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ueYevles - mt-iconnect.com
MT SANSKRIT COMPOSITE Module 11 - VOICE EDUCARE LTD. (He´³eesie) Voice Active 1. 2. 194 Passive Transitive Intransitive (mekeÀce&keÀ) (DekeÀce&keÀ) Impersonal Active Voice In mebmke=Àle, active voice is called as keÀle&efj He´³eesie as in active voice keÀlee& i.e. Subject is important i.e. Verb takes the same person and number of the subject. Formation of Active Voice In Subject is in Object is in Verb depends on the person and number of A ctive Voice N ominative case A ccusative case S ubject i) For a Transitive (mekeÀce&keÀ) root Here the ending of the verb changes according to the number and person of the Subject. e.g. Denb HeÀueeefve Keeoeefce ~ ii) For a Intransitive (DekeÀce&keÀ) root Here the object is absent. The verb changes according to the number and person of Subject. e.g. Denb efueKeeefce ~ A A N A S ³ee®ekeÀeë Oeveb ueYevles ~ N S ³ee®ekeÀeë ®eueefle ~ Passive Voice In mebmke=Àle, passive voice is called keÀce&efCe He´³eesie, as in passive voice keÀce& i.e. object is important i.e. Verb takes the same person and number of the object. Formation of Passive Voice In Subject is in Object is in Verb depends on the person and number of P assive voice I nstrumental case N ominative case O bject e.g. i) Denb A N P I HeÀueeefve Keeoeefce ~ S O e.g.ii) ³ee®ekeÀeë Oeveb A N A P I N ueYevles ~ ce³ee HeÀueeefve KeeÐevles ~ ³ee®ekeÀwë ueY³eles ~ A N Oeveb S O SCHOOL SECTION MT EDUCARE LTD. SANSKRIT COMPOSITE Passive form of the root is formed by adding `³e' to the root and adding DeelcevesHeo termination, according to the person and number of the object. Passive Form = Root + Root Active form Passive Form III person singular Present III singular Present Imperative Potential Imperfect Past Heþd Keeod keÀLed ueYed ¢Med - HeM³ed ieced - ie®íd Yet - YeJed oe - ³e®íd Hee - efHeyed mLee - efle<þd %ee ke=À Ë - njd mce= - mcej d JeHed Je®ed Jend Jeod Jemed ³e + AP termination according to object Heþefle Keeoefle keÀLe³eefle ueYeles HeM³eefle ie®íefle YeJeefle ³e®íefle efHeyeefle efle<þefle peeveeefle keÀjeself e njefle mcejefle JeHeefle JeefkeÌle Jenefle Jeoefle Jemeefle Heþîeles KeeÐeles keÀL³eles ueY³eles ¢M³eles iec³eles Yet³eles oer³eles Heer³eles mLeer³eles %ee³eles efke´À³eles efÛ³eles mce³e&les GH³eles G®³eles G¿eles GÐeles G<³eles Heþîeleeced KeeÐeleeced keÀL³eleeced ueY³eleeced ¢M³eleeced iec³eleeced Yet³eleeced oer³eleeced Heer³eleeced mLeer³eleeced %ee³eleeced efke´À³eleeced efÛ³eleeced mce³e&leeced GH³eleeced G®³eleeced G¿eleeced GÐeleeced G<³eleeced Heþîesle KeeÐesle keÀL³esle ueY³esle ¢M³esle iec³esle Yet³esle oer³esle Heer³esle mLeer³esle %ee³esle efke´À³esle efÛ³esle mce³exle GH³esle G®³esle G¿esle GÐesle G<³esle DeHeþîele DeKeeÐele DekeÀL³ele DeueY³ele De¢M³ele Deiec³ele DeYet³ele Deoer³ele DeHeer³ele DemLeer³ele De%ee³ele Deefke´À³ele DeefÛ³ele Demce³e&le DeewH³ele Deew®³ele Deew¿ele DeewÐele Deew<³ele Generally, when a root ends in Dee, passive form is formed by adding `F&' to it. e.g. oe - oer³e, Hee - Heer³e, mLee, - mLeer³e etc. When the root begins with Jed, in passive the form Jed changes to G. e.g. JeHed - GH³e, Je®ed - G®³e etc. Passive form of any Tense can be formed by adding DeelcevesHeo ending of the respective tense to the root. eg. Heþd De + Heþd Heþd Heþd SCHOOL SECTION ³e + ³e + ³e + ³e + les + le + leeced + F&le + Heþîeles ~ = DeHeþîele ~ = Heþîeleeced ~ = Heþîesle ~ = Passive Present Tense Passive Past Tense Passive Imperative Mood Passive Potential Mood 195 MT SANSKRIT COMPOSITE EDUCARE LTD. Some examples of Active and Passive Sentences : Present Tense Past Tense A P meë lJeeb HeM³e efle ~ lesve l®eb ¢M³emes ~ N I A N Oesvegë ogiOeced De³e®í led ~ OesvJee ogiOeced Deoer³ele ~ A P S O N I Imperative Mood A P 3. efHelee keÀLeeb efHe$ee keÀLee N I A N A N S O Potential Mood keÀLe³eleg ~ A P S O ³ee®ekeÀë Oeveb ueY esle ~ ³ee®ekesÀve Oeveb ueY³esle ~ N I keÀL³eleeced ~ A N S O Impersonal Voice In some active sentences, where the root is Intransitive i.e. Object is absent. When we change the voice of such sentences, it is called Impersonal Voice. In this voice, i) Subject is in Instrumental Case ii) Verb = Root + ³e + AP Third Person Singular ending. e.g. i) Denb ®eueeefce ~ ce³ee ®eu ³eles ~ ii) Je³eb ®euee ceë ~ DemceeefYeë ®eu ³eles ~ REMEMBER THIS ! Active voice Passive voice Subject Nominative Instrumental Object Accusative Nominative Verb Root + Conj. sign + Root + Termination acc. Termination acc. to person and to person and number of Subject number of Object PASSIVE FORMS 1) 3) 5) keÀL³eles keÀL³evles G®³eles ³e + AP IN THE TEXT BOOK. - keÀLed (10UP) - keÀLed (10UP) - ye´t (2UP), Je®ed (2PP) 2) 4) ¢M³eles efke´À³eles - ¢Med (1PP) ke=À (8UP) ** ** ** ** ** 196 S C HO O L S E C TI O N