SOME HISTORICAL FACTS IN 1989 DURING THE FOUNDATION OF IBAMA WE PREPARE A STRUCTURE TO WORK IN AN INTEGRATED EMERGENCY CENTER WITH : FIRE , OIL SPILLS AND HAZMAT (CHEMICHALS) ACCIDENTS I PREVFOGO PROJECT ± WILDFIRES IN CONSERVATION UNITS - 1989 Environmental Protection Directory - DIPRO I PROARCO PROJECT ± AMAZON RORAIMA WILDFIRE ± 1998 National Environmental Emergencies Coordination - CGEMA I GUANABARA BAY - 2000 Æ PNC ± OIL SPILL I CATAGUAZES - 2003 Æ P2R2 ± DANGEROUS CHEMICHAL PRODUCTS I CGEMA Æ CREATED IN 2006 ± PROPOSAL TO ACT IN PREVENTION ALWAYS REACTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE CONTINGENCY PLANNING PROCESS IN BRAZIL ITOPF TRANSPETRO SEMINAR RIO NOVEMBER 2009 IBAMA Structure IBAMA Overview Conselho Gestor I MMA ± Ministry Level - Federal IBAMA - Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Renewable Resources Operational (similar to EPA+USFS fire ) I Agents: 5,000 I Nominated to deal with environmental emergencies: 180 agents I IBAMA is not a first response institution. Its role is to license, monitor the accidents and impose law enforcement I PRESIDÊNCIA I Proge Assessoria Auditoria Gabinete SUPES DIPLAN DIQUA DILIC DIPRO DBFLO Logística Substâncias Químicas En.Elétrica Fiscalização Flora e Floresta Transporte, Mineracao e Obras Monitoramento Financas TI Gestão da Qualidade Emergências Petróleo e Gas RH Fauna e Pesca ACTIVITIES IBAMA direct intervention areas Accidents from activities licensed by IBAMA Accidents that affects Federal Conservation Units and their buffer zone Accidents that affects other federal government possessions like federal rivers, lakes, territorial sea, caves, indigenous areas .etc) Environmental impacts from accidents on International borders or in 2 or more States . Accidents with radioactive material with CNEN - Eletronuclear By the request of the justice ± General Attorney Supplementary by the request of State or local environmental authorities LOCAL IBAMA TEAMS Individual Protection Equipment Desktop, Laptop and multifunction printer GPS, Digital Camera and Binoculars Establish the environmental emergency teams in all 27 brazilian states Indirect attendance of Environmental Accidents Partnership with other Federal, State and Local agencies Risk mapping Road, rivers and terminal blocks for inspection with partners Daily update of national accidents and IBAMA actuation on Internet Emergency environmental education campaigns Training for our local teams and integration with other agencies TRAINING MATERIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL INTEGRATION SIMULATIONS Monthly Reports Accidents Communications Daily Update CGEMA SITE ICS PROCEEDURES Accident Communication Forms Preliminary Informations Immediate Accident Communication Just one sheet to facilitate the form filling and information dispatch Available on Internet at IBAMA site Filling Orientation Manual RELATÓRIO Acidentes Ambientais 2006 2007 2008 Freshwater World Wide Comparisons ± Brazil America (other countries) 34% Brazil 12% Asia 32% Europe 7% Africa 9% Australia / Oceania 6% (source: UNESCO) Environmental Accidents in 2008 ± Highways Freshwater in America ± Brazil Central America 6% South America (other countries) 32% North America 34% Brazil 28% Most dangerous Federal Highways ± accidents with hazardous substances (source: UNESCO) BR 101 BR 163 Freshwater + Highways BR 319 BR 040 BR 116 Environmental Accidents ± Substances Explosives (1) Gas (2) Flammable gas (2.1) Nonflammable gas (2.2) Poisonous Gas (2.3) Flammable Liquids (3) Flammable Solids (4.1) Spontaneously Combustible Solids (4.2) Dangerous when Wet (4.3) Oxidizin agent (5.1) Organic Peroxide (5.2) Poison (6.1) Biohazard (6.2) Corrosive (8) Miscellaneous (9) More than 1 substance Not applicable Not classified Not specified Not informed Environmental Accidents ± Impacts "2008" "2007" "2006" 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Environmental Accidents ± Sources Refinery 1% Fuel posts 2% Pipeline 2% Storage Ports and harbours 3% 4% Dams 4% Highways 34% Platforms 5% Railway 6% Other 18% Vessels 13% Industries 8% Environmental Accidents in 2008 ± Substances 1361 22% Other 26% 1760 1% 1830 2% 1203 17% (gasoline) 3082 3% 1263 3% 1170 7% 1202 7% (diesel) 1075 12% Environmental Accidents in 2008 ± Oil Accidents statistics by type of product and highways Oil ± 1st substance most involved in road accidents Oil ± 2nd substance most involved in road accidents Roadblocks IBAMA s Prevention Measures in Inland Areas I Involves the following group of institutions: IBAMA, Civil Defense, Federal Highway Police, Regional Environment Agencies, etc. I Consists of roadblocks in the most dangerous Federal Highways (First Step Measure) I Inspections at companies liable for illegal trucks (Second Step Measure) During the roadblocks, the teams check: I Documentation ± driver s license, environmental agency permit, driver s training certificate, invoice, etc.) I Safety equipment ± personal safety equipment (mask, gloves, boots, etc.); and first response equipment (warning signs, fire extinguisher, flashlights, cones, tools, etc.) I Truck conditions ± leaking, rusting, and cracking in the tank MJ / DPRF - 12ª SRPRF/ES MJ / DPRF - 12ª SRPRF/ES MJ / DPRF - 12ª SRPRF/ES MJ / DPRF - 12ª SRPRF/ES Roadblocks Roadblocks (PRF) Roadblocks Roadblocks (PRF) (PRF) Would you breathe into it ?? EMPTY ?? (PRF) (PRF) Inspections Inspections I When the government agents find irregularities during the roadblocks, the companies are selected for an inspection and can have their activities suspended I Normally, when the truck is in bad shape, the company is also out of standards Inspections Inspections SMABC Results I Innovative approach in use at IBAMA, acting on prevention measures instead of remediation I Educational focus I Program held in 10 states in 2008 - 2009 I BR $1.500,000,00 in fines (US $700.000,00) Mosaic ± Risk Mapping Exemplo de imagem Exemplo de imagem SMABC - Hidrology Oil spill detection and soil/area contamination Exemplo de imagem Old Fire, San Bernardino National Forest Thermal infrared light, shown in red, depicts fire activity in Del Rosa neighborhood Corral Fire, Los Angeles County, California, 24 November 2007 Corral Fire, Los Angeles County, California, 24 November 2007 As viewed by the PSW FireMapper® thermal-imaging radiometer As viewed by the PSW FireMapper® thermal-imaging radiometer >600 400 200 75 74 0 Color-coded surface temperatures (degrees Celsius) as viewed from the NNE at 10:35 PST. Here a Santa Ana wind has driven the fire to the south through chaparral in the Santa Monica Mountains above Malibu; subsequent spread is lateral to the wind and uphill. Some Environmental Accidents that IBAMA was envolved Mato Grosso ± March 2008 Ceará ± March 2008 Tombamento de caminhão com agrotóxicos diversos em rodovia. Derramamento de óleo no Porto de Mucuripe Ibama participou junto com o Órgão Estadual de Meio Ambiente Ibama autuou por poluição Rio Grande do Sul ± January 2008 (PARNA Lagoa do Peixe) Derramamento de óleo no Parna Lagoa do Peixe Ibama solicitou apoio à Transpetro, articula a limpeza final. Paraíba ± March 2008 Santa Catarina ± February 2008 Rompimento de barragem de água. Naufrágio de barcaça e derramamento de óleo. Ibama realizou vistoria e não constatou danos significativos. Ibama acompanha todas as etapas a pedido do Ministério Público Pará ± November 2007 (REBIO Trombetas) Acident SC state (south) Appearance of oiled august/september 2008 pinguins in the shore in Rescue of 350 individuals In only one beach 400 death animals Unknow polluter Derramamento de óleo na Rebio Trombetas. Ibama autuou por falta de comunicação. Acident BA state (northeast) I I I I I Appearance of oil in Bahia beaches in october/november 2008 Affect turtles in TAMAR Project area Unknow polluter Rescue Teams IBAMA (CGEMA/SUPES-BA/ESREG-Ilhéus), IMA (antigo CRA), ICMBio (Projeto TAMAR), CDA (Petrobrás), Prefeitura Municipal (Ilhéus e Maraú). BRAZILIAN NATIONAL CONTINGENCY PLAN Brazilian Legislation NATIONAL EMERGENCY PLAN FEDERAL SCALE FOR ALL TYPES OF ACCIDENTS I Law 9.605/98 ± ³&ULPHVDJDLQVWWKHHQYLURQPHQW´ Article 56. To Produce, process, package, import, export, sell, supply, transport, use or store product or toxic substance, dangerous or harmful to human health or the environment, in disaccordance with the requirements established in laws or in its regulations: Penalty ± Detention of one to four years and fine. Being prepared and supervised by the Ministry of Integration (National Civil Defense System), Ministry of Environment ± MMA and IBAMA, in a consulting contract . Deals with all threats including bioterrorism, tech, climate and environmental issues Individual Emergency Plans ± PEI Law 9.966/2000 ± Resolution CONAMA 293/2001 updated by Resolution CONAMA 398/2008 - 11/06/2008 (recent) INDIVIDUAL EMERGENCY PLAN ± PEI CONAMA ± 398 Legislation Lei 9.966/2000 ± Oil Law Individual Emergency Plans ± PEI Law 9.966/2000 ± Resolution CONAMA 293/2001 updated by Resolution CONAMA 398/2008 11/06/2008 (recent) Areas with concentration of activities needs to develop na Area Plan Decreto Federal n. 4.871/2003 ( Ex - PA São Sebastião Transpetro Terminal, port, alchool and gas pipe ) Proposes the minimum content for the Individual Emergency Plan for oil pollution incidents in national jurisdiction waters. Need to be prepared for ports, terminals, platforms, pipelines, refineries, shipyards and all similar instalations. I The plans need to be elaborated following the next contents : I 1. Identification of the installation I 2. Accident scenarios I 3. Information and proceedures for response I 3.1. Alert Systems for Oil Spill I 3.2. Incident Communication I 3.3. Organized Structure for Response I 3.4. Equipments and response material National Contingency Plan ± PNC (waiting for another huge accident to be approved - burocracy) INDIVIDUAL EMERGENCY PLAN - PEI CONAMA ± 398 - CONTINUATION I 3.5. Operational response proceedures I 3.5.1. Proceedures for oil discharge interruption I 3.5.2. Proceedures for the oil spill contention I 3.5.3. Proceedures to protect vulnerable areas I 3.5.4. Proceedures to monitor the oil spot I 3.5.5. Proceedures to recover the spilled oil I 3.5.6. Proceedures for mechanical and chemical dispersion of the spilled oil I 3.5.7. Proceedures to clean up the area affected I 3.5.8. Proceedures to collect and disposal of the generated residuals I 3.5.9. Proceedures to move the resources I 3.5.10. Proceedures to obtain and update relevant information I 3.5.11. Proceedures to register the response actions I 3.5.12. Proceedures to protect the population I 3.5.13. Proceedures to protect the fauna I 4. Closing Operations I 5. Maps, nautical charts, sketchs, drawings and photos I 6. Annexs CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR CONSERVATION UNITS PARTNERS CIVIL DEFENSE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL INSTITUTION (OEMA); HIGHWAY PATROL PETROBRAS FIREFIGHTERS NAVY ABIQUIM MILITARY POLICE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICE COMMUNITY PRIVATE COMPANIES NGO S etc As fontes do fundo americano são: I Taxa sobre produção e importação de petróleo - U$ 0,05 por barril, coletado da indústria petrolífera; ( até um teto) I Transferências de outros fundos para poluição; (Brasil Fonte 142- TCU) I Reposição de gastos pelas empresas responsáveis; I Pagamento de multas e penalidades civis, regulamentadas pelo Oil Pollution Act. (Lei de Crimes Ambientais) O OSLTF é estruturado basicamente em duas partes. Uma pequena porção do fundo é disponível para os Federal On Scene Coordinators, ou seja, servidores do governo (local ou federal) designados como coordenadores de acidentes ambientais em áreas pré definidas. (Contratação de serviços privados) O restante do fundo é utilizado para pagar indenizações e custeio de agências governamentais relacionadas à pesquisa, prevenção e combate a acidentes ambientais. EMERGÊNCIAS AMBIENTAIS Diretoria de Proteção Ambiental - DIPRO Coordenação Geral de Emergências Ambientais - CGEMA [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 55 (61) 3316-1356/1070 Fax 55 (61) 3307-3382 INTEGRATION