Untitled - Planeta Tangerina
Untitled - Planeta Tangerina
2013 How did we get here? When we started making books, we didn’t know much about the history of illustrated books, apart from the general knowledge of all readers with an interest in this subject. But gradually we are realizing our immense heritage and are amazed each time we make a new discovery: at the end of the day, somebody else had already been here, struggled with similar problems and tried to find new solutions. All those who came before us certainly felt that they had something to add to the books that already existed, and they did so, bringing new concerns and new ideas to their texts and images. An interesting discovery is that technological change has always gone hand in hand with major developments in book production – in many cases even shaping those revolutions. This was the case with the introduction of color or with printing techniques, which allowed for a more flexible relationship between text and image. Another interesting discovery is that the current crisis is not the first of its kind: other crises have occurred, times when resources needed to be used as effectively as possible and solutions were needed that would provide publishers with good value for money. Many say that this crisis is different from the others (history repeats itself but is never entirely the same). The publishing world also has to deal with markets and uncertainty and nobody knows what will happen. But while the future is uncertain, we will be here every day – as many have been before us – thinking and working, fully focused on what we put in our books. This is central to what we do – and also what we most relish. What’s in there? Around us there are thousands of objects: in drawers, in cupboards, in backpacks and pockets, under beds and sofas... In this book there are dozens of pictures to look at and many amusing challenges for all ages: for those who are still learning to talk and for all readers-detectives who like to follow the clues and put two and two together. Title: O que há?/What’s in there? Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illlustrations: Madalena Matoso 40 pgs, 220 × 260 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.49.9 Retail price: 13.50 € © Rights for all languages available Title: O rapaz que gostava de aves / The boy who loved birds Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Around us there are thousands of objects: Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho in drawers, in cupboards, in backpacks and pockets, 48 pgs, 195 × 220 mm under beds and sofas... ISBN: 978.989.8145.46.8 Retail price: 12.90 € In this book there are dozens of pictures to look at © Rights sold: Korean and many amusing challenges for all ages: for those who are still learning to talk and for all readersdetectives who like to follow the clues and join A + B. What’s in? The boy who loved birds When we love something, we want to know it better. And when we love and know, we take care of it and all that is around it without thinking twice. This book shows how we are all connected in this planet: people, birds, lizards, forests, rivers, rain or sun. Many animals and other counting rhymes Manuela Castro Neves is a lifelong teacher. Throughout her experience she made up several rhymes inspired by mathematical concepts. In these short stories, math functions as a kind of motto for the author’s own entertainment and the entertainment of all readers. Title: Tantos animais e outras lengalengas de contar /Many animals and other counting rhymes Text: Manuela Castro Neves Illustrations: Yara Kono 48 pgs, 220 × 260 mm ISBN: 978-989-8145-51-2 Retail price: 12.90 € © Rights for all languages available Title: Nunca vi uma bicicleta e os patos não me largam / I’ve never seen a bicycle and the ducks won’t let go Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Madalena Matoso 32 pgs, 220 × 260 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.44.4 Retail price: 13.90 € © Rights sold: Italian I’ve never seen a bicycle and the ducks won’t let go Learning things about the world is important; Understanding the world is important too. Reading, writing, counting, drawing... all that. But the world is made for living, for looking about, making discoveries, experimenting… Preferably live, vividly, and in colour. This is a book that amuses and raises questions: What is really important? How can we learn new things? Why is school necessary? The Island Title: A Ilha/ The Island Text: João Gomes de Abreu Illustrations: Yara Kono 48 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.43.7 Retail price: 12.90 € © Rights sold: Korean Once upon a time there was an island, neither large nor small, just the size of a normal island. One day, a boat full of mainland people arrives on the island. The islanders are so delighted that they want to be equal to their visitors. Thus begins the construction of a bridge: a bridge so large that to build it we will need all the stone from the mountains, all the wood from the forests, all the sand from the beaches... What will be left at the end? Coming and going On Earth, we are not the only ones to travel long distances. Like us, many birds, fish and mammals make hundreds of miles in search of food, of a warm land or of a good place to have their offspring. These incredible travelers amaze us with the distances they cover, but not only that. There is something else in the way they travel that can make us slow down and think... Title: Ir e vir / Coming and going Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 48 pgs, 220 × 260 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.33.8 Retail price: 13.90 € © Rights sold: English, Italian Illustrations selected for Ilustrarte 2012/ Bienal de Ilustração para a Infância Title: Como é que uma galinha... / How does a chicken... Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Yara Kono 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.34.5 Retail price: 12.50 € © Rights for all languages available Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Title: Para onde vamos quando desaparecemos? / Where do we go when we disappear Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Madalena Matoso 48 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.35.2 Retail price: 12.50 € © Rights sold: English, French Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Título: Todos fazemos tudo / We all do everything Illustrations: Madalena Matoso 32 pgs, 200 × 200 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.38.3 Retail price: 12.90 € Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Title: Praia-Mar / High Tide Story and illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 48 pgs, 270 × 350 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.32.1 Retail price: 13.90 € © Rights sold: French Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Finalist 4th CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea High Tide A picture book can be a disconcerting object. One doesn’t see words, and readers, who are accustomed to the presence of a text that takes them by the hand, may feel rather lost (a bit like when we get to a beach and look for the best place to sit). A book to be crossed barefooted and looked at unhurriedly — as we should do with the sea, be winter or summer. Title: Um dia, um guarda-chuva... / A day in the life of an umbrella Text: Davide Cali Illustrations: Valerio Vidali 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.29.1 Retail price: 12.50 € © Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Winner ILUSTRARTE 2012/ Bienal de Ilustração para a Infância Finalist 4th CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea Uma cidade repleta de setas, indicações e sentidos obrigatórios. Um rapaz que vive os seus dias entre setas, nunca ousando desviar-se do seu rumo. E uma ideia revolucionária que lhe invade os pensamentos e o faz, certo dia, aventurar-se... Por isso, atenção, muita atenção: este livro é só para corajosos! Para todos aqueles que gostam de viajar até lugares inexplorados e não têm grande medo de se perder. U m a av e n t U ra ( s ó pa ra c o ra j o s o s ) n o e s pa ç o e n t r e a s s e ta s Title: Siga a seta! / Follow the arrow! Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Andrés Sandoval 32 pgs, 220 × 280 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.26.0 Retail price: 12.90 € © Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Recommended by Amnistia Internacional Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Finalist 4th CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea Title: Um livro para todos os dias Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 56 pgs, 165 × 165 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.40.6 Retail price: 11.90 € © Rights for all languages available Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Title: Grande coisa Text and illustrations: William Bee 40 pgs, 220 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.37.6 Retail price: 12.50 € Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Blue Ribbon Picture Book Award Title: Cá em casa somos... / At our house Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Madalena Matoso 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.11.6 Retail price: 12.50 € © Rights sold: French, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, English, Korean Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Title: A manta / The quilt Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Yara Kono 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.22.2 Retail price: 12.50 € © Rights sold: French, Brazilian Portuguese Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Title: Enquanto o meu cabelo crescia / While my hair was growing Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Madalena Matoso 32 pgs, 220 × 280 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.27.7 Retail price: 13.90 € © Rights sold: French, Brazilian Portuguese, Korean Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Title: Obrigado a todos! / Thanks to everyone! Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.31.4 Retail price: 11.90 € © Rights sold: Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, French; Spanish, Galego Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura Title: O primeiro gomo da tangerina / The first tangerine’s slice Text: Sérgio Godinho Illustrations: Madalena Matoso 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.23.9 Retail price: 12.50 € © Rights for all languages available Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Finalist 4th CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea O que faz uma menina de tangerina na mão? Cheira, prova, experimenta... O acontecimento é único (a menina nunca antes provou nada assim) e, por isso, todos vêm ver. Será que vai gostar? Vida fora, não esquecerá este primeiro gomo, que, diz ela, tem o sabor da primeira vez. “O Primeiro Gomo da Tangerina” é um poema (e uma música) de Sérgio Godinho. Madalena Matoso transformou o poema em imagens, neste álbum ilustrado que continua a ter um pouco de álbum musical... Não deixem de ouvir a música. Vale mesmo a pena. Title: Depressa, devagar / Hurry up, slow down Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.13.0 Retail price: 12.50 € © Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese, Korea Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Winner/Portuguese National Illustration Award (2009) Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura Ler Booktailors Award “Melhor Design de Obra Infanto-Juvenil 2010” Finalist 4th CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea Nominated/IBBY 2011/Ilustration Honor List 9 789898 145093 Title: As duas estradas / Two roads Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 32 pgs, 215 × 195 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.09.3 PVP: 11.90 € © Rights sold: French, Norwegian, Korean Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Winner for New Publications 2nd CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea Isabel Minhós Martins vs Bernardo Carvalho The Parallel Stories Trilogy is a small collection of books bringing together stories that take place more or less simultaneously. P l a n e ta ta n g e r i n a Neste livro não entramos em casa de ninguém. Ficamo-nos pelas histórias que se passam cá fora, à beira de limoeiros e nespereiras, hortas e estendais, tanques ou mini-piscinas. Os quintais são pequenos, é verdade. Mas, com algum esforço, neles podem caber grandes sonhos e as maiores aventuras. P l a n e Ta Ta n g e r i n a Trocoscópio Que palavra complicada será esta? Será o nome de um peixe de olhos trocados? Será o nome de uma máquina de trocar segredos? Ou será o que chamamos a alguém que está constantemente a trocar de opinião? Nada disso. O trocoscópio é a invenção do século: uma fabulosa máquina de trocar as voltas ao mundo, de baralhar as peças e de as voltar a dar, mostrando tudo com novas e inesperadas arrumações. Se há coisas que achas que precisam de mudar, espreita pelo trocoscópio e carrega no botão. b e r n a r d o c a r v a l h o Títle: O livro dos quintais / The backyard’s book Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 32 pgs, 215 × 195 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.24.6 Retail price: 12.50 € © Rights for all languages available. Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura Nominated Prémio Autores SPA/RTP Selected — Illustrators Exhibition Bologna Book Fair 2011 Ler Booktailors Award “Melhor Design de Obra Infanto-Juvenil 2011” Title: Trocoscópio / Exchangescope Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 32 pgs, 215 × 195 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.25.3 Retail price: 12.50 € © Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura Finalist 4th CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea Title: O meu vizinho é um cão / My neighbour is a dog Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Madalena Matoso 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.03.1 Retail price: 11.90 € © Rights sold: French, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, English Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Recommended by Amnistia Internacional Recommended by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Prémio Melhor Ilustração de Livro Infantil — FIBDA (2008) Finalist 2nd CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea Até ao dia em que um enorme camião de mudanças parou mesmo em frente à nossa porta... ISBN: 978-989-8145-03-1 O Meu Vizinho É Um Cão O meu prédio sempre foi muito sossegado. Quase nunca acontecia nada por aqui. Isabel Minhós Martins Madalena Matoso 9 789898 145031 Title: Quando eu nasci / When I was born Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Madalena Matoso 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.972.9941.08.5 Retail price: 11.90 € © Rights sold: English, French, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Portuguese National Illustration Award/Mention (2007) Finalist 2nd CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea Title: És mesmo tu?/ Is that really you? Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.06.2 Retail price: 12.50 € © Rights sold: French Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Portuguese National Illustration Award /Mention (2008) 9 789898 145109 Na rua não há paredes. Há estradas, muros e lugares, mas o mundo é enorme (acho que não tem fim). PLANETA TANGERINA ISBN: 978-989-8145-02-4 9 789898 145024 P O MUNDO NUM SEGUNDO O Cada vez que um segundo atravessa o mundo (sempre a correr, sempre apressado), milhões de coisas acontecem, aqui, ali, em todo o lado... P Title: Andar por aí / Wandering around Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations Madalena Matoso 32 pgs, 220 × 280 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.10.9 Retail price: 12.90 € © Rights sold: French Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Finalist 2nd CJ GostoPicture de andar por aí. Book Festival, Korea Desço as escadas a correr, salto os degraus dois a dois Portuguese National Illustration e num instante entro na rua. Na rua não há tecto. Sopra o vento. Award/Mention (2009) Às vezes chove, às vezes faz sol. Title: O mundo num segundo / The world in a second Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 60 pgs, 155 × 155 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.02.4 Retail price: 9.80 € © Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese, German, Spanish, Catalan Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Finalist 2nd CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea Winner “Melhor Livro Infantil” Banco del Libro 2010 O Isabel Minhós Martins Madalena Matoso Title: Um dia na praia / A day on the beach Story and illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.07.9 Retail price 11.90 € © Rights sold: French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Finalist 2nd CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea Finalist Prémio Banco del Libro 2010 Title: Trava-línguas / Tongue twisters Collection: Dulce de Souza Gonçalves Illustrations: Madalena Matoso 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.05.5 Retail price: 11.90 € © Rights for all languages available Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Finalist 2nd CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea LER Booktailors Award “Melhor Design de Obra Infanto-Juvenil 2009” ãe m em ce . te s od on oisa çã sculo . ac ra co mú rar.. nde as c d m pa lo o o ias na ó u m Afi é s e se ágic inár o t m nã ba gar aord e r qu m lu ext É u mais as ISBN: 978-989-8145-04-8 9 789898 145048 Title: Pê de Pai /D for dad Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.972.9941.07.8 Retail price: 11.90 € © Rights sold: French, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Catalan, Galego, Brazilian Portuguese Rights for all languages, except portuguese, owned by Sarbacane. ecommended by Gulbenkian/ R Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Prémio Nacional de Ilustração: Mention (2006) “Altamente recomendável — Literatura em Língua Portuguesa” by FNLIJ Fundação Nacional Livro Infantil e Juvenil (Brasil) Best Book Design From All Over the World, Leipzig Book Foundation — Honorary Apreciation (2006) Prize/Titan Awards, Illustration in Design International Competition Title: A grande invasão / The great invasion Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.972.9941.09.2 Retail price: 11.90 € © Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese LER Booktailors Award “Melhor Design de Obra Infanto-Juvenil 2008” Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Title: Coração de Mãe / A Mother’s heart Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 32 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.04.8 Retail price: 11.90 € © Rights sold: Korean, French, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese LER Booktailors Award “Melhor Capa de Infanto-Juvenil 2008” Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected by Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Finalist 2nd CJ Picture Book Festival, Korea Title: Uma mesa é uma mesa. Será? A table is a table. Is it? Text: Isabel Minhós Martins Illustrations: Madalena Matoso 48 pgs, 195 × 220 mm ISBN: 978.972.9941.05.4 Retail price: 11.90 € © Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese, Korean Recommended by Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura Selected Plano Nacional de Leitura/Portugal Portuguese National Illustration Award /Mention (2006) Two Steps and a Leap is Planeta Tangerina’s new collection for more grown up readers. At a distance of two steps and a leap, readers will find many stories, themes and voices: adventure, travel, diaries, and also, love, mysteries, magic, stories with a happy ending and others that will try their best to have one... There is no right age to be a reader of this new collection: Two Steps and a Leap takes us on a flight to a place of new adventures, a little further along on our journey as readers. The karate girl’s red notebook We practiced kata together, we were perfectly synchronized. I stood behind Raul (hair laden with fruit, shoulders of stone), but when we turned, I was in front, with my back to him. We breathed as one and our feet crawled across the floor like crocodiles. We were the perfect movement, the perfect form, the perfect substance (and now he came closer and I began to feel his breath on my neck... -> no vampires in this story). My biggest dream is to be a black belt (and to kiss Raul). The karate girl’s red notebook won the 2011 Branquinho da Fonseca Prize — Expresso/Gulbenkian for Juvenile and was the first to inaugurate the Two Steps and a Leap Collection. Title: O caderno vermelho da rapariga karateca / The karate girl’s red notebook Text: Ana Pessoa Illustrations: Bernardo Carvalho 150 pgs, 165 × 230 mm ISBN: 978.989.8145.45.1 Retail price: 14 € © Rights sold: Spanish (Colombia) What’s new? • We’ve started a “collection-of-round-corners” for our younger readers: books where pictures stand out (even) more and where we offer discoveries through observation. • Our “young adults” collection has already taken “two steps and a leap”: these are books with more text but always with space for illustrations. In any case – whether intended for younger or older readers –Planeta Tangerina’s books always have an advantage: they are not closed. Everyone reads what they want and like best. Planeta Tangerina Rua das Rosas, n.º 20 · Alto dos Lombos 2775-683 Carcavelos Portugal T: +351 214 680 844 [email protected] www.planetatangerina.com www.planeta-tangerina.blogspot.com