CULTURAL AGENDA JULY THEATRE ESTAVA EU TÃO DESCANSADO BIBLIOTECA MUNICIPAL ALMEID... DESDE 17.06 ATÉ 30.07 PÚBLICO ORGANIZADO TERÇA E SEXTA 11:00 E 15:00 PÚBLICO EM GERAL SÁBADO E DOMINGO 16:00 A PARTIR DOS 6 ANOS TEXTO DE ÁLVARO MAGALHÃES ENCENAÇÃO JOÃO LUIZ CENOGRAFIA JOÃO CALVÁRIO FIGURINOS SUSANNE RÖSLER INTERPRETAÇÃO ANABELA NÓBREGA PRODUÇÃO PÉ DE VENTO Based in traditional tales, "Estava eu tão descansado" tells the story of a character condemned to keep a secret he was forced to listen to. But, when the secret becomes unbearable, he hides so that he doesn’t speak. Knowing this, a lot of people come to visit him so that, in secrecy, tell him other events of their lives. A RELÍQUIA TEATRO HELENA SÁ E COSTA FROM 25.07 UNTIL 30.07 TERÇA A SÁBADO 22:00; DOMINGO 16:30 TICKETS 1.0 €. TEXT BY EÇA DE QUEIRÓS ADAPTED AND DIRECTED BY LEE BEAGLEY PERFORMED BY JOÃO CORREIA, MÓNICA LARA, TERESA CHAVES, MARIA MIRANDA, MARTA INOCENTES COSTUMES DESIGNED BY ELISABETE PINTO SETS DESIGNED BY LAURYNA MASKOLUINAITE LIGHT AND SOUND DESIGNED BY TIAGO ÉDI HOMEM The final course project by the 4th year theatre students of ESMAE beats in black comedy, through the adaptation of “A Relíquia” by Eça de Queirós. The opposite worlds of comedy and melancholy get together and complete each other. Satire, irony, hypocrisy are explored in a humorous way. MUSIC GOTAN PROJECT COLISEU DO PORTO 07.07 AT 21:30 ABERTURA DE PORTAS 20:30 TICKETS FROM 25.0 UNTIL 30.0 € PRODUCED BY PORTOEVENTOS With an original and ambitious concept, a synthesis of tango and electronic music, with their album “La Revancha del Tango”, Gotan Project have met with a success as phenomenal as it was unexpected. At the same time as the release of the excellent “Lunatico”, their new album that wavers between a melancholy Technicolor journey and an implacable dancing machine, Gotan Project are back on stage telling their fabulous musical tales. A major spectacle that sets the powder of tango a light. EXHIBITIONS ESCOLA SUPERIOR ARTÍSTICA DO PORTO GALERIA DO PALÁCIO FROM 09.06 UNTIL 09.07 AT 3ª, 4ª, 5ª, DOM DE TERÇA A SÁBADO DAS 10:00 ÀS 18:00. DOMINGOS DAS 14:00 ÀS 18:00. ENCERRA SEGUNDAS E FERIADOS ADMISSION FREE ORGANIZED BY DEPARTAMENTO MUNICIPAL MUSEUS E PATRIMÓNIO CULTURAL Exhibition of the artwork by final year students from the Porto Art School coordinated by painter Carlos Mesquita. EXPS RAG DOLL FRIENDS QUASILOJA GALERIA FROM 24.06 UNTIL 31.07 AT 2ª, 3ª, 4ª, 5ª, 6ª, SÁB OPENING 17:00 MONDAY TO SATURDAY 14:30 - 19:00 GROUP EXHIBITION Exhibition of rag dolls made by various craftsmen and women, who have joined together to present their creations. This display takes in an open-air fair, where we can watch the dolls being made. With the participation of Hilda Portela, Coxi, Rute Reimão amongst others. AUGUST MUSIC GIAN & GIOVANI COLISEU DO PORTO . 27.08 AT 21:00 FOR AUDIENCIES AGED OVER 3 TICKETS 17.0 €. VITOR AGUIRRE With almost 20 years of success in Brazil and other countries in South America, more than 15 cd’s released in Portuguese and Spanish, and after the boom of “Peão de Vitrine”,that is seem as the most successful music because of being played in the soap opera “América” and in Brazilian radios, the duo Gian & Giovani comes to Europe for a tourneé. They will give 5 shows, 3 of them in Portugal: Lisboa, Porto e Lagoa (Algarve). EXHIBITIONS EXPS + INAUGURATION GROUP EXHIBITION ON PAINTING GALERIA TRINDADE FROM 08.07 UNTIL 29.07 AT 2ª, 3ª, 4ª, 5ª, 6ª, SÁB AND FROM 04.09 ATÉ 20.09 AT 2ª, 3ª, 4ª, 5ª, 6ª, SÁB SEGUNDA E SÁBADO 15:00 - 19:00 TERÇA A SEXTA 11:00 - 13:00/ 14:00 - 19:00 EXPS + INAUGURATION BART LODEWIJKS . CULTURGEST PORTO FROM 22.07 UNTIL 30.09 AT 2ª, 3ª, 4ª, 5ª, 6ª, SÁB SEGUNDA A SÁBADO – 10:00 - 18:00 / QUINTA – 13:00 - 18:00 CURATED BY MIGUEL WANDSCHNEIDER PRODUCED BY CULTURGE The Dutch artist Bart Lodewijks (1972) presents a drawing project Culturgest’s Galery in OPorto. Bart Lodewijks draws with chalk and oak and uses as base rocks in natural environments, walls, and windows The drawings disapears with the rain and as time goes by, or last as long as the exhibition. EXPS + INAUGURATION SEPTEMBER MUSIC CATS COLISEU DO PORTO . 12.09 AT 21:30 FROM 12.09 UNTIL 17.09 FOR AUDIENCIES AGED OVER 6 TICKETS FROM 25.0 UNTIL 55.0 € CATS, the most famous musical in the world, comes to Oporto. After more than 20 years on stage in West End in London and in Broadway, it’s Porto’s turn to receive the Jellicle Cats and join the legion of fans that this group of 29 cats has throughout the world. Based in TS Eliot’s “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats”. This musical was produced by Andrew Lloyd Webber and tells the story of Grizabella cat and her return to the family she abandoned when she decided to discover other “worlds”. Cats, the original English version, with Portuguese subtitles, a spectacular show to see and dream… COLISEU DO PORTO A INCRÍVEL TASCA . FIMP 2006 - ESPECTÁCULOS E PERFORMANCES NA PRAÇA A INCRÍVEL TASCA . PRAÇA D. JOÃO I 14.09 AT 21:30 BY O’QUESTRADA + VÁRIOS (PORTUGAL) A group music concert in the stairs of Rivoli. It will have a bar open throughout the concert. Besides O’Questrada group, there will be other groups performing, such as drums groups. JOANA MACHADO - JAZZ NO SALÃO TEATRO NACIONAL SÃO JOÃO - SALÃO + OU - NOBRE 16.09 AT TICKETS 5.0 €. DISCOUNTS: ADMISSION FREE TO TICKET HOLDERS FOR OS NEGROS CURATED BY HÉLDER SOUSA PRODUCED BY TNSJ Joana Machado, young jazz singer, presents CRUde, her debut album, with Afonso Pais (guitar) Bernardo Moreira (contrabaixo) e André Sousa Machado (drums). THEATRE EL COMPROMISSO RIVOLI TEATRO MUNICIPAL - GRANDE AUDITÓRIO 15.09 AT 21:30 ALSO 16.09 BY C.IA TALLER AXIOMA (ESPANHA.SPAIN) A show based in cinema techniques but without using audiovisual effects, with 22 scenarios and more than 400 characters. It’s an objective chronic about Cristina’s childhood in times of hunger and misery in Spain, after the War EXHIBITIONS MONUMENTO MÍNIMO FIMP 2006 - INTERVENÇÕES PLÁSTICAS . PRAÇA D. JOÃO I 22.09 AT Monumento Mínimo is a show by Néle Azevedo, who will have 2000 small ice statues “sat” in the stairs of Praça D. João I.