iiUifi PI LLS m Plailfff Works. flilii`G
iiUifi PI LLS m Plailfff Works. flilii`G
MISCELLANEOUS. lailn Jpcmocrat Iuiu.-ia- iii IS1POBTEB worthy of of tie visitor to LoukTill a l S praaaat Lima, it --ha gnmt. truck autaa. factory tuporioB of J. H. MeCiaary, om aortAeast eonser of Fonnk aad manufactory cm --fala streets. Hi Uu-jable kin to scr-pltrunks, Tali set, bonne' ths plaoa Is. J. . Cosr 101 Cask. J. H Bnutk & Bra are selling oat ticir tn'in lock f furniture at cos, being - e making a charge ia business They ar ffaring indaeements, at a gr?t sacrifice, t house keepers la replenish their Leuse Call and look fir before buyine elsewhere, at No. tSM-ra- et street, between Second and Third. dim BTBEET, BETWEEN WALNUT iA Ir"W Cf lVir..S EL1NP3. fASiI. Vi lT.:uf :u. fret E- I TO IUHBAIIOUX IBUCOEHs-O- " A never f&ilel where K. . ir:y art. r one utr.clt ill. In tact, cheaper, lea nun:Uer ol tliem ilt per Veselah'a B'nod Pnrlil r. lis t I u Oi tne , z ci.u it i box, or live box? Inn ri ic si. for UEH7 i'l ei an.; nancracisrer Ciivll lor Alc-i- us . 01 ISVIL Jj O IT FROM r v rit. or i:oi,wlifr ;.itrt ari i iCTn lu oi erAtlca. WO X SOUTH SIDE. THIRD LOUISVU-LC- , . REACH. 1...1 ai rl at' ;l rnicr. i .J ,acked a HW. six form. t R B aV .i.r.rf ter'. v aiternie.1 to. A iltRtjLAH-i'- ron.ot W h rOKli and HEAD TUE REACH QF ALL DAKAR'S GROVEIt SctviHff wlZacIiinc : Commission Merchant r. t (051. f. ln,.NeH end tnt)-nAM) Uiert is great fearthst wl.i, i Mi: ' tVl.i.a Ic P.lw " hu.1 wailre-- e i.ni 1. FEED AMI FbOUIXE 11F.1LKR, of dry lumber, aajih, dears, blinds. It. v. Wr.i'i ni C. riilr, iaur. k' aukliD cooi.ty SS Third atreet betweer Mla aad the River. He J r I'illt m?rl- lilt a chirm curt Headache atmnf atnoant tnaJaaler. awvj LOU1HVILUC. KY. Truly youra. AlTKNTIi'N (jIVKi TO THE fAI K of improvomenu la Louuvilie, it vill be in)ER!.NAL VTIL C. FILLER. ol 11.. li'it'T US. Ui.loLa, i, l- -. t rr i.i.Ant- tonating to tke publio to know that Alexl..r Orocerlea, Li'iuora ai:l Vanc'ecturwl an. tilled ander, Ellis k Co., kave enlarged their facon moet tavorai'le u rma lea the Ann .ie:trl YmiLnvn. Hies, January 14. 18SI mw i .'beral cajU advances n.a.le on oonalirnnienta. lnce I vent to Ton fni kave bow on hand several million Iw.xafr fryildirfer r: Not tory elldtfia of r cure ot tie Nervoai; Ha1- lor a received tit name: autl uey f airy lumber. Call at their office oa Main aH"ttn aoai,d .ilve'ie-an ' i.iu l aeoj wturl w stnajor m"r i'leae aeo.l by let'lrn n.ll. to atroot, msaxly opposite the (Kit Focae, cr at A. K. UUKKLtK. Vpallai.U, Mich. sireet. their factory on Fulton,abov ea rat t ote.tO do lluo. e tu oroer 10 ol t,ics;ioiie ' t. .tnum of that kin. !".' .la. :l jt.. X i.V A.VJ t ATI' 'MS Illt lltRRER, Arcnt,Kr. N lor applloevttu ui Uie LTrir.rv 1. Ms.;.i. ixbiiit.'. tti Ot Bisvi.v "I aoara rroru ell- Au irrj- . e v.r crv. '.urt . illi a a v. n c.riially ill 5 MjcANri.M. EuNrO?,A)3 LIVER I N NKVKK FT IS COMK'C.Mil.D VIHOn ATOR, PKBIMTtTK r.NTIK.-IL- ti a: d appr.Ae.1 b, w reeort i to witii ior vh'. h It laree-- ' Ithaa tiir.-- who had e l FKOM Ol'MS, AND tlmt have llej it. a.l. i.c- - In ad tbe lur..en.'.e 1. H u . W all unin Q.icaiea eU ipjr poM aaloi Wlil..oW. M lmad.ipt-- ; v''.-.- ! to ihe umpcrauieut The ol tl.e Individual LaVn;- It. j. ni l nacd in uch qum-ttleaaa to att gently on the ua ItoweLi. e i.r Let the diet. la UTTienl VIU iHti ill, in lltwi! ol the LI iih I I. ! V K " 1' O Bli.l.li.L'r I'lM!.-.-, Dl.tPKI'SI hkom.) MAi:i'.il!i H UMMEKOlWI LA!TS, t;c.'.--v H O I'lUai. M'l'K II A. C II O I. i 'llnl .EKA M.IKril F A i L "il. ril'll.KKA LLNCE. JALN- r'HTl KAli- -' .T till h, HEMALK ;, and r ly be IIIsue. aa all V I IUII.V MH'ICiNE. C I KaDACl K Itv cure IS thotisan.ia eji testliyl INL'Tr(,lh .aKvrV - U 'IHDMLLK lt.tAKETAKiiuitn E.v at conilueiicrmeut ot; ue. k. WHO USE IT ARK w uiVi.Na their test Iruouy CJ In Its favor. II ms Frm t. Frnniinrr, S"rf'H, pt!N a.r..mpl h the ..Mt for whl-- h they via; cure ot uaauai.ae m all tu lonua. rsiallc were the Frm the hveauccesa. Trr nure reel tested Sorf.ik, Fa. In From the Itemocrat, lei ll'entaTc advertisement of Er. Facford's IXYIGORATCK, U another L1VLR ,f " r crwrrw . al -- llCIvlk.Ly Minn. wl'h the Iloadarhe, LARr,ET From the AdterUtrr, Providence, B. L The Oerhattr Mil are aa'd te be a remarkably effect ve retii.d t.ir Ihe lira leche. and one of the verv bet ''r ibat very coniputiul aliich has ever been W. ttm K. Mr. lnJarae ha-tt'- K Gazette, Chicaon, IB. Bpalllne. and but ncrlvaled In Ial( riATl. TBKKB "PILLP- FAIL TO CTT5K wtiat la WETTrS Ot ALL beilr fnl!U.MIK III..,. ,..,.'..., to the tut.t Heace tl.e b.i; is tr W""i irvnl Acuf rirf" WrX. t - tvr firviB u aienicLACS rartkuiara: Te, Bsvef Ui li.to iierforia a aioJy ai.i perma A aaaa ACT ev Sell y. wk'teeXDnMei ajoaara. aoMCr uf am aaaer art U.ev Sd. Taay are recenamendei! only for or c!a of dla-Tiey are arreeable and converge,, to taVe. era. Thev centals m polaviioua uiferaia, Taer ee set tnnair the onraoic fnncrlona ef the aer.tnerr. or auy purl ol tlie eta. Tbey r(oira be oUier me tcne to ftrenere the eauaa aur tnelr reception, e ajuirwajda to aiiar IrrHa. Soa. Tt. eveee no a Korth'-r- "rat'-h- m ennv hnmt-n- j " kvat are prepare) le e torj. iimi eeo eeder toe benign Uidoencea ot &4iJt.m ea. tiemrmher, when jrm pvrrha-- e TtTlA thai at Wlu aell for a few Uayfl Greatly Reduced Prices the time to bny Now Limit DemoereU. for the article (Cephalic Plllf) yen want If BARGAIF.S rot Wa t to r an exauiiuaiwu uf our .tock, alt ! ! anl nii'1vr?oM, U a nicu wooW From the Advertiser. Providence, Jf. The txtimnny tv, rhelr favor la atronj, from reapectaMe i,i.iterw. tharpe', yon r.anaaa."aa aru-- l a arl k hh autiy L.iiia Law Sone 4V fX et Oi ar.d lMlr to toe rv, lyv i.aR rm wmi.K. thrM-eu- t to ue Mamra en four .riuir. la tke hiei'iera tlatM raturn Pbat it ov u vt Mfctea, will m.uL am l.. n r n, Insure a boule ol rOTTIR A 1ERWI5, Role rroprictora, AIXT Leetaviite . Irtl, SeM Va in New VV. r Kvwl Mm' b MO. LV IFiiruilmi.HI'I Uue, u fra FLOl'R.-- A . a ei at tue aaarka. pdu. J'JHS B. . aixl Maln- A A HTKA i McILt AIM IMAIN iri.VES A VB riCAKML'-- A , aMf.acK w ... iia OU. a. KU. Ikxp't atti S A B.eoaveeua o o JOff r eujrot uo o'.4 ptpea Deabie Plseanpk FM. oa hai ex.tiatAu'ii t rVN. will ONE HLNMLEB ttkr enma'ra liouaod K. ni win: frw Jls .i7 ICK1. MA.VrFAiTrtKROPt AVDT Xo aaaau Btatit aoa acsu, J,J J Mala etreet, IkURTER AND of kir.Jvu iouaar'i AI.S.-IIAVKSLrT taaiuDeaa Liub.n. etoui aoa FPALDING'8 ,rl a a rtil. tncl. thi-- w 6PALDISG PREPAKED GLUE PREPARED GLCE! S OavtnoF vrrt ST CF W.t- A L 2 n o it e n.ir" ef lvrnua''a l'le. Mo,-- t ient win I, v, ry aav luc rii PPALIUNli mrh erpereen-'ewm, ui lu It " A cent. Al'irca Aa IW m m Soft toiuea in wellnlated famhave eouie rbr,i i.n.1 r'uruiiure. lova.Ciockeo, Ac. r.?tPAEKD GLUE no honvhohl cn affonl a'aaya ready, awl up to the S i. p. ETKRV II0F8F. Biaah acoonipaniea each Bottle, Price, is TiEXRY C. FPAI.DIVO. CK1AK Sirett. Aew Vork. Ko. ,.,. CAUTION. Ip ed lbt d fir ale by A QJ. MASONIC TEMPLE, UiCIaYILI E AVD VKFiiRT AND 1.EXIX0T0.N ASH tl.A.NIirooi KAlLUifADe. 1 Sl ekRieratrufWr'a I rri Ky, March Hi, Inbl.f r. AND FBAVKPOKT AND LK1C THE liailr-aand t,s. t aia Oralroua of con He Cr tra tf f lor Ji,ioi to be delivered rr-reqo'reo, on Ilia llt.e ot I.I tu Mv aatd Kailn.a ;. 1 hel ,es ran I lie c. are! of bark.aawrd and rut ..it 'jilre al the endi, leet l .ta. all ot e..uu:ar-liewi ua a o oppolie ..tie- - li a pl a u. eeveri in, t,.a, with t.uea o.K lewa i ban eial.t tucbea cieae of aapwood. profiOlne Ui con'ract will Ky. pleaa ad'lreiu the aoderftlgne 1, at f AMI El. OiH.. tlip't. nrHdulwS PRA !f!WI. lt t.r u elit PilgrlmB." CUOAR oeied C !. 2WI BKLS fOW-IVEKlX(' CRUKHED. n.e aale l.v art gTauulated In at'.re and HADWW. mimihh aiias VAKNK BASS MaTSYTLLB OITToX aa, aaaorted numbera. In .t.nv and for Bale by Nir K. WIl'KM A l BUW 0!L.-- Al Ulla Jo vi LOCISVlLLv!. BY. i, J. M Mar. li. betw-r- A w, KV. 'vea of a change ti aaill ttl er to net I the AIUN". I1X t. 21 .Uf Ilaiotox, hsvini; pure' a- bmther. will continue tl.e al ttie u I nt.ii,l, on tl.e eat beta . aloe .11 Jua. UAI'DoX. (iLAZLVG VKRV CIIKAI BY EMANUEL LEWIS. I LAZIMJ IN HIE VERY o ei.1 r,ite p"s!ula. Jn aod rLe.e u.al II w.il .iuve a jtuie. ilrdi-rkit lit AM be lst ..t:ii!t..ii. LEW IMA AfiO'KTMKN'Tl FTHEL1IU1CE8T received a..d f.,r aa e by on, rKi, UM, .ll.l, li i.rvAR en., ;l. avd fluid i.a- ol evers !' ao l eniOract if all II. c lale-- t Ulipiovenien'e, Piatf. T Ith all the ilUK.MMi tilLrt lor eaie and 111 k.MMl F..C II) ef t'. HKlve aire? ia wcoi.a.e an l retail very low. We are the aaie ol Ihe lirerklnnde O.al OU lor Una clly aia.4e) aud lor Lunar On and Lam. (tbe for V. no woukl the aa.e ol aUxdu (or tl.e Lunar LlKiil. a lltit eiiual to live or nix tau'lkea Larn caudlei. can t bad at bait Ui coet of ona candlel Lunar and LaJiipa ara lust a aafe aa rii'i.llei,. V . apldtf N Fontth UAKDV at . near A ItKATTY. Xatlooal llolel. Morris & Hogg, 403 Main Street, 3d house FINK H b low Tourtb. ADK CLOTEIIfG! SHOULDEE-SEASHIRTS, All ft ret. In itock aad made to order, LADIES' rnrnishinr 1 criiv v WHEELER No. aeae xTrlrr-t-'H-:?'J4f- & WILSQH'S SEWING- MACIUNES, I'lX IX A I i.y tiie ilen i.e I til Coal Oil and .Lamps. va.tl:d! Coal Oil and Lamps Coal Oil and Lamps. tiioss-nt- : 3o,ooo store, LU!S1LLE. are atteinpttnr to imiiu ol on tha pllt.llc il.,iiatl.lia mv Phr.PAIirD i.i I.. I JU , (..n am ae. pun hsem r. a... I f the full name. tP AI.D! N(i-- PR EPA Ri I I.CE."S S l or. trr ouialde wrapper. All e'.hnr are awtnd'Pij Bl.p-:- el la!le IXc tic f?. FX certain OL'VE wAIkPMUl be ki. - nl' X. tl.. . to DISPATCH! .1 t be aiica'w J Battiwor Bora-- ; u t r. it.ed tjraiiUiaura doc Agents, 1 (iEKMtNY). ohohi tir- e "A 8tit.- - ut Tiai gavia Ki"ta." kS TTON rlwas 1iJINa.l Km Oeu.ti la' Third and Fourtk. WASHinaToisr the TO Aa a. cl wire AV 11S9, brine; don Me the aalea Machine old 21 Cf any other company la the tulou. Awarded the Fltat lVeiulum tu the 118 OF FA C. 8. 18.8. 1S.M AXD And at the Kentucky Mtate Fair for MCO. aa the FAMILY MACHINE! It naa no ahutt'e, m kea the alike on both no cliain or ri'te on the aides of the Ko.la. ao'ter aile of the bat half aa much anl Machlnea thread an the chiln-tlt- ch eVn.l or caU tor a ClrcuUr, coutalDlnf prlcea, te tlnieulalfl, etc. & CO., W1VI. fiUrvrrj-ET- of tine lliv tiiM I. Coiiimmik ol tl.e cilolcesl el let lateiv luiported by tbeiu tro.a taEKMANV, FRANCE. II'II.LAND AND hWlTZER LAM) In Tt.evtike thetse flmt r coo ' . a t to t lie e..u- ol lint l:l ! FAVE THE I'UXEd! aeereteirat oo. pints and an arte; ni.l-l l l:lTi:MLY Ol'KNKIl A SEW BT'lET, AT i,.1 h.ml nro-i.il.MKel aireei. liave ajrtireil i.o ei e.s.- 1:. liiliu.. up In ii.i ,1, op ary. their elore, heteaiu-- If TE KrCFIYED THE r'ECO'D INVCICE "Ve Pl'aTini taap..M aim can Luf trlve r u any A fo.tl..! : rr TTAVE Ohio. I CEPABED GLCE! FPALDIXG'S ""JTe CATAWBA Im 00 aoeen la atare end tor aae by .ie rititif M. UittgeBstiiiiijwCo., SPAI.rilJfS'? PRKPARr DOLUE teu timea lu coat at,ni.a'.y.e-- aa.-- If A FULL rUTI-OF ,n, A . i;n c1lVaI. a e.iX. $trttt, OK the Oimmerciut, CinannaU. humanity cat. noa be td:eved. . ir.Ti Jefr ton llielr hiiitu at law with purrtTiBinif ni.inuf ieiurer. in ihat lli pui.hc shall l benefited tlieron.', anil nave acor.tlnnly REDUCED ot ir rawing Mtculnea. inr. aeven year, the most poptllar Ilavlnx niai'e. f .r tn tne contitrv, and now f ann(y enl2 . 11(11), IMIO In th I Miami a, and luakiux pl. viiK HL.MiKr.l) l IflUMJ per .lay. Ih'y are pie- UK paled w.lh ancu extraordinary lacll tle an experience to ft" iranl" to the t uicl.aeer en Ire aatUfacliou, Alt our Macutnen are uia.ie e lual.y we.l.aud ar W.'RKANTEII TUKEE YEAHEI The dltfereuce tn price betnic merely a dUTeretjce In No. R.tt m, Alan. Ileal ache. Fr.m Bunerlnat flit. ' ovr . ckica 328 between WILSON'S deM Frr the Commercial B&tin, Paid to be very etacjeioua tor the U. fH'THItKI Kuil 'I r .red In.rr, il., ,iippv pmata that aow u. uex WoodiaiMia, en oar Kiveriaiika. Lat At a iee with to eoB It'lml.nn tn the Ikmt, tm ('.. a r yIn at a pnt ..I aaawai wurtevi. tr A. mi best, turn trmtv produce tw aaane neaU MAIN. SEWJKGflACfllBJi:. ril-- N K, M AIRIVB SINGER'S tie me From the Daily Aeun. X'wpwt, S. I. Cephalic PUI are taking the place ef all kinds. ttie S aetite,"er h'teern WM. F. WOOD, ttii an & SEWING MACULES! Prices Reduced ! ,:! For thla aeaaon of the year. Willi WHEELER AND GENTLEMEN'S Ooods. Cnmhi Brusbei. Soaps. &c. 1 .! Iatavllle, Ky. THE CHEAT ECONOMISLa OF TIME AMI PRESERVER OF HEALTH, HAVE WON THE HIGHEST PKKMIUM3 AT THE FAIR OF THE UNITED STATES AG K If L'LT U RA L SOC V, AT THE STATE FAIRS OF MAINE, VERMONT, CONNECTICUT, NEW YOKK, NEW JERSE7, PENNSYLVANV, VlROtSlA, MISS1SMIP1 I, MISSOURI, OHIO. INflAMA, ' ILIINOIS. MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, CALIFORNIA AND AT THE FAIRS OF TUB NEW YORK. AMERICAN INSTITUTE. . BOSTON. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. BALTIMORE, MECHANICS' METROPOLITAN INSTITUTE. WASHINGTON, MECHANICS' ASSOCIATION. CINCINNATI. KENTUCKY INSTITUTE. LOUISVILLE. MECHANICAL ASSOCIATION!. LOUIS, MECHANICS' INSTIT'E, SAN FRANCISCO, AND AT HUNDREDS OF COUNTY FAIRS. FKJV Pare Ve(tetat: ExiraiU, and up In CLAW! C A Air ii'!.l, and uui keep lu any cliulale. The FAMILY CAT II- -' " IAKT1C PILL la a gentle W tint active Cathurtlr, whch tiie proprietor ha used In his practice more than twenty years. Ibe constantly Increa.--- - line demand from those who have lonji need tbe PILLS and tbe aatlsUc-tlowhich all express li. H irejcard to their nae. baa Indnecd rue to place theu fia within the reach of all The l'rofe-lowell; i, now hat dltterent Ca- IBArucs art on utfferent of the bowels. The FAMILY CaII1- - .- - A.iTIO PILL has, w dne reference to this well, mt eiabll-hs- l lacL be com pou ied from a va- - fcaMetyoi the purest Kxtracte, whn h aet iltke on every Mtrt of the aiimeniary canal ami are M iiiou and fAt; in a! n where a Cathartic is needed wi. h as DK SESK. PA1S8 IN TIU.i" bACK AVD Liil.Ns. Ol- riVENKSfi. PAIN iMl;at.viKLk.iDUVl'K Tilt WHOLKB.)I)Y,fromi.u.ten coH. whk h Irequenp . -i, end tn a M on course of Fever, , A Col.l over a Creep- - 94 im; body, II. Keatleasness, tne ot wembt lb ine nean.aii innainmaue.ri Worms Children or Adu.ts, Kheu . natl-ia arreat Purlfl of the Blood an l manO to which flesh I adver'uention In. Price. Three Dimes. The Liver InvUrorator and FamliV Caihsrtle Ptllaare retailed l.v Dru;aita neneraliy. an aotd wboleaaie by W- '- Aim. iu au iu. larajo uivua. . T. W. MA.NFOKD, 91. D., Manufacturer and Proprleti r, SOS Braitway. New V,.rk. corner of Fnlton at, er Bold In LonlavIPe by Wn..n, Pe er A C ... R A Kobinsou A Co, Raymond A 1'vler, and by all Drue aeJV.IAwly and interlocked in tbe center of iU HSTSEND FOR el.'.do.lAwevtnatf Ac. A W THE KrnlS" IU full KKV lilns K P. 8 This teslluioillal of nable me.ll. Ine .is you uio aaaie ef) la ullsollceU-If you t'ltnk tl worlliy a ina. e auioiia the rest. tl)ouwleti; li uol, destroy 't aud say lot.ra.rt. ., I.KV. P. A. B. The Kestoratlve Is pui u. In three .lies, via p, lar-and oiat'ie sniall hoi - ', a pirn ami r.'liilla lor oue do,.ar KT Isiltie; tli. IlledlUlUa hold al lea-- t tweiitv per cent, tno-- e lu pn.portl-- n tliau the small, and retails for laudohara per tottle; tiie lari:e holds a iilart, an r cent, inula In pioportloa, and retails fur tsl a le.lt e 11. J. HihiD A CD., I'.o.rielora, s Broailway. New York, and 114 Market treel, aallil la.uls. Mo. And sold by ail good Iruxuits an i Faucy taoiels Dialers. aeedewly X X X XXX Oill l. MI'.M.MKK YVssad Ye can POMTEH Si tVk. PEACHES, OREEN OAOEs Jel iea Ac , for tale Corn, Green Pcaae, a r J. T I.A MUM A CO.. la.rOrterl oi feaa, ats. Third Kreet, mi A. ..ara KKKUNli EETTLE.s-- A full asaortmeiit of aloye AelUee kept constantly ou hand and lor aaie by WALLACE, SITHOOW m th. low 00, ael3dlv Accnmraodatlon, dally fnp- r. t m. ; s. J,..,v.s. ; tr. h'S. t to loui-- f, i hwrs; New O: C s '11 4 isci'o in Isv.lie at ;.,t! A at ' st M.ft.iii wi:it I.a!" and 31 A N V and .,f'!.l soattwtst Ao. f... No. d d t niV'c as t at 14. K , and Tenm i.e) il'n ilon M.iUeiits. I.ol .1 Leave Lortt'vtles Antve at L"o M.n Ioanoll principal KLsl't10. i stoek i,f rlee t'...M so. siilver t kinds of JEWEI.KI and IL4TKD W AllE. ana bi uir u'an utaiiii a' l re, al CVjSr THICK OK CAsIl! Pleaso evaiinne our tlmsls and prices, and vtucasl that we o.!llvely sell at t osu AlTlvoat " liair coi .5 .L !.. I.X. 7 15 ai " Crb wlUrea dally. AU othei Nashv follows: 43 . w LeLstuou i pal poln-In the .i.ih for at n ..1 N7U ut n an-. ret : ti e e iroad Fourtr. street, l&.ilo the National H .t--l I. B 24 dtl M. ANl.K.i-SOgOt'C J0. I860. BABT. tax. a AND a UOTJTK TO York, Boston New AND ALL EAiiEEX POISTS: A. IVIcBRIDE, IN IIARUirAKC 4M TLLRt', waM'rAs."UT..:R or RCNON NIttHT TRAINS. "f.r Ti. kia via Dunkirk and the New Tsr aud Lite JUIlroa.!; t.irsaie at a,l ol Uia prluclpal roa.! Oiliees !n 'Le West. Au Espie-- - sri"-h- t Train !eaves"New York daili eja.ie. ii-rboohiviiie, ah'lotilcxcr ".n- - . Stipt. MINttr. til J. 0. OATM N, Evpresa s ry.-h-t Aje.it, M lie a.1 way hew Y ,ik. JOHN M. OSB'IKN. Western Aient. C!vVl.nJ. W. W. KEKTu.iLK. ,: jld!v Lomsvlile rLASTES AXD HEtillAXlCAL TOOLS, No. Ail Third Htrert, Louisville, Ky. Baltimore and OMo tiLtER AND I't.iTFT. wan. as never better than at prenent, nod alter. d on Xatiy sv J"umi in im: I'tti' fleiidOi and el.il.'ilne. nllreiy nsw WII'iLEAi.E AM) IlKi'AiL lfJ ll POUTAllI.EKOKllUfl FOR Jewelers. MllllliS. M'Or-- , Miners, Quarrlers. ltilrar! Builders, and all who want a com; 'fete UTU8UOP POKfABl K LOOR Ik.tl'i W. P. fl Ccats ua L. hMITll. rhr-- a Mlspei.tc-- s t, V.h o b he. C variety, Lr sal.; cheap pit is by hulUl P1n. H'lHlilC P if- eliel bra d. Combs lu vieat Ac. Just Ko lu.1 au.l Hee les, It, A IN LD tUl.MU -- i' R. SI KYIN CAIM. A HbLS OnCflll'.D, PtiW LATHS MANCFACTIKFD avn j ses t No. I IIFl KNtf lie. La lah"U I GAY'S CHINA PALACE, or COKNkB rou-iTz- Aim z sts. cx-- ht China, G!;iss and Queens v,are E S S II H O H I N F II YK JC 'T ol'KN ED. I NDER TUB Si A r.rN'C I EMPI.K, with a very rae aud eo llrely new atia-- of very rich Cbiik. liuva aod liue.i!.wie. run iioitenU-- o K.asswaie, Tab Britannia vt e. wire, A lao, and YVillowware. Israe au eouioleta st. a oi uaa Fixtures, cliandliera, La;:its etc- I Mil repare.1 tira.keis. Porta! I.s. - r.'ti oja an.1 to Keetui au 1 brouaa l.:i!i'.s and L hareieilers, at a aiuad eapna, and wr- - ad to keep anch a atork and ta e am seenre a liberal snare or ssa ,k. WAV. in d nmvE, EL IAS J1L, RORER'S J,TT! if nl new ttr t'HK.'ll 1'i.CA. r - 10 III W A HH H nil!! lvA,.c l:lT. ItTMsekei at le Fulton bet. iu.s.k and Ho,d WEISTERIV HOTEL. LATE VACARO HOUSE. '.Yle.a to be left with CKARLE9 MEYER, rthwest c.wner of Thirl and .Market Mroeta, 'or ASTHM weuicoo. A nan. is of sirs, .icare ll kas rntireiy r 'l':ie-- in ei. eaai.t ntyie and la mi o.a-- a.r tba rCfcotoiiot 'cneata IjOCale.l t l,e . o . Ihe CCUtiai and bl.H.lk..nsa ImM has rare aiiTuutee tor ttie tiaseiuu put.ic. Tu. p'ro spare no patna to ni.sa tHuIr ijueets teal prtelors will . 1 every r eir larder comtortat.ie an.l sallsned In ra.ia-.-twlli alwais tu Bupidlcl with the beat tl,e Biarkea and nl. and the bar will Is. aio. k slih a,,'. u.a best of Wluea, Loiuora.Ctifara, ete. e rosiwi'iruily auilcit the patrocas aa of the old at u raetiniex eeilel PbUt- -c iy ie riisi ea. tlree bas Beth thewe aio i. Kit, miiii.iii 74 Poonn atra. t an 23g;ret.a tor Sale. FIRlfT CLAsS 4 iV two turther Sc- -. CM! p HOUSE JERVANT. tor aaie. ire.leon.ia yeia on, ana neeily rticrjlars, loulre at the trrTrl FmWARDINt) CoMMISS'O No. 4.1 FEED AND khth street llreen. Loutsvllitf, Ey. ranicuiar arteni on pst'i to ti:,',i;rf order for Llm nietit, and a of Ciiintrv I haveo of ihe bent WAUON V Sir, - (ik.L D. PAL.Mk ay: Lire, eonr.ected . E dil atreet. Nst. Jstt raea au a ll. an-- .lit A B CO. SOrl A CU lIiilO!J i.V .ml. COlC wf0fj BAU- tlabr - FAIR TO M0OH.B PRIME a BAD i!l En, A ma's Iv on MACHINE WOHXS. catmaLt . rsnxr mm CO., 1 Machines rCTITXIST3' TOOLS. iAi.iNij, ad i. GEO.RGE GERLACH, Restaurant and Beer Saloon, No. Neal 307 Door THIRD STREET' , la leaiewrai THE CHJICEST llnV-o- OYSTERS' JI ST V ED FUOTf e oommoo tt..'sls. Amir-caand Be jisn e a w.rv, u.,o and Ivory Co. annui an i Snen. aie-- H a... A lerv. Walters. Ucia, (i u..!o;e, wklch wo Fankidea, will Bell to tne am . lal a. lloless. Ac. at lower price, thaii esss.a. ra th s at:,-- . - J A Mi k K a C.. Wna. lis aa-- I m Fonna street. earls art at a. . HEIVIoyAL! Brandeissfc Crawford' GRAIN DEALERS., RFwoYEBTOTHENEWWASEnOCAlOti HAYB fioailvaacrimrr.'l Main arsi iirat earaeta. w .1 pay tu. aiaheat -- .h i uric, iov aal kmda uraia d.livere-- ai oar Store or at ay aoed aaisvuM t ,lnt on to. Onto I Ivor. a dU BR.AJ.t'Kia A CH AWFOBJX BACXC22 HORSE-SHOER- S, ATstCXsTCS, a BECOXD STSAAT, BUT. MAIS u l MAM AMI. CH'iEINIl DONE IN ALL .T1LU AND O .a aOonaset OolisO, Union Marblo "VVorlts tVX ssxex T'TT. OatO. ....P. . tMOal a co., junta axz aiiriaroorj 2VZ. siuA.gr, bat. fvi'mth. He. r,:saia js. ij HUioi..aM,i a iv sirorr Cigars, Tubticco, SnutT, Pipes, OKIEN cl?o., TUlhft AND POIETH. Rolldlaae). LABOR AS.SVKTMKNT up TH BET BSANP oi CiijAU aud IiibACuJ kept coast uuy oa dl . BIT. STiti-E- (t'o.rlrr JOaS. mum. - VHRT!,,O20'',l SI 'R'rct Dd4l.BIt, l,vi'Mll', ''"!Hl.N a..tharj Copper Flm a.. kvtwssaw Second street.. Leu ism ie, Aeent for tha se.e t Fk.or vaocee tml ea AND aes Whkskv. A aasS dls JUST UBCEIVEJ AT TUE CHEAP LACE STORE, S09 Foorth S;rst (oli Nurabtr "P VL.tK.IE Aa.s4)RTWk,NT red J a. ihI Baaslss Eiu'ol..fv.t Jao.t w laii.awu RkCEi Cl.P.a Tea, D'tl-- I and Toil- -I W II la. , (jwswarei'a. of evrrv i1slTIi A SO eteabont. t lack- - Fori . Dvtuerat Sandrlea. Vj), PU1B Ldoea luiin and s Is; l Lacee. Yssencle.U'ea 'ao a tew r ai La. a Cuilsrettes .naw etvleet, ei mr i low ortcea caa. A io.i Fieuck a aouiaaereA fi vTD bo U aotl ei CBAa. LIE. in F. EAL BA.1UJ o t at L'UYtAf n AO lace Furin , fera memm. HEraovi,. .. No. SS Third t Z.ASD, WKB-TE- B, A CO.' aS. CO.'a LAOS, LADD, WEUSTEli dc CO.'i w . ti C. Disk DE 8EWINO 1IACHIN-- S I BEWING MACHIXSa I BKWUNQ UACUU S I GEO. Z. rAX.XVXE, deffersoti Cash l IM WAT OF W,a0 Pl.ANKRe MOLIV PER.-ONsyAl II'NK-TSNNI.i e wonld io well 10 ifive aft a cat! be'ore oiiia North, aa we can dt thm as, I on aa ( sel tereas la oa aa any etr.er man'i.a. ro'y. N B. Coackuiakera' Twere iioruv otba was aiiw a sd kln.1. Kauniaainrv,! and Hr aaie. IvM sf edlclnes ior Asthma. )al7'1eo.lAw?ie iweniv-eiii- South tide Market, bet Four at Fifth. JACOB tVKlKM) at tu., PrtiDrlttont. rsl AND LWIT'i il siT) 'CPrLY OF TUTS EXCELLENT anl chiape.st manure on hand and lor aaie by UTSf. A. RSl TrS, C mar of street ln ids Date ,s M R. and Layer Rajsfns; in, Jn) :riiiiisisinyiui Fiirc, IS.a-e- s iSa.din.a. l and H boAca; Zuule lo casks Cuitaui In atorc and for sale hy W MrlRRIJ Vo lis Third m 2s SUNDKIkS Cottcn Tam, AvOTtei Jioe-- j ilk) bales No. Uatliug; HI bjloa Lat a 1)0; 73bJe.No. J do; 60 I..H1 white Carpet C'lialnj 2S bees c.iloee.1 do; liw bass ' an lie wira: UAKIisk'S i'lUAK-- 40 Bllul HALTIMOEE KEFINKD Sugar received an I for x.la by EAWtfjN, TVPD 4 it Valuable h) per thousand. r.u Wood-Wcrki- rANURE. BONE MACHIM- - l oonth IH.1t Llha SEW ERA I.Y THE I IMPROVED SHINGLE3. fl Poplar Shinalea. at (Ni B WITH Dressed Poplar Flooring, Mana'actnrrd of Poplar, at tii ..I.. .,..,. miiiit kilt, AMiKb'V lilt HAN AN a CO. Ahh JUeT IS hkCEUT oe FlUt W IVAN. ben. Western Avast. 1'ii.fc, Merer! Ticket A.ejt. er .,1 Pi a aiM.rlailoia. pl7 MARAXT AND COnilliiiSolwal MRCHAHT And Feed J Prod ace Dealer. 21 roorta 3L. bet. Miin aaj ia Kivar, UkiJVitii IT. ATTKM-iN OlYsN TO TH1 9AUI TER!NL l kriifts. Butter. IAppl-ol Ilsy. 'araiu. a Potalue,. ' c. bk,.'i.H.s, ir:ers ir LUi... KS aad RED A Kl'lLiaw. solicited aa dllea oa toe aases M AK &. A.XD F0CB.TB. piPala, Al FIN a Ct.NDLE CAsKSOV PAEAIF1NE A Caudlca In alore and tor sale ly IllHBITT A HON in.lsi Mll'INK.s 6.0 HALF A.N D oCAKTr.K Do.XEs lor .ale. low by kl A W1KIB. No. MThlpl st mil: rAKIKTIK Si i!oi Y CHA.12PAG.E WI.ES; i.,tt S. IT. I.I dlf dol t FY TRY sTYLE. AND AT L OAKS 11 (lut no l.Uor) will Israerved. lnepr traUe, a nu ll I Iriien.! to sell low Sir cash, rkraae alve niny ..licit a hare ol ln pani c pair.'i. A.bart n.e a call, and I lu:' k win p.e v.se vuu ail. for lu tact I kt-- man. a skin nl :.u i'c.l ce. oue .4 uto have everMhlna In the way of cloihina to lean-trprea d. best in the cuisine, ao l vll five Tne uuui ut taa'e will certainly le a.e a call, aad the keenest :.,n. a"-l c mrltuiv !! j up ua ure. Ii have n..l tus artn-.tua.l can uo It In aauort lime, luave a beau'.Uul aaaortment EW STUCX OK ol (loths, raxtilmeres and Testing, CHIXA. GLASS & ftiTl-I3- Tla 1. II. mi cxmh. CIG.A.RS,TJ &c., &c, XA? CiAHTX'S, TaiKDSIET. LT. MIN cro. st. r,TTon, ZvTerchaat Tailor, JEFFZ.KSO.X ST, BET. TIIIRD BVm Bal4BCLarT Ya.X8a ORE ST 17ATI05AL HOUTE. BALT1-AND W.Mi!N0TuN Ar 'PEKMINATKH more on the t. aid V,,r.'.,j bVuwood aud on Weal. o'xf uvd iuav'tp 'L u 4Ca. Who in tm-m ani truim n ki;rM ir urn! la lv topwi u Wlt 0a in 4 For o!aPort,MivJcIrJt FOR PISE OLD COGUIAC BEA5DY; For FIna old Bourbon Whisky; FOE OLD PEACH $ APPLE SRASDT; rt - F' J. 0. CAHFESIL k OF rR ltllK .! - bv iaw For FIXE J. a. J. H. MONTGOMERY, i!".r New York, and Hoston, Al the sort oi a ticket n alone by other lines. :n tickets lo tne .em ett lea raft teRrnroral Waehll.l'l'in Ofy at an wldiliotuH ch.ri.-eo-l IX Time as null k an.! ir.re as as l.v anv roi,u a. Sievirg CarraoVcV'i tn all j',t ,.'n! train. lll'iu're for liens via the l:..,i more au.1 Oy.ft any Ri!lroau.at of the al iia: road om.ee a the f ;n.itV ftie, coo ev- -- NOTICE. &C. INaUK TltlC ATT tNTlM v FAMTLIIW, nii)'t;,jrT"rr't an ottiM to ih' Dv w ih! tiu 'work, .nttr-iy flrt.,u- -r c.l-in- tor tail atnJ. aiTDiM-r3ai rt U n j'owe-Umn othtr; ctDie a eenersl wf'II rArajv cw m a y thlrki of t and Parkershnr 'l i 5iTS'SS,"1 Hardware, andf i,l:.--tarmera' ua,:.! the West, at whicn places It nnils. chftna? it4 ol ni tto ftH Iih paVTt counctad vttnout ,ro portnMi. 01- with Kollioeits. MUsauien. Ac. ior aud from ail points in T, "IS 1st i t S Ei i the I ti t 4vi?iiirn(y tui in.;rt. oa rriiai-hnieasle and retail at w '1;,. '.,', .VI lin tunyxniimit no to it, nor nl Ha Ti the lowest cash prices by W .!sT, HOI T li W EMT AMD NOilTIIW E.--T t uftrKht t.r rno tMioy.out trice. Witt mew r4tuy tronpro THREE TRAINS DAILY ntiV h err)- - awoji. inr ihf niot VlvOa wtwi M 4 O rmlaf ,, T OV $7aV, A 1.1, Tli E tAsTKBM ITIEV JuaNa-To."As,o4, I. Thla la the only route to Waehiraton Cltr. noa 312 r ur.ta utrMt. lrlllhKIK.Spnr-t'asaeuiiers t,y thla roulo can visit b lilmore. PhltaTil to Is nrhon Whl kv, I lo S yeano il; PO hl.l. "Id Moiioiwaiiela il. ; hhls lie. I tl' l Z do. Orders solicited and pmmpt'y fi led. M, II VAIN A PoV apt .In tN 3u CAehs klCri KECdYED ie.14 ii.AlLIV Is.at aud br H tDKN AI.I.KN. MiNlKR .d . Priroa) 4 ar'vf-- ..l to aJi ''st.1 i:Aritir n ".T't ajar ap7 I. hpiefKlId veatllate-- l iSLEWI.NO CAR JiAVKLRY. aU Saund del TELtUHAi -' MaiNfACl (1T wMrh I wll! v. ike rip to orhsr. And lor your money t i: ve von s lalrsiy.w. airauers cominz to ttie city to tuv tiorh-wlU no we.l iu give ie a call before cu.ii- - ctsv'Akeie. Evmrmber CARRYING THE GRKAT WrlSTKIlN AND gijCTa VYFTERN UNIIEl FTT-.,s- ! MA I LA TrtMNSj DUNoMRK DAILY ON EXPERTS ail Traill LEAYS on ihe re Rllrua.i froui Ijoulsville, Menipnls. i sithvii:.', CVveiand. runuimt tlv IlirMiiii, without chanire ., .us. Tils Is the uniy ronie rar.u,iig Cari n ;h ftom tho Lakes to New I Ctt;. Third Street, bet. Main anil Market aad la SeU at. 1 FrsitJaia, lew Sffurea caa be pcvLiir sc IN to KENTUCKY .r.s i. i.n at i tetn.yii.ti, itsTuciY. . of th a. vn!a ib ; Piste.! Csstora, Looklue ST., V AlrW.Tl nuiA .Uii.aU of aixt, to tb t.aa , iuI il B.lctt tu stin n ilvO- Dro- - 6c Son,! H. Ferguson Wholesale and Hets'l Dealers la --Pi.oTrPw, FIFTH ONE NchTH MAKEET, Dan- irlt Eeii- - H THTAB. AND -. ! HP.ANPS of FAMILY FUl'R CONSTANT YH'T 1 on hand. Flur 'leUv.ted to any part of the city nee oi ir utl .irrlve at liu.svli.e us ilil.l ?. n and MEAT beUw Loniavllle Hot .Ylttrkct St., above Brook, Berth aide, LOt'lsVILLB. KY. I't DAVID lllcill FERuLiuN. 7: V t?uii'lavsese-pted- I llcCREADY, tX a anusiu ut uTui WH SKY, BRANDY, WINES, 1 r. w. ,.,n " No " 1100 Malu an.1 Use auyey, I. iWvlllsV S V. R. A. SHRADER & CO., saauau) Ale a!n NEW YOUK AUD EP.1E WM. KENDR'CK'S, -- un setr, ho in pro-r- wht-r- ktrvtss IMPORTATIONS r J F.Tl ARVEY, H3ilIUI, IlSTiiitl laro and V.a EKA.M ll. '"rsil-f- :;v Uss w:n si. Factory. No. T.1 iieiUux. Plaster Parle, - k nTe 0. halid, ui i.i'jIIT. No. 15 Third atnwt. ft. few':; heonered ia CUarloelo lu ti.e utcilur ot .svt'ne. -- A art' vii'a a Hitt TMM. BuiLgR-BOT- H A rt 493 MARKET STREET. -- WiUaolld rrenck dlf&went V. IV H 177 w UO UiLUs No. 377 Main at., threat doors P.B NilW KUCklVINM loetr su ck 01 Cuii.a and li Cia.'Ksvtl.e p .;! all cl -- K'lsscUvi 1860. Engin8 and Boiler tor Sale. AND .Hf OIiAS-WAa- ia, i, ll .lt.:.n-l- is c oiu- Train MAIN ENOINE ,s;t.i)-- i.e be lllrNClibuhl & Dolflnt'C'r, MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY TPRIOIIT flats Both trains it KTttEET, One door above poi llsville h .U'll' I8le. hi WOKTli OF Naakvltlai II K. llrensd.- - CoiUPiMa. Mrxnil3 mm. ! N Juir.l'ou..... lai i v ma A CO., NORTH SIDE. BETWEEN FW'iNO ts.rassj CRUTCflER At with th a'. I -, iiaT mi " brch -, DIAMOND Ac klNGd, ever bet. .re oiTere.l. L H llf.ll BENNETT. d '9 I ti. i t; fi'KTAi:. ,!. AX'Hri.a as 3 SB Broad- UillSTILLJt. IY.j rtrr-Txisiiir- ra. it- l' MACHINE. lrjus, j- rcsj. wartants.1 stations th tr.i'ns st..p ut all retitar at'tora rseweeri an Ju:.i.tion. ai. ou Leimon .1. anon with B'sises for B Jewelry, Clocks and Plated Ware Watche r f Uilta. Augusta, A ATritnrs.i.vo COST! JJOLLJHS THA'.V'ri' ..! with, C'i:ini" also GOLD fcfCDS. GOLD Lot KirTrt. -- rviir id o iiect. at Cave City lave. Nnshvl'-- 1 r.. stret, st Wl!l Botu UAinsaii.patali 'tsJl.ii sl.tti..a i.A7?A.Vi.V BiiAMif. inl.D IAIS. Oi'l.D BltAfKI.KI.a. 1I.I Til Mill OOI.'. CAItl) Gin il l UOI 'I JKWfclRY, GOLD M,r Main Im.o. SiCIil wi'l run aa followa: MAi; iiis,SL N 1 S.x. 1. Arriie.t iit'imett's. cfcLAINES. lower prlcea than Mafatle Iron1 e. cor.sia-itiunhand a general assortment 'sa an.1 Tnina. y atwo.ie-ta at the ahorteet 1VU1 . k etc. ArtiJe natlu ttul. and every'tninr beioujEiUK to our liua Is of T EUROPEAN M.W YOUK FARI1IC. AND OLII OW N MAKS. CLtiSK OC Hatrtne been 1ntrncte. bv an l sell at any rule r.ilber than remrn 'ioot.s.an bel.iE tue hard limes, to let io leteiu.u.ed.oMn NO CtSH CIST IMtK U'M :yn the score ot p ices, we luvlle. onr lrlends and tv nr. bit.- - to ail S'r rlt, BO'l rert assure, '.I an I ha .r .t Uc. that their wants aui ,v ahaa t') U' A a I.i K .s, ai de!9 atrwt.o.'t.o-l'le. del9 Aioruoio ?k'o de Oiibai ll otu rors, K nt 161. wai aa Flour and Comiitis.ion nercbanU SOe Main atbet. Third and Four. dtf PWTtlae; vzi7.ii M si kitrl a La.Vs.lxJ, 5". fTl Mi n s:ret. Lotitsvi.:., Ey. pevao e iiiruun ti a O, lreian.1 and V bv A aoo Levrn. apJI dly Scuiana. so.d JOII.V No, mr Fall "tock, which win be in anj this market my it o.d c.jsimer. and the tratle aener. at'v. to caV a; eiraniiea try 81. ck. ahlch I am deter mined U) at price, teat cannot fill to set are the :est irw.o i: a: tx.nes - tue uaraa. aiy aatuca t r.wl!: a.ticea. the AND ITS RRAXCIIES. ?-- Zf .T 1 ocut rere'vtn latncric C i,.a'fiA or - e for Pasre. aryly to R. .? way. New York, J. a. DALE. I Lost S, N Vcnitian Blind - D DFALK.t IN .HAXDLERY HARD .louritliiaia, TrULka, and Caeca Trim .t.ld.TreN - EDI SNYDER & CO JOHN VliOL.KS4AIE (iKOCtHH eti rao law. xV ISf.N UALrl MoK F.JMTEAFCL !1V (.y ,,,,,, coamssiow i.e. YCF:K AMD IRELAND, l Kt, m n. iso meet - i rest ?e.ecte stock 01 tie n imported In line that has ever bet-- RAILROAD! YOGT KLINK, Tzxtslxx x'ci Xo. Ml TtiTltr STIIKKT, IFEripKCI'FI.'I.LYO'rFKK -FoP.INSfECTI'lN e? i I) 1 MPiiP.TMHOF A :a,ua-Biln BIJ ra.-- PRODUCE, & AMU IX touiM-r- i of Hiin and TMru etrcebt, Loaisvbatf, Sy. Tralaa are run l,y Lon! ivtlie it. ks KiCU LU, S. f. PtAkia. ei t. '5L TP.AINS cPJlNil & H a'7enVsn iriven to the sale of every descrip Produce. pr .uiptiy fl le at the lowest possible 71 iDrcrnaiion 0.4,:-- il ri. r.I i'.uU, K A wBTTttLA.sO. .W aud Vl.io. w.ii sail from N a .. Li krlPX'L, tail! at C c. e. to La&4 aud lacailve aud PataaMSsevs, every iATC KDA Y. TUrU Cloti (.itmnd m. A eaolud prnriatiimx New York to Cor or Userpeol Do L;ndon. De iLm arc, ik. eruru. or aV CHK.-- Kii1 AVD Tickets MSQLASD. FsJAXCS AXD VKMMAMT. Kedartlera ef Far ! Tbreeah Tlekata 1 1 THE EDWARD STOKES 445,KI1TI1 STKtlTs COtlMER alauai 11 K.J.r Mt. further tiraa.and rrsei "Wi-- J ' ia KEY Tin Safp. 7 M'i iV'ro't .:. Af- 1''i.R"Ciio oe at WrnT.va.tf.H 01 a r ronrJi ;l. below Main. liOLSB), , H ai) liolil : I.I iX PATJ.T tion M ls.ile al It ti-- Chain SJ".Jpe.-- Coal. . tAl Il All IINII IF Hit All MOIUCI Ml. I'Ji FUIKTII MTRkgT, DiirWtr.N ilAIN SlkEaT AND THE E1YSB, I.enl.vllle, Ky. sn M. e- TO ALi, BTEAM COMMUNICATION WEEKLY TWEEN a LSO- ,: A Jt. let AL OSTEH, thruaii, ahrck.d iiaxi.a'e lsve -A- "V. GENERAL fowahdikq a i.i'r Is k Fletcher NT THOCoa " CTN- bear '3 tn'c l tiat vLD and AvoKlIE KotTE. Co&- y. tne KoiS are thorenahiy ear.cau aueptasl CINCI.NNa vie, at or: i. . aacepted. .ot!-- TOR B VT 73 TAIL DiALEii IN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY AS AND SHEIT-ISOJ- , NAILS, Spokes, Unls, Felloes, Shafts, etc.; SZZIi SPaXIWQ3 6c AXLES, Ti,i.ow IF - C'ty. (eserp; S.lv. ivO f. r J. h. ln I"ncv. ..'jtbiiigtuu, 4.1 !tv . J.e., W. CINNAl'l Jacob Schmitt no at trolt J u ai..l pas,, is la t'aaauaw rwlurla9 , CUiCKSa) Throngl SEW ooli for liew !ata) f Bakee an coaaectVaaa ii.a, run daii?. W.BATAil 392 Ze2.0AZWA7, ,! pst riat-spl- it for Mini: his al 1850. WintPr Schedules, t wniuira.'Sna 'in.lny, Nov. Eest and Cheapest Christmas Gifts. At 2 r. n. N'rht Eirre JfoT't.Ii.i'n. Tsiro. I ml. E':::u. Ei.lonla at ept Snn lays) lorCJ.--o at LU v a' nr. 5 r M. : Ira Exreese, EAlkiOl CillxA ECILDIM CO. '3 SEAT iJArajTaVaiaawe) MA.N(.'FACTIT&iJ BY TntTTT a Term tj aa. WAa.a.a W.a a. rVOMilVd Leaiavlllr, liyanal Naw Albaay, laaU S. Lnuit, r.kvnivut ami C'rxjco. r i) Tbe uat Iralna PATENT CANE ASD DOUBLE DETROIT, GOLD FOB PAPER! b'ini EXPRESS Uiin aa l Chicafta Kxprew Matl, dal'iy ! lu barren Hiberls; 2) barre a Tar auutia Almonde; twrt-lAiiiilnt Aiuioudss confldently recotnmesid oar stock of ALB and to the pnl. 'c t.atr..nace. LUPK A EVANtl.CttaJ Palace, Oorner ol Fifth and Jederson streeui. Bolt dAwlv Uielevtue. Kr. v PtE.iay-- ) Panaenfar for Lake "reari.Ta, teavltia Crnctnnatl at u.. hava Sve boora in Cleeaaaad. Leaviaa at aS Bkaae darect coaatecUa, aa advertise.!, extent for Deir. awe upreea mua o,iy, 214 tSixth Street (ADAMS table: .t a. Furntsiiinn Goods Aor'UHoeiierw tr- ta flilii'G f 1 a. a. LOWLlif supply uf 1. L. i'l C'lT aorta u CHarn:s, St!:tas:,.ilM ar.d P'.tuoara: ia Co.unibus. tteiialr and P'.riaounx. fanhair aa.t Henworst; via ta.omr j,. and Pittaasaxs via Co.r.uii,ua. Cevei-- l, Lcaira aod SuJaMK MODERN SLEKPINti CAJLa ON THIS TTLAX9. AN- D- Srt L:ne Hou. a ARRANGEMENT. IS1. IPiafesn 1330. WINTER JEWELRY A ;ri: :o Dciroal aad rH on l UIB TTLAIX 11A T')i.KDi3. LOUISVILLE, KY., p. I le- i a yoo order -- are offered lor sain cheap fur cash. Ap RESTORING THESINCE BALD & GRA7 Useful as well as Ornamental TIIE GREAT DISCOVERY OF MANY, oi frreat ssliuaikel prle.-aConlrt'!v cn hand, a goo.1 eiir-- ly ,f t'.e PiiVliJNA CANNt.l.an.1 PLAC'k. ii I'o.Mi.Vli v.lilc.1, lor k.it...u, pa.ior or chauiber io S '.per'ol. Third sstrset, b twe.n s'.tt aoi;i..'.e-'Jenerson, a; l! i.,i.'s ... a:..l cc'itei of Krook and Market s'racta. ull Worthy of any Confidence for Wood, have attempt-- d not only to Imitate Ins Keetoratlve, bU' proteas to have 'llt ovIe. that would produ.e re uiia Identical; but the all come have and none, helux carried away by the wonderful resiilis oi Wood's preparailun. and have forre.1 been to leave the deld to lu resist,, away. Read the foliowiui : Fava.viaine, April IS. 1S5 O. 1. Wood A Co. t.as; The letter I wrote von Ior. In concern nir your valuable llalr Itesiorative. and which you have lu thia vicinity and has clveo r.se to nii'.eroua Imiulrlea touchin, the fa ts tn tl.e case. Tt.e liniuiiie-artlr.t. Is It a 1... ot my hab'tatlon and uarne, r staled m tin- comuiun! cation: second. Is u true o! all therein c rda'tiea; tnlrd uoes my na,r still coi.ttnue lo be In Koo.i order , natural i'. I. .if 1o .li ran suit do mo wer luvarn yea. .My hair is even man In any si- - ol niv nit .um no.te F.iir, u,n:ty, and betrer oo.r.re.l: Ihe why '.I Is not ceu. iai.y iru?. Is that tbe .shell it ahluit .u ot the face, alien If lion wl'h tin whskers, tne same result wll ehair. lhavi tsen I'l tiie 't ol a letters from al parts, ! Ne.y r ns'iand. as,!mi hair silll con tiUJies Pi Le aoie!; as loeie is u i In the man uln lure l'ii - .le ol v,r1us c is well asih's ll his. ne rlO'il't. Oi u l)aa.-any not only S...UIC l.ijU- I have l.ol Use any ot r e of any acnnt lor . yet my r is as aood a. ml.. imii.e.i u a hair iu uiy head or. .ti tu tae.'i an.1 to prove 1 seuu you a lor. ol niv hatrl..k. oil .In a. I -- I ti. which am rimer, v. rv sratelul. I asse n thereby t. duced lli. ni to try lu uauy t iNkeotlcal until aftet trial, .Ud lliell U'.irehas4-s'd It universe !U that von send uia a tey winch I . t lu the Kenloiauve. 1 tear. W'lll'.l u. A Itiorlt) from artl.lewt bell'. .V lie r.KOOd H e iai elte. is do not to! hy tl.e lm ia pure article, wlmh corses ti. of the voot. enlor teem It lliy.il.ilv. as H- i- csintiniied ene.11 on im hair, as tio In assure a1! piiru ol tue 01 my uu. hak'-"I'l.iliui of il, valuable re aita. I reuialu. dear sir. A. I!. Kit Ml.ND Asr.rts Ken. Ky.. Noveuiiwr ji, lsis. Puny. 0 J. Wore: wotil eertaliiiy be lo kn th. w. U u.s tli- - unexpeclti'l, result 1 I Ud: n i.sa ledlie ot your ilall ry kind .t iiestoratlves iv t.nt ottli. ns, near: tlri lli. ti'y li 'l In lined to tiy a Is. tile 01 Uil.Ii 11 ll' He str pel e to ami. Mini e to l.o. . or m.y r. ad llils, tii.t I uow posses, a in ' an l .'ejutliul m..a th of hair, wmcl; I pronoun e ri. to r an t hau ls "ner tnau the 011111' I tll Ihereiore lake .s caslon to recommend this invaluable fetuody U au. who Uiav leel the ne.cs.slt) l P.M. EXPRESS rwn1 G P.3ba. f hi i 11 J ,.!. ., benwuAU. ton Depot, conneais via L.nia, v:a Day tsa, tiy :e aid MODI EN SLEEPING 31 E A D. &c of aad Wneltsele Dealers A1 I I T. roLnts TTest and Tworthtrcst. LU r iiAL. ONLY DISCOVERY Khedea dt Vara 0 CIRCULAR. t'.e eest I'MsL'ir the "UanfvM Cit pi:n atOC'lU ttlUal riTTSIaTJILQ ALE I Th. mad. br this Mac him (a ths only stitch that cannot t Brewed eipreaalv toy FALL AN ll WINTER ltg, whlck rmvelnd, we are able to dispose of at to suit the 1'iueai, In and that ireBunta the same appearanoe upon barrels, ball barrels au keas. or bottlej tor laiully ua. recoiur.eu.le.1 I.y physicians ux each side of ths scam. It is made with two T.l Aie la -metn lual puii ea. lislux th,. aole atfente la oal1Ue threads, on. npon each side of the fabric, ft the ceieutaled braod ,'"FRH FP.riTsl, and Is Tewiete, uh lovceet Pittcburg aad Pay toaa Caen :! Coal. AND Sole Agents for tbo 3?ornroy Coal, ly. It Laaiaof the rltv. Purchaiicra will consult their a call K. H. MILE?. No.Stl Main ttreet. Bet. Scion land lhird. TU1RD rTHEKT. rtd rvfum etjal4 I St. From the dueUe, Darenport. Jowt. Mr SpaMtnr wu'd not rinriect t.la name anicic i.e aia not know to puut-ereal aunt. t - ihm From the Kcinamha Valley Star. Kanawha, la We are mrr that penuna tiiff! rlns with tbe Headache who try them, will atlck to them. we FILLS, Leases at c.s,it!nj5 DAIT " FAMILY Saddlery Business be fonnd Interest by To Pram the to Unusually Large FEVER & AGUE PILLS. row Tftm mtUAKHsr erne of rf vk a ki AGVE (Rfl.LS, f k AS f'MihSTIVF. Hll.f.s hUlorn tkltH, hi Mh AbiK, J.7 All. I'l HtOIiirAL 1 HAT HATE tHtllt i I: Ii. IS IV Hit MATU HH ITU AitiMXQ rUjM ItECAXLD TBOMTA THIN- Double-Tliread- MFT VAK1KP AND all the article mutnt Fmm the The tmmena Dr.MERWIIJ'S CLERIC'S Loop?r 111. Revolving Harnesf, Trunks, &c. From the SufVr Xrm Orleans La. Try von that ar atHlctd. aad we are anra that T"J' tirnjO! y can tie ad to ilia alrea v nnmeroua : that hot meiveit bcneiiu that no other medicine can arCK.u;e. d. Ail ZVTnclAiixo Sowing (I. K.N that yon may have FlSnlFYIN'3 COMPOUNDED I O H K 1) ) l'hRr'KCTIOV VE"" IMPRot FMKXTS a.v fver Marliltie warrai.te.i. Pi Ice, c ttan lurd Ma hire, ornamented In doe t . sx f..r iid l tra' faint. taOttDS, Wr.QTrnu w laiua of I St. Clamd, rkUU),ao kit 8e tue jyi MR. au-- more than a thouaand caaes If von are or rave hern, trim lor a riTUKVFIl WITH A C tMiLITH , HAVINfl :.to- - ttieb-.ant l.aie-- r m.i, I e.ate-in Utr Ka tern ot i...1 that . out I - par a clliea. will oiler tlietn to l AHMi C L 51 Ml.iis (jfid none o hr nee.l apply) at it., rm iat. Iho ceiel nty JU.-- ot thia Ilouae, BLG03 s,o BE Wn'Lir.D AT wt: vs place, (SUCCESaOUS TO JOis. 1, r S 3 at aa.d I LOUISVILLE. NE7 AL?,Ar.Y A5i'D CHICAGO IiAILii.OAI, e dla- t!ioiir;a:i-!!- ven U,i ilciicu ie .i.jiMtt for aays. I'll', sii COAL COAL!!! tKl S CO VST .1 N T l "V ol Mannfactsrers lwoNir,r'v,,eun:tt,n..ay soaif L'B A'sO, :i.i.', I.'c -- p't Coal. or fatuities, la the city, i.'i r.su'iy uiy oes I). :. M J'frrtoi, Kr. DF I KI NO OOA L C AN .i by cnliu.'. ui t::o ah le iu the in ,rk..-t-, at Ui L.MCKM1 .s Tl ttc li.-- FL'l.TZ. .1 llarket and re' is1! attlifcl 'w'e.v A AT' '.lies, east . J. U. n 'D4 tl'M.a f fvt sijvT.. ulr CA II W O IaL, ar. : e loar tii :r : .' w.il at i'JIi w, st. puia at .!; J ULiou-S- all u: rKe at aniiute 'j . M. oU'.- 'Ir'.t.s arrKo ta l..ialsv!i as foi IT:?) : ra.u a: oil r. 4 m mooj.'c, ,t f re't 'it tra' ... " sr - t.clsvt"- - .'nllT (VtclATS exceptr,rrMii; 'n lev:t.a-t- o at 11 f. ed Fraifch ta teveived and fr )ux 7:50 A. X. to 5 t.irrrM UK'! th.taaVWlC f'- - T'iliU) '".:iAIN-A- if .n ff',.l H.i5 p. it. 'iuroaah ven.l. ! !OWl l.otilavllle, COAL! tvI rcl. prs iMU'A n: to t'e' cno-- tiki a.'ii fcixtll Coai. ''TH v ,.q u p' Jo not eipve'. r '. 1 niAiai oaittert vol viiea to cali i i sisajr1. y t; tnm are c)D( i'jw.i. or e. ' .'jr.s t'n; at K' '! .'. w t't o ' f r , r 1 il r.t Kan .a. at li'-'t'r i.."l l.irVli.e, :il Wavtv Aatl-.n .ia for r.l at U vi;, jj.pv. r. C:..!i snd sive for N'tcr i:i'.r.ti-a::d a.1 lttt htuon!, Ora-- d Pri'iiN N "TRAIM T. u. at pr. t aH P'lt-rn- l ween ttnie.Se;iFa!rt.rirnn ls.p. !itR.o'S C..rae, .t;o. Yn, a;iy Pi ry.,:;;I .. W, at.vj.pit K. 's W'l,,.t it. he f iiaw roi'D cvr.coal. Female &l8etr.scs in eentVniau's totlrl. and Use they would But, lor auy coaaadera- hers are the onlv Areata toy the article la e 1,.1'e.i ii. s, l., h -- n a l or lers roust be a.l.lreaM.1. Irli- -. line ,s,.i,r a t.x 'or s.1- -' v all anl ; or a Dea s ot the ". n i.iinr (aarranle l l have Hie de.ire.1 ett.cti win hea-i- it to anv who neslre It. by in,-- i, s,'ireiv ...a receipt Ol price ana loaLuie, l is. A" to rr HoKACE L H. ikIMAN m OX. a.s listisaolsTs. teW j'tm 'treot. New Yorlt. ?' one r boroul'.e. hr e .e.s ad Id.!. ara aud burlaiat ami Pltiai.ura: via Co. ara oea, i.. n.iinn, Iw.if aasi .in EXPRESS LrJiXZZ f.'. Coal. MAuevo- KIVI Cm DaCy TVmu shori ni.tli BTtfU.Ciw MIX WATER IS TUg M'lCTIl WITH IN VltltjUAiOH. AND lW ALL. UiTH TOuETUEU. Price Oue Dollar per B I, TAILOR, COAL. rv!, rest ailt. KAIN F03 ST. LOUIS, CUICAQO, J. N. COLLINS. Agat &zii Coal Kercitint, TAira! iei' ILe ltlN-- .i .kvv time: laxe Oil Ttop'r. p'i.mbo or at 1 irJSZ aoothln. vet rtlnn'atinv ton fl l:. '.. Lp-.t- . U L'nt. T .Ju, l Cairw.laa; wl n; aWlOaVaVy. r.I . nh ol 'luvnrtti.t hair. If att lle l to tne Imrotl J. it wl.i cure ills re., a rl . aL.se to aerma Bp In 10 A.M. e of ir- I. .id s.i. ,is a tne of new hair, its I acrnr tins to "lre.tl..ns. nasita via '"W.d.1 a, bs ir alel tfaauwusal; via Laaaa t will turn miBortowy I ti:s, and reslo e irray bus, Bel air aud h dr tj lie ea1i'al e.isor. an-u Crt.:ne BeIn. It o !. smrs.rh .i Hex). ie. Tie "usaim' Is PttiaewraR vie. Casuaaoua. CV..a.l, tuj'tl aa4 ri'MB' etisttile siriu-'eve: v 0 '! cue I'.oail. fn ItUIwI AS 7:20 A.M. EXPRESS uT pj A. M. rHAirUFCIiT AND tz TTIA5E102T : rr.9 I'f LUMBEIL dels. Ill all CIIAS. T. v.,!l .V P SH sii other kinds licpt ill Invite tt:- - a'temlor :!ei ce in tho itlsa.'t!' onttni the s a' st we.l, a. w. twee'l and en Water and Vir- - OF SHAHSE VdZZ inv J. B. WALKER, MERCHANT t NY' 'N .l Ok Si! ,'..!. :'"t.r. at : a I P OOMSi'LTAT;.' Os J lowest ma t.omirs Ac , IUiI C.SCiiliTl T1AIIS THtOIIQH vlaColt.rubos. ti :r.n LEXI1T370H FlPrr Zanv , 7:30m A.M. EXPRESS II an.1 t mm. COAL ail We Cr. B FOUND Utie- ivL'is COAL Ina aaS and ha Jr tLvari.tti aUtle W1TI1IX NOW iwt aiei the piul.lP b IlltfTHPR. ! r.ESI'EOTFLLL? CALL YOUR AT- ot tetiUoo to oar O0AL-0I- L, LAKP8. AND LIMP FIXTDRFJ end of (rreater va if all kn. la. It hv the la'i'e't, m ti.ia Bivkei. ol'H n. tv. itiati anv It I.i r ii h H;.5 ill. we iu .rautee to be tue iMfta, ant will l.fkM lA'MiK". and a BKlUU'ltii Lllilii, than auy now vtillsf It. hi. cttv. ha-can alWe ell only on k:nd of (VI. and aLJ KOo a, llo.e. Vt e ways rely CtKill eel t Hi a aollclt a atare ol j u. r ptro:JUe. WOULD roUdtf ASD JEFFVRSOX. TltU PC.-Ac.t- ALWAYS tU..t..aei,-.- p. Nr.x..i Attention, Consumers yK v A in o'f. ttmT'S. H. Collins aelis Ua best of eoal at offioa. Tkird street, between Market snd effav aoa. Give kim your orders. dtf ti. L' Fiiai iLrtsi. between Market as.l ' A. VP VNT7. AT, PUT. AtAUKlT IJMIKr.H Vcti.l i1. r a. Lnsfewt "Urau'', raraiv V of ihf tier ( bar, Jv'iim.a! km V'.se t In f. 'rt, all curaulti s Rupture, iitThrii, We r. t. rttwicr. ui wtii 'cre.aii' cav jmtNo extr ta.tr wiiiioat ft recovs-rr- . - lift aen r. ft. PIHLirS EKsiaXGE, THIRD tbe 0 application fAtij! K.'K JvtOdln.lf 11 it tl1 IT ! fiiYHP! to pitlcui -- " CtiU'-SI- t f iao ai .eeto tne tisni, U- and Lie KENTUCKY, LOTJISVIL.r.E, .Vo. l.EtW.o 1 HAILING WOKKS ! IRON Til E A I) St BROTHER. STREET, OPPOSITE THE CUST0HB0V81 GUNPOWDER. ci us tr LOUISVILLE 'j - l..nnt nrrl': to Mfl IV cel. hr. ted X XX r.neC.-.e:- l Pin hotels at th I wat e taava luu. w m L.e c.l.cs RAILROADS. IT p.. ip..-in our - Chcico Game! npp:y dealers an .1 lit 'wefll'1 mi tet. V7tua, Li.t"p cl...k. fr .m si TnE Mil Y A Nl M a In tli tk S. X ale, tn iP.vD an tV.'.-.- I tM..' DA K rf'.rjandJ - ae phnrt- - vs.a Colt.tnbua, CTes'I'ne Hteuis.nri.i- - and LOaiSVILtE Tfli.v VTItl eo:e !n Je'!e-- o ..!.!, UMtWhaiH A Co.. !! N. wk.ik. Ci o n and In the c!:l . n t lri..ir il nirl J dAwIyeonilr..tuonica ra of lu ttle bo K- Til t luiAiipo.la Kj, " DAILY IN PECE1PT. PY lsAdams Expreas. or inc. I .est brands CsV J a an l well tdl .t. "Xvf'.JF the above-ca- tia r.d In t act ths dir. C. Il Hatch era, cl Halt'.. Co., Ovtto so, daily lu receipt 1 In ltlT.atl til if p'u tip In It Luvrewr, im F wi'l AM crav- : ,.f y u r tile cr per ' i nt."IU A', im.v- - I. In Mll Il' "t; t;a ili'plled t:.,. i A'e-- a -- t :n- - fresh BiiiiniE frrm the powerr-hn h tiev i he r,- be 1. saiiuuii t iiau. ii ONQTJOT r. rTrttrvomw. an em'nent I New Tr rk ta wi (waarai PblBMleiBtita'a e -. 1. e In Baratoira Su's In a bra; A. a noursx blliUuo IB LoslTs; le la 14 r..,nr Clevaland tn P t n 12 noorw w neenna in si hours; e In U'Si hoaiex rtsf,v CisaiUlna in C boor lla n awur ean.lii.iy In 10 h irs lo o m kvarat Detrou in V: hours. rLie il. KY. S'roiirlitors. POUTKIi Arand Blo.k the U!,e.ltoa and rUvve ii:ii t.i..l . .h: ireas. Fir Lton was belitved, ia cre ! tr Fnros Cuit, IlcsnvoToii Ccrjrrr. Ta- -l dulous ages, to have fouad tie "Waters of Jauuary in. lefil. me twe IT C. ."raHtn(r Wr: T'.n wl'l iil;a KejaveneacaBOe" tut be found them not. Dt.xea & nr of i t u. binA Ui. m lmmfcUiatty ,n. ltrLt;u.ly Jouia, JOT1V B It was reserved for an eminent man of our CELEBRATED NOISELESS ay o discover ths component parts of P. S. Ihuxttttd one box of your J'tiU, ami Jind Uxm tTocurni. W. F. S1MKAI.L. WRIGHTS EXJCTE SATING ELIXIR, potf Aer.t lor the Leus Creek ( a.) Horkn. hick Is no fable but verity. It is parely taiTdt ilp tin.E Votvos. 0, Janniry IS. W HitTTj C .vfM.'f.. wegetable in ils origin, and the oldest llfae fn'l lncl'eed twi DUPCNPS AND HAZIHE'S ara thunderstruck at tba rapidity writk which it removes the virus from the , system, which is the corcrson ceuae of N'TR Of IIAND A F1H.I. Pl'iiCK iF l)t- debility, itprutlon of rpirilt, tnnui, and KIHK and I'l.A.'Tl'VU IiAZAKl PtnktT, Mass , December II, 1 POVt Iv.tl. wt.kU we contiaua to 6.i at ihr Uieed marfai ml prtttration. Throughout the 8ou:h, -. ratiH.C.SiHi4i9,lq: I wi.-- f'jr a'tmectrcnlaraorlari ket sr. p. rlrrlty of r,or rep ar.d ita'lon The epeeially, it has triumphed over every thing K be'ore ra, 11 ou Lave anythiug of tut Pow ler proi.lbi the neceauMy uf oar ollMtt It to to oblall. their ct rtltl. atel. ia the phannacofoca, and may be truly called a tK1, pl- auir to toe. f All ael! we ti be SCPJT.MH e KUa:a-jthe i'oa.i.r who ii etllj.ct to aevere SI'-Ot.eot nt II. a1a. lie (uuali.- 'alin!; tke great al!y of enure. ras cured of ua te any other brat. 1a ni nutactnred tu tue I ntu-- state ana-n vtmr 1,'lt, atuli 1 arni ter. 0FF1CC OF CiTT P0W!iER MAGAZIKK. i,ur Cold by all ref pec'able dmf gists through-va- t No. 7l Vli 1EIT. W. B. W ILK Li A V POP.)NT k On relf dtl ftf tke Cnited SLates and CsD&la. J. WRIGHT A CO., sole proprietors, New OrC. DRYDEN, H. W. 1 O , rmt'iBSBCM, riKU CorTT. No Familv can A.Tor J to le Without One ! Janua'y . lool. I leans, La. See avertieniect. mr!3 dlwlra At fvir Mreef. tin- er.vl'le. J. 4fJ t i.i uu. ?t Ladies. Ths Crst ymtoms of disease should r evf r be If Bot removed serious evils will ia.evita.bly follow, and ia seeking assistance II remedies that will act violently or reduce the atreagtk should be avoided. They, of assisting nature, weaken and debilitate tkoae organs. For Female Complaint', take kfeLeaa'a Strengthening Cordial and EUod Parifier. It stands in Q diseases peculiar to females. Try it; it Is delieioas aromatie Cordial. ap2 diw Id rr.itTta C'.i.'j-.S3. RtWJJS. LOUIHV1I.I.H, A L AT A MKOur l.r.i.r Dame t.ateruc.uuiry. T'yit It ther Blltera. Tiy It. the a le pr.p Ith una o tl.e o de-- t i 1'ra lit:on-- r of upou the want-- , o: '. ;ern K a ail f.e: t, !'' OPPOSITE THS or Sitters i",1, r ,"t eTr'-'ll- e j"ii-TI.y of Dr. cont arei ti., and at iil.- e. ar . tl le ' .i!:v. ' fro Dle4lltlUle.or.iera v HI .wijit r..'e. anv q'l nil ty, d at th cs, A.C., DOOR EAST OF NEW TOSTOFFIC 1X17. tx Pbacticai, Anvics . Saloon anil Kestaur.mt, .. tS-- :l iu u:ai. n nir f oi i tr.to l.ns'.eK, un'i uiunnhe eat. hlicrE fi'm .. per every miehinerv I" U enai'i.Hl a.'.d prepared to .to wwk I t cio lu t!i fllf or le where, lie iiPm-itI,M'.h. towevthan ar.v oilier atiuilar ot a i r im Icen, f d. aerve the ITt1. UotVK pMITHlNb purpo nice. bti'..:iiit for BI.T.J, Acal WKATKS. pHf'fl HH. by in, ami l'..-- Dili nisi of Haul I.. Ac j by ma to any .erin at'r.ia .twirinj them. SarAL O'.meiit. .:! wi.i le CKti te li a at m v -i'air.'n'.ik.-r- , to tl a!s ei.aed an A No. ai.i tlierefiir pre;.:!--- ! Vt AKK AM V.l S i ia; ma 1 wouiu e r pattern ot It ii.it!. c. to eim taeir na;r&m In nufc:ne to or lyl .in ; tact. an.1 t 'l ler u t'on of natri'iia-- e ag c. an ' ... Safes of t I C'elr e ter'.'lr-iv- !nsV l'tl C- F- KK5PECTFULLV TFNDKK UIS ACKN'iWI.VrviKMENTf TO WOCT.P TDK arBJCRIBKit ai,.t xtwlve of Loutavtlle ar.d nta patron abrowl lot the I't.Tai en - SURZ3 CURE Aa. ft aiid Flrc-a'ro- r S,ihHni). , In..-.- Hy K S. IS tl met e j th ilrl li, to a inial. 'ii r too u a oi .i.e.. Hit (..La-k- F. BtRflAltorX. .rtfrii i II O K L, the a Wurtlna Hv af ri.1 Vauito, Hoorn, Csak $47 GREEN ETREET, Zear &r; for tie past several months I kave baem laboring under great weakness ad general debility, much of tie time Hascktiixi, 0Tt.. Febmary I, 19fl. onfined to my bed, and from which I I have tri1 your Cephalic Pilli. received bo benefit front my physician. anlJr.i flpalJinfffi': tnrm , well that I want j oa to acud ma two wortti ni"re. After using some of your blood j ills and doiarf Part of tr ee are for tbe telhb9ri. to whom I gave I a1' tc m you. o'- tbe blood parifier, purckased of your agent, if.v oat the Kil n t.r mi. aua o'.;.ia tnd Your obedient feervant. Mr. Wsm. II. H. Plummer. I feel af a new JAMF.3 KENNEDY. person, almost entirely free from d;eaee, aad would recommend your medicines to Pa., rebrnarj C, ISSl nivccrons. ail vka ara la Bead of so invaluable rem-di- c Jfe. .Sxiliiw ir : I wl.-U and me ene mor " PtiW. otti m trtatdfa viwiVpt rtr litiat aa tw MAXT T, HrifFM A. Taarni.arnrr. aoara. reaectfn'lr I Ittrbeo sivertiscDent in BLCtiicr co!- MAar ANN eTjIKHOL'eE. d&w ' 1'i.iprl tor. Kr. I, Corner Sisth St. and Court Tlace, r aud Cr.lUI. for civthi prevention of lit h r 3 I'l ieet M ,1 enl . tl y p.wuiiicj wilt to any f . .n .us ii totii. I4fir- "'"ilsifiG ivlASHIHES. S Ai.TU'LE. W to the at.otiii. mo! AT EXCELSIOfi SHIM9LE MACH.KE . ...v-urr r m.:.A.y y lor',. i.i r btJtVti, (IdlTl'l llta.(ilDa. aUiti sill aU4n Ot IOOrt LTD EPaE M dj li;',t'ul ir -- MANCFAU1LRER THEIR ile lZaehinc Shop. Sirwla, Louisville, ky., & . W . M E JR Z , HEADACHE Iron Railing:, F VerandBS Italconles, Iron Jailff, rttt SPEEDS' v i Tshirij!;ton Corner of AND FOIli'AliLR (TRAM PN(iTvKh ASD fOII.RRB Cir.CTTI.AII "P KTATIONART f iWSftCTTT.RR. SiUwri. . aa l Work. Caet a:Mt wr C l cf IDmrs, vrluu Hid. and cite. A o. ToUt.o 8 rews -! I't.. Ijt l or Wat.Ti for. ai l.l'l OF Kteani r ror;k!iT an fcViewe. LirotieT and .r:K, Blt:m.li and era' ilna to otil- -r .rrn new aij rv a,h.) eaQliml ue!na. .eivl.. ei.t ni:l whao deal cd. PI ILL COXTIXCK ALL WHO ECfFEB ii rv Is , .pa-- will d, ,iv. 1850 FROM ClfCTTMATI in 32 hours: 1. t ..j!(-v- S..1 Onlon-- o Sr. E.oback'3 Stomach vj 'S Hydraulic Fiod JFotnsffert svd ;.';ur, hv a . Alvtaz-r- and valuable gratia ol any ol hit x l o.ia::y vtt 4 Ia' wre il ChUVTS. iiUifi IS WITHIN :..i le SPALDIIVO, C. r ai.1 Finil'v A'mur ely ot lut .ri..ation. cm - I Kohack'K oi'..a'ti!'' 4S crDAR FrnEirr. sew yokk. ? ael fTPr UP rX cro m 'it'.oni iv pr.va-e- " Round the Corner" Sn.UV CM were nsolicitid hp Mr. FriLDTvn At OfM they aford unqwttumalAt proqf 0 tfu Kcocy qf tltit truly idttiitc dtr'xry. S0A a time when I;. A .ejti-- t C K( fth THE STIMTJLATII.0 is C 1.1 eriee rt ?uM be a1JrwS to W. 'he a' of iiier. A DAYTON EAILROADS. take pleasure In ennftnnela to the ll.e Lnll-stttat tl.ev have obtained tor. and they are now enabled to to Ihe an pu' iic. the above Juaily celebrated offer and wora ;e:,sf M rat FRICRZS AH ll"e Lutn-'--. f.TUtl c , o'o h0 Ml- -I ! :V nl A stti'piy ol I avton A 8l DNGUENT, i860 Tie 'ibcr it lbs ? T!I.V AIIKHVKD FD JF.CPH "fLcl nsTnt'CTIONC IH.'i?. ,i,n aiaaaw$vauiri At. Mil ;ru recc ae have STe atEr.atun-- af nan? C SpalJ-Tiecrt box. ty I rncren a1 all 'th'T Dealer? In SIMM nee box will i i n; I f 11.1;' prepaid en retelpt ef the 1. BOMB TKitTlHont. ajocrorDCXca, E r. BW.aW.XOSAGK.lL l: IMPUKITIK" M OK THE 1'LOuiJ OK W tn which t!iey do not g'.vo prompt 'i:!rf. anl (tf adc t eii l oi i:ie i.aa beeni inn '. i.,i. rt r.tre. ni. in led) :': a 1.. tun. r ,l f,,.. t CA 01 4 VI AN VE11KTABi.K H! ix D PU.Irfi are In bv the eper"t n.e ol I o.la letter-- . anliUvita, I'.n'oii l.vh,. wtn-w- m tk dmitiitratioB kas been proceeded with In accordance with the directions. It is a plaasor to sell medicines that meet the af porohacers and give sstKacticn, aad as sock I am proud to reemmend your Pills. apS sod h F" ARIcIXil tail IittleMiami COLUMBUS & XENIA, Tor tbe fVhiskera and Hair. l " JUNB Uva. CINCINTI HAWILTCH Pr.ha,tel.hia. lu, iniore, i..i sP tlev.ian s In the a s.. :tn Ira the R.I d II . . I Lvntncey, lei lev On. a al c:i: lu Ua West ali.1 tl'v o:liei rii.vti and North r.:t r. x TH s N an l VI Potomac Shad, Spring' CLickcn, Jacbsnlpc, Suck3, Squabs, Trog Lcjs, etc., MOTJSTACHIT STIMULATING 1'nef.r w VIA OOMME.NCUta CELEBRATED sl, Mansp-Hi- A BELLI NO HAM'S (J'un'.ayi ClIlCAliO DAILY r.M'KKS: Dun expecte.1) rotinectinr at Sevniour wtth Trains on tiie Kaslroa.1 l..r rlt. Louis. Cairo, the Ohio and r.iith and west, and Cincinnati and the East, wiihoat delay. WO. r. anl IVDIANAPni.IS PAST t.iOv (Snndav- - ev- cmnect-ItiERN IX with I rains on the tNile and at , Oolumuu-- . ,V a tf r CtMli.-at- l. ibiston, Ph!.ar!"'phla, II lil'.i'.oi- -, an- - :l East era n HUE! SEt TJiuc-win- FNOWDEN. A (BEES A. M., i.Mt P. .M., AMD 9UIII P. ?l. Lol'IS. CINCINNATI, INIHANAlLIS A AND FtTalW'aTEXSf TOP WANT A M0C8TACHET DO 1. ac$T. their crdu: liiat they recrull l.av have U'el. el'ttt t. nueln y h c KS. Y00 WANT DO TRANSPORTATION. WANT WHISKERS? TOT WANT WHISKERS? DO o. TX?1tti TOTJ JJO li. St. Charles Restaurant! L' d by Tee dtf. h bas believe i.T: M"I.P!.T, relieve liey I'e.ll Hmnwiut, Kr, Ar.)rii rr.h. t)a. 8 iiLLEitEiGii 5r- - I kave ' to state that your Fever and Agae Antidote ( a daily growing into fTor, and meeds us pn&og to recommend it, as its awn merits trial las been are sufficient, wherever made. t'VH AND f have been Pil e EXCHANGE! JUST RECEIVED. A FINE L'rT OF FROO Lr(i5. I tieiiiubera. Toiua'nea. tprlnv Chicken'. Mnoe, PlovDuck, Polemic shad. Salmon, Haer. anl all other kin Is of (lame and Venerable tn their eson. EualJUi and American Aleii on draught. JOHN CAW EIN A CO. ap2 Th'r l atreet. het. Miiin and .Maraet Remediei! M'a!jllu"i tl tul'nwiiu Th.it tK- V o ..1 I'UMI"! aud Blool :n c ,;.t Tovr by ai.U he a:m rt ui.l.erl .i. BARCAROUX, - SPALDING'S Zr Dr. Roback'B Scandinavian ruia. Cboicb Ptttsbcbo a.v d Tomebot Coal 1HE FOLLOWING INDORSEMENTS W desire to say to all tlce who wish a goad article of Pittsburg and Pomerry coal, alwaj s be fon-- d at tiie depot of I that it c , Capi. W. A. Porter, career of Je3erow and TVH f'p'- - Those who would deal with ' a fair dealer and clever cenUraien, wi'l io , vail to bear the above olee ia mind when LL - ilf j. w. pklfdu- the natural elaaXcttr he Siccative arcaaa. and aol atrenitti of Lbe l o!e Tba CEPHALIC riLl are the reealt of Ions lnrrtt experlmeota, hartns AUon aD h ch t!me thi r tare en rc u icanr TeArr, ur!rg amount ef pain and ant vrevented an relieved a nuartache. wh. the ortnoatinf In the rr krTn; m mvw rm ar fro a dfraneel ata'.eof the itnmack. Tter are entlrr:r vee. Ub'.e tlielr eomnoaltlon, anl ia b taken at a'l tune with perfeot aafetr with-i- t , trA On almnce ma'".!. I ar.r clianite vt ant iiixsTr'.t tiixu rtiuifTt it ea.iy to a'imtnufcr them fc v good coal. In WALKER'S PHAff MACYaX OK AND OHEHTNUT KY. StHdrrttt, Ielicte Ffcalra, and ai; rnr LifTvni jeioa of rtltnUry haimU. th-- are valuable aa a tow aod ripor to o w, tmprmncs tba mr7'. fOrder vast IXAMINI Ml 07 person. of Oliaiago MISCELLANEOUS. poalle Louts li for euV.acrir Ion to tie Pail Daaioorat left at Geo. VY. Earth's fee d store, asH.west ccmer of Market an! Twelf.l treats, and at 0. Zaaicger's drug store, soot-ea- st corner ef Jefferson and Pte'Vy Streets, will be prompt!- - attended taby thr (key TO flllKOTT, LEWIS & CO., 1tTANCTACT--n.Ac ! av tp "') rrEKiTrii at tnf1 LOUISVILLE, FROG LEGS! FIRST OF TIIE SEASON! AAD SIXTH, TUElR INTRA KPT ill t to i .a. j. lewis TENTH the periodic AtUckl ef Xtrr tVw Bf the J ; anil. If Uttn i or Sujt llradacht d.aj t c BinpBOrtunt of an attack, tnunediata rpltrl it . Vote pal am) atrknega vli! be 0I.UI0-it Thrr acMora fall la iraiuT.-j- t t'.ie VaM an! are to ubjert. to wtilrh Tref act grotty upon the boel eiuovlui Chauae. RAILROADS. JEFFERSCNYILLE RAILROAD1.! WAHEBO USE), .Jouisville, fj Ky. WOULD FIND IT MANPfACTURK1 li.---. liJ nrfit llraSTAUltANTS. I e. rrokc;), . uni m Plailfff Works. t M. Armstrong, o Main, oppoelU tk Kalional Hotel, baring rti;re- - froo: tko Eaera cities, U now opening lis ele fast stock cf seasonable cloi-I- -e for mtn'f yawta' aad c.U.rea's wear, embrsc-in- ; a" sixes and qualities for cM'drea from tw year U the largest you'hg' sizs. B?auui --aaonment of light auiia. Also re om stock of cloth, ca?timres, west- laga, for wio order are solicit ed. Trice wary lev for eas. WO. AND I. A KIHUTT. li iid Cot' Citb to STREET, BETWEEN riXTU IS5 MAI M ft&CRANTS hat boss, carpet taps, bores trunks to., af tis we fceft tvalit- -, at onpreoo-dented low price. Ail of Mr. MoCle-r- -'r work U beautiful, as veil as durable f Girt kin & eL, Erana Stock or Mts'i OK 8ADDLERT NervousHeadache a CURE . JL u ta 07 CURE FILLS AND PURIFIER. BLOOD STOKES, mf AND DEALER IN Coach and Saddlery Hardware . W . H(swcaiaoe Special Notices. I CTITf'H At.TR and ai deo'Ow-owl- OW al Ba aeo v a xliilil w invite Ureeo Ta a, tlona, to ikW) BUev BOtjfi BIDBA, EYRET Mora o aoe aitt ut -- a. P J. T. LAN If ATI laivoilaii ot Icot L. MA lasEIITP. fT) Ac. A Us aw Cannon, Sheirill & Co WHoLFSALB DI VLERS IN XOTIONSa Variety and Fancy Coodj, TO No. ar. .CTH LD o nAYBaRRMt'TET) doors ea-- t Jif aesaottw Oar st ek ut,j see Uraw lor in. ,y to eroded take In .enl ior tsooos trie Uou-- ei ad tee Beoke Is M atindin week etaee orf too , M' Mates f Tanoe an soa h l aros ft. North Una. taeeroio. k train . . Pemn . ua . lata I lilniolB leicept Me a oka muif Uuwwo eoA ey Chic a kauaseai. aod lowa li VAN VIS. ua,.., k.raw ... BHERBXL . a ' 1
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