2006 adakite
2006 adakite
Serviço Geológico do Brasil – CPRM Paleoproterozoic accre-onary and collisional processes and the built-‐up of the Borborema P r o v i n c e ( N E B r a z i l ) : g e o c h r o n o l o g i c a l a n d geochemical evidence from the Central Domain Geysson A.Lages Sérgio P.Neves Roberta G.Brasilino Alan W.A. Miranda Geological Setting Geologic Map Petrography Group I q non-‐migma))c; q dominantly augen gneiss q syeno to monzo grani)c composi)on q Previous U-‐Pb: 2137±21 Ma (Rodrigues et al., 2010); 2.3-‐1.95 Ga (Santos et al., 2013) Group II q migma)zed amphibole-‐bio)te bearing; q grani)c composi)on q syeno to monzo grani)c composi)on q magne)te bearing pinkish leucossomes q parallel to truncate leucossomes Group II q amphiboli)c layers or rounded metagabbroic enclaves q three dis)nct chemical paMerns q Previous U-‐Pb: 2016±27 Ma (Santos et al., 2004) Group III q Banded gneisses q diori)c dominant composi)on q fine-‐grained leucossomes and metamafic rocks intercalated q Previous U-‐Pb: 1970±30 Ma (Sá et al., 2002); 2127±7 and 2044±5 (M1) Ma, 2103±11 Ma (Neves et al., 2006); 2110±7 Ma and 2096±7 Ma (Brito Neves et al., 2013) Group IV q equigranular felsic gneiss q grani)c composi)on q absence of amphiboles q Previous U-‐Pb: 1991±5 Ma (Neves et al., 2006); 2110±7 Ma and 2096±7 Ma (Brito Neves et al., 2013) U-Pb and Sm-Nd results Group I data-point error ellipses are 2 2084 +/- 11 Ma 0,46 0,42 50 a 2M 2300 m 2100 Pb/ 238 U 0,38 206 São Joãozinho orthogneiss U-‐Pb 2109 ± 15 Ma MSWD = 0.66 n = 20 Sm-‐Nd TDM 3.03 Ga εNd(t) -‐ 9.04 2 2112 +/- 17 Ma 1 +/0 91 1900 0,34 1700 0,30 Intercepts at 608 +110/-120 Ma & 2109 +17/ -15 Ma MSWD = 0.66 0,26 0,22 3,5 4,5 5,5 6,5 207 Pb/ 235 U 7,5 8,5 Group II data-point error ellipses are 2 0,42 2180 0,40 2140 206Pb/238U Salgadinho migma--c orthogneiss U-‐Pb 2057 ± 20 Ma MSWD = 2.4 n = 19 Sm-‐Nd TDM 2.62 – 2.65 Ga εNd(t) <-‐ 6.0 2100 0,38 2060 2020 1980 0,36 Intercepts at 496±670 & 2057±20 Ma MSWD = 2.4 0,34 5,8 6,2 6,6 207Pb/235U 7,0 7,4 Group II data-point error ellipses are 2 2003 +/- 10 Ma /17 M a 0M Pb/ 1900 20 75 + 2 20 0,32 /- 1 1+ 238 U 0,36 200 0,28 m 1700 1500 206 Cabaceiras migma--c orthogneiss U-‐Pb 2055 ± 23 Ma MSWD = 2.3 n = 21 Sm-‐Nd TDM 2.74 Ga (2.74-‐3.28) εNd(t) -‐ 8.08 (-‐2.35 to -‐11.72) 2100 a 0,40 0,24 1300 0,20 1100 Intercepts at 590+ 100& 2055+23 [- 24] Ma MSWD = 2.3 900 0,16 0,12 1 3 5 207 Pb/ U 235 7 0,42 RS-423 0,40 2140 2060 2020 206 Group II Pb/238U 2100 0,38 1980 0,36 1940 Intercepts at Upper = 2042+11Ma Lower = 0+ 50Ma MSWD = 0.68 0,34 0,32 0,56 0,64 0,60 207 0,40 0,38 0,72 0,68 Pb/235U RS-423 small zircons n=5 2100 2060 2020 1980 Pb/238U 0,36 1940 1900 0,34 1860 206 Cabaceiras orthoamphibolites U-‐Pb 2042 ± 11 Ma MSWD = 0.68 n = 6 big zircons Th/U > 0.01 1996 ± 13 Ma MSWD = 0.75 n = 5 small zircons Th/U < 0.01 1820 1780 0,32 1740 Intercepts at Upper = 1996+13Ma Lower = 0+ 50Ma MSWD = 0.75 0,30 0,28 0,26 4,4 4,8 5,6 5,2 207 235 Pb/ U 6,0 6,4 6,0 Group II data-point error ellipses are 2 2181 +/- 11 Ma Other migma--c orthogneiss U-‐Pb 2183 ± 9 Ma MSWD = 0.55 n = 21 Z08# 612 ± 12 Ma 50 m Intercepts at 604 +20/-19 Ma & 2183.3 +8.7/ -10 Ma MSWD = 0.55 Group III 0,44 2200 0,40 206Pb/238U (Vertentes/Floresta) Vertentes migma--c orthogneiss U-‐Pb Cluster I: 2096 ± 23 Ma n = 5 {Cluster II: 2044 ± 23 Ma; Z24 # 2048±22 Ma Th/U<0.01 Metamorphic1?/minimun age {Cluster III: 1986 ± 38 Ma Th/U<0.01 Metamorphic2?/ Sm-‐Nd TDM 2.13-‐2.63 Ga εNd(t) 2.37 to -‐5.66) data-point error ellipses are 2 2100 Intercept at 1986±38 Ma MSWD = 1.4 0,36 2000 Intercept at 2044±27 Ma MSWD = 15 1900 0,32 1800 0,28 4,5 5,5 6,5 7,5 8,5 207Pb/235U point error ellipses are Group IV 0,5 2200 0,4 206Pb/238U Felsic grani-c gneiss U-‐Pb (euhedral zircons) 1981 ± 23 Ma n = 5 (regression of all data) 1930 ± 49 Ma (MSWD = 11.8) metamorphic/magma)c event overprinted data-point error ellipses are 2 1800 Intercepts at 449±270 & 1930±49 Ma 0,3 1400 0,2 1000 0,1 1 3 5 207Pb/235U 7 9 Nd curve evolution 15 5 -5 2.05 Ga -15 -25 -35 DePaolo Cabaceiras Complex São Joãozinho Orthogneiss Vertentes/Floresta Complex Salgadinho Complex -45 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 7 7 Geochemistry Peccerillo and Taylor (1976) 6 Metaluminous Peraluminous 5 5 6 Shand (1943) A/NK 3 3 K2O 4 High-K calc-alkaline Series 4 Shoshonite Series 2 1 1 2 Calc-alkaline Series Peralkaline 0 0 Tholeiite Series 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 0.6 SiO 2 1.0 A/CNK F Tholeiite Series Calc-alkaline Series Irvine & Baragar (1971) A 0.8 M 1.2 1.4 1000 Sample/ REE chondrite 1 10 100 1000 100 10 Sample/ Primitive Mantle 1 Cs Ba U Th K Nb Ce La Pr Pb P Sr Zr Nd Dy Eu Sm Ti Yb Y La Pr Ce Lu Pm Nd Eu Sm Tb Gd Ho Dy Tm Er Lu Yb 1000 1000 Rb Cabaceiras Complex 0.1 0.1 Cabaceiras Complex U K Nb Ce La Pr Pb P Sr Zr Nd Dy Eu Sm Ti 10 100 Yb Y La Pr Ce Lu Pm Nd Eu Sm Tb Gd Tm Lu Er Yb 100 1000 S a m p le / R E E c h o n d r ite 100 1 10 1 Salgadinho Complex Cs Ba Rb U Th K Nb Ce La Pr Pb P Sr Zr Nd Dy Eu Sm Ti Mcdonough and Sun (1995) Salgadinho Complex Yb Y 0.1 0.1 Ho Dy 1000 Th 0.1 Ba 10 0.1 Cs Rb Sample/ Primitive Mantle SU-515 1 Sample/ REE chondrite 10 SU-515 1 Sample/ Primitive Mantle 100 RS-234;RS-424 RS-234;RS-424 Lu La Pr Ce Pm Nd Eu Sm Tb Gd Ho Dy Boynton (1984) Tm Er Lu Yb 1000 Sample/ REE chondrite 1 10 100 1000 100 10 Sample/ Primitive Mantle 1 São Joãozinho Orthogneiss Ba U Th K Nb Ce La Pr Pb P Sr Zr Nd Dy Eu Sm Ti Yb Y Pr Ce Pm Eu Sm Tb Gd Ho Dy Tm Er Lu Yb 1 1 10 Sample/ REE chondrite 100 100 1000 Nd Vertentes/Floresta Complex Cs Ba Rb U Th K Nb Ce La Pr Pb P Sr Zr Nd Dy Eu Sm Ti Yb Y Vertentes/Floresta Complex 0.1 0.1 Sample/ Primitive Mantle La Lu 1000 Rb 0.1 Cs 10 0.1 São Joãozinho Orthogneiss Lu La Pr Ce Pm Nd Eu Sm Tb Gd Ho Dy Tm Er Lu Yb 1000 500 100 100 Nb 30 10 FG 3 10 VAG+ syn-COLG A ORG OTG Whalen et al. (1987) 50 Pearce et al. (1982) 1 1 FeOt/MgO WPG 500 Zr+Nb+Ce+Y 5000 1 10 100 Y 1000 FeO* Ultrabasic Basic Intermediate Acid Alkaline ne ph el in ite es nd y-a ch a r T Ph on ol i tic Mugearite Hawaiite Tholeiitic Series Basalt ite Rhyolite Dacite Basaltic andesite 5 Trachyte Benmoreite te ph rit e Ne ph eli nit e 10 Ba sa ni te Na2O+K2O Phonolite Andesite Calc-alkaline Series Subalkaline/Tholeiitic 0 40 45 50 55 SiO2 60 65 70 Cox et al. (1979) Pearce (1982) Al2O3+K2O MgO Irvine and Baragar (1971) Boynton (1984) Ti/100 A = IAT B = MORB, CAB, IAT C = CAB D = WPB A D B C Zr 3Y Pearce and Cann (1973) Pearce and Norry (1979) A Eclogite 25% Garnet amphibolite Adakites and Archean TTG A - MORB partial melting curve with eclogite as a restite Adakite and Archean TTG 10% Garnet amphibolite Classical Island Arc Amphibolite Normal andesite and dacite B MORB MORB Defant et al. (1991) Mar)n (1986) Geodynamic hypothesis 2.2 Ga Sea level 2.2-2.18 Ga ~2.18 Ga Back-arc extension Slab retreat 2.18-2.13 Ga Delamination of lower crust Active continental margin (RN Domain) Archean microcontinental fragment Differentiated oceanic arc crust Primitive oceanic arc crust Oceanic crust 2.13-2.10 Ga Continental crust Delamination of lower crust ~2.10 Ga 2.06-2.04 Ga Back-arc extension Slab retreat Active continental margin (RN Domain) Archean microcontinental fragment Oceanic crust Evolved arc crust (Vertentes Complex) Differentiated oceanic arc crust Primitive oceanic arc crust Salgadinho Complex 2.0-1.98 Ga Cabaceiras Complex São Joaozinho orthogneiss Serviço Geológico do Brasil – CPRM Available in DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2014.06.009
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