3 artists and shows
3 artists and shows
3 ARTISTS AND SHOWS Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3 Brazil a Great Cultural Mosaic .......................................................................................... 5 Shows, Tours and Festivals in Brazil.................................................................................. 8 Federal Law for the Incentive of the Culture.................................................................... 13 Management Companies................................................................................................... 16 Northern Region.................................................................................................................................. 16 Northeast Region................................................................................................................................. 16 Midwest Region .................................................................................................................................. 21 Southeast Region................................................................................................................................. 22 Southern Region.................................................................................................................................. 55 Festivals ............................................................................................................................ 59 Northern Region.................................................................................................................................. 59 Northeast Region................................................................................................................................. 62 Midwest Region .................................................................................................................................. 69 Southeast Region................................................................................................................................. 72 Southern Region.................................................................................................................................. 98 Awards ............................................................................................................................ 104 Northern Region................................................................................................................................ 106 Northeast Region............................................................................................................................... 110 Midwest Region ................................................................................................................................ 120 Southeast Region............................................................................................................................... 125 Southern Region................................................................................................................................ 142 Northeast ........................................................................................................................................... 147 Midwest Region ................................................................................................................................ 148 Southeast Region............................................................................................................................... 149 Southern region ................................................................................................................................. 160 Musical Instuments, Sound and Lighting........................................................................ 162 Northeast Region............................................................................................................................... 162 Southeast Region............................................................................................................................... 162 Southern Region................................................................................................................................ 174 Making Music.................................................................................................................. 176 Northern Region................................................................................................................................ 176 Midwest Region ................................................................................................................................ 177 Northeast Region............................................................................................................................... 179 Southeast Region............................................................................................................................... 186 Southern Region................................................................................................................................ 216 Documentation Centers .................................................................................................. 225 Northern Region................................................................................................................................ 226 Northeast Region............................................................................................................................... 226 Midwest Region ................................................................................................................................ 228 Southeast Region............................................................................................................................... 228 Southern Region................................................................................................................................ 233 Introduction Brazil is a continental-sized country: it consists of five regions that encompass a variety of cultural and artistic manifestations. Through music, each state transforms itself into a focus point for the arts, creating the cultural richness for which Brazil is reknowned. Professionals from all walks of life work within the sphere of national music, and this is the topic covered by t het e x t s“ Br a z i lA gr e a tCul t u r a lMo s a i c ” ,a nd “ Sho w Tour sa n d Fe s t i va l si nBr a z i l ” Conscious of the artistic plurality, Itaú Cultura created the Rumos Itaú Cultural Música project with the objective of mapping out the various strands of musical production around the country. The Itaú projects as a whole place special emphasis on the active contact and involvement between the public and the arts. To understand the legal incentives created to stimulate and assist the arts, we´re featuring an overview of the mechanisms of the laws. These incentives assist both national and international artists (especially through shows and festivals). This is followed by contact details for agencies, management companies and producers of events and shows, along with a round-up of the principal festivals and award shows. We´ve organized a very complete listing of the principal areas for shows and spectacles in Brazil, along with contact details for clubs, bars, cafés, etc. To finish the chapter, we´ve included addresses for music shops, music Schools and Documentation Centers. Brazil a Great Cultural Mosaic By Carlos Calado and Marinilda Bertolete To say that Brazilian Music is one of the richest and creative in the world is almost a cliché. Not only have specialists and music critics emphasized its characteristic features, but international musicians are also frequently surprised by the huge variety of local rhythms –« Maracatu », Baião », « Samba », « Jongo », and so on. European and North American jazz artists frequently praise the sophisticated harmony of Brazilian composers like Tom J o b i m,Ed uLo b o ,I v a nl i n s … Fo rma n yy e a r sBr a z i l i a np o p u l a r music has been taken a signifiant space in the schedule of International events of great reputation such as « Jazz à Vienne » (France), « Montreux Jazz Festival (Switzerland), « JVC Jazz Festival » and « Summerstage Festvial » (New York , USA), among others. The Brazilians themselves are proud of the richness and variety of their music. If the country contains a wide variety of accents in the dozens of states and territories, bigger still are the rhythms and musical manifestations inside its borders. This vast musical diversity, associated with the great territorial expanse of the country, helps to explain the fact that several music styles remain confined to some regions only. Or yet that the music markets of some states, as in Bahia or Rio Grande do Sul work in a pratically autonomous way, revealing artists of great local success, and yet are still totally unknown in other parts of Brazil. Re c e n tp r o j e c t so fma p p i n gt h ec o u n t r y ’ smu s i cv a r i e t y–such as the « Rumos Project » from the Itau Cultural, coordinated by Edson Natale –have revealed outside the major urban centers of Brazil musical manifestations completely unknown to the greater public. The Cultural and Music Policies of Itaú by Edson Natale Music Director Itaú Cultural Before dealing with the specifically musical part, it must be mentioned that for over 16 years Itaú Cultural has been promoting Brazilian culture (in Brazil and abroad) and has become a reference point for its work in the visual arts, literature, theatre, dance, music, cinema, video and education. Our funding comes from tax rebates (such as those made possible by the Rouanet Law) conceded to the Itaú Bank. We consider culture as one of the basic pivots for constructing our national identity along with being an important tool for creating a sense of citizenship. Every Friday and Saturday we present free shows at our center in São Paulo, which cover the diversity of Brazilian music, featuring performances by Guilherme de Brito, Rufo Herrera, Zeca Baleiro, Mestre Salustiano, Ceumar, Jongo da Serrinha, Guinga, Arthur de Faria, Mestre Salustiano, Maurício Pereira, Jards Macalé, Marcelo Bratke, Grupo Charanga, etc. “ Gue r r i l ha ” ,pr oduc e di na s s oc i a t i onwi t hTV Cul t ur a ,i sama g a z i nepr og r a mmef ort e e na g e r swhi c hc ov e r ss oc i a l work, non-governmental organizations and their relationship with local culture. The programme always has a music section from artists such as Rappin´ Hood, Domenico + 2, Arícia Mess, Z´África Brasil, Stéreo Maracanã and Numismata. Amongst our various activities, one of importance is the ongoing Rumos Itaú Cultural programme, which gives support to the local arts (cinema, music, theatre, etc. Involving a selection process in tune with the cultural policy of the institution, Rumos has already received 7,288 projects, of which 377 were selected by teams of specialists. More details about these and other activities are available at www.itaucultural.org.br In Rumos Música, the objective is to map out and promote musical production nationwide, along with establishing a network of the varying strands of Brazilian music and its participants, in all its aspects. The last edition in 2000 / 2001 received 1,784 entries from which we selected 78 artists whose works were gathered in as e r i e sof10CDse nt i t l e d“ Ca r t og r a f i aMus i c a lBr a s i l e i r a ” ,br i n g i ngt og e t he radi v e r s emi x t ur eofa r t i s t sa nds t y l e sDJ Dolores (PE), Barbatuques (SP), Nego Nelson (PA), Cidadão Instigado (CE), Fábio Mentz (RS), Dona Teté (MA) and Carrapa do Cavaquinho (DF); along with a series of 3 lectures covering Independent Production, Music and Communication and the International Seminary of Music Education. In 2004 we are continuing this project. From a pre-selection of 300 artists, groups and bands we will select a final 50. Along with having t he i rwor k spr omot e dbyI t a úCul t ur a l ,t h ef i na l i s t swi l lpa r t i c i pa t ei n“ Ca r t og r a f i aMus i c a l Br a s i l e i r a2004/20 05” ,whi c hwi l lc ons i s tofr e c or di ng si nCD,v i de oa ndDVD.Thef i na lpr o duc twi l lbes e ntt o journalists, radios, universities, cultural centers, etc. in Brazil and abroad. We will also be dealing with various aspects of Brazilian music, through lectures, workshops and meetings throughout Brazil. The whole process will be completed in December 2005. These are all parts of various activities in the sphere of music which remain true to the original vision of Itaú Cultural, as established by our president, Milú Villela: «Itaú Cultural´s mission is to promote and spread knowledge and the Brazilian arts so as to further access to our culture and to collaborate in the process of social participation.» Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to express our satisfaction in being involved in the Brazilian Music Guide and we wish it a long, healthy and fruitful life. Thank you. Shows, Tours and Festivals in Brazil by Carlos Calado and Marinilda Bertolete Shows and Tours Tours and shows by international artists to Brazil suffer from the local and international economic situation. The frequent oscillations in the dollar value (the currency used in the negotiations of this market) can drastically reduce the Real (the Brazilian currency) value in a short space of time. Therefore, on certain occasions, the possibilities of local producers supporting international shows can be greatly reduced and risky. For the shows to happen in Brazil, they usually have to be part of a package deal that includes other dates in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile or Venezuela. This helps reduce the total costs of the tour and can even help in the promotion of the event, it is common to invite journalists to the shows in some neighboring country before the presentation in Brazil. In general, the venues do not follow a well-defined artistic line on their schedule. For the national artists, generally speaking, there is no stipulated show payment; the income from the admission tickets is shared between the house and the artist, being payable to the latter something between 30% to 60% of the amount obtained from the ticket office. For international artists it is the ratio between the value of the a r t i s t ’ spa yme nta ndt henumbe rofs e a t sa va i l a bl ei nt heve nuet ha t defines the feasibility of the show production. When not performing in festivals (events that usually attract a bigger audience), or in stadiums or gymnasiums (in case of pop and rock acts), international artists usually perform at a number of « smaller » venues like the Credicard Hall, DirecTV Music Hall, Olympia and Via Funchal (in São Paulo), the ATL Hall and Garden Hall (in Rio de Janeiro), or the Palácio das Artes (in Belo Horizonte), whose capacities vary from 1.500 to 7.000 seats. These shows are negotiated with the owners by means of agents or i mpr e s a r i o swh os ug g e s tt h ea r t i s t s ’n a me s , o ra r es o u g h td i r e c t l yb y the programmers of these venues. We have excellent facilities in Brazil, with technical capacities equal to the best auditoriums in the world. Just to give an idea, the technical set-up of Club Lov.e, dedicated to the electronic music in São Paulo is the dream of any international DJ ; a night at Lov.e is a « sine qua non » condition of a tour in Brazil. The Festivals Usually based on a theme like rock, jazz, blues, reggae or electronic, these events attract more the attention from the written press and TVs than the isolated presentations at concert halls and Theaters. The Brazilian festivals really took off after 1985, the year in which were held the first editions of Rock in Rio and The Free Jazz Festival. The succes of the Rock in Rio festival lead to it presenting an edition in Portugal in 2004. One of the characteristics of Brazilian Festivals is the strong bond with brands and cells phones : Chivas Jazz, Heineken Festival, SkolBeats, Tim Music, Conexão Telemig celular, among others ; A new pole of festivals was etablished outside the traditional axis São Paulo –Rio de Janeiro in the last years. Sustained by the repercussion of the manguebeat movement (introduced in the be gi nni n go ft he9 0’ sbyChi c oSc i e nc e& Na ç ã oZumbi ,Mundo Livre SA and Mestre Ambrósio), the city of Recife, capital of the State of Pernambuco, started to hold festivals like Abril Pro Rock and RecBeat which turned out to be important windows for emerging bands. Another mark of the festivals is the association with the seasons of the year. Summer festivals are held along the Brazilian coastline; annual Winter festivals take place in Campos do Jordão in São Paulo or even Garanhuns in Pernambuco. SkolBeats is one of the biggest electronic festivals in the country, concentrating a mega-schedule into a one-day event . Also linked to electronic music is Eletronika in Belo Horizonte a very well articulated festival ; Besides the presentation of national and international Djs, it organises video exhibitions, performances by VJs and debates, cooperating with professionals in the electronic field. For the first time in 2OO4, São Paulo received the Sonar Sound organized by Nokia and CIE-Brazil. Federal Law for the Incentive of the Culture by Rita Boccato Consultant of the Culture Nucleus of Sebrae SP, with Specialization in Culture Administration, is a director of Cultura Invest, a company for the development and administration of cultural and social projects with tax incentives. Brazil has a legislation that has the objective of collecting and directing resources towards the cultural sector, aiming at the strenghtening of the investiment in culture, promoting culture and making it more available to the public. This is Law n.° 8.313/91, the Federal Law of Incentive to Culture, better known as the Rouanet Law, which has created the National Program of Support dor Culture –the Pronac. The Pronac foresees a mechanism for supporting cultural activities, the Mecenato, according to which people (individuals) and companies (corporations) will be able to deduct from the owed income tax (a federal tax) the amounts given to cultural projects, previously analyzed by The National Committee for the Incentive of Culture –CNIC of the Ministry of Culture and duly approved. The investors or benefactors can support projects in two ways: sponsorship, which anticipates a promotional finality, and donation, with no profit or publicity purposes. The projects can be presented by individuals with a curriculum in the cultural area and by corporations, with profit purposes (companies) or non-profit (associations, institutes), provided a cultural nature exists. They are called proposers. The projects must be presented to the Ministry of Culture, in appropriate forms, with description, objectives, justification, action strategy, and a detailed financial budget, for the analysis and approval by the CNIC. Add to that, for musicial projects is necessary to present the product distribution plan resulting from the project, CDs, for exemple; and the distribution of tickets, their value, dates and places of the shows, number of presentations; in the case of show tours, information on the script, lodging, season time, number of artists and technicians taking part, acommodation rates, etc. Ands, most important, permission by the author of the work. There are segments of cultural production attended by the Law: theater, dance, music, literature, plastic arts, and folklore, among others, being necessary that the projects fit in one of these segments. Specifically concerning Music, there is a distinction for Instrumental and Classical Music projects, related to the tax benefits and forms of deduction. For their projects, 100% of the invested amount is deductible of the due income tax, whether from individuals, up to the 6% limit, or corporation, up to the 4% limit. For the other styles of music, for exemple, popular music, the deduction is made through two operations, when the benefactor/investor is a Corporation: 1.Deduction of 100% of the project invested amount as an operational expense, and 2.Deduction of 30% (in the case of sponsorship) or of 40% (in the case of a grant) of the amount invested in the project, provided it does not surpasses 4% of the due tax. If the benefactor/investor is an individual, the deduction is of 60% (sponsorship) or 80% (grant) of the project invested amount, provided that it does not surpasses 6% of the due tax. Besides the tax benefits, the investors might use 25% of the cultural product issued, resultant of the approved project (CDs, show ticktes, for exemple), for promotional purposes. Brazil still counts on another culture incentive laws on the state level, the Circulation of Goods and Services Tax ICMS, and in municipal level, Tax on Services –ISS. Some of the cities that have this kind of law: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro. States: Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso. Detailed information can be obtained in the site of the Ministry of the Culture of Brazil: www.minc.gov.br. Musical productions can count on Federal Law for the Incentive of Culture as an important tool that contributes to the achievement of projects with private investment incentive, which, many times, could not be feasible. Therefore, all the participants involved win: the private initiative, the producers, the music, and the cultural development of the country. Synthetic Table on tax benefits for the Music Area Kind of Project Erudite Music or Instrumental Music Popular Music Songs Form of Incentive Sponsorship or Grant Sponsorship Grant Benefit/Deduction (with a limit of 4% of the due IT) 100% of the amount invested of the due IT 100% of the amount as an operational expense; 30% of the amount invested of the due IT 100% of the amount as an operational expense; 40% of the amount invested of the due IT Investor/Benefactor Individual Kind of Project Erudite Music or Instrumental Music Popular Music Songs Form of Incentive Sponsorship or Grant Sponsorship Grant Benefit/Deduction (with a limit of 4% of the due IT) 100% of the amount invested of the due IT 60% of the amount invested of the due IT 80% of the amount invested of the due IT Management Companies Northern Region N. ABREU PROD. CULTURAIS Naize Abreu –Prod. Cultural T 00 55 (81) 3241-9286 F 00 55 (81) 3241-9286 Folk groups performing such styles as forró pé de serra, blocos líricos, maracatus, caboclinhas, frevo and passistas. Northeast Region Bahia ALHOS E BUGALHOS Rua Afonso Celso, 161 Barra 0440140-080 –Salvador - BA T 00 55 (71) 264-8819 F 00 55 (71) 264-8819 [email protected] www.araketu.co Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Banda Araketu BARAKA Wilma Petrillo A. Oceânica, 511 Morro da Paciência - Rio Vermelho 40170-010 –Salvador –Bahia T 00 55 (71) 331-5380 F 00 55 (21) 2721-4695 [email protected] www.galcolsta.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Gal Costa CACO DE TELHA Av. Otávio Mangabeira, 6000 –loja F 101C/D –Boca do Rio 41715-900 –SALVADOR - BAHIA T 00 55 (71) 206-6555 F 00 55 (71) 206-6555 [email protected] www.cacodetelha.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Ivete Sangalo CANTO DA CIDADE E PROD. ARTISTICAS Plínio Silvio Bastos Neto Rua Sào Paulo, 325 Pituba 41830-180 –Salvador - BA T 00 55 (71) 248-6433 F 00 55 (71) 248-6433 www.danielamercury.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Daniela Mercury CENTRAL DE PROD. Rua Bahia, 450 Pituba Vereda Industrial –5 andar sl 502 - 41830-160 T 00 55 (71) 347-4811 F 00 55 (71) 240-8981 [email protected] Music Genres: samba-reggae Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Margareth Menezes FÊNIX PROD. ARTÍSTICAS Gilson Santos de Freitas Rua Manoel Barreto, 135, sl. 102 Graça 40150-360 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 331-6999 F 00 55 (71) 245-6999 Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Grupo Timbalada MAIANGA Iracema Nainberg Rua Dr. José Peroba, 275 Stiep Metrópolois Empresarial cj 111- 041760-320 T 00 55 (71) 341-3641/ 2249-1100 F 00 55 (71) 341-3641 www.maianga.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Zé Miguel Wisnik, Jota Quest, Marcelo D2 R&V EMPREENDIMENTOS ARTÍSTICOS Rita Vieira Santos Av. Manoel Dias da Silva, 2364 sl 10341830-001 –Salvador - BA T 00 55 (71) 240-2252 F 00 55 (71) 240-2254 [email protected] www.jorgeportugal.com.br Artists represented: Jorge Aragão and Jorge Portugal, from Santo Amaro da Purificação. XODÓ PROD. ART. Rua Prof. Orlando Leite, sl Gil Moreira 45000-000 –Vitótria da Conquista –BA T 00 55 (77) 424-4242 F 00 55 (11) 5571-6672 www.xodoproducoes.com.br Artist represented: Dominguinhos Ceará PAPAS DA LÍNGUA Av. Santos Dumont, 905/602 60150-160 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (51) 3333-7988 www.papasdalingua.com.brt Pernambuco ATRONAVES INICIATIVAS CULTURAIS Paulo André Pires Ruas Gonçalves Maia, 114 ap 2 Boa Vista 50070-060 –Recife - PE T 00 55 (81) 3421-5380 F 00 55 (81) 3421-5380 [email protected] www.abrilprorock.com.br Music Genres: traditional Brazilian music and electronic music Artists and/or labels represented in the World: DJ Dolores & Orchestra Santa Massa ESCAMBO PRODUÇÕES ASSESSORIA LTDA. Charles Teony/Juliana Lyra Pça do Carmo, 3 apt 301 Carmo 53120-000 –Olinda - PE T 00 55 (81) 3429-6442 C 00 55 (81) 9149-9474 escambo_produçã[email protected] www.escamboproducoes.com.br Represents Charles Teony ;his music mixes local rhythms such as cabloquinho, maracatu, ciranda, coco, frevo and samba. NÓS MESMOS Walter Pinto Ruas Gonçalves Maia, 114 ap 2 Boa Vista 50070-060 –Recife - PE T 00 55 (21) 3681- 9557 F 00 55 (21) 9959-8456 Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Jorge Vercílio PROJETO PERNAMBUCANIDADE Marcílio Lisboa Rua José Manquinhos, 114 Bairro Novo 5030-070 –Olinda - PE F 00 55 (81) 9971-2888 Music Genres: Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Marcílio Lisboa QUINTETO VIOLADO Toinho Alves Rua Apolo, 207 Recife Antigo 50030-220 - Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3224-9075 F 00 55 (81) 3224- 1654 www.quintetoviolado.com.br Music Genres: regional Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Quinteto Violado Midwest Region Distrito-Federal GRV PROD. CULTURAIS Gustavo SRTV Sul qd 710 bl K Ed. Embassy Tower sl 613 70340-000 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 322-4263 F 00 55 (61) 225-7087 [email protected] www.grv.art.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Los Tranquilos, Celso Salim, Zero 10 and Guitarras do Cerrado OSWALDO MONTENEGRO PROD. ART Newton Montenegro CHIS QL20 cj 4 casa 14 716 50-145 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 366-1667 F 00 55 (61) 366-1667 www.oswaldomontenegro.com Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Oswaldo Montenegro LEANDRO CARVALHO Rua Vinte, 509 Boa Esperança 78068- 380 –Cuiabá - MT T 00 55 (65) 664-3981 M 00 55 (65) 9972-3178 Southeast Region Minas Gerais DO BRASIL –CRIA CULTURA Patrícia Tavares Rau Pouso Alto, 252, Serra 30240-180 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3284- 6474 F 00 55 (31) 3284-0709 www.vanderlee.com.br www.marianamachado.com.br www.aldarezende.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Vander Lee, Pereira da Silva and Alda Rezende DM PRODUÇÕES Rua Serjipe 1034, cj 02 Savassi 30130-171 Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3284-1320 F 00 55 (31) 3284-1321 [email protected] www.dmproducoes.com.br Music Genres: pop and rock Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Skank, Terra Samba and Engenheiros do Hawai FILTRO Tadeus Mucelli Rua Jacuí, 663 Floresta 31110-050 –Belo Horizonte - MG T 00 55 (31) 3421-1828 F 00 55 (310 3421-1828 www.agenciafiltro.com.br Mus i cGe nr e s :ho us emus i c ,t e c hnoa nddr um’ n’ ba s s Artists and/or labels represented in the World: DJ Robson Hype, Tee Hipnotik and Felipe Morattni INSTITUTO Marcos Boffa Rua Catete, 323 ap. 07 Barroca 30430-520 - Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 9942-0362 Music Genres: urban music Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Instituto LAPA MULTISHOW Al. Alvares Maciel, 312 30150-250 BeloHorizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3241-5953 F 00 55 (31) 3241-5953 [email protected] www.lapamultshow.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Tom Zé, Dominguinhos and Lobão ROTOMUSIC PRODUÇÕES E EVENTOS Aluizer Malab Rua Senhora das Graças, 16 sl. 107 Cruzeiro 30310-130 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3225-3828 F 00 55 (31) 3225-3828 [email protected] www.patufu.com.br Music Genres: rock and MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Patu Fu, Otto and Max de Castro UAKTI Claudio Costa Rua rio Claro, 37 Prado 30410-400 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 292-4211 F 00 55 (31) 292-4211 Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Uakti WEBER LOPES Weber Lopes Rua Ext.hete, 88 102 Anchieta 30310-310 –Belo Horizonte - MG T 00 55 (31) 3287- 3696 [email protected] Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Weber Lopes Rio de Janeiro AGITT PROMOÇÕES Sergio Pitta Av. Das Américas, 500 bl 06 sl 214 Barra da Tijuca 22460-100 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2494-6757 F 00 55 (31) 3284-1320 [email protected] Music Genres: pop-rock and MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Jota Quest and Pedro Mariano ARSSIS PROD. CULTURAIS Miguel Proença Rua das Laranjeiras, 525 /1201 22240-002 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2558-8159 F 00 55 (21) 2558-8159 [email protected] www.miguelproenca.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Miguel Proença AÏCHA PRODUÇÕES Denise Romano - Adriana Mamede Av. Alegário Maciel, 101 208 Tijuca 22621-200 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 24958713 F 00 55 (21) 2483-8575 [email protected] Music Genres: rock and MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Os Tribalistas and Os Paralamas do Sucesso ALAFIA/ FIRE PRODUÇÕES Márcia Virgínia Av. Das Américas 500, bl 502 sl. 219 Barra 22640-100 Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2491-7212 F 00 55 (21) 2491 7212 Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Moska, Marcela Biasi, Marcos Suzano and Jorge Vercílio ARTE E CRIAÇÕES PROD. ART. LTDA Solange Nazaré Av. Das Américas, 15 700 lj. T Recreio dos Bandeirantes 22790-704 - Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (210 2437-9003 F 00 55 (21) 2437- 9003 art.criacoes@terra .com.br Music Genres: pop Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Alcione BYINGTON E CASÉ PRODUCÕES Renato Byington - Virgínia Casé Rua das Acácias, 114 Gávea 22451-060 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2540-6442 F 00 55 (21) 2540-7262 [email protected] Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Quarteto Jobim Morelembau CARMO PROD. ART. LTDA Lourdes Eusébio Rua Itaipava, 17 sl. 405 Jd. Botânico 22461-030 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2259- 5971 F 00 55 (21) 2259-2396 [email protected] Music Genres: jazz Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Egberto Gismonti CONEXÃO Maria Luiza Jucá Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 3 Sb. 319 22410-001 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2512-9940 F 00 55 (21) 2512-9940 [email protected] Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Maria Bethania CRAMMED 43, general Patton 1050 Brussel T 00 21 32 2 6407914 F 00 21 32 2 6488369 www.crammed.com.be Music Genres: world music Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Bebel Gilberto DENISE CAYMMI PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Denise Caymmi T 00 55 (21) 2254-6167 M 00 55 (21) 9968-1999 F 00 55 (21) 2570-7376 Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Nana Caymmi, Dorival Caymmi, Danilo Caymmi DIG PROD. ART. Estrada da Gávea, 135 Gávea 222541-260 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2529-2808 F 00 55 (21) 2259-8417 [email protected] www.edmotta.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artistsand/orlabelsrepresentedintheWorld:EdMotta D.R. SHOWS Daniel Rodrigues Sermanbetiba, 6600 1805 Bara da Tijuca 22795-010 –Rio de Janeiro T 00 55 (21) 2433-3743 M 00 55 (21) 9625-5532 F 00 55 (21) 2433-2372 Music Genres: MPB VIP BRAZILIAN MUSIC Júnior Oxford Street –W1N9JF –London, England F 00 44 79 80 98 72 28 Montreux –Switzerland Carlos Rodrigues Ru ed eL’ Eg i l s eCa t h o l i q u e , 1 21 8 2 0- Montreux T 00 44 21 9633066 F 00 41 79 4348155 Artists and/or labels represented in Europe: Vavá Ribeiro, Carlos Pitta and Lampirônicos GEGE PRODUÇÕES Meny Lopes Estrada da Gávea, 135 Gávea 22451-260 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 3323-1600 F 00 55 (21) 2239-9727 www.gilbertogil.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Gilberto Gil Remarks: Radio station: www.expresso2222com.br J.A. EVENTOS Help Magalhães - Vânia Aragão Av. Ivan Lins, 480 Cob. 306 Barra da Tijuca 22620-110 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2494-4350 F 00 55 (21) 2495-5689 [email protected] www.jorgearagao.art.br Music Genres: samba Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Jorge Aragão JERIMUM PRODUÇÕES Jorginho Odílio Rua Fernando Osório, 10, casa 1 Flamengo 22230-040 –Riode Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2553-0840 F 00 55 (21) 2553-0840 Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Zé Ext.ho LUANDA PROMOÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Mara Rabello Rua Atalfo de Paiva, 135/ 1310 22449-900 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2540-0332 F 00 55 (21) 2540-0332 [email protected] www.djavan.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Djavan MAMELUCO PROD. Andréia A. Cômodo Av. São Sebastião, 255 URCA 22291-070 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2542-5276 F 00 55 (21) 2542-5276 [email protected] www.lenine.com.br Music Genres: Pop-Rock Artists represented in Brazil: Lenine For the rest of the world his agent is Frédéric Gluzman(00 33 (0)672 88 23 95) MANIA PRODUÇÕES Silvia Rua Gal. Venâncio Flores, 305 sl. 506 Leblon 22441-090 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2511-0648 F 00 55 (21) 2511-0462 [email protected] www.maniashows.com.br Music Genres: rap, reggae and MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Cidade Negra and Gabriel o Pensador MARIA BRAGA PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Maria Braga Visc. Do Rio Branco, 773 casa 4 24020-006 Niteróri –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2629-7120 F 00 55 (21) 2613-3620 Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Miúcha and Zé da Velha & Silvério Pontes MARINHO PRODUÇÕES José Carlos Marinho Rua Taylor, 135 Sta. Tereza 22241-060 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2509-0520 F 00 55 (21) 2509-0538 [email protected] www.erasmocarlos.com.br, www.marinhoproducoes.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Erasmo Carlos MAROLA EDIÇÕES MUSICAIS LTDA Vinícius França Av. Ataufo de Paiva, 135 sl 1301 Leblon 22449-900 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2540-6969 F 00 55 (21) 2540-6969 [email protected] www.chicobuarque.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in Brazil: Chico Buarque MELODIA PRODUÇÕES Jane França - Augusto França Rau Aaufo de Paiva, 1175 sl. 605 Leblon 22440-031 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2294-1311 F 00 55 (21) 2294-1311 www.luizmelodia.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Luiz Melodia MES PROD. ARTÍSTICAS Marlene Esteves Rua Verbena, 565 21330-430 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2454-0734 F 00 55 (21) 2453-1633 [email protected] www.angelaroro.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Ângela Rô Rô MONTE CRIAÇÃO E PROD. LTDA Leonardo Neto - Sueli Aguiar Travessa Leocádia, 35 Copacabana 22061-050 –Rio de Janeiro RJ T 00 55 (21) 2547- 0966 F 00 55 (21) 2547-6315 www.marisamonte.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Marisa Monte MP, B João Mauro Linhares Rua Ataulfo de Paiva, 135 sl. 405 Leblon 22440-030 –Rio de Janeiro T 00 55 (21) 2294-7294 F 00 55 (21) 2239-9426 [email protected] www.fernadaabreu.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Ney Matogrosso, Fernanda Abreu and Pedro Luís e a Parede NA MORAL PROD. ARTÍSTICAS Marcelo Lobato Rua Dia Ferrerr, 626, ap 104 Leblon 22431-050 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2259-8079 F 00 55 (21) 2294-5617 [email protected] [email protected] www.namoral.com.br Music Genres: rap, rock and MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Planet Hamp, Seu Jorge, Pitty and Nando Reis NATASHA PRODUÇÕES Conceição Lopes Rua Marques de São Vicente, 99 4 andar Gávea 22451-041 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2529-0722 F 00 55 (21) 2529-0722 www.natasha.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Caetano Veloso, Adriana Calcanhoto and Lulu Santos OLHAÍ PRODUÇÕES Felipe Casqueira - Ronaldo Villas Av. das Américas,4200 –Ed. Miami Bloco 7 sala 110B Centro Empresarial Barra Shopping –Barra da Tijuca 22640-102 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 3150-2655 F 00 55 (21) 2523-6978 [email protected] Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Nação Zumbi and Zélia Duncan PARTITURAS PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Rua Araucaria, 66 sl. 301 Jd. Botânico 22461-160 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2527-9935 F 00 55 (21) 2539-3365 [email protected] Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Reginaldo Bessa and Joyce PEDRA CORRIDA José Gonzaga de Araújo R. Marquês de São Vicente, 124 bl 3 ap 302 Gávea 22451-040 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2249-1100 [email protected] www.pedracorrida.com.br Music Genres: MPB and black music Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Elza Soares QUIZUMBA Simon Fuller Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 414/ 1201 Ipanema 22410-002 T 00 55 (21) 2439-2772 F 00 55 (21) 2227-2109 [email protected] [email protected] www.quizumba.com.br Music Genres: MPB and rock Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Los Hermanos RAMAX MUSIC E ARTE PRODUÇÕES Alexandre Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 351 sl. 422 22410-003 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2523-0094 F 00 55 (21) 2521-6499 [email protected] www.elbaExt.ho.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Elba Ext.ho SHOWBRAS PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Gil Lopes - Carmela Forsin Rua Ataulfo de Paiva, 135, sl. 1017 Leblon 22440-030 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2274-9248 F 00 55 (21) 2559-4192 [email protected] www.showbras.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: João Gilberto and Celso da Fonceca SOUSOUL Alex e Rosalvo Rua General Andrade Neves, 41/303 São Domingos 24210-000 - Niterói –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2721-3564, 9998-3207 F 00 55 (21) 2721-3564 [email protected] www.sousoul.com Music Genres: soul music Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Sousoul STHÉPHANE SAN JUAN Rua Marques de São Vicente, 317 ap 302 Gávea Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2512-8821 [email protected] Music Genres: drumming TIMBRE COMUNICAÇÕES Demerval Rua São Manuel, 30 Botafogo 22250-040 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2541-2388 F 00 55 (21) 2541-2388 www.timbre.com.br www.dudunobre.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Dudu Nobre, Quarteto em Cy and Célso Viafora TOP CAT PROD. ARTÍSTICAS Av. das Américas, 4200 bl 8b sl 303/304 Barra da Tijuca 22640-102 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 3150-2622 F 00 55 (21) 3150-2621 [email protected] www.ivanlins.com.br www.joaobosco.com.br www.topcat.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Ivan Lins, Zélia Duncan, João Bosco and Simone TREM MINEIRO Giselle Goldoni Tiso Rua Cesário Alvim, 55/107 Bl A 22261-030 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2539-8493 F 00 55 (21) 2286-8836 [email protected] www.wagnertiso.com.br Music Genres: jazz Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Wagner Tiso TRIBO PRODUÇÕES Marilene Gondim Av. Armando Lombardi, 800 sl 225 Barra 22640-000 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2495-6804 F 00 55 (21) 2495-6810 [email protected] Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Milton Nascimento TROPICANA PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Dino Gaudêncio Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 1251 Leblon 22440-031 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2511-2303 F 00 55 (21) 2294-7939 [email protected] www.alceuvalenca.com Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Alceu Valença UTERERÊ DIVERSÂO E ARTE Geraldo Magalhães Rua Jardim Botânico, 588 sl 201 Jd. Botânico 22461-000 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2246-1000 F 00 55 (21) 2539-2836/2836 www.nanavasconcelos.com Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Naná Vasconcelos WORLD´S KITCHEN Marc Regnier Rua Esteves Júnior, 30/401 –Laranjeiras 22231-160 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2558-3865 F 00 55 (21) 3826-7816 [email protected] www.kitchenprods.com Ar t i s t sa nd / o rl a be l sr e pr e s e nt e di nt h eWo r l d:Me s t r eAmbr ó s i o ,Funk’ nLa t a ,Re na t aRo s a ZFM PRODUÇÕES Lídia Costa Rua Visconde de Abaeté, 36A Vl. Isabel 20551-080 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2576-2958 F 00 55 (21) 2576-2958 [email protected] www.martinhodavila.com.br Artists Represented: Martinho da Vila. São Paulo 2 TEMPOS PRODUÇOES Rua Cayowaa, 2241 casa 4 01258-010 - São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3865-8860 F 00 55 (11) 3873-3298 [email protected] www .fernandaporto.com.br Principal artista representada: Fernanda Porto. 3D3 –COMUNICAÇÃO Otávio Ribeiro –Prod. Executivo Rodrigo Cabanas –Assist. Produção Rua Dr. Álvaro Alvim, 130 casa 15 04018-010 –Vl. Mariana –SP T 00 55 (11) 5549-1544 F 00 55 (11) 5549-1544 www.3d3com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Sudaca, Vil Metal and Affonsinho AGÊNCIA PRODUTORA Airton Valadão Júnior Rua Conde de Porto Alegre, 1245 Campo Belo 04608-003 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 2183-8383 F 00 55 (11) 5095-2871 [email protected] [email protected] www.agenciaprodutora.com.br www.cantarida.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Arnaldo Antunes, Chico César, Caju & Castanha BARRACÂO CULTURAL Morris Picciotto Rua Alvaro Neto, 302 0411-207 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5539-1275 F 00 55 (11) 5539-1275 www.urbanda.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Morris Picciotto, Luísa Maita, Rodrigo Campos BARRAVENTOS ARTES Glauber Amaral Rua Sergipe, 401 cj 401 Higienópolis 01243-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3259-0808 M 00 55 (11) 9914-1779 F 00 55 (11) 3259-0808 www.barraventoartes.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Vanessa Bumagny, Edvaldo Santana and Carmina Juarez. BCA PRODUÇÕES Cláudio Aveiro Rua Floriano Peixoto, 1460 14025-220 –Ribeirão Preto –SP T 00 55 (16) 625-0702 F 00 55 (16) 625-0273 Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Ângela Maria BELL AND BULL PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Belma Ikeda Av. Damasceno Vieira, 1202 112o an Vl. Mascote 04363-040 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5678-2147 M 00 55 (11) 9132-7697 F 00 55 (11) 5678-2147 Artists and/or labels represented in the World: André Abujamra BRAZILBIZZ MUSIC Maira Salles Rua Aimberé, 1998 01258-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3864-6633 F 00 55 (11) 3864-6633 [email protected] www.brazilbizz.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Mona Gadelha, Rogério Rochlitz, Mau Sacht BRINCANTE Silas Redondo Rua Purpurina, 428 05435 030 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3816-0676/0575 F 00 55 (11) 3816-0676 www.antonionobrega.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Antonio Nóbrega BULLDOZER Edo Bulldozer Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1266 cj 124 04547 005 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3846-5663 F 00 55 (11) 3846-5663 [email protected] [email protected] www.bulldozer.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: DJ Marky, Anderson Noise, Renato Cohen CASA 4 PROD. ARTÍSTICAS Toni Thomé Rua Dr. Cândido Espinheira, 620 cj.1 Perdizes 05004-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3871-2263 F 00 55 (11) 3871-4505 Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Tom Zé, Suba, Badi Assad and Duofel CAPPUCHO CDS & PRODUÇÕES Cappucho - Aline de Moraes Av Pedroso de Moraes, 677 conj. 103 05419-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3816 0270 F 00 55 (11) 3032 331 [email protected] Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Naná Vasconcellos CENTRAL SHOW Rua Capote Valente, 432 Cj 46 Pinheiros 05409-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3088-8775 F 00 55 (11) 3088-8775 www.marinalima.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Marina Lima, Maurício Manieri CHOCOLATE MUSIC HIP HOP AGENCY Patrícia Correa Av. Vereador José Diniz, 3300 cj 1105 Campo Belo 04606-006 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5543-9969/ 5041-6570 F 00 55 (11) 5543-9969 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.chocolatemusic.com.br Chocolate Music is Brazil´s first hip hop agency Artists Represented: Flip (grafitti), Soldierman (dancer), MC Kamau and the DJs Zegon, Dubstrong, Primo, Nuts, amongst others. CHITA PRODUÇÕES E EDIÇÕES MUSICAIS Constanze Eiselt Av. Afonso Bovero, 430 cj 11 Sumaré 01254-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3673-0165 F 00 55 (11) 3673-0165 www.chicocesar.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Pedro Osmar CIRCUITO MUSICAL Genildo de O. Fonseca Rua Dr. Samuel Porto, 351 sl 74 04054-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5771-9555 F 00 55 (11) 5771-9555 www.circuitomusical.com Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Toquinho DÉJÀ EVENTOS Ronaldo da Silva Av. Diógenes Ribeiro de Lima, 514 Alto de Pinheiros 05458-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3023-0376 F 00 55 (11) 3023-0376 Music Genres: Reggae and forró Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Raizes and Rasta Raizes Rasta DEYSE PRODUÇÕES Deyse Simões Rua Padre João Manoel, 199 cj 83 01411-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3046-2400 F 00 55 (11) 3046-2400 www.titas.net Music Genres: rock and pop Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Titãs, Os Raimundos and Natiruts DPJ PRODUÇÕES José Luiz Rua Henneman, 455 03031-040 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3313-5854 M 00 55 (11) 9998-7974 Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: 14 Bis, Paulinho Pedra Azul and Tello Borges EMBRASHOW PRODUÇÕES Max Parisot Rua Pedro Peccinini, 115 Butantã 01326-030 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3722-0135 F 00 55 (11) 3726-7386 www.embrashow.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Originais do Samba, Banda de Pífanos de Caruaru and Dedé Paraízo ESTADO ALTERADO Tiago Silva Caixa Postal 172 13960-000 –Estância de Socorro -SP T 00 55 (19) 3895-5592 [email protected] www.estadoalterado.com.br Music Genres: rock Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Estado Alterado ETHOS PRODUÇÕES Magda Pucci Rua Caraíbas, 1309 05020-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3672-2028 F 00 55 (11) 3672-5076 [email protected] www.mawaca.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Mawaca, Miriam Maria and Tetê Espíndola FAKHOURI PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Nelson Fakhouri Rua das Orquídeas, 382 9o an 04050-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3812-4170 F 00 55 (11) 3812-4170 Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Nelson Latif and Trio Violonístico de Brasília FORTUNA PRODUÇÕES Fortuna Rua Ceará, 247 ap 101 01243-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3826-4263 F 00 55 (11) 3826-4263 [email protected] www.fortunamusic.net Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Fortuna FRACKTAO Stephanie Reid São Paulo: Av. Caxingui 191/122 05579-000 –São Paulo –SP New York: 195 Stanton St. #5F New York 10002 NY USA London: 268a Kew Road, Kew Gardens –London TW9 3EE, United Kingdom T (212) 475 1274/44-208-288-6896 www.fracktao.com.br www.beatrizazevedo.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Beatriz Azevedo FRANK AGUIAR PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Reginaldo Rodrigues dos Santos Rua Rego Freitas 354, 1o an, sl 15/16 Vl. Buarque 01220-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3120-2525, M 00 55 (11) 9600-1198 F 00 55 (11) 3120-5733 www.frankaguiar.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Aguiar, Meninos de Goiás and Sallo Dugado HOMERO FERREIRA Rua Estela Zezefreda, 49 Pinheiros 05415-070 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3085-5330 F 00 55 (11) 3085-5330 www.monicasalmaso.mus.br www.eyefortalent.com Artists and/or labels represented in Brazil: Mônica Salmaso HYPNO DJS MANAGEMENT Paulo Silveira Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1266, cj 33 Vl. Olímpia 04547-005 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3044-6603 F 00 55 (11) 3045-2197 [email protected] [email protected] www.hypno.com.br Music Genres: electronic Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Alvinho Little Noise, Anderson Noise and André Ribeiro J.R.C. PROMOÇÕES Claudine Melo Rodrigues Estrada Fernando Nobre, 1641 Granja Viana 06705-490 –Cotia –SP T 00 55 (11) 4702-2844 F 00 55 (11) 4612-0711 www.trama.com Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Luciana Mello and Jair Rodrigues KAIAPÓ PRODUÇÕES Al. dos Jurupis, 943 cj.126 04088-002 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3664-7526 [email protected] Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Fafá de Belém. KALEIDOSCÓPIO R. Girassol, 1233/21 –Vila Madalena 05433-002 - São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3811-9358 F 00 55 (11) 3032-4813 [email protected] Mus i cGe nr e s :dr um’ n’ ba s s Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Ramilson Maia and Janaina. LEKE PROM. ARTÍSTICAS Rua Padre Antonio Tomás, 228 Ap.62 05003-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3871-5509 F 00 55 (11) 3871-5509 www.lapamultshow.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists represented: Ná Ozetti. MARITACA Lea Freire Rua Rodrigues de Campos Leite, 150 05054-030 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3021-5282 F 00 55 (11) 3021-5282 [email protected] www.nucleo.art.br Music Genres: MPB and jazz Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Tibô Delor and Lea Freire & Silvia Góes MECENATO PROD. ARTÍSTICAS E CULTURAL Mariana Magri Rua Álvares Cabral, 1152/72 14010-080 –Riberão Preto –SP T 00 55 (16) 635-4599 M 00 55 (16) 9103-3699 [email protected] www.marianamagri.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Mariana Magri & Kluk Neto MONTEIRO E SÁ PRODUÇÕES Roberto Monteiro Rua Frederico Abranches, 389 cj 31 01225-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3334-1358/0906 F 00 55 (11) 3334-1358/0906 www.monteiroesa.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Virgínia Rosa NÚCLEO CONTEMPORÂNEO Andréa Costa Rua Manuel Gonçalves Foz, 12 Perdizes 05009-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3873-1386/ 3864-2627 F 00 55 (11) 3873-1386 [email protected] www.nucleo.art.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Orquestra Popular de Câmara, Benjamim Taubkin and Teco Cardoso PET DUO Ana Luiza Gelfei and David Ellie Merlino Av. São Luís, 192 Ap. 2414 01046-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3211-0044 F 00 55 (11) 3211-0044 www.petduo.com www.vertical.petduo.com www.pool-eletronics.com Music Genres: electronic Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Ana Pet & David PLUME PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Luiz Neves Rua Durvalina, 51 –Vl. Matilde 03511-050 –São Paulo –SP M 00 55 (11) 8143- 6123 www.oul.com.br/madan Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Madan and Grupo Lé com Cré POLADIAN PRODUÇÕES Manoel V. Poladian Rua Jerônimo da Veiga, 164 10o an 04536-900 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3706-1711 F 00 55 (11) 3706-1712 [email protected] www.poladian.com.br Music Genres: rock Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Lee, Paula Lima, Supla and RPM PONTO DE BALA PRODUÇÕES Rossana Decelso Rua Barão do Bananal, 734 Pompéia 05024-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3862-4764 F 00 55 (11) 3862-4764 [email protected] www.zecabaleiro.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Verônica Sabino and Mulheres Negras RAFA MUSIC Rafael Altro Ferreira Rua Cisplatina, 660/ap.43 04211-040 –São Paulo –SP M 00 55 (11) 9620-6187 [email protected] www.rafamusic.kit.net Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Rafael Altro ROCCA PRODUÇÕES Aguinaldo Rocca Rua Campo Grande, 212 05302-051 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3017-5190 M 00 55 (11) 9135-5506 [email protected] Artists and/or labels represented in the World: AD S DE SAMBA EVENTOS Silvio Luiz Rua Cônego Eugênio Leite, 97 Jd. Europa 05414-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3068-9737 T 00 55 (11) 5051-3475 F 00 55 (11) 3068-9737 [email protected] Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Jair Oliveira and Wilson Simoninha SMARTBIZ FOR DJS Fernando Moreno Rua Augusta, 2517 cj 113 Jd. América 01412-100 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3891-1441 F 00 55 (11) 3085-2227 [email protected] [email protected] www.smartbiz.com.br Music Genres: electronic Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Renato Lopes, DJs Allex S and André Juliani SONORA Wolf - Ana Lee Rua Eça de Queiroz, 720/109 Vl. Mariana 04011-033 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6236-0741 M 00 55 (11) 9778-3161 F 00 55 (11) 3242-9333 [email protected] www.ana-lee.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Ana-Lee TRANSE PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS Andrea Prado Rua Francisco Leitão, 104 cj 22 05414-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3064-0026 F 00 55 (11) 3064-0712 [email protected] www.zizipossi.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Zizi Possi VILLA 6 COMUNICAÇÃO & ARTE Lili Molina Rua Dr. Álvaro Alvim, 130 casa 6 Vl. Mariana 04018-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5549-8407 M 00 55 (11) 9913-7900 F 00 55 (11) 5549-8407 www.chicosalem.com.br Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Chico Salem YAMANDU COSTA Maria Célia Borges Rua Quatá, 746 ap 103 04546-044 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3044-9551 M 00 55 (11) 9406-1990 F 00 55 (11) 3044-9551 [email protected] Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Yamandu Costa Z´ÁFRICA PRODUÇÕES Rodrigo Bueno Rua Diogo Vaz, 77 –251 an 25 01527-020 –São Paulo - SP M 00 55 (11) 9980-8245/ 9218-0038 www.bocada-forte.com.br/zafricabrasil Artist represented: Z´Africa Southern Region Paraná AMIS Claudete Faria Rua Michigan, 430 Jd Quebec 86060 280 –Londrina –PR T 00 55 (43) 8322-3706 Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Almir Sater ARTHUR MOREIRA LIMA Estrada Vereador Onildo Lemos, 2505 Praia do Santinho 88058-700 –Florianópolis –SC T 00 55 (48) 261-1375 F 00 55 (48) 369-3198 [email protected] www.arthurmoreiralima.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Arthur Moreira Lima CRAVO DA TERRA Marta César Servidão Natureza, 254 88063-545 –Florianópolis –SC M 00 55 (48) 9967 3324 www.cravodaterra.hpg.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: O Cravo da Terra Rio Grande do Sul ÁGUA DE MELISSA Daniel Moreira Rua XV de Novembro, 464/302 96015-000 –Pelotas –RS T 00 55 (53) 222-1722 F 00 55 (53) 222-1722 [email protected] www.aguademelissa.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Água de Melissa ANAHATA Lesh - Luciana Rua da República, 555/501 90050 321 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3228-2028 F 00 55 (51) 3224-9463 www.anahatapop.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in World: Anahata BATACLÃ Richard Belchior T 00 55 (51) 3318-6584 M 00 55 (51) 91047759 www.bataclafc.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Bataclã CAMERATA ALMA BRASILEIRA Moysés Lope Rua Garibaldi, 891/1002 Centro 90035-051 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3212-4412 F 00 55 (51) 3212-3568 www.almabrasileira.mus.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Camerata Alma Brasileira DOIDIVANAS Rua Augusto Melecchi, 42/102 Menino Deus 90150-040 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3232-4986 www.doidivanas.com.br Music Genres: rock Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Doidivanas LIGA –VIA CULTURAL Dedé Ribeiro Rua 20 de Setembro, 404 sl l103 90130-090 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3232-7977/ 3217-1137 F 00 55 (51) 3231-4763 www.liga.art.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Arthur de Faria e Seu Conjunto and Quartchêto NELSON COELHO DE CASTRO Rua Carlos Trem Filho, 55 ap 301 90450-120 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3335-3729 F 00 55 (51) 3333-0852 Music Genres: MPB Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Nelson Coelho de Castro RENATO BORGHETTI CIA LTDA Marcos Borghetti Rua Vasco da Gama 423/301 90420-111 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3335-1824 M 00 55 (51) 8123-8956 F 00 55 (51) 3330-1939 www.renatoborghetti.com.br Remark: Culture Works/Sabine Hebrak represents Renato Borghetti in Europe Thaliastrasse 14/16, Austria –1160 –Wien T +43 1 4029133/Cel +43 664 5132367 [email protected] TW & CARANGACCI PRODUÇÕES ART Ilton Carangacci and Rafael Lemos –Directors Rua Amélia Teles, 90/sl.202 Petrópolis 90460-070 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3333-7988 F 00 55 (51) 3333-7988 www.papasdalingua.com.br www.chimarruts.com.br Artists and/or labels represented in the World: Papas da LínguaandChimarruts. Festivals Festivals - Amazon Northern Region FESTIVAL AMAZONAS DE OPERA Luiz Fernando Malheiros –Director Teatro Amazonas Rua São Sebastião, s/n 66025-140 –Amazonas - AM T 00 55 (92) 234-0508/ 622-2420 F 00 55 (92) 622-1880 [email protected] www.operamazonas.com.br Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: 8 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: between April and May Type: outdoor National music Pará BIENAL INTERN. DE MÚSICA Fundação Cultural do Mun. de Belém Prefeitura Mun. de Belém Palácio Antonio Lemos Pça D. Pedro II –Cidade Velha 66020-240 –Belém - PA T 00 55 (91) 242- 3344 F 00 55 (91) 242- 7020 www.prefeituradebelem.com.br www.belem.pa.gov.br Music Genres: popular, classical, instrumental and folk, comedy. Numbers of editions: 3 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: between 12 and 18 September Type: indoor and outdoor, various locations Latin American music Cultural event in Belém, uniting music from the State of Pará with the rest of the country. Organized by the local council. Número de edições: 3. ENCONTRO DE ARTE DE BELÉM Celso Gomes –Director Av. Conselheiro Furtado, 2007 66040-100 –Belém - PA T 00 55 (91) 242- 6233 F 00 55 (91) 242- 6833 [email protected] www.prefeituradebelem.com.br www.belem.pa.gov.br Music Genres: regional music National music FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA DO PARÁ Rádio Cultura FM - 93.7 (Funtelpa) Av. Alm. Barroso, 735 Centro 66093-020 –Belém –PA T 00 55 (91) 4005 -7700 / 4005-7728 F 00 55 (91) 4005-7747 [email protected] www.culturapa.com.br This new festival seeks to uncover new talents in the region. Numbers of editions: 1 FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE MÚSICA Paulo José C. de Melo –Director Fundação Carlos Gomes Av. Gentil Bittencourt, 909 66040-000 –Belém - PA T 00 55 (91) 241-0806/ 222-9471 F 00 55 (91) 241-0806 [email protected] www.fcg.pa.gov.br www.prefeituradebelem.com.br Music Genres: jazz and others Numbers of editions: 17 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: June Type: indoor European jazz artists booked in 2002/2003: Florence Sitruk, Claudia Oliveira, Wolfgang Bünten and Projekt Percursion Rostock Northeast Region Bahia CICLO DE MÚSICA CONTEMPORÂNEA Mário Francisco Vieira Neto Conservatório Frédéric Chopin Av. Crescêncio Silveira, 35 45100-000 –Vitória da Conquista –BA T 00 55 (77) 421-4537 F 00 55 (77) 421-4537 [email protected] www.fredericchopin.hpg.com.br Music Genres: Brazilian contemporary music Numbers of editions: 10 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: November Type: indoor National music FESTIVAL DE INVERNO DE LENÇÓIS Bahia Eventos iContent Rua Aristices Novis, 123 Federação 40210-630 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 203-1210 F 00 55 (71) 203-1352 [email protected] [email protected] www.icontent.com.br (under construction) www.redebahia.com.br/festivais Music Genres: Brazilian popular music (MPB) Numbers of editions: 5 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: August Type: outdoor National and regional music FESTIVAL DE VERÃO DE SALVADOR Bahia Eventos iContent Rua Aristices Novis, 123 Federação 40210-630 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 203-1210 F 00 55 (71) 203-1352 [email protected] [email protected] www.icontent.com.br (under construction) www.festivaldeveraosalvador.com.br www.redebahia.com.br Music Genres: national and international music Numbers of editions: 5 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: 5 days Type: outdoor European dance artists booked in 2002/2003: various DJs MERCADO CULTURAL Ruy César Silva –Director Jamile Vasconcelos Coordinator/International Benjamin Taubkin –Curator Rua Henriqueta Catarino, 123 Federação 40220-180 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 247-0068 F 00 55 (71) 245-3089 www.viamagia.com.br Music Genres: various Numbers of editions: 5 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: Type: indoor and outdoor Eur o pe a na r t i s t sbo o ke di n2 00 2 / 2 0 03 :St r i c t l yMu n di a l , DjNo r ma nJ a y ,Sc hul ko ws ky ,St u de r ,Tr i oD’ a r g e nta ndAnt o ni oPl a c e r . Ceará FESTIVAL DE JAZZ & BLUES DE GUARAMIRANGA Rachel Gadelha Weyne –Director Av. Antonio Sales, 2772 sl 20 A 22 Dionísio Torres 60135-102 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 264-7230 F 00 55 (85) 264-7231 www.jazzeblues.com.br Music Genres: jazz, blues and instrumental music Numbers of editions: 5 Period of the Festival: February Duration of the festival: annual Type: indoor National music Paraiba FESTIVAL DE INVERNO MOSTRA NAC. DE MÚSICA Eneida Agra Maracajá Teatro Mun. Severino Cabral Av. Floriano Peixoto, s/n 58100-000 –Campina Grande –PR T 00 55 (83) 341-4520 F 00 55 (83) 341-4520 [email protected] www2uol.com.br/guiacampina www.pmcg.pb.gov.br Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: July Type: outdoor National music MAIOR SÃO JOÃO DO MUNDO Prefeitura Mun. de Campina Grande T 00 55 (83) 342-6133/ 341-7355 F 00 55 (83) 342-6133 www.saojoaodecampina.pb.gov.br www2uol.com.br/guiacampina www.pmcg.pb.gov.br Music Genres: forró and regional music Numbers of editions: 21 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: a month Type: outdoor National and a few international bands Pernambuco ABRIL PRO ROCK Paulo André Pires –Director/International Melina Hickson –Assistent Rua Gonçalves Maia, 114 ap 2 Boa Vista 50070-060 –Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3421-5380 F 00 55 (81) 3421-5380 [email protected] www.abrilprorock.com.br Music Genres: rock and eletronic music Numbers of editions: 10 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: April Type: outdoor European eletronic and rock artists booked in 2002/2003: The Mission, The Charlatans/ Vive la Fête and Destruction, Digicay. FESTIVAL DE GARANHUNS Bruno Lisboa –President of Fundarpe Jura Figueiredo –Music Coordinator Secretaria da Cultura do Estado Rua da Aurora, 469 Boa Vista 50040-090 –Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3134-3005/ 3134-3075 T 00 55 (81) 3423-1555/2728/7483 F 00 55 (81) 3423-7285 [email protected] www.pe.gov.br www.fundarpe.pe.gov.br Music Genres: national music Numbers of editions: 14 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: 8 until 19 July Type: outdoor National music and in 2004 the first international group: La Rue Ketanou (France° FESTIVAL REC-BEAT CARNAVAL Antonio Gutierrez –Director Carla Francine –Coordinator Silvia Dodge –International Viviane Eduardo –Press R. Eng. Lauro Borba, 257 1o an Setúbal 51030-620 –Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3461-1094/ 3341-3326 F 00 55 (81) 3461-1094 www.recbeat.com.br Music Genres: world music, rock, regional, pop, eletronic and instrumental Numbers of editions: 7 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: February Type: outdoor Eur o pe a na r t i s t sbo o ke di n2 00 2 / 2 0 03 :Be r ni e ’ sLo ung ea n dDJDa nNa n t e s DESAFIO NORDESTINO DE CANTADORES Secretaria de Educação e Cultura FUNDARPE Ivanildo Vilas Novas –Coordinator Rua da Aurora, 463-469 Boa Vista 50050-000 –Recife –PE T 00 55 (41) 3423-2728 T 00 55 (81) 3134-3005 F 00 55 (41) 3423-0825 F 00 55 (81) 3423-7285 www.pe.gov.br www.fundarpe.pe.gov.br Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: 4 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: May and June Type: outdoor National music Midwest Region Goiás FESTIVAL BANANADA Leonardo Razuk Fabrício Nobre Caixa Postal 10065 74025-970 –Goiânia –GO T 00 55 (62) 281-5358 [email protected] www.monstrosdiscos.com.br Regarded as one of the country´s most important festivals, Bananada features some of the best Brazilian rock bands. Numbers of editions: 5 FESTIVAL NOISE Leonardo Razuk Fabrício Nobre Caixa Postal 10065 74025-970 –Goiânia –GO T 00 55 (62) 281-5358 [email protected] www.monstrosdiscos.com.br This showcase for national rock music features bands from 9 neighbouring states. The emphasis is on the alternative scene. Numbers of editions: 8 Distrito Federal ELETROACÚSTICA Jorge Antunes UnB-Sociedade Brasileira de Música Eletroacústica Dep. de Música, sala 21 70919-970 –Brasília - DF T 00 55 (61) 307-2338 F 00 55 (11) 368-1797 [email protected] www.sbme.com.br Music Genres: eletroacústica Numbers of editions: 3 Period of the Festival: indefinite Duration of the festival: November Type: indoor European artists booked in 2002/2003: Daniel Kientzy, João Pedro de Oliveira, Miguel Azguime and Klaus Ager. BRASÍLIA MUSIC FESTIVAL Edo Van Duyn - Producer Bulldozer Brasil Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1266 cj 124 04547-005 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3846-5663 F 00 55 (11) 3846-5663 M 00 55 (11) 8133-8150 [email protected] www.bulldozer.com.br Music Genres: rock and pop Numbers of editions: 2 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: September Type: outdoor European rock artists booked in 2002/2003: Simply Red and Pretenders.In 2004 Agoria, Bamboo Forest, Deedrah, Antidote, Dimitri Navokov, Christian Smith, Darude, Soul II Soul Soundsystem, amongst others. FESTIVAL PORÃO DO ROCK G4 Produções SCLN 207 Bloco A sala 210 T 00 55 (61) 447-4184 [email protected] www.poraodorock.com.br FOR ROCK PROMOÇÕES SHIS QI 09 Bloco C Sala 6 T 00 55 (61) 248-1444 [email protected] Brazil´s largest festival for independent music, produced by G4 Produções and For Rock Promoções. Numbers of editions: 6 Mato Grosso Do Sul FESTIVAL DA AMÉRICA DO SUL FCMS -Fundação de Cultura de Mato Grosso do Sul Pedro Ortale –Director President Rua Antônio Maria Coelho, 6000 79021-170 Campo Grande -MS T 00 55 (67) 318-6162 M 00 55 (67) 9928-7790 www.festivalamericadosul.com.br Music Genres: diverse Numbers of editions: first Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: September Type: indoor and outdoor Artists booked in 2002/2003: Mercedes Sosa and Fito Paez FESTIVAL DE INVERNO DE BONITO Prefeitura do M. de Bonito Rua Cel. Pilad Rebuá, 1780 79290-000–Bonito –MS T 00 55 (67) 255-1351 F 00 55 (67) 255-1351 [email protected] www.festinbonito.com.br www.portalbonito.com.br/cultura Music Genres: MPB Numbers of editions: 5 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: 8 days in June Type: indoor and outdoor National music Southeast Region Minas Gerais COMIDADE BUTECO DO BRASIL– CRIA CULTURA Patrícia Tavares Rua Pouso Alto, 252 Serra 30240-180 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3284-6474/0709 F 00 55 (31) 3284-6474 Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: indefinite Type: indoor and outdoor National music CONEXÃO TELEMIG CELULAR DE MÚSICA Patrícia Tavares Rua Pouso Alto, 252 Serra 30240-180 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3284-6474/0709 F 00 55 (31) 3284-6474 Music Genres: regional music (new talents) Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: indefinite Type: indoor and outdoor National and international music. Artists booked in 2004: A Barraca and Mio Matsuda e Lundum Ensemble (Portugal). ELETRONIKA Marcos Boffá, Aluizer Malab and Jefferson Santos –Directors/International Rua Senhora das Graças, 16 sl 107 Cruzeiro 30310-130 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3225-3828 F 00 55 (31) 3225-3828 [email protected] www.rotomusic.com.br www.eletronika.com.br www.guiabh.com.br/eletronika Music Genres: eletronic and rock Numbers of editions: 3 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: August Type: indoor and outdoor European rock and eletronic artists booked in 2002/2003: DJ Kid Loco, Kruder & Dorfmeister, Mogwai, DJ Olaf Hund & DJ Reiner Truby, in 2002 and DJ Bryan Gee, DJ Ellen Allien, Stereo Total, Rubin Steiner and AGF in 2003 ENCONTRO DE COMPOSITORES E INTERPRETES LATINO-AMERICANOS Berenive Menegale, Danilo Curtiss –Directors Fundação de Educação Artística Centro Latino Americano de Criação E Difusão Musical Rua Rua Gonçalves Dias, 320 –Funcionários 303140-090–Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3226-6866 F 00 55 (31) 3226-6866 [email protected] Music Genres: classical Numbers of editions: 4 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: between May and June Type: indoor National and Latin American music. FESTIVAL DA CANÇÃO DE ANDRADAS Neuza Marcondes –Coordinator Prefeitura Mun. de Andrada Rua Balbina Lopes Bragança, 358 37795-000 MG T 00 55 (35) 3731-7244/ 3731-7856 F 00 55 (35) 3731-7244 [email protected] www.andradas.com.br www.coisasdointerior.com.br/cultura Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: 6 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: May Type: outdoor National music FESTIVAL DE ARTES NEGRAS –FAN Célio de Castro –Mayor Carlos Flores and Carmem –Assistants Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte Av. Afonso Pena, 1212 2o an Centro 31130-908 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3277-4620/4682/4081 F 00 55 (31) 3224-3099 www.pbh.gov.br/fan Music Genres: African Numbers of editions: 2 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: indefinite Type: indoor and outdoor Eur o pe a na r t i s t sbo o ke di n2 00 2 / 2 0 03 :Sa l l yNy o l o ,Te o f i l oCha n t r ea ndElHa dj n’ Diaye, FESTIVAL DE INVERNO DA UFMG UFMG Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa Caixa Postal 856 30123-970 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3499-4220 F 00 55 (31) 3218-9333 [email protected] www.ufmg.br/festival Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: 36 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: July Type: indoor and outdoor National music FESTIVAL DE INVERNO DE ITABIRA Fundação Cultural Carlos D. de Andrade Av. Carlos D. de Andrade, 666 31130-908 –Itabira –MG T 00 55 (31) 3835-2144 F 00 55 (31) 3835-2144 [email protected] www.itabirano.com.br Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: 30 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: July Type: outdoor National music FESTIVAL DE INVERNO UNI-BH Mariana Ouro Preto –MG T 0800-307900 [email protected] www.festinverno.unibh.br Music Genres: MPB, classical, rock and regional Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: July Type: outdoor National music FESTIVAL DA CANÇAO DE VIÇOSA João B. Mota –Coordinator Universidade Federal de Viçosa Av. Ph.Rolfs s/n Campus Universitário 36570-000 - Viçosa –MG T 00 55 (31) 3899-1417/2102/ 2500 F 00 55 (31) 3899-1417/2571 [email protected] www.ufv.br www.cpd.ufv.br Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: 8 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: November Type: indoor National music FESTIVAL MÚSICA NAS MONTANHAS DE POÇOS DE CALDAS Jean Reis –Artistic Director Prefeitura Municipal Secretaria Mun. de Turismo Aven. Francisco Salles, 343 37701-013 Poços de Caldas - MG T 00 55 (35) 3697-2000 M 00 55 (35) 9952-0565 F 00 55 (35) 3697-2033 [email protected] www.festivalmusicanasmontanhas.com.br www.jeanreis.com.br Music Genres: Brazilian Numbers of editions: 10 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: January Type: indoor National music FESTIVAL POP ROCK BRASIL RÁDIO 98 FM –BELO HORIZONTE Rua Dr. Camilo, 187 - Serra 30240-090 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3289-1888 F 00 55 (31) 3225-1659 [email protected] www.98fm.com.br www.poprockbrasil.com.br Pop Rock Brasil, the largest rock festival in Belo Horizonte, is promoted by Rádio 98 FM and features new bands as well as established sucesses. Numbers of editions: 15 INVERNO CULTURAL FAUF Fundação de Apoio a UFSJ Pça Freu orlando, 170/sala 215 36300-000 - São João del Rei - MG T 00 55 (32) 3379-2370/2503 [email protected] [email protected] www.ufsj.edu.br Music Genres: regional and classical music Numbers of editions: 17 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: June Type: indoor and outdoor National music Espírito Santo FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA ALEGRE ATS Promoções Ltda Vila Machado, 117 Centro 29500-000 - Alegre –ES T 00 55 (28) 3552-1759/ 2475/ 2276 F 00 55 (28) 3552-1759 www.gazetaonline.com.br/festivaisdealegre Music Genres: MPB Numbers of editions: 21 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: 4 days in June Type: outdoor National music Rio De Janeiro FESTIVAL DE INVERNO DO RIO DE JANEIRO Myriam Dauelsberg Steffen Dauelsberg De l l ’ Ar t e Rua Marquesa de Santos, 16 22221-080 - Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 3235-8500 F 00 55 (21) 2285-7477 [email protected] www.dellarte.com.br/festival Music Genres: classical and popular music Numbers of editions: 4 in Friburgo, 7 in Petrópolis Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: indefinite Type: indoor European artists booked in 2002/2003: Vadin Rudenko and Il Docimelo HUMAITA PRA PEIXE Bruno Levinson –Director Binômio –Press Rua Gal. Venâncio Flores, 605/101 Leblon 22441-090 - Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 21 2239 8222 F 00 55 21 2239 8222 [email protected] www.selocardume.com.br. Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: January Type: outdoor National music HUTÚZ RAP FESTIVAL Carol Delgado Rua João Vicente 121 lj 115 Madureira 21340-020 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 21 2450 5125 F 00 55 21 3350 9642 [email protected] ww.hutus.com.br Music Genres: rap Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: indefinite Type: outdoor National music RIO DAS OSTRAS JAZZ E BLUES Prefeitura Mun. de Rio das Ostras Secretaria Mun. do Turismo Rua Paraná, 111 28890-000 Rio das Ostras –RJ T 00 55 (22) 2764-1749 [email protected] www.pmro.rj.gov.br Music Genres: jazz and blues Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: January Type: indoor National music ROCK IN RIO Roberto Medina-Director/Coordinator/International Approach/Beth Garcia –Press Rua Fonte da Saudade, 329 22471-210 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2286-8760 F 00 55 (21) 2286-8785 www.rockinrio.americaonline.com.br Music Genres: rock Numbers of editions: 3 Period of the Festival: 5 to 5 years Duration of the festival: indefinite Type: outdoor National and international music TIM FESTIVAL Monique Gardenberg –Director Carlos Martins –Coordinator Tonia Schubert and Monique Gardenberg –International Zuza Homem de Mello, Paulo Albuquerque, Hermano Viana and José Nogueira –Curators Inpress –Press Monique Gardenberg –Programmer Rua das Acácias, 114 Gávea 22451-060 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 0800-702-0702 T 00 55 (21) 2540-5959 F 00 55 (21) 2239-6903 Music Genres: diverses (pop, rock, eletronic) Numbers of editions: 2 Period of the Festival: october Duration of the festival: one day Type: outdoor European artists booked in 2002/2003: Fatboy Slim, Gotan Project. São Paulo BIENAL INT. DE MÚSICA ELETROACÚSTICA Flo Menezes Estúdio PANorama UNESP Alameda dos Guainumbis, 1435 04067-003 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5055-4401 F 00 55 (11) 5055-4401 [email protected] sites.uol.com.br/flomenezes Music Genres: eletroacustica Numbers of editions: 5 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: indefinite Type: indoor CHIVAS JAZZ FESTIVAL Toy Lima –Director/International Rua Hermínio Humberto Bertani, 350 Jd. Paineiras 13093-440 –Campinas –SP T 00 55 (19) 3255-1069 F 00 55 (19) 3255-6218 www.chivasjazz.com.br www.ejazz.com.br/festivais Music Genres: jazz Numbers of editions: 5 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: at may during 3 days Type: indoor European jazz artists booked in 2002/2003: Richard Galliano and Jean Luc Danna FESTIVAL AVAREENSE DA MUSICA POPULAR –FAMPOP Juca Novaes Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de Avaré Rua Minas Gerais, 279 18700-000 –Avaré –SP T 00 55 (14) 3733-3046, 3034-3222 www.uol.com.br/fampop Music Genres: popular music Numbers of editions: 22 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: indefinite Type: outdoor National music FESTIVAL DE INVERNO DE AMPARO Prefeitura Mun. de Amparo Secretaria de Turismo Pça Pádua Sales, 174 Centro 13900-410 - Amparo –SP T 00 55 (19) 3807-9400 T 00 55 (19) 3807-8999 F 00 55 (19) 3808-6131 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.turismo.amparo.sp.gov.br www.amparo.sp.gov.br Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: 3 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: June Type: outdoor National music FESTIVAL DE INVERNO DE CAMPOS DO JORDÃO Roberto Minczuk Secretaria do Estado da Cultura –DACH Rua Mauá, 51 3o an 01028 900 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3351-8000/ 251-5554 F 00 55 (11) 3351-8000 [email protected] [email protected] www.festivaldeinverno.sp.gov.br Music Genres: classical, jazz and MPB Numbers of editions: 37 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: June Type: indoor and outdoor National and international music : classic and jazz. FESTIVAL DE MPB DE TATUI Conservatório Dramático e Musical Dr. Carlos de Campos Rua São Bento, 415 18270-000 –Tatuí –SP T 00 55 (15) 251-4573 F 00 55 (15) 251-4311 www.cdmcc.com.br Music Genres: MPB Numbers of editions: 13 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: June Type: indoor European artists booked in 2002/2003: Olga Kiun and Bernard Flavigny FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA DE OURINHOS Neuza Fleury Moraes Pça. Henrique Tocalino, 256 Centro 19900040 –Ourinhos –SP T 00 55 (14) 3324-6244/ 3326-3254 F 00 55 (14) 3326-6000 Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: 3 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: indefinite Type: outdoor National music FESTIVAL DE VERÃO DO CONSERVATÓRIO CARLOS GOMES Lea Ziggiatti Conservatório Carlos Gomes Rua Sampainho, 362 Cambuí 13025-300 –Campinas –SP T 00 55 (19) 253-0375 F 00 55 (19) 253-0375 Music Genres: classical Numbers of editions: 8 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: January Type: indoor National music FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE LINGUAGEM ELETRONICA - FILE Ricardo Barreto - Claudia Perissinoto R.Dona Veridiana, 521 - 06 01238-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3256-1669 F 00 55 (11) 3259-9513 [email protected] [email protected] www.file.org.br Music Genres: electronic, erudite electronic music. Numbers of editions: 8 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: between October and December Type: indoor and outdoor National and international music. FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE MÚSICA Antonio Carlos Neves Pinto Fundação Artes deSão Caetano do Sul R. Visconde de Inahúma, 730 09571-380 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 4238-3030 F 00 55 (11) 4238-3030 [email protected] www.fascs.com.br Music Genres: classical Numbers of editions: 8 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: between October and December Type: indoor National music FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL SÃO BENTO DE ÓRGÃO Dom Roco Fraioli Mosteiro de São Bento Lg. de São Bento, s/n 01029-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3106-8205 F 00 55 (19) 3118-5066 www.mosteiro.org.br Music Genres: classical Numbers of editions: 8 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: between October and December Type: indoor European artists booked in 2002/2003: Iain Quinn FESTIVAL MÚSICA NOVA Gilberto Mendes Rua Arthur Assis, 30/93 11045-540 –Santos –SP T 00 55 (13) 3289-8802 F 00 55 (13) 3289-8802 Music Genres: regional music Numbers of editions: 40 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: August Type: outdoor National music FESTIVAL NACIONAL DE MÚSICA JUNDIAÍ CANTA Sec. Munic. da Cultura Av. Dr Cavalcanti, 396 Vila Arens 13201-003–Jundiaí –SP T 00 55 (11) 4589-8400 [email protected] [email protected] www.jundiai.sp.gov.br www.festivaisdobrasil.com.br Music Genres: national music Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: between May and June Type: outdoor National music FESTIVAL NACIONAL RITMO E SOM Maria de Lourdes Sekeff UNESP Instituto de Artes Rua Dom Luís Lasagna, 400 04266-030–São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5548-9797/ 6166-6500 [email protected] Music Genres: national music FÓRUM CULTURAL MUNDIAL –BRASIL 2004 Gilberto Gil –Honorary President Ruy César Silva –Administration Prof. Danilo Santos de Miranda –Administration Dieter Jaenicke –Executive Director Walter Roberto Malta –President (Brazil) AV. Paulista, 119, 2º andar 01311-903 São Paulo - SP T 00 55 (11) 3179-3600 F 00 55 (11) 3179-3738 [email protected] www.forumculturalmundial.org Music Genres: various Numbers of editions: 1 Period of the Festival: november Duration of the festival: 2indefinite Type: indoor and outdoor National and international music: 2004: Manu Chao, Toma Sidibé, Bonga The first World Culture Forum began with various regional events before the international meetings in São Paulo between the 27th of June and the 3rd of Julky in 2004, revolving around three main events: 1) world convention concerning the arts and culture; 2) international arts festival; 3) ideas and opportunities market. It is hoped that the Forum will take place every two years. HYPE Rua Clélia, 93 Pompéia 05042-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3871-7700 F 00 55 (11) 3865-0324 www.sescsp.com.br Music Genres: electronic Numbers of editions: 5 Period of the Festival: august Duration of the festival: 3 days Type: indoor National and international music: 2003: Rubin Steiner. MERCADO MUNDO MIX Beto Lago and Fabiola Kassin –Directors Beto Lago –International Jeff Ares –Marketing Adriana Monteiro –Press Rua Augusta, 2690 sl 226 01412-100 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3085-0002 F 00 55 (11) 3085-0002 www.mundomix.com.br Music Genres: eletronic Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: monthly Duration of the festival: one weekend Type: indoor DJs worldwide: DJ Alex Kid, Digicay.l MOSTRA DE CORDAS DEDILHADAS Rafael Altro Ferreira Rua Cisplatina, 660/ap.43 04211-040 –São Paulo –SP M 00 55 (11) 9620-6187 [email protected] www.rafamusic.kit.net Music Genres: classical and regional music Numbers of editions: 4 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: one weekend in November Type: indoor National music PARAISO FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA [email protected] www.paraisofm.com.br Music Genres: Brazilian music Numbers of editions: 2 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: July Type: outdoor National music PHILIPS WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL Toy Lima –Director/International Rua Hermínio Humberto Bertani, 350 Jd. Paineiras 13093-440 –Campinas –SP T 00 55 (19) 3255-1069 F 00 55 (19) 3255-6218 www.chivasjazz.com.br www.ejazz.com.br/festivais Music Genres: world music, jazz. Numbers of editions: 1 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: at September in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Recife Type: indoor Eur o pe a nwo r l dmus i c ’ sa r t i s t sbo o ke di n2 00 4:Ra yLe ma ,Ng uy e nLê ,Foda yMu s aSus o ,J a c kDe J o hne t t e . PLANET POP FESTIVAL Building Records Planet Pop Rua General Jardim, 703 01223-011 –São Paulo - SP T 00 55 (11) 3120-4451 [email protected] www.buildingrecords.com.br www.revistaplanetpop.com.br www.viafunchal.com.br Music Genres: Dance Music Numbers of editions: 2 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: 1 day/august in São Paulo Type: indoor (Via Funchal) Eur o pe a nwo r l dmus i c ’ sa r t i s t sbo o ke di n2 00 3:La s g o( Be l g i um) . 20 0 4:I a nVa nDa hl . PRATA DA CASA Gisela –Project Coordinator SESC-Pompéia Núcleo de Música a Artes Cênicas Rua Clélia, 93 - Lapa 05042-000 - São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3871-7744 [email protected] magali@@pompeia.sescsp.org.br [email protected] [email protected] www.sescsp.org.br Music Genres: Brazilian music Numbers of editions: 8 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: every Tuesday Type: indoor National music SÃO PAULO INDEPENDENTE Coordenadoria da Juventude da Prefeitura de São Paulo e Rádio Brasil 2000 Alexandre Youssef R. Líbero Badaró, 119 5º and Ed. São Joaquim 01009-000 –São Paulo - SP T 00 55 (11) 3113-9721 F 00 55 (11) 3113-9735 [email protected] http://portal.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/cidadania/conselhosecoordenadorias/coordenadoria_juventude/eventos/0019 São Paulo Independente is organized and promoted by the City Council and Radio Brasil 2000, to stimulate and gave a showcase to new indie bands. SEMANA JOVEM Alexandre Youssef –General Coordinator Maurício Garcia –Events Coordinator /Youth Coordinator Rua da Figueira, 77 Prq. D. Pedro II 03003-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3315-9077 Ext. 2325 F 00 55 (11) 3315-9077 Ext. 2329 www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/coordenadoriadajuve Music Genres: diverses Numbers of editions: 4 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: November Type: indoor and outdoor National and international music SEMANA DA MÚSICA DO CONSERVATÓRIO DE TATUÍ Antonio Carlos Neves Campos Rua São Bento, 415 18270-000 –Tatuí –SP T 00 55 (15) 251-4573 F 00 55 (15) 251-4311 www.cdmcc.com.br Music Genres: classical Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: November Type: indoor National music SEMINÁRIO DE VIOLAO SOUZA LIMA Antonio Mário da S. Cunha Henrique Pinto Conservatório Mus. Souza Lima Rua José Maria Lisboa, 745 01423-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3884-9149 F 00 55 (11) 3884-7611 [email protected] www.souzalima.com.br Music Genres: Brazilian music Numbers of editions: 2 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: January Type: indoor National music SERRA MUSICAL Síntese Com. e Eventos Praça John Kennedy, 72 Centro 13930-000 –Serra Negra –SP T 00 55 (19) 3842-2136 F 00 55 (19) 3842-2136 www.festivaisdobrasil.com.br Music Genres: Brazilian music Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: June Type: indoor National music SKOL BEATS Luiz Eurico Klotz –Curator Inpress Pni –Press Luiz Eurico Klotz –Programmer Rua Gomes Carvalho, 1266 cj 124 Vl. Olímpia 04547-005 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3044-6616 F 00 55 (11) 3044-6616 www.skol.com.br Music Genres: eletronic music Numbers of editions: 5 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: one day in May Type: outdoor European eletronic artists booked in 2002/2003: The Youngsters,; 2004: François K., Dave Angel, Basement Jaxx, Sasha, Mauro Piccoto, Paul Jackson, Marco V, Future Shock, Dave Clarke and Lexicon Avenue. SONAR Alexandre Faria –Artistic Manager End. Av das Nações Unidas 17.955 04795-900 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5643-2555 F 00 55 (11) 5643-2550 [email protected] Music Genres: pop, eletronic and rock Numbers of editions: 1 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: September Type: outdoor European artists booked in 2002/2003: Fose Tet, Kicram Hebden, Pansonic and Castelan Nicolai. Southern Region Paraná CURITIBA POP FESTIVAL Prefeitura de Curitiba Palácio 29 de Março Av. Cândido de Abreu, 817 –2o and. Centro Cívico 80530-908 - Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 350-8484/8122 F 00 55 (41) 252-3266 [email protected] [email protected] www.curitibapopfestival.com www.curitiba.org.br/digitando/cultura www.fundacaoculturaldecuritiba.com.br Music Genres: pop and rock Numbers of editions: 2 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: May Type: outdoor European artists booked in 2002/2003: Rubin Steiner, Hell on Wheels and Teenage Fanclub. FESTIVAL DE CURITIBA DO CHORO A/C Clube do Choro de Curitiba Rua Prof. Brandão, 678 Alto da XV 80040-010 –Curitiba - PR T 00 55 (41) 432-4134 T 00 55 (41) 9624-0463 [email protected] www.clubedochorodecuritiba.com.br Music Genres: MPB Numbers of editions: 1 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: April Type: indoor National music FESTIVAL DE INVERNO DA UFPR Teatro Municipal Rua Carlos Gomes da Costa, s/n 83370-000 - Antonina –PR T 00 55 (41) 432-4134 [email protected] www.proec.ufpr.br Music Genres: Brazilian music Numbers of editions: 14 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: July Type: indoor and outdoor National music FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA DE CASCAVEL Claudete Maria Schneier Sec. Mun. da Cultura Rua Paraná, 2786 85812-011 - Cascavel –PR T 00 55 (45) 321-2102 F 00 55 (45) 224-3700 [email protected] www.culturacascavel.com.br Music Genres: Brazilian music Numbers of editions: 14 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: July Type: indoor and outdoor National music FESTIVAL UNIVERSITÁRIO DA CANÇÃO Reitoria de Pró-Extensão e Assuntos Culturais Pça Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 129 Centro 84010-680 - Ponta Grossa - PR T 00 55 (42) 223-4377 T 00 55 (42) 222-9652 [email protected] www.uepg.br/fuc Music Genres: MPB Numbers of editions: 17 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: June Type: outdoor National music OFICINA DE MÚSICA DE CURITIBA Janete Andrade Loismary Pache and Alex Klein Solar do Barão Rua Carlos Cavalcanti, 533 80020-280 –Curitiba - PR T 00 55 (41) 321-3293/2840 T 00 55 (41) 321-3290 [email protected] www.oficinademusica.org.br Music Genres: MPB Numbers of editions: 17 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: June Type: outdoor National music Held annually since 1983, this workshop features students and professors from Brazil and abroad. The courses and concerts range from popular to classical music. Numbers of editions: 22 Santa Catarina FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA DE ITAJAÍ Fundação Cultural de Itajaí –SC Daltro Dias –Superintendent Rua Lauro Müller, 53 88301 –400 Itajaí - SC T 00 55 (55) 47341-6131/ 48341-6131 F 00 55 (55) 47348-2243 www.itajai.com.br www.fundacaoculturaldeitajai.com.br Music Genres: national music Numbers of editions: 7 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: August and September Type: outdoor National music RIO GRANDE DO SUL CANTO DA LAGOA –ENCANTADO Rua Monsenhor Sacalabrini, 1047 95960 – 000 Encantado –RS T 00 55 51 3751-3400 [email protected] www.encantado-rs.com.br Music Genres: national music Numbers of editions: 10 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: March Type: outdoor National music FESTIVAL ATLÂNTIDA Luciano Cardoso –Director of Events for RBS TV/Rádio Atlântida www.planetaatlantida.com.br Music Genres: rock Numbers of editions: 8 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: January Type: outdoor National music FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA DE PORTO ALEGRE Secretaria Municipal da Cultura Av. Independência, 453 90035-075–Porto Alegre - RS T 00 55 (51) 3224-6855 F 00 55 (51) 3224-6855 Ext. 30 www.portoalegre.rs.gov.br/cultura/musica Music Genres: national music Numbers of editions: 7 Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: between September and November Type: outdoor National music VERÕES MUSICAIS FEST. INT. DE MUSICA DE GRAMADO Dafne Promoções Laura de Souza and Max Uriarte –Artistic Directior Fabiano Lovato –Executive Director Rua da Gávea, 280 91760-040 –Porto Alegre - RS T 00 55 51 9975-9714 F 00 55 51 9914-2438 [email protected] [email protected] www.dafne.com.br www.dafne.com.br/vm2004 Music Genres: diverses Numbers of editions: indefinite Period of the Festival: annual Duration of the festival: January to February Type: indoor European artists booked in 2002/2003: Annette Küttenbaum Awards NOITE ILUSTRADA Description: Awards for the best DJs and personalities. Associated with Érika Palomino´s column at the Folha newspaper. Period of the Festival: annual Promoted by www.erikapalomino.com.br PRÊMIO CARAS DE MÚSICA Description: Award show for popular Brazilian music (previously known as the Sharp Award). Period of the Festival: annual Promoted by www.caras.com.br PRÊMIO ELDORADO DE MÚSICA Description: Award for classical music. Period of the Festival: annual Promoted by www.radioeldorado.com.br PRÊMIO HUTÚZ Description: Principal award show for hip hop in South America. Periodicidade: Annual T 00 55 21 2450 5125 F 00 55 21 3350 9642 [email protected] ww.hutus.com.br PRÊMIO MULTISHOW Description: Award show for brazilian music. Period of the Festival: annual Promoted by Canal Multishow (Globo SAT/cable TV). PRÊMIO RIVAL Description: Award show for popular brazilian music. Period of the Festival: annual (3th edition in august 2004) Promoted by by the Teatro Rival Bia de Souza Fernanda Santos T 00 55 21 2240-4469 F 00 55 21 2262-4765 www.rivalbr.com.br PRÊMIO TIM DE MÚSICA Description: An award show for Brazilian music in a wide range of categories. Also has an international category. Period of the Festival: annual Promoted by TIM Brasil (Telecom Italia América Latina) José Maurício Machline - Director Comitê Seletivo Rua Sanharó, 126 Cobertura Barra da Tijuca 22620-200 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 3153-8007 [email protected] [email protected] PRÊMIO VISA DE MPB Description: Highly-respected award for new talents in Brazilian music (instrumental, vocal and composers). Period of the Festival: annual Promoted by Rádio Eldorado and Visa do Brasil. T 00 55 (11) 3174-6771 [email protected] www.radioeldoradofm.com.br/premiovisa PROJETO PIXINGUINHA Promotion: Funarte –Centro da Música Pedro Paulo Malta –Coordinator of Projeto Rua da Imprensa, 16 sl 1308 Centro 20030-120 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2279-8088/8105 / 2532-0943/ 7587 F 00 55 (21) 2279-8088 [email protected] www.funarte.gov.br After 7 years of inactivity, the Pixinguinha Project is back promoting shows nationwide, with the sponsorship of private companies. VMB –VÍDEO MUSIC BRASIL Description: Award show for Brazilian artists. Period of the Festival: annual Promoted by MTV Brasil Theaters and concert halls Northern Region Acre SESC BOSQUE Av. Getulio Vargas, 2603 - Bosque 69908-650 –Rio Branco –AC T 00 55 (68) 212-3053 www.sesc-ac.com.br SESC CENTRO Av. Brasil, 713 Centro 69908-670 –Rio Branco –AC T 00 55 (68) 212-3000 www.sesc-ac.com.br Amazonas SESC MANAUS Rua Henrique Martins, 427 69010-010 –Manaus –AM T 00 55 (92) 622-2699 www.sesc.com.br TEATRO AMAZONAS Luis Fernando Malherião –Director Pça. Sebastião, s/n 69010-240 –Manaus –AM T 00 55 (92) 622-242/ 234-0508 F 00 55 (92) 622-1880 www.operamazonas.com.br Capacity: 661 places. Amapá SALA OSCAR SANTOS ESCOLA DE MÚSICA WALKIRIA LIMA Maria do Socorro Santos da Silva Rua Eliezer Levy, s/n 68100-140 –Macapá –AP T 00 55 (96) 212-5122 F 00 55 (96) 212-5122 Capacity: 200 places. SESC ARAXÁ Rua Jovino Dinoá, 4311 68902-030 –Macapá –AP T 00 55 (96) 214-1314/1324 www.sesc.com.br SESC CENTRO Av. Procópio Rola, 396 Centro 68906-010 –Macapá –AP T 00 55 (96) 214-1300/ 1301 www.sesc.com.br Pará SESC CASTANHAL Av. Barão do Rio Branco, 10 68745-000 –Castanhal –PA T 00 55 (85) 721-1567 www.sesc.com.br SESC SANTAREM Rua Floriano Peixoto, 535 68005-060 –Santarém –PA T 00 55 (91) 523-2598/ 522-1423 www.sesc.com.br TEATRO DA PAZ Gilberto Chaves –Director 66017-210 –Belém –PA T 00 55 (91) 224-7355/ 7201 F 00 55 (91) 224-7509 Capacity: 804 places. TEATRO MARGARIDA SCHIWAZZAPPA Atos Maurício –Director Av. Gentil Bittencourt, 650 66033-340 –Belém –PA T 00 55 (91) 222-2923/ 241-2333 F 00 55 (91) 222-2923 Capacity: 550 places. Rondônia ESC ESPLANADA Av. Pres. Dutra, s/n, qd 126/7 78904 670 –Porto Velho –RO T 00 55 (69) 229-6006 www.sesc.com.br Roraima SESC CENTRO Rua Araújo Filho, 250 –Centro 69301-090 –Boa Vista –RR T 00 55 (95) 221-2023/ 2051 F 00 55 (95) 224-3102 www.sesc.com.br Tocantins SESC TOCANTINS ACSE 1 SE QSN cj 2 lt 42A 77100-030 –Palmas –TO T 00 55 (63) 215-4569 F 00 55 (63) 215-4211 www.sesc.com.br TEATRO DE PALMAS Adriana Ramos –Director Av. Teotônio Segurado, s/n 77011-900 –Palmas –TO T 00 55 (63) 218-5159 F 00 55 (63) 218-5146 Capacity: 530 places. Northeast Region Alagoas SESC –TEATRO JOFRE SOARES Guilherme Ramos Rua Barão de Alagoas, 229 57020 210 –Maceió –AL T 00 55 (82) 326-3133 F 00 55 (82) 221-3136 www.sesc.com.br Capacity: 120 places. TEATRO DEODORO Sui Chamusca –Director Pça. Marechal Deodoro, s/n 57020-040 –Maceió –AL T 00 55 (82) 223-8077 F 00 55 (82) 336-4314 Capacity: 690 places. SESC POÇO Rua Pedro Paulino, 40 Poço 57025-420 –Maceió –AL T 00 55 (82) 221-2440 www.sesc.com.br Bahia ACBEU –TEATRO Dílson Midlej –Director Av. Sete de Setembro, 1883 40080-002 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 337-4395 F 00 55 (71) 337-4395 www.acbeu.com.br Capacity: 439 places. SESC CONVIVÊNCIA Rua Chile, 15 Centro 40020-000 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 243-6772 www.sesc.com.br SESC NAZARE Av. Joana Angélica, 1541 40050-001 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 243-7433/ 7364 www.sesc.com.br Other SESCs of note are Teatro SESC –Casa do Comécio (host to the Petrobrás project) Seating: 400 people; Teatro SESC Pelourinho –220 peoples TEATRO DE PANO INSTITUTO CULTURAL CASA VIA MAGIA Ruy Cezar Silva –Director Jamile Vasconcelos –Coordinator Benjamim Taubkin –Curator Rua Henriqueta Catarino, 123 Federação 40.220-180 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 247-0068 F 00 55 (71) 245-3089 www.viamagia.com.br Theater from Instituto Cultural Casa Via Mágia, see Mercado Cultural (Fairs at the chapiter 2). TEATRO VILA VELHA Márcio Meirelles –Director Av. Sete de Setembro, s/n 40180-570 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 336-1384 F 00 55 (71) 336-1353 www.teatrovilavelha.com.br Capacity: 250 places. TEATRO MOLIÈRE Isabelle Diris –Director Luciana –Administration Aliança Francesa Av. 7 deSetembro, 401 Lad. da Barra 40130-000 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 336-7599 F 00 55 (71) 336-7599 www.afbahia.com.br Capacity: 140 places. TEATRO CASTRO ALVES Theodomiro Queiroz –Director Raimundo Chagas –Producer Dino Brasil - Sound Silvia - Sala do Coro Pça. 2 de Julho, s/n 40080-121 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 339-8000 F 00 55 (71) 247-9827 www.tca.ba.gov.br Capacity: 1554 places. Ceará SESC CEARÁ Regina Leitão Av. Duque de Caxias, 1701 3o an Centro 60035-111 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 452-9019 F 00 55 (85) 452-9012 www.sescce.com.br TEATRO DA BOCA RICA Rejane Reinaldo –Director Rua Tenente Benévolo, 1408 Aldeota 60160-045 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 224-7868, 9988-7339 F 00 55 (85) 224-7868 TEATRO IBEU Marcelo Costa Rua Nogueira Acyoli, 891 60110-140 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 4006-9999 F 00 55 (85) 252-1567 www.ibeuce.com.br Capacity: 230 places. THEATRO JOSÉ DE ALCENCAR Elisa Gunther –Director Pça. José de Alencar, s/n Centro 60033-976 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 452-1590 F 00 55 (85) 452-1590 www.secult.ce.gov.br/TJA/Tja.asp Capacity: 776 places. SESC –TEATRO EMILIANO QUEIROZ Rosiane Queiroz Rua Clarindo, de Queiroz, 1740 60035-131 Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 452- 9000 F 00 55 (85) 288-1122 Capacity: 184 places. SESC CENTRO Rua 24 de Maio, 692 60020-000 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 226-1791 www.sesc.com.br SESC FORTALEZA Av. Duque de Caxias, 1701 Centro 60035-131 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 288-1100 F 00 55 (85) 288-1122 www.sesc.com.br Maranhão SESC MARANHÃO Av .Sã oCa r l o s ,s / nPr a i aOl hod’ Ág ua São Luís –MA T 00 55 (98)248-1872 F 00 55 (98)248-1872 Features a theatre, hotel, swimming pool, sports area and restaurant. SESC SÃO LUÍS Av. Silva Maia, 164 65020-570 –São Luís –MA T 00 55 (98) 232-3838/3843 www.sesc.com.br SESC VERANEIO Ru aSã oCa r l o sPr a i adoOl hoD’ á g ua ,l t20 65065-420 –São Luís –MA T 00 55 (98) 248-1872 www.sesc.com.br TEATRO ARTHUR AZEVEDO Fernando Bicudo –Director Rua Godofredo Vianna, 132 Centro 65020-590 –São Luís –MA T 00 55 (98) 232-0299, 221-4587 F 00 55 (98) 221-4587 Capacity: 750 places. Paraíba SESC JOÃO PESSOA Rua Desembargador Souto Maior, 281/291 Centro 58013-190 –João Pessoa –PB T 00 55 (83) 241-2986 F 00 55 (83) 241-4569 www.sesc-pb.com.br TEATRO MUNICIPAL SEVERINO CABRAL Saulo Keirios –Director Rua Floriano Peixoto, s/n 58100-000 –Campina Grande –PB T 00 55 (83) 341-1486 F 00 55 (83) 341-1486 Capacity: 585 places. SESC CENTRO DE CAMPINA GRANDE CINE TEATRO Maria do Socorro Amorim Av. Jiló Guedes, 650 58103-375 –Campina Grande –PB T 00 55 (83) 341-5800 F 00 55 (83) 341-2670 www.sesc.com.br Capacity: 286 places. Pernambuco INSTITUTO PENSARTE –RECIFE Afonso Oliveira Rua Coelho Neto, 644 casa C Campo Grande 52040-310 - Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3242-1085 F 00 55 (81) 8825-1331 www.pensarte.com.br SESC ARCOVERDE Rua Pinto de Campos, 364 56500-000 –Arcoverde –PE M 00 55 (81) 821-0864 www.sesc.com.br SESC –TEATRO CAPIBA José Manoel de Araújo Sobrinho Av. Professor José dos Anjos, 1109 52110 190 –Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 441-9894 F 00 55 (81) 441-8900 Ext. 31 www.sesc.com.br Capacity: 130 places. TEATRO DO PARQUE Dílson de França Rua do Hospício, 81 50060 080 –Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3423-6044 F 00 55 (81) 3425-8810 Capacity: 940 places. TEATRO GUARARAPES Antônio Francisco Alves Rosário Complexo Viário Vice-Governador Barreto Guimarães, s/n 53111 970 –Olinda –PE T 00 55 (81) 3241-2998 F 00 55 (81) 3427-8024 www.empetur.com.br Capacity: 2405 places. TEATRO SANTA ISABEL Leda Alves –Director Pça. da República, s/n 50010-040 –Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3224-0005/1020 F 00 55 (81) 3224-0005 Capacity: 700 places. UFPE –TEATRO Alfredo soares - Valter Ferreira Av. dos Reitores, s/n 50670 420 –Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3453-4344 F 00 55 (81) 3271-1068 www.convencoes.ufpe.br Capacity: 1931 places. Piauí MELODIA SHOW E ARTE Rua Angélica, 245 64048-161 –Teresina –PI T 00 55 (86) 233-6125 www.sesc.com.br Capacity: 300 places. SESC CENTRO Av. Maranhão, 110 64001-010 –Teresina –PI T 00 55 (86) 216-9900 F 00 55 (86) 216-9901 www.sesc.com.br Rio Grande do Norte SESC NATAL Pça. Tomaz de Araújo, s/n Cidade Alta 59025-080 –Natal –RN T 00 55 (84) 215-0636/ 0637 F 00 55 (84) 215-0616 www.sesc.com.br Sergipe SESC CENTRO Rua Senador Rolemberg, 301 49015-120 –Aracaju –SE T 00 55 (79) 211-1477 www.sesc.com.br Midwest Region Distrito Federal CASA THOMAS JEFFERSON –ASA SUL Luzia Pandolfi SEPS 706/906 cj B 70390-065 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 443 6588 F 00 55 (61) 443 8857 www.thomas.org.br Capacity: 250 places. Also includes the Casa Thomas Jeffreson. SESC –TEATRO GARAGEM Rogério Torquato SEP/SUL 713/913 Sul cj F lt E 70390-135 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 346-3034 F 00 55 (61) 346-3149 www.sescdf.com.br Capacity: 250 places. SESC 504/SUL Av. W3 Sul, entre qd 504/505 70331-570 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 321-3788/ 3808 www.sesc.com.br SESC 913/ SUL Av. W 4 Sul, entre qd 713/913 70390-135 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 346-3034 F 00 55 (61) 346-3149 www.sesc.com.br TEATRO ALIANÇA FRANCESA Victor Ribeiro SEPFEQ 708/907 Sul 70390 079 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 242-7500 F 00 55 (61) 244-5618 Capacity: 120 places. TEATRO NACIONAL CLÁUDIO SANTORO Stefania –Director Albato –Technician Teresa –Booker Setor Cultural Norte Via N2 70070-200 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 325-6107/ 6153 F 00 55 (61) 325-6134 www.sc.com.br Capacity: This theatre features three spaces: Sala Villa-Lobos:1307 places; Sala Martins Pena: 437 places; and Sala Alberto Nepomuceno: 95 places. ESPAÇO CULTURAL RENATO RUSSO CRS 508 bl A lj 72 70351-580 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 244-0411 Capacity: 320 places. Goiás AUDITÓRIO BELKISS CARNEIRO DE MENDONÇA Glacy Antunes de Oliveira Campus II Samambaia Caixa Postal 131 74001 970 –Goiânia –GO T 00 55 (62) 521-1430 F 00 55 (62) 521-1175 www.musica.ufg.br Capacity: 360 places. AUDITÓRIO DA ESCOLA TÉCNICA FEDERAL DE GOIÁS Sabino Alves dos Santos Rua 75, 46 Centro 74055-110 –Goiânia –GO T 00 55 (62) 212-5050 F 00 55 (62) 213-1455 www.cefetgo.br Capacity: 540 places. SESC RUA 19 Rua 19, 260 Centro 74610-100 –Goiânia –GO T 00 55 (62) 224-0600 www.sesc.com.br TEATRO GOIÂNIA Marco Antonio/José Eduardo Moraes –Directors Rua 23, 252 Centro 74310-360 –Goiânia –GO T 00 55 (62) 201-4685 F 00 55 (62) 213-2587 Capacity: 814 places. Mato Grosso do Sul TEATRO PROSA –SESC Francisco de Araújo Rua Anhanduí, 200 79002-010 –Campo Grande –MS T 00 55 (67) 721-3181 F 00 55 (67) 724-7239 www.sesc.com.br Capacity: 236 places. SESC CAMPO GRANDE Av. Afonso Pena, 3469 79002-072 –Campo Grande –MS T 00 55 (67) 724-7227 F 00 55 (67) 724-7296 www.sesc.com.br Mato Grosso SESC PORTO Rua São Joaquim, 399 78020-700 –Cuiabá –MT T 00 55 (65) 624-3610 www.sesc.com.br TEATRO DO SESC ARSENAL Adriana Gonçalves Rua Treze de Maio, s/n 78000-00 –Cuiabá –MT T 00 55 (65) 616-6900 F 00 55 (65) 616-6940 www.sesc.com.br Capacity: 269 places. TEATRO UNIVERSITÁRIO Epaminondas de Carvalho Filho –Director Av. Fernando Correa da Costa, s/n 78070-900 –Cuiabá –MT T 00 55 (65) 615-8370/ 8372 F 00 55 (65) 615-8353 Capacity: 506 places. Southeast Region Espírito Santo SESC VITÓRIA Pça. Misael Pena, 54 29020-610 –Vitória –ES T 00 55 (27) 3222-0522 F 00 55 (27) 3223-0871 www.sesc-es.com.br TEATRO CARLOS GOMES Rômulo Musiello –Director Pça. Costa Pereira, 25 29010-080 –Vitória –ES T 00 55 (27) 3223-4882/ 8889 F 00 55 (27) 3233-3555 Capacity: 460 places. UFES –CENTRO DE ARTES Kleber Perini Frizzera Av. Fernando Ferrari, s/n 29060-900 Vitória –ES T 00 55 (27) 3335-2577 F 00 55 (27) 3335-7860 www.ufes.br Capacity: 150 places. The Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo also has a cinema ([email protected]) and the Teatro Metrópolis (100 places –[email protected]). Minas Gerais AUDITÓRIO DA UFMG Neide –Marketing Guiba Borghoff –Bookings Av. Pres. Antonio Carlos, 6627 31270-010 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3499-4700 F 00 55 (31) 3499 4720 www.musica.ufmg.br Capacity: 250 places. KLAUS VIANA Av. Afonso Pena, 4001 30240-570 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3229-4316 Capacity: 552 places. PALÁCIO DAS ARTES Mauro Guimarães Werkema Av. Afonso Pena, 1537 30130-004 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3237-7332 F 00 55 (31) 3237-7300 www.palaciodasartes.com.br Capacity: 1700 places. The Palácio das Artes also features a Juvenal Dias Room: 176 places ([email protected]). SESC CARLOS PRESTES Rua Sta. Quitéria, 566 Carlos Prestes 30710-460 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3279-1423 F 00 55 (31) 3279-1454 www.sescmg.com.br TEATRO ALTEROSA Wagner Tameirão Av. Assis Chateaubriand, 499 30150-101 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3237-6611 F 00 55 (31) 3237-6699 Capacity: 319 places. TEATRO DOM SILVÉRIO Ângela Maria Fraiha Nunes –Director Rua Lavras, 225 30330-010 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3281-5592, 3263-2861 F 00 55 (31) 3281-5592 www.teatrodomsilverio.com.br Capacity: 400 places. TEATRO MUNICIPAL DE OURO PRETO Vicente Gomes Katia –3559-3282 Rua Brig. Musqueira, s/n 35400-000 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3559-3224 F 00 55 (31) 3559-3200 Was previously the opera house. Capacity: 300 places. TEATRO PRÓ-MÚSICA Maria Isabel de Souza Santos Av. Rio Branco, 2329 36010-011 –Juiz de Fora –MG T 00 55 (32) 3215-3951 F 00 55 (32) 3216-4748 www.promusica.org.br Capacity: 500 places. TEATRO SESI MINAS Vera Lucia Brasil –Director Rua Padre Marinho, 60 30140-040 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3241-7168/7181 F 00 55 (31) 3241-7134/7144 Capacity: 684 places. TEATRO TOPÁZIO- MINAS CENTRO José Eustáquio Ribeiro de Oliveira Rua Curitiba, 1264 30170-121 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3217-7900 F 00 55 (31) 3226-8050 www.minascentro.com.br Capacity: 1726 places. Rio de Janeiro ATL HALL Av. Ayrton Senna, 3000 Barra da Tijuca 22775-001 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2421-1331 Capacity: 6000 places. BALLROOM Israel –Booker Rua Humaitá, 110 Humaitá 22261-001 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2537-7600 F 00 55 (21) 2266-3549 Capacity: 1000 places. CANECÃO Av. Venceslau Brás, 215 Botafogo 22290-140 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2295-3044 F 00 55 (21) 2541-8395 Capacity: 3000 places. ROCK IN RIO CAFÉ Jomar Júnior –Director Av. das Américas, 4666 Barra Shopping 22793-080 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2431-9500 F 00 55 (21) 2431-9816 www.rockinriocafe.com.br Capacity: 1200 places. SALA CECILIA MEIRELLES Ronaldo Miranda Lg. da Lapa, 47 20210-170 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2224-3913 F 00 55 (21) 2224-4291 Capacity: 835 places. The Sala Cecília Meirelles features an auditorium - Guiomar Novaes with seating of 154 places. SESC COPACABANA Bia Radonski Rua Domingos Ferreira, 160 Copacabana 22050 010 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2548-1088, 2235-0831, 2255-9030 F 00 55 (21) 2255-1262 www.sescrj.com.br SESC RAMOS Rua Teixeira Franco, 38 Ramos 21060 130 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2573-8822 F 00 55 (21) 2560-7390 www.sescrj.com.br SESC TIJUCA José Maria Rodrigues - Vera Mattos Rua Barão de Mesquita, 539 20540-001 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2238-4566 F 00 55 (21) 2570-4178 www.sesc.com.br The Sesc Tijuca consists of three spaces: Casa Rosa, 280 places; Teatro 1, 280 places; and Teatro 2, 90 places. TEATRO –MAISON DE FRANCE Jean Paul Lefevre Av. Presidente Antonio Carlos, 58 20020-010 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2210-1272 F 00 55 (21) 2240-8192 An important space in the history of Brazilian theater –many of the country´s top actors and actresses have worked here (including Fernanda Montenegro and Tônia Carreiro. It was refurbished in 2002. Capacity: 350 places. TEATRO MUNICIPAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO Helena Severio –Director Pça. Marechal Floriano s/n 20031-090 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2262-3935/- 2299-1633 F 00 55 (21) 2299-1644 www.theatromunicipal.com.gov.br Capacity: 2329 places. UFRJ –ESCOLA DE MÚSICA SALÃO LEOPOLDO MIGUEZ Harl Erbert - Rosimaldo Martins Rua do Passeio, 98 20021-090 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2240-1491 F 00 55 (21) 2532-4649 www.musica.ufrj.br Capacity: 900 places São Paulo A HEBRAICA Eze Pekelman –Director Rua Hungria, 1000 01455-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3818-8800 F 00 55 (11) 3818-8907 www.hebraica.org.br Capacity: 400 places. AUDITÓRIO DO DEPARTAMENTO DE MÚSICA ECA/USP Edelton Gloeden –Director Av. Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodríguez, 443 05508-900 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3091-4137 F 00 55 (11) 3091-4064 Capacity: 105 places. AUDITÓRIO DO INSTITUTO DE ARTES UNICAMP Maria Aparecida Godoy –Director Rua Elis Regina, 50 13083-970 –Campinas –SP T 00 55 (19) 3289-3803 F 00 55 (19) 3289-3140 www.iar.unicamp.br/ceprod Capacity: 200 places. CENTRO CULTURAL BANCO DO BRASIL Luciano Vitorino Batista Jafet Ferreira de Lima 01012-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3118-1176 F 00 55 (11) 3104-4544 www.cultura-e.com.br Represented in most of the country´s major cities. Capacity: 130 places CENTRO CULTURAL SÃO PAULO Carlos Augusto Calil –Director Rua Vergueiro, 1000 01504-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3277-3611 Ext. 298 F 00 55 (11) 3278-6505 www.prodam.sp.gov.br/ccsp Capacity: The Centre has threes spaces: Sala Jardel Filho, with seats of 324 places; Sala Paulo Emílio, 110 places and Sala Adoniran Barbosa, 750 places. CREDICARD HALL Rua Bento de Andrade Filho, 400 04795-900 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5643-2555 F 00 55 (11) 5643-2599 Capacity: 7.500 places DIRECTV MUSIC HALL Av. dos Jamaris, 213 04078-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5643-2619 F 00 55 (11) 5051-5999 Capacity: 3200 places INSTITUTO ITAÚ CULTURAL Milú Villela –President Eduardo Saron-Superintendent of Cultural Activities Edson Natale –Music Coordination Av. Paulista, 149 7o an Bela Vista 01311-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3268-1772 F 00 55 (11) 3268-1735 www.itaucultural.org.br Established in various cities around the country. INSTITUTO MOREIRA SALLES Antonio Fernando de Franceschi Rua Piauí, 844 1o an 01241-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3825-2560 F 00 55 (11) 3825-2560 www.ims.com.br Capacity: 100 places. Established in various cities around the country. INSTITUTO PENSARTE Leonardo Brant Rua Fradique Coutinho, 701 Pinheiros 05416-011 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3819-3379 F 00 55 (11) 3032-9811/ 9811 www.pensarte.com.br KVA– CENTRO CULTURAL ELENKO– ESPAÇO PUB Paula Brandão –Producer Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, 2978 Pinheiros 05408-003 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3819-2153/ 3816-8000 F 00 55 (11) 3816-8000 www.elenkokva.org.br Features seven areas for various types of shows. Capacity: 1000 places. MOZART MUSIC HALL Mônica Morejon –Director Av. Brigadeiro Luis Antonio, 864 01317-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3188-6700 F 00 55 (11) 3188-6743 www.unibero.com.br Capacity: 140 places. NÚCLEO EXPERIMENTAL DE TEATRO Antonio Rocco Rua Rego Freitas, 454 01220-010 São Paulo SP T 00 55 (11) 3106-9636 F 00 55 (11) 255-3642 Capacity: 70 places Also features a bar area and large areas for various types of performances. OLYMPIA Rua Clélia, 1517 05040 002 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 252-6255 Capacity: 4000 places. SALA SÃO PAULO Rita Okamura Pça. Júlio Prestes s/n 01218-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3337-9149 F 00 55 (11) 3223-5097 www.salasaopaulo.art.br Capacity: 1485 places. SESC BELENZINHO Av. Álvaro Ramos, 991 Belenzinho 03331-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6605-8143 F 00 55 (11) 6605-8143 Ext. 157 www.sescsp.com.br SESC CARMO Silvana A. Takabatake Rua do Carmo, 147 01019-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3105-9121 Ext. 269 F 00 55 (11) 3107-0306 www.sescsp.org.br SESC CONSOLAÇÃO Rua Dr. Vila Nova, 245 Vl. Buarque 01222-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3234-3000 F 00 55 (11) 3256-2223 www.sescsp.org.br SESC INTERLAGOS Av. Manuel Alves Soares, 1100 Interlagos 04821-270 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5662-9500 F 00 55 (11) 5662-9503 www.sescsp.com.br SESC IPIRANGA Rua Bom Pastor, 822 Ipiranga 04203-080 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3340-2000 F 00 55 (11) 215-8418 www.sescsp.com.br SESC ITAQUERA Av. Fernando do Espírito Santo Alves de Mattos, 1000 Itaquera 08265 045 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6523-9200 F 00 55 (11) 6521-4339 www.sescsp.com.br SESC PAULISTA Av. Paulista, 119 Paraíso 01311-903 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3179-3400 F 00 55 (11) 288-6206 www.sescsp.com.br SESC PINHEIROS Rua Paes Leme, 195 05424-150 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 2815-3999 F 00 55 (11) 2815-3999 www.sescsp.com.br SESC POMPÉIA Rua Clélia, 93 Pompéia 05042-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3871-7700 F 00 55 (11) 3865-0324 www.sescsp.com.br SESC SANTO AMARO Rua Amador Bueno, 505 Sto. Amaro 04752-005 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5525-1855 F 00 55 (11) 5183-3114 www.sescsp.com.br SESC SANTO ANDRÉ Felipe Mancebo Rua Tamarutaca, 302 Vl. Guiomar 09071-130 –Santo André –SP T 00 55 (11) 4469-1210/ 1211/ 1212 F 00 55 (11) 4469-1210 www.sescsp.org.br SESC VILA MARIANA Rua Pelotas, 141 Vl. Mariana 04012-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5080-3000 F 00 55 (11) 5539-4201 www.sescsp.com.br SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE CULTURA JAPONESA Hideo Iwasaki Rua São Joaquim, 381 01508-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3208-1755 F 00 55 (11) 3208-5519 Capacity: 1200 places. TEATRO ALFA Elisabeth Machado –Director Rua Bento de Andrade Filho, 722 Sto. Amaro 04759-901 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5693-4000 F 00 55 (11) 5693-4040 www.teatroalfa.com.br Capacity: 1200 places. TEATRO ARTHUR AZEVEDO Av. Paes de Barros, 955 03115-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6605-8007 F 00 55 (11) 6605-8007 www.portaldamooca.com.br Capacity: 480 places. TEATRO BRINCANTE Silas Redondo Rua Purpurina, 428 05435-030 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3816-0676, 0575 F 00 55 (11) 3816-0676 www.antoniobnobrega.com.br Small theater owned by Antonio Nóbrega, sucessful musician and playwright. Capacity: 130 places. TEATRO FAAP Rua Alagoas, 903 Higienópolis 01242 001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3662-1992 F 00 55 (11) 3662-1662 www.faap.br Capacity: 408 places. TEATRO OFICINA José Celso Martinez Corrêa Rua Jaceguai, 520 01315-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3104 0678 F 00 55 (11) 3106 2818 Capacity: 350 places. THEATRO MUNICIPAL DE SÃO PAULO Lúcia Camargo –Director Pça. Ramos de Azevedo, s/n 01037-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 223-3022 F 00 55 (11) 223-3715 www.prodam.sp.gov.br Capacity: 1580 places. THEATRO SÃO PEDRO Rua Barra Funda, 171 São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3667-0499 www.theatrosaopedro.sp.gov.br TOM BRASIL Rua Olimpíadas, 66 04551-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3845-2326 Capacity: 1200 places. URBANO Biba Fonseca –Producer Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, 614 Pinheiros 05408-000 - São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3085-1001 (inquiries), 3060-9233/ 9241 (production) F 00 55 (11) 3060-9233 www.urbanoclub.com.br Capacity: 800 places. VIA FUNCHAL Rua Funchal, 65 04551-060 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3044-2727 www.viafunchal.com.br Capacity: 6000 places. Southern Region Paraná CANAL DA MÚSICA Ivete Jung Rua Júlio Perneta, 695 80810-110 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 335-5273 F 00 55 (41) 339-2407 Capacity: The Canal Música has three auditoriums: Auditório 1: 158 places; Auditório 2: 126 places; and Grande Auditório: 1000 places. CENTRO CULTURAL TEATRO GUAIRÁ –GUAIRÃO Dóris Teixeira Rua XV de Novembro, s/n 80060-000 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 322-2629 F 00 55 (41) 232-9145 www.pr.gov.br/tguaira Capacity: The Centro Cultural teatro Guairá has three spaces: Aditório Bento munhoz da Costa Neto (Guirão), 2173 places; Auditório Glauco Flores de Sá Brito, 113 places; and Auditório Salvador de Cerrante (Guairinha), 504 places. ÓPERA DE ARAME Lucy Darios –Booker Fundação Cultural de Curitiba Rua João Gava, s/n 82130-010 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 354-3266 F 00 55 (41) 354-2652 www.fccdigital.com.br www.curitiba.pr.gov.br.estrutura/orgaos/fcc/index Capacity: 1648 places. SESC CENTRO Rua José Loureiro, 578 80010-000 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 233-7422 F 00 55 (41) 233-7959 www.sescpr.com.br SESC DA ESQUINA Glanone Wistuba Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 969 80410-001 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 3322-6500 F 00 55 (41) 233-9610 www.sesc.com.br Capacity: 299 places. SESC PORTÃO Rua João Bettega, 790 81070-000 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 329-9999 Ext. 215 F 00 55 (41) 329-9999 Ext. 210 www.sescpr.com.br TEATRO DO PAIOL Paulo César Rombi –Director Lg. Guido Viaro, s/n 80215-180 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 334-1424/ 322-1525 F 00 55 (41) 334-1424 Capacity: 225 places. Rio Grande do Sul AUDITÓRIO ARAÚJO VIANA Aline Gama Peroni Av. Osvaldo Aranha, s/n 90035-190 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3311-5156 F 00 55 (51) 3311-5156 www.portoalegre.rs.gov.br/cultura/musica.htm Capacity: 3037 places. The auditorium also another space: Sala Ramanées: 120 places. SESC PORTO ALEGRE Av. Alberto Bins, 665 90030 142 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3284-2000 www.sesc-rs.com.br SANTANDER CULTURAL Dedé Ribeiro Rua Sete de Setembro, 1028 90016-900 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3287-5522 F 00 55 (51) 3287-5583 www.santandercultural.com.br Capacity: 85 places. Established in various cities around the country. TEATRO DO SESI Carlos Alfredo Britto –Director Av. Assis Brasil, 8787 91140-001 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3347-8706 F 00 55 (51) 3347-8627 www.teatrodosesi.org.br Capacity: 1790 places. THEATRO SÃO PEDRO Eva Sopher –Director Rua Barra Funda, 171 90010-300 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3227-5300/ 5100 F 00 55 (51) 3226-4269 www.teatrosaopedro.rs.gov.br Santa Catarina CONCHA ACUSTICA Pça. Santos Dumont, 117 88040-900 –Florianópolis –SC T 00 55 (43) 331-9348 TEATRO ADEMIR ROSA Remir de Faveris Av. Irineu Bornhausen, 5600 88025-202 –Florianópolis –SC T 00 55 (48) 333-2166 F 00 55 (48) 333-2166 www.scc.sc.gov.br Capacity: 1000 places. TEATRO CARLOS GOMES Maria Aparecida Souza Reis –Director Rua 15 de Novembro, 1181 89010-003 –Blumenau –SC T 00 55 (43) 3326-7166 F 00 55 (43) 322-7008 www.teatrocarlosgomes.com.br Capacity: 1000 places. CLUBS, BARS AND CAFÉS Northeast Maranhão BAR DO PORTO Ray Rua do Tapiche, 49 –Centro Histórico 65708-000 –São Luís - MA T 0055 (98) 9135-1584 BAR DO ROCK Gerson dos Santos Rua Portugal, 25 65708-000 –São Luís - MA T 00 55 (98) 232-3967 Pernambuco LICOTERIA Rua 13 de Maio, 3 –Varadouro 53160-790 - Olinda - PE T 00 55 (81)3439-6248 Midwest Region Goiás JUMP HOUSE OF FUN Carla de Abreu Av. República do Líbano, 1742 –Setor Oeste 74115-030 –Goiânia - GO T 00 55 (62) 212-5805 F 00 55 (62) 213-3656 [email protected] www. jumpdanceclub.com.br Opening hours: from Wednesday to Sunday. Music Genres: electronic music. Mato Grosso APOTEOSE M. Jacob Av, Mato 442 –Araés 78005-030 –Cuiabá - MT T 00 55 (65) 623-5159 www.apoteose.com.br Opening hours: Thursday to Sunday D-EDGE: CAMPO GRANDE Renato Ratier Rua Artur Jorge, 86 Centro Campo Grande –MT T 00 55 (21) 2521-0367 F 00 55 (21) 2521- 0367 www.d-edge.com.br Southeast Region Minas Gerais CAFÉ MINOTAURO Rua Itaiutaba, 339 –Prado 30410-660 –Belo Horizonte - MG T 00 55 (31) 3295-4149 Rio de Janeiro BUNKER 94 Fabrício Martim Rua Raul Pompéia, 94 22020-000 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2521-0367 [email protected] www. bunker94.com.br Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: electronic music CAFÉ ETÍLICO Luís Fernado Av. das Américas, 3880 Barra 22793-081 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 0055 (21) 3326-2500 www.sousoul.com HIPÓDROMO José Couto Pça. Santos Dumont, 108 22470 060 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2294-0095 www.hipodromo.com.br Capacity: 800 MELT Zeca Fernandes Rua Rita ludolf, 47 –Leblon 22440-060 Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 22499309 F 00 55 (21) 2512-1662 [email protected] Music Genres: rap and hip-hop Capacity: 300 MISTURA FINA Christian Lobo Av. Borges de Medeiros, 3207 22470-001 –Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2537-2844 F 00 55 (21) 2286-4158 www.misturafina.com.br [email protected] Music Genres: world, Brazilian and jazz music. Capacity: 180 European jazz artists booked in 2003: Michel Legrand PARQUE DAS RUÍNAS Roberta Guimarães Rua Murtinho Nobre, 169 20241-050 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ T 00 55 (21) 2252-1039 [email protected] Music Genres: traditional Brazilian music PEOPLE JAZZ BAR Av. Bartolomeu Mitre, 370 22431-000 –Rio de Janeiro T 00 55 (21) 2259-1866 São Paulo A LANTERNA Amauri Biffon Rua Fidalga, 831 –Vila Madalena 05432-070 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3031- 0493 F 00 55 (11) 3816--0904 [email protected] www.lanterna.com.br Opening hours: Tuesday from Saturday Music Genres: Rock Capacity: 450 ALLES BIER Daniel Padovani Rua Rei Salomão, 231 –Jd.Conceição 13130-341 –Campinas - SP T 00 55 (19) 3258-2085 [email protected] www.allesbier.com.br Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday Music Genres: all types. Capacity: 2500 ALL OF JAZZ Rua João Cachoeira, 1366 Vila Olímpia 04535-006 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3849-1345 Capacity: 350 A LÔCA Edinei Rua Frei Caneca 916 –Cerqueira César 01397 –002 São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3159-8889 [email protected] www.aloca.com.br Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: electronic, house, techno, electro and rock. Capacity: 800 European dance artists booked in 2003: Marco Bailey, Adam Beyer. Remarks: The club organizes gays and mixed parties AMP GALAXY Gustavo Guimarães Rua Fradique Coutinho, 352 –Pinheiros 05416-000 São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3085-7867 [email protected] www.ampgalaxy.com.br Opening hours: from Monday to Sunday Music Genres: electronic music, electro and electro-rock. ANZU Maurício Ramires Av. Tiradentes, 2555 –Vila Lucinda 013309-640 –Itú T 00 55 (11) 4025- 4444 F 00 55 (11) 4024-2472 [email protected] www.anzu.com.br Opening hours: from Friday to Sunday Music Genres: trance BESS Carol Manfred Rua Quatá, 1011 Vila Olímpia 04546-045 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3849-0705 [email protected] Music Genres: electronic Capacity: 450 BLEN BLEN BRASIL Adjair Dias Inaçio Pereira da Rocha, 520 Pinheiros 05432-011 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 0(11) 3815-4999 [email protected] www.blenblen.com.br Opening hours: from Monday to Sunday Music Genres: jazz, pop, and black music BOP BISTRO Adriana Monteiro Rua Inácio Pereira da Rocha, 170 Pinheiros 05432-010 –São Paulo - SP T 00 55 (11) 3813-0513 F 00 55 (11) 3021-3522 [email protected] Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: black and electronic music. Remarks: The restaurant has a capacity of 80. BOURBON STREET MUSIC CLUB Herbert Lucas Rua dos Chanés, 127 Moema 04087-031 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5095-6100 F 00 55 (11) 5095-6129 [email protected] www.bourbon street.com.br Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: jazz, blues, R&B and soul. BOX Al. Itú, 1552 Jd. Paulista 01421-001 São Paulo - SP T 00 55 (11) 3088-6367 Opening hours: Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: house, techno and electro. Remarks: Theclub organizes gays and mixed parties . BRAHMA Av. São João, 677 República 01035-100 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3333-0855 www.barbrahmasp.com Opening hours: from Monday to Sunday CABRAL Cadico Av. Salim Farah Maluf, 1500 Tatuapé 03076-000 –São Paulo - SP T 00 55 (11) 6605-3666 [email protected] www.cabralsp.com.br Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: rock, axé and eletronic. CAFÉ PIU-PIU Rua Treze de Maio, 134 Bela Vista 01327-000 –São Paulo- SP T 00 55 (11) 3258-8066 D-EDGE Marcos Guzman Al. Olga, 170 Barra Funda 01155-040 - São Paulo- SP T 00 55 9110 3667-8334 [email protected] www.d-edge.com.br Opening hours: from Monday to Sunday Music Genres: eletronic, house, rock and electro. Capacity: 500 European dance artists booked in 2003: DJs Luke Salomon and DJ Llorca. Remarks: The club organizes gays and mixed parties on Wednesdays and events on Sundays. DOLORES Renata Baeno Rua Fradique Coutinho, 1007 Vila Madalena 05416-000 –São Paulo - SP T 00 55 (11) 3812-6519 [email protected] www.doloresbar.hpg.com.br Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: black music Capacity: 700 FUNHOUSE Rua bela Cintra, 567 Consolação 01415-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 7109-7144 www.funhouse.com.br Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: rock JAMBHALA Daniel Barros Al. Franca, 1096 Jd. Paulista 01422-001 - São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3085-1018 [email protected] Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: electronic, electro and rock. Remarks: The club organizes gays and mixed parties JIVE Al. Barros, 376 Higienópolis 01232-000 - São Paulo - SP T 00 55 (11) 3824-0097 www.jive.com.br Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday KRAFT Thiago Longuini Av. Imperatriz Leopoldina Vila Nova 13073-035 Campinas - SP T 00 55 (19) 3212-2798 [email protected] Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: black music LOV.E Eliana Iwasa Rua Pequetita, 189 Vl. Olímpia 04552-060 –São Paulo- SP T 00 55 11 3044-1613 [email protected] www.loveclub.com.br Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday Music Genres: electronic Capacity: 500 Remarks: At the moment, it has an exchange program with REX in Paris (residency of DJ Kraft); Brazilian DJ Mau Mau has been a regular visitor to Paris. Other well-known DJs such as The Hacker, Oxia, Aqua Bassino, Vitalike and Laurent Garnier have already played at LOV.E. MADAME SATÃ Rua Conselheiro Ext.ho, 873 Bela Vista 01325-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3285-6754 www.madamesata.com.br Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday Music Genres: rock and new wave MASSIVO Ana Aloise Av. Dos Bandeirantes, 3110 Taubaté –SP T 00 55 (11) 3083-0432 F 00 55 (11) 3064-2088 [email protected] www.massivo.com.br Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday Music Genres: techno, house, black and electro MOOD CLUB Claus Eboni Rua Teodoro Sampio, 1109 05405-100 –São Paulo - SP T 00 55 (11) 3060-9010 [email protected] www.moodclub.com.br Opening hours: from Friday to Sunday Music Genres: black music Capacity: 1200 PIX Rua Alagoas, 852 Higienópolis 01242-000 São Paulo - SP T 00 55 (11) 3666-0723 SIRENA Jairo Chansky Rua Sebastião Romão César, 418 Maresias 11600-000 - São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3071-2245 [email protected] www.sirena.com.br Opening hours: Saturdays Music Genres: electronic Capacity: 3500 SMARTBIZ Fernando Moreno Rua augusta 2516 conj. 113 Consolação 01412-100 São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3891-1441 /00 55 (11) 3085-2227 [email protected] www.smartbiz.com.br Remarks: Smartbiz works as a DJ agency. French labels such as Open House and Good Life support the agency. It has already brought DJ Jacques de Marseille to Brazil. SUPERCLUB Rua Brig. Galvão, 871 Barra Funda 01151-000 - São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3486 9451 Opening hours: from Monday to Saturday Music Genres: house and electro Capacity: 600 Remarks: The club organizes gay and mixed parties THE ONE CLUB Reynaldo Coelho Rua Quatá, 1071 Vl. Olímpía 04546-045 São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3842-7956 [email protected] www.theoneclub.com.br Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday Music Genres: black, dance and house Capacity: 1200 URBANO Rua Cardeal Arcoververde, 614 Pinheiros 05408-000 - São Paulo –SP. T 00 55 (11) 3085-1001 www.urbano.com.br Capacity: 800 Southern region Rio Grande do Sul BARBAZUL COCKTAIL Fernanda Weigert Av. Itaqui, 57 Petrópólis 90460-140 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (510 3331-6180 [email protected] www.barabazul.com.br Opening hours: from Wednesday to Saturday Music Genres: international pop rock Capacity: 450 ICE Rua Marilan, 730 90440-190 - Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3029-2340 Opening hours: Fridays Music Genres: electronic JAZZ CAFÉ Rua Fernando Gomes, 136 90510-010 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3222-7655 Opening hours: from Monday to Saturday Capacity: 80 NEW ELECTRONIC ORGANIZATION Sandro Santos Av. Plínio Brasil Milano, 427 90520-002 –Porto Alegre –RS [email protected] www.clubneo.com.br Opening hours: from Friday to Saturday Music Genres: electronic Capacity: 800 Musical Instuments, Sound and Lighting Northeast Region Pernambuco ABÍLIO SOBRAL –ARTESÃO Av. Norte, 5600 Casa Amarela 52280-680 - Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3441-4542 F 00 55 (81) 3441-4542 www.soinstrumentos.hpg.com.br Selling and repairing of musical instruments. Southeast Region Rio de Janeiro CASA MILTON PIANOS Rua Lúcio de Mendonça, 11/202 20270-040 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2567-7733 F 00 55 (21) 2567-7733 www.infolink.com.br/casamilton MUSICA & TECNOLOGIA LTDA Estrada Jacarepaguá, 7655 sl 705 22753-045 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 436-1820 F 00 55 (21) 447-4505 www.musitec.com.br MODERN SOUND MÚSICA EQUIPAMENTOS Rua Barata Ribeiro, 502 lj D 22040-000 - Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2548-5005 F 00 55 (11) 2255-1724 www.modernsound.com.br São Paulo AFFON BELL (MANUFACTURER) Luiz Affonso –Director Ana Lúcia –Marketing Rua Don Pero Leitão, 111 Vl. Gumiercindo 04134-070 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5061-1356 F 00 55 (11) 5063-1238 www.belltech.com.br ANTERA IND. E COM. LTDA. Rua Professor Rubião Meira, 345 Planalto 09890-430 –São Bernardo do Campo –SP T 00 55 (11) 4341-7136 F 00 55 (11) 4341-7136 www.antera.com.br AO REI DOS VIOLÕES LDTA. Rua Cel. Bento Bicudo, 1038 02912-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3976-3633 F 00 55 (11) 3976-6283 www.aoreidosvioloes.com.br ARTUR DELSON INSTRUMENTOS MUSICAIS Rua Teodósio de Matos, 65 05819-100 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5514 6469 F 00 55 (11) 5514 6469 BATISTA MORETI & CIA LTDA. Rua Nelson Morati, 10 126 17056-020 –Bauru –SP T 00 55 (14) 236-1714 F 00 55 (14) 236-2374 www.iboxmusical.com.br CONTEMPORÂNEA Rua Gal. Osório, 46 01213-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3221-8477 F 00 55 (11) 3221-8477 www.contemporanea.com.br EDITORA ROCK BRIGADE LTDA. Rua dos Bonitos, 89 04117-080 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5579-4124 F 00 55 (11) 5579-2198 www.rockbrigade.com.br EDITORA SOM LTDA. Valéria G. Forte Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 417 cj 42 05405-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3061-2554 F 00 55 (11) 3064-2014 www.musicall.com.br E.D.S. ELETRÔNICA DESIGN SYSTEM Rua Av Major Saldanha, 225 Nova Mairinque 18120-000 –Mairinque –SP T 00 55 (11) 4718-1124 F 00 55 (11) 4718-1124 www.wkl.com.br ENGEVE ENGENHARIA DE INSTALAÇÕES LTDA Rua Alfredo Viera Arantes, 485 Vl. São Caetano 13251-200 –Itatiba –SP T 00 55 (11) 4538-3464 F 00 55 (11) 4538-3464 www.engeve.com.br EROS ALTO FALANTES LTDA. Rua Guilherme Roncador, 100 19035-090 –Presidente Prudente –SP T 00 55 (18) 221-5455 F 00 55 (18) 221-6565 www.eros-saltofalantes.com.br FERMATA DO BRASIL Av. Ipiranga, 1123 cj 501/504 01039-905 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 229-3411 F 00 55 (11) 227-0532 www.fermatadobrasil.com.br FLORENCE MUSIC COMERCIAL LTDA. Calçada das Orkuidas, 234 01128-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 4191-1989 F 00 55 (11) 4191-1989 www.florencemusic.com.br FRITZ DOBBERT Célio Botura Av. Raimundo Pereira de Magalhães Pirituba 02938-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3974-9111 F 00 55 (11) 3974-9657 www.fritzdobert.com.br GOLDEN GUITAR INSTRUMENTOS MUSICAIS LTDA. Av. Júlio Buono, 2507 02207-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6931-9130 F 00 55 (11) 6931-9137 www.goldenguitar.com.br GIANNINI SA Av. Tranquillo Giannini, 700 13329-600 –Salto –SP T 00 55 (11) 4028-8400 F 00 55 (11) 4028-8400 www.giannini.com.br GRAVASAMPA COM. P. BURTI PRODUÇÕES ARTISTICAS Av. Casa Verde, 2118 02519-200 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3966-4447 F 00 55 (11) 3966-4447 www.gravasampa.com.br G. R. INSTRUMENTOS MUSICAIS LTDA. Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 302 05428-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3814-4415 F 00 55 (11) 3032-7919 www.grmusic.com.br IMP. EXP. SOFTWARE LTDA. Av. João Erbolato, 377 13066-640 –Campinas –SP T 00 55 (19) 3741-4644 F 00 55 (19) 3741-4643 www.quanta.com.br IND.COM. DE ALTO FALANTES MAGNUM LTDA. Rua Sta. Bibiana, 162 05627-030 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3772-3315 F 00 55 (11) 3772-3315 www.magnumfalantes.com.br IND.E COM. ROUXINOL LTDA. Av. Paulicéia, 1270 07700-000 –Caieiras –SP T 00 55 (11) 4441-8366 F 00 55 (11) 4441-8282 www.rouxinol.com.br INSTRUMENTISTA COM. IMP. EXP. LTDA. Rua Esmeralda Cavalcante Torres, 20 02081-030 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6959-1628 F 00 55 (11) 6977-0517 www.brmusicguide.com.instrumentista INSTRUMENTOS MUSICAIS JOG LTDA. Rua Esmeralda Cavalcante Torres, 20 02081-030 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (19) 524-3888 F 00 55 (19) 524-7291 www.jog.com.br IRMÃOS VITALE S/A IND. COM. Rua França Pinto, 70 04016-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5574-7001 F 00 55 (11) 5574-0334 IZZO INSTRUMENTOS MUSICAIS LTDA. Ru aHug oD’ Ant o l a , 46 05038-090 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3611-2666 F 00 55 (11) 3611-2501 www.musicalizzo.com.br KEYBOARD EDITORA MUSICAL LTDA. Rua Rangel Pestana, 1044 13201-000 –Jundiaí –SP T 00 55 (11) 4586-7172 F 00 55 (11) 4586-7172 www.keyboard.art.br LEAC’ SCOM. DECAI XAS ACUSTICAS LTDA. Rua das Capitanias, 214 03952-050 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6962-0499 F 00 55 (11) 6962-0965 www.leacs.com.br MAGNOSOM IND. DE INSTRUMENTOS MUSICAIS LTDA. Av. Maurício de Medeiros, 1131 09170-330 –Santo André –SP T 00 55 (11) 4453-5900 F 00 55 (11) 4453- 0600 www.gambitt.com.br MARCELO DOMINGOSP. C.D’ AMI CO-ME Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 836 05406-050 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3062-2000 F 00 55 (11) 3062-2555 www.batucadas.com.br MESSE FRANKFURT DO BRASIL LTDA. Av. Eng. Roberto Zuccolo, 555 lj 1055 05307-190 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3839-7257 F 00 55 (11) 3839-7259 www.messefrankfurt.com.br MULTIALLOY METAIS E LIGAS ESPECIAIS LTDA. Rua Emílio Goeldi, 411 05065-110 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3871-6270 F 00 55 (11) 3871-6288 www.orioncymbals.com.br MUSIC INSTRUMENTOS LTDA. Rua Martin Burchard, 246 03043-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3277-2588 F 00 55 (11) 278- 1156 www.musicinstrumentos.com.br ODERY DRUMS INSTRUMENTOS DE PERCUSSÃO LTDA. Rua Rio das Pedras, 440 13030 –160 –Campinas –SP T 00 55 (19) 3277- 0299 F 00 55 (19) 3277- 0306 www.odery.com.br O PROFISSIONAL COM. INSTRUMENTOS MUSICAIS LTDA. Av. dos Expedicionários, 1694 07400-000 –Arujá –SP T 00 55 (11) 4655-1009 F 00 55 (11) 4655-1009 OVERSOUND IND. COM. ELETRO ACÚSTICO LTDA Rua dos Berilos, 84 09550-500 –São Caetano do Sul –SP T 00 55 (11) 4227-1155 F 00 55 (11) 4227-1159 www.oversound.com.br PRIDE MUSIC COML. IMP. E DIST. LTDA Rua Pedro Cacunda, 400 02046-090 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6975-2711 F 00 55 (11) 6975-2772 www.pridemusic.com.br ROADIE CREW EDITORA LTDA Rua Gal. Enrico Caviglia, 181 04168-040 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5058-0447 F 00 55 (11) 5058-6047 www.roadiecrew.com R. LANDSBERGER COM E IMP LTDA Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 900 05406-050 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3064-2858 F 00 55 (11) 3064-2858 www.roxymusic.com.br ROQUEPIANO Roque Gomes Rua Cecília David, 216 Pirituba 02940-080 - São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3974 7599 F 00 55 (11) 3974 7599 [email protected] ROYAL INSTRUMENTOS MUSICAIS LTDA. Av. das Carinas, 275 04086-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5535-2003 F 00 55 (11) 5535-4466 www.royalmusic.com.br SANTO ÂNGELO IND. E COM. LTDA. Rua Maria Cândida Pereira, 331 007041-020 –Guarulhos –SP T 00 55 (11) 6423-2400 F 00 55 (11) 6421-8797 www.santoangelo.com.br SOUND BOX IND. COM. CAIXA ACÚSTICA PROF. LTDA. Rua Narcisa, 7 06900-000 –Embú-Guaçu –SP T 00 55 (11) 4661-1041 F 00 55 (11) 4661-7706 SPECTRUS COMERCIAL IMPORTADORA LTDA. Rua Manoel Cherem, 299 Setor 1 04360-030 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5031-9800 F 00 55 (11) 5032-2700 www.pennfabrication.com.br STRAFFDRUM INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDA. Rua Ludovico Ariosto, 320 05542-220 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3733-7052 F 00 55 (11) 3735-3595 www.staffdrum.com.br TAW ACÚSTICA LTDA. Rua Doutor Fausto Dias Ferrav, 147 06410-210 –Barueri –SP T 00 55 (11) 4198-9454 F 00 55 (11) 4198-9454 UNIAMERICAS IMP. EXP. LTDA. Av. Pacaembu, 77 01155-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3666-1000 F 00 55 (11) 3661-3330 www.compreemcasa.com UNIGAUSS IND. ELETR. LTDA. Rua Dr. Fernando Costa,198 09310-250 –Mauá –SP T 00 55 (11) 4547-3500 F 00 55 (11) 4543-1541 WERIL INSTRUMENTOS MUSICAIS Rua Miguel Segundo Lenussi, 300 Pq. Industrial 07859-390 –Franco da Rocha –SP T 00 55 (21) 4443-1300 F 00 55 (21) 4443-1303 www.weril.com.br YAMAHA MUSICAL Av. Rebouças, 2636 Pinheiros 05402-400 São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3082-5006 F 00 55 (21) 3081-3773 www.yamaha.com.br Southern Region Paraná JENNIFER INSTRUMENTOS MUSICAIS LTDA Silmara Aljonas– Director/Marketing/International Rod. PR 543, Km 1 86635-000 –Ludinopólis –PR T 00 55 (43) 660-1224 F 00 55 (43) 660-1206 Rio Grande do Sul ELETRÔNICA SELENIUM S/A Br 386 Km 435 CP 6 92480-000 –Nova Santa Rita –RS T 00 55 (51) 479-4000 F 00 55 (51) 479-1150 www.selenium.com.br VIOLÕES ROOS LTDA. Rua Osvaldo Aranha, 1225 95800-000 –Venâncio Aires –RS T 00 55 (51) 3741-7786 F 00 55 (51) 3741-7481 Santa Catarina FABRICA DE HARMONICA CATARINENSE LTDA Rua Ari Barroso, 685 89065-130 –Blumenau –SC T 00 55 (47) 338-0299 F 00 55 (47) 338-0417 www.heringharp.com LIVERPOOL INSTRUMENTOS E ACESSÓRIOS MUSICAIS LTDA. Rua Prefeito José Bauer, 1361 89254-100 –Jaraguá do Sul –SC T 00 55 (47) 2752797 F 00 55 (47) 371-3196 www.baquetasliverpool.com.br Making Music Northern Region Amazonas CENTRO CULTURAL CLÁUDIO SANTORO Rua Cel. Pedro Teixeira, 2565– Sambódromo-Flores 69040-000 - Manaus –AM T 00 55 (92) 232-2440/ 1950 F 00 55 (92) 232-2480 www.visitamazonas.com.br Pará FUNDAÇAO CARLOS GOMES Av. Gentil Bittencourt, 909 66040-000 –Belém –PA T 00 55 (91) 241-0806 F 00 55 (91) 222-9471 www.fcg.pa.gov.br One of the oldest musical schools in Brazil, founded in 1896. INSTITUTO ESTADUAL CARLOS GOMES Felipe Andrade e Silva Av. Gentil Bittencourt, 977 66040-000 –Belém –PA T 00 55 (91) 223-0600 F 00 55 (91) 223-0600 www.fcg1pa.gov.br Basic, technical, BA and open courses. UEPA –DEPTO. DE MUSICA José Rui Enderson Trav. Djalma Dutra s/no Telégrafo 66050-540 –Belém –PA T 00 55 (91) 244-4777 Ext. 209 F 00 55 (91) 244-8142 www.uepa.br Graduation and post-graduation. UFPA/ ESCOLA DE MUSICA Celson Gomes Av. Conselheiro Furtado, 2007 66040-100 –Belém –PA T 00 55 (91) 242-6233/6240 F 00 55 (91) 242-6833 www.ufpa.br Midwest Region Distrito Federal ESCOLA DE MÚSICA DE BRASÍLIA Carlos Alberto Faria Galvão –Secrerary of Education in Distrito Federal SGAS qd 602 proj D parte A via L2 Sul 70200-620 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 323-9522, 225-8766 F 00 55 (61) 225-5383 www.wmb.com.br Technical courses. UNB/ DEPTO. DE MUSICA Mário Lima Brasil Universidade de Brasília Campus Universitário Prédio SG 2 70910-900 –Brasília –DF T 00 55 (61) 307-2335/2336/2338 F 00 55 (61) 273-6114 www.artes.unb.br Graduation and specialized courses. Goiás UFG/ ESCOLA DE MÚSICA E ARTES CÊNICAS Glacy Antunes de Oliveira Caixa Postal 131 74001-970 –Goiânia –GO T 00 55 (62) 521-1430/1125/1022 F 00 55 962) 521-1175 www.musica.ufg.br Graduation and post-graduation. Mato Grosso ACADEMIA DE MUSICA LORENZO FERNANDEZ Ângelo Souza dos Santos Rua São Benedito, 48 Centro 78008-100 –Cuiabá –MT T 00 55 (65) 322-3208 Technical courses and open courses. CONSERVATÓRIO MUSICAL DUNGA RODRIGUES Edith Barros Seixas Pereira Rua Luis Carlos Pinheiro, 480 Sta. Helena 78045-030 –Cuiabá –MT T 00 55 (65) 621-1339 F 00 55 (65) 621-1339 Technical courses and open courses. Northeast Region Alagoas UFAL –DEPTO. DE ARTES Washington Monteiro da Anunciação Espaço Cultural da UFAL Pça. Sinimbu, 206 Centro Depto. de Artes 57020-720 –Maceió –AL T 00 55 (82) 326-7337/2828, 221-3122 F 00 55 (82) 221-3122 www.ufal.br Bahia CONSERVATORIO DE MUSICA DE VITORIA DA CONQUISTA Vanilda Figueira de Oliveira Freitas Rua Presidente Kennedy, 25 Centro 45000-000 –Vitória da Conquista –BA T 00 55 (77) 421-2165 F 00 55 (77) 423-3282 Technical and open courses. CONSERVATORIO FREDERIC CHOPIN Norma Eliete Guimarães Vieira/Mario Francisco Vieira Neto Av. Crescêncio Silveira, 35 Centro 45000-000 –Vitória da Conquista –BA T 00 55 (77) 421-4537, 425-1006 F 00 55 (77) 421-4537 www.fredericchopin.hpg.com.br Technical, elementary school and open courses. CONSERVATÓRIO FRÉDERIC CHOPIN– FILIAL Norma Eliete Guimarães Vieira Rua Siqueira Campos, 580 Centro 45100-000 –Vitória da Conquista –BA T 00 55 (77) 425-1006 www.fredericchopin.hpg.com.br Open courses and high school. CONSERVATORIO VILLA-LOBOS Disia Peixoto Sampaio Campos Av. dos Expedicionários, 20 45020-310 –Vitória da Conquista –BA Open courses. ESCOLA DE MUSICA VILLA-LOBOS Analice Marques Braga de Oliveira Rua Dr. Sócrates, 36 Jd. Caraípe 45998-027 –Teixeira de Freitas –BA T 00 55 (73) 291-8242 F 00 55 (73) 291-2391 www.tdf.com.br/villalobos High school and open courses. ESCOLA TOM MUSICAL Ligia Cunha de Andrade Rego Rua Arthur Azevedo Machado, 930/103 Costa Azul 41770-790 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 342-0449, 358-5715 Open and basic courses. UFBA –ESCOLA DE MÚSICA Erick Magalhães Vasconcelos Rua Araújo Pinho, 58 Canela 40110-140 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 336-8184 F 00 55 (71) 336-1445 www.ufba.br/~emus Graduation and post-graduation UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DE SALVADOR/ INSTITUTO DE MÚSICA Lêda Margarida Cerqueira Souza Rua Carlos Gomes, 400 Centro 40060-330 –Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 322-2003 F 00 55 (71) 322-3166 www.ucsal.br Graduation and high school Ceará CONSERVATÓRIO DE MÚSICA ALBERTO NEPOMUCENO Miriam Carlos Moreira de Souza Av. da Universidade, 2210 Benfica 60020-180 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 252-1837 F 00 55 (85) 252-1837 High school. ESCOLA DE MÚSICA ANGELITA RIBEIRO Angelita Ribeiro Rua Assis Chateaubriand, 68 Dionísio Torres 60135-200 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 224-9565, 261-7137 Open courses. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DO CEARÁ (UECE)/DEPTO. DE ARTES Márcio Spartaco Nigri Landi Av. Paranjana, 1700 bl F Campus do Itaperi 60740-000 –Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 299-2660 F 00 55 (85) 299-2503 www.uece.br Graduation. Maranhão ESCOLA DE MÚSICA DO ESTADO DO MARANHÃO LILAH DE ARAÚJO Roberto Brandão Rua da Estrela, 363 Praia Grande 65000-000 –Maranhão –MA T 00 55 (98) 232-3685 F 00 55 (98) 221-3066 High school (technical and professional). Paraíba ESCOLA DE MUSICA ANTHENOR NAVARRO Vólia Simões Rua Abdias Gomes de Almeida, 800 Tambauzinho 58042-100 –João Pessoa –PB T 00 55 (83) 211-6295 F 00 55 (83) 211-6295 High school and open courses. UFPB/ DEPTO. DE MÚSICA Geraldo Dias da Rocha Júnior Campus 1 Cidade Universitária Castelo Branco 2 58051-900 –João Pessoa –PB T 00 55 (83) 216-7122/ 7123 F 00 55 (83) 216-7122 www.ufpb.br Graduation and post-graduation. Pernambuco CONSERVATÓRIO PERNAMBUCANO DE MÚSICA JUSSIARA ALBUQUERQUE CORRÊA DE OLIVEIRA Av. João de Barros, 594 Sto. Amaro 50100-020 –Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3421-2818/ 3231-3315 F 00 55 (81) 3421-2818 www.conservatorio.pe.gov.br High school and open courses. UFPE/ DEPTO. DE MUSICA José Amaro Santos da Silva Av. AcadêmicoHélioRamos, s/no Cidade Universitária 50740-530 –Recife –PE T 00 55 (81) 3271-8318/ 8308 F 00 55 (81) 3271-8308 www.ufpe.br Graduation, post-graduation and open courses. Piauí ESCOLA DE MUSICA DE TERESINA Raimundo Aurélio de MeloandJosé Rodrigues Central de Artesanato R. Paissandu, 1276 Pça. Pedro II 64000-000 –Teresina –PI T 00 55 (86) 221-6367 Technical and open courses. UFPI/ DEPTO. DE MUSICA Manuel Antonio Nunes Meireles Campus Universitário Ministro Petrônio Portela Ininga 64049-550 –Teresina –PI T 00 55 (86) 215-5816 F 00 55 (86) 215-5693 www.ufpi.br Graduation. Rio Grande do Norte UFRN/ ESCOLA DE MUSICA André Luiz Muniz Oliveira Rua Passeiodos Girassóis, s/no Campus Universitário 59078-190 –Natal –RN T 00 55 (84) 215-3633/ 3636/ 3635 F 00 55 (84) 215-3633 www.musica.ufrn.br Graduation and technical courses. Sergipe CONSERVATORIO DE MUSICA DE SERGIPE Rivaldo Dantas Rua Sta. Luiza, s/no Centro 49015-190 –Aracaju –SE T 00 55 (79) 211-0850/ 2544 F 00 55 (79) 211-2544 Technical training SOCIEDADE FILARMONICA DE SERGIPE Maria Olga de Andrade Rua São Cristóvão, 431 49010-380 –Aracaju –SE T 00 55 (79) 214-5534 F 00 55 (79) 214-1631 www.infonet.com.br/sofise Southeast Region Espírito Santo CENTRO MUSICAL VILLA-LOBOS Maria das Graças Silva Neves Rua Chapot Presvot, 512 Praia do Canto 29055-410 –Vitória –ES T 00 55 (27) 3227-7077 M 00 55 (27) 9933-6644 F 00 55 (27) 3227-7077 Technical and open courses. ESCOLA DE MUSICA DE VILA VELHA Sônia Maria Chaves Gouvêa Rua Cabo Aylson Simões, 844 Centro 29100-320 –Vila Velha –ES T 00 55 (27) 3229-5220/ 8105 F 00 55 (27) 3229-8105 High school and open courses. ESCOLA DE MÚSICA DO ESTADO DO ESPÍRITO SANTO (EMES) Natércia Lopes de Farias Av. Princesa Isabel, 610 Centro 29010-360 –Vitória –ES T 00 55 (27) 3132-1099/ 3222-1632 F 00 55 (27) 3132-2055 Graduation, post-graduation, high school and open courses. ESCOLA DE MÚSICA HELENA GERHARDT BRICKWEDDE Olimar José Peterle Av. Presidente Vargas, 530 Centro 29260-000 –Domingos Martins –ES T 00 55 (27) 3768-1471 F 00 55 (27) 3768-1344 Open courses. UFES/ CURSO DE MÚSICA LIVRE E GRADUAÇÃO Sérgio Cabral Av. Fernando Ferrari, s/no Goiabeiras 29060-900 –Vitória –ES T 00 55 (27) 3335-2564/ 2582/ 2577 F 00 55 (27) 3335-7860 www.ufes.com.br Open courses. Minas Gerais ACADEMIA DE MÚSICA TOM MAIOR Alcione Maques Duarte - Rita de Cássia Muglia Souza Rua Dr. Silveira Brum, 86 sl 201 Centro 36880-000 –Muriaé –MG CENTRO DE ARTE VIVA Evandro Higa - Clarice Maciel Rua Cândido Mariano, 2112 Centro 79002-201 –Campo Grande –MG T 00 55 (67) 324-2433 F 00 55 (67) 324-2433 Open courses. CENTRO INTEGRADO DE ARTES CIARTE Analice Mota de Oliveira Grapiuna Rua Milton Campos, s/n 39890-000 –Joaíma –MG T 00 55 (33) 3745-1728 F 00 55 (33) 3745-1206 Open courses. CONSERVATÓRIO ART-MUSICAL Maria das Graças Oliveira Cunha Rua D. Pedro II, 581 Centro 35010-090 –Governador Valladares –MG T 00 55 (33) 3271-1414 F 00 55 (33) 3271-1414 Technical, elementary school and open courses. CONSERVATORIO DE MUSICA TEOFILO OTONI Munira Molaib Rua José Paulo de Carvalho, 70 Centro 39800-000 –Teófilo Otoni –MG T 00 55 (33) 3522-4566 F 00 55 (33) 3522-3969 Technical courses and open courses. CONSERVATORIO DE SÃO JOÃO DEL REI Paulo Rodrigues Miranda Filho - Roberto Vieira da Silva Rua Pe. José Maria Xavier, 164 Centro 36307-340 –São João Del Rei –MG T 00 55 (32) 3371-7672/ 8781 F 00 55 (32) 3371-7672 High school and open courses. CONSERVATORIO ESTADUAL DE MUSICA DE DIAMANTINA Oraida Vitorino dos Santos Pça. Cel. Cosme Alves Couto, s/n Centro 39100-000 –Diamantina –MG T 00 55 (38) 3531-1774 F 00 55 (38) 3531-1786 High school. CONSERVATÓRIO ESTADUAL DE MÚSICA JUSCELINO KUBITSCHEK DE OLIVEIRA Leda Maria Silva Ribeiro Rua Francisco Salles, 116 Centro 37550-000 –Pouso Alegre –MG T 00 55 (35) 3425-2800 F 00 55 (350 3425-2800 High school and open courses. CONSERVATÓRIO ESTADUAL DE MÚSICA LIA SALGADO Maria Célia Machado Pça. Prof. Botelho Reis, 102 Centro 36700-000 –Leopoldina _ MG T 00 55 (32) 3441-1647 F 00 55 (32) 3441-6647 High school. CONSERVATORIO ESTADUAL DE MUSICA LORENZO FERNANDEZ Raquel Tupinambá de Ulhoua - Helenice Ramualdo Lommez Rua Dr. Veloso, 432 Centro 39400-074 –Montes Claros –MG T 00 55 (38) 3221-0024/ 3206/ 4466 F 00 55 (38) 3221-4466 High school. CONSERVATÓRIO ESTADUAL DE MÚSICA MAESTRO MARCILIANO BRAGA Leila Mansur Bíscaro Junqueira Pça. João Pessoa, 137 37014-200 Varginha –MG T 00 55 (35) 3221-1371/ 3212-9976 F 00 55 (35) 3212-9976 Elementary school and high school. ESCOLA DE FORMAÇÃO MUSICAL VILLA-LOBOS Helena Olivetti Steffen Rua Princesa Isabel, 258 Centro 38400-192 –Uberlândia –MG T 00 55 (34) 3235-2479 F 00 55 (34) 3211-0729 Open courses. ESCOLA DE MUSICA GUERRA-PEIXE Maria Carmem Versiani Velloso Rua Virgilio Val, 83 2o an Centro 36570-000 –Viçosa –MG T 00 55 (31) 3891-2885 Technical courses and open courses. ESCOLA DE MUSICA LILA CARNEIRO GONÇALVES Vera Lúcia G. de Souza Av. Astolfo Dutra, 41 Centro 36770-001 –Cataguases –MG T 00 55 (32) 3421-2506 F 00 55 (32) 3421-2506 Elementary school and technical courses ESCOLA DE MÚSICA LORENZO FERNANDEZ Elvira Gomes Carvalho Pinto Rua Argentina, 310 37010-640 –Varginha –MG T 00 55 (35) 3212-7183 High school and open courses. ESCOLA DE MUSICA VILLA-LOBOS Márcia Cristina Almeida Figueiras Rua Vereador Elsepinno Cabral, 328 Centro 35010-260 –Governador Valladares –MG T 00 55 (33) 3221-8511 Open courses. FUNDAÇÃO DE EDUCAÇÃO ARTÍSTICA Berenice Menegale Rua Gonçalves Dias, 320 Funcionários 30140-090 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3226-6866 F 00 55 (31) 3226-6866 Open courses. PRÓ-MÚSICA ESCOLA DE ARTES Maria Isabel de Sousa Santos Rua Cel. Pacheco, 28 São Mateus 36025-210 –Juiz de Fora –MG T 00 55 (32) 3215-8045 F 00 55 (32) 3216-4787 www.promusica.org.br Open courses. SA DE BELO HORIZONTE Campus Floresta Av. Francisco Sales, 23 Campus Prado R. Erë, 207 30410-450 –Belo Horizonte - MG T 00 55 (31) 3279-7722 F 00 55 (31) 3279-7722 www.bh.estacio.br Also has a course for DJs. SCALA ESCOLA DE MUSICA Ciro Tabet Rua Batista de Oliveira, 1035 Centro 36010-121 –Juiz de Fora –MG T 00 55 (32) 3217-9120 F 00 55 (32) 3239-2215 Open courses. SOC. CULT. PE. NEREU DE CASTRO TEIXEIRA Pe. Nereu de Castro Teixeira Rua Eduardo Prado, 125 Gutierrez 30430-240 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3334-0587 M 00 55 (31) 9955-4246 F 00 55 (31) 3334-0587 www.gregoriano.org.br Open courses. UEMG –ESCOLA DE MÚSICA Domingos Sávio Lins Brandão Rua Riachuelo, 1351 –Pe. Eustáquio 30720-060 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3412-3408/ 3403 F 00 55 (31) 3412-3428/ 3429 www.uemg.br Graduation, post-graduation and open courses. UFMG –ESCOLA DE MUSICA Lucas José Bretas dos Santos Av. Pres. AntonioCarlos, 6627 Campos da Pampulha 31270-010 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3499-4700/ 4702 F 00 55 (31) 3499-4720 www.musica.ufmg.br Graduation, post-graduation and open courses. UFOP –INST. FILOSOFIA ARTES E CULTURA/ CURSO DE MUSICA Guilherme Paoliello –Flávia Lanna Escola de Minas –DEART –Depto. de Artes Pça. Tiradentes, 20 Centro 35400-000 –Ouro Preto –MG T 00 55 (31) 3559-1731 F 00 55 (31) 3559-1731 www.ufop.br Graduation and open courses. UFU- DEPTO. MUSICA E ARTES CENICAS Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2160 Campus Sta. Mônica 38408-100 –Uberlândia –MG T 00 55 (34) 3239-4117 F 00 55 (34) 3239-4422 www.demac.ufu.br Graduation. Rio de Janeiro ACADEMIA DE MUSICA LORENZO FERNANDEZ Wilson Fortunato Dantas Rua da Lapa, 120 7o an Centro 20021-180 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2221-7109 Open courses and technical courses. ASSOCIAÇÃO SUZUKI DE PETROPOLIS Celina Maydana Rua Mal. Deodoro, 46/105 25620-150 - ucaPetrópolis –RJ T 00 55 (24) 2243-0950 www.asupi.cjb.net Open course. CASA DE CULTURA RIO Suray Sosa Soren Doyle Rua das Laranjeiras, 543 Centro 22240-002 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2225-2376 F 00 55 (21) 2508-9098 Open courses. CENTRO CULTURA MUSICAL DE CAMPOS Jony William Vilela Vianna Av. Alberto Torres, 223 Centro 28035-580 –Campos de Goytacazes –RJ T 00 55 (22) 2723-3816 F 00 55 (22) 2723-3816 Technical and open courses. CENTRO MUSIART Olga Tufik Simão Rua Dr. Luis Barreto, 73 Centro 27511-240 –Resende –RJ T 00 55 (24) 3354-1051 F 00 55 (24) 3354-1051 High school, elementary school and open courses. CENTRO MUSICAL ANTONIO ADOLFO Antônio Adolfo Maurity Sabóia Rua Almte. Pereira Guimarães, 72/cb. Leblon 22440-000 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2239-2975, 2274-8004 F 00 44 (21) 2239-2975, 2274-8004 www.musicshop.com.br/cmaa Open courses. CENTRO DE ARTES CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN Maria Edite Dantas Rua Benedito Hipólito, 125 20211-130 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2221-6213 F 00 55 (21) 2509-6691 www.rj.gov.br/cultura Open courses. CONSEVATORIO BRASILEIRO DE MUSICA Marina Lorenzo Fernandez Silva Av. Graça Aranha, 57 12o and Centro 20030-002 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2240-5481/5431/6131 F 00 55 (21) 2240-5481/5431/6131 www.cbm-musica.org.br Graduation, post-graduation, technical courses and open courses. CONSERVATÓRIO BRASILEIRO DE MÚSICA/FILIAL TIJUCA Marina Lorenzo Fern ez/Vera Maria Freitas Rua Pe. Elias Goraieb, 15 8o and. 20520-140 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2238-3858/2268-5020 F 00 55 (21) 2268-5020 www.cbm-musica.org.br Technical courses, open courses and elementary school. CONSERVATÓRIO DE MÚSICA DE NITERÓI Ruth Vianna Rua S. Pedro, 96 Centro 24020-051 –Niterói –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2719-2330/ 2717-3545 F 00 55 (21) 2717-3545 www.syntonia.com/musica/cmn CONSERVATÓRIO DE MÚSICA DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO Lourdes Drumond Rua Pres. Backer, 180 Icaraí 24220-041 –Niterói –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2710-9082/ 2714-6571 High school and open courses. CONSERVATÓRIO FRIBURGUENSE DE MÚSICA Guilherme Hollanda Azevedo Av. Alberto Braule, 117 Centro 28613-001 –Friburgo –RJ T 00 55 (22) 2522-9548 F 00 55 (22) 2522-9548 Technical courses, open courses and elementary school. ESCOLA DE MÚSICA DA ROCINHA Gilberto Figueiredo Rua Berta Luiz, 80 Qd. E. S. Acadêmicos da Rocinha 22451-261 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ M 00 55 (21) 9997-7025 Open courses. ESCOLA DE MUSICA DE SANTA CECILIA Paulo Jerônimo Gomes dos Santos Rua Mal. Deodoro, 192 Centro 25629-150 –Petrópolis –RJ T 00 55 (24) 2242-2191 F 00 55 (24) 2242-3770 www.santacecilia.org.br Technical courses and open courses. ESCOLA DE MUSICA JEMAJ MUSICAL Anízia Maria Aguiar Pimentel dos Santos Rua 21 de Abril, 115 –Centro 28360-000 –Bom Jesus do Itabapoana –RJ T 00 55 (22) 3831-1704/ 4079 F 00 55 (22) 3831-4079 Open and technical courses. ESCOLA DE MUSICA VILLA-LOBOS José Maria Braga Rua Ext.ho Ortigão, 9 Centro 20051-050 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2221-7879 F 00 55 (21) 2253-3029 www.funarj .rj.gov.Br Open courses, profissional and technical courses. ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE MÚSICA –UCAM Fernanda Chaves Canaud Rua Prof. Frezze, 38 Village 28605-160 - Nova Friburgo –RJ T 00 55 (22) 2523-9932/9953 [email protected] www.ucam-friburgo.br ESPAÇO CASA 3 Valéria Prestes Fittipaldi Praia de Botafogo, 462 casa 3 22250-040 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2226-7358 F 00 55 (21) 2226-7357 Open courses. ESPAÇO DAS MÚSICAS Heloíza Helena Carestiato Fidalgo Tv. Manoel Benício, 29 Fonseca 24130-040 –Niterói –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2625-1743 F 00 55 (21) 2627-8878 High school and open courses. FIAMMA MUSICA E ARTE Fiamma sola Penna Rua Barão de Entre Rios, 138 25802-315 –Três Rios –RJ T 00 55 (24) 2252-0709 F 00 55 (24) 2255-1222 High school and open courses. MUSIARTE José Staneck/Isidoro Kutno Av. das Américas, 3120 sl202/203 bl2 Barra da Tijuca 22640-102 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 3325-2677, M 00 55 (21) 9239-0626 F 00 55 (21) 2431-7776 www.musiarte.com.br Open courses. SEMINÁRIOS DE MÚSICA PRO ARTE Elza Usurpator Schachter Rua Alice, 462 Laranjeiras 22241-020 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2558-0684 F 00 55 (21) 2285-7681 www.proarte.org.br Open courses. RIO MÚSICA Ezio Filho - Geraldo Brandão Rua Clarice Índio do Brasil, 52 22230-090 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2553-3012/ 2260 F 00 55 (21) 2553-3012 www.riomusica.com.br Open courses. UFRJ/ ESCOLA DE MUSICA João Guilherme Ripper Rua do Passeio, 98 Centro 20021-290 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2532-4649, 2262-8742 F 00 55 (21) 2532-4649 www.musica.ufrj.br São Paulo CENTRO DE ESTUDOS MUSICAIS TOM JOBIM (EX-UNIVERSIDADE LIVRE DE MUSICA) Akiko Oyafuso Lg. Gal. Osório, 147 01213-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3331-2377 T 00 55 (11) 221-0750/ 3929 F 00 55 (11) 221-3929/0750, 3331-2377 Open courses. CONSEVATÓRIO CARLOS GOMES Lea Ziggiatti Monteiro Rua Antonio Lapa, 110 Cambuí 13025-240 –Campinas –SP T 00 55 (19) 3253-0375/ 3252-9007 F 00 55 (19) 3253-0375 www.conservatoriocarlosgomes.com.br Professional courses and open courses. CONSERVATÓRIO DRAMÁTICO MUSICAL DE SÃO PAULO Julio da Cruz Navega Neto Av. São João, 269 Centro 01035-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 223-9231/ 3337-2111 F 00 55 (11) 223-9231 Graduation and open courses. CONSERVATÓRIO DRAMÁTICO E MUSICAL DR. CARLOS DE CAMPOS DE TATUI Antonio Carlos Neves Campos Rua São Bento, 415 18270-820 –Tatuí –SP T 00 55 (15) 251-4573 F 00 55 (15) 251-4311/ 4573 www.cdmcc.com.br Technical courses. CONSERVATORIO JAB Jorge Barbosa Rua 20 de Julho, 40 02615-070 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6258-5559 Open courses, preparation for university. CONSERVATÓRIO MUSICAL BEETHOVEN Yara Mangini Perrotti/Myrian Mangini Av. Eusébio Matoso, 730 Pinheiros 05423-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3031-9057/ 3815-7960 F 00 55 (11) 3031-9057/ 3815-7960 www.beethoven.art.br CONSERVATORIO MUSICALBROOKLINPAULISTA Marli B. Ávila/Maria José Carrasqueira Rua das Crisandálias, 61 04704-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5041-3416 F 00 55 (11) 5041-3416 Open courses, technical and post-graduation. CONSERVATÓRIO MUSICAL DO BUTANTÃ Mônica Ajej Bonani Rua João Gomes Júnior, 427 05592-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3731-7565 F 00 55 (11) 3731-7565 High school and open courses. CONSERVATORIO MUSICAL DE LENÇOIS PAULISTA Alexandrina Borin Coneglian Rua Cel. Joaquim Anselmo Martins, 1746 Centro 18682-050 - Lençóis Paulista –SP T 00 55 (14) 3264-3564 Elementary school and high school CONSERVATÓRIO MUSICAL LINS DE VASCONCELOS Cinira Durce Tasso Av. Lins de Vasconcelos, 1269 Cambuci 01537-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3208-1678/ 3207-1670 F 00 55 (11) 3208-1678 CONSERVATORIO MUSICAL MOZART Olga Molina Rua Curumau, 22 Cidade Dutra 04810-150 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5666-6152/ 5668-8222 F 00 55 (11) 5666-6152 www.cmozart.com.br Open courses. CONSERVATÓRIO MUSICAL SANTA CECÍLIA Wanda Edith Meira Costa Rua Euclides da Cunha, 59 Vl. São Paulo 16015-220 –Araçatuba –SP T 00 55 (18) 623-7636 F 00 55 (18) 623-7636 Professional courses and open courses. CONSERVATÓRIO MUSICAL SOUZA LIMA Antônio Mário da Silva Cunha Rua José Maria Lisboa, 745 Jd. Paulista 01423-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3884-9149 F 00 55 (11) 3884-7611 www.souzalima.com.br Technical courses and open courses. CURSO DE LUTERIA DO CONSERVATORIO DE TATUI Antonio Carlos Neves Campos - Luigi Bertelli Rua São Bento, 415 18270-820 –Tatuí –SP T 00 55 (15) 251-4573 F 00 55 (15) 251-4311 www.cdmcc.com.br CURSO SUPERIOR DE MÚSICA DA FAC/ FITO Antônio Simões - Luiz Degamello Rua Angélica, 100 06132-380 –Osasco –SP T 00 55 (11) 3683-1317/ 3682-8526 F 00 55 (11) 3682-8526 www.fito.br Graduation, bachelor and licenciatura. DIESE CURSOS E PRODUÇÕES MUSICAIS Ieda Cardoso Vieira dos Santos Rua Constantino Souza, 1406 04605-002 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5093-5182 F 00 55 (11) 5092-3271 www.diesemusical.com.br Open courses. ESCOLA ARTLIVRE Mercedes Mattar Sciotti - Sérgio Alexandre Sciotti Rua Verbo Divino, 918 04619-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5182-7701/0998 F 00 55 (11) 5182-7701 www.artlivre.com.br Open courses. ESCOLA DE ARTES PRÓ-MÚSICA Marli Rossin/Teresinha Maria Finucci Rua Álvaro Muller, 526 13023-180 –Campinas –SP T 00 55 (19) 3233-4033 F 00 55 (19) 3233-4033 High school, open courses and musical introduction. ESCOLA DE MUSICA DE JUNDIAI Josette Silveira Mello Feres Rua Prudente de Moraes, 1276 13201-340 –Jundiaí –SP T 00 55 (11) 4521-5120 F 00 55 (11) 4586-6113 www.geocities.com/jundiai_musica Open courses. ESCOLA DE MUSICA DE PIRACICABA MAESTRO ERNST MAHLE Ernst Mahleand - Maria Aparecida Mahle Rua Sta. Cruz, 1155 Centro 13419-030 –Piracicaba –SP T 00 55 (19) 3422-2464/ 6270 F 00 55 (19) 3422-6270 High school and open courses. ESCOLA MUNICIPAL DE INICIAÇÃO ARTISTICA Thaia Perez Prq. Público Lina - Paulo Raia Jabaquara 04344-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5017-7552 F 00 55 (11) 5017-2192 Open courses. ESCOLA MUNICIPAL DE MUSICA Henrique Autran Dourado Rua Vergueiro, 961 01504-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3209-6580 F 00 55 (11) 3209-6580 www.emmsp.hpg.com.br Open courses. ESCOLA MUNICIPAL DE MÚSICA DE AMERICANA Carlos Lima Rua Florindo Cibim, 435 13465-000 Americana –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (19) 3461-3652 F 00 55 (19) 3461-3652 Technical courses. ESCOLA MUNICIPAL DE MUSICA MAESTRO AMÉRICO DE CARVALHO Daniele Montuleze Rogato Rua Silva Jardim, 379 –Centro 19900-000 –Ourinhos –SP T 00 55 (14) 3326-1595 Open courses. ESTÚDIO MUSICAL PROFA MARIA ESTER SILVA RAMOS Maria Ester Silva Ramos Rua Conselheiro Brotero, 996 01232-010 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3667-1600 F 00 55 (11) 3667-1600 Open courses. FACULDADE DE MÚSICA CARLOS GOMES Sônia Regina Albano de Lima Rua Paula Ney, 521 Vl. Mariana 04107-021 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5081-7445/ 7331 F 00 55 (11) 5081-7331 www.fmcg.com.br Graduation and post-graduation. FACULDADE MOZARTEUM DE SÃO PAULO Ormando de Maria Colacioppo Rua Nova dos Portugueses, 365/385 Imirim 02462-080 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6236-0788 F 00 55 (11) 6950-0788 [email protected] www.mozarteum.br Graduation. FACULDADE SANTA CECÍLIA Christina Edith Lemann César Pça. Barão do Rio Branco, 59 Centro 12400-000 –Pindamonhangaba –SP T 00 55 (12) 242-5755 F 00 55 (12) 242-5537 www.webfasc.com.br Graduation, post-graduation and open courses. FACULDADE SANTA MARCELINA Irmã Ângela Rivero Rua Dr. Emílio Ribas, 89 Perdizes 05006-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3824-5800 F 00 55 (11) 3824-5822 www.fasm.edu.br Graduation and post-graduation. FITO –CONSERVATORIO DE MUSICA E DANÇA VILLA-LOBOS Selma Zambelli Gonçalves - Neide Esperidião Rua Camélia, 26 Jd. das Flores 06110-900 –Osasco –SP T 00 55 (11) 3683-2955 Ext..215 / 216 F 00 55 (11) 3683-2955 Ext..215 / 216 www.fito.br Technical courses and open courses. FUNDAÇÃO DAS ARTES DE SÃO CAETANO DO SUL Antonio Carlos Neves Pinto Rua Visconde de Inhaúma, 730 Nova Gerti 09571-380 –São Caetano do Sul –SP T 00 55 (11) 4238-3030/ 3613 F 00 55 (11) 4238-3030 www.fascs.com.br High school and open courses. FUNDAÇÃO ESCOLA MAGDA TAGLIAFERRO Leda Maria Maranhão de Figueiredo Ferraz Rua dos Chanés, 263 Moema 04087-031 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5533-8815/ 5096-5114 F 00 55 (11) 5533-8815/ 5096-5114 Technical courses and open courses. INSTITUTO MUSICAL HEITOR VILLA-LOBOS Marinete Neves Capóssoli Rua Armando Sales de Oliveira, 728 16025-110 –Araçatuba –SP T 00 55 (18) 623-7231 F 00 55 (18) 623-7231 www.heitorvillalobos.hpg.com.br Open and professional courses. INSTITUTO DE MUSICA DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO Márcio Cintra Rua João Penteado, 1520 Jd. América 14020-180 –Ribeirão Preto –SP T 00 55 (16) 635-0863 F 00 55 (16) 635-0863 Open courses. INSTITUTO CULTURAL CONSERVATÓRIO MUSICAL HEITOR VILLA-LOBOS Iracema Siciliano de Vincenzo Av. do Estado, 4567 Móoca 03105-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3209-0853 F 00 55 (11) 3207-0964 www.conservatoriovillalobos.com.br Technical courses and open courses. M’ ARTSMÚSI CAECRI ATIVIDADE ARTÍSTICA Paulo Roberto Araújo dos Santos Rua João Coelho, 8 1o and . Vl. Augusta 07025-110 –Guarulhos –SP T 00 55 (11) 6421-8556 F 00 55 (11) 6424-8556 Open courses. MUSIC CENTER/NÚCLEO DE ENSINO MUSICAL Rubens Gianotti Pimentel Rua José Maria Lisboa, 921 01423-001 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3889-9084 F 00 55 (11) 3889-9084 www.music-center.art.br Open courses. MUSICALIS NÚCLEO DE MÚSICA Estela Gontow Goussinsky Rua Dr. Sodré, 38 Itaim Bibi 04535-110 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3845-1514 F 00 55 (11) 3845-2198 www.intervogue.com/musicalis Open courses. NANMUSIC –NÚCLEO DE ARTE MUSICAL Maria Luisa Doblado Girón Rua Chamantá, 26 Prq. da Móoca 03127-000 - São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 273-8665 F 00 55 (11) 273-8665 www.nam.mus.br Open courses. RAVEL ESCOLA DE MUSICA Mário Santos Rua Pintassilgo, 405 04514-032 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5542-5185 F 00 55 9110 5532-1838 www.avenidacultural.com.br/ravel Open courses. SESC CONSOLAÇÃO CENTRO EXPERIMENTAL DE MUSICA Elisabete Vecchiato Rua Dr. Vila Nova, 245 01222-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3234-3000 F 00 55 (11) 3256-2223 www.sescsp.org.br SESC VILA MARIANA –CENTRO DE MUSICA Ana Paula Maltese Rua Pelotas, 141 04012-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5080-3000 F 00 55 (11) 5539-4201 www.sescsp.org.br STUDIO SPALLA Gilda Maria de Cia Rua Álvares de Azevedo, 20 12245-050 –São José dos Campos –SP T 00 55 (12) 3921-8114 F 00 55 (12) 3921-8114 www.studiospalla.pro.br Open courses. STUDIO VOZ EM MOVIMENTO Madalena Bernardes Rua Antero Barbosa, 59 Vl. Beatriz 05446-020 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3032-4301/ 3812-0431 F 00 55 (11) 3812-7364 www.vozemmovimento.com.br Open courses. TECNARTE ESCOLA DE MUSICA José Armando Leite Rua Dona Olinda de Albuquerque, 60 Centro 07110-120 –Guarulhos –SP T 00 55 (11) 6464-9949 Open courses. UNAERP CURSO SEQUENCIAL DE MUSICA POPULAR Maria Helena Roncaratti Cury Av. Costábile Romano, 2201 bl 1 Depto. de Música Ribeirânea 14096-380 –Ribeirão Preto –SP T 00 55 (16) 603-6770/ 6755/ 6866 F 00 55 (16) 603-6733 www.unaerp.br College Degree. UNAERP CONSERVATÓRIO MUSICAL DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO Maria Helena Roncaratti Cury Av. Costabile Romano, 2201 bl 1 Depto. de Música Ribeirânea 14096-380 –Ribeirão Preto –SP T 00 55 (16) 603-6770 F 00 55 916) 603-6733 www.unaerp.br Technical and open courses. UNAERP –CURSO DE MUSICOTERAPIA E CLÍNICA ESCOLA EM MUSICOTERAPIA Maria Helena Roncaratti Cury - Patrícia Cury Domingos de Oliveira Av. Costábile Romano, 2201/bl 1 Depto. de Música –Ribeirânea 14096-380 –Ribeirão Preto –SP T 00 55 (16) 603-6770/ 6755/ 6866 F 00 55 (16) 603-6733 www.unaerp.br Graduation (BA). UNESP/INSTITUTO DE ARTES/CURSO DE MUSICA Martha Herr Rua D. Luís Lasanha, 400 Ipiranga 04266-030 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 274-4733 Ext. 207 F 00 55 (11) 274-4191 www.ia.unesp.br Graduation. UNICAMP/ DEPTO. DE MUSICA Mauricy Martin Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz –Instituto das Artes Rua Elis Regina, 50 13081-970 –Campinas –SP T 00 55 (19) 3289-1510/ 3281-3714 F 00 55 (19) 389-3140 www.iar.unicamp.br Post-graduation and graduation. USP/ ECA DEPTO. DE MÚSICA DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO Rubens Ricciardi Av. Bandeirantes, 3900 14040-900 –Ribeirão Preto –SP T 00 55 (16) 602-3136 F 00 55 (16) 633-0980 www.musica.pcarp.usp.br Graduation. USP/ ECA –DEPTO. DE MÚSICA Mário Ficarelli Av. Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 443 Cid. Universitária 05508-900 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3091-4137/ 4064 F 00 55 (11) 3818-4064 www.eca.usp.br Graduation and post-graduation. Southern Region Paraná ATELIÊ MUSICAL Denise Barros Rua Henrique Dias, 285 86015-810 –Londrina –PR T 00 55 (43) 3342-6855 CENTRO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO SOM E RITMO Consuelo Carvalho Spoladore Rua Minas Gerais, 1187 85812-030 –Cascavel –PR T 00 55 (45) 223-3914 High school. CENTRO DE EDUCAÇÃO MUSICAL SOLAR DO SOM Zélia Soledad Gôngora Picoli Rua Neo Alves Martins, 3193 87013-060 –Marinagá –PR T 00 55 (44) 3026-6750 F 00 55 (44) 3026-6750 Graduation, post-graduation and high school. CONSERVATÓRIO CARLOS GOMES Terezinha Almeida Penna Rua Prefeito Hugo Cabral, 35 Centro 86020-060 –Londrina –PR T 00 55 (43) 3322-3065 Graduation. CONSERVATORIO MUSICAL CARLOS GOMES Roseli Maria Scapinello Broch Rua Sta. Catarina, 465 Centro 85806-040 –Cascavel –PR T 00 55 (45) 223-6280 F 00 55 (450 223-6280 High school. CONSERVATÓRIO MUSICAL DE LONDRINA Silvia Lemos Baptista Rua Pernambuco, 903 86020-071 –Londrina –PR T 00 55 (43) 322-1546 F 00 55 (43) 3323-5827 ESCOLA DE MUSICA E BELAS ARTES DO PARANÁ (EMBAP) Suzana Maria Sonza Rua Emiliano Perneta, 179 Centro 80010-050 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 223-1129 F 00 55 (41) 225-3436 www.embap.br Graduation and post-graduation. Musical training. ESCOLA DE MUSICA PAIS E FILHOS Nelsi Rodrigues Rua Flamboyant, 1851 85817-280 –Cascavel –PR T 00 55 (45) 226-7702 F 00 55 (45) 3035-1599 Open course. FUNDAÇÃO FACULDADE DE ARTES DO PARANÁ Maria Emília Possani Rua dos Funcionários, 1357 Cabral 80035-050 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 253-1771 F 00 55 (41) 253-7114 www.fapr.br Graduation and post-graduation. INSTITUTO DE MÚSICA CARLOS WESLEY Iracema Eugênio de Castro Av 7 de Setembro, 3235 Centro 80230-010 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 222-3632 F 00 55 (410 222-3632 High school. LICEU MUSICAL PALESTRINA Ermínia Routo Otigara Rua Rio de Janeiro, 936 Centro 85801-030 –Cascavel –PR T 00 55 (45) 223-3085 F 00 55 (45) 223-3085 MUSIARTECONSERVATORIOMUSICALMARINGA Willians Cerozzi Balari Rua Santos Dumont, 1147 Zona 3 87050-100 –Maringá –PR T 00 55 (44) 227-4937 www.musiarte.com.br High school. PAIDÉIA ESCOLA DE MÚSICA Cristiane Alexandre - Dirceu Saggin Rua David Carneiro, 398 São Francisco 80530-070 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 252-5293 F 00 55 (41) 252-5293 UFPR/ DEPTO. DE ARTES Bernadete Dagonel Rua Gal. Carneiro, 460 8o an 80060-150 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 360-5104/5174 F 00 55 (41) 360-5166 www.humanas.ufpr.br Graduation. UEL/ CURSO DE MUSICA Lucilena P. Corrêa Universidade Estadual de Londrina Campus Universitário Depto. de Artes Curso de Música Caixa Postal 6001 86051-990 –Londrina –PR T 00 55 (43) 3371-4761/ 4760 F 00 55 (43) 3371-4639 www.uel.br Graduation. UEPG PRÓ- REITORIA DE EXT. E ASS. CULTURAIS Cláudio Jorge Guimarães Pça. Mal. Floriano Peixoto, 129 84010-280 –Ponta Grossa –PR T 00 55 (42) 223-4377/ 225-2360 F 00 55 (42) 225-2397 www.uepg.br Open courses. Rio Grande do Sul ESCOLA PRÓ-MÚSICA Ivan Montanha Av. Julio de Castilhos, 2001 Centro 95010-005 –Caxias do Sul –RS T 00 55 (54) 223-4282/ 1793 F 00 55 9540 223-4282 www.prmusica.hpg.com Open courses. FUNDARTE –ESCOLA DE MUSICA Gilberto Icle Rua Cap. Porfírio, 2141 Centro 95780-000 –Montenegro –RS T 00 55 (51) 632-1879 F 00 55 (51) 632-1879 www.fundarte.rs.gov.br Graduation, open and technical courses. INSTITUTO DOS MENINOS CANTORES DE NOVO HAMBURGO Rua Cacequi, 19 Boa Vista 93410-550 –Novo Hamburgo –RS T 00 55 (51) 593-1663 F 00 55 (51) 593-1663 www.mundodemerlin.pro.br/canarinhos Open courses. OSPA –ESCOLA DE MUSICA Rua Desembargador André da Rocha, 50 90050-160 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3228-6737 F 00 55 9510 3222-7387 www.ospa.org.br UFPEL –CONSERVATORIO DE MUSICA Regina Maria Balzano de Mattos - Isabel Nogueira Rua Félix da Cunha, 651 96010-000 –Pelotas –RS T 00 55 (53) 222-2562 F 00 55 (53) 222-2562 Graduation. UFRGS –COORD. ATIVIDADES DE EXTENSÃO DO DEPTO. DE MUSICA Rua Senhor dos Passos, 248 90020-180 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3316-4325 F 00 55 (510 3316-4325 www.ufrgs/artes Open courses. UFRGS –DEPTO. DE MUSICA DO INSTITUTO DE ARTES André da Silveira Loss Rua Senhor dos Passos, 248 3o an 90020-180 –Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3316-4309 F 00 55 951) 3326-4310 www.ufrgs.br/artes/dm.htm Graduation and post-graduation (MA and BA). UFSM –CURSO DE MÚSICA Guilherme Garboza - Oscar Daniel Morales Campus Universitário Coordinator do Curso de Música 97105-900 –Santa Maria –RS T 00 55 (55) 220-8443/ 8088 F 00 55 (55) 220-8454 www.ufsm.br/cmusica Graduation. UNIVERSIDADE DA REGIÃO DA CAMPANHA SETOR DE BELAS ARTES Av. Tupy Silveira, 2099 –Centro 96400-110 –Bagé –RS T 00 55 (53) 242-8244/ 8898 F 00 55 (530 242-8244/ 8898 www.urcamp.tche.br Graduation. UNIVERSIDADE DE PASSO FUNDO FACULDADE DE ARTES E COMUNICAÇÃO Cilene Maria Potrich Campus Universitário BR 285 99001-970 –Passo Fundo –RS T 00 55 (54) 316-8183 F 00 55 (54) 316-8188 www.upf.tche.br Graduation and post-graduation. Santa Catarina ESCOLA DE MUSICA DE BLUMENAU TEATRO CARLOS GOMES Crisley Pereira Rua XV de Novembro, 1181 89010-003 –Blumenau –SC T 00 55 (47) 3037-3400/ 326-7166 F 00 55 (47) 322-7008 www.teatrocarlosgomes.com.br High school and open courses. ESCOLA DE MUSICA VILLA-LOBOS CASA DE CULTURA FAUSTO ROCHA JUNIOR Marina Moismann Rua Dona Francisca, 800 89221-000 –Joinville –SC T 00 55 (47) 433-2266 F 00 55 (47) 433-2266 Open courses. UNIVERSIDADE DA REGIÃO DE JOINVILLE Mariléia Gastaldi Machado Lopes Campus Universitário Bom Retiro 89201-972 –Joinville –SC T 00 55 (47) 461-9000 F 00 55 (47) 473-0131 www.univille.edu.br Graduation and post-graduation. UNIVERSIDADE DO CONTESTADO CURSO DE MUSICA Mário Bandiera Rua Itororó, 800 Centro 89500-000 –Caçador –SC T 00 55 (49) 563-2433 F 00 55 (49) 563-0941 www.unc.br Graduation. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE SANTA CATARINA (UDESC) –CURSO DE MUSICA Albertina Pereira Medeiros Av. Madre Benvenuta, 1907 Itacorubi 88035-001 –Florianópolis –SC T 00 55 (48) 231-9700/ 9745/ 9746/9747 F 00 55 (48) 231-9700 www.udesc.br/ceart Graduation. Documentation Centers The greater part of the documentation on the history of Brazilian music is to be found in music schools and universities. Some museums, such as the Museu da Imagem e do Som (Museum of Imagem and Sound), are also important sources for research, but unfortunately there is still a lot to be done in adequately preserving and making available to the public the existing documentation. Some documentation has been lost because of lack of care, others have been sold to private collectors (in Brazil and abroad). There is much to be done. Northern Region Pará MUSEU DA IMAGEM E DO SOM Maria Angélica Meira - Director Palácio Lauro Sodré Pça D. Pedro II 66020-240 –Belém –PA T 00 55 (91) 219-1139 F 00 55 (91) 219-1138 [email protected] MUSEU DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARÁ Acervo Vicente Salles Jussara Derenji –Director R Governador José Malcher, 1 192 66060-240 –Belém –PA T 00 55 (91) 219-1139 F 00 55 (91) 224-0871 [email protected] www.ufpa.br Northeast Region Bahia FUNCEB Diretoria de Artes Visuais e Multimeios Sérgio Borges - Director Rua Gal. Labatut, 27 –subsolo 40070-100 Salvador –BA T 00 55 (71) 328-8100 F 00 55 (71) 328-7009 [email protected] www.funceb.ba.gov.br/dimas Visit the following sites: www.pms.ba.gov.br/fgm (sheetmusic) or www.ufba.br (composers group of Bahia) Ceará MUSEU DA IMAGEM E DO SOM Gilmar Chaves Av. Barão de Studart, 410 60120-000 Fortaleza –CE T 00 55 (85) 452-9480 F 00 55 (85) 452-9479 [email protected] www.secult.ce.gov.br/mis/mis.asp Maranhão MUSEU HISTÓRICO E ARTÍSTICO DO MARANHÃO Josimar Pereira Rua do Sol, 302 65020-590 –São Luís - MA T 00 55 (98) 221-4537 [email protected] VIDEOTECA DO TEATRO ARTHUR DE AZEVEDO Fernando Bicudo –Director Rua do Sol, 140 65020-590 –São Luís –MA T 00 55 (98) 221-4587 F 00 55 (98) 221-4587 [email protected] Midwest Region Mato Grosso do Sul MUSEU DA IMAGEM E DO SOM Eliane Carriço O. Lima –Dir. Av. Afonso Penna, 2 702 79002-075 –Campo Grande –MS T 00 55 (67) 325-1530 Southeast Region Minas Gerais UFMG Acervo Curt Lange Rosângela P. de Tugny Av. Antonio Carlos, 6 627 Campus Pampulha 31270-901 –Belo Horizonte –MG T 00 55 (31) 3499-4767 F 00 55 (31) 3499-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.bu.ufmg.br/clange Visit the following sites: www.tmb.uemg.br to access the collection of Vespasiano Gregório dos Santos in Belo Horizonte www.sisbin.ufop.br for the IFAC library at the Universidade Federal of Ouro Preto www3.mgconecta.com.br/~prados/liraceci.htm for the Lira Ceciliana in Prados Rio de Janeiro ACERVO RADIO MEC Andréa Brum –Director Pça da República, 141 A 20211-350 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2221-7447 #2210 [email protected] www.soarmec.com.br FUNARTE CENTRO DE DOCUMENTAÇÃO EM ARTE Helena Dodd Ferrez R. São José, 50, 6° andar 20010-020 –Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2262-4516/2533-8090 #210 F 00 55 (21) 2262-4516 [email protected] www.funarte.gov.br LABORATORIO DE ETNOMUSICOLOGIA DA URFJ / CENTRO DE PESQUISAS FOLCLORICAS Harley Elbert Raymundo Escola de Música da URFJ Rua do Passeio, 98, sl 28 20021-290 - Rio de Janeiro –RJ T 00 55 (21) 2532-4649/2240-1441 F 00 55 (21) 2532-4649 www.musica.urfj.br/etnomusicologia Visit the following sites: www.bn.br/musica for the National Library/Music and Sound www.iphan.gov.br for theInstitute of Historical and Artistic Heritage www.mis.rj.gov.br for the Museum of Image and Sound in Rio de Janeiro São Paulo ARQUIVO DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO (DAESP) Fausto Couto Sobrinho Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 596 02010-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 6221-4785 #232 F 00 55 (11) 6221-4785 [email protected] www.arquivoestado.sp.gov.br ARQUIVO MUSICAL DA INSPETORIA SALESIANA DE SÃO PAULO / LICEU SAGRADO CORAÇÃO DE JESUS José Geraldo de Souza Mário Quilici Largo Sagrado Coração de Jesus, 140 01215-020 - São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3225-5800 F 00 55 (11) 222-8853 [email protected] CENTRO DE DOCUMENTAÇÃO DE MUSICA CONTEMPORANEA (CDMC-BRASIL/UNICAMP) José Augusto Mannis Biblioteca Central –térreo Caixa Postal 6136 13083-970 T 00 55 (19) 3788-6506 F 00 55 (19) 3289-3965 [email protected] [email protected] www.unicamp.br/cdmc CENTRO DE DOCUMENTAÇÃO DO INSTITUTO ITAU CULTURAL Selma Cristina Santos Av. Paulista, 149 01131-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3268-1700 F 00 55 (11) 3268-1700 [email protected] www.itaucultural.org.br MUSEU DA IMAGEM E DO SOM Almir Labaki Av. Europa, 158 01449-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3062-9197/3085-1498/3088-0896 F 00 55 (11) 3062-9197/3085-1498/3088-0896 [email protected] www.mis.sp.gov.br MUSEU DA IMAGEM E DO SOM (RP) Edmundo Raspanti R. São José, 1.859 14025-180 –Ribeirão Preto –SP T 00 55 (16) 623-6755 F 00 55 (16) 623-6755 [email protected] www.ribeiraopreto.sp.gov.br MUSEU DA IMAGEM E DO SOM BOAVENTURA CARIOLATO Maria Atalie Rodrigues Alves Ferreira R. Major Claudiano, 2.014, 3° andar 14400-690 –Franca –SP T 00 55 (16) 3711-9165 F 00 55 (16) 3721-9162 [email protected] www.francasp.gov.br NUCLEO DE DOCUMENTAÇÃO E REFERÊNCIA EM MÚSICA BRASILEIRA Rádio e Televisão Cultura Rua Cenno Sbrighi, 378 05036-900 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3874-3122 #3956 F 00 55 (11) 3611-1914 [email protected] OSESP/CENTRO DE DOCUMENTAÇÃO MUSICAL ELEAZAR DE CARVALHO Maria Elisa Pasqualini Sala São Paulo Rua Mauá, 51, 2° andar 01028-900 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 3351-8041 F 00 55 (11) 222-0342 [email protected] www.osesp.art.br SESC VILA MARIANA/CENTRO DE MÚSICA Shirley Torre Rua Pelotas, 141 04012-000 –São Paulo –SP T 00 55 (11) 5080-3000 F 00 55 (11) 5539-4210 [email protected] www.sescsp.org.br Southern Region Paraná MUSEU DA IMAGEM E DO SOM Maria Amélia Junginger R. Máximo João Kopp, 274, bl 4 82630-900 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 232-9113 F 00 55 (41) 232-9113 [email protected] www.pr.gov.br/mis MUSEU GUIDO STRAUBE Márcia Maria Aguiar Colégio Estadual do Paraná Av. João Gualberto, 250 80030-000 –Curitiba –PR T 00 55 (41) 304-8955 F 00 55 (41) 222-4509/304-8935 [email protected] Visit the site of the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná : www.embrap.br Rio Grande do Sul BIBLIOTECAPÚBLICAARMANDOALBUQUERQUE Celso Barros / Heloisa Frazen Rua dos Andradas, 736, 4° andar 90020-004 - Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3221-7104 F 00 55 (51) 3221-7104 [email protected] DISCOTECA PÚBLICA NATHO HENN Celso Barros / Norka Silveira e Silva Rua dos Andradas, 736, 4° andar 90020-004 - Porto Alegre –RS T 00 55 (51) 3221-7104 F 00 55 (51) 3221-7104 [email protected] www.viars.gov.br Visit www.mundodemerlin.pro.br/canarinhos