Coppice forests as an alternative to shrubland areas
Coppice forests as an alternative to shrubland areas
Coppice forests as an alternative to shrubland areas in Portugal Helder 1,2 Viana , B. 1 Esteves , J. 1 Ferreira , A. 3 Rodrigues 1 CI&DETS Research Centre, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. Av. Cor. José Maria Vale de Andrade Campus Politécnico, 3504-510 Viseu, Portugal ([email protected]) 2 Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences, CITAB, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, UTAD, Quinta de Prados - Apartado 1013, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal 3 INIAV - Av. da República, Quinta do Marquês, 2780-157 Oeiras, Portugal Coppice is a silvicultural system commonly used in Portugal for decades. The production of several types of small and medium sized materials, on short cutting cycles (10 to 30 year), such as firewood, poles, charcoal, raw material for basketry and cooperage, among others, is one of the oldest forms of management in semi-natural forests. 1 - Landcover 2 - Forest Biodiversity ▶Portugal is a country with a high forest aptitude, inasmuch that about 35% (3.2 million ha) of its territory is allocated to forest stands. ▶Around 20% (~1.5 million ha) are occupied by shrubland. ▶Three dominant species covering 72% of forest area are: Eucalyptus globulus (812 thousand ha; 26%), Quercus suber (737 thousand ha; 23%) and Pinus pinaster (714 thousand ha; 23%). Agriculture 24% Social areas 5% Interior unproductive waters 2% 2% Forests 35% ▶Maritime pine high forests are growing mainly for the paper industry, plywood and roundwood and Quercus suber for cork production. Eucalyptus coppice has expanded enormously, in recent decades, as it is grown in rotations of 10 - 12 year for pulpwood production, while coppice of several species lost interest over the years. ▶These three species are distributed almost exclusively by distinct areas making the diversification of forest cover a huge priority for the whole country. ▶In this context, high relevance should be given to coppicing of traditional hardwood, dominant in the past. Bushes and pasture 32% Quercus suber 23.4% 4 - Results Quercus Ilex 10.5% Pinus pinea 5.6% Other conifers 2.3% Quercus spp. 2.1% Castanea sativa 1.3% Eucalyptus 25.8% Figure 1. a) Land use/cover map. b) Statistic of main Portuguese forest species Pinus pinaster 23% Acacias 0.2% ▶The actual shrubland areas with potential for grow the most traditional coppices species are: Shrubland areas chestnut (Castanea sativa) common-oak (Quercus robur) Pyrenean-oak (Quercus pyrenaica) Other deciduous 5.6% Ceratonia siliqua 0.4% 3 - Methodology ▶The shrubland areas were mapped and based in the Ecological map of potential vegetation the suitable areas for grown traditional hardwood coppice were assessed (Figure. 2 ). holm-oak (Quercus rotundifolia) Portuguese-oak (Quercus faginea) Suitable area for grow traditional coppice species 1 800 000 1 600 000 1 553 112 Area (hectares) 1 400 000 1 200 000 1 000 000 793 920 800 000 765 622 714 101 600 000 51% 49% 400 000 387 934 46% 200 000 25% 330 881 21% Shrubland area Castanea sativa Quercus pyrenaica Quercus faginea Quercus robur Quercus rotundifolia Figure 3. Shrubland areas with potential for grow coppice forests 5 - Conclusion Figure 2. a) Forest cover map including shrubland areas. b) Ecological map Bibliography • • • • Albuquerque, J. de Pina Manique (1954). Carta Ecológica de Portugal. Ministério da Economia. Direcção Geral dos Serviços Agrícolas. Lisboa. 58pp. Carta de Uso e Ocupação do Solo de Portugal Continental para 2007 - COS2007 Carvalho, J., Viana, H., Rodrigues, A., 2015. Portugal. In: Nicolescu, V., Pyttel, P., Bartlett, D. (Eds.), Evolution and Perspectives of Coppice Forests in Europe and South Africa, Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov, pp. 27-29. ICNF, 2013. IFN6 - Áreas dos usos do solo e das espécies florestais de Portugal continental. Resultados preliminares. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas, Lisboa 33 pp. ▶Converting shrubland areas for traditional coppice forests would enhance biodiversity by strengthening the resilience of ecosystems against biotic and abiotic agents and also would contribute to diversify local forest economy by allowing or reinforcing small and medium industries related to firewood, poles, charcoal, raw material or basketry and cooperage. CONFERENCE: Coppice Forests in Europe: Ecosystem services, protection and nature conservation COST Action FP1301 EuroCoppice University of Antwerp, Belgium, 15-17 June, 2016