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Artigos Publicados pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química em 2006 1H chemical shifts in nmr. Part 24. Proton chemical shifts in some gem-difunctional compounds: 3-endo and 3-exo-substituted norbornanones Ernani Abicht BASSO, Gisele de Freitas GAUZE, Roberto RITTNER NETO, Raymond J ABRAHAM, Mateus Goulart CAMPOS Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry vol. 19 2006 1.211 JCR2004 htt:// Ácidos graxos em óleos e gorduras: identificação e quantificação VISENTAINER, J. V. ; IKEGAKI, M. ; FRANCO, M. R. B 1a. ed. São Paulo: Varela, 2006. v. 1. 128 p. Livro publicado http:// Ácidos graxos poliinsaturados de cadeia longa. Essencialidade e ocorrência em alimentos MATSUSHITA, M. ; MARTIN, Clayton Antunes ; RUIZ, Marcos Roberto ; LAGUILA, J. E. ; SOUZA, Nilson Evelázio de ; VISENTAINER, Jesuí Vergílio Revista de Nutrição da PUCCAMP, in press, 2006 NT JCR2004 LOCAL QUALIS2006 http:// Addition of methacryloil groups to poly(vinyl alcohol) in DMSO catalyzed by TEMED: optimization through response surface methodology Edson Golembieviski CRISPIM, Juliana Francis PIAI, Adley Forti RUBIRA, Edvani Curti MUNIZ Polymer Testing 25(3) 377-383 2006 1.199 JCR2004 Adsorption of Aluminium on Chitin and Chitosan Produced from Silkworm Chrysalides. NOZAKI, J. ; PAULINO, Alexandre T ; SIMIONATO, Julliana I ; GARCIA, Juliana C . Polymer International, in press vol 55 2006 1.125 JCR2004 http:// Alkaloids from Cephalanthus glabratus (Rubiaceae) Tereza Cristina Marinho JORGE, Ana Paula Ozima NAGAHAMA, Lilian Tatiani DUSMAN, Maria Conceição de SOUZA, Giovana Faneco PEREIRA, Gentil José VIDOTTI, Maria Helena SARRAGIOTTO Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 34(5) 436-437, 2006 0.704 JCR2004 Alkaloids from Palicourea coriaceae (Cham) K Schum Cleuza Conceição da SILVA, Cecília Maria Alves de OLIVEIRA, Clara Megumi Abe TANAKA, Lucília KATO, Claudia A do NASCIMENTO, Mislene S GOMES, Luciano M LIAO Zeitschrift Für Naturforschung, Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Section B ISSN 0932-0776, in press 2006 0.647 JCR2004 http:// Antibacterial activity of indole alkaloids from Aspidosperma ramiflorum Júlio Cezar Akio TANAKA, Cleuza Conceição da SILVA, Arildo José Braz de OLIVEIRA, Celso Vataru NAKAMURA and Benedito Prado DIAS FILHO Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 39(3) 387-391, 2006 0.824 JCR2004 htt:// Antimicrobial and phytochemical studies on Pedilanthus tithymaloides Gentil José VIDOTTI, Alberto ZIMMERMANN, Maria Helena SARRAGIOTTO, Celso Vataru NAKAMURA, Benedito Prado DIAS FILHO Fitoterapia 77(1): 43-46, 2006 1.042 JCR2004 Antiproliferative activity of New Limonene Derivatives with a substituted Thiourea Moiety Cleuza Conceição da SILVA, Maria Helena SARRAGIOTTO, João Ernesto de CARVALHO, Isis Martins FIGUEIREDO, Luciane Vieira dos SANTOS, Willian Ferreira da COSTA Journal of The Brazilian Chemical Society in press 2006 1.161 JCR2004 http:// Assessment of two immobilized lipases activity treated in compressed fluids Débora de OLIVEIRA, Andresa C FEIHRMANN, Adley Forti RUBIRA, Marcos Hirouiuqui KUNITA, Cláudio DARIVA, Jose Vladimir OLIVEIRA Journal of Supercritical Fluids In press 2006 2.275 JCR2004 Birefringent hydrogels based on PAAm and lyotropic liquid crystal: optical, morphological and hydrophilic characterization Fauze Ahmad AOUADA, Márcia Regina de MOURA, Adley Forti RUBIRA and Edvani Curti MUNIZ, Paulo Ricardo Garcia FERNANDES, Hatsumi MUKAI, Antonio C F da SILVEIRA, Rosangela ITRI European Polymer Journal In press 2005 1.419 JCR2004 Características quantitativas de carcaça e qualitativas no musculo Longissimus dorsi de Cabritos Boer x Saanen Confinados, recebendo rações com diferentes níveis energéticos informam SILVA, Karina Toledo da ; ALCALDE, Claudete Regina ; GARCIA, Jocilaine ; HASHIMOTO, Juliano Hideo ; MACEDO, F. A. F. ; MATSUSHITA, Makoto Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science in press 2006 0.254 JCR2004 http:// Características da carcaça e da carne de novilhas terminadas em confinamento submetidas ao anestro cirúrgico ou mecânico Jair de Araújo MARQUES, Ivanor Nunes do PRADO, José Luiz MOLETTA, Ivor Martin do PRADO, Juliana Martin do PRADO, Lívia Maria Araújo MACEDO, Nilson Evelázio de SOUZA, Makoto MATSUSHITA Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science 35(4) 1-8, 2006 0.254 JCR2004 htt:// Carnes bovinas oriundas de cruzamento industrial Adriana Nery de OLIVEIRA, Maria Cristina MILINSK, Liliane Cristina BATTIROLA, Clayton Antunes MARTIN, Ivanor Nunes do PRADO, José Luiz MOLETTA, Daniel PEROTTO, Jesuí Vergílio VISENTAINER, Makoto MATSUSHITA, Nilson Evelázio de SOUZA Revista Nacional da Carne 347(1): 52-54 2006 NT JCR2004 NC QUALIS2006 Characterization of chitosan and chitin produced from silkworm crysalides Alexandre Tadeu PAULINO, Julliana Izabelle SIMIONATO, Juliana Carla GARCIA, Jorge NOZAKI Carbohydrate Polymers 64(1) 98-103 2006 1.710 JCR2004 Chemical composition of Aloysia gratissima (Gill. et Hook) Tronc. (Verbenaceae) Cleuza Conceição da SILVA, Cecília Maria Alves de OLIVEIRA, Clara Megumi Abe TANAKA, Fábio VANDRESEN, Lucilia KATO, Heleno Dias FERRREIRA Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, in press 2006 0.704 JCR2004 http:// Colesterol e composição de ácidos graxos em músculo de camarão-canela (Macrobrachium amazonicum) SILVA, A. B. M. ; SANTOS-JUNIOR, O. O. ; HAYASHI, C. ; MATSUSHITA, M. ; SOUZA, N. E. ; VISENTAINER, J. V Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science in press 2006 0.254 JCR2004 http:// Colesterol da Mesa ao Corpo VISENTAINER, J. V. ; SOUZA, N. E. . São Paulo: Varela, 2006. v. 1. 98 p. Livro http:// Combustão, Chamas e Testes de Chama para Cátions: Proposta de Experimento. Augusto César GRACETTO, Noboru HIOKA, Ourides SANTIN FILHO Química Nova na Escola, 23: 43-48, 2006 NT JCR2004 NA QUALIS2006 http:// Composição química da carne de novilhas terminadas em confinamento submetidas ao anestro cirúrgico ou mecânico Jair de Araújo MARQUES, Ivanor Nunes Do PRADO, Juliana Martin Do PRADO, Lívia Maria Araújo MACEDO, Ivor Martin Do PRADO, Jesuí Vergilio VISENTAINER, Makoto MATSUSHITA Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, in press, 2006 0.254 JCR2004 http:// Composition and fatty acid profile in Longissimus lumborum muscle of lambs fedlot fattened with diets containing different sources of vegetable oil Sandra Mari YAMAMOTO, Francisco de Assis Fonseca de MACEDO, Marilice ZUNDT, Eduardo Shiguero SAKAGUTI, Alexandre Agostinho MEXIA, Makoto MATSUSHITA, Guilherme Bareia Liberato da ROCHA Meat Science in press 2005 1.656 JCR2004 htt:// Conformational behavior of cis-2-methoxy, cis-2-methylthio and cis-2-methylselenocyclohexanol: A theoretical and experimental investigation Cleverson Cassero Bocca, Ernani Abicht Basso, Bárbara Celânia Fiorin, Cláudio Francisco Tormena, Francisco Paulo dos Santos Journal of Physical Chemistry A IN PRESS 2006 htt:// Copper sulfide coated polysulfone films Marcos Hiroiuqui KUNITA, Emerson Marcelo GIROTTO, Edvani Curti MUNIZ, Adley Forti RUBIRA, Andrelson Wellington RINALDI Applied Surface Science 252(10): 3707-3713 2006 1.497 JCR2004 Correlation of dye solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide V F Cabral, Washington Luiz Felix Santos, Edvani Curti Muniz, Adley Forti Rubira, L Cardozo Filho Journal of Supercritical Fluids, in press 2006 2.275 JCR2004 http:// Depolymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) wastes using ethanol and ethanol/water in supercritical condidions Rubens Eliseu Nicula de CASTRO, Gentil José VIDOTTI, Adley Forti RUBIRA, Edvani Curti MUNIZ Journal of Applied Polymer Science 101(3) 2009-2016 2006 1.021 JCR2004 htt:// Derivative spectrophotometry: A simple strategy for simultaneous determination of food dyes Eliane Cristina Vidotti, Maria do Carmo Ezequiel Rollemberg Química Nova 29 (2): 230-233 2006 0.627 JCR2004 Htt:// Determinação da composição centesimal e do perfil de ácidos graxos do camarão-de-água -doce Macrobrachium amazonicum. Jesuí Vergílio VISENTAINER, Makoto MATSUSHITA, Nilson Evelázio de SOUZA, Carmino HAYASHI, Adriano Borges Martins da SILVA, Oscar de Oliveira SANTOS-JUNIOR Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, in press, 2005 0.254 JCR2004 htt:// Development of a green chromatographic method for determination of colorants in food samples Eliane Cristina VIDOTTI, Willian Ferreira da COSTA, Cláudio Celestino de OLIVEIRA Talanta 68(3): 516-521 2006 2.532 JCR2004 Effects of feed protein and lipid contents on fatty acid profile of snail (Helix aspersa maxima) meat Maria Cristina MILINSK, Roseli das Graças PADRE, Carmino HAYASHI, Cláudio Celestino de OLIVEIRA, Jesuí Vergílio VISENTAINER, Nilson Evelázio de SOUZA, Makoto MATSUSHITA Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 19(2-3): 212-216 2006 0.765 JCR2004 Electrochemical and mechanical properties of hydrogels based on conductive poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene)/poly(styrenesulfonate) and PAAm Fauze Ahmad AOUADA, Marcos Rogério GUILHERME, Gilsinei Marques CAMPESE, Emerson Marcelo GIROTTO, Adley Forti RUBIRA and Edvani Curti MUNIZ Polymer Testing 25(2): 158-165 2006 1.199 JCR2004 Enzimas Domésticas - experimentos simples utilizando Enzimas Jesuí Vergílio VISENTAINER, Jeane E LAGUILA São Paulo: Editora Moderna 2005 Livros publicados/organizados ou edições http:// Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of Randia hebecarpa Benth. and their major constituents Anelise S NAZARI, Suziane Aparecida DIAS, Willian Ferreira da COSTA, Ciomar A Bersani AMADO, Gentil José VIDOTTI, Maria Conceição de SOUZA, Maria Helena SARRAGIOTTO Pharmaceutical Biology 44(1) 7-9 2006 0.441 JCR2004 http:// Fatty acid profile, and chemical composition of Longissimus muscle of bovine steers and bulls finished in pasture system Roseli das Graças PADRE, Juliana Aparecida ARICETTI, Fernanda Barros MOREIRA, Ivone Yurika MIZUBUTI, Ivanor Nunes do PRADO, Jesuí Vergílio VISENTAINER, Nilson Evelázio de SOUZA and Makoto MATSUSHITA Meat Science 32(1) 1-12 2006 1.656 JCR2004 Gripe Aviária. Nilson Evelázio de SOUZA, Jeane E LAGUILA, Jesuí Vergílio VISENTAINER, Makoto MATSUSHITA, A A COELHO, V V ALMEIDA Revista Nacional da Carne 350(4)120-134 2006 NT JCR2004 NC QUALIS2006 http:// Hydrolysis of post-consume poly(ethylene terephthalate) with sulfuric acid and product characterization by WAXD, NMR13C and DSC Gizilene Maria de CARVALHO, Edvani Curti MUNIZ, Adley Forti RUBIRA Polymer Degradation and Stability 91(6): 1326-1332 2006 1.685 JCR2004 Immobilization of the [Ru-II(edta)NO+] ion on the surface of functionalized silica gel Patricia Graça ZANICHELLI, Rosana Lazara SERNAGLIA, Douglas Wagner FRANCO Langmuir 22 (1): 203-208 2006 3.295 JCR2004 Influence of diets containing different vegetable oils on the performance and fatty acid profile of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. Karin Cristiane JUSTI, Roseli das Graças PADRE, Maria Cristina MILINSK, Cármino HAYASHI, Claudemir M SOARES, Jesuí Vergílio VISENTAINER, Nilson Evelázio de SOUZA, Makoto MATSUSHITA Acta Scientiarum, 27(1) xx-xx, 2005 NT JCR2004 PRODUCAO TECNICA http:// Influence of energy supplementation on meat composition and fatty acids proportion of steers grazing black oat pasture Nilson Eveláio de SOUZA, Ivanor Nunes do PRADO, Fernanda Barros MOREIRA, Livia Maria Araujo MACEDO, Ivone Yurica MIZUBUTI, Makoto MATSUSHITA Acta Scientiarum, in press 2006 NT JCR2004 PRODUCAO TECNICA htt:// Interactions between humidity and ferrocene-functionalised polythiophene G CASALBORE-MICELI, A ZANELLI, Emerson Marcelo GIROTTO, Andrelson Wellington RINALDI, Adley Forti RUBIRA, A BERLIN Electrochimica Acta in press 2006 2.341 JCR2004 http:// Kinetic study of the thermal decomposition of poly(vinyl alcohol)/kraft lignin derivative blends Daniela Martins FERNANDES, Ana Adelina Winkler HECHENLEITNER, Edgardo Alfonso Gomez PINEDA Thermochimica Acta 441 (1): 101-109 2006 1.161 JCR2004 Manipulation of fatty acid composition of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) fillets with flaxseed oil Jesuí Vergílio VISENTAINER, Makoto MATSUSHITA, Cláudio Celestino de OLIVEIRA, Maria Regina Bueno FRANCO, Nilson Evelázio de SOUZA Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture in press 2006 0.871 JCR2004 http:// Novel adsorbent based on silkworm chrysalides for removal of heavy metals from wastewaters. Alexandre Tadeu PAULINO, Flavienne A S MINASSE, Marcos Rogério GUILHERME, Adriano Valim REIS, Edvani Curti MUNIZ, Jorge NOZAKI Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, in press, 2006 1.784 JCR2004 http:// O pKa de indicadores ácido-base e os efeitos de sistemas coloidais. PREVIDELLO, Bruno Alarcon Fernandes ; CARVALHO, Fernando Rodrigues de ; TESSARO, André Luiz ; SOUZA, Vagner Roberto de ; Hioka, N. ou Hioka, Noboru ou N. Hioka ou Noboru Hioka . Química Nova, 29(3) 600-606, 2006 0.627 JCR2004 Optimization of dye incorporation into modified poly(ethylene terephthalate) knitted fabrics by response surface methodology Washington Luiz Felix SANTOS, Ana Paula de MOURA, E A SILVA, Edvani Curti MUNIZ, Adley Forti RUBIRA Dyes and Pigments, in press, 2006 1.610 JCR2004 http:// Phase behavior of binary and ternary systems involving carbon dioxide, propane, and glycidyl methacrylate at high pressure Elton FRANCESCHI, Marcos Hiroiuqui KUNITA, Adley Forti RUBIRA, Edvani Curti MUNIZ, Marcos Lúcio CORAZZA, J. Vladimir OLIVEIRA, and Cláudio DARIVA Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 51(2): 686-690 2006 1.368 JCR2004 Phase equilibrium behavior of a systems with N,N-dimethylacrylamide, CO2 and disperse dye Washington Luiz Felix SANTOS, Rogério FAVARETO, Vladimir F CABRAL, Edvani Curti MUNIZ, Lúcio CARDOZO FILHO, Adley Forti RUBIRA Journal of Supercritical Fluids IN PRESS 2006 2.275 JCR2004 Phenylpropanoid glycerols from Tillandsia streptocarpa Baker (Bromeliaceae). DELAPORTE, Rosemeres H ; GUZEN, Karla P ; LAVERDE JUNIOR, Antonio ; SANTOS, Anderson Rogerio dos ; SARRAGIOTTO, M. H. . Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 34(7) 599-602, 2006 0.704 JCR2004 Photoelectrochemical properties of poly(terthiophene) films modified with a fullerene derivative Marcos José Leite SANTOS, Emerson Marcelo GIROTTO, Ana Flávia NOGUEIRA Thin Solid Films in press 2006 http:// Photopolymerization of pyrrole in PVC matrix. Andrélson Wellington RINALDI, Eduardo RADOVANOVIC, Adley Forti RUBIRA, Emerson Marcelo GIROTTO Journal of Applied Polymer Science IN PRESS 2006 1.021 JCR2004 htt:// Polypropylene grafted with glycidyl methacrylate using supercritical CO2 medium Marcos Hiroiuqui KUNITA, Emerson Marcelo GIROTTO, Edvani Curti MUNIZ, Adley Forti RUBIRA Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Química ISSN 0104-6632 23(02) 267-271 2006 0.212 JCR2004 htt:// Proximate composition and fatty acid profile of brazilian non-transgenic and transgenic soybean [(Glycine max (L. Merril)] cultivars VISENTAINER, J. V. ; MILINSK, M. C. ; ZANATTA, Camila dos S. ; MARTIN, Clayton A. ; Carlos Alberto Arrabal Arias Journal of Food Composition and Analysis in press 2006 0.765 JCR2004 http:// Quantification of conjugated linoleic acid in Longissimus dorsi muscle of steers of different genetic breeds finished in pasture systems PADRE, Roseli das Graças ; ARICETTI, J. A. ; GOES, R. H. T. B. ; PRADO, Ivanor Nunes Do ; VISENTAINER, Jesuí Vergilio ; SOUZA, Nilson Evelázio de ; MATSUSHITA, Makoto Meat Science in press 2006 1.656 JCR2004 http:// Real-time quantitative investigation of photochemical reaction using thermal lens measurements: theory and experiment Maria do Carmo Ezequiel ROLLEMBERG, Paulo Roberto Borba PEDREIRA, Luciana Rocha HIRSCH, José Roberto Dias PEREIRA, Antonio MEDINA NETO, Antonio Carlos BENTO, Mauro Luciano BAESSO, Mladen FRANKO, J SHEN Chemical Physics Letters IN PRESS 2006 2.438 JCR2004 Nao achei no science direct htt:// Removal of methylene blue dye from an aqueous media using superabsorbent hydrogel supported on modified polysaccharide. PAULINO, Alexandre T ; GUILHERME, M. R. ; REIS, Adriano V ; CAMPESE, Gilsinei M ; MUNIZ, Edvani C ; NOZAKI, Jorge . Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, IN PRESS 2006 1.784 JCR2004 Não achei no science direct http:// Seasonal variations in physical chemical properties and metals in a flooded tropical lake. Jorge NOZAKI, Wagner José BARRETO, Sônia Regina Giancoli BARRETO, Elisabeth de OLIVEIRA, Maria Reche RIBEIRO, Ieda Spacino SCARMINIO Limnology, Springer Tokyo, ISSN 1439-8621 IN PRESS NT JCR2004 ??? htt:// Prompt responsive sensors for water detection in organic solvents CASALBOREMICELI, G. ; CHEN, Y. S. ; GIROTTO, E. M. ; LI, Y. ; RINALDI, A. W. ; YANG, M. J. ; ZANELLI, A. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical in press 2006 2.083 JCR2004 Solar and ultraviolet photodegradation of four textile dyes: comparative studies.. NOZAKI, J. ; BARRETO, Wagner José ; GARCIA, Juliana Carla ; OLIVEIRA, Janaína Lopes de ; BOROSKI, Marcela ; SILVA, Alessandra C da . In: Nova Science Publishers. (Org.). Progress in Solar Energy Research. Hauppauge, NY (USA), 2006, v. , p. -. Capítulos de livros publicados http:// Spectrophotometric determination of blue procion HEGN in effluents of textile industry exploiting the dye aggregation effect and flow injection analysis Vitor de Cinque ALMEIDA, Willian Ferreira da COSTA, Jorge NOZAKI, Cláudio Celestino de OLIVEIRA Analytical Sciences 22(3): 445-448 2006 1.051 JCR2004 Spectroscopic properties of polycarbonate and poly(methyl methacrylate) blends doped with Europium(III) acetylacetonate Rafaele BONZANINI, Daniele Toniolo DIAS, Emerson Marcelo GIROTTO, Edvani Curti MUNIZ, Mauro Luciano BAESSO, JMA CAIUT, Y MESSADDEQ, SJL RIBEIRO, Antonio Carlos BENTO, Adley Forti RUBIRA Journal of Luminescence 117(1): 61-67 2006 1.384 JCR2004 Stereoelectronic interactions and their effects on conformational preference for 1,3-dithiane-1-oxide and 1,4-dithiane-1-oxide. a theoretical and experimental study . Gisele de Freitas GAUZE, Rodolfo TORMENA, Ernani Abicht BASSO, Cláudio Francisco TORMENA Chemical Physics Letters IN PRESS 2006 2.438 JCR2004 Não achei no Science direct http:// Structural and electrochromic study of polypyrrole synthesized with azo and anthraquinone dyes Jacqueline FERREIRA, Marcos José Leite SANTOS, Roberto de MATOS, Odair Pastor FERREIRA, Emerson Marcelo GIROTTO Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry IN PRESS 2006 2.228 JCR2004 Structural, magnetic and electrochemical properties of poly(o-anisidine)/maghemite thin films Luis Henrique Melo FONSECA, Andrelson Wellington RINALDI, Adley Forti RUBIRA, Luiz Fernando COTICA, Suzana Nóbrega de MEDEIROS, Andrea PAESANO JUNIOR, Ivair Aparecido dos SANTOS, Emerson Marcelo GIROTTO Materials Chemistry and Physics 97(2-3): 252-255 2006 1.113 JCR2004 htt:// Structural, microstructural and Mössbauer spectral study of the BiMnXFe1-XO3 mechnosynthesized system Ivair Aparecido dos SANTOS, Luiz Fernando COTICA, Suzana Nóbrega de MEDEIROS, Andrea PAESANO JUNIOR, Eduardo RADOVANOVIC Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids IN PRESS 2006 1.433 JCR2004 htt:// Synthesis and characterization of pH-responsive hydrogels based on chemically modified Arabic gum polysaccharide Adriano Valim REIS, Marcos Rogério GUILHERME, Osvaldo Albuquerque CAVALCANTI, Adley Forti RUBIRA, Edvani Curti MUNIZ Polymer 47(6): 2023-2029 2006 2.433 JCR2004 Synthesis, toxicity towards brine shrimp (Artemia Salina Leach) and atimicrobial activity evaluation of 3,5-diphenylchlorinated-1,2,4-oxadiazoles. MACHADO, Silvio Luiz ; SANTOS, Luciane Vieira dos ; COSTA, Willian Ferreira da ; PRADO FILHO, Benedito Dias ; SARRAGIOTTO, M. H. . Acta Scientiarum, 27(2) IN PRESS 2005 NT JCR2004 PRODUCAO TECNICA http:// Thermal and photochemical stability of poly(vinyl alcohol)/modified lignin blends Daniela Martins FERNANDES, Ana Adelina Winkler HECHENLEITNER, Aldo Eloizo JOB, Eduardo RADOVANOVIC, Edgardo Alfonso Gómez PINEDA Polymer Degradation and Stability, 91(5) 1192-1201, 2006 1.685 JCR2004 Thermoelectrical and thermal analyses of copper(II) acetate monohydrate ZnO-matrix composite powder obtained by freeze-drying Jusmar Valentin BELLINI, Edgardo Alfonso Gomez PINEDA, Raquel de Almeida ROCHA, André Luis de Lima PONZONI, Andrea PAESANO JR Thermochimica Acta 441(2): 111-115 2006 1.161 JCR2004 Thermo-responsive sandwiched-like membranes of IPN-PNIPAAm/PAAm hydrogels Marcos Rogério GUILHERME, Gilsinei Marques CAMPESE, Eduardo RADOVANOVIC, Adley Forti RUBIRA, Edvani Curti MUNIZ, Elias Basile TAMBOURGI Journal of Membrane Science 275(1-2): 187-194 2006 2.108 JCR2004 Thermo-sensitive IPN hydrogels composed of PNIPAAm gels supported on alginate-Ca2+ with LCST tailored close to human body temperature Márcia Regina de MOURA, Fauze Ahmad AOUADA, Marcos Rogério GUILHERME, Eduardo RADOVANOVIC, Adley Forti RUBIRA, Edvani Curti MUNIZ Polymer Testing Inglaterra in press 2006 http:// Trans fatty acid-forming processes in foods MARTIN, Clayton Antunes ; MILINSK, Maria Cristina ; VISENTAINER, Jesuí Vergílio ; MATSUSHITA, M. ; SOUZA, Nilson Evelázio de Food Science And Technology Research, Prelo, 2006. 0.318 JCR2004 http:// Trans polyunsaturated fatty acid contents in Brazilian refined soybean oil Clayton Antunes MARTIN, Jesuí Vergílio VISENTAINER, Cláudio Celestino de OLIVEIRA, Makoto MATSUSHITA, Nilson Evelázio de SOUZA Analytical Sciences 22 (4): 631-633 2006 1.051 JCR2004 Um aparato para monitorar reações rápidas: um stopped-flow artesanal de baixo custo. Vagner Roberto BATISTELA, André Luiz TESSARO, Rafael Ribeiro da Silva SOARES, Vagner Roberto de SOUZA, Noboru HIOKA Química Nova, 29(4) IN PRESS 2006 0.627 JCR2004 http:// Vallesiachotamine Ivo VENCATO, Francielly Moreira da SILVA, Cecília Maria Alves de OLIVEIRA, Lucília KATO, Clara Megumi Abe TANAKA, Cleuza Conceição da SILVA, José Ricardo SABINO Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online 62(2): O429-O431, 2006 0.491 JCR2004
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