Climate, Environmental Change and the Public - eurobrisa
Climate, Environmental Change and the Public - eurobrisa
First EUROBRISA Workshop: 1717-19 March, March, ParatiParati-RJ, 2008 Climate, Environmental Change and the Public Health in Brazil: Scenarios, Opportunities and Uncertainties for Improved Seasonal Forescasting Antonio Miguel V. Monteiro, INPE Trevor Bailey, Exeter University { [email protected] } Health, Environment and Climate Change Studies: A Collective Climate, Environment and Health Multi-institutional Group Christovam Barcellos, Marilia Sá Carvalho - CICT,ENSP/Fiocruz A. Miguel, Virginia Ragoni e Helen Gurgel - DPI,CPTEC/INPE Wayner de Souza, José Constantino - CPqAM-Recife/Fiocruz Cáudia Codeço, Aline Nobre, Taynãna , Oswaldo Cruz – PROCC/Fiocruz The SAUDAVEL Network Paulo Justiniano – LEG/UFPR Partially sponsored by: SVS-MS About this Presentation Based on slides prepared by Christovam Barcellos Aquecimento global e sua relação com as doenças infecciosas no Brasil Uma verdade inconveniente O dia depois de amanhã Katrina, 2005 Relatório IPCC, 2007 Ártico, 2006 Jaboatão- PE, 2005 Ciclone Catarina, RS e SC, 2004 Evolution of the Publications on Global Warming in Scientific Magazines 8000 Relatório IPCC 2007 trabalhos publicados 7000 citações 6000 5000 4000 BROECKER WS (1975) CLIMATIC CHANGE - ARE WE ON BRINK 3000OF A PRONOUNCED GLOBAL WARMING? SCIENCE 189 (4201): 460-463. Criação do IPCC 2000 1000 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 O Impacto na mídia Jornal do Brasil, fev./2007 Climate and Health: The Official View First driven by the Global Warming and Climate Change (Global) Agenda Institutionalised by the Health Ministry as a Public Health issue: Setting up of Comissions Technical&Scientific WS Health Surveillance Office Climate and Health: The Official View In its first steps it is looking into the long run: mitigation and adaptation on the center of the stage But, it still have a lot of space for improvements and changes in orientation Climate and Health: The (Un)official View The Collective was invited by the SVS-MS to write down a workingpaper to support the discussions at the Climate Change and Health Workshop at the 7ª ExpoEpi, the most important event of the Health Surveillance Office in Brazil. [November, Brasilia 2007] Climate, Environmental Changes and Infectious Diseases: Scenarios and Uncertainties for the Brazilian Health Surveillance Christovam Barcellos et al., 2007 Climate and Health: The (Un)official View A very good opportunity for Seasonal Forecasting ! It can be fundamental for Alert Systems, Systems the new generation for the Environmental and Epidemiological Health Surveillance in the 21st Centrury. Climate and Health: The (Un)official View But, Is Seasonal Forecasting Technology and Science ready for the challenge ?? Infectious Diseases and Endemies: Travelling around in Brazil 700.000 600.000 Malária 500.000 400.000 300.000 200.000 100.000 0 Casos 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 169.871 197.149 221.939 297.687 378.257 399.462 443.627 508.864 559.535 577.520 560.396 541.927 572.993 483.367 555.135 564.570 444.049 405.051 471.894 637.474 600.000 cases/year schistosomiasis 50.000 cases/year leptospirosis 3000 cases 300 deaths/year 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Casos 1.852 1.924 1.594 3.077 2.508 2.409 3.014 2.094 1.728 2.893 4.293 5.579 3.298 3.449 2.433 3.487 3.638 2.620 2.952 3.033 2.698 Óbitos 265 235 330 404 278 290 301 289 215 325 313 368 280 439 310 351 430 320 349 385 301 Dengue 500.000 cases 40 deaths/year 900.000 800.000 700.000 600.000 500.000 400.000 300.000 200.000 100.000 0 Casos 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 0 0 11.000 0 0 0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005* 46.309 88.412 1.900 5.367 39.391 104.40 1.823 7.389 57.152 137.07 184.10 249.20 505.02 183.08 228.12 464.31 813.10 403.64 123875241796 Climate e endemies Esquistossomose Isoterma de Dengue 22oC Leptospirose Baixa amplitude de temperatura Chuvas constantes Chuvas no verão Baixas temperaturas Arroz leptospirosis in Curitiba Association with: • Poverty • Housing • Flooding De Paula, 2005. Leptospirose Humana: uma análise climato-geográfica de sua manifestação no Brasil, Paraná e Curitiba Risk Assessment Risk = Danger * Vulnerability • • • • Nature Environment Amplitude of Events Temporal&Spatial Resolution • • • • Society Degree of Adaptation Social Territorial Inequalities Space Heterogeneity Sanitation – The Scale Problem Landscape Cities Manual de Saneamento (Funasa, 2004) Household The Hierarchical Structures of Dependency Water Basin Household Individual Comunity Water Services City Connection-Delegation Individual Household Comunity Water Services City Water Basin Individual Nutritional Condition Diseases Cultural Habits/Behaviour Household Sanitary Instalations Income (Investment capacity) Comunity Political Organisation Identity Localisation Water Services Water Source Distribution and Quality City Sanitation Public Policies Environmental Enforcement Laws and Regulations Water Basin Rain Regimes Vegetation Climate System of Dependencies Collapses Individual Household Comunity Water Services City Water Basin Angra dos Reis, RJ, 2007 Water Crisis Santos, 1875 Rio de Janeiro, 1850 Mortality Rate by diarrhoea in Children for Municipalities with and without proper water 10 c om trat s em trat 8 6 4 2 0 menos de 40 40 a 80 mais de 80 Fonte de dados: SIM/MS, PNSB/IBGE e Censo 2000/IBGE leptospirosis incidence rates Rio de Janeiro after the 1996 Floodings around 1500 cases Data Colection DT_ATEN 18/03/96 28/02/96 15/03/96 11/03/96 07/03/96 01/03/96 11/03/96 08/03/96 08/03/96 11/03/96 13/03/96 07/03/96 01/03/96 05/03/96 INICIAIS BAIRRO ENDERECO AJO 148 TRAV. 8 C/05 AJR 148 TRAVESSA CAMERA 26 DRL 148 R. DEJI LAUDRA 175 IDO 148 RUA NOVA JESUS S/N. IMO 148 R. NOVA JESSY S/N JVS 148 ESTR. SANTA EUGENIA, 552 LRA 148 R. MONTE NOPOLIS QD. 90 LT.5 LSS 148 R. IBIRACEMA 13 LSS 148 R. IBIRAREMA 13 PPO 148 RUA DA PAZ, 64 VLS 148 ESTR. SAO GOMARIO R. G 34 ACC 149 R. M. C/09 CONJ. MUCIMO DA SILVA AFR 149 RUA UM N.71 C.2 ALS 149 R. AURISTELA 15 CASA 59 PONTO DE REFERÊNCIA ANTARES TRES PONTES ASSOCIACAO DE MORADORES VENDA DE VARENDA VENDA DE VARANDA Notification for leptospirosis (SES-RJ) Georeferencing the data –Putting the Data into the Space Integration Census Tract (IBGE) Identificação de áreas de risco Leptospirosis case residence Flood risk area & Buffers around risk area more than 5000 m 1000 to 5000 m 500 to 1000 m 250 to 500 m Waste accumulation site 0 2.5 5 km Barcellos e Sabroza, 2002 Garbage Production Estimated Expected Concentration of leptospira before the flooding Expected Concentration of leptospira after the flooding Distance New Cases Observed Seroprevalence expected before the flooding Seroprevalence expected after the flooding Distance The Lessons from the Flooding The variability is inherent but we need prediction better and early of the system, tools to know The technical systems have large coverage but are more vulnerable to extreme events The Lessons from the Flooding The Social Systems have Vulnerabilities. The Vulnerability is bigger amongst the poor and social excluded groups (usually excluded from the technical systems) However, the richest ones are not out-of-risk, on the contrary, their response capacity is immunological and socially lower than the other group. Dengue: The SAUDAVEL Project SAUDAVEL: Bridging the Gap between Research and Services in Public Health Operational Programs by MultiInstitutional Networking Development and Use of Spatial Information Technology Innovative Tools SAUDAVEL 1.0 ALPHA: From Entomological Surveillance to Epidemiological Surveillance A Surveillance System for Alert, Control and Intervention for Dengue Fever Epidemics Based on Eggtraps for Aedes spp at the Intra-urban scale. Engenho do Meio Slides: MNT e Animação 3D - Produzido pelos Projetos SAUDAVEL , Defesa Civil /Recife e Depto Cartografia UFPE Resp. José Constatino e José Luis Potugal SAUDAVEL 1.0 ALPHA: Advancing the Surveillance System for Alarm and Prediction: More Data and Integrated Models INMET Parceria Clima Estação Simples- Leitura Diária Por Sítio Predictive Model Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 103(1): 50-59, February 2008 Developing new approaches for detecting and preventing Aedes aegypti population outbreaks: basis for surveillance, alert and control system Regis at al. Média de Ovos por Recuperação de Ovitrampas Brasília Teimosa 2600 275 2400 2200 250 2000 1800 200 225 1600 1400 175 1200 125 1000 800 100 150 75 600 400 50 25 200 0 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 Semana da Recuperação Média de Ovos Precipitação (mm) Distribuição espacial do vetor, em Brasília Teimosa Brasília Teimosa Engenho do Meio Abril 2004 Abril 2005 Spatial Distribution of Aedes aegypti in Engenho do Meio This is SAUDAVEL Entomologists , Engineers, Sanitarists, Matemathicians, Statistics, Computer Scientists, Local Health Authorities, Grad Students (PhD and MsC), Epidemiologists, General Practioneers, Archictects & Planners and Environmental Scientists together to think Recife and its pieces!! Back to the Seasonal Forecasting Looking back nto the problems presented, the scale they need to be dealt with, is there a chance of having Seasonal Forecasting playing a role at this stage of its development ?? Back to the Seasonal Forecasting I would like to think that the answer is Yes! But I don’t really know how it can be done. Anyone can help??? Obrigado!
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