2012 Statement of Financial Information
2012 Statement of Financial Information
CITY OF VANCOUVER INCLUDING BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS BRITISH COLUMBIA STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION DECEMBER 31, 2012 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SCHEDULE OF DEBTS SCHEDULE OF GUARANTEE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENTS SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIERS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Published pursuant to the Financial Information Regulations under the Financial Information Act of British Columbia CITY OF VANCOUVER STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION APPROVAL The undersigned, as authorized by the Financial Information Regulation, Schedule 1, subsection 9(2), approves all the statements and schedules included in this Statement of Financial Information, produced under the Financial Information Act. Esther Lee Director of Financial Services Deputy Director of Finance April 25, 2013 CITY OF VANCOUVER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE REPORT The Financial Statements contained in this Statement of Financial Information under the Financial Information Act have been prepared by management in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, and the integrity and objectivity of these statements are management’s responsibility. Management is also responsible for all the statements and schedules, and for ensuring that this information is consistent, where appropriate, with the information contained in the financial statements. Management is responsible for implementing and maintaining a system of internal controls to provide reasonable assurance that reliable financial information is produced. The City’s Internal Audit Division has the responsibility for assessing the internal control environment of the City and making observations and recommendations on the effectiveness of management systems and processes. The Internal Audit Division reports to the Internal Audit Management Team. The External Auditors, KPMG LLP, conduct an independent examination, in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards, and express their opinion on the financial statements. Their examination does not relate to the other schedules and statements required by the Act. Their examination includes a review and evaluation of the City’s system of internal control and appropriate tests and procedures to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are presented fairly. The External Auditors present their audit findings to the City’s Finance and Services Committee. On behalf of the City of Vancouver, Esther Lee Director of Financial Services Deputy Director of Finance April 25, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ................................................................. TAB 1 SCHEDULES OF DEBTS AND GUARANTEE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENTS General ................................................................................................................... 1 Local Improvement ................................................................................................ 4 Schedule of Guarantee and Indemnity Agreements ............................................. 7 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES Mayor and Councillors ........................................................................................... 10 Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners .................................. 11 Vancouver Police Board Members ........................................................................ 12 Employees ............................................................................................................. 13 Severance Agreements .......................................................................................... 31 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES General ................................................................................................................... 34 Vancouver Public Library Board - Books and Materials ........................................ 46 Grants Business Improvement Association ................................................................ 49 Cultural ........................................................................................................... 50 Community Services ...................................................................................... 52 Childcare ........................................................................................................ 54 Other ............................................................................................................... 55 CITY OF VANCOUVER BRITISH COLUMBIA CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Mayor and Council ...................................................................................................................... 1 Officials ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Boards ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Financial Statements Report of the Director of Finance ....................................................................................... 4 Auditors’ Report .................................................................................................................. 9 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position .................................................................... 10 Consolidated Statement of Operations ............................................................................... 11 Consolidated Statement of Change in Net Debt ................................................................ 12 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows ............................................................................. 13 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ...................................................................... 14 Schedule I – Segmented Information .................................................................................. 27 MAYOR AND COUNCIL ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 1 OFFICIALS Corporate Management Team City Manager Deputy City Manager Chief Constable Director of Legal Services City Librarian General Manager of Community Services Director of Corporate Communications General Manager of Engineering Services General Manager of Fire and Rescue Services General Manager of Financial Services Group and CFO General Manager of Human Resource Services General Manager of Parks and Recreation General Manager of Planning and Development Services General Manager of Real Estate and Facilities Management Financial Services General Manager of Financial Services Group and CFO Director of Financial Services Associate Director of Financial Services City Clerk ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 P. Ballem, MD, FRCP S. A. Johnston, LEED AP J. Chu, B.B.A, M.B.A. F. Connell, LL.B. S. Singh, B.A., MLIS B. Prosken, BSW, MPA M. Welman P. Judd, P. Eng. J. McKearney, M.A. P. Impey, B. Sc., M.B.A. P. Mochrie, BCom, M.B.A. M. Bromley, Dip Rec. B. Jackson, MCIP B. Aujla, B.A.Sc., M.B.A., LL.B. P. Impey, B. Sc., M.B.A. E. Lee, B. Comm., C.A. G. Krueger, B. Comm., C.A. J. MacKenzie MPA, B.Comm. 2 BOARDS Vancouver Public Library Board C. Evans – Chair E. Kazemi – Vice-Chair M. Lombardi - School Board Trustee C. Barnes – Park Board Commissioner Councillor H. Deal – City Council Representative M.L. Baum K. Epstein C. Brooks D. Millward A. Chan J. Schaub D. Chariandy J. Swift Vancouver Police Board Mayor G. Robertson – Chair D. Bridgeman W. Shao M. Collins D. Sidhu W. Grant S. Williamson P. Marfleet G. Wong Board of Parks and Recreation S. Blyth – Chair A. Jasper – Vice-Chair C. Barnes T. Loke J. Coupar N. Sharma M. De Genova Vancouver Civic Theatres Board R. Haynes – Chair K. Sutherland – Vice-Chair Councillor E. Ball – Council Liaison S. Adams K. Sutherland R. Haynes K. Wilson M. Noon I. Woo W. Soobis ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 3 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE City Hall, Vancouver April 15, 2013 Mayor G. Robertson and Members of Council It is our pleasure to submit the Consolidated Financial Statements for the City of Vancouver for the year ended December 31, 2012. These financial statements include the financial position and results of operations of the City including its boards and City controlled corporations. The City’s financial statements consist of: Consolidated Statement of Financial Position – summary of financial and non-financial assets, liabilities and accumulated surplus at yearend. Consolidated Statement of Operations – summary of revenues, expenses and annual surplus for the year. Consolidated Statement of Change in Net Debt – summary of changes in financial assets and liabilities. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow – summary of the sources and uses of cash in the year. Consolidated Financial Position 2012 ($Millions) Financial assets $ Liabilities Net debt Non-financial assets Accumulated surplus 1,569.2 2011 $ 1,837.1 (267.9) 6,198.4 $ 5,930.5 1,419.5 Change $ 1,838.8 (419.3) 6,203.3 $ 5,784.0 149.7 (1.7) 151.4 (4.9) $ 146.5 The City’s overall financial position improved by $146.5 million in 2012 with accumulated surplus totaling $5.931 billion (2011 - $5.784 billion). Net Debt, calculated as Financial Assets less Liabilities is an indicator of the amount of future revenues required to pay for past transactions and events. The City’s Net Debt improved by $151.4 million to a total of $267.9 million mainly due to the City’s annual consolidated surplus (revenues exceeding expenses) of $146.4 million. The City’s non-financial assets decreased in 2012 by $4.9 million, bringing the total to $6.198 billion. The net decrease is the result of amortization expense and disposals being slightly higher than additions of physical assets in the year. Consolidated Results of Operations The City’s consolidated revenues were $1.445 billion (2011 - $1.400 billion) and include property taxes, utilities and user charges, government transfers and capital contributions. Consolidated expenses totaled $1.298 billion (2011 - $1.294 billion) resulting in an annual surplus of $146.4 million (2011 - $107.4 million). ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 4 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Revenue Fund The Revenue Fund accounts for the general operations of the City. Spending authority and control for the fund are provided by Council through the annual Operating Budget. Revenues for the year totaled $1.163 billion and expenditures totaled $964.1 million resulting in a net revenue amount of $198.6 million. After debt charges and transfers to reserves and other funds, the net change in the Revenue fund balance was $1.2 million. The total fund balance of the Revenue Fund currently stands at $18.6 million, compared to $17.4 million in 2011. The following highlights the major changes in revenues and expenditures. Total operating revenues increased by $47.5 million (4.3%) from 2011 mainly due to: An increase in net taxation revenue of $22.4 million or 3.6% from $619.9 million to $642.3 million. City Council approved a 2.84% increase in the property tax levy in 2012 that generated $19.6 million in tax revenues (including $3.0 million from new construction). Despite a decrease in water consumption from 2011, water utility user fees increased $6.5 million (7.0%) primarily due to a Council approved rate increase of 9.9% to reflect rising regional water costs and debt charges related to renewing water infrastructure. An increase in solid waste utility revenue of $3.7 million (6.9%) was largely due to higher refuse disposal volumes and increased collection and tipping fee rates approved by Council. An increase in sewer utility revenue of $4.3 million (8.7%) due to a Council approved sewer rate increase of 9.9% to address the ongoing sewer separation capital program. An increase in other fees, rates and cost recoveries of $6.6 million (2.8%) due to a combination of the following: $4.0 million increase from building permits and related fees due to rate increases and higher levels of construction activity presently being undertaken within the City. $1.9 million increase in on-street parking revenues due to the greater convenience of the phone payment system and overall higher parking activity on City streets. $1.0 million increase from provincial and federal government grants received for the Fire Department’s Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team. $1.0 million increase in recreation program fees due to greater demand at new or renewed recreation facilities at the Park Board. $1.1 million increase for one-time project cost recoveries from developers for the Oakridge Centre and Pearson/Dogwood sites. $2.3 million decrease in one-time Federal and corporate cost recoveries related to the 2011 Vancouver 125th birthday celebration. An increase in provincial revenue sharing grants and contributions of $0.9 million (3.3%) primarily from higher allocations of provincial traffic fine revenue. An increase in investment income of $3.0 million (21.1%) due to higher investment balances compared with 2011. Total operating expenditures amounted to $964.1 million, an increase of $6.5 million (0.7%) over 2011 mainly due to: $12.4 million increase in contractual and other wage and fringe benefit adjustments. $1.5 million in Policing costs for the Criminal Investigation Fund due to a number of large-scale investigations. $4.4 million for Water rate increases charged by the Greater Vancouver Water District. $2.2 million in Solid Waste expenditures due to increased volumes. $1.5 million increase in Sewer Utility expenditures due to increased debt costs in 2012. $2.0 million decrease for the civic election held in 2011. $3.4 million decrease in expenditures due to the winding down of Vancouver’s 125th birthday celebration. $2.3 million decrease in corporate insurance expenditures due to lower insurance claims paid and receipt of insurance credits in 2012. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 5 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Tangible Capital Assets The City’s tangible capital assets are held in two funds: Capital Fund accounts for tangible capital assets required for civic use and the related long term debt. Property Endowment Fund (PEF) accounts for real estate properties including non-market housing sites, other residential and commercial properties and parking garages. A number of these properties are managed on a commercial basis generating income to benefit current and future citizens. The Capital Fund holds $5.113 billion of assets at the end of 2012. Capital additions totalled $156.9 million with the following major projects: $ Million 34.7 43.8 21.4 1.7 5.4 8.5 21.6 12.7 7.1 Streets, traffic and safety Sewer main construction Water works distribution system Solid Waste utility Vehicle and equipment purchases Parks, community centres, playing fields, ice rinks Construction and capital maintenance of City buildings and systems Technology infrastructure Books, equipment and furniture The Property Endowment Fund holds $1.045 billion of assets at the end of 2012. Capital additions totalled $25.1 million with the purchase of land for affordable housing, as well as marina, parking structure and building improvements. Long Term Debt Debt outstanding at year end was $703.8 million (2012 - $620.1 million). In December 2012, the City issued a 40 year $120.0 million sinking fund debenture at rate of 3.7 %. At the end of 2012, the City has sinking fund debt reserves of $121.5 million for the future repayments. ($000s) 2012 2011 Change Debenture debt outstanding Less: Internally held debt $ 712,927 (9,156) $ 630,343 (10,197) $ 82,584 1,041 Externally held debt $ 703,771 $ 620,146 $ 83,625 As part of 2012-2014 Capital Plan, the City has electorate approval for total borrowing up to $322.7 million; $179.8 million for the maintenance and replacement of existing and construction of new streets, parks and facilities infrastructure and $142.9 million for sewer, water, and neighborhood energy capital expenditures. Through the 2012-2014 capital budget processes, Council has established borrowing authorities for $101.3 million. Along with $34.6 million remaining authority from the 2009-2011 Capital Plan, overall outstanding borrowing authority at the end of 2012 was $135.9 million. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 6 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Reserves Under legislative or Council authority, the City has established a number of specific purpose reserves in addition to the sinking fund debt repayment reserve. At the end of 2012, these reserves totalled $637.4 million, up $128.2 million over 2011. The most significant reserve balances and changes were: Childcare Endowment Reserve increased by $5.7 million to $14.8 million largely due to a $5.0 million Council approved transfer to support ongoing commitments to increase childcare spaces. Community Amenity contributions from developers increased by $62.9 million bringing the balance to $133.2 million. Future Revenue Fund Budgets Reserve increased by $17.5 million to a balance of $93.5 million. The increase included the transfer of $3.6 million to fund future payroll obligations, $3.5 million for Revenue Fund stabilization, and $5.5 million traffic fine revenue sharing received in advance. Funding for future debt charges of $3.4 million was transferred into the Future Debt Repayment Reserve bringing the balance of the reserve to $41.3 million. The Parking Sites Reserve holds the net parking revenues from the City’s parkades and parking lots, managed and operated by Vancouver Parking Corporation (EasyPark). The balance of the reserve at year end was $49.9 million, an increase of $20.9 million which included a property sale in addition to the annual net parking revenue. The Plant and Equipment Reserve which funds the long term equipment replacement plan increased by $6.2 million to $81.0 million. The reserve is primarily funded by internal equipment charges provided in the Operating and Capital Budgets and in 2012 this amounted to $16.3 million. Actual expenditures in 2012 were $10.7 million. The Solid Waste Capital Reserve is being accumulated to fund closure and post-closure costs at the City’s landfill. The present liability is calculated based on the ratio of utilization to the total capacity of the landfill site and the discounted value of future estimated cash flows associated with closure and post-closure activities. At year end, the liability amounted to $72.0 million, with the remaining capacity of 6.3 million tonnes (26.7% of total capacity) to be utilized by 2036. During the year the reserve decreased by $1.6 million to $75.8 million as a result of landfill expenditures of $12.0 million offset by surplus and interest of $10.4 million. Water and Sewer Utility Rate Stabilization Reserves decreased by $3.5 million to a total of $16.9 million as a result of lower user consumption revenues than anticipated. Southeast False Creek Development At the end of 2010, the financial statement value of the loan receivable from the developer, Southeast False Creek Properties Ltd ("SEFC Ltd"), formerly Millennium Southeast False Creek Properties Ltd., had been adjusted to reflect estimated net realizable value of underlying assets ($524.0 million). These assets include: market condominiums, market rental housing and commercial space buildings located in the Olympic Village site now known as The Village on False Creek (“Market Project”), residential and commercial properties (Guarantee Properties) owned directly or indirectly by the guarantors of the loan and residual value of SEFC Ltd shares. In January 2011, SEFC Ltd and the City entered into a loan settlement agreement which resulted in the transfer of the guarantee properties to the City. The City completed assessments of the properties and 22 of the 32 properties have been sold. The receiver for the Market Project, appointed in November 2010, has continued to manage and market the project and during the year, 116 units (2011-177 units) were sold leaving a balance of 181 unsold units. Net proceeds from the sale of the condominiums were, with court approval, paid to the City and used to reduce external financing. At December 31, 2012, the City has reflected the Southeast False Creek development as an investment in the amount of $310.2 million. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 7 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Summary 2012 ($Millions) Investment in tangible capital assets Reserve for debt retirement Reserves Fund balances $ 5,468.4 121.4 637.4 (143.4) $ 5,930.5 Obligations to be funded from future revenues Accumulated surplus 2011 $ 5,554.0 76.7 509.2 (196.8) $ 5,784.1 (153.3) Change $ (85.6) 44.7 128.2 53.4 $ 146.4 (159.0) 5.7 The City’s consolidated operations for the year 2012 resulted in a surplus of $146.4 million. Net investment in tangible capital assets was reduced by $85.6 million as expenditures on engineering infrastructure, parks and recreation facilities, libraries and cultural facilities were offset by amortization and an increase in long-term debt issued to finance the capital expenditures. The City’s 2012 financial position remains strong and is reflected in the credit agency ratings. The Public Sector Accounting Board has approved new standards for the accounting of Government Transfers and Tax Revenue effective for the 2013 fiscal year. New standards for the liability of contaminated sites have also been approved and will be effective for the 2014 fiscal year. In 2013, the City will be preparing for these changes and continuing to implement improvements to financial management and reporting. Respectfully submitted, Patrice Impey, B.Sc. MBA General Manager of Financial Services /CFO Director of Finance ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 Esther Lee, CA Director of Financial Services Deputy Director of Finance 8 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 9 CITY OF VANCOUVER Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As at December 31 ($000s) 2012 2011 FINANCIAL ASSETS Cash (Note 2) Temporary investments (Note 2) Accounts receivable and accrued interest (Note 3) Local improvement receivable Property taxes receivable Southeast False Creek development (Note 8(i)) Long term lease agreement receivable (Note 8(f)(i)) $ 109,164 1,005,948 77,877 8,111 23,013 310,153 34,905 1,569,171 $ 59,014 729,001 97,418 9,794 24,018 462,180 38,027 1,419,452 LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (Note 3) Deferred payroll, landfill and interest liabilities (Note 7) Mortgage and loan agreements (Note 8(f)) Southeast False Creek Financing (Note 8(i)) Long term debt (Note 4) Deferred revenue (Note 10) 292,240 153,320 45,021 311,875 703,771 330,907 1,837,134 NET DEBT 267,033 159,012 51,044 460,381 620,146 281,134 1,838,750 (267,963) (419,298) NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS Inventory and prepaids Tangible capital assets (Note 5) ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (Note 6) 18,374 6,180,057 6,198,431 $ 5,930,468 18,218 6,185,127 6,203,345 $ 5,784,047 Contingencies and commitments (Note 8) See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 10 CITY OF VANCOUVER Consolidated Statement of Operations Years ended December 31 ($000s) 2012 2011 REVENUES Property taxes, penalties and interest Water fees Solid waste fees Sewer fees Other fees, rates and cost recoveries Grants and contributions Investment income Rental and lease income Gain (loss) on sale of tangible capital assets Gain on sale of Southeast False Creek assets $ 642,281 99,469 57,167 52,930 461,456 26,886 21,854 51,857 9,798 20,832 $ 619,885 92,979 53,467 48,672 460,975 39,193 15,803 50,322 (925) 19,572 1,444,530 1,399,943 161,580 247,434 97,788 176,510 92,101 57,116 78,789 67,632 178,893 97,611 42,655 1,298,109 159,988 234,554 97,284 175,908 86,431 64,104 77,440 70,614 176,075 97,651 52,499 1,292,548 146,421 107,395 5,784,047 5,676,652 EXPENSES General government Police protection Fire protection Engineering Water utility Solid waste Sewer utility Planning and development Recreation and parks Community and cultural services Southeast False Creek Development (Note 8(i)) ANNUAL SURPLUS ACCUMULATED SURPLUS (Note 6) Beginning of year Ending Balance $ 5,930,468 $ 5,784,047 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 11 CITY OF VANCOUVER Consolidated Statement of Change in Net Debt Years ended December 31 ($000s) 2012 Annual Surplus $ Acquisition of tangible capital assets Contributed tangible capital assets Amortization of tangible capital assets Loss (gain) on sale of tangible capital assets Writeoff of capital costs Proceeds on sale of tangible capital assets Other transfers (173,908) (4,457) 172,200 (9,798) 21,033 5,070 Change in inventory and prepaids (156) CHANGE I N NET DEB T NET DEB T Beginning of year End of year 146,421 $ 2011 $ 107,395 (240,947) (24,576) 172,424 925 12,324 6,085 20,802 (52,963) 33 151,335 54,465 (419,298) (473,763) (267,963) $ (419,298) See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 12 CITY OF VANCOUVER Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Years ended December 31 ($000s) 2012 2011 CASH PROVIDED BY (USED IN): Operating Transactions Annual surplus Items not involving cash Amortization Contributed tangible capital assets Gain on sale of Southeast False Creek assets Loss (gain) on sale of tangible capital assets Writeoff of capital costs Recognition of deferred revenue Change in non-cash items Other finanical assets and liabilities Change in obligations to be funded from future revenues Increase (decrease) in inventories and prepaids $ 146,421 $ 107,395 172,200 (4,457) (20,832) (9,798) (33,279) 172,424 (24,576) (19,572) 925 12,324 (41,182) 50,558 (5,692) (156) 294,965 40,116 4,140 33 252,027 120,000 (42,398) 83,052 (148,506) 12,148 140,420 (124,190) 89,703 (91,256) 14,677 (173,908) 21,033 (152,875) (240,947) 6,085 (234,862) 172,859 (276,947) (104,088) 138,756 (234,893) (96,137) NET (DECREASE) INCREASE IN CASH 50,150 (64,295) CASH Beginning of year 59,014 123,309 Financing Transactions Debt issued Debt repayments Deferred revenue receipts Southeast False Creek credit facility program Capital Transactions Acquisition of tangible capital assets Proceeds of sale of tangible capital assets Investing Transactions Southeast False Creek financing Net purchase of temporary investments End of year $ 109,164 $ 59,014 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 13 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) Year Ended December 31, 2012 The City of Vancouver (the “City”) was incorporated in 1886 and is governed by the Vancouver Charter, a private bill consented to by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia. 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (a) Basis of Presentation The consolidated financial statements of the City have been prepared in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. (b) Reporting Entity The consolidated financial statements reflect the assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses of the reporting entity. The reporting entity is comprised of all the organizations controlled by the City. Interfund and inter-corporate balances and transactions have been eliminated. The entities included are as follows: Hastings Institute Inc. Harbour Park Development Ltd. Parking Corporation of Vancouver Vancouver Civic Development Corporation City of Vancouver Public Housing Corporation Pacific National Exhibition The resources and operations of the City are accounted for in the following funds: Capital - Accounts for capital expenditures supporting civic infrastructure and holds all properties required for civic use and the related long term debt. Revenue - Accounts for revenue and expenditures for the general operations of the City including sewer, solid waste, and water and neighbourhood energy utilities. Property Endowment – Accounts for parkades and properties which are leased to third parties, being developed or held resale or lease. Sinking - Accounts for the accumulation of instalments generated from tax levies in accordance with the actuarial requirements for the retirement of sinking fund debt at maturity. Capital Financing - Accounts for funds designated for the financing of capital works, for the acquisition of the City’s debentures and for funds set aside for the City's solid waste disposal program. Also included in these statements are certain assets owned by the City that are managed by the following organizations: Vancouver Art Gallery Society Vancouver Museum (c) H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Vancouver Maritime Museum Basis of Accounting Revenues are accounted for in the period in which the transactions or events occurred that gave rise to the revenues. Expenses are recognized as they are incurred and measurable as a result of receipt of goods or services and/or the creation of a legal obligation to pay. (d) Deferred Revenue Deferred revenue consists of the following: (i) Development cost levies: The City collects development cost levies in accordance with Council approved by-laws to finance growth-related projects. These amounts will be recognized as revenues in the year in which the expenditures are incurred. (ii) Prepaid leases The City has land leases with terms ranging from 40 to 99 years, some of which have been prepaid. These amounts are recognized in revenue on a straight-line basis over the lease term. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 14 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - Continued (e) Cash and Temporary Investments Cash includes short-term investments with maturity dates within 90 days of acquisition. Temporary investments are comprised of money market instruments, term deposits, banker acceptances and federal and provincial bonds with maturity dates greater than 90 days after acquisition. Investments are recorded at cost, adjusted for amortization of premiums or discounts. (f) Non-financial Assets Non-financial assets are not available to discharge existing liabilities and are held for use in the provision of services. They have useful lives extending beyond the current year and are not intended for sale in the ordinary course of operations. (i) Tangible capital assets Tangible capital assets are recorded at cost which includes amounts that are directly attributable to acquisition, construction, development or betterment of the asset. The cost, less residual value of the capital asset is amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives as follows: Landfill and land improvements Buildings and building improvements Leasehold improvements Vehicles, equipment and furniture Computer systems Library Collection Infrastructure Streets, sidewalks, bridges Water system Sewer system Years 15 to 60 25 to 50 5 to 20 3 to 20 5 10 25 to 80 20 to 100 40 to 100 Annual amortization is charged commencing when the asset is acquired or available for use. Assets under construction are not amortized until the asset is available for productive use. The City does not capitalize interest associated with the acquisition or construction of a capital asset. Tangible capital assets received as contributions are recorded at their fair value at the date of receipt and also recorded as revenue. Works of art, artifacts, cultural and historic assets are not recorded as assets in the financial statements. (ii) Inventories and prepaid expenses Inventories and prepaid expenses held for consumption are recorded at the lower of cost and replacement cost. (g) Pension Plan and Deferred Payroll Liabilities The City and its employees participate in a Municipal Pension Plan. The Municipal Pension Plan is a multi-employer contributory defined benefit pension plan. Payments in the year are expensed. Employees are entitled to earned benefits related to non-vested accumulating sick leave, sick leave gratuity and full vacation entitlement at retirement. Employees may also defer current vacation entitlements. The cost of post-employment benefits is actuarially determined based on service provided, a best estimate of retirement ages and expected future salary and wage increases. The liability under these benefit plans is accrued based on projected benefits as the employees render service necessary to earn the future benefits. Certain employees are entitled to income continuation benefits under long term disability plans. The City recognizes a liability and expense for these post-employment benefits in the period when the event occurs that obligates the City to provide the benefit. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 15 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES – Continued (h) Landfill Closure and Post Closure Costs The Ministry of Environment establishes certain requirements in order for the City to obtain an Operating Certificate for its landfill site. Those obligations include closure and post-closure activities. The present value of the City’s estimated future liability for these expenditures is recognized as the landfill site’s capacity is used. This liability and annual expense is calculated based on the ratio of utilization to total capacity of the site. (i) Budget Information The City currently does not prepare annual budgets on a consolidated basis. The unaudited budget for the Revenue Fund is presented in the supplementary information section. (j) Estimates Preparation of the consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Significant estimates include assumptions used in estimating provisions for accrued liabilities, legal claims, landfill liability and in performing actuarial valuations of employee future benefits. The amounts recorded for tangible capital assets are based on management’s estimates of historical cost, useful lives and valuation for contributed assets. Actual results could differ from the estimates and adjustments, if any, will be reflected in the period of settlement or upon a change in the estimate. (k) Comparative Figures Certain comparative figures for the year ended December 31, 2011 have been reclassified to conform with the presentation adopted in the current year. 2. CASH AND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS 2012 2011 Cash Temporary investments $ 109,164 1,005,948 $ 59,014 729,001 Total cash and temporary investments $ 1,115,112 $ 788,015 Market Value of total cash and investments $ 1,193,101 $ 809,832 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 16 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 3. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2012 Accounts receivable and accrued interest Accrued interest Utility receivables Employee advances Rental and lease receivables $ 5,906 30,935 2,132 888 Trade and other receivables $ 38,016 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Payroll liabilities Advance deposits and receipts 16,564 30,134 2,115 870 47,735 $ 77,877 $ 97,418 $ 66,899 114,663 $ 62,678 101,945 Trade and other liabilities 110,678 $ 4. 2011 102,410 292,240 $ 267,033 LONG TERM DEBT AND SOUTH EAST FALSE CREEK FINANCING (a) Debenture debt is recorded at its face amount. The City does not carry debt issued by other organizations. Maturing In Total 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Thereafter Total 26,103 26,962 15,524 1,179 126,232 516,927 $ 712,927 External Internally Held 1,417 1,234 1,072 949 998 3,486 $ 9,156 24,686 25,728 14,452 230 125,234 513,441 $ 703,771 The rates of interest payable on the principal amount of the debentures range from 1.71% to 7.00% per annum. The weighted average interest rate on total debt to maturity is 4.23%. Total interest paid in 2012 on externally held debt amounted to $31.3 million (2011 - $30.5 million). Reserve for debt retirement at December 31, 2012 amounted to $121.5 million (2011 - $76.7 million). (b) To provide the financing for the South East False Creek development (see Note 8(i)), The City issued a $150.0 million, 5 year debenture (at 3.3%) in 2009. The balance of the financing was raised through a commercial paper program backed by a credit facility arranged through a consortium of financial institutions. At December 31, 2012, the amount of commercial paper outstanding was $145.0 million (2011 - $284.0 million) with an average interest rate of 1.80%. The rate will vary with the change in Canadian short term interest rates over the term of the loan agreement. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 17 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 5. TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS Balance beginning of year 2012 Additions, net of transfers Disposals Balance end of year Cost Land Landfill and land improvements Buildings and building improvements Leasehold improvements Vehicles, equipment and furniture Computer systems Books Infrastructure Streets and structures Water system Sewer system Assets under construction $ 1,702,225 261,086 1,327,548 23,332 279,379 130,739 46,104 $ 3,030,041 680,614 1,282,445 16,562 Total Cost 22,153 2,604 30,135 2,605 6,377 13,951 3,457 $ 35,566 21,361 43,797 (3,641) (479) (9,076) (6,671) (480) (5,563) 1,723,899 263,690 1,348,607 25,937 279,085 144,210 43,998 (1,504) (3,364) (3,198) - 3,064,103 698,611 1,323,044 12,921 8,780,075 178,365 (30,335) 8,928,105 Accumulated amortization Landfill and land improvements Buildings and building improvements Leasehold improvements Vehicles, equipment and furniture Computer systems Books Infrastructure Streets and structures Water system Sewer system 114,751 312,683 9,444 171,633 83,694 29,179 9,575 30,351 992 11,891 22,444 2,683 (6,014) (5,150) (380) (3,379) 124,326 337,020 10,436 178,374 105,758 28,483 1,372,300 168,695 332,569 71,036 9,221 14,007 (843) (1,667) (1,667) 1,442,493 176,249 344,909 Accumulated amortization 2,594,948 172,200 (19,100) 2,748,048 Net book value Land * Landfill and land improvements Buildings and building improvements Leasehold improvements Vehicles, equipment and furniture Computer systems Books Infrastructure Streets and structures Water system Sewer system Assets under construction Net Book Value $ 1,702,225 146,335 1,014,865 13,888 107,746 47,045 16,925 22,153 (6,971) (216) 1,613 (5,514) (8,493) 774 (479) (3,062) (1,521) (100) (2,184) 1,723,899 139,364 1,011,587 15,501 100,711 38,452 15,515 1,657,741 511,919 949,876 16,562 (35,470) 12,140 29,790 (3,641) (661) (1,697) (1,531) - 1,621,610 522,362 978,135 12,921 (11,235) $ 6,180,057 6,185,127 $ 6,165 $ *The assessed value of land is $12,853,467 Additions include contributed tangible capital assets - land $0.9 million and buildings $3.6 million Additions include transfers from assets under construction of $10.4 million ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 18 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 5. TANGIBLE CAPITAL ASSETS - Continued Balance beginning of year 2011 Additions, net of transfers Disposals Balance end of year Cost Land Landfill and land improvements Buildings and building improvements Leasehold improvements Vehicles, equipment and furniture Computer systems Books Infrastructure Streets and structures Water system Sewer system Assets under construction $ 1,712,268 242,348 1,164,862 19,021 273,456 120,658 48,879 $ 10,943 18,738 163,134 4,311 10,786 10,626 4,191 $ (20,986) (448) (4,863) (545) (6,966) $ 1,702,225 261,086 1,327,548 23,332 279,379 130,739 46,104 2,955,500 653,850 1,217,837 159,098 87,327 29,952 68,051 (142,536) (12,786) (3,188) (3,443) - 3,030,041 680,614 1,282,445 16,562 8,567,777 265,523 (53,225) 8,780,075 Landfill and land improvements Buildings and building improvements Leasehold improvements Vehicles, equipment and furniture Computer systems Books Infrastructure Streets and structures Water system Sewer system 105,570 287,604 8,534 154,077 61,662 31,048 1,305,100 161,112 320,906 9,181 25,527 910 21,324 22,538 2,848 (448) (3,768) (506) (4,717) 114,751 312,683 9,444 171,633 83,694 29,179 67,497 8,819 13,780 (297) (1,236) (2,117) 1,372,300 168,695 332,569 Accumulated amortization 2,435,613 172,424 (13,089) 2,594,948 1,712,268 136,778 877,258 10,487 119,379 58,996 17,831 1,650,400 492,738 896,931 159,098 10,943 9,557 137,607 3,401 (10,538) (11,912) 1,343 (20,986) (1,095) (39) (2,249) (12,489) (1,952) (1,326) - 1,702,225 146,335 1,014,865 13,888 107,746 47,045 16,925 1,657,741 511,919 949,876 16,562 (40,136) $ 6,185,127 Total Cost Accumulated amortization Net book value Land * Landfill and land improvements Buildings and building improvements Leasehold improvements Vehicles, equipment and furniture Computer systems Books Infrastructure Streets and structures Water system Sewer system Assets under construction Net Book Value $ 6,132,164 19,830 21,133 54,271 (142,536) $ 93,099 $ *The assessed value of land is $11,565,351 Additions include contributed tangible capital assets - land $4.7 million and buildings $19.9 million Additions include transfers from assets under construction of $153.0 million ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 19 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 6. ACCUMULATED SURPLUS 2012 Investment in tangible capital assets Reserve for sinking fund debt retirement Reserves Fund balances Obligations to be funded from future revenues (Note 7) 2011 $ 5,468,409 121,459 637,367 (143,447) (153,320) $ 5,553,997 76,731 509,175 (196,844) (159,012) $ 5,930,468 $ 5,784,047 The following reserve amounts are set aside for specific purposes: 2011 Affordable Housing Art Gallery Operations Capital Facilities and Infrastructure Childcare Endowment Community Amenities Community Amenity Maintenance Community Legacy Facilities Cultural Precinct Emerging Neighbourhood Future Revenue Fund Budgets Future Debt Repayment Greenlinks (Pedestrian and cycling linkages) Hastings Park Library Mortgage Debenture Retirement Olympic Village Trust Outstanding Commitments Park Board Parking Sites Plant and Equipment Public Art Self-insurance Solid Waste Capital Water and Sewer Utility Rate Stabilization Other ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 $ 7,120 4,080 5,925 9,089 70,283 4,790 1,086 4,610 6,717 76,037 37,944 3,459 9,360 5,422 5,874 2,108 10,165 8,903 28,975 74,838 7,219 23,534 77,471 20,414 3,752 $ 509,175 Change During Year (242) (12) 3,097 5,744 62,937 146 (470) (338) 90 17,481 3,397 (215) 1,155 (106) (149) 48 4,050 618 20,949 6,194 334 8,586 (1,629) (3,528) 55 128,192 2012 $ 6,878 4,068 9,022 14,833 133,220 4,936 616 4,272 6,807 93,518 41,341 3,244 10,515 5,316 5,725 2,156 14,215 9,521 49,924 81,032 7,553 32,120 75,842 16,886 3,807 $ 637,367 20 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 6. ACCUMULATED SURPLUS - Continued Fund balances are comprised of: Change During Year 2011 Revenue Fund Capital Fund Capital Financing Fund Sinking Fund Property Endowment Fund Harbour Park Development Ltd. Vancouver Civic Development Corp. Hastings Institute Inc. Pacific National Exhibition City of Vancouver Public Housing Corporation $ Elimination for internally-held debt on consolidation $ 7. 17,382 (196,996) 260,254 (274,385) 13 10,956 229 (3,775) (5) (186,327) (10,517) (196,844) $ 1,217 12,573 (11,821) 57,278 (1) 120 (10) (6,826) (209) 52,321 1,076 53,397 $ 2012 $ 18,599 (184,423) 248,433 (217,107) 12 11,076 219 (10,601) (214) (134,006) (9,441) (143,447) $ DEFERRED PAYROLL, LANDFILL AND INTEREST LIABILITIES 2012 Deferred payroll costs (a) Landfill closure and post-closure (b) Accrued interest on long term debt 2011 $ 77,896 72,000 3,424 $ 84,883 71,183 2,946 $ 153,320 $ 159,012 (a) Deferred Payroll Costs The City’s employee benefit liabilities as at December 31, 2012 is $77.9 million ($2011 - $84.9 million). Effective January 1, 2012, the City amended exempt employee policy to limit the amount deferred vacation and other earned absence banks and the related liability. The plan amendment resulted in a reduction to the accrued benefit obligation of $6.3 million in the current year. Actuarial valuation was completed as at December 31, 2012 using the following valuation assumptions: 2012 Discount rate Inflation rate Rate of compensation increase 2011 4.25% 2.00% 1.25% to 5.25 % 4.50% 3.00 % 1.45% to 4.00% Employee benefit liabilities are as follows: 2012 Sick leave gratuity Deferred vacation Non-vested accumulating sick leave Long term disability Other post-employment benefits $ Unamortized actuarial gain $ ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 28,257 9,846 5,353 15,589 14,078 73,123 4,773 77,896 2011 $ $ 22,139 9,251 15,727 14,349 16,779 78,245 6,638 84,883 21 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 7. DEFERRED PAYROLL, LANDFILL, AND INTEREST LIABILITIES - Continued (a) Deferred Payroll Costs - Continued The continuity of the City’s employee benefit liabilities are as follows: 2012 Beginning of the year Current service cost Interest cost Amortization of actuarial gain Plan Amendment Actual benefits paid End of the year $ $ 2011 84,883 8,282 3,700 (762) (6,307) (11,900) 77,896 $ $ 84,827 8,538 4,017 (846) (2,264) (9,389) 84,883 The City has provided $45.1 million in a reserve for the funding for these liabilities. (b) Landfill Closure and Post-Closure Costs The landfill closure and post-closure liability as at December 31, 2012 is $72.0 million (2011 - $71.2 million) an increase of $0.8 million. The landfill liabilities reported are based on the following assumptions: 2012 Closure date Years of post closure maintenance Total capacity (million tonnes) Future costs (million) Present value of future costs (million) Deposited to date (million tonnes) Utilization of total capacity to date City’s share of liability Discount rate Inflation rate 2011 2036 50 23.7 $502.0 $131.4 17.4 73.3% 74.8% 4.25% 2.00% 2036 50 23.6 $516.0 $133.1 16.8 71.3% 75.9% 4.50% 2.00% In accordance with an agreement between the City and the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District, the City is responsible for its share of the overall liability for closure and post-closure costs based on tonnage deposited by parties to the agreement. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 22 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 8. CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS (a) Contingent Liability and Commitment The City is contingently liable in respect of debentures of the Greater Vancouver Water District, the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District and the Greater Vancouver Regional District. The City is a shareholder and member of Emergency Communications for Southwest British Columbia Incorporated (E-Comm), whose services include: regional 911 call centre for the Greater Vancouver Regional District, Wide Area Radio emergency communications network, dispatch operations and records management. The City holds 2 Class A shares (of a total 27 Class A and 22 Class B shared issued and outstanding at December 31, 2012). As a Class A shareholder, the City is committed to paying levies for services received under a cost-sharing formula to fund operating and capital costs of the E-Comm operations. In addition, the City is contingently liable to cover its proportionate share of such costs should any member be unable to fulfill its funding obligations. Annual levy amounts fluctuate based on various factors under the cost-sharing formula, and amounted to $17.7 million during the year (2011 - $16.4 million). (b) Collection of Taxes on Behalf of Other Taxing Authorities The City is obligated to collect and transmit the tax levies of the following bodies. Such levies are not included in the revenue of the City. Provincial Government – Schools Greater Vancouver Regional District South Coast BC Transportation Authority (c) British Columbia Assessment Authority Municipal Finance Authority Municipal Pension Plan The City and its employees contribute to the Municipal Pension Plan (the Plan), a jointly trusted pension plan. The Board of Trustees, representing plan members and employers, is responsible for overseeing the management of the Plan, including investment of the assets and administration of benefits. The Plan is a multi-employer contributory defined benefit pension plan with about 176,000 active members and approximately 67,000 retired members. Active members include approximately 35,000 contributors from local governments. Every three years an actuarial valuation is performed to assess the financial position of the Plan and the adequacy of plan funding. The most recent valuation as at December 31, 2009 indicated an unfunded liability of $1,024.0 million for basic pension benefits. The next valuation will be as at December 31, 2012 with results available in 2013. The actuary does not attribute portions of the surplus to individual employers. The City paid $56.2 million during 2012 (2011 - $53.9 million) for employer contributions to the Plan. Employee contributions during 2012 amounted to $45.5 million (2011 - $42.1 million). (d) Contingent Legal Liabilities As at December 31, 2012, there were various legal claims pending against the City arising in the ordinary course of its operations. The City has recorded a liability for certain uninsured claims, but has made no specific provision for those where the outcome is presently indeterminable. The City also has a reserve of $32.1 million (2011 - $23.5 million) for potential claims. (e) Property Assessment Appeals As at December 31, 2012, there were various assessment appeals pending with respect to properties. The outcome of those appeals may result in adjustments to property taxes receivable for the current and prior years. The City has recorded a liability for certain appeals and makes an annual provision against property taxes receivable for the impact of appeals. (f) Long Term Lease, Mortgage and Loan Agreements (i) The City has executed a 25-year lease of the Library Square office building to the Federal Government which commenced April 30, 1995. Annual lease payments of $6.7 million will fully offset mortgage principal and interest payments. The lease provides options for the Federal Government to purchase the office building at the end of the 10th and 20th years and at the end of the lease term. The balance of the lease receivable is $34.9 million (2011 - $38.0 million). ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 23 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 8. CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS - Continued (f) Long Term Lease, Mortgage and Loan Agreements - Continued (ii) Principal payments on mortgages over the next 5 years and thereafter are as follows: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Thereafter $ $ 8,615 3,716 4,054 4,458 4,902 19,276 45,021 Outstanding mortgages include: (g) $7.6 million (2011 - $8.0 million) in mortgages payable to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for 3 non-market housing projects. Interest rates range from 3.16 % to 8.0% with maturity dates from June 1, 2013 to December 1, 2027. $37.1 million (2011 - $40.0 million) on the Library Square Project due on January 14, 2021. Interest at 9.875% per annum is compounded semi-annually with monthly repayments of principal and interest. The mortgage is secured by a first charge on the land and any proceeds from the sale of the land on which the office building is situated, the office building and any improvements to it including machinery, plant and equipment, and any proceeds on the lease of the office building. Loan Guarantees The City has guaranteed a $21.4 million line of credit for the Pacific National Exhibition. The City has entered into an agreement with the First Avenue Athletes Village Housing Co-operative to operate an affordable rental housing complex in South East False Creek. Under the agreement the City has guaranteed the Co-operative’s loan obligations with respect to their mortgage related to the housing complex. The outstanding balance of the mortgage is $20.8 million. (h) Property Acquisition The City has entered into an agreement to purchase a property for $38.0 million should the owner not be able to proceed with their intended development of the property. The agreement expires May 9, 2014. (i) Southeast False Creek and Olympic Village Development In 2006, the City entered into a ground lease, development, sublease and land/airspace parcel sales agreement (the “Agreement”) with SEFC Properties Ltd. (“SEFC Ltd”), formerly named Millennium Southeast False Creek Properties Ltd, with respect to a portion of the City’s properties in Southeast False Creek Area 2A. Under the Agreement, SEFC Ltd acquired rights to land upon which it constructed market condominiums, rental housing and commercial space buildings (the “Market Project”). In addition, SEFC Ltd was required to design and construct at the City’s cost, non-market housing buildings and a civic centre on additional land/airspace parcels to be retained by the City. Pursuant to the Agreement, this project was used by the City and the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games as the Vancouver Athletes’ Village. In February 2009, the City purchased and took assignment of the loan (including related security) for the Market Project construction financing from the lenders of SEFC Ltd, and later that year restructured the terms of that loan (the “Amended Loan Agreement”). In September 2010, SEFC Ltd defaulted on the first mandatory repayment required under the Amended Loan Agreement; therefore, the City exercised its rights with respect to the related security. In November 2010, a receiver (the “Receiver”) was appointed over the assets and properties of SEFC Ltd, which provided court supported management for the Market Project. The appointment benefited the creditors of SEFC Ltd, with the City being the principal secured lender. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 24 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 8. CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS – Continued (i) Southeast False Creek and Olympic Village Development - Continued In January 2011, a settlement agreement (the “Settlement”) was entered into with the guarantors of the Amended Loan Agreement. Pursuant to the Settlement, the beneficial and legal rights over 32 properties (the “Transferred Properties”) owned or controlled by these guarantors were transferred to the City. The City then commenced the phased sales of these properties. As at December 31, 2012, 22 of 32 properties have been sold to third parties and one property has been retained by the City for affordable housing. During 2012, the Receiver continued to manage the Market Project, with surplus net proceeds from the sale of condominium units being paid to the City in accordance with court approval. Southeast False Creek development expenses include interest, repairs and maintenance, sales commissions, and professional fees. As at December 31, 2012, the City’s investment in Southeast False Creek in the amount of $310.2 million (2011 – $462.2 million) is comprised of the following: 2012 Assets for Sale Commercial, residential and rental properties $ 2011 254,981 Transferred properties $ 55,172 $ 310,153 388,280 73,900 $ 462,180 In addition to outstanding mortgages of $16.9 million related to the Transferred Properties, the City has financing of $295.0 million (2011 – $434.0 million) (see Note 4(b)). The City’s ongoing risk for the recovery of its investment in Southeast False Creek is primarily dependent on the value and timing of the proceeds from the sale of the balance of the Market Project, the net realizable value from the sale of the Transferred Properties and the ultimate residual value obtained by the City on the sale of the shares of SEFC Ltd. The recorded amount of the value of the investment in the Southeast False Creek Development at December 31, 2012 is based on management’s best estimate and assumptions, made as indicated above. The amount ultimately realized may differ from this estimate. 9. TRUST FUNDS Certain assets have been conveyed or assigned to the City to be administered as directed by agreement or statute. The City holds the assets for the benefit of, and stands in fiduciary relationship to, the beneficiary. The following trust funds and assets are excluded from the City’s financial statements: 2012 Vancouver Agreement Cemetery Perpetual Care General $ $ 6,470 3,257 609 10,336 2011 $ $ 7,284 3,221 612 11,117 The Vancouver Agreement is an urban development agreement between the Federal and Provincial Governments and the City to facilitate sustainable economic, social and community development in the City. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 25 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (000’s) CONTINUED Year Ended December 31, 2012 10. DEFERRED REVENUE Deferred revenue is comprised of the following: 2011 Development cost levies City-wide Area-specific $ Prepaid Leases Capital contributions $ 77,458 47,228 124,686 155,285 1,163 281,134 Contributions and Interest $ $ 57,553 21,280 78,833 2,844 1,375 83,052 Recognized as Revenue $ $ (21,046) (8,004) (29,050) (4,229) 0 (33,279) 2012 $ $ 113,965 60,504 174,469 153,900 2,538 330,907 Development cost levies (DCL) are collected from development to fund growth related capital projects including parks, childcare facilities, replacement housing and engineering infrastructure. DCL’s must be spent on projects within defined area boundaries and are recognized as revenue as Council approved expenditures are incurred. During the year $78.8 million of DCLs were collected and $29.1 million was used to fund capital expenditures. Prepaid leases are recognized as revenue over the term of the lease while contributions of capital are recognized as the expenditures are incurred. 11. SEGMENTED INFORMATION City services are provided by departments and their activities are reported in the City’s Funds as described in note 1(b). Segmented financial information for certain departments is provided in Schedule 1. The accounting policies used in these segments are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements as disclosed in Note 1. Revenues not directly attributable to a specific segment are shown in General Government. Amounts shown for wages, contract services, supplies and debt charges are the gross amounts incurred by departments for all segmented activity. Allocated costs include services performed by departments for other segments or for work related to capital construction activity. The segments include: General Government which provides internal support services to Council and other departments who provide direct services to its citizens. These internal departments include the City Manager’s Office, City Clerk, Financial Services, Real Estate and Facilities Management, Legal and Human Resources. Police Protection which provides operational and investigation services to maintain public order, uphold the rule of law and prevent crime. Fire Protection which provides emergency and prevention services related to firefighting and medical services. Engineering which provides planning, design, construction and maintenance of the City’s streets, street lighting, traffic control, parking enforcement, transportation planning and utility and communication corridors. Utilities which are managed by the Engineering department and provide planning, design, construction and maintenance related to the water distribution, sewerage collection, drainage, neighbourhood energy utilities and refuse removal services. Planning and Development which creates plans, programs and policies required for city-wide and community planning, zoning and subdivision, building by-law administration and inspection, various licensing and animal control services. Recreation and Parks which provides recreation services through its parks, community centres, swimming pools and ice rinks. Community and Cultural Services which includes the City’s libraries, civic theatres and the Britannia Community Centre and other programs to create sustainable, creative and inclusive communities for living and working. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 26 SCHEDULE I – SEGMENTED INFORMATION Year Ended December 31, 2012 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 Revenue & Capital Fund General Government Revenue Property taxes, penalties and interest Utility fees Other fees, rates and cost recoveries Revenue sharing, grants and contributions Investment Income Rental and lease income Gain (loss) on disposal of tangible capital assets $ Operating Expenditures Wages, salaries and benefits Contract services Supplies, material and equipment Debt charges Amortization NET REVENUES (EXPENSES) $ Police Protection Fire Protection Engineering Utilities Planning & Development Recreation & Parks Community & Cultural Other Funds & Entities Eliminations 2012 Consolidated 2011 Consolidated 642,281 $ 215,393 26,784 17,961 19,955 (97) 922,277 - $ 20,828 20,828 - $ 8,990 8,990 - $ 33,884 (57) 33,827 - $ 209,566 21,886 (3,172) 228,280 - $ 18,533 18,533 - $ 51,733 102 (47) 51,788 - $ 13,393 (2,239) 11,154 - $ 76,816 5,436 33,048 36,242 151,542 - $ (1,543) (1,146) (2,689) 642,281 $ 209,566 461,456 26,886 21,854 51,857 30,630 1,444,530 619,885 196,537 459,556 39,193 15,803 50,322 18,647 1,399,943 80,756 31,343 8,992 3,750 124,841 19,071 143,912 778,365 $ 206,021 3,428 29,947 1,942 241,338 6,186 247,524 (226,696) $ 87,349 218 6,561 249 94,377 3,603 97,980 (88,990) $ 79,110 6,998 (14,957) 7,185 78,336 79,069 157,405 (123,578) $ 36,544 17,161 138,985 10,759 203,449 26,696 230,145 (1,865) $ 50,295 2,911 21,487 80 74,773 3,045 77,818 (59,285) $ 72,450 5,730 25,985 4,887 109,052 21,442 130,494 (78,706) $ 41,560 1,177 31,370 2,321 76,428 7,614 84,042 (72,888) $ 22,337 10,419 82,502 10,746 126,004 5,474 131,478 20,064 $ (1,146) (1,543) (2,689) (2,689) - $ 676,422 79,385 329,726 40,376 1,125,909 172,200 1,298,109 146,421 $ 665,393 83,328 330,298 41,105 1,120,124 172,424 1,292,548 107,395 27 SCHEDULE OF GENERAL DEBT ($000s) Year Ended December 31, 2012 B y law Matur ity Date & Pur po se 8808 March 16, 2013 - 2014 Civic Facilities Local Area Improvement Parks Pedestrian / Cycling Facilities Public Works / Fire Facilities Sewers Street / Bridge Infrastructure Street Lighting / Communications Transit / Safety Improvements Waterworks 4.500% - October 06, 2013 - 2015 Bridges / Tunnels Community Centre Facilities Infrastructure Libraries Local Area Improvement Miscellaneous Multi-Purpose Centres Neighbourhood Houses Parks Pedestrian / Cycling Facilities Public Safety / Police Sewers Sports Facilities Street Lighting / Communications Train Stations Transit / Safety Improvements Waterworks Yards 3.950% - 9115 9532 December 1, 2017 Civic Facilities Community legacy projects Fire protection Libraries Local area improvement Overhead debenture costs Parks Pedestrian/cycling facilities Police Sewers Street/bridge infrastructure Transit /safety improvements Waterworks Rate % 4.650% Ter m (Year s) Debentur e Outstanding 10 $ 4.100% 4.700% Carried Forward 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Sinking Fund Reser v e B alance 116 1,419 2,129 1,334 260 7,419 968 551 1,922 7,022 23,140 $ - 10 924 2,053 2,372 1,680 2,303 85 808 800 5,163 2,179 205 10,511 376 1,329 1,711 1,326 6,742 491 41,058 - 2,166 15,000 600 2,000 4,548 1,500 7,175 12,349 12,304 25,000 17,557 4,801 20,000 125,000 955 6,617 265 882 2,006 662 3,165 5,447 5,427 11,028 7,745 2,118 8,822 55,139 10 $ 189,198 $ 55,139 1 SCHEDULE OF GENERAL DEBT ($000s) Year Ended December 31, 2012 Bylaw Maturity Date & Purpose Term (Years) Rate % Carried Forward 9897 10015 10017 December 2, 2019 Civic facilities Community legacy projects Fire protection Libraries Local area improvement Parks Pedestrian/cycling facilities Police Sewers Street/bridge infrastructure Street lighting & Transit/safety improvements Transit & Safety Improvements Waterworks 4.900% June 1, 2011 - 2020 Civic Facilities Community Legacy Projects Fire Protection Local Area Improvement Parks Pedestrian / Cycling Facilities Police Sewers Street / Bridge Infrastructure Street Lighting Street Lighting / Communications Transit / Safety Improvements Waterworks 4.500% September 30, 2010 - 2030 Neighbourhood Energy Utility 1.710% $ 189,198 Sinking Fund Reserve Balance $ 55,139 10 10,600 19,500 4,000 500 4,700 3,000 7,800 16,000 27,800 13,000 1,700 4,500 11,900 125,000 2,667 4,907 1,007 126 1,183 755 1,963 4,026 6,995 3,271 428 1,132 2,994 31,454 16,000 1,125 552 1,267 25,000 4,351 2,448 25,000 18,657 300 3,700 5,000 21,600 125,000 2,618 184 90 207 4,092 712 401 4,092 3,053 49 606 818 3,535 20,457 10 20 4,573 Carried Forward 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Debenture Outstanding $ 443,771 $ 107,050 2 SCHEDULE OF GENERAL DEBT ($000s) Year Ended December 31, 2012 B y law Matur ity Date & Pur po se Ter m ( Y ear s) R ate % Carried Forward 10393 10565 December 02, 2021 Civic Facilities Libraries Neighbourhood Energy Utility Parks Police Sewers Street / Bridge Infrastructure Street Lighting / Communications Transit / Safety Improvements Waterworks 3.45% October 18, 2052 Civic Facilities Libraries Neighbourhood Energy Utility Parks Police Sewers Street / Bridge Infrastructure Street Lighting / Communications Transit / Safety Improvements Waterworks 3.70% Total 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Debentur e Outstanding $ 443,771 Sinking Fund R eser v e B alance $ 107,050 10 18,000 2,000 15,000 25,000 11,000 32,000 5,000 6,000 4,000 22,000 140,000 1,437 160 1,197 1,995 878 2,554 399 479 319 1,756 11,174 9,814 2,150 2,400 18,365 10,723 38,200 13,761 4,120 3,467 17,000 120,000 - 40 $ 703,771 $ 118,224 3 SCHEDULE OF DEBT ($000s) Year Ended December 31, 2012 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT - Property Owners' Share Bylaw 7912 7915 8037 8204 8207 8209 8501 8501 8504 8506 8693 8696 8871 9063 9301 9303 9514 9672 9885 9886 9887 10071 10072 10300 10301 10495 10496 10497 Maturity Dates June 24, June 24, June 23, June 23, June 21, June 21, June 26, June 26, June 26, June 26, June 25, June 25, June 23, June 29, June 14, June 14, June 27, June 25, June 17, June 17, June 17, June 23, June 23, June 29, June 29, June 27, June 27, June 27, 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 - 2014 2015 2015 2015 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 - 2019 2020 2021 2022 2022 2022 2023 - 2018 2014 2024 2025 2015 2021 2026 2016 Purpose Beautification Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Beautification Beautification Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Trees Beautification Underground Wiring Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Beautification Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Beautification Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Lane Lighting Street Lighting Lane Lighting Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Lane Lighting Street Lighting Lane paving, speed ramps, sidewalks, pavements & curbs Traffic Circle Rate (%) Term (Yr) 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.75 5.75 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 5 10 5 15 15 5 10 15 5 Debt Balance $ 21 223 433 453 34 8 855 1 98 90 1050 7 783 961 362 32 621 397 470 2 2 1 911 817 2 10 487 25 $ 9,156 Held Internally 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 4 DEBT INTEREST RATES ($000s) Year Ended December 31, 2012 I nter es t R ate 7.00 6.00 5.75 4.90 4.70 4.65 4.50 4.10 4.05 3.95 3.70 3.45 1.71 Gener al ( including Water wo r k s ) Lo cal I mpr o v ement $ $ $ 125,000 125,000 11,827 136,314 14,226 13,678 13,153 120,000 140,000 4,573 703,771 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION $ 495 6,917 1,744 9,156 To tal $ $ 495 6,917 1,744 125,000 125,000 11,827 136,314 14,226 13,678 13,153 120,000 140,000 4,573 712,927 5 FUTURE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENTS ON DEBT ($000s) Year Ended December 31, 2012 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Total Debt (Internal and External) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 - 2022 Thereafter Principal $ 19,093 19,893 12,116 230 105,234 335,734 105,207 $ 597,507 General Interest Total $ 25,034 $ 44,127 24,227 44,120 23,569 35,685 23,078 23,308 23,074 128,308 58,303 394,037 114,493 219,700 $ 291,778 $ 889,285 Principal $ 5,593 5,835 2,336 20,000 55,500 17,000 $ 106,264 Waterworks Interest Total $ 4,399 $ 9,992 4,153 9,988 3,979 6,315 3,883 3,883 3,883 23,883 9,777 65,277 18,871 35,871 $ 48,945 $ 155,209 Local Improvements Property Owners' Share Principal Interest Total $ 1,417 $ 550 $ 1,967 1,234 464 1,698 1,072 389 1,461 949 323 1,272 998 267 1,265 2,803 642 3,445 683 79 762 $ 9,156 $ 2,714 $ 11,870 Principal 5,593 5,835 2,336 20,000 55,500 17,000 $ 106,264 Waterworks Interest Total $ 4,399 $ 9,992 4,153 9,988 3,979 6,315 3,883 3,883 3,883 23,883 9,777 65,277 18,871 35,871 $ 48,945 $ 155,209 Total General & Waterworks and Local Improvements Principal Interest Total $ 24,686 $ 29,433 $ 54,119 25,728 28,380 54,108 14,452 27,548 42,000 230 26,961 27,191 125,234 26,957 152,191 391,234 68,080 459,314 122,207 133,364 255,571 $ 703,771 $ 340,723 $ 1,044,494 External Debt Only 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 - 2022 Thereafter Principal 19,093 19,893 12,116 230 105,234 335,734 105,207 $ 597,507 $ General Interest Total $ 25,034 $ 44,127 24,227 44,120 23,569 35,685 23,078 23,308 23,074 128,308 58,303 394,037 114,493 219,700 $ 291,778 $ 889,285 $ Total General & Waterworks and Local Improvements Principal Interest Total $ 26,103 $ 29,983 $ 56,086 26,962 28,844 55,806 15,524 27,937 43,461 1,179 27,284 28,463 126,232 27,224 153,456 394,037 68,722 462,759 122,890 133,443 256,333 $ 712,927 $ 343,437 $ 1,056,364 6 SCHEDULE OF GUARANTEE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENTS CITY OF VANCOUVER Please refer to Consolidated Financial Statements Note 9. Prepared under Financial Information Regulation, Schedule 1, Section 5 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 7 CITY OF VANCOUVER This page is intentionally blank. 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 8 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CITY OF VANCOUVER VANCOUVER BOARD OF PARKS AND RECREATION VANCOUVER POLICE BOARD VANCOUVER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINANCIAL INFORMATION REGULATION SCHEDULE 1, SECTION 6 (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 9 MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES Name Robertson, G. Affleck, G. Ball, E. Carr, A. Deal, H. Jang, K. Louie, R. Meggs, G. Reimer, A. Stevenson, T. Tang, T. CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration (1) Local Expenses (2) Transportation Allowance (3) Travel & Conferences (4) $ 145,581 66,820 66,820 66,820 69,500 69,500 66,820 66,820 66,820 66,820 66,820 $ 13,093 751 2,061 2,235 2,054 2,810 4,743 2,288 2,431 1,937 1,190 $ 7,175 3,848 3,848 3,848 3,848 3,848 3,848 $ 14,173 45 2,815 5,697 7,487 5,300 9,067 4,698 7,766 2,096 $ 819,141 $ 35,593 $ 30,262 $ 59,144 (1) Remuneration for Councillors includes amounts for Deputy Mayor duties (2) Local Expenses - for Mayor maximum of 10% of remuneration (2) Local Expenses - for Councillors maximum of 10% of remuneration less transportation allowance (3) Transportation Allowance - for the Mayor $600 a month; for Councillors 5% of maximum local expense allowance (4) Travel and Conferences - net of recoveries 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 10 BOARD OF PARKS & RECREATION - COMMISSIONERS REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CITY OF VANCOUVER Name Stipend Expense Total Barnes, C. * $ 8,896 $ 4,449 $ 13,345 Blyth, S. ** 9,049 4,526 13,575 Coupar, J. 7,977 3,988 11,965 De Genova, M. 7,977 3,988 11,965 Jasper, A. 7,977 3,988 11,965 Loke, T. 7,977 3,988 11,965 Sharma, N. 7,977 3,988 11,965 $ 57,830 $ 28,915 $ 86,745 Total *Chair from January 1, 2012 - June 10, 2012 **Chair from June 11, 2012 - December 31, 2012 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 11 POLICE DEPARTMENT – POLICE BOARD MEMBERS REMUNERATION Name Bridgeman, D. CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration $ 3,054 Collins, M. 7,162 Grant, W. 6,220 Marfleet, P. 3,844 Shao, W. 4,109 Sidhu, D. 1,848 Williamson, S. 6,598 Wong, G. 3,844 $ 36,679 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 12 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Abel, K J Abello-Lee, A Abrams, W S Abt, D W Achtymichuk, L M Ackerman, R W* Adolph, C* Agapescu, S Ainsworth, J R Aitken, J Ajayi, A* Alblas, A Alger, M Allard, B G Almeida, T Amendolagine, V J Andersen, J J* Anderson, C L Anderson, G G Anderson, M* Anderson, M E Anderson, R Anthony, C R Antoniali, S M* Antoniazzi, R Antunovic, M J Anzulovich, M M April, C RJ Arajs, U Aramini, G J* Araujo, R Araya, J H Arscott, D* Arsenault, P G Atchison, R A Atwood, B Au, M Au, N* Au, W* Aube, D S Augustine, R W* Aujla, B S Aujla, H B* Aujla, K Austin, N Autiero, D* Aver, R Aylett, S W Ayotte, T R* Ayre, G Azcoitia, J C* Babcock, D Baber, C* Babineau, B Remuneration Expenses $ 115,137 79,533 94,349 77,745 108,700 147,859 91,483 80,630 109,184 89,051 90,540 78,358 83,934 81,635 76,557 76,954 180,700 78,152 76,529 107,360 110,450 88,920 78,471 109,667 83,800 104,063 100,262 85,637 75,864 103,129 86,914 80,577 108,422 87,158 91,277 76,027 82,051 114,941 195,681 109,565 104,721 84,670 292,725 116,399 88,454 109,544 84,935 90,829 110,362 118,325 96,439 83,347 121,764 83,634 $90 3,294 178 554 388 1,549 895 20 600 2,465 1,372 95 3,371 554 461 1,399 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Bachra, S Backlin, M J* Bailey, D A Bailey, J* Bailey, R J Bailey, V E* Baillie, K Bains, A S Baker, A Baker, M Baker, M Balachanoff, S D Balagno, T P Baldwin, D Ballard, E A* Ballard, T J Ballem, P J* Balogh, Z E Bandiera, P Bannon, D G Baptiste, C A Barbato, D Barber, D K* Barber, G* Barber, M P Barbour, D D* Barker, S Barnes, D Baron, D Barr, W M Barron, E Bartlett, J Barzen, S Bastante, R Batty, E C* Bauer, S M Baumann, E Baxter, A Baxter, D Baxter, J Bayne, K B* Bayntun, R Bearblock, K* Beck, B* Becker, A* Beckett, M L Begg, A Belanger, L* Belczyk, A M Bell, M Belli, S Bennett, J E Benvenuti, D Berard, R* Remuneration Expenses $ 76,424 113,984 76,419 84,186 101,021 109,644 87,053 102,015 105,104 92,134 87,586 86,876 81,757 87,025 131,015 92,143 366,009 82,602 88,223 109,970 86,218 76,454 117,274 132,922 87,079 114,449 100,256 87,668 78,792 103,864 86,406 75,269 82,787 88,567 162,290 99,199 87,158 78,252 84,494 92,928 251,046 83,149 94,647 108,168 89,610 125,241 82,996 130,276 87,882 84,491 81,772 92,380 81,398 87,148 $974 2,371 55 404 2,030 11,475 200 685 1,027 568 1,603 589 2,488 13 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Berda, S D Berdahl, I L Berg, I Berka, B G Berry, P* Bertuzzi, B R Best, L* Bethell, J T* Bettles, C* Bevilacqua, M* Beyer, C B Biagini, M N* Bidese, L Bidwell, M G Bigelow, S Bilinsky, K Billing, J* Birdi, G Bishop, J A Black, J Black, S Blagojevic, G* Blay, H S Bliss, R* Bloomfield, F Blount, J Blundell, B J Bodnar, D A* Bodner, D Bogdanovich, B T Bolan, S M Boldt, J S Bond, A* Booker, S C* Boone, D E Booth, D A Booth, D W Booth, J A Borden, A* Borger, R* Born, E H Bortignon, E Boruck, R A Bosch, D* Boscher, W Bouchir, J V Boufford, D B Bourdeaud'Huy, D Bourke, M T Bourne, T C Bowers, K J* Boyard, P Boychuk, B A Boyd, J Bracewell, D* Brach, J S* Remuneration Expenses 86,783 80,869 96,013 89,520 95,118 100,492 134,262 113,511 80,843 105,068 87,158 109,229 85,659 81,397 76,378 85,496 155,759 89,890 77,786 77,217 97,215 96,629 81,679 106,540 84,985 89,516 96,227 95,008 77,481 94,440 87,786 94,266 108,675 96,092 108,133 114,492 101,776 109,136 100,011 117,420 101,550 106,619 103,334 113,116 87,518 75,951 109,142 85,592 92,561 89,858 122,499 90,505 89,405 77,539 136,604 93,071 875 156 90 1,158 376 25 20 16 284 413 1,652 129 258 2,903 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Bradley, N R Bradshaw, G* Bratina, S Breckner, J* Bredin, M B Breitenstein, E A* Bremner, P J* Brennert, P* Breure, C Brideau, L D Bridge, P C Bridger, K R Briscoe, R G Brodziak, C A Bromberger, T J Bromley, M* Brossard, J Brown, A Brown, C* Brown, K L* Brown, L Brown, L Brown, S* Brown, T A Browning, M Broz, A G Bruce, R J* Bruckmann, P M Brunton, L Bryan, D C Bryant, J A Bryant, R W Buchanan, A R Buckham, C Buckingham, T V Budd, J Buhr, H H* Bullock, H* Bunz, D W Burch, A S Burden, R W Burnett, B A* Burnett, J Burns, J J Burrero, A Cadwallader, D J Cahill, D F Calderhead, P D* Call, B J Cameron, G L Cameron, R S Campbell, B Campbell, B W Campbell, D* Campbell, D D Campbell, D L* Remuneration Expenses 110,387 167,567 87,050 132,246 102,679 83,648 122,597 84,255 88,913 81,921 121,862 87,486 103,508 88,643 78,769 242,543 92,599 87,485 106,135 149,770 90,656 76,675 119,926 110,597 83,584 88,254 132,976 86,568 87,050 77,717 90,798 111,975 81,169 108,039 96,018 75,030 94,702 94,382 93,209 87,050 95,468 96,103 84,311 102,906 95,279 85,044 112,588 95,369 86,527 107,978 90,070 75,251 110,981 102,437 88,463 83,608 391 16 545 1,159 1,220 461 1,557 1,869 100 706 1,130 - 14 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Campbell, D R Campbell, I Campbell, I Campbell, K W Campbell, M L Campbell, S M Canaday, M Cao, Y Cap, T N Carley, N* Carlson, J Carr, D* Carson, D J Carter, S E.J. Cartwright, R Casanova, J C* Cashato, A B Catania, S Caton, M B Caton, M J Cave, M R Cavell, K L Cerantola, M Chamberland, J Chan, A Chan, C Chan, D K* Chan, K Chan, M Chan, P Chan, S* Chan, W Chan, Y* Chauo, P* Chen, C Chen, H Chen, M Chen, T Chen, Y* Cheng, A* Cheng, G* Cheng, K K Cheng, P C.P. Chera, S Chernoff, R M Cheung, L Cheung, R W.H.* Cheung, S Chevrefils, M Chew, S* Chhina, R* Chia, S F Chiang, H S Chila, S D Chin, D* Chin, M Remuneration Expenses 97,097 86,351 78,789 78,219 77,022 93,449 86,296 80,294 86,541 167,526 81,925 121,914 89,394 75,120 107,615 78,727 87,429 75,581 107,675 94,825 95,606 84,117 88,229 90,478 91,689 96,218 108,575 90,847 84,863 79,707 114,555 92,540 96,439 99,729 77,433 79,133 88,001 76,290 113,808 84,465 136,517 89,833 100,000 85,611 79,141 87,731 98,404 83,131 92,526 99,743 113,463 78,770 89,133 129,866 95,591 97,315 336 426 706 987 442 3,782 388 246 2,065 225 630 386 147 99 420 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Chirinian, A Cho, E Chohan, P Chong, T Choo, B* Chorney, A B Chorney, R M Chou, W A* Chow, A W* Chow, J Chow, K Chow, L S Y* Chow, R Christie, D T Christopherson, B Chung, M Chung, T Clark, B G Clark, E R Clark, G C Clark, K J* Clarke, C Clarke, C A Clarke, M P Clibbon, C J B Clinaz, M S Coelho, C Coldicutt, A Cole, D L* Collett, J Collins, D A Collister, M Colquhoun, W A Conacher, D E Conn, M R Connell, F J* Connelly, T Cook, B Cook, C M Cooke, B Cooper, I D Cooper, K L* Cooper, T G Copeland, D D Corbo, R Coroliuc, J W Coughlan, W J* Coulson, M E Coulson, R I Coupland, A C Courtney, J* Cowan, B J Cowdell, S Cowx, J B Cox, D E Cox, W C* Remuneration Expenses 98,387 94,974 92,463 79,280 96,092 108,804 92,562 110,081 133,151 97,335 108,529 112,648 80,968 108,751 79,494 82,825 80,407 95,817 86,585 96,087 93,084 88,033 88,946 86,601 94,261 92,832 79,288 86,582 85,660 77,478 108,849 87,158 75,192 89,117 101,909 304,297 99,727 78,013 90,472 93,128 88,302 97,678 86,859 88,582 89,579 113,162 110,748 182,847 106,918 87,667 113,511 86,006 86,006 112,646 87,598 103,487 20 987 952 4,204 376 1,104 778 20 1,781 941 461 374 358 - 15 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Coy, R A Craven, R A Creery, J Cribdon, G L. Critchlow, R R* Crocker, C L Crookes, P R Crowe, B P* Crudo, O F* Crump, H W Culbert, R Cumberbirch, A W Cumerlato, L L Curry, L Custodinho, J Cvetkovic, Z* Czech, R P Czeppel, A D'Agostini, M Dahl, R Dales, B A Daminato, L L Dang, S R Darnell, B Darrach, D Davidson, B* Davidson, D R Davidson, S C Davies, B Davies, B Davies, B R Davies, S R Dawkins, J E Day, D L Day, W De Albuquerque, R A De Castell, C* De Hoop, J* Deacon, R Dean, A S Deans, R C Debeck, D B Dediu, V* Dee, T P Deer, K Degraaf, T T* Delaurier, R Delmar, P V* Dennis, J A Deo, M* Der, K B.L.* Der, R M Desrochers, D F* Desrochers, M* Dessureault, S M Devereaux, M Remuneration Expenses 91,148 89,788 80,881 78,302 126,714 82,759 75,614 154,221 113,962 99,083 89,334 76,863 88,544 79,813 77,080 108,684 111,993 91,503 109,053 81,577 87,777 78,134 92,487 86,315 75,181 88,779 89,598 89,020 82,561 75,479 108,023 87,616 89,386 98,568 87,734 88,509 111,896 139,960 85,061 80,283 80,886 98,624 96,666 87,486 89,656 107,014 86,577 88,577 110,494 123,173 99,042 108,443 131,366 120,459 84,848 75,002 356 3,382 1,607 864 3,600 25 1,851 3,470 40 1,808 2,193 388 609 161 1,603 630 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Devery, J Dewith, F E* Dhillon, N* Di Nozzi, A* Dick, B K Dick, S G Dickerson, D R Dickie, D C Dickson, E Dickson, T Didenko, D Diewert, P Difonzo, D Dighton, S N Dingwall, G A Dirk, M Ditchburn, G W Dixon, I K Dixon, R Dixon, S C* Djurkovic, D* Do, T Dobrovolny, J W* Dobson, C G Docherty, J A Dodd, C* Dodich, F A Doge, P* Doggett, S Doherty, K Doherty, R E Doleman, D* Donaldson, J T Dong, L* Dornan, K* Dosange, M Dosanjh, B Dougans, S A Downie, A M* Dozzi, B Drain, C* Draper, J Drescher, G T Driedger, D J Driessen Van Der Lieck, T* Drinovz, A L Drobot, D C Drugge, C L Dubbert, R E Dubbert, R G Dube, M* Ducharme, D Dudek, A Duggan, A P* Duifhuis, M Dukay, C Remuneration Expenses 81,644 97,177 104,459 111,453 89,910 89,336 92,151 88,460 79,811 84,630 81,139 76,132 87,035 97,849 77,422 78,495 88,610 168,333 81,046 113,730 156,090 106,191 199,959 76,819 85,543 118,746 127,050 131,563 87,348 79,005 79,827 124,808 108,420 114,826 114,805 89,366 78,711 108,916 125,675 98,872 121,630 84,918 93,815 80,859 116,846 126,204 97,138 87,667 98,926 94,315 88,739 88,866 96,781 106,540 87,825 81,427 1,807 83 1,788 56 1,131 4,923 500 5,095 426 388 2,640 560 2,885 - 16 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Dulko, R J Duncan, A S Duncan, S J Dunderdale, S Dunham, J B Dunnet, A Durand, D D Durand, L Durnford, J M* Dyck, J P Dyck, R G Dyck, R I* Dyck, S E P* Dykes, T N Easby, S K Edge, C A Edwards, C* Edwards, S* Eenkooren, R Eidher, A Ekman, K Elford, D A Elford, D R* Elijah, J Elliott, M E* Elliott, N D Elmslie, K Eng, D Eng, H* Engineer, N Engler, M D* Enns, R D Enright, D* Erichsen, S Errington, S L Ervin, S Esparo, D* Essinger, P Essinger, R Esworthy, S E* Etheridge, M A Etheridge, M D Evans, J* Evans, J Evans, J M Evans, M R Everall, S* Eves, P K Ewert, R D Faber, A F Fabiano, T Fairbairn, D G Falcade, R Faloure, A Fan, E TAI LOI Fanthorpe, E Remuneration Expenses 83,759 95,805 112,353 82,503 100,688 93,839 96,480 76,479 102,955 86,119 81,597 117,572 98,218 89,791 86,006 87,551 132,962 163,610 78,146 85,488 87,229 80,373 104,279 76,345 125,797 91,891 103,241 108,205 95,339 75,263 147,243 76,308 86,028 88,277 105,495 79,920 109,157 88,177 80,045 107,354 103,286 108,829 154,171 89,328 86,193 95,459 106,540 78,558 109,211 118,341 77,278 86,145 76,921 87,173 78,687 85,260 1,071 987 754 1,130 1,456 881 4,801 2,227 280 600 2,797 695 1,330 1,028 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Fast, D B* Fazekas, P* Fei, W Felker, P W Felts, T J.W. Fenwick, E Ferdinandi, M E* Ferguson, K D Fergusson, J B* Ferris, D Ferris, K Filice, E Findlay, G M Fitch, D Flaherty, S* Flanigan, M G* Fleury, C Floden, B M.* Florko, R M Foellmer, S Ford, L* Forss, W E* Fortin, A Foster, H G Foster, J D* Foster, K* Fournier, A R Fox, P L* Francis, A B* Franco, R Frank, M Franklin, B T Fraser, K S* Fraser, S J Frew, M Friesen, D J Friesen, K Froese, E A Frost, G W Fry, P A* Fry, R* Fu, H Fuginski, D H Fujioka, J Fuller, R C Fumich, J M Fung, J Y Y* Gabriel, R P Gabrlik, R A Gahan, C M Gale, D* Gallina, F Gallo, S* Ganchar, D C M Gandha, A K* Gannon, V L* Remuneration Expenses 108,168 107,810 94,287 100,643 89,572 87,239 93,365 89,635 93,010 91,174 88,737 78,479 81,710 101,723 129,259 201,300 79,191 81,694 94,403 110,993 112,577 81,932 83,014 101,069 128,180 107,293 87,775 92,510 164,732 77,593 91,800 122,418 106,328 86,249 86,582 106,634 91,147 113,299 85,392 82,243 96,743 80,571 108,577 77,235 105,583 107,868 106,847 126,737 85,438 81,238 109,753 75,506 89,774 79,338 93,634 98,549 388 102 40 365 1,274 248 3,086 773 699 213 469 388 99 128 17 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Gant, B D Gaos, D Gardner, G Garoff, R S Garrison, D B. Garry, A Gatto, D Gauthier, G J Gayman, L R Gelsvik, C E Gemmill, K W Gent, P T Gerber, E Gerhardt, S K Gerow, A M* Gerson, R D* Ghuman, H S Gibbs, P J Gibson, M Gibson, M P Gijssen, J L Gilchrist, W A Gill, C K Gill, D A Gill, P* Gill, S* Gill, T T Gillan, B D Gillis, M J Gilmore, S M Gilmour, J G Girard, T Girard, T Glover, B J Glover, M Glushko, R Gobeil, P J Gobillot, P J Goddard, S J* Godlonton, B D* Goldsmith, S* Gomes, E Gonzaga, D J Gonzaga, R Goodfellow, D A Gordon, H M* Gordon, M L Gormick, J Gorseth, N Gorska, A Gottfried, N L Gould, B C Goulet, M Granger, H* Grant, D R Grant, K K* Remuneration Expenses 108,582 100,727 86,190 108,464 98,100 85,204 93,738 92,524 94,836 89,681 95,115 94,002 155,284 109,425 89,979 87,153 90,127 92,148 85,687 98,991 107,053 91,610 85,895 89,636 94,942 102,168 77,203 81,798 89,456 90,479 75,235 90,261 75,887 104,532 106,976 80,281 76,862 100,075 107,294 124,072 102,022 101,249 81,912 87,003 86,446 96,092 110,144 87,254 84,118 102,059 128,612 109,206 87,479 153,877 75,102 91,608 75 560 3,510 588 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Grant, L Graves, J L Graves, L* Gray, J T* Gray, J W Green, D R.C. Green, M D Greenberg, J M* Greenwood, A G Greenwood, J Greer, J C* Gregory, A D Gregson, J E* Greissel, M Grewal, B G Grierson, R E Grill, A J* Grimminck, P Groenewegen, A Grootendorst, E Grubb, K A. E. Guinn, D* Guns, M Gurney, M M Gusic, B Haaf, A Haftner, K L Hagiwara, R M* Halbert, C D* Haley, H Hall, A Hall, J H* Hall, J R Hall, P Haller, B F Hallgren, D Halliday, D Hamilton, R H* Hamilton, T Hammel, T E* Hammond, M T Hanes, J Hanggi, F Hansen, D L Harder, D K* Harding, B Hart, T Hartley, J R Hartman, M* Hartman, T* Hartner, P J Hartwell, H Hartwell, J D* Harvey, D Harvey, I* Harvey, S A Remuneration Expenses 75,963 87,986 81,620 80,115 90,135 91,458 92,735 155,284 94,999 88,058 122,711 99,794 90,439 86,843 83,552 98,452 155,887 86,497 90,628 89,399 116,559 128,459 90,569 94,635 86,984 92,285 112,256 113,921 103,846 94,260 78,296 132,599 77,505 79,002 88,440 88,556 90,897 104,421 84,117 134,300 86,787 77,775 80,901 84,545 103,741 128,652 79,223 86,582 107,354 152,084 101,221 87,158 79,646 87,667 127,993 86,041 328 1,932 600 186 395 9 2,293 504 889 3,014 75 52 1,915 10 - 18 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Hasselfelt, K L Hastings, K Hastings, W S Hatcher, M D Havelaar, J Hay, L E Hay, R K* Hayes, P A Hayes, R J Hayre, D Hayward, S F* Healy, S* Heaney, S M* Heaven, K A Hebenton, R J Hebert, T R Heeps, D C* Heeps, J D* Heer, J Hegedus, R S Heikkila, J Hein, S Helm, S* Henderson, D J Hendrickson, S P Henry, K A Henry, M Hensrud, C M Heppner, T Herbert, C M Heriot, J J Hersi, H A Hesketh, R B Heslop, M Hesse, B C Hickey, M N Hickey, W* Hicks, S B.P.* Hiebert, G Hiebert, K L Higgins, D Hii, Y Hildebrand, D Hildebrandt, E Hildebrandt, L A Hill, D* Hilton, D W* Hisey, P D Hlushko, D P Ho, F Ho, J* Hobbis, L Hodges, G H* Hoese, K T Hoess, E* Hollander, J R* Remuneration Expenses 94,894 87,895 115,020 92,436 89,467 87,050 109,106 79,419 84,226 87,118 155,284 108,168 107,354 129,958 122,596 93,211 97,764 113,463 94,586 90,180 82,203 108,906 135,731 94,309 86,509 84,530 88,064 86,412 87,226 91,520 75,528 76,954 85,397 81,958 89,352 90,835 75,320 105,251 91,225 109,445 89,512 82,616 108,924 98,913 88,506 184,002 128,993 77,033 111,024 79,946 132,349 88,030 110,353 116,040 85,705 96,766 291 325 2,720 75 2,280 909 588 154 68 280 1,182 498 150 683 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Hollier, R J Holm, M* Holmes, A Honey, M Horbulyk, M T Horn, K Horne, J* Houser, D Howe, E Howes, T W Hsieh, T T* Hsu, P* Huber, P E Hudson, J D Hui, T* Hui, W Hull, L J* Humenny, S Hunt, D W Hunter, J C* Huntley, J E* Huntley, M J Hurd, T C Hurzin, W R Husband, J W Huska, T F Hutch, D J* Hutchinson, B W Hutchinson, K Hutchison, S Huth, B A Hutton, R G Hwang, I Iachetta, G Iannacone, J* Ibey, M* Ichiiwa, S Impey, P M* Ingram, S M Innes, R J Irvine, M* Irvine, R Isaac, K M Jackart, D C Jackson, B J Jackson, J T* Jackson, O* Jacobson, J R* Jakubec, J James, P Jang, J Jankovic, Z Jansen, T Janzen, A Jeffery, P Jenkins, J T Remuneration Expenses 113,492 83,713 87,022 78,534 108,072 83,600 108,168 79,478 87,158 88,925 112,492 115,984 93,933 117,173 122,489 80,198 104,434 88,825 106,060 165,602 96,092 101,798 81,338 83,435 90,959 87,494 122,489 90,139 75,016 79,209 81,123 76,111 79,810 80,830 89,977 115,320 81,050 260,919 90,390 80,577 124,854 85,618 88,349 104,417 81,504 132,246 161,437 96,932 85,095 81,755 78,754 95,412 81,494 96,740 83,503 97,063 210 56 376 7 809 5,130 470 364 1,620 700 933 3,324 320 723 182 1,291 - 19 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Jenkins, R A Jeske, K E* Jessa, H H* Jimenez, L V Johal, S John, M* Johnson, B D Johnson, D E Johnson, P C* Johnson, R F Johnson, R J Johnson, R T Johnston, A Johnston, S* Johnston, W M* Johnstone, T Johnstone, T F Joly, J A* Jones, D Jones, E* Jones, G Jongerden, H* Jordan, B* Jordan, R S Josin, M Joyce, B Judd, P E* Jung, C Jung, D Jung, D S Jung, S F Kadagies, T E Kaila, A Kaim, J P* Kainth, H Kalyniuk, K D Kaminski, I D Kane, M Kapoor, S* Karlsson, P S* Karwat, M Kasper, J A Kassam, N S* Kassay, K V Katanchik, S T Katsaris, G* Kawaza, N P* Keates, R J Keays, J* Keeler, G Keeler, J M Keen, G W Kelland, S M Kellner, B W Kelly, B Kelly, L C M* Remuneration Expenses 80,375 120,964 109,912 76,736 79,380 108,794 105,281 88,063 94,698 105,164 94,847 84,358 89,159 256,783 170,773 86,483 99,146 113,628 88,865 122,381 81,347 127,099 154,104 109,646 92,517 85,194 240,039 80,858 86,235 87,287 82,405 107,654 76,682 136,242 76,378 80,132 75,931 89,127 93,571 163,031 84,235 105,033 118,321 90,358 101,809 94,647 111,755 101,341 110,910 82,671 86,044 75,192 79,533 91,666 82,458 97,873 65 706 444 144 3,391 1,686 974 125 90 3,471 100 1,390 170 404 1,114 150 310 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Kemp, L* Kendall, P N Kennedy, K* Kennedy, T P Kennedy, T S Kennedy, T T Kennett, B Kenny, R W* Kerr, S A Kielan, T Kiem, J Kiley, E G Killacky, G Killam, T A Kim, K Kinahan, C M King, D B* King, R J Kinghorn, D L Kirby, D C* Kirincic, S L Kirk, A L Kiselbach, P R Kitchener, R G Kitt, S A Klassen, S Klein, A* Klein, R A Kleindienst, K Klemionek, B Klimchuk, D J* Kloosterboer, J Knapp, N E Knoll, M J Ko, A Kobelka, A W Kochan, W* Kohli, R* Kolbuch, K Kolk, J Kolsrud, J M Konowalchuk, W L* Kordmahalleh, M* Kormosi, T J Korpan, S* Korstrom, D Kosmak, M* Kovacic, S Kraft, G P Kraynyk, D W Krezan, B* Krsteva, E Krueger, G A* Krueger, P W Kuechler, W Kuhlmann, T 0 Remuneration Expenses 107,222 81,401 108,729 99,989 93,534 104,725 81,739 86,032 98,497 88,987 94,715 77,500 101,338 107,694 78,183 156,139 96,092 80,630 93,517 112,276 80,908 112,153 81,404 90,969 87,900 87,831 149,829 87,253 90,797 89,640 108,353 96,792 104,562 76,670 79,296 87,050 101,968 96,566 97,439 78,216 96,483 114,144 96,092 85,050 108,137 84,397 104,236 86,110 88,800 90,852 155,248 96,075 132,246 87,063 75,468 94,889 974 1,419 231 416 196 80 388 846 1,671 1,028 430 200 2,318 1,773 269 20 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Kumar, S* Kuramoto, R Kuramoto, R J Kuran, P* Kursar, R A Kuva, L Kuzmanoska, B Kuznik, J* Kwan, L Kwok, K* Kyllo, R G* Laberge, D J Laclaire, L L* Ladbrook, W D Lafortune, P* Lagreca, J Laidlaw, D Laisanitselikul, V Laleune, S P* Lalonde, N* Lam, M L* Lamont, F R Landels, B A* Landles, R Langley, M Langley, R A* Langmead, S E Lanser, D J Lanthier, C R Lao, H T Lappi, T H Latimer, T Latta, J P Lau, C S Y Lau, J T* Lau, K M* Lau, N Lauzon, R Lavieri, L E* Lavine, V Law, A H* Law, M* Lawrence, C N Lax, L Laxton, R Lay, J Le, H Lealess, W H Leblanc, R* Ledo, G* Lee, A Lee, A E Lee, C Lee, C K Lee, C W Lee, D Remuneration Expenses 96,566 79,133 78,280 181,714 90,597 83,517 80,966 104,302 97,700 115,503 95,095 115,210 146,548 85,794 91,017 82,654 76,607 75,569 161,192 95,008 86,454 104,583 103,487 87,878 75,450 105,034 75,062 109,144 90,132 81,122 104,226 86,542 89,113 87,971 113,511 106,887 81,459 86,949 93,385 75,234 91,597 113,034 76,750 80,840 80,075 86,163 75,693 108,804 150,410 92,430 94,261 82,556 83,678 102,238 80,973 75,314 297 893 1,221 525 656 1,218 234 2,661 159 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Lee, E* Lee, G K* Lee, M Lee, M Lee, N Lee, S* Lees, K A Leffler, E G* Lehwald, E A Leibel, B B Lemckert, J R* Lemire, M Lemire, N Leopold, D Lepard, K V* Lepore, O S* Lessard, S Letendre, D E* Letourneau, L* Letourneau, S M Letourneux, F* Leung, B Leung, D* Leung, D E Leupen, R H Leuszler, N A Levitt, K R* Lewis, A Li, D* Li, J Li, M* Liang, K* Liljefors, Y* Lin, C Y Linehan, M M Ling, A* Lintunen, L* Lipinski, M D Litrell, A Livingstone, G A Llagas, J Lloyd, J T* Lockey, J Logan, J J Logan, S Lojstrup, S* Lomas, M D Loney, E Lossing, L Louie, A Louie, D L Louie, G Loverin, D Lowe, L L* Lowes, G A Lowood, J Remuneration Expenses 180,141 96,092 113,242 87,862 86,881 96,103 90,476 112,892 91,777 91,414 92,312 91,646 84,811 86,163 148,943 76,269 88,513 106,615 104,318 109,499 158,208 85,483 93,059 78,110 89,816 121,513 153,494 88,750 155,284 79,718 110,687 216,502 168,302 92,059 95,099 103,467 132,246 78,431 85,355 107,180 75,596 106,301 88,824 94,583 75,941 114,210 108,452 82,677 86,159 77,623 82,592 86,970 87,657 113,563 106,085 76,378 4,241 987 4,470 150 890 104 1,076 388 987 404 461 974 414 21 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Lu, A* Lubiw, N* Lucas, T Lui, E Luis, A C* Lummis, L Lund, J A Lundberg, D* Luongo, A* Lyons, D R Ma, R* MacAulay, C M. MacDonald, C D MacDonald, D G* MacDonald, H MacDonald, R* MacDonald, R G MacFarlane, G G MacFie, D G MacGillivray, B G MacHielse, H* MacInnes, J I MacIntyre, J MacIver, J S MacK, T K* MacKenzie, J* MacKenzie, K C* MacKenzie, W MacKichan, S MacKie, D E MacKie, I N MacKie, K A MacKinnon, G I MacLean, J* MacLeod, T M MacPhee, I Madigan, J T* Maffei, D C Magbitang Jr., M C Magee, M* Magnusson, K* Maguire, K J* Mah, B Mahpour, H Main, K R Malcom, J Malesan, M* Manarin, D J* Mannella, J Manning, B* Manning, R A Mantei, J A Manyk, B Marchand, M* Marineau, G S Marino, J A* Remuneration Expenses 113,511 108,423 91,883 78,646 111,109 94,133 94,206 104,907 147,744 89,833 106,828 86,963 108,199 99,842 81,599 94,647 127,266 107,509 89,864 88,933 91,881 98,977 81,074 86,345 121,791 140,482 124,137 94,285 88,168 89,753 89,267 77,946 86,267 93,365 87,197 76,355 98,941 90,324 75,645 121,106 154,500 97,514 83,389 79,847 92,509 88,285 111,205 117,142 77,352 133,203 100,023 109,893 86,994 108,168 93,006 129,940 1,028 787 974 202 2,351 3,234 818 404 17,651 280 129 2,019 1,107 130 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Mark, J H* Markovic, Z G* Marohn, G K* Maron, H B* Marrocco, A Marsh, C* Martin, A H Martin, D P Martin, F* Martin, M Martin, R F Masangane, S Maskall, W M Mason, C C Massey, C R Masters, C L Matharu, U* Matricardi, C Mattarollo, S Matthes, P A Matthews, L* Mattu, M H Mau, W* Mauboules, C Maunsell, W D Mawani, F Maxwell, G Mazurek, R M McCaffrey, M L* McCall, G* McCallum, R J McCash, M McClelland, D K McConnell, K J* McDermott, J* McDiarmid, M McDonald, G* McDonald, M* McDonald, R G McGee, M* McGill, M H McGillivray, I McGillivray, L McGowan, B D McGregor, M J* McHattie, I C McHugh, P McIntyre, C L McIntyre, I G McKay, D McKearney, J R* McKellar, M W McKeown, P J McKibben, S* McKimm, C* McKinnon, M H Remuneration Expenses 128,559 106,882 118,449 108,204 80,685 131,582 80,602 99,710 82,866 86,050 89,880 77,159 80,685 87,842 90,063 95,099 109,618 77,018 84,300 100,770 106,540 104,547 107,037 106,276 103,550 76,325 86,218 114,422 94,430 100,532 96,452 87,103 117,345 108,168 91,609 86,006 94,503 174,360 100,769 78,866 106,897 87,376 77,989 86,261 95,620 87,671 87,131 109,106 104,638 88,595 209,321 102,155 88,975 94,674 101,407 96,320 1,213 90 495 168 1,064 398 2,713 655 1,427 2,677 388 709 280 2,572 6,081 - 22 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name McKinnon, R A McKinnon, R L McLean, A D McLellan, D* McLellan, M A* McLennan, R* McLeod, B McLeod, J D McMacKon, C McNab, C B* McNaney, K C* McNeill, Y McNeilly, E J* McNutt, R McPhillips, S McQuarrie, J McTaggart, S K* Medland, C E* Meers, D A Megaro, G Mehroke, N S* Mehta, J Mele, S Melten, P F* Merchant, G* Merrill, C Mervin, G C Messel, S* Messenger, C A Messenger, D R Meszaros, M Z* Methorst, H Meyer, A Middlemass, C* Middleton, S Mildenberger, N Miles, T R J* Millar, S T Miller, D M Miller, D T Miller, G S Miller, M A Miller, M A Miller, M J Miller, P Mills, N* Mills, T Mineer, J Minton, R W Mital, E* Mitchell, D Mitchell, J Mobbs, L* Moberg, D A Mocharski, M R Mochizuki, G E* Remuneration Expenses 108,251 80,506 96,014 258,261 91,378 108,982 78,422 77,029 91,610 113,511 125,481 96,547 108,168 87,902 87,070 89,621 107,701 130,205 95,120 79,533 104,340 76,425 81,706 126,623 122,583 85,308 99,653 96,580 94,794 104,833 113,636 81,464 84,552 108,161 80,576 83,738 105,491 88,803 82,840 107,912 96,024 90,526 79,133 79,073 102,728 112,656 76,479 79,909 106,190 113,049 81,754 77,492 122,752 100,565 81,393 96,092 4,623 388 997 987 476 376 3,705 820 365 666 1,170 398 503 1,213 743 2,567 2,416 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Mochrie, P R* Modicamore, R Molaro, A Monroe, G K Mooney, R I* Moore, D* Moore, D J Moore, P M Moore, T D Moreau, J Moreau, J C Morgan, D Morgan, D Morgan, J A Morgan, J L* Mori, F B Morin, G* Morin, P A Morishita, K S Morris, V J Morrison, E T Morrison, G S Morrison, J L* Morrison, J M Morrison, S G Mortimer, J S Morzaria, S* Moscovich, R Mosher, H E* Mosher, S Moshier, P* Motokado, G Mudrovcic, M Mueske, D G Muir, M Muirhead, T G* Mulcahy, J Mulder, C C Mulji, K* Mulligan, R Munro, K A* Murphy, D H* Murphy, D H Murphy, G Murphy, P Murray, B R Murray, F W Murray, G* Murray, W R Murru, D Murton, B J Mustapic, D M Naiman, R G* Naklicki, A* Nanji, K* Naughty, R Remuneration Expenses 203,157 81,358 132,738 76,002 103,960 112,201 113,292 90,840 97,534 76,186 84,589 94,575 83,379 85,864 108,168 80,109 85,668 102,685 100,139 109,061 89,547 124,461 116,841 81,969 76,068 89,143 96,092 81,115 96,249 87,350 96,092 87,039 88,439 80,685 86,726 114,011 92,005 89,645 87,271 105,501 138,682 139,488 87,775 91,720 95,836 89,378 79,497 155,284 90,682 89,387 95,998 81,754 77,556 254,845 106,540 88,019 150 269 890 1,581 188 1,808 624 766 700 376 594 106 609 423 308 987 - 23 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Naundorf, D Navratil, M A Navratil, P D* Naylor, M E Neal, P Neale, B Neale, J Neault, M D Nelson, A D Nelson, J* Nelson, K R Neumeyer, P Newirth, R* Newman, A Newman, C Newson, B Newstead, D R* Ng Iii, A* Ng, L Ng, L Ng, T C* Ng, W Ng, W Ng, W Nguyen, K T C Nguyen, V V* Nichols, D G Nichols, L T Nicholson, J Nicholson, P Nicholson, W Nickerson, A* Nicol, S C Nicol, W L Nielson, G Nikiforuk, C* Nikolai, T A Nikolic, S Nilsson, B L Nitychoruk, M Noble, C A* Noga, S V Noke-Smith, A C Normann, H F* Norrie, A S Novak, B W Novak, R* Nowlan, P J Nybo, R P* Nygard, G R Nyhaug, T P Oberg, G S* Oehlschlager, C K* Ogden, M R O'Halloran, D O'Krafka, N* Remuneration Expenses 95,672 96,296 162,034 109,863 87,339 86,936 88,312 86,298 90,159 82,638 105,904 99,391 153,757 84,735 86,764 105,504 96,129 132,255 78,108 76,378 107,354 82,068 81,072 79,185 87,128 111,802 99,433 87,673 87,755 88,987 87,722 113,572 88,269 104,121 89,644 112,944 122,977 90,869 87,513 83,706 113,588 108,616 79,061 134,810 94,105 104,914 112,182 95,420 104,500 104,464 100,316 95,370 199,959 87,849 86,437 132,663 3,450 404 25 3,929 398 890 3,526 1,750 778 15 890 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Olar, J W Oldfield, T B O'Leary, J E F Oljaca, D Olsen, A* Olsen, R B O'Neill, J Oppenlander, D W O'Shea, A O'Sullivan, D Oudijn, W P* Oystensen, J J* Paar, V R Paccani, V Page, T A Palm, P M Palmer, B R* Palmer, J Palmer, R A Pander, S* Pangalia, S Parker, D* Parker, P D Parkin, B* Parkin, D W* Parno, D A Parr, J Pasin, J Pask, A S Pathal, G S Patocka, J Paton, J A Patrao, A V Patzke, M Paulson, M R Pavananthan, K* Pawelchak, F J Pawlak, C N Payne, K Peacock, P A Pearce, B L* Pearson, R M Pease, V Pecarski, R Peck, T Peddle, D W Peet, B G Penney, M* Penny, B* Peppin, M Pereira, D Pereira, W Perkins, E G Perodie, J Persaud, M H Peskett, R Remuneration Expenses 95,192 89,799 81,014 76,058 107,180 108,109 77,237 90,486 82,247 88,430 126,360 78,939 87,271 80,326 91,736 97,810 104,717 85,172 86,218 132,424 85,220 93,093 112,673 168,461 107,428 109,710 94,632 82,320 94,970 82,033 77,129 87,782 83,752 87,226 103,774 117,901 79,648 89,943 96,445 93,814 129,466 107,405 80,818 106,998 86,622 76,268 84,567 80,036 138,361 95,195 87,859 101,051 75,195 86,890 84,840 88,189 1,002 715 398 699 948 386 2,031 56 1,872 498 666 2,012 73 518 90 987 - 24 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Peskett, R C Peterson, D R* Peterson, T R Petticrew, H Pezzolesi, J Pfoh, R E Phillipps, D E Phillips, D Phillips, D E Phillips, J Phillips, M* Piccoli, D M Piccolo, D Pickens, R R C* Pickering, J N Pickett, E Pickett, I Pidcock, C Pierlot, R W* Pighin, D G Pilas, K Pitre-Hayes, A* Pizzolato, L A Planinsic, J Plecas, R J Polonio, M A Pope, D A* Postlethwaite, C W Potter, C Potter, T R Potter, V* Pottinger, G H* Powell, R Power, A T Prescott, L* Preston, P Pricope, I Primerano, M B Procyshyn, P H* Prosken, B* Pruniak, J Pucci, P Pughe, D W Pugliese, D Pugsley, B J Pulgar, A Purchas, M W Pye, M* Qi, W* Quan, N Quan, V D* Quayle, B T* Quennell, B Quigley, T* Quigley, T Quilty, G J Remuneration Expenses 89,203 80,875 90,971 85,393 82,666 97,474 119,507 88,488 106,292 89,524 108,238 82,146 87,365 103,830 152,899 94,731 81,179 87,207 136,990 86,787 87,837 139,056 82,251 75,056 111,616 89,315 119,021 84,225 90,433 88,844 148,169 96,172 87,587 88,139 111,768 79,811 88,640 95,511 130,297 194,700 84,964 75,126 99,472 78,258 108,129 75,827 90,865 123,260 98,246 77,003 106,579 161,132 88,242 93,289 92,315 94,038 182 747 524 1,162 150 60 1,770 240 106 1,129 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Quinn, B S* Radakovich, M* Rai, H Ramogida, S F Ramslie, G D* Randall, B G Randhawa, P S. Raposo, J Rawsthorne, D M* Reagh, K C Rear, T L Reddy, A Reed, M R Reed, P Reiffer, D G Reimer, J W Reisen, E G Renning, R D Renville, R R Reyes, D T Rice, M D Richards, J A Richmond, S Richter, J Rickard, D Ridington, J P Riebe, J* Rintoul, S A* Rivet, S Robbins, J* Roberts, A T Roberts, G P Roberts, L E Roberts, S A* Robertson, C Robertson, D Robertson, D Robertson, D E* Robertson, D R Robinson, D* Robinson, D Robinson, K Rockey, M W* Roddis, M J Roder, G G Rodrigues, G D Roman, P Romaniuk, D S Romanowski, R H Romses, A Ronalds, L Roos, J M* Root, S Rosenlund, D J Rosenlund, R R Ross, A* Remuneration Expenses 124,027 95,369 84,946 77,647 123,254 86,616 80,829 79,135 107,354 77,884 85,493 86,099 81,754 107,799 108,944 106,248 89,287 107,903 91,846 78,156 98,110 76,198 86,171 78,299 88,274 104,455 113,511 82,243 89,611 110,165 121,619 80,407 88,163 103,530 95,412 108,632 85,908 107,436 87,381 128,148 89,154 95,729 96,092 95,413 112,304 99,839 78,314 81,243 104,587 75,408 93,637 99,743 87,797 99,914 98,175 124,833 2,395 851 1,560 1,012 358 941 395 200 226 842 987 255 248 12 25 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Ross, D L Ross, D R Ross, J N. Ross, S A Rosychuk, M S Roth, H D Rousseau, S* Rowley, W J Rumm, D Ruocco, A V* Rusticus, M R Ryan, A J Ryan, P* Ryce, T J* Ryckborst, J Rycroft, L Ryskie, G A Sagarbarria, J Sagert, T J Salar-Arefi, Y Salas, R G Sales, A P Sampert, D R Sandberg, K Sandhu, B Sandhu, C Sandhu, G* Santema, A N Santorelli, V* Santos, J* Savage, E Savage, M Scarlett, T Schenderling, R P Scherban, J J* Scheu, M A Schmidt, F Schnarr, P A Schoeffel, K Schouls, M* Schwark, M* Scollard, T* Scott, A Scott, B A* Scott, D S Scott, K J Sears, B J Sears, K Seggie, M D Seifert, W D Sellers, G L* Senghera, B* Sereda, G E Sereda, M J Seto, E K* Sever, D M Remuneration Expenses 79,062 108,332 95,305 105,876 87,076 107,480 90,011 86,716 89,278 111,551 88,157 86,929 128,185 111,947 88,219 83,179 110,302 76,894 77,099 85,679 89,542 86,011 91,649 88,091 75,013 86,535 105,093 81,630 112,650 113,511 77,848 87,576 88,426 87,481 112,803 99,548 89,953 102,271 94,809 107,042 130,328 142,580 89,583 102,813 92,339 86,896 107,048 89,197 108,114 87,158 96,092 108,288 77,213 107,086 96,285 99,084 778 174 666 560 1,159 414 1,299 2,489 887 420 560 386 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Sew, B M Shalist, J Shamess, A Shannon, M Shaw, A B Shearer, K Sheasby, P Sheehan, L* Sheel, J* Shepherd, D B Sheppard, J Shergill, M Shield, K* Shield, M Shier, C* Shillito, M H* Shirley, D Shong, D G Short, D* Short, J Siddall, S* Sidhu, G Sidwell, A* Siggers, K W Sihota, P S Sikolya, N Silva, O* Simonson, B J Sinasac, C E Sinclair, A C Singh, S* Skawski, L E* Skene, R* Skov, J Skrepnik, V Slade, B Slykerman, D A Smith, B R Smith, D A Smith, D C* Smith, E* Smith, G J Smith, J Smith, M J Smith, S M* Snadel, J* Snider, J D Snitz, A So, D* So, M Sobejko, J* Soglo, M P Sojka, A S Soleimani, M* Somerville, G* Sommer, P Remuneration Expenses 95,286 87,873 115,770 85,206 92,307 103,749 88,506 82,639 107,354 80,109 85,674 75,439 105,602 79,765 95,717 141,744 92,561 93,203 98,370 90,942 77,236 88,561 114,090 95,244 89,593 81,819 132,246 124,697 87,930 97,147 186,105 82,866 114,815 75,468 86,973 87,209 81,544 86,049 82,703 136,224 141,849 88,385 82,874 90,314 95,137 99,511 113,213 75,733 106,546 76,525 108,168 113,771 103,132 87,433 96,483 89,237 200 210 4,014 656 2,537 1,259 2,676 4,104 429 1,603 1,514 2,251 1,291 1,376 388 1,663 - 26 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Soni, H Soulliere, T W* Sovdat, S Sovdi, H L Spangberg, G K Spargo, B R Specht, M* Sproston, S St. Michel, P Stabler, R W* Stadnek, C Standerwick, J P Standeven, J M* Stanford, C D Starritt, A P Steele, B Steele, P W Steele, R Steer, M* Steer, M Steglich, N* Stephen, B F* Stephenson, S Stevens, D* Stevens, D J Stevens, J* Stewart, K Stewart, M* Stewart, R Stewart, W* Stolp, R Stoneson, S Storer, P* Straka, A Stratton, N* Strebe, D E Stroup, D M Struthers, T Stubbs, J N* Styles, A G Suen, H K Sugie, L K Sukul, B M Sunshine, M G* Sutherland, C H Suveges, L Suzuki, K M Suzuki, K T Swain, D P* Swantje, E Sydenham, D P* Sziklai, L* Tabata, W Tack, D* Tam, W M* Tammen, M V Remuneration Expenses 90,248 151,442 92,564 87,437 87,158 86,218 122,233 81,284 110,712 100,541 91,895 84,518 131,606 114,244 85,501 84,361 100,515 88,067 130,276 89,479 79,561 108,657 88,537 119,142 102,439 83,864 80,347 113,511 89,360 113,144 97,636 88,395 106,178 86,623 179,389 90,189 100,113 83,623 207,775 99,983 81,998 80,652 88,838 84,913 77,833 76,819 106,058 99,527 96,092 88,017 119,468 191,725 90,240 95,188 95,008 108,465 77 238 2,968 416 2,182 36 388 3,856 414 90 769 476 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Tang, G Taylor, D* Teasley, J A. Tebbutt, B S Tejani, N* Tessier, J The, R* Thibodeau, D K Thomas, A L Thomas, S Thompson, A Thompson, C Thornley, A Tierney, D Tilt, M H* Timms, A J Todd, B C* Toderian, B Tolnai, D J Tolusso, A V Toma, A* Tomkins, J Tomyk, K Tong, J M Tookey, M R Topping, M Topping, S Tosa, Y Toy, B* Traer, R* Traviss, R Trenter, P A Trinh, P Trott, K A Tudge, J J Tung, E Turner, S Turner, S D. Tuttle, R Twa, J S* Twarog, G Tweedie, M B Twemlow, C J Tyers, S Uldall-Ekman, M Underwood, C* Underwood, P S Urekar, L Ussher, O Uyeyama, W K* Vaisbord, P Van Acken, R Van Balkom, D M* Van Duynhoven, C J Van Fraassen, B* Van Horn, D M Remuneration Expenses 83,587 114,072 77,273 108,699 95,008 87,472 89,115 109,034 103,042 76,694 87,229 91,478 75,667 97,507 97,899 75,737 110,269 126,037 79,633 99,031 106,098 77,622 98,084 81,754 106,312 80,737 83,541 85,454 153,086 90,055 79,201 124,793 82,097 86,799 87,211 76,679 89,275 87,498 86,110 155,775 115,249 84,396 80,367 91,998 75,167 142,014 122,219 87,797 87,280 96,243 95,304 95,922 132,925 108,045 95,108 91,372 2,621 442 778 393 404 306 404 85 1,300 1,232 388 1,031 205 - 27 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Van Kemenade, I* Van Laare, N G Vanasse, M* Vandekerckhove, G Vanderpas, J C* Varga, M Varn, H* Vashisht, S* Vass, M* Vaughan, T Veer, R D Verappan, D Vernooy, M P Veuger, D A Viani, A Villamil, J Vincent, C H Virji, S* Virtue, N M Visintin, L Vistaunet, B* Volpe, L A Von Minden, M E Voth, V Wace, G E Wager, A R Wagner, D J Waher, K T Walker, B Walker, G D Walker, J Walker, K L Wallace, G M Wallace, S* Wallack, D F* Wallinger, K N Walton, T A* Wan, K* Wang, C Wang, C Wang, Q Wanklin, T Ward, S Warkentin, J W* Warner, P Warnock, R C Warwick, R Watson, M G Watson, R S Watson, S C Watson, S D Watts, M H* Weaving, J P Weber, P W Webster, G Weeks, R Remuneration Expenses 149,368 95,887 113,858 77,939 93,365 85,759 107,354 95,040 102,425 91,074 88,799 115,335 95,326 89,559 83,370 85,876 76,873 82,220 75,070 76,447 104,277 80,685 103,206 78,489 101,221 85,318 105,975 75,614 85,039 87,667 91,046 79,707 88,013 155,248 127,636 90,257 140,523 112,919 97,579 82,627 81,162 95,456 89,779 93,365 97,568 111,399 82,053 104,811 91,434 92,870 78,779 108,168 77,127 76,855 75,660 86,434 1,416 83 987 162 15 90 376 1,300 185 818 739 199 392 512 - 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Name Wei, J* Weidner, H G Wellington, T Welman, M* Werner, R R Westerman, D Westgate, J B Westmacott, E* Whincup, M White, A R White, F E White, W B* Whitehead, A G* Whitehead, J T* Whiting, B Whittier, D* Whitty, E* Wieler, H Wier, T J* Wightman, M B* Wiley, D Wilgosh, J Wilkinson, J P* Williams, D* Williams, E S Williams, G L Williams, J C* Williams, R* Williams, R J Williamson, G L Wilson, A R Wilson, D* Wilson, D A Wilson, D E Wilson, G* Wilson, G A Wilson, K J Wilson, M Wilson, R P Wingert, C Witt, B K Wiwchar, J Woff, J G* Wojcik, K Wold, B Won, C Wong, A Wong, A H* Wong, A S Wong, B* Wong, B Wong, C* Wong, D* Wong, F L* Wong, G R Wong, K Remuneration Expenses 99,162 109,330 86,876 155,819 89,414 82,376 88,289 122,836 87,368 104,100 75,979 94,899 96,092 94,227 87,050 112,229 112,229 106,480 79,615 181,114 80,730 83,118 131,538 75,148 77,610 86,582 132,267 183,358 95,724 110,431 89,213 130,326 109,178 124,743 116,593 88,204 109,903 86,961 86,690 91,021 78,872 81,591 108,044 77,949 94,731 88,575 75,088 96,092 79,970 102,870 81,620 96,092 107,094 94,678 91,431 93,980 52 1,159 175 987 2,089 80 5,555 1,417 457 818 180 2,909 2,471 388 159 40 1,742 - 28 SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION & EXPENSES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $75,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER Remuneration includes salary, overtime, gratuity and vacation payouts. Name Wong, K N Wong, P M* Wong, S Woo, H Wood, B* Wood, D* Wood, G P Wood, J Wood, S Wotherspoon, P Woyce, L Wray, B A Wright, G* Wu, H Xian, Q Xu, C Yackel, A B Yang, H W Yaremy, J W Yarych, T Yates, M Yee, A Yee, J T S Yee, K Yee, L* Yeomans, R* Remuneration Expenses 87,122 113,463 90,218 98,203 106,540 126,875 89,121 98,073 88,663 75,623 76,455 98,324 95,933 80,945 80,014 82,212 90,096 80,957 100,457 89,221 83,682 92,681 83,116 127,695 96,439 126,829 1,603 957 103 2,652 296 987 728 - Name Young, B A Young, C Young, J T* Young, S W Yuen, O Zacharias, A J* Zacharuk, J P Zacharuk, M J Zagar, A M Zahar, S E Zak, M C* Zandbergen, M Zawada, A N Zelter, C T* Zokol, N M Zoney, J Zoppa, K T.E. Zupan, M* Zupan, M W Total Under $75,000 GRAND TOTAL Remuneration Expenses 89,238 108,627 128,972 100,292 87,811 132,257 106,637 108,805 94,617 87,158 131,073 77,302 94,603 166,454 103,240 81,162 89,371 118,066 82,083 2,050 2,617 1,542 974 2,305 325 435 - $ 180,787,898 $ 485,061 226,581,455 128.445 $ 407,369,353 $ 613,506 *In 2012, the City implemented policy changes to reduce the City’s payroll liability associated with the deferral of earned time benefits from year to year. The changes to exempt employee payroll benefits related to sick leave gratuity and vacation are as follows: 1. Gratuity and deferred vacation banks accumulated to December 31, 2011 were frozen at the value as at December 31, 2011. Employees have the option to request payout of all or a portion of these banks. 2. Gratuity days earned in and after 2011 are no longer be banked, and are paid out in the first quarter of the following year. The 2012 remuneration of 540 exempt employees include these payouts in addition to their regular salary. The payout amounts ranged from $280 to $98,000 with an average payout of $5,000. 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 29 REMUNERATION – EXPLANATION OF VARIANCE CITY OF VANCOUVER The variance between the remuneration schedule and the salaries and benefit expenses reported in the consolidated financial statements of the City are attributable to a number of factors including: the remuneration schedules are based on actual payments made in the year (including payouts of vacation, gratuity, overtime banks) whereas the financial statement figure is determined on an accrual basis, the remuneration schedules exclude the Vancouver Police department, the remuneration includes taxable benefits which are recorded at full cost in the financial statements and includes items such as parking, leased vehicles and medical benefits. 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 30 SEVERANCE AGREEMENTS CITY OF VANCOUVER Number of Agreements Equivalent Number of Gross Monthly Salary 15 1.25 to 19 Prepared under Financial Regulation Schedule 1, Section 6 (7) 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 31 CITY OF VANCOUVER This page is intentionally blank. 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 32 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES (OVER $25,000) CITY OF VANCOUVER VANCOUVER BOARD OF PARKS AND RECREATION VANCOUVER POLICE BOARD VANCOUVER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD PREPARED UNDER THE FINANCIAL INFORMATION REGULATION SCHEDULE 1, SECTION 7 (1) 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 33 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES 101 West Hastings Holding Ltd $ 1,067,575 3M Canada Co. 1,499,628 4Refuel Canada LP 624,464 4th Utility Inc 92,724 550 Burrard Street Ltd c/o Bentall LP 235,300 7-Eleven 37,536 A & N Trucking 1986 Ltd 127,381 A C Paving Co Ltd 87,753 A C T Equipment Sales Ltd 30,400 A Cameron Ward & Company, In Tr 42,500 A R Mower & Supply Ltd 69,457 A Randhawa Trucking 124,681 A W Fireguard Supplies (1991) Ltd 90,063 A. S. T. C. Science World Society 511,718 Abbotsford Police Department 54,421 ABC Transmissions Ltd 49,436 Academic Bookbinding Co Ltd 62,398 Access Point Information Canada Ltd 70,565 Acklands-Grainger Inc Nat'l Accounts 2,052,329 Acme Decal 28,781 Acme Fire & Safety Co Ltd 66,174 Acme Protective Systems Ltd 33,270 Actes Environmental Ltd 75,374 Action Athletic Wear 113,275 Action Glass 74,141 Active Earth Engineering Ltd 168,051 Advanced Industrial Components Inc 51,240 Advantage Thermal Services Ltd 43,893 AECOM Canada Limited 114,496 Aercoustics Engineering Ltd 29,563 Air Canada 46,165 Air Liquide Canada Inc 84,239 Airborne Systems Canada Ltd 123,040 Airline container Leasing LLC 26,896 Albrecht, Jim 152,856 A-Line Cutting & Coring Ltd 43,795 All Mini Machine Services Ltd 175,310 Allen - Vanguard Corporation 615,475 Alliance Medical Monitoring 103,879 Allstar Show Industries Inc 26,552 ALS Environmental 75,007 Alsco Uniform & Linen Services 105,462 Altec Industries Ltd 85,112 Altus Group Limited 28,321 Always Excavating Ltd 188,161 Amantea, Gisele 90,335 Amazon.Com 26,777 Amec Enviromental & Infrastructure 28,526 Ameresco Canada Inc 228,251 American Appraisal Canada Inc. 52,265 American Investments Ltd and Western Mrtg. Dev 32,980 Analytic Design Group 28,392 Andec Agencies Ltd 60,313 Anderson Sod Farm Ltd 27,544 Andrew Peller Ltd 28,412 Andrew Sheret Limited 418,250 Angus One Ltd 73,315 Animal Care Clinic & Hospital 63,355 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Anixter Canada Inc Ansan Traffic Control Aon eSolutions APARC Systems Ltd Apex Communications Applied Electronics Ltd Applied Information Group North America Inc Aqua-Coast Engineering Ltd Aquilini Properties LP Aramark Canada Facility Services ARC Digital Canada Corp Arete Mechanical Ltd Arete Safety And Protection Inc Armature Electric Ltd Armtec Limited Partnership ARO Inc Arrow Marine Services Ltd Artefactual Systems Inc Associated Engineering Associated Fire Safety Equipment Astrographic Industries Ltd Ateeq Trucking Ltd ATIC Atlas Group Aulak Trucking Austin Metal Fabricators LP Autodesk Canada Autodesk, Inc Avenue Machinery Corp AVO-Audioworks Vehicle Outfitting B Cusano Contracting (2007) Inc B. A. Blacktop Ltd B.A. Robinson Co Ltd Ball Superior Ltd Bank of Montreal Bard on The Beach Theatre Society Barnes Wheaton GM White Rock Bartle & Gibson Co Ltd Basalite Concrete Products Battery Direct Vancouver BC Air Filter Ltd BC Hardwood Floor Co Ltd BC Hydro BC Libraries Cooperative BC Principals' And Vice-Principals' Assn BC Rentals Ltd. BC Special Olympics BCIT Beatty Floors Ltd Belfor Property Restoration Bell Canada Bell Mobility Inc Benny Foods Ltd Bentall Kennedy LP In Tr for Sun Life Assurance Best Buy Canada Ltd Better Blend Coffee Ltd Bhagat Virk Trucking Bio Observation Ltd 187,707 2,968,761 31,698 104,280 39,135 96,703 94,861 36,703 56,536 1,628,824 26,207 755,909 27,670 31,856 41,871 463,730 80,403 46,058 1,236,039 373,151 66,990 92,251 57,649 292,720 107,847 111,290 148,486 628,040 68,904 32,373 1,304,333 337,128 131,866 34,859 502,116 52,000 92,939 278,198 52,782 91,719 39,051 105,666 12,685,818 43,050 156,734 73,539 35,562 26,069 27,041 53,465 100,152 371,399 140,263 111,563 29,219 33,724 69,788 59,500 34 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES Bird Construction Company BKL Consultants Ltd Black & Mcdonald Limited Blackbear Excavating Ltd Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP B-Line Tire & Auto Supply (BC) Blue Max Lighting & Emergency Equip't Blue Water Systems Ltd BMS Integrated Services Inc Bobcat Country Equipment LP Bond Reproductions Inc Booth, Magnus Bortolo & Sons Paving Ltd Boughton Law Corporation, In Trust Brady's Excavating Brains II Inc Branch Macmaster Law Offices Brandt Tractor Ltd Brett Young Brighouse Auto Electric Services Ltd Brink's Canada Limited Britannia Community Svcs Ctre Britco LP Britco Structures Brite-Lite Inc. Lighting & Electrical Distrib British Columbia Prof. Fire Fighters' Burn Fund British Columbia Safety Authority (BCSA) British Hydraulics Broadway Equities Inc & PCI Crossroads Dev Broadway Refrigeration & Air Con. Co. Ltd Broadway Roofing Brock White Canada Company Brooks Corning Co. Ltd Brothers Tree Service Brown Bros Motor Lease Canada Ltd Brown Bros Ford BTY Consultancy Group Inc Buckland & Taylor Ltd Budget Rent-A-Car Of BC Ltd Building Opportunities with Bus. Inner City Soc Bunting Coady Architects Burnaby Radio Communications Ltd Buster's Towing (1987) Ltd Bynett Construction Services Ltd C K Golf Solutions Ltd C Y Loh Associates Ltd C.A.P. Ventures Ltd CA Canada Company Cadillac Fairview Corp Ltd Cage Design Group Ltd Cairns, Robert Calco Equipment (BC) Ltd Cambie Animal Clinic Ltd Camfil Farr Can Co-Operative Auto Network Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp Canada Pipe Co Ltd Canada Post Corporation 2,088,289 27,514 30,417 130,995 164,107 26,119 93,642 260,165 29,978 451,886 40,862 1,183,112 121,025 613,750 128,560 58,470 70,293 33,075 39,823 40,280 38,537 2,497,982 26,043 26,880 268,642 96,446 83,828 26,331 5,316,613 121,758 39,060 28,004 494,420 30,878 107,733 181,518 66,070 157,378 111,330 86,580 49,408 28,946 754,910 160,026 66,554 180,855 89,561 90,502 360,131 90,160 35,885 38,678 55,481 47,861 36,000 54,378 1,639,813 466,833 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Canada Spring Mfg (1988) Inc 114,029 Canada Ticket Inc 27,334 Canadian Airmotive Ltd 84,697 Canadian Arts Data 26,203 Canadian Dewatering Ltd. 157,979 Canadian Fuel Oil Polishing (1995) Ltd 39,632 Canadian Int'l Dragon Boat Festival Soc 35,113 Canadian Lawn Care Services Ltd. 323,944 Canadian Linen & Uniform Service 125,565 Canadian Pacific Railway Co 145,772 Canadian Pest Control Ltd 96,028 Canadian Red Cross Society 60,720 Canadian Tile Safe Products Ltd 33,070 Canadian Tire 30,783 Canadian Western Trust 2,194,446 Canadian Wireless Technologies 30,022 Cannor Nurseries Ltd 33,360 Canterbury Food Service Ltd 62,650 CanWest Concrete Cutting & Coring 228,752 Carbonet Holdings Inc 144,284 Care Pest Vancouver Ltd 68,899 Carleton Rescue Equipment 27,586 Carswell 96,421 Cartel Communications 53,408 Cascade Raider Holdings Ltd 31,229 Cascade Wear Ltd 121,292 Cat The Rental Store 93,092 Catherine Berris Associates Inc 105,974 CB Richard Ellis Limited 291,260 CDS & Co 31,231,626 Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd 537,760 CEI Architecture Planning Interiors 356,737 Cellcom Wireless Inc. 46,240 Centaur Products Inc. 60,138 Centennial Food Service 252,749 Central Heat Distribution Ltd. 288,083 Central Pacific Trucking Ltd 133,371 Ceyssens & Bauchman Barristers & Solicitors In Tr 25,000 CH2M Hill Canada Limited 178,586 Champlain Heights Comm Assn 37,620 Champlain Square LP 170,946 Changes Consulting Services 88,876 Chapman Burner And Heating Service Ltd 87,090 Charter Telecom Inc. 28,471 Chevron Canada Limited 8,867,601 Chinese Community Policing Centre 144,750 Christie Lites (Vancouver) Inc. 56,237 Christmas Forever 50,205 Chroma Communications Group Inc 38,781 Chrysler Canada Inc 110,714 Chubb Edwards A UTC Fire & Security Co 31,777 Churchill Armoured Car Service Inc 150,646 CIBC World Markets 42,683 CIKI Learning Centre 27,636 Cimco Refrigeration 122,397 Cintas Canada Ltd 204,464 Circle of Eagles Society 196,501 City Elevator Ltd 220,158 35 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES City Farmer City Of Abbotsford City Of Burnaby City Of Calgary City Of Port Moody City Square Property Holdings Inc Claire Hatcher Law Corporation Clauma Inc Claymore Clothes Ltd Cleartech Industries Inc Cliff Woolner (DBA) Cloverdale Paint Inc CNH Capital Canada Ltd Coast Foundation Society Coast Mountain Bus Company Coast Powertrain Ltd Coastal Ford Sales Ltd Cobham Surveillance Cobra Electric Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada Co Coinamatic Colliers International Realty Advisors Inc Collings Johnston Inc Collingwood Comm. Policing Ctr Assn Collingwood NHBD House Soc Colt Canada Columbia Bitulithic Ltd Columbia Fuels A Div. of Parkland Commercial Electronics Ltd Commercial Solutions Inc Commercial Truck Equipment Co Commissionaires Community Care First-Aid Companion Construction Ltd Compass Group Canada (Beaver) Ltd Compass Resource Management Comprint Systems Inc dba Datafix Compugen Inc Computershare Trust Co of Canada Concord Security Corp Conestoga Rovers & Associated CongressWorld Conferences Inc Connexion Fitness Inc Constellation Brands ContainerWest Contemporary Art Gallery Society of BC Context Research Ltd Continental Roofing Contour Landscaping Convergent Information Systems Cooper Lighting Copeman Healthcare Coquitlam Ridge Constructors Ltd Cora Bike Rack (1995) Ltd Coriolis Consulting Corp Coristine Woodall Barristers & Solicitors Corix Water Products LP Cornerstone Signage & Design Ltd 141,752 189,507 168,071 27,956 55,100 279,800 99,904 107,520 82,368 292,677 181,581 124,876 26,995 92,732 577,202 49,914 1,631,287 107,539 154,948 236,813 30,654 347,200 322,735 135,351 279,364 85,822 795,349 187,162 32,108 33,223 27,713 221,619 29,162 56,914 106,513 200,547 62,160 4,607,814 6,666,912 2,480,797 55,764 61,144 99,662 41,353 69,280 35,661 54,579 188,380 48,711 51,360 33,897 55,809 102,061 54,180 186,289 119,822 738,199 25,371 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Corporation of Delta Corporation of the District of West Vanc Costless Express CPKN Network Inc Creative Battery Systems Creative Door Services Ltd Cressey Development Group Critical Restorations and Rentals Ltd Crocker Equipment Co. Ltd Cross Cuts Sawing CRS CraneSystems Inc CSDC Systems Inc. CTH Systems Ltd Cullen Diesel Power Ltd Cummins Western Canada Custom Loading Ltd Custom Truck Product Inc CWPC Property Consultants Ltd D Sandhu Trucking DA Architects + Planners D'Ambra Equipment & Supply Co Inc Dams Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd Daryl-Evans Services Mechanical Ltd Datanet Imaging Systems David G. Butcher Law Corp. David Youngson & Associates Davies Park & Associates (Vanc.) Inc Davtech Analytical Srvcs (Canada) Inc DB Perks & Associates Ltd DBRS Limited Del Equipment Delcan Corporation Dell Canada Inc Deloitte & Touche LLP Design Home Gift & Paper Inc Devcorp Builders Ltd Dewar Pacific Projects Ltd DGS Construction Company Ltd Dhaliwal Trucking Dhillon Charan Singh Dianne & Don's Bldg Maintenance Dietlein Construction Inc. Dillon Consulting Limited Direct Energy Marketing Limited Direct Equipment West Ltd Direct Line Commercial Prop. Srvcs Ltd Division 15 Mechanical Ltd Dixon Networks Corp. DMC Dubas Mgmnt & Construction Inc Dobra Design Dodwell Realty Ltd Donald Flooring Contract Sales Ltd Donaldson Engineering Ltd Dorigo Enterprises Corp Douglas Park Community Assoc. DPOC - Neopost Canada Ltd. Draeger Canada Dramatist Play Services Inc 4,099,680 32,651 63,848 64,817 70,683 27,023 89,463 132,418 661,695 116,202 38,368 211,489 66,945 49,808 162,174 310,886 61,235 33,162 34,031 72,135 249,783 173,583 53,188 129,849 65,559 50,132 33,600 30,643 165,663 173,600 36,000 45,920 38,189 108,157 39,050 443,142 46,564 145,452 152,504 108,286 174,735 28,310 31,444 2,187,909 414,458 91,412 419,482 38,026 80,793 27,730 48,392 30,454 162,256 252,067 208,337 115,204 299,810 37,625 36 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES DreamRider Theatre Society Drive Products DS Tactical Ltd DSG Communications Ltd DST Consulting Engineers Inc Dunbar Community Ctr Assn Durante Kreuk Ltd Dyna Engineering Ltd Dynopro Coatings Ltd Dyplex Communications Ltd E. Lees & Associates Consulting Ltd E.B. Horsman & Son Eagle West Truck & Crane Inc. East West Plastic & Electric Productions Corp EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd Eberle Planning and Research Echovera Inc ECO-Compteur Inc Eco-Fitt Corporation ECOMM Econnics Eco Efficiency Econolite Canada Inc. Ecowaste Industries Ltd Eddy Moore Trucking Eecol Electric (Sask) Inc EHS Partnerships Ltd Elafon Mechanical Ltd Electric Aura Projects Inc ELM Technologies Ltd Embers Emco Corporation Emergeo Solutions, Inc Empirica Infrastructure Inc. Ensign Pacific Lease Ltd Enterprise Paper Co. Ltd Enterprise Rent-A-Car Entire Building Srvcs Ltd Enviro-Vac Erica Stocking Ericsson Mfg Ltd Ernst & Young ESC Automation Inc Esri Canada Ltd Excell Battery Company Excelsior Building Mtce Ltd Executive Building Mtce. Inc. Expert Excavating Demolition & Trucking Ltd F & G Delivery Ltd Fairmeade Investments Ltd Falcon Equipment Ltd False Creek Community Association False Creek Industries Ltd Farm Tek Turf Services Inc. Farris, Vaughan,Wills & Murphy LLP Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Fast First Aid & Survival Technologies Ltd Fast Trac Enterprises Ltd. Faster Asset Solutions, Inc 47,490 87,088 392,480 50,400 129,910 344,668 82,921 47,174 28,169 56,917 31,704 36,942 109,575 54,013 46,172 60,211 53,712 135,550 61,047 16,700,831 47,889 158,931 30,474 112,755 67,235 173,822 28,684 29,445 36,761 463,222 705,098 45,007 206,024 120,652 38,996 99,767 116,993 77,011 60,534 29,973 190,229 292,962 70,098 30,026 42,067 584,449 51,986 51,196 45,232 32,443 210,591 31,186 166,000 1,127,667 105,705 30,494 60,848 41,134 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER FDR Forensic Data Recovery Inc Final Grade Xcavation Finning (Canada) A Division of Finning Fireworks Marketing Group First Avenue Athletes Village Hsg Co-Operative First Choice Waste Disposal Ltd First Truck Centre Vancouver Inc Fitness Town Commercial Fleetcor Comm'l Card Mgmt (Canada) Ltd Flocor Inc Flora Design Landscaping and Mtce Inc Flynn Canada Ltd Fong, Karen Foreman Equipment Ltd Foreshades Backhoe Ltd FORREC Forrester Switzerland GmbH FortisBC Energy Inc Four Star Waterworks Ltd Frank Stanzl Construction Ltd Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP "In Trust" Fraser Richmond Soil & Fibre Ltd Fraser Valley Controls Ltd Fraser Valley Equipment Ltd Fraser Valley Steel & Wire Ltd. Fred Surridge Ltd Fred Welsh Ltd FrontCounter BC Frontier Power Products Ltd Fujitec Canada Inc. FVB Energy Inc G Nagra Trucking G. Brar & Sons G. Gill Trucking G. Magus Excavating Ltd G. Trasolini Contractors Ltd G.S. Bhullar Trucking Gastaldo Cell-Crete Ltd GBL Architects Inc GCL Contracting & Engineering Inc GE Intelligent Platforms Canada Gegra Equipment Ltd Gencor Industries Inc General Paint Genesis Integration Inc Genesis Security Inc. Geo H. Hewitt Co. Limited George Bubas Motors Ltd Gescan GFS British Columbia Gladding Mcbean Div of Pcf Coast Bldg Prods Global Hydration Water Treatment Syst. Inc Global Knowledge Network Canada Inc Global Mountain Solutions Inc Glotman Simpson Consulting Eng Gold Key Pontiac Buick Ltd Golder Associates Ltd Goodbye Graffiti Inc 135,662 152,485 452,051 58,579 293,862 33,271 1,808,256 107,603 27,917 1,431,727 211,938 1,643,633 43,070 241,893 144,199 139,944 34,304 2,102,313 183,504 61,121 227,965 328,990 45,132 124,879 70,427 421,319 46,834 243,687 135,277 152,922 33,578 50,706 137,125 37,207 100,528 442,564 70,045 48,384 83,992 162,277 95,045 53,625 32,615 95,154 59,812 72,377 29,030 143,011 41,901 206,567 159,919 80,030 79,423 80,203 45,024 56,874 304,051 480,686 37 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES Graham Construction & Engineering Grand & Toy Grandview Community Association Grandview Woodland Comm. Police Ofc. Soc Granville Island Brewing Graybar Canada Great West Equipment Div. of Marcels Eqp't Great West Life Assurance Co Inc Greater Vanc. Sewerage and Drainage Dist Greater Vancouver Water District Green Line Hose & Fittings (BC) Ltd Greenlite Traffic Greenspan Partners Barristers Greg Bubas/Victoria Excavating Gregory P Delbigio Law Corp Barrister & Solicitor Groupe Altus Grouse Mountain Resorts Ltd GTW Mechanical Services Guillevin International Co Gutermann Leak Detection Habitat Systems Inc Haebler Construction Projects Inc Hal Industries Inc Halcrow Consulting Inc a Div. of Yolles Half Price Rubbish Inc. Handy Appliances Ltd Hanley Agencies Ltd Hans Trucking Ltd Hapa Collaborative Harjit & Sons Enterprises Ltd Harrigan Rentals & Equipment Ltd Harris & Company Barristers & Solicitors Harry Powar Trucking Hastings Community Association Hastings North Area Planning Assn Hazmasters Inc HD Supply Power Solutions Heartquest Healing Heatherbrae Builders Co Hedgemasters Hemlock Printers Ltd Hemmera Envirochem Inc Henderson Law Group Henriquez Partners Arch. Urban Designers Heritage Office Furnishings Ltd Heritage Window Coverings Herman Miller Workplace Resource Vanc Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co Hi-Cube Storage Prods. Tilbury Ind'l Park Hilti (Canada) Corporation Holland Imports Inc. Holland Landscapers (1990)Ltd Home Depot Honeywell Limited Horseshoe Press Inc Horseshoe Star Holdings Ltd. Hothi Trucking Houle Electric Limited 31,226 2,650,641 283,051 154,145 139,282 56,971 55,876 58,196 50,563,003 66,107,743 28,779 57,501 243,744 115,597 60,351 94,676 45,910 78,540 121,630 37,260 53,837 174,027 58,240 322,861 25,909 32,102 179,602 34,473 25,424 30,945 76,618 131,303 138,360 44,959 135,273 84,926 241,028 62,855 494,281 30,160 95,383 116,194 47,580 49,526 203,515 102,129 139,140 199,304 146,473 76,776 33,700 77,155 104,693 95,105 33,118 225,585 146,288 211,794 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Hubner, Travis Hudson's Bay Company Hughes Condon Marler: Architects Hutchinson Nursery Sales Ltd Hy-Com Communications Ltd Hypower Systems Inc Iain Ritchie Farrier Services IBM Canada Ltd. ICBC Idaz Construction Ideal Door Ltd Identive Canada IHM 2400 Motor Court Ltd Ikari Construction Ltd Impact Cases Inc Imperial Oil Imperial Paving Ltd IMS Insfrastructure Management Srvcs Ltd Information Builders (Canada) Inc Inline Sales & Service Ltd Innovative Manufacturing Inc Inprotect Systems Inc Insights Learning & Development Vanc Ltd Insurance Corp of BC Facilities Acctg Intech Environmental Canada Corp Integra Strategic Solutions Inc Intellitime Systems Corporation Intercontinental Truck Body Inc International Truck and Engine Corp Interpave Precast Systems Ltd. Interprovincial Traffic Services Ltd Ion Secured Networks IPAC Chemicals Ltd IPS Group Inc IRC Building Sciences Group Inc Iron Mountain Canada Corp Ironwood Excavation Ltd J & G Trucking J & M Trucking J .Brown Trucking Co. Inc. J Cote & Son Excavating Ltd J Mundie Trucking J. Bhinder Trucking J.S. Sanghera Trucking Jack Cewe Ltd Jacob Bros. Construction Ltd Jayko Construction Ltd Jenkins Marzban Logan, In Tr Jetiaq Environmental Services Jim Cook Trucking JL Careers John Peachey & Assoc. Innov Signage Inc Johnston Davidson Arch. + Planning Inc Joints Jones, Sharon JR Virk Trucking Ltd JSI Telecom Div. of Jatom Systems Inc JSS Trucking 56,175 138,564 194,413 28,393 44,770 83,887 25,861 348,535 2,214,246 160,760 88,273 92,960 125,248 66,656 287,015 2,206,208 971,466 200,862 74,131 29,213 25,982 145,709 54,520 102,937 70,716 29,211 156,682 140,403 820,038 414,374 642,171 126,144 33,866 223,295 89,745 172,793 88,730 54,008 153,610 160,583 71,988 157,503 91,199 134,929 166,875 26,681 80,180 149,972 29,601 116,913 28,661 37,464 72,199 74,901 41,513 38,768 157,506 45,880 38 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES JUST Mechanical Ltd. Justice Institute of BC K.S. Trucking Kal Tire Kalef Consulting Kanwarjit Singh Dhillon Karyo Edelman Communication Inc Kask Brothers Divi of Lafarge Canada Inc Kathleen Speakman & Associates KDS Construction Ltd Kedco Constructors Ltd. Keith Plumbing And Heating Co Ltd Ken Bradley Trucking & Excavating Ltd Ken Wallsmith Contracting Kenny's Trucking Kensington Comm. Ctr Assn Kerr Wood Leidal Assoc. Ltd Kerr, Cameron Kerrisdale Business Assn Kerrisdale Comm. Ctr Soc Kerrisdale, Oakridge, Marpole Crime Prev Soc KES Consultants Ltd Keso Turf Supplies Kettle Friendship Society KGC Fire Rescue Inc Killarney Community Centre Soc King Hoe Excavating King Luminaire Company Inc Kingsway Honda Kitsilano Community Ctre Assn. Knight Safety Knight Signs Kodiak Trucking & Equip Ltd Koman Construction Limited Kone Inc. Konica Minolta Bus. Solutions (Canada) Ltd KPMG LLP Krasicki & Ward E.P. Ltd Kristo's Glass Services Inc. Kutny's Richmond Soil Kwela Leadership & Talent Mgmt L & L Painting & Sandblasting L & M Backhoe Services Ltd Lafarge Canada Inc Lafrentz Road Services Ltd Lagan Technologies Inc Langley Wholesale Ltd Language Line Services Inc Lansdowne Technologies Inc Law Enforcement Targets Lawnboy Enterprises Ltd. La-Z-Boy Furn. Galleries LZB Ent. Ltd LeBlevec Construction Ledcor Construction Limited Len's Transportation Group Ltd Levelton Consultants Ltd LexisNexis Canada Inc LifeMark Health 801,586 122,799 50,688 343,799 49,469 51,643 155,674 641,011 102,994 1,426,723 202,217 37,509 87,584 151,763 115,420 73,598 104,702 81,760 138,835 393,218 135,344 210,943 44,200 298,050 26,315 214,573 8,308,389 239,296 35,366 398,596 82,225 183,597 1,091,651 100,178 188,296 145,053 432,318 48,336 100,141 49,748 37,590 29,622 216,853 2,729,760 288,338 231,397 36,844 38,196 47,687 26,786 146,175 137,088 128,670 4,018,021 27,900 87,991 69,245 89,977 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Lifesaving Society LifeSpeak Inc Light House Sustainable Bldg. Ctr Soc Litco Systems Inc Lite Access Technologies Inc Livingston Int'l Inc. LMK Technologies, LLC Local Food Plus London Drugs Lordco Parts Ltd. Lower Mainland Ceramic Tile Ltd Lower Mainland Fast Freight Inc Lukan, Allice D Luna Management Ltd Lynch, Almute Macdonald Comm. Real Estate Srvcs Ltd Mack Kirk Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd Mack Printers & Stationers Ltd Mahil Trucking Mahovsky, Trevor Mainland Demo Contracting Ltd Mainland Information Systems Ltd Mainland Sand & Gravel Ltd Mainroad Mtce. Products Ltd Marine Roofing Rep. & Mtce. Srvcs (2003) Ltd Marpole- Oakridge Comm. Ctr Assn Martello Property Services Inc Matcon Demolition Ltd Matra Construction Inc Matthew Soules Architecture Inc Maxwell Floors Ltd Maxxam Analytics Mcasphalt Industries Ltd. McCuaig & Assoc. Engineering Ltd McGinn Engin'g & Preservation Ltd McGregor & Thompson Hardware Ltd McIntyre Hyland Painting Ltd McRae's Environmental Srvcs Ltd MD Charlton Co. Ltd Medical Services Plan of B.C. Medisys Corporate Health LP Medisys Health Group LP Mega-Tech Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc Mercer (Canada) Limited Merrick Architecture Metal Supermarkets Metro Motors Ltd Metro Parking Ltd Metro Testing Labs. Ltd Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers Metrotown Mitsubishi Michel Gravel Agency, Inc Michelin North America (Canada) Ltd Micro Com Systems Ltd Microsoft Canada Inc Midland's Workwear Plus Mike's Building Restoration Ltd 28,655 29,120 51,649 46,870 54,991 77,064 124,882 34,196 67,953 134,260 158,288 138,319 47,831 32,766 35,729 30,576 65,677 33,203 148,350 43,680 1,724,538 2,114,111 3,071,514 322,327 105,660 62,581 128,707 293,237 163,616 56,550 75,255 29,956 219,530 47,445 26,090 98,774 30,050 1,754,040 331,999 4,240,268 60,891 77,005 128,438 597,281 60,780 216,388 40,961 85,975 155,277 35,951 25,000 225,652 155,329 547,495 50,477 123,748 116,486 29,344 39 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES Minister of Finance Miso Gardening & Landscaping Mitsubishi Motors MMM Group Ltd MNP LLP Mobilize Strategies Modo The Car Co-op Modu-Loc Fence Rentals LP Moffatt & Nichol Monaghan Golf Inc Montufar Grp Transportation Consulting Moody's Investors Service Moore and Sons Contracting Inc Morphotrak Safran Grp. Finance Dept Morrison Hershfield Limited Mortal Coil Performance Society Mosaic Mosaic Translation Services Mount Pleasant Comm. Ctr/Assn Mountain Equipment Co-Op Mueller Canada Ltd Municipal Pension Plan Prov. of BC Mustang Survival, Corp Mustel Group MWL Demolition Ltd Napa Auto Parts National Energy Equipment Inc National Fitness Products of Canada Inc National Plumbing ND Graphics Inc Nedco a Division of Rexel Canada NetApp Inc Neufeld W. R. New City Ventures Inc New Line Hose & Fittings New Moon Excavating Ltd New West Gypsum Recycling Inc New Westminster Police Service Newalta Corporation Newton, Kelly Newtype Richmond Mitsubishi Nichols, Wayne Nicholson, Darrell Nicholson, Terry Norben Electric Ltd Norcan Fluid Power Ltd North American Pile Driving Inc North American Pipe & Steel Ltd Northern Building Supply Ltd Northland Chipper Sales Ltd Nova Pole International Inc. Novacom Construction Ltd Novax Industries Corporation Novell Canada NRG Research Group Nuffy's Enterprises Ltd Nu-Gro Ltd dba AAT Direct Solutions Oakcreek Golf & Turf Inc 289,215 66,406 60,480 858,085 28,000 30,572 156,392 37,772 238,409 590,953 26,443 58,016 25,545 119,422 143,778 193,144 26,559 25,041 354,435 43,066 50,399 56,108,330 40,375 44,688 26,320 833,034 127,545 43,975 25,250 29,835 84,092 56,644 99,099 28,000 94,112 162,438 205,960 57,289 191,001 47,293 64,093 100,917 30,629 59,609 201,983 31,139 55,009 30,053 409,345 28,191 629,844 1,307,488 477,341 117,487 34,026 46,564 288,361 1,258,873 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Oakley Canada Inc Oakridge Centre Vancouver Holdings Inc Occupational First Aid Attendants Assn of BC Ocean Concrete A Division of Lehigh Hanson Ocean Pipe A Div. of Lehigh Hanson OCLC, Inc Office Essentials Inc Old English Wdw.Cleaning. & Press. Washing Ltd Olympic Projects Ltd Olympic Roofing Ltd Omega Uniforms System Omni Engineering Inc. Open Text Corporation Open Water Coaching Operators Training School OPS Centre Ltd Opus Dayton Knight Ltd. Oracle Canada ULC Organizational Health Inc Orkin Canada Overhead Door Company Oxford Construction Ltd P. S. I. Fluid Power Ltd P. Sekhon Trucking Ltd Pace Chemicals Ltd Pacific Blue Cross Pacific Bolt Mfg. Ltd. Pacific Building Envelope Mtce Ltd Pacific Centre Leaseholds Limited Pacific Coast Heavy Truck Group Pacific Controls Ltd. Pacific Cutting & Coring Ltd. Pacific Door Closer Service Ltd Pacific Industrial Scale Pacific Mattress Recycling Inc Pacific Mechanical Systems Ltd Pacific National Exhibition Pacific Newspaper Group Pacific Restaurant Supply Inc Pacific Risk Management Corp Pacific Safety Products Inc Padam Trucking Paladin Security Systems Ltd Paradigm Software Parallax Comm. Contractors Park Lane River District Dev Ltd Parker Pacific Equipment Sales Parking Corp Of Vancouver Parkwood Construction Ltd Paul Sahota Trucking Pauline Johnson Confectionery Mfg. Inc Paul's Radiator (1985) Ltd. Pax Construction Ltd PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc PD Group Interior Design Ltd Pedre Contractors Ltd PeerNet BC Pennell Lighting Solutions Inc 39,251 625,494 50,641 224,278 1,387,314 49,079 42,616 30,240 790,492 115,004 146,150 50,857 586,819 103,010 38,801 29,529 51,344 162,922 306,096 115,582 134,376 27,390 100,073 41,681 25,850 14,075,981 67,596 711,530 2,432,003 33,845 29,855 427,661 36,014 71,607 253,401 70,474 850,435 259,122 34,636 27,548 233,208 83,204 42,388 78,943 103,111 856,968 335,127 207,401 54,469 64,517 43,749 27,125 99,574 2,232,940 46,122 1,821,191 75,220 211,621 40 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES Penny Handford Consulting Perkins + Will Canada Architects Co Perspectives HR Consulting Inc Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc PHH Canada Inc. Phil Hurst Excavating Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg Phoenix Enterprises Ltd Phoenix Media Direct Pickering Safety Pictometry Canada, Corp. Pinton Forrest & Madden Piroche Plants Inc. Pit Stop Portable Toilets Srvcs Ltd PitneyWorks Prepaid PJ White Hardwoods Ltd Planet Clean (Vancouver) Ltd PML Professional Mechanical Ltd Point Blank Creative Inc Polycrete Restorations Ltd Port Coquitlam & Dist. Hunting & Fishing Club Poschner Construction (88) Ltd Potluck Cafe and Catering Power Contractor Power Suction Services Ltd. PPE Labs PR Pomeroy Restoration and Construction Ltd PrairieCoast Equipment Pressed Metal Products Ltd PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Pride Truck Delivery Prime Corp Police Records Information Mgmt Prime Strategic Planning Inc Priority Consulting Group Inc Proactive Hazmat & Environmental Ltd Production Supply Co. Ltd Profire Emergency Equipment Inc Progressive Messenger Ltd Promo Plus Advertising Inc. Prostar Painting And Restoration Ltd Provincial Rental Housing Corp Public Library Interlink Purolator Courier Ltd PW Trenchless Construction Inc PWL Partnership Landscape Architects Inc QCA Systems Ltd Qualichem Ind'l Products Ltd Quantum Murray LP Quattro Integration Group Inc. Quest Software Canada Quote Endquote Cross-Cultural Strategy Inc R. Nicholls Distributors Inc. R. S. Natt Trucking R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd R.M.B. Construction Radioworks Communications Inc. Randhawa A. S. Raptor Ranch 29,975 426,812 40,409 74,286 238,794 154,617 310,220 819,416 37,707 48,057 66,079 49,828 94,208 221,605 359,181 43,963 32,606 88,645 31,317 217,284 49,526 1,418,322 36,063 313,134 27,238 94,680 140,007 240,674 59,876 136,150 55,048 1,573,918 35,922 102,418 319,945 37,160 589,179 227,459 29,144 79,964 2,394,536 136,374 30,111 25,368 51,398 120,405 45,849 140,305 26,040 37,421 28,605 1,479,674 33,119 81,480 33,202 73,223 93,258 217,223 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Rattan Trucking Ray-Cam Co-Op Association Ray-Cam Co-Operative Centre RBC Dexia Investor Srvcs Trust RBC Dominion Securities Inc RCAP Leasing Inc RDH Building Engineering Ltd Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd Rec. Gen'l for Canada Canadian Police College Rec. Gen'l for Canada Ind. Canada Rec. Gen'l of Canada Rec. Gen'l of Canada Public Works & Gov't Srvcs Rec. Gen'l of Canada RCMP RED Real Estate Design Redmonds Backhoe Ltd Redwood Plastics Regal Controls Limited Renfrew Park Comm. Ctr. Assocn Richco Contracting Ltd Richform Constr Supply Co. Ltd Richmond Elevator Mtce Ltd Richvan Holdings (2006) Ltd. Rightstar Systems Riley Park Community Assn Risi Claudio River Rock Casino Resort RLM Learning Innovations Inc. RMK. Contracting Inc Road Warrior Cutting Roadway Traffic Products Robert Half Finance & Accounting Rocky Mountain Phoenix Rogers Rogers Business Solutions Rollins Machinery Ltd Ron Wong & Associates Inc Roper Greyell Barristers and Solicitors Rose Security Services Inc Rosenberg & Rosenberg In Tr Roundhouse Comm. Arts & Recreation Soc Roundhouse Community Ctr Assn Royal Canadian Mounted Police Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre RPG - Resource Planning Group Inc Russell Food Equipment S & M Auto Import Service Ltd S Chahal Trucking S K Sanitary Specialties Mfg Ltd S Sidhu Trucking Safetek Emergency Vehicles Ltd. Salmon's Rentals Ltd Samuel, Son and Co. Ltd. Sandale Utility Products Sandhu, Joga Singh SAP Canada Inc Saputo Dairy Products Canada GP Sasco Contractors Ltd Scott, Jim 45,300 463,170 44,953 69,256 52,682 42,244 95,952 112,332 49,552 45,276 25,804,178 312,821 745,994 26,736 155,078 37,790 25,942 133,919 29,522 40,641 186,513 96,511 102,063 762,940 75,646 32,816 35,822 38,099 237,916 49,153 32,440 55,222 819,888 139,794 364,250 98,171 233,261 205,148 40,000 165,001 186,309 108,754 115,000 142,304 53,664 94,501 128,371 29,021 81,726 406,089 32,523 35,723 61,819 41,551 1,274,268 52,167 200,210 435,846 41 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES SCP Distributors Inc Scriptlogic Corporation SCS Engineers Sea To Sky Transfer Seaboard Development (1980) Ltd Second Nature Contracting Ltd Setcan Corporation Seymour Painting Limited Shapiro Hankinson & Knutson Two Bentall Ctr Shaw Business Solutions Shaw Cablesystems G.P. Shell Canada Sheran Trucking Sherine Industries Ltd Shirtland Laundry & Dry Cleaners Ltd Shon Group Realty Siegel Entertainment Ltd Sierra Systems Group Inc Sigzeen Textile Inc Simon Fraser University Simplex Grinnell Sirsidynix (Canada) Inc SkillSoft Corporation SkillSpark SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd Smart-Tek Communications Inc. Smith Bros & Wilson (BC) Ltd SMS Equipment Inc Snap-On Tools SnapStream Media Inc SNC-Lavalin Inc Socan Social Signal Solarwinds Solus Consulting Inc. Source Office Furniture & Systems Ltd South Cambie Trucking Ltd South Vancouver Comm. Policing Ctr SpanMaster Structures Ltd Sparc BC Spears Sales & Service Ltd Specimen Trees Wholesale Nurseries Ltd Spectratec Services Group Inc. Speedy Glass Spicers Canada Limited SSQ Insurance Company Inc Stacey Holloway & Assoc. Ltd Stagefab Custom Mfg Inc Standard & Poor's Stanley Park Ecology Society Star Rentals Stem To Stern Marine Service Sterling Fence Co. Ltd Steven M Boorne Barrister & Solicitor Stikeman Elliott LLP, " In Trust" Stikeman, Elliott Stocco Construction Strategic Corporate Wear 73,529 57,590 964,405 92,862 37,856 73,793 59,684 29,465 62,154 29,060 76,378 38,978 105,435 113,127 735,077 119,482 48,373 183,813 39,351 96,696 404,520 126,446 39,747 43,212 84,399 107,866 470,661 221,771 65,081 67,570 488,468 33,174 28,084 46,200 59,413 36,266 90,908 140,286 41,666 25,573 69,801 29,758 127,008 31,420 39,018 26,553 36,287 28,305 43,120 120,582 74,104 87,557 99,510 38,390 200,643 692,545 63,876 25,732 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Strathcona Community Ctr Assn Sugden, Mcfee & Roos LLP The Landing Sumas Remediation Srvcs Inc Sun Life Financial Sun Life of Canada Sunny Electronics Audiotronic Sunset Community Assn Super Save Disposal Inc Super Save Fence Rentals Inc Supergravity Incorporated Superior City Services Ltd Superior Propane SupremeX Inc Sure Hazmat and Testing Surfwood Equipment LP Suspended Stages Swen Investment Ltd Swing Time Distributors Ltd Synercon Mgmt Consulting LLC Sysco Vancouver T. Moscone & Bros. Ground Mtce Ltd T. Rai's Trucking T. S. Trucking Tac Systems TACanada Ltd Tacel Ltd Tactical Adv. Law Enforcement Prods. Inc Tactical Products Canada Inc Target Products Ltd Tarmac Grinding Ltd Team Engineering Inc Tec Floor Coverings Ltd Technogym USA Telocate Systems Inc. Telus Communications Telus Mobility Telus Services Inc Templeton Secondary School Tennant Sales and Srvc Company Tervita Environmental Srvcs Texcan The Active Network Ltd The Colborne Architectural Group Pacific Inc The Finer Details Event Planning Inc The Georgia Straight The Great West Life Assurance Company The Law Society of BC The Legal Freelance Centre The Office Resource The Pan Pacific Hotel The Strategic Action Group The Tempest Development Group Inc The Toronto Dominion Bank The Vancouver Club The Vancouver Courier Three Rivers Consulting Ltd Thunderbird Plastics Ltd. TNC Restoration Ltd 64,920 302,146 408,667 171,830 621,298 34,082 131,201 25,099 57,962 55,149 134,456 93,107 72,942 98,392 200,136 99,105 196,552 26,482 33,600 244,865 68,551 88,851 139,298 103,896 83,267 31,462 50,185 53,143 230,384 33,336 25,648 46,838 41,823 26,487 2,869,107 404,599 122,414 26,513 48,190 126,987 79,559 149,129 32,294 94,378 27,074 2,693,382 53,006 27,087 190,246 47,000 41,792 490,727 290,712 267,421 135,830 63,759 112,981 213,858 42 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES Toe-Hoe Leasing Ltd Toter Incorporated Tower Fitness Equipment Services Inc Townline Property Management Corp Trafco (Canada) Trail Appliances Ltd. Trane Canada Trans Power Construction (1999) Ltd Transportation Assoc Of Canada Transwest Roofing Ltd. Traumatech TreeTech Tree Service and Consulting Trev Deeley Motorcycles TRI Environmental Consulting Inc Tripwire Inc Triton Transport Ltd TSS Total Safety Services Inc Turner Company Turn-Key Construction Inc. Tyam Civil Constructors Ltd Tybo Contracting Ltd UBS Industries Uline Canada Corporation Ulmer Contracting Ltd Underwriters Lab Of Canada U-Need-A-Bottle Service Ltd. Unifirst Canada Ltd Union Of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Unisource Canada Inc. United Rentals - Canada United We Can Urban Communications Inc. Urban Impact Recycling Ltd Urban Rack Parking Systems Urban Sawing & Scanning Co. Ltd. Urban Systems Ltd Urecon Valid Manufacturing Ltd Valley Driving School Valmont West Coast Engineering Ltd Van Noort Bulb Co Ltd Vanbots Construction Corp Vancouver Aboriginal Comm. Policing Ctr. Soc Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition Vancouver Art Gallery Vancouver Axle & Frame Ltd Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Vancouver Civic Employee Assistance Soc Vancouver Coastal Health Authority Vancouver Economic Dev. Commission Vancouver Film School Vancouver Foundation Harbour Centre Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Vancouver Heritage Foundation Vancouver Holdings Ltd Vancouver Lifeguard Association Vancouver Moving Theatre Society Vancouver Native Housing Society 360,819 239,622 26,702 50,400 448,815 38,720 535,172 28,118 25,345 79,128 35,150 52,044 124,898 61,955 77,828 33,666 55,891 36,076 414,875 35,161 60,532 64,457 36,249 33,989 52,744 61,518 28,775 252,579 25,325 317,896 195,700 77,283 129,828 67,766 882,188 452,128 36,554 261,072 26,115 302,092 91,830 173,229 140,673 80,920 133,990 27,531 28,436 269,950 1,065,696 3,299,740 268,832 508,200 123,192 116,721 171,835 29,504 66,572 244,874 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Vancouver Pile Driving Ltd Vancouver School Board Vandusen Botanical Garden VanDusen Botanical Gardens Assn Vanport Enterprises Ltd VCR Print Co. Ltd Veterans Memorial Housing Soc. Viaduct Sheet Metal Ltd Viking Fire Protection Vimar Equipment Ltd Vital Link Ice Cream & Event Mktg VSO School of Music Wakefield Development Ltd Walter Francl Architecture Inc Walters, Brenton Ward's Hydraulic Services Warrington PCI Management Waste Management of Canada Watson Gloves WCS Waste Control Services Inc Weber Supply Company Inc Webir Automation & Control Svc Webtech Wireless Wescan Direct Mail Service (1982) Ltd Wesco Distribution Canada Inc. Wesco Industries Ltd Wes-Har Asbestos Analysis & Consulting Ltd West Coast Chemical Co Ltd West Coast Electric Ltd West Coast Sign Service Ltd West End Community Centre Assn West Point Grey Comm Ctr Assn Westbank Projects Corp Westend Coal Harbour Community Police Ctr Western Excavating Western Imperial Magnetics Western Management Consultants Western Marine Co. Western Safety Western Scale Co. Ltd Western Star & Sterling Trucks of Vanc Inc Westport Construction Group Inc Westrock Custom Breaking Ltd Westview Sales Ltd Wicklow West Holdings Ltd Wilco Landscape Westcoast Inc Wilkinson Steel And Metals Willis Canada Inc Winvan Paving Ltd Wismer & Rawlings Electric Ltd WMW Public: Architecture + Comm. Inc. WolfPack Gear Inc Wolseley Cda. Mech'l Grp Div. of Wolseley Cda Inc WorkSafe BC Wurth Canada Ltd. Xerox Canada Ltd Xylem Canada Company Yard At A Time Concrete (1988) Ltd 378,731 651,501 65,871 58,853 125,593 114,356 88,881 52,836 42,355 239,708 177,839 119,925 44,567 105,174 29,352 73,417 2,479,386 2,354,543 110,302 418,665 32,722 30,240 80,540 103,911 1,182,457 65,474 34,586 42,529 94,042 26,177 222,220 171,819 100,485 135,250 157,409 30,786 176,502 46,327 87,001 91,641 67,514 1,743,166 613,630 598,834 456,413 64,962 128,788 2,465,533 194,229 35,762 60,449 29,867 122,255 6,998,050 32,912 851,942 25,755 96,250 43 PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES Yen Bros. Food Service (2011) Ltd Yeomen Property Maintenance & Renv’n. Ltd Yu, James YWCA Vancouver Z-Card Canada Zeemac Vehicle Lease Ltd Zeidler Partnership Architects 545,457 259,010 34,114 156,339 29,926 679,380 39,901 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Total - Suppliers Over $25,000 Total - Suppliers Under $25,000 Total $ 572,438,235 19,682,490 $ 592,120,725 44 AMENDMENT TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES Suppliers Over $25,000 Previously reported Total $ 572,438,235 CITY OF VANCOUVER Suppliers Under $25,000 $ 19,682,490 Total $ 592,120,725 Add: 9Reeat Dining Ltd. 65,913 65,913 15,179,097 15,179,097 30,555 30,555 D. Mehta & Associates, In Trust 493,014 493,014 Johnston Allen Properties Ltd. 118,316 118,316 Mindy A. Jong Law Corporation, In Trust 749,503 749,503 Rasoee Properties Inc. 25,928 25,928 Re/Max Crest Realty 26,740 26,740 The TDL Group 91,257 Baily McLean, In Trust Black Cherry Studio Ltd. 91,257 Under $25,000 Total amendment Revised Total 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 16,780,323 $ 589,218,558 $ 29,539 29,539 29,539 16,809,862 19,712,029 $ 608,930,587 45 VANCOUVER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD LIBRARY BOOKS CITY OF VANCOUVER BC Libraries Cooperative Bridgeall Libraries CCH Canadian Limited CVS Midwest Tape EBSCO Canada Ltd. Harpercollins Canada Ltd. How To Video Imperial Hobbies Ingram International Kidsbooks Library Bound Inc. Library Ideas LLC MAL (Richmond) Mallory International Ltd. Newspaper Direct OCLC In Canada Overdrive Proquest Information and Learning Company Public Library Interlink Raincoast Book Distribution Ltd. Renaud-Bray S & B Books Ltd. SINO Library Services Inc. United Library Services Inc. University of Toronto Press Whitehots Canadian Library Services $ Vendors with Total > 25,000 $ 4,133,349 Vendors with Total < 25,000 1,006,875 258,247 28,216 32,955 578,431 383,955 28,565 47,648 31,707 95,689 197,110 262,329 85,650 28,506 29,749 52,686 28,733 106,263 80,033 170,284 54,176 45,289 50,458 86,375 980,935 31,513 357,846 $ 5,140,224 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 46 RECONCILIATION OF PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES CITY OF VANCOUVER The City prepares the schedule of payments based on actual disbursements processed through its Accounts Payable system. This provides assurance on completeness as the reported amounts are reconciled to the financial system cheque register and electronic funds transfer records. The schedule of payments is a "cash basis" listing. This figure therefore will differ significantly from the expenditures in the consolidated financial statements which are reported on an accrual basis resulting in timing differences. Furthermore, there are disbursements which are not considered expenditures including payments made to other taxing authorities, employee payroll deductions, debt principal repayments. Conversely, there are expenditures which do not involve an actual disbursement (in addition to accruals) - grants offset by related revenues (e.g. Theatre operating grants), holdbacks. 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 47 STATEMENT OF GRANT PAYMENTS 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 48 GRANTS - BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Cambie Business Association Collingwood Business Improvement Association Commercial Drive Business Society Davie Village Bus. Improvement Association Dunbar Village Business Association Dwntn Vanc. Business Improvement Association Gastown Business Improvement Society Hastings Crossing Bus. Improvement Association Hastings North Bus. Improvement Association Kerrisdale Business Improvement Association Kitsilano - 4th Avenue Business Association Marpole Business Association $187,000 191,237 422,663 687,898 148,500 2,340,519 539,600 103,000 331,500 347,000 405,250 157,500 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION CITY OF VANCOUVER Mt. Pleasant Commercial Improvement Society Point Grey Village Business Association Robson Street Business Association South Granville Bus. Improvement Association South Hill (Fraser Street) Merchants Assn Strathcona Business Improvement Association Vancouver Chinatown Bus. Impr. Assn Society Victoria Drive Bus. Improvement Association West Broadway Business Improvement Yaletown Business Improvement Association $ 335,000 80,000 462,343 550,000 120,000 571,000 299,065 160,000 120,000 410,000 $8,969,075 49 GRANTS - CULTURAL 221A Artist Run Centre A. S. T. C. Science World Society Accordian Noir Society Aeriosa Dance Society Artists in Our Midst Arts In Action Society Asian Canadian Writer's Workshop (ACWW) Asian Canadian Special Events Association Atira Women's Resource Society Axis Theatre Society B.C. Chinese Music Association Ballet BC Bard On The Beach Theatre Society Barking Sphinx Performance Society Battery Opera Performing Arts Blackbird Theatrical Society Boca Del Lupo Theatre Society Britannia Community Svcs Centre Canadian Music Centre BC Car Free Vancouver Society Caravan World Rhythms Society Carnegie Community Ctr Association Carousel Theatre Society Celtic Fest Vancouver Society Centre Cultural Francophone De Vanc. Children's Arts Umbrella Association Children's Festival (CIAYA) Chinese Benevolent Assn of Vancouver Chinese Community Policing Centre Chor Leoni Men's Choir Cineworks Indep. Filmmakers Society City Opera Vancouver Co. Erasga Dance Society Coastal Jazz & Blues Society Collingwood NHBD House Society Comm. Arts Council of Vanc. & Fearless Contemporary Art Gallery Society of BC Crab - Water For Life Society Craft Council of British Columbia Craning Neck Theatre Dancehouse Dancing On The Edge Festival Society Diwali Celebration Society DTES Women's Centre Association Dunbar Residents Association Eastside Culture Crawl Society Edam Performing Arts Society Electric Company Theatre Society Elektra Women's Choir Environmental Youth Alliance False Creek Watershed Society Fillip/Projectile Publishing Firehall Theatre Society Flamenco Rosario Friends of Chamber Music Fugue Theatre Full Circle: First Nations Performance Society CITY OF VANCOUVER $ 14,000 96,000 8,000 8,750 4,000 10,000 4,000 5,000 5,200 34,000 4,000 162,000 27,500 4,000 14,000 8,000 27,000 5,000 29,950 12,500 25,000 2,500 32,000 17,135 18,000 11,340 126,500 17,000 2,600 17,000 46,000 2,500 10,000 109,000 6,000 6,000 67,000 2,300 13,000 7,000 45,360 31,340 20,000 4,000 1,000 10,000 20,000 59,000 13,500 3,650 8,500 15,000 70,000 13,170 29,330 6,000 10,000 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Gallery Gachet Gathering Place Gordon Neighbourhood House Greater Van. Professional Theatre Alliance Green Thumb Theatre Grunt-Visible Arts Society H R MacMillan Space Centre Society Hard Rubber New Music Society Hastings Community Association Headlines Theatre Co. Society Health Arts Society Hellenic Congress Of B C Horseshoes & Hand Grenades I. E. Artspeak Gallery Society Indian Summer Arts Society International Arts Initiatives ITSAZOO Productions Society Jewish Community Centre of Gr. Vancouver Joe Ink Performance Society Judith Marcuse Projects Society Karen Jamieson Dance Society Kidd Pivot Performing Arts Society Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Kokoro Dance Theatre Society Latincouver Business & Cultural Society Leaky Heaven Performance Society Leave Out Violence (LOVE) Les Productions Figlio Society Little Mountain NHBD House Society Live Biennale Of Performance Made in BC - Dance on Tour Society Magazine Association of BC Malaspina Printmakers' Society Mandala Arts And Culture Society Marpole Oakridge Family Place Society Marta Marta Hop Society Mascall Dance Society Migrante BC - Filipino Society Miscellaneous Productions Society Mortal Coil Performance Society Movement Enterprise Mount Pleasant NHBD House Music In The Morning Concert Society Music On Main Society Musica Intima Society Native Daughters Of BC Neighbourhood Care Intl. Association New Forms Media Society New Orchestra Workshop Society New Performance Works Neworld Theatre Society Norman Rothstein Theatre On Main On The Cutting Edge Prodn. Soc O R Gallery Society Other Sights For Artists' Projects Out Innerspace Dance Theatre Pacific Assocn of Artist Run Centre (PAARC) $ 19,000 8,000 1,500 12,500 58,000 37,000 519,400 7,000 10,000 24,000 17,000 10,000 8,000 29,000 5,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 13,000 25,000 3,000 17,000 5,000 17,000 2,500 7,000 5,000 12,000 4,000 5,000 13,000 9,000 7,500 7,000 9,000 6,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 7,500 25,000 26,000 21,000 6,000 4,000 10,000 11,000 18,000 32,000 29,000 7,000 29,000 18,000 8,000 25,000 50 GRANTS - CULTURAL continued Pacific Ballet Society Pacific Baroque Orchestra Society Pacific Cinematheque Pacific Theatre Pandora's Collective Outreach Society Pink Ink Theatre Productions Association Pitt Society for Art and Critical Awareness Playwright's Theatre Centre Pound Of Flesh Theatre Powell Street Festival Society Pride In Art Society Public Dreams Society Push Festival Society Radix Theatre Society Realwheels Society Redshift Music Society Reel To Real International Film Festival Rough House Productions Roundhouse Community Centre Association Ruby Slippers Productions Society Rumble Productions Society Sad Magazine Publishing Society Satellite Video Exchange Society Screaming Weenie Productions Secret Lantern Society Seniors Research Grp. of Chinese Opera & Music Solo Collective Theatre Society South Asian Family Association South Hill (Fraser Street) Bus. Association South Hill Neighbours Society Standing Wave Society Still Moon Arts Society Street Corner Media Foundation Subterrain Literary Collective Society Sunset Community Association Tara Cheyenne Performance The 605 Collective Dance Society The Arts Club of Vancouver Theatre Society The Dance Centre The Documentary Media Society The Gr. Vanc Alliance for Arts & Culture The Only Animal Theatre Society The Plastic Orchid Factory The Virtual Stage Arts Society Theatre La Seizieme Theatre Melee Society Theatre Replacement Society Theatre Terrific Society Tigermilk Collective Society Tomoe Arts Society Tomorrow Collective Arts Society Touchstone Theatre Society Turning Point Ensemble Society Twenty-Something Theatre Up In The Air Theatre Society Urban Ink Productions Uzume Taiko Drum Group Society Van Dyke March And Festival Society Vancity Community Foundation CITY OF VANCOUVER 93,000 18,000 45,000 16,000 4,500 20,000 17,500 38,000 12,000 18,000 13,000 17,500 86,000 11,000 10,000 15,000 16,000 7,000 8,000 23,350 30,000 5,000 31,000 5,000 10,000 3,000 11,000 8,000 7,750 3,500 8,000 12,500 5,500 9,000 8,000 10,000 10,550 155,000 73,000 17,000 45,000 12,000 2,000 7,500 27,500 5,000 22,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 11,000 33,500 35,000 2,500 15,000 14,000 6,000 5,000 62,600 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Vancouver Academy of Music Vancouver Access Artists Run Centre Vancouver Adapted Music Society Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition Vancouver Art Gallery Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre Vancouver Asian Film Festival Society Vancouver Bach Choir Vancouver Cantata Society Vancouver Cantonese Opera Vancouver Chamber Choir Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Vancouver Chinese Instrumental Music Soc Vancouver Chopin Society Vancouver Community Gamelan Society Vancouver Co-Operative Radio Vancouver East Cultural Centre Vancouver Folk Music Festival Society Vancouver Hack Space (VHS) Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra Vancouver Intl Bhangra Celebration Soc Vancouver Intl Ctr for Contemporary Asian Art Vancouver International Dance Festival Vancouver International Film Festival Society Vancouver International Fringe Festival Vancouver International Song Institute (VISI) Vancouver International Writers Festival Soc Vancouver Jewish Film Festival Vancouver Latin American Film Society Vancouver Maritime Museum Vancouver Metis Association Vancouver Moving Theatre Society Vancouver Museum Society Vancouver New Music Society Vancouver Opera Association Vancouver Out On Screen Film & Video Soc Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Co. Vancouver Pride Society Vancouver Pro Musica Society Vancouver Recital Society Vancouver Seniors' Singing Club Association Vancouver Society For Early Music Vancouver Society Of Storytelling Vancouver Summer Festival Society Vancouver Symphony Society Vancouver Tap Dance Society Vancouver Theatresports League Vancouver Wooden Boat Society Vantage Point Vetta Chamber Music & Recital Society Wen Wei Dance Society West End Seniors' Network Western Front Society Western Theatre Conspiracy Arts Society Word on the Street Festival 42,000 13,600 6,500 2,000 2,181,000 6,000 7,000 72,000 17,000 4,000 67,920 5,000 5,000 3,170 4,000 25,000 174,400 80,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 37,000 23,500 50,000 50,000 7,500 62,000 6,500 14,000 400,000 3,500 35,000 758,000 32,000 315,920 27,500 251,410 20,000 10,000 9,520 5,000 34,000 4,500 50,170 1,218,930 6,000 5,000 4,500 124,000 6,000 19,000 3,000 44,500 12,000 18,000 $10,304,315 51 GRANTS - COMMUNITY SERVICES 211 British Columbia Adult Learning Development Assoc Aunt Leah's Independent Battered Women's Support Services BC Coalition of People With Disability Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Vancouver Britannia Community Centre Society Canadian Mental Health Association Canadian National Inst. For the Blind Canadian Paraplegic Association Carnegie Home Ground Cedar Cottage Food Network Society Cedar Cottage NHBD House Children of the Street Society Collingwood NHBD House Society Crisis Interven. & Suicide Prev. Ctr for Gr. Van Downtown Eastside NHBD House Downtown Eastside Women's Ctr Association: Chinese Seniors Outreach Management Dugout Drop-In Centre Society Eastside Family Place Society Embers Family Services of Greater Vancouver: Counselling Program Directions - After Hours & Street Outreach First Funds Society Four Eleven Seniors' Centre Society: Info and Referral Frog Hollow Neighbourhood Gordon Neighbourhood House Greater Van. Law Students Legal Advice Soc - UBC Hastings Community Association: Community Events Small Grants Hastings Family Drop-In Hastings North Area Planning Association Hastings North BIA Hastings North BIA-Public Safety Initiative Headlines Theatre Co. Society Health Initiative for Men Society Hive Vancouver Society Immigrant Services Society of BC Inland Refugee Society of BC Japanese Comm. Volunteers Association Jewish Family Service Agency Justice Education Society of BC Kitsilano Neighbourhood House: Seniors Link Other Kiwassa Neighborhood Services: Youth Programs Other Kiwassa Neighbourhood House La Boussole, Centre Communautaire Society Learning Disabilities Assn of BC CITY OF VANCOUVER $ 32,150 10,000 18,000 47,756 37,140 39,692 47,756 62,424 8,920 8,040 16,236 47,756 9,000 1,000 92,740 10,000 108,740 23,460 45,360 45,800 62,424 40,000 56,248 28,800 25,000 79,708 18,000 55,000 108,744 59,160 44,136 76,000 47,500 30,000 18,190 18,200 18,000 16,484 15,040 30,000 47,500 52,800 24,000 15,804 26,080 10,200 66,720 22,500 123,952 43,000 14,568 23,408 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Leave Out Violence (LOVE) Little Mountain NHBD House Society: Early Years Project Learning is First (LIFT) Other Marpole Oakridge Family Place Society Marpole-Oakridge Area Council Mosaic - 3 Community Outreach Programs: Community Development Connecting Fathers Vietnamese Family Counselling Project Mount Pleasant Family Centre Society MPA - Motivation Power & Achievement Soc Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House: Family Drop-In Other Multicultural Helping House Society NICCSS PACE - Providing Alternatives Pacific Community Resources Society: Broadway Youth Resource Centre Vietnamese Youth Pacific Post Partum Support Society PeerNet BC Philippine Women Centre of BC PIRS Pivot Legal Society PLEA Community Services Society of BC Purple Thistle-Arts in Action Society PFAME: Qmunity GAB Youth Services Qmunity Gay & Lesbian Services Red Fox Healthy Living Society Renfrew-Collingwood Seniors' Society S.U.C.C.E.S.S. - Bridging The Gap Family Service: Counselling Service for the Chinese Comm Seniors QOL Prog. Youth at Risk Program Seniors Housing Information Program South Granville Seniors Centre: Other Spanish Outreach South Vancouver Family Place South Vancouver NHBD House: Seniors Projects Other Street Youth Job Action - FSGV Strathcona Community Association Supporting Women's Alternatives Network (SWAN) Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society Tetra Society of North America The Aboriginal Front Door Society The Access Pro Bono Society of BC The Kettle Friendship Society The Kidsafe Project Society Thunderbird NHBD Association TRAC - Tenant Resource & Advisory United We Can $ 25,808 20,808 6,000 70,340 42,144 37,024 79,276 14,000 44,228 66,616 10,500 10,404 76,720 51,708 25,500 58,780 36,372 47,756 17,684 31,836 9,286 75,640 18,000 25,880 15,300 31,136 30,600 29,000 16,856 46,820 40,840 67,200 20,000 40,336 21,108 57,120 40,744 92,740 35,000 64,872 15,000 8,000 10,200 45,000 10,000 92,624 35,316 40,000 45,000 143,821 52 GRANTS - COMMUNITY SERVICES continued Urban Native Indian Education Society Urban Native Youth Association Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU) Vancouver Assoc for the Survivors of Torture Vancouver Community Network Vancouver Rape Relief And Women's Shelter Vancouver Recovery Club Vancouver Second Mile Society: DTES NHBD Helpers DTES Seniors' Centre Vancouver Tap Dance Society Vancouver Volunteer Centre VSOCC Family Programs CITY OF VANCOUVER 26,008 46,056 23,500 24,448 25,100 33,304 32,024 98,648 32,092 2,203 108,851 10,000 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Warriors Against Violence Society Watari Research Association West End Seniors' Network West Side Family Place Society Western Institute For The Deaf Wish Drop-In Centre Society Women Against Violence Against Women Your Local Farmers Market Society YWCA Vancouver: Crabtree Corner Single Mothers Support Services 10,000 60,576 47,756 38,820 10,200 109,692 41,616 9,000 56,868 21,224 $4,894,065 53 GRANTS - CHILDCARE Aboriginal Mother Centre Society Brant Villa Daycare Society Britannia Community Services Centre: Childcare Program Eagles in the Sky Grandview Terrace Daycare Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood: Beaconsfield Queen Alex Secord - Prog Dev Collingwood NHBD House: Carleton School Age Child Care Program Norquay School Age Child Care Program Reserve Operating Reserve Start-up Sarah House Early Learning & Care Centre Developmental Disabilities Association Eastside Family Place Society Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House: Kidsworld School Age Care Nootka Care Group Satellite Daycare Happy Corner Parent Particip’n Preschool Assn Kiwassa Neighborhood Services: Childcare Enhancement Out of School Care St David's Preschool Variety Club Day Care Little Mountain NHBD House Society: Child Development Centre Out of School Care Marpole Oakridge Family Place McGregor Childcare Society Mount Pleasant Child Care Society Mount Pleasant Comm. Ctr/Association Mt Pleasant NHBD House: Before & After School Care Daycare Ray-Cam Co-Op Association: Keefer St. Early Learning & Enrichment CITY OF VANCOUVER $ 19,540 18,060 21,672 27,000 27,000 10,836 9,030 21,672 10,836 10,836 39,600 37,000 18,060 89,116 3,576 14,448 14,448 27,000 5,000 16,174 11,918 18,060 4,768 10,836 14,448 7,384 27,000 27,000 63,195 15,892 16,326 Raycam Daycare Centre $ 27,000 Shannon Daycare Society 25,282 South Vancouver Neighborhood: Out of School Care 7,224 Poppins Preschool 21,022 South Vancouver Family Place 7,152 St Michaels Anglican Church 26,467 Strathcona Comm. Ctre - Out of School Childcare 27,000 Sunset Childcare Society 18,060 Sunset Community Association 22,184 The Vancouver Society of Children's Centre: Atelier 19,800 Bayshore 39,600 City Gate ll 37,000 Dorothy Lam 39,600 International Village 43,985 Library Square 19,800 Quayside 39,600 Sapphire 19,800 Sea Star 85,871 Shaw Tower 19,800 Other 161,791 Thunderbird NHBD Association 19,216 Trafalgar Out of School Care Society 5,000 Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Society 18,060 Vancouver Chinese Pentecostal Benev. Soc 18,060 Vancouver Japanese Lang. Sch. and Japanese Hall 5,000 Vancouver Native Health Society 27,000 Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre 233,278 YMCA of Greater Vancouver: Nanook 27,000 Other 1,681 YWCA Vancouver: City Gate 18,060 Crabtree Corner 26,004 Emma's Infant Toddler Care 27,000 Leslie Diamond 39,600 $1,836,022 5,294 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 54 GRANTS - OTHER A. S. T. C. Science World Society Alma Mater Society Of UBC Association of Book Publishers of BC Association Of Neighbourhood Houses Atira Women's Resource Society BC Coalition Of People With Disability BC Rugby Union BC Wheelchair Sports Association British Columbia Soccer Association Burrard Inlet Fireworks Society Canadian Cross Country Championships Canadian Int'l Dragon Boat Festival Society Carnegie Community Ctr Association Carousel Theatre Society Cedar Cottage Food Network Society Children's Arts Umbrella Association Chinese Cultural Centre Of Greater Vancouver Christian Community of St. Faith's Circuswest Performing Arts Society City In Focus - Shalom Seekers Collingwood NHBD House Society Contemporary Art Gallery Society of BC Danet Interiors Ltd Developmental Disabilities Dugout - Central City Mission Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House Downtown Eastside Women's Centre Dr. Sun Yat Sen Garden Society Eastside Culture Crawl Society Electric Company Theatre Society Elektra Women's Choir Environmental Youth Alliance Firehall Theatre Society GLISA North America Games Society Green Thumb Theatre Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary Growing Chefs! Society Grunt-Visible Arts Society Hard Rubber New Music Society Hastings Community Association Hastings Crossing BIA I. E. Artspeak Gallery Society Jewish Community Ctr of Gr. Vancouver Jewish Family Service Agency Kerrisdale Comm Centre Society Kitsilano Neighbourhood House Kiwassa Neighbourhood Services Association La Boussole, Ctr Communautaire Society Lions Gate Road Runners Society Marpole-Oakridge Area Council Mental Health Commission of Canada Mosaic MPA - Motiv'n Power & Achievement Society Mt Pleasant Neighbourhood House Native Education College Network of Inner City Comm Srvcs Soc Night Hoops Basketball Society Norman Rothstein Theatre Other Sights For Artists' Projects Association CITY OF VANCOUVER $35,500 7,700 4,750 5,000 92,000 52,100 1,071 2,500 54,289 20,000 7,500 9,750 2,300 18,150 13,230 5,000 11,650 2,910 11,800 5,930 56,320 4,050 100,000 187,398 9,000 3,500 3,000 4,500 8,750 5,000 17,500 2,000 3,750 22,233 75,000 1,200 400 36,300 2,500 14,230 1,000 10,000 33,000 500 300 813,230 82,071 2,950 725 2,990 250,000 11,000 2,800 30,784 3,000 49,600 275 10,400 400 2012 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION Pacific Community Resources Society Pine Street Community Gardens Society Playwright's Theatre Centre Potluck Cafe Society Powell Street Festival Society Quest Outreach Society Roedde House Preservation Society Sarah McLachlan Foundation Shon Yee Benevolent Assn Societe Maison De La Francophonie De Vancouver Sole-Save Our Living Environment South Vancouver NHBD House Stanley Park Ecology Society Strathcona Business Improvement Association Strathcona Comm. Ctr - Out of Sch. Childcare Streetohome Vancouver Foundation Sunset Childcare Society Sunset Figure Skating Club Tennis BC Terminal City Rollergirls The Arts Club of Van. Theatre Foundation The Australia-New Zealand Association The Child and Nature Alliance Society The Dance Foundation The Global Youth Education Network Society The Small Animal Rescue Society of BC The Vancouver Tool Library Cooperative The Vi Fineday Family Tupper Integrated NHBD Greenway Assoc UBC Wrestling Club Union Gospel Mission Van Horne Elementary School Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Ctr Society Vancouver Aquatic Centre Divers Society Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition Vancouver Art Gallery Vancouver City Planning Commission Vancouver Concert Hall and Theatre Society Vancouver East Cultural Centre Vancouver Fruit Tree Project Society Vancouver Greenest City Fund Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre Vancouver Intl Ctr for Contemporary Asian Art Vancouver Japanese Language School and Hall Vancouver Museum Society Vancouver Native Housing Society Vancouver Opera Association Vancouver Taiko Society Vancouver Tap Dance Society Vandusen Botanical Garden Volleyball BC Westside Grand Prix of Cycling Society Wildlife Rescue Association of BC Women Against Violence Against Women WTF Tae Kwon Do Assocn of Canada Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada Your Local Farmers Market Society $ 24,275 300 7,100 49,200 20,000 15,000 5,250 50,000 50,000 6,900 5,000 2,950 11,300 41,250 4,000 125,000 600 489 45,000 1,250 68,000 120,000 200 10,247 1,000 7,400 4,800 2,950 300 760 2,000 400 10,000 424 7,850 87,866 58,100 22,500 4,000 300 500,000 15,355 5,600 250,000 10,750 290,000 75,000 3,750 3,700 400 26,438 20,250 2,000 5,413 61,000 45,142 60,000 $ 4,473,545 55
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