Test 1
Test 1
n r 5 .e{ 43 o q% olo?l ,l: Name: Srrn-".,Qa_Ei .! a0_rroimfsl20 minutq, 1i L CircleeitherTrueor Falsefor the followins. [6 points] a. @ False / Fixing a fault after softwaredelivery is much more expensivethan fixi'g it during requirementsphase. ./ h b. r*. (ilri) " Thewatif'i-r methodorogy canderivera newsystem very'quickry. ,/ Fulr" ". @_Q witf uncrear ,'{ . : userrequirements, prototypingis an exoeileirt methodorogy for developinga newsyjtrFm. z-*\ o. €gut False / Dynamicbindingdelaystypingor choosing a methodfor anobjectuntil run-time. e. rrue @-.b / uML uiEdar" dugru*, cannotbeused to capturebusiness requirements. ,/ False @) / In Prototyping,{rser feedbackis encouraged by showing the userssystem prototypes beforedeliverjngthefinalsystem. liijl theblankswith appropriate answer.Eachanswermayconrainoneor more t6 poinrsl The four phases oV plaruring, ,project are _d{ltQW ar:d Implementation. L I F b' Encapsulation mea,scombiraiion f ''-'. --- of Pr*-"'-'Ifrfri?iiEntit). a,ti:.yd'rv ano't'rd* /'ah*__Zard c. Themaindeliverable aftertheplaruring plaseis the d. RAD standr*, pfri{.i(. FfC jsc,F- frl^,n,, .taz+:-t 0i:1-;^.r-r1.'-7 -'-/ ,/ PageI of2 : -/-- vi t il :ij rl A n <t<J bCItrrul 3. Briefly describe what r\ame: I: V try,ai:y 4. is a 51 u.r*t.v Tiljrrl:;::::;::j_.1_*Data_centered,andobjedlil*ffili:i:ft ff',:#:j,-J*andobjec'f' plffil:f '$ii;f?f;'nffi '*jnlr'.h '-rhr ?'rre'i"hu.l ylu,r'"1 av11y!tl"l#f]"uc-cr r|q{:*^Na}t; i-i-,i!z-, u f' .i i '!i;.;rt*,,rtl* 1,,;u:Ce e g tn+s;) ...1 '"t,,"^*,-- ,:..fir..hr1' iu*t'4tt;{r w aeL'>\ L!"*s4uw{ ft$-': ' " $h.r ,,{+;{ ft rlr *-i,_r't ",,o ,/' u tf :t:l ; cr^v,.P;:i31*:,T ffli,,l};l-' -" * , rip'_1ryrr.ti,.ir,ir-' nrr"o.|nn*| ar,n1i ji:.q:;:..vi r-'t"'Ld; t't- e*LL *t----- r r."Avt'1. h" r'}' qti'ti1 { a'iixc\ grnr .uf "ri; *" t ,,il;l* hld-'iir4r- * poly *B o Fb;.,qrr, F,t rs'r-, ri|\l F,ar-r,l- i,,o^Z *'y;r{ld;;*lilH -J vi,tr* rik$l: * ?1,'Tji::? ,uht;f* 4.Describe *,,:,rj:"T:::r:^bl,nr:_..u.rT: jij;#*:ltli,$;:l !; r''" hiding,;,* HowdoesthisimpLveLusabititvr ", ciu3'uJ'"xampre il:f}: to ilrustrate uou, I r d.;{-.,-,1,rr, l,,,tl.i.rq1', 1^f" Yrr,G-l's6Tt [4pointsJ | -"11-:^ oi I l-'l^ crij ( ,.r"it ql r,r r.{i,:,.,,}{;.{\t^,i;lj nt ortly fn g y?able. .Lt, -\)rt jJ Jc-f er s,o$.fulcdr_a ivuta.rj o tr r y ' r r ,fr _ .4Gr ,.,r - -,f *h r *r ,' n | A a ir( be. hi d ad {r o *, J r,,q #r*ii . #+,e rk ft 5ur\ ,:f ,,1ri"n ,I 4n i {:vrL4.1f s r,.n.tg r,-Jo+) ,.Jivqv.'"t-c.,.f..,e ,:I iin,r- "t,.,,tin ',+ J,rie Z.tianf rnttr.4 .h.,e C'har,'r3A {i,,'r'{ r;! 1;',i,,,iiti 5*{i#-rrro, I ,.',l.r,.iE.r"n,o! lre,t;t-mc',/i iu-e,cii-c, -.,o1i"ata;reCfcrSh ai 0r,,! I,irnd C-"''ta t' r ,,r r tt h r \:. + f - 1 n ^ n , c i c . l l u - - ;6 CIr l^ n e r ( ParF rii+vrl- hcit t c a{ 17 t,rQt r'n'-4,' diffiuw^nf nn{tt'*rle, l rurlri'iv",4 J_u- , 1*obt t ; -J.: y! J+ i: I iJ CI p iece C &cJt' tt<s''"u1 n txarn p\e ; "SJ{raIP, r c . h*,y: l- doe' * at " . ; - € h i s tno w is c { hie",av ir J-ne 5v\o1.le7e,Tl--le^otnel g,ttn,llr,rrf-,- o.| \t=, is rf{oM :taff , dwnfisl', !-fC, JVo,n0tr,evc il c\ ,Triutn*d.Lif t\a-1,u;, rly catt ;.tq '-1 1rui"ru1'{-Frr*. p r"r",t in i-,.* f t i l t '*l " d-er r* rsF clals h c €- ( c t f i qa* + ", nt ' "u"i[ r , ?i' t v ' e , ef , c . } ' p r ' (lct55'. 5 \^ ile ,lt' 6 {rne-:i rso'jt-t'la'nr-'lrne-iir :;;*"0 tl 1'1Y u +t r:,s,/''H"rug T\i "Tnnfrlern tl\trv f'r'f,r^tu "'t1'F *$ CQ I); to;i q'. ,l;i .rr3 Lc\n w( ,tn r:vo;arn,;i s .r,Y *n. ;j*ffil'tirl"i;.iif-.,ii';,;i'd ^E htrI',?iil F f,7 ,'1 ern Analvsi ID : o830to?l nfe Hos, Narne: Svna&4a 20 points;20 minutes 1. Circle eitherTrue or Falsefor the following. a. 4 [5 points] r'utr, ,/ 6ilil -> -/./ A proSectchartercanbe usedto avoidconflict amongteam members. I I b €@ False ,/ TEeSystemRequestis usuallypreparedby the projectSponsor. c. rru, @) / Feasibilityanalysiscannotbe usedto identify project risks. d. ffi) nalse / is desi/rable for anyproject. , ffinOf e. rrue @ / Organizational fehsibilityis donefor costbenefitanalysis. 2. Fill in the blankswith appropriateanswer.Each answermay containone or more words. [0 points] i. { 0r a. When trying to measurebusinessvalue, lhtan quantifiedandmeasuredeasily. irt b. Thequestio nCon webuildff?is answe r"Aav tacjrn\c c. Presentvalue of future cashflow is measuredby d. The Break-evenpoint occurswhenbenefits \o / L / feasibility. NPV ,/ viY exL<-sAS,/*rr. e. Duringestimation, *" ufior"erned a size, #rna value cannot be fs among the three factors ,ffid W#":y rrb specifieshigh level tasksand breaks down eachstepinto imaller tasksandnumbersthem in a hierarchicalfashion. g. Whbntime estimation of a taskis aifficuit, usedto calculate a weightedaverage of thetim PERT h. A classicprojectmanagement htA#Zto mistakeis to addmore--------'T project. is a late For staff motivation, only -YronelqT*fr /rewards shouldnot be used. Instead,intrinsicrewardsiit@ftunitytoleamnewskillsmay workbetter. F T ( F T T fT PageI of2 Name: 5Urnaila ID : Ot? o l U P Mos*q 3. Describewhat is meant by scopecreep. Briefly describethree ways to manage t5 pointsl scopeby limiting scopecreep. SwVe qy!.,P Y Db l € fn , r,t 'idenl-r tr{e , rnar\al givon -+ t tnn{ "S z ,*o enF' 3yslern davelopnt" ?n*o't.',L t | l -t.' ,^,,^. 1^l o - " ' ,n- r f r pCF gaoPe cr*f ig ovlnot- fr",c *o$?" 5 eope t( e*p is o:-\e *pt;uia't==%$ -'.; 6c*pe b1 rl rt :1 {-he *nrsn- ua'U3,6J" '' nl' ' \v\Fn }'Lt('' ' ' -\} \cfrPQ J -'- I u t-a+ \ t belcua: -klra f'Lr f'ti '+ a Pf o ' 3 e cf- ' *t"n {'lrtrl bf*i"flt lY* ovl--Fin'[iri3 vxlue o{ fPle Pr0ieot-' 1f en4i*f be +i "t:r\''4': \ -+ ," '!' lr., r. f ecrS\i0lll'*i +{rf dX , r''a-"Q g)U d aafn *o ci$io"'n fo"!"'e- l.l"te de *Ta 1 ai'a'1i+3 :'{';'J do.i'nc; {ee b1 (-ot fne ?xocec-t-0Y 'notnnrlally c),nd t -'->^ l-i.'ano I r Tech.'icn,.\\1 on or\J5l (nr . *{te I ru-d"q'q'e1 ti X ' T V"''r or $ antSr^{a ^o 'fa-iivre p r gje ul* r\ r.igl^ "$ / "/x I -{ i I rplcnni^rrq ', -b Propef pnojeut" " {-quc^ltnJorF diEhrbdlto.n I +o enc"h d;;- b1 stdhTt *i :i:ii be car'rld otu,fi.+h\i clat-t5t 0'zr ai-el'r de 4 Ta:r.f 3 aPP'foPrua'te fr !t h- I oiih er\ry1 I +a r&-qrrrFrne and a.5e *| tne ec^ch ph pha3z | - t^ l,t, rf'f* Y't'''-{ fTa r Pr e) e l- trL \) : l Page2of 2 T .rV/ . /a! ,' i.. .'t: Name: Surnait a- Ho: 20 points;25 minutes 1. Circle eitherTrue or Falsefor the followine. [8 points] a. rrue 6u1,-.J '/ describeactivitiesof a systemandhow they are Use CalFddgrams b. @ implemented. False Activity Diagrams show bqth processesperformed and how data flow in the system. c. rrue @ | In a class iagram,an Associationclassis usuallyneededwhen two classeshave a many-to-manyrelationship. d. True6AJ ,/ AttribuiE](ibilityof a classis of rwotypes:publicandprivate. True (FAJ )A In texrutE/alysis,! tfu*o -+ tnan tuu*- nounimpliesa classof objects. "ornifion E. h. (ilJ pur. ., idity diagram(canbe usedto rnodelparallelactivities 2. Fill in the btanks with appropriateanswer.Each answer may contain one or more words. A ;j t3 pointsl is a usefulgroupingof classesthat recurin b. Therearethreekindsof opentiffina erati&na class: 'ucfon hslTucfor,,oo{'in nno ";1 / +ffi' Ty' ry;dtocreateobjects, 0. Updateoperptionto change usedto getinformationof object state,and of objectattributes. PageI of2 svw1o&J^-Mos 3' Describewhat is an include relationshipaxd extend relationship in Use-Case diagrams,giving an exampleof each.what is the differencebetweenthe two? o ,p[5nointsJ Tn eJvtde R4 aJ-1'o^s,Aej lne)udr- { eJa,*i rrrlq,firn ahnor\t , fne r"ctrndtWV Whod ,-losiis. 6n ca,5e oJ tnl: , t+te oK1ort 0?;ll be rk+n4sa-n+s-a )^-^ 1 . 2 n?^ ? ^ Wi s * o anot nur daes ' , 5! eqo5"t"o^ frre b ase c las ' r n< Tt u tto o Se cl'Jr tn e b c.5 4.o m ' J B i+ - q ^ o y*l :Z'' udc^5 c ^- s5se e 5 .5 .ft 4 it> "-u ?:.:ffi;"' oi ,.,o a hui l _$ a5 I B )+-A r(4pr(l.sevtlcd i+ ,ailt $e tr, i: 0n ""iu' cp<.5e ;;6.r E^t'J:"P?#fi- ,ry#Blp'\ffitr ilt;l' t tl'u'rfT^'^, .- \o .f,nlao h' shoo rr b shoo iu do-v..ew'tahonshxP. d a55is !' r- h1^7'Y-iti,j ^'a"iu t/sinaPrrzvttu "" 5 j;;:; " "1E 'n4lurv" ' '-g4'.,-i.,t1;; ^gaee. " A'' exet^'t *if t #&"#" r g-+A .Heru ryoi,. exar-nple r . ,-- l -J * r "' ' 't'"l.rn vne,uJalo is indv de oo *t fn,is ,'ej.,^tetn .\s J , ,t rr^ * rnain a{{e*n*' fhe 1^i; is or.o*" ?s oph e,xdtvde and 4- Draw the relationships in UML showingmultiplicity symbols that are described - - *> by the following relationships. [4 points] I I I I I i I I I a) A patientmust be assignedto only one doctor, anda doctor can have one or morepatients. b) An employeehas one phone extension,and a unique phone extensionis assignedto an employee. c) A teacherteachesin one school,and a teachercan teach at up to four other schoolsin the city. A schoolhasat leastthreeteachers. d) A team eitfer has one player,two players,or l0 playersplaying together. A 4 in at leastone.team. W, ryrtlr I Page2of2 ffi uiz 4 F { a me : 5 v n & o t m Rinte-TG 20 nqints;25 minutcs 1. CircleeitherTrue or Iralsefor the following. u. tst'6vioral nrodJl depict the internarvier.vof the b. rnre 6CA ,/ business process. o{'u^ is a stalicrnodel showing rhesequence of rnessagc passi'g il:TJ:H* /'-> ./ f'u'..e]:d/ \_ondttlonaJrnelsage n >-+( Ststng g camot be represented in conrnrunicationdiagrarns. type can exist between the sameparticipatingentity ,f--\ ./1 Fatse/ rerarionship type,thesameentitytypeparricipates il,:r:"r*rtve twicein cristincr \U9 @ Farsef Machine diagram musthaveorreiniriarsrarebut canrrave 'l"f,:ff;HTJri;,lT. h. *:"- rrue 6iD / CRfftdratrlx, cechcell repr,,sents rlic :.v inieraction :T ustw ecn ^rrl vrf.vrrurr berwecn Ll se -"' cases. 2' whatis meant,by a.murti-varued atfr.ibute of a, entitytype?Giveanexampre a murti-varued attribure J;i; of representation in ;",fR diagram. pbinrl "n.r [3 Hutilva"luce{a-:ffri h-.,.r.,trg : Jn 4n "^h|'l| "|y p* fiheny an *ttriVule Lon-fcut'ns ,rnvlf i pl< valysS *nn.t ia kncrln Cqi |r,e m yl*i - v Nlverl ,'fi -} e. t 4-r i t r * i e ' T + i S d e ..,e 4 zr {itn clo r .r h fe *o Vc,L Sh a p c,g Lxayftr.._.:5 uppose c4nSldeliong o. ca4. ,3n ca.u5{ c':r*n"inn5 ._i lf,;l 6 1 | l c c n 3 e ^ f,.\)mb a L , A fi ^m e p{ ..r ,{ e, lne color, ntr',lluoye P,,t hovt e-tc. no. Lrjtl ba }ne {4aif{.,fu" li"iqcarr4( ori rrnaz5 k4 Nn A a c-4n c'an hqva- nnany c 'l o rs l;l'{s-\o lat ' V' blv '*e d, d t-l c * o i+ {,rill he rnulli value .".,!J-,'. l^ L., ----* \r/ icenqe-n o. si r \ \ 12 b-SgOtoof Name: Svrna*Yo' H os i l)iagrarn.What DiagramandCommunicatiou 3. Briefly describewhatis a Sequence points], betweenthe two? differences arediiferences . - - ...,+ i o . f4 points] ^..--, '[ ' ' f* A .tq"n{e''r'r-l{ SErt-e.n{.{. }i*.3fcrm . 5\Uand-. f.i*Etdr'rn . - -tt-;'rr. Lrt= *;r546' r"4*e 9t dt+cti bc'n tne r r , " r gf ''l'ne , . r . . itlvskcrt€$ lit y 5Tr i"\ i( l) 1r-{"1('tin'y Jt l \, U r S *- 'C.*{{q tt5{. *a *_ , wnd ok:*tll'E ' , / n \vqgg^1Q5 lrrrS*ud L;*{ttee'n d iogr am 'tnt*q'irt-fl*'t rr1.; n Cornrnutrig^f-io'n 5 *r, }!*..-rtp* t,:j{*nrn#niC.r*i i*- xf 4o 4' ;lt'iT't"r'r'tt a"toti' +l*' ugio*fi '^; CLIi.* p*,*&e*d bc'4wa{'^n snf d csrrirr'v'1ir-i:r'rtfl r f n Oe l q f' t ir,, * #a-r;";iJff;lrul#;l*r ffi"fffi:;i';it#tr r,o*t, rlh€.,rnavirncl.iflal*-n*t-{' "#uf1'tt1 '^1?'*'** 4. Draw an ER diagram for ihe following applicationfi'om edttcationsector. you make. [5 points] Mentionanyassumption hasa uniquename. 1. Eachbookstore onebookstorecanbe locatedin the samecity' fi)Wfor"than t{ Eu"h book hasa uniquebook number. 4.Eachbookhasa color. 5. A bookstorecansupplya numbetof differentbooks' 6. A bookcanbe suppliedby a numberof differentbookstores. 7. A bookstorewill supplya fixed quantityof eachbook' ye% Page2of2
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