tea and methionine
supplements on growth, body composition and oxidative stress defences of gilthead sea bream
(Sparus aurata) juveniles. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto,
348.Peres, H, Santos, S, Oliva-Teles, A. 2010. Selecetd plasma biochemistry parameters in fed and
unfed of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
349.Perez-Jimenez, A, Peres, H, Oliva-Teles, A. 2010. Effect of hypoxia and feed composition on
antioxidant enzymatic defenses of Sparus aurata fingerlings. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010
Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
350.Pinheiro, C, Azevedo, J, Campos, A, Loureiro, L, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Effects of cyanobacterial
extracts containing the toxins microcystin-LR and cylindrospermopsin on the growth of
microalgae. 8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4 September,
Istambul, Turkey.
351.Pinto, W, Figueira, L, Conceição, L, Dinis, MT, Aragão, C. 2010. Lipossome enrichment enables
taurine delivery to Sparus aurata larvae. XVIII International Conference on Bioencapsulation, 1-2
October, Porto, Portugal.
352.Pinto, W, Figueira, L, Rodrigues, V, Dinis, MT, Aragão, C. 2010. Aromatic amino acid metabolism
mirrors fish metamorphosis complexity. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October,
Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
353.Pinto, W, Rønnestad, I, Jordal, AE, Dinis, MT, Aragão, C. 2010. Expression and fuctionality of
taurine transporter (TauT) in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae and juveniles.
International Meeting on Marine Resources - IMMR'10, 16-17 November, Peniche, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
354.Pinto, W, Santos, A, Dinis, MT, Aragão, C. 2010. Dietary taurine supplementation increases
methionine retention in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) larvae. 9th International Congress on
the Biology of Fish, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
355.Pintor, S, Fidalgo, ML. 2010. Toxicidade aguda do herbicida alacloro face ao peixe zebra Danio
rerio em estádios iniciais do seu ciclo de vida. XV Iberian Congress of Limnology, 5-9 July, Ponta
Delgada, Azores, Portugal. (Oral communication)
356.Portella, MC, Mai, MG, Engrola, S, Morais, S, Verani, JR, Dinis, MT, Conceicão, LEC. 2010. Cofeeding of live feed and inert diet from first-feeding affects Artemia lipid digestibility and
retention in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae. Aquaculture 2010, Meeting of the World
Aquaculture Society, 1-5 March, San Diego, USA. (Oral communication)
357.Power, DM, Louro, B, Pinto, PIS, Law, A, Fontagné, S, Kuhl, H, Matsumura, H, Terauchi, R,
Reinhardt, R, De Koning, DJ, Canario, AVM. 2010. The global transcriptome during delayed
Evaluation Report 2010
skeletogenesis induced by mineral restriction in rainbow trout. 9th International Congress on the
Biology of Fish, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral communication)
358.Prabhu, CN, Vinaychandran, PN, Vidal, L, Nave, S, Abreu, L, Abrantes, F. 2010. Variations in
northern Indian Ocean dynamics and primary production during the late Quaternary. 13th
International Nannoplankton Association Meeting, 5-10 September, Yamagata, Japan.
359.Prieto, A, Puerto, M, Campos, A, Cameán, A, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Activity of glutathione Stransferase in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Corbicula fluminea exposed to toxic
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii cells. XII International Congress of Toxicology -IUTOX 2010, 19-23
July, Barcelona, Spain.
360.Prieto, A, Puerto, M, Campos, A, Cameán, A, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Analysis of glutathione Stransferase and glutathione peroxidase in the rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) exposed to
Aphanizomenon ovalisporum and Microcystis aeruginosa cell extracts. XII International Congress
of Toxicology -IUTOX 2010, 19-23 July, Barcelona, Spain.
361.Puerto, MP, Prieto, AI, Campos, AM, Cameán, AM, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. Differential protein
expression in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Corbicula fluminea exposed to Cylindrospermopsis
raciborskii cyanobacteria cells. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
362.Queiroz, CA, Kijjoa, A, David, JM, David, JP. 2010. Flavonoids and benzoic acid derivatives from
Dioclea virgata. 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal
Plant and Natural Product Research, 29 August-2 September, Berlin, Germany.
363.Quintã, R, Santos, R, Thomas, D, Le Vay, L. 2010. Evaluation of Salicornia europaea as a biofilter in
intensive mariculture: plant growth and nitrogen uptake under different nitrogen regimes. EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
364.Rafael, MS, Laizé, V, Schüle, R, Cancela, ML. 2010. Fish as a suitable model to unveil the function
of the four and half LIM domains protein 2. 35th FEBS Congress Molecules of Life, 26 June -1 July,
Gothenburg, Sweden. FEBS Journal 277: 183.
365.Ramalho, A, Conceição, LEC, Dias, J, Vaz-Pires, P, Valente, L, Cunha, ME, Yúfera, M, Hussenot, J,
Cardinal, M, Blanchier, P, Anras, L, Bailly, D, Raux, P, Marino, G, Boglione, C, Patarnello, P,
Makridis, M, Kentouri, M, Dinis, MT. 2010. Sustainable extensive and semi-intensive coastal
aquaculture in Southern Europe: SEACASE project – an overview. Aquaculture Europe 2010
Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 1476-1477.
366.Ramos, S, Amorim, E, Elliott, M, Cabral, HN, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Early life stages of fishes as
indicators of estuarine ecosystem condition. ECSA 47 Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences
Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz, Portugal.
367.Ramos, S, Moura, JJG, Aureliano, M. 2010. Actin as a potential target for vanadyl: a possible
explanation for many vanadium biological effects. 10th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Conference, 22-26 June, Tessalonica, Greece.
368.Ramos, S, Moura, JJG, Aureliano, M. 2010. Decavanadate effects in actin structure and function.
35th FEBS Congress, 26 June-1 July, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Evaluation Report 2010
369.Ramos-Pereira, A, Ramos, C, Trindade, J, Araújo-Gomes, J, Rocha, J, Granja, H, Gonçalves, J,
Monge-Soares, A, Martins, J. 2010. Presentation of the FMI 5000 Project: Environmental changes:
Fluvio-marine interactions over the last 5000yrs. EGU General Assembly, 3-7 May, Viena, Austria.
370.Range, P, Chícharo, L, Chícharo, MA, Ben-Hamadou, R, Piló, D, Matias, D, Joaquim, S, Oliveira, AP.
2010. Effects of ocean acidification on juvenile clams Ruditapes decussatus. 39th CIESM
Congress, 10-14 May, Venice, Italy. Book of abstracts, p.789. (Oral communication)
371.Rangel, MO, Gonçalves, JMS, Abreu, F, Costa, C, Erzini, K. 2010. Implementation of ecotourist
underwater snorkeling routes in the Marinha Beach (Algarve) as a way of preserving.
International Coastal Conservation Conference - ICCCM, 12-17 April, Estoril, Portugal. (Oral
372.Rangel, MO, Gonçalves, JMS, Costa, C, Erzini, K. 2010. Managing underwater eco-tourism impacts
in Algarve coastal area (South Portugal). XVI Iberian Symposium of Marine Biology Studies, 6-10
September, Alicante, Spain.
373.Rangel, MO, Gonçalves, JMS, Costa, C, Leite, L, Erzini, K. 2010. Implementation of eco-tourist
underwater routes in the Algarve (South of Portugal) a way of preserving exuberant marine
ecosystems. INVTUR 2010, 10-13 March, Aveiro, Portugal. (Oral communication)
374.Rangel, MO, Gonçalves, JMS, Leite, L, Costa, C, Erzini, K. 2010.Eco-tourism underwater snorkelling
routes in the Marinha Beach (Algarve). A way of preserving pristine marine ecosystems 3rd
International Conference on the Management of Coastal Recreational Resources, 27-30 October,
Grosseto, Italy.
375.Rebelo, H, Froufe, E, Ferrand, N, Jones, G. 2010.Where is my bat? Ground-validation of presenceonly modelling and its integration with molecular techniques for the conservation of rare species.
XVth International Bat Research Symposium, 22-27 August, Prague, Czech Republic.
376.Rebotim, A, Voelker, AH, Waniek, J. 2010. Planktonic foraminifera as indicators of water masses
north and south of the Azores Front/Current: Evidence from abundance and stable isotopes data.
II IGBP Iberian Seminar: Global Change in the Iberian Peninsula: An integrated approach, 4-5
November, Lisbon, Portugal.
377.Rebotim, A, Voelker, AH, Waniek, J. 2010. Planktonic foraminifera as indicators of water masses
north and south of the Azores Front/Current: Evidence from abundance and stable isotopes data.
EGU General Assembly, 3-7 May, Viena, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12,
378.Rebotim, A, Voelker, AH, Waniek, J. 2010. Planktonic foraminifera as indicators of water masses
north and south of the Azores Front/Current: Evidence from abundance and stable isotopes data.
FORAMS 2010 – International Symposium on Foraminifera, 5-10 September, Bonn, Germany.
379.Rebotim, A. 2010. Planktonic foraminifera as indicators of water masses north and south of the
Azores Front/Current: Evidence from abundance and stable isotopes data. ECORD Summer
School 2010 – Dynamics of Past Climate Changes, 13-24 September, Bremen, Germany. (Oral
380.Reis, B, Urbatzka, R, Cruzeiro, C, Ferreira, C, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E, Rocha, MJ. 2010. Evaluation
of steroidogenic and morphological impacts in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to
environmental levels of xenoestrogens found in Douro River estuary, Portugal. 20th Annual
Evaluation Report 2010
Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27
May, Seville, Spain.
381.Reis-Henriques, MA, Laudet, V, Schubert, M, Santos, MM. 2010. Ancestral bilaterian retinoic acid
signaling: characterization of the Retinoic Acid Receptor (RAR) from the lophotrochozoan mollusc
Nucella lapillus. CECE 25 - 25th Conference of the European Comparative Endocrinologists, 31
August-4 September, Pécs, Hungary. (Oral communication)
382.Relvas, P, Santos, AMP, Luís, J, Laginha Silva, P. 2010. Consequences of the global warming in the
structure of the Iberian Atlantic coastal ocean. II IGBP Iberian Seminar: Global Change in the
Iberian Peninsula: An integrated approach, 4-5 November, Lisbon, Portugal (Oral communication)
383.Rema, P, Pedrosa, K, Grassi, G, Dias, J. 2010. Dietary hempseed meal and hempseed oil enhanced
growth performance in juvenile turbot (Schophthalmus maximus). 14th International Symposium
on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, 31 May-4 June, Qingdao, China.
384.Renfro, JL, Guerreiro, PM, Bataille, AM. 2010. Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is actively transported
from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by the choroid plexus (CP). American Physiological Society Experimental Biology Meeting, 24-28 April, Anaheim, CA, USA. FASEB Journal 24 (Suppl.): 813.9.
385.Ribeiro, C, Urbatzka, R, Castro, F, Carrola, J, Fernandes, AF, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E, Rocha, MJ.
2010. In vitro exposure of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) testis to environmental
concentrations of estrogenic disrupting compounds induces upregulation of some genes
encoding steroidogenic enzymes. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
386.Ribeiro, M, Figueiredo, F, Cruzeiro, C, Rocha, E, Rocha, MJ. 2010. Chemical monitoring of several
classes of pesticides reveals high sediment pollution load in the Douro River estuary, Porto,
Portugal. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry –
SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville, Spain.
387.Ribeiro, M, Figueiredo, F, Ribeiro, C, Cruzeiro, C, Rocha, E, Rocha, MJ. 2010. Evaluation of
dissolved oxygen and of estrogenic endocrine disruptor compounds in the waters of the Leça
River and Estuary (upstream of the Leixões Harbour), Portugal. 20th Annual Meeting of the
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry – SETAC Europe 2010, 23-27 May, Seville,
388.Ribeiro, S, Amorim, A, Abrantes, F, Ellegaard, M. 2010. Resolving the historical record of
Gymnodinium catenatum and other microreticulate cysts in the NE Atlantic. 14th International
Conference on Harmful Algae, 1-5 November, Crete, Greece.
389.Richard, M, Cardinal, M, Fabre, R, Maurice, J-T, Cornet, J, Donnay-Moreno, C, Gouygou, JP, Bergé,
JP, Valente, LMP, Cariu, S, Hamdaoui, M, Hussenot, J. 2010. Improving flesh quality of intensive
systems by a short crossing in effluent treatment ponds. International Workshop on Sustainable
Extensive and Semi-intensive Coastal Aquaculture in Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira,
Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.77.
390.Richard, M, Cardinal, M, Fabre, R, Maurice, J-T, Cornet, J, Donnay-Moreno, C, Gouygou, JP, Bergé,
JP, Valente, LMP, Cariu, S, Hamdaoui, M, Hussenot, J. 2010. Improving the fish quality of an
intensive system by a short crossing in algae ponds. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October,
Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 1097-1098.
Evaluation Report 2010
391.Richard, N, Cordeiro, O, Silva, TS, de Vareilles, M, Alves, RN, Costas, B, Wulff, T, Rodrigues, PM,
Conceição, LEC. 2010. Effects of amino acid supplementation on liver proteome of Senegalese
sole juveniles exposed to handling stress. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto,
Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 1101-1102.
392.Richard, N, de Vareilles, M, Gavaia, PJ, Silva, TS, Cordeiro, O, Yúfera, M, Rodrigues, PM,
Conceição, LEC. 2010. Inclusion of protein hydrolysates in the diet of white seabream (Diplodus
sargus) larvae: impacts on skeleton quality and larvae proteome expression. 14th International
Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, 31 May-4 June, Qingdao, China.
393.Richard, N, Pinto, W, Cordeiro, O, Silva, TS, Conceição, LEC, Rodrigues, PM, Gavaia, PJ. 2010.
Impacts of dietary vitamin K supplementation on skeleton quality and proteome expression of
Senegalese sole larvae. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of
abstracts, pp. 1478-1479.
394.Roberto, VP, Tiago, DM, Gautvik, K, Cancela, ML. 2010. Zebrafish as an in vivo and in vitro model
to study microRNAs in bone. EMBO/EMBL Symposium - The Non-Coding Genome, 13-16 October,
Heidelberg, Germany.
395.Robles, V, Barbosa, V, Martínez-Páramo, S, Herráez, MP, Izpisua-Belmonte, JC. 2010.
Cryopreservation of zebrafish embryonic pluripotent cells. 1st International Congress on
Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Reproductive Cells, Tissue & Organs, 22-25 April,
Valencia, Spain.
396.Rocha, F, Alves Martins, D, Martínez-Rodríguez, G, Castanheira, MF, Morais, S, Coutinho, J,
Bandarra, NM, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Dietary arachidonic acid effects on growth performance
and fatty acid metabolism in gilthead seabream larvae. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8
October, Porto, Portugal.
397.Rodrigues, T, Grimalt, J, Abrantes, F, Naughton, F, Flores, J-A. 2010. Abrupt sea surface
temperature changes during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition in the Iberian margin: Sea
level implications. EGU General Assembly, 3-7 May, Viena, Austria. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-9047.
398.Rodrigues, V, Dias, J, Rema, P, Silva, S. 2010. Mapping body fat distribution in farmed Senegalese
sole (Solea senegalensis). EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of
abstracts, pp. 1120-1121.
399.Rosa, JT, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Role of a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase in fish
skeletogenesis and tissue mineralization. European calcified tissue society PhD Training Course,
9-12 September, Berlin, Germany.
400.Rosas-Alquicira, EF, Hernández-Carmona, G, Riosmena-Rodriguez, R, Neto, AI. 2010. Ontogeny of
conceptacles in Amphiroa (Corallinales, Rhodophyta). XX International Seaweed Symposium, 2226 February, Ensenada, Mexico. Book of abstracts, p.96. (Oral communication)
401.Rosas-Alquicira, EF, Riosmena-Rodriguez, R, Neto, AI. 2010. Diagnosing characters in Amphiroa
(Corallinales) and the genus diversity evaluation in the Azores. XX International Seaweed
Symposium, 22-26 February, Ensenada, Mexico. Book of abstracts, p.162.
402.Salgueiro, E, de Abreu, L, Voelker, A, Prabhu, CN, Vaqueiro, S, Abrantes, F, Duprat, J, Turon, J-L.
2010. Temperature and productivity gradients within the Western Iberian upwelling system in
Evaluation Report 2010
response to glacial and Heinrich-Event climate forcing. FORAMS 2010 – International Symposium
on Foraminifera, 5-10 September, Bonn, Germany. (Oral communication)
403.Salgueiro, E, de Abreu, L, Voelker, A, Vaqueiro, S, Abrantes, F, Duprat, J, Turon, J-L. 2010.
Temperature and productivity gradients along the Western Iberian Margin during the last 50ky. II
IGBP Iberian Seminar: Global Change in the Iberian Peninsula: An integrated approach, 4-5
November, Lisbon, Portugal. (Oral communication)
404.Salgueiro, E, Martin, P, Voelker, A, Prabhu, CN, Abrantes, F. 2010. MIS 11c and Holocene
temperature on the Portuguese Margin as revealed by Mg/Ca and oxygen stable isotopes.
FORAMS 2010 – International Symposium on Foraminifera, 5-10 September, Bonn, Germany.
405.Sánchez Goñi, MF, Michel, E, Desprat, St, Carlson, A, Naughton, F, Fletcher, WJ, Rossignol, L.
2010. European warming linked to Greenland melting during the Last Interglacial North Atlantic
climate optimum. American Geophysical Union - AGU Fall Meeting, 5-9 December, San Francisco,
California, USA. (Oral communication)
406.Santos, C, Abrantes, F, Rodrigues, T, Voelker, A, Vis, G-J. 2010. Paleoenvironmental and
paleoclimatic conditions in theTagus River Estuary during the Holocene. EGU General Assembly,
3-7 May, Viena, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-14481.
407.Santos, C, Abrantes, F, Rodrigues, T, Voelker, A. 2010. Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic
conditions in the Tagus River Estuary during the last ~14kyr. ECORD Summer School 2010 –
Dynamics of Past Climate Changes; 13-24 September, Bremen, Germany. (Oral communication)
408.Santos, C, Abrantes, F, Rodrigues, T, Voelker, A. 2010. Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic
conditions in the Tagus River Estuary during the last ~14kyr. II IGBP Iberian Seminar: Global
Change in the Iberian Peninsula: An integrated approach, 4-5 November, Lisbon, Portugal
409.Santos, MM, Lima, D, Moreira, SM, Neuparth, T, Reis-Henriques, MA. 2010. Developing
monitoring tools for oil and HNS spills. 6th. International Conference on Marine Pollution and
Ecotoxicology, 31 May-3 June, Hong Kong, China. (Oral communication)
410.Santos, MM, Solé, M, Lima, D, Hambach, B, Ferreira, AM, Reis-Henriques, MA. 2010. Validating a
multi-biomarker approach with the shanny Lipophrys pholis to monitor oil spills in European
marine ecosystems. VIII Iberian Congress and V Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology – CICTA 2010, 29 November-4 December, Heredia, Costa Rica.
(Oral communication)
411.Santos, R, Costa, R, Silva, J, Coelho, H, Leitão, JC. 2010. Management of a Sphaerococcus
coronopifolius bed that causes considerable economic losses. XX International Seaweed
Symposium, 22-26 February, Ensenada, Mexico. (Oral communication)
412.Santos, R, Mata, L. 2010. Sustainable, integrated semi-intensive aquaculture of seaweeds and fish
in southern Europe. International Workshop on Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive Coastal
Aquaculture in Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira, Portugal.
413.Santos, R. 2010. European seagrass network: Seagrass productivity, from genes to ecosystem
management. World Seagrass Biology Conference and International Seagrass Workshop 2010,
22-30 November, Phuket and Trang, Thailand. (Oral communication)
414.Saraiva, A. 2010. Os anisaquídeos e sua importância na Saúde Pública. XI ENBRAPOA, 19-22 July,
Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
415.Seixas, P, Otero, A, Valente, LMP, Rey-Méndez, M. 2010. The hard task of rearing Octopus
vulgaris paralarvae. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of
abstracts, pp. 1219-1220.
416.Serrao, EA, Pearson, GA, Canovas, F, Neiva, J, Nicastro, K, Zardi, Genetic signatures of
evolutionary dynamics and range shifts in canopy-forming marine species. Nordic Marine
Sciences Conference 2010, 13-16 September, Stromstad, Sweden. (Oral invited communication)
417.Silva, B, Pereira, R, Abreu, MH, Sousa-Pinto, I. 2010. Evaluation of the brown alga Stypocaulon
scoparium as a candidate for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. XX International Seaweed
Symposium, 22-26 February, Ensenada, Mexico. (Oral communication)
418.Silva, J, Barrote, I, Albano, S, Costa, M, Neves, P, Graça, G, Sharon, Y, Beer, S, Santos, R. 2010.
Effects of in situ shading on the photophysiology of Zostera marina and Cymodocea nodosa.
World Seagrass Biology Conference and International Seagrass Workshop 2010, 22-30
November, Phuket and Trang, Thailand. (Oral communication)
419.Silva, J. 2010. From seagrass photosynthesis to community metabolism. Interuniversity Institute
for Marine Sciences, Eilat, Israel. (Invited oral communication)
420.Silva, JMG, Espe, M, Conceição, LEC, Dias, J, Costas, B, Valente, LMP. 2010. Use of alternative
protein sources in diets of Senegalese sole juveniles (Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858). EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 1238-1239. (Oral
421.Silva, SR, Guedes, CM, Loureiro, N, Mena, E, Dias, J, Rema, P. 2010. Prediction in vivo of the fillet
volume in senegalese sole (solea senegalensis) by multiple consecutive transverse real time
ultrasonography images. Foodsim'2010 - 6th International Conference on Simulation and
Modelling in the Food and Bio-industry, 24-26 June, Bragança, Portugal.
422.Silva, TS, Cordeiro, OD, Jessen, F, Dias, J, Rodrigues, PM. 2010. Assessment of the reproducibility
of a muscle fractionation procedure for comparative proteomics using 2DE and metric
multidimensional scaling. HUPO 9th Annual World Congress, 19-23 September, Sydney, Australia.
423.Silva, TS, Dias, J, Cordeiro, O, Matos, E, Wulff, T, Jessen, F, Rodrigues, PM. 2010. Post-mortem
sarcoplasmic proteomic profile of gilthead seabream is affected by pre slaughter stress levels.
EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. (Invited oral communication)
424.Silva, TS, Dias, J, Cordeiro, O, Matos, E, Wulff, T, Jessen, F, Rodrigues, PM. 2010. Post Timedependent effect of pre-slaughter stress levels on the post-mortem sarcoplasmic proteomic
profile of Sparus aurata muscle. 6th Symposium of the Danish Proteomics Society, 7 December,
Odense, Denmark.
425.Silveira, CM, Cordeiro, O, Dall'Agnol, L, Moura, I, Moura, JJG, Rodrigues, PM, Almeida, MG. 2010.
Study of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 respiratory flexibility using a differential in gel
electrophoresis approach. 4th EuPA Congress on Clinical Proteomics, 23-27 October, Estoril,
426.Simes, DC, Viegas, CSB, Cavaco, S, Cancela, ML, Neves, PL, Ferreira, A, João, A, Williamson, MK,
Price, PA. 2010. Study of Gla Rich Protein (GRP) function in pathological calcification processes
and its potential for use as a biomarker. IV SPB Clinical Biochemistry Workshop, 29 January, Faro,
Portugal. (Invited oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
427.Simes, DC, Viegas, CSB, Cavaco, S, Neves, PL, Ferreira, A, João, A, Williamson, MK, Price, PA,
Cancela, ML. 2010. Gla Rich Protein (GRP), a new biomarker for ectopic calcifications?. BIT’s 3rd
Annual Protein and Peptide Conference, 21-23 March, Beijing, China. (Invited oral
428.Soares, C, García, C, Dias, J, Conceição, LEC. 2010. Noise measurements in an aquaculture facility
with recirculation system: experimental results. 39th International Congress and Exposition on
Noise Control Engineering - INTER-NOISE 2010, 13-16 June, Lisbon, Portugal. (Oral
429.Sousa, I, Coelho, R, Abecasis, R, Gonçalves, JMS, Erzini, K. 2010. Luíz Saldanha Marine Park:
assessing the community structure and reserve effect in soft bottoms. XVI Iberian Symposium of
Marine Biology Studies, 6-10 September, Alicante, Spain. (Oral communication).
430.Sousa, JA, Castro-Cunha, M, Marques, JF, Ramos, MF. 2010. Microbiological conditions of a sole
(Solea senegalensis) production facility in Portugal. 6th International Symposium on Aquatic
Animal Health, 5-9 September, Tampa, Florida, USA.
431.Sousa, JJ, Ruiz, AM, Hooper, AJ, Hanssen, RF, Bastos, LC, Gil, AJ, Galindo-Zaldívar, J, Sanz de
Galdeano, C. 2010. Anthropogenic subsidence revealed by MTI in an area of active tectonics:
Granada basin. ESA Living Planet Symposium, 28 June-2 July, Bergen, Norway.
432.Sousa, JJ, Ruiz, AM, Hooper, AJ, Hanssen, RF, Bastos, LC, Gil, AJ, Galindo-Zaldívar, J, Sanz de
Galdeano, C. 2010. Evaluation of MTI feasibility for monitoring millimetric deformation in
mountainous areas. ESA Living Planet Symposium, 28 June-2 July, Bergen, Norway.
433.Sousa, R, Antunes, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Can invasive freshwater bivalves be responsible for
important changes in ecosystem processes and functions? XV Congress of the Iberian Association
of Limnology, 5-9 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. (Oral communication)
434.Sousa, R, Ilarri, M, Antunes, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Effects of heat waves, invasive species and
pollution on the decline of native molluscs in the estuary of Minho River (NW of the Iberian
Peninsula). SETAC North America 31st Annual Meeting, 7-11 November, Portland, USA.
435.Sousa, R, Illari, M, Freitas, F, Dias, S, Antunes, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Engineering by the invasive
Asian clam Corbicula fluminea: impacts on macrozoobenthic assemblages. 6th NEOBITA
Conference, 14-17 September, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Oral communication)
436.Sousa, R, Morais, P, Ilarri, M, Sousa, AT, Antunes, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Pisidium amnicum in
the River Minho: the beginning of the end?. V Iberian Symposium of the River Minho Hydrological
Basin, 19-20 November, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
437.Sousa-Pinto, I, Abreu, MH, Pereira, R. 2010. Development of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture
in Portugal: the last ten years and perspectives for the future. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8
October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
438.Sousa-Pinto, I, Abreu, MH, Pereira, R. 2010. Molti trophic aquaculture in Portugal: 10 years
history and perspectives for the future. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
439.Souza-Bastos, LR, Freire, CA, Wilson, JM. 2010. Physiological responses of Lipophrys pholis to
exposure to air. 9th International Congress of Fish Biology, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
Evaluation Report 2010
440.Stegner, A, Caldeira, R, Dong, C. 2010. Island wake asymmetries: from laboratory to numerical
modelisation. ECCOMAS CFD 2010 – 5th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics,
14-17 June, Lisbon, Portugal. (Oral communication)
441.Stoichev, T, Baptista, MS, Basto, MCP, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. Use of solid phase
microextraction in aquatic toxicology study of alkylphenols. 12th International Symposium on
Advances in Extraction Technologies, ExTech 2010, 20-22 September, Poznan, Poland. Book of
abstracts, p.60. (Oral communication)
442.Sykes, AV, Almansa, E, Martin, R, Rodriguez, C, Lorenzo, A, Andrade, JP. 2010. Lipid
characterization of starved and grass shrimp-fed cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) during the first 7
days after hatching. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral
443.Sykes, AV, Domingues, P, Lorenzo, M, Andrade, JP. 2010. The effects of tank colours on growth
and survival of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) hatchlings and juveniles. EAS Aquaculture Europe
2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
444.Sykes, AV, Gonçalves, RA, Andrade, JP. 2010. Early weaning of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) with
dead grass shrimp (Palaemonetes varians) from the first day after hatching. V Jornadas de
Acuicultura en el Litoral SurAtlántico, 15-16 April, Huelva, Spain.
445.Sykes, AV, Gonçalves, RA, Andrade, JP. 2010. Early weaning of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) with
dead grass shrimp (Palaemonetes varians) from the first day after hatching. EAS Aquaculture
Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
446.Sykes, AV, Quintana, D, Andrade, JP. The effects of light intensity on growth and survival of
cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) hatchlings and juveniles. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October,
Porto, Portugal.
447.Sykes, AV. 2010. Aquaculture in Portugal. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 – Student workshop, 5-8
October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
448.Teixeira, C, Magalhães, C, Joye, SB, Bordalo, AA. 2010. Rates and regulation of denitrification and
anaerobic ammonium oxidation in estuarine sediments. The Water Research Conference, 11-14
April, Lisbon, Portugal.
449.Teixeira, S, Serrão, E, Arnaud-Haond, S. 2011. Biogeography of a hydrothermal vent shrimp from
the Mid Atlantic Ridge. 5th Biennial Meeting of the International Biogeography Society, 7-11
January, Iraklion, Crete, Greece.
450.Tellier, F, Ayerdi, P, Broitman, B, Contreras-Porcia, L, Correa, JA, Destombe, C, Engelen, A, Gomez,
G, Lopez, C, Oppliger, VL, Valero, M, Faugeron, S. 2010. Geographic segregation and ecological
response to habitat selection in two sibling species of brown seaweeds: importance of the
haploid microscopic and diploid macroscopic phases. Speciation 2010 Meeting, 13-15 December,
Vienna, Austria.
451.Thabard, M, Hellio, C, Gros, O, Engelen, AH, Schaefer, M, Marechal, JP. 2010. Sargassum
polyceratium chemical and physical impact on major coral reef invertebrate recruitment in
Martinique (FWI). Biofouling congress, New Castle, United Kingdom.
Evaluation Report 2010
452.Tiago, DM, Roberto, V, Laizé, V, Cancela, ML. 2010. miR-20a regulates BMP-2 gene expression
during differentiation of fish bone-derived cells. EMBO/EMBL Symposium - The Non-Coding
Genome, 13-16 October, Heidelberg, Germany.
453.Torres, NV, Santos, G, Hormiga, JÁ, Sykes, AV, Almansa, E. 2010. Modelling of the body
composition of Octopus vulgaris: Application to diet design for the optimization of paralarvae
survival rate. Biotec2010, 29 September-1 October, Pamplona, Spain.
454.Torrontegui, O, Garcia, SA, Prestes, ACL, Patarra, RF, Garcia, A, Rosas-Alquicira, EF, Álvaro, NV,
Martins, GM, Neto, AI. 2010. The effect of natural vs. artificial substrata on the development of
benthonic assemblages inside marinas. International Symposium FloraMac 2010, Ponta Delgada,
Azores, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.70.
455.Urbatzka, R, Castro, LFC, Rocha, MJ, Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E. 2010. Seasonal
mRNA expression of urate oxidase in brown trout liver and analysis of transcriptional regulation
by different hormones. 25th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, 31 August-4
September, Pécs, Hungary.
456.Urbatzka, R, Reis, B, Cruzeiro, C, Ferreira, C, Monteiro, RAF, Rocha, E, Rocha, MJ. 2010. Evaluation
of steroidogenic gene expression in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to environmental levels
of xenoestrogens found in Douro River estuary, Portugal. 25th Conference of European
Comparative Endocrinologists, 31 August-4 September, Pécs, Hungary. (Oral communication)
457.Valente, LMP, Bacelar, M, Oliveira, B, Dias, J, Castro-Cunha, M, Ozório, ROA. 2010. Practical plantbased diets for Senegalese sole juveniles. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto,
Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 1331-1332.
458.Valente, LMP, Bacelar, M, Oliveira, B, Dias, J, Castro-Cunha, M, Ozório, R. 2010. Practical dietary
formulations with low fish-derived protein sources for Senegalese sole juveniles. EAS Aquaculture
Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
459.Valente, LMP, Bower, N, Johnston, IA. 2010. Post-prandial expression of growth-related genes in
Atlantic salmon juveniles fasted for one-week and fed a single meal to satiation. 9th International
Congress on the Biology of Fish, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
460.Valente, LMP, Cardinal, M, Escórcio, C, Bacelar, M, Rocha, E, Malhão, F, Cornet, J, DonnayMoreno, C, GouygouBergé, JP, Hussenot, J. 2010. Best indicators for sea bream (Sparus aurata)
quality from extensive and semi-intensive systems. International Workshop on Sustainable
Extensive and Semi-intensive Coastal Aquaculture in Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
461.Valente, LMP, Cornet, J, Donnay-Moreno, C, Gouygou, JP, Bergé, JP, Bacelar, M, Escórcio, C,
Rocha, E, Malhão, F, Cardinal, M. 2010. Chemical, sensory and histological characterization of
gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) reared in southern Europe under different conditions:
Integrated, semi-intensive and extensive system. 9th International Congress on the Biology of
Fish, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral communication)
462.Valente, LMP, Cornet, J, Donnay-Moreno, C, Gouygou, JP, Bergé, JP, Bacelar, M, Escórcio, C,
Rocha, E, Malhão, F, Cardinal, M. 2010. Flesh quality of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) from
distinct production systems and geographical locations in Southern Europe: integrated, semiintensive and extensive systems. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
Book of abstracts, pp. 1330. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
463.Valente, LMP, Linares, F, Villanueva, JLR, Escórcio, C, Borges, P, Alvárez-Blázquez, B, Silva, JMG,
Espe, M, Medale, F, Cal, RM, Peleteiro, JB. Dietary protein source or energy levels have no major
impact on growth performance or nutrient utilization of ongrowing Senegalese sole. EAS
Aquaculture Europe 2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 1333-1334. (Oral
464.Valente, LMP, Moutou, KA, Conceição, L, Galloway, T, Fernandes, J, Johnston, IA. 2010. What
determines growth potential and juvenile quality of farmed fish species? EAS Aquaculture Europe
2010, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp. 1328-1329. (Oral communication)
465.Varandas, S, Teixeira, A, Lopes-Lima, M, Hinzmann, M, Cortes, RMV, Machado, J. 2010. Estudos
preliminares de populações de náiades nos sectores terminais dos Rios Tua e Sabor (Bacia Do
Douro): análise do habitat e da qualidade da água e sedimentos. XV Iberian Congress of
Limnology, 5-9 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portgal.
466.Varandas, S, Teixeira, AT, Lopes-Lima, M, Sobral, C, Cortes, R, Machado, J. 2010. Spatial
distribution of freshwater mussels in the hydrographic basins of Rivers Tâmega, Tua and Sabor
(River Douro Basin). XV Iberian Congress of Limnology, 5-9 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portgal.
467.Vasconcelos, V, Martins, A, Vale, M, Antunes, A, Azevedo, J, Welker, M, Lopez, O, Montejano, G.
2010. First report on the occurrence of microcystins in planktonic cyanobacteria from Central
Mexico. 8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 29 August-4 September, Istambul,
468.Vasconcelos, V, Martins, A, Vale, M, Antunes, A, Azevedo, J, Welker, M, Lopez, O, Montejano, G.
2101. Microcystin diversity in blooms and in strains of Microcystis spp. isolated from lakes of
Central Mexico. VIII Iberian Congress and V Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology – CICTA 2010, 29 November-4 December, Heredia, Costa Rica.
(Oral communication)
469.Vasconcelos, V, Morais, J, Vale, M. 2010. Microcystins and cyanobacteria trends in a 14 year
monitoring of a temperate eutrophic reservoir (Aguieira, Portugal). VIII Iberian Congress and V
Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology – CICTA 2010, 29
November-4 December, Heredia, Costa Rica.
470.Vaz-Pires, P, Escórcio, C, Ramalho Ribeiro, A, Matos, E, Dias, J. 2010. Optimizing slaughter to obtain
higher welfare on farmed fish. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October, Porto,
471.Vaz-Pires, P, Soares, F, Ribeiro, L, Pousão-Ferreira, P, Cunha, ME, Quental Ferreira, C, Ramalho, A,
Jesus, A, Conceição, L, Dinis, MT, Yúfera, M, Marino, G, Boglione, C, Cataudella, S, Hussenot, J,
Begout, M-L, Makridis, P, Buard, E, Blachier, P. 2010 Certification of non-intensive aquaculture
products: SEACASE project proposal. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October,
Porto, Portugal.
472.Vaz-Pires, P, Soares, S, Escórcio, C, Ramalho, A, Matos, E, Dias, J. 2010 Optimizing slaughter to
obtain higher welfare on farmed fish. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010 Conference, 5-8 October,
Porto, Portugal.
473.Vaz-Pires, P. 2010. Codes of conduct and certification on semi-intensive and extensive systems.
International Workshop on Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive Coastal Aquaculture in
Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
474.Vaz-Pires, P. 2010. Slaugthering procedures: fish from extensive and semi-intensive production.
International Workshop on Sustainable Extensive and Semi-intensive Coastal Aquaculture in
Southern Europe, 20-21 January, Tavira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
475.Veiga, P, Gonçalves, JMS, Erzini, K. 2010. An integrative study on the recreational shore fishing in
the south of Portugal. Transversal Workshop on the Monitoring Recreational Fisheries in the
GFCM Area, 20-22 October, Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca, Spain. (Oral communication)
476.Veiga, P, Gonçalves, JMS, Erzini, K. 2010. Short-term hooking mortality of three fish species
(Sparidae) caught by recreational angling in the south Portugal. XVI Iberian Symposium of Marine
Biology Studies, 6-10 September, Alicante, Spain. (Oral communication)
477.Veiga, P, Xavier, J, Assis, C, Erzini, K. 2010. Diet of the blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, off the
south coast of Portugal. XVI Iberian Symposium of Marine Biology Studies, 6-10 September,
Alicante, Spain.
478.Ventura, C, Voelker, AHL, Fatela, F. 2010. Benthic foraminifera assemblages as responses to
climate variations during MIS 14 to 9 on the mid-depth Portuguese margin. FORAMS 2010 –
International Symposium on Foraminifera, 5-10 September, Bonn, Germany.
479.Vicente, A, Campos, A, Guerreiro, PM, Castro, M. 2010. Keeping Norway lobster alive on board
crustacean trawlers: Testing the effectiveness of a simple maintenance system. International
Meeting on Marine Resources - IMMR'10, 16-17 November, Peniche, Portugal.
480.Viegas, CSB, Cavaco, S, Neves, PL, Ferreira, A, João, A, Williamson, MK, Price, PA, Cancela, ML,
Simes, DC. 2010. GRP is a new vitamin K dependent protein and a possible ectopic calcification
biomarker with diagnostic implications. BIT’s 3rd Annual Protein and Peptide Conference, 21-23
March, Beijing, China.
481.Viegas, MN, Dias, J, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Effect of essential fatty acids on the proliferation and
mineralization of gilthead seabream bone-derived cell lines. EAS Aquaculture Europe 2010
Conference, 5-8 October, Porto, Portugal.
482.Vieira, LR, Bølling, N, Hylland, K, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Growth inhibition of the marine planktonic
algae Tetraselmis chuii by nickel and two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Poster
Communication. ICES Annual Science Conference 2010, 20-24 September, Nantes, France. Book
of abstracts, p.181.
483.Vieira, LR, Duarte, D, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Acute effects of nickel on two key species of estuaries
from the NW Portuguese coast: The algae Tetraselmis chuii and the fish Pomatoschistus microps.
ECSA 47 Symposium - Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 14-19 September, Figueira da Foz,
Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.139.
484.Vieira, LR, Duarte, D, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Short term effects of nickel on marine organisms
(Tetraselmis chuii and Pomatoschistus microps). XV Congress of the Iberian Association of
Limnology, 5-9 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.103.
485.Voelker, A, Cavaleiro, C, Rebotim, A, Ventura, C, Hillaire-Marcel, C, Martin, P. 2010. Surface and
deep water variations and their impact on the Meridional Overturning Circulation during the midBrunhes as revealed at IODP Sites U1313 and U1305. EGU General Assembly, 3-7 May, Viena,
Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-10810.
Evaluation Report 2010
486.Voelker, A, Salgueiro, E, de Abreu, L. 2010. Hydrographic changes along the western Iberian
margin: The need to reconstruct and understand regional climate responses for glacial climate
record integration. EGU General Assembly, 3-7 May, Viena, Austria. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-12675.
487.Voelker, A. 2010. MIS 11: The Interglacial and Glacial Inception. 3rd PIGS - Past Interglacials
Workshop, 20-22 October, Palisades, USA. (Oral communication)
488.Voelker, AH, de Abreu, L, Hillaire-Marcel, C, de Vernal, A, Hodell, DA. 2010. Overturning
Circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean During Marine Isotope Stage 11c. American Geophysical
Union - AGU Fall Meeting, 5-9 December, San Francisco, California, USA.
489.Voelker, AHL, Caveleiro, C, Rebotim, A, Martin, P. 2010. Mid-Brunhes surface water changes in
the mid-latitude North Atlantic revealed by G. inflata trace element records. FORAMS 2010 –
International Symposium on Foraminifera, 5-10 September, Bonn, Germany. (Oral
490.Voelker, AHL, Lebreiro, S. 2010. Millennial-scale changes in deep water properties at the
middepth western Iberian margin linked to Mediterranean Outflow Water activity. Deep Water
Processes and Products Congress, 16-18 June, Baiona, Pontevedra, Spain. (Invited oral
491.Voelker, AHL, Martin, P, Lebreiro, SM. 2010. Mediterranean outflow water activity on the
Western Iberian Margin: evidence from a benthic foraminifer trace element study. FORAMS 2010
– International Symposium on Foraminifera, 5-10 September, Bonn, Germany.
492.Wallenstein, FM, Neto, AI, Rodrigues, AS, Wilkinson, M. 2010. Intertidal Seaweed Communities
Compared between Azores and Britain – Lessons for Water Framework Directive Monitoring.
45rd European Marine Biology Symposium, 23-27 August, Edinburgh, Scotland. Book of abstracts,
493.Wilson, JM, Gonçalves, OM, Castro, LFC. 2010. Revisiting the story of stomach loss in fishes. A
case of déjà vu. Annual Main Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology 2010, 30 June-3
July, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral communication)
494.Wilson, JM, Gonçalves, OM, Ip, YK, Smolka, AJ, Castro, LFC. 2010. The non-gastric H /K -ATPase:
from lamprey to lungfish. 9th International Congress of Fish Biology, 5-9 July, Barcelona, Spain.
(Oral communication)
495.Wilson, JM, Gonçalves, OM, Smolka, A, Castro, LFC. 2010. Loss of the gastric proton pump in
birds? Annual Main Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology 2010, 30 June- 3 July,
Prague, Czech Republic.
496.Xavier, ED, Furnas, J, Azevedo, JMN, Mota, G, Teves, L, Neto, AI. 2010. Outdoor growth of
Haematococcus pluvialis for astaxanthin production in the Azores. International Symposium
FloraMac 2010, 23-25 September, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p.78. (Oral
497.Xavier, ED; Furnas, J, Teves, L, Mota, G, Neto, AI. 2010. Astaxanthin production from
Haematococcus pluvialis using photobioreactors. 8th European Workshop Biotechnology of
Microalgae, 7-10 June, Nuthetal, Germany. Book of abstracts, p.32. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
498.Yun, HY, Molis, M, Engelen, AH, Santos, RO. 2010. The invasive Sargassum muticum might talk
native brown seaweeds into chemical defense. 20th International Seaweed Symposium,
Ensenada, Mexico. (Oral communication)
499.Yun, HY, Molis, M, Engelen, AH, Santos, RO. 2010. The invasive Sargassum muticum might talk
native brown seaweeds into chemical defense. XX International Seaweed Symposium, 22-26
February, Ensenada, Mexico.
Almeida, JR, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Efeitos da variação de temperatura em juvenis de
robalo (Dicentrarchus labrax) avaliados a diferentes níveis de organização biológica. 12º Encontro
Nacional de Ecologia, 18-20 Outubro, Porto, Portugal.
Almeida, R, Guedes, P, Couto, N, Mucha, AP, Almeida, CMR. 2010. Characterization of the actual
state of oil contamination in a beach affected by the Prestige oil spill – the O Rostro beach. IJUP –
3º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, 17-19 Fevereiro, Porto, Portugal.
Antunes, A. 2010. Avanços na genómica evolutiva de espécies ameaçadas de mamíferos. XI
Jornadas de Biologia Aplicada, 28-30 Abril, Braga, Portugal. (Oral communication)
Aragão, C. 2010. Advances in fish larvae nutrition. CIÊNCIA 2010 – Encontro com a Ciência e a
Tecnologia em Portugal, 4-7 Julho, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral communication).
Araújo, NCP, Bringela, A, Veríssimo, E, O’Neill, PM, Cristiano, MLS. 2010. New peptidic cysteine
protease inhibitors, 2º Encontro de Química Terapêutica, 28-30 Novembro, Coimbra, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
Arenas, F, Olabarria, C, Viejo, R, Rubal, M, Veiga, P, Incera, M, Vaz-Pinto, F, Cacavelos, E, Sobrino,
C, Sousa Pinto, I. 2010. Climate change and marine Invasions: Experimental insights from macroalgal assemblages. 12º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, 18-20 Outubro, Porto, Portugal.
Arenas, F. 2010. Efeitos da diversidade biológica para além da riqueza de espécies. CIÊNCIA 2010
– Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia em Portugal, 4-7 Julho, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral
Aureliano, M, Ramos, S, Moura, JJG. 2010. New insights into decavanadate protein targets. XVII
Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, 15-17 Dezembro, Porto, Portugal.
Azevedo, C, Samuel, N, Saveia, AP, Delgado, F, Casal, G 2010. Thelohanellus sp. (Myxozoa:
Myxosporea) parasita de Rhabdalestes maunensis (Teleostei) do rio Kwanza, Angola. XIV
Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto, Portugal.
10. Barreira, L, Silvestre, L, Pereira, H, Vizetto-Duarte, C, Rauter, AP, Alberício, F, Varela, J. 2010.
Neuroprotective activity in macroalgal extracts. XVII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de
Bioquímica, 15-17 Dezembro, Porto, Portugal.
11. Bensimon-Brito, A, Huysseune, A, Witten, PE, Cancela, ML. 2010. Vertebral fusion in zebrafish
(Danio rerio) vertebral column - the caudal skeleton as a model. Seminários Mar e Ambiente, 17
Dezembro, CCMAR, Faro, Portugal. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
12. Bentes, L. 2010. Rensub: Biodiversidade marinha no Algarve. Bioblitz Alvor 2010, 4-5 Setembro,
Alvor, Portugal. (Oral communication).
13. Bertocci, I. 2010. Forecasting the consequences of climate change on intertidal organisms:
experimental manipulations in the field of the intensity and temporal variance of disturbance.
Seminários Oceanus, 15 Março, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
14. Bio, A. 2010. Fish removal in the Furnas Lake, Azores – a failed bio-manipulation attempt.
Seminários Oceanus, 24 Maio, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
15. Borges, MJRC, Power, DM, Cardoso, JCR. 2010. Putative receptors for the parathyroid hormone
family in non-vertebrates. CIÊNCIA 2010 – Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia em Portugal, 47 Julho, Lisboa, Portugal.
16. Carvalho, A, Santos, P. 2010. Biodiversidade macrobentónica no estuário do Rio Cávado. 12º
Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, 18-20 Outubro, Porto, Portugal.
17. Carvalho, PN, Almeida, CMR, Basto, MCP, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. Can the veterinary drugs
ivermectin, enrofloxacin, penicillin and ceftiofur be analyzed by gas chromatography?. 2º
Encontro de Químicos Jovens Portugueses - 2PYCheM, 21-23 Abril, Aveiro, Portugal.
18. Casal, G, Abdel-Baki, AS, Dkhil, M, Al-Qahtani, H, Al-Quraishy, S, Azevedo, C. 2010. Ultrastrutura e
filogenia de um microsporídio encontrado no tecido muscular do peixe teleósteo Saurida
undosquamis (Synodontidae) proveniente do Golfo Arábico. XIV Congresso Português de
Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto, Portugal.
19. Casal, G, Azevedo, C. 2010. Caracterização ultrastrutural e molecular de dois microsporídios
diagnosticados na ictiofauna portuguesa. XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10
Setembro, Porto, Portugal.
20. Castro, R, Silva, A, Casal, G, Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ. 2010. Estudo comparativo dos ectoparasitas
da cavala, Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, 1782 e da sarda, Scomber scombrus Linnaeus, 1758 na
costa norte de Portugal Continental. XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro,
Porto, Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 85.
21. Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ. 2010. Análise microambiental da infecção de Octopus vulgaris Cuvier,
1797 (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) por Octopicola superba superba Humes, 1957 (Copepoda:
Octopicolidae) na costa Portuguesa. XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro,
Porto, Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 92.
22. Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ. 2010. Padrão de ocorrência espacial de Octopicola superba superba
Humes, 1957 (Copepoda: Octopicolidae) em polvo comum, Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797
(Cephalopoda: Octopodidae), da costa Portuguesa. XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 810 Setembro, Porto, Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 91.
23. Conceição, L. 2010. Policultivo semi-intensivo: caso de estudo. Workshop Nacional sobre
Aquacultura Extensiva e Semi-intensiva: Policultivo, o Caso de Estudo Português, 19 Janeiro,
Tavira, Portugal. (Oral communication).
24. Conceição, N, Fazenda, C, Viegas, CSB, Leite, RB, Cancela, ML. 2010. Promoter analysis of
cartilage-expressed genes. 4º Workshop de Bioquímica Clínica, 29 Janeiro, Faro, Portugal.
Evaluation Report 2010
25. Conceição, N, Lelo, L, Pinto, JP, Cancela, ML. 2010. Regulation of hepcidin expression: in silico
promoter analysis. 4th National Meeting on Signal Transduction, 21-22 Maio, Faro, Portugal.
26. Conceição, N, Simão, M, Cancela, ML. 2010. Lab-it, a hands-on molecular biology pilot program
implemented in high schools of the Algarve region and aiming to promote training and interest
for science among students. XXXV Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética, 31 Maio-2 Junho, Braga,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
27. Correia, M, Cavaleiro, FI, Formigo, NE, Santos, MJ. 2010. Restrição de nichos ecológicos no tracto
intestinal da solha Europeia Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Teleostei: Pleuronectidae) por
helmintas parasitas. XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto, Portugal.
Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 62. (Oral communication)
28. Dinis, MT. 2010. Aquacultura extensive e semi-intensiva em Portugal. Workshop Nacional sobre
Aquacultura Extensiva e Semi-intensiva: Policultivo, o Caso de Estudo Português, 19 Janeiro,
Tavira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
29. Eiras, JC, Takemoto, RM, Pavanelli, GC. 2010. Henneguya sp. (Myxozoa, Myxosporea,
Myxobolidae) parasita de Astyanax altiparanae (Osteichthyes, Characidae) no Alto Rio Paraná,
Brasil. XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto, Portugal.
30. Eiras, JC. 2010. Biodiversidade dos parasitas de peixes de água doce do Brasil. XIV Congresso
Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
31. Erzini, K. 2010. Os benefícios de protecção numa área marinha protegida: o exemplo do parque
marinho marinho Professor Luíz Saldanha. " CIÊNCIA 2010 – Encontro com a Ciência e a
Tecnologia em Portugal, 4-7 Julho, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral communication)
32. Fazenda, C, Conceição, N, Cancela, ML. 2010. Identification of two isoforms of gla rich protein
(grp) in zebrafish and its molecular characterization. XVII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, 1517 Dezembro, Porto, Portugal.
33. Ferreira, M. 2010. Oxidative stress biomarkers in aquatic species, and applications in
environmental monitoring. CIÊNCIA 2010 – Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia em Portugal,
4-7 Julho, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral communication).
34. Fidalgo, ML, Sousa, L. 2010. Serviços dos ecossistemas: o estuário do rio Minho como caso de
estudo. Jornadas de Ambiente, 8-9 Maio, Caminha, Portugal.
35. Francisco, CJ, Almeida, A, Castro, AM, Pina, S, Russel-Pinto, F, Rodrigues, P, Santos, MJ. 2010.
Variabilidade da região ITS1 de Diphtherostomum brusinae (Trematoda: Zoogonidae). XIV
Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto, Portugal. Acta Parasitológica
Portuguesa 17(2): 129.
36. Francisco, CJ, Bray, RA, Lanfranchi, AL, Almeida, A, Timi, JT, Castro, AM, Santos, MJ. 2010.
Caracterização molecular de Prosorhynchus spp. (Trematoda: Bucephalidae). XIV Congresso
Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto, Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa
17(2): 45. (Oral communication)
37. Freedman, H. 2010. Semi-classical molecular dynamics simulations of vibrational energy transfer.
Mini-workshop on Computer Simulations in Nanobiological Systems, 27 Maio, Faro, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
38. Freitas, V. 2010. Temperature dependence of epibenthic predation as regulating mechanism on
estuarine bivalves and its effect of the fuelling function of estuaries for migratory birds.
Seminários Oceanus, 9 Abril, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
39. Froufe, E. 2010. Using a molecular tool box to answer several questions related with
introductions, genetic diversity, hybridization, phylogenies and comparing phylogeograpic
patterns. Seminários Oceanus, 29 Março, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
40. Gomes, SI, Novais, SC, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L, Scott-Fordsmand, JJ, Soares, AMVM, Amorim,
MJB. 2010. Effects of Cu-nanoparticles versus Cu2+ in Enchytraeus albidus (Oligochaeta): stress
biomarker response. Seminários Amostras à 4ª, 17 Fevereiro, Aveiro, Portugal. (Oral
41. Gonçalves, F. 2010. Effects of ammonia on bacterial LPS induction of the acute phase response in
Danio rerio. Seminários Oceanus, 18 Outubro, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
42. Gonçalves, JA, Bastos, L, Granja, H, Pinho, JL, Henriques, R, Magalhães, A. 2010. Monitorização de
praias e dunas usando fotografia aérea digital com georreferenciação directa. ESIG-2010
Encontro Nacional de Utilizadores de Informação Geográfica, 10-12 Fevereiro, Oeiras, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
43. Gonçalves, JA. 2010. Transformação de coordenadas com grelhas - Geração e implementação no
ArcGIS. EUE2010 – Encontro de utilizadores ESRI, 3 Março, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral
44. Gonçalves, JMS, Ribeiro, J, Monteiro, P, Oliveira, F, Veiga, P, Bentes, L, Erzini, K. 2010.
Monitorização da ictiofauna da Ria Formosa. Conferência sobre Biodiversidade Costeira
Conservar, Gerindo a Compatibilização de Usos, 28 Julho, Olhão, Portugal. (Oral communication).
45. Gonçalves, JMS. 2010. Biodiversidade Marinha. XVI Jornadas
Desenvolvimento, 21-22 Outubro, Leiria, Portugal. (Oral communication)
46. Granja, H, Bastos, L, Pinho, J, Gonçalves, J, Henriques, R, Bio, A, Mendes, J, Magalhães, A. 2010.
Risk assessment in coastal zones based on a comprehensive short term monitoring programme.
12º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, 18-20 Outubro, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
47. Guedes, P, Almeida, R, Couto, N, Mucha, AP, Almeida, CMR. 2010. Characterization of the actual
state of oil contamination in a beach affected by the Prestige oil spill – Nemiña beach. IJUP – 3º
Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, 17-19 Fevereiro, Porto, Portugal.
48. Guilhermino, L. 2010. Biomarcadores ambientais em Ecologia: avaliação de efeitos combinados
de múltiplos stressores e implicações para o funcionamento dos ecossistemas. 12º Encontro
Nacional de Ecologia, 18- 20 Outubro, Porto, Portugal. (Oral invited communication)
49. Hermida, M, Saraiva, A, Cruz, C. 2010. Dados preliminares sobre a comunidade de parasitas do
Goraz, Pagellus bogaraveo (Teleostei: Sparidae), em águas portuguesas. XIV Congresso Português
de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto, Portugal. Acta Parasitológica 17(2): 64. (Oral
50. Hermida, M, Saraiva, A, Cruz, C. 2010. Ocorrência de Rhadinorhynchus pristis(Acanthocephala,
Rhadinorhynchidae) em goraz, Pagellus bogaraveo, no Arquipélago dos Açores, Atlântico Norte.
XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto, Portugal. Acta Parasitológica
17(2): 81.
Evaluation Report 2010
51. Hinzmann, MF, Antunes, F, Lopes-Lima, M, Machado, J, Costa, P. 2010. Association between
environmental microbiota and indigenous bacteria found in hemolymph, extrapallial fluid and
mucus of Anodonta cygnea (Linnaeus, 1758). Congresso Português de Malacologia, 13-14 Março,
Faro, Portugal.
52. Hinzmann, MF, Lopes-Lima, M, Lima, AP, Machado, J. 2010. Food selectivity versus availability by
the freshwater bivalve Anodonta cygnea (1758 Linnaeus) from Mira Lagoon (Portugal).
Congresso Português de Malacologia, 13-14 Março, Faro, Portugal. (Oral communication)
53. Ilarri, M, Freitas, F, Dias, S, Antunes, C, Guilhermino, L, Sousa, R. 2010. The Asian clam Corbicula
fluminea as ecosystem engineer: effects in the diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates.
Congresso Português de Malacologia, 13-14 Março, Faro, Portugal. (Oral communication)
54. Jerónimo, D, Cruz, C, Moreira, MH, Saraiva, A. 2010. Ocorrência de Dinoflagellata em pregado
Psetta maxima (Linnaeus, 1758) de cultura. XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10
Setembro, Porto, Portugal. Acta Parasitológica 17(2): 88.
55. Larsen, K. 2010. Tanaidacean crustaceans: Taxonomy, Ecology, Biodiversity and potential as
bioindicator organisms. Seminários Oceanus, 19 Fevereiro, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral
56. Leão, P. 2010. Portoamides: new cyanobacterial allelochemicals that influence planktonic
community structuring. Seminários Neptuno, 17 Maio, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral
57. Leite, RB, Cancela, ML. 2010. Uncovering an uncommon host-parasite interaction: a
transcriptomic approach. XVII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, 15-17
Dezembro, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
58. Lima, D. 2010. Molecular Characterization of 17-β Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase type 12
(17βHSD12) in the Neogastropod Nucella lapillus. Seminários Neptuno, 22 Março, CIIMAR, Porto,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
59. Lima, ML, Machado, JP. 2010. Effects of Cd on the calcium metabolism and shell mineralization
of bivalve Anodonta cygnea. Congresso Português de Malacologia, 13-14 Março, Faro, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
60. Lobo-da-Cunha, A, Oliveira, E, Alves, A, Santos, T, Sousa, J, Coelho, R, Calado, C. 2010. Estudo
comparativo do papo nos opistobrânquios carnívoros Philinopsis depicta e Aglaja tricolorata
(Cephalaspidea, Aglajidae). Congresso Português de Malacologia, 13-14 Março, Faro, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
61. Lopes-Lima, M, Lopes, A, Hinzmann, M, Rocha, A, Andrade. J, Machado, J. 2010. The influence of
hydrostatic pressure on the shell mineralization of Anodonta cygnea: a comparative study with a
hydrothermal vent bivalve Bathymodiolus azoricus. Congresso Português de Malacologia, 13-14
Março, Faro, Portugal.
62. Luis, L, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Efeitos agudos dos hidrocarbonetos aromáticos
policíclicos (naftaleno e pireno) no camarão Palaemon serratus. XII Encontro Nacional de
Ecologia, 20-22 Outubro, Porto, Portugal.
Evaluation Report 2010
63. Machado, JP, Lopes-Lima, M. 2010. A new model for calcium transport and calcification in
freshwater mussels. Congresso Português de Malacologia, 13-14 Março, Faro, Portugal. (Oral
64. Marques, CL, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Implications of BMP2 in skeletal development and
bone metabolism using the gilthead seabream as a model organism. Seminários Mar e Ambiente,
17 Dezembro, Faro, Portugal. (Oral communication)
65. Marreiros, P, Bastos, L, Fernandes, MJ. 2010. GNSS Precise Positioning without reference
stations. 1as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21-22 Julho, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral
66. Melão, A, Reis-Pedro, J, Pereira, MJR, Nunes, P, Aureliano, M, Eriksson, J, Carvalho, E. 2010.
Effects of immunossupressive agents on insulin resistance. 4º Workshop de Bioquímica Clínica,
29 Janeiro, Faro, Portugal. (Oral communication)
67. Mesquita, SR, Guilhermino, L, Guimarães, L. 2010. Alterações comportamentais e bioquímicas no
caranguejo verde, Carcinus maenas após exposição ao fármaco antidepressivo fluoxetine. 12º
Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, 20-22 Outubro, Porto, Portugal.
68. Moreira, C, Vasconcelos, V, Antunes, A. 2010. Diversidade genética e estrutura populacional da
cianobactéria invasora Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. 12º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, 18-20
Outubro, Porto. (Oral communication)
69. Moreira, C. 2010. Phylogeny and biogeography of cyanobacteria. Seminários Neptuno, 8 Março,
CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
70. Nave, S, Lebreiro, S, Kissel, C, Guihou, A, Figueiredo, MO, Silva, TP, Michel, E, Cortijo, E, Labeyrie,
L, Voelker, A. 2010. Variações da produtividade oceânica durante o último Interglaciar e a sua
relação com a Circulação Thermohalina (Open ocean productivity changes during the Last
Interglacial and its relation to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation). VIII Congresso
Nacional de Geologia, 9-16 Julho, Braga, Portugal.
71. Neves, I, Baptista, MS, Vasconcelos, V, Vasconcelos, MTSD. 2010. Toxicity of the pharmaceutical
Simvastatin to the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa: does good manufacturing practice
influence the biological response? IJUP – 3º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade
do Porto, 17-19 Fevereiro, Porto, Portugal.
72. Oliveira, M, Gravato, C, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Efeitos do hidrocarboneto policíclico aromático
pireno no góbio comum (Pomatoschistus microps) proveniente da população do estuário do rio
Minho. XII Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, 20-22 Outubro, Porto, Portugal.
73. Osswald, J, Carvalho, AP, Guimarães, L, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Biomarkers in rainbow trout
(Oncorhyncus mykiss) after acute challenge of pure anatoxin-a. 12º Encontro Nacional de
Ecologia, 18-20 Outubro, Porto, Portugal.
74. Pearson, GA, Ramos, AA, Lago-Leston, A, Cánovas-Garcia, F, Cox, C, Augustini, S, Duarte C, Serrão,
E. 2010. Genómica ambiental de comunidades polares de fitplâncton. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de
Ciências Polares: O Estado da Investigação Polar em Portugal no Final do IV Ano Polar
Internacional, 26 Abril, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
75. Pereira, H, Ugalde, P, Barreira, L, Custódio, L, Vizetto-Duarte, C, Varela, J. 2010. Biochemical
engineering approaches for inducing lipid production in marine microalgae. XVII Encontro da
Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, 15-17 Dezembro, Porto, Portugal.
76. Pereira, MJR, Palming, J, Svensson, MK, Aureliano, M, Carvalho, E, Eriksson, J. 2010. Effects of
immunossupressive agents on glucose and lipid metabolism in human subcutaneous adipocytes.
4º Workshop de Bioquímica Clínica, 29 Janeiro, Faro, Portugal.
77. Pina, S, Russell-Pinto, F, Rodrigues, P. 2010. Caracterização morfológica e molecular da
metacercária Microphallus primas (Digenea: Microphallidae). XIV Congresso Português de
Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto, Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 44. (Oral
78. Pinheiro, C, Azevedo, J, Campos, A, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Efeitos de extractos brutos de
cianobactérias e de cianotoxinas no crescimento de microalgas. 12º Encontro Nacional de
Ecologia, 18-20 Outubro, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
79. Pinto da Silva, L, Baptista, MS, Cianca, RCC, Almeida, CMR, Vasconcelos, VM. 2010. Optimization
of a capillary electrophoresis method for the determination of the amino acid β-N-methylaminoL-alanine. IJUP – 3º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, 17-19
Fevereiro, Porto, Portugal.
80. Rafael, MS, Laizé, V, Schüle, R, Cancela, ML. 2010. New insights into the role of FHL2 in cell
differentiation and phenotype transition. XVII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica,
15-17 Dezembro, Porto, Portugal.
81. Ramos, S, Moura, JJG, Aureliano, M. 2010. Decavanadate mediates actin inactivation, ProteinProtein interactions and Protein Folding Meeting, 20-31 Março, Lisboa, Portugal.
82. Rangel, LF, Santos, MJ. 2010. Um novo método para a amostragem de parasitas Myxozoa no
celoma de poliquetas marinhos. XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto,
Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 83.
83. Raux, P, Ramalho, A. 2010. Avaliação sócio-económica da aquacultura não intensiva. Workshop
Nacional sobre Aquacultura Extensiva e Semi-intensiva: Policultivo, o Caso de Estudo Português,
19 Janeiro, Tavira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
84. Reis, I, Mucha, AP, Almeida, CMR, Bordalo, A. 2010. Contribution of the microbial community for
the degradation of the prestige buried fuel in intertidal beach zones. IJUP – 3º Encontro de
Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, 17-19 Fevereiro, Porto, Portugal.
85. Reis, P, Salgado, MA, Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Chthamalus montagui como biomonitor de
contaminação por metais ao longo da costa noroeste de Portugal- resultados preliminares. 12º
Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, 18-20 Outubro, Porto, Portugal.
86. Relvas, P. 2010. Physical oceanography of the Atlantic Iberian ecosystem: latest ideas and
challenges. Seminários Oceanus, 3 Maio, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
87. Roberto, V, Tiago, D, Cancela, ML. 2010. Zebrafish as a transgenic in vivo model to analyse bonerelated gene function and regulation of expression: Identification and characterization of
microRNAs involved in bone metabolism, Seminários Mar e Ambiente, June 18, Faro, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
88. Rosa, JT, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. Identification of a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase in
fish associated with tissue mineralization. Seminários Mar e Ambiente, 18 Junho, Faro, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
89. Rosa, M, Cravo, A, Relvas, P. 2010. A coastal countercurrent in the south cost of Portugal –
Summer 2006. 1as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21-22 Julho, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral
90. Salgueiro, E, Voelker, A, Martin, PA, Rodrigues, T, Prabhu, CN, Abrantes, F, Grimalt, JO. 2010.
Temperature and nutrients changes during MIS 11c and the Holocene on the Portuguese margin.
Ciência 2010 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, 4-7 Julho. Lisboa, Portugal.
91. Santos, C, Abrantes, F, Rodrigues, T, Voelker, A. 2010. Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic
conditions in the Tagus River Estuary during the last ~14kyr. Ciência 2010 – Encontro com a
Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, 4-7 Julho. Lisboa, Portugal.
92. Santos, MJ, Severino, R. 2010. Métodos de controlo de Amyloodinium ocellatum em robalo
(Dicentrarchus labrax L.) “amigos” do ambiente. XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10
Setembro, Porto, Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 60. (Oral communication)
93. Severino, R, Santos, MJ. 2010. Controlo químico do ectoparasita Amyloodinium ocellatum no
Robalo (Dicentrarchus labrax). XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto,
Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 87.
94. Silva, A, Castro, R, Cavaleiro, FI, Santos, MJ. 2010. Estudo comparativo dos endoparasitas da
cavala, Scomber japonicus Houttuyn 1782, e da sarda, Scomber scombrus, Linnaeus 1758, da
costa Noroeste de Portugal. XIV Congresso Português de Parasitologia, 8-10 Setembro, Porto,
Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 17(2): 84.
95. Silva, C. 2010. Nutritional regulation of lipid deposition in blackspot seabream (Pagellus
bogaraveo). Seminários Oceanus, 22 Janeiro, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
96. Silva, DM, Santos, P, Correia, AT. 2010. Discrimination of Trisopterus luscus (Linnaeus 1758)
stocks in the northern of Portugal using otolith elemental fingerprints. 12º Encontro Nacional de
Ecologia, 18-20 Outubro, Porto, Portugal. (Oral Communication)
97. Silva, I, Fazenda, C, Conceição, N, Cancela, ML. 2010. Study of the Xeroderma pigmentosum D
(XPD) expression in zebrafish. XVII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, 15-17
Dezembro, Porto, Portugal.
98. Silva, J. 2010. Use of alternative protein sources in diets for Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis
Kaup, 1858) juveniles. Seminários Oceanus, 10 Maio, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral
99. Simão, MF, Leite, RB, Cancela, ML. 2010. Identification and characterization of two Ferritin
isoforms in clam R. decussatus and evaluation of their Fe2+ oxidation potential. XVII Encontro da
Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, 15-17 Dezembro, Porto, Portugal.
100.Simes, DC, Viegas, CSB, Cavaco S, Cancela, ML, Neves, PL, Ferreira, A, João, A, Williamson, MK,
Price, PA. 2010. Study of Gla Rich Protein (GRP) function in pathological calcification processes
and its potential for use as a biomarker. 4º Workshop de Bioquímica Clínica, 29 Janeiro, Faro,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
Evaluation Report 2010
101. Simes, DC, Viegas, CSB, Cavaco, S, Neves, PL, Ferreira, A, João, A, Williamson, MK, Price, PA,
Cancela, ML. 2010. Study of Gla Rich Protein (GRP) and its potential for use as a biomarker of
pathological calcification related diseases. Conferências da Sociedade Portuguesa de Biofisica, 20
Outubro, Lisboa, Portugal. (Invited oral communication)
102. Simões, B, Conceição, N, Kelsh, R, Cancela, ML. 2010. Runx3 promoter analysis and expression
patterns in tissues and during development of zebrafish. XVII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa
de Bioquímica, 15-17 Dezembro, Porto, Portugal.
103. Sousa, M, Fazenda, C, Conceição, N, Cancela, ML. 2010. Matrix Gla Protein is a target gene for
transcription factor MEF2C. Ciência 2010 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, 4-7
Julho. Lisboa, Portugal.
104. Sousa, R, Antunes, C, Byers, JE, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Combined effects of extreme events and
non-native invasive species on estuarine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Ciência 2010 –
Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, 4-7 Julho, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral
105. Sousa, R. 2010. Invasive freshwater bivalves: ecological lessons for European ecosystems.
Congresso Português de Malacologia, 13-14 Março, Faro, Portugal. (Oral communication)
106. Sousa, R. 2010. Invasive species and their impacts on ecosystem functioning. Conferências do
CMIA Matosinhos, Matosinhos, Portugal. (Invited oral communication)
107.Stoichev, T. 2010. Interactions of of emerging organic contaminants with cyanobacterium
Microcystis aeruginosa. Seminários Oceanus, 15 Novembro, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral
108.Sykes, AV, Gonçalves, RA, Andrade, JP. 2010. Early weaning of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) with
dead grass shrimp (Palaemonetes varians) from the first day after hatching. Congresso Português
de Malacologia, 13-14 Março, Faro, Portugal.
109.Teixeira, AT, Lopes-Lima, M, Machado, J, Hinzmann, M, Cortes, R, Varandas, S, Antunes, F. 2010.
Estudos preliminares de populações de mexilhão-de-rio (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) nos Rios
Rabaçal e Tuela (Nordeste de Portugal): análise do habitat e da qualidade da água e sedimentos
10º Congresso da Água, 21-24 Março, Alvor, Portugal.
110. Tiago, DM, Cancela, ML, Laizé, V. 2010. New insights into vanadate action in bone formation:
signalling mechanisms and global gene expression analysis. 4th National Meeting on Signal
Transduction, 21-22 Maio, Faro, Portugal.
111. Tiago, DM, Laizé, V, Bargelloni, L, Ferraresso, S, Romualdi, C, Cancela, ML. 2010. New insights into
anti-mineralogenic effect of vanadate using global gene expression approach. 4º Workshop de
Bioquímica Clínica, 29 Janeiro, Faro, Portugal.
112. Tiago, DM, Roberto, V, Laizé, V, Cancela, ML. 2010. New insights into regulatory role of
microRNAs in bone formation: bone morphogenetic protein 2 transcript is targeted by
microRNA-20a. XVII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, 15-17 Dezembro, Porto,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
113. Tiago, T, Silva, D, Aureliano, M, Guitiérrez-Merino, C. 2010. Cross-talk between actin cytoskeleton
dynamics and calcium homeostasis in cerebellar granule neuros esposed to oxidative/nitrosative
stress. 4º Workshop de Bioquímica Clínica, 29 Janeiro, Faro, Portugal.
Evaluation Report 2010
114. Tiago, T, Silva, D, Samhan-Arias, AK, Aureliano, M, Guitiérrez-Merino, C. 2010. Cross-talk between
actin cytoskeleton dynamics and calcium homeostasis in cerebellar granule neurons: sensitivity
to oxidative stress. XVII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, 15-17 Dezembro,
Porto, Portugal.
115. Valente, LMP, Escórcio, C, Bacelar, M, Rocha, E, Malhão, F, Cornet, J, Donnay-Moreno, C,
Gouygou, JP, Bergé, JP, Hussenot, J, Cardinal, M. 2010. Indicadores de qualidade em douradas
provenientes de sistemas extensivos e semi-extensivos. Workshop Nacional de Aquacultura
Costeira Sustentada Extensiva e Semi-intensiva no Sul da Europa, 19 Janeiro, Tavira, Portugal.
(Oral communication)
116. Vasco, EC, Cravo, A, Relvas, P. 2010. Caracterização hidrográfica e química de longo termo na
região costeira de Benguela. 1as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21-22 Julho, Lisboa,
Portugal. (Oral communication)
117. Vasconcelos, V. 2010. Impacte ambiental de toxinas de cianobactérias. 12º Encontro Nacional de
Ecologia, 18-20 Outubro, Porto, Portugal. (Invited oral communication)
118. Vaz-Pires, P. 2010. Codes of Conduct and Certification in non-intensive aquaculture systems.
Workshop Nacional de Aquacultura Costeira Sustentada Extensiva e Semi-intensiva no Sul da
Europa, 19 Janeiro, Tavira, Portugal. (Oral communication)
119. Vaz-Pires, P. 2010. Seafood handling, preservation and quality. National course on Seafood
Production and Technology, 23 Abril, Bragança, Portugal. (Oral communication)
120. Vaz-Pires, P. 2010. Sensory methods for seafood quality evaluation: the Quality Index Method
(QIM). National workshop on New Seafood Products: Innovation and Valorization of Fish and
Aquaculture Products + Product Show, 20 Maio, Aveiro, Portugal.
121. Vieira, LR, Morgado, F, Guilhermino, L. 2010. Dados preliminares sobre a estrutura e composição
do zooplâncton em dois estuários da costa noroeste de Portugal com diferentes níveis de
poluição (estuários dos rios Minho e Lima). 12º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, 18-20 Outubro,
Porto, Portugal.
122. Vizetto-Duarte, C, Custódio, L, Barradas, A, Pereira, H, Barreira, L, Varela, J. 2010. Microalgae as a
potential source of new drugs for cancer treatment. XVII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de
Bioquímica, 15-17 Dezembro, Porto, Portugal.
123. Voelker, A. 2010. Paleoclimatic changes recorded in deep-sea sediments. CIÊNCIA 2010 –
Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia em Portugal, 4-7 Julho, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral
124. Wilson, J. 2010. Stomach loss in fishes. Insights from the gastric proton pump genes. Seminários
Oceanus, 11 Outubro, CIIMAR, Porto, Portugal. (Oral communication)
Cruzeiro, L. Método para deduzir a estrutura tridimensional de uma proteína a partir da
sequência de aminoácidos. Portuguese provisional patent Application nº 105299, 20/09/2010.
Evaluation Report 2010
Costa, MC, Barros, RJ, Martins, MS, Jesus, C. Uso de lama de mármore para pré-tratamento
químico de efluentes ácidos. National patent nr. 103894, 06/08/2010.
Costa, MC, Barros, RJ, Martins, MS, Jesus, C. Uso de resíduos vinícolas como fonte de carbono e
de energia para bactérias sulfato-redutoras. National patent nr. 104182, 22/11/2010.
Brito, AB, Cancela, ML, Gavaia, PJ, Laizé, V. Identification of compound that affects osteogenesis,
involves inducing fin regeneration of ray-finned fish by amputating fish fin, contacting fish with
test compound, and determining re-mineralization index of fin regeneration. Patent nrs:
WO2010044689-A2, WO2010044689-A3, 22/04/2010 and 10/6/2010.
Danielsen, S, Skov, LK, Leite, R, Laizé, V, Cancela, ML. New isolated polypeptide having
organophosphorous hydrolase activity selected from polypeptide containing amino acid
sequence, polypeptide encoded by polynucleotide, variant containing deletion of amino acids,
used in nucleic acid construct. Patent nrs. WO2010128115-A1, EP2248893-A1, 11/11/2010.
Danielsen, S, Skov, LK, Leite, R, Laizé, V, Cancela, ML. New isolated polypeptide with
organophosphorus hydrolase activity selected from e.g. polypeptide with amino acid sequence
having specific identity to mature polypeptide and polypeptide encoded by polynucleotide, used
in such as composition. Patent nrs. WO2010128116-A1, 11/11/2010.
Simes, DC, Viegas, CSB, Cancela, ML. A gamma-carboxyglutamate-rich protein, methods and
assays for its detection, purification and quantification and uses thereof. Patent nrs.
WO2010024704, 3/03/2010.
Evaluation Report 2010
Information compiled by:
Susana Moreira
CIIMAR Science Office
Rua dos Bragas 289
4050-123 Porto
Phone: +351 22 339 06 07
E-mail: [email protected]
Please use the above contact for data improvement.