curriculum vitae - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


curriculum vitae - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Mónica Cordeiro de Almeida e Silva
May 2007
Mónica Cordeiro de Almeida e Silva
Date of birth:
24 October 1972
Department of Oceanography and Fisheries
University of the Azores
Cais Sta. Cruz
9901-862 Horta
(+351) 292 200442
(+351) 292 200411
[email protected]
1991 – 1996 – BSc (Hons) in Biology, University of Lisbon, Portugal; ‘Diet and reproductive
biology of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) stranded in the Portuguese coast’
2002 – 2006 – D.Phil., University of St. Andrews, Scotland; ‘Population biology of bottlenose
dolphins in the Azores Archipelago’
Other qualifications
April-May 2004 – Course on “Introduction to Statistical Modelling”, CREEM, University of St.
Andrews, Scotland.
December 2003 – Course on “Introduction to Ecological Modelling”, IMAR, University of the
Azores, Azores.
December 2002 – Course on “Molecular Biology”, National Institute of Technology and
Engineering, Lisbon.
October 2001 – Course on “Geographic Information Systems Applied to Aquatic Sciences”,
National Centre of Geographic Information, Azores.
August 2000 – Course on “Introduction to Distance Sampling”, Research Unit for Wildlife
Population Assessment, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews,
September 2000 – Course on “Advanced Techniques and Recent Developments in Distance
Sampling”, Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment, School of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
May 1999 – Course on “Stranding Networks”, Azorean Environment Directorate, Azores.
September 1996 – Course on “Marine Mammals: Biology and Conservation”, Universidad
Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Valencia, Spain.
March 1990 – Scuba diving Certificate
June 1989 – “First Certificate in English”, Cambridge University, Lisbon.
2007 – present – Postdoctoral fellow at IMAR – Instituto do Mar, University of the Azores, and at
the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA.
2002 – 2006 - PhD scholarship from the Portuguese National Science and Technology
1998 – 2002 – Permanent contract at the Nature Conservation Institute, Portuguese Environment
1998 – Scientific Consultant for the World Conservation Union (IUCN).
1994 – 1997 – Short-term contracts at the Nature Conservation Institute, Portuguese Environment
National Delegate for Portugal at the 59th Annual Meeting of the International Whaling
Commission, 7-18 May, Alaska, USA.
Professional and Research experience
Since January 2007 – Postdoctoral fellow at the University of the Azores, Portugal and at the
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA. Title of project: Cetacean foraging ecology and
habitat associations in oceanic ecosystems: an integrated approach. Supervisors: Dr. Ricardo
Serrão Santos (University of the Azores) and Dr. Mark Baumgartner (WHOI).
2002 – 2006 – PhD student at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Title of the thesis:
“Population biology of bottlenose dolphins in the Azores Archipelago”. Supervisors: Dr. Philip
Hammond, University of St. Andrews; Dr. Ricardo Serrão Santos, University of the Azores.
2002 - 2005– Research Assistant at the IMAR – Centro do Instituto do Mar, Department of
Oceanography and Fisheries, University of the Azores, working on the research project
CETAMARH “Ecology and population structure of sperm whales and bottlenose dolphins in the
Azores” (POCTI/BSE/38991/2001), funded by the National Science and Technology Foundation.
Conducts research on the distribution, abundance and social organization of bottlenose whales and
sperm whales, using photo-identification, biopsy sampling and acoustic techniques.
1999 – May 2002 – Research Assistant at the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries,
University of the Azores, under an agreement signed between this institution and the Nature
Conservation Institute. Conducts research on the abundance, distribution and ecology of cetaceans,
in the scope of an EC-LIFE Project “Integrated Management of Coastal and Marine Zones in the
Azores” (LIFE98NAT/P/5275), using photo-identification and acoustic techniques. During this
time, also participates in a project funded by the Azorean Regional Government, entitled
“Monitoring the Development of whale-watching in the Azores”, aimed at assessing the impact of
the whale-watching activity on the behaviour of cetaceans, and to determine the load capacity of
the activity.
July 1998 – January 1999 - Resumes activity at the Nature Conservation Institute. In addition to
the former activities, appointed to the Marine Protected Areas Group of the Division for
Management of Protected Areas. Participates in the development and implementation of the
marine protected areas in Portugal.
February 1998 – June 1998 - Scientific Consultant for the World Conservation Union (IUCN),
under a protocol signed between the Nature Conservation Institute and the IUCN Office in
Guinea-Bissau. The contract involved the development, co-ordination and implementation of a
conservation and management plan for the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis).
September 1997 – January 1998 – Allocated to the Marine Mammal Group of the Habitats and
Ecosystems Division, Nature Conservation Institute. Coordinates the Portuguese Stranding
Network and conducts research on the biology and ecology of cetaceans.
October 1994 – September 1997. Works for the Nature Conservation Institute collaborating in the
Portuguese Stranding Network. Conducts necropsies and participates in a project on feeding
ecology and reproduction of cetaceans.
Supervising experience in advanced training
Martina Hervat. Estágio Profissional do Programa Eurodisseia, Centro do IMAR da Universidade
dos Açores. Título da tese: Preferência de habitat dos cetáceos dos Açores. A concluir em
Novembro de 2007.
Chislaine Arends (co-tutela). BSc-Honours em Biologia, Van Hall Larenstein Instituut,
Leerwarden, Holanda. Título da tese: Ecologia de baleias-de-barbas nos Açores. A concluir em
Agosto de 2007.
Cláudia Oliveira (co-tutela). Mestrado em Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Universidade dos
Açores). Título da tese: Actividade de observação turística de cetáceos no Arquipélago dos
Açores: contribuição para o seu desenvolvimento sustentável. Atribuído em 2005.
Susana Morais (co-tutela). Programa estagiar L, Centro do IMAR da Universidade dos Açores.
Título da tese: Métodos, manual e digital, de análise de foto-identificação de diferentes espécies de
cetáceos. Atribuído em 2005.
Cláudia Oliveira (co-tutela). Programa estagiar L, Centro do IMAR da Universidade dos Açores.
Título da tese: Foto-identificação de Grampus griseus (Cuvier, 1812) no arquipélago dos Açores.
Atribuído em 2003.
Silva, M.A. 2007. Population biology of bottlenose dolphins in the Azores Archipelago. PhD
thesis, University of St Andrews, 254p.
Silva, M.A. 1996. Contribuição para o conhecimento do regime alimentar e da biologia da
reprodução do golfinho-comum, Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758, na costa Portuguesa. Honours
Thesis, Department of Zoology and Anthropology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon,
64p. [In Portuguese]
Peer-reviewed Publications in international journals
Granadeiro, J.P. & Silva, M.A. 2000. The use of otoliths and vertebrae in the identification and
size-estimation of fish in predator-prey studies. Cybium, 24(4): 383-393.
Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Silva, M.A.; Gonçalves, J.; Afonso-Dias, M. & Santos, R.S. 2002.
Short-term reactions of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) to whale-watching vessels in the
Azores. Aquatic Mammals, 28(3): 267-274.
Quérouil, S.; Silva, M.A.; Freitas, L.; Prieto, R.; Magalhães, S.; Dinis, A.; Alves, F.; Matos, J.A.;
Mendonça, D.; Hammond, P. & Santos, R.S. 2007. High gene flow in oceanic bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus) of the North Atlantic. Conservation Genetics, 8(6): 1405-1419 (DOI
Silva, M.A. 1999. Diet of common dolphins, Delpinus delphis, off the Portuguese continental
coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 79: 531-540.
Silva, M. A. & Araújo, A 2001. Distribution and current status of the west African manatee
(Trichechus senegalensis) in Guinea-Bissau. Marine Mammal Science, 17(2): 418-424.
Silva, M.A. & Sequeira, M. 2003. Patterns in the mortality of common dolphins (Delphinus
delphis) on the Portuguese coast, using stranding data records, 1975-1998. Aquatic Mammals,
29(1): 88-98.
Silva, M.A.; Feio, R.; Prieto, R.; Gonçalves, J.M. & Santos, R.S. 2002. Interactions between
cetaceans and the tuna-fishery in the Azores. Marine Mammal Science, 18(4): 893-901.
Silva, M.A.; Prieto, R.; Magalhães, S.; Cabecinhas, R.; Cruz, A.; Gonçalves, J.M. & Santos, R.S.
2003. Occurrence and distribution of cetaceans in the waters around the Azores (Portugal),
Summer and Autumn 1999–2000. Aquatic Mammals, 29(1): 77-83.
Walton, M. J.; Silva, M.A.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R. & Santos, R.S. 2007. Using blubber biopsies
to provide ecological information about bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus around the Azores.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 87: 223-230. (doi:
Wise, L.; Silva, A.; Ferreira, M.; Silva, M.A. & Sequeira; M. 2007. Interactions between small
cetaceans and the purse-seine fishery in western Portuguese waters. Scientia Marina, 71(2): 405412.
Submitted, in press or in review:
Olsen, E.; Budgell, P.; Head, E.; Kleivane, L.; Nøttestad, L.; Prieto, R.; Silva, M.A.; Skov, H.;
Víkingsson, G.A..; Waring, G. and Øien, N. Swimming with the ocean current: the feeding
migration of a North Atlantic sei whale. Marine Mammal Science.
Quérouil, S.; Freitas, L.; Dinis, A.; Alves, F.; Cascão, I.; Prieto, R.; Silva, M.A.; Magalhães, S.;
Matos, J.A. & Santos, R. Sex-bias in biopsy samples collected from free ranging dolphins. Marine
Mammal Science.
Silva, M.A.; Prieto, R.; Magalhães, S.; Seabra, M.I.; Santos, R.S. & Hammond, P.S. Ranging
patterns of bottlenose dolphins living in oceanic waters: implications for population structure.
Marine Biology
Steiner, L.; Silva, M.A.; Zereba, J. & Leal, M.J. Bryde’s Whales, Balaenoptera edeni, observed in
the Azores: a new species record for the region. Journal of the Marine Biological Association,
Biodiversity Records.
Oral Presentations
Feio, R..; Silva M. A. & Santos, R. S. Observation Program for the Fisheries of the Azores
(POPA). International Fisheries Observer Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, November
Parr, L.; Duffield, D.; Fain, S. & Silva, M.A. Distribution of manatee stocks in West Africa. 13th
Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Maui, Hawaii, 28 November – 3
December, 1999.
Prieto, R.; Silva, M.A.; Sequeira, M.; Gaspar, R. & Tempera, F. The implementation of Marine
Protected Areas in Portugal: implications for cetacean conservation. Workshop “Protected Areas
for Cetaceans”, 13th Ann. Conf. ECS, Valencia, Spain, 9 April 1999. European Cetacean Society.
Quérouil S.; Seabra, M. I.; Silva, M. A; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Machete M;. Lafon, V. &
Santos R. S. 2006. Segregação do nicho espacial e temporal entre o golfinho-comum e o golfinhomalhado nos Açores. Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Etologia, Portugal.
Quérouil, S.; Silva, M.A.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Matos, J.A.; Mendonça, D. & Santos, R.S.
Bottlenose dolphins of the Azorean Archipelago would belong to a single population of the
"offshore" type. 19th Ann. Conf. ECS, La-Rochelle, France, 02-07 April 2005. European Cetacean
Society, France.
Silva, A.; Cabral, H.; Azevedo, M.; Machado, P.; Murta, A. & Silva, M.A. The role of blue
whiting (Micromesistius poutassou, Risso 1826) as a forage fish in marine ecosystems.
Symposium on the role of forage fishes in marine ecosystems, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 13-16
November, 1996.
Silva, M.A. Ecology and population structure of bottlenose dolphins and sperm whales: assessing
the relationship with habitat features. IMAR Annual Meeting, Lajes do Pico, Açores, Portugal, 2830 November.
Peer-reviewed Publications in Conference Proceedings
Cascão, I.; Quérouil, S.; Freitas, L.; Dinis, A.; Alves, F.; Prieto, R.; Silva, M.A.; Magalhães, S.;
Matos, J. & Santos, R.S. In press. Sex bias in biopsy samples collected from free-ranging dolphins.
Proc. Biennial Symposium of the European Association of Aquatic Mammals, Antibes, France,
Cruz, A.; Silva, M.A.; Prieto, R. & Gonçalves, J.M. 2004. Occurrence, distribution and habitat use
of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) around the islands of Faial and Pico (Azores). In:
European Research on Cetaceans - 15. (EdsP.G.H. Evans and E. O’Boyle), Pp: 143-145. Proc.
15th Ann. Conf. ECS, Rome, Italy, 6-10 May 2001. European Cetacean Society, Kiel, Germany.
Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Silva, M.A. & Gonçalves, J. 1999. Impact of whale-watching vessels on
sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) activities in waters south of Pico and Faial islands, Azores.
In: European Research on Cetaceans - 13. (Eds. P.G.H. Evans, J. Cruz and J.A. Raga), Pp: 124127. Proc. 13th Ann. Conf. ECS, Valencia, Spain, 5-8 April 1999. European Cetacean Society,
Magalhães, S.; Silva, M. A.; Prieto, R.; Quérouil, S.; Pinela, A. & Santos R. S. In press. Spatial
and temporal patterns of sperm whale groups in the Azores archipelago. In: European Research on
Cetaceans - 19. Proc. 19th Ann. Conf. ECS, La-Rochelle, France, 02-07 April 2005. European
Cetacean Society, France.
Magalhães, S.; Silva, M.A.; Prieto, R.; Cruz, A. & Gonçalves, J. In press Distribution and
occurrence patterns of cetacean populations in two islands of the Azorean archipelago – Pico and
Faial. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 16. Proc. 16th Ann. Conf. ECS, Liege, Belgium, 711 April 2002. European Cetacean Society, Belgium.
Monteiro, M.M.; Girão Bastos, J.; Pereira, M.A. & Silva, M.A. 1999. Pneumonia in two harbour
porpoises by Mestastrongyloid nematodes. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 13. (Eds.
P.G.H. Evans, J. Cruz and J.A. Raga), Pp: 240. Proc. 13th Ann. Conf. ECS, Valencia, Spain, 5-8
April 1999. European Cetacean Society, Valencia.
Oliveira, C.; Gonçalves, J.; Silva, M.; Prieto, R.; Magalhães, S. & Santos, R.S. In press. The
whalewatching activity in the Azores Archipelago. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 21.
Proc. 21th Ann. Conf. ECS, San Sebastian, Spain, 22-25 April 2007. European Cetacean Society.
Olsen, E.; Nøttestad, L.; Kleivane, L.; Budgell, P.; Prieto, R.; Silva, M. & Øien, N. 2005.
Intelligent migration of a sei whale from the Azores to the Labrador Sea in April to June 2005.
16th SMM Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Diego, California, USA,
12-16 December 2005.
Parr, L.; Duffield, D.; Fain, S. & Silva, M.A. 1999. Distribution of manatee stocks in West Africa.
Presented at 13th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Maui, Hawaii, 28
November – 3 December, 1999.
Pérez, M.C.; López, A.; Sequeira, M.; Silva, M.; Herrera, R.; Gonçalves, J.; Valdés, P.; Mos, J.L.;
Freitas, L.; Lens, S. & Cendrero, O. 1997. Stranding and by-catch of cetaceans in the northeastern
Atlantic during 1996. ICES Comm. Meet. Pap. Rep. C.M. 1997/Q:O2, 4p.
Pinela, A.; Quérouil, S.; Magalhães, S.; Silva, M. A.; Prieto, R.; Matos, J. A.; & Santos R. S. In
press. Population genetics and social organization of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in
the Azorean archipelago. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 19. Proc. 19th Ann. Conf. ECS,
La-Rochelle, France, 02-07 April 2005. European Cetacean Society, France.
Pinela, A.; Quérouil, S.; Magalhães, S.; Silva, M.A.; Prieto, R.; Matos, J.A. & Santos, R.S. In
press. Microsatellite analyses confirm that sperm whales travel with kins. In: European Research
on Cetaceans - 21. Proc. 21th Ann. Conf. ECS, San Sebastian, Spain, 22-25 April 2007. European
Cetacean Society.
Prieto, R.; Pinho, M.R.; Silva, M.A. & Magalhães, S. In press. Dolphin interactions with hand line
demersal fisheries in the Azores. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 19. Proc. 19th Ann. Conf.
ECS, La-Rochelle, France, 02-07 April 2005. European Cetacean Society, France.
Prieto, R.; Silva, M.A.; Sequeira, M.; Gaspar, R. & Tempera, F. 2001. The implementation of
Marine Protected Areas in Portugal: implications for cetacean conservation. In: European
Cetacean Society Newsletter 38 Special Issue. (Eds. P.G.H. Evans and E. Urquiola Pascual), Pp:
37. Proc. of the workshop “Protected Areas for Cetaceans”, 13th Ann. Conf. ECS, Valencia,
Spain, 9 April 1999. European Cetacean Society.
Quérouil, S.; Seabra, M.I.; Silva, M.A.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Machete, M.; Lafon, V. &
Santos, R. S. Spatio-temporal niche segregation between two sympatric species of dolphins in the
Azores. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 21. Proc. 21th Ann. Conf. ECS, San Sebastian,
Spain, 22-25 April 2007. European Cetacean Society.
Quérouil, S.; Silva, M.A.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Matos, J.A.; Mendonça, D. & Santos, R.S. In
Press. Bottlenose dolphins of the Azorean Archipelago would belong to a single population of the
"offshore" type. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 19. Proc. 19th Ann. Conf. ECS, LaRochelle, France, 02-07 April 2005. European Cetacean Society, France.
Seabra, M. I.; Silva, M. A.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; August, P.; Vigness-Raposa, K.; Lafon, V.;
& Santos R. S. In press. Distribution and habitat preferences of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) with respect to physiographic and
oceanographic factors in the waters around the Azores. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 19.
Proc. 19th Ann. Conf. ECS, La-Rochelle, France, 02-07 April 2005. European Cetacean Society,
Seabra, M. I.; Silva, M. A.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; August, P.; Vigness-Raposa, K.; Lafon, V.;
& Santos R. S. 2005. Distribution and habitat preferences of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) with respect to physiographic and
oceanographic factors in the waters around the Azores. 26th Annual ESRI International User
Conference, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, 7-11 August 2005.
Seabra, M.I.; Silva, M.; August, P.; Vigness-Raposa, K.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Lafon, V.;
Santos, R.S. 2005. Characterizing Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) habitat in the Azores
Islands (Portugal). 16th SMM Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San
Diego, California, USA, 12-16 December 2005.
Sequeira, M.; Inácio, A. & Silva, M.A. 1997. Cetacean strandings in Portugal: 1993-95. In:
European Research on Cetaceans - 10. (Ed. P.G.H. Evans), Pp: 136-140. Proc. 10th Ann. Conf.
ECS, Lisboa, Portugal, 11-13 March 1996. European Cetacean Society, Cambridge.
Sequeira, M.; Silva, M.A; Lopez, A.; Gayoso, A; Pérez, C.; Herrera, R.; Lens, S.; Barreiros, J.P.
& Freitas, L. 1999. Cetacean strandings in the northeastern Atlantic: the Atlancetus Project. In:
European Research on Cetaceans - 13. (Eds. P.G.H. Evans, J. Cruz and J.A. Raga), Pp: 260-262.
Proc. 13th Ann. Conf. ECS, Valencia, Spain, 5-8 April 1999. European Cetacean Society,
Silva, A.; Cabral, H.; Azevedo, M.; Machado, P.; Murta, A. & Silva, M.A. 1997. The role of blue
whiting (Micromesistius poutassou, Risso 1826) as a forage fish in marine ecosystems. In: Forage
fishes in Marine Ecosystems. Pp: 127-146. Proceedings of the Symposium on the role of forage
fishes in marine ecosystems, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 13-16 November 1996.
Silva, M.A. 1998. West African Manatee Conservation Plan in Guinea-Bissau. Sirenews, 30: 1012.
Silva, M.A. & Sequeira, M. 1997. Preliminary results on the diet of common dolphins Delphinus
delphis off the Portuguese coast. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 10. (Ed. P.G.H. Evans),
Pp: 253-259. Proc. 10th Ann. Conf. ECS, Lisboa, Portugal, 11-13 March 1996. European Cetacean
Society, Cambridge.
Silva, M.A. & Sequeira, M. 1997. Stomach contents of marine mammals stranded on the
Portuguese coast. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 11. (Ed. P.G.H. Evans), Pp: 176-179.
Proc. 11th Ann. Conf. ECS, Stralsund, Germany, 11-13 March 1996. European Cetacean Society,
Silva, M. A.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Quérouil, S.; Hammond, P. & Santos R. S. In press.
Population structure of bottlenose dolphins in the Azores determined by photo-identification. In:
European Research on Cetaceans - 19. Proc. 19th Ann. Conf. ECS, La-Rochelle, France, 02-07
April 2005. European Cetacean Society, France.
Silva, M.A.; Araújo, A.; Djedjó, F.; Gomes, L. & Monteiro, H. 1999. Status of the West African
manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) in Guinea-Bissau. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 13.
(Eds. P.G.H. Evans, J. Cruz and J.A. Raga), Pp: 263-266. Proc. 13th Ann. Conf. ECS, Valencia,
Spain, 5-8 April 1999. European Cetacean Society, Valencia.
Silva, M.A.; Feio, R. & Prieto, R. In press. Interaction between cetaceans and the Azorean tuna–
fishery: is this a real problem? In: European Research on Cetaceans - 16. Proc. 16th Ann. Conf.
ECS, Liége, Belgium, 7-11 April 2002. European Cetacean Society.
Silva, M.A.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Seabra, M.I.; Santos, R.S. & Hammond, P.S. In press.
Home range size of bottlenose dolphins in the Azores: a consequence of patchy resources? In:
European Research on Cetaceans - 20. Proc. 20th Ann. Conf. ECS, Gdynia, Poland, 2-6 April
2006. European Cetacean Society, Poland.
Silva, M.A.; Sequeira, M.; Prieto, R. & Alexandre, B. 1999. Observations of harbour porpoises
(Phocoena phocoena) in the northern coast of Portugal. In: European Research on Cetaceans - 13.
(Eds. P.G.H. Evans, J. Cruz and J.A. Raga), Pp: 267-269. Proc. 13th Ann. Conf. ECS, Valencia,
Spain, 5-8 April 1999. European Cetacean Society, Valencia.
Walton, M.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Silva, M.A. In press. Ecological information from blubber
biopsies of sperm whales and bottlenose dolphins in the Azores. In: European Research on
Cetaceans - 19. Proc. 19th Ann. Conf. ECS, La-Rochelle, France, 02-07 April 2005. European
Cetacean Society, France.
White, P.; Prieto, R.; Magalhães, S.; Silva, M.A. & Williams, A. In press. Analysis of
Hyperoodon ampullatus (Northern Bottlenose Whale) vocalisations. In: European Research on
Cetaceans - 19. Proc. 19th Ann. Conf. ECS, La-Rochelle, France, 02-07 April 2005. European
Cetacean Society, France.
Wise, L.; Ferreira, M.; Silva, M.A.; Sequeira, M. & Silva, A. In press. Purse seine fishing off
Portugal: fishing activity and interactions with marine mammals. In: European Research on
Cetaceans - 19. Proc. 19th Ann. Conf. ECS, La-Rochelle, France, 02-07 April 2005. European
Cetacean Society, France.
Technical Publications
Cruz, A.; Silva, M.A.; Prieto, R. & Gonçalves, J. 2000. Distribuição, movimentos e utilização do
habitat da população de roazes (Tursiops truncatus) das ilhas do Faial e do Pico. Documento
preparado no âmbito do Projecto LIFE - Gestão Integrada de Zonas Costeiras e Marinhas nos
Açores. Contrato LIFE B4-3200/98-509.
Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R., Silva, M.A. & Santos, R.S. 2007. Impact of whale watching on
cetaceans: assessing the appropriateness of existing regulations. Presented to the Scientific
Committee of the International Whaling Commission: SC/59/WW9, 6pp.
Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R; Silva, M.A. & Gonçalves, J. 2000. Avaliação preliminar da interferência
directa da actividade turística de observação de cetáceos. Documento preparado no âmbito do
Projecto LIFE - Gestão Integrada de Zonas Costeiras e Marinhas nos Açores. Contrato LIFE B43200/98-509.
Magalhães, S.; Silva, M. A.; Prieto, R.; Cruz, A.; Cabecinhas, R.; Gonçalves, J. & Santos, R.S.
2002. Desenvolvimento do "Whale-watching" nos Açores. Relatório final. Arquivos do DOP.
Série Estudos, nº 5/2002, 56 p.
Oliveira, C., Filla, G., Gonçalves, J., Silva, M.A., Prieto, R., Magalhães, S. & Santos, R. S. 2007.
A social-economic perspective of the whale watching activity in the Azores. Presented to the
Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission: SC/59/WW8, 8pp.
Oliveira, C., Gonçalves, J., Magalhães, S., Prieto, R., Silva, M.A. & Santos, R. S. 2007. Whale
watching management in the Azores: an updated review of the regulations. Presented to the
Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission: SC/59/WW7, 4pp.
Pérez, C.; López, A.; Díaz, J.I.; Sequeira, M.; Silva, M.A.; Herrera, R.; Gonçalves, J.; Mons, J.L.;
Freitas, L.; Garcia-Castrillo, G. & Valdês, P. 2006. Varamientos y capturas de mamíferos marinos
en las costas espanolas y portuguesas del Atlântico durante 1996. Biodatos Básicos, Suplemento
de la Revista de Biologia de la Universidad de Oviedo, 6, 66p.
Prieto, R.; Silva, M. A.; Magalhães, S.; Cabecinhas, R. & Santos, R.S. 2000. Desenvolvimento do
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