curtis magazine
curtis magazine
LATIN GENERAL INDEX, TO TILE PLANTS CONTAINED IN THE LAST SEVEN VOLUMES OF THE r NEW SERIES, (Or from Vol. LUV. to LXX. inclusive, of the whole Work,) OP THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vol. 69 68 68 69 69 69 69 70 70 67 69 64 70 70 67 65 No. 4032 3939 3933 4041 4012 3980 3993 4077 4126 3852 3994 3563 4050 4049 3843 3654 63 3958 63 3944 69 67 69 67 66 67 70 64 64 68 68 63 4008 3858 4005 3848 3754 3875 4123 3610 3608 3919 3904 3927 dentifera. • díptera; ß. erioptera. platyptera. rotundifolia. Achimenes grandiflora. longiflora. multiflora. pedunculata. picta. Aconitum Chineuse. Acronychia Cunningham!. Acropera Loddigesii. Acrophyllum vertieillatum. Aerides affine. Aeschynanthus grandiflorus. Agave Americana, var. foliis variegatis. Alstr•meria nemorosa. psittacina; v. Eremhouldti (hybrid). Amicia Zygomeris. Anchusa petiolata. Androsace lanuginosa. Angelonia cornigera. Gardneri. Anigozanthus Manglesii. Anoectochilus setaceus. Anthericum glaucum. Aporum anceps. Aquilegia Skinneri. Arctostaphylos nítida. pungens. ACACIA ! Vol. 66 66 70 65 70 65 70 68 65 70 70 66 67 65 67 66 69 69 69 69 70 64 64 66 64 70 66 68 64 68 66 64 No. 3769 3756 4120 3640 4128 3678 4106 3962 3679 4094 4113 3788 3831 3649 3818 3741 4025 3990 3968 4046 4100 3564 3559 3720 3591 4131 3731 3949 3597 3888 3736 3599 Aristolochia caudata. ciliata. ornithocephala. saccata. Anneria cephalotes. Arthrostemma versicolor. Asclepias vestita. Aspasia epidendroides. variegata. Barkeria spectabilis. Barleria flava. Barnardia scilloides. Barringtonia racemosa. Bartonia aurea. Batemannia Colleyi. Bauhinia forficata. Begonia acuminata. coccínea. hydrocotylifolia. nítida. Meyeri. monoptera. octopetala. parvifolia. platanifolia. rubricaulis. sinuata. Berberís nervosa. Bifrenaria aurantiaca. Bignonia speciosa. Bletia Parkinsoni. Blumenbachia muitifida. INDEX. Vol. No. Vol.\ 70 4088 Bolbophyllum Calamaria. 70 67 3871 Bomarea acutifolia; var. punc- 67 tata. 66 simplex. 66 67 3863 70 4052 Boronia Fraseri. 65 69 3986 Bossiaea virgata. 66 3781 Bouvardia splendens. 70 64 3620 Boussingaultia baselloides. 67 67 3876 Brachycome iberidifolia. 70 68 3915 Boronia crenulata. 64 68 3895 Bossiasa tenuicaulis. 64 66 3782 Brassavola cordata. 66 66 3722 69 cuspidata. 69 4033 70 glauca. 66 3761 65 Perrinii. 69 4021 64 venosa. 64 3577 Brassia Lanceana. 68 66 3794 Lanceana ; var. viridiflora. 64 69 4003 64 Wrayae. 69 4001 Bromheadia palustris. 64 69 3964 Brownea coccínea. 66 66 3758 Burrielia gracilis. 64 66 3728 Caladium petiolatum. 69 67 3834 Calectasia cyanea. 66 3719 Callichroa platyglossa. 70 64 3588 Calliprora lutea. 66 67 3866 Callithauma viridiflorum, et an- 64 66 gustifolium. 68 3882 Callistachys linearis. 67 69 3989 Callistemon pinifolium. 67 70 4056 Caltha sagittata. 66 69 4027 Canavalia ensifonnis. 65 65 3633 Carica citriformis. 65 68 66 3742 Cattleya citrina. 68 3910 crispa. 69 65 3693 guttata, ß. Eusselliana. 70 66 3711 intermedia, var. angusti- 66 folia. 64 70 4085 69 intermedia ; variegata. 69 3998 labiata. 66 65 3669 Mossiae. 65 3656 pumila. . 67 superba. 70 4083 67 68 3929 Catasetum abruptum. globiflorum. 68 3942 67 integerrimum. 67 67 3823 64 3590 luridum. 70 Kussellianum. 66 3777 viridi-flavum. 69 4017 67 68 3937 Wailesii. 65 3662 Centaurea depressa. 65 68 70 4063 Cephaelis Ipecacuanha 64 3598 Cereus Ackermanni. 67 caerulescens. 68 3922 ! 67 No. 4066 Cereus extensus. 3813 latifrons. 3768 Martianus. 3789 multiplex. 3651 pentalophus, ß. subarticulatus. 4084 Pitajaya. 3822 speciosissimus, hybridus. 4093 Ceropegia oculata. 3566 serpentinus. 3567 stapeliiformis. 3740 vincaefoHa. 4022 Cestura viridiflorum. 4116 Chabraea runcinata. 3641 Chenopodium Qninoa. 3607 Chorizema Henchmanni. 3903 spectabile. 3625 Chrysocoma squamata. 3583 Chrysostemma tripteris. 3617 Chysis aurea. 3726 Cirrhaea fusco-lutea. 3592 Clarkia elegans. 3983 Clematis caerulea ; ß. grandiflora. 4061 montana ; var. grandiflora. 3743 Clethra tomentosa. 3584 Clianthus puniceus. 3780 Cobaea macrostema. 3865 Coburgia coccinea. 3867 trichroma. 3767 Coelogyne ocellata. 3644 Colletia hórrida. 3695 Collinsia heterophylla. 3935 Colocasia odorata. 4045 Columnea Schiedeana. 4065 Convolvulus ocellatus. 3727 Cooperia pedunculata. 3586 Coreopsis longipes. 4029 Corraea pulchella. 3747 Coryanthes maculata, var. Parkeri. 3868 Crocus annulatus, Adamicus. 3869 lagenseflorus ; var. lacteus lutescens. 3861 speciosus. 3864 •• suaveolens. 4054 Cycnoches ventricosum ; var. Egertonianum. 3855 Loddigesii ; var. leucochilum. 3648 Cymbidium triste. 3880 Cyrtochilum maculatum. 3836 maculatum; car. ecornutum. 3826 Cystanthe sprengelioides. INDEX. No. 3878 3593 3643 41)13 3970 3S37 3553 3838 3925 4067 3988 3655 4059 4091 4073 3622 3619 3624 371& 4035 4102 4089 3570 3974 4115 3906 3561 3558 4124 3569 3963 3627 3997 3976 3735 3835 3873 3658 3775 3898 3765 3557 3595 3543 3791 3565 3637 3885 3631 3778 3S00 3951 3638 3751 Dahlia glabrata. Delphinum vimineum. Dendrobium aggregatum. crumenatum. macranthum. • moschatum. Desmodium Canadense. Deutzia scabra. Digitalis lutea, 5. fucata. Dinema polybulbon. Diospyros, Sapota. Diplacus puuiceus. Diplolaena Dampieri. Disa cornuta. grandiflora. Dodecatheou integrifolium. Dombeya cannabina. Dracophyllum capitatum. Dracopis amplexicaulis. Dry and ra arctotidis. formosa. Diymonia punctata. Echeveria racemosa. Echinocactus centeterius. concinnus. cory nodes. Mackiseanus. mammillaroides. Pentlandi. sessiiiflorus. tenuispinus. tubiflorus. Echites hirsuta. splendens. Edwardsia Macnabiana. El•odendron Capense. Elisena longipetala. Epacris microphylla. obtusifolia. Epidendrum calocheilum. cepiforme. chloroleucum. conaceum. crassifolium. • densiflorum. • diffusum. floribundura. Grahami. • papillosum. Parkinsonianum. • patens. Skinneri. • tessellatum. . violaceum. \Fol. 65 70 66 66 70 64 65 69 70 70 No. 69 64 65 65 67 66 64 69 69 67 68 65 68 67 65 70 64 3666 4107 3745 3717 4031 3605 3639 4016 4074 4069 4101 3757 4036 3589 3673 3706 3874 3762 3572 3999 4000 3801 3948 3663 3907 3824 3657 4082 3551 66 66 69 67 66 69 68 69 66 66 68 66 64 66 65 70 64 66 67 69 64 66 65 68 3723 3724 4044 3860 3772 4010 3930 4040 3779 3732 3886 3787 3612 3725 3659 4121 3602 3744 3815 3995 3576 3738 3664 3940 W Ü viridi-purpureum. ritellinum. ' Epimedium Musschianum. Epiphyllum Eussellianum. Eranthemum montanum. Eria stellata. Erica florida, var. campanulata. Irbyana. jasminiflora. Shannoniana. Eriostemon buxifolium. Erysimum Perofskiannm. Eucalyptus splachnicarpon. Eucharidium concinnum. Euphorbia Jacquiniflora. Eutoca divaricata. Euterpe montana. Menziesii. Eutoca viscosa. Fuchsia alpestris. corymbiflora. fulgens. integrifolia. Sieboldiana. Franciscea latifolia. Francoa ramosa. Funckia albo-marginata. splendens. Gaillardia bicolor, var. Drummondii integerrima. Galactodendron utile. Ibid. Gardenia Sherbourniae. Gardoquia betonicoides. multiflora. Gastrochilus longiflora. pulcherrima. Gastrolobium acutum. Gelasine azurea. Geranium cristatum. Gesneria bulbosa. cochlearis. Douglasii, ß. verticillata. elongata, var. fascialis. Gardneri. Lindleyi. Marchii. mollis. polyantha. Sceptrum, y. ignea. stricta. tuberosa. zebrina. INDEX. Vol. No. Vol. No. 65 3680 Gladiolus Mortonius. 67 3804 68 3934 Gloxinia speciosa; var. macro- 67 3817 pbylla, variegata. 67 3810 70 4099 speciosa ; var. Menziesii. 68 3943 70 4090 69 3971 tubiflora. 68 3941 68 3881 Goldfussia glomerata. 70 4064 Gomphrena pulcbella. 70 4129 65 3687 Gongora maculata. 66 3766 66 3786 Gonolobus hispidus. 68 3908 65 3660 Govenia Gardneri. 69 3987 67 3841 Grabowskia duplicata. 70 4087 Greenovia áurea. 69 3996 69 4043 67 3798 Grevillea dubia. 66 3737 Grindelia inuloides. 65 3700 64 3596 Habranthus Andersoni ; var. « 70 4112 Texanus. 66 3763 pratensis ; var. quadriflora. 66 3755 68 3961 67 3870 Hrernantbus temúflorus ; var. ! 64 3578 Mozambicensis. 66 3734 66 3760 Hakea dactyloides. 65 3689 Helianthus mollis. 65 3699 67 3857 Helichrysum niveum. 67 3829 67 3862 Herbertia pulcbella, et cserulea. 66 3785 66 3746 Heterotropa asaroides. 64 3554 67 3821 Hoteia barbata. 68 3936 Hibiscus Cameroni. 64 3574 64 3542 Hippeastrum ambiguum, var. 1 . 69 4034 longiflora. 66 3770 breviflorum. 64 3549 ! 65 3626 solandriflorum. 65 3632 66 3771 ! 66 3730 ¡ Hologymnc glabrata. 70 4095 65 3671 70 4072 ! Houlletia Brocklehurstiana. 64 3600 67 3828 Hymenoxys Californica. 64 3609 68 3894 i H vpocalyptus obcordatus. 66 3784 69 4047 Hypocyrta strigillosa. 64 3550 65 3696 Hypoxys stelh'pilis. 69 4002 70 4079 Ilex platyphylla. 69 3992 Parajruavensis. 64 3604 69 3965 Illicium religiosum. 69 4020 Impatiens glauduligera. 69 4023 scapigora. 70 4110 64 3587 tricornis. 70 4051 65 3650 68 3946 65 3665 Ipomsea Bonariensis. crassipes. 70 4048 70 4068 Platensis. 64 3594 65 3685 Tweediei. 69 3979 69 3978 65 3675 Ismene Macleana. 67 3805 64 3548 67 3842 Isomeris arbórea. 65 3698 69 4037 Isopogon scaber. 70 4118 Juanulloa parasítica. 67 3846 65 3652 Kennedya nigricans. 67 3814 65 3642 68 3905 Kreysigia multiflora. 65 3647 64 3552 Lachenalia glaucina. 65 3634 68 3957 La-'lia albida. Lselia anceps. autumnalis. furfuracea. peduncularis. superbiens. Lantana Selloviana ; ß. lanceolata. Laplacea semiserrata. Lasiandra-petiolata. Lasiopetalum macrophyllum. Lathyrus nervosus. pubescens. Leiantbus nigrescens. Leonotis nepet•foka. Lepanthes sanguínea. Lepismium commune. Myosurus. Leptosiphon densiflorus. Leptotes bicolor, var. glaucophylla. Leycesteria formosa. Liatris propinqua. Lüium speciosum, var. albiílorum. Limnanthes Douglasii. Linum monogynum. Liparia parva. Liparis "VValkerise. Lisiantbus Russellianus. Loasa lateritia. Pentlandii. Lobelia Bridgesii. Cavanülesii. erinoides. beterophylla. polyphylla. splendens, var. ß. atiosanguinea. syphilitica, hybrida. Lomatia ilicifolia. tinctoria. Lophospermuní scandens. Lucuüa gratissima. Luxemburgia ciliosa. Lycbnis Bungeana. Macleania angulnta. Macropodium nivale. Madia elegans. Malva Creeana. lateritia. purpurata. Mammillaria atrata. floribunda. Lehmanni. INDEX. 3972 364(5 4060 3984 3797 3893 3713 3809 3704 3966 3629 40S1 3945 3981 3614 3613 3877 3573 4028 3691 3690 4103 3793 4109 3560 3924 3601 3832 3708 3819 3796 3839 4092 3900 3879 3849 3850 3923 3802 4122 3753 3916 3917 4080 4018 3774 4096 3955 4104 ! 3764 I | Mammillaria pycnacantha. tenuis. tetracantha. turbinata. Mandevilla suaveolens. Marianthus cseruleo-punctatus. Marica gracilis. humilis ; var. 2, lutea. Marshallia cespitosa. Maxiilaria acutipetala. aureo-fulva. ciliata. cucullata. decolor. Henchmanni. pumila. stapelioides. Steeiii. Megaclinium maximum. Melocaetus depressus. Merendera Caucásica. Microstylis histionantha. Miltonia candida ; var. flavescens. Clowesii. Mimulus Cardinalis. roseus ; (hybridus) var. Maclainianus. Monacanthus discolor, ß. viridiflcrus. Monachanthus Bushnani. fimbriatus. longifolius. roseo-albus. Monolopia major. Morina longifolia. Mormodes pardina, Monnodes pardina ; var. uni color. Musa superba. Ibid. Myanthua deltoideus. spinosus. Myosotis Azorica. Nelumbium luteum. • speciosum. Ibid. Nematanthus chloronema. longipes. Nemophila atomaria. Nephelium Longan. Odontoglossum grande. • pulchellum. •nothera bifrons. Vol. No. 64 3545 •nothera fruticosa, vor.- am> bigua. S4 3568 Oncidium Cebolleta, ? concolor. 66 3752 Eorbesii. 66 3705 Huntianum. 67 3806 luridum. 64 3603 macrantherum. 67 3845 monoceras. >68 3890 ornithorhynchum. 68 3912 pachyphyllum. 67 3807 Papilio, var. limbatum. 66 3733 pubes ; var. flavescens. 68 3926 pumilum. 64 3581 raniferum, var. major. 66 3712 tricolor. 7') 4130 Wrayae. 67 3854 68 3914 Opuntia decumbens. monacantha. 68 3911 68 3931 Oreodaphne bullata. •',7 3847 Orthosiphon incurrus. 66 3790 Osbeckia canescens. Chinensis. 69 4026 69 3967 Othonna frutescens. tuberosa. 69 4038 68 3921 Otochilus fusca. 66 3748 Oxalis Barrelieri. lasiandra. 68 3896 lasiopetala. 68 3932 Martiana. 68 3938 64 3623 Papaver Gariepinum. 69 4009 Passiflora Actinia, incarnata. 66 3697 Mooreana. 66 3773 nigelliflora. 66 3635 onychina. 67 3820 Tucamanensis. 66 3636 64 3580 Pavetta Caffra. 66 3692 Pavonia Schrankii. 70 4086 Pentas carnea. 68 3884 Pentstemon campanulatus. diffusua. 68 3645 glandulosus. 65 3688 gentianoides. 65 3661 heterophyllus. 67 3853 68 3889 Pernettia angustifolia. 70 4053 Petalidium barlerioides. 64 3556 Petunia violácea, hybrida. 66 3703 Phacelia tenacetifolia. 69 3991 Phajus albus. bicolor. 7o 4078 maculatus. 68 3960 65 13710 Phalocallis plúmbea. 68 3928 Pharbitis Learii. INDEX. Fol. 69 70 64 64 66 68 66 67 68 64 66 64 69 68 68 68 68 66 64 65 69 65 68 68 70 65 65 69 65 68 67 No. 4024 4076 3618 3621 3783 3891 3721 3833 3950 3579 3750 3575 4007 3682 3897 3952 3920 4006 3616 3707 4019 3676 3909 3959 4117 3668 3653 4039 3670 3947 3825 66 3759 67 3811 66 3667 69 68 69 66 64 70 68 67 64 69 70 66 3977 3953 4030 3718 3562 4108 3899 3808 3571 3982 4071 3729 69 4011 67 3827 68 3892 Pharbitis Tyrianthina. Phaseolus lobatus. Philibertia grandiflora. Philodendron crassinervium. Phlogacanthus curviflorus. Physianthus anricomus. Pimelea Hendersoni. nana, spectabilis. Platystemon Californicum. leiocarpum. Platysaigma linearis. Pleroma Benthamianum. Pleurothallis Grobyi. picta. Plumieria acuminata. Podotbeca gnapbalioides. Poinciana Gilliesii. Polygala myrtifolia, var. grandi-• flora. Polystachia grandiflora. Polyspora axillaris. Potentilla glabra. Prepusa Hookeriana. Primula denticulata. Pterodiscus speciosus. Pyrus arbutifolia. Rehmannia Chinensis. RhipsaHs brachiata. Rhododendron albiflorum. anthopogon. arboreum ; Cinnamomeum, floribus roséis. campanulatum. Caucasicum ; hybridum. nudiflorum; var. Bcintillans (hybridum). Rondeletia longiflora. odorata. Rosa Brunonii. Ruellia cüiatifiora. Rytidophyllum auriculatum. * Saccolabium guttatum. Salvia confertiflora ; var. ß. patens. Sarcanthus teretifolius. Saurauja spectabilis. Scaphyglottis violácea. Schomburgkia marginata ; var. petaba sepalisqueimmarginatis. Senecio calamifolius. Heritieri ; var. cyanophthalmus. Sida (Abutilón) Bedfordiana. Vol. 67 69 69 70 64 68 65 67 65 65 65 65 67 70 66 65 70 70 69 64 64 67 7D 66 67. 69 68 68 68 67 68 68 67 69 70 64 70 70 68 67 64 69 65 69 67 70 67 69 64 64 68 65 70 70 No. 3840 3973 4015 4105 3544 3954 3672 3795 3684 3677 3709 3681 3872 4127 3776 3701 4125 4055 3975 3606 3615 3803 405S 3792 3856 4014 3902 3918 3883 3816 3913 4062 3830 4004 4070 3611 4111 4119 3901 3859 3546 3969 3702 3985 3851 4097 3844 4042 3547 3555 3887 3630 4098 4114 Sida picta. Siphocampylos betuljefolius. •• longepedunculatus. lantanifolius. Sisyrinchium speciosum. Solanum Balbisii; var. bipinnata. campanulatum. crispum. fragrans. Sophronitis cernua. grandiflora. Spathodea pentandra. Sprekelia Cybister. Stapelia cactiformis. Statice arbórea. puberula. macrophylla. rhytidopbylla. Stelis atropurpúrea. Stenactis speciosa. Stenomesson croceum. latifolium. Stephanotis floribunda. Stevia breviaristata. trachelioides. Stigmaphyllum heterophyllum. Strobilanthes sessilis. Stuartia pentagyna. Stilidium ciliatum. fasciculatum. recurvum. Tacsonia pinnatistipula. Tagetes corvmbosa. Tecoma jasminoides. Tetranema Mexicanum. Thermopsis fabracea. Thomasia stipulacea. Thunbergia chrysops. Tithonia ovata. Tofieldia pubens. Tradescantia caricifolia. Trichocentrum fuscum. Trifolium hybridum. Tropseolum azureum. bracbyceras. Lobbianum. Moritzianum. polyphyllum. Tulbaghia Ludwigiana. violácea. Tulipa tricolor. Tweedia versicolor. Umbilicus malacophyllus. Vanda teres. INDEX. Fol. 67 65 65 65 Ko. 3799 Verbascum Tauricum. 3628 Verbena incisa. teucrioides. 3694 3683 Veronica prostrata ; y. satureiae- folia. speciosa. 70 4075 70 4075 Visearía oculata. Foi. 64 68 67 64 65 65 No. 3582 3956 3812 3585 3686 3674 Xanthozia rotundifolia. Zichya glabrata. Zygopetalum Africanuin. cochleare. Zygopetalon maxillare. Murrayanum. ENGLISH GENERAL INDEX, TO THE PLANTS CONTAINED LN THE LAST SEVEN VOLUMES OF THE NEW SERIES, {Or from Vol. LXIV. to LXX. inclusive, of the whole Work,) BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Vol. 68 69 68 69 69 70 69 69 70 69 64 70 70 67 69 67 65 68 68 65 69 69 66 67 67 69 No. 3933 ACACIA, broad-winged. 4041 round-leaved. 3939 • two-winged ; downy var. 4032 tooth-bearing. 4012 Achimenes, large-flowered. long-stalked. 4077 3980 long-flowered. 3993 many-flowered. pointed. 4126 3994 Acronychia, Mr. Allen Cunningham's. 3563 Acropera, Mr. Loddiges'. 4050 Acrophyllum, whorl-leaved. 4049 Aerides, rose-coloured ; or Airplant. 3843 Aeschinanthus, large-flowered. 4038 African Ragwort ; or tuberous Othonna. 3858 Alkanet, petiolated-leaved. 3654 Aloe, great American, with HBriegated leaves. 3944 Alstr•meria, Mr. Erembouldt's hybrid, vor. woodland. 3958 3675 Amancaes, Mr. M'Lean's. 4008 Amicia, yoke-leaved. 4005 Androsace, shaggy-leaved. 3754 Angelonia, Mr. Gardner's. 3848 horn-bearing. 3875 Anigozanthus, Mr. Mangle's. 3965 Aniseed, Tree, sacred. No. Vol. 70 64 64 68 4123 3610 3608 3927 68 66 65 65 3904 3756 3668 3678 70 68 65 67 4106 3962 3679 3859 ! 69 4020 64 70 68 70 70 66 66 66 67 65 67 66 68 3587 4051 3949 4094 4113 3788 3751 3745 3831 3649 3818 3741 3916 Ancectochilus, fringed. Antheridum, glaucous-leaved. Aporum, two-edged. Arctostaphvlos, sharp-pointed ; or Bear Berry. shining. Aristolochia, fringe-flowered. Aroma, Arbutus-leaved. Arthrostemma, changeable-flowered. Asclepias, hairy-stemmed. Aspasia, Epidendrum-like. variegated. Asphodel, American downystalked. Balsam, glandular; or Touchme-not. stemless. three-horned. Barberry, strong-nerved. Barkeria, showy. Barleria, yellow. Baxnardia, Chinese. Barren-wort, purple. white-flowered. Barringtonia, raceme-flowered. Bartonia, golden. Batemannia, Mr. Colley's. Baubmia, forcipated. Bean of India, sacred ; deep rose-coloured, var. INDEX. Vol No. 68 3917 Bean of India. 64 3559 Begonia, eight-petaled. Mr. Meyer's ; or Elephant's 70 4100 ear. Pennv-wort leaved. 69 3968 plane-leaved. 84 i 3591 point-leaved; or Elephant' 69 1025 ear. red-scaped ; or Elephant's 70 4131 ear. scarlet-flowered ; or Ele 69 3990 phant's ear. shining-flowered; or Ele 69 4046 phant's ear. • small-leaved; or Elephant's 66 3720 ear. single-leaved. 64 3564 sinnated ; or Elephant's 66 3731 ear. 64 3597 Bifrenaria, orange-coloured. 6S 3888 Bignonia, showy-flowered. 70 4065 Bind-weed, purple-eyed. 70 4120 Birth-wort, Bird's head. livid-flowered. 66 3769 pouch-flowered. 65 3640 64 3599 Blumenbachia, multifid-leaved. 66 3736 Bletia, Mr. Parkinson's. 70 4071 Boat-lip, violet. 70 4088 Bolbophyllum, quill-stemmed. 67 3S63 Bomarea, simple. • sharp-leaved ; speckled, 67 3871 var. 68 3915 Boronia, crenulated. 70 4052 Mr. Eraser's. 63 3395 Bossiaea, slender-stemmed. 69 3936 • twiggy. 64 3620 Boussingaultia, Basella-like. 66 3731 Bouvardia, splendid. 67 3876 Brachycome, Candytuft-leaved. 69 4033 Brassavola, glaucous. 66 3732 heart-lipped. M 3761 Perrin's. 66 3722 spear-lipped. 69 4021 vein-lipped. 66 3794 Brassia, Mr. Lance's green-flowered, var. 64 3577 • Mr. Lance's. 69 4003 Mrs. Wray's. 69 4001 Bromheadia, Marsh. 69 3964 Brownea, scarlet-flowered. 66 3758 Burrielia, slender. 66 3723 Caladium, long-stalked. 67 3834 Calectasia, bright blue. 66 3719 Callichroa, golden. Vol. 64 68 69 67 64 68 <;: HS 84 88 6 ^ 69 69 68 68 70 No. 3588 Calliprora, yellow» 3882 Callistachys, red-flowered. 3989 Callistemon, fine-leaved. 3866 Callithauma, green-flowered, and narrow-leaved. 3594 Campion, Dr. Bunge's scarlet. 3929 Catasetum, blunt-lipped. entire-lipped. 3823 globe-flowered. 3942 lurid. 3590 Mr. Wanes'. 3937 • the Duke of Bedford's, 3777 yellow-green. 4017 3998 Cattleya, crimson-lipped. crisp-flowered. 3910 dwarf. 3656 intermediate, variegated4085 lipped. Mrs. Moss's superb. 3669 narrow-leaved, intermedi3711 ate. spotted, Lord Edward Eus3693 sell's, var. superb. 4083 yellow-flowered. 3742 3662 Centaury, prostrate. 3598 Cereus, Ackermann's Mexican. blue-stemmed. 3922 broad-stemmed. 3813 five-winged, somewhat3651 jointed, var. long-stemmed, or Torch 4066 Thistle. proliferous. 3789 serpent-like. 3566 splendid ; hybrid, var. 3822 variable ; or Pitajaya. 4084 Von Martius. 3768 4093 Ceropegia, ocellated. periwinkle-leaved. 3740 Stapelia-like. 3567 4022 Cestrum, green-flowered. 4116 Chabrsea, changeable-flowered. 3607 Chorizema, Mr. Henchmann's. showy. 3903 3583 Chrysostemma, three-leaved. 3617 Chysis, golden-flowered. 3726 Cirrhsea, yellow-brown. 3592 Clarkia, Californian. 3743 Clethra, downy, 3702 Clover, Mule white Trefoil, or tall Dutch. 3780 Cobaea, long-stemmed. 3865 Coburgia, scarlet. 10 INDEX. Vol. 67 66 65 65 68 69 66 64 69 66 3867 3767 3644 3695 3919 4045 3727 3586 4029 3747 64 68 66 66 67 3622 3959 3723 3732 3868 67 67 67 70 3869 3861 3864 4054 65 68 67 67 67 69 6569. 67 69 3648 3880 3836 3826 3878 398S 3643 3970 3837 4013 64 67 70 65 70 70 70 64 64 66 69 70 70 64 68 64 64 70 70 64 3553 3838 4067 3655 4059 4091 4073 3619 3624 3716 4035 4102 4089 3570 3906 3561 3558 4115 4124 3569 No. Coburgia, three-coloured. Cselogyne, eyeletted. Colletia, bristling. Collinsia, variable-leaved. Columbine, Mr. Skinner's. Columnea, Mr. Schiede's. Cooperia, pedunculated. Coreopsis, loDg-stalked. Comea, pretty. Coryanthes, spotted-lipped, Mr. Parker's, var. Cowslip, American entire-leaved purple Nepal. Cow Tree, or Palo de Vaca. Crane's bill, crested-seeded. Crocus annulatus, Mons. Adam's Vol. OS 69 69 89 66 07 07 GO 65 OS 05 66 04 68 64 05 00 pale yellow, gourd-shaped 68 showy. 66 sweet-scented. 05 Cycnoches, ventricose-lipped ; or 64 Swan-neck, Sir Francis Eger- 0 7 ton's, var. 04 Cymbidium, lurid-flowered. 64 Cyrtochilum, spotted. 7" spotted ; hornless, var. 00 Cystanthe, Sprengelia-like. Dahlia, smooth, dwarf. 68 Date-plum, Sapota. 64 Dendrobium, close-flowered. 70 large-flowered. 68 musk-smelling. sweet-smelling, clubbed 64 stemmed. 05 Desmodium, Canadian. Deutzia, rough-leaved. 07 Dinema, many-bulbed. 05 Diplacus, scarlet-flowered. 00 Diplol•na, Dampier's. 64 Disa, horned-flowered. <f oo large-flowered. 64 Dombeya, Hemp. 70 Dracophyllum, round-headed. 64 Dracopis, stem-clasping leaved. 67 Dryandra, Arctotis-hke. 68 splendid. 68 Drymonia, spotted-flowered. Echeveria, racemed. Echinocactus, many-flowered. Mr. Mackie's. Mammillaria-like. neat. red-flowered. seesile-flowered. No. 3963 3974 3997 3976 3735 3835 3873 3775 3658 3898 3638 3791 3595 3885 3557 3637 3778 3951 3765 3666 3565 3800 3543 3631 4107 3717 4031 3605 4101 4036 3589 3673 3874 3706 3762 3572 3764 3545 4056 3574 3802 3923 3925 3907 3824 4000 3948 3999 4082 3801 Echinocactus, slender-spined. variegated-flowered. Echites, hairy-flowered, splendid-flowered. Edwardsia, Mr. Macnab's. Elaeodendron, Cape. Elisena, long-limbed. Epacris, blunt-leaved. small-leaved. Epidendrum, beautiful-lipped. chequer-flowered. cluster-flowered. coriaceous-leaved. Dr. Graham's. green and white-flowered. many-flowered. Mr. Parkinson's. Skinner's. onion-rooted. purplish-green. spreading. spreading-flowered. thick-leaved. warty-fruited. yolk-of-egg. Epiphyllum, the Duke of Bedford's. Eranthemum, Mountain. Eria, star-flowered. Eriostemon, box-leaved. Eucalyptus, or Gum Tree, Splachnum-fruited. Eucharidium, pretty. Euphorbia, or Spurge, Jacquiuiaflowered. Euterpe, mountain. Eutoca, clammy, straggling. Mr. Menzies. Evening Primrose, heart-leaved. shrubby, var. Fig Marigold, arrow-leaved. Flax, monogynous. Fly-wort, spine-bearing, triangular-lipped. Fox-glove, small, yellow; purple-flowered, var. Franciscea, broad-leaved. Francoa, white-flowered. Fuchsia, cluster-flowered. entire-leaved. Mountain. splendid. the glowing. INDEX. yo. 3663 Funckia, Dr. Siebold's. variegated. 3657 3551 Gaillardia two-coloured, Drummond's entire-leaved var. 4044 Gardenia, Mrs. Sherbourne's. 3860 Gardoquia, Betony-like. many-flowered. 3772 3930 Gastrochilus,handsome-flowered. long-flowered. 4010 4040 Gastrolobium, sharp-leaved. 3923 Gaybine, Mr. Lear's. Tyrian purple. 4024 3779 Gelasine, azure. 3836 Gesneria, bulbous-rooted. elongated var. 3725 gaping-flowered. 3659 Dr. Lindley's. 3602 many-flowered. 3995 mottled-leaved 3940 Mr. Douglas's whorled var. $612 Mr. Gardner's U21 Mr. March's. 3744 sceptre-flowered, pale-flow3576 g ered var. soft-leaved. 3815 spoon-leaved. 3737 tuberous-rooted. 3664 upright. 3738 3680 Gladiolus, Mr. Morton's, 4064 Globe Amaranth, large-flowered. 3584 Glory Pea, crimson 3934 Gloxinia, rough; large variegated-leaved var. 3943 rough-leaved; Mr.Menzie's var. tube-flowered. 3971 3881 Goldfussia, clustered. 3625 Goldylocks, scaly-stalked. 3687 Gongora, spotted. 3786 Gonolobus, hispid. 3660 Govenia, Mr. Gardner's Brazilian. 3841 Grabowskia, toothed. 4087 Greenovia, golden. 3798 Grevillea, dubious. 3737 Grindelia, flea-bane-like. 3827 Groundsel, Héritier's ; blue-eyed eyed var. 4011 quill-leaved, Cape. 3596 Habranthus, Anderson's Texas var. 3961 meadow; four-flowered car. 3870 Haemanthus, narrow-flowered, Mozambic var. • 11 . Vol. No. 66 3760 Hakea, finger-leaved. 65 3639 Heath, drooping, round-headed, bell-flowered var. 70 4074 flask-flowered. Lady Shannon's. 70 4069 69 4016 Mr. Irby's. 67 3857 Helichrysum, snowy-flowered. 67 3862 Herbertia, pretty and blue. 66 3746 Heterotropa, Asarabacea-like. 68 3936 Hibiscus, Mr. Cameron's. 66 3771 Hippeastrum, Solandra-flowered. r 70 4079 Holly, Canarian broad-leaved. 66 3730 Hologymne, glabrous. 69 4027 Horsebean, Jamaica ; or Overlook. 67 3821 Hoteia, bearded. 70 4072 Houlletia, Mr. Brocklehurst's. 67 3823 Hymenoxys, Californian. 68 3894 Hypocalyptus, obcordate. 69 4047 Hypocyrta, rough-leaved. 65 3696 Hypoxis, starry-haired. 69 3985 Indian Cress, blue-flowered. 66 3714 large-rooted. Mr. Moritz's. 67 3844 69 4042 many-leaved. short-spurred. 67 3851 70 4063 Ipecacuanha. 65 3665 Ipom•a, Buenos Ayres. 69 3978 Mr. Tweedie's. 65 3685 the Plata. 70 4068 thick flower-stalked or Bindweed. 69 4037 Isopogon, rough-leaved. 67 3842 Isomeris, tree-like. 70 4118 Juannulloa, parasitic. 68 3935 Kale, Indian, fragrant. 65 3652 Kennedya, dingy-flowered. 70 4076 Kidney Bean, lobe-leaved. 64 3542 Knight's Star Lily, ambiguous, var. 1 long-flowered. 64 3549 short-flowered. 68 3905 Kreysigia, many-flowered. 64 3552 Lachenalia, glaucous-flowered. 67 3817 Lselia, autumnal. 67 3804 two-edged. 68 3957 white-flowered. 70 4090 gorgeous. 70 4099 pedunculated. 67 3810 scurfy-stalked. 68 3941 Lantana, Mr. Sellow's; longleaved var. 66 4129 Laplacea, semiserrated-leaved. 64 3593 Larkspur, slender, upright. 12 INDES. No. 3766 Lasiandra, petiolated. 3908 Lasiopetalum, large-leaved. or 3987 Lathyrus, nerve-leaved ; 3996 4043 3700 4112 3763 3755 3734 3578 3699 3829 3785 3554 4034 3770 3622 4095 3632 3604 3600 3609 3550 3671 4002 3784 4110 4023 4096 3650 3946 4048 3979 3805 3548 3846 3814 3698 3647 3642 3972 4060 3634 3646 3984 3797 3893 Everlasting Pea. South American downy ; or Everlasting Pea. Leianthus, black-flowered. Leonotis, Cat-mint leaved. Lepanthes, blood-coloured. Lepismium, common. mouse-tail. Leptotes, two-coloured ; glaucous-leaved var. Leptosiphon, thickly-flowering. Ley cestería, handsome. Liatris, sharp-seale spiked. Lily, crimson Japan ; whiteflowered var. Limnanthes, Älr. Douglas'. Liparia, small. Mr. Col. Malker's. Lisianthus, Duke of Bedford's. Loasa, Mr. Pentland's. red-flowered. Lobeba, hybrid var. of the blue American. Cavanille's. Erinus-like. many-leaved. Mr. Bridges'. shining ; dark purple leaved var. various-leaved. Lomatia, dyeing. Holly-leaved. Longan. Lophospermum, climbing. Luculia, fragrant. Luxembergia, fringe-leaved. Macleania, angle-flowered. Macropodium, Siberian, j Madia, elegant. Mallow, pale red-flowered. purple. showv red-flowered. Mammillaria, copious-flowering. dark green. densely-spined. four-spined. •'•• Lehmann's. taper. top-shaped. Mandevilla, sweet-scented. Marianthus, blue-spotted. Vol No. 67 3809 Marica, humble ; yellow var. 06 3713 slender-stemmed. 65 3704 MarshaUia, tufted. 67 3830 Marygold, corymb-flowered. 69 3992 Mate, or Paraguay Tea. 64 3613 Maxillaria, dwarf. 70 4081 fringe-bpped. 6,1 3629 golden-tufted. 68 3945 hooded. 04 3614 Mr. Henchmann's. M 3573 Mr. Steele's. 6 <i pale yellow. 3981 69 3966 sharp-petaled. 6 7 3877 Stapelia-hke. 69 4028 Megaclinium, largest. 65 3628 Melindres, cut-leaved. 65 3691 Melocactus, depressed. 65 3690 Merendera, Caucasian. 70 4103 Microstylis, sail-flowered. 64 3616 Milk-wort, Myrtle-leaved, largeflowered var. 7o 4109 Miltonia, Mr. Clowes'. 60 3793 white-Upped yellow var. 64 3601 Monk-flower, ding£ greenflowered var. 65 3708 fimbriated. 67 3832 Mr. Bushman's. 6 7 3819 long-leaved. 67 3796 white and rose-coloured. 64 3560 Monkey-flower, Cardinal. 68 3924 Mr. Maclain's hvbrid var. of the rose-coloured. 0 7 3852 Monk's hood, Chinese. o,7 3839 Monolopia, larger. 70 4092 Morina, long-leaved. 67 3879 Mormodes, Leopard-spotted ; white-coloured var. 68 3900 Leopard-spotted. os 3931 Mountain Laurel, blistered. 711 4122 Mouse-ear Azorean ; or Forgetme-not. 0 7 3799 Mullein, Taurican. 70 4097 Nasturtium; or Mr. Lobb's Indian Cress. 00 3753 Neluinbium, yellow. 69 4018 Nematanthus, long flowerstalked. shorter flower-stalked. 7o 4080 66 3774 Nemophila, spotted-flowered. 68 3954 Nightshade, Balbi's ; bipinnateleaved var. 65 3684 frairrant South American. 7o 4104 Odontoglossum, elegant. 68 3955 grreat. INDEX. Fol. No. To/., .Yo. Oncidium, bird's beak. 64 3618 M 3 12 i butterriv ; broad-bordered 65 3621 66 I 3 33 j 3783 dinay-nowered. 68 3891 64 3603 i downy columned; yellow- 67 3833 68 3926 I dowered car. 66 3721 frog ; larger var. 68 3950 66 3712 I large-anthered. 67 3849 67 3*45 Mr. Forbes'. 67 3850 65 i 3705 Mr. Herbert's dwarf. 64 3579 »•»5 36S l ¡ Mr. Hunt's. 56 3750 67 ' 3>«>tï Mrs. Wray's. 64 3575 67 3s 3+ one-coloured. 69 4007 66 .',752 one-horned. 68 3S97 ta .>'.<•» rounded-leaved. 65 3682 «Í4 336 9 ! thick-leaved. 68 3952 67 3807 three-coloured. 68 3920 70 4ioÜ ! 68 3914 j Opuntia, decumbent ; or Pricklv 69 4006 ' 69 4019 ! Fig. one-spined ; or Prickly Fig. 6 5 3707 68 3911 ! 64 3623 07 3S47 Orthosiphon, incurved. 65 3676 69 I W2Í | Osbeckia, Chinese. hoary-leaved. 68 3909 •'.ti 3790 I f.'j 3967 | Othonna, shrubby. tuberous-rooted; or Afri- 70 4117 C9 4U38 i can Ragwort. 65 3641 f. S 3921 Otochilus, brownish-flowered. 65 3653 69 4027 Overlook; or Jamaica Horse bean.i 69 4039 66 3723 Palo de Vaca; or Cow Tree of! 68 3947 the Caraccas. 66 3759 M 3724 í Palo de Vaca. | 67 3811 65 3633 Papaw, small citron-fruited. 65 3667 65 3636 I Passion-flower, large-stipuled. 67 3825 67 3S20 Lieut. Sulivan's. 66 3773 Mr. Moore's. I 65 3670 65 3635 >*igella-flowered. 69 3977 69 '4009 Sea Anemone. 68 3953 65 3697 yellow-fruited Virginian. 69 4030 64 j 3590 ParetU, South African. 66 3718 65 ! 3692 Pavorua, Schrank's. 64 3562 TO 4096 Pro us, flesh-coloured. 70 4108 69 35 »4 Penstemon, bell-flowered. 67 3808 65 36S8 Gentian-like. 68 3899 65 3661 glandular. 69 3988 65 3645 spreading. 64 3571 64 3853 various-leaved. 69 3982 69 3999 Peroettia, narrow-leaved. 66 3729 70 4053 Petalidium, Barlcria-like. 70 4055 64 3556 Petunia, purple, hybrid, var. 63 3892 65 3703 Phacelia, Tansy-leaved. 67 3840 69 3960 Phajus, spotted-leaved. 69 3973 70 4079 two-coloured. 70 4105 69 ¡3991 white. 79 4015 63 ! 3710 Phalocallis, lead-coloured. 64 3544 13 Philibertia, large-flowered. Philodendron, thick-ribbed. Phlogacanthus, curved-flowered. Physianthus, golden-haired. Pimelia, dwarf. Mr. Henderson's, showy. Plantain tree, superb. Ibid. Platystemon, Californian. smooth-fruited. Platystigma, linear-leaved. Pleroma, Mr. Bentham's. Pleurothallis, painted. the Grobv. Plumieria, sharp-leaved. Podotheca, cudweed. Poinciana, Dr. Gillies'. Polyspora, axillary. Polystachia, large-flowered. Poppy, South African. Potentilla, glabrous. Prepusa, scarlet and white-flowered. Pterodiscus, showy. Quinoa, useful. Rehmannia, Chinese. Rhipsalis, opposite-branched. Rhododendron, bearded. bell-flowered. Caucasian hybrid, var. sparkling. tree, Cinnamon-leaved var. with rose-coloured flowers, white-flowered. Rondeletia, blue-flowered. sweet-scented. Rose, Mr. Brown's. Ruellia, fringe-flowered. Rytidophyllum, auriculated. Saccolabium, spotted. Sage, spreading. thick-flowered. Sapota, or Date-plum. Sarcanthus, round-leaved. Saurauja, showy. Schomburgkia, margined, var. Sea Lavender, rasp-leaved. Sida, Duke of Bedford's, painted-flowered. Siphocampylos, Birch-leaved. Lantana-leaved. long flower-stalked. Sisyrinchium, showy. 14 INDEX. Fol. No. 65 67 65 65 65 65 3672 3795 3677 3709 3681 3683 70 64 65 67 70 70 69 64 64 67 70 66 67 69 68 68 68 67 68 65 67 4057 3536 3627 3872 4127 4125 3975 3606 3615 3803 4058 3792 3856 4014 3902 3918 3883 3816 3913 3689 3855 70 4062 69 70 64 70 4004 4070 3611 4111 Fol. 65 Solanum, bell-flowered. wavy. 66 Sophronitis, drooping-flowered. 70 70 large-flowered. 68 Spathodea, five-stemmed. Speedwell, prostrate, Savory- 66 66 leaved, var. 69 showy-flowered. Spider-wort, sedge-leaved. 66 Spine Cactus, tube-flowered. Sprekelia, the Tumbler. Stapelia, Cactus-like. 1 65 Statice, large-leaved ; or Thrift. 69 Stelis, dark-flowered. i 66 Stenactis, showy. Stenomesson, orange-flowered. ! 64 64 wide-leaved. Stephanotis, copious- wering. 68 65 Stevia, short-awned. 70 trachelium-leaved. Stigmaphyllum, various-leaved. 65 70 Strobilanthes, sessile-flowered. Stuartia, five-styled. Stylidium, ciliated-leaved. 70 fascicled-leaved. 66 recurved. 67 Sun-flower, soft-leaved. 68 Swanwort, Mr. Loddiges'; white- 68 lipped var. 70 Tacsonia, Mrs. Marryatt's ; or 64 ! 68 Passion flower. Tecoma, Jasmine-leaved. 65 Tetranema, Mexican. 65 Thermopsis, bean-leaved. 67 ¡64 Thomasia, large-stipuled. No. 3701 3776 4128 4119 3901 3715 3749 3983 3757 3702 3969 3739 3547 3555 3887 3630 4114 3694 4061 4075 3748 3896 3938 3932 4098 3582 3956 3674! 3686 3812 3585 I Thrift, downy-leaved Canary. gigantic Canary. large-headed Thunbergia,purple, golden-eyed. Tithonia, ovate-leaved. Torenia, heart-leaved. Tourretia, burr-fruited. Traveller's Joy, Violet-blue ; large-flowered var. Treacle Mustard, deep orangeflowered. Trefoil, Mule white ; or tall Dutch Clover. Trichocentrum, brown-flowered. Trichopilia, twisted-petaled. Tulbaghia, Ludwig's. Violet-flowered. Tulip, three-coloured. Tweedia, changeable-flowered. Vanda, quill-leaved. Verbain, Germander-leaved. Virgin's Bower ; mountain large-flowered var. Visearía, dark-eyed. Wood-Sorrel, Barrelier's shrubb. downy-stamened. Dr. Martius'. hairy-petaled. Umbilicus, soft-leaved. Xanthozia, round-leaved. Zichva, smooth-leaved. Zvgopetalon, Mr. Murray's. Tree Fern. Zygopetalum, African. shell-lipped.