

This database software has been developed with the cooperation of the UN system. The product has
been adapted from UNICEF ChildInfo technology.
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 6
OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................ 6
What’s new in DA 6.0?..................................................................................................................... 6
Main Features of DA 6.0 .................................................................................................................. 7
Guide summary ................................................................................................................................ 7
User Interface overview ................................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................ 11
GETTING STARTED ............................................................................................................................. 11
System Requirements....................................................................................................................11
Installing the DA 6.0 application ....................................................................................................11
CHAPTER 2............................................................................................................ 13
TEMPLATE .......................................................................................................................................... 13
New ................................................................................................................................................15
Open ..............................................................................................................................................29
Update Registry .............................................................................................................................30
Edit GIDs ........................................................................................................................................31
Merge Template .............................................................................................................................33
Compliance to Registry ..................................................................................................................37
CHAPTER 3............................................................................................................ 41
DATA ENTRY ...................................................................................................................................... 41
New ................................................................................................................................................42
Open ..............................................................................................................................................52
User Profiles ..................................................................................................................................54
CHAPTER 4............................................................................................................ 57
TOOLS ............................................................................................................................................... 57
Import .............................................................................................................................................58
Export .............................................................................................................................................63
Split ................................................................................................................................................67
Extract Database ...........................................................................................................................70
Recommended Sources ................................................................................................................73
Validate from Registry....................................................................................................................75
Spell Check ....................................................................................................................................78
CHAPTER 5............................................................................................................ 80
REPORTS ........................................................................................................................................... 80
Summary Report ............................................................................................................................80
Comparison Report ........................................................................................................................83
Range Check Report .....................................................................................................................86
CHAPTER 6............................................................................................................ 89
METADATA ......................................................................................................................................... 89
Indicator, Area and Source ............................................................................................................90
Database ........................................................................................................................................94
CHAPTER 7............................................................................................................ 97
Mapping .........................................................................................................................................97
Administrative Boundaries .............................................................................................................98
Features .......................................................................................................................................104
Groups .........................................................................................................................................105
CHAPTER 8.......................................................................................................... 109
LANGUAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 109
New ..............................................................................................................................................110
Open ............................................................................................................................................114
CHAPTER 9.......................................................................................................... 115
CUSTOMIZE ...................................................................................................................................... 115
New ..............................................................................................................................................116
Open ............................................................................................................................................131
CHAPTER 10........................................................................................................ 132
GALLERY ......................................................................................................................................... 132
Standard ......................................................................................................................................132
Advanced .....................................................................................................................................134
CHAPTER 11........................................................................................................ 139
DATA EXCHANGE.............................................................................................................................. 139
Converting data from other applications or standard reports into DevInfo ..................................140
Converting a DevInfo 5.0 database into a DevInfo 6.0 database and vice-versa .......................144
Managing DevInfo database comments ......................................................................................150
Uploading a thematic DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet
to create a DevInfo database (for example, UNDAF) ..................................................................155
Updating map files from the DevInfo Digital Map Registry ..........................................................159
CHAPTER 12........................................................................................................ 163
EMERGENCYINFO.............................................................................................................................. 163
CHAPTER 13........................................................................................................ 164
STANDARDS ..................................................................................................................................... 164
DX DES to SDMX-ML ..................................................................................................................165
DX SDMX Export .........................................................................................................................167
DX SDMX Import .........................................................................................................................171
DX SDMX-ML to DES ..................................................................................................................174
CHAPTER 14........................................................................................................ 178
INTERFACE MENU BAR ..................................................................................................................... 178
File ...............................................................................................................................................179
Edit ...............................................................................................................................................183
Help ..............................................................................................................................................184
The DevInfo 6.0 Database Administration (DA) application allows you to create DevInfo 6.0
databases which can be accessed using the DevInfo 6.0 User application. DevInfo is a database
system for monitoring human development. It is a powerful tool for organizing, storing and presenting
data in a uniform way, allowing data to be easily and quickly shared across government departments,
UN agencies and other development organizations. DevInfo is endorsed by the United Nations to
monitor progress achieved toward the Millennium Development Goals. With DevInfo, you are literally
just a few clicks away from getting facts needed to make evidence-based decisions.
DA 6.0 contains many new advanced features which provide more flexibility to the user and
streamline the database creation process.
What’s new in DA 6.0?
See what’s new in this version.
Main features of DA 6.0
Discover the main features of DA 6.0.
Guide summary
Get a quick overview of the contents of each chapter.
User interface overview
Learn your way around the DA 6.0 user interface.
What’s new in DA 6.0?
In this release, you will find the following new features:
Subgroups expanded from 4 to n dimensions
Streamlined template creation process
Enhanced mapping management
Handling of multiple recommended sources
Enhanced Import and Extract tools
Standard SDMX-XML compatible file format for data exchange
Live Update feature
Main Features of DA 6.0
DA 6.0 contains 12 modules which allow users to handle different aspects of database development
and management. The main application features include the following:
User-friendly common interface for all modules
Multi-tasking capabilities to allow multiple modules to run simultaneously
Access to remote online databases
Online data entry and editing
Digital map handling capabilities
Utility to create online web galleries
Data exchange utilities to facilitate data sharing across different applications
Metadata utilities t o s tore i nformation c ompliant with i nternational s tandards i n X ML
Online registry for global indicators
Streamlined data entry using spreadsheets and grids
Enhanced integration of Unicode for multiple language support
State-of-the-art .NET technology for application development
Guide summary
This guide contains fourteen chapters, each of which provides step-by-step explanations for the
various modules, utilities and options.
Chapter 1, “Getting Started,” outlines the system requirements and installation procedure.
Chapter 2, “Template,” explains the process of creating and editing a DevInfo 6.0 database template.
Chapter 3, “Data Entry,” explains the process of entering time periods, sources and data values
against the database elements defined in the template. You can also learn how to use the advanced
features of the Data Entry module such as importing data from spreadsheets and adding footnotes.
Chapter 4, “Tools,” outlines advanced data management options such as Import, Export, Split and
Extract. You can also learn how to mark recommended sources, validate databases and check
databases for spelling mistakes.
Chapter 5, “Reports,” explains the use of diagnostic reports such as the Summary Report,
Comparison Report, and Range Check Report.
Chapter 6, “Metadata,” guides you through the process of creating and editing metadata information
for database elements such as indicators, digital maps and data sources.
Chapter 7, “Mapping,” outlines the steps for advanced map editing. You can learn how to associate
digital map files to area names, split a composite map into individual shapefiles and associate
features such as roads and rivers to areas.
Chapter 8, “Language,” takes you through the steps involved in translating the strings of the user
interface, template and database into other languages.
Chapter 9, “Customize,” outlines the steps for customizing the skin of the DevInfo 6.0 User interface.
You can learn how to change the application name, logo, color scheme and images.
Chapter 10, “Gallery,” guides you through the process of publishing the presentation outputs (tables,
graphs and maps) to your own web gallery.
Chapter 11, “Data Exchange,” outlines the steps involved in importing data from other software
applications into DevInfo 6.0.
Chapter 12, “EmergencyInfo,” discusses the main features of the EmergencyInfo application utilities
used for disaster management.
Chapter 13, “Standards,” takes you through the steps of generating and using SDMX-compatible file
formats for data exchange.
Chapter 14, “Interface Menu Bar,” explains the various options on the interface menu bar, including
the DA “Live Update” feature.
User Interface overview
The DA 6.0 application opens with a common work area (Fig. 1).
Menu bar
Click the module name or the
arrow to expand or collapse
Click the grey bar to hide or
display the left panel
Fig. 1 DevInfo 6.0 home page
The left panel displays the modules that you choose to install during DA 6.0 installation. Click the
module name or the
arrow to expand or collapse the various modules. For example, clicking
Template expands the Template module, displaying further options (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Expanded Template module
Each module in DA 6.0 is a wizard which guides you step-by-step through the process of completing
the task.
The Menu Bar at the top of the window contains three menu items: File, Edit and Help. The Status
Bar at the bottom of the window indicates the progress of the action being processed. It also displays
the system date and time.
Caption bar
Toolbar buttons
Title bar
Navigation bar
Fig. 3 Standard DA 6.0 user interface
The standard DA 6.0 user interface contains the following items (Fig.3):
The title bar displays the name of the application and the working file.
The caption bar displays the current wizard step for the module being used.
The toolbar contains buttons used for common functions.
The navigation bar helps you navigate between the steps of the module. It contains the
following buttons: Cancel, Back, Next and Finish, as well as a wizard s tep box with a
drop-down list.
o Click Cancel to ignore any action and exit the module without saving any
o Click Back to return to the previous step.
o The wizard step box displays the current module step and allows you to navigate
between s teps. C lick t he s tep box to display a l ist of al l t he module steps, and
move to any step by clicking the desired step from the list.
o Click Next to proceed to the next step.
o Click Finish to save all changes and exit the module.
Getting Started
System Requirements
The recommended minimum hardware requirements to install and run the DevInfo 6.0 application are
as follows:
Pentium IV
512 MB of RAM
1 GB of free hard disk space
Display resolution 1024 x 768
Microsoft Windows XP or above
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft Office XP is recommended but not required
Installing the DA 6.0 application
To install the DA 6.0 application on your computer, follow these steps:
Insert the DevInfo 6.0 Database Administration CD into the CD-ROM drive.
Wait for Auto-run to open the Setup screen.
Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to complete setup.
Double-click t he DevInfo 6.0 Data Admin
icon on t he des ktop t o s tart the
If the setup program does not load automatically, then do the following:
Go to Start and click Run.
Type d:\setup (where “d” is the location of your CD-ROM drive) and press ENTER.
Follow the instructions that appear on your screen to complete setup.
Double-click t he DevInfo 6.0 Data Admin
icon on t he desktop to s tart the
Note: Installing DA 6.0 modules
By default, the installation process installs all the DA 6.0 modules. To choose not to
install a particular module, clear the check box next to the module.
The Template module allows you to create or modify a DevInfo database template. The database
template provides the structural model for building a DevInfo database. It specifies the elements
against which data can be entered into a DevInfo database. While creating a template, you can do
the following:
Define indicators
Define units of measurement
Define subgroups, such as sex, location, age group and others
Link indicators, units and subgroups to form I-U-S combinations
Categorize I -U-S c ombinations un der v arious i ndicator c lassifications, s uch as Sector,
Goal, Framework, Theme, Institution and Convention
Define geographic areas
Link geographic areas to maps
A template can contain both global and local (user-defined) elements. Global elements, which are
displayed in a different color, are imported from the DevInfo Registry and cannot be modified by the
user. However, local (user-defined) elements can be created and modified in the Template module.
The Template module contains the following options (Fig 2.1):
Fig. 2.1 Template module options
Allows you to create a new template
Allows you to open an existing template, including a template from
an existing database file
Save As…
Saves the working file under a different file name or in a different
Update Registry
Updates your local DevInfo Registry from the online DevInfo Global
Edit GIDs
Allows you to manage the global identification numbers assigned to
DevInfo database elements
Merge Template
Allows you to merge two or more templates
Compliance to registry
Checks the consistency of your template elements against the
DevInfo Registry
Each of these options will be explained below.
The New option allows you to create a new template. When you click New, the window displays Step
1 of creating a template (Fig. 2.2).
Fig. 2.2 Starting the Template module
Creating a new template is a three-step process.
Step 1 - Indicators
Click the empty cell under Indicator to enter the indicator name(s) in the template (Fig. 2.3). The
indicator name can contain letters, numbers and/or other characters.
Click here to enter the indicator name
Fig. 2.3 Entering the indicator name
To enter and manage all the indicator names in a single window, click the arrow to the right of the
Indicator cell and select Indicators from the drop-down list to open the Indicator window (Fig 2.4).
Click here to enter the indicator name
Fig. 2.4 Entering indicator names in the Indicator window
The following buttons are available in the Indicator window:
Submits and saves the newly-entered indicator
New …
Clears the box to allow you to enter a new indicator
Allows you to edit the current indicator in the box
Deletes the selected indicator from the list
Opens the Import window to allow you to import indicators either from the
DevInfo Registry or from an existing DevInfo database or template
When you are finished entering indicator names, click OK to save and close.
Click the empty cell under Unit to enter the unit name. To enter and manage all the unit names in a
single window, click the arrow to the right of the Unit cell and select Units from the drop-down list to
open the Unit window. Note that this contains the same buttons as the Indicator window (Fig. 2.5).
Fig. 2.5 Entering unit names in the Unit window
Enter the desired unit names or import them from the DevInfo Registry or from other existing DevInfo
databases or templates. When you are finished entering unit names, click OK to save and close.
DevInfo 6.0 allows for N-dimension subgroups. A subgroup is a subset within a sample or population
identified by some common dimension such as sex (male/female) or location (urban/rural).
Subgroups allow for the disaggregation of the data for any given indicator.
Click the empty cell under Subgroup to enter subgroup data. The application prompts you to select
one of the following from the list:
Subgroups Dimension values
Subgroup Dimension
First define the desired subgroup dimensions (such as sex, location, age, religion, or mother tongue)
by selecting Subgroup Dimension from the list. This opens the Subgroup Dimension window, in
which you can enter and manage all the subgroup dimensions. Note that this contains the same
buttons as the Indicator window (Fig. 2.6).
Fig. 2.6 Entering subgroup dimensions in the Subgroup Dimension window
Enter the desired subgroup dimensions or import them from the DevInfo Registry or from other
existing DevInfo databases or templates. When you are finished, click OK to save and close.
After defining the subgroup dimensions (for example, “Sex”) you can then define the subgroup
dimension values (for example, “Male” and “Female”). Select Subgroup Dimension values from the
list in the empty cell under Subgroup to open the Subgroup Dimension values window. In this
window you can enter and manage all the subgroup dimensions values. Note that this contains the
same buttons as the Indicator window (Fig. 2.7).
Fig. 2.7 Entering subgroup dimension values
Select the subgroup dimension for which you wish to enter values from the list in the Subgroup
Dimension box. Then enter the desired values for the selected dimension in the Subgroup
Dimension values box or import them from the DevInfo Registry or from other existing DevInfo
databases or templates. When you are finished, click OK to save and close.
After defining the subgroup dimensions and the subgroup dimension values, you can define
subgroups by selecting Subgroup from the list in the empty cell under Subgroup to open the
Subgroup window. In this window you can define and manage all subgroups. Note that this contains
the same buttons as the other windows (Fig. 2.8).
Fig. 2.8 Defining subgroups
Select the check box next to the desired subgroup dimension value(s) to create a subgroup. To
create combined subgroups (such as “Female 15-24 yr” and “Male 15-24 yr”), select multiple check
boxes (for example, “Female,” “Male” and “15-24 yr”). Click Add to add the selected subgroup(s) to
your template. Click Clear to clear all the subgroup check boxes. To add or edit dimension values,
click Dimensions values to open the Subgroup Dimension values window.
Indicator – Unit – Subgroups
After defining the indicators, units and subgroups individually, you can now link them to create
indicator - unit - subgroup (I-U-S) combinations. Select IUS from the drop-down list in any cell under
Indicator to open the I-U-S window (Fig 2.9).
Fig. 2.9 Creating I-U-S combinations
In this window you can create and manage all the I-U-S combinations. Note that this window contains
three panes:
The Indicator pane at top contains indicators
The Unit pane at lower left contains units
The Subgroup pane at lower right contains subgroups
Note the following two tools available above the Indicator pane:
Allows you to add a new indicator, unit or subgroup
Allows you to edit a highlighted indicator, unit or subgroup
When you are finished creating I-U-S combinations, click OK to save and close.
The DA toolbar contains the following tools which can help you define indicators:
Allows you to add a new indicator by creating a new row
Allows you to edit the text of a highlighted indicator
Saves the template to the default location (C:\DevInfo\DevInfo
6.0\DevInfo 6.0\Data)
Deletes the highlighted I-U-S row (click the row header to highlight
the row)
Displays information (metadata) for the highlighted inicator
Prints the list of indicators, units and subgroups entered in the
template to a .pdf file and opens the document in the PDF viewer
Allows you to import indicators, units, subgroups, subgroup
dimensions and subgroup dimension values into the current template
Allows you to export the list of indicators, units and subgroups in the
window to various file formats, including .xls, .csv, .pdf, .htm and .xml
Importing Indicators, Units, Subgroups
Import tool allows you to import indicators, units and subgroups into the new template. Click
Import to open the Import window (Fig. 2.10).
Fig. 2.10 Import Window
By default, the Use DevInfo Registry check box is selected to display elements from the DevInfo
Registry, which is the repository of the global database elements as defined by the Global System
Administrator. Note that there are five tabs in the Import window (Fig. 2.11).
Fig. 2.11 Five tabs in the Import window
By default, the Indicator tab is selected to display all the indicators available in the DevInfo Registry.
Select the desired indicator(s) from the list.
Click any of the other four tabs to view and select their respective elements. You can also search the
DevInfo Registry by entering keywords in the search box to search the DevInfo Registry for matching
Select the Retrieve Unit and Subgroup check box to retrieve and import pre-linked units and
subgroups along with the selected indicator(s).
Select the Sector check box to retrieve and import pre-associated sector classifications along with
the selected indicator(s).
To import elements from other DevInfo templates and databases, click
to browse for the location
of the desired file. To import elements from DevInfo data entry spreadsheets, click
Entry Spreadsheet.
DevInfo Data
Click Apply to import the selected elements and continue importing additional elements. Click OK to
import the selected elements and exit.
When you are finished entering indicators, click Next to go to Step 2 of the Template module.
Step 2 - Indicator Classifications
In Step 2, you can link I-U-S combinations to different indicator classifications. The following
classifications are available in DevInfo:
Note that in the Step 2 - Indicator Classification window, the default indicator classification is by
Sector (Fig. 2.12).
Fig. 2.12 Linking I-U-S combinations to indicator classifications
Import to import sector classifications from the DevInfo Registry. Alternatively, click
New to create a new sector. The application creates a new sector level under the sector tree with the
default text, “New item.” Type the desired sector name to overwrite the default text and press Enter.
To create sub-sectors, click the desired sector and then click
New. The application creates a
new sub-sector level under the desired sector. Repeat the process to create any number of sublevels under each sector.
To edit any sector classification, select the desired text and click
modes, press ESC.
Edit. To exit the New or Edit
After you have finished defining the sector tree, you can link the I-U-S combinations to the newlycreated sector classifications. Note that you can only link an I-U-S combination to the lowest level of
any sector branch. Highlight the lowest level of the sector branch to which you wish to link the I-U-S
combination(s) and select the desired I-U-S check box(es) to complete the linking process.
Note that you can link an I-U-S combination with multiple sectors and sub-sectors.
Note: Creating a new sub-sector after linking I-U-S combinations
If you create a new sub-sector under a sector to which you have already linked I-U-S
combinations, the links will be automatically transferred to the new lower level.
Under the Goal classification, you can import or enter goals (such as the Millennium Development
Goals) and then link the I-U-S combinations to them. The procedure for importing, entering and
linking goals is the same as that for sectors.
Under the Framework classification, you can create a pictorial diagram of a framework using
flowchart elements and then link the I-U-S combinations to them. A framework is a systematic, logical
structure which denotes the order of change or the cause-and-effect relationship between various
processes. Note that the Framework window has a vertical toolbar at left (Fig. 2.13).
Edit text here
Framework toolbar
Fig. 2.13 Indicator Classification - Framework
The Framework toolbar contains the following shape tools to create flowchart elements:
Creates a rectangle
Creates a rectangle with rounded corners
Creates a circle
Creates a rectangle with a beveled edge
Creates a triangle
Creates a decision box (diamond)
Use these flowchart elements to create framework components. Select any shape tool from the
toolbar and then use the mouse to draw the component in the framework grid area. To fill the
component with color, click
to open the color palette and select the desired color.
To change the default component text, type the desired text in the text box located above the
Framework toolbar. To change the default text color, click
desired color.
to open the color palette and select the
To link framework components with a line, click a component and drag the mouse to the target
When you are finished creating framework components, link the I-U-S combinations to them by
selecting a component and then selecting the desired I-U-S check boxes in the right pane.
Under the Theme classification, you can create themes and then link the I-U-S combinations to them.
A theme is a central idea or concept which provides a broad perspective to interpret development
initiatives or processes. The procedure for creating and linking themes is the same as that for sectors.
Under the Institution classification, you can create institutions (organizations) and then link the I-U-S
combinations to them. Examples of institutions include governments, UN agencies and donor
agencies. The procedure for creating and linking institutions is the same as that for sectors.
Under the Convention classification, you can create conventions and then link the I-U-S
combinations to them. A convention refers to formal multi-lateral treaties negotiated among a large
number of states, such as the Child Rights Convention, the Convention on Bio-diversity or the Vienna
Convention on Law of Treaties. The procedure for creating and linking conventions is the same as
that for sectors.
Step 3- Areas
In Step 3, you can add geographical areas and their digital maps to the template. Each geographical
area has a unique Area ID which links the area to a digital map file.
Note that the Area window contains three panes (Fig. 2.14).
Fig. 2.14 Area window
The left pane displays the area tree view. The center pane allows you to add or update area names
and Area IDs. The right pane displays the area names, Area IDs and the area levels which you have
Import to import the area names, Area IDs and digital maps from the DevInfo Registry or
from other existing DevInfo databases or templates (Fig. 2.15).
Fig. 2.15 Importing areas, Area IDs and digital maps
Select the Map check box to import digital maps along with the area names. Select the desired area
level from the Level box.
Click Apply to import the selected areas and continue importing other areas. Click OK to import the
selected areas and exit.
To define a new area, select the desired node from the area tree under which you wish to create the
new area and click
New. Enter the area name and Area ID in the center pane and click Add.
Note that you can add any number of geographic area levels to the area tree.
Note: Area IDs
Area IDs contain alphanumeric characters of varied length. They link area names with
digital map files. The Area ID of the area name must match the Area ID of its associated
digital map file.
To edit a created area, select the desired area from the left pane and click
area name and Area ID in the center pane and click Update.
Edit. Enter the desired
When you are finished adding areas, click Finish to save your template. The application will prompt
you to select a file name before saving the template in the default location.
To open and edit an existing template, click Open from the Template module. You will now be able to
view the available templates in the default location (Fig. 2.16).
Fig. 2.16 Opening an existing template
Select a template from the available list and click Open. You can also browse for a template in
another location.
To open and edit a template from an existing database, select Microsoft Access (*.mdb) from the
list in the Files of type box (Fig. 2.16).
Follow the same procedure explained earlier under New to edit the template elements.
Update Registry
The Update Registry option in the Template module allows you to update your local copy of the
DevInfo Registry with the most recent changes made to the DevInfo Global Registry.
The DevInfo Registry (global.zip) contains the global template elements as defined by the Global
System Administrator. A read-only copy of the registry is installed on your local computer at the time
of installing the application.
Updating the registry is a one-step process. Note that you must be connected to the Internet to
update the registry (Fig. 2.17).
Fig. 2.17 Updating the registry
To connect to the DevInfo Global Registry, you need to provide the following information:
Server Name
The computer name which contains the DevInfo Global Registry file
User Name
The login name to access the server
The password assigned to the login name
The folder location on the server
Click Finish to begin updating the registry. Note that this process may take some time, depending on
the network connection and your hardware configuration.
Edit GIDs
The Edit GIDs option from the Template module allows you to edit the global identification numbers
(GIDs) associated with DevInfo data elements.
Every data element created in DevInfo is assigned an auto-generated unique identification number,
called a GID. These GIDs are used in various database administration processes. Because GIDs are
auto-generated, they appear as complex strings (for example, 8B1C7469-D8EF-43AF-BD311824B6B1F7CB). If you wish, you can edit these GIDs and replace them with other strings.
Editing GIDs is a two-step process.
Step 1 – Select File
In Step 1, select the file in which you wish to edit the GIDs. Indicate whether you wish to edit the GIDs
in a template or a database by selecting the desired file type below the toolbar (Fig. 2.18).
Fig. 2.18 Selecting the desired template or database to edit GIDs
to browse for the file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from
the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 – Edit GIDs
In Step 2, you can view and edit the GIDs in the selected file (Fig 2.19).
Fig. 2.19 Editing GIDs
Highlight any element category (such as “Indicator” or “Sector”) in the left pane to view and edit the
GIDs for the category elements in the right pane.
When you are finished editing GIDs, click Finish to save and exit.
Merge Template
The Merge Template option in the Template module allows you to merge two or more templates.
Merging templates is a ten-step process.
Step 1 - Select Source Template
In Step 1, select the source template(s) to be merged. The templates available from the default
location are displayed in the Available pane (Fig. 2.20).
Fig. 2.20 Selecting source templates
to browse for the file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from
the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Note that you can select multiple files to merge.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Target File
In Step 2, select the target file with which you wish to merge the source template(s). Indicate whether
you wish to merge the source template(s) with a template or a database by selecting the desired file
type from below the toolbar (Fig. 2.21).
Fig. 2.21 Selecting the target file
to browse for the file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from
the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Step 3 - Indicators
Steps 3 to 9 involve matching the different elements of the source file(s) with those of the target file.
In each step, you can view the unmatched elements.
In Step 3, you need to either import unmatched indicators from the source file(s) into the target file or
match them with those of the target file. The window displays the lists of unmatched and available
indicators (Fig. 2.22).
Fig. 2.22 Matching indicators of the source file(s) with those of the target file
To import indicators from the source file(s) into the target file, select the desired indicator(s) and click
Import in the Unmatched pane.
To match indicators, follow these steps:
Select an unmatched indicator in the Unmatched pane.
Highlight the indicator in the Available pane with which you wish to match the selected
Click Map in t he Available pane. T he i ndicators will n ow be m atched i n t he Mapped
Step 4 - Units
In Step 4, you need to either import unmatched units from the source file(s) into the target file or
match them with those of the target file. The window displays the lists of unmatched and available
units (Fig. 2.23).
Fig. 2.23 Matching units of the source file(s) with those of the target file
The process of importing and matching units is the same as that for indicators.
Steps 5, 6 and 7 - Subgroups
In Steps 5, 6 and 7 you need to either import unmatched subgroup dimensions, subgroup dimension
values and subgroups from the source file(s) into the target file or match them with those of the target
file. The process of importing and matching subgroup dimensions, subgroup dimension values and
subgroups is the same as that for indicators.
Step 8 - Indicators Classifications
In Step 8, you need to either import unmatched indicator classifications from the source file(s) into the
target file or match them with those of the target file. The process of importing and matching indicator
classifications is the same as that for indicators.
Step 9 - Areas
In Step 9, you need to either import unmatched areas from the source file(s) into the target file or
match them with those of the target file. The process of importing and matching areas is the same as
that for indicators.
Step 10 - Process
Click Finish to complete the process and merge the elements of the source file(s) with those of the
target file. The application generates a DA App Merge Template log file, displaying details of the
merge template process in the following location: C:\DevInfo\DevInfo 6.0\Spreadsheets (Fig 2.24).
Fig. 2.24 Merge Template log file
Compliance to Registry
The Compliance to Registry option in the Template module allows you to make your template or
database compliant with the DevInfo Registry – that is, to ensure that your template or database
contains all the elements found in the DevInfo Registry. This is useful, for example, if you wish to
create a database containing all the global database elements (such as an MDG database).
This option instructs the application to check the GIDs of your template or database against those of
the DevInfo Registry. If the GIDs match but the names (strings) are different, the application will
replace the mismatched names with the DevInfo Registry names. If the names match but the GIDs
are different, the application will replace the mismatched GIDs with the DevInfo Registry GIDs.
Making your template or database compliant with the DevInfo Registry is a nine-step process.
Step 1 - Select Target File
In Step 1, select the target file which you wish to make compliant with the DevInfo Registry. Indicate
whether you wish to use a template or database by selecting the desired file type below the toolbar
(Fig. 2.25).
Fig. 2.25 Selecting the target file
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for the file in a different location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available
pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Indicators
Steps 2 to 8 involve checking, importing, and/or matching the different elements of the DevInfo
Registry against those of the target file. In each step, you can view the unmatched elements.
Step 2 displays lists of unmatched and available indicators. You can either import or match the
unmatched indicators from the DevInfo Registry with those available in the target file (Fig. 2.26).
Fig. 2.26 Importing and matching indicators
To import unmatched indicators from the DevInfo Registry into the target file, select the desired
indicator(s) and click Import or Import All in the Unmatched pane.
To match indicators, follow these steps:
Select an unmatched indicator in the Unmatched pane.
Highlight the indicator in the Available pane with which you wish to match the selected
Click Map in t he Available pane. T he i ndicators will no w be m atched i n t he Mapped
Step 3 - Units
In Step 3, you can either import or match the unmatched units from the DevInfo Registry with those
available in the target file. The process of importing/matching units is same as that for indicators.
Steps 4, 5 and 6 - Subgroups
In Steps 4, 5 and 6, you can import or match the unmatched subgroup dimensions, subgroup
dimension values and subgroups from the DevInfo Registry with those available in the target file. The
process of importing/matching subgroup dimensions, subgroup dimension values and subgroups is
same as that for indicators.
Step 7 - Indicator Classifications
In Step 7, you can import or match the unmatched indicator classifications from the DevInfo Registry
with those available in the target file. The process of importing/matching indicator classifications is
same as that for indicators.
Step 8 - Areas
In Step 8, you can import or match the unmatched areas from the DevInfo Registry with those
available in the target file. The process of importing/matching areas is same as that for indicators.
Step 9 - Process
In Step 9, the application processes the Compliance to Registry option. Click Finish to complete
the process. The application generates a log file displaying details of the compliance to registry
process in the following location: C:\DevInfo\DevInfo 6.0\Spreadsheets (Fig. 2.27).
Fig. 2.27 Compliance to Registry log file
Data Entry
The Data Entry module allows you to enter data to create a DevInfo 6.0 database. You can enter
data against a template or directly into an existing database. Note that data can be entered only for
those elements already defined in the template or database.
The Data Entry module contains the following four options (Fig. 3.1):
Fig. 3.1 Data window
Allows you to enter data and create a new database
Allows you to enter or edit data in an existing database
Save As…
Saves the working file under a different file name or in a different location
User Profiles
Allows you to create and manage user accounts for online data entry
Each of these options will be explained below.
The New option allows you to enter data and create a new database.
Creating a new database is a six-step process.
Step 1 - Select Template
In Step1, select the template against which you wish to enter data (Fig. 3.2).
Fig. 3.2 Selecting a template
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for the file in a different location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available
pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Indicator
In Step 2, select the indicator(s) for which you wish to enter data. Note that the Select Indicator
window contains three panes: the indicator classification tree in the left pane, the Available pane and
the Selected pane (Fig. 3.3).
Click here to select a different
indicator classification
Fig. 3.3 Selecting indicators
The left pane displays the indicator classification tree arranged by the default classification, Sector.
Click any tree branch to view the indicators classified under that branch as well as available subbranches. To view and select indicators by a different classification (such as Goal or Theme), select
the desired classification from the menu below the toolbar.
Indicators are selected only when they appear in the Selected pane. The process of selecting an
indicator involves transferring it from the Available pane to the Selected pane. To do this, you can do
any of the following:
Double-click the indicator
Drag the indicator to the Selected pane
Highlight the indicator and click Select Highlighted
on the Available pane header
You can select multiple indicators by clicking one indicator and holding down the SHIFT key while
using the arrow keys or the mouse to highlight a range of indicators.
To select all indicators in the Available pane, click Select All
on the Available pane header.
To remove one or more indicators from the Selected pane, you can do any of the following:
Double-click the indicator(s)
Highlight the indicator(s) and click Remove Highlighted
Highlight the indicator(s) and press the DELETE key
To remove all the items from the Selected pane, click Remove All
on the Selected pane
on the Selected pane header.
Show Units and Subgroups to toggle between viewing only indicators and viewing
the entire I-U-S combinations.
When you are finished selecting the indicator(s) for which you wish to enter data, click Next.
Step 3 - Select Time
In Step 3, define and select the time period(s) for data entry. Note that there are two panes in the
Select Time window, Available and Selected (Fig. 3.4).
Fig. 3.4 Defining and selecting time periods
To import time periods from the DevInfo Registry or other DevInfo templates or databases, click
Import on the toolbar. The imported selections will appear in the Available pane.
To enter a new time period, click
New on the toolbar to open the Time window (Fig. 3.5).
Fig. 3.5 Entering a new time period
Select the desired time format from the list in the Format box and enter the desired time period in the
box below. Note that you can choose from the following time formats:
yyyy.mm – yyyy.mm
yyyy.mm.dd – yyyy.mm.dd
Click Apply to accept the time period entered and continue adding more time periods. When you are
finished entering time periods, click OK.
To edit any of the time periods in the Available pane, highlight it and click
To sort the time periods in the Available pane in either ascending or descending order, click Time
Period in the pane header. Click the small arrow next to Time Period in the pane header to toggle
between ascending and descending order.
After defining the list of available time periods, select the desired time periods for data entry by
transferring them from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Step 4 - Select Areas
In Step 4, select the geographical area(s) for data entry. Note that the Select Area window contains
three panes: the area tree in the left pane, the Available pane and the Selected pane (Fig. 3.6).
Fig. 3.6 Selecting areas
The left pane displays the area tree. Click any tree branch to view its sub-areas.
Select all desired area(s) for data entry by transferring them from the Available pane to the Selected
To select all areas in the area tree for data entry, first specify the desired area level in the Area Level
box in the pane header of the area tree pane. Then click
all areas of a different area level.
Select All. Repeat the process to select
Step 5 - Select Source
In Step 5, define and select the data source(s) of the data to be entered. Note that the Select Source
window contains three panes: the source tree in the left pane, the Available pane and the Selected
pane (Fig. 3.7).
Fig. 3.7 Selecting sources
To import sources from the DevInfo Registry or from other DevInfo templates or databases, click
Import on the toolbar. The imported selections will appear in the Available pane.To enter a new
source, click
New on the toolbar to open the Source window (Fig. 3.8).
Fig. 3.8 Entering a new source
Enter the publisher, title and year of the source or select them from the drop-down list. Click Apply to
accept the source that you entered and continue adding more sources. When you are finished adding
sources, click OK.
Note that the source tree displays available sources organized by publisher. To edit any of the
sources in the Available pane, highlight it and click
After defining the list of available sources, select the desired sources for data entry by transferring
them from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Tip: Defining publishers and titles for sources
The drop-down list in the Publisher box contains ISO codes for countries and standard
acronyms for international institutions. If the publisher is an international institution, enter
the acronym of the institution (for example, UNDP or UNICEF). If the publisher is a
government agency, enter the ISO code for the country.
For source titles, use abbreviations whenever possible - for example, “SOWC” in place of “State of
the World’s Children.”
Step 6 - Data Entry
In Step 6, you can enter the data values for the various I-U-S combination(s), time period(s), area(s)
and source(s) previously defined and selected to create a database.
If you selected multiple I-U-S combinations for data entry, then each I-U-S combination will be
displayed in a separate node in the Data Entry window (Fig. 3.9).
Grouping bar
Click here to
display the
grouping bar
Drag any column heading
to the grouping bar
Fig. 3.9 Entering data values
By default, groups are formed on the basis of indicators and units. To modify these groups, click the
dotted line
below the toolbar to display the grouping bar (Fig. 3.9). The grouping bar
displays the sequence of elements by which the data view is grouped. To add a grouping element (for
example, Source or Time), drag its column heading to the grouping bar. To remove a grouping
element, drag it from the grouping bar back to its original location. To modify the grouping sequence,
drag the elements to their desired places within the grouping bar.
Enter a data value for each row by clicking the corresponding cell in the Data column. Use the
following right-click menu options to facilitate the data entry process:
Copies the cell contents to the clipboard
Pastes the copied contents from the clipboard to the desired cell(s)
Sorts the data entry view according to the specified data elements
Opens the Footnotes window to allow you to add footnotes for data values
(Fig. 3.10).
Fig. 3.10 Footnotes window
To create a new footnote, enter the footnote text in the box and click Submit
to save it. You can also click Import to import footnotes. All available
footnotes, whether created or imported, will appear in the Footnotes box.
To apply a footnote to a particular data value, click its cell in the data entry
view and then click Footnotes from the right-click menu. Select the desired
footnote and click OK.
Displays the count of the total number of records in the indicator grouping
Allows you to select the desired number of decimal places for the data
Inserts a new column in the data entry view to allow you to enter
denominator values used in calculating data values
Show/Hide Min/Max
Inserts two new columns in the data entry view to allow you to enter
minimum and maximum range values assigned to the data values
Use the following tools from the toolbar to facilitate the data entry process:
Sorts the data entry view according to the specified data elements
Exports the data entry view into various file formats such as .xls to allow for
data entry outside of the DevInfo application
When you are finished entering data values for all the rows in the data entry view, click
Save to
save all changes. Note that the application saves the database file with an .mdb extension. You can
now return to Step 2 to specify the data entry parameters for other indicators. Data values
subsequently entered will be appended to the same database file at the time of saving.
Click Finish to save all changes and exit.
Click Open in the Data Entry module to enter and edit data in an existing database. Entering and
editing data in an existing database is a six-step process.
Step 1 - Select Database
In Step 1, select the database in which you wish to enter and edit data. Note that the Select Database
window contains two tabs: Online and Offline (Fig. 3.11).
Fig. 3.11 Selecting an offline database
The Offline tab is displayed by default. To enter and edit data in an offline database, select one of the
databases available in the default location by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available to the
Selected pane or click
to browse for the file in another location.
To enter and edit data in an online database hosted on a remote server, click the Online tab
(Fig. 3.12).
Fig. 3.12 Selecting an online database
Click the online database box to view and select any previously-saved online database connections.
Select the desired database and enter your user name and password at the bottom of the window to
connect to the database. Once you are connected, you can enter or edit data.
To connect to an online database not listed, click
Connection dialog box (Fig. 3.13).
New Connection to open the New
Fig. 3.13 New Connection dialog box
Provide the requested information and click Test to authenticate the user name and password on the
specified server. The system will return a “Connection successful” message after authentication. Click
Save to save the connection for future use.
Steps 2 to 6 - Select Indicator, Time, Area and Source and Data Entry
These steps are the same as the steps involved in creating a new database. See New earlier in this
chapter for more details.
User Profiles
The User Profiles option in the Data Entry module allows you to create and manage user accounts
for online data entry – that is, entering data into a DevInfo 6.0 database located on a remote server.
Using this option, you can add new users as well as set online database access rights.
Creating and managing user profiles is a two-step process.
Step 1 - Select database
In Step 1, select the server connection and access the remote database to manage the user profiles
(Fig. 3.14).
Fig 3.14 Selecting an online database
Click the online database box to view and select any previously-saved online database connections.
Select the desired database and enter your user name and password at the bottom of the window to
connect to the database.
To connect to an online database not listed, click
New Connection to open the New
Connection dialog box. Provide the requested information and click Test to authenticate the user
name and password on the specified server. The system will return a “Connection successful”
message after authentication. Click Save to save the connection for future use.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Users
In Step 2, you can create new user accounts, modify existing user accounts and track access history.
Note that the Users window displays a list of existing users and their access rights (Fig. 3.15).
Fig. 3.15 Viewing existing users and their access rights
New to open the Users dialog box to create a new user account, or click
an existing user account (Fig. 3.16).
Edit to edit
Fig. 3.16 Creating and editing user accounts
In the Users dialog box, specify the desired user name and password in the respective boxes.
Specify the desired user access rights under Access To as follows:
Grants the user source, time period, and administrator access rights
Grants the user source access rights. Note that granting source rights
automatically grants the user time period rights as well.
Time Period
Grants the user time period access rights.
Grants the user administrator access rights, which allows the user to create
and manage user accounts
Click OK to apply the changes, which will be reflected in the Users window.
When you are finished, click Finish to save all changes and exit.
The Tools module contains various tools to help database administrators perform important data
management functions, including moving data between databases, splitting and extracting data from
large databases, marking recommended sources, and checking databases for spelling mistakes and
other inconsistencies.
The Tools module contains the following options (Fig. 4.1):
Fig. 4.1 Tools module options
Allows you to import data from spreadsheets and databases into a
DevInfo template or database
Allows you to export data from DevInfo templates or databases to
Allows you to split large databases into smaller ones
Extract Database
Allows you to extract or pull out a data set from a database based on
multiple selection criteria
Recommended Sources
Allows you to recommend one or more sources from available
Validate from Registry
Validates a template or database against the DevInfo Registry to
check for inconsistencies and errors
Spell Check
Checks a DevInfo template or database for spelling errors
Each of these options will be explained below.
The Import option allows you to import data from DevInfo Data Entry spreadsheets and DevInfo
databases into a DevInfo template or database. You can also use Import to merge databases.
Importing data is an eight-step process.
Step 1 - Select File
In Step 1, select the source file(s) to be imported. Indicate whether you wish to import a DevInfo Data
Entry Spreadsheet or a database by selecting the desired file type below the toolbar (Fig. 4.2).
Fig. 4.2 Selecting the source file
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for file(s) in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Note that you can select multiple files to import data from multiple sources.
Note: Selecting source data files to import
DevInfo allows you to import two types of data files. The first type is a DevInfo Data
Entry Spreadsheet, which is created by exporting a DevInfo template to .xls format to
allow for more convenient data entry. The second type is a DevInfo database.
Data from either of these file types can be imported against a reference template or into a database.
If the data is imported against a reference template, a new database is created. If the data is
imported into an existing database, the new data is simply appended to the existing database.
Note that if a database source file is imported against a reference template, the database gets
filtered based on the template before a new database is created.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Database
In Step 2, select the reference file against which you wish to import the data. The data will be
imported based on the indicators, units, subgroups and areas defined in the reference file.
Note: Selecting the reference file
If you select a template as the reference file, a new database will be created. If you
select a database as the reference file, the source data will be appended to the
reference database.
Indicate whether you wish to import the data against a template or into a database by selecting the
desired file type below the toolbar (Fig. 4.3).
Fig. 4.3 Selecting the reference file
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for files in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Step 3 - Indicator Matching
Steps 3 to 7 involve matching the different elements of the source file(s) with those of the reference
file. In each step, you can view the unmatched element.
In Step 3, you can match the unmatched indicators of the source file(s) with those of the reference file
(Fig. 4.4).
Fig. 4.4 Matching indicators
To match indicators, first select an unmatched indicator from the drop-down list in the Unmatched
Indicators box. Then highlight the desired indicator in the Map To pane with which you wish to match
it and click Apply. The matched indicators are displayed in the Mapped pane.
Continue this process until all desired unmatched indicators are matched.
Note: Matching indicators
Note that data for unmatched indicators will not be imported against the reference
template or database.
Step 4 - Unit Matching
In Step 4, you can match the unmatched units of the source file(s) with those of the reference file.
The process of matching units is same as that for matching indicators.
Step 5 - Subgroup Matching
In Step 5, you can match the unmatched subgroups of the source file(s) with those of the reference
file. The process of matching subgroups is same as that for matching indicators.
Step 6 - I-U-S Matching
In Step 6, you can match the unmatched I-U-S combinations of the source file(s) with those of the
reference file. The process of matching I-U-S combinations is same as that for matching indicators.
Step 7 - Area Matching
In Step 7, you can match the unmatched areas of the source file(s) with those of the reference file.
The process of matching areas is same as that for matching indicators.
Step 8 - Process
In Step 8, the application imports the data from the source file(s) against the selected reference
template or into the selected database. Click Finish to complete the process. A log file is generated
displaying details of the import process in the following location: C:\DevInfo\DevInfo 6.0\Spreadsheets
(Fig. 4.5).
Fig. 4.5 Data Entry Log
Tip: Saving the database under a new file name
Save the database under a new file name if the reference file is a template.
The Export option allows you to export data from a DevInfo template or database to one or more
DevInfo Data Entry spreadsheets, for data verification or data entry purposes.
Exporting data is a five-step process.
Step 1 - Selection
In Step 1, select the file which you wish to export. Indicate whether you wish to export a template or a
database by selecting the desired file type below the toolbar (Fig 4.6).
Fig. 4.6 Selecting the file you wish to export
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Options
In Step 2, you can select various options related to how you wish to export data (Fig. 4.7).
Fig. 4.7 Selecting various export options
In the Location box just below the toolbar, the default location for saving the DevInfo Data Entry
spreadsheets is displayed. Click
to browse for and specify another location.
Below the Location box, select one of three options for exporting data into DevInfo Data Entry
Exports only data (where it exists)
Missing Data
Exports both data (where it exists) and blank cells (where data does
not exist)
Blank Spreadsheets
Generates one or more empty spreadsheets with blank cells for data
Select the Include GUID check box to export GIDs to the Data Entry Spreadsheets.
Select the Single Workbook check box to export the data to a single MS-Excel workbook. If this
option is cleared, the application will generate separate workbooks for each indicator-unit combination.
Select the check boxes next to Indicator, Area, and the various indicator classification categories to
create their respective lists as separate workbooks.
Step 3 - Data
In Step 3, select the desired data elements for which you wish to export data. Note the six tabs below
the toolbar representing six categories of data elements to be selected: Indicator, Unit, Subgroup,
Time, Area and Source (Fig. 4.8).
Click each of these tabs to select the various
elements for which you wish to export data
Fig. 4.8 Selecting data criteria
Click each of these six tabs and select the desired data elements for which you wish to export data by
transferring them from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Note: Selecting data elements
If you are exporting a database file, then data elements in each of the six tabs Indicator, Unit, Subgroup, Time, Area and Source - must be selected in order to
generate DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheets. However, if you are exporting a template
file, then the Time and Source tabs will be disabled as those elements are not available in DevInfo
Step 4 - Sort
In Step 4, specify the desired sort order for the database elements in the Data Entry Spreadsheets
(Fig. 4.9).
Fig. 4.9 Specifying the sort order
Select the desired sort elements by double-clicking them to transfer them from the Available pane to
the Selected pane. You can choose any or all of the elements for sorting.
To modify the sort priority order of an element, highlight it and use the
pane header to move it up or down the sort priority list.
arrows in the Selected
To change the default sort order for any element from ascending to descending, click
the desired sort element.
in front of
Step 5 - Process
In Step 5, the application exports the data from the selected file to one or more DevInfo Data Entry
Spreadsheets. The list of files to be exported is displayed in the window. Click Finish to complete the
process. The application generates a log file displaying details of the export process.
Note: Naming DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheets
DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet file names always start with “Data_”, so they can be
easily distinguished from other MS-Excel spreadsheets.
The Split option allows you to split a large database into one or more smaller databases based upon
user-defined criteria.
Splitting a database is a four-step process.
Step 1 - Selection
In Step 1, select the database which you wish to split (Fig 4.10).
Fig. 4.10 Selecting the database which you wish to split
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Options
In Step 2, you can select various options for how you wish to split the selected database (Fig. 4.11).
Fig. 4.11 Selecting various split options
In the Location box just below the toolbar, the default location for saving the created database(s) is
displayed. Click
to browse and specify a different location.
By default, the Separate Database check box is selected to instruct the application to create
separate, multiple databases based upon the criteria to be defined. For example, if you select the two
indicators “Population size” and “Annual number of births” as your criteria, the application would
generate two separate databases, each containing data for one of the selected indicators.
To generate a single database containing all data based upon the criteria to be defined, clear the
Separate Database check box. In the example above, the application would generate a single
database containing data for both of the selected indicators.
In the Area Level box, select the desired area level down to which you wish to include data (in case
you do not specify any area criteria in Step 3). By default, the highest area level in the database is
selected, meaning that the application will include data for all area levels in the split database(s).
Step 3 - Data
In Step 3, select the desired criteria for splitting the database from the list in the Split by box. You
can select criteria from only one of the following six categories of data elements: Indicator, Unit,
Subgroup, Time Period, Area or Indicator Classification (Fig. 4.12).
Fig. 4.12 Selecting the desired split criteria
Selecting Indicator, Area, or Indicator Classification causes the respective element tree to be
displayed in the left pane. Selecting Unit, Subgroup, or Time Period causes the respective data
elements to be displayed in the left pane. Select the desired elements by transferring them from the
Available pane to the Selected pane.
Note: Selecting the desired split criteria
You can split the database into one or more smaller databases by specifying criteria
from only one data element category at a time. For example, you can split the database
into smaller databases by indicator, area, or time period.
However, you can select multiple data elements within a category for splitting. For example, you can
select multiple indicators or multiple areas to split the database into one or more smaller databases
containing data for your selections.
To split a database by specifying criteria from multiple data element categories (for example, both
indicator and area), use the Extract Database option in the Tools module.
Step 4 - Process
In Step 4, the application splits the selected database into one or more smaller databases based
upon the specified criteria. The list of new databases created is displayed in the window. Click Finish
to complete the process. The application generates a log file displaying details of the split process.
Extract Database
The Extract Database option allows you to extract or pull out a data set from a database based on
multiple selection criteria.
Extracting a data set is a two-step process.
Note: Differences between Split and Extract Database options
When using the Split option, you can specify criteria from only one data element
category. When using the Extract Database option, you can specify criteria from
multiple data element categories.
When using Split, the result can be one or more databases. When using Extract Database, the
result is always a single database.
Step 1 - Selection
In Step 1, select the database from which you wish to extract data (Fig 4.13).
Fig. 4.13 Selecting the database from which you wish to extract data
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for the file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane
to the Selected pane
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Data
In Step 2, select the desired criteria for extracting the data from the database. Note the six tabs below
the toolbar representing six categories of data elements from which you can select criteria: Indicator,
Unit, Subgroup, Time, Area and Source (Fig. 4.14).
Fig. 4.14 Selecting criteria for the data to be extracted
Click any or all of these six tabs to view their respective data elements in the left pane. Select the
criteria for which you wish to extract data by transferring the desired elements from the Available
pane to the Selected pane.
Note that you can select criteria from multiple data element categories. For example, you can select a
combination of indicator(s), area(s) and time period(s) to extract data based on your selections.
When you are finished selecting criteria, click Finish. Enter the desired filename in the window and
click Save to extract the data from the database based upon your selected criteria. The application
generates a log file displaying details of the extract process.
Recommended Sources
The Recommended Sources option allows you to mark one or more sources as a recommended or
preferred source.
Recommending sources is a two-step process.
Step 1 - Select Database
In Step 1, select the database in which you wish to mark recommended sources (Fig 4.15).
Fig. 4.15 Selecting a database
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Change Recommendations
In Step 2, you can mark a particular source as recommended for each unique indicator-unit-subgroup
(I-U-S) combination and assign it a rank as well as a label.
By default, the application displays indicators classified by Sector in the left pane. Click any of the
sectors to view all I-U-S combinations under that sector in the right pane (Fig. 4.16).
Fig. 4.16 Marking recommended sources
To view I-U-S combinations under a different indicator classification, select the desired classification
from the Indicator Classification box just above the sector tree.
Scroll down through the list of I-U-S combinations to identify those combinations which are associated
with more than one data source. If a particular I-U-S combination has multiple sources and you wish
to mark one of these as recommended, click the respective box in the Rank column and enter “1” as
the desired rank number. If you wish, you can enter rank numbers for the other sources to indicate
their order of preference. In the Label column, you can also enter descriptions and explanations for
the ranked sources.
Click Finish to apply the recommended source changes and exit.
Note: Viewing recommended sources
All recommended source changes can be viewed in the DevInfo User application.
Validate from Registry
The Validate from Registry option allows you to validate a DevInfo template or database against the
DevInfo Registry to check for inconsistencies and errors.
Validating a DevInfo template or database is a one-step process.
Step 1 - Select Template/Database file
In Step 1, select the file which you wish to validate. Indicate whether you wish to validate a template
or a database by selecting the desired file type below the toolbar (Fig 4.17).
Fig. 4.17 Selecting the file to validate
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Finish to begin validating the selected file. When the validation process is complete, an MSExcel file with eleven worksheets will be generated containing the following reports:
1. Indicator - with lists of the following:
Where the indicator is not available in the registry but defined as global
Where the indicator is available in the registry but not defined as global
Where the indicator name is blank
Where the indicator Global ID (GID) is duplicate
Where the indicator name is duplicate
Where the indicator is not present in any I-U-S combination
2. Unit - with lists of the following:
Where the unit is not available in the registry but defined as global
Where the unit is available in the registry but not defined as global
Where the unit name is blank
Where the unit Global ID (GID) is duplicate
Where the unit name is duplicate
Where the unit is not present in any I-U-S combination
3. Subgroup - with lists of the following:
Where the subgroup is not available in the registry but defined as global
Where the subgroup is available in the registry but not defined as global
Where the subgroup name is blank
Where the subgroup Global ID (GID) is duplicate
Where the subgroup name is duplicate
Where the subgroup is not present in any I-U-S combination
Where the subgroup dimension is not available
4. IUS - with a list of the indicators, units and subgroups with their Global IDs (GIDs)
5. Indicator Classifications - with lists of the following:
Where the indicator classification is not available in the registry but defined as global
Where the indicator classification is available in the registry but not defined as global
Where the indicator classification name is blank
Where the indicator classification Global ID (GID) is duplicate
Where the indicator classification name is duplicate
Where the I-U-S combination has not been classified by at least one method of indicator
6. Time Period - with a list of the time periods not referenced in the database
7. Area - with lists of the following:
Where the area is not available in the registry but defined as global
Where the area is available in the registry but not defined as global
Where the area name is blank
Where the area Global ID (GID) is duplicate
Where the area level name is blank
Where there is no map for the area map layer
8. Source – with lists of the following:
Where the source is not in valid format
Where the source is not referenced in the database
9. Data - with a list of the duplicate rows in the database
10. Metadata - with a list of metadata references which are missing style sheets
11. Total - with a list of the total data records, I-U-S combinations, time periods, indicator
classifications, indicators, units, subgroups and areas in the database
Spell Check
The Spell Check option allows you to check a template or database for spelling mistakes. Checking
for spelling is a three-step process.
Step 1 - Select File
In Step 1, select the file which you wish to check for spelling. Indicate whether you wish to check a
template or a database by selecting the desired file type below the toolbar (Fig 4.18).
Fig. 4.18 Selecting a file to check for spelling
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Tables
In Step 2, select the tables of the template or database for which you wish to check spellings. Note
that by default, all tables are selected (Fig. 4.19).
Fig. 4.19 Selecting tables for checking spelling
If you do not wish the application to check a table for spelling, remove it from the Selected pane by
double-clicking it.
Step 3 - Spelling
In Step 3, the application checks the selected tables for spelling.
When the spell check is complete, click Finish to save the changes and exit.
The Reports module allows you to generate useful summary information about DevInfo 6.0
databases. This module contains the following three options (Fig. 5.1):
Fig. 5.1 Report module options
Summary Report
Generates a comprehensive summary report of the entire database
Comparison Report
Compares two databases and generates a report detailing any
Range Check Report
Generates a report of all I-U-S combinations whose data values fall
outside the specified ranges
Each of these options will be explained below.
Summary Report
The Summary Report option generates either a basic or a detailed summary report of the entire
Generating a summary report is a one-step process.
Step 1 - Select File
In Step 1, select the database for which you wish to generate a summary report (Fig. 5.2).
Fig. 5.2 Selecting a database
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
After selecting the desired database, click Finish. The Database Summary Report window opens,
prompting you to select either a basic or detailed summary report (Fig. 5.3).
Fig. 5.3 Database Summary Report window
The detailed summary report includes all the worksheets found in the basic summary report as well
as a few additional worksheets with advanced database details. Select the desired summary report
type and click OK to generate and view the desired summary report as an MS-Excel file (Fig. 5.4).
Fig. 5.4 Viewing the summary report
The worksheets generated which are common to both the basic and the detailed summary reports
are the following:
Time Period
Database Version
The additional worksheets generated in a detailed summary report are the following:
I-U-S Linked to Classification
I-U-S Missing Classification
I-U-S without Data
Classification Missing I-U-S
Duplicate Data Values
Sources without Data
Areas without Data
Comparison Report
The Comparison Report option compares a reference database to a target database. It then
generates a report listing any inconsistencies in the target database. This option is particularly useful
for comparing two versions of the same database to identify any differences.
Generating a comparison report is a two-step process.
Step 1 - Select Reference Database
In Step 1, select the reference database to be used in the comparison process (Fig. 5.5).
Fig. 5.5 Selecting a reference database
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Target Database
In Step 2, select the target database which you wish to compare with the reference database (Fig 5.6).
Fig. 5.6 Selecting the target database
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Finish to generate and view the comparison report as an MS-Excel file (Fig. 5.7).
Fig. 5.7 Viewing the comparison report
The comparison report contains the following worksheets detailing elements either missing or
additional in the target database:
Time Period
Range Check Report
The Range Check Report option generates a report of all I-U-S combinations whose data values fall
outside the specified ranges. Specifically, it compares each data value in the database with the
minimum and maximum range values specified for each I-U-S combination in the template. As such,
this option is useful for validating data values entered through the data entry process.
Generating a range check report is a one-step process.
Step 1 - Select Database
In Step 1, select the database whose data values you wish to check or validate (Fig 5.8).
Fig. 5.8 Selecting a database for checking data value ranges
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Finish to start the process of validating the data values. The application compares each data
value with the range specified for its I-U-S combination in the template. An MS-Excel file is generated
listing all I-U-S combinations whose data values fall outside the specified range (Fig 5.9).
Fig. 5.9 Viewing the range check report
The Metadata module allows you to enter or edit information (metadata) on the indicators, indicator
classifications, areas and sources used in a template or database. The module also allows you to
enter or edit descriptive information on the database itself. All metadata entered can be viewed in the
DevInfo User application.
Note: Definition of metadata
Metadata is data about data, which includes describing and defining data. Metadata
should be entered using a generally agreed-upon standard, such as XML.
The Metadata module allows you to enter and edit metadata in XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
format. Being a simple and flexible text format used to describe and store data, XML is a widely
adopted standard for data exchange. Data stored in XML format can be shared easily across multiple
hardware and software platforms as well as over the Internet.
The metadata format adopted in DevInfo is compliant with the following international XML metadata
SDMX 1.0 standards for indicator definitions
ISO 19115 standards for spatial data (map) definitions
DDI and Dublin Core standards for source definitions
Indicator, Area and Source
Using the Indicator, Area and Source options in the Metadata module, you can enter or edit
metadata for each of these elements using the same process.
Entering or editing metadata for these elements is a two-step process. Click any of these options from
the Metadata module to begin.
Step 1 - Selection
In Step 1, select the file in which you wish to enter or edit metadata for indicators, areas or sources.
Indicate whether you wish to enter or edit metadata in a template or a database by selecting the
desired file type below the toolbar (Fig 6.1).
Fig. 6.1 Selecting a file for entering or editing metadata
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Edit
In Step 2, you can select the data elements for which you wish to enter or edit metadata. Note the
nine tabs below the toolbar representing nine categories of data elements from which you can select
data elements: Indicator, Map, Source, Sector, Goal, Framework, Theme, Institution and
Convention (Fig. 6.2).
Click any tab to select the desired element for
entering or editing metadata
Fig. 6.2 Entering and editing metadata
Click any tab to view the list of available data elements in the left pane. Note that the elements may
be listed individually or in tree structure (in the case of indicator classifications).
Highlight any element in the left pane to view its metadata (where previously entered) in the right
pane. The right pane displays the metadata in two columns: Element and Value. The Element
column contains the metadata row headings, while the Value column contains the text data stored for
each row.
To enter or edit metadata for any selected element, you can choose from three options:
Entering or editing metadata using the Form tab in the XML editor
Entering or editing metadata using the Source tab in the XML editor
Importing m etadata f rom t he D evInfo R egistry or f rom ex isting D evInfo t emplates or
Entering or editing metadata using the Form tab in the XML editor
Edit on the toolbar to launch the XML editor, which contains four tabs: Form, Source,
XSLT and Preview (Fig. 6.3).
Fig. 6.3 Entering or editing metadata in the XML Editor Form tab
By default, the XML editor opens the Form tab first. Enter or edit the desired metadata values in each
box under its respective metadata element (heading). Click + next to any box to enlarge it for full view.
Use the scroll bar to view all available metadata elements for which values can be entered.
When you are finished entering or editing metadata for the selected element, click OK to save all
changes and exit the XML editor.
Entering or editing metadata using the Source tab in the XML editor
Edit on the toolbar to launch the XML editor, and select the Source tab to display the tree
structure of the metadata elements and their values (Fig 6.4).
Fig. 6.4 Entering or editing metadata using the XML Editor Source tab
The left pane displays the tree structure of the XML file. Each node contains information for one row
of data. To expand a node, click either the node heading or
On the tree structure of the XML file, locate the text field containing the data to be entered or edited.
Click the text field in the node to display its contents in the right pane. Edit the text field contents in
the Text box in the right pane. Note that the contents of the respective XML code can be viewed in
the Source box in the right pane.
To view and modify the style format applied to the XML text, click the XSLT tab in the Edit window.
The present style format is displayed in the window. Click
to browse and select an XML style
sheet from another location to modify the data display format.
To preview the metadata information entered or edited for the selected element, click the Preview tab
in the Edit window.
When you are finished entering or editing metadata for the selected element, click OK to save all
changes and exit the XML editor.
Importing metadata from the DevInfo Registry or from existing DevInfo
templates or databases
Import to import metadata from the DevInfo Registry or from existing DevInfo templates,
databases and XML files.
To import metadata from the DevInfo Registry, select the Use DevInfo Registry check box in the
Import window.
To import metadata from an existing DevInfo template or database, click
the desired file.
to browse and select
To import metadata from an XML file, click
to browse and select the desired file. Note that the
application will only accept metadata from XML files originally created by exporting metadata from an
existing DevInfo template or database using the
Export tool.
When you are finished entering or editing metadata, click Finish to save all changes and exit.
Using the Database option in the Metadata module, you can enter or edit the description of any
database. This text description will appear in the Open Database dialog box in the DevInfo User
application next to the database name and can contain useful information to help users identify and
distinguish the database from other databases.
Entering or editing metadata for a database is a two-step process.
Step 1 – Select Database
In Step 1, select the database for which you wish to enter or edit metadata (Fig 6.5).
Fig. 6.5 Selecting a database
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Database Metadata
In Step 2, enter or edit the description of the database in the Description box. You can include
information such as a general description of the database contents, a summary of the indicator and
data sources, and the organization which is publishing the database (Fig 6.6).
Fig. 6.6 Entering database metadata
Click Finish to save and exit.
The Mapping module provides many advanced options for managing map-related issues within
DevInfo databases. You can manually add and associate shapefiles to areas based on Area IDs. You
can remove or update currently associated shapefiles, add features to areas and define new
geographical groupings for areas.
The Mapping module contains the following options:
Fig. 7.1 Mapping module options
Administrative Boundaries
Allows you to manage maps associated to Area IDs, split composite
maps and link more than one base layer to an area ID
Allows you to add feature layers to areas such as rivers, road
networks, schools and hospitals
Allows you to combine multiple areas to create area groups
Allows you to quickly disassociate or de-link maps from areas
Each of these options will be explained below.
Administrative Boundaries
The Administrative Boundaries option allows you to manage maps associated to Area IDs, split
composite maps and link multiple base layers to an area ID.
Managing map files is a two-step process.
Step 1 - Select Template
In Step 1, select the file for which you wish to manage the map files. Indicate whether you wish to
manage map files in a template or a database by selecting the desired file type below the toolbar
(Fig 7.2).
Fig. 7.2 Selecting the file for managing map files
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Administrative Boundaries
In Step 2, you can add or associate map files to the areas. You can also split a composite map file
and link multiple base layers to an area ID.
Note that the Administrative Boundaries window is divided into three panes (Fig. 7.3).
Fig. 7.3 Administrative Boundaries window
The left pane displays the tree structure of the areas available in the selected template or database.
to the left of any area node to expand it and view any sub-areas.
Highlight any area in the left pane to view its associated map in the upper right pane. Displayed
above the map are its area name, Area ID and area level. Above the map is a toolbar with the
following tools:
Full Extent
Resets the map so you can view it in its full extent
Zoom in Frame
Allows you to use the mouse to select and zoom in on a particular
Zoom In
Allows you to use the mouse to zoom in on a particular area by a
fixed magnitude
Zoom Out
Allows you to use the mouse to zoom out from a particular area by a
fixed magnitude
Allows you to use the mouse to pan or move to a particular location
on the map
Instructs the system to display or hide map labels (area names)
The lower right pane displays the list of Area IDs and area names linked (associated) to the map.
To add or associate a new map shapefile to an area, first highlight the desired area name in the area
tree in the left pane and click
New from the toolbar. The Add window opens to allow you browse
for the desired shapefile location (Fig 7.4).
Fig. 7.4 Adding or updating map shapefiles
to browse for and select the desired shapefile.
Once the shapefile is selected, you can preview its details in the Add window. Click the Map tab
(default view) to preview the map. Click the Map Data tab to view the Area ID(s) and area name(s) of
the selected shapefile.
Note: Shapefiles with multiple Area IDs and area names
If a shapefile contains multiple areas, then it will also contain multiple Area IDs and area
names. For example, a single shapefile for the African continent comprised of all the
individual African country maps will contain the Area ID and area name for each African
To change the default map name, enter the desired text in the Map Name box below the map
To change the map publishing dates, enter the desired values in the Start Date and End Date boxes.
Note that the default date format is DD-MM-YYYY.
Note that the map toolbar available in the Add window contains an additional tool:
Changes the mouse pointer into a map pointer, which you can move
over the map and click to select a shape (polygon)
Select the Add to Sibling check box and click OK to associate a selected map to all other maps of
the same area level under the same parent area node. For example, if the selected map shapefile
presently displays a single country in Africa, you can use this feature to display the selected map in
the context of all the countries of Africa. Or if the selected map shapefile presently displays a single
state in India, you can use this feature to display the selected map in the context of all the states of
Select the Split check box and click OK to split a composite map shapefile into its separate map
shapes (polygons). For example, if the selected map shapefile presently displays a composite map
containing the various shapes (polygons) of each African country, you can use this feature to split the
map into its individual shapes and associate each country’s shapefile with its respective Area ID
(Fig. 7.5).
Fig. 7.5 Splitting a composite map into its separate shapes
In the Split option, the application automatically matches the Area IDs of the resulting shapefiles with
the Area IDs in the selected template or database and associates them.
Once you have made any shapefile changes in the Add window to the area highlighted in the area
tree, you can view the changes in the upper right pane of the Administrative Boundaries window.
You can also import maps from the DevInfo Registry or from other DevInfo templates or databases.
Import from the toolbar to import the desired maps (Fig 7.6).
Fig. 7.6 Importing maps
To view any metadata associated with an area, highlight the desired area and click
to open the Information window (Fig. 7.7).
Fig. 7.7 Information window
The Information window displays the area name, Area ID, map and other details of the associated
To delete the association between an area and a shapefile, highlight the desired area from the area
tree and click
Delete. Note that neither the shapefile nor the area will be deleted; only the
association between the two will be deleted.
Click Finish to apply all changes and exit.
The Features option allows you to associate one or more feature layers to an area. Feature layers
such as hospitals, schools, road networks, river networks, lakes and national parks can be overlaid
on top of administrative boundaries (base layers) to provide additional details and help identify data
correlations. Multiple feature layers can be associated with a single area. All feature layers can be
viewed in the DevInfo User application.
Associating feature layers is a two-step process.
Step 1 - Selection
In Step 1, select the file in which you wish to add feature layers. Indicate whether you wish to add
feature layers in a template or database by selecting the desired file type below the toolbar. Click
to browse for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the
Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 - Features
In Step 2, you can associate the feature maps to the desired area. First highlight the area from the
area tree displayed in the left pane. Then click
area (Fig. 7.8).
New to associate a feature map to the highlighted
Fig. 7.8 Associating a feature map to an area
to browse for and select the desired feature shapefile. Click OK to associate the feature
shapefile to the highlighted area. The newly associated feature layer can be viewed in the upper right
pane. Repeat these steps to associate multiple feature layers to a single area.
Click Finish to save all changes and exit.
The Groups option allows you combine multiple areas and define new area groups. Area groups can
help in regional analysis of data. For example, if you wish to focus on South Asia or on Sub-Saharan
Africa, you can use this option to combine the individual country map files of these regions into a
single map file to represent the entire region.
Creating new area groups is a two-step process.
Step 1 - Selection
In Step 1, select the file in which you wish to add new area groups. Indicate whether you wish to add
area groups in a template or database by selecting the desired file type below the toolbar. Click
to browse for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the
Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Groups
In Step 2, you can create new area groups by combining the desired areas (Fig. 7.9).
Fig. 7.9 Creating new area groups
Creating an area group under a single parent area node
To create an area group under a single parent area node, first highlight the parent area node under
which you wish to create the new area group. For example, if you wish to create a new area group of
East African countries, highlight Africa, the parent area node.
Next, click
Remove All from the pane header above the map in the right pane to remove all the
areas currently associated with the parent node.
Then select the areas which you wish to include in the new area group by double-clicking them in the
middle pane. The area names and Area IDs will be displayed in the lower right pane, and the map of
each selected area will appear in the map pane. Continue this process until all the desired areas in
the new area group are displayed in the lower right pane. To remove an area from the group, doubleclick it in the lower right pane.
When you are finished including areas, enter the desired shapefile name, Area ID and area name for
the new area group in the respective boxes below Map Name, Area ID and Area Name.
Click Apply to complete the process of creating the new area group. The area name of the new area
group will be displayed under the parent node in the area tree in the left pane. The Area ID and map
name of the new area group will be displayed in the middle pane. Note that the new area group has a
single shapefile associated to it.
Creating an area group under multiple parent area nodes
To create an area group under multiple parent nodes (for example, an area group consisting of
countries from both Africa and Asia), first select the areas to be included from the first parent node
(Africa) as explained in the previous section.
Then highlight the second parent node (Asia). Delete all the areas from the second parent node from
the lower right pane by highlighting them and pressing DELETE. Continue by clicking the desired
areas from the second parent node in the middle pane.
Enter the desired map name, Area ID and area name and click Apply to complete the process of
creating the new area group.
When you are finished creating area groups, click Finish to apply all changes and exit.
The Clear option allows you to quickly disassociate or de-link map files from Area IDs. Even though
this task can be performed in both the Administrative Boundaries and Features options, the Clear
option allows you to perform this task even more quickly.
Disassociating map files from Area IDs is a two-step process.
Step 1 - Selection
In Step 1, select the file in which you wish to dissociate or de-link map files from Area IDs. Indicate
whether you wish to dissociate map files in a template or database by selecting the desired file type
below the toolbar. Click
to browse for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it
to transfer it from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Clear
In Step 2, indicate whether you wish to dissociate map files from all areas or from only the selected
ones by selecting the desired option below the toolbar (Fig. 7.10).
Fig. 7.10 Clearing map files
Clear All
Instructs the application to disassociate map files from all areas in
the selected file
Clear Highlighted
Instructs the application to dissociate map files only from selected
areas. Click any parent node to view the list of all sub-areas in the
Available pane. Select an area by double-clicking it to transfer it
from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Finish to begin the process of disassociating map files from either all areas or selected areas,
depending on your selection.
The Language module allows you to customize the language strings used in DevInfo. You can
translate the language strings contained in the application interfaces (both User and Data Admin),
templates and databases to any specified language. All languages in DevInfo are Unicode compliant.
Note: DevInfo and Unicode
DevInfo 6.0 supports Unicode for multiple language support. Unicode is a characterencoding format which assigns a unique numeric value and name to each character,
allowing for seamless character exchange over diverse software and hardware
platforms. Unicode conforms to international industry standards such as ISO/IEC 10646.
The Language module contains the following options (Fig. 8.1):
Fig. 8.1 Language module options
Allows you to create a new language file by translating the language strings
contained in the DevInfo application interfaces or in a DevInfo template or database
Allows you to edit and modify an existing language file
Save As…
Saves the working file under a different name or in a different location
Each of these options will be explained below.
The New option allows you to create a new language file by translating the language strings
contained in the DevInfo application interfaces or in a DevInfo template or database.
Note: DevInfo and Unicode
Before starting translation, be sure to set up your computer for the target language,
including the font and any MS Windows language support that may be required for
handling the font.
Creating a new language file is a four-step process.
Step 1 - Select Translation Type
In Step 1, select the type of language strings which you wish to translate. Indicate whether you wish
to translate the interface strings or the strings of a template or database by selecting the desired
choice below the toolbar (Fig. 8.2).
Fig. 8.2 Selecting the translation type
If you select Template or Database, the files available from the default location will be displayed in
the Available pane. Click
to browse for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it
to transfer it from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Translate From
In Step 2, select the source language for translation. The Available pane displays the language
formats available for your selection. If you are translating interface strings, the languages files in the
Available pane will contain an .xml extension.
Select the desired source language by double-clicking it in the Available pane to transfer it to the
Selected pane.
Step 3 - Translate To
In Step 3, select the target language for translation. The Available pane displays the language
formats available for your selection (Fig. 8.3).
Fig. 8.3 Selecting the target language for translation
Select the desired target language by double-clicking it in the Available pane to transfer it to the
Selected pane.
If the desired target language is not displayed in the Available pane, click
Language dialog box, which allows you to add a new language (Fig. 8.4).
New to open the
Fig. 8.4 Adding a new language
Enter the language name, language code and text direction in the Language dialog box and click OK.
To edit the data for any language displayed in the Available pane, highlight it and click
Step 4 - Translate Strings
In Step 4, you can view, translate, and enter the new strings for the selected file. Note that the
Translate Strings window may contain two or three panes, depending on the file type (Fig. 8.5).
Fig. 8.5 Translating template or database strings
If you are translating strings contained in a template or database, the left pane displays the tree
structure for all available strings. Click any tree node to display its contents in the Available pane.
Note that the Area and Indicator Classification nodes can be expanded to reveal sub-nodes.
Translate any string in the Available pane by double-clicking its corresponding cell in the Translated
pane and entering the desired text.
Tip: Viewing and translating template and database strings in tree nodes
that sector.
Click a parent node to view and translate all the strings contained in its sub-nodes. For
example, click a continent to view and translate the strings for all countries under that
continent or click a sector to view and translate the strings for all sub-sectors under
You can import translated strings from an existing DevInfo template or database if you know that the
desired strings have previously been translated and saved there. Click
Import on the tool bar,
select the desired file type (.mdb or .tpl), and select the desired file to import the translated strings for
the selections displayed in the Available pane.
If you wish to export the strings to an external translator, click
Export to export the source and
target language strings to an external file in various formats, including .xml and .xls. Note that only the
strings contained in the node currently displayed on the screen will be exported. To export the strings
contained in all the nodes, click the root node of the tree structure before exporting. Once the strings
are translated in .xml or .xls file format, they can be easily imported back into DevInfo using the
Import tool.
Click Finish to save the translated strings and exit.
Note: Saving the translated strings
Translated interface strings are saved in a separate language file, whereas translated
template or database strings are stored within the same template or database.
The Open option allows you to edit and modify an existing language file. Follow the steps explained
above to edit and modify the language file.
The Customize module allows you to create a customized adaptation of the DevInfo 6.0 User
application, complete with a ready-to-burn setup folder with all the files required to install the
customized user interface for the DevInfo 6.0 User application.
Using the Customize module, you can create your own DevInfo adaptation by:
Adding your own product name, logo and other graphic elements
Modifying the “look and feel” of the User application by changing its “skin”
Configuring the default settings of your adaptation
The Customize module contains the following options (Fig. 9.1):
Fig. 9.1: Customize module options
Allows you to customize the user interface for the DevInfo 6.0 User application to
create a new adaptation
Allows you to edit or modify existing adaptations
Save As…
Saves the working file under a different file name or in a different location
Each of these options will be explained below.
The New option in the Customize module allows you to customize the user interface for the DevInfo
6.0 User application to create a new adaptation.
Customizing the user interface is an eleven-step process.
Step 1 - Product Info
In Step 1, you can specify basic product information and customize the home page display settings.
Fig. 9.2 Specifying product information and customizing the
home page display settings
Enter the desired product name in the box below Product Name (Fig. 9.3, item 1).
Enter the desired product version in the box below Product Version (Fig. 9.3, item 2).
below Product Icon to change the product icon (Fig. 9.3, item 3). Search for and select the
new product icon in the window. Note that the new product icon file should be named “DI.ico.”
Note: Suggested image sizes
The recommended dimensions for each of the customizable images in the Customize
module are specified in pixel units next to the image. Please ensure that all graphics files
used conform to the specified dimensions.
below Product Shortcut Icon to change the product shortcut icon, which is the icon that
appears on the desktop. Search for and select the new product shortcut icon in the window.
Click the bar below Set Home Page Background Color to change the background color of the home
page (Fig. 9.3, item 5). Select the desired color from the color palette.
If you prefer to display a background image on the home page instead of a background color, then
select the Set Home Page Background Image check box. Click the image box below and search for
and select the desired home page background image in the window (Fig. 9.3, item 6). Note that the
new background image file should be named “bg.jpg.”
Click the image below Product Banner Image to change the product banner (Fig. 9.5, item 4).
Search for and select the new product banner image in the window. Note that the new product banner
image file should be named “adaptation_logo.png.”
If you wish to provide the option for users to switch between viewing the home page in Enhanced
View and Classic View, select the Classic View Available check box.
Fig. 9.3 Location of various customizable home page images in Enhanced View
Fig. 9.4 Location of various customizable home page images in Classic View
Fig. 9.5 Location of various customizable images in the user interface
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Home Page 1 - Classic View
In Step 2, you can change various home page display elements in the Classic View (Fig. 9.6). Note
that this option is only available if you have selected the Classic View Available check box in Step 1.
Fig. 9.6 Specifying home page display settings in Classic View - Page 1
Click the box below Set Product Image to change the home page left banner image (Fig. 9.4, item 7).
Search for and select the new image in the window. Note that the image file should be named
Click the box below Set Product Image Bottom 1 to change the home page bottom banner (Fig. 9.4,
item 8). Search for and select the new image in the window. Note that the image file should be named
Click the box below Set Product Image Bottom 2 to change the home page bottom banner (Fig. 9.4,
item 9). Search for and select the new image in the window. Note that the image file should be named
Select the Set Link to this Image check box to apply a hyperlink to the image.
Click Remove to remove the linked files for the images.
Step 3 - Home Page 2- Classic View
In Step 3, you can change additional home page display elements in the Classic View (Fig. 9.7). Note
that this option is only available if you have selected the Classic View Available check box in Step 1.
Fig. 9.7 Specifying home page display settings in Classic View - Page 2
Click the box below Set Options - Header Font color to change the font color of the column
headings (Fig. 9.4, item 10).
Click the box below Set Options - Font color to change the font color of the column items
(Fig. 9.4, item 11).
Click the blue bar below Set Splash Background Color - Top to change the top bar color settings
(Fig. 9.4, item 12).
Click the grey bar below Set Splash Background Color - Bottom to change the bottom bar color
settings (Fig. 9.4, item 13).
below Indicator to change the Indicator icon (Fig. 9.4, item 14). Note that the image file
should be named “SPLASH_Indicator.gif.”
below Time to change the Time icon (Fig. 9.4, item 15). Note that the image file should be
named “SPLASH_Years.gif.”
below Area to change the Area icon (Fig. 9.4, item 16). Note that the image file should be
named “SPLASH_area.gif.”
below Data to change the Data icon (Fig. 9.4, item 17). Note that the image file should be
named “SPLASH_Data.gif.”
Click the box below Set Font Color for Options Above to change the font color of the options
(Fig. 9.4, item 18).
Step 4 - Home Page Flash - Classic View
In Step 4, you can modify the picture elements and the background image of the Flash file in the
Classic View (Fig. 9.8). The Flash file enables the pictures to stream on the home page.
Fig. 9.8 Modifying the home page Flash file in Classic View
The preview of the default Flash file is displayed in the bottom half of the window below Flash File.
Note that there are eight tabs below the toolbar. By default, the General tab is selected. Click the
image below Flash Background Image to change the background image (Fig. 9.4, item 19). Note
that the image file should be named “bg.jpg.”
The Group 1 through Group 7 tabs display the picture images which appear in the Flash file (Fig. 9.4,
item 20). Note that each group consists of five pictures. Click any picture to change it. Click Clear All
to delete all the pictures in the group.
Note that for the Classic View Flash file to display properly, at least one of group of five pictures must
be available.
Step 5 - Home Page - Enhanced View
In Step 5, you can modify the home page display settings in the Enhanced View (Fig. 9.9).
Fig. 9.9 Modifying the home page display settings in Enhanced View
Note that the border of the home page screen image consists of four separate images.
Click the top border to change the top border image (Fig. 9.3, item 21). Note that the file should be
named “top.png.”
Click the right border to change the right border image (Fig. 9.3, item 22). Note that the file should be
named “right.png.”
Click the bottom border to change the bottom border image (Fig. 9.3, item 23). Note that the file
should be named “bottom.png.”
Click the left border to change the left border image (Fig. 9.3, item 24). Note that the file should be
named “left.png.”
to the right of Product Banner Image to browse for and change the product banner image
(Fig. 9.3, item 25). Note that the file should be named “bannerleft.gif.”
Step 6 - Home Page Flash - Enhanced View
In Step 6, you can modify the picture elements of the Flash file in the Enhanced View (Fig. 9.10). The
Flash file enables the pictures to fade in and out on the home page.
Fig. 9.10 Modifying the home page Flash file in Enhanced View
The preview of the default Flash file is displayed in the bottom half of the window below Flash File.
Note that there are five tabs below the toolbar. The Group 1 through Group 5 tabs display the picture
images which appear in the Flash file (Fig. 9.3, item 26). Note that each group consists of seven
pictures. Click any picture to change it. Click Clear All to delete all the pictures in the group.
Note that for the Enhanced View Flash file to display properly, at least one of group of seven pictures
must be available.
Step 7 - Language
In Step 7, you can specify the language files that you wish to include in your adaptation, as well as
the default font characteristics for the display text (Fig. 9.11).
Fig. 9.11 Specifying language files and the default font style
To add a language file to your adaptation, click
at the right of the Language box to browse for
and specify the desired language file. You can select any of the language files included in the DevInfo
application from the default location at C:\DevInfo\DevInfo 6.0\DevInfo 6.0\Language, or you can
select another language file created using the Language module. The selected language file will
appear in the box. Note that you can select multiple languages.
To delete a language, highlight the language in the Language box and click Delete.
To specify one of the displayed languages as the default language, highlight the language and click
To modify the default font characteristics for the text displayed in the User application, select the
desired font, font style and font size from the lists below Font, Style and Size, respectively. You can
preview your font selections in the Preview box.
Step 8 - Indicator
In Step 8, you can specify which indicator classifications you wish to be displayed as well as whether
you wish to display units and subgroups along with the indicators.
By default, all the indicator classifications are displayed. If you do not wish to display a particular
indicator classification, clear its check box in the Select Indicators by box.
By default, the application displays indicators organized under the Sector indicator classification. To
change the default view to another classification, click the Default option button next to the desired
indicator classification.
By default, units and subgroups are displayed along with the indicators. If you do not wish for these to
be displayed in the default view, clear the Show Units and Subgroups check box.
Step 9 - Miscellaneous
In Step 9, you can specify the default database and the background color of the Selected pane
(Fig. 9.12).
Fig. 9.12 Specifying miscellaneous elements
To specify a default database, select the Default Database check box and click
and specify the desired default database file.
to browse for
To specify the background color of the Selected pane in the User application, click the bar below Set
Background Color of Selected List and select the desired color from the color palette
(Fig. 9.5, item 27).
Step 10 - Contents
In Step 10, you can attach or specify any content which you wish to include with your adaptation.
Note that this page contains ten tabs, each representing a different category of content (Fig. 9.13).
Fig. 9.13 Attaching and specifying adaptation content
Click any tab to attach or specify the desired content. The process for attaching or specifying content
is nearly identical for all the tabs. Click
to browse for and specify the desired content file(s). Click
Delete to delete the highlighted content file.
The various tabs and how to attach or specify content in them are explained below.
Allows you to attach and include one or more database files (.mdb)
with your adaptation.
Allows you to attach an HTML file which links to the Product Image
Bottom 2 file on the home page in Classic View.
Allows you to attach an HTML file specifying details about the
organization producing the adaptation, such as the organization
profile and contact information. This information can be viewed from
the di About dialog box in the User application.
Allows you to attach an HTML file specifying details about the
adaptation, such as the product version, product description and
product copyright information. This information can be viewed from
the di About dialog box in the User application.
Allows you to attach a sound file (.wav) which will play in the
background while the User application is running.
Allows you to attach a help file or user’s guide (.pdf) for the User
application. This information can be viewed from the di About dialog
box in the User application.
Allows you to attach and include additional map shapefiles (.shp)
with your adaptation, such as schools, hospitals, villages, road and
river networks, etc.
Allows you to attach a brief tour (.ppt or .pps) to introduce your
adaptation to new users. This tour can be viewed from the di About
dialog box in the User application as well as from the Data Wizard.
Allows you to attach and include any already-created DevInfo
Gallery objects (tables, maps and graphs) with your adaptation.
These objects can be viewed from the Gallery.
Bottom Panel
Allows you to manage the bottom panel features of the DevInfo 6.0
User application (Fig. 9.3, item 28).
To modify the display order of the default bottom panel features,
click the row header of the feature you wish to re-order to highlight it.
Then use the
arrows to move the feature to the desired
location. Note that you are not permitted to edit or delete these
default features.
To add a new bottom panel feature, click New below the tabs to
open the Bottom Panel Button dialog box (Fig 9.14).
Fig. 9.14 Bottom Panel Button dialog box
Enter the desired caption and URL. Click the boxes below Normal
Image and Hover Image to attach the desired image files. Click
Save to add the feature to the bottom panel.
Note that you can edit or delete any newly-added bottom panel
Step 11 - Preview
In Step 11, you can preview the customized display settings applied in the previous steps (Fig. 9.15).
Fig. 9.15 Previewing the customized display settings
Note that there are two tabs displayed on the page: Classic and Enhanced. Click the Classic tab to
preview the changes made to the Classic View. Click the Enhanced tab to preview the changes
made to the Enhanced View.
Click Finish to complete creating the adaptation. The Browse For Folder window opens, prompting
you to specify the folder where you wish to create the folder structure for the adaptation (Fig. 9.16).
Fig. 9.16 Specifying the folder
Select the desired folder in which you wish to create the adaptation folder structure, or click Make
New Folder to create a new folder. Click OK to continue.
The application will automatically search for the DevInfo User application CD in your CD drive. If the
DevInfo CD is found, then all the files required to create an Auto-run CD will get copied from the CD
to the selected folder. You can then burn all the files in the selected folder to a new CD to complete
creating your adaptation.
If the DevInfo User application CD is not found in your CD drive, the application will create only the
Info folder in the selected folder. You will then need to manually copy the other files from the DevInfo
CD into the selected folder before burning all the files to a new CD to complete creating your
Note: Including DevInfo reports in your adaptation
To include any reports created in the DevInfo User application in your adaptation, copy
them manually in the default reports folder (C:\DevInfo\DevInfo 6.0\DevInfo 6.0\Reports)
after completing the customization process.
The Open option in the Customize module allows you to edit or modify existing adaptations. Open
the desired adaptation folder and follow the steps explained above to edit or modify the adaptation.
The Gallery module allows you to convert your DevInfo presentation files into an online gallery. You
can convert your gallery folder into web pages where the presentations are available as hyperlinks.
You can also create a searchable web application in which the various presentation objects can be
searched by keywords.
The Gallery module contains the following options (Fig. 10.1):
Fig. 10.1: Gallery module options
Converts the presentation files in the selected gallery folder into web
pages where the presentations are available as hyperlinks
Converts the selected presentation files into an a searchable web
application in which the various objects can be searched by
Each of these options will be explained below.
The Standard option in the Gallery module allows you to convert the presentation files in the
selected gallery folder into web pages where the presentations are available as hyperlinks. You can
then add these pages to your own website or create your own desktop gallery (in which the objects
can be viewed independently of the DevInfo User application).
Creating a standard gallery is a one-step process.
Step 1 - Gallery
In Step 1, specify the following elements for your web gallery (Fig. 10.2):
Fig. 10.2 Specifying elements for the standard web gallery
To assign a title to the main gallery page, enter the desired text in the box below Title.
To add a logo to the main gallery page, click
and select the desired image file.
to the right of the box below Logo file. Browse for
To specify the location of the gallery folder whose presentation files you wish to convert into web
pages, click
to the right of the box bar below Gallery Folder. Browse for and select the desired
gallery folder. Note that the folder must contain presentation objects created using the DevInfo 6.0
User application.
To specify the destination folder for the web pages, click
to the right of the box below
Destination Folder. Browse for and select the desired destination folder.
Click Finish to start the process of creating a web gallery. The application will convert all the
presentation files in the selected gallery folder into HTML format. When the conversion process is
complete, the application opens the main gallery page in your web browser. All the presentation files
will appear as hyperlinks on the main gallery page (Fig. 10.3).
Fig. 10.3 Viewing the standard web gallery
The Advanced option in the Gallery module allows you to create a searchable web application in
which the various presentation objects can be searched by keywords. Creating an advanced gallery
is a four-step process.
Step 1 - Select Presentations
In Step 1, select the presentation objects which you wish to include in your online gallery. Click
browse for and specify the location of the desired presentation objects (such as a particular DevInfo
6.0 Gallery folder). Double-click the desired presentation objects in the Available pane to transfer
them to the Selected pane (Fig 10.4).
Fig. 10.4 Selecting presentation objects for the advanced gallery
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Set Keywords
In Step 2, you can set the keywords for each presentation object. Keywords are the text words which
users can type in the online gallery search box to search for the object. Note that the left pane
displays a list of the selected presentation objects and the right pane displays the highlighted object.
Note further that the right pane contains several worksheets for the highlighted object, each of which
can be displayed by clicking its tab at the bottom of the right pane. Click the Keywords worksheet tab
to begin entering the desired keywords (Fig 10.5).
Fig. 10.5 Entering keywords for each presentation object
Enter the first keyword in cell A1 of the Keyword worksheet. To enter multiple keywords, continue
typing one keyword per cell, either vertically (in the same column) or horizontally (in the same row).
When you are finished entering keywords for one presentation object, continue setting keywords for
each of the other objects in the left pane.
Step 3 - Destination Folder
In Step 3, specify the destination folder for the searchable web application. Click
to the right of
the box below Destination Folder to browse for and select the desired destination folder
(Fig. 10.6).
Fig. 10.6 Specifying the destination folder for the advanced gallery
Step 4 - Publish
In Step 4, the application converts all the selected presentation files into HTML format. Click Finish
to complete the process. The application creates a searchable web application (online gallery) folder
titled “DI_Gallery” within the specified destination folder.
Copy or publish this folder to a web server to use the searchable gallery application. Upon opening
the application in a web browser, the home page is displayed, allowing users to search for the
selected presentation objects using the specified keywords (Fig. 10.7).
Fig. 10.7 Opening the advanced gallery
Data Exchange
The Data Exchange module contains various utilities which allow you to perform a variety of data
exchange tasks (Fig. 11.1).
Fig. 11.1 Data Exchange module options
These data exchange tasks include:
Converting data f rom ot her app lications or s tandard r eports (for ex ample, SPSS or
CSPro) into DevInfo
Converting a DevInfo 5.0 database into a DevInfo 6.0 database and vice-versa
Converting a DevInfo database in MS-Access format to a DevInfo database in MS SQL
Server, Oracle or MySQL format and vice-versa
Managing DevInfo database comments
Uploading a DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet to create a thematic DevInfo database (for
example, UNDAF)
Updating map files from the DevInfo Digital Map Registry server
All the utilities contained in the Data Exchange module are stand-alone, independent applications
which are developed and updated according to global user requirements. As such, new data
exchange utilities can be continually added to the DA 6.0 application by copying them into the Data
Exchange folder at C:\DevInfo\DevInfo 6.0\DevInfo 6.0 Data Admin\Exchange.
Each of these data exchange tasks will be explained below.
Converting data from other applications or standard reports into
Data collected from census surveys, Demographic and Health Surveys and other such data collection
initiatives are processed using special software applications such as CSPro, EpiInfo, SPSS,
REDATAM, or Stata. Naturally, data processed using these special applications are in a file format
different from DevInfo.
Moreover, processed data are often subsequently included in standard international publications such
as the Human Development Report (HDR) or the State of the World’s Children Report (SOWC), in
which the data is again in a format different from DevInfo.
However, using the various utilities contained in the Data Exchange module, you can automatically
convert data from these varied file formats into a DevInfo-compatible file format to create a DevInfo
database. Each of these utilities consists of the same standard data exchange steps, which are the
Step 1 - Select the input file
Step 2 - Select a DevInfo template or database
Step 3 - Map t he c ontents of the input f ile t o the da tabase elements c ontained i n t he
DevInfo template or database
Each of these utilities use the same standard methods of mapping the contents of the input file to the
database elements contained in the DevInfo template or database. At the time of content mapping,
you can either create new DevInfo database elements or import them from an existing DevInfo
template or database or from the DevInfo Registry.
As an example of how this category of data exchange utilities works, the DX App SPSS.exe utility will
be explained below.
Converting data from SPSS into DevInfo
The DX App SPSS.exe utility in the Data Exchange module allows you to map and then import
statistical data from SPSS data files into a DevInfo database.
Converting data from SPSS into DevInfo is a three-step process.
Step 1 - Select File
In Step 1, select the desired SPSS file (*.sps or *.spo) whose data you wish to import into a DevInfo
database. Indicate whether you wish to select an SPSS or SPO file by selecting the desired file type
below the toolbar (Fig. 11.2).
Fig. 11.2 Selecting the SPSS file you wish to import
to browse for the desired file. Then select the file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the
Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Database
In Step 2, select the DevInfo database or template against which you wish to import the SPSS file
data. Indicate whether you wish to select a database or template by selecting the desired file type
below the toolbar (Fig. 11.3).
Fig. 11.3 Selecting the database or template
to browse for a file in another location. Then select the file by double-clicking it to transfer it
from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Step 3 - Map SPO Tables
In Step 3, map the contents of the input file to the database elements contained in the selected
DevInfo database or template (Fig. 11.4).
Double-click these to map contents
Fig. 11.4 Mapping the input file contents to DevInfo
Note that the window contains four tabs:
Allows you to view the SPSS data tables in table format
Allows you to set the default values of the database elements
Allows you to map the column headers of the SPSS file to the
database elements
Allows you to map the row headers of the SPSS file to the database
To map contents, double-click the desired column or row header to open the Linking dialog box (Fig
Fig. 11.5 Linking dialog box
Map the selected SPSS column or row header to each of the database elements by either entering a
new element in the element box or by clicking
to browse for and import elements from an existing
DevInfo template or database or from the DevInfo Registry.
Continue the process for the other column and row headers. When you are done, click OK and then
Finish to begin importing the SPSS data into a DevInfo database using the specified mapping criteria.
A log file will be generated containing details of the process.
Converting a DevInfo 5.0 database into a DevInfo 6.0 database and
Although the data structure of a DevInfo 5.0 database is different from that of a DevInfo 6.0 database,
one can be converted into the other using the following utilities in the Data Exchange module:
DX DI5.0 to DI6.0.exe
Allows you to convert a DevInfo 5.0 database into a DevInfo 6.0compatible database
DX DI6.0 to DI5.0.exe
Allows you to convert a DevInfo 6.0 database into a DevInfo 5.0compatible database
Each of these conversions is a one-step process.
Step 1 - Select File
In Step 1, select the database which you wish to convert (Fig 11.6).
Fig. 11.6 Selecting the database which you wish to convert
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Click Finish to convert the selected file into the desired DevInfo version.
Converting a DevInfo database in MS Access format to a DevInfo database in
MS SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL format and vice versa
Using the DX Access Remote utility in the Data Exchange module, you can do the following tasks:
Upload a DevInfo database in Microsoft Access format to a DevInfo database in Microsoft
SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL format
Download a D evInfo dat abase in M icrosoft S QL S erver, O racle or M ySQL f ormat t o a
DevInfo database in Microsoft Access format
Note that you can upload more than one DevInfo database in MS-Access format to a single DevInfo
database in MS SQL Server format.
As an example of how the DX Access Remote utility works, the process of uploading a DevInfo
database in MS Access format to a DevInfo database in MS SQL Server format will be explained
Step 1 - Select Transfer Option
In Step 1, select whether you wish to upload or download a DevInfo database (Fig. 11.7).
Fig. 11.7 Selecting the transfer option
In this example, the Upload Dataset is selected.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Source Database
In Step 2, select the DevInfo database in MS Access format which you wish to upload (Fig. 11.8).
Fig. 11.8 Selecting the source Database
The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available pane. Click
to browse
for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to
the Selected pane.
Step 3 - Select Destination Database
In Step 3, select the destination database by creating a connection to the remote server (Fig 11.9).
Fig. 11.9 Selecting the destination database
New to create a new online MS SQL Server database connection. Enter the connection
details in the New Connection dialog box (Fig 11.10).
Fig. 11.10 New Connection dialog box
Contact the System Administrator if necessary to obtain the needed technical details for the new
connection. The technical details include the following:
Connection Name
A user-defined name to identify the connection
Server Name
The name of the computer on which the MS SQL Server application
is installed
Database Name
An empty MS SQL Server database created by the MS SQL Server
database administrator
User Name and Password
Account details to access the MS SQL Server database
Click Test to check the connectivity. Once a successful connection is obtained, click Save to save the
connection details.
If the Destination Database window displays a list of existing online databases, then note the two
options available at the bottom of the window for uploading the DevInfo database in MS Access
New Dataset
Allows you to upload the MS Access database to a new online
Edit Existing Dataset
Allows you to append the MS Access database to the existing online
database highlighted in the list
Click Finish to start the upload process. Your MS-Access database will be converted to an online MS
SQL Server database.
Managing DevInfo database comments
In DevInfo, comments refer to analytical remarks about data sets – for example, comments about the
quality of a particular data set within a database. The DX Comments utility in the Data Exchange
module allows you to add, edit and delete comments to a data set, which can be viewed in the
DevInfo User application. Note that multiple comments can be entered by different authors, all of
which can be viewed in the User application.
Managing DevInfo database comments is a four-step process.
Step 1 - Select Database
In Step 1, select the database in which you wish to manage comments. Note that you can select
either an offline or online database by clicking the respective tab (Fig 11.11).
Fig. 11.11 Selecting an offline database
To select an offline database, click
to browse for a file in another location. Select it by doubleclicking to transfer it from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
To select an online database, click the Online tab. The available online database connections are
displayed in the window (Fig 11.12).
Fig. 11.12 Selecting an online database
To create a new online database connection, click
Connection dialog box (Fig 11.13).
New. Enter the connection details in the New
Fig. 11.13 New Connection dialog box
Click Test to check the connectivity. Once a successful connection is obtained, click Save to save the
connection details. The connection will now be displayed in the list. Select the connection and enter
the user name and password to access the online database. (For connection details, contact the
database administrator.)
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Profile
In Step 2, you can select, create, import, edit, or delete author profiles. Author profiles contain details
on the individuals who are allowed to enter and manage comments (Fig 11.14).
Fig. 11.14 Managing author profiles
Enter the following details for the author profile:
User Name
Organization Type
After creating one new author profile, click
New to create another new author profile. Note that
you can create multiple author profiles as per your requirement. Note that you can also edit, import
and delete author profiles using the tools on the toolbar.
Step 3 - Comments Type
In Step 3, you can create, import, edit or delete comment types. Comment type refers to a category of
comments – for example, “data quality” or “disparity.” A comment type helps users to distinguish
comments based on their nature.
To enter a new comment type, click in the grid below Comments Type and enter the desired text (Fig
Fig. 11.15 Entering comment types
Note that you can enter multiple comment types as per your requirement. Note that you can also edit,
import and delete comment types using the tools on the toolbar.
Step 4 - Manage Comments
In Step 4, you can create, import, edit or delete comments.
The utility automatically opens the DevInfo User application in the upper half of the screen and
reduces the DevInfo Data Admin application to the lower half of the screen so you can view both of
these simultaneously (Fig 11.16).
Fig. 11.16 Managing comments
In the DevInfo User application, first generate the desired data view containing the data set against
which you wish to enter comments.
Once the desired data set is displayed in the data view of the User application, you can enter
comments. Select the desired author from the list in the Author box, located below the toolbar in the
Data Admin application. Then click
(Fig. 11.17)
New on the toolbar to open the Comments dialog box
Fig. 11.17 Comments dialog box
Select the desired comment type from the Comments Type list and enter the comment text in the
Comments box. Select the Approved check box and click OK to associate this comment to the
specified data set. A small black triangle (which signifies a comment) will be displayed in the upper
left corner of each data value cell in the selected data set.
Note that you can enter multiple comments as per your requirement. Note that you can also edit,
import and delete comments using the tools on the toolbar.
When you are finished managing comments, click Finish to save all changes and exit.
Uploading a thematic DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet to create a
DevInfo database (for example, UNDAF)
A thematic DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet consists of a fixed spreadsheet format designed to
capture specific details of a country’s socio-economic programs and plans (for example, UNDAF or
United Nations Development Assessment Framework). The Data Entry Spreadsheet must be created
and populated according to certain rules.
Using the DX App UNDAF.exe utility in the Data Exchange module, you can upload the contents of
a thematic DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet to create a DevInfo database.
First, you must populate a thematic DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet by entering the thematic
(UNDAF) contents into the following cell addresses of an empty formatted DevInfo Data Entry
Area ID
cell C1
Area Name
cell F1
Theme Level 1
column A from row 3 onwards
Theme Level 2
column B from row 3 onwards
Theme Level 3
column C from row 3 onwards
column E from row 3 onwards
column G from row 3 onwards
column I from row 3 onwards
Time Period – Baseline
column K from row 3 onwards – first row
Time Period – Target
column K from row 3 onwards – second row
Data Value – Baseline
column L from row 3 onwards – first row
Data Value – Target
column L from row 3 onwards – second row
Source – Publisher
column M from row 3 onwards
Source – Title
column N from row 3 onwards
Source – Date of publication
column O from row 3 onwards
Note that two rows are used for each indicator-unit-subgroup combination, one for the baseline entry
and the other for the target entry (Fig. 11.18)
Fig. 11.18 Thematic (UNDAF) DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet
Once the Data Entry Spreadsheet is populated, the data can be uploaded to create a DevInfo
database using the DX App UNDAF.exe utility in the Data Exchange module.
Uploading the contents of a thematic (UNDAF) DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet to create a DevInfo
database is a two-step process.
Step 1 - Select File
In Step 1, select the thematic DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet which you wish to import (Fig 11.19).
Fig. 11.19 Selecting the file
to browse for a file in another location. Select it by double-clicking it to transfer it from the
Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Database
In Step 2, select the file against which you wish to import the thematic Data Entry Spreadsheet.
Indicate whether you wish to select a DevInfo template or database by selecting the desired file type
below the toolbar (Fig 11.20).
Fig. 11.20 Selecting the file against which you wish to import the spreadsheet
to browse for a file in another location. Select it by double-clicking it to transfer it from the
Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Finish to start the import process. The utility creates a DevInfo database and generates a log
file displaying details of the import process.
Updating map files from the DevInfo Digital Map Registry
The DevInfo Digital Map Registry is a repository of map files. Currently the registry contains maps of
continents (area level 1) and countries (area level 2).
The DX Map Registry.exe utility in the Data Exchange module allows you to update your DevInfo
digital map files (shapefiles). Note that you must be connected to the Internet to use this utility, as it
connects online to the DevInfo Digital Map Registry server to perform the following tasks:
Validating your DevInfo map files against the DevInfo Digital Map Registry
Downloading map files from the DevInfo Digital Map Registry and associating them with
Area IDs
Updating yo ur D evInfo m ap f iles with t he l atest m ap files f rom the DevInfo D igital Map
Updating map files is a two-step process.
Step 1 - Select File
In Step 1, select the file containing the map files you wish to update. Indicate whether you wish to
update the map files in a database or a template by selecting the desired file type below the toolbar
(Fig. 11.21).
Fig. 11.21 Selecting the file containing the map files you wish to update
to browse for a file in another location. Then select the file by double-clicking it to transfer it
from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Map Registry
In Step 2, the utility connects online with the DevInfo Digital Map Registry server and downloads the
list of available areas with their associated map files from the DevInfo Digital Map Registry. The area
list is displayed in tree view in the left pane (Fig 11.22).
Fig. 11.22 Downloading map files from the DevInfo Digital Map Registry server
By default, all areas in the list are selected. Clear the selections for those areas whose map files you
do not wish to download. Highlight any area to view its associated map in the upper right pane. Use
the following tools in the map toolbar to help you better view the map:
Full Extent
Resets the map so you can view it in its full extent
Zoom in Frame
Allows you to use the mouse to select and zoom in on a particular
Zoom In
Allows you to use the mouse to zoom in on a particular area by a
fixed magnitude
Zoom Out
Allows you to use the mouse to zoom out from a particular area by a
fixed magnitude
Allows you to use the mouse to pan or move to a particular location
on the map
Instructs the system to display or hide map labels (area names)
Below the map are two smaller panes. The left pane displays the list of Area IDs and area names
associated to the map, while the right pane displays the metadata associated to the highlighted area.
Click Finish to start downloading the selected map files and exit. The utility generates a log file
displaying details of the update process.
EmergencyInfo is a powerful decision support system based on DevInfo database technology which
helps people respond better in emergency situations. It combines the advanced data access and
presentation features of DevInfo with new data capture technologies. EmergencyInfo helps to bridge
information gaps within the first 72 hours of an emergency and provides support for rapid data
collection, situation assessment, standard monitoring reports and disaster preparedness.
EmergencyInfo uses hand held computers - PDAs - to quickly capture data from multiple affected
areas and multiple sources during an emergency. This facilitates the conversion of raw numbers into
meaningful and ready-to-use information. The data is captured in XML format on PDA memory sticks
and can be uploaded into DevInfo by plugging the PDA into a desktop computer or by sending the
data via e-mail. Once the data is uploaded into a DevInfo database, users can easily search for data
by indicator, source, area or time period to assess the needs of affected populations and quickly
disseminate data via tables, graphs and maps.
Detailed instructions on how to use the various utilities within the EmergencyInfo module can be
downloaded from the EmergencyInfo website at http://www.devinfo.info/emergencyinfo/.
The Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) is a global initiative to foster common
international standards for the exchange of statistical information. Common international standards
facilitate the sharing of statistical data and metadata, allowing for more efficient data exchange
mechanisms as well as easier access by all stakeholders to internationally comparable statistical data
and metadata.
The Standards module contains the following four utilities which allow you to exchange data between
DevInfo files and SDMX-ML format files:
DX SDMX Export
DX SDMX Import
Each of these utilities will be explained below.
Note: Key families and code lists in SDMX-ML format files
In SDMX-ML format files, database dimensions are grouped according to keys, which
allow for the identification of a particular data set. Keys are categorized under key
families. Each possible value for a database dimension is defined in a code list.
The DX DES to SDMX-ML.exe utility allows you to convert a DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet into an
SDMX-ML format file.
This utility is a one-step process.
Step 1 - Select File
In Step 1, select the DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet which you wish to convert into an SDMX-ML
format file (Fig. 13.1).
Fig 13.1 Selecting the DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet
to browse for a file in another location. Then select the file by double-clicking it to transfer it
from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Finish to convert the selected DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet into an SDMX-ML format file.
Specify the location and the name of the new file in the Save As window. By default, the utility saves
the file under the original filename with an .xml extension (Fig 13.2).
Fig 13.2 Saving the SDMX-XL format file
The utility also generates a log file displaying details of the conversion process (Fig. 13.3).
Fig 13.3 DX DES to SDMX-ML Log File
DX SDMX Export
The DX SDMX Export.exe utility allows you to export a DevInfo database or template to one or more
SDMX-ML format files.
This utility is a four-step process.
Step 1 - Select File
In Step 1, select the file which you wish to export to one or more SDMX-ML format files. Indicate
whether you wish to export a database or a template by selecting the desired file type below the
toolbar (Fig 13.4).
Fig 13.4 Selecting the file you wish to export
to browse for a file in another location. Then select the file by double-clicking it to transfer it
from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Options
In Step 2, select the data elements for which you wish to export data to one or more SDMX-ML
format files. Note the six tabs below the toolbar representing six categories of data elements to be
selected: Indicator, Unit, Subgroup, Time, Area and Source (Fig. 13.5).
Click these tabs to select data element
Fig 13.5 Selecting data elements to export
Click each of these six tabs and select the desired data elements for which you wish to export data by
transferring them from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Note: Selecting data elements
If you are exporting a database file, then data elements in each of the six tabs Indicator, Unit, Subgroup, Time, Area and Source - must be selected. However, if you
are exporting a template file, then the Time and Source tabs will be disabled as these
elements are not available in DevInfo templates.
Step 3 - Data
In Step 3, you can specify more details about the SDMX-ML format file(s) to be created (Fig. 13.6).
Fig 13.6 Specifying additional details
In the Location box just below the toolbar, the default location for saving the SDMX-ML format file(s)
is displayed. Click
to browse and specify a different location.
Below the Location box, select the desired export options as explained below.
SDMX-ML Data Exports the data based on the criteria specified in Step 2. If the Separate Indicator
Files check box is selected, then the utility will generate separate SDMX-ML files for each of the
selected indicators.
Key Families
Exports the list of the data dimensions, such as indicators, area
names, etc.
Code Lists
Exports the master code list of all selected database elements.
Exports the metadata for indicators, areas and sources.
Step 4 - Process
In Step 4, the utility exports the contents of the selected file to one or more SDMX-ML format file(s),
which are displayed in a list in the window (Fig 13.7).
Fig 13.7 Exporting the data to SDMX-ML format file(s)
Click Finish to save the files. The utility generates a log file displaying details of the export process
(Fig. 13.8).
Fig 13.8 DX SDMX Export log file
DX SDMX Import
The DX SDMX Import.exe utility allows you to import an SDMX-ML format file created using the
DevInfo User or Data Admin applications into a DevInfo database.
This utility is an eight-step process.
Step 1 - Select File
In Step 1, select the source file(s) to be imported (Fig. 13.9).
Fig. 13.9 Selecting the source file(s)
to browse and specify the location of the desired file(s). Then select the file(s) by doubleclicking to transfer them from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Note that multiple source files can be selected.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Database
In Step 2, select the reference file against which you wish to import the data. The data will be
imported based on the indicators, units, subgroups and areas defined in the reference file.
Note: Selecting the reference file
If you select a template as the reference file, a new database will be created. If you
select a database as the reference file, the source data will be appended to the
reference database.
Indicate whether you wish to import the data against a template or a database by selecting the
desired file type below the toolbar (Fig. 13.10).
Fig. 13.10 Selecting the reference file
to browse for a file in another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from
the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Steps 3 to 7 - Map Data Elements
Steps 3 to 7 involve matching the different elements of the SDMX-ML source file(s) with those of the
reference file. In each step, you can view the unmatched elements. See Import in Chapter 4, “Tools”
for detailed instructions on these steps.
Step 8 - Process
In Step 8, the utility imports the data from the source file(s) against the selected reference template or
database. Click Finish to complete the process and save the database (Fig. 13.11).
Fig. 13.11 Saving the database
A log file will be generated displaying details of the import process.
The DX SDMX-ML to DES.exe utility allows you to import an SDMX-ML format file created using the
DevInfo User or Data Admin applications into a DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet. This utility is a
seven-step process.
Step 1: Select File
In Step 1, select the source file to be imported (Fig. 13.12).
Fig. 13.12 Selecting the source file
to browse and specify the location of the desired file. Then select the file by double-clicking
it to transfer it from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Click Next to go to Step 2.
Step 2 - Select Database
In Step 2, select the reference file against which you wish to import the data. The data will be
imported based on the indicators, units, subgroups and areas defined in the reference file.
Indicate whether you wish to import the data against a template or a database by selecting the
desired file type below the toolbar (Fig. 13.13).
Fig. 13.13 Selecting the reference file
to browse for a file from another location. Select a file by double-clicking it to transfer it from
the Available pane to the Selected pane.
Steps 3 to 7 - Map Data Elements
Steps 3 to 7 involve matching the different elements of the SDMX-ML source file with those of the
reference file. In each step, you can view the unmatched elements. See Import in Chapter 4, “Tools”
for detailed instructions on these steps.
When you have finished mapping all data elements, click Finish in Step 7 to import the data from the
source file against the selected reference template or database and save the output as a DevInfo
Data Entry Spreadsheet (Fig. 13.14).
Fig. 13.14 Saving the Data Entry Spreadsheet
The utility will generate a log file displaying details of the import process.
Interface Menu Bar
The menu bar located at the upper left of the DA 6.0 interface contains the following three menu
items (Fig. 14.1):
Interface menu bar
Fig. 14.1 DA 6.0 interface displaying menu bar
These menu items will be explained below.
The File menu contains two commands, User Preferences and Exit.
User Preferences
The User Preferences command allows you to modify the default DA 6.0 application settings. Click
User Preferences from the File menu to open the User Preferences dialog box (Fig. 14.2)..
Fig. 14.2 User Preferences dialog box
Note that the User Preferences dialog box contains seven tabs: General, Language, Indicator, Data,
Map, Sound and Module.
Under the General tab, the following general options are available (Fig. 14.2):
Product Path
Displays the path of the application root folder. Note that this can
only be viewed, not modified.
Product Name
Displays the product name as it appears on the desktop icon label.
Note that this can only be viewed, not modified.
Auto-Select Filter Options
Instructs the application to display or hide the Auto-Select Filter
button. If this check box is selected, the application will display the
Auto-Select button on the pane headers in those windows/modules
which handle data sets (such as the Data Entry module).
Area Tree Sorted by Area ID
Instructs the application to sort the area tree by Area ID as the
default sort option.
Global Color
Allows you to assign the desired color to the DevInfo global database
elements. Click the color box to open the color palette and select the
desired color.
Note that the last two options under the General tab are disabled in the DA 6.0 application and are
not available for use.
Click Apply to apply all changes and continue accessing additional options in the User Preferences
dialog box. Click Cancel to cancel all changes and exit. Click OK to save all changes and exit.
Under the language tab, the following language options are available for the DA 6.0 interface strings
(Fig. 14.3):
Fig. 14.3 Language tab
To change the language used for the DA 6.0 interface strings, select the desired language from the
list in the Name box. Note that you can choose from any of the six official UN languages: Arabic,
Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Alternatively, click
to browse for and select
another language file created using the Language module.
To change the font, font style, and font size used for the interface strings, select the desired options
from the lists in the Font, Style and Size boxes, respectively.
Under the Indicator tab, the following options are available for modifying the display settings for
indicators (Fig. 14.4):
Select or clear these check boxes to
display or hide indicator classifications
Select the desired option button to set
the default classification
Fig. 14.4 Indicator tab
Under the Select Indicators by heading, select the check boxes next to the indicator classifications
which you wish to display and clear the ones which you wish to hide. Note that you cannot clear the
Sector indicator classification check box, as it is the default selection.
By default, the Sector indicator classification is selected as the default classification view. To change
the default classification view, select the desired option button under the Select Indicators by
heading. Note that only one indicator classification can be selected as the default view.
Select the Show Unit and Subgroups check box to display units and subgroups along with the
indicators in the default view. Clear it to display only indicators.
Under the Data tab, the following options are available for modifying the display settings of the
elements in the Data Entry module (Fig. 14.5):
Fig. 14.5 Data tab
By default, all the data elements are selected for display in the Selected pane. To hide a data
element, double-click it to remove it from the Selected pane.
To change the display order of the data elements in the Data Entry module, highlight an element and
use the
arrows to move it up or down to the desired location.
Select the Data View Alternate Row Color check box to view the alternate rows in the data view in a
different color. To change the default color, click the color box to open the color palette and select the
desired color.
Map and Sound
The Map and Sound tabs are disabled in the DA 6.0 application and are not available for use.
The Module tab allows you to modify the display settings for the various DA 6.0 modules (Fig. 14.6).
Fig. 14.6 Module tab
By default, all the modules installed at the time of installing the DA 6.0 application are selected. To
remove a module from the left panel, clear its check box.
Note: Re-installing a removed module
If a module is removed from the DA 6.0 application by clearing its check box under the
Module tab and later you wish to use it again, you must re-install the DA 6.0 application.
Click Exit from the File menu to exit the DA 6.0 application.
Note that all commands under the Edit menu are disabled in the DA 6.0 application.
The Help menu contains three commands which provide you access to various technical assistance
Click Content to open and view the DevInfo 6.0 Data Admin Guide in .pdf file format.
Click Support to send an email request for technical support to the DevInfo Support Group. This
command automatically opens the default email program and creates a new email message
addressed to the DevInfo Support Group.
Click About to view product information and to also check for live updates from the DevInfo 6.0 Data
Admin dialog box (Fig. 14.7).
Fig. 14.7 DevInfo 6.0 Data Admin dialog box
Click the Version link to open a web page displaying details about the latest version of DevInfo 6.0
Data Admin and a summary of the latest updated features.
Click System Info to generate a detailed report on the system hardware and software settings.
Click Check for Updates to connect to the DevInfo server and check whether any DA 6.0 application
updates are available and, if so, to download them to your computer. This option ensures that you
have the latest application updates available. Note that you must be connected to the Internet to use
this option.