Newsletter - St. Nicholas School


Newsletter - St. Nicholas School
St. Nicholas
Newsletter :: April I :: 2011
IB Visual Arts
Upcoming events
Mon 18th to Fri 22nd
Easter Holiday Half Term
Ms Barker - Head of Art
Mon 25th to Wed 27th
Bernard Moss Photographs
Mon 25th
Winter Uniform
After two years of hard work, it has finally
paid off!
of their work to the examiner and to their
loved ones.
“I feel as if I am a real artist”, said one of
the IB Art students.
They spent two days mounting their work
at the renowned André Gallery who kindly
offered the space and time to mount and
exhibit the work.
I can genuinely say these 11 “real artists”
have demonstrated to all their parents,
teachers and friends what St. Nicholas
School is all about.
Fri 29th
Make a Difference Day
They were risk-takers, inquirers and
principled when planning and researching.
They were thinkers, knowledgeable and
reflective in the creative process. Their
open-minded ideas resulted in a caring,
balanced and communicative presentation
Sat 30th
Infant Art Workshop
Tue 3rd
IB Exams starts
On the evening of Friday April 1st, the
students were in the spotlight! Over 60
people came to gallery to view wonderful
art work and treat themselves to delicious
Thank you to all of those involved in making
this event a real success and a huge round
of applause to our “Real Artists”!
Mon 9th
IGCSE Exams starts
Year 1 » May 4th
Nursery » May 12th
Infant Art
April 30th
May 10th to 12th
Do not forget your tie after the Easter Break!
Last week St. Nicks plunged
into the water world of science.
The children enjoyed a week
of experiments, challenges,
quizzes and demonstrations.
time there were Infant and
Junior teachers performing
experiments related to water.
Mr Moss and Mr Eagles
In Year 3 Rodrigo, Guilherme and Diego
blew up the biggest balloon.
In Year 4 Thomas, Joao, Valentin and
Damien managed to launch the highest
In Year 5 Laura, Isabella M and Valerie
made the strongest raft.
In Yeear 6 the girls, Luana, Giovana, Se
Yun and Catalina and the boys Bryan
Pepe, Eduardo, Giancarlo and Saketh
made the strongest bridge that held 1kg.
finished the week with an
amazing water rocket that
flew high up! Good muscles
Mr Moss!!
Also at lunch time the Junior
experiments and challenges,
such as building the strongest
raft and making CO2.
From Tuesday to Thursday the TT1, TT2,
Nursery and Kindergarten classes rotated
visiting different rooms in the Infant Science
Museum. It was a big success! There were
so many exciting and interactive activities
that the children wanted to stay longer in
each room!
On Wednesday and Thursday the
Kindergarten children visited the Year 1
classes and tested some experiments
with the Year 1 pupils. Some were testing
water tension with food colouring, some
were trying to make play dough float and
some were showing their home-made
judges and the final results were:
had the Y1s for a Science lesson in the
lab. It was a great opportunity to explore
scientific knowledge through inquiry and
interact with older pupils! In the afternoon
the Infants had their quiz in the hall and
enjoyed answering scientific questions. All
the groups obtained many points, showing
that they learned a lot during the week and
are becoming investigative scientists!
On Wednesday afternoon the Seniors
and Juniors got together for a science
quiz and challenge. The results were:
First place Cambridge - 21 ½ points
Second place London - 20 ½ points
Third place Oxford - 17 points.
The Junior had their Science assembly
where each group presented a Science
investigation they had been doing in
class. Y3 showed how a water filter
works, Y4 shared tornado experiments,
Y5 investigated which would be the
best glue and Y6 explained all about
microorganisms. Y2 came to see this
amazing assembly, and had a great time!
On Friday we had a very successful
Science Fair and children presented all
their work they had been doing for the last
three weeks.
The Senior Science teachers were the
First place: Which material is best to make
a tennis ball bounce faster? By Gabriella,
Lucia, Vivian and Isabella Reid. (Year 4)
Second place: Which is the best way to
make toothpaste? By Pedro, Giovana and
Isabela (Year 3)
Third place - Does fruit conduct electricity?
By Carolina and Maria Fernanda (Year 3)
Well done to all the participants. The
Science investigations were amazing and
the judges were very impressed.
The Y8s invited the Y5s and the Y7s
Finally, lots of Infant classes as well as Year
6 had the opportunity to go to the OCA to
see the water exhibition.
Overall a very successful week and
congratulations to all!
Museu do Futebol
Ms Nogueira
Os alunos do Year 7 visitaram no dia 30 de
março o Museu do Futebol, em São Paulo.
A seguir, você pode conferir como foi a
visita e qual foi a impressão eu eles tiveram
sobre o passeio.
Universidade e Carreira
Novo Curso de Graduação da
Universidade de São Paulo
Giovanna Pedrinola (Year 7)
A USP (Universidade de São Paulo)
aprovou uma graduação em Saúde
Pública, com vestibular em 2011 e início
do curso em 2012.
O Year 7, durante quinze dias, nas aulas
de Português, estudou sobre o futebol e,
principalmente, sobre o futebol no Brasil.
Nós estudamos sobre o futebol porque é
um dos esportes mais importantes para a
história da cultura brasileira. Na primeira
semana, nós lemos diversos textos escritos
por autores brasileiros que tratavam sobre
futebol. Por exemplo, um deles era sobre
penalidade máxima, o outro era sobre
uma briga no estádio, enfim, eles tratavam
sobre o futebol de maneira geral. Também
assistimos a dois vídeos. O primeiro era
sobre a infância do Pelé e quem narrava o
vídeo era o melhor amigo do Pelé, quando
eles ainda eram crianças. O segundo vídeo
era sobre um garoto argentino que morava
no Brasil, bem durante a Copa do Mundo.
Já na segunda semana, nós preparamos
power points sobre times brasileiros e
internacionais para que nós soubéssemos
mais sobre a história do futebol no Brasil
e também para nos ajudar com a visita ao
Museu do Futebol.
No dia 30/03, todo nós fomos para o
Museu do Futebol, que fica no Estádio
Municipal Paulo Machado de Carvalho,
mais conhecido como Pacaembu. Ao
chegarmos ao museu, fomos divididos em
2 grupos. Quando entramos, vimos vários
ingressos para jogos, fotos de jogos e
jogadores, fotos de taças e propagandas.
Também vimos as fotos das bolas, desde
a primeira até a Jabulani. Em seguida,
nós ouvimos como eram narrados os
jogos nos rádios e nas televisões antigas.
Depois, nós entramos em uma sala cheia
de projetores, que davam a sensação de
que estávamos no meio da torcida. Depois
disso, o guia nos mostrou algumas fotos
de uniformes e como as pessoas iam
assistir aos jogos no passado. Também
vimos um filme curto da final da copa no
Brasil, quando o Uruguai venceu o Brasil
no Maracanã. Seguindo em frente, nós
uma camiseta que o Pelé autografou e deu
para o museu em sua abertura. A última
coisa que fizemos lá foi tentar marcar um
penalty em um goleiro virtual.
Quando chegamos do museu, discutimos
em classe sobre o museu e mostramos
qual tinha sido a nossa parte favorita.
Muitas pessoas gostaram da imitação da
torcida, outros gostaram mais de bater o
penalty e do fato de o museu ser embaixo
da arquibancada. Finalmente, depois que
todos conversamos, nós escrevemos
uma carta para a nossa professora
contando sobre o museu e explicando
detalhadamente o que nós tínhamos
achado do museu.
Serão oferecidas 40 vagas e o curso
ocorrerá no período vespertino, com
duração de oito semestres. Será conferido
ao egresso do curso o grau de bacharel
em saúde pública. A USP destaca que a
saúde pública se orienta para a atenção
aos agravos sobre a saúde das populações
e, por isso, está intimamente relacionada
com as disciplinas que estudam a
saúde enquanto um fenômeno coletivo,
constituído por aspectos históricos,
demográficos, epidemiológicos, sociais,
políticos e ambientais.
O objetivo do novo curso é promover
uma formação interdisciplinar, capaz de
articular os diversos campos da saúde
pública. A graduação em Saúde Pública
está organizada em sete eixos: “Ciências
da Vida”, “Ciências Humanas e Sociais”,
“Epidemiologia, Estatística e Sistemas
de Informação em Saúde”, “Políticas
Públicas, Planejamento e Gestão em
Saúde Pública”, “Meio Ambiente e
Saúde Pública”, formados por conjuntos
de disciplinas, atividades integradas
e estágio curricular. O profissional
formado nesse curso poderá atuar em
análise de situação de saúde, gestão de
sistemas e serviços de saúde, vigilância
vigilância em saúde ambiental, saúde do
trabalhador e educação em saúde, entre
outras atividades.
Lista unificada de livros que serão exigidos para a
Fuvest e Unicamp 2012
O Conselho de Graduação (CoG) da USP,
em reunião realizada no dia 25/03/2010,
aprovou a lista de obras de leitura obrigatória
para o FUVEST 2012. Não houve alteração
em relação ao Vestibular passado.
• Auto da barca do inferno - Gil Vicente;
• Memórias de um sargento de Milícias Manuel Antônio de Almeida;
• Iracema - José de Alencar;
• Dom Casmurro - Machado de Assis;
• O cortiço - Aluísio Azevedo;
• A cidade e as serras - Eça de Queirós;
• Vidas secas - Graciliano Ramos;
• Capitães da areia - Jorge Amado;
• Antologia poética (com base na 2ª ed.
aumentada) - Vinícius de Moraes.
Japan Week Results
Congratulations!! We are sure you will
enjoy the dinner at both restaurants.
The list of sponsors and restaurants for
this charity are as follows:
Jun Sakamoto (Japanese restaurant) Rua
Lisboa, 55 Pinheiros (11)3088-6019
Bueno (Japanese Bistro) Rua Galvão
Bueno, 458 Liberdade (11)3203-2215
Thank you for your all contributions and
donations for Japan Week!
We raised
nearly R$12.000,00 through the Make a
Difference Day, the 1000 Origami Cranes
project and all events during Japan Week.
All the money will be donated to the
Japanese Red Cross Society.
The winners of the raffle tickets are
1st prize
No. 254
(Jun Sakamoto) : 二百五十四
2nd prize (Bueno): 六百五十四 No. 654
Hideki Sushi (donated Salmon for Temaki)
Rua dos Pinheiros, 70 Pinheiros (11)30860685,
Av. dos Imares, 542 Moema
(11)5049-3324, Rua Treze de maio, 1050
Bela Vista (11)3283-1833
Porque Sim (donated Karaage: Japanese
fried chicken) Rua Tomas Gonzaga, 75
Liberdade (11)3277-1557
Suki-Ya (すき家) <donated GYU-DON &
Karaage> Rua Vergueiro, 72 Liberdade,
Rua Dr. Rafael de Barros, 64 Paraiso
Cria-foods (green tea ice creams and role
Science Fiction Story
the Strange Planet
Chapter 1: going to space
Five, four, three, two, one take off...
They were leaving earth for the very
first time it was their big dream. After
sometime they arrived in space they were
very excited to get to Uranus although the
rocket looked as if it was broken, it was
not, they thought that because it was
shaking very hard. Lucas took off very well
he’s the commander of the spaceship he
has brown and short hair and he is a tall
“Rodrigo something very strange shoot at
that thing,” Lucas said loudly.
“Ok,” said Rodrigo.
Rodrigo is the guy that shoots at the aliens
and he has brown and short hair.
“Maarten communicate with earth and see
if we are going on the right way?” asked
“Yes we are going on the right way” said
Maarten has blond and short hair and his
job is to communicate with earth.
“Habjunjun what you are doing?”asked
“I’m just checking the spaceship,” said
Habjunjun he has blue eyes, black and
long hair.
“Lucas where are you?” asked Maarten.
“I´m here in my room playing computer,”
said Lucas.
“But if you are there who is commanding
the spaceship?” asked Maarten.
“I said to Habjunjun to control the
spaceship!”said Lucas.
“But Habjunjun is not here,” said Rodrigo.
Everyone shouts “ahhhhhhhhh!!!”
“Lucas go control the spaceship!” said
“Ok,” said Lucas.
“And now what do we do?” asked Rodrigo.
“I have an idea!” said Maarten.
Everyone shouts “What is it?”
“The idea is, Maarten communicate with
earth and see if we are going on the right
way,” said Lucas.
“Ok” said Maarten, “we are going to the
right way.”
Chapter 2: The meteor shower
“Guys, what is that thing falling?” said
“I don´t know “said Maarten.
“There are lots of them falling” said Lucas.
“I think it´s a meteor shower!!!” shouted
“Lucas, accelerate” said Maarten.
Everyone shouted “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!”
“I just want to go back to earth,” said
“ Don´t be so scared,”said Maarten.
“ What was that?” said Rodrigo.
“I don´t know !”said Lucas.
“I Just know that the Spaceship is getting
very slow,” said Habjunjun.
“So we can stop in Jupiter to fix the
spaceship,” said Rodrigo.
“That´s a good idea because Jupiter is by
our side,” said Lucas.
Lucas landed very well in Jupiter.
“Guys now we need to fix the spaceship,”
said Rodrigo.
“Rodrigo it is not simple to fix this
spaceship,” said Lucas.
“Yes it is very simple!” said Rodrigo.
“No it is not simple because we don´t have
tools,” said Lucas.
“Now I understand why!” said Rodrigo.
“Lucas stay where you command the
spaceship and when we say that you can
turn the spaceship on, you turn it on!” said
“Maarten stay pressing that thing,” said
“Ok!” said Maarten.
“Turn it on Lucas!” shouted Maarten.
“It didn´t work!” said Lucas.
“Turn it off!” said Rodrigo.
“Maybe it can be a problem in the engine,”
said Habjunjun
“Ok let´s see the engine,” said Maarten.
“There is nothing in here!” said Rodrigo.
“Guy´s I think we just have to gang the tube
of gasoline,” said Maarten and Rodrigo at
the same time.
“Good idea!” said Habjunjun.
“He is right we just have to change the
tube of gasoline,” said Maarten.
“Now we can continue our journey,” said
“Finally!” shouted Habjunjun.
Chapter 3: The aliens attack
“Let’s go to Uranus now,” said Rodrigo.
“Look it is another spaceship,” said
“And someone drew an alien on the
spaceship,” said Maarten.
“They are coming in our spaceship!”
Habjunjun said that very scared.
“And they are breaking our gps,” shouted
“What you’re doing with us?” shouted
“Let us go!” shouted Maarten.
“They are tiding us in a rope!” said Rodrigo.
“Why Habjunjun is not tied?” asked Lucas.
Everyone shouts to Habjunjun “Take us out
of here!”
“Never!!!” Habjunjun said laughing.
“Why won’t you take us out of here?”
asked Rodrigo.
“Because I am an alien!” shouted
“Where you are taking us?” asked Lucas.
“I’m taking you there to my planet” said
“And what is the name of your planet?”
asked Maarten.
“The name of my planet is 10703,” said
“Is that planet,” said Rodrigo.
“Yes it is, thank you” said Habjunjun.
“Guys, let´s make a plan of how we can get
out here!” said Lucas.
“How is the plan?” Said Maarten.
“The plan is when I say go, we go” said
Chapter 4: going back to earth
They were in the spaceship ready to
escape but Habjunjun was watching them
and he would not let them go.
“Go! Now is the time escape go!” Lucas
“Lets throw him out of the spaceship!”
Rodrigo said excitedly.
“Let’s go back to earth!” Maarten said
After two months they got back in earth.
Agradecimento à comunidade St Nicholas
Queremos demonstrar por meio deste
artigo a importância das doações feitas na
escola para a família Cardoso. Carente e
com dificuldade de se sustentar, passou
por um período difícil onde a mãe se viu
obrigada a doar um de seus filhos. Com a
vinda de uma nova criança estava traçado
o mesmo destino: a doação. No entanto,
com a ajuda das pessoas e o apoio da
escola St. Nicholas um novo rumo foi
tomado. Com doações de fraldas e leite,
a mãe tem a oportunidade de criar sua
filha, demonstrando amor pela criança
e gratidão pelas mãos estendidas à sua
situação, fazendo com que o lar tenha
a alegria da comunhão entre todos os
membros da família.
Queremos assim, mais uma vez,
agradecer a escola St. Nicholas (Action
Commitee) pela ajuda com fraldas e leite,
não somente a este lar, como também às
crianças participantes do projeto Semente
do Amanhã, com os lanches servidos após
as atividades realizadas.
Rodrigo Gomes (Year 4)
The end
Year 1 Visitor
Think Green
Se-Yun Kin, Giovanna Fletcher
and Diana Aguilar
Environmental Group
Firstly we’d like to thank all those who
have supported the Environmental Group
when buying one or more eco-bag. With
your help we were able to pay back the
R$2.000,00 that was lend to us by the PTA.
in the Junior building. You can also buy
your bags with Luciana from the office in
case you can’t come on Fridays.
Thank you!
But, as we are looking forward to become
a sustainable school, our commitment
to it has not finished. The Environmental
Group’s goal is to continue selling the bags
and, with that, make enough money to buy
the solar panel in our school. We still have
some months to go and we are counting
on you as your help and support is very
The bags will be sold every Friday either at
11:30am in the Infant building or at 2:30pm
Seminar at Escola Esfera
On March 19th, Mrs. Correa (ESL), Mrs.
Marchiori (TT1) and Mrs. Vassellucci (KGZ)
presented a workshop at Escola Esfera, in
São José dos Campos. This was a great
opportunity to share some of the ideas
and projects carried out in our school on
collaborative work and learning partners
project. The event “Young Learners
Building Literacy in Second Language”
coordinated by Susan Clemesha - the
English Coordinator - was a success and
she was glad to have had St. Nicholas
teachers there!
Year 1X had a very special visitor on
Friday, March 25th. Virginia Nowicki
(Gabriel Nader’s mother) came to our
class to share some of her experiences
as an actress and a reporter on television.
Using her amazing communication skills,
she had the children’s attention for over
an hour! They were amazed at her stories
about the daily routine of an actress and
the pleasures of this profession. Children
also enjoyed the videos she showed of her
recent work as a reporter. Her interviews
gave children a broader understanding of
various aspects of sustainability, such as
using junk to make toys and eating healthy
and organic food. At the end of her visit
she gave each child an autographed copy
of her book: Energize-se (Editora Gente).
Here are some of the comments the
children made about the visit:
“My favourite part of the visit was learning
that we can eat flowers!”
“I loved hearing about how she became an
“I did not know that the same actress can
play different roles in the same play!”
“I loved the video with Professor Sasá!”
“I liked the book she gave me!”
Commemorations, celebrations and events around the world
Action Committee / International Committee
19th April - 25th April - Passover, also known as Pesach, is the
Jewish festival of freedom. It is held every spring to celebrate
the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, where they had been slaves,
about 3200 years ago.
21st April - Tiradentes Day commemorates the execution of
Brazilian national hero Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier - a coconspirator in the 1789 revolt against the Portuguese. Xavier was
a dentist by trade, and so the name "Tiradentes" which means
22nd April - Earth Day is a day created to raise people's
awareness of earth matters - how the planet's environment
should be cared for, and how pollution should be fought.
23rd April - World Book Day is observed to celebrate the birth
and death anniversaries of famous authors especially Miguel de
Cervantes and William Shakespeare. This celebration traces its
origin to Catalonia Spain where men would give roses to their
lovers and women gave a book in exchange.
9th March - 23rd April - Lent is the seven weeks that begins on
Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. Lent used to be the
period of fasting and great sacrifice for all Christians. Nowadays,
some Christians observe Lent by not eating meat apart from fish
on Fridays.
24th April - Easter Sunday is observed by many Christians
to celebrate the miracle of Jesus coming back to life after
crucifixion. People celebrate Easter using the rabbit as part of its
symbol, and exchanging eggs, candied eggs or chocolate eggs.
Eggs symbolize new life, while the rabbit or Easter bunny is a
symbol of the moon as the moon determines the date of Easter.
27th April - Freedom Day is a celebration of freedom in South
Africa. It commemorates the first democratic post-apartheid
elections held in 1994 when Nelson Mandela was elected as
29th April - International Dance Day (World Dance Day) aims
to promote the importance of dance and for governments to
recognize this importance by providing a proper place for dance
in all levels of education.