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anotações - cerpch
Comitê Diretor do CERPCH Director Committee CEMIG / FAPEPE / IEE-USP / FURNAS / IME / ELETROBRAS / ANEEL / MME Comitê Editorial Editorial Committee Presidente - President Geraldo Lúcio Tiago Filho - CERPCH/UNIFEI Editores Associados - Associated Publishers Adair Matins - UNCOMA - Argentina Alexander Gajic - University of Serbia Alexandre Kepler Soares - UFMT Ângelo Rezek - ISEE/UNIFEI Antônio Brasil Jr. - UnB Artur de Souza Moret - UNIR Augusto Nelson Carvalho Viana - IRN/UNIFEI Bernhard Pelikan - Bodenkultur Wien - Áustria Carlos Barreira Martines - UFMG Célio Bermann - IEE/USP Edmar Luiz Fagundes de Almeira - UFRJ Fernando Monteiro Figueiredo - UnB Frederico Mauad - USP Helder Queiroz Pinto Jr. - UFRJ Jaime Espinoza - USM - Chile José Carlos César Amorim - IME Marcelo Marques - IPH/UFRGS Marcos Aurélio V. de Freitas - COPPE/UFRJ Maria Inês Nogueira Alvarenga - IRN/UNIFEI Orlando Aníbal Audisio - UNCOMA - Argentina Osvaldo Livio Soliano Pereira - UNIFACS Regina Mambeli Barros - IRN/UNIFEI Zulcy de Souza - LHPCH/UNIFEI Editorial Editorial Regulação Regulation Agenda 06 Schedule Artigos Técnicos 07 TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Technical Articles Ficha catalográfica elaborada pela Biblioteca Mauá – Bibliotecária Margareth Ribeiro- CRB_6/1700 R454 Revista Hidro & Hydro – PCH Notícias & Ship News, UNIFEI/CERPCH, v.1, 1998 -- Itajubá: CERPCH/IARH, 1998 – v.15, n. 60, jan./mar. 2014. Expediente Editorial Tradução Revisão Impressão Geraldo Lúcio Tiago Filho Camila Rocha Galhardo Adriana Barbosa MTb-MG 05984 Adriana Barbosa Camila Rocha Galhardo Fabiana Gama Viana Angelo Stano Net Design Lidiane Silva Cidy Sampaio 28 Expansão via usina-plataforma Expansion via plant-platform Prof. François AVELLAN, EPFL École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, [email protected], Chair; Prof. Eduardo EGUSQUIZA, UPC Barcelona, Spain, [email protected], Vice-Chair; Dr. Richard K. FISHER, VOITH Hydro Inc., USA, [email protected], Past-Chair; Mr. Fidel ARZOLA, EDELCA, Venezuela, [email protected]; Dr. Michel COUSTON, ALSTOM Hydro, France, [email protected]; Dr. Niklas DAHLBÄCK, VATENFALL, Sweden, [email protected]; Mr. Normand DESY, ANDRITZ Hydro Ltd., Canada, [email protected]; Prof. Chisachi KATO, University of Tokyo, Japan, [email protected]; Prof. Jun Matsui, Yokohama National University, [email protected]; Dr. Andrei LIPEJ, TURBOINSTITUT, Slovenija, [email protected]; Prof. Torbjørn NIELSEN, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, [email protected]; Mr. Quing-Hua SHI, Dong Feng Electrical Machinery, P.R. China, [email protected]; Prof. Romeo SUSAN-RESIGA, “Politehnica” University Timisoara, Romania, [email protected]; Prof. Geraldo TIAGO F°, Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Brazil, [email protected]. Editor Coord. Redação Jornalista Resp. Redação Colaborador Projeto Gráfico Diagramação e Arte 04 Trimestral. Editor chefe: Geraldo Lúcio Tiago Filho. Jornalista Responsável: Adriana Barbosa – MTb_MG 05984 ISSN 1676-0220 1. Energia renovável. 2. PCH. 3. Energia eólica e solar. 4. Usinas hi_ drelétricas. I. Universidade Federal de Itajubá. II. Centro Nacional de Re_ ferência em Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas. III. Título. Joana Sawaya de Almeida Patrícia Kelli Silva de Oliveira Editora Acta Ltda Hidro&Hydro - PCH Notícias & SHP News é uma publicação trimestral do CERPCH The Hidro&Hydro - PCH Notícias & SHP News is a three-month period publication made by CERPCH Tiragem/Edition: 6.700 exemplares/issues contato comercial: [email protected] / site: Av. BPS, 1303 - Bairro Pinheirinho Itajubá - MG - Brasil - CEP: 37500-903 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Fax/Tel: +55 (35)3629 1443 Universidade Federal de Itajubá ISSN 1676-0220 ISSN 1676022-0 00060 9 771676 022009 3 EDITORIAL HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014 Dear readers, Prezado Leitor, A grande luta dos empreendedores de usinas hidrelétricas com os ambientalistas, ao longo dos tempos, sempre foi em relação aos impactos que a construção de uma hidrelétrica causa no local de sua implantação. Há algum tempo o Brasil começou a estudar o conceito de usina-plataforma e várias pesquisas foram realizadas a respeito. A usina-plataforma foi concebida com o intuito de causar uma menor intervenção humana ao meio ambiente. E esse ano o projeto começa a sair do papel por meio da construção de uma hidrelétrica no Pará. Nessa edição a revista traz uma reportagem que aborda a licitação da hidrelétrica São Luiz do Tapajós que será a primeira hidrelétrica a usar esse conceito de usina. A reportagem mostra os detalhes desse tipo de construção, os custos e a capacidade de geração que se pretende obter com o empreendimento. Over time, the great struggle between the entrepreneurs of hydropower plants and environmentalists has always been in relation to the impacts that the construction of a hydropower plant causes in its implantation site. Some time ago, Brazil began to study the concept of plant platforms and various research projects were completed in this respect. The plant platform was conceived with the intention to cause less human impact on the environment. And this year the project will come off paper through the construction of a hydropower plant in Pará. In this edition of the magazine, we feature a story that outlines the bidding of the hydropower plant São Luiz do Tapajós, which will be the first hydropower plant to use this factory conception. The story shows the details of this type of construction, the costs and the generation capacity to be achieved with the development. Have a good read! Boa leitura! Geraldo Lúcio Tiago Filho Geraldo Lúcio Tiago Filho Apoio: IAHR DIVISION I: HYDRAULICS TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: HYDRAULIC MACHINERY AND SYSTEMS 4 5 AGENDA/SCHEDULE NEWS HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014 EVENTOS EM JULHO EVENTOS EM SETEMBRO 18 e 19 – I CEECE 2014: Conferência Internacional sobre Energia, Meio Ambiente e Engenharia Química Local: Oslo – Noruega Site: 14 a 18 – E CCE 2014 - IEEE Energy Conversion Congress E Expo Local: David L. Lawrence Convention Center - Pittsburgh (EUA) E-mail: [email protected] Site: 16 e 18 – EnerSolar + Brasil 2014 Local: Centro de Exposições Imigrantes – São Paulo/ SP. Site: 21 e 22 – 1 1º COBEE - Congresso Brasileiro de Eficiência Energética Local: Centro de Convenções Frei Caneca - São Paulo – SP Site: EVENTOS EM AGOSTO 6e7–V JURE - Simpósio Jurídico das Empresas do Setor Energético Local: Rio de Janeiro – RJ Site: 13 a 15 – Seminário de Energia & Utilidades 2014 Local: São Paulo – SP Site: 20 – 4 º Seminário Nacional de Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética Local: Centro Empresarial Rio – Ed. Argentina - Rio de Janeiro – RJ Site: 25 a 27 – I X CBPE - Congresso Brasileiro de Planejamento Energético Local: Resort Costão do Santinho – Florianópolis – SC Site: 26 a 28 – Intersolar South America Local: Expo Center Norte - São Paulo – SP 26 a 28 – Brazil Windpower 2014 Local: Centro de Convenções Sulamérica - Rio de Janeiro – RJ E-mail: [email protected] 26 a 29 – F enasucro - 22ª Feira Internacional de Tecnologia Sucroenergética Local: Sertãozinho - São Paulo – SP Site: 16 a 19 – Powergrid Brasil 2014 Local: Joinvile – SC Site: 16 a 19 – I ghem 2014 - 10ª Edição da Conferência Internacional de Medição e Eficiência hidráulica Local: Itajubá – MG E-mail: [email protected] Site: [email protected] 22 a 26 – EU PVSEC Local: Amsterdam RAI – Holanda Site: EVENTOS EM OUTUBRO 1 a 3 – 9º Congresso Internacional de Bioenergia Data: 01/10/2014 a 03/10/2014 Local: Centro de Exposições Imigrantes - São Paulo – SP E-mail: [email protected] Site: 14 e 15 – P CIM South America 2014 - Conferência & Exposição de Eletrônica de potência Local: Rua Dr. Plínio Barreto, 285 - Bela Vista – SP E-mail: [email protected] Site: 21 a 23 – HydroVision Brasil 2014 Local: São Paulo – SP E-mail: [email protected] Site: 21 a 23 – Power-Gen Brasil 2014 Local: São Paulo – SP Site: 21 a 23 – DistribuTECH Brasil 2014 Local: São Paulo Site: 28 a 31 – S ucroeste - 4ª Mostra Sucroenergética da Região Centro-Oeste Local: Centro de Convenções de Goiânia – GO 6 Technical Articles Seccion TECHNICAL ARTICLES SIMULATION OF THE TURBINES TRANSIENT OPERATION USING THE ALLEVI PROGRAM ............................................................. 8 Vicent B. Espert Alemany, Edmundo Koelle, Javier Soriano Olivares, Enrique Cabrera Marcet THE CORROSIVE POWER OF GOLDEN MUSSEL (L. FORTUNEI) MACROFOULING ON STEEL STRUCTURESG.....................................14 Flavio Sandro Lays Cassino, Paulo Henrique Vieira Magalhães, Vicente Braz Trindade, Júnia Ananias ARTIGOS TÉCNICOS TURBINE BUILT WITH SYMMETRICAL PROFILE BLADES, LIKE TYPE WELLS TURBINE, FOR USE IN TIDAL POWER PLANTS ...............19 Prof. Dr. Geraldo Lucio Tiago Filho, Eng. Antonio Carlos Barkett Botan, Thiago Oliveira, Profa. Regina Mambeli Barros PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS THROUGH COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS OF AXIAL ROTOR WITH SYMMETRIC BLADES USED IN TUNNELVENTILATION..............................................................................................................22 Angie Lizeth Espinosa Sarmiento, Yina Faizully Quintero Gamboa, Waldir de Oliveira, Ramiro Gustavo Ramirez Camacho IAHR DIVISION I: HYDRAULICS TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: HYDRAULIC MACHINERY AND SYSTEMS Classificação Qualis/Capes B5 B4 ENGENHARIAS I; III e IV Biodiversidade Interdisciplinar Áreas de: Recursos Hídricos Meio Ambiente Energias Renováveis e não Renováveis A revista está indexada no DOI sob o prefixo 10.14268 7 7 SIMULATION OF THE TURBINES TRANSIENT OPERATION USING THE ALLEVI PROGRAM SIMULATION OF THE TURBINES TRANSIENT OPERATION USING THE ALLEVI PROGRAM Vicent B. Espert Alemany 2 Edmundo Koelle 3 Javier Soriano Olivares 4 Enrique Cabrera Marcet 1 ABSTRACT When designing hydroelectric power plants it is fundamental to simulate the system behavior in unsteady conditions following a total load rejection. The main objective of this simulation is to define wicket gates closure laws that allow the system to meet certain design specifications. To carry out this simulation the turbine characteristic curves should be used, which are obtained from the hill diagrams of turbines geometrically similar to those to be installed. The Allievi program can be used to carry out this simulation, extrapolating the turbine hill diagram beyond the area covered by the available data. In this paper the simulation of three Francis turbines total load rejection is presented, showing the capabilities of the program and its possibilities to be used in hydropower projects. KEYWORDS: Hydraulic transients, Hydraulic turbines, Turbine hill diagrams, Simulation. 1. INTRODUCTION When designing a hydroelectric power plant the choice of type, diameter and rotation speed of the turbines to be installed is carried out from different parameters such as the total head, the available flow rate and the power that is wanted to obtain. For this choice there turns out to be fundamental the knowledge of the turbine hill diagrams [1]. From these curves, and using the affinity laws, it is possible to know the behavior of the above mentioned turbines in different operation conditions. Once the turbines have been chosen, the maximum overpressure produced when the wicket gates close after a total load rejection can be evaluated by means of the Michaud’s equation, admitting that the closing time is greater than the time characteristic of the penstock [2]. At the same time, the maximum overspeed reached by the turbines after the total load rejection is estimated using certain semiempirical expressions available in the literature [1, 3]. After these calculations, the designed system must be simulated in transient flow, in order to ratify the previous results or to modify the characteristics of the system when the results of the simulation advise it. To carry out this simulation the characteristic curves of the turbines have to be used. These characteristic curves are obtained from the hill diagram of the series of turbines geometrically similar to those candidates to be installed. In general, the hill diagrams do not provide enough information to simulate the behavior of the turbines after the total load rejection. This is because this diagram only includes a zone of the plane N11 - Q11 in the vicinity of the best efficiency point where the turbines must be operated under steady state conditions. In the case of the total load rejection, and while the wicket gates are closing, the runners increase their rotation speed until a maximum value, after which it decreases until full stop. This behavior will make the operating point of the turbines to move initially within the hill diagram, leaving the area represented by the diagram when the turbine operating conditions exceed certain limits. It can be seen that the hill diagrams do not provide enough information to simulate the behavior of the turbines after a total load rejection. A possible solution is to use turbine universal curves such as the Suter curves, but these curves have been ITA, UPV (Valencia, Koelle Engineering. ITA, UPV (Valencia, 4 ITA, UPV (Valencia, 1 2 3 8 elaborated only for turbines of 0.82 rad/s specific speed [4]. The Allievi program for calculation and simulation of hydraulic transients provides a solution to this problem. This program, which includes in its formulation the operation of commercial turbines in transient flow, extrapolates the hill diagrams beyond the area covered by the available data. In this way the behavior of turbines can be simulated as realistically as possible until the complete closure of the wicket gates. Using this extrapolation the results obtained are considered to be acceptable because they are the only ones that can be obtained with the available information. 2. CHARACTERISTIC CURVES OF COMMERCIAL TURBINES The characteristic curves of a turbine define its behavior under any operating conditions. These curves relate different operation parameters, while others remain constant. For Francis turbines the parameters that can be defined are the runner diameter (Dt), the turbine flow (Qt), the net height (Hn), the power in the turbine shaft (Pt), the efficiency (ηt), the shaft torque (Mt), the rotation speed (Nt) and the opening of the wicket gates (α). In Kaplan turbines this relationship is completed with the runner blade angle (β). As the characteristic curves relate two of these parameters when others remain constant, for example Qt = Qt(Nt) with α = constant or Pt = Pt(α) when Nt = constant in the case of a Francis turbine, the amount of characteristic curves to handle is important, especially when the most suitable turbine to be installed in a certain system is chosen. For this reason the usual procedure is to use the hill diagram, which is obtained testing the model turbine or simulating its behavior through CFDs. For each operating point of the model turbine, obtained by test or simulation, different unit values can be defined using the affinity expressions (1) By definition, the unit values are the values expected from a turbine geometrically similar to the model, of 1 m diameter, subject to 1 m net head, and in an operating point similar to the best efficiency point of the model turbine [5]. The curves obtained from the unit values forms the hill diagram and, within the limits imposed by the affinity theory, this diagram is the same for any Spain), e-mail: [email protected] (SP, Brazil), e-mail: [email protected] Spain), e-mail: [email protected] Spain), e-mail: [email protected] HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 08-13 TECHNICAL ARTICLES SIMULATION OF THE TURBINES TRANSIENT OPERATION USING THE ALLEVI PROGRAM turbine geometrically similar to the model. Fig. 1 shows the hill diagram obtained testing a 460 mm Francis turbine model, and Fig. 2 shows the Hn = Hn (Qt) characteristic curves for a geometrically similar 800 mm turbine at 720 rpm rotation speed. Fig. 2 has been obtained applying relations (1) to the values from Fig. 1 for different wicket gate openings α. In the same way other characteristic curves, such as Pt = Pt (Qt) and ηt = ηt(Qt), can be obtained for the same wicket gate openings. tion is derived using the (N11ij, Q11ij) pairs, obtaining Q11i = Aai + Bai · N11 • Quadratic regression equations without constant term are derived using the (αi, Aai) and (αi, Bai) pairs, yielding Aa = Bb · α + Cb · α2 and Ba = Bc · α + Cc · α2 Following this procedure, the linear regression equation is as follows: (3) which provides null flow rate when the wicket gates are closed (α = 0). Applying a similar procedure to the unit torque values M11ij (instead of Q11ij), a linear regression equation M11 = Ad(α) + Bd(α) · N11 are obtained. In this case the next two variations are considered: • From the linear regression equations M11i = Adi + Bdi · N11 obtained in the first step, in the second step quadratic regression equations with constant term are derived, using the (αi, Adi) and (αi, Bdi) pairs. These quadratic equations are Ad = Ae + Be · α + Ce · α2 and Bd = Af + Bf · α + Cf · α2 • For the second step a linear regression equation will be derived for Ad (and/or for Bd) if its coefficient of determination is higher than in the quadratic regression equation In this case the linear regression equation is: Fig. 1: Hill diagram for a serie of Francis turbines. (4) which should provide negative torque when the wicket gates are closed (α = 0) and the runner has positive rotation speed (N11 > 0). 4. THE ALLIEVI PROGRAM Fig. 2: Hn = Hn(Qt) curves for a 800 mm Francis turbine at 720 rpm rotation speed. 3. EXTRAPOLATION OF TURBINE HILL DIAGRAMS The characteristic curves shown in Fig. 2 highlight the limitations that appear when attempting to use the information contained in the hill diagram, Fig. 1, to simulate the behavior of a turbine in unsteady state conditions. The information available is limited to efficiencies equal or higher than 76 %, with wicket gate openings between 14 and 34 degrees. To overcome these limitations the Allievi program extrapolates the hill diagram beyond the area covered by the data available. To generate the extrapolation functions nα wicket gate openings are available in the hill diagram. For the wicket gates opening i, of value αi, ηi points are defined so that for the point j of the opening i the parameters N11ij, Q11ij and ηij can be read from the hill diagram. With these values the corresponding unit torque can be calculates through the relationship (2) Then a linear regression equation Q11 = Aa(α) + Ba(α) · N11 whose coefficients depend on α is defined in the following way: • For each wicket gates opening i a linear regression equa- The ALLIEVI program has been used to simulate the transient flow of the case of study. This program simulates the transient state operation of a hydraulic system, which can comprise both a single pipeline as well as complex systems made up of branched or looped networks. In a pipeline, hydraulic transient modeling is performed by applying the mass and momentum conservation equation to a control volume that includes the pressure wave flowing through the pipe. This allows for a two non-linear differential equations with two unknowns set, i.e. piezometric head H = H(x, t) and flow rate Q = Q(x, t), both unknowns depending of the coordinate along the pipeline and of the time [6, 7]. As this equations set has no analytical solution, the usual procedure followed is to assume that the solution will be obtained at certain time instants (separated by Dt) and at specific points along the pipeline (separated by Dx), in order to meet the condition (5) where a is the pipeline wavespeed. In the case of water, this wavespeed is calculated by means of the equation (6) in which the coefficient C depends on the pipe material. Based on this assumption, the differential equations are transformed into a system of two linear algebraic equations with two unknowns, which can be used to calculate the piezometric HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 08-13 9 SIMULATION OF THE TURBINES TRANSIENT OPERATION USING THE ALLEVI PROGRAM head H and the flow rate Q at point i of the pipeline and at the instant n + 1, based on the values of H and Q of the points i - 1 and i + 1 at the instant n. This algorithm is known as method of the characteristics, and is the calculation method on which the Allievi program is formulated. The algebraic equations can be solved for all the calculation points of any pipeline except at its ends, where one of the two equations does not exist. At these ends, where it is assumed that the pipeline is connected with a system element, the equation which is lacking is replaced by the equation or set of equations representing the behavior of the element, which are called boundary conditions. Thus, the Allievi program allows for the simulation of the transient flow operation of a hydraulic system including the following elements: provides the best efficiency point). Neglecting minor losses the steady-state conditions, calculated using the Allievi program, are as follows: • • • • • Given the system data and the initial conditions detailed above, the transient behavior of the system was simulated following the total load rejection of the generators. For the different simulations carried out a calculation time of 100 s was used, with a time-step size of 0.01 s. With this time step, at least two calculation intervals are achieved in the shorter pipes (the draft tubes DfTb1, DfTb2 and DfTb3). In all the cases the total load rejection happened at the moment the simulation was started, and different wicket gate closing laws were used to check their effect on the resulting maximum overpressure and overspeed values. Reservoirs, with or without spillways Pumping stations Turbines Valves or minor losses Protection systems, consisting of air vessels, surge tanks or unidirectional tanks • Air valves • Flow or head laws at the end of a pipeline In a hydraulic system the transient flow results from a change in one of the system elements leading to the alteration of steady state operation. In the Allievi program, steady state is obtained by processing the calculation of transient state under any given operating condition, where the system elements are in their original position and no changes have been made. When this calculation leads to steady state conditions, these conditions are taken as initial values for transient calculations. 5. CASE OF STUDY: HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT WITH THREE FRANCIS TURBINES As a case of study the transient operation of a hydroelectric power plant equipped with a penstock feeding three Francis turbines will be simulated. The objective of this simulation is to calculate the maximum overpressure and overspeed to be produced in the turbines after a total load rejection followed by the wicket gates closure with different closure laws. Fig. 3 shows the system diagram for this case, including the data used in the simulation. The turbines have 800 mm diameter, and their nominal rotation speed is 720 rpm. The hill diagram of these turbines is that shown in Fig. 1, with the characteristic curves shown in Fig. 2. • Static head: 650 – 570 = 80 m • Total flow: 16.60 m3/s • Water speed in the first stretch of the penstock (PenSt1): 2.35 m/s • Water speed in the second stretch of the penstock (PenSt2): 3.38 m/s • Turbine flow: 5.53 m3/s • Turbine inlet pressure (N04, N06 and N08 nodes): 83.60 mwc • Net head in each turbine: 78.59 m • Power in the turbine shaft: 3.78 MW • Efficiency of each turbine: 88.53 % 5.1.Total load rejection. Linear closure of the wicket gates The first case relates to the linear closure of the wicket gates in 5 s after the total load rejection. A summary of the results obtained is shown in Fig. 4 to 7, from which the following conclusions can be drawn: Fig. 4. The maximum and minimum piezometric head envelope in the two stretches of the penstock (PenSt1 and PenSt2) and in the turbine inlet branch (FPpT1) are shown. In the simulated closure it can be observed negative pressure in some parts of these pipes. Fig. 5. Pressure evolution at the turbine inlet (node N04). The pressure increases due to the reduction in the flow when the wicket gates start to close, up to the point at which the wicket gates get closed within 5 s. After that, transient flow develops between the upper reservoir and the closed wicket gates (without affecting the turbine runner), giving rise to the pressure oscillations observed in Fig. 5. The maximum pressure at the turbine inlet is 176.67 mwc, and the minimum pressure -5.89 mwc. Fig. 3: System diagram to simulate its transient operation using the Allievi program. To carry out the simulations it will be assumed that under steady-state conditions the three turbines are in operation, with a wicket gates opening of 24 degrees (value very close to which 10 Fig. 4: Maximum and minimum head envelop in the penstock up to the turbine inlet. Linear closure of the wicket gates in 5 s. HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 08-13 SIMULATION OF THE TURBINES TRANSIENT OPERATION USING THE ALLEVI PROGRAM Fig. 5: Pressure evolution in the turbine inlet section. Linear closure of the wicket gates in 5 s. Fig. 7: Turbine operation points on the hill diagram. Linear closure of the wicket gates in 5 s. Fig. 6. Evolution of the turbine rotation speed in percentage values. The rotation speed increases after the total load rejection. It can be observed that the maximum rotation speed happens at 4.1 s, before the end of the wicket gates closure. After that, and until the complete closure of the wicket gates, the flow in the turbine inlet is reduced so much that it can no longer maintain the rotation speed achieved. With the wicket gates already closed, the runner continues to rotate by inertia and at a decreasing rotation speed, until it comes to a complete stop. The maximum rotation speed reached is 135.02 % of the idle speed (720 rpm), or 972. rpm. Fig. 7. Evolution of the turbine operation point on the hill diagram. As can be observed in this figure, until 2.10 s the operating point moves over the area of the hill diagram for which data are available, and from this time it moves out of this area. Therefore, in order to complete the calculation, the procedure followed by the Allievi program is to define the hill diagram by means of analytical equations to allow the behavior of the turbine to be simulated until the complete closure of the wicket gates. The conclusions that can be deduced from this simulation are the following: These values should be compared with the specifications imposed to this system. If at least one of them is higher than the maximum imposed, for example the overpressure value, new simulations should be done with higher closure time. The results of these simulations are shown in Fig. 8, were it can be seen that when the closure time increases, the overspeed increases and the overpressure decreases. Fig. 8 shows that in this system some specifications can’t be met simultaneously with a linear closure law. It is the case, for example, of 40 % for the maximum overpressure (closure time higher than 10.75 s) and 50 % for the maximum overspeed (closure time lesser than 9.75 s). Consequently other closure laws such as two step closure should be simulated in order to meet the specifications. This is done in the next simulations. • The overpressure reached at the turbine inlet is (176.67 83.60 )x100/83.60 = 111.3 % • The overspeed reached is 35.02 % 5.2.Total load rejection. Two step closure of the wicket gates The behavior of the system is simulated in the case of two step wicket gates closure after the total load rejection. In this case, if the initial opening of the wicket gate is 24º, in the first step there is a linear closure until an opening of 7.2º (30 % of the initial opening), and in the second step there is another linear closure until the total closure. Fig. 8: Maximum overpressure and maximum overspeed for different time closing of the wicket gates in a linear closing law. Fig. 6: Evolution of the turbine rotation speed. Linear closure of the wicket gates in 5 s. Assuming that the duration of the second step is 1.5 times the duration of the first step (i. e., 6 s for the first step and 9 s for the second step, in total 15 s), Fig. 9 shows the overpressure and overspeed obtained with a first step duration between 4 and 10 s (10 to 25 s for total closure duration). In this figure it can be seen that to obtain an overpressure less than 40 % and an overspeed HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 08-13 11 ARTIGOS TÉCNICOS SIMULATION OF THE TURBINES TRANSIENT OPERATION USING THE ALLEVI PROGRAM less than 50 %, the first step duration ranges between 6.5 and 6.8 s (total duration between 16.25 and 17.0 s) Fig. 9: Maximum overpressure and maximum overspeed for different first step time closing of the wicket gates in a two step closing law. It has been simulated the total load rejection with two step wicket gates closure of 6.67 s for the first step and 10.0 s for the second step (in total, 16.67 s). The results obtained are summarized in Fig. 10 to 13, from which the following conclusions can be drawn: Fig. 12: Evolution of the turbine rotation speed. Two step closure of the wicket gates in 16.67 s. Fig. 10. Negative pressures have not been developed along the pipes. The distances between the piezometric head envelopes and the pipeline indicate that it is not necessary to install protection devices. Fig. 11. The maximum pressure at the turbine inlet is 115.77 mwc, and occurs at the end of the first step. The maximum overpressure is (115.77 - 83.60 )x100/83.60 = 38.5 %. The minimum pressure at the turbine inlet is 76.30 mwc. Fig. 13: Turbine operation points on the hill diagram. Two step closure of the wicket gates in 16.67 s. Hill diagram defined by analytical functions. Fig. 10: Maximum and minimum head envelop in the penstock up to the turbine inlet. Two step closure of the wicket gates in 16.67 s. Fig. 14: Turbine operation points on the hill diagram. Two step closure of the wicket gates in 16.67 s. Hill diagram defined by the available data. Fig. 11: Pressure evolution in the turbine inlet section. Two step closure of the wicket gates in 16.67 s. 12 Fig. 12. The maximum rotation speed occurs at 7.5 s, less than 1 s after the beginning of the second step, being 149.68 % of the idle speed. In this case the maximum overspeed is 49.68 %. Fig. 13. Until 4.05 s the operating point moves over the area of the hill diagram for which data are available, and from this time it moves out of this area. It can be seen clearly the end of HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 08-13 SIMULATION OF THE TURBINES TRANSIENT OPERATION USING THE ALLEVI PROGRAM TECHNICAL ARTICLES the first step (6.67 s) and the end of the inlet descending pressure period (8.80 s, Fig. 11). It has been also simulated the total load rejection with the same two step closure law, but using for the calculation the hill diagram data available (without defining the hill diagram by means of analytical functions). Fig. 14 shows that the turbine operation point on the hill diagram moves out of this area at the instant 3.98 s, from which the calculation cannot go on Comparing Fig. 13 and 14 until approximately 4 s it can be concluded that the results obtained with the hill diagram defined by the available data and by analytical functions are practically the same. This fact validates the use of the hill diagram defined by the analytical functions presented in the paragraph 3. rejection. These maximum values depending of the wicket gate closing law to be implemented • In general, if the closing time increases the maximum overpressure decreases and the maximum overspeed increases. Beside, two step closing laws produce better results than one step ones. Therefore, only the simulation allows knowing the most suitable closing law • The results obtained simulating the turbines behavior with the hill diagram defined by the available data or by analytical functions are practically the same. This fact justifies the use of extrapolated hill diagrams to simulate the turbines behavior up to the complete closure of the wicket gates. 7. REFERENCES 6. CONCLUSIONS In this paper the unsteady behavior of a hydropower system after its total load rejection is simulated. To carry out this simulation the characteristic curves of the turbines are required, curves that are obtained from the hill diagram of those turbines. But the hill diagrams include only turbine operation points in the vicinity of the maximum efficiency point. By this reason, for a correct simulation it is needed to extrapolate the hill diagram up to the complete closing of the wicket gates. Having presented a case of study with three Francis turbines in which a total load rejection happens when the system is operating in nominal conditions, it can be obtained the next conclusions: • The Allievi program is able to simulate the transient flow of a hydropower system after a total load rejection • The results of the simulation allow knowing the maximum overpressure and overspeed in the turbines after a total load • [1] Bureau of Reclamation, 1976. “A Water Resources Technical Publication. Engineering Monograph No. 20”. U.S. Department of Interior • [2] Abreu, J; Cabrera, R.; Espert, V.B.; García-Serra, J.; Sanz, F., 2012. “Transitorios Hidráulicos. Del Régimen Estacionario al Golpe de Ariete”. Ed. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia • [3] Ilyinykh, I.I., 1982. “Hydroelectric Stations”. Mir Publishers. Moscow • [4] Pena de Andrade, J.G., 1994. “Análise e otimização da operação de usinas hidroelétricas”. Ph. D. Thesis. Universidade Estadual de Campinas (São Paulo) • [5] Mataix, C. ,1975. “Turbomáquinas hidráulicas”. Ed. ICAI. Madrid • [6] Wylie, E.B.; Streeter, V.L., 1982. “Fluid Transients”. Feb Press. Ann Arbor (Michigan) • [7] Thorley, A.R.D., 2004. “Fluid Transients in Pipeline Systems (2nd Ed.)”. Professional Engineering Publishing. London ANOTAÇÕES HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 08-13 13 ARTIGOS TÉCNICOS THE CORROSIVE POWER OF GOLDEN MUSSEL (L. FORTUNEI) MACROFOULING ON STEEL STRUCTURESG THE CORROSIVE POWER OF GOLDEN MUSSEL (L. FORTUNEI) MACROFOULING ON STEEL STRUCTURESG 1 Flavio Sandro Lays Cassino Paulo Henrique Vieira Magalhães 1 Vicente Braz Trindade 1 Júnia Ananias 2 ABSTRACT Abstract In this study it was performed a detailed morphological-structural analysis of the corrosion products resulting from golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) macrofouling on steel structures. Scanning electron microscopy, without previous metallization of the observed structures, was utilized in the study. With this analysis it was possible to build a new scenario for understanding this corrosion process, as several important facts were observed. Firstly, the presence of at least three types of bacteria able to corrode metals was detected: sulphate reducing bacteria, iron-depositing bacteria, and Fe3+ reducing anaerobic bacteria which produce ferrous hydroxy carbonate from magnetite. The presence and proliferation of colonies of these micro-organisms can be in many ways favored by the dense mussel fouling. Also, the analysis of the cross-sectional structure of the corrosion layer allowed identifying the basic mechanism by which the metal is consumed by the corrosion process. KEYWORDS: morphological-structural analysis, golden mussel, micro-organisms 1. INTRODUCTION Just after the first record, in late 1991, of the golden mussel at Rio da Prata estuary in Argentina it was instantly recognized the environmental threat that meant. Since then a number of works related to the monitoring and the study of the multiple risks and impacts that may result from the presence of this species on ecosystems and human activities in several countries in South America [1]. In these nearly twenty years of research a huge amount of knowledge has been accumulated about this case of bio-invasion, both as regards the biological aspects, as the dynamics and strategies of this invasive species in their new habitat. And, even though in 2001 the presence of the Limnoperna fortunei was already recorded in Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay [1], was such knowledge, combined with educational campaigns and surveillance in all countries involved, which undoubtedly avoided major disasters and allowed to keep the spread of the golden mussel at a relatively slow rate of about 240 km / year. Its presence in São Simão Dam, Rio Parnaíba, was detected only around 2008 [2]. However, there is still much to do to achieve a position of effective control of the ineradicable presence of the golden mussel in South America. In this direction, one of the important issues that must be analyzed refers to the apparent acceleration of the corrosive degradation of steel structures when subject to the golden mussel fouling. Combined with the various problems caused by these mollusks, which have changed the routine of operation and maintenance of hydroelectric power and water catchment systems, this enhanced corrosion of steel structures like pipes, floodgates, valves, heat exchangers, etc., besides representing economic loss, significantly increases the possibility of risk situations the operation of the plants. Therefore, understand the mechanisms of the corrosive action of the golden mussel fouling and to know how quantify its corrosive power represent key points to keep in service and to design the steel components and parts that will be subject to periodic fouling. The few works that were found addressing the corrosion caused by golden mussel fouling, had their focus on the role of the corrosive chemicals used to eliminate infestations; substances that are normally potent oxidants (chlorine gas, ozone, chlorine dioxide etc.), and even used in low concentrations may cause undesirable effects [6,7]. In these works, the unhindered corrosion caused by fouling was taken as a control situation to compare the results of the action of anti-fouling substances. The conclusion to be drawn from these studies is that, during a given time interval, any steel surface that remains infested seems to degrade more rapidly than those in which the fouling has been partially or completely eliminated by any chemical agent [6]. Given this conclusion it is becomes essential to find the answers to several fundamental questions concerning the mechanisms by which this intense corrosion process occurs. For example, although it has already been advanced that the most likely hypothesis to explain this accelerated corrosion process is the action of anaerobic sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), which could take advantage of the anoxic environment in the fouling layer [8], between the works that were found none addressed this hypothesis specifically. Further, the important issue of the mechanism by which the corrosion front propagates in the steel structure was not analyzed and there appears to be insufficient experimental data to estimate the kinetics of this process. Given this scenario, this paper presents a systematic attempt to understand the main aspects that somehow are connected to the corrosive action of the golden mussel fouling. In this first stage, are reported the results of a detailed morphological study of Limnoperna fortunei fouling, performed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), together with the preliminary results of an annual monitoring work in which a direct comparison is made between the rate of corrosion of steel coupons exposed to golden mussel infestation and the rate of corrosion equal coupons exposed to the same conditions as the firsts but free of fouling. 2. METHODOLOGY The morphological and microstructural analysis was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) without prior metallization of the samples. In all three samples subjected to Limnoperna fortunei incrustation in different conditions and for different times, according to Table 1, were analyzed. The steel used in this study is the low carbon steel A-36. Samples 1 and 2 were exposed to fouling at the Laboratório de Estudos do Limnoperna fortunei of the Center of Hydraulic Research/UFMG Departamento de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais, Escola de Minas – UFOP Departamento de Engenharia de Controle e Automação, Escola de Minas – UFOP 1 2 14 HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 14-18 THE CORROSIVE POWER OF GOLDEN MUSSEL (L. FORTUNEI) MACROFOULING ON STEEL STRUCTURESG TECHNICAL ARTICLES (CPH/LELf/UFMG). Sample 3 was subjected to fouling in natural conditions at the Itaipu Lake. Table 1: Fouling conditions for the analyzed samples. Sample (Area) Fouling conditions Fouling stage sample 1 -10,0 X 3,0 cm2 in vitro initial<1month (biofilm without mussel) sample 2 -10,0 X 3,0 cm2 in vitro intermediate~6months (with mussels) sample 3 -12,0 X 10,0 cm2 natural conditions advanced~12meses (many mussels) For the annual monitoring work which periodically compares the corrosion rate of metallic coupons subjected to fouling in natural conditions with that of equal coupons submitted, except for the fouling, to the same corrosive conditions, we used the following methodology: a set of PVC panels were prepared and in each one were fixed, by nylon clamps, twelve A-36 steel coupons with 10 x 3 cm2, as in Figure 1 that shows a panel from which was already withdrawn the first coupon. Fig. 1: Model of the panels with the arrangement of steel coupons used for the corrosion tests. Inside the PVC pipes is placed a rod of steel to avoid the tendency of the assembly to floating. Three of these panels were immersed in fresh water contaminated by Limnoperna fortunei in Itaipu Lake at the Portinho Biological Station. From this first set of coupons subject to fouling, one coupon of each panel will be withdrawn every month to evaluate the corrosion process in the presence of mussel. Two other panels, immersed at points next to the first three ones, were previously enwrapped by a network 40 micron of mesh opening to keep the coupons surface inaccessible to the mussel larvae, which are much larger with about 200 µm. This second set of coupons will therefore be free of fouling, but it will be under the same physico-chemical conditions and, except by the mollusks, almost the same biological conditions of the first set; since these coupons are protected against macrofouling by the network, the biofilm that will grow over their surfaces will be same as if the water were not contaminated with the golden mussel. This methodology will allow qualifying and quantifying the exact role of the presence of the golden mussel on the kinetics of the corrosion process of metal surface. This work presents one analysis of the corrosion coupons by means of a morphological study of the corrosion products. Analyzes were made of the sample surfaces and cross sections. Results and Discussion Figure 2 shows the macroscopic state of the three analyzed samples. On the sample 1 surface a biofilm was formed with the presence of bacteria, algae and, possibly, other micro-organisms, but there were no time to fixing and development of mussel larvae. It can be observed that the corrosion process on this sample produced small areas with slight variations of light/dark (or, less corroded/more corroded) uniformly distributed over its entire surface, which may be related to the distribution of areas preferentially cathodic or anodic that were formed at the early stages of the corrosion process. On sample 2, the mussel could reach up to 30 mm, but in small amount of individuals; the corroded surface has a more uneven appearance with the thickness of the corrosion products varying widely from region to region of the surface. On sample 3 a severe corrosion process produced a thick layer of corrosion products that developed simultaneously to a dense mussel fouling. In a detail of this sample shown in Figure 3, it can be seen that the thickness of the corrosion layer is much greater than that of the remaining metal sheet (at least 3 times the thickness of the plate). Fig. 2: The fouling stages of the analyzed samples. Sample (1) without mussel, sample (2) with mussels grown in vitro for 6 months, sample (3) fouling developed in field conditions for 12 months. Fig. 3: Detail of sample 3 where the layer of corrosion products is viewed in profile. There is a complex surface topography and a tendency to stratifications parallel to the metal surface, some fractures parallel and perpendicular to the stratification can also be seen. Figure 4 shows images obtained by SEM, without prior metallization, of some morphological and microstructural features of the corrosion process at the surface of sample 1. It can be seen that even in the absence of mussel fouling, corrosion influenced by the aquatic micro-organisms is already an aggressive process which produces various corrosion products with different morphologies. The presence of fracture systems at various scales shows the great fragility of the corrosion layer (Fig. 4c and 4d). Figure 4a shows some globular structures with sizes between 3 and 15μm, on the larger ones many cracks can be seen (Fig. 4d). These structures appear to be the result of the growth and the coalescence of small tubercles, shown in Figure 5, typical of the action of iron bacteria, also called iron-depositing bacteria that produce reddish-orange deposits of iron oxides and iron hy- HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 14-18 15 THE CORROSIVE POWER OF GOLDEN MUSSEL (L. FORTUNEI) MACROFOULING ON STEEL STRUCTURESG droxides. The regions colonized by this type of bacteria are transitional zones where the deoxygenated water from an anaerobic environment flows into an aerobic medium, exactly the situation that should be created within these tubercles [9]. Figure 4c shows a morphology of crystals in needles and thin plates typical of lepidocrocite (Fe3+O(OH)), which is dimorphous with goethite [10]. These two iron-oxyhidroxides are the major components of the corrosion products. rust), a corrosion product characteristic of the action of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB). The outermost layer (layer 3), shown at large amplification in Figure 7d, presents globular shapes and tubercles similar to those observed on sample 1, the observed morphology is typical of goethite. The surface separating the lower strata from the intermediate one, shown in Figure 7b, is almost flat and displays some fractures. Fig. 5: Tubercle shaped structures, formed on sample 1, typical of the action of iron-depositing bacteria. Figure 6 shows images without metallization of morphological features of the corrosion products formed on the surface of sample 2. It may be noted that the outer surface has a rough appearance, showing fractures and pores of the corrosion layer (Fig. 6a). Figure 6b shows the presence of diatoms in the fouling biofilm. Fig. 7: Morphology of the corrosion products formed on sample 2: (a) the 3-layer structure, (b) a magnified view of the second layer, (c) magnified view of the first layer and (d) details of third layer. Figure 8 shows the surface of the metal substrate (steel plate) just after detachment of a fragment of the corrosion layer. Many corrosion products remain adhered to the metal, a few crystals have an acicular or thin lamellae morphology which is characteristic of ferrous hydroxy carbonate (Fe2(OH)2CO3), which is a well-known biological decomposition product of magnetite by anaerobic bacteria [11], certainly this magnetite is present between the corrosion products. Many fractures of the corrosion products that are still adhered to the metal can be observed. Fig. 6: Structural features of the outer surface of the corrosion products layer on sample 2 and the presence of diatoms in the biofilm fouling. For the sample 2 it was possible to analyze the inner surface of the corrosion layer, the one which is in contact with the metal substrate. For this purpose, a fragment of the corrosion layer was carefully detached from the steel substrate, this also allowed observing the structures on the metal surface after detaching the fragment of the corrosion layer. Figure 7 shows the inner surface of the corrosion layer. As the fragmentation of the scale did not occur on the same plane, it can be clearly observed the existence of three distinct layers suggesting the formation of different corrosion products (see Figure 7a). The bottom layer (layer 1), which is in contact with the steel substrate, is formed mainly by hexagonal crystals (see Figure 7c), with the typical morphology of the Fe(III) hydroxy sulphate Fe(OH)SO4 (green 16 Fig. 8: Surface of the metallic substrate observed just after detachment of a fragment of the corrosion layer. Many corrosion products remain adhered to the metal surface. Sample 2 was also used to perform the analysis of the cross section of the corrosion layer and of the steel substrate, what is shown in Figure 9. It can be observed the formation of various corrosion products along the cross section of the layer, and it can be clearly seen the existence of the three layers of major corrosion products (see Figure 9a and 9b). HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 14-18 THE CORROSIVE POWER OF GOLDEN MUSSEL (L. FORTUNEI) MACROFOULING ON STEEL STRUCTURESG Fig. 9: The analysis of the cross section of the sample 2: (a) layer of corrosion, (b) formation of various layers of corrosion products , (c) corrosion inicial stage – steel attack and (d) degradation of the steel substrate after the stage described in (c). Analyses of the sample 3 are shown in Figure 10. It was possible to analyze by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) the surface of the valves of mussels encrusted without prior metallization. The Figure 10a shows that the entire surface of the valve is covered with various corrosion products, some very similar to those found in the samples 1 and 2. The Figure 10b shows a thin layer, probably formed from iron oxides and hydroxides, locally damaged revealing the valve surface. Diatoms in fouling biofilm were observed as shown in Figure 10 c. In Figure 10 d is shown the mussel byssus fixed on the valve from another mussel. It is observed that the byssus also begins to be covered with corrosion products. eration of corrosive metal degradation appears to be a synergic action of several types of microorganisms, particularly aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, whose proliferation can be facilitated by the presence of the mussel through several ways. The initial process of the attack on the metal surface can be clearly evidenced through the observations of samples cross sections. This is particularly important for the means of protection used by engineering, which eventually can be employed as a barrier against fouling, and to choose the best systems of removal and fouling control. However more research for a better understanding of the mechanisms of nucleation and growth of corrosion products need to be carried out through the chemical characterization of corrosion products and determination of the kinetics of the corrosive process. Regarding the work of annual monitoring of corrosion rates of encrusted surfaces under natural conditions, which is in the initial stage of progress, the preliminary results of the first samples, taken from the panels that were submerged, show that even free of fouling, the corrosion process of coupons is already at an advanced stage (see Figure 11). This process generates a typical ferruginous mud resulting from the action of iron-depositing bacteria. Fig. 11: State of the first steel coupons removed from panels immersed in the Itaipu Lake after a month of immersion. The ferruginous mud can indicate the action of iron-depositing bacteria. 3. CONCLUSIONS The morphological analysis of metal corrosion process associated with fouling Limnoperna fortunei allowed understanding the basic mechanisms of the corrosive process. Important facts might be observed, such as the possible joint and synergetic action of at least three types of bacteria: sulphate reducing bacteria, irondepositing bacteria, and Fe3+ reducing anaerobic bacteria which produce ferrous hydroxy carbonate from magnetite. The presence and proliferation of colonies of these micro-organisms can be in many ways favored by the dense golden mussel fouling. The analysis of the cross-sectional structure of the corrosion layer allowed identifying the basic mechanism by which the metal is consumed by the corrosion process. This process leads to the formation of a region of internal corrosion with subsequent deterioration of the metal, characterized by the detachment of parts thereof, until its complete corrosion. Acknowledgments We thank FAPEMIG and VALE for supporting Network for Advanced Studies in Limnoperna fortunei (REALf) and the ITAIPÚ Binational in the person of Dr. Domingo Fernandez. Fig. 10: Analyses of the mussels valves encrusted in the sample 3 covered of corrosion products. The results of this morphological analysis of steel surfaces corrosion subject to fouling of Limnoperna fortunei shows that it is a highly complex process. The main responsible for the accel- 4. REFERENCES • [1] Gustavo Darrigran, in Monitoring and Control of Macrofouling Mollusks in Fresh Water Sysrems, Gerald L. Mackie and Renata Claudi, Editors, 2nd Ed. CRC Press, 2010. HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 14-18 17 THE CORROSIVE POWER OF GOLDEN MUSSEL (L. FORTUNEI) MACROFOULING ON STEEL STRUCTURESG • [2] Maria Edith Rolla e Hélen Regina Mota, in Monitoring and Control of Macrofouling Mollusks in Fresh Water Sysrems, Gerald L. Mackie and Renata Claudi, Editors, 2nd Ed. CRC Press, 2010. • [3] Brenda J. Little, Jason S. Lee, Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion, John Wiley and Sons, 2007. • [4] Reza Javaherdashti, Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion - An Engineering Insight, Springer -Verlag, 2008. • [5] Thomas R. Jack, Biological Corrosion Failures, 2002 ASM International, ASM Handbook Volume 11: Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2002. • [6] Otto Samuel Mäder Netto, Controle da Incrustação de Organismos Invasores em Materiais de Sistema de Resfriamento de Usinas Hidrelétricas, Dissertação de Mestrado, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Ciência dos Materias, PIPE Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2011. • [7] Edemir Luiz Kowalski, Silmara Carvalho Kowalski, Revisão Sobre os Métodos de Controle do Mexilhão Dourado em Tubulações, Revista Produção On Line, vol. 8, Num. 2, julho 2008. • [8] Mata, F.A.R.; Dias, C.A.; Patrício, F.C.; Rolla, M.E., Carvalho, M.D.; Freitas, L.C. 2008. Avaliação da eficiência da substância MXD-100 na prevenção de incrustação e corrosão, por lama ferruginosa, nos trocadores de calor tipo placa, da usina de Nova Ponte (CEMIG/MG). III Seminário Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Responsabilidade Social no Setor Elétrico. • [9] Microbiolocally Influenced Corrosion, B. J. Little, J. S. Lee, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Publication, 2007. • [10] ANTUNES, Renato Altobelli; COSTA, Isolda and FARIA, Dalva Lúcia Araújo de. Characterization of corrosion products formed on steels in the first months of atmospheric exposure. Mat. Res. [online]. 2003, vol.6, n.3. • [11] Kukkadapu, Ravi K.; Zachara, John M.; Fredrickson, James K.; Kennedy, David W.; Dohnalkova, Alice C.; and Mccready, David E., "Ferrous hydroxy carbonate is a stable transformation product of biogenic magnetite" (2005). US Department of Energy Publications. Paper 139. ANOTAÇÕES 18 HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 14-18 TURBINE BUILT WITH SYMMETRICAL PROFILE BLADES, LIKE TYPE WELLS TURBINE, FOR USE IN TIDAL POWER PLANTS TURBINE BUILT WITH SYMMETRICAL PROFILE BLADES, LIKE TYPE WELLS TURBINE, FOR USE IN TIDAL POWER PLANTS Prof. Dr. Geraldo Lucio Tiago Filho Eng. Antonio Carlos Barkett Botan 3 Thiago Oliveira 4 Profa. Regina Mambeli Barros 1 2 ABSTRACT With the increasing of society’s concern about the environment, several alternatives to obtain electricity using natural means without harm it has been studied. As the tides movement is a natural cyclical movement, it becomes a source of renewable energy, which has been widely utilized for power generation over the years. The turbines with type Wells rotor are turbines with self-rectifying characteristics and with fixed geometry of the blades. The main characteristic of this type of rotor is to allow flow in both directions. For this reason, these turbines have been indicated to be used for the energy extraction on oscillating water column (OWC) wave power plants to convert pneumatic energy into mechanical energy of rotation. An example of the use of the Wells turbine widely cited is the Pico’s eave power plant, in the archipelago of the Azores in Portugal. This research aims to study the viability of using this type of turbine operating with water in tidal power plants. KEYWORDS: Wells turbine, tidal power, renewable energy. 1. INTRODUCTION C Tidal Power Due tidal energy is a clean energy and renewable source, and with comparable costs to a hydropower plant (Ferreira, 2007), has been an electric energy source well utilized, even thou with a few sites available for its extraction in the World. It is about the energy obtained by the movement of the water masses, where the potential power is obtained by the head of the tides and the kinect power obtained by the stemming currents. The potential tidal power can be exploited on single way operation (single cycle operation) or on two-way operation (double cycle operation). For this study, it’s considered the case of twoway operation. Fig. 2: Schemes of Wells turbine: (a) rotor overview (Raghunathan, 1995); (b) Wells turbine with guide vanes (Darabi and Poriavali, 2007); (c) Wells turbine with variable pitch blades (García, 2008). Developed by the Professor Alan Arthur Wells, the turbine which was named after him has self-rectifying characteristics keeps the rotation movement on the same way, independent of the direction of the flow because the symmetric shape of the blades. The Wells turbine are commonly used in devices for exploitation of wave energy like Oscillating Water Column (OWC) for the conversion of pneumatic energy to mechanic energy of rotation. 2. THE ROTOR DEVELOPMENT The Model Fig. 1.1: Single cycle operation of a tidal plant (Jog, 1989). Fig. 1.2 – Double cycle operation of a tidal plant (Jog, 1989). The Wells Turbine A B It was developed for this study a rotor with symmetric blades in NACA 0015 profile. The group of study had datas for the drag and lift coefficients for this model, so it made the forces calculations possible. All the calculations were based on works of Raghunathan (1995), Souza (1991), Macintyre (1983) and Setogushi et al (2003). The internal diameter Di (m), or the hub diameter, is given by the relation rc = Di/De, when is recommended to use the value of rc = 0.6, due it has established a bigger efficiency in comparison with other values already studied (Raghunathan,1995), but it not delimits studies about the variation of this value. The quantity of blades that constitutes the rotor, although some studies suggest the number of 6, is a value related to the blade length and the solidity factor of the turbine. The solidity factor ς is given by the equation 1, and is a mutual interference measure between the blades, which blocks the flow inside the Diretor do Instituto de Recursos Naturais – IRN, Universidade Federal de Itajubá Mestrando em Engenharia de Energia, Universidade Federal de Itajubá Graduando em Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Federal de Itajubá 4 Pesquisadora CERPCH 1 2 3 HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 19-21 19 TURBINE BUILT WITH SYMMETRICAL PROFILE BLADES, LIKE TYPE WELLS TURBINE, FOR USE IN TIDAL POWER PLANTS turbine. An increase on the solidity has a negative effect on the efficiency, caused by an increase on the losses of kinetic energy on the output. (1) Eq. 1: Solidity Factor ς Where: z = quantity of blades; c = chord lenght of the blades (m); rc = hub to the tip ratio. The symmetrical blades developed for this study have NACA00xx profile. NACA profiles were developed by National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and for this study, and its calculation is given on equation 2: (2) Eq. 2: NACA-00xx profile equation. Where: c = chord lenght (m); x = position from 0 until the chord lenght c; y = value of the thickness in function of x (from the center line until the surface); t = maximum thickness given by the fraction of the chord (the last two numbers of NACA profile divided by 100). Fig. 5: Velocity triangles on the outlet represented for the rotor hub diameter (a), rotor medium diameter (b) and rotor tip diameter (c). The rotor developed for this study has an inclination α of 13 degrees, combined with the guide vanes. This is combination is result of a study which were considered the drag and lift forces, and the study of the velocity triangles. It was considered to fix a parameter for a constant rotation, where the tangential velocity varies across the blade length. The variation of the angle and the chord of the blade and the variation of the angle across the guide vanes length promotes stability on the relative velocity on the inlet and on the outlet of the blade (in this case, is considered the use of a stator). Figures 4 and 5 represent the velocity triangles on the blades across the hub diameter, the medium diameter and the rotor tip diameter for the inlet and outlet respectively. 4. CONCLUSION Following the premise that this paper aims to introduce a study on the use of tidal power turbines in Wells, and at this first stage of developing the rotor was accomplished, it was concluded that the option of using these turbines in water, changes are required on its configuration. The use of guide vanes and also to change the angle of the blades are devices which tend to improve the performance of the turbine. Fig. 3: Rotor Wells shape proposed to this study. 3. RESULTS Velocity Triangles Fig. 6: Wells turbine with guide vanes and variable pitch blades. (A) high tide flow (B) low tide flow. 5. REFERENCES Fig. 4: Velociy triangles represented for the rotor hub diameter (a), rotor medium diameter (b) and rotor tip diameter (c). 20 • DARABI, A. E PORIAVALI, P., 2007, Guide Vanes Effect of Wells Turbine on OWC Wave Power Plant Operation, World Congress of Engineering 2007 Vol.1, London, U.K. • FERREIRA, R. M. S. A., 2007, Aproveitamento da Energia das Marés – Estudo de Caso: Estuário do Bacanga, Dissertação – UFRJ. • GARCIA, B. P., 2008, Estudio de Una Turbina de Impulso Radial para el Aprovechamiento de la Energía del Oleaje, Tese de HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 19-21 TURBINE BUILT WITH SYMMETRICAL PROFILE BLADES, LIKE TYPE WELLS TURBINE, FOR USE IN TIDAL POWER PLANTS Doutorado, Universidad de Valladolid. • JOG, M. G., 1989, Hydro-Electric and Pumped Storage Plants. John Willey & Sons. • MACINTYRE, A. J., 1983, Máquinas Motrizes Hidraulicas, Guanabara Dois. • RAGHUNATHAN, S., 1995, The Wells Air Turbine for Wave Energy Conversion, Prog. Aerospace Sci, Vol. 31. • RODRIGUES, C. M. F., 2009, Projecto das Pás Directizes Fixas de Uma Turbina Auto-Rectificadora de Acção para Aproveitamento da Energia das Ondas, Dissertação – Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. • SETOGUCHI, T., SANTHAKUMAR, S., TAKAO, M., KIM, T. H., Kaneko, K., 2003, A Modified Wells Turbine for Wave Energy Conversion, Renewable Energy 28, Pergamon. • SOUZA, Z., 1991, Dimensionamento de Máquinas de Fluxo, Editora Edgard Blücher. ANOTAÇÕES HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 19-21 21 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS THROUGH COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS OF AXIAL ROTOR WITH SYMMETRIC BLADES USED IN TUNNEL VENTILATION PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS THROUGH COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS OF AXIAL ROTOR WITH SYMMETRIC BLADES USED IN TUNNELVENTILATION Angie Lizeth Espinosa Sarmiento 2 Yina Faizully Quintero Gamboa 3 Waldir de Oliveira 4 Ramiro Gustavo Ramirez Camacho 1 ABSTRACT The main feature of a Reversible Jet Fan is to provide the same air flow and thrust in both directions of flow, keeping the maximum ratio thrust-power to any power range of an electric motor. These conditions could be achieved with the use of a rotor formed by doublesymmetric airfoils, for example, an elliptical airfoil. This paper presents a rotor blade design of a reversible axial rotor of a jet fan usually used for ventilation of road tunnels. The design is based on a methodology that uses a non-free vortex condition to solve the radial equilibrium equation. This project was developed from certain data available in the literature of elliptical profiles arranged in linear cascades representing axial rotors, gotten by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools. Moreover, the aerodynamic performance characteristics of a reversible axial rotor were found both in the design point and outside of it for a specific rotation using Computational Fluid Dynamics Methods by means of the commercial software Fluent®. Through numerical simulation results, it is possible to plot aerodynamic performance curves, total pressure, thrust and fan’s shaft power, which show good agreement in relation to the design data. KEYWORDS: Reversible jet fan; Axial-flow fan; Rotor blade design; Non-free vortex; Computational Fluid Dynamic; Fan performance curves. 1. INTRODUCTION Jet fans are commonly used in road tunnel ventilation, in relatively short lengths, usually less than 5 km. Banks of these fans are installed on the roof of the tunnel, at certain intervals, thereby producing an effective flow of air from one side of the tunnel to the other. By saving energy, jet fans operate when the air quality deteriorates enough to require the forced ventilation assistance. Jet fans for longitudinal ventilation of road tunnels are fans of axial type. The rotor of this type of fan has a low hub ratio (ratio between the inner diameter and the outer diameter of the rotor). Generally, the hub ratio for this sort of rotor is in the range of 0,3 to 0,4. Consequently, these ones have high specific rotations characterized by high flow rates and low pressures. The number of blades of these rotors is usually between 6 and 12, depending on the performance characteristics and on the aerodynamic noise required. With the aim of varying the speed of the air jet, and accordingly the thrust produced by the fan, the blades are attached to the hub of the rotor, so that the mounting angle can be adjusted in the desired position. Relative to the flow direction, jet fans are classified into two types: unidirectional and bidirectional, the latter also being known as reversible. The unidirectional type is most appropriate for the longitudinal tunnel’s ventilation in a single direction of vehicular traffic; because its reversion (direction reversion of rotation of the rotor) results in 50% to 60% of the thrust in the direction of normal rotation. Each radial section, along the blades of this type of fan is generally made with a curved airfoil having different leading edge and leading trailing. In the case of reversible jet fans, the blades are formed by symmetrical profiles in all radial sections thereof. Such profiles may have shape of "S" or any other shape without cambering what present bidirectional symmetry (symmetry with respect to the chord line and in relation to the line perpendicular to the mid- Universidade Universidade Universidade 4 Universidade 1 2 3 22 Federal Federal Federal Federal de de de de Itajubá, Itajubá, Itajubá, Itajubá, Av. Av. Av. Av. BPS BPS BPS BPS 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, Pinheirinho, Pinheirinho, Pinheirinho, Pinheirinho, Itajubá-MG, Itajubá-MG, Itajubá-MG, Itajubá-MG, Brazil, Brazil, Brazil, Brazil, e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: line of the cord) as the elliptical profile. These geometric characteristics of the blade are responsible for the low performance and thrusts compared with the unidirectional jet fans. Regarding the reversible jet fans, there are few jobs available in the literature. In the sequel, some relevant works are commented. Köktürk (2005) presents an aerodynamic design methodology for reversible axial fans. This methodology uses the results of cascades analyses of axial flow machine, through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), using the commercial software Fluent ®. All linear cascades analyzed are formed by elliptical profiles with maximum aspect ratio of 8% of the length of his chord. For each angle of attack, the author varied incidence speed and blade spacing. In this study, aerodynamic performance characteristics of axial rotor were also obtained, concluding that the maximum efficiency is not achieved at the point of design, but at a point very close to it. In the paper of Ballesteros et. al., 2002 was carried out a numerical and experimental study of air circulation inside of a reversible jet fan, whose rotor had blades formed with elliptical profiles, to provide the same pressure in both directions of operation. In this analysis was used the commercial software Fluent ®. In the experiments were obtained radial distributions of the static pressure, total pressure and of the different velocity components in different sections of the fan, agreeing numerical and experimental results. In this work the authors seek to obtain a tool to facilitate the design and improve the development of new fans, also observe the flow behavior in inaccessible areas in laboratory tests. It is worth mentioning that the last two works were conducted by researchers at the University of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain. In this city, is located the Zitron matrix, a leading manufacturer of various types of fans. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to analyze the aerodynamic performance characteristics of reversible axial-flow rotors of jet fan obtained in preliminary studies, in order to optimize this type of machine for certain operating conditions. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 22-25 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS THROUGH COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS OF AXIAL ROTOR WITH SYMMETRIC BLADES USED IN TUNNEL VENTILATION 2. DESIGN METHODOLOGY This section features, initially, the main geometric quantities of the rotor. Next, the methodology of aerodynamic design for the reversible axial rotor is presented. 2.1 Main geometrical quantities of the reversible axial rotor To obtain the rotor flow, Q, is necessary to carry out an iterative procedure (Espinosa, et al., 2011) which is fixed outside diameter of the rotor, De. Therefore, it must be checked if De agrees with the axial rotors optimized for the set of values of rotational speed, n, flow, Q and total pressure ΔpT corresponding to the point of optimum performance (max) rotor. The diameter De can be obtained by the coefficient diameter, δ, through of Cordier type graphs that relate the lightness coefficient, σ, whit δ, (Cordier, 1955). Expression of σ and δ are given in the Eq. (1) and Eq. (2). (1) (2) A graph correlating σ with δ, specific for axial rotors of low ratios of hub, typical of rotors of fan jet, is shown in Eck (1973). Based on this graph, δ and σ can be correlated by Eq.(3). (3) After obtaining δ by Eq. (3), and considering the Eq. (2), the outer diameter of the rotor, De, is calculated by Eq. (4). (4) The hub diameter of the rotor, Di, generally, is determined by the hub ratio, ν = Di /De, which can be obtained from specific graphics. Eck (1973) provides a minimal hub ratio for various installations of rotors and of axial fans. In the case of axial rotor of jet fans, Di is determined by the outer diameter of the housing of the electric motor, Dcar. Once established the shaft power, Pe, rotational speed, n and the type of fixation of the electric motor, Di should be slightly higher or at least equal to Dcar. Thus, of non-free vortex, for example, Yahya (1983), for design of the blades. In these methods, both the specific work of the rotor, Ypá, and meridional velocity, cm, are no longer constant along the length of the rotor blades. In this paper is used, a type of non-free vortex adopted by Wallis (1993), where the circumferential component of the absolute velocity after rotor, cu6, varies linearly along the blade. This condition is represented of dimensionless form by Eq. (8). (8) where 6 is the swirl coefficient at the exit of the blades, cm the mean meridional velocity along the blade, x = r/re the ratio of a given radius r and the outer radius re, with r between the hub radius ri and outer radius re, and a and b constants to be determined. The main reason for choosing the condition of non-free vortex represented in the Eq. (8) is due to the fact of to work with hub ratios, ν, relatively low, which are typical of jet fans. For these fans, the hub diameter, Di = 2ri, generally, is considered equal to the outer diameter of the housing of the electric motor that directly drives the rotor. Therefore, for certain thrust produced by the jet fan will result an electric motor with shaft power, rotational speed and defined housing, and also a defined outer diameter of the rotor, resulting in hub ratios with values generally lower than 0,4. For these hub ratios, if is used free-vortex condition would results in inefficient rotor and presents a strong twist of the blades in the region close to the hub of the rotor, thereby influencing the characteristics of aerodynamic performance. The approximate solution of the equation of momentum along the blade, considering that no swirl of the flow at the inlet of the rotor (pre-rotation), that is, the circumferential component of the absolute velocity at the inlet, cu3 = 0, Fig. 1, can be obtained by (Wallis, 1993): (9) where cm6 is the meridional component of the absolute velocity at the exit, cm3 is the meridional component of the absolute velocity at the inlet and f is the flow coefficient defined by Eq. (10). (10) (5) Known Di and De, the hub ratio, ν, is determined by Eq. (6). (6) The ratio hub should not be less than that recommended by Eck (1973). Another important geometric quantity is the number of rotor blades, Npá. In jet fans, the number of rotor blades is usually established according to Eq. (7) Bleier (1998). (7) 2.2 Aerodynamic design of reversible axial rotor In the solution of radial equilibrium equation (equation of momentum in the radial direction) are adopted, certain types Fig. 1: Representative linear cascade of a radial section of reversible axial rotor indicating only one direction of flow. HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 22-25 23 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS THROUGH COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS OF AXIAL ROTOR WITH SYMMETRIC BLADES USED IN TUNNEL VENTILATION In the Eq. (9), x represents a fixed value of x (for a given rotor design), that to be obtained by an iterative process, in order to fulfill the condition given by Eq. (11). (11) Considering Eq. (11), and also due the meridional (axial) component of the absolute velocity at the inlet of the rotor, cm3, be considered uniform along the blade, the first term of the right side of Eq. (9) becomes in (12) The last term of the right side of Eq. (9) is obtained through integration, resulting Fig. 3: Refinement leading edge and trailing edge of the blade. Because the domain is repeated in each blade, it is not necessary to model this entire for the simulation, so, only the volume around one blade is meshed, which represents one-twelfth of the entire rotor. The number of elements of the mesh is 2.401.048. (13) The x value is determined such that when multiplies by x the meridional velocity distribution after the rotor, , given in Eq. (9), and integrated in accordance with Eq. (14), produces a value of e qual one or very near this, through an iterative process. (14) Fig. 4: Layout of distribution of elliptical airfolils along the blade corresponding to cylindrical sections rectified in planes. where xi = ri /re. 3. NUMERICAL SIMULATION The rotor used is designed for a flow of 22,7 m /s and a rotational speed of 1760 rpm. The main geometrical characteristics are: Di = 380 mm, De = 1000 mm and Npá = 12. In the analysis of the different cases studied some hypotheses as steady state and incompressible fluid and isothermal are considered. The density and dynamic viscosity used in the simulations are ρ = 1,225 kg/ m3 and μ = 1,7894 e-5 kg/m s, respectively. It employs the turbulence model k-ω SST with first-order discretization. 3 3.1 Geometry and mesh In Fig. 2 the rotor geometry is shown. It was made in commercial software Solid Edge ST4 ® and subsequently exported for Icem® program, where the computational mesh is created. A nonstructured mesh is used with tetrahedral elements and triangular prisms. In Fig. 3, can be observed the refining conducted in the leading edge and trailing edge of the blade. This refineFig. 2: Perspective view of the reversible axial roment is vital, betor. cause the quality of the mesh in these areas is reflected in obtaining a reliable solution. 24 In Fig. 4 is shown the radial distribution of elliptical airfoils, corresponding to cylindrical sections in planes rectified, for the nonfree vortex condition. In this figure are also shown the stagger angles of each airfoil. When in the aerodynamic design of the rotor is used the freevortex condition, the stagger angles in sections closest to the hub are small, resulting in a twist higher as compared with the stagger angles obtained for the case of non-free vortex, where these angles has minor differences between them. 3.2 Boundary conditions The boundary conditions are imposed in the Fluent® software, which solves the governing equations for the discretized domain. On the inlet surface is fixed the condition velocity-inlet, where must be specified the initial gauge pressure, considered as 0 Pa. In the outlet surface is uses the outflow condition. Rotational periodicity condition is established in the areas which have a natural repetition. Fig. 5: Boundary conditions used in the simulations. The wall boundary condition is used in solid regions where fluid flows; these surfaces may be stationary or mobile. In this study is chosen for the hub and the blade the option of rotational HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 22-25 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS THROUGH COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS OF AXIAL ROTOR WITH SYMMETRIC BLADES USED IN TUNNEL VENTILATION motion in relation to the zone of the adjacent cell, the other surfaces being treated as stationary faces. In Fig. 5 are summarized the boundary conditions mentioned above. 4. RESULTS Fig. 8; Relativevelocity colored by velocity magnitude (m/s) for the reversible axial rotor at the point of maximum aerodynamic performance. 4.1 Characteristics curves of reversible axial rotor The characteristics curves are evaluated for a single rotation, 1760 rpm. In Fig. 6, are represented the curves of aerodynamic performance, total pressure, shaft power and thrust obtained from the numerical simulation in Fluent®. The layout of these is made varying the flow, Q, or axial velocity at the rotor inlet (ca o cm) for 12 different operating points. Can be appreciated that pumping limit is approximately 12 m3/s. The number of cases simulated with flows below this limit is less, because in this region is not possible adequately represents the behavior of the fluid, for ≠being in the unstable operation zone. Also is noted that the maximum efficiency point of the fan (69,58 %) is located in 16,55 m3/s, and not in 22,7 m3/s, flow for which was designed the rotor. At the design point is found in the simulations a performance of 62,06 %, a shaft power of 24,19 cv and Fig. 6: Characteristic curves of reversible a thrust of 807,76 N. axial rotor designed according to the condition of non free-vortex for 1760 rpm. 4.2 Aerodynamic performance characteristics of reversible axial rotor In sequence, some results obtained with the program computational FLUENT® and the program CFD - Post® are presented. The different graphs shown in this section were obtained to analyze the operating point corresponding to the maximum performance obtained in the simulations. In Fig. 7 (a) the contours of static pressure on pressure side of the blade are shown. These contours indicate that there are pressures higher in regions close to the leading edge, and lower pressures near the trailing edge. In addition, the major pressures correspond to the sections closest to the tip of the blade and not to those closer to the hub. In Fig. 7 (b) the contours of static pressure on suction side of the blade are shown. In this figure it is noted that the lower pressure are located near to the leading edge, gradually increasing until the region near to the trailing edge. Also, can be seen that the pressure decrease as it gets closer to the blade tip. In Fig.8 the vectors of relative velocities along the blade are represented. It can be observed that the condition of tangency of these vectors with respect to the blade is satisfied, i.e., those vectors accompany appropriately the airfoils of each radial section of the rotor, from the leading edge to the trailing edge. Fig. 7: Contours of static pressure (Pascal) (a) on the pressure side of the blade (b) on the suction side of the blade. 5. CONCLUSIONS The main geometric quantities of the rotor, and the most important quantities used in the aerodynamic design methodology of the blades of the reversible axial rotor, that uses the condition of non free-vortex for the solution of the radial equilibrium equation were determined. Simulations in CFD were made which allowed the construction of the characteristics curves of aerodynamic performance, total pressure, shaft power and thrust of axial rotor that having blades with elliptical format profiles. These curves show that the recommended working range is between 13 m3/s and 23,5 m3/s. Furthermore, is observed that the point of maximum hydraulic performance is located in 16.55 m3/s, and not in 22.7 m3/s, flow for which was designed the rotor. This difference is due to that the flow in the inlet of rotor, at a point very close to this, it is not only influenced by the presence of the blades but also by the cube of the same, especially in the closest regions to hub that in those closest to the casing. In a similar manner, the angle of the incident flow in the rotor, especially in radial sections closest to the hub, results not being the angle for the condition without shock, thus will appear shock losses (losses of incidence) where is expected the absence of such losses (design point). These facts make that decreases the performance of rotor and that its maximum value is displaced, usually, for flow rates lower than that of the design point. Some aerodynamic performance characteristics of the reversible axial rotor were found, as the contours of static pressure in both the pressure side and the suction side of the blade, showing the areas in which are located higher and lower pressures. 6. REFERENCES • Ballesteros, R., Álvarez, G., Santolaria, C., Fernández, J. M. and Argüelles, K., 2002. “Análisis numérico y experimental del flujo en un ventilador de chorro”. In Proceedings of the XV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Cadiz, Spain. • Bleier, F. P., 1998. Fan Handbook: Selection, Application and Design. McGraw-Hill. • Cordier, O., 1955. Ähnlichkeitsbetrachtung bei Strömungsmaschinen. VDI-Zeitschrift, Band 97, Nr. 34, S. pp 12331234. • Eck, B., 1973. Fans: design and operation of centrifugal, axial-flow and cross-flow fans. Pergamon Press. • Espinosa, A. L. S., Fajardo, L. C., Ramírez, R. G. C. and Oliveira, W., 2011. “Projeto aerodinâmico de rotor axial reversível de ventilador de jato”, In: Proceedings of the X Congresso Iberoamericano de Engenharia Mecânica-CIBEM10. Oporto, Portugal. Köktürk, T., 2005. Design and performance analysis of a reversible axial flow fan. M.Sc. thesis, Middle East Technical University, Turkey. • Wallis, R. A., 1993. Axial Flow Fan and Ducts, Krieger Publishing Company. • Yahya, S. M., 1983. Turbines, compressors and fans. Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014, DA PÁG. 22-25 25 ARTIGOS TÉCNICOS TECHNICAL ARTICLES INSTRUÇÕES AOS AUTORES INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Forma e preparação de manuscrito Form and preparation of manuscripts Primeira Etapa (exigida para submissão do artigo) First Step (required for submition) O texto deverá apresentar as seguintes características: espaçamento 1,5; papel A4 (210 x 297 mm), com margens superior, inferior, esquerda e direita de 2,5 cm; fonte Times New Roman 12; e conter no máximo 16 laudas, incluindo quadros e figuras. Na primeira página deverá conter o título do trabalho, o resumo e as Palavras-chave. Os quadros e as figuras deverão ser numerados com algarismos arábicos consecutivos, indicados no texto e anexados no final do artigo. 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Obs.: Papers that fail to meet totally or partially the guidelines above described will be returned and lose the priority of the sequential order of presentation. 26 27 REGULAÇÃO HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014 EXPANSÃO VIA USINA-PLATAFORMA Da redação Quando o país começou a falar sobre a implantação do conceito de usina-plataforma, solução menos agressiva ao meio ambiente, a previsão era realizar o primeiro leilão em 2011, com a hidrelétrica de São Luiz do Tapajós, de 6.133 MW, entrando em operação em 2016. Três anos depois e uma série de entraves ambientais, jurídicos e atrasos nos estudos de viabilidade que minguaram a participação hídrica nos últimos leilões, o governo volta a falar em licitar a megausina localizada no rio Tapajós (PA) este ano. Projeto considerado estruturante e prioritário pela Resolução nº 3 do Conselho Nacional de Política Energética (CNPE), São Luiz do Tapajós, se sair da gaveta, terá peso considerável para o país. Dos 19.917 MW de projetos hidrelétricos incluídos no Plano Decenal de Energia (PDE 2022), a usina representará mais de 30% da capacidade prevista para entrar daqui a oito anos. Além do bloco considerável de energia hidrelétrica, São Luiz do Tapajós também vai representar um desafio para a engenharia brasileira. O projeto será o primeiro a adotar, no país, o conceito de usina-plataforma, uma solução para preservar o meio ambiente de uma região onde está localizada a maior parte do potencial do país estimado em 260 GW. "O governo trabalha para licitar a usina este ano", informou Maurício Tolmasquim, presidente da Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) logo após o último leilão de energia de 2013. Coordenado pela Eletrobras, o grupo responsável pelos estudos de viabilidade tem até 31 de julho para concluir o trabalho, de acordo com prazo estabelecido pela Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Aneel). O prazo anterior para entregar os estudos ao Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama) era 20 de novembro do ano passado. Os estudos de São Luiz do Tapajós, assim como os da hidrelétrica de Jotobá (2.338 MW), no mesmo rio, foram retomados em agosto de 2013. Estima-se que, com 6.133 MW, São Luiz do Tapajós, produza por ano quase 30 mil GWh. A usina terá uma área inundada de dois mil metros quadrados, deixando uma área protegida de aproximadamente 100 mil metros quadrados. Conceito da usina Os entraves ambientais para licitar novos projetos hidrelétricos levaram o governo a lançar mão do modelo de usina plataforma, o que significa fazer um projeto encravado numa região de floresta. O conceito busca evitar a criação de vilas e núcleos urbanos no em torno da hidrelétrica, com grande mobilização de trabalhadores, como normalmente acontece em obras deste porte. Na fase de construção da obra da usina-plataforma, modelo apresentado anos atrás por Márcio Zimmermann, secretário-executivo do Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME), os trabalhadores trabalhariam em turnos, sendo transportados para o local por helicóptero ou por terra. Quando em funcionamento, a usina teria uma operação toda automatizada, requerendo o trabalho de um número menor de pessoas. "A ideia da usina-plataforma é a baixa intervenção humana ao meio ambiente em redor. Em outras palavras, não há perda de florestas para a urbanização, o que permite a preservação", explica Leontina Pinto, diretora executiva da Engenho, Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Consultoria. 28 Arquivo Pessoal Governo trabalha para licitar este ano São Luiz do Tapajós, no Pará, primeira hidrelétrica a usar o conceito que busca menor impacto ambiental Imagem da região estudada para a implantação da hidrelétrica de São Luiz do Tapajós, no rio Tocantins. Grupo de Estudos do Tapajós, formado por Eletrobras, Eletronorte, GDF SUEZ, Cemig, Copel, Neoenergia, EDF, Endesa Brasil e Camargo Corrêa, tem prazo até 31 de julho para concluir estudos de viabilidade. Image of the region studied for the implantation of São Luiz Tapajós Hydroelectric Plant, Tocantins River. Study Group Tapajos formed by Eletrobras Eletronorte GDF Suez, Cemig, Copel, Neoenergia, EDF, Endesa Brazil and Camargo Correa, has until July 31 to complete viability studies. Sobrecusto Segundo estimativa do mercado, a construção das duas hidrelétricas, no rio Tapajós, deve ficar em torno de R$ 26 bilhões, sendo cerca de R$ 15 bilhões para erguer São Luiz do Tapajós. Este valor pode ainda ser bem maior, uma vez que a ampliação do projeto para 7.880 MW está em análise. O valor final depende, claro, de outras variáveis que serão incorporadas no projeto final. "Não conheço o sobrecusto associado ao conceito plataforma, mas o transporte por via aérea deve ser mais oneroso do que a construção convencional", diz a professora Leontina Pinto. "Como todo novo conceito, julgo que sua implementação terá imprevistos e ajustes – que só serão conhecidos a longo prazo", acrescenta. Embora considere crucial o país explorar o potencial hidrelétrico que tem na região Amazônica, João Carlos Mello, presidente da Thymos Energia e Consultoria, considera o modelo de usinaplataforma uma utopia. Para ele, ainda não existe um cálculo sobre o sobrecusto que uma obra de tal porte teria, sobretudo, pela logística que envolveria. "Certamente, será um custo alto", diz. Para ele, se o planejamento quer retomar um pouco dos reservatórios, Tapajós, com um conjunto de sete usinas que somam um potencial de 14 mil MW, é um bom caminho. A professora Leontina Pinta reforça, afirmando que o modelo plataforma não implica em abrir mão de reservatórios. Segundo ela, a construção e operação da usina-plataforma elimina apenas o custo ambiental da implantação de núcleos HIDRO&HYDRO - PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS | ISSN 1676-0220 REGULATION EXPANSION VIA PLANT-PLATFORM Translation: Joana Sawaya de Almeida Government works to bid this year, São Luiz do Tapajos, Para, first hydroelectric plant to use the concept that seeks to lower environmental impact until July 31st to conclude the work, according to the deadline set by the National Electrical Energy Agency (Aneel). The previous deadline to deliver the studies to the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources was November 20th of last year. Studies of São Luiz de Tapajos as well as of the hydroelectric plant at Jotobá (2.338 MW), in the same river, were resumed in August 2013. It is estimated that, with 6,133 MW, Sao Luiz de Tapajos will produce, per year, almost 30,000 GWh. The plant will have a flooded two thousand square meters area, leaving a protected area of approximately 100,000 square meters. Plant concept When the country began to speak about the implantation of the concept of the plant platform with less impact on the environment, the prediction was to hold the first auction in 2011, with the hydroelectric plant São Luiz Tapajos, with 6,133 MW, with operation beginning in 2016. Three years later and a series of environmental barriers, delays and legal feasibility studies dwindled the hydroelectric participation in recent auctions, the government begins to discuss a bid for a mega-plant located in the Tapajos River (PA) this year. Project considered structuring and priority by the Council Resolution no. 3 of the Conselho Nacional de Política Energética (CNPE), São Luiz de Tapajos, if it leaves the drawing board, will have considerable weight for the country. Of the 19,917 MW of hydroelectric plant projects included in the Plano Decenal de Energia (PDE 2022), the plant will represent more than 30% capacity, predicted to begin eight years from now. Beyond the considerable block of hydroelectric energy, São Luiz de Tapajos will also pose a challenge to Brazilian engineering. The project will be the first of the country to adopt the concept of a plant platform, a solution to preserve the environment of a region where most of the potential of the country, estimated at 260 GW, is located. “The government works to bid this plant this year,” informed Maurício Tolmasquim, president of the Energy Research Company (EPE) soon after the last energy auction of 2013. Coordinated by Electrobras, the group responsible for the viability studies has Environmental barriers to bid new hydroelectric plant projects led the government to make use of the model of the platform plant, which means doing a project stuck in a forest region. The concept seeks to avoid the creation of villages and urban cores around hydroelectric plants, with great mobilization of workers, as usually happens in works of this size. In the construction phase of the plant-platform model presented years ago by Márcio Zimmerman, executive secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), the workers worked in shifts, being transported to the site by helicopter or by land. When operational, the plant would have an automated the whole operation, requiring the work of less people. “The idea of the plant platform is under human intervention to the surrounding environment. In other words, there is no loss of forests to urbanization, which allows preservation,” explains Leontina Pinto, executive director of Ingenuity, Research, Development and Consulting. Additional costs According to estimates of the market, the construction of the two hydroelectric plants, in the Tapajós River, should be around R$26 billion, with about R$15 billion to build São Luiz de Tapajos. This value could be even higher since the expansion of the project to 7,880 MW is under review. The final value depends, of course, on other variables that will be incorporated into the final design. "I don’t know the extra costs associated with the platform concept, but transportation by air must be more expensive than that of conventional construction," says Professor Leontina Pinto. "Like every new concept, I believe that their implementation will have unforeseen adjustments - which will be known only in the long term," she adds. Although he considers it crucial to the country to explore the hydroelectric potential of the Amazon region, João Carlos Mello, president of the Thymos Energy and Consulting, considers the model of the plant platform utopia. For him, there is still no calculation of the extra cost that a work of such scope would, mainly, by logistics, would involve. “Certainly, there will be a high cost,” he says. For him, if the planning wants to return a bit of the reservoirs, Tapajós, with a set of seven plants that add up to a potential of 14,000 MW, is a good way. The professor, Leontina Pinto reinforces, affirming that 29 REGULAÇÃO urbanos. "Não impede a construção de reservatórios, pois você pode ter uma enorme área inundada sem ter feito estradas ou vilas para a acomodação de trabalhadores", diz a diretora da Engenho. Para ela, está mais do que na hora de o país discutir o modelo energético que quer. "Devemos abrir mão do potencial amazônico e enfrentar uma possível escassez, inclusive com o custo ambiental da pesada geração termoelétrica? Devemos buscar uma solução mais balanceada?, questiona. Dados do artigo "Por que o Brasil está trocando as hidrelétricas e seus reservatórios por energia mais cara e poluente?, escrito por Márcio Tancredi e Omar Alves Abbud, da Consultoria Legislativa do Senado Federal, mostram como a capacidade do setor elétrico de acumular água nos reservatórios caiu nas usinas leiloadas entre 2000 e 2012. Dos 42 projetos licitados no período, num total de 28,8 mil MW, apenas 10 usinas, com 1.940 MW, possuem reservatórios. Com 26,8 mmil MW, os demais 32 são a fio d"água. Ou seja, apenas 6,73% da capacidade de geração proveem de usinas com reservatório. Pressão socioeconômica No entanto, mesmo com a proposta do modelo de construção que será adotado, seria preciso enfrentar a questão ambiental e indígena da região. Assim como aconteceu com a hidrelétrica de Belo Monte (11.300 MW), no rio Xingu, as pressões sociais e ambientais farão parte do dia a dia de todo o processo de elaboração e licitação de São Luiz do Tapajós, localizada na região dos índios Munduruku. No Ministério Público Federal do Pará já existem ações contra a instalação da usina. "As dificuldades para construir hidrelétricas nos casos dos rios Xingu e Tapajós são as mesmas. E da mesma forma, não há como se determinar se a regra do aproveitamento ótimo foi cumprida nos estudos da bacia do Tapajós. É possível que a auto-restrição a que redução de custos e as facilidades de licenciamento ambiental costumam induzir tenha influenciado o inventário da bacia", aponta o artigo da Consultoria Legislativa do Senado Federal. 30 HIDRO&HYDRO: PCH NOTÍCIAS & SHP NEWS, 60 (1), JAN,FEV,MAR/2014 the model platform does not imply giving up reservoirs. According to her, the construction and operation of the plant platform only eliminates the environmental cost of the implantation of urban cores. "It does not prevent the construction of reservoirs, because you can have a huge flooded area without roads or towns done for the accommodation of workers," says the director of Ingenuity. For her, it is more than time for the country to discuss the energetic model it wants. Must we give up the Amazonian potential and face a possible shortage, including the environmental cost of heavy thermoelectric generation? Should we seek a more balanced solution?” she questions. Data from the article "Why Brazil is swapping hydroelectric plants and their reservoirs for more expensive and polluting energy?" written by Márcio Tancredi, and Omar Ahmed Abbus, the Legislative Advisory of the Senate, shows how the ability of the electric sector to accumulate water reservoirs is falling in the mills auctioned between 2000 and 2012. Of the 42 projects bid in the period, with a total of 28,800 MW, only 10 plants, with 1,940 MW, have reservoirs. With 26,800 MW, the other 32 work with the flow of the river. Or, only 6.73% of the capacity of generation comes from plants with reservoirs. Socioeconomic pressure However, even with the proposed construction of the model that will be adopted, it would have to face the environmental and indigenous matters in the region. As with the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant (11,300 MW), on the Xingu River, social and environmental pressures will be part of the daily lives of the whole process of elaboration and bid of São Luiz Tapajós, located in the region of the Mundurukú Indians. In the Federal Public Prosecutor of Pará there are already actions against the installation of the plant. "The difficulties to build hydroelectric plants on the Tapajos and Xingu rivers are the same. And similarly, there is no way to determine if the rule of optimum utilization was fulfilled in studies of the Tapajos basin. It is possible that self-restriction of the reduction of costs and the ease of environmental licensing are usually induced have influenced the inventory of the basin," points out the article from the Senate Legislative Advisory.