71r! MILDIMAT/Lif A meat..tq d -J&o..3d alF- 06,,4114*/*/ esdee tog Lora 152 2003 \-̀14 7;/ tJ oe 09-05-2003d atindogropporuGovernnrient zmruittnru 1ro zero zero kw zero of Karnataka 0.124xse e f) 5 0 puoutient Sheet daeodtt =Ka txun_ (=sza.1 Registration and Stamps Department wiAic=ii 1 11.• KARNATAKA z.5e3: 2/- eroos.se mt3 w,N:s„) 3a0 This sheet can be used for any document mz,ZAJcl 2-44 taxzrej orf toe.), d.ra. Total stamp duty paid Rs. cim_gmq zpdctt.ro.4.3 E)Fac, Dateofxcuin diaeks tha5Deadd), 23me dor1V,Rdo dor1V,Jacio. 1976 d aas>aei pct, e,76 UDt.saede4 € uacaxSat 19 2011-12 (mewl eV) d).) exra74nDo4alaMpei araeoxbd 1 m'rld N VD tcStod 2 meD ue,3FDd V cp. draedoddtclt c-c3cio eA)c)?:§6 F ,36383f:t F\76E- 2:3( T-arTD45 evaoa) rtZ1/4)A rtZ:Icto Ci.) 9 3 2„t -aa.cY7c t 4 LTDi 05-04-2010 --6(: 0‘.13-6 M' e9 Z76 at 2Saacbrig endd do-ak r10.3) m-arl,ra w0e.3 zvc Nc 2atzkOrIV e7-sad ~ itm) cedeSet)o) 12 lo) o e..)5' G.* 1 C;eh) 2. decirIV,), 2.76230We ' 3 F-d4a RI o incirts,3),) el ce Fel (6 Z. UCtrae Zm-a eS ■DLTD(36 da.25,000/- da.25,000/- du .20,000/- d2.1,81,493/- cep ( Q)c,) el, e—?,) r e?„, (Q.),.., cfk2.5,000/- E94)Fe (730 -4 r -D s 4) aDocerlek/E6dodclo e..?, 4ed) , TD6E:3 Notarial Reg. No . Book No 00000000000000000000 kE 0000 i art: Nits WO dmiler4 mOotqdmFt...3e octet Xos1.15 toes 152 t3.).fzetx2oo3 mrk3t turd rzim.pet.--/4 me,5 Document Sheet Government of Karnataka famot 09-05-2003d alj azd tne:b4eizt\r:S. taeort wzrta txrs?,o eatnal I 2.3d da. 2/— : Registration and Stamps Department m4o.I.A cidsa4itle r:17n_petVi emto..tron4ntztta This sheet can be used for any document ZsnEzszj oa es); tie. Total stamp duty paid Rs. c$M.pmqntic:Ze..fai, =-60 Date of execution niel•••■•■••••Allialill.C.... ■11••••■ 0 kuliz -2Qci 4 et:pEw' e.) , T Reg. No. 77 Crir 9 rQe-? --ocprIc,) 5. r4t f... uarls.3',) (c) n B re Metropolitan luta: N. 1)e.ar Yo \''40 rQ0-? \ 2)-20 wad) 3)%V s4 e4s' 3) Fde..1) (36 2J°e t-6 6 mz'erly),) 250 ,oe..5,) rrso c emortd tie.14,000/ — erz-Dot , es) e.pcipo e.) , D-DD-0 ,i-au'd 20 ZEild 23qzc-,1 e„Nzd e.6 arldcs riv's) 3 7. rlso rlsotc:3 ,,)o z.fo o el-oar-loci 200 r-Tss o -D -D ,P Q.)6 -5e-)2, rie.4,00,000/— ..Pe...),i tuz.30,000/— cie.3,00,000/— fw.?, eQe.)„ eQe..?,, , cractrig endd: 23tra(9,2;19) .eras= CoOr1∎2 woe.3 (ecz'esleo) s'.o Zcirle,A) gig.2 to 4 ..)6 1 q -ac:Liocz o.79/3, gldE teE a3ape...) ,.),.2 o.55/7, Zcb-a0 (" e-?. `Q Om .e.io.e.e.tod dae2oq , e7u.2 etdE efactrag wrld, dorlea',w:i.) E efs K-aafot, *-.1 tee- 2:3,norDo e.rad.)-D4 ris,), 4. egoe.0.7..bd Lr-6e2.)(42, .- Nota rial Reg. No 6 4,A -4 tdE o.51/3 2 0 ey1 2..e.ilociotee o'0.7m6 o.80/1,F,5'eF o.80/2, o.114/4, ea' o ri v;.r&cto Wia . 'e.),n F ZEgt eMzul egzi-IdeariVo t d e.97,) (woe.3 do Ne e tia c7J o.642, cl.ratzsacataa, e.e9c36 .e_od dLeez.).??, 23orliedDcio et%R E 'Qe.),,, dm_per.$)zezOo.1.)qtmrt3 tnF•dri eederl 4o4 toe.; 152 t...v4.(Det..).) 2003 nmod 09-05-2003d cive_Oe= wig tazrd Document Sheet Government of Karnataka %mai tAeorft.-Z wzrta 23e3 dry. 2/ : — Reg istration and Stamps Department 4gi entoironz., This sheet can be used for any document taxzszi,o dm_g.le3,4 2adcte.rzt4j CJmot Date of execution d.rz. Total stamp duty paid Rs. .0A0 -3Veldr1V,) 3 mei t:36 6 k...76 .,) ■) c).50, 46 e da da LTD CS (" :)'"D a, , OD idA C e7i at a e r 1 #.e.6(36 .eTiod daee.3(0, doriV,r6clo eTikfF n-Docy-oce dc2da2...TOC'& 1), 4.ego6 .0-1-Jo d 4.e9cf.e.7bri ,per-1.,,k) / o. 1 (?\)-221 ) wer,DeFe006.3-6 X0.1 'Q WO6.5 ,,Do (K)—.2) , E cAut,) , angarore OL 07..kfar • .---',. 0F M - - cnvdk, ZMktf r72,..), e.e.306 .07.bd Zes2 e 20 40 , o.n(eics6.502) 230r1V,J@do ,27:12E- Mo.3(k-103, erari.Taq riso,t-'.e.906 .e.7),5ci ,3Dcrae.3 --ot)r2) dae2.340, ,..),.1 ofxf@ Ifil, 61L .4-"AR Metrtpolitan Itra eaci.)-ag -6 .c:ZO.P..306 , 3.-a 4 ri.:ao, stt.z6 o.C6(esoe.504) •. Reg. No. 77 , 23 0 r1VJa Ci) er& d tZ(e5C3e-101), dkaM,) , (a.1.3€ • dae ?...) it, , zsorv'crado irja 4. +-. o .69 exa dazsa ea rt --a eae 23 .0 , (d 23orIVaKi) ,Q(e3oe-205, 2,( Ei 06 .402) E WDZI.J1., VO. fD€7:6 ) ( e.9 06 .406) as) tortbrig wed o (wo6.3 woe3 ecsaF (eca)2,Seo) es)) dtsdcx.13G3 eae.t.)eM..). to..3) teE — e.raciyaq ent, 023 CIO r1VO FWE M'o.79/3, o .51/3 1/4) RldF m'o.80/1, etdE m)o.80/2, ftdE- ZA) ec-aF(2.A.113 ZkoecaF) — 0.37.5 rlooe.3 4z Ci2.1,60,00,0001— , 1/4YacioVe.36 23e3 — N otarial Reg. No ....... Book dorliV,rad) o.55/7 C . .................... No ....................... ............... .............. 6.1 4k4 rrO-0/7 rdxr,,d= meotatqila-o-1.3 teardci tetied Xos1.15 tiora 152 =,.rze,),) 2003 r.),moti 09-05-2003d Z.,5- d t,nnjttniz!. zm_pez4) Document Sheet mr teizr d Government of Karnataka taeortl =Km .),Dal?) ot facne Registration and Stamps Department eAs Ekmzvotqcd.n*c3e dx-2pezeri eicaio.tzenct This sheet can be used for any document znakcIt z..A4 t33m..,,ot 63; Oa. Total stamp duty paid Rs. clmitez.-4F2,..ndcbt..24, Czzol Date of execution —4— ea) d6dmc3oed eez.)eM.) tot ew!.o ct 9 23or1V,Rd3 e.7-3JDF E 0 23 dO V1/4) cteE ZkjcBE(2,63)e3 Z?Q_D ec'aE) — dJtt3ei aScl — 1/4422,.3m1 14/4 0.3.64 rlooe.3 dra.40,00,111,000/— dad ct.aaap-acart -osE,.e.ic56 .e.73od efaezocO, 23or11,3),.ad3 e-T3LI@E t636 m'osodorloot m'o.642 Zg.) n'aE- (2..,61)83 Vs.) ee'aF) 2400 ezttda. e23m' 3-adov't31 23c3 — q) dka30,00,000/— (m4eas dA.) mattizeoiraeri) wiLD NV darz:Fac-acte,Jott, #.eoe.e_oci ,2e2.3C 9 ZSOTIVLad.) -65V6F o.50 esVg) - 55 X 44=2420 cads, - da.24,50,000/- rTtoo-Dcz diaVsTac'act.) --aa,, #.e9(56 .0.7Jod 23orloc,3',2cio Zg.) Zg.) 2.A3.15 eVe) — 33 X 42 = 1386 ecida, — Notarial Reg. No o.50/1 dro.20,00,000/— E 6-60,2t"0., al;ge= wnia3Jglimrk3 Government of Karnataka nmoe 09 05 2003d aij azd - dm.,ge= me.t Document Sheet tnrcl edet zoo Lora 152 tx4.roZa.) 2003 - %mg tivorld worta 2.5e3: 2/- Registration and Stamps Department msiotqcdsz*de dxra_gerl nalotroh4to:.,r1) This sheet can be used for any document 2..tz? j ot( ztva Total stamp duty paid Rs. cmzjilmqzzdrzbe.rat fame p II Date of execution -51/4t td.o 9 0.1) r1.- 1/4)o-a dro a423-a a c•a esoe . Edo ri , el-02,3C d 0 rle.2 teE/ meeaF(e.,..q ZkeoF / T-6c.xVo., es,74) - 22 X 30 = 660 2tztee, „.7-adotell 23e3 - cira.6,00,000/- de) dAristb / eDE.36e- d)06.3eriti.) quee od do F.1 1,3' Zm'o,te cYkdk, 9 -v`' #.e.3c36 .e7),')ci e F/ o.109/ 1, 23orleA2do t9 rla 1/4)e uorla (9,)-2) (E906-101) ed@alue 2.e F(2 ZkeOF / 2 61 es — Lf@cl,y-ag d)w),Et. 895 ecla, 1535 zkida mss , s (t906 .504) 1460 ?,Stda c'e) „3-Dclow'es6 cie.65,00,000/- Sri 9 c3g.)clk, 17) o.109/1, #. 06 e.x) d era ez..) mer/ aua eze )o.3(AJ-103 etc ~c ewe F3L3) 2.(e.9o€.402) MclieeeF(s2s.36.)3 Mem' / . (t906.406) 4470 adds st:/ 4) %ttee8M e th a3e5 - Notarial Reg. No r-1V,2do if- W6Q./f6c05b., tira.75,00,000/.......... BookNo ....................................... sts cAlger4mcPo..1.)qtmnA tszrt:td otitt xo4 fora 152 t....rotx 2003 time= Lei Document Sheet tra rd Government of Karnataka Cone 09-05-2003d M.) Tod taeortt =Ka entnat Registration and Stamps Department ef) .).DC:1?) C) .3d : CiZ. 2/ — mek.tg c1.1.7a4de dm_genrt This sheet can be used for any document zzl,tqc:1 2, ta=_,ot Total stamp duty paid Rs. tnajt mqndd..)624, Date of execution 7 Ete. .7 -6- ZodJe dkcgcl, fteE m'o.109/1, e2d,3Bq asforIVact #.e306.e.-ziod teE/ az -Tame...1e t= Wae.A2c0 J., o.2.5(e.906 .502) -1030 dczta ecaF tAsid eve) ,)-adow'e,15 ai en)) , 5. -cb-aE- Wc. 83 (:),34S6 zdrIvo 1 ne w car to cfki.15 ,0 0,000/- — c1 emodo 0 M'esaWatO it0Ferl ,?PrI e'r .) -6 ,.Tac76)2.39 eT-ac c.-7-6e)rleo) 9 RITDECit'a ,3-Dcz) z,3c, y-aal e...Taig-rlogb -de t-'10c-soge. am6 Ot-e/C•BW-61\55 9 rlogt / , e)--aeiSrIV .1. ZW4 dirkt Me) NO o€3 ue 2.7D6 05'6 me e., zia4 , ci,) eJ-6 ' (Qoncrarld, cte.15,00,000/- dorIV,2d.) 2. e..)e) tee) ea e tua ue ,D8peo5 ei7)96Da -6 d,2.4,00,920/- donVado 3. oa Vie) E3.?.)..7%). " ea-a6 OW6 ' dorivARci) NT-arrit z3-a4 (e..em-oodocl gOrl W) 1) FiCie &'"D.76 F (7)$o ctoeto cia3,08,000/- gbrl eraclo6,-u'Etk) e..9CYB0dOe8rl (f...9?;560,tg3rl ,g`kci Ot.) to,iatt.F..3)04cf.0) 1 02.306 Pan No.AKSPK0240L esmodo 48r1 - rwiogE5e...?„. 2. tos-T3.1 3. ,3-DCYD63 (toeTu't) g8r3 8r-1 (z..Jdm't Notarial Reg. No...... Bo ok tetF ) <dogse)„ at5 v --3-Dcl#6 tozoo4)Utot .................. No ........................................ - ) dm_peu..) mOotq timE- 0 tt%rdd tedet Xo4.52s eva 152 Z3.3,2et,l) 2003 Emcp5 09-05-2003d 4)Ind txC.1,Xenrld. tImrizt trard cim.pe= m.10 Document Sheet Government of Karnataka taeordr3 =Kra d)orn_..) o eatne Registration and Stamps Department ZZo..! : Oa. 2/- mek..tq o.1.7a*e ElnD_peztr'i eroZotsoh42.1) This sheet can be used for any document zzin;_iletzg Date of execution 4-z,':acsiDoel Lozoti ex), cl.rt. Total stamp duty paid Rs. -7- 4. e.9k g3r1 Rs.1,28,287-00 for the period 2008-09 and for the period 2009-10 6. qz ee'cosei# em'Egodoo s #Vw'ocz'o rctqcto SH (zzeia ZE5:6 Zmouodor1V Zdd (teabgto) zrac.)-a doo ire cfew,orIV F- 7-I'VkDoz ne.1 ZmouodonV to1/42e3,-dogczo. SSLC- Corporation High School Tasker Town Bangalore In t 1964-65. Oid.laciedso doeeD deP:#cuarimt mm'o ,t■,s do,20T) ZdOe'Fan st3,N'Ck 0.r041730qC3eocJc5 7..r')ct 02ez1Flodoe..?, eDcgw' --ando eDoer1Vo a.?,e3cfo 06383r1 -c.:1‘3 "Dn at- Ode 2,7crIg ct0V)01? Pte.J tat n,Tdatrleoznclognom . 2011 ee doe gor1V0 23 et) esorIV,faam'e9, etbbedkcl. O t 5f : irp iEtmow' : ee(t, #mdd 41.,torfi— SWORN T fek c-1-31p o BAL., 11.8., ADVOCATE & NOTARY No. 37, Opp. South Indian Bank, Maruthi Seva Nagar, Banaswadi Main Road, BANGALORE-560 033. Reg. No. 7749 Mobile 9844097997._ : 0 ‘.1-acs5 e w'OrT.; e.)--6nr2. eLr-6e1.38 'My ornrnission Expires on:5-2 -20e. SA NTH OS H, 0 cc et do. CIL73 0 0 NOTARY STAMP An co NOT SUPPLIED BY GOVT. OF KARNATAKA WITH EFIF T ,FAi •M 1 4 f2 003