in english
in english
PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GODOFREDO & ALICE Newton Moreno English version Marco Aurélio Nunes COPYRIGHT This play was written for specially for the schools participating in the Conexões Youth Theatre Project Brazil and it was part of its portfolio in 2010. Any performances outside this Project will need to be negociated with the writer´s agent. Newton Moreno: [email protected] 1 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados CHARACTERS ALICE (ALEX) 16 - 17 years old. He is a tall, thin teenager seeking for his prince charming GODOFREDO1 (GODO) 16 - 17 years old. She is a short, chubby teenager seeking for her princess Chorus of girlfriends HUGO, PEDRO and LUIS Group of girls with the same tendencies as Godofredo’s Chorus of boyfriends PA, MI and GA, respectively PAULO, MICHEL and GABRIEL Group of boys with the same tendencies as Alice’s Godofredo’s GRANDMOTHER. She is blind and raises her granddaughter Alice’s MOTHER Cousin ODETE 1 TN. In case the director/actors decide to change the character’s name, it should sound somewhat unusual and/or funny in English as it does in Portuguese and should also allow a short form. 2 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados Aunt EGIDIA Celio Cruz, a show HOST PRODUCTION ASSISTANT VICTOR, Alice’s rival, who fancies Godofredo A Transsexual’s VOICE OFF APPARITORS SCENE 01 At two extreme opposite sides of the stage, a young man and a young lady are getting ready to go out. We can only notice their bodies’ silhouettes. Stage lights do not reveal much. We hear chords of the first song. The young man gets ready as a real Elvis Presley; the young lady is dressed to kill, with utmost sensuality. VOICE OFF Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Godofredo e Alice. Both dash to centre front stage. Then we notice that Godofredo is a short, bulky girl who is dressed up as a young man and that Alice is a teenage boy of no more than 17 years of age, dressed up as a seductive young lady. Both are not particularly beautiful. 3 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE My name is Alex, but my friends call me Alice. I’m seventeen and I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’m looking for my first, my only, my true one. Maybe I’m silly to think I’ll find Prince Charming, but I still dream of him. See this mouth? It’s virgin, untouched. It’s never said ‘I love you’. GODO My name… I can’t say it, it’s too ugly. But my friends call me Godo, short for Godofredo, which is how I like to be called. I’m seventeen and I’ve never kissed anyone. I’m searching for the babe of my life, my ideal woman. Maybe you won’t believe it, but I’m waiting for someone who’d give me all the answers. She should be silent, quiet; sleep by my side and give me all the answers. ALICE Someone who wouldn’t let me sleep at night and would make me daydream all day long… GODO Someone who’d gather the most beautiful words and plant them inside my ear with her tongue... ALICE ... someone who, when crying or smiling, would throw fireworks with his eyes… GODO 4 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ... someone who’d save me and protect me; and at the same time, put me in danger, at risk… ALICE ... someone who’d make it clear that my life has begun… They sing, still separated. “There are two kinds of people in the world, Those who are chased by love And those who chase love, Those who starve And those who never did, Those who write poems And those who write reports, Those who always make up And those who always make peace, Those who live up their dreams 5 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados And those who hide them There are two kinds of people in the world, And just one world that depends on them And just one God that kisses them good night And just “one size fits all” death which one day will embrace them There are two kinds of people in the world Those who seek for each other, You and I”2 Enter the friends. From one side, Alice’s chorus of soprano-friends. Pa, Mi and Ga; respectively, Paulo, Michel and Gabriel. CHORUS “There are two kinds of people in the world, Those who are chased by love 2 Some songs by composer Lulu Santos (a Brazilian pop star who has been very successful throughout the last 3 decades, especially during the 80’s and the 90’s) were intended to be part of this project. However, as we have not received a formal authorization to publish them, additional lyrics were specially written for the play. The following list of songs – in the order which they should appear as the text develops – is a reference for a possible utilization in the future. The songs are: “SOS Solidão/Aviso aos Navegantes”, “Sábado à noite”, “De repente, Califórnia”, “Como uma onda”, “Tempos Modernos”, “Tão Bem”, “Satisfação”, “O Último Romântico”, “Toda Forma de amor” e “Assim Caminha a Humanidade”. TN. All songs in this play are supposed to have very strong emotional impact. They should be “all time hits” which can be enjoyed by old and young audiences alike. In my opinion, when mounting the play, all songs should be changed to obtain a similar emotional effect. For instance, if mounted in the UK they should be replaced by George Michael’s or Sting’s songs which would have the same kind of timeless popular appeal to them. 6 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados And those who chase love...” PA I’ve tweeted all night. That place will be full of the coolest people tonight. I’m so excited! GA Alice, is everything ready? ALICE Yeah... MI You look so down, Alice. What’s with the long face? Cheer up, Alice, cheer up! ALICE I’m always so full of hope at these parties. I’m like, afraid to come back home without at least a little kiss. Again… PA Be brave. We’ve got to strike like Amazons and have faith that he’ll come along. No-one wins a war marching in doubt. Faith, girls... MI (Shrieking) Yay! What’s up, folks? 7 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GA Wow, you’re so excited! MI Me excited? I was born excited. The only thing that winds me down is hot pepper tea. Let’s go after our boys. ALICE How long shall I wait? GA Until he lights up on your horizon and everything will be more beautiful than sunset. Enter Godofredo’s friends. Godo’s chorus of alto-friends. Hugo, Pedro and Luis. CHORUS “There are two kinds of people in the world, Those who are chased by love And those who chase love...” HUGO Verinha3 is coming to the dance! Verinha is coming! 3 “Verinha” is a nickname for Vera meaning “Little Vera”. 8 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados PEDRO With her boyfriend! With her boyfriend! Wake up, Hugo. LUIS Pedro is right. We need to build more realistic expectations about dating, guys. Ladies who are be sensitive to our ‘peculiarities’ (Looking at her own breasts) which are not few… HUGO In your case, the ‘peculiarities” are a lot bigger than mine. PEDRO Well, this afternoon dance is our chance. The first ever gay-friendly afternoon dance. GODO It’s practically our mercy shot. HUGO Cheer up, man. Every hot babe in the neighbourhood promised me they’d be there. Verinha is coming... (Getting a reproving look from his friends) Ok, with her boyfriend. But he’d better look out because Hugo is going to strike too. GODO How long shall I wait? 9 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados LUIS Until she dances for you, more beautiful than the dawn breaking. GODO As my granny used to say: a single man is a body in half. While the friends exit upstage, Alice and Godo address themselves again to the public. GODO I wish I were inside someone’s heart just for one second, to make sure I can find myself in there… ALICE a hug grabbing you from all sides just like the sea. GODO a storm announcing itself from far away so that we know that it’s getting closer but we don’t move, letting ourselves get drenched. ALICE a butterfly approaching so that we stand still, waiting for beauty to land on our arm, hoping it will never go away. GODO 10 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados the cattle sensing the hot iron that threatens their leather so that they know there’s no use moving because they’ll be branded forever. ALICE Light and strong... GODO will touch us. ALICE & GODO I just hope it happens today. CHORUS Alice! Godo! Their friends call them and they go to the party. SCENE 02 A banner falls from the flies. “TEEN GAY-FRIENDLY AFTERNOON DANCE – Welcome to prejudice free youth.” When Godofredo enters the scene, Victor throws himself in front of him. Victor is an obvious heart-throb with incomparable self esteem. 11 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados VICTOR Hi, gorgeous! GODO You again! VICTOR Can I walk with you? GODO Don’t get too close. VICTOR Would you like a dance partner for the afternoon? I’m a great dancer. (Performs a ridiculous choreography) GODO You’ve got to be joking. I don’t dance. I don’t breathe. I’m not even alive... for you. VICTOR It’s impossible not to tremble when you see my hip moves. (Makes a ridiculous hip action) GODO Pathetic… Boy, get a life! 12 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados VICTOR You’re going to experience a real man’s charm, princess. Then I’m going to rock your world and so you’ll be mine. Godofredo dashes off, running away from an eminent kiss. VICTOR (Alone) This “Shorty” will not fool me. I’ve made a bet. I’ll win every girl’s heart in this neighbourhood and she’s not going to escape me. I’m letting no girl taint my reputation. No-one resists Victor Alencar. Not even lesbians. That’s it, I’ve found a new motto for my Facebook profile: Lesbians, the last frontier for my irresistible charm. (He repeats a ridiculous action with his hips). Alice and her friends are preparing to enter the scene. A circle opens centre stage. Godo watches it all from the proscenium, near the public. ALICE Oh, my God! My boob is misplaced. MI Don’t worry, with this ghastly make-up, no-one is going to notice any lack of stuffing. GA Mi, how can you say that? MI That’s what everybody says: pros implant silicone. 13 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados PA Come here. (Pa produces a boob stuffing for Alice) What were you thinking, Alice? ALICE I’m still lost. I’m a plane that needs landing on the right runway. I hope it happens today. VOICE OFF I give you our first number: Alice and The Pussy Cats. Alice enters the scene and takes over the vocals, lip dubbing a song. “Loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful and making love with you is all I wanna do. Loving you is more then just a dream come true and everything that I do, is out of loving you. la la la la la, la la la la la.... No-one else can make me feel the colours that you bring. Stay with me while we grow old and we will live each day in springtime. 'Cause loving you has made my life so beautiful and everyday of my life is filled with loving you. Loving you, I see your soul come shining through and every time that we, oohh... I'm more in love with you. la la la la la, la la la la la... 14 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados No-one else can make me feel the colours that you bring, Stay with me while we grow old and we will live each day in springtime. 'Cause loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful and every day of my life is filled with loving you. Loving you, I see your soul come shining through and every time that we, oohh... I'm more in love with you. la la la la la, la la la la la...”4 Eeeewwwww. At this point of the song, she screams and jumps on top of Godofredo. ALICE Help! A cockroach! A cockroach! Please save me, young man. GODO Let me kill it. (He throws himself on stage and performs funny karate moves until he exterminates the insect. When he finishes it, he steps down and hugs Alice, who is still shaken by what happened) ALICE You were very brave. 4 Suggestion of song for the lip dubbing number: Lovin' You, by Minnie Riperton / R. Ruldolph, sung by Minnie Riperton.. 15 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GODO And you sang like a mermaid. At least you put a spell on me, just like a mermaid. ALICE But I was just lip dubbing... GODO Oh! I didn’t even notice. I was so focused on your lips... I mean, on your performance. Alice’s friends come nearer, but when they notice they are having a “moment” together, they go back to leave the two alone. ALICE (Nervous) I’d seen you, from the stage. (Her boob stuffing begins to fall, but she doesn’t notice and carries on talking to him) You’re a kind of chick magnet, aren’t you? I’m Alice, what’s your name? GODO (Trying to warn her about the boob) Godo. Your... your... ALICE 16 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados My show? I love Minnie5. Isn’t she amazing? People think she sings about another generation, but I think he speaks to all of us who are looking for that Mr. Special... GODO It’s out... ALICE No. He’s never out of date. Such good music is not out of date, is it? What do you reckon? GODO I… Oh, my God... ALICE Exactly… I also think that when you’re so not paying attention... someone turns up, like that. (Makes a rough movement and the stuffing falls off. Godofredo picks it up) GODO It’s the first time a girl lets me touch it on a first date. ALICE Oh, I’m totally embarrassed! I can explain. GODO I think I’ve got it. You don’t need to explain much. 5 Or any other singer/composer as described on a previous note. 17 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE I’m sorry. (Alice touches him on his chest, finding her breast). You, you... (Alice continues touching as if she wants to make really sure). You must be on a very different work out programme... GODO I’ve never let anyone touch me there for so long... ALICE I’m sorry, I’m sorry... GODO This must belong to you. (Hands back the boob stuffing) ALICE Cheers! I don’t think you’ll need that. (Trying to be funny) GODO No... (Trying to find it funny) After an embarrassing silence. ALICE See you, then. 18 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GODO Sure. They break apart, but they can not avoid one last glimpse. Separated, they sing as they exit. “Where does love begin? Nobody ever explained to me. From the air that I feel short of, From my heart that pounds, At what time, on which date, New moon, low tide, Latitude, longitude, in which place? Where will love begin? Nobody ever explained to me. I look at you and I wonder: Has love already begun...?” SCENE 03 Alice and Godofredo take opposite sides of the stage. Alice is in bed at home, rolling from side to side. ALICE (Speaking to a higher point, as if she were complaining) 19 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados I was so specific. I was looking for someone… different. I won’t keep my promises in a situation like that. Or will I? The girlfriends burst into the room. MOTHER Alex, your friends are here. PA We were so worried about you. You left the party without speaking to us. GA Then we looked for that other bloke, roach bloke. MI “Mr. Raid”, concentrated and strong. ALICE (Making gestures for the girls to shut up) Mum, will you excuse us? MOTHER Would you like something to drink? Some juice? PA A Bloody Mary. 20 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados MOTHER You’re not of age yet, boy! (Emphasising her last word) ALICE (Throwing her out) Whatever, Mum. All Bye, madam. Thank you6. (Emphasising their feminine attitude) The MOTHER swallows the attitude and looks at them reproachingly before shutting the door. (Exists) She stays hidden behind the door, eavesdropping. All And so? How was it? Who was he? Bulky, heh? I bet he’s got such biceps, such pecs... ALICE I know! His name is Godo. Short for Godofredo. All I’ve never seen him around here. Has he kissed you? Has he tried anything more intimate? 6 In the Original: “Obrigada”. In Portuguese, the gender of the speaker is revealed when you say “Thank you”. That is impossible to reproduce in English in one single word. I suggest they say it in a very affected feminine manner. 21 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE I wish he hadn’t. All What do you mean? ALICE He’s a little more different than you would imagine... PA Is he deaf? GA A drug pusher? MI Crippled? PA Has bad breath? GA Not on Facebook? ALICE 22 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados No! He’s a she. All (After a moment of silence, they burst into laughter) Wicked! With those clothes? He’s everything but one of us. It’s not his style at all. ALICE No, no. I thought so too, until I touched his breasts, by accident of course. GA Breasts? This is getting so complicated. ALICE It’s a woman! He’s a woman, dressed up as a man. I can’t believe I was there picking up men, but he was a woman. MI She’s a man? PA Wow, and he saved you from a cockroach... as if it were a dragon. It’s so romantic… Weird, but romantic all the same. MI What about you? 23 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE I can’t take him... her... whatever, out of my head. GA Guys, hold on! This is like, so revolutionary. Nothing has ever been so awesome. PA You fell in love with a girl. MI Fuc..! PA (Shutting Mi’s mouth with her hand) Stop it! It was our deal. Proper ladies don’t curse, they just say nice things. So... (Taking her hand out of MI’s mouth) MI Fuc…tastic! It’s so wicked. The MOTHER, who was very excited outside, enters the scene. MOTHER Darlings, would you like a scone to go with it? Would you like one, sonny? ALICE 24 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados Yes, Mum. MOTHER Mummy will be right back. (Before leaving she kisses her son dearly) GA What’s up with her? ALICE Gee, girls, I’m totally confused and totally afraid. MI I only felt something like that for my girl cousin, but our little kiss was so, like, lesbian. PA I think it’s revolutionary. It’s like really edgy. Even before having your first gay relationship, you’re already experiencing a lesbian fling which is almost heterosexual. Wow, this is so modern. If you like her, why not? ALICE You reckon? PA Absolutely. MI 25 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados I’m not so sure. I’ve always been so scared of that kind of girl. ALICE But how am I going to find him again? MI Are you joking? With those looks and a name like that? GA Anyone can help us identify him. PA (Picking up the phone) We just have to call Ma7, who dated Fe, who’s Se’s cousin, who’s Lu’s neighbour. Ma has a contact list of all people who went to the party. She knows everything, she knows it all. Sure she has his phone number. Lights on Godofredo’s house. GRANDMOTHER You barely touched your food. Why’s that, young lady? GODO Granny, I was thinking about someone. 7 In Brazil, people who are really close sometimes call themselves by the first syllable of their Christian names. This adds to the funny effect while the character describes her network of friends. 26 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GRANDMOTHER Well, I knew that already. Your steps sounded different when you came back home last night. GODO How different? GRANDMOTHER Nervous, vibrant, stepping on Earth in a different way... Who is it? Can you tell me? GODO Oh, my God, how can I explain? GRANDMOTHER What’s the girl’s name? GODO Girl? (Faking) What do you mean, Granny? GRANDMOTHER I’ve learned early enough, sonny, to see a fruit and know if there’s a worm inside. And also to see the worm and know which fruit it ate. Blind people have some sort of X-ray vision. GODO 27 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados You can sense things about me which I’m not aware of. GRANDMOTHER What’s she like? GODO She... GRANDMOTHER Let’s just say, this person who you’ve met, love. GODO That’s the thing, it was supposed to be a she, but it’s a he. GRANDMOTHER Wow, what a surprise. Whoever this person is, they’re inside there. They’re inside you, so much so that I feel them here in our house. You brought a little bit of them with you and it’s as if I’ve known this person through you. (Pause) Keep them. GODO Do you really think so? GRANDMOTHER People expect things to be so obvious that they miss big surprises. Let me tell you a story. Once there was a girl from a rich, noble family. The young lady was precious. According to 28 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados her parents, she was perfect. Until they found out one tiny detail: she sang beautifully, opera style, but she sang with a male voice. A great low bass guttural male opera singer’s voice. From inside a 2 foot tall body, with delicate features, light eyes and the shape of a little girl emerged that voice of undeniable masculinity. The little girl could only show her gift to animals. Afraid and ashamed of what people could do to her, she would go out to the woods late at night and there she sang to the animals. Owls, wolves, the whole night fauna would quiet down and listen to her. She sang all night, so strong was her urge to sing. She would only come back when the dawn was breaking. Until one day her parents followed her and found out her secret. Afraid of the shame this could bring them, they had someone hurt her vocal cords, made her mute. They thought they would rather have her mute than sing like a man. They made their daughter so sad that she died. And the world lost a beautiful voice. Who knows how many people she might have made happy? GODO Who knows a nobleman’s son wouldn’t be interested in their daughter? Maybe he was a man who sang like a woman… Granny, you’re awesome. Grandmother sings. “Old people plant seeds Until the dying day comes They bend with the weight of the years And dig out advices from the earth God has taken my eyes But He has nor forbidden me to see the sky 29 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados And see His angels falling in love Like you and him, Or like you and her...” At Alice’s house. MI Here it is, the number. ALICE But shall I call? Shouldn’t I wait until he calls me? GA Men must take the initiative. But if someone finds it a cliché, you tell them that just like a good modern young lady who fights to change those stupid patterns, you carried on and called the boy you fancy. Oh, Alice, you’re so revolutionary. PA (A little emotional) Aw, how lovely. MI Why those tears now? PA You’re going to be the first amongst us to find a prince... Can I film it with my mobile? 30 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GA Call him! The telephone rings and the Grandmother answers. GRANDMOTHER Hello? ALICE Good morning, can I speak to... (To her girlfriends) Oh, my God, what should I call her? GODO? MI Use his nickname. With those looks, no-one should get confused. GRANDMOTHER Hold on, young man, I’m going to call Godofredo. Alice and Godo on the phone. ALICE Hello? GODO 31 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados Is that you? ALICE Yeah. GODO I’ll do it. ALICE What? GODO Whatever you suggest. ALICE Today? GODO At the park. ALICE Cool. GODO See you there. 32 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE 5 PM. GODO Big kiss. (Silence) ALICE Same to you. (Hangs up in a hurry) The Girlfriends are excited with her. GODO (Very excited) Guess I’m going on my first date. (Terrified) What have I done? GRANDMOTHER You’ve just crossed the border of the loving martyrs. Whoever you decide to cross this path with, you’ll be a martyr all the same. Good luck. Grandmother kisses her granddaughter. 33 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados SCENE 04 Alice and Godo hang up the phone at the same time and begin to try clothes on. Alice opens an old trunk and begins to take her more masculine clothes out. She doesn’t feel very comfortable, but tries do put them on. On the other side, Godo tries to do the same. He gets some more feminine pieces which were hidden in the drawer. GODO Oh, my God. I’m allergic to lingerie. On the other side Alice is helped by her mother, who brings some starched pieces. MOTHER Why don’t you try those ones, love? They’re well starched! ALICE Mum? How did you guess? MOTHER Go on and change. I promise not to look. GODO How can you walk with these on? (Godofredo screams after collapsing from high heels) These are no shoes, they’re suicide weapons. 34 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados MOTHER What then, love? How’s it going? ALICE (Dressed up as a young man) I fell like Donald Duck. MOTHER Oh, my God! Holly Saint Margaret! You look so handsome, my son, dressed up as a ma… in blue. Very handsome in blue. (She begins to pick up Alice’s more colourful clothes) Can I donate those ones to charity? ALICE Mum! MOTHER OK. I’ll put them in the laundry bin. (She exits, unable to hold back her excitement) ALICE My God, what have I become? GODO Lipstick…? Better not push it. (Throws the lipstick away) Alice’s mother appears in a corner with a huge candle beside a saint icon, she gets on her knees and prays fervently. 35 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados MOTHER Holly Saint Margaret, Thou hast granted my prayer, and I shall pay the 236 promises I’ve made Thee. (Unrolls a huge paper) I shall never wear green clothes anymore, neither shall I say bad things about my sister-in-law... Alice tries some less “feminine” steps, as if rehearsing a character. Obviously, the result is not very convincing. Godo begins to itch and falls on the floor, taking off her bra. GODO I told you I was allergic. GRANDMOTHER (Entering) What’s wrong with you? GODO Granny, I was trying to wear new clothes. GRANDMOTHER It’s not your style at all, but if you do want to change your wardrobe… I would wear lighter clothes if I were you. GODO You haven’t even touched my clothes to know what I’m wearing. GRANDMOTHER 36 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados But it’s in your breathing. And change the earrings, please. GODO (Grabbing the earrings she was wearing) How does she know? Alice moves down to the proscenium. She is dressed up as a young man. She doesn’t seem very comfortable. Godo moves down to the proscenium. He is dressed up as a young lady. He doesn’t seem very comfortable. They face the audience for a few seconds. They turn and walk towards each other. They are facing each other. After a long silence, they burst into laughter. ALICE In other occasions, I’ve always known what to wear. But I’ve never had a date with a girl. GODO You’re more tasteful when you chose more… colourful clothes. ALICE I like the earring. GODO Thank you. Thank you.8 ALICE 8 In the original: “Obrigado. Obrigada.” Same situation as in Note 9. Godo says “thank you” the first time as a boy and then again as a girl. I would suggest he says the first “thank you” in a very masculine way in opposition to the second time, trying to be more feminine. 37 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados I’ve been thinking a lot about what happened. GODO That’s good, because my question is: What happened? ALICE Not much, but we’ve met. (Pause) After meeting you, nothing else was so much fun to see, neither the “Twilight” pictures, nor Lady Gaga videos. You had something in your eyes, something a lot different from what other boys have in theirs. GODO (Getting near her) Do you still see it in my eyes? ALICE I see more. I see a runway, a quite warm sea, a soft bed, a set table, a lap, a new world where everything has my name on... Godo holds Alice’s hand. GODO We can stay like this, holding hands, without saying much... ALICE Or saying nothing. 38 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados A laughter echoes from offstage. GODO Who’s there? Why don’t you come and laugh in front of us, if you have the guts? ALICE Maybe he was not laughing at us. GODO I wonder if this might work. We’ll never know if they’re laughing at us or not. ALICE If we laugh louder, their laughter won’t bother us. GODO Can you do that? I look at us and see two clowns dressed up in each other’s costumes. ALICE Maybe it’s indeed a mistake. (Pause) Maybe we can be good friends? GODO I hope so, but we shouldn’t regret having tried this. ALICE Yes. I wanted to come here to see if we were making a mistake. 39 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GODO I wanted to be wrong too. ALICE (Bursting out) Ok, I’m going to say it: I like you, but I don’t know what to do to your boobs. GODO Oh, I don’t want you to touch my boobs. I love you too much to ask you to do something like that. ALICE Did you say “love”? GODO I did? (Surprised) I’d never said it before... ALICE I’ve never asked anyone this, let alone a woman, but have you considered the possibility of really being in love with me? GODO When I look into your eyes, everything goes right; but when I look down, I become afraid. ALICE 40 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados I’ve always thought love was the greatest mystery of our lives and now it seems I’m about to solve it. GODO It may never happen again... to none of us. What if I want to kiss another girl again? It only makes sense to think of your mouth now. But what if I want to? What if I want to? Godo looks down, Alice pulls his face towards her. When they try to kiss again, the laughter emerges back, even stronger. GODO I can’t. I have to go, I’ll call you later... (Godo exists, frightened) ALICE Godo! Oh, my God, everything loses harmony when he is not near. All songs get out of tune. He walks with the sun in his eyes, and he blinks with the lightness of the clouds. He brings the afternoon when he yawns and covers everything with an eclipse. He wakes up the world when he rises and brings me the morning every time he looks at me. Alice sings. “The world seems new The world and us... We and the world When he speaks A waterfall washes my ears 41 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados Stones dress up in moss And become soft images Which soothe my eyes The sun tears the trees With some tears of light Drawing smiles on the earth The bees won’t threaten anyone The children won’t scream, but sing And the birds agree Almost in a second voice The world seems new The world and us... We and the world” VICTOR But I’m the one who’s going to do it! Victor jumps in front of Alice. Bursts into the same laughter we heard before. ALICE Were you the clumsy hyena who was spying on us? VICTOR So, you’re the hunk who’s making my princess have trouble sleeping? ALICE 42 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados “Hunk”? “Princess”? (Interested) She’s having trouble sleeping because of me? VICTOR You’re too tiny to compete with my gorgeous self. ALICE Sweetie, I’m not interested in your cheap gorgeousness, at the moment. I’m much more into someone else’s implicit cuteness. VICTOR By the way, this other person has just left here? ALICE (Trying to look bold, ineffectively) Yes. And I like every inch of the thick layer of fat tissue that covers the purest heart I know. Is that a problem? VICTOR Indeed, because I fancy Godofredo. By the way, do you know her real name? I do. ALICE Liar. VICTOR Right, it’s a lie. But I’ve never got dumped by a girlfriend and this is not going to happen. I’m not going to lose her to you, who seem much more inclined to play on the other team. 43 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE You’ve probably made some sort of stupid bet and now you want to show you can have whoever you want! VICTOR Do you feel threatened? There’s no bullshit with me. What you see is what you get. ALICE Godo doesn’t call out your name at night, for sure. I’m the one who’s living in her dreams. VICTOR (Squeezing Alice’s arm) Hey, punk, I want you away from my girl. Before you have me for dinner, I’ll have you for lunch. ALICE And I want you to get away from my Godo. GODO Get your hands off him! They jump towards each other. GODO I was talking to Victor, Alice. 44 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE Sure, sure. GODO I said it, and I say it again: “Get out of my sight”. Godo launches over and begins to fight with Victor. Smacks him and throws him on the floor. VICTOR (Fallen) No woman has ever gotten under my skin like that. Wow! (Faints) GODO There… are you ok? I’ll take you home. ALICE Aren’t I the one supposed to do that? They exit, talking. GODO I guess our greatest problem is listening to what other people think we should do or not do! You have changed the positioning of things: the hemispheres, the cardinal points, the corners, everything. It’ll take some time for me to understand where I am now. I feel like I’ve walked miles without leaving the spot just because I have accepted you in my heart. 45 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE I’m getting very close to you, but there is a limit, a border, and I don’t know if we’ll manage to cross over. GODO I would very much like to do so. At Alice’s front door, they study the best time to try their first kiss. When one gets near, the other turns their face away. They keep playing this game for a few seconds. When they make up their minds, Godo turns his face and Alice almost falls. GODO (Vibrant) I know! I know how we can solve our problem! ALICE Good timing! GODO Come with me and I’ll explain everything. They keep talking. Victor appears dragging himself. VICTOR Godo, I’m not going to give you up so easily. 46 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados Exits, still dragging himself. SCENE 05 At Alice’s house, the Mother enters the room, talking on her mobile. MOTHER No, young man, he’s not in. He went to his judo class. Exactly, judo. (Hangs up) Alex, look who I’ve brought here. You may come in, dear. (Little cousin Odete enters. She is an overdressed, over made up teenager) Little cousin Odete. (Noticing her son is not there) Where the hell is he? ODETE Auntie, I can come back another time... MOTHER No, my dear, I want you to come more often to my house now that Alex is behaving himself. I remember so well how you two played together when you were kids. After that night you slept over here, the two of you split up. ODETE Right, we wanted to play different games. Are you sure he’s changed? I can’t believe that, Auntie. I thought he was so sure...of his disobedience. 47 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados MOTHER Everything changes, my child. Even more so with Saint Margaret’s help. But where is he? (All of a sudden, the Mother notices the open closet and the old clothes scattered over the room) What are these clothes doing here? ODETE Didn’t I tell you? (Picks up a piece that interests her) Wow, this is nice. MOTHER Where is that boy? Alex! ODETE Hey, auntie, can I take these legging pants with me? MOTHER Take everything, Odete. Get this stuff out of my sight. MOTHER (Shouting from the bedroom window) Alex? Alex, is that you, son? I could swear I had heard Alex. VICTOR And you did. (Victor appears, all patched up) He’s just been here. MOTHER Who are you? 48 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados VICTOR I’m Victor, the neighbourhood heart-throb. MOTHER Or what’s left of him. VICTOR You know what, ma’am? I know a couple things about your son’s new girlfriend. MOTHER Do you know the girl? Does she come from a good family? VICTOR First of all, I can tell you she is a rather unconventional girl. MOTHER What do you mean? VICTOR I suppose you’ve always dreamt of a wedding where your son is the groom and not the bride. Right? I guess this daughter-in-law is not going to give you that. MOTHER Is she not religious? 49 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados VICTOR I don’t even know if you’ll be able to call her a daughter-in-law. MOTHER (Grabbing him and almost beating him) What do you know, young man? VICTOR Not to mention your grandchildren... MOTHER Tell me, before I punch your good eye and finish off whatever is left of your body. Is she abusing my son? VICTOR I’ll tell you. You haven’t got the faintest idea of where they are now. The Mother drags him inside the house. SCENE 06 We are at a TV show set, THE CELIO CRUZ SHOW. The host picks up the microphone. A billboard with the programme’s name may appear. 50 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados HOST Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. And now, I give you a quite unusual couple who has just taken a most delicate decision: Marriage? Well, before that, they have to sort out some details. I give you Godofredo and Alice. Enter the couple holding hands. They look a bit gloomy. HOST Good evening! GODO Hello. ALICE Hello. HOST So, Godofredo, you have quite an unusual request to make to the directors of the show. How long have you known each other? ALICE No, I’m Alice. He is Godo. HOST Please, forgive me. 51 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GODO Hi, no problem... We met a couple of weeks ago. ALICE One week and four days... GODO And eight hours and 26 minutes... HOST And you’re so deep in love already. GODO Totally. HOST How did you meet? GODO At the gay-friendly afternoon dance in our neighbourhood. Alice was doing her act. ALICE I lip dub songs with my friends. By the way, I’d like to send Pa, Mi and Ga a kiss. 52 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GODO They were playing that Lulu Santos song. I couldn’t resist, so I went on stage and... ALICE Grabbed me… GODO Then I noticed there was that boob stuffing popping out, falling in my hands. I ended up with her boobs in my hands. ALICE And I felt his tits pressing against my chest. Real tits. GODO “It’s a guy.” ALICE “It’s a girl.” GODO Like, get real, I always thought I was into women. ALICE And that I was into men. 53 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GODO Got it? HOST I’m trying. ALICE We’ve tried to change... I dressed up as a boy. GODO I tried to put on a skirt... I’d never worn one before, it was funny. ALICE I even put on trainers. But it was so not me. GODO So we decided that, if we really wanted to be together, we should come here to your show. ALICE So that Godo can turn into my prince. GODO And Alice can turn into my princess. 54 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE And we can be together forever. GODO We came here to ask for... two surgeries. HOST (Playing silly, provoking) What kind of surgery? Tonsils? ALICE No. GODO Sex-change operations. ALICE I’d become a woman. GODO And I’d become her husband. HOST Let me see if I get this right. You want money for your sex-change operations? You’ll become a man and you’ll become a woman... 55 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GODO Exactly. I want to be able to look for Alice under the sheets and find the woman I know she is. ALICE I want to lean on Godofredo’s chest without having to feel a bra or anything else under a bra. GODO We still haven’t been able to be together. We’re virgins and we want to lose our virginity to each other. HOST Hey, production team! Look… How long have we been presenting this show? Two years? Two years! I’ve never heard such a crazy story. Have you? (He asks the audience) What about you? But, are you sure? Are you really sure? Because after doing it, you can’t go back. (Nasty laughter) Then the “thing” won’t be there anymore and whatever is there can’t be removed. There’s the trouble. Come to think of it, mate, if you remove the “thing”, you see … the next day you look and it isn’t there anymore. (He addresses another member of the audience) GODO We’re positively sure, Celio. You see, we’ve even talked to people that have gone through this. 56 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE And they all advised us to do it. HOST But you two are so young, what about your parents? GODO (After a pause) Our parents don’t know we’re here. ALICE We cannot afford this alone. HOST Our production team is telling me that they got in touch with the kids’ parents and they’ve refused to be on the show. But Godofredo’s aunt, who is a lawyer, accepted our invitation and is willing to talk on behalf of the family. You may come in, Mrs. Egidia. Enter Mrs. Egidia. Circumspect, glasses in hand, she comes in to make her point. EGIDIA I’m here to represent Godofredo’s family and I’m sure that I’m speaking on behalf of this girl’s parents too. GODO Aunt Egidia, I don’t need you to speak on my behalf. 57 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados EGIDIA No! What you need is some reason and two more years to be of age. HOST How old are you? GODO 21. EGIDIA She’s 16, going on 17. She lost her parents. This girl is still under her grandmother’s responsibility. Therefore, Celio, you must admit that she has no complete control of her decisions. Let alone make a decision like this: to mutilate her own body. ALICE God damn it! If it were a kidney, no-one would make such a fuss. EGIDIA And he’s not even old enough to be the owner of his own willie. HOST Alice, don’t you think you’re a bit young to be so sure? 58 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE I am sure. I AM. I don’t even know what to do with “that” when I get dressed. Where should I put it? Believe me, Celio, I’ve known it since I was very little. EGIDIA Son, how can you be so sure that you’ll never desire any woman? That you’ll never love a woman? ALICE I love women. Women are such fabulous beings that when I faced the woman inside me, I let her come out and take over. The woman inside me won. And the woman inside me loves the man inside Godo. EGIDIA If you miss it in the future, you’ll feel an abyss inside you. Even worse: it’ll be a bottomless abyss. ALICE Oh, this is so boring. HOST (More ironic) “To have or not to have: that is the question”. (Subtitles appear) 59 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados EGIDIA What about you, girl? Can’t you see the gift God has given you? A womb, the source of all creation. GODO Auntie, I dream every single night that I have a cock. Do you know what this is? Every night! I wake up late at night, I put my hand on my groin and my nightmare starts. At school, the teacher used to ask me: what would you like to be when you grow up? I replied: a man. I have no doubt. HOST We have a caller. Hello? VOICE OFF Hi, Celio. Ok, look, my current name is Maria Clara, but I was born Adolfo. I’ve decided to call you to give my testimony because I found the kids’ story so beautiful and I myself got operated on two years ago. And I can guarantee: today I’m complete and a happy woman. Hello, madam? What’s her name again? EGIDIA I’m not going to talk to this thing. VOICE OFF Well, but I want to tell you one thing: I don’t regret my decision one single bit. My first day without a penis was wild. It looked as if I had been reborn. I crossed my legs and nothing 60 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados reminded me that I wasn’t a woman. Nothing. I was free and didn’t have to menstruate, what else do you want? Alice? ALICE Hi. VOICE OFF Be strong, sweetheart. Don’t give up. Oh, I love you, Celio, bye. HOST Thank you, Maria. But, Mrs. Egidia, don’t you believe that these two youngsters love each other? Look at these kids, can’t you see that they were made for each other? EGIDIA Quite honestly? No! HOST But she is a woman... EGIDIA For now… If they carry on like this. Enter Alice’s Mother and grabs Alice, she begins to take her off scene. The Mother comes with a towel wrapped around her head in order not to be identified. 61 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados HOST What is this? Who are you? MOTHER Family. ALICE Mum? MOTHER Shame! Shame! HOST Are you the mother? Tell us how you feel after seeing what your son came here for. MOTHER It’s so humiliating. It’s a lot of pain. He’s my only child. I feel like someone who’s got only one tooth, and that tooth is decayed. HOST What a strong image! MOTHER Let’s leave now. You’re a shame to your family, coming here on TV. 62 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE Godofredo! EGIDIA Stay here. GODO Alice! The relatives grab them and take each one to opposite sides. Both hold on to the TV studio floors. They leave screaming loudly while being separated. Celio grabs one hand of each, acting as a tug of war. GODO Help us, Celio. HOST They love each other. EGIDIA We’ll talk when they’re of age. MOTHER The whole neighbourhood watched this filth. 63 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados HOST My wrist!! GODO Will you wait for me, Alice? ALICE Until the very last day of my life. EGIDIA In one year’s time they both won’t even remember each other. MOTHER I’m going to have to move out of the neighbourhood because of you, young lady. HOST Help! I think I have dislocated my shoulder. Celio releases them. They are dragged outside. ALICE GODOFREDO!!! (In despair, she plucks tufts of her own hair out) GODO I’ll grow up as a man, I’ll come back as a man to pick you up... 64 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE GODOFREDO!!! They are dragged off stage. HOST I’d like you both to come back... after the operation... (Desperate screaming from both of them is heard, even after leaving the stage. Celio cries. Fake tears, or maybe not…) Water, a glass of water, please. And on tomorrow’s show we’ll keep discussing gay-related issues. Don’t miss: Gay couple receives a Pit Bull Terrier puppy as a gift. They raise it as their own son and last week the puppy attacks them both. He barks, grunts, he doesn’t recognize them anymore. Amazing: would intolerance be in its blood? Don’t miss the complete story on tomorrow’s show. We’ll bring the couple and a psychiatrist-vet to discuss the theme. And more: an outraged woman assaulted a man who refused to give up his place on a bus. According to the aggressor, he’d rather give up his seat to another man with whom he was shamelessly flirting. The assaulted man says he gives up his place to whoever he pleases. Tomorrow, we’ll put them all together: the woman, both men and the bus driver, who witnessed it all. The show is off the air. Meanwhile, the “circus” is dismantled. HOST Girl, come here. (Calling a show production assistant) PRODUCTION ASSISTANT 65 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados Yes, Mr. Cruz. HOST I want you to get me Alice’s phone number. I’ll try to help her. Exits the Production Assistant. HOST (Maliciously) I think what that cutie really needs is a real man. SCENE 07 Alice’s friends are sitting down. Sadly, they talk about what happened to their friend. MI Guys, it’s official: it’s on Twitter. The whole community is saying that Alice is really going to be sent out of the county. GA Oh, Alice must be going through a tough moment. MI We have to do something. We cannot let her be taken so far away. What if she goes to a city with no shopping centre? 66 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALL (Terrified) No! PA Girls, I’ve never seen Alice look at someone as she looks at Godofredo. So, if our friend found “the one”, I think we should help her. GA Her mother won’t change her mind. She has a heart of stone. MI I’ve always thought that lesbians were too much trouble. But although I’m still not quite used to the idea, I like Alice so much to let this go. We have to do something. GA I think so too. PA But what can we do all alone? MI Defenceless... GA Fragile... 67 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados PA Alone... MI Defenceless... GA Fragile... PA Alone... HUGO (Off stage) You’re not alone. We can help. Performing a macho choreography, enter Godo’s three friends. HUGO We were thinking about the same thing. PEDRO We have to bring them back together. Though I really think, and I have to be honest with you, I think that Godo would be a lot happier with a less complicated lady. 68 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados LUIS We don’t know where she lives, but you could take us there. PA What’s the plan? HUGO We put some of our savings together. We give them the money and help them escape. PA This is so rad. So romantic. I told you that lesbians could have a romantic attitude too! Guys, nothing was ever so wicked. HUGO What is it? MI (Staring at Hugo) I’ve never been so close to a teen-lesbian. GA Cut the hysteria! Let’s go girls, boys… People, let’s fight for our friends. 69 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados SCENE 08 Alice is packing her bag and her mother is helping her. MOTHER No way, young man. Those clothes stay, you can throw them in that bag because they’re going to be incinerated. By the way, your cousin asked if she could borrow them, if you don’t mind. Cousin Odete enters picking clothes up and trying them on. ODETE Gee, Alex, this blouse is lovely. May I try everything on? MOTHER Yes, you may. ALICE Mum, it’s my Alexandre Herchcovitch9 top. MOTHER You won’t need it where you’re going. 9 Brazilian top fashion designer. British designer Alexander McQueen has a similar professional attitude/style. 70 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE Where am I going? MOTHER To one of the best schools in São Paulo.10 ALICE Where, mum? MOTHER In the countryside. It is the county’s finest military school. ALICE Military? MOTHER I’m sorry, son, but your father and I agree on this matter. You need something to forge your character, a strict education and a pattern of masculine behaviour. I’m going to miss you, but we’ve been already away from each other for a long time, my son. As winding as it may seem, I believe this is the best path for us to meet again. One day, I hope, you’ll understand me. The Mother leaves the room, hiding her tears. Alice carries on packing the most masculine clothes from her closet in her bag. She sings. 10 São Paulo is the richest state in Brazil. 71 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados “When he speaks A waterfall washes my ears Stones dress up in moss And become soft images Which soothe my eyes…” Hugo jumps the window from the outside. ALICE Who are you? HUGO Relax! Relax! You can take your bag and come with us, we’re here to help. ALICE Us? Who’s there with you? PA Come, baby, it’s us. We’re going to take you to Godofredo. ALICE But what if my mum catches us? MI 72 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados That’s why we have to be quick. Let’s go. What’s this in your hand? ALICE The clothes I should take to boarding school. MI Gee, those are totally tacky. ALICE It’s not worse than the uniform I am supposed to wear at the military school. MI These people are so dumb. Military school, catholic school, that’s where the scene is stronger. It’s not going to fix anything, but only reinforce his tendencies. PEDRO Hurry up. MI Drop this suitcase and pick up your bag with your real clothes. They grab Alice and exit with her. Victor moves from behind the wardrobe. VICTOR Those G-L-B-T…Y-M-C-A people think they are so smart. 73 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados MOTHER (Coming back) You again? What is it this time? VICTOR He ran away. He dashed out to meet that boy, your future daughter-in-law. MOTHER I’ll go there. VICTOR Yes, you will. But you’ll need to take some sort of official action. I know exactly what to do and we have to act quickly, just like a corrupt person’s mind. MOTHER (Pause) Why would you want to help so much? You’re no friend of my son’s. VICTOR I’ve never thought, but I’m crazy about that chubby fatty cutie. I want Godo! MOTHER But he doesn’t want to carry on being a girl for too long... VICTOR I don’t care. I want him even after he’s operated on. 74 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ODETE (Enters) How do I look? (Noticing Victor) Gee, who is he, auntie? MOTHER Too late, sweetie. VICTOR My heart belongs to a lesbian and I’m proud to say that to everyone. Let’s go Mrs. Mother, let’s rescue your son and my beloved lady. They both exit and Odete follows them. SCENE 09 Godofredo is laying down, his head on his Grandmother’s lap. He hums very low. “When she speaks A waterfall washes my ears Stones dress up in moss And become soft images Which soothe my eyes…” GODO Granny, as I cannot join the French Legion, I’m going to a military boarding school. I’m going to exile myself from love. 75 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GRANDMOTHER This is nonsense, darling. As if there was some fortress that would protect you. (Pause) But for what it’s worth, maybe you should go travelling. GODO Where to? GRANDMOTHER Your uncle and aunt want to take you to the countryside. To a place away from the danger that surrounds you here. GODO Go travelling? ALICE (Enters) But I won’t let you. GODO Alice! Enter the friends. They sing “The Last of the Romantics” as a musical background. ALICE They brought me here. 76 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados GODO But what about your Mum? ALICE She must be on her way. Let’s run away. GODO Where to? How? ALICE Our friends gave us some money. Your relatives and my parents will never let us be together. GODO Granny, what do you think? GRANDMOTHER If they ask me something, I’ll tell them I saw nothing, my boy. Your uncle and aunt have already been accusing me of that, anyway. GODO Let’s go then. Victor enters triumphantly, putting an end to the musical background. 77 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados VICTOR Where do you think you’re going? GODO I can’t believe it. This bloke doesn’t get a grip. VICTOR (Enters limping, carrying flowers) Godo, I’ve never imagined that I would say this, but I want you to be with me. I’ve learned to like you. All those years were just a “test-drive”, you’re the person that I want to be with. ALICE The nerve! This man is mine. VICTOR No way. This girl is mine. GODO No-one ever fought over me before. ALICE He’s mine! VICTOR 78 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados She is mine, he is mine!11 Alice hits him with a subtle blow and gets him on the floor once more. ALICE Beware of the agility of a woman in love. VICTOR If you don’t belong to me, I’ll belong to no-one else. (Victor whistles) Enters Mother surrounded by some policemen. MOTHER Let’s put an end to this nonsense. ALICE Who are these men? MOTHER Apparitors. That’s the only way I can help you, my son. Enough! I came here escorted by the law. You’re under age and will be coming with me, young lady... young man. Lord, even I am getting confused. GODO 11 In the Original: “Ela é meu.” Another trick with word genders not possible in the English language. 79 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados But Mrs. Mother, don’t you realize we want to be together? MOTHER You’re two very lost children, with the wrong idea about your bodies. I know very well, young lady, that you’ve been putting confusing ideas into my boy’s head. Victor told me all about it. VICTOR Excuse me, but I insist that I’m the best for Godofredo. Come into my arms. (The Grandmother, sensing Victor approaching her granddaughter, puts her cane on his way and he falls) GRANDMOTHER Oops. VICTOR How does she do that? GRANDMOTHER (To her granddaughter) Listen up, Godo, let her go. She is a minor, my boy. GODO I meet someone like her and lose her right away... GRANDMOTHER 80 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados I think you didn’t lose anything. You’ve already accomplished the most important thing. Now, let time work for you. You’ve fought till the end. GODO You’re right, Granny. Alice, you should go. I’ll wait for you in this body or in any other body. ALICE Me too. I’ll only lose my virginity to you. GODO What if we get married and I get pregnant? ALICE Then I’ll put on weight too and we’ll hide it from all the neighbours. GODO They’ll think I have a beer belly and your belly carries our child. ALICE You’re the cutest, sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. A cloud is not afraid of an airplane, a cake is not afraid of the knife, a piece of cotton is not afraid of the needle, you’re not afraid of anything. Because cute sweet things accept others and teach them how to be together. Both turn to the audience holding hands. 81 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE My name is Alex, but my friends call me Alice. I’m seventeen and I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’m looking for my first, my only, my true one. GODO My name… I can’t say it, it’s too ugly. But my friends call me Godo, I’m seventeen and I’ve never kissed anyone. Maybe you won’t believe it, but I’m waiting for someone who’d give me all the answers. She should be silent, quiet; sleep by my side and give me all the answers. ALICE Someone who wouldn’t let me sleep at night and would make me daydream all day long… GODO Someone who’d gather the most beautiful words and plant them inside my ear with her tongue… ALICE ... someone who’d save me and protect me and at the same time, put me in danger, at risk. GODO ... someone who’d make me feel alive for the first time and make clear that my life has begun. I wish I were in someone’s heart just for a second to make sure I can find myself in there… 82 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados ALICE a hug grabbing you from all sides just like the sea. GODO a storm announcing itself from far away so that we know that it’s getting closer but we don’t move, letting ourselves get drenched. ALICE a butterfly approaching so that we stand still, waiting for beauty to land on our arm, hoping it will never go away. GODO the cattle sensing the hot iron that threatens their leather so that they know there’s no use moving because they’ll be branded forever. ALICE Light and strong... GODO will touch us. ALICE and GODO I’m happy he/she is right here. ALICE 83 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados Why is the way to you so rough? GODO Miracle is a path full of stones. Excuse me, there’s something in your mouth that belongs to me: this kiss. They kiss. Everyone is excited except for Victor and Alice’s Mother. They sing. “There are two kinds of people in the world, Those who are chased by love And those who chase love, Those who starve And those who never did, Those who write poems And those who write reports, Those who always make up And those who always make peace, Those who live up their dreams And those who hide them There are two kinds of people in the world, And just one world that depends on them And just one God that kisses them good night And just “one size fits all” death which one day will embrace them There are two kinds of people in the world 84 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados Those who seek for each other, You and I” In the end, Alice is taken away. Excited by the romantic atmosphere, Mi kisses Hugo. MI No, it doesn’t work for me the same way it works for Alice. HUGO Me neither. MI But It’s ok, I’m closer to girls like you now. Who knows we can go to the cinema together? ODETE (Hitting on Luis) You know, I really liked your shirt. LUIS (To Pedro) Look who’s playing easy to get... PEDRO I wonder if she is aware of your... ‘peculiarities’ LUIS I’ll explain it to her, afterwards. Then it’ll be too late because she’ll be totally into me... 85 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados VICTOR (Crying over Pedro’s shoulder) What about me? I was so close to her. I’ve never had a love, just companionship. Godo, I’m going to register at the same school you’re going to study. Botucatu, Taubaté, Catanduva12... I’ll follow you... GRANDMOTHER Let’s come inside, my son. GODO In a while, granny. Godofredo is left alone on stage. GODO I read something about a man who fought in the war. When the war was over, he became blind. There was no medical explanation, he lost his sight and that was it. I guess he was afraid to face the world after killing so many people. For him, everyone was blaming him. He was afraid to see what the world turned into after so much suffering. He was afraid of seeing the world putting the blame on him. Today, I lose my sight too. I don’t want to see what the world will be like without you by my side. And I’m only getting it back, when your eyes are in front of mine. (Godo blindfolds his face with Alice’s handkerchief) VOICE OFF “Love is essential. Sex, mere accident. Can be equal or different”. (Fernando Pessoa) 12 Small cities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. 86 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno PROJETO CONEXÕES – – todos os direitos reservados Godo sings while lights go down. “There are two kinds of people in the world, And just one world that depends on them And just one God that kisses them good night And just “one size fits all” death which one day will embrace them There are two kinds of people in the world Those who seek for each other, You and I” THE END... 87 Godofreedo & Alice– Newton Moreno