INGLÊS F1 Módulos 17 e 18
INGLÊS F1 Módulos 17 e 18
TC2_1oA_2011 25/11/10 16:43 Página 89 INGLÊS F1 1ª SÉRIE Módulos Nome: 17 e 18 I) Complete the sentences with a word or expression from the list and an appropriate reflexive pronoun. LIKE CUT BEHAVE ENJOY HELP TAKE CARE OF LOOK AT CONTROL HURT BLAME G John ______________________________ ______________________? H Self-esteem is important. It’s important for people ____________________________. I You must all ________________________ A An elephant ________________________ _______________________. II) Complete with reflexive, emphasizing or reciprocal pronouns. E Did you and Helen ___________________ A Friends often give presents to ___________ ____________________ at the circus? _____________________ at Christmas. GIVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A KID A HAND The first five years of a child’s life are critical, the experts tell us. That’s when their characters are formed. That’s when caring counts. Someone to show them how to do things. Someone just to hold them. Unfortunately, for many of the world’s children, that’s just what they don’t get. And society suffers as a result – because a deprived child has a lot less chance of growing up an adjusted adult. Some of us believe we can change things – or at least try. And we need your help. No, don’t reach for your pocket. It’s not your money – it’s you we want. In your community there are dozens of ways you can make personal contact with kids and make a difference to their lives. Maybe you’ll help one to read, to play a game, to learn to laugh. Maybe you’ll just be the hand that holds out a little hope... (UNIFIL) run by _____________________________. ____________________ about their plans. G The dog hurt ________________________ ________________ jumping from the roof. D Don’t get angry. _____________________! ________________________ to the food and drinks.” E The new software is so easy. It just seems to F John and Jane talked to ________________ C Don’t ______________________; it wasn’t F The hostess said to the guests: “________ did you do it all by __________________? J I don’t need any help. I can ____________ every day. your mistake. D Did someone help you clean the room, or as soon as you enter the room. when it tried to get out of the zoo yesterday. B I _______________________ in the mirror C Where did you, Helen, hurt _____________ whenever he shaves. B You must all behave __________________ H Have we got to do it all by ____________ _________________________? I You may think Stan is telling the truth, but I __________________ don’t believe him. J Now that their children are grown, Mr. and _______ when you are at someone’s house. II) Mrs. Green live by _______________. Text Comprehension A Mark the wrong option. We can infer from the text that a) 0-5 year-old children who receive good guiding in this period have more chance to become adjusted adults. b) readers are being asked to contribute with money. c) the way children are educated can affect society. d) the help needed has to do with personal actions anyone can do. e) readers can make a difference to a kid’s life. B Analise os elementos linguísticos retirados do texto: I. The word “critical” (line 2) contains a suffix and qualifies the first five years of a child’s life. II. “Us” (line 2) refers to readers in general. III.“Unfortunately” (line 7) introduces an idea of contrast. IV. “Maybe you’ll help one to read” (lines 19 and 20) gives an idea of certainty in the future. Estão corretas: a) I, II e III. c) Apenas III e IV. e) Nenhuma. b) Apenas I e II. d) Todas. 89 TC2_1oA_2011 25/11/10 16:43 Página 90 INGLÊS 1ª SÉRIE F1 Módulos Nome: 19 e 20 Seventeen years later, in 1993, on an October I) Match the columns. evening, I was sitting comfortably at home flipping A later B to flip through through the television channels and I heard the local C channels news anchor say, “Did you ever dream of running D local news away with the circus? Well, now you don’t have to run E ever away. Right after our commercial break we will take F to dream of you on a visit to the first school where any more-or-less G to run away average person can learn the flying trapeze.” H right after Immediately, he had my undivided attention. The fiveI break minute segment that followed reported that Stephan J more-or-less Gaudreau, a trapeze artist who had recently been K average performing at Circus-Circus in Reno, with the Flying L to learn Angels, had established a training program open to M to report the public at the San Francisco School of Circus Arts. N to perform The next Wednesday I went to the old gymnasium that O Flying Angels housed the circus school to observe the beginners class P training program and satisfy my curiosity. Q to house (UNEMAT) R beginners 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 a) já b) relatar, contar c) logo depois d) apresentar-se e) mais ou menos f) normal g) canais h) iniciantes i) sonhar com j) abrigar k) intervalo l) programa de treinamento m)depois n) Anjos Voadores o) fugir p) mudar q) aprender r) noticiário local II) Text Comprehension A Dadas as afirmações: I. O narrador soube das aulas de trapézio por meio de um comercial de TV. II. Flying Angels é o nome de um programa de treinamento em artes circenses. III.A expressão “any more-or-less average person”, no texto, indica que não são requeridas qualificações específicas para as aulas de trapézio. Assinale a) se apenas I e II estiverem corretas. b) se I, II e III estiverem corretas. c) se apenas a II estiver correta. d) se apenas a III estiver correta. e) se apenas a I estiver correta. 1 Hundreds of native tribes inhabited Brazil B planaltos = _________________________ at the time of the arrival of Europeans, the C bacia = ____________________________ earliest going back at least 10,000 years in the highlands of Minas Gerais. They 5 D a maioria = _________________________ divided into four main language groups: E habitavam = ________________________ the Tupi-Guarani, the Gê, the Carib F avançados = ________________________ and the Arawak. The Tu p i - G u a r a n i G moravam = _________________________ predominated along the Atlantic coast; the Gê peoples lived on the open central H centenas de = _______________________ more advanced in technology, especially I guerreiros = ________________________ J faziam = ___________________________ pottery making, lived in the Amazon K os primeiros = _______________________ basin. The most agressive were the L principais = _________________________ 10 plateau. Caribs and Arawaks, who were Caribs, who were warlike and sometimes 15 practiced canibalism, as did the Tupi living on the seacoast. Most Brazilian Indians dwelled in temporary villages. M fabricação de cerâmica = _____________ ___________________________________ N chegada = __________________________ (UNEMAT) O costa = ____________________________ Find the equivalent to these words and expressions in English. They are underlined in the text to help you. P aldeias temporárias = _________________ A povos = ____________________________ R praticavam = ________________________ I) 90 Q pelo menos = _______________________ II) Text Comprehension A Which of the following alternatives is not correct, according to the text? a) As tribos brasileiras mais antigas estavam localizadas numa área onde hoje se situa o Estado de Minas Gerais. b) Havia mais de 10.000 tribos no Brasil na época da chegada dos europeus. c) Highlands (linha 4) e plateau (linha 10) são termos que designam acidentes geográficos. d) As tribos brasileiras dividiam-se em grupos de acordo com a língua que falavam. e) A tribo Tupi vivia no litoral. B Circle the incorrect alternative. a) Divided, predominated and lived are examples of regular verbs in the past tense. b) The Tupi practiced canibalism. c) Inhabited (linha 1), lived (linha 9) and dwelled (linha 17) are synonyms. d) Most Brazilian Indians used to move constantly from a place to another. e) The Arawaks lived in the Amazon River. TC2_1oA_2011 25/11/10 16:43 Página 91 INGLÊS 1ª SÉRIE F1 Módulos Nome: 21, 22 e 23 YOU REVEAL YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENTS M YSTERY G UEST 1 5 My neighbor’s mother was in the hospital. It had been years since I’d seen her, so I decided to pay her a visit. My neighbor told me that his mother had gotten a little senile, so I didn’t know if she would remember me. I knocked on the door and went into her room. I said, “Hello, Mrs. Billings. How are you feeling?” She said, “Hello, I’m not Mrs. Billings.” I said, “Yes, you are. How are you?” She replied, “I’m getting better.” I told her I had seen her son, and she just nodded. I could see our conversation 15 wasn’t going anywhere, so I said, “I hope you get well soon, Mrs. Billings” and started out the door. She thanked me for coming and told me again that she was not Mrs. Billings. On my way 20 c) ( ) Patti Lewis é vizinha da Sra. Billings. d) ( ) Patti Lewis visitou a pessoa errada. e) ( ) Patti Lewis conversou com a Sra. Billings no hospital. f) ( ) a Sra. Billings recebeu alta. 10 down the hall I ran into a nurse and asked her if any of Mrs. Billings’s children had come to see her. “Yes”, she replied. “They came to see her this morning when she checked out!” Patti Lewis, Redbook Magazine – UEM II) Text Comprehension Escreva V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso). A Pela leitura do texto, pode-se afirmar que a) ( ) a Sra. Billings é uma senhora idosa. b) ( ) a Sra. Billings não foi hospitalizada. g) ( ) o vizinho de Patti Lewis é filho único da Sra. Billings. The old folks who complain that children are so spoiled nowadays actually have a valid point, according to a new study. The report believes that in the past children often had to share a room or even a bed with siblings, but now most children have their own rooms and may not have any siblings or only one. As a result, they never learn to compromise or to think of others. Children with their own rooms were less likely to give up a seat on the bus and were more stubborn and argumentative in confrontations. II) Text Comprehension A De acordo com o texto, a) as crianças que não têm que dividir espaços com os irmãos tornam-se mais mimadas e egoístas. b) as crianças que têm que partilhar o quarto e a cama com os irmãos aprendem a argumentar mais rapidamente. c) as crianças costumam ceder seus lugares nos ônibus para os mais velhos. d) as famílias modernas possuem quartos para todos os seus filhos, independentemente de sexo ou idade. e) as crianças não gostam de dividir suas coisas com estranhos, nem mesmo com os irmãos. People stay healthy when they eat only the amount of food they need and when they exercise. However, many Americans eat too much, and they seldom exercise. In fact, a surprising 54 percent of American adults are overweight. The problem in the United States may be found in the environment. To begin with, Americans have too much food available. For example, many restaurants are open from early in the morning to late at night. Second, many Americans eat foods that are too high in fat and too low in fiber, and some even snack all day long. Third, modern conveniences and technology, such as power lawn mowers and the internet, make it easy for Americans to remain inactive and avoid exercise. Doctors have suggested some solutions to the problem. Americans need to eat foods that are low in fat and high in fiber, such as grains, fruits, and vegetables. They also need to exercise for twenty minutes a day, three times a week. By following this plan, Americans can improve their overall health and set good examples for their children. (UNIFIL) II) Text Comprehension 1 According to the text, why are many 2 We can infer from the text that 3 The words healthy, exercise and seldom, Americans overweight? a) Technology makes people lazy. b) The American lifestyle is unhealthy. c) Children are following their parents’ examples. d) People only exercise for twenty minutes each day. e) Americans are getting more and more exercises. a) about half of adult Americans are too fat. b) most Americans like to watch television a lot. c) most Americans do not have time to exercise every day. d) American parents teach their children healthy eating habits. e) people need to stop using the Internet. a) b) c) d) e) underlined in the text, are respectively: noun, noun, adjective. adjective, noun, adverb. adjective, verb, adjective. noun, verb, adverb. adjective, verb, adverb. 91 TC2_1oA_2011 25/11/10 16:43 Página 92 INGLÊS F1 1ª SÉRIE Módulos Nome: 24, 25 e 26 (UNIVATES) II) Text Comprehension A What substance does the body require to convert food into energy? a) Glucose b) Candy c) Carbohydrates d) Sugar e) Insulin I) Complete the following sentences with MUCH or MANY. B Carol likes sweet tea. She usually adds A Jennifer usually drinks too _____________ C I have ______________ patience with D Living in a big city is sometimes _______ people who interrupt my dinner to try to sell me something. _______________________ harder than living in a small village. ____________ honey to her tea. coffee. B There are too ____________ people starving in the world today. C How _________________ jewelry do you usually wear? D Peter’s mailbox is generally empty. He doesn’t get ______ mail. D I have to go to the post office because I have _____________ letters to mail. E You might reach your goal if you put forth ___________ effort. F The professor lectured very clearly. As a result, ___________________ students had questions at the end of the class period. E ______________ has been said about the subject. F How ________________ teeth do babies usually have when they’re born? II) Complete the following sentences with LITTLE, A LITTLE, FEW or A FEW. A My mother couldn’t make the cake because there was _____________________ sugar. C Why do you put so _________________ pepper in your food? E They have a _____________ satisfactory working relationship. IV) Complete the following sentences with LESS or FEWER. A I’ve got _____________ cash than I thought I had. B The _____________________ children, the ________________ expense. III) Complete the following sentences with MUCH or VERY. C There are no ________________ than 50 A ___________ to our surprise, they won the D This car needs ___________ gas to run than game. B Think about it _______________ carefully before deciding. students in the classroom. mine. E The doctor told him to eat ______ sugar and _________ snacks. We must do something about the rising cost of our state prisons. It now costs an average of $225 per day to maintain a prisoner in a double-occupancy cell in a state prison. Yet, in the most expensive cities in the world, one can find rooms in the finest hotels which rent for less than $175 per night. II) Text Comprehension C In which of the following sentences the B I have to go to the post office because I have Circle the right alternatives. A According to the text, a) most state prisons all over the world can be compared to some of the finest hotels. b) very costly hotels used to charge more than $225 per night. c) three prisoners in a cell where there’s room enough for only two cost $225 per day. d) it’s possible to find rooms in very good hotels for which you’ll pay per night less than the cost to maintain a prisoner per day. e) $175 is the cost of a hotel room in the most expensive cities around the world. B In the text, the word YET stands for a) however. b) almost. 92 c) therefore. d) despite. e) instead. a) b) c) d) e) word “cell” has the same meaning as shown in the text? She’s just bought a new cell phone. In the picture, you can clearly see that every cell contains a nucleus. Changes caused by the radiation first occur at the cell level. They are looking at the cells under the microscope. All inmates are in their cells at present. III) Circle the correct form. A Not ______________ days ago I met a very interesting person. much – many – little ____________ letters to mail. fewer – a little – a few 3 Everyone needs _______________ luck in life. a little – many – very D _____________ people are waiting for the pop star. Much – A lot of – Very E There are _____________ inhabitants in London than in São Paulo. fewer – less – very more F ______________ has been written on this low-carb diet. Very – A few – Much TC2_1oA_2011 25/11/10 16:43 Página 94 INGLÊS 1ª SÉRIE Módulos Nome: F1 27, 28 e 29 When hiccups won’t stop Imagine hiccups that don’t stop – for hours, even days. Then the nuisance turns into a nightmare. Though relatively uncommon, chronic intractable hiccups can be brought on by a variety of infections, injuries, and metabolic disorders. In some cases, doctors prescribe dozens of different remedies, from narcotics to anesthetics; yet the hiccups persist. Now neurologists have discovered that a drug commonly used to treat high blood pressure can relieve endless hiccuping when nothing else works. The drug, nifedipine, prevents calcium from entering muscle cells, where the mineral may act as a stimulant. One hiccup sufferer who found relief on nifedipine tried to stop taking it after one, three and six months. Each time, her hiccups returned. (UNIFIL) II) Text Comprehension Circle the correct alternatives. A The text tells us that the drug called nifedipine a) is an effective stimulant. b) causes high blood pressure. c) stimulates the action of calcium. d) helps calcium to act as a mineral. e) doesn’t allow calcium to enter muscle cells. narcotics to anesthetics; yet the hiccups persist”, the underlined word can be substituted by: a) through. b) although. B In the sentence “In some cases, doctors c) therefore. d) however. prescribe dozens of different remedies, from e) consequently. For 250 million children, today is a workday, not a school day. Children as young as five years old are part of the global workforce. In factories and in fields, children work up to 15 hours a day, seven days a week. Matches, rugs, soccer balls, leather goods, paper cups, toys, shoes, fireworks – all of these products are made by tiny hands. Child labor is one of the worst forms of exploitation. Child workers are deprived of schooling, beaten and sexually abused, and crippled by work-related illnesses and injuries. Children are sold to employers who pay impoverished families for the use of their children, often to young adulthood. In Brazil, the Solidarity Center is working with unions, government organizations, businesses, and community groups to promote worker rights, racial equality, and social justice. The Solidarity Center is fighting child labor worldwide. Thanks to Solidarity Center programs, more kids are staying in schools. (ESEF) II) Text Comprehension Circle the correct alternatives. A Qual é a função do “Solidarity Center” (Centro de Solidariedade) no mundo? a) Ajudar os pais das crianças a arrumar emprego e ter melhores salários. b) Recuperar crianças que foram vendidas. c) Eliminar o trabalho infantil no mundo. d) Encaminhar para hospitais e orfanatos crianças que sofreram abuso sexual. e) Arrumar empregos para crianças para que ajudem no orçamento familiar. Made in Japan Every year, Americans salute more and more American flags that weren’t made in America. Flags that bear the stars and stripes and little tags reading Made in Japan or Taiwan or Hong Kong. Those flags aren’t the only things with such labels. As foreign goods flood the market, American industries shut down. As industries shut down, people lose jobs. When people lose their jobs, they can’t buy the things you make. Chances are if Betsy Ross (the Philadelphia seamstress who made the first American flag for George Washington) were alive today, she’d be standing in line for her unemployment check. So help yourself and help us by looking for the union label in everything you buy. You can find our label in women’s and children’s garments. This label stands for the creativity of American design, the skill of American workmanship, the importance of American jobs. (UNIFIL) II) Text Comprehension A O texto pede que o consumidor americano a) compre artigos importados. b) compre apenas as roupas femininas e infantis fabricadas no Japão, em Taiwan ou em Hong Kong. c) se certifique de que está adquirindo um produto americano, verificando a etiqueta. 94 d) confira a etiqueta para ter certeza de que o produto que está adquirindo não é contrabandeado. e) evite o consumismo excessivo. B A expressão “foreign goods flood the market”, retirada do anúncio, significa que a) o grande número de estrangeiros é bom para o mercado americano. b) produtos estrangeiros inundam o mercado interno americano. c) as enchentes no exterior não são boas para o mercado americano. d) bons produtos estrangeiros inundam o mercado interno americano. e) os estrangeiros são bons para o mercado americano. TC2_1oA_2011 25/11/10 16:43 Página 95 INGLÊS 1ª SÉRIE Módulos Nome: F1 30, 31 e 32 Beware of horror films! 5 Beware! Too much television watching can be dangerous. A study at Harvard and Tufts University, in America, has confirmed that remaining in front of the television is one of the most important reasons for childhood obesity. In fact, you not only do less physical activity but are also tempted to eat the things publicized on television. B The word dangerous (line 2) has the same meaning as a) nervous. c) tremendous. II) Text Comprehension Choose the right alternatives. 10 In addition to this, the study shows that horror films make you fat. According to these researchers, “horror” makes you eat more because of the tension involved. In one test, 30 women ate 15 twice as much popcorn watching a horror film than those who watched a non-horror film. So for those who wouldn’t like to increase their weight, watch out for horror films! (Teen) A You may infer from the text that a) there is a tendency to eat less when you watch television. b) horror films make you thin. c) the study showed the importance of being fat. d) non-horror films increase your weight. e) horror movies do soar your weight. C The expression childhood obesity has the following translation: a) obesidade na infância. b) obesidade na adolescência. c) obesidade infanto-juvenil. b) hazardous. e) ambitious. d) famous. e) a obesidade dos adolescentes. d) recém-nascidos obesos. Did you know that... • • • • The population of London is 7.3 million, with around 2.8 million in Inner London. More than one third of all Londoners are from an ethnic minority group. Over 250,000 refugees have come to London over the past 15 years. 3 million journeys are made every day on the London Underground, the “tube”, and over 4.5 million every day by bus. • • • The average price of a London home rose to £241,000 (€346,000) in February 2003, compared with an average of £145,000 (€208,000) for England and Wales as a whole. Around 48,000 London families are recognised as homeless. More than 104,000 London homes are lying empty. • Total crime in the London region rose to 1,067,458 offences in the year 2005. There are 28,000 police officers in London. London is bidding to host the Summer Olympics in 2012. (Speak Up) • • II) Text Comprehension Write T (true) or F (false). A ( ) Londoners prefer underground journeys D ( ) There was an increase in the number of F ( ) The crime rate has diminished in offences in London. than bus journeys. B ( ) 10% of London families are homeless. E ( ) Housing is much more expensive in Wales than in London. C ( ) There are 250,000 refugees in London. London in the last years. G ( ) Summer Olympics will be held in London in 2012. Lost, Alone, and Injured on a Mountain 1 5 Yesterday Gary Smith celebrated 10 On the first night, the weather his twenty-first birthday, but he’s lucky was so bad that it tore his new to be alive. In March this year, he was mountain tent to pieces, so he moved mountain climbing, when he lost his into a Youth Hostel. He left the hostel at way and spent 16 hours in subzero 10:00 the next morning, but that afternoon temperatures. 15 he was in trouble. “I fell off a rock and “My friends laughed at me for broke my left leg. I couldn’t move.” having so much survival equipment, but Mountain rescue teams went out it saved my life.” to look for Gary, and found him at II) Text Comprehension Choose the right alternatives. A De acordo com o texto, no mês de março, Gary Smith I. sentiu-se feliz ao completar 21 anos. II. feriu-se ao escalar uma montanha. III.perdeu todo o equipamento de sobrevivência na montanha. IV. foi resgatado por seus próprios amigos. Está(ão) correta(s) a) apenas I. b) apenas II. c) apenas II e III. d) apenas II e IV. e) apenas I, II e IV. B Gary passou a primeira noite em um albergue a) b) c) d) e) para jovens porque ele estava sem o equipamento de sobrevivência. não queria ficar só durante a noite. teve sua barraca destruída por causa do mau tempo. não havia se sentido muito bem à tarde. queria festejar o aniversário com seus amigos. 20 9:00 the next morning. A helicopter took him to a hospital, where he needed several operations. “Next time I’ll go with my friends, not on my own!” he joked. (UNIFRA) C O pronome “it” (l. 11) refere-se a: a) the weather. b) the first night. c) Youth Hostel. d) survival equipment. e) new mountain tent. 95
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