Curriculum Vitae - School of Public and Environmental Affairs


Curriculum Vitae - School of Public and Environmental Affairs
4110 S. Gran Haven Drive
Bloomington, IN 47401
[email protected]
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Indiana University
(812) 856-5926 (Office)
(812) 856-4605 FAX
Boston College, 1971-1975, B.A. and M.A. in Economics
University of Pennsylvania, School of Public and Urban Policy, 1975-1981,
Ph.D. Public Policy Analysis. Dissertation Title: Relationships Between Youth Crime and Employment: A
Theoretical and Empirical Approach. Dissertation Chair: Robin Sickles.
Academic Appointments:
Indiana University, School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM), 7/1/04–7/1/14.
Chair, Policy Analysis Faculty, August 1999 to July 1, 2004.
Leader, Policy Analysis Group, July 1, 2004 to 2006.
Rudy Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, July 1, 2004 to present.
Professor, July 1, 1997 to June 2004; Associate Professor, July 1989 to July 1997;
Assistant Professor, August 1983 to July 1989.
Teaching Assignments: Executive Education: Managing Government Operations; Ph.D. and Joint
Ph.D./M.P.A. Courses: Policy Analysis Field Labs I & II: Childhood Poverty; Policy Analytic Research
Methods; Problems and Issues in Policy Analysis; Seminar in Public Policy; M.P.A. Courses: Public
Management Economics; Management Science for Policy Analysis; Family Policy in the United States;
Social Policy; Advanced Program Evaluation; Public Program Evaluation; Undergraduate Courses:
National and International Policy; Urban Government Administration; Management Science for Public
Policy Methods; Applied Policy Analysis; Financial Management and Budgeting; Welfare Reform.
Overseas Studies Program: SPEA in Moscow.
Current PhD Students: Carletta Taylor, Dae Woo Lee, Ali Mir Usman, Mehmet Dermircioglu, Jung Eun
Yoon, Lindsey Bullinger, Gabrielle Pina, Ed Gerrish, Mathrei Gogoplan and Joanna Michelle Carroll.
Faculty Mentor for Ashlyn Aiko Nelson, Haeil Jung and Claudia Avellaneda.
University of Johannesburg, Department of Governance
Distinguished Visiting Professor, 2015-2019
University of Washington, Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs
Affiliated Professor, 1/09-2014.
Visiting Professor, 1/07-7/07, 1/08-7/08 (sabbatical).
Teaching Assignments: Program Evaluation, Policy Analysis, Independent Study (Evans School Review),
PhD Teaching Mentorship, Advanced Program Evaluation (PhD), Analyzing Secondary Data
Current PhD students: Tyler Scott and Grant Blume (joint research and teaching mentorships)
Indiana University Institute for Family and Social Responsibility
Founder and Director, 1996-present.
Founder and director of the Institute for Family and Social Responsibility, a university-wide institute
spanning all eight IU campuses. The Institute has over sixty faculty affiliates with expertise in various
social policy research areas. The Institute conducts research and outreach activities with nonprofit
organizations as well as federal, state and local social service agencies. The Institute also serves as the
National Child Support Research Clearinghouse for the National Child Support Enforcement Association.
Grants and contracts conducted through the FASR Institute have totaled about $3.5 million.
Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
National Institute for Development Administration, Thailand
Visiting Scholar, Spring 2014
Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government
Visiting Scholar, Fall 2013
New York University, Wagner School of Public Service
Visiting Scholar, Fall 2013
University of Warsaw, Poland.
Evaluation Academy Lecturer, Annual lectures to Polish civil servants on evaluation trends. 2010-2014.
University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Senior research advisor to the Department of Public Administration, 2011-present.
Indiana University, Office of the Vice President for Research and the University Graduate School
Senior Fellow for Research Administration, May 1999-December, 1999.
Work on university projects regarding contracts and grants, linkages with the state legislature, crosscampus interdisciplinary research, research facilities, budgeting, and the 21 st Century Fund.
University of Wisconsin, Institute for Research on Poverty
Visiting Scholar, January 1993-August 1993.
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton Business School, Finance Department
Visiting Assistant Professor, Spring 1982 to Summer 1983. MBA Teaching Assignment:
West Chester State College, Economics Department
Visiting Assistant Professor, Spring 1981 to Summer 1982. Undergraduate Teaching Assignment:
Statistics; Microeconomics; Economic Policy Survey; Macroeconomics.
University of Delaware, Economics Department
Visiting Assistant Professor, Summer 1981. Undergraduate Teaching Assignment: Macroeconomics and
Money, Credit and Banking.
University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton Management and Behavioral Science Center
Project manager and researcher. 1976-1979. Grant title: "Evaluation of the Crime Prevention
Association," $350,000, 1976-1979. Consultant on the Philadelphia Labor Market Information project
and the Economic Development Strategies project, 1979-1981.
The Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University.
Philadelphia field associate on the Public Service Employment Project, sponsored by the National
Commission for Manpower Policy, 1979-1981.
Rutgers University, Public Policy Department
Lecturer, Fall 1979. Graduate Teaching Assignment: Research Design and Statistics.
University of Pennsylvania, School of Public and Urban Policy
Research Coordinator on the Housing and Urban Development Grant, 1979.
Awards and Honors:
Affiliate, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin
Bucconi University Visiting Professor Fellowship, Milan, Italy (awarded 2013).
APPAM Lifetime Achievement for Contributions to the Field of Policy Analysis
IU Overseas Study Program Fellowship, NIDA, Thailand
Senior Research Advisor, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Honorary Professor, State University-Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Rudy Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
APPAM Policy Council, national elected office, 2001-2005
Associate member, Social Equity Panel, National Academy of Public Administration
Committee on Institutional Cooperation-Academic Leadership Fellow
Indiana University Summer Leadership Institute
SPEA Graduate Teaching Award.
Research Associate, IU Transportation Research Center
Ameritech Fellowship
SPEA Summer Faculty Research Award
Outstanding Young Woman of America
U.S. Department of Justice Dissertation grant
University of Pennsylvania, Samuel S. Fels Fellow
Boston College, Honors Society
Grants and Contracts:
Grants and contracts in which I have significantly participated usually as project director and/or
principal or co-principal investigator totaling about $7 million since 1995. A complete listing is
given below.
Co-Principle Investigator with Tatyana Guzman and Haeil Jung. “The Impact of Federal
financial Aid on the Enrollment and Pricing Strategies of Students Pursuing Online Education.”
Funded by the National Science Foundation. $20,000.
Evaluation Consultant. Evaluation of the Counterpart project, Azerbaijan. Counterpart funds
civic engagement projects and transparency in government projects at the local, regional and
national level in Azerbaijan. Counterpart is funded by US Agency for International
Development. July-August 2009. $10,000.
Editor-in-Chief. “Proposal to Host the Next Editorial Office of the Journal of Policy Analysis
and Management,” Total Grant: $450,000. Additional second term award $450,000.
Consultant. InterAmerican Development Bank. Develop an evaluation plan for the Edutech
Program, a $125 million IT education project in Barbados. Approximately $27,000.
Project Director. “Higher School of Economics-School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Public Policy Analysis Partnership Proposal.” Funded by the US Agency of International
Development. $290,071.
Project Manager. “Awards Evaluation of the Indiana Community Action Programs.” $14,000.
Project Manager and Co-Principal Investigator. “Improvements in Child Support Distribution
Using Web-Based Technology.” Funded by the US Office of Child Support Enforcement. Total
Grant: $344,828. Evaluation Subcontract: $162,602.
Participant. “Are You Being Served? Evaluating the Effectiveness of Government-Support of
Faith-Based Provision of Social Services in Secular Society” George VonFurstenburg, Project
Director. IU Multidisciplinary Ventures and Seminar Grant. IU Dean of Faculties Office.
Project Manager and Co-Principal Investigator. “Electronic Disbursement of Child Support
Using the Hoosier Works Debit Card.” Funded by the US Office of Child Support Enforcement.
Total Grant: $344,828. Evaluation Subcontract: $155,955.
Project Deputy Director. Public Administration Partnership Agreement Between the School of
Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, and the Volga Regional Academy of Civil
Service (Saratov, Russian Federation). Funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural
Affairs, US State Department and initially administered through the Institute for Family and
Social Responsibility, $288,446.
Faculty participant and collaborator on the proposal. Public Administration Partnership
Agreement Between the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, and the
North West Academy of Public Administration (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation). Funded by
the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, US State Department and initially administered
through the Institute for Family and Social Responsibility, $285,726.
Project Director. National Child Support Enforcement Research Clearinghouse. $40,000. Grant
awarded to the FASR Institute and funded by the National Child Support Enforcement
Association (NCSEA). Supplemental support from the US Department of Health and Human
Services through NCSEA for posting full-text government reports related to child support.
$9,000. 1999-2000.
Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) Research Program Improvement Teaming
Agreement with the American Bar Association. Four research consortia were IDIQ (indefinite
duration, indefinite quantity) task-orders allowing them to bid on upcoming research and service
projects for OCSE over the next five years. Each consortium is guaranteed at least one project
every year with funding from OCSE, US Department of Health and Human Services.
Project Director and Co-Principal Investigator. The Effects of Welfare Reform on Faith Based
Organizations. Funded by the Joyce Foundation, $107,055.
Project Director. Marion County Child Abuse and Neglect Demonstration Evaluation. Funded
by the Children’s Bureau, $73,976.
Project Co-Director. Evaluation of the Indiana Restoring Fatherhood Initiative. Funded by the
Indiana Family Social Services Administration, $23,338.
Project Co-Director. Institutional Support for the Institute for Family and Social Responsibility.
Funded by the Indiana Family Social Services Administration, Division of Children and Families.
Project Director and Principal Investigator. 8/1/98-8/1/00. The Impacts of the Indiana Welfare
Reforms on the Use of Community Social Services. $708,383. Collaborative project funded by
the Indiana Family Social Services Administration, the Joyce Foundation and the Indiana
Township Association.
Project Co-Director. 1997. Marion County Superior Court, Juvenile Division. The Institute for
Family and Social Responsibility was awarded an on-going contract to conduct focus group
sessions on the subject of performance contracting with agencies providing child welfare services
to the juvenile court. Fee-for-service contract.
Project Director. Institute for Family and Social Responsibility at Indiana University. Funded by
the IU Strategic Directions Initiative for $38,266 including matching funds from SPEA, the
School of Social Work and the Office of State Relations. 6/30/96-6/30/97. Funded by SDIRound II grant for an additional $160,000 including matching funds from SPEA, the School of
Social Work, and the IU Foundation. 7/1/97-3/1/00.
Member of the Technical Advisory Group and Researcher. Evaluation of the Indiana Welfare
Reform Demonstration (IMPACT). Proposal with Abt Associates, Inc. and the Urban Institute.
Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Indiana Department of
Family and Social Services. $2.5 million.
Co-Principal Investigator. Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
"The Accuracy of Child Support Calculations at the Local Level Using State Guidelines." $1,700.
Principal Investigator. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service,
Adolescent Family Life Research. "The Background, Education, and Employment of Teen
Fathers." $421,695.
Patton Foundation speaker grant. 1995. Wrote proposal to bring Marion Wright Edleman,
President of the Children’s Defense Fund to Indiana University. Funded with $5,000 speaker fee
and $1,000 in travel expenses.
Project Director. Indiana University Multidisciplinary Seminar Grant. "Teenage Parents and
Childhood Poverty." $25,000.
Principal Investigator. Ameritech Foundation. "Teenage Parenting, Education and Employment
in the Great Lakes States." $5,200.
Principal Investigator. Indiana Hospital Association. "Evaluating the Impact of Hospitals on
Local Economies" $3,000.
Principal Investigator. School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Summer
Faculty Research Award. "Reporting Psychological, Physical and Sexual Abuse." $4,500.
Principal Investigator. Department of Transportation Contract. “Job Applicant Screening Test.”
Principal Investigator. Department of Justice Dissertation Grant. Dissertation topic:
"Relationships Between Youth Crime and Employment: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach."
Principal Investigator. Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Grant. "Research and Data
Documentation for the Youth Services Center Demonstration Project." $5,000.
Under Review:
Haeil Jung and Maureen A. Pirog. 2014. “Bias in Instrumental Variables Estimates.” Submitted to Journal of
Policy Analysis and Management 2/9/2015.
Haeil Jung, Maureen A. Pirog and Sang Kyoo Lee. 2014. The Long Run Labor Market Effects of Expanding
Access to Higher Education. Submitted to Higher Education Policy, 8/17/2014.
Emily M. Good and Maureen A. Pirog. 2012. Public Policy and Mental Health: Avenues for Prevention.
(Sage Publications: London).
Laurence Lynn, editor. [Maureen A. Pirog, JPAM Classics Series Editor] 2011. Public Management. Wiley
Periodicals, Inc.: MA)
Douglas Besharov and Douglas Call, editors. [Maureen A. Pirog, JPAM Classics Series Editor]. 2010. Poverty,
Welfare and Public Policy. (Wiley Periodicals, Inc.: MA): 544 pages.
Maureen A. Pirog, Volume and JPAM Classics Series Editor. 2008. Social Experimentation, Program Evaluation
and Public Policy. (Wiley Periodicals, Inc: MA): 534 pages.
David Weimer, editor. [Maureen A. Pirog, JPAM Classics Series Editor]. 2008. Cost-Benefit Analysis and Public
Policy. (Wiley Periodicals, Inc.: MA): 458 pages.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Jan E. Stets, editors. 1989. Violence in Dating Relationships: Emerging Social Issues
(Praeger: New York).
Robert F. Cook, Charles F. Adams, Jr., V. Lane Rawlins and Associates. 1985. Public Service Employment: The
Experience of a Decade. (W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research: Kalamazoo, MI). Contributions as a
field associate for Philadelphia.
Articles and Book Chapters (* Denotes written in an editorial capacity):
Edward Vargas and Maureen A. Pirog. 2015. Forthcoming. “Mexican Mixed Status Families and WIC Uptake:
The Effects of Risk of Deportation on Program Use.” Social Science Quarterly.
Haeil Jung, Maureen a. Pirog and Sang Kyoo Lee. 2015. Do Public Pensions Crowd Out Private Transfers to
the Elderly? Evidence from South Korea. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (January), pp 1-23,
DOI: 10.1017/S147474214000493..
Maureen A. Pirog. 2014. (Also reprinted 2014.) The Art and Science of Scholarly Publishing. Journal of
Policy Analysis and Management. 33(3): 843-853. Retitled and condensed version published on 6/27/2014 as
How to Get Published: Essay on Publishing in the Social Sciences in Inside Higher Education. .
Haeil Jung and Maureen A. Pirog. 2014. “What Works Best and When: Accounting for Multiple Sources
of Pure Selection Bias in Program Evaluations.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 33(2): 752777.
*Kathryn Edin and Maureen A. Pirog. 2014. Qualitative and Mixed Methods. Journal of Policy Analysis and
Management. 33(2): 345-349.
Grant Blume, Tyler Scott and Maureen Pirog. 2014. Empirical Innovations in Policy Analysis. Policy Studies
Journal. 42(S1): S33-S50.
Maureen A. Pirog. 2014. Internal Versus External Validity: Where Are Policy Analysts Going? Journal of
Policy Analysis and Management. 33(2): 548-550.
Maureen A. Pirog. 2014. Data Will Drive Innovation in Public Policy and Management Research in the Next
Decade. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 33(2): 537-543.
Tatyana Guzman, Maureen A. Pirog and Kristen Seefeldt. 2013. (Also reprinted 2013.) Social Policy: What
Have We Learned? Policy Studies Journal. 41(S1): S53-S70. Reprinted in the PSJ Yearbook available at
Craig Johnson, Sharon Kioko and Maureen A. Pirog. 2012. "Managing in the Era of Digital Governance: The
Expanding Role and Efficacy of E-Government Innovations in US Social Services." In Managing EGovernment Projects: Concepts, Issues and Best Practices. Stephen K. Aikins, editor. (IGI Global: PA):
Maureen A. Pirog and Lanlan Xu. 2011. “Directions in Public Program Evaluation in the United States” in:
Evaluating the Effects of Regional Interventions. A Look Beyond Current Structural Funds’ Practice.
Olejniczak K., Kozak M., and Bienias S. (eds.), Warsaw, Ministry of Regional Development of Poland: 171187.
Haeil Jung and Maureen Pirog. 2011. "Nonexperimental Impact Evaluations." in The Workforce Investment Act:
Implementation Experiences and Evaluation Findings. Douglas J. Besharov and Phoebe H. Cottingham eds. (the
Upjohn Institute), pages 407-430.
*Kenneth A. Couch and Maureen A. Pirog. 2010. “Poverty Measurement in the US, Europe and Developing
Countries.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 29(2): 217-226.
Maureen A. Pirog and Sharon Kioko. 2010. “Evaluation of the Education Sector Enhancement Program in
Barbados.” International Public Management Journal. 13(1): 72-99.
Maureen A. Pirog and Kathleen Ziol-Guest. 2006 (reprinted 2010). “Child Support Enforcement: Programs and
Policies, Impacts and Questions.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 25(4): 943-990. Reprinted in 2010
in JPAM Classics: Poverty and Public Policy (Wiley Periodicals, Inc.: MA): 421-464.
Maureen A. Pirog, Anne L. Buffardi, Colleen K. Chrisinger, Pradeep Singh, and John Briney. Winter 2009. “Are
the alternatives to randomized assignment nearly as good? Statistical corrections to non-randomized evaluations.”
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 28(1): 169-172.
Maureen A. Pirog and Craig L. Johnson. 2008. “Electronic Benefits and Funds Transfers, Government and the
Winter Commission.” Public Administration Review. 68(1): 103-114.
Maureen A. Pirog. 2007. “Trends in Public Program Evaluation in the US: Ramifications for Russia and China.”
Chinese Public Affairs Quarterly. 2007, 3(1): 1-40.
David Reingold, Maureen A. Pirog and David Brady. 2007. “Empirical Evidence on Welfare Reform and FaithBased Organizations.” Social Services Review. (June): 245-283.
Katharine V. Byers, Maureen A. Pirog. 2003. “Local Government Responses to Welfare Reform.”
Budgeting and Finance. 23(4): 86-107.
Maureen A. Pirog and Hannah Saufley. 2003. “Child Support Enforcement Benefits Children and Families.”
Child Support Quarterly Vol. XXXXI. No. 12, pp. 50-52.
Maureen A. Pirog, Brooks Elliott and Tara Grieshop. 2003. “Presumptive State Child Support Guidelines.” Policy
Currents Vol.12, No. 1, 23pps.
Maureen A. Pirog, Marilyn Klotz and Katharine V. Byers. 1998. (Reprinted in 1997 and 2005.) Interstate
Comparisons of Child Support Orders Using State Guidelines. Family Relations 47(3): 289-296. Selections
printed in The Green Book, 1997 (U.S. House of Representatives, GPO: Washington, DC). Also reprinted in 2005
in Social Welfare: Politics and Public Policy, 6th Edition (Allyn & Bacon).
Alfred Tai-kei Ho and Maureen A. Pirog. 1998. Do States Respond to Economic Incentives? Federal-State Child
Support Financing Policies. In Jay White, ed. Research in Public Administration. (Greenwood, CT: JAI Press).
Maureen A. Pirog and Chris Magee. 1997. High School Completion: The Influence of Schools, Families and
Adolescent Parenting. Social Science Quarterly. 78(3): 710-724.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Lydia Amerson. 1997. The Long Arm of Justice: The Potential for Seizing the Assets
of Child Support Obligors. Family Relations 46(1): 47-54.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Patricia R. Brown. 1996. Accuracy and Ambiguity in the Application of State Child
Support Guidelines. Family Relations. 45(1): 3-10.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1996. "The Education and Labor Market Outcomes of Adolescent Fathers." Youth and
Society. 28(2): 236-262.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and David H. Good. 1995. "Child Support Enforcement for Teenage Fathers: Problems
and Prospects." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 14(1): 25-42. Reprinted in 1997 in Political
Science: Foundations for a Fifth Millennium by Gregory M. Scott. (Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey): 223-240.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and John L. Mikesell. 1995. Longitudinal Evidence of the Changing Socio-Economic
Profile of a State Lottery. Policy Studies Journal. 23(3): 23(3): 451-465.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1995. "The Family Background and Attitudes of Teen Fathers." Youth and Society
26(3): 351-376.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1993. "Child Support Guidelines and the Economic Well-Being of Children in the United
States." Family Relations 42: 453-462.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1993. "In-Kind Contributions as Child Support: The Teen Alternative Parenting
Program." In Young Unwed Fathers: Prospects and Policies. Theadora Ooms and Robert Lerman, editors.
(Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press).
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1992. "Sexually Abusive Behavior in Dating Relationships." In Intimate Violence:
International Perspectives (Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation) 101-110.
David H. Good and Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1990. "The Efficiency of State Child Support Enforcement
Programs" Public Budgeting and Finance 10(3): 24-37.
Jan E. Stets and Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1990. "Inter-personal Control and Courtship Aggression." Journal of
Social and Personal Relationships 7(3): 371-394.
John Mikesell and Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1990. "Lotteries and Crime." American Journal of Economics and
Sociology 49(1): 7-19.
Jan E. Stets and Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1989. "Sexual Aggression and Control in Dating Relationships."
Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 19(16): 1392-1412.
Jan E. Stets and Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1989. "Patterns of Physical and Sexual Abuse for Men and Women in
Dating Relationships: A Descriptive Analysis." Journal of Family Violence 4(1): 63-76.
David H. Good and Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1989. "Models for Bivariate Count Data with an Application to
Teenage Delinquency and Paternity." Sociological Methods and Research 17(4): 402-425.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Jan E. Stets. 1989. "The Help Seeking Behavior of Physically and Sexually Abused
College Students." In Violence in Dating Relationships: Emerging Social Issues M. Pirog-Good and J. Stets,
editors. (Praeger: NY, NY): 108-125.
Peter J. Burke, Jan E. Stets and Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1988. "Gender Identity, Self-Esteem and Physical and
Sexual Abuse in Dating Relationships." Social Psychology Quarterly 51(3): 271-284. Reprinted in Violence in
Dating Relationships: Emerging Social Issues Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Jan E. Stets, editors (N.Y., N.Y.:
Praegar): 72-93.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1988. "Teenage Paternity, Child Support and Crime." Social Science Quarterly 69(3):
David H. Good and Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1987. "A Simultaneous Probit Model of Crime and Employment for
Black and White Teenage Males." Review of Black Political Economy 16: 109-128. Reprinted in The Economics
of Race and Crime: Landmark Articles and Frontier Research Sam Myers Jr. and Margaret Simms, editors, 1988.
David H. Good and Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1987. "Employment, Crime and Race." Contemporary Policy Issues
5: 91-104.
Jan E. Stets and Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1987. "Violence in Dating Relationships." Social Psychology Quarterly
50(3): 237-246.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Jan E. Stets. 1986. "Programs for Abusers: Who Drops Out and What Can Be
Done." Response to the Victimization of Women and Children Spring 9(2): 89-95.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1986. "Modeling Employment and Crime Relationships." Social Science Quarterly
67(4): 767-784.
David H. Good, Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Robin C. Sickles. 1986. "An Analysis of Youth Crime and
Employment Patterns" Journal of Quantitative Criminology 2(3): 219-236.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Jan E. Stets. 1986. "Male Batterers and Battering Prevention Programs: A National
Survey: The Authors Respond" Response to the Victimization of Women and Children Winter 9(1): 25-26. This is
a reply to comments.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Jan Stets-Kealey. 1985. "Male Batterers and Battering Prevention Programs: A
National Survey" Response to the Victimization of Women and Children, 8(3): 8-12.
Maureen A. Pirog. 2003. “Review of Barbara Ehrenreich. (2001). Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in
America.” (NY, NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC: 221 pps.) in Journal of Teaching in Marriage and the
Family vol. 3 no. 1, 113-116.
Maureen Pirog and Marilyn Klotz. Winter 2001. Review of “The Potential of the Child Support Enforcement
Program to Avoid Costs to Public Programs: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature” by Burt S. Barnow,
Timothy M. Dall, Mark W. Nowak and Barbara E. Dannhausen, prepared for the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services Contract No. HHS-100-97-0007, Final Report, April 2000. Child Support Quarterly XXXIII(1).
Maureen Pirog and Paul Kirby. Fall 2000. Review of “Nonresident Fathers and Children’s Well-Being: A MetaAnalysis”, by Paul R. Amato, Pennsylvania State University, and Joan G. Gilbreth, University of NebraskaLincoln. This article appeared in the Journal of Marriage and the Family in August, 1999. Child Support
Quarterly XXXII(4): 3pps.
Maureen A. Pirog and Paul Kirby. 2000. Review of Better Child Support Enforcement: Can It Reduce Teenage
Premarital Childbearing? By Robert D. Potnick, Irwin Garfinkel, Daniel Gaylin, Sara McLanahan, and Inhoe Ku.
1998. Paper presented at the 1998 Population Association of America conference. Review appears in Child
Support Quarterly Volume XXXII, NO. 3: 17-19.
Maureen A. Pirog and Lisa Thomassen. 2000. Review of Daniel R. Meyer and Maria Cancian. Initial Findings
from the W-2 Child Support Demonstration Evaluation. Child Support Quarterly Volume XXXII(1): 14-16.
Maureen A. Pirog and Marilyn Klotz. Fall 1999. Review of Elaine Sorensen and Ariel Halpen. Child Support
Enforcement is Working Better than We Think. Review appears in Child Support Quarterly Volume XXXI(4): 1112.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1996. Book review of Two Generation Programs for Families in Poverty: A New
Intervention Strategy Sheila Smith (ed.) Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Corporation in Family Relations. 45(4):
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1996. Book review of Confronting Poverty: Prescriptions for Change Sheldon
Danziger, Gary Sandefur, & Daniel Weinberg (eds.) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press in Family
Relations. 45(3): 354-355.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1995. Book review of Child Poverty and Public Policy Judith A. Chafel (ed.)
Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute Press in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 14(1): 186-189.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Alfred Tat-Kei Ho. 1994. Software review of GIANTS in Social Science Computer
Review : 461-462.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1991. Software review of Visual Learning Intermediate Microeconomic in Social
Science Computer Review 9(3): 483-484.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1990. Book review of Real Rape by Susan Estrich in Criminal Justice Review 15(1):
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1988. Book review of Real Rape by Susan Estrich in Journal of Criminal Law and
Criminology 79(2): 555-556.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1987. Software review of Forecast Master in Social Science Microcomputer Review
5(2): 253-254.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1986. "Management Science Software for Curricular Use" (Nonrefereed Maureen A.
Pirog-Good. 1986. Software review of Microprofit in Social Science Microcomputer Review 4(1): 112.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Jan Stets-Kealey. 1985. "A National Survey of Battering Prevention Programs."
(Nonrefereed Research Note) Family Life Educator 4(1): 20.
Published Conference Proceedings:
Maureen A. Pirog. 2009. Policy Research at the Federal Level in the United States.” Published in the Proceedings
of the State University-Higher School of Economics’ conference on Economic Modernization: Productivity and
Human Factors. Moscow, Russia.
Maureen A. Pirog, Craig Johnson, Sharon Kioko and Laura Jezewski. 2008. “The Expanding Role of EGovernment Innovations in US Social Services.” Proceedings of the VIII International scientific conference,
“Modernization of Economic and Social Development,” sponsored by the Higher School of Economics, Moscow,
Maureen A. Pirog. 2007. “Trends in Public Program Evaluation in the US: Ramifications for Russia and China.”
Published in the Proceedings of the International Conference – Public Administration Research and Education in
China Today (September 14-15) at Fudan University, School of International Relations and Public Affairs.
Shanghai, China: 202-231.
Maureen A. Pirog. 2005. “The Role of Social Communication in the US Child Support Enforcement Program.”
Published in the journal of the Stolypin Academy of Civil Service, Saratov, Russia. (In Russian).
Maureen A. Pirog. 2005. “Horizontal Federalism in the Delivery of Social Services.” Published in the proceedings
of the international conference, “Horizontal Federalism.” Saratov Academy for Civil Service, Saratov, Russia. (In
Russian): 20-27.
Maureen A. Pirog. 2004. “Poverty and the US Federal Social Safety Net.” Proceedings of the international
conference, “Social Policies: Problems and Reforms,” published by the North-West Academy of Public
Administration, St. Petersburg, Russia. (In Russian), pages 55-57.
Maureen Pirog. 2001. Experiences with Devolution of Finances and Management Responsibilities in the Social
Welfare Sphere. In the Proceedings of the Russian-American Conference in Saratov, Russia (November 28-29,
2000) entitled Decentralization and Problems of Local Finances and Management. Pages 51-56 (In Russian).
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Daniel R. Mullins. October 1995. And Justice for All: Determining the Size of
Child Support Payments. In National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics: 34th Annual Workshop
Proceedings. Columbia, S.C.: S.C. Department of Social Services: 37-49. Also published by the Urban Center,
SPEA, 1994.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1992. "Teen Fathers and the Child Support Enforcement Program.” In Paternity
Establishment: A Public Policy Conference. Institute for Research on Poverty Special Report 53, Vol. 2: 157-190.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1986. "The Diffusion of Technology: Microcomputers and University Coursework."
Modeling and Simulation (Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the University of Pittsburgh
School of Engineering) 17: 113-117.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1985. "The Use of Microcomputers in Public Administration Curriculum" Proceedings
of the Eighth National Conference on Teaching Public Administration Sponsored by Programs in Public Policy
Analysis and Administration and the Department of Political Science-Public Administration Program, St. Louis
University, St. Louis, Missouri, April: 346-352.
Published Reports & Miscellaneous Publications:
Maureen A. Pirog and Edward Vargas. 2007. “Cohabitating and Domestic Violence.” Encyclopedia of Domestic
Violence. (New York: Routledge Press) 172-178.
Maureen A. Pirog and David A. Reingold. 2002. Has the Social Safety Net Been ALTARed? New Roles for
Faith-Based Organizations. SPEA Perspectives (Number 8): 39pps.
Maureen A. Pirog et al., The Impact of Indiana’s Welfare Reforms on Community Social Services (Institute for
Family and Social Responsibility, Indiana University: Bloomington, IN, 2001.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1996. “Should it Take a Village to Raise a Child?” Indiana ALUMNI magazine.
(January/February): 64.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. 1995. Welfare Reform: Some Call it tough love, others call it tough on kids. SPEA
Alumni Update 6(3): 3.
Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana
University (Maureen Pirog-Good) Adolescent Fathers: Directory of Services (National Center for Education in
Maternal and Child Health, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1991.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Jan Stets-Kealey. 1985. "Programs for Abusive Men." (Nonrefereed Abstract)
Family Life Educator 3(4): 15.
Robert F. Cook, Susan A. MacManus, V. Lane Rawlins and Associates. Autopsy of a Program: Public Service
Employment in Fiscal 1981 Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Urban and Regional Research Center, January 1982.
(Contributions were made as an associate.)
Robert F. Cook, Janet M. Galchick, Arthur J. Maurice, Charles J. Orlebeke, V. Lane Rawlins, Michael L. Wiseman
and Associates. Public Service Employment in Fiscal Year 1980 Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Urban and Regional
Research Center, The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, March
1981. (Contributions were made as an associate.)
Richard P. Nathan, Robert F. Cook, V. Lane Rawlins, Janet M. Galchick and Associates. Monitoring the Public
Service Employment Program: The Second Round Washington, D.C.: National Commission for Manpower Policy,
Special Report 32, March, 1979. (Contributions were made as an associate.)
Richard P. Nathan, Robert F. Cook, Janet M. Galchick, Richard W. Long and Associates. Monitoring the Public
Service Employment Program Vol.II Washington, D.C.: National Commission for Manpower Policy, Report No. 6,
March 1978. (Contributions were made as an associate.)
Selected Monographs & Unpublished Reports (2000 ff only):
Maureen Pirog, “Review of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce’s February 2004 report, The Indiana Project for
Efficient Local Government: the next generation of the ’99 COMPETE study” September 6, 2004, 15 pages.
Child Support Enforcement Cost Avoidance Literature Review. With Hannah Saufley. Report to the Research
Committee of the National Child Support Enforcement Association, November 13, 2002: 5pps.
Interim Report on the Evaluation of the NACS Program. Interim report to the Children’s Bureau. With
Katharine V. Byers and FASR Staff. May 24, 2001. 56pps.
Final Report on the Evaluation of the NACS Program. With Katharine V. Byers and FASR Staff, September
30, 2001. 63pps.
The Impacts of the Indiana Welfare Reforms on Community Social Services. Quarterly report to the Indiana
Township Association, the Joyce Foundation, and the Indiana Family Social Services Administration, Summer
2000: 5 pps.
Final Report on the Client study of the Community Social Services Study if the Impact of Indiana’s welfare
Reforms. Final report and executive summary to the Indiana Township Association, the Joyce Foundation, and
the Indiana Family Social Services Administration, August 2000: 219 pps.
Activities of the Institute for Family and Social Responsibility. Report to the Indiana Family Social Services
Administration for $50,000 of institutional support, June 2000: 14pps.
Activities of the Institute for Family and Social Responsibility. Report to the Indiana Family Social Services
Administration for additional $50,000 of institutional support, December 2000: 8 pps.
Indiana Restoring Fatherhood Initial Evaluation: Phase I. with Glenn Stone. Report submitted to the Indiana
Family Social Services Administration, May, 2000: 35pps.
Indiana Restoring Fatherhood Initial Evaluation: Phase II. with Glenn Stone. Report submitted to the Indiana
Family Social Services Administration, November 2000: 53pps.
Indiana Restoring Fatherhood Initial Evaluation: Phase III. with Glenn Stone. Report submitted to the
Indiana Family Social Services Administration, December 2000: 19 pps.
Evaluation Report: Neighborhood Alliance for Child Safety. With Katharine V. Byers. Report submitted to the
Children’s Bureau, Indianapolis, July 25, 2000. 16pps.
Executive Education and Continuing Education. with Dawne Rekas. Report submitted to the National Child
Support Enforcement Association under contract to the US Department of Health and Human Services, Summer
2000: approximately 20 pps.
In Progress:
Maureen A. Pirog, Haeil Jung and Dae Woo Lee. 2013. “The Changing Face of Teenage Parenthood: Evidence
from the NLSY79 and NLSY97.”
Maureen A. Pirog and Ed Gerrish. 2014. Impact of the Child Support Performance Incentive Act on Child
Support Order Establishment.
Tyler Scott, Grant Blume and Maureen A. Pirog. 2013. What Works Best for Whom and Under What
Conditions? Evidence from Multiple Voucher Experiments.
Tatyana Guzman, Haeil Jung and Maureen Pirog. 2014. The Impact of Federal Financial Aid on the
Enrollment and Pricing Strategies of Students Pursuing Online Education.
Lanlan Xu, Maureen A. Pirog and Edward Vargas. 2013. “Child Support for American Citizen Children with
Undocumented Immigrant Parents.” Revisions requested December 2013. Social Science Research.
Journal, Grant Reviews, University Reviews and Advisory Boards:
Editor-in-Chief, 7/2004-7/2014: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Series Editor: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Classics
Column Editor: Child Support Quarterly, Research Column, 1999-2000.
Editorial boards: Poverty and Policy, Family Relations, Youth and Society, Issues in Public Administration
(Russian), Journal of US-China Public Administration, Contemporary Management Quarterly (Poland)
Faculty Supervisor: UW – Evans School Review
Grant proposal reviews: US State Department (Newly Independent States College and University Linkages
Program), National Science Foundation, Patton Foundation, National Institute of Health/National Institute of
Mental Health
Report reviews: U.S. General Accounting Office
Academic Press Review: Oxford University Press
Journal Reviews: The Journal of Human Resources, Social Science Microcomputer Review, Journal of Policy
Analysis and Management, Handbook of Marriage and the Family, Social Problems, Victimology: An
International Journal, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Urban Affairs Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly,
Public Administration Review, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Violence and Victims, Duke University
Press, Public Budgeting and Finance, Criminology, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Criminal
Justice Review, The Annals of the Journal of Regional Science
University Reviews: External reviewer, Humphrey School, University of Minnesota.
Advisory Board: Indiana University, Institute for Advanced Studies, Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (Expert Panel for the Child Wiki), National Research University Higher School of Economics
(Moscow, Russia) International Expert Council in Public Administration.
Current and Former Professional Societies:
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Past Policy Council Member
American Economic Association
Behavioral Science and Policy Association
Indiana Chapter of the Association for Public Administration, Past Council Member
National Child Support Enforcement Association, Past Chair, Research Committee
National Council on Family Relations
Midwest Economics Association
Western Economics Association
American Society of Criminology
Selected University Service:
 Evans School Review, Faculty Advisor, 2012-2013.
 Evans School Research Committee, 2012-2013.
 Chair, SPEA Policy Analysis Search and Screen Committees, 2008-2009, 2009-2010.
 Chair, SPEA Policy Analysis Faculty, 1998-2004.
Leader, SPEA Policy Analysis Group, 2004-2006.
 RUGS Multidisciplinary Ventures and Seminar Fund Award Committee, 2002-2003.
 IU Bloomington Promotion Advisory Committee, 2002-2003.
 Co-Chair, Bonser Lecture Committee, 1998- 2005.
 Chair, Bloomington Undergraduate Policy Committee, 1996-1997. Directed the overhaul of the Bloomington
SPEA Bachelors of Public Affairs (BSPA) degree program. Major changes in general education requirements
and the BSPA core. Switched from a degree with concentrations to one with five majors and minors.
 IU Tenure Committee, 1997-1999. Campus-level review of all candidates seeking tenure.
 SPEA Tenure and Promotion Policies Committee, 1997-1999. Revising and clarifying the standards for
promotion and tenure in SPEA.
 SPEA Policy Committee (elected) 1993-1997, Secretary, (1993-1996). Advisory committee to the Dean
regarding school policy: budgetary, personnel, and administrative issues.
 Patten Foundation Lecture Committee, 1994-1999. University-wide selection committee for the most
prestigious lectureships at Indiana University.
State and National Committees (Selected positions from 1995 ff.):
Association for Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM)
 APPAM Shanghai Conference Planning Committee, 2012-2013.
 APPAM Communications/Web Committee, 2012.
 APPAM Moscow Conference Planning Committee, 2010-2011.
 APPAM Nominating Committee, Chair 2003, member 2002.
 APPAM Policy Council, elected 1999-2004, 2004-2014.
 APPAM Institutional Representative, various years (SPEA and HSE-Moscow), 2004-2014.
 APPAM Executive Committee, ex-officio 2002, 2004-2014.
 APPAM Fall Conference Planning Committee, 1997, 2000, 2001.
 APPAM New Publications Committee, 2005-2006.
National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA)
 NCSEA National Certification Feasibility Advisory Committee, 2000-2002.
 NCSEA Research Committee, member 1995-present, co-chair, 1998; chair 1999-2000.
 NCSEA Conference Planning Committee, 1997-98.
 NCSEA Advocacy Committee, 1999-2000.
Other National
 Associate Member, Social Equity Panel, National Academy of Public Administration, 2001-2005.
 Performance Measure Workgroup, Office of Child Support Enforcement, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 1996-2000.
 Governor’s Conference on Fatherhood Taskforce, 1997.
 Board member, Council of the Indiana Association for Public Administration, 1999-present.
 Institutional Member, Indiana Council of Family Organizations, 1997-present.
 Institutional Member, Partners for Hoosier Communities, 1997-present.
Service to Government and Philanthropic Organizations:
Professional Organizations/Consulting Groups:
Academy of Health Sciences
American Bar Association
Brookings Institution
Center for Law and Social Policy
Indiana Hospital Association
National Association of Maternal and Child Health
National Academy of Sciences
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
National/International Government Agencies:
Canadian Department of Justice
InterAmerican Development Bank
National Child Support Enforcement Association
National Conference of State Legislators
National Institute of Health
National Science Foundation
U.S. Congressional Joint Economic Committee
U.S. DHHS, President Clinton’s Working Group on Welfare Reform
U.S. DHHS, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
U.S. DHHS, Office of Child Support Enforcement
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Agency for International Development
U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration
U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means
U.S. General Accounting Office, Division of Health, Education and Human Services
U.S. General Accounting Office, Human Resources Division
U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affair
Ford Foundation
Foundation for Child Development
Joyce Foundation
Lumina Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Russell Sage Foundation
Local & State Government Agencies:
Marion County District Attorney’s Office
Marion County Superior Court-Juvenile Division
State of Indiana, Governor’s Office
State of Texas, Governor’s Office
State Social Service Umbrella Agencies: Indiana Family Social Services Administration, New York Department of
Social Services, State of Missouri Department of Social Services
State Child Support Guideline Review Committees: Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Virginia
State Supreme Courts: Idaho, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey
State Legislative Research Offices: State of Minnesota, House Research Office; State of California, Senate
Research Office; State of Oregon, Senate Human Resources Committee
Child Support Enforcement Offices in the following states: Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana,
Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon,
Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Selected Media Citations and Appearances:
Numerous newspaper, radio, and television interviews on the subjects of JPAM, Indiana township trustees, welfare
reform, dating violence, lotteries, teen parenting, and child support enforcement. Some of the nationally distributed
television and newspapers interviews were conducted with Pro and Con, the Los Angeles Times, the New York
Times, the New York Times magazine, the Washington Post, the London Sunday Times, the Chicago Sun Times,
Associated Press, Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, the Gannet News Service, Scholastic Choices
Inc. Magazine, St Paul Pioneer Press. Some of the newspapers distributed regionally and within Indiana include
the Indianapolis Sun, the Herald Times, the Evansville Courier, Muncie Evening News, the St. Paul Pioneer Press,
Michigan City News Dispatch, Shelbyville News, Herald Newspaper (Jasper, IN), the Terra Haute newspaper, the
Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne), Indiana Daily Student, the Cincinnati Enquirer, In These Times, and the Syracuse
Herald (NY), and the Times of Northwest Indiana. Radio and television interviews include a public television
documentary on welfare reform aired in San Diego, CA, KAIRO (CBS affiliate in Seattle, WA), WOI (Ames,
Iowa), and the Oprah Winfrey show. Local interviews with WFIU(Bloomington), WIOU, WBST, WIN
(Indianapolis), ZIP104 (Mishawaka, IN). Participant in a press conference entitled, “Growing Up Today: Issues of
Adolescence” attended by reporters from over twenty Indiana newspapers and radio stations. Also taped two
documentaries for Indiana legislators on the subjects of welfare reform and gambling in Indiana. Also a member of
the IU Speakers Bureau, 1996-present and the Speakers Bureau of the National Child Support Enforcement
Association, 1997-present.
Presentations/Participation at Academic Conferences and Professional Meetings
Haeil Jung and Maureen A. Pirog. 2014. Validity and Bias of Instrumental Variable Estimators and
Their Relationships to the Relative Sizes of the Treatment and Comparison Groups.
APPAM, Albuquerque, NM, November 2014.
Tatyana Guzman, Haeil Jung and Maureen A. Pirog. 2014. The Impact of Federal Financial Aid on the
Enrollment and Pricing Strategies of Students Pursuing Online Education.
 APPAM, Albuquerque, NM, November 2014.
Xu, Lanlan and Maureen Pirog. “Child Support Guidelines and Child Support Outcomes for Single Mothers”.
 APPAM, Albuquerque, NM, November 2015.
 The Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) Seventeenth Annual Welfare Research and
Evaluation Conference (WREC), Washington, DC, May 2014.
Maureen A. Pirog. 2014 and previous. Directions in Policy Analysis and Public Management Over the Next Two
Decades. Invited presentation at:
 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN September 2014.
 Georgia State University, Atlanta, Ga, June 2014.
 Cariplo Foundation, Milan, Italy, April 2014.
 Bocconi University, Italy, April 2014.
 City University of Hong Kong, April 2014.
 University of Hong Kong, April 2014.
 China Eastern Normal University, Shanghai, China, March 2014.
 Fudan University, Shanghai, China, March 2014.
 National Institute for Development Administration, Thailand, February 2014.
Maureen Pirog. 2014 and previous. The Art and Science of Scholarly Publishing. Invited presentation at:
 Università Cattolica di Milano, Università Statale di Milano, Università di Brescia, Università di
Turin and Università di Alessandria, Milan, Italy, May 2014.
 National Institute for Development Administration, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2014.
 New York University, December 2013.
 Fudan University, Shanghai, China, May 2013.
 LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, March 22, 2012.
 South African Association for Public Administration and Management, the Cape Peninsula Institute of
Technology and the University of Johannesburg, September 2011.
 School of Public Affairs, University of North Carolina, November, 2011.
 University of Warsaw, April 14, 2010.
 University of Maastricht, Netherlands, February 2010.
 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France. March 2009.
 APPAM International Conference (plenary), Seoul, South Korea, June 2009.
 Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, Singapore, Jan.2008.
Maureen A. Pirog, Haeil Jung and Sang Kyoo Lee. 2014 and previous. The Long-Run Socio-Economic Effects
of a Military Coup Mandating Expanded Access to Higher Education. Presented at:
 National Institute for Development Administration, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2014. (invited)
 University of Pennsylvania’s School of Education’s IES seminar series, November, 2013. (invited)
 Wagner School of Public Services Research Seminar Series, October 31, 2013. (invited)
 Midwest Econometrics Meetings, Bloomington, IN, October 25-26, 2013.
 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management conference, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 2012.
 Korean Association for Policy Studies International Conference, Seoul, South Korea, September,
Haeil Jung, Maureen A. Pirog and Sang Kyoo Lee. 2014 and previous. The Effects of Expansions in the
Korean Pension Plan on the Well-Being of the Elderly. Presented at:
 The World Conference for Public Administration, Daegu, South Korea, June 25-27, 2014.
 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management conference in Baltimore, MD, Nov., 2012.
 Korean Association for Policy Studies International Conference, Seoul, South Korea, September,
Maureen Pirog. 2013. University of Washington Forum on Shanghai, China. Panelist. Seattle, WA, June 25,
Tyler Scott, Grant Blume and Maureen Pirog. 2013 and previous. What Works Best for Whom and Under
What Conditions: Evidence from Multiple Voucher Experiments. Presented at
 Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, March 15, 2013 (Video taped for university distribution).
 Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness annual spring conference, Washington, D.C.,
March 8, 2013. (different title)
 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management conference in Baltimore, MD, Nov. 2012.
Jung, Haeil and Maureen Pirog. 2013 and previous. “When do the relative sizes of treatment and comparison
samples really matter? A cautionary tale for Instrumental Variable (IV) estimators.”
 SPEA Policy Analysis and Public Finance Faculty Workshop, IUB, February, 2013.
 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference, Nov. 2011
 Governance and Management Faculty Workshop, SPEA, IU, October, 2011.
Ed Gerrish and Maureen A. Pirog. What Impact Did Federal Child Support Enforcement Incentives Have on
State Child Support Performance. Poster presented at the Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference,
Washington, DC, May 2013.
Maureen A. Pirog and Lanlan Xu. Child Support for American Citizen Children with Undocumented
Immigrant Parents. Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management conference in
Baltimore, MD, November 8, 2012.
Maureen A. Pirog. 2012. Panelist on Advancing Policy Informatics with APPAM. Roundtable at the
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management conference in Baltimore, MD, November 8, 2012.
Maureen A. Pirog. Public Administration and Policy Analysis Editors’ Forums. Invited talks at:
Fudan University (PMRA Confernece), Shanghai, China. May, 2012.
New York University, December 2012.
Association for Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, D.C. (chair), November, 2010.
Maureen A. Pirog. Trends in Social Experimentation and Program Evaluation in the US. Invited talks at:
Jagiellonian University Institute of Sociology, Krakow, Poland. May 14, 2012.
University of Warsaw’s Evaluation Academy, Warsaw, Poland. May 11, 2012
Ministry of Economic Development, Warsaw. April 21, 2010.
Fudan University, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, September 2007.
National Research University-School of Higher Economics, Moscow, Russia. September, 2007.
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, Russia. September, 2007.
Maureen A. Pirog. Opening address at the Conference on European Income Supports, Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, December 2011.
Maureen A. Pirog. “The Role of Policy Analysis in US Public Policy.” Invited Keynote Address. Association
for Public Policy Analysis and Management at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia, May 29,
Maureen A. Pirog and Haeil Jung. “The Changing Composition of Young Fathers and the Effects of Early
Fathering on Education Outcomes.” Population Association of America Conference, Washington, D.C., March
31-April 2, 2011.
Maureen A. Pirog. “Training the Next Generation.” Invited presentation at the West Coast Poverty Center
Conference: Social Policy Research in Action: Bridging the Research, Policy and Practice Divides. May 20,
Haeil Jung and Maureen A. Pirog. 2011 and previous. “Controlling for Multiple Sources of Self-Selection
Bias Using Non-Experimental Methods.” Presented at:
 Atlantic Causal Inference Conference, New York University, May 19, 2011. (invited)
 Policy Analysis and Public Finance Faculty Workshop, SPEA, IU, April 8, 2011.
 Association for Policy Analysis and Management, November 2010.
Maureen A. Pirog. Keynote Address. The Analytical Basis for Evaluation of Science Policy: Frontier
Research." Invited keynote talk for NSF Science of Science Policy and Innovation grantees and invited federal
policy makers. Washington, D.C., December 3, 2010.
Maureen A. Pirog. Opening address. "Policy Analysis and the Science of Science." Workshop on the Science
of Science Measurement. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the American Association for
the Advancement of Science at the AAAS, Washington, D.C. 10/19/2010.
Donald P. Hirasuna and Maureen A. Pirog. “The Impact of Child Support and TANF Policies on TANF
Receipt: Does De Facto Targeting Mask the Results?” Presented at the November 2010 annual research
conference of the Association for Policy Analysis and Management.
Maureen A. Pirog. “Global Demographic Trends and their Implications for Social Policy in Russia.” Plenary
Speech (nationally televised in Russia), Delivered at the National Research University-Higher School of
Economics, April 9, 2010.
Donald Hirasuna and Maureen Pirog. “Reducing Time on TANF Through Child Support: Who Receives It
and When It Makes a Difference.” Presented at the APPAM Fall Research Conference , Evidenced Based
Policy Making in the Post-Bush/Clinton Era in Washington, DC., November 5-7, 2009.
Maureen A. Pirog. Policy Research and Public Policy at the Federal Level in the United States. Tenth Annual
International Conference of the State University-Higher School of Economics on Economic Modernization:
Productivity and Human Factors. Moscow, Russia. April 7-9, 2009.
Maureen A. Pirog. Opening speech for a University of Maryland, APPAM and Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) sponsored conference on the importance of poverty measurement.
Maureen A. Pirog. APPAM Leadership Meetings. Attended/participated in the meetings of the APPAM
Executive Committee, Policy Council and Institutional Representatives. Washington, D.C., April 2-3, 2009.
Maureen A. Pirog. “The Role of Policy Analysis in Supporting Federal Agencies.” IX International Conference on
Moderization of the Economy and Globalization, Moscow, Russia, March 2008. (Discussant).
Kerry Krutilla, Maureen Pirog, Tatayana Guzman and Carolyn Dew. “Review of the Cost-Effectiveness of
Educational Inputs.” Presented at the conference, Advancing Social Policy-Making Through Benefit-Cost
Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities, Washington, D.C., June 14-14, 2008.
Maureen Pirog, Craig Johnson, Sharon Kioko and Laura Jezewski. “The Expanding Role of E-Government
Innovations in US Social Services.” Presented at the VIII International scientific conference, “Modernization of
Economic and Social Development,” sponsored by the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. April 2007.
Presentation of “Review of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce’s February 2004 report, The Indiana Project for
Efficient Local Government: the next generation of the ’99 COMPETE study” at the Indiana Township
Association, Indiana Statehouse, November 16, 2004. Testimony on this report at the Indiana Statehouse, Senate
Interim Committee on Government Efficiency, October 20, 2004.
Maureen A. Pirog and Craig Johnson. “Electronic Disbursement of Indiana’s Child Support: the Hoosier Works
Demonstration.” APPAM Fall Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 26-October 31, 2004.
Maureen A. Pirog “Horizontal Federalism in the Delivery of Social Services” presented at a conference on
horizontal federalism in Balakova, Russia, June 24, 2004.
Maureen A. Pirog “The Use of the Socratic Teaching Method” presented at a teaching pedagogy conference in
Saratov, Russia, June 20, 2004. Also presented at a teaching pedagogy conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, May
13, 2004.
Maureen Pirog, Craig Johnson, Sharon Kioko and Edward Vargas, “Electronic Disbursement of Indiana’s Child
Support: The Hoosier Works Project,” presented at the annual conference of the Indiana Child Support Bureau,
Indianapolis, June 9, 2004.
Maureen A. Pirog. “What is Effectiveness?” Presentation at the conference: “Are You Being Served? Evaluating
the Effectiveness of Government-Support of Faith-Based Provision of Social Services in a Secular Society.”
Funded through the IU-Bloomington Multidisciplinary Conferences fund (project participant), Indianapolis, April
3, 2004.
“Public Administration Education and Socio-Economic Development.” A conference sponsored by SPEA, The
Volga Region Academy of Civil Service and the North West Academy for Public Administration with funding from
the US State Department. Presentation: “Training and Retraining the Civil Service: A Transition from Teaching
Facts to Developing Methods and Approaches.” Bloomington, IN, March 31-April 2, 2004.
David Reingold, Maureen Pirog and David Brady, “The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in the Delivery of
Social Services,” American University, February 19, 2004.
Craig Johnson and Maureen Pirog. 2003. “Implementing the Electronic Disbursement of Child Support
Payments.” Presented at the National Science Foundation Conference on Digital Government Research in NYC.
Also presented at the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, June 1, 2003.
“Feasibility and Use of Experimental Methods in Evaluating Social Service Programs.” Presentation made at the
conference, Evaluation Methods and Practices Appropriate for Faith-Based and Other Providers of Social Service.
October 3-4, 2003, Bloomington, IN.
Maureen A. Pirog. “Poverty in the United States.” Presented at the Vyborg Academy of Public Administration,
Vyborg, Russia, November 22, 2003.
“Poverty and the US Federal Social Safety Net.” Presented at an international conference sponsored by the North
West Academy of Public Administration entitled “Social Policies: Problems and Reforms.” November 28, 2003.
Association for Policy Analysis and Management, Spring meeting, April 3-5, Washington, DC. Attend Policy
Committee meeting on major changes in the by-laws of APPAM.
Indiana County Clerks’ Association, Annual Meeting, June 10, 2003, Indianapolis. Gave a presentation on our
evaluation of the new mandatory use of direct deposit or a commercial debit card for the distribution of child
support in Indiana.
National Academy of Public Administration, “Exploring Panel Priorities in 2003/04 for the Standing Panel on
Social Equity in Governance: Third Social Equity Leadership Conference.” September 12-13. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Attended the conference and made a presentation on “Social Equity Issues in Medicare and Reform Legislation.”
Association for Policy Analysis and Management, “The ‘M’ in APPAM.” Attended the conference, the Policy
Council meetings, gave a presentation at the Business Luncheon regarding new nominees to the Policy Council,
and met with the current editor of the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management to discuss the transition to
SPEA, IU, November 6-8, 2003.
Co-sponsored the Family Impact Seminar, “The Effect of Changes in Tax Policies on Indiana Families”
Conference for Indiana legislators co-sponsored by Purdue University’s Center on Families and the IU Institute for
Family and Social Responsibility and several other members of the Indiana Council of Family Organizations.
Indiana Government Center, Indianapolis, January 8, 2003.
“Poverty and Income Maintenance Programs.” Lectures given at the Volga Regional Academy of Civil Service.
Saratov, Russia. May 2002.
“Applications of Management Science Methods for Making Public Policies.” Lectures given at the Northwest
Academy of Public Administration. St. Petersburg, Russia. May 2002.
“An Answer to Our Prayers? How Well Do Faith-Based Social Service Providers Meet the Needs of Welfare
Families?” Presented at the Fall APPAM Research Conference, Dallas, TX, November 9, 2002.
“Welfare Reform in a Recessionary Economy.” IU Mini University, June 17, 2002.
“Insuring the Health of Long Term Care: Policy Options.” Conference for Indiana legislators cosponsored by
Purdue University’s Center on Families and IU’s Institute for Family and Social Responsibility and several other
members of the Indiana Council of Family Organizations, January 9, 2002.
“Child Support Guidelines: A Decade of Experience.” with Brooks Elliott and Tara Grieshop. Presented at the
Fall APPAM Research Conference, Washington, DC, November 1-3, 2001. Also attended the meetings of the
Policy Council.
“Findings from the Indiana Community Social Services Experiment: The Client Survey.” Presented at the
statewide research meeting of the Indiana Partners for Hoosier Communities, Indianapolis, September, 2001.
“Findings from the Indiana Community Social Services Experiment: The Client Survey.” Presented at the Indiana
Welfare Reform Conference sponsored by the IU Institute for Family and Social Responsibility, Indiana
Government Conference Center, June 29, 2001.
"Impact of Welfare Reform in Indiana: Family Well-Being and Need for Community Support Services" with
Katharine Byers. Presented at The Policy Conference: Politics, Policy, and Social Change. This conference is
sponsored by the School of Social Work, University of South Carolina, June 16 - 19, 2001 in Charleston, SC.
“Interim Report on the Evaluation of the NACS Program. Interim report to the Children’s Bureau.” with
Katharine V. Byers and FASR Staff. Presented at the NACS Report Celebration in Indianapolis as the Children’s
Bureau, May 24, 2001.
Attendee at the 50th annual conference of the National Child Support Enforcement Association, August 12-16,
2001, New York City.
Invited presentations (2) at the Office of Child Support Enforcement Conference, Arlington, VA, June 7-8, 2001.
First presentation was on “the NCSEA Research Clearinghouse.” The second presentation was on the previously
published paper, “Teenage Paternity, Child Support, and Crime.”
Attendee at the APPAM Spring Conference, “Public Policy Education in the New Economy: Outreach, Careers,
Technology and Globalization.” Also attended the meeting of the APPAM Policy Council, Washington DC, March
23-24, 2001.
Attended the Policy Conference of the National Child Support Enforcement Association, Washington, DC, and
November 7-9, 2000. Attended committee meetings in my capacity as Chair of the NCSEA Research Committee
as well as conference sessions.
“Securing Foundation and Government Support in Support of Grants and Contracts.” Invited speaker at the IU
Corporate Foundation Seminar, April 3. Sponsored by Research and the University Graduate School and the
Indiana University Foundation.
“Experiences with the Devolution of Financial and Managerial Responsibilities in the US Welfare Program,”
Presentation at the North West Academy of Public Administration, November 23, 2000.
“Experiences with the Devolution of Financial and Managerial Responsibilities in the US Welfare Program,”
Presentation at the Volga Region Academy of Public Administration, November 27, 2000.
“Local governments responses to welfare reform” with Katharine Byers, Marilyn Klotz, & Paul Kirby. Paper
presented at the 22nd Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management,
Seattle, WA, November 2-4, 2000.
“Empirical Evidence on Welfare Reform & Faith Based Organizations.” with David Reingold. Paper presented at
the 22nd Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Seattle, WA,
November 2-4, 2000.
“Child support guidelines: A Decade of Experience.” Presentation at the Policy Institute in the Maxwell School,
Syracuse University.
“How to Develop a Research Institute,” Presentation to the School of Social Work, Syracuse University, Spring
Presentation on “The Research of the Policy Analysis Faculty,” Presented at a mini-conference with Russian
faculty, State Department guides, and SEPA faculty, October 2000. Repeated at a second mini-conference with a
second delegation from the North West Academy of Public Administration, November 2000.
Keynote Speaker, Indiana Family and Social Services Administration Workshop for County Welfare Directors,
“Child Support Enforcement: Importance in Light of Welfare Reforms.” September, 1999.
NCSEA Annual Conference. Panel moderator. “Child Support Research.” Also, panelist on child support
financing and cost-avoidance. Chicago, August 1999.
Conference convenor and facilitator. “Enhancing Opportunities for Noncustodial Fathers.” Indianapolis
Conference Center, November 1997.
“Where is the Research on Fathers Going?” Invited presentation at the Governor’s Conference on Fatherhood,
Indianapolis, October 1997.
“Child Support Guidelines.” With Marilyn Klotz. Presented at the 1997 Annual meetings of the Association for
Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, DC, October 1997.
“Do States Respond to Economic Incentives? Federal-State Child Support Financing Policies.” Presented at the
Annual meetings of the National Association of Schools of Public Administration, North Carolina, October 1997.
Also presented at the January 1998 meetings of the National Child Support Enforcement Association, Washington,
Invited participant, Governor’s Community Roundtable, Indianapolis, IN. September 1997.
Child Support Enforcement. Invited speaker at the LINKS conference: Linking State Universities and State
Legislatures, Springfield, IL. May 1-2, 1997.
Welfare Reform. Invited presentation at the Annual meeting of the Indiana League of Women’s Voters,
Bloomington, IN, May, 1997.
Invited presentation at the annual Kids Count Data Group conference on the subject of data requirements of the
Indiana welfare reforms evaluation. Sponsored by the Indiana Youth Institute. January, 1997.
“The Poverty Outcomes of Adolescent Fathers,” with David H. Good and Daniel R. Mullins. Presented at the
Econometrics Workshop, Department of Economics, Indiana University, March 1996.
“Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing: The Big Family Picture,” Invited presentation as the meetings of the National
Child Support Enforcement Association, Washington, D.C., February 1996.
I.U. Speakers Bureau, Invited speech on the subject of welfare reform as part of the I.U. Continuing Studies Public
Discussion Program. The lecture was entitled “Should It Take A Village to Raise a Child?” Fall 1996.
Invited participant at the National Science Foundation conference on The Role of Women in Science held in
Washington, D.C. in December 13-15, 1995.
Invited participant in a forum for Indiana legislators on the impact of proposed changes in federal funding on the
state of Indiana. Speech on The Impact of the Devolution Revolution on Indiana’s Social Services. The session
was organized and chaired by Miles Brand, President of Indiana University. Spring 1995.
One of five academics invited the Division of Health, Education, and Human Services (DHEHS) of the U.S.
General Accounting Office to come to Washington, D.C. and discuss the child support enforcement component of
the research agenda of this office for the next three to five years, 1995.
“Accuracy and Ambiguity in the Application of State Child Support Guidelines.” With Patricia Brown. Also
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Daniel Mullins. Legislated Inequalities: 1993 Child Support Guidelines. Invited
presentation at the 1995 meetings of the Western Economics Association, July 1995.
“Legislated Inequalities: 1993 Child Support Guidelines.” with Daniel Mullins. Invited presentation at the
Econometrics Workshop, Economics Department, Indiana University, February 1995. Also presented at the
meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Chicago, November 1994.
"Collecting Child Support from Low Income Obligors." with Dan Mullins. Paper presented at the 34th annual
meetings of the National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics, Austin, TX, August 1994.
"The Influence of Schools on High School Completion." with Chris Magee. Paper presented at the Midwest
Economics Association meetings, Chicago, IL, March, 1994.
“Child Support Guidelines.” Workshop given at the conference, Securing Our Children's Future: Welfare Reform
and Child Support, sponsored by the New York State Department of Social Services, April of 1993.
"The Developing Profile of a State Lottery Market." with John Mikesell. Paper presented at the Southern
Economics Association meetings, New Orleans, LO, November 1993.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good and Chris Magee. "The Influence of Schools on High School Completion." Presented at
the Ameritech Workshop, Indiana University, October 1993.
Discussant on panel, "Intergenerational Economic Relationships," at the meetings of the Midwest Economics
Association, Indianapolis, IN, April 1993.
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. “Child Support Guidelines and the Economic Well Being of Our Nation's Children."
Paper presented as part of the Institute for Research on Poverty Seminar series, University of Wisconsin, May
Maureen A. Pirog-Good. Invited to conducted a workshop on child support guidelines at the conference, Securing
Our Children's Future: Welfare Reform and Child Support, sponsored by the Department of Social Services, State
of New York, May 1993.
"The Education and Labor Market Experiences of Adolescent Fathers." Presented at the meetings of the
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Denver, Colorado, October 1992. Also presented at the
meetings of the National Council on Family Relations, Orlando, Florida, Nov 1992.
Attended The Fourth Biennial Conference on Panel Data. in Budapest, Hungary in conjunction with my DHHS
grant on adolescent fathers, June 1992.
“Teen Fathers and Child Support Enforcement.” Presentation invited by the Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning
and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources, Washington, DC, 1992.
"Teen Fathers and the Child Support Enforcement Program." Invited speech given at Paternity Establishment: A
Public Policy Conference. February 26-7, Washington, DC. Co-sponsored by the Institute for Research on Poverty,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, and the
Administration for Children and Families, US Department of Health and Human Services. (Invited.)
"Child Support Guidelines and the Economic Well Being of Our Nation's Children." Presented at the American
Society of Criminology Meetings, San Francisco, CA, November 1991. Also presented to the member of the
Forum for the Study of Childhood Poverty and Adolescent Parenting, Indiana University, October, 1991.
"Teaching Program Evaluation and Policy Analysis to Graduate Students." Presented at the Thorbeck Academy,
The Netherlands, August 1991 (Invited).
"Innovative Programs for Teen Fathers." Presented at the American Society for Public Administration meetings,
Washington, D.C., March 1991.
One of 40-50 invited participants at a conference, “Marital Violence: Theoretical and Empirical Perspective”
sponsored by the National Institute for Mental Health, Bloomington, May 1991.
"The Efficiency of State Child Support Enforcement Programs." with David H. Good. Presented at the November
1990 meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.
Participant at the Midwestern American Assembly on "The Future of Social Welfare Policy in the United States"
sponsored by the Ford Foundation, Columbia University, the La Follette Institute of Public Affairs and the Institute
for Research on Poverty, June 1990 (Invited).
"Teenage Fathers and Child Support Enforcement." Presentation at the 17th National Conference on Juvenile
Justice sponsored by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and the National District Attorney
Association, March 1990, New Orleans. (Invited.)
“Violence in Dating Relationships,” Invited presentation for the Indiana University Mini University, Summer
"Child Support Enforcement for Young Absent Fathers." Presented at the November 1989 meetings of the
Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, D.C.
"A Critique and Review of the Dating Violence Literature." Presented at the November 1989 meetings of the
American Society of Criminology, Reno, Nevada (Invited).
"Control and Sexual Abuse in Dating Relationships." with Jan E. Stets. Presented at the August 1989 meetings of
the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA.
"Reports of Physical and Sexual Assaults Among Unmarried Couples." with Jan E. Stets. Presented at the
November 1988 meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.
“Child Support Enforcement and Child Poverty,” Invited lecture,IU Mini University, Summer 1988.
“Help Seeking Patterns of Dating Violence Victims.” Invited talk, Bloomington Rotary Club, 1987.
"Patterns of Physical and Sexual Abuse for Men and Women in Dating Relationships." with Jan E. Stets.
Presented in November 1987 at the American Society of Criminology, Montreal, Canada.
Organized and chaired a session on dating violence at the November 1987 meetings of the American Society of
Criminology, Montreal, Canada.
“Control and Physical Abuse in Dating Relationships.” With Jan Stets. Postdoctoral Seminar, Family Research
Laboratory, University of New Hampshire, Fall 1987.
"Lotteries and Crime." with John Mikesell. Presented at the October 1987 meetings of the Association for Public
Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, D.C.
"Gender Identity, Self-Esteem and Physical and Sexual Abuse in Dating Relationships." with Peter J. Burke and
Jan E. Stets. Presented at the postdoctoral seminar in Social Psychology, Indiana University. Also presented at the
North Central Sociological Association, April 1987.
Presentation on dating violence on the Indiana University, Bloomington campus to the Student Health Center and
Counseling and Psychological Services, November 1986.
"Patterns of Heterogeneity and Their Implications for the Underlying Process Behind Teenage Delinquency and
Paternity." with David H. Good. Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management,
October 1986, Austin, Texas.
Organized a session on teenage paternity and child support enforcement for the Association for Public Policy
Analysis and Management, October 1986, Austin, Texas.
"Sexually Abusive Behavior in Dating Relationships." with Jan E. Stets. Presented at the annual meetings of the
American Society of Criminology, October 1986, Atlanta, Georgia. (Invited)
"Predicting the Extent to Which Microcomputers are Integrated into University Coursework." Modeling and
Simulation Conference, Spring 1986, Pittsburgh, PA.
"A Simultaneous Probit Model of the Employment and Crime Decisions of White and Black Teenage Males." with
David H. Good. Presented at the Western Economics Association, July 1986 (Invited).
"Violence in Dating Relationships." with Jan E. Stets. Presented at the American Sociological Association
meetings, August 1986.
"Abused and Abusive Men and Women: Dating Relationships Examined." with Jan E. Stets. Presented at the 1986
American Society of Criminology meetings (Invited).
"A Proportional Hazards Model of Teenage Paternity, Child Support and Crime." Presented at the American
Society of Criminology meetings, November 1985.
"Domestic Violence: Treating the Abuser." Presented at the American Society of Criminology meetings,
November 1985.
"An Evaluation of Nationwide Programs that Treat Men Who Batter." Presented the American Sociological
Association meetings, August 1985.
"The Use of Microcomputers in Public Administration Curricula." Presented at the Eight National Conference on
Teaching Public Administration, April 1985.
"Paternity, Child Support and Crime." Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
meetings, October 1985. Also presented at the SPEA Public Policy Colloquium, November 1985.
"Modeling Employment and Crime Relationships." Presented at the Association for Public Analysis and
Management meetings, October 1984.
"An Analysis of Youth Crime and Employment Patterns." with David Good and Robin Sickles. Presented at the
American Society of Criminology meetings, November 1984.
"Employment, Crime and Race," with David H. Good. Presented at the American Society of Criminology
meetings, November 1984.
"The Effects of Intra-organizational Relationships on Program Outcomes." Presented at the Association for Public
Policy Analysis and Management meetings, October, 1983. Also presented at the SPEA faculty colloquium, Fall
"A Simultaneous Probit Analysis of Youth Crime and Employability." Presented at the Econometrics Society
meetings, December 1982. Also presented at the joint Labor/Econometrics workshop, Economics Department,
University of Pennsylvania.
"The Relationship between Youth Employment and Juvenile Delinquency: Some Preliminary Findings