January - March 2008


January - March 2008


Documentos relacionados

October - December 2007

October - December 2007 MDRP Quarterly Progress Report: October – December 2007

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July - September 2007

July - September 2007 Central African Republic (CAR) An MDRP mission recently visited the CAR to participate in the launch of several new initiatives aimed at facilitating the transition from DDR to broader peace consol...

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April – June 2007

April – June 2007 The CAR Special Project closed on February 28, 2007, having delivered benefits to all projected excombatants. Financial reports of the project are being reviewed and updated; an audit of the projec...

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quarterly progress report

quarterly progress report in South Kivu. While rates of return have been disappointing to date, a slight increase in AG combatants repatriating was reported in the final quarter of 2005, with 369 adult members of AGs, 56 de...

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October–December 2006

October–December 2006 Project tracking of reinsertion support financed and provided by the Government to eligible ex-UNITA combatants shows that 66% and 81%, respectively, received in-cash and in-kind support. Reintegra...

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October – December 2008

October – December 2008 The fourth quarter of 2008 did not see any new publications from the MDRP. However, several analytical works were underway during the period, notably one mapping exercise of armed groups in eastern...

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