1) Education and training - Instituto de Química


1) Education and training - Instituto de Química
Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
Curriculum Vitae: Henning Ulrich
Work address:
Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 748, São Paulo 05508-900, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]
Webpage: http://www3.iq.usp.br/pessoas_view.php?idDocente=2
Position: Associate Professor, stage 3
1) Education and training:
Studies of Biology – Diploma
Advances studies in
Molecular Biology
Ph.D. in Biological Sciences
Habilitation (Professor Livre-Docente)
Universities of Hamburg and Kiel,
University of Hamburg
University of Hamburg
University of São Paulo
2) Professional history:
1995 -1996
2001 - 2007
Postdoctoral fellow
(supervisor H.C. Schaller),
Postdoctoral American Heart
Association Fellow (supervisor George P.
Postdoctoral fellow
(supervisor Walter Colli)
Assistant Professor
Since 2007
Associate Professor
2003, 2005,
Visiting Adjunct Professor
2014 -
Visiting Professor
2015 -
Visiting Professor
Since 2007
Since 2009
2010 – 2012
Since 2012
Associate Editor Cytometry A
Academic Editor PLoS ONE
Vice-President: Brazilian Purine Club
President: Brazilian Purine Club
1996 - 1999
1999 - 2001
Center for Molecular Neurobiology, University of Hamburg
Department of Molecular Biology
& Genetics, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY
Institute of Chemistry, University
of São Paulo Brazil
Biochemistry Dept., Institute of
Chemistry, Universidade de São
Biochemistry Dept., Institute of
Chemistry, Universidade de São
Center for Molecular and
Behavioral Neuroscience,
Universidad Central del Caribe,
Bayamón, Puerto Rico
Jozef-Stefan-Institute, Ljubljana ,
Medical University of Bialystok,
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Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
3) Current grant support
3.1 As coordinator
1. Thematic Project (FAPESP): “Stem cells: From kinin and purinergic receptors towards
therapeutic applications (01/12/2012 – 30/11/2017)
2. Grant – Regenerative Medicine (CNPq): Cellular therapy of neurodegenerative diseases:
From in vitro differentiation towards in vivo therapy (01/11/2014 – 30/10/2016)
3. Science without frontiers grant (CNPq) (visiting professor Prof. Dr. Tamara Lah Turnsek):
The Relevance of Kinin and Related Purinergic Signalling Pathways in Gliobastoma Cells
upon Co-culturing with Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. (01/12/2012– 30/11/2015)
6. Regular grant (CNPq). Purinergic and kinin receptor in stem cell differentiation (01/11/201231/10/2015).
3.2 As associated researcher
3. Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Neurociências (Research Center in Neuroscience, Luiz
R.G. Britto (P.I.).
3.3 Performance in Research
CNPq researcher fellowship level 1B. Process 302486/2009-7. Valid until 03/2014.
4) Academic quantitative indicators:
Books: 3
Publications (peer reviewed): 115
Book chapters: 17
Finished Diploma/Master student supervisions: 4
Finished PhD thesis supervisions: 12
Post-doctoral supervisions concluded: 8
Patents: 3
More than 80 invited seminars at universities and 70 invited lectures at scientific
9) 180 abstracts presented at scientific meetings
5) MyCitations on Google Scholar: 2191 citations (H-factor: 27, Factor i10: 57)
Research profile. Henning Ulrich
6) Other relevant biographical informations:
-Chair-man of the organization committee: 1. International Meeting of the Institute of
Chemistry (USP): Perspective of stem cells.
-Chair-man or part of the organization committee: 1.- 5. Meeting of the Brazilian Purine Club:
Purinergic signalling and therapeutic applications, and 1. +2. International congress on
purinergic signaling (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2015) .
- Editorial board member: PLoS ONE, Cytometry A, Purinergic Signalling, Central Nervous
System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, Recent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery e Medical
Chemistry; Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.
- João José Freitas Sarkis Award (major award of the Brazilian Purine Club): Poster Glaser T.
et al., 2015.
- Best paper Award, 2011: ISAC (International Society for Advancement of Science)
- Editor of “Special Issue on Stem Cells – Cytometry A”, 2013.
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Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
- Guest Editor of “Purinergic Signalling”, 2011.
- Scientific committee of the International Congress of the Brazilian Society for Experimental
- Instructor at Summer School Piran (organized by the National Institute of Biology, Slovenia)
- Advisor and/or Consultant of companies and research institutions focused on translational
research. 1. Intercientífica; 2. CO-BIK, Slovenia; Center of Excellence focused on aptamers
as biosensoric agents; 3. Specialized Neuroscience Research Program of the Universidad
del Caribe.
-Vice-Coordinator Graduate Studies Program in Biochemistry (IQ-USP) 2009-2012
-Vice-Coordinator Graduate Studies Program for Professional Master in Chemistry and
Biochemistry Technologies, since 2013.
Peer-reviewed publications (total of 115).
1. Glaser T, Castillo AR, Oliveira Á, Ulrich H (2015). Intracellular Calcium Measurements for
Functional Characterization of Neuronal Phenotypes. Methods Mol Biol. In press.
2. Nascimento IC , Glaser T, Nery AA, Pillat MM, Pesquero JB, Ulrich H (2015) Kinin-B1 and
B2 Receptor Activity in Proliferation and Neural Phenotype Determination of Mouse
Embryonic Stem Cells Cytometry A, in press. DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.22726
3. Oliveira SLB, Trujillo CA ; Negraes PD, Ulrich H (2015) Effects of ATP and NGF on
Migration of Neural Precursor Cells. Neurochem Res, in press
4. Delač M, Motaln H, Ulrich H, Lah TT (2015) Aptamer for imaging and therapeutic targeting
of brain tumor glioblastoma. Cytometry A in press. doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22715.
5. Pillat MM, Cheffer A, de Andrade CM, Morsch VM, Schetinger MR, Ulrich H (2015)
Cytometry A. 2015 in press. 10.1002/cyto.a.22705.
6. Glaser T, Bueno VB, Cornejo DR, Petri DF, Ulrich H (2015) Neuronal adhesion, proliferation
and differentiation of embryonic stem cells on hybrid scaffolds made of xanthan and
magnetite nanoparticles. Biomed Mater. 10:045002.
7. Avelar GM, Glaser T, Leonard G, Richards TA, Ulrich H, Gomes SL (2015). A cGMPdependent K+ channel in the blastocladiomycete fungus Blastocladiella emersonii.
Eukaryot Cell. pii: EC.00087-15.
8. Glaser T, Castillo AR, Oliveira Á, Ulrich H (2015). Intracellular Calcium Measurements for
Functional Characterization of Neuronal Phenotypes. Methods Mol Biol. In press.
9. Berríos VO, Boukli NM, Rodriguez JW, Negraes PD, Schwindt TT, Trujillo CA, Oliveira SL,
Cubano LA, Ferchmin PA, Eterović VA, Ulrich H, Martins AH (2015). Paraoxon and
Pyridostigmine Interfere with Neural Stem Cell Differentiation. Neurochem. Res., in press.
doi: 10.1007/s11064-015-1548-7
10. Negraes PD, Trujillo CA; Pillat MM, Teng YT, Ulrich H (2015) Roles of kinins in the
nervous system. Cell Transplantation 24:613-23.
11. Paschon V, Takada SH, Ikebara JM, Sousa E, Raeisossadati R, Ulrich H, Kihara AH
(2015) Interplay between exosomes, microRNAs and Toll-like receptors in brain disorders.
Molecular Neurobiology, in press. DOI: 10.1007/s12035-015-9142-1.
12. Silva TM, França GR, Ornelas IM, Loiola EC, Ulrich H, Ventura AL (2015) Involvement of
nucleotides in glial growth following scratch injury in avian retinal cell monolayer cultures.
Purinergic Signalling 11:183-201.
13. Ulrich H, Illes P (2014) P2X receptors in maintenance and differentiation of neural
progenitor cells. Neural Regeneration Research 9:2040-1.
14. Molina ES, Pillat MM, Moura-Neto V, Lah TT, Ulrich H (2014) Glioblastoma stem-like cells:
approaches for isolation and characterization. Journal of Cancer Stem Cell Research
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15. Ulrich H, Nascimento IC, Bocsi J, Tárnok A (2014) Immunomodulation in stem cell
differentiation into neurons and brain repair. Stem Cell Reviews 11:474-86
16. Oelkrug C, Sack U, Boldt A, Nascimento IC, Ulrich H, Fricke S (2014 Antibody- and
aptamer-strategies for GvHD prevention. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 19:1120.
17. Ortiz R, Ulrich H, Zarate CA Jr, Machado-Vieira R (2015). Purinergic system dysfunction in
mood disorders: a key target for developing improved therapeutics. Prog
Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 57C:117-131.
18. Lee G, Maclean DM, Ulrich H, Zhao X, Aronowski J, Jayaraman V (2014) RNA Based
Antagonist of NMDA Receptors. ACS Chem Neurosci. 5: 559-567.
19. Glaser T, de Oliveira SL, Cheffer A, Beco R, Martins P, Fornazari M, Lameu C, Junior HM,
Coutinho-Silva R, Ulrich H (2014) Modulation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Proliferation
and Neural Differentiation by the P2X7 Receptor. PLoS One.;9(5):e96281.
20. Mencin N, Šmuc T, Vraničar M, Mavri J, Hren M, Galeša K, Krkoč P, Ulrich H, Šolar B
(2014) Optimization of SELEX: Comparison of Different Methods for Monitoring the
Progress of in vitro Selection of Aptamers. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical
Analysis, 91C, 151-159.
21. Ulrich H, Bocsi J, Glaser T, Tárnok (2014) Cytometry in the brain: From Studying
Differentiation towards Diagnostic Applications in Brain Disease and Regeneration therapy.
Cell Proliferation, 47, 12-9.
22. Sousa BR, Parreira RC, Fonseca EA, Amaya MJ, Tonelli FMP, Lacerda S M. S. N.,
Lalwani P, Santos AK, Gomes KN, Ulrich H, Kihara AH, Resende RR (2014) Human adult
stem cells from diverse origins: an overview from multiparametric immunophenotyping to
clinical applications. Cytometry A 85A, 43-77.
23. Oliveira SL, Pillat MM, Cheffer A, Lameu C, Schwindt TT, Ulrich H (2013). Functions of
neurotrophins and growth factors in neurogenesis and brain repair. Cytometry A 83, 76-89.
24. Ulrich H, Wrenger C. (2013). Identification of aptamers as specific binders and modulators
of cell-surface receptor activity. Methods Mol Biol. 986:17-39.
25. Zimbres FM, Tárnok A, Ulrich H, Wrenger C. (2013) Aptamers: novel molecules as
diagnostic markers in bacterial and viral infections? Biomed Res Int. 2013:731516. (H.
Ulrich and C. Wrenger corresponding authors)
26. Morais KL, Ianzer D, Miranda JR, Melo RL, Guerreiro JR, Santos RA, Ulrich H, Lameu C
(2013). Proline rich-oligopeptides: diverse mechanisms for antihypertensive action.
Peptides. 48:124-33.
27. Cheffer A, Tárnok A, Ulrich H (2013) Cell cycle regulation during neurogenesis in the
embryonic and adult brain. Stem Cell Reviews 9:794-805.
28. Nery AA, Magdesian MH, Trujillo CA, Sathler LB, Juliano MA, Juliano L, Ulrich H, Ferreira
ST (2013) Rescue of amyloid-Beta-induced inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by
a peptide homologous to the nicotine binding domain of the alpha 7 subtype. PLoS One.
2013 Jul 22;8(7):e67194. (H. Ulrich and S.T. Ferreira corresponding authors)
29. Torres-Rivera W, Pérez D, Park KY, Carrasco M, Platt MO, Eterović VA, Ferchmin PA,
Ulrich H, Martins AH (2013) Kinin-B2 receptor exerted neuroprotection after
diisopropylfluorophosphate-induced neuronal damage. Neuroscience 247:273-9.
30. Braga MC, Nery AA, Ulrich H, Konno K, Sciani JM, Pimenta DC (2013) α -RgIB: A Novel
Antagonist Peptide of Neuronal Acetylcholine Receptor Isolated from Conus regius Venom.
International Journal of Peptides 2013:543028.
31. de Pascual R, Miranda-Ferreira R, Galvão KM, Lameu C, Ulrich H, Smaili SS, Jurkiewicz
A, García AG, Gandía L (2013) Lower density of L-type and higher density of P/Q-type of
calcium channels in chromaffin cells of hypertensive, compared with normotensive rats.
Europian Journal of Pharmacology 706, 25-35.
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32. Glaser T, Resende RR, Ulrich H (2013) Implications of purinergic receptor-mediated
intracellular calcium transients in neural differentiation. Cell Commun Signal. 2013 11:12.
33. Gonçalves JC, Silveira AL, de Souza HD, Nery AA, Prado VF, Prado MA, Ulrich H, Araújo
DA (2013) The monoterpene (-)-carvone: a novel agonist of TRPV1 channels. Cytometry A
83, 212-9. (Prado MA, Ulrich H, Araújo DA autores correspondentes)
34. Donnenberg VS, Ulrich H (2013) Mesenchymal stem cells, therapy, and cytometry.
Cytometry A. 83:8-10.
35. Oliveira SL, Pillat MM, Cheffer A, Lameu C, Schwindt TT, Ulrich H (2013) Functions of
neurotrophins and growth factors in neurogenesis and brain repair. Cytometry A. 83, 7689.
36. Nery AA, Nascimento IC, Glaser T, Bassaneze V, Krieger JE, Ulrich H (2013). Human
mesenchymal stem cells: from immunophenotyping by flow cytometry to clinical
applications. Cytometry A. 83:48-61.
37. Nunes-Alves, A.; Nery, A.A.; Ulrich, H (2013) Tobacco nitrosamine N-nitrosonornicotine as
inhibitor of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
49, 52-61, 2013.
38. Cappellari AR, Rockenbach L, Dietrich F, Clarimundo V, Glaser T, Braganhol E, Abujamra
AL, Roesler R, Ulrich H, Battastini AM (2012). Characterization of ectonucleotidases in
human medulloblastoma cell lines: ecto-5'NT/CD73 in metastasis as potential prognostic
factor. PLoS One.7(10):e47468.
39. Trujillo CA, Negraes PD, Schwindt TT, Lameu C, Carromeu C, Muotri AR, Pesquero JB,
Cerqueira DM, Pillat MM, de Souza HD, Turaça LT, Abreu JG, Ulrich H (2012) Kinin-B2
receptor activity determines the differentiation fate of neural stem cells. Journal of Biological
Chemistry 287, 44046-61.
40. Russo LC, Asega AF, Castro LM, Negraes PD, Cruz L, Gozzo FC, Ulrich H, Camargo AC,
Rioli V, Ferro ES (2012) Natural intracellular peptides can modulate the interactions of
mouse brain proteins and thimet oligopeptidase with 14-3-3ε and calmodulin. Proteomics
41. Lameu C, Trujillo CA, Schwindt TT, Negraes PD, Pillat MM, Morais KL, Lebrun I, Ulrich H
(2012) . Interactions between the NO-citrulline cycle and brain-derived neurotrophic factor
in differentiation of neural stem cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287, 29690-70.
42. Ulrich H, Abbracchio MP, Burnstock G (2012) Extrinsic purinergic regulation of neural
stem/progenitor cells: implications for CNS development and repair. Stem Cell Reviews. 8,
43. Cheffer A, Mustafa EV, T-do Amaral A, Ulrich H (2012) Lipophilicity as a determinant of
binding of procaine analogs to rat α3β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Journal of
Neuroscience Research 90, 1607-14.
44. Negraes, P.D.; Schwindt TT; Trujillo, C.A.; Ulrich, H. (2012). NEURAL DIFFERENTIATION
proliferation, viability and functionality. Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology, Chapter
2:Unit 2D.9
45. Glaser, T ; Cappellari AR. ; Pillat MM. ; Iser IC. ; Wink MR ; Battastini AM; Ulrich H. (2012).
Perspectives of purinergic signaling in stem cell differentiation and tissue differentiation.
Purinergic Signalling, 8, 523-37.
46. Martins, A. H. B. ; Alves, J. M.; Perez, D. ; Carrasco, M. ; Torres-Rivera, W. ; Eterovic, V.
A. ; Ferchmin, P. A. ; Ulrich, H (2012). Kinin-B2 receptor mediated neuroprotection after
NMDA excitotoxicity is reversed in the presence of kinin-B1 receptor agonists. Plos One
47. Yuahasi K. K. ; Demais M. ; Tamajusuku, A.S.K. ; Lenz, G. ; Sogayar, M. C. ; Fornazari M;
Lameu C ; Nascimento IC ; Glaser, T. ; Schwindt TT ; Negraes, P.D. ; Ulrich H (2012).
Regulation of neurogenesis and gliogenesis of retinoic acid-induced P19 embryonal
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carcinoma cells by P2X2 and P2X7 receptors studied by RNA interference. International
Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 30, 91-7.
48. Montiel-Eulefi E., Nery AA, Rodrigues LC, Sanchez R, Romero F, Ulrich H (2012). Neural
differentiation of rat aorta pericyte cells. Cytometry A, 81, 959-964.
49. Pillat, M. M. ; Bauer, M.E. ; Penalva de Oliveira, A.C. ; Ulrich H. ; Casseb, J (2011). HTLV1-Associated Myelopathy/Tropical Spastic Paraparesis (HAM/TSP): Still an Obscure
Disease. Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 11, 1-6.
50. Schuck DC ; Ribeiro R.Y. ; Nery A A ; Ulrich H; Garcia CR (2011). Flow Cytometry as a
tool for analyzing changes in Plasmodium falciparum cell cycle following treatment with
indol compounds. Cytometry A, 79, 959-964.
51. Marques da Silva, C ; Chaves, M.M. ; Chaves, S.P. ; Ribeiro Figliuolo, V. ; MeyerFernandes, J.R. ; Corte-Real, S. ; Lameu C ; Ulrich, H. ; Ojcius, D.M. ; Rossi-Bergmann, B.
; Coutinho-Silva, R. (2011). Infection with Leishmania amazonensis upregulates purinergic
receptor expression and induces host-cell susceptibility to UTP mediated apoptosis.
Cellular Microbiology 13, 1410-1428.
52. Fornazari M ; Nascimento IC ; NERY, A. A. ; Caldeira da Silva, C.C. ; Kowaltowski, A. J.;
Ulrich, H. (2011) . Neuronal differentiation involves a shift from glucose oxidation to
fermentation. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 43, 531-539.
53. Benedetti G,. Morais KLP, Guerreiro JR, Hoshida M, Oliveira M, Sass N, Ulrich H, Lameu
C,. Camargo AC.M (2011). Anti-hypertensive peptide from Bothrops jararaca venom
normalizes endothelium dysfunction involved in the emergence of preeclampsia. PLoS
ONE 6, e23680.
54. Schwindt TT, Trujillo CA, Negraes, PD, Lameu C, Ulrich H (2011). Directed
Differentiation of Neural Progenitors into Neurons is Accompanied by Altered Expression of
P2X Purinergic Receptors. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 44, 141-46.
55. Burnstock G, Ulrich, H. (2011). Purinergic Signaling in Embryonic and Stem Cell
Development. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (Printed ed.), 68, 369-94.
56. Cheffer A, Ulrich, H. (2011) Mechanism of the rat alpha3, beta 4 nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor by the Alzheimer therapeutic tacrine. Biochemistry (Easton), 50:1763-70.
57. Morais, K.L.P. ; Hyashi, M. A. F. ; Bruni, FM ; Lopes-Ferreira M ; Camargo, A. C. M.;
Ulrich, H. ; Lameu C (2011) . Bj-PRO-5a, a natural angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor,
promotes vasodilatation mediated by both bradykinin B2 and M1 muscarinic acetylcholine
receptors. Biochemical Pharmacology, 81, 736-742.
58. Negraes, P.D. ; Lameu C ; Hayashi, M. A. F. ; Melo R.L. ; Camargo, A. C. M. ; Ulrich, H.
(2011) The snake venom Bj-PRO-7a is a muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist.
Cytometry A, 79, 77-83.
59. Sartore RC, Almedia, FCL , Campos PB, Trujillo CA, Ramalho BSL, Negraes PD,
Paulsen BS, Meletti T, Costa E., Chicaybam L, Bonamino MH, Ulrich H, Rehen SK. (2011).
Retinoic acid-treated pluripotent stem cells undergoing neurogenesis present increased
aneuploidy and micronuclei formation. Plos One, v. 6, p. e20667
60. Nery AA, Resende RR, Martins AH, Trujillo CA, Eterovic VA, Ulrich H. (2010). Alpha7
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expression and activity during neuronal differentiation of
PC12 pheochromocytoma cells. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 41, 329-39.
61. Lameu C, Hayashi MA, Guerreiro JR, Oliveira EF, Lebrun I, Pontieri V, Morais KL,
Camargo AC, Ulrich H (2010). The central nervous system as target for antihypertensive
actions of a proline-rich peptide from Bothrops jararaca venom. Cytometry A 77, 220-30.
62. Tárnok A, Ulrich H, Bocsi J (2010). Phenotypes of stem cells from diverse origin.
Cytometry A. 77, 6-10.
63. Oliveira EF, Guerreiro JR, da Silva CA ; Benedetti GF ; Lebrun I. ; Ulrich H., Lameu C ;
Camargo ACM (2010) . Enhancement of the citrulline-nitric oxide cycle in astroglioma cells
by the proline-rich peptide-10c from Bothrops jararaca venom. Brain Research 1363, 11-19.
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64. Lameu C ; Pontieri, V. ; Guerreiro, J. R. ; Oliveira E.F. ; da Silva CA ; Giglio JM ; Campos
RR; Camargo, A. C. M. ; Ulrich H (2010) Brain nitric oxide production by a proline-rich
decapeptide from Bothrops jararaca venom
improves baroreflex sensitivity of
spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension Research 33, 1283-1288.
65. Shapiro HM, Ulrich H (2010). Cytometry in malaria: From research tool to practical
diagnostic approach? Cytometry A. 77, 500-501.
66. Majumder P, Gomes KN, Ulrich H (2009). Aptamers: from bench side research towards
patented molecules with therapeutic applications. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents
19, 1603-13.
67. Russo LC, Goni CN, Asega AF, Camargo ACM, Terra WR, Trujillo CA, Ulrich H,
Glucksman MC, Scavone C, Ferro ES (2009). Interaction with calmodulin is important for
the secretion of thimet oligopeptidase following stimulation. The FEBS Journal 276, 435871.
68. Ulrich H, Wrenger C. (2009). Disease-specific biomarker discovery by aptamers.
Cytometry. A, 75:727-33.
69. Ferchmin PA, Pagan OR, Ulrich H, Szeto A.; Hann R. M.; Eterovic, V. A. (2009). Actions of
octocoral and tobacco cembranoids on nicotinic receptors. Toxicon, 54:1174-82.
70. Nery AA, Wrenger C, Ulrich H (2009). Recognition of biomarkers and cell-specific
molecular signatures: Aptamers as capture agents. Journal of Separation Science,
71. Doná F, Ulrich H, Persike DS, Conceição IM, Blini JP, Cavalheiro EA, Fernandes MJ.
(2009). Alteration of purinergic P2X4 and P2X7 receptor expression in rats with temporallobe epilepsy induced by pilocarpine. Epilepsy Res. 83:157-67.
Adams V, Challen GA, Zuba-Surma E, Ulrich H, Vereb G, Tárnok A. (2009). Where new
approaches can stem from: focus on stem cell identification. Cytometry A 75, 1-3.
Trujillo CA, Schwindt TT, Martins AH, Alves JM, Mello LE, Ulrich H (2009). Novel
perspectives of neural stem cell differentiation: From neurotransmitters to therapeutics.
Cytometry A 75, 38-53.
Marconi M, Sanchez R, Ulrich H*, Romero F* (2008). Potassium currents in mature
bovine spermatozoa. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine 54, 231-9. *Corresponding
authors: Ulrich H and Romero F
Resende RR, Britto LRG, Ulrich H (2008). Pharmacological properties of purinergic
receptors and their effects on proliferation and induction of neuronal differentiation of P19
embryonal carcinoma cells. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 26, 763-77.
Nery AA, Trujillo CA, Lameu C, Konno K, Oliveira V, Camargo ACM, Ulrich H*, Hayashi
MAF* (2008). A novel physiological property of snake bradykinin-potentiating peptides –
reversion of MK-801 inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Peptides 29, 1708-15.
*Corresponding authors: Ulrich H and Hayashi MAF
Faria M, Ulrich H (2008). Sugar boost-when ribose modifications improve oligonucleotide
performance. Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics, 10,168-75.
Martins AH,. Alves JM, Trujillo CA, Schwindt TT, Barnabé GF, Motta FLT, Guimarães
AO, Casarini DE, Luiz Mello EA, Pesquero, JB, Ulrich H (2008). Kinin-B2 receptor expression
and activity during differentiation of embryonic neurospheres. Cytometry A 73, 361-368.
Resende RR, Alves AS, Britto LRG, Ulrich H (2008). Role of acetylcholine receptors in
proliferation and differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. Experimental Cell
Research 314, 1429-43.
Resende RR, Gomes KN, Adhikari, A, Britto LRG, Ulrich H (2008). Mechanism of
acetylcholine-induced calcium signaling during neuronal differentiation of P19 embryonal
carcinoma cells in vitro. Cell Calcium, 43,107-121.
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Ulrich H, Akk G, Nery AA, Rodriguez AD, Trujillo CA, Eterovic VA (2008). Mode of
cembranoid action on embryonic muscle acetylcholine receptor. Journal of Neuroscience
Research 86, 93-107
Majumder P, Trujillo CA, Lopes CG, Resende RR, Gomes KN, Yuahasi KK, Britto LRG,
Ulrich H (2007). New insights of purinergic receptor signaling in neuronal differentiation,
neuroprotection, and brain disorders. Purinergic Signalling 3, 317-331.
Trujillo CA, Nery AA, Alves JM, Martins AH, Ulrich H (2007) Anti-VEGF aptamer as a
therapeutic agent in clinical ophthamalogy trials. Clinical Ophthamology, 1, 393-402.
Resende RR, Torres HAM, Yuahasi KK, Majumder P, Ulrich H (2007). Delivery systems
of nucleic acids drugs for in vivo use. Drug Target 2, 183-186.
Trujillo CA, Majumder P, Gonzalez FA, Moaddel R, Ulrich H (2007). Immobilized P2X2
purinergic receptor stationary phase for chromatographic determination of pharmacological
properties and drug screening. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 44:70110.
Du M, Ulrich H, Zhao X, Aronowski J, Jayaraman V (2007). Water soluble RNA based
antagonist of AMPA receptors. Neuropharmacology 53:242-51.
Resende RR, Majumder P, Gomes KN, Britto LRG, Ulrich H (2007) P19 embryonal
carcinoma cells as in vitro model for studying purinergic receptor expression and modulation
of N-methyl-D-aspartate-glutamate and acetylcholine receptors during neuronal
differentiation. Neuroscience 146: 1169-81.
Resende RR, Faria F, Ulrich H (2007). The contribution of nitric oxide and carbon
monoxide to neuronal function and development. Central Nervous System Agents in
Medicinal Chemistry 7: 85-96
Resende RR, Ulrich H, Faria F (2007). Is there a rational approach for increasing drug
specificity? Considerations on CNS target choice and validation. Recent Patents on CNS
Drug Discovery 2, 37-46.
da Silva RL, Resende RR, Ulrich H (2007). Alternative splicing of P2X6 receptors in
developing mouse brain and during in vitro-neuronal differentiation. Experimental Physiology
92, 139-45
Ulrich H, Trujillo CA, Nery AA, Alves JM, Majumder P, Resende RR, Martins AH. (2006).
DNA and RNA aptamers: from tools for basic research towards therapeutic applications.
Comb Chem High Throughput Screen.9: 619-32.
Adhikari A., Penatti C.A.A., Resende RR, Ulrich H, Britto RG, Bechara E. (2006). 5aminolevulinate and 4,5-dioxovalerate ions decrease GABAA receptor density in neuronal
cells, synaptosomes and rat brain. Brain Research 1093, 95-104.
Ulrich H., Majumder P. (2006). Neurotransmitter receptor expression and activity during
neuronal differentiation of embryonal carcinoma and stem cells: From basic research towards
clinical applications. Cell Proliferation 39, 281-300.
Trujillo C.A., Nery A.A., Martins A.H., Majumder P., Gonzalez F.A., Ulrich H. (2006).
Inhibition mechanism of the recombinant rat P2X2 receptor in glial cells by suramin and TNPATP. Biochemistry 62, 224-33.
Magdesian MH, Nery AA, Martins AHB, Juliano MA, Juliano Neto L, Ulrich H, Ferreira ST
(2005). Peptide blockers of the inhibition of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by
Abeta. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280, 31085-90.
Martins AHB, Resende RR, Majumder P, Faria M., Casarini DE, Tárnok A, Colli W,
Pesquero JB, Ulrich H (2005) Neuronal differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells
modulates kinin B2 receptor gene expression and function. Journal of Biological Chemistry
280, 19576-19586
Ulrich H (2005) RNA and DNA aptamers as modulators of protein function. Medical
Chemistry, 199-208.
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Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
Silber AM, Colli W, Ulrich H, Alves MJM, Pereira CA (2005). Amino acid metabolic routes
in Trypanosoma cruzi: Possible therapeutic targets against Chagas´disease. Current Drug
Targets-Infectious Disorders 5, 53-64.
Ulrich H and Tárnok A. Quantification of cell cycle distribution in Hydra by flow cytometry.
Cell Proliferation. 38,63-75
100. Majumder P, Faria M, Ulrich H (2005). Targeting DNA associated processes for cancer
therapy by the use of SELEX and Anti-gene approaches – when selection meets rational
design. Medicinal Chemistry Reviews-Online 2, 257-264.
101. Cui Y, Ulrich H, Hess GP (2004). Selection of 2´-fluoro-modified RNA aptamers for
alleviation of cocaine and MK-801 inhibition of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. J.
Membrane Biol. 202, 137-149.
102. Faria M, Giovannangeli C, Ulrich H (2004) DNA and RNA code-reading molecules as
potential gene silencers in neurobiology-what are they and what are they good for? Current
Chemical Chemistry-Central Nervous System Agents 4, 243-254.
103. Ulrich H, Martins AHB, Pesquero JB (2004). RNA and DNA aptamers in cytomics
analysis. Cytometry 59 A, 220-231.
104. Hess GP, Gameiro AM, Schoenfeld RC, Chen Y, Ulrich H, Nye JA, Caroll FI, Ganem B
(2003) Reversing the action of non-competitive inhibitors (MK-801 and cocaine) on a protein
(nicotinic acetylcholine receptor) mediated reacted. Biochemistry 42, 6106-14.
105. Faria M, Ulrich H (2002). The use of synthetic oligonucleotides as protein inhibitors and
anticode drugs in cancer therapy: accomplishments and limits. Current Cancer Drug Targets
2, 355-68.
106. Ulrich H, Magdesian MH, Alves MJM, Colli W (2002). In vitro selection of RNA aptamers
that bind to cell surface receptors of Trypanosoma cruzi and inhibit cell invasion. J. Biol.
Chem. 277, 20756-62.
107. Ulrich H, Gameiro AM (2001). Aptamers as tools to study dysfunction in the neuronal
system. Curr. Med. Chem. – Central Nervous System Agents 1, 125-32.
108. Ulrich H, Alves MJM, Colli W (2001). RNA and DNA aptamers as potential tools to
combat cell adhesion in disease. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 34,
109. Magdesian MH, Giordano R, Ulrich H, Juliano MA, Juliano L, Schumacher RI, Colli W,
Alves MJM (2001). Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi: Identification of a parasite ligand and its
host cell receptor. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276, 19382-9.
110. Tarnok A, and Ulrich H (2001). Characterization of the stress-induced calcium response
in neuronal cell lines. Cytometry 43, 175-181.
111. Hess GP, Ulrich H., Breitinger HGB, Niu L., Gameiro A, Grewer C, Srivastava S, Ippolito
JE, Lee S, Jayaraman V, Coombs S (2000). Mechanism-based discovery of ligands that
prevent inhibition of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor by cocaine and MK-801. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 97, 13895-900.
112. Ulrich H, Ippolito JE, Pagán OR, Eterovic E, Hann R M, Shi H, Lis JT, Eldefrawi M E,
Hess GP (1998). In vitro selection of RNA molecules that displace cocaine from the
membrane-bound nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 14051-6.
113. Kayser, S. T., Ulrich, H., Schaller, H.C. (1998). Involvement of a Gardos-type potassium
channel in head activator-induced mitosis of BON cells. European Journal of Cell Biology 76,
114. Ulrich, H., Tarnok, A. and Schaller, H.C. (1996). Head-activator induced mitosis of NH15CA2 cells requires calcium influx and hyperpolarization. J. Physiol. (Paris) 90, 85-94.
115. Christians, C., Neubauer, K.-H., Ulrich, H. (1992). Purification and characterization of the
head-activator receptor from a multi-headed mutant of Chlorohydra viridissima. FEBS Letters
316, 141-6.
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Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
Books (total of 3)
1. Ulrich H, Ho PL, Faria M, Colli (2008) (eds.) Bases Moleculares da Biotecnologia (Molecular
Bases of Biotechnology). Editor Roca Ltda, São Paulo, Brazil, ISBN 978-85-7241-759-4.
2. Ulrich H (ed.) (2010) Stem cells: Perspectives of Stem Cells - From tools for studying
mechanisms of neuronal differentiation towards therapy. Springer Science + Business Media,
Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 9789048133741.
3. Resende R R, Ulrich H (2013) Trends in Stem Cell Proliferation and Cancer Research. 1. ed.
Amsterdam; Heidelberg; New York: Springer Business Media, Dordrecht Heidelberg London
New York, v. 1. 708p, 978-94-007-6210-7.
Book articles (total of 15)
1. Nascimento IC ; Ulrich, H. . Basic studies for neural stem cells in the brain. In: Li-Ru Zhao; John
H. Zhang. (Org.). Cellular Therapy for Stroke and CNS Injuries. 1ed.Dordrecht Heidelberg
London NY: Springer Science + Business Media, 2014, v. 1, p. 3-16.
2. Schwindt TT ; FERRAZOLI, E. G. ; Ulrich, H. . Parkinson s Disease: Genetics, Mechanisms
and Diagnosis. Young Perspectives for Old Diseases. 1ed.Oak Park, EUA: Bentham Science
Publishers, 2014, v. , p. 155-176.
3. Glaser T, Oliveira A, Sardà-Arroyo L, Ulrich H (2014) Growth and Neurotrophic Factor
Receptors in Neural Differentiation and Phenotype Specification. In: Editor Jan Pruszak,
Neural Surface Antigens, Springer Business, ISBN. 9780128007815, in press.
4. Pillat, M. M. ; Glaser, T. ; Schwindt TT ; Ulrich, H. (2013). An Introduction to Proliferation and
Migration of Stem and Cancer Cells. In: Rodrigo Ribeiro Resende; Henning Ulrich. (Org.).
Trends in Stem Cell Proliferation and Cancer Research. 1ed.Amsterdam: Springer Business,
v. 1, ISBN 978-94-007-6210-7, p. 3-12.
5. Lameu C ; Ulrich, H. (2012) Applications of Snake Venom Proline-rich Oligopeptides (Bj-PROs)
in Disease Conditions Resulting from Deficient Nitric Oxide Production. In: Hany El-Shemy.
(Org.). Drug Discovery. 1ed.Rijeka, Croatia: INTECH, 2012, v.1, ISBN 978-85-64010-09-3 , p.
Colombo. (Org.). Target Identification and Validation in Drug Discovery: Methods and
Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology). 1ed.New York: SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS
MEDIA, LLC, 2012, v. 986, ISBN: 978-1-62703-310-7, p. 17-39.
7. Ulrich, H (2012) Purinergic receptors in stem cell biology. In: M.A. Hayat. (Org.). Stem Cells
and Cancer Stem Cells. 1ed.Dordrecht, Heidelberg: Springer, 2012, v. 8, p. 267-274.
8. Wrenger C. ; Ulrich, H. (2011) Drug Discovery by Aptamers in Protozoan Infectious Diseases.
In: Izet M. Kapetanovic. (Org.). Drug Discovery and Development - Present and Future.
1ed.Rijeka: InTech, 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-615-7, p. 379-390.
9. Cheffer A ; Trujillo, CA. ; Ulrich, H (2011). Bases neurais da memória humana (Neural bases
of human memory). In: Helmut Galle; Rainer Schmidt. (Org.). A memória e as ciências
humanas - Um conceito transdisciplinar em pesquisas atuais na Alemanha e no Brasil
(Memory and human sciences – A transdisciplinar concept in Germany and Brazil). São
Paulo: Humanitas, 2011, v. , p. 21-38.
10. K.K. Yuahasi, K.N. Gomes, M. Campos, A.A. Nery, A. Nunes Alves, C.A. Trujillo, H. Ulrich.
Neurotransmitters as Main Players in the Neural Differentiation and Fate Determination Game.
In: Perspectives of Stem Cells - From tools for studying mechanisms of neuronal
differentiation towards therapy; (ed. Henning Ulrich); Springer Science and Business Media,
Amsterdam. ISBN 9789048133741, pp. 115-134.
11. Hayashi MA, Nery AA, Camargo AC, Ulrich H (2008). Novel roles of highly specific natural
inhibitors of the angiotensin-converting enzyme.
Toxines et fonctions cholinergiques
neuronales et non neuronales .Collection : Rencontres en toxinologie (SFET) E. BENOIT,
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Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
F.GOUDEY-PERRIERE, P. MARCHOT, Denis SERVENT (eds.), Société Française pour
l'Etude des Toxines, Paris, France, E-book, pp. 47-54.
12. Ulrich H, Trujillo C.A. (2008). Desenvolvimento de aptâmeros como inibidores específicos de
proteínas envolvidas em doenças utilizando bibliotecas combinatórias de oligonucleotídeos
(SELEX). Bases Moleculares da Biotecnologia (eds.H. Ulrich, W. Colli, P.L. Ho, M. Faria).
Editora Roca Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil, ISBN 978-85-7241-759-4, pp. 37-54.
13. Ulrich H (2006). RNA Aptamers: From Basic Science Towards Therapy. In: Handbook of
Experimental Pharmacology: RNA towards Medicine. V. Erdmann; J. Brosius; J.
Barcisszewski (eds.) Springer Verlag GmbH Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN 3-540-27261-5, pp. 305326.
14. Ulrich H, Martins, A.H.B., and Pesquero, J.B. (2005). RNA and DNA aptamers in cytomics
analysis. In: Current Protocols in Cytometry, J. Paul Robinson (Managing Editor); Zbigniew
Darzynkiewicz; William Hyun; Alberto Orfao; Peter Rabinovitch (eds.), John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., Hoboken, New York. ISBN 0-555-02169-6. Unit 7.28, pp. 1 – 39.
15. Ulrich H (2005). Applications of RNA and DNA aptamers in basic science, diagnostics and
therapy. In: Combinatorial Chemistry and Technologies: Methods and Applications, 2nd
edition, Fassina, G., Miertus, S. (eds.), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0824758374, pp.
505 – 521.
16. Ulrich H (2005). DNA and RNA aptamers as tools for target validation and drug
development. In: Progress in Protein Research, F. Columbus, (ed.), Nova Science Publishers,
Inc., Hauppauge, NY. ISBN 1594542783
17. Tarnok A, Ulrich H (1999). Detection and purification of rare responders by fixed-time flow
cytometry. In: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting 2nd edition, Radbruch, A. (ed.), Springer
Verlag, Berlin, New York. ISBN 3-540-65630, pp. 140-158.
Patents (total of 3)
1. Pharmaceutic compositions secreted by venom glands from the snake Bothrops jararaca,
EVASINS, their analogs, derivatives and derived products as modulators of acetylcholine
receptor activity.
Inventors: Mirian Akemi Furuie Hayashi, Antonio Carlos Martins de Camargo, Henning
Ulrich, Rubén Dario Sinisterra Millán, Robson Augusto Souza dos Santos, Danielle Alves
Ianzer, Raphael dos Reis Marioni. Co-titulares: Biolab Sanus Farmacêutica, FAPESP. Instituto
Nacional de Propriedade Nacional, São Paulo, Brazil, No. 001395-11/02/04. International
2. Aplicações de formulações de oligonucleotídeos quimicamente modificados como
moduladores da atividade de receptores purinérgicos e aptâmeros B7 (Applications of
formulations of chemically modified oligonucleotides as modulators of purinergic receptor
activity and aptamer B7).
Inventors: Henning Ulrich, Katia das Neves Gomes, Rodrigo Ribeiro Resende. Deposited by:
USP, co-patent holder: FAPESP, Universidade de São João del Rei. Instituto Nacional de
Propriedade Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, No. de pedido 0000221105247117. Deposit on
Polinucleotídeos quimicamente modificados e processo de produção de
polinucleotídeos quimicamente modificados (Chemical-modified polynucleotides and
production of these .polynucleotides) INPI nº. BR 10 2013 021701-8. (deposit in 26/08/2013).
Inventors: Henning Ulrich, Arthur A. Nery, Vinicius Bassaneze, José Eduardo Krieger.
Characterization and signal transduction of the head-activator receptor in the neural
cell line NH15-CA2. Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry, Heidelberg (Germany),
October 1994
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Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
2. Head-activator induced mitosis of NH15-CA2 cells requires calcium influx and
hyperpolarization. Meeting of the German Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry,
Heidelberg (Germany), October 1997
3. Cocaine-displaceable RNA aptamers bound to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Satellite
Meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Washington, DC,
October 1998.
4. In vitro selection of RNA aptamers that bind to cell-surface receptors of Trypanosoma cruzi.
International Meeting on Extracellular Matrix (SIMEC) 2000, Angra dos Reis, Brazil,
September 2000.
5. In vitro selection of RNA aptamers that bind to cell adhesion receptors of Trypanosoma
cruzi and inhibit cell invasion. XXX. Annual Congress of the SBBq (Brazilian Society for
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), Caxambu, Brazil , May 2001.
6. .In vitro selection of RNA aptamers that bind to cell adhesion receptors of Trypanosoma
cruzi and inhibit cell invasion. Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, September
7. Aptamers as tools to study dysfunction in the neuronal system. Symposium of the Center
for Molecular and Behavorial Neuroscience (CMBN/RCMI). Añasco, Puerto Rico, April 2002.
New inhibition mechanism for the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor based on transient
kinetics and combinatorial synthesis. XXXI. Annual Congress of the SBBq (Brazilian Society
for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), Caxambu, Brazil , May 2002
Combinatorial oligonucleotide libraries for the selection of RNA aptamers that target
receptor function implicated in disease”. European Summer School: Frontiers in Cell and
Immune Technologies (theoretical and practical courses). EPONA and University Debrecen,
Hungary, September 2003
Receptor function during neuronal differentiation. VI. Congress of the Dept. of
Biochemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo, Abril 2003
Discovery of ligands, which protect normal function of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
VII. Congress of the Dept. of Biochemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo,
Abril 2004
12. Mechanism-based discovery of ligands that counteract inhibition of the nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor. XIX Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Federation for Experimental
Biology (FESBE) 2004, Águas de Lindóia, Brazil, August 2004.
13. Aptamers as modulators of protein functions and tools for cytomics research. 14th Annual
Conference: German Society of Cytometry and 17th Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium.
Heidelberg, October 2004]
14. Function of purinergic and bradykinin receptors during neurodegeneration and neuronal
differentiation. XX Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Federation for Experimental Biology
(FESBE) 2004, Águas de Lindóia, Brazil, August 2005.
15. Martins, A.H., Lenz, D., Mittag, A., Tárnok, A., Ulrich, H., Pesquero, J.B. Development of
anti-kinin B1 receptor aptamers as a tool for imaging using laser-scanning cytometry. 15th
Annual Meeting of the German Society, Leipzig, Alemanha. Published in Cell Proliferation 38,
192, October 2005.
16. Martins, A.H., Ribeiro, C.C., Casarini, D.E., Esquire, J.B., Ulrich, H. Kinin-B1 receptor
activity during commitment of P19 teratocarcinoma cells to neuronal differentiation. 15th
Annual Meeting of the German Society, Leipzig, Published in: Cell Proliferation 38, 192 ,
October 2005.
17. SELEX: In vitro evolution of RNA molecules with novel properties as ligands or catalytic
activity. V São Paulo Research Conference – Theory of Evolution: Principals and Facts. May
Calcium signaling mediated by neurotransmitter receptors during in vitro neuronal
differentiation. Dep. de Biologia Celular e Molecular e Bioagentes Patogênicos da Faculdade
de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/ University of São Paulo, October 2006.
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Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
In vitro neuronal differentiation of embryonic and progenitor cells depends on kinin-B2
receptor activity. XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology and 10th International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
(IUBMB), Salvador, Brazil, May 2007 .
Proliferation and differentiation of embryonic cells to neurons depend on purinergic
receptor-induced calcium transients. Session “Purinergic receptor expression and function in
the nervous system” XXII. Annual Conference of the Federation of Brazilian Societies for
Experimental Biology (FESBE), Águas de Lindóia, Brazil, August 2007.
21. Molecular mechanism of bradykinin action in neuronal differentiation. Symposium “The
impact of molecular biology on neuroscience”. XXII. Annual Conference of the Federation of
Brazilian Societies for Experimental Biology (FESBE), Águas de Lindóia, Brazil, August 2007.
22. Mechanism-based development of RNA aptamers as allosteric inhibitors of P2X2
purinergic receptors. Session “Biophysics purinergic signaling and diseases”. XXXII Annual
Meeting of the SBBf (Brazilian Society of Biophysics) August 2007, Águas de Lindóia, Brazil.
SELEX: In vitro evolution of RNA molecules with novel characteristics as inhibitors of
receptor-ligand interactions. Session “Small non-coding RNAs”. 53. Brazilian Congress of
Genetics. September 2007, Águas de Lindóia, Brazil.
Kinin-B2 receptor expression and activity during differentiation of embryonic
neurospheres. Apresentação oral: XXIV International Congress: Cytometry in the Age of
Systems Biology, Budapest, Hungary, May 2008.
How ion channels and metabotropic receptors guide neuronal differentiation: From
basic research towards possible therapeutic applications. “Course on molecular and cellular
bases of diseases of the 21. Century: 200 years of Medicine Faculty in Brazil and 10 years of
UNESCO-UFRJ Cathedral.”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2008.
25. Aptamers as specific ligands of cell surface epitopes: from basic research to therapeutic
applications. Neurooncology Symposium organized by the Postgraduation program in
Morphological Sciences, Institute of Biosciences of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, August 2008.
26. Aptamers: From tools in basic science towards therapeutic applications XI. São Paulo
Research Conferences: Molecular Medicine and Pharmacokinetics, September 2008.
27. Purinergic signalling in neuroprotection and brain disorders. I. Workshop on ClinicalExperimental Integration in Neuroscience, Dept. of Neurology of the Faculty of Medicine,
University of São Paulo, Brazil, August 2008.
Roles of bradykinin receptors in differentiation and neuroprotection. XXXVIII Annual
Congress of the SBBq (Brazilian Society for Biochemsitry and Molecular Biology), Águas de
Lindóia, Brazil, May 2009
How ion channels and metabotropic receptors guide neuronal differentiation. “Winter
School” of the Jagelionian University, Krakow, Zacapone, Poland, February 2009.
30. Stem cells and Neuronal Differentiation. 2nd Conference of the Cytometry Society-India,
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, February 2009.
Stem cell identification and study of neural differentiation by image and flow cytometry.
IFAC-CORE workshop on “Flow Cytometry and its Application in Ophthalmic Research”,
Arvind Medical Research Foundation, Madurai, India , February 2009.
Calcium Signaling and Neuronal Differentiation. IFAC-CORE workshop on “Flow
Cytometry and its Application in Ophthalmic Research”, Arvind Medical Research Foundation,
Madurai, Índia, February 2009.
Ulrich H. Modulation of neuronal differentiation by bradykinin receptors. International
Symposium in Molecular Technologies, Universidade Panjab, Chandigarh, Índia, February
2009.. Ulrich, H. Modulation of Neuronal Differentiation by Kinin-B2 Receptors. Annual
Meeting of the Ibero-Panamerican Society of Biophysics, Búzios, Brazil, November 2009.
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Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
Trans-differentiation of human adipose stem cells into neurons expressing functional
neurotransmitter receptors. XV. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Cell Biology, São
Paulo, July 2010.
Changes from aerobic to anaerobic glucose metabolism during differentiation of
embryonic cells into neurons. . XV. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Cell Biology,
São Paulo, July 2010.
Ulrich H., Trujillo CA, Lameu C, Schwindt TT. Kinin-B2 receptors modulate
neurogenesis and gliogenesis in embryonic rat brain progenitor cells. Health & Environment –
Workshop on Scientific Cooperation Slovenia – Brazil, Piran, Slovenia, June 2010.
Kinin-B2 receptors modulate neurogenesis and gliogenesis of embryonic rat brain
progenitor cells. Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry, Seattle,
WA, May 2010.
Involvement of bradykinin receptors in fate determination of neural stem and
progenitor cells. II. Symposium on Pharmacology, Institute of Health Sciences, Salvador,
Brazil, May 2010.
Implications of purinergic receptors in neuronal differentiation. 1. Meeting of the
Brazilian Purine Club: Purinergic Signaling and Therapeutic Applications. Águas de Lindóia,
Brazil, August 2010.
Kinin-B2 receptors modulate neurogenesis and gliogenesis of embryonic rat brain
progenitor cells. "1st Meeting on Stem Cell Research of the Instituto de Química: Perspectives
of Stem Cells, University of São Paulo, Brazil, September 2010.
Modulation of neurogenesis and gliogenesis by bradykinin receptors. X. Regional
Congress of the SBBq (Brazilian Society for Biochemsitry and Molecular Biology), Salvador,
Brazil, November 2010.
Molecular bases of neural stem and progenitor cell differentiation. Meeting of the
National Consortium of Cellular Therapy. Brasilia, Brazil, December 2010.
The aptamer technology: promises of synthetic and robotic biology, Workshop on
Synthetic Biology and Robotics realized by FAPESP in partnership with the British Consulate
in São Paulo, February 2011.
Kinin and purinergic receptors as key players in the neural fate determination game.
The First International Symposium on Cancer and Enteric Diseases (ESCOLA DE ALTOS
ESTUDOS) DINTER-CAPES), Fortaleza, Brazil, March 2011.
Image and flow cytometry for studying mechanisms of stem cell differentiation. Keynote
Lecture, 16. Leipziger Workshop: Cytomics in LIFE, Leipzig, April 2011.
Disease-specific biomarker discovery by aptamers. Best Paper Award Lecture, XXVI
Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC), Baltimore, May
Functions of Bradykinin in Neural Fate Determination and Neuroprotection. 1. Baltic
Stem Cell Meeting, Szczecin, Poland, May 2011.
Functions of purinergic receptors in directing neural differentiation and final phenotype
specification of embryonic stem cell models. Italian – German Purine Club, Bonn, July 2011.
Bradykinin-induced neurogenesis and neuroprotection in differentiation and ischemic
stroke models. XXVI. Annual Conference of the Federation of Brazilian Societies for
Experimental Biology (FESBE), August 2011.
Aptamers and riboswitches: Structure, functions and clinical applications. Summer
School, Piran, Eslovênia, August 2011.
Regulation of neurogenesis and gliogenesis by bradykinin. INSTITUTO DA GLIA: uma
aliança da América do Sul (Institute of Glia: a South American Alliance), Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, October 2011.
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Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
Differentiation of neural stem cells by bradykinin: A novel strategy for glioma cells. 4.
Symposium on new frontiers of cell biology, Faculty of Odontology, Federal University of Rio
Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, November 2011.
Functions of bradykinin in neurogenesis and neuroprotection.
5. Workshop
Universidade de São Paulo – Universidad de la Fronteira, Functions of bradykinin in
neurogenesis and neuroprotection" in the “Symposium 6. Bioresources and Biomedicine",
Pucon, Chile, November 2011.
Interrelationship between Purinergic Receptors and Nitric Oxide during Differentiation
of Neural Stem Cells. International Purine Congress, Purine 2012: Adenine Nucleosides and
Nucleotides in Biomedicine ~ Purinergic Signalling in New Strategy of Drug Discovery”,
Fukuoka, Japan, April 2012.
2011 Winner: Henning Ulrich- Award lecture. Title: Aptamer Technology: From Basic
Science to Applications in Diagnosis and Therapy. Publication: Ulrich H, Wrenger C. Diseasespecific biomarker discovery by aptamers. Cytometry A. 2009;75(9):727-33”. Annual Congress
of International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC), Leipzig, June 2012.
Key Note Lecture: Bradykinin Functions in Neurogenesis: From Stem Cell
Differentiation towards Preclinical Models of Parkinson´s Disease. Annual Congress of
International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC), Leipzig, June 2012.
Bradykinin in neurogenesis: From neural stem cell differentiation towards preclinical
models of Parkinson´s disease. XXVII. Annual Conference of the Federation of Brazilian
Societies for Experimental Biology (FESBE), Águas de Lindoia, August 2012.
Bradykinin-induced signaling pathways in neural differentiation and neuroprotection. 1.
Brazilian Symposium on Calcium Signaling. Belo Horizonte, Brazil, October 2012.
Purinergic receptors in neural differentiation and final phenotype specification of
pluripotent cells. 3. International Congress of the Brazilian Purine Club, Ouro Preto, Brazil,
September 2012.
Modulation of stem cell differentiation by bradykinin: From basic research towards
clinic applications. Symposium on Developmental Biology and Stem Cells. Institute for
Biological Sciences, University of São Paulo, March 2013.
Role of bradykinin in bone marrow metastasis, 7th Conference on Experimental and
Translational Oncology - CETO, Piran, Slovenia, April 2013.
Mesenchymal stem cell identification and characterization..
Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry): Innovation, Discovery
and Translation, 2013, San Diego, CA, May 2013.
Bradykinin functions in neurogenesis: From induction of neurogenesis towards
preclinical models of Parkinson´s disease. 2nd Baltic Stem Cell Meeting, Szcezin, Poland,
June 2013.
The aptamer technique: From basic concepts to therapeutic applications.
Symposium of Pharmacology, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, August 2013.
Purinergic signaling in differentation and neural phenotype determination. 5th Joint
Italian-German Purine Club Meeting. Rimini, Italy, October 2013.
Bradykinin functions in neurogenesis: From induction of neurogenesis towards
preclinical models of Parkinson´s disease. XII PABMB (Panamerican Society for Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology) Congress 2013. Puerto Varas, Chile, November 2013.
Bradykinin in neurogenesis: From stem cell differentiation towards applications in brain
disorders. 2013 World Stem Cell Summit, San Diego, CA, December 2013.
Development of aptamers as inhibitors and allosteric modulators of protease activity.
XXXIst Winter School on Proteinases and Their Inhibitors in Tiers am Rosengarten, Italy,
February 2014.
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Biographical sketch of Henning Ulrich
Purinergic signaling in neuro-gliogenesis of embryonic stem cells. Symposium of Rede
Glial-Lusobrasileira (Portuguese-Brazilian Network), at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 2014.
PILLAT, M. M. ; GLASER, T. ; Cappellari, A.R. ; Battastini, A.M. ; Schwindt TT ; Ulrich,
H. . Mechanisms of Bradykinin in Neural Differentiation. In: Brazilian Society for Cell Biology
(SBBC) XVII Meeting: Dynamics Cell Biology in Health and Disease, 2014, Foz de Iguaçu.
(presented by M.M. Pillat).
Induction of Neurogenesis by Bradykinin: From Neural Stem Cell Differentiation toward
Neuroregeneration and Neuroprotection in Brain Disease. In: 21st Annual Meeting of the
Society for Neural Therapy and Repair, 2014, Clearwater Beach (FL). (H. Ulrich invited
speaker and chair-man of the symposium).
Lah TT ; MOTALN, H. ; Ulrich, H. Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Part of the
Glioblastoma Microenvironment. In: 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neural Therapy
and Repair, 2014, Clearwater Beach (FL) (presented by TT Lah).
P2X7 Receptors in Neural Differentiation of Pluripotent Stem Cells. International
Congress on Purines, 2014, Bonn (Germany) (H. Ulrich invited speaker and chair-man of the
74. Sinalização purinérgica na neuro e gliogenêse de células tronco-embrionárias (Purinergic
signaling in neuro- and glio-genesis of embryonic stem cells. I Simpósio da Rede GlialLusobrasileira, 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
75. Sinalização por receptores de bradicinina e de purinas na migração de células tronco e
tumorais (Bradykinin- and purine-mediated receptor signaling in the migration of stem and
tumor cells) III Simpósio Latino-Americano de Neuroquímica e VI Simpósio de Atualização em
Farmacologia da UFBA, 2014, Salvador, BA.
76. Kinin and purinergic signaling in stem cell migration and differentiation (Keynote lecture).
20. Leipziger Workshop on Translational Cytomics, Leipzig, Germany
77. Down-regulation of P2X7 receptor activity is required for neuronal embryonic stem cell
differentiation and regeneration of dopaminergic neurons in an animal model of Parkinson’s
disease. In: 22st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Neural Therapy and Repair,
2015, Clearwater Beach (FL).
78. Purinergic signaling in neurogenesis and brain repair (closing plenary conference) Fifth
Meeting Brazilian Purine Club and II International Congress of Purinergic Signaling in South
America, Maresias, SP, Brazil, 2015.
79. Purinergic differentiation in neural differentiation and brain repair. 3rd Baltic Stem Cell
Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, June 2015.
80. Promotion of neurogenesis and neuroprotection by bradykinin. Kinin 2015 Brazil International Meeting on Kinin System and Peptide Receptors. São Paulo, Brazil, 2015.
1. Characterization and signal transduction of the head-activator receptor in the neural cell
line NH15-CA2. Sonderforschungsbereichs (SFB)-Klausurtagung: Functions and Defects of
Receptor Systems. Hamburg (Germany), 1994.
2 Pathway of the neuropeptide head activator induced signal transduction. Institute for
Hormone and Fertility Research, Hamburg (Germany), 1995.
3. Cocaine – displaceable aptamers bound to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Center for
the Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience and the RCMI Program, Universidad Central
do Caribe, Bayamon, Puerto Rico, February 1999
4. Cocaine – displaceable aptamers bound to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Institute of
Neurobiology, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan Puerto Rico, February 1999
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5. Cocaine–displaceable aptamers bound to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Institute of
Hormone and Fertility Research, Hamburg (Germany), 1999 .
Mechanism–based development of RNA aptamers that counteract the effect of cocaine.
Seminários Gerais, Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Química, Universidade de
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, July 1999.
7. Regulation of receptor function by RNA aptamers. Seminário do INFAR, Departamentos de
Biofísica, Bioquímica e Farmacologia, Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo, August
8. DNA and RNA aptâmeros como agentes terapêuticos, de diagnósticos e pesquisa (DNA
and RNA aptamers as therapeutic, diagnostic and research agents. Weekly seminars,
Depart. de Biologia, Instituto de Biociências da Univ. de São Paulo, October 2000.
9. RNA aptamers as tools to study protein functions affected in disease. Max-Bürger
Forschungszentrum, University of Leipzig, Leipzig (Germany), November 2000. [
10. RNA aptamers as tools to study protein functions affected in disease. University of
Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, November 2000.
11. RNA aptamers as tools to study protein functions affected in disease. Inst. of Hormone
and Fertility Research, Germany, November 2000
12. Aptâmeros de RNA como ferramentas para o estudo das funções de proteínas afetadas
em doenças ou “evolução in vitro. (Aptamers as tools for studying protein functions affected
in disease). Universidade Vale do Paraíba, São José dos Campos, Brazil. May 2001
Inibição da invasão celular por T. cruzi utilizando-se aptâmeros de RNA (Inhibition of.
“Seminários da Sociedade de Pesquisas em Biologia Celular”, Depto. de Micro, Imuno e
Parasitologia da Escola Paulista de Medicina-UNIFESP, São Paulo, junho de 2001
Mechanism-based discovery of ligands that counteract inhibition of the nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor. 1o workshop Temático Centro de Toxinologia Aplicada, Instituto de
Butantan, São Paulo, July 2001.
15. Mechanism-based discovery of ligands that counteract inhibition of the nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor. Instituto de Biociências de Rio Claro. Centro de estudos de insetos
sociais, UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, September 2011
16. Aplicação de testes de DNA forense no sistema legal (Applications of DNA tests in
forenscic medicine). XVIII Semana da Química - Prof. Dr. Paschoal Ernesto Américo
Senise. Instituto de Química, USP, São Paulo, September 2011
17. In vitro selection of RNA aptamers that bind to cell adhesion receptors of Trypanosoma
cruzi and inhibit cell invasion. “Seminários em Parasitologia: Curso de Pós-Graduação
Biologia da Relação Patógeno-Hospedeiro, Dep. de Parasitologia, ICB, USP, São Paulo,
October 2001
18. Selection of RNA and DNA aptamers that bind specifically to target proteins. Workshop;
Specialized Neuroscience Research Program, Universidad Central del Caribe, Bayamón,
Porto Rico, April 2002
19. Combinatorial oligonucleotide libraries for the selection of RNA and DNA aptamers that
target protein function altered in disease. “ICS-Workshop: Trends and Applications of
Combinatorial Chemistry”, São Pedro, S.P., Brasil, November 2002
Estudo do funcionamento de receptores durante a diferenciação neuronal (Study of
receptor functions during neuronal differentiation). VI. Congresso do Departamento de
Bioquímica, Instituto de Química, USP, April 2003
Aptâmeros como ferramentas para o estudo da disfunção de receptores em condições
patológicas (Aptamers as tools for the study of receptor dysfunction in pathological
conditions). Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, Depto. de Química, Universidade
Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, April 2003
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Estudo do funcionamento de receptores durante a diferenciação neuronal (Study of
receptor functions during neuronal differentiation). Dep. de Histologia e Embriologia.
Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, USP, São Paulo, May 2003 [
23. Purinergic P2X and bradykinin receptor expression and function during neuronal
differentiation in vitro. Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Specialized Neuroscience
Program in Minority Institutions, Universidad Central del Caribe, Bayamón, Porto Rico,
June 2003.
24. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: mechanism of inhibition and directions towards drug
discovery. Workshop Temático do CAT-CEPID “Ion channels and Transport”. Centro de
Toxinologia Aplicada, Instituto Butantan, São Paulo, August 2003
Aspectos fisiológicos das neurotoxinas e seus mecanismos de ação (Physiological
aspects of neurotoxins and their mechanisms of actions). XX. Semana da Química: “A
Química da Guerra”, Instituto de Química, USP, São Paulo, October 2003 [Doc 2.16.25]
26. Descoberta de ligantes que protegem funções normais do receptor nicotínico de
acetilcolina (Discovery of ligands, which protect normal functions of the nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor. VII. Congresso do Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de
Química, USP, São Paulo, April 2004
27. Uso de aptâmeros como inibidores de proteínas (Aptamers as protein inhibitors).
Seminários da Alellyx: Applied Genomics. Campinas, April de 2004
28. Aptamers as modulators of protein function. “Ciclo dos Seminários do Centro de Biologia
Molecular Estrutural / Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron”, Campinas, September
29. Tato e terminações nervosas/nervos (Touch and nerve terminals). XXI Semana da
Química: “A Química das sensações. Instituto de Química, USP, São Paulo, October
30. RNA aptamers as modulators of neurotransmitter receptor activity in disease and
neuronal differentiation. Palestra no Center for Molecular Neurobiology (ZMNH), University
of Hamburgo, Germany, October 2004
31. Study of bradykinin and purinergic receptor function during in vitro differentiation of an
embryonal carcinoma cell line. Heart Center Leipzig, University of Leipzig, Leipzig,
Germany, October 2004
32. Mechanism-based discovery of ligands that counteract inhibition of the nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor. Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, University of Leipzig,
Leipzig, Germany, October 2004
33. Aptamers as modulators of protein function. Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. São
Paulo, February 2005
34. RNA aptamers as tools to study receptor function implicated in disease and development.
“The Department of Integrative Biology & Pharmacology, Seminar Series”, the University of
Texas, Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX, E.U.A., Abril 2005
35. Bradykinin and purinergic receptor expression and function during neuronal differentiation
of P19 teratocarcinoma cells. Informal Seminar, Department of Molecular Biology and
Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, E.U.A., April 2005.
Estudo da função do receptor de bradicinina e dos receptores purinérgicos durante a
diferenciação neuronal in vitro de uma linhagem de teratocarcinoma. Seminários em
Fisiologia, Departamento de Fisiologia, Instituto de Biociências, USP, São Paulo, May
Estudo das funções de receptores de bradicinina e de ATP durante a diferenciação
neuronal in vitro de células P19 de carcinoma embrionário (Study of bradykinin and ATP
functions in vitro in P19 embryonal carcinoma cells). Reunião científica do Programa
Integrado de Hipertensão do Instituto do Coração, organizado pela Unidade de
Hipertensão do Instituto do Coração, São Paulo, August 2005.
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Tato e Terminações Nervos (Touch and nerve terminals). VIII Semana de Química
“Prof. Edson Rodrigues”, Instituto de Química de São Carlos, USP, São Carlos, September
Estudo da função do receptor de bradicinina e de ATP em células P19 de carcinoma
embrionário como modelo in vitro da embriogênese neuronal (Study of bradykinin and ATP
functions in P19 teratocarcinoma cells as in vitro model of neuronal embryogenesis).
Seminários Gerais do Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Química, USP, São Paulo,
november 2005
40. Participação dos receptores de bradicinina e de ATP na diferenciação neuronal in vitro
(Participation of bradykinin and ATP receptors in in vitro neuronal differentiation).
Seminários semanais do Departamento de Anatomia, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas,
USP, São Paulo, May 2006.
Neurociências molecular: Desenvolvimento e função do sistema nervoso (Molecular
neuroscience: Development and functioning of the nervous system. 1. Curso de Inverno –
Temas Avançados de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, Departamento de Bioquímica,
Instituto de Química, USP, São Paulo, July 2006 [
Participación de Receptores colinérgicos, purinérgicos y Kinin-B2 em diferenciación
neuronal (Participation of cholinergic, purinergic and kinin-B2 receptors in neuronal
differentiation). Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia Molecular Aplicada, Universidad
de La Frontera de Temuco, Chile, July 2006
Estudo da expressão e função de receptores purinérgicos e colinérgicos durante a
diferenciação neuronal in vitro (Expression and function of purinergic and cholinergic
receptors during in vitro neuronal differentiation). Departamento de Microbiologia,
Imunologia e Parasitologia, Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo, August 2006.
A técnica SELEX e suas aplicações biológicas (The SELEX technique and its
biological applications). Reunião Laboratório de Genética e Cardiologia Molecular InCor,
São Paulo, August 2006.
Estudo da expressão e função de receptores purinérgicos e de cininas durante a
diferenciação neuronal in vitro (Expression and function of purinergic and kinin receptors
during in vitro neuronal differentiation). Disciplina de Seminários da Pós-graduação em
Análises Clínicas da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da USP, São Paulo, August
46. SELEX as tool for identification of aptamers as specific inhibitors or ligands of
neurotransmitter receptors. “The Department of Integrative Biology & Pharmacology,
Seminar Series”, the University of Texas, Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX, E.U.A,
September 2006.
A técnica SELEX: Desenvolvimento de aptâmeros de RNA para possíveis aplicações
terapêuticas (The SELEX technique: Development of RNA aptamers for therapeutic
applications. Seminários do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Morfofuncionais,
Departamento de Anatomia, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, USP, October 2006 .
Participation of purinergic and cholinergic receptors in vitro neuronal differentiation of
embryonic and progenitor cells. Specialized Neuroscience Research Program Universidad Central del Caribe, January 2007.
Mechanism of eupalmerin acetate inhibition of the embryonic muscle nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor. Seminário apresentado no Specialized Neuroscience Research
Program - Universidad Central del Caribe, January 2007.
Aptâmeros de RNA como inibidores de interações receptor-ligante implicadas em
estado patogênico (RNA aptamers as inhibitors of receptor-ligand interactions in
pathogenic states). Seminário apresentado no Departamento de Microbiologia, Imunologia
e Parasitologia e da Sociedade de Pesquisa em Biologia Celular (SPBCel). Universidade
Federal de São Paulo – UNIFESP, March 2007.
Proliferation and Differentiation of Embryonic Cells to Neurons Depend on Purinergic
Receptor -Induced Calcium Transients. Dep. for Anatomy, University of Puerto Rico, Porto
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Rico. Program: Alliance for the Advancement of Biomedical Research Excellence (AABRE),
May 2007
Aptamers: From tools in basic research to possible therapeutic applications.
Universidad Central del Caribe, Bayamón, Porto Rico. Program: Alliance for the
Advancement of Biomedical Research Excellence (AABRE), May 2007.
Proliferation and Differentiation of Embryonic Cells to Neurons Depend on Purinergic
Receptor -Induced Calcium Transients. Dep. for Anatomy, University of Tubaro, Porto Rico.
Program: Alliance for the Advancement of Biomedical Research Excellence (AABRE), May
Aptâmeros: de ferramentas na pesquisa básica a aplicações terapêuticas. Seminários
Gerais do Departamento de Bioquímica do Programa de Pós-Graduação do Instituto de
Química da USP, June 2007]
Aptâmeros: de ferramentas na pesquisa básica a aplicações terapêuticas (Aptamers
as tools in basic research and therapy). Seminários em Parasitologia do Programa de Pósgraduação em Biologia da Relação Patógeno-Hospedeiro do Departamento de
Parasitologia –ICB- da Universidade de São Paulo, August 2007.
Aptamers as inhibitors of receptor-ligand interactions implicated in disease. Weekly
seminar series at the Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany,
September 2007
A diferenciação neuronal depende da atividade da bradicinina e seus receptores
(Neuronal differentiation depends on bradykinin and itrs receptors. Seminários Gerais de
Farmacologia (BMF-825), Departamento de Farmacologia do Instituto de Biomédicas da
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, April 2008.
O papel dos receptores de neurotransmissores durante a diferenciação neuronal
(Neurotransmitter receptors during neuronal differentiation). Disciplina “Tópicos Avançados
em Fisiologia e Biofísica” do Programa de Pós-graduação de Fisiologia humana do
ICB/USP, São Paulo, April 2008.
Aptamers as inhibitors of receptor-ligand interactions implicated in disease. Faculty of
Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, May
Aptâmeros: de ferramentas na pesquisa básica a aplicações terapêuticas. Ciclo dos
Seminários do CINTERGEN – UNIFESP, São Paulo, October 2008.
Invasion ligands and inhibitors for the study of the mechanism of cell infection by
Trypanosoma cruzi. Weekly seminar series of the Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical
Medicine, Hamburgo, Germany, March 2009.
Papéis do receptor de bradicinina na diferenciação e neuroproteção (Functions of
bradykinin in differentiation and neuroprotection). Seminários gerais do Departamento de
Bioquímica do Programa de Pós-Graduação do Instituto de Química da USP, May 2009.
Neurociência Molecular (Molecular Neuroscience). III. Curso de Inverno – Temas
Avançados de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, Dep. de Bioquímica do Instituto de
Química da USP, São Paulo, July 2009.
Ulrich H. Aptamers as tools for studying parasitic diseases”. Bernhard-Nocht-Institute
for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany, June 2010.
Neurociência moderna: Metabolismo e sinalização na determinação do destino neural
(Modern neuroscience: Metabolism and signaling for determation of neural fate). Reuniões
Científicas do Departamento de Anatomia Departamento de Anatomia,Instituto de Ciências
Biomédicas,Universidade de São Paulo, August 2010.
Bradykinin actions in neural differentiation: Conferencia
Inaugural (Inuagural
Conference) do Programa de Pós-graduação em Naturais e Sintéticos Bioativos e em
Biotecnologia da RENORBIO. Universidade Federal de Paraíba, João Pessoa, março de
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Ulrich, H. The aptamer Technology: Targeting neurotransmitter receptors and cell
surface epitopes with importance in disease and therapy. Department of Chemistry, York
University, Toronto, Canada, May 2011
Mechanisms of stem cell differentiation: Modulation of neurogenesis and gliogenesis
by bradykinin. Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology. Medical and Health Science
Centre, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, June 2011
Differentiation.Louisville Stem Cell Center, Louisville, KY, January 2012.
Visiting professor and plenary speakers “Stem cells” and “Aptamers for therapeutic
applications.” Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor, Slovenia, March 2012.
Organizer and speaker of the workshop on Regenerative Medicine and theoretical and
practical course for graduate students on stem cells. Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco,
Chile, April 2012. Titles: “Bradykinin in neurogenesis and neuroprotection” , “Perspectives
of Stem Cells: From tools for studying mechanisms of neuronal differentiation towards
therapy”, “Research models of neural cell differentiation”, “Introduction to flow cytometry
and calcium recording”.
Papéis da bradicinina na neurogênese e neuroproteção (Bradykinin functions in
neurogenese and neuroprotection). Seminários do Departamento de Biologia Celular e do
Desenvolvimento, ICB, USP.. São Paulo, October 2012.
Laboratory of Immunopathology Keizo Asami. Class for graduate students on “Stem
cells: mechanisms of differentiation and therapeutic applications ( Células tronco:
mecanismos de diferenciação e aplicações terapêuticas)”. Recife, Brazil, November 2012.
Bradykinin in neurogenesis Seminários do Programa de Pós-graduação em
Imunologia, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade da Bahia, Salvador, December
The aptamer technology: From basic science towards promises in diagnostics and
therapy. Women´s Hospital Research Center, Technical University of Munich, Germany,
June 2013
Powerful tools in basic science, diagnostics and therapy. National Institute of Biology,
Ljubljana, Slovenia. April 2013.
The aptamer technology: Powerful tools in basic science, diagnostics and therapy. COBIK, Center for Center of Excellence for Biosensors, Instrumentation and Process Control,
Ajdovscina, Slovenia, April 2013.
Bradykinin and purinergic receptor signaling in stem and tumor cell migration, THE
University of Louisville SERIES April 2014.
Mecanismo de ação da bradicinina na indução da neurogênese (Mechanisms of
bradykinin action in neurogenesis) Seminários do Programa de Pós-graduação em
Imunologia, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade da Bahia, Salvador, June 2014.
Aptamer development for biosensorics and pharmaceutical applications. Jozsef Stefan
Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2014.
Development of Aptamers into Cell-specific Ligands for Imaging and Therapy. Center
for Experimental Therapeutics of the Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland. September
Visiting professor lectures: 1) Aptamers as high affinity ligands in diagnostics and
therapy, 2) Introduction to stems and their therapeutic applications, (3) Kinin and purinergic
signaling in neural differentiation. Jozsef Stefan International Postgraduate School,
Ljubljana, Slovenia. March 2015.
Papéis da Bradicinina na Neurogênese e Neuroproteção in Vitro e in Vivo. (Bradykinin
functions in neurogenesis and neuroprotection in vitro and in vivo. Seminars on advanced
topics in Physiology. Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto, São
Paulo, Brazil. March 2015.
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Bradykinin and purinergic signaling in neurogenesis and brain repair. Seminar at the
McKnight Brain Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, May 2015.
Bradykinin and purinergic signaling in neural stem and tumor cell biology. Visiting
professor inaugural seminar at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bialystok,
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