1 - Greenbelt News Review
1 - Greenbelt News Review
.. GREENBELT VQ..tll£ s. COOPER.tTOR X0.40 David Lewis Speaking in Greenbelt Tonight Dn14 J. IM1a. romer ao:abor4' ~ Inn 'L11rr• l.uad, • hu ,..=t 4' ~..,.... ~!~ted to tho ~•l!~ l&U'Itlf r.l:.a\!GID 9ov4.111 l! ef'I'U lo tt. &oolol '"" ~~ Eddie Greets Royalty '*.... tht ~·~· . . . .~Qt tt. .,..;rlo.. vf U.. ..,. i o ~~· tt.• !ltt :~a· ttiot~ _. .. ~·· l4fw::.~ .-;.1; or 111e ..._ or ,..,.. lo U• :~ hf'Qt~q-..1 ~\1 r• TO!\~. ~ ~.~ ~H ...... ~~ ~r!'lt~ t\•t. -..r;rl~ ~~~'t:. ~!» -.1" M • .-;"~ .. 41:1\U~· ~t•nr poHHM! aU.-.~~,.,. ~~ ~._. ~""~• ..~.~·. tr".-4 ~4:-- --~·?J! '~~~ ~-~~ ; ~-~ ; , . ~II: t~r;'":::~ ·~;, t)'. !i"~ ~ ~·~ ~ 'l4W;o ~~ ·..:• ~e ,s-;:t-.~ ~'tit~~ ·.-.-l;.. r;_.,... ~~; it. !~t.•-=- lw ~ ~ . . .- ~ ~ ~,... ~-t,.....,: ~~-~ ; ,-~;: 1"~~ -r~:-~ ~:::1! '; ~~ - .• f~ :£~- ··-ft.:: - i:-.,£\.o~ ~ .:erJ i~ """~ < , :~• ttti.t~_ Jt,ct r~"$1.,~ ?oi u.e ~t~h I~~· cr..~M 5611 .t ..~ ..-1"·· f.ll'"flt-:"'W - u-,..ir ..~ !If :;nt¥Ai: ::;\,~~ ~ ~tr.-. a!.je l..$ -..· ~ ;!.(", ~ ";'-_p ~h!>r. ~1 •• ··~ is ~~\ ~ .. ;~et-~:-•s an: fdl-.sT'a V.re-~ ]"f!if.IS ~Li. terreaatat.h·ea I ¥'i4(• 1:-0W ""w1u 1~ wth ~.. 11a:•r.~~. 'l~ --a:.~. -·~M~ ~;; ~ • a.r:ru Ge-•o.t-r:'t ~! ~ ~ Almi.&ht:-&~:. ');,• t-·:sh Srory trGII u. .,.._. ~lt'a 0. ~t:r ~:.~o,r- '!!~~.._.H.. !;f"Mnhl\ J!laren ~ • .-~: ar. f9T .,..,. ;:--" ........ ~ -~ ~ the la~o•oer.c. t;.~r' .~'?. .-:! '~ .,,_.. •~.:~~,. .. . . r Jee to ... Thb i• n.rtt. (!r ' t . r~'£. "!(torta .ad U h n.o....S h ·:~ U.v ~- "·•~ ~ • ~"" r. all. l:iDor -~- ~ "t<M~ c~~ete;; BM t·•.e ~•r. UqJrv.... ..,. tM ~titl.Q:Or, or •M_[';r• "'.. :1!11" ...S tert ". Ueba, Jr-. 1'!-..e lat~er ~~ .- ~r;·rr to t.he VO'I:' but Iiller I.. lit. er.al1lish«J tr~;?rr. S>l~May attel"'hhGGb hu ~ s~ u~ :!e tc:- ~ ·-. dreu Nheu'sal IDd will ...-k tbe e:-.C of o:v.:. . . cu c!' t.Ge hanl..t kin<~ fJl wark b;· ?ne~~:ally nery ==-~r ot tbe fla)-ors. They bn-c -.orted ext.-. bal":i to ~· RI>J~ ~t;I;£ a a11110eu becaa• it 11'11! be t!1eir lA.t abow 'l.lllt! 1 the o~ ot the tal! aeuon ao~ ti::e 't,... n. or rl.-rl• ~ tb• ~lt lAD lut . . t ... 1t - · 1D u. U~t or tbe1r r~.. u.t· tbe T~ ~U oCDaiAI.....S the questloc aL .,. o~ ca tbe hh at 1t. -.t1~ last lbi!C'j mC}Yt. , . . hl.ltor')' or the ruh 1D the Gneallelt loaD ie a .... ~ate ...att~~~; GM thaD that of Ul)' tl.tb 1D ay lab aro~ tbeN parta. Qa ~o•aul>er 11, 1936, ~4.-t ~lt put 1ll the t1.nt batoh or th-. At tba tiDe tbe lab -.. stooJitc:l tho fbh CMD.na wu u fol!Gn: Thll'tJ lldult larEe-MO'.Ith . . . • •lztJ au-1Doh l_.p40Uth bau, anwut)' three-iDob 8\llltish, two JlulldNd tbne-1Dob oattiah, two h11111lred tittJ thne- iDoh oNppiea, six hundred three-iDoh yellow peroh, ~ t:INBty tbouaand Uttle tish tor the above to teed em. It wu found necessary to 00.1t down on the DUllber ot ducka in 1be lam because they ate the tish apawn. Their number ia at present restricted to thirty. v-n: 1D ~ or Ocrtober. two :1101'e otnHre were appointed to the :.xeo·.rt!:nt ea.itte• to nu ncaoiea crested by expiration ot tbe t . _ of ottice. They are. L~ Jrooc~Mn, FUblio1t)- Mil lll:rpret !.':iller, ProgTII!l Cbair.n. :'he atatt it now ~lete and Us«'lbled last Th!Jndav to plan the prognc tor tho ootd~ ~ar. Their ~st 1Japortct r..ep will be the baedi:.te lft•.mohing of a .-benhlp drive for more thes?ian t'nth~iuta. An!•one is eligible and welcone to participate in the new and greater Gre~belt Players. . C. 0. C. CAIJ,S (JlGJifiZJ!I(I(AL KE!miG Felt JUNE 19 Coaop Su'bnri ben to Vot. OD Propoeed a,-ta. ID4 Fl.DaDoial At,Te..n - - JlluNr. ltr. Wllcte. Dr. 1CDe to Speak IMt tan. at • ...ttn, ~ bJ onr too O....belter•. lt . . ecr-1 without • 411Ml\tl.Dc wte tllat tM people ot are-belt 8boul4 taD onr oar 1ooa1 etorea u4 opent• tM. u • oooperatiw, the uap to be ett.W wbD o1 t:t...,. 111 M.lt ta.. redd. . . . ot ar..taelt h.td· nMon'beO _, ptU tor • tabaft 1a tbt pro~ eoopwet.t.,.. • .,..U1 -~ c•t:ll•~ 1• upMte4 a Ul• arpld..-loul ~ oalW tw I P.lf., . . . . , ....... al.al• "-' at t1t1 Mhool ..Uurt•. at tlbloh u.. ...._..u.... - ...,.....uiiC M1t tblt - - 1D .,......1 t, .S..U lladloa.- \b.U lfP'O•al Clf' "'ittlff ........... e INSUIID CAUIDS 1 I 11 • 1NSUIID SilVIa ...,..._,too .................._,. .,. .................. u. ....uc ..s GntPf'O•&l ot prosan.. bf-te. }.CMB !'f!!!.&.._~ (b .... ..,_ .....,....,..,1'... l'lMD*lal. 411l.....,. -'• .,_ ., -. u. c .c-.: • .a eodln-1 of...._".,_,. 1a eooo,.. ..,. wl\b - " • tol~ .,_ ._,.. ..,_ btlld ,_..., ..S ..,_,.._ ttl Wt ..-. · AU altlt . . ot ~lt .,.. •'*- t. .t~ ... ,..Uolpa'- h U1111 cll_...lce ~ thla •t!Ur.C,trlt a1,J ~.._.till! lilt -atStl.-4 t.c 'III:Jtlt. · ..uo.a ~ e uh ...._Lc:( Sa • tonal .u.......,. tt••-'- ... u.~~ ..,......,. •u _._,....,. .. • ~t,. or u- ~r.~-.~~.a ,......a._.,., 011. J-.a• 1c. u. UM"tt ~tn ~ U. oMGf•nU111t 14 =~_..u ... :r'*'"h~ ~ M.• -~ h~ u.. .....~.a. ,.. ... .. ...., • q-1..,. h ~ \lul...e ·~ r...W. ,• ...,.. o....nncc "' u. ~~· twa r.r c.u.-r _ . la w.r Dl.tr'l~i• fl'•f••• ""'*' ~ cew,...att••• 1-.n- IIUtrl'-'1• C.por•tl• •• _. ..... • .na..t.t • • • '-7 ~ pla. uro.clt I.e.•. or ,.. -.1...u. wtu u. ..... u.er.. U. fW8F . . . .,.u.- ...a:;ALL WE ASK is that ~- or u. an.wt ~t UldGD, - ' - · Jacta laDe. PheW- of tiLe an.llelt ·~til JMootattcm. .,... •ftlllc Will be ..now bJ •· "-le LMt:Dir. ~ ot 1:be ~lt Cltl.... Meoolatl-. 1M c.o.c. _.... a 1G'p dt"'lllll'aua eo that ..t!CIIl tebD 'III.U be~·· ot all the people or Oreebelt. Detilrlw utlCD tld.e ..niiiC wlll Ml"k • .a3• ..., 1a tiLe to..t!oa ot OUI' ti-n. 1ltd.oh the c.o.c. hopee wlU be ia tun niDs by~ tint ot OlstoMr of ~.1! :'!='• '* 000,..... 'il 1 ,I Wbealo tne Market for a Ne1t or U... ClrYou Compar~ OUR Quality & rn. • • •etiac .... wlll " talb "' .,... _ , -... •· ,.... aw.. ~ of· '*' • _, ., .. r.u-. -am... fl c.o.c. ••t ... d ar ...... Qo.ooar a.attW:oc U.t __, - . ....... Mw .._ 7 la ICI' Ia ~ wlUa f6 ll~al-cn• •t ....... t.r ~ . . . . . . .It tdll J-'t .... et.riftoatbe 1a • tw penpaJ!M _. blprP t ~ Wl'fillc· .. an · bllAwW Ia _, a.JTIILCt•at tlld· will .,-t t.-r4 t1te rwa1 ••ttae ot til• eoo)ITI'dlw.• · t1all ~1.... • C.e h 1t1e t.al-. tr'lllftbe ot - . e n _. ,...aa••l 6lall "-114~ flf a 1llel eo<RlJ tU..ial rii"Mt--. Bc101'41a( t. IU - ..-•. •· n..n . . _.. .r •• tan Cit, 1a ta. ~ elacllf't of ......."' ! r.r •• ~- n. '*'--"" .,.... la - w u. .~1 oat.l.ta 1H.tt 1MJ .,_'liP *• ~ nl l•t-H::.r: tiM ••l ............. la..W " tilt 'lltol•ale .U.• lt.• W{\~ "" ,..,.. • • ,.... . . . . . . .r u. "-1-.. la r.n_... Ia t;. 1$ ......._ t h t - . _.. ,..UM 11!411-'l.,.., fte c..,.,.the •• ......rt 1 . . . . . . ~ ~ .. wl me •· n-u ~·~~ • rJste ,..,...-t .r Qe e-~l~ ~ c.o,.r.tt ... 1ttot.e.te la ,.....Ton cn.7 • a, JO. 11• ~ etnt... u. saw .... ta ~twe. ~ uw.• ,:t._..,. h1' .r u. 1\.e n - s.....o.·--·-. ttt• te Urda..,.. a at la .... a.., .. t. ...... proe..tl. . w\\tAd '8llalJ llldUac . . rlltW f6 . . ....... of tM . . . . . . . Clrl,al.d.a& W$ f,C. :<Da1':11J Cif -tO -ef U'ilt ... th . - t l. . ••••t, • ..atw\&c Ude IJirlpM top'l I ' • ~ . .HriMr e'-W tW ltt iui• JWi.,.. le t • pr9'1lH * ...._~.n po4a tt. " ' ' , .. t:l.t...-elal -" ,.,._ u. c.r .c. n.w, ·~ u. u~~U ~n ~cm+n'rl ~ ...... t'QGl• Jl.l,W l.l-s. ,.,....}_. ahh •lll'~l• of ~ U:e _.. la~l )Mel . , . ......... U.. _... - . r t t It .a ,......W. t. U. .-.1• er GrnlllsU. • .b Ul .... lf.. ~- -~ •• -~· ~~·. ""· -,.,-:: ,.?O~ t• v.,. =~n- 4! tc t• lt• "f:"'l.- ....-tllllt • :~.,. 7 l~ t~ ~h.,£ 1...-. n.. wtnal &~t• W ~ r-~~ ~ '\ }.o T.. tt~ tH~• a\ t..~ ~ ~ f-;•rtl,.. ~t.Mt. l.& 1ft Tm ... Mat .,_ La ....' ". . . ~u- hpl ... ~t~~ ~w~ ... 1.4 ...,. ~ Sa ,,.....bel\. ~~'¥ te Ul• ~nrc· ., ,_,. Mt4r- e."·"· a c.-. (H Co-tl!f' 'tar~ C..Stt• . - t ec~h• o( ?N<·o..,4 ry-.a-. .-.t.l _,.ya•uct. _. _.,trt.o4 •t ::.:.c • ...tt1ot• . _ . ttfo" .,.... .t• \.o 4,_ ~r • .., • t. S...... • U•r~lJ 11 CLEANED .. STORED • R£P.\IRED u n-.1 ~., .,...._ ".-..-..it f....Uee .r \N ..,....,. a pr..tl-.1 ....,. lt ..,.._.~ tilU "- ~. ............... til U. \.\.De._ -""' pl. RUOS . - - ' • n...u. _.ICI', pl ·oa SELLERS SALES 8c SERVICE DODGE AND PLYMOUTH AU10140111LIS P.A.~.._. ,, Dependable Used Can !II 1.- . ............ -'" . GAP.IElf CLUB IO'IIS..........hy m Pan - Americanism Plus we tiDJ ..U litU. oct cme day w.at out to the ben for a aap iD the h&f. •A Bat he ••• euoh a hQp larp great bir; IIOUe Be felt 'twau14 be eat.- to elMp 1ll the hoaee. • Poor little tlt1f. 1 juat how be felt. a- _.!, a.- heal- 1 - · out to .. ...,.. ,.~ (attar . tiiNe da,ye' eleetblc) I • • eo aq inl such lootiac bup Clll . . _ , • J.Dcb ~. t felt that 1117 lUe lllpt be tbrelt_. 1117 a11mte ad tt ... ou.]J 111 n..w!.ac tbat IIIJ' cr-t-p"'lldt.tha'a fMlcbttD tht ... ...... . . State. tblt 1 et.t ., powd. -~ •• will U..,t lat up 1IIF pot&oea. 11!11 . . , .............. loat Ub tbe " " ' " ot u.. •Ul U..,t ... u ..,. So ott 1.- 1 iiubttS, to s.. ...... all u. reellf pod ~· 1 . . . Uout ~ U.., a. 4lbout tlue•• I • p.....s to 0111.18 - - ortw ,......u ............... ·- total. •u.c Of' . . . . . . I.DMftl ............. . . . . . p~u.... *' cr-t•DJP'"· Ud ,.. Un, . . t. u. .,UUIII&lca ot pot . . . to u.. pt.te ..,_ .... t.N1 t.N.. ..,...,._. fll l..t. ,... lt ..,... 1111 1)1e...,_ .,.. a ,._ or u. po.1. . . .-.. ...U.lW 'J . ~..... . .'tf'l*c ................ ~ • ...st.. 1-.r &alto U• ••Pf••· "'·f' 1.--r\.... t'-lr-.... . . . . hl\t ... ~· ~ ,...... ,..._ ..,1.11111 '- ._. 1•'"• I-. N"hft .,. ue otU t11rt II:I.U U.. 1'-t a.t '- tUl_.. '7 U. _, f# ~~~~~· . . . . . . . . . . . •wt•a~:• Mlal..... P)fW ~ _. oll ~--. . ., hlrt . t ..u..- ..,. , .....117 ..von.. t.,. .,~ pr.,._,..t!aw. ~ I!'Jn,-.. U• .-l,.,r . t tt•lP:w ..,. - t u~~~t<m.!:r - - r.. U.h ~- ... ... •l...tr -u..r (Ud• "" fvt er uWr ~ ~Wtt ~ ,.~e... •rr,-,.. _.,) ..... u.J' ~. 4he~~~t"• of W• t:rPt u U.t ~ u-....,.U~Wl)· t. ~~~i 'll!fi.U• ~ ~,,,.,.. ,.... .u.r ...... v".u. (lfft~-.,!t ,n. a. -.r1l .- .....,. u .. w.t,_. (.,....., • ..._.,) l . t - . .rr.u._la PN*•tk« ._lr • .,. •hrtMl UM .., ll'tltl.tal ~ l# MillS.. U. .scM t. ...._ a- ....... ..,.....ur • llw-otJ!!J FwHM .-.a.r • .U.n .r u.t type. -..to "••nt'ltale t. lAW.. t.r•n• ~ 1& -.1t.t J .T.,. r• ..-"1 .r UJh 'llllal5. 8 plac tie llri ha. -'del> ._. ~ tTPN of wp\UlM la the .......... hi a.trw.t lt .... p•w •tflill te r• tolb ..- .._ ...,... •1•1& tttr ww1111c ta--U; et.dl.,.. stt. • cn-1 ..... y ll•lt t.abl t. n.t.. o-1 l..U ..,. Qat ...... ..... ---,......... .... _........ • ..... , ..... ft-"-- me'·...., ....... ..... diU& ....... . . :u.. egpl-.t ...,.q eel.., ~ ., •t.. ..... l.tt.e ~ ftll1ah em.. ivlai,. patato tc.to •Oil to) ... wide drip ot llllbul.w put • l'lnt will . .., the .,....,.. 8tnrp ~ 14~ eo -...~ s.to JOIIr elloalder blM.e. .Abo. a pair f:l beaJ oottcm r;lowe wlll t ..F tGD th8 bli.tera. Blat neD it JOU tcrr;et the adheeiw Jlld taD the r;lowe. ott beoauee tbef•n too bulllf, don't 1-s beh!Dd. ) t _ . 1:er 1 told ,.,a a loar; tilDe 110 ·tb&t &ardeDen ooal4• Md • n•t atford to be eiedee. ;, Qra...._lt W\~ • ....,.... wblt. l'i'w Cldle We . ., • .._ h-. ~Ua r... ~.,.. ..,.. 'W'la t.ueola • .....__. De_. Ute pill\ #II lllr. J.e w. ittU • Dr........... ,...,.,.. ..,. " " ' " Ill tile ~~ d\J .r s.u••· ante. -. .... • _.,_. ret- s...,..... at u. Vllll~raltJ .r a.e Jllpft. . . . . . . . ftnt - Ud"t e~. It . . 1a U...JA • .........._ u.t ... .-t U.. ftlU .1-.tq• le a ~iRlw)J laU•lle ,.,._.. or Dl'. ttlll•e wlt.ll . . . . . . , . _ . tD 'l'ldt Glrwa- • - - ct•c a. an. c:w.r.. ..1,. Dr.,.._..,..........w...Je lllwwt ta . Glltaltlt ... lte bealth ...-~-.. 111ile ....e ... tiOOt tile ~t, to ndt · eLl Ma4 ot t!:a t.llr. ,_... .w ... zuer.. tM Clait.. ........... witll ......... 1-a.d t.t ....., 1D llalldDcta. at U. ~. sa. ...., S.Or Celllln ..._ tae wu llla18ter' ot tile Iat.1or 1D ller -.tlw OOCIIItrJ• ... ._. epeolalbed 1a· ob~Wtrioa aad QDMOlo- 11• _. t. sa.r.ned 1D the .oolel '•peote ot ...,. lolDO. . _ . .... ntaru to Cblle thin 11111 be t . jobe ..ttiDc tor ..r to bolAI .,_, CID8 u S.traotnee at tbe Sobool ot lun• of S.. Aalp.tW a.pltal1A Talpln18o _. tbe otbw ca tl.JDnau fit the Cld.lea loo1a1 SeearltJ Jdldld.ftnttou. -.a•• Dl'. PciDoe lett Greeabelt 'l'uea4a)' and it 1e hoped bJ the tri..S. ehe .U duri.D& her abort nq tbt.t ehe will Nridt 111 before h.. fiDel clepel"taan t r . au.r the statee. I Senlo•• Meditations o.r b,y Robert !.ee !ineht>loe !~!r.hter T.-. to the ~1 \1 :;reer.helt Ctmrch Da'M you .... reed or h-.rd the little ..,. tl.n!• ~tt• • ..... I t..s sw ...,• ., •1 ~ alD)'. be ~lq OD b&t.e.l1 l ' t MAt u4 ·m.ac all . , • ADd. 1 tlllt'.ald ....,. co· to IOilool. It 1 Mil .. ...,. ·u nr- playl~ all th!t elpt. 1•4 bit P~Dif aU tilt dlr. •t•d M fbc' .,....... .... ..... &........... _..,.. 1.G U. lut · S... tM COQIIflb!G• l.e a e: u.oloc:r~ .. 1a \ht Dlp•t~Mt ot Ap'ltllfl .. ot u.r... a-.nu.t.e • ..a • ._ •MMr ...U 1 oo-.;Uo•t ..at or tlotp M : !fa.;\ Jt1 lot ..,.. 1 _ . , o11t ' - " ~ •et or ·~· u t w ftJ ""• ¥-. .,. .: 1 rw av trtu. ,_.. ~ ii•l"' eM 14~ N ;.-~'-" r« ,._. ,_ ~ ro.~. ~~r~~ -.: ;•crl• . _ . , .... ~t .._. u.lt tld• ?Oid. t.o eor1t r-.1 U.. .,.. ;-~.~tr. -..~\en&t • ...-,. Clot ~ ...~i • i.~ ~}<!• ""'~• ~ ..... U·., GJ;;. . . ,....._n7 \'llllt -., v ... ... l'• h.~ ~ ~~4hl :;a\o,,_l ~1"11D-· 7'"1''f "J'a'l '- '" A ~~·P~. l.,"".a U;.:-.- ~~ ·~ 9 e..t !'l: .....~ .. h ~~.t>~t·:.:r $.!-«> ~-~ ,~ '!' ~:: ,;~-,q ; ...""\~!<·· l;.er> t~.;~"9 ·~"» }_.o or-~~ !'I ~t- ~,... tr ~· ·r~~-or. ~ ~914. ~ ~i'fu.t.. a .,.. ... ~.., ... ..u..... ~~.... .. 1.-1ttf wlf. ~ U.. _,.. eU fab r-IM-- h • ~~n ur. 111111 ~ . . . . . . ~ ~.a a n~n! ... mt.-.u T""'i c-,,,. u V.m~ct .;,~."\ ~~ '\~ ~·..t.~:£ .. ~. ~.. tie-·.;:11• ~~-~ "..,.. M \-.4 t.~_.. - . te ~u ~ t~ !=-~Ti4of.al• 111M ~,._ oW ~~ \~ ~"" •a tn- -.lVq-..,.,o . . pf ~14 rea~"" al! fli!PH V.iJ:ta W Ueir t:i r,4. 1ie . H 81:\ ~ 4f'f 1U.:;lp1;t i&f'a;'t! ~ ~or u ~ •IirU "& ~ ~~ --~.w ~..u. u. ~ ot ••• .,.. u-. r.Uc,le'W • (lila" ~ rna •uu~ clll ~ . J-~.rv.. 1.. ocmilal l&rtwtla·s.a t11t11 t1t '-all ·~ :--~~t:r ~~ •~avMt• l\4 rtr.t ~;~ '-..~'!. .w)>. h !'! Ja:A ~ttu~: ~ :b.;.r "'··· ~, ~ •re ~~,;- ~ A:: V.,<~ ~to.ors «ri!.al~; ~1~•11 aaa. t~:c 1lf ~ ~lit~ rJl ~ trl~l q "J::•tr w u.. ~ ~::" •1.,. u-.. ~li:~· ~· ~.oh. .,...•i• will • - ~ tzr. ::~.:,;r. •t e.i•.h u,. n .u; •t.U... dauoe: ~ U. ~~ u4 .:..'"'~· t:..o ~...,.·!~ <tc"'~ of tt.... •lAMe~ ~~ \o at'tftl:. ....w mru. ... w.IM t'Rl..-.lt;, ~'-"".11«1~. pr-aria .. e.tilti.al ·~ tor u.:... ~JFie~U.. ~;i"'~~ ~,¢ v.';~:.c t<~ ~~~;g q-u ti~n 'lf-~~i.~\i.£~ ...... v~~!' •'!',,> i·~ t.:r,..g,~t.~~;, ~-ere& c~::.t te~.-ei!!IH.l. oi!ls" ~ Qf iAtda af u t~ a...,.~ CJ"Ilr ~atin tJI t.hla •lt• oU ten: 01' w..IU., ,..,~e. are cAlltr or or.._,, Uw;. ,..;...... · \o rnt'r ,.~,.,.. tlllllif'hi -!f. t~tu mu! w il'l I"'tf...<t;~.t"<el. ~~<'rC;AI -.!-! Htj to u:-.-..t tc ~~. ~ tol..... h h ftlifi!Jrted .. ~ • ~ tt.t rlll t,a~,...tt oot ceq U. . . . , . , ot 111• h.ltl tNt ~l ............ u ......u . . MCfl~ ttr.c.d• ...,_t .r dt..,. t-.. •,,.uct. ! •• ..,., 4Jtop to ....... It i !a4 .,. ..,• ._,...1ft BBJ1R1W OOIIGRBGA!IOI The -ben of thl Bebrw ~ation aN vpd to attea ~-· to be held Oil Sml1J • June 18 • at 8 , 00 P.M. a tbe Sooial Roc.. bJ the b ot JMU.~ Q:rin ot tu Lstter Salata. ~ 1.. terYJooa wrlll be be14 t.arr• D1cbt at 1D tt. 11u1o lola with • · IAall S.El.aber&. 1 , 00 Rallbl. otno1•t1D&• L&n'IR DI.T S.u:JI'S fbi "Ope-l!ouM• ....-.lot '-1111 bald Ulld.-- the tut1•• ot tM Clnlr'oh ot Jol\llt Ch.rllt ot t.tt.,De.J Salnt. C1C ~ oYeiD< ,._. 18. at 8tCG P.l!. 1o tll• ec...uty ltv.ll~ will , . . . . . . . . . U.t attoul4 ~the att.U• of all ne14•tt ot H .. ~sq. ati tw. •ore.Mtt · 0oe1 u ..,.., ... u.. ~t'tl& (.,.._) W-.lt" ·~b t• .... IIIPb u oldltilla tnd\. .a lia U. wrte ot !. 1.. o.w..ti-Htt ~-- - lllltlt Oi' hit lt i l ra1 ..11 el.., Uat •U-lD!blpaoe Ia a hN fJt ~ to the l.lltatllo. n. r.Uq __.. •.tt t'NOlvt.I1 n.... the ura ••uatuoa. n... .., • belrd •cl •1 .. tq ~,. OGDtrolt llat llo ll ~lo ... JliOIU#;li or illind to =-t til-. Ia - -~ ........lops • certa1D ...wn-t-!!!!.t.• Buy With ·COlMmln C!DCH ABOODCEllllJITS All Prote.tanta are urp4 to att.cl tbo ~ Sentoe or th4t l."'rwnl ataroh w. SUD!lay. JuDe 18. -~ 8100 p.a. ill tbl Cclamit, adldtc. HARVEY DAIRY CO. 1ac. Phone - WE BUY AND SELL ""~' • MILK NASH SALES & SERVICE PROP. ANY SERVICE ON ANY CAR BERWYN.MD PHONE159 HYATTSVILLE 335 0 R.ADE l"ni,·t·r~i~~· ll••~••r~ "'AUI.. KEPHART CONFIDENCE! L RJTT'T'r.-n ..,....., & &~.:~n "A" Pasteurized - ·CREAM J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.r~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-- ----~~ Greenbelt Cube' Picnic 't Cub Cornu IMt. ;... wi 1l ].laue •• that the:.r O.Da ~'ait.lm ~H. {..t te J!lr;Q..J.:f It~ A.~. - ~ ha at ~- l:I'J.la!!lll. ttt6 l.Jt. - -~~ ~N ':o!mt•l• ftS6 to 1lt00 A.::t. • ,,_...: ~lo;"'atto11 roerhll· 1r1 .a.rp or c-.1» Col~l- • • • ~. - :P<reJaota, J~aWre llrOO to UeOO A.x. - .._ ~ 1a eharp ot Ca-.tM" "· r. ~t.u.. u.oo to Ut30 - ltt.mc JGIIII' - - l'IIDOJl {liU.t aftil.Ule at , . , . , prioe). lrSO to S.OO P... • Two crouP• al~ 1D ..saa1:1e. la o11etp ot ~ ~ Blolrill, _. Jli.N Gaes 1D ow,e ot eut.auter 9. I. 3ronl- tleld. StOO to ''00 P .!!. • Dl1f..- UOUPI Ulld.r 41• J"Ntion fll DID Qalefa wttb Adult Couuellon_. ba obarp or Cu-..ter lmmelq. Let ua me. llhat JO'.Ir put MD 4.....tJoate, Sagestecl ,._ojeota 1. 2. s. 4:00 4tl5 4aSO RAIN Boat BllildiJIIS ao.p CeniJIIS ~~ A.lrwatt 4. Outdoor Cookbg 5. Uae ot Rope P.M. • Clem up c.,p. P.M. • Fiul CouDoil, Soug•• Grm4 B01rl. P.!!. • Lea?e tCII' Bame. - In o.ue ot a d0111-pour a apeoial hllle- \.la tr.H • m...t. ~7 .-t.\tW' - · · n..:..,z,nt~Pad wt u Pli'\~«i ~ .-t?~ u. la u. M!U.~ ~llolt felr l~ 1le ~H bWir J'Ut wt,g l• - pNU4 of ... .,..... .....~ witt.. l':r. . . . . . n:. Clab8 Ud a YfP7 .....ur~;. ~!C tor their tint hpl• l'lnt . . . . . .,. ot be llldb 1"Hk -.rti~ All na - . ... ill c01111l.n1011l _.. 1ll ~. a :.a llotW • a 0. r.t'-r • • a 0. l:hht. !>-. IIDU•rs .,.., l'ra. Jlllwtlel, DID f•, »>in ,., ~~ra. Ball, Dn ~. Croee, DtiD ;14, rn. ~.,. .. DID i6J .... 'ililU.•. 1Jra #4• DaD Fathen .,.., . a-. !'lrtle, D-. #It Dr. ~~. DID ~a. llall, 0.0 II• Jr. cro... !MD ft. ... Gail or Soaan, On #61 0.0 f6 ba.1 wnral eppU- a-s. •t, .... ... oaat•• Den Ctd.eh u.a Soout Pill 1 striotler• 0. #lt Soout Soboeb, On 12• SoGat liall, Den f3J Soout Joe LnU. Den #4s SoGJt BnRr. Den fl• Soaut rn-n.. DID -#6· At the ~ ODl.;y Cllae -.I'd . . pyc. a 0. C211et lboulder o1 tatiCD ~o Soout Ball tar hb ~ veruoe in keeping Den ~ aot1 ve tor en. year without tbe aid ot a Den Path«'• llaD.J ot 1he Cub• ptrcta were P1WeDt at the Paot buslD888 -.eti~. mon will be there next ~,: R!rtl~ ~~~!!•! ""'~ ~p!'~i~ti:. t~ thwv pa- .,r:th. rents tor their cooperation. -... !o tiM ta. ww.............l. ftl s.or.....,..................... ...~...- a.ct.~~c adaita, ~· ..... ~u.~, ;rw.t:t ............... •.• • • ........ :"..rro1l 14tw...................... .,.." l •.....••............ ,.~-·~ ~ ~ ........... &..)'OIIt....................... .-uas. ,__... 14lw•• ·•••••••••·•c:1.1ttwJa CllotlU 161\af.~ lpar .. 'I •••••••••••••• ~ c. ..,., 1 ....... lditar................... a.. ~ ........................ -,. •••• ~-...A a.tr I IIPCil1IU ..... ............. .,.,..... ,..'·... , ,... c....ll••••••••• ·-··~····· ...... o..llr ...u. ... ""- .................,....., ...... . ~-., •••...••...•.•••...... ~ ~ .. ............................ b • .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . el\1 1lldJ Mt. Wi ,.. ..,., .atJ .... 1 ..... ........ ~~~ ~ ~ CUt ~········~·······~······Jill&r ~ ~~: ....... tM ~ n Hnltb fn Thtt 1\ewt tt lc ..n... ._ ... ..._, .-. ot ---~ ,....,.•• u .__.. ' •.- r... _. ~· w ....... t.S. ot ...,. )Ut . . . 11ae«.s.t.& ·s.a .,. .,. ' h fl ._.., ~ te\.<1 U. VMt a}ert tr fll _ , ~. ¢..! c:r. lt.- ........... 141 . . . . . . . ""•u .... ~ ........, - u. .u.r ...... ........., . ~il ~· ~~•lt Si~'-tl'7 Jd.o.cl h ;~ ~ -~~ • ~:.u~H~ ~~l:.P~~~ ~.,. ~ ~ vH•·H~ .. ~ 'u; ·-- l ht«<o! ~- u ewr. ,.. n • .,._, u.t OtM•n a. .....,... ....u.c.,....... ., .......,_ ...... - ,__l.lriie .... ~ - - - - - tot t Ia 41-'ia , .... ~tic& u. acw.... ., 1 '"-· .....,_ . . 1a .... -~ aru•lt ............, ... .. .,. :.. • ... .... ••.e:.Qr •...,..• ticea Baoh tuil7 1lh8re lll8t biDediately report u.. tri__.•1•..........._ whoop!Ds oqb 18 napeGbed to a dootor. Where it llu Mid .r u. ii r-teerl. u ~.... - ..!!it; pl..att~~ • u. r-.rt U.. jii'IIIPlh _. I"'CJ"tieU-.1 ltlr- . c.o,.att,. Of f!Ct9n fOT A_,. ~-- :.O:t leAl AUrbue Cenint:at• bat-W l \o ~ ~ P.l. - · Priar7 aRt . _ . fR ltalt.G 1 c ~AU il"9'!llp f!!M9, Ia! u t.o 12 A.U.. - Pt..seut. or. u. cat IGIIltb- oroup 1 t.o ·2 P.l. Assalr. . n lt,. prlai., fill ... •ttw 1t tllat . . . _ . _ ..... ilnU& ..... _, ..... .. 1t 4J4 lt Ia . . . . . . fll • . • to 1lftek - at ftl'lCIIM U.. la Wl'i.Gat pk... . . t a.t.l¥ 1ll"ccll&bt to till nt~~atta fill tbe prcpr loal ......_ 1U.. . . taa.a 1a IID4. It u tr. tlat dur1ac t:be tlr.t tw di.Ja U. ..,... . . &iftll ..... GppCII'QaltJ w ....... tlaD .... . . . . . . . . but tb1a . . to tbf ~ fll. n17 t....1Dib1clurla ........0 ad oon ...._. ~ W.dlat.)J b7 aotlce trca the Grelabelt ~ ot rablio Sahtr· 111e tG11D ,_. bJ ru:~~r liND ~ 1Dt'CIIWCI .. 1:o Wllat tbt dutiet ot ..oh 11UdlJ &N Sa obeCIJI:be tbe .,.._ ot wboopDc ooap. Ita lpl'ea4 . . .... obecbd, ud detWtely. For wbat.Yer t;ood it •Y do, w here repeat tbe •••utial taot. ot tbe zao... ftaet ~~t~ '..._.,_. ..\I to . . . . . . ., ... ..__~ .... l!Mt ... " .. ltJNti. . &'"- ~ ...... ••acMW.. 8l&M 'lie • .,..,. • It ~~. 8at - _.. la .,.._ R ....,, •...- . , _ •U• . . Ja ..... . . , ..,. , .... ......_ la ~ 111tlt wr1t. pnat\q. DIIH t. u 11 aINie, • IMI, - . . . . . . . . . ., . . ta.leM!c Ill a.lt ~ ul4 - l U ...,.t~H -;.-~ ec~ ~- ~. '-" •Ur. ~ . ......d.... ........... Ct"lgf'4H:;£ rT 21M Ll~ftl7 aat ns v~.. 1. ftt ht\1'7 Cluleete OrCIItp III 2. I•Uac ror Jatonatloa-tivllpiY l . for !olei"'!Me 0 1 ~ tn ...... ~ \old lr7 .... larr1s .,......,, lwlt Procesel-.1 1M Covt tc-. ...,,itC 6:3) P ... 11 to 1!!!ndat. ,.. 15 u 4.11.. - , . Prl-oc.• aa4 , ... ftol• 2'nasun ~m 11 w 12 A.K. Jridat. l!!l• 16 A-ardlQc .o: S«elltb Grade Certi!!.cates JOllllll III&L!Il .tSSOCU!Im motoll BAS Dill Dr.· aJ1d lira. !'b<*U CJuoiataaen ue the parents of a baby boy born Saturdal. Jlme 10. ~·· --.;.14 \lelt. I .J~tters to &/itor Law Will Be Enfon:ed Says Wallace Mabee to tM lditcrea It 11 t» be repwt:te~ tW tta. report ot tbe..,.. 1111a1 ••tac 11 u. ........_ Coapwattw tt.ol...,_. lA u..... the COOPD.At<a t.Doal;tlete. .Ia .... , ........ i:ht 4eltptee 4W the .... tor 1aac JWI&II tsauelac tllroqp tM ~a....... ot -'tal 8\oot .... eorlbe4 1IJ _._ .-... but • ., e1lo a .......a -.u. ..-loa ot aUk d.lnri'-*1• la ._Tort Clilf. Ia lt 41RI'l..._. alllr to te ... Twtc C... ot U...l..... aN ""'-llJ rctac W. .... ot ICII't MJ.Mel. o.t ot . _ •Jec•tu Mt \..>nit wu • . . . . . llbd.lca • ...S ._, tbt u;ualo npdat:ho ot U. ~··.....,.. . . . . . . . . ot alb ... ~-- .,..,.. *'*· ..........,... •t .,.lilt • .we. A tiiO\.!(I!D _, ...... " ' to ~t•l41 alb .S.\rltlutiOD --~- • lt .U.-.. U. -.lU. tl.tt:f'let ot t.. 4ltftM ·~ ~ it'll. ftMt or "'"- ~"-'• _. &&tt.t ..,. or -~.a f t l • t.o tw ~" ctot. ulll :.• - ... rear. c.r ta. ,......,.. to ~ .....,... tt 1e t.l-.o or l.w,...., to • • u.t. ..._ tld'7._. .u.\t"ic\ ~· . . ,.,. . . . . . . . . .....,. fl f.IIW<o t~ ~ tb ~~...... ~ . , tul-.u c: u. 1.~• a... list>'*',_• :. • e•. ,...,l, u.- ,...,:........ a "- ,...n..a rr ... w!t. ... •.,.o ··~ '-· ~~~ -- ~rw. 1-~lt ..-..-"'"- -.,1_. _. ....... aadt.i•, be lM.loa.t M<ll NIOI'4 -.14 - u.. an-bel''• ~ .......... "' . . .Rle ...u ... • .............. ~taM.. . . . . . , .............. - .... Ia . . . . .. ~ft• ",..._. . . _.. to tM NNDt ..... ot -..lat w U.. tMt \lid - - M1 trM1 of tllU._ . ..... tiU.lt - .. .... -............ 1D ""'-' 0..~ CIMitJ .... ,.......,... .....,., ,. -.clll.. ~ ...,.. ~--··· ..... . . , d.& ..... 1a It ""' ._.• , .. '"" etvt. ' ' . . JO\ ... ..... ._.u._ ••II*. h~ ~IIC v.. •tJatlel _... et Uol•tt"C U. wt.U. · ,.._ .U.. ott.r eldl.,_ . . ...... .u ..., ..... -~ . . ""' ln. dt-' .... Ia ...._ ......... . _ •atf!Wg ..._,. ........ ~*' . - . lt h \Jilt .......... u\) .r .... ..., o f - t-..t,.,. """' n . ......a-.lr. "- I1IJit ..,._'-.._. ,.,.. u ••,,.......... - .......... .... ~ ~- .t.-..th";. .- ~"'u~ ealM\ tdtla ...a;. arrt.... !"·'* • COIIi~o-::,\i«. ~-~ to •11 '~"-lt ....... ·~~3U~ L . . ~•W'T k.="~t!.-.. rul.-. u e~ly 'II!'!U; U;lt llt..'")l-.<! !-'"l'-~ t . .t ...,.._. U.aa eur'..ea • t!~ ~t• ;-.u.,.. -----------· Two Good Reasons p;s,t; ;:JJ.:.:'~ ~:: ?.'a!'l. Jtt.bl• u ~- ua..r..G . u..-" a.. \\rby out sain of Co-op Spatt P1up have more than doubled §o tbe put )·ear and wh)· we sell Co- op ..w t.a \..-a... ~ .ad w 4ll"r'..w ,,.. 611 ....... ~u"-.. 5'3aT toU u.. ~.!o.~'t " ~:'~~ ·~ • ~- ru~~. ~· • Ut'! le _.. tt.,... \.o e;..S ht -..M~:rh~G. eM --.-!4 ba'l'9 \a-\~ \o . . . ~ea..TU!• ..a CnHII• ~.. -rbe "-ltb )a-. ot tbe ltatoe ot luJlalll wUl .. ..a s...u.w.,w.11... r. . . . . Dl.reoW ot Mllo Satft7 Sa a ~ 1d.tb tt. COOFIIATOL . R.teni.ac t» u. Whoop1Dc oarap ouee llld.A .,.. Mtbc \be Nada ot tM ~ ..tvoM. rl&J.d1J ..._....,. _,. Nalattow.r trlWD Ma ~ ftllf.l7 w u.t • ,..._ t.e alet of . .11.,... ~'•· ~. . ..,. tlf'sl.;< • ...,lift feww. t,_14 r....... ~ --..1... ~. --.-i~ PluJtS 5 to 1 o,·er aU otben combined. ••• r..,..,., i:I...U-.. ar .-~i-N~ n .... • · ~ \At ;'111\Uo ._tv.. N elall l..at1Hl7 fl~ ~lfl ~..r to \.he - . . . or MelUt of th oltJ, -tG~e or 1a -..;. . . . . -.u.~···-·•-•••••••*'* , . , pet'l~ -clenlr"f: .- r.~Wir-t; to •Oill9-17 ntll .., Ill t-w rrm•hl• or \hh ...thn ahall lie~ Uhed ~ a~ an· ••••111D€ . . 1:111111tn111 4.U.a. . .Artlele U s.tica N ar _,. ou-.... eown:r I. Better Service - Co-op Plugs are designed to . mt:et today's fuel aad engine conditions. The dunable, leak-proof porcelain affords better gas mileage and longer service than some more costly plugs. 2. Price - only 39 11:q ,.,.. . . ~t w c-Nlu or ether ,.ny wbo G!U"eleaalJ o...-ies MO'llt ob.ildnla or GtMrt art.ciW lDteotiOOJa 41 ....• . or 1lbo .._.._q or wUl· h117lotrocl!i10N i.Ataott~ ,.,...... 1ato otMl" .,... soa.• -.....of' oM14Nia UDII.,. bU or W ..... to att..l q aohool, U..Cer. ob\II'Oh or uq publlo ptac. where tt.y trill be bJoolcbt 1n OGDtliet with otbenw.Ull be liable to a r-alt7 inC 000 !umdnd clollara tor - - aDd .-ry •uob orwit.~ .,....t. DOt..,....., r. . . each C Servieec COLLEGE PARK AUTO PLACE installed ·ICfStudebaker Sales and Always a Good Selection of Used Can Greenbelt Service Station •cooperation with the motorist" College Park, Md. · Berwyn 252 Greenwood j698 J •t MJR·s. GRlEENBIEl T Ill l ,J A Section For Greenbelt Women Who Plan. Written Of Them, By Them, For Them DIIU' PICilC SINDI't fM ....... Club _, \M Jll'• S•••Dl ...._,.. C1ult •U _. t»lr _... ••. • " " " " " Ill" a J01at pl.. .u Ill U. ~Ma •. tta1ob ~ at ltOO ,.._ \lila . ._. ~ fO .s.n ,, ... ta.tr .._.. ter.u· .... u.. ..,.:-.4 tt.t. t\.111 plAt'f at •011 •WIIll*» • .....,.. . .Lll l ..... .t tiiUl ollal ..,...u.u, lll'fl\.e. .a ...l.t fall1M . ....... c- ... tllW ...lw\1. . \II,.... llllU ""u Mel& ..~ fwr .~ ttiO ,.,.. -. ~ • • efll..,._ . 'nM4t " ; , ; · · · · - - ....,.. b ... d-· .n .,...u•· ........ -- ,.,. u. ~\« ~~. r.~. ... , ... .tll .. • t.o -..... ... , . . . !.:4 r...v-4 t4 • lw~ !a'l"\.~ ~ ...,._. "r u.. ~lU. 'hn4 ""-.Nl~ .-,!~ ~. lt h hoo;-'4 •• It ~ u ~,.... Witt• \!of -~ fill eMUrc --'U. ·~ o:- K:.4.1 •'!tc.•"· ..-..Y.f'. .. -'~· . :v.;x:1i; r• -~v~ ;:.'li :-::~.r-;'lf;. ~a;:u:r-..;; ~ ~-...u ~ s.~ s. 1-~~ t1...-.-. •11!& '"""" • .-.~ Pl'9''- • 111tW ..,.,.. ~ wtll lie-- . . . . . ,... - . . . . , ........ '4illli .. .,. ....... ., .. h••••· 1M ...... ..,.. ftw. ~~ ... tltaW 1111 ..... ti\Vl .... Jett11a &t Ute ~ I 1....,._, a.\laf of tM a.tt.r ..,.. ... • · 111a1~ r • ...._ pt.. rw u.. .-lAC T - r.ir, ud .... c..1J I. M.tdo 1'9Wl.... u. Wok ..,.. t..t .. n. hot t.r la u. 41•..,•• 1,. u..-. t....., •••.•, - u. u.. ..,.. a.nt• ...,.mt,... '...att.e ~ d«f ot al.D alt.liGA 1a --~ . . ~ 'CCJUUER. TDE Ql t1li An" ''-lJ tlpe ,..,. . . . _ . . • . . .......... - . . ftw ~ ....., '-clll' ..,_._. at Ut45 IMhftl ft ' r l n... _.... U. j8blt - pl... .r u. GIMnl .......U• or - · e ~ .a tile Cta~a• •' C....l M "fldoa ot tile Jcrlnltanl ..,...'-" .Mdal.tr.U-. ll'a..-a.t ftW tile W w.tuwk f/1 U.. llroldouuac c.....,. u.. belpe ca .. .-1oa1 procra ldl~ 1rlllc• •P"""• to llllllaaa ....r.1 ot . _ . ~·~· llrbc lld'fi.. - ~ ... eenl... ... . . . ot ....l . . . .te - tbe _ _ . .h'aat ... a..lliMd .. tM Ia .tdiUca the n4lo NpGI'Mn 'talk about toa4 ..,.U.a ..S cll.t ~. ad PI".,.._ Jrio•. ..,._1~ 1D eotatltlo labor.torl• ~ tlw oo.trJ 111bere rtHINh 1e colD& tefta1"4 ca oca• . . . . pro~. !aae 1D ca tbia u~ PJ'OP"U tor belp 1n eol't'1Dl ,.ov bud&et pi"'n.., Cbeot JOUI' looal nation tor the t1ae fit the nut ~· ot •eca- . _ . !me Oil the .Air.• ......... ...•- AI th• tbol--'*" •._. " - at ol~M:1Qc b.1pN' ..S M~ . . . ot tht _... "' tildob ....... _, t• ~ • l l ..S ooflliwtUt. ~ •• hOt~ a . .., ... ..._.,.. lllU 0 ldlf.S ACt&.tm ..._ ti.&A1SII .... ,..l,. . ,... --" ,_••, ....... ..u ......... ·~ ~ crUwf' U.J.raNtiN ..,. Ol!lfl UMd wlt~t baa • .tr •• ~.r of u. ...,..,_ ot ~ ot t I .:. 11J ~. .•. '. r.. CtdU ~~_. ~ u. or. '"' I J ._... • at-.,. J • •• o.r u-."!u. ~=--tvtW~.. . . n !• t!"..;:w. ~ r,.'~-,..,.,. .e~:~t.t""" 41•..,... Uwr\ tv('"'"''.._. !~T "V"t•: .,. pn; 1!1.fif.;MN. '!"l-4 ·5>~T ·~!~T-. ~:n-.. .,... H root ,~ \~ ...... fl:.o .;! ...... (co't a.l.c u .. ~·· M ~:; U.. "Vr t:h~ P.P. ~\77· ~~ a.rtJ..t. f... H.H ~-~ .,. ,..rwoe ~ ~~ ... "'~~hr"i loA! 11t:o .,. d - t!~l.t. •·hr t,c ~u . ..,.. '"'"~t..t .r~ ~no ~,;..rc-c• rf ~w.ro;o. ::~ V.o(·.,;.t l:lf \.U'_., t-' t~ ._. • l;elj h, l-~~ ~. ~!1~ ..u...- .....'\ ........ ..._,. ........ •tr ~·· iillll ' ' a« .... lat... u. t.t\ ;.;\.;. .tiwte ru· n h fnl..t. ~··~a.,. ·a:••••• .,..;""~ llll~ m.a-flll ..t,., • -r;a-1 ~tty ct ~ eJ". H' ~ cr ..ailU~i ..wr la ....... It at"''"~' tilt l.!J..aei til Ui U,9 a.Uk eec«c:i ~ te f11¥1 ~ \41'Jr'c t'!~t.W. .!11 or ldlJr ·~ d.-. u ... m.u tc ~u :4rec. .;1 u ~ ,....,n ~ ep _,...,lc loe kiln.. TM r..ct~· u•Ut 1:1t kaft 1& Uitirta.l wU.h• - Cef:\ K iH &~1 1IHil. ~ fHi!"' .u.l4 N aftl.ell " t.-w. •&J_,.. -..t. u.e r.. U ~hlr'llar... ~ t.t.e l~G7'c reoa, - \etore t.-.llDc u. liUJ'• l!Gtfle. All .U.as, pote. , . . . 11ott.tae _. alfflee ......... 14 \oe .wrtU.UIIl .,. 11o1ll.ac. -n.ro. CJ lldlk left la \be "-"l• <d' lefte tbe llottle la the ct'U or Ml"tit~ge. It 111.11 al.)' dtnGt 41rt. ... ru•• liMe out U.e MHlet f'l\ taa. idf'Fole u14e. -..l • • ihet both .... ct.r1.l.1sed bJ ~ Won 1lld.Rc ... t..tf.q. ovt. :.•t 1lellf'• ~.,. '"'7 careful to ;rrot.crt tbe b*b.J ..S the llabf' s too4 ~aiut rue.. ru• .,.. cr-t aou.nea ot Ullfer. 1b.y .... often .rrlen ot tbe cllHue ,..,.. tbU caae . . . ot the - t eerioue tna.Ha ll&b1" haw. leep a supplJ or olea -.quito Mtcrter tt:e Mby•a orlo or oarri~e tlhile tbe baby clMpe • . •s-. ot the cllarrheal dleeuea tbllt £I"G''D-upll haw ere c~. x..p the 11ab.f ~ trca peCJPleboth ohilclren Ull ptolll-up.....tlo are aafterillt troa euoh clieeaeee. "It yOilr baby dcwelope dJ.an-Mal trouble. dCII. 1t let it run on. Call your dootor.• tlv& • bud to throw .14 hal~ • ~•••• wll1'fll!lk' . . .': " t: tot G1 * "'! , .. •.. til .,.._ llliJtt ..,- ' " ...._, ,... ..._ . . ~ MU lc M• ..,..,... t. IIIII!UIIt~ • •t.a to h . . 7'1'11 ..u tdJ' \4 ~ ~ ~lrotl)" : . . """'" l'lff'41!f'TI.deta. 111M \~ h-U• tto:c ~·· ;.;a~t-. ~l 1}' -.t ....,. f-' Uof""U:r. It ,...,. ~ .,.._l.o?• tlii!J · ~l~o.t.t,.. t.•i; ]1!• • •1 , ' Local Girl Finds Queen Elizabeth " Lovely ,. GREERBEI:•s GIRL scours 1IER.I IZDRJIIJBD BUr OLD SOL !O<K HIS 'l'OLL 'l'he dlf I1Dg Geort;e IDd Quon Bliau.th arrind ill WuhiqtCil - . a eftllttul aq to -..al7 -.no. ., ud DOt the leut of tMee _.. foqr 70UDC Qneobelten. !he dq wu aalV, and tbe 8Wl glarecl oat of • oloudl... U;y 1llln fCill' Gnenbelt 011'1 Soo.ate, lArn.1.DI aana. June Dauhue, , . . O•LH.rJ ad .JuqueU. ,.,..__ • t out tor ~ to be...Yl....S by B• Brlteaalo llaJqtf. 'J'Iro ot tha. , _ IDd .hloqQUae Mil bee Pftll hJpoclend.o lDJ..U ODI or eelt 10lllt1GD u a preotat1c.a -~ t:be er. a.t prMaa&t1ou ar oo ,....,Uou. Ute IIOOI"GGt1ac ._ to at 1 t. toll. All t04U' or u. ~ J011DC lll.Me4 out • ta. thll7 hl.aW troe ttae b•t. l.on'e.IDe - ..U.. . . ftaM4 to the G1rl Soout .... - l8tb StrMt •. " - · JNI ..S Jec,.eUM ..... Wb1D a.rCtDOJ lotpUa.l. ....... u.., ~w ,.,_ •• ., to taao w.. iol.ac -.. •• Daa-.. W u. _.., bot ot a.U 1 -tla· ) f 1141•• • C:..•• .....s...-. loJwe4 ,..,. .,. w.. ... rwu ... u ....,.u.. ta.. to ....,. U lD e •UQC. e.tt.r l . t IMift G'relabtlt•t pluo~ 11NDC l.Stt•• · to rcnta aaru 8 r ICI.Lio U CUIAOI (,_..) ... ..... · - ha.rt.a, ,-~ u., l l ,..... Ml!Mp J . . . _.,. t . . 1 1"- ...,_,,.. I tal••PD . . 1.- Jvl• l ~ e h"h•fOIIIU -~ u .. T!ab • t.llJ • ..,.... ea.lt ~ ~r;er t.t> t.a~t.. ul-~• h·.t to,- 1-r 1.."'o. ~ •rw-t too~ a~ -c.r 1 te).I ..r-. r.t 2 -..:1 -~ ~ _,,,.,. w 'tl-.;f"C'·...c. ~~~- r~ fc>r\: te ,:<> ty-.1_;:. ~ lf t.~..crc-~•.£ ,__: r w .....~. ~ bt-ll ~· l·llh( ... {a~\. : ~JU\•• }. t-.ehu 1: c-~. ~ &1"\111l-<•. ~. 1 ..-..Jca ~~-- -.4 Mlt ..S r-ff'tr. W\UI n~t• ...... \.a ali!Nt 1 ~1.., . . of u.. -- llln.ft . - pteee la ......., of - - - lw. tou • ~~~arn. 1..r~w;• .,....lk...,. loll f"8111a1Mef' or -~· 1...-.. ~ . . . u .., -- .....t~ "11 iatc -.11 laJ t.. 1lal!lt • • ._.... liJ' trr..&c aal• J.a r.t • 1-- J1d..... llllpi'. ~ tM .... ~ rolb la the . - . . _. a-r al•t7 r_. 1i ....,... to 2 h..-.. 18ft ftCV ..,. .. ..... lt .... for a _,.. twt ........ .re ~ jd... ~~. ..... ta.Jt••· a --.. at..-. Rl'm~mbn Dad with Gifta from Bernies FrtJ~~N , ' Yoaw ~ I• One of O..r .Perseaallty _~Per ••e•u TELEPHONE NOW FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT Cherie Beauty &.loa Hyatts'rille, Mel. Hyatts. 706 UaiYenitJ Beauty s.Joa CoUege Part. Mel. Berwyn 670 1 s<nBlLL WGUE RBSTJJm A Week in Sports !he f1rh eerie• of the G~belt l.thletio Club Softball Leque 1.1 ~ to a oloa•, 1~ only ou 110re -.k ot oQIIIIIIItiticm. '11th the N1'.1lta ot lut 1IMt iD, it ia ni4.t tbat tbs t.._ in the poeitiau _.. plii.YiDc lmp1Nd eott'ball, ~ ~1.,.. tor the MOCIIld MriM, 1D llhioh tY1 htJie to ..-... the cutt Dl!lllen, • • haw all lNt .u.a... nrtt plaoe u ttw.· tlnt .wt... Qa lload.ay, J1me 6 at a P.1., the CUbe ad tbe ea... n.uen MoUd up 1D • "1'1 wll p1.ep4 pa, the Cube wt.a1DC out bJ tbe eoon ot ., to a. n. t~ ot tbe c- f t l a b_. ftll by WQrl ot the 'ltetara. ha t.be ....... , _ tbe curt Dllall.r• .II'CIIl tbeU a....:tll •t:niPt e. tU7 .....,._ tM ~~ M te 1, bla.nllc out 11 ~tit.. t11e .,_.. cot oalr .U Uta, . . of . _ M1IC .,._,, .._...,.. 1A U.. I'\IIID.,...., roar-aa-t• lllle, 1dt1eb 11M bMD the . , _ ot fter eboe h11 tlipt O"IW obder tnob baa - . eocvawlJ reocn~ bJ ltoP-'fttdlen• ~ . - . tne t!:il ~'iF ~ &'t ~ Sta41• 11l I?~. 1. J. Che ta'I'Or.bl• ~ OGIIIltts.au .s preeM4 ed't1t1tat.l)' try ~leD l)a!1n,pea, lyltMJ' !he WDG4...-, Dlclad'• OUU"t..S11lc an•. ~ r1p ott i,IIC teet etlt ~ ..._. Mod It ....UC ~ 140 u.-e. Qa tho ftMI' ·*4 Woad.,.. ~ 4o tllll ~ ~ Ia -v ~. ttde 1-c ..llt;pt4 -.tiel '-'"• the ftl'l4'• \Wo Ml'\_.,.,, allen pra1_. to ,... YlM •'-'11 tor • _. elllftw ot v.k ~. ~- lloU. u. wrw•a o:.Woor,....,.. tor u.. -~. cU4 • ..n ot ttOI.t. ,.,_, . . . ..,-....-. tAle ..n lll4oON • ~·• ,...,._,., tnot. 'tNa lilt ttae or ~ fl• tlol&l ,....,.. · Tbet'e'• • COIIIl .._.... ~ Nl t.l.o llll• "'" S.._.._7 to U.t u. • .,. t ~~K1\ o:,.l,fa't Mh ~~ t:r~p ~ l,a'l'\\.eil 11a llf?, ... iw\,.,., ~ ~" , .. u... ...... ., .. tllll.-.!.U. .,.•....,. ~:. 1.,r ... r~~ M&a•tr ln. .~ lo:lo( t..t t. -~ .tti(•• u.. te•1.11c -.a cf ~l- ~-~. Wl'!'-e ~ te !G ,._,., cW. -..-:ae.n~ rw. •..Jo.• r-c.r¢ : . :. ~~ Hr ~ t;t • • ·1.1. H J4, !-A h ~ .~ Me ;•~ t~ teft, t.-'11 :C ••~ a u• ~:"~' '• ,.._~:--! .,( 1t!~.t f'fT ~..- n,_. ,.......ur -~~· cr.:7 ..... ~. !e a.l" t.c.lU U. ...... .. .... "" .......-.ts.ec. ••ot -... • .,... .._ .. • "'U: ~~t '• Nlf =.Ut rM~\l. ~.no:.~. "tot & ~~ ~1\t:. ...'! "£•· tw« lh hti' •:" -l:lf;~· -..-¢«:.. re::- ... :. .....~,.l :<~• ~"" ,.,_n :,. c4 ~:- ~ u. kllll·.c. •• i<-t-.!j e# Ma M.a. n..,..,... rl.,.. llllr~ · lut .....-. _. tn.r I_. at U. f'rtw.'!.4& ':l-.1, 1fiW\ \4 ~ :Wl• .. ~ ,..... t.n~~. A~Mr\ 't~ ~i. MM ,...,"' rw · r.v ~~·· ~ etrwt. a. tM.ac · Ue\ _,. Nt ~""" ......... la ~-- a...t ........ .. 1.e DC~\ _ . II l\ Ml;oeu t.o lie ....-.1 t..n ~.,. tA MJ w \.c< ~;\41111 "4o Ma 11-wt. M, Nt.,. ecl<e, to • a flq r~r k w. n ,..,..s.-. u. v..t ..: nel• --.la. I'IKr.' •~s. 111et ... • .•1eee . . u. aa,. a. ,._ lwlle.J et&: a.\ Gl..-..1••·• •••••••• OW tt ... \he Mlllfl\1. . _. c.... O.U.n ._. n.a: 17 _. U..U t'lrlll ~· Oal7 U.iJIC left a. la t•r to '-t..~ U..·CUn DINUen ••••••••••• tM ore.•lt 1.. c......tauw Softlall w- .. f!llt te a t1ae .tart. a.w u.t.Jo nnt .,.. c-- ~ ..t.tfo t.ile ••••••••• n.. - · • Softtlal1 t... .tU pt.~ . . . . . . ~J' .at wet. ••••••••••• - . . . , 1a1p . . . . . . . . ue ,._.. 1a till jtBCW ••••£17 ...,.u. ~ ••••lu lut l&bll to ~ • -~. 01,....., u. Colte ."-' U. Uue o.rlh .,_ .u.s.. tw pl~ -.t 'to 1. UM OOltt, all..- -.17 I w!U bi VIe 1ut c- alit pl\.otl••• a •• e1 . tM . . . . . . . . . . J.efld"'C Mtt.r -~ a , _ .,... 1M I ehcJ.• tat u.:o.. .t lie\. At I o'• M MU. olGek the ._..._... toot \hit tlel4 "'.S.t U. -:... . . . . . . --~ . . . to • .,.. 11 •• 1M :.. . . . . " ' . . . 11l tM Ua1.rd ~ . . ....-.4 u..o. .n... ,.n:,. ~f"'iih t- 1a v-.~. hM liftb M '11!1 tJt • .! ,.._ r-!l 7 tA U. ttt.~ t=A tMl-.. U. ....... fll \hell' HOftQtw ••ID•MIQ',U.. ...-.. UalWI too\ !~ll ~ $ ~n•. _. • .,.,..... " ' - J \ID L JQ~Me o! 'f'\o\0-rt, "" t-,. a n ,..\. lfl.e!i:( Mt~ ~• s •he! .. 1.: 1 ~ ·;;. :~ ~ • :.l.(.~ ~A\."· let! N ~~rt9~ t•e~r !t;-tt .-i::. ~ t.'-~ 4et~e4 \."1t :.'" 4l~rt Ute 1. J.'• JO'l 1: M h. c~ ..... ~~~ 1:r. ....-.ry !=!.a¥ blot ~ :•_. ot A'•· ·14M~ " • •t~k r.~ • t-..,-.. ra. ~7.0l.!o. & :. ·~lM ~ r~ t.:'if4 to \....,. t..._ p.lat•. tc ';t.-v-.4-or 1 .i i ! ... !hi ~PiA iDe. 1 Athlel ....... .... 1Dth1 Wlla eetll J • f ·i ! tlfth j ... ,.,. dab, ~ *1 j .-~ ..", ..... ..._, PLI1II Siiiil ~ s 'at ' e.. ~ ~ ~=- u·.• f!n:\ lalac .. ..... u. ;;olt.t l;J • a.cae .r .,_ 0 . . - t« S r:t flit U.• . . • la \M .Sri II \10 t ...,. .. s. n. ..... r-\...... ~ ~sc tt.•- ~llf :r.u.... a tile IbM ;)rr.. b . . 0!11 MSO!Ift\ Of ~ •• ft.it _, \M f1nt pott; i:d , . . :J: ttA ........ Or;. M4.;r. \.'- ten 4.U.ra ~ • tM -.~. · eM ..hod.. u.. ._.._.. 11 t. lS .ror u..tr flnt .... Ia ..... ...... , . . l'IIIIIIU.. ...... la ftfii"J a..·~ ~ 1 l.&ablc ... •-..wt r.r ta tn. ""· .,.....or r...wn, t-. a .._. .._ .... 2 aH~g.hs ta 4 ~. llhlle Oliinllllll. of .a.a, ~Gt S tor s. I& • • 1ut c- or ta. ...- v.. ......_ ..teetect u.. :.a• 1.. to 11, lNt u. ~ ......~. Jotla pltehen..,.. tdt ._,.• tM . , _ &~ lG Mh -.1 ... .... 10 hlta. lolo•.n W U.. t1ttaet for \be -daten Wlttl a H6le - ' I qlea 1a 4 tt:.a at bat• o- -. ..,.. c-t .,.,. m--. IOD CLIII __, mM>IJa I !0 8 The Greenbelt Boya Club fteDIId the em• with tbetr oouaty rlvab lut SUDI!a7 by eooriDg twioe 1:1 th • 1ut 1Dn1Jc to w1D out 9 to 8, After ~ aiJicled, Pr<woR am DuDha.r doubled to ad the saM• ~ nrn. n.n-u. ..._.. ... aib - · Ulll ,.t ....,................. u.au tor tboell .ol-'U'f aport. .-t 1a to U. COO!III.D tor U. Sparte Jlap• . . _ , lB\18 btt Ml,.•••••••••••••••• r.ec-.rd ~ an4 Cla)'tca Coakljla _,.. the 1daDer aad ~ 1a tbe r,nabelt Hartle Touu••ut• 1hq w11.1 npra ..at Gn*abelt ill tbt a.Jdlletca T~ u..t. Saturdq, ,_.,. lftla at 10 .1..1'. ca the ¥au-a GI'Oalllle. Bvw)t»ci47 1.8 ~ ntecl. tt will be brcUcut onr statlCIIl w J s v••••• I ... Ole Col\a m- e.. ~ ~ :: 111 UWJDii Bl11ERS O.A. C. S<ftBILL lEJ.GtB tall GII8S A.B. HI18 PCr P1dll di\&ft BoGta~ .....U U.Pi8Vo ~w ...1 lDlt o.u.n-r- sa Dntla AtblRloe om O.llon . - BlU Cll1le ~ Cl1tt Dl!lllera Wlll.iMI Oie . . s T • • ' T 7 o.u.n e rn• cutt Greoa OM JreD 7 .,. -u- .m 1' e .sn 28 10 lJ .100 u 21 • ·'" 10 • • 27 2li l2 ae 21 & u .100 .444 .t40 12 .429 9 .429 ~ Club1 Roc. 4 'lll'g. . ut bl gof'tb eerle1 b GRII!:l'fBIU S<F!B&LLBRS C<BTilfUI !0 STOP OPPOSITI<II The Greenbelt A.c. RepreUDtative Sottball ilea .pin tuned but the oppoe1t1c:e 1.ut ~ •m~. 'lhm theJ cleteaW the . ..., Ttrcl stan at tM · Atbletio F»ld 6 to 1. !b18 _.their th1r4 'dotoi'J 1n three Rarta, ad ICU Ouft BU1ter '• tolalJIC tella tbe ftoi'J• Ill UalW tbe Stan to I bite _. ..t l! 4Gm m tbe ~ r~Nt». The stan 7 P01W • ~hut-out bJ pu.tbt..Dc • --. eoroaa · sa till t1fth ....... :-- ...uc.t........ Gil ~·· blt u4 ao.-.4. tlbile o.bt. p-autSed out. 1'be oa)J . tn .... b.lt ot - · . . - . . . . 4«8b b:t '"" 1D .... atst.b, • • Oreet:tbelt 11101"811 I " - ' • ft1a ........ Greldtelt wlU pllf U.. 1nt Dt~ .._ P I P... , . . tM D. c. Fl.N o.p.n. --.t t-.. t••llldelJ .,.... Gil .....,• •, 1 ..... u-,. r... u.a ~ 1 . . - t• rw ~11' tWN I ,_of --- tbe • • • • • ...... • IAff taD Sf.IU -liLt PaS al I I Pl.dD PWD POl • , 1 or;:a; Siiiir ,_1.. .,,lt ~ J I ...,.,• a..q.n 110 ....,.... 00 ...... ~ 1.04JC\M.l l 1 0 ,..,., 0 0 s..rt :can ,.,.. ~ •r ..... I ICftl&j,j. Ui.tWGI ~ IrtMilU •• 001\.e t ClM- PlllirM 2 2 1 1 t ~. ......,., , _ lt ~. .l ~ 1 • . 1 I 1tU ••' w. ...... ...•• .,. .m .IIX .liD .187 .1ST .,... ca. o.llerw ..... Jar• n. '"'-e c.~~e c "'11' 11 a. Dniu iWt-. .-. Mlalftloa - . , _ n. Colte c.. ...... Saob Bll1 , . . zo - 11eclD~, cc c0 t uas Nl 1111 Q)IDG .a , _ U • Clllt u.l~ - . PrW.,• .._. 11 - l 1 t I A\U.uN •f t s s en. o.u... I 1 I 11.- ilft1.la hu-•n 10 CiO 0 0. Per. Yfl- om t c.a.a . -- ~ • .Qil )(', ~fllal»H I Tt61 OOCOlOO OllOCil ~lt 1 l 1) n •a:-~ ..Ti. rv<t 1 l • • oo ........ t! 'I 1 00 $ 1 l • ll a 10~ " Ol.,.... u Gol. . . . . . 00 ...... l I I I n l it ·t Gltft ~le ,,... at •0 0l .. loh ··" o..w !1 j I I I Dlabe ... . . . . . . . . 11M Dnila .-. MllleU.oe IP.I'. aP.:t. 8:P _.. IP.IJ. tw.•. ...... I P.lf. .hae 11• CU. '"• C.. ._ IP.E. Caw O.llen "• S..O• Blll 8P.L OdEIBIL! J..!IILitlC CLUB Elr'IIIl !SJISDlT tlaeN wtll be a -.t:q ot the GNenbelt Atbl.ftio eta .xt T~~uncla1, Jaal a. tat, h the Soetal Roc. of tbe Sohool at 8 P. !l. PNetdnt JleN:ntJ' 111'1• all .-ben to attnll u theft wlll h illpartut bue:IDNa to clll011111e M the tint eeriee ot the Sottl:all teague wil1 em on JUDe 21 st, the 1ecCDl 1er1ea aobedule will be drawn up at thil meet!Dg. GIBDBEU REPS fEIIUiliZE TilE Blll'BRLAID bJ J.P.~ ~ two lumd.n4 ot the - · popalatl Cll ot ar.abelt an at 1.1bertJ to bold tbtlllr beida hiP ~ pill llllll ocmdcler that -.p. tlleJ an ball p1A91n .rter all. thelr old - - • · Curt IU'br, ot 1:M -... Tlotarlau CUlt o.u.ra. . . \.liecl ~UIR tile ld&b •Uw:oect OIU'r Broe 1011111 u Sottball ,._ a-t Seat Pleuut len Prtd&J eel taud na& -.rt:iltc· For the thnl _. ODII 11a1t lal&l.llc• • toil• eel Gil , . . . . . . . ..u...s - • da&b ........ -.ll CIDit 41DQ b.lt tbrOlol.(h tl-. 1at1el4. The ~ belt J.Aec- bu be-. teoiac • b1& lta&\*" tor -twD n• .....s.ac. ..... - ............. 1,. ua ..S 111ft , , _ a bit of lllpraaetatlwe , . . ., opf'11ate . _ tlltt. \lrM ~ ftrlr. ...-. 1.1. ... ti"t '-"'C. tlllll! halt u. - a.w " l.D f..,., 1M To Me loW . . . U. l&cll' lllld ,.... .a tlel4.!J~C n..... of - . rt-r ot UI1DC • ........, rSpi ,.,.....,• .,., 1lle Mt tM ~1\ ,,_.u... er....ut•• ..t\aU 1-.. ..... ,..,. '• w• arr_... U.lr '-''• ehell•tsat Uta ~tloa tilth ..,_ n.. • n .. tt.lc.. M•_.IC et ..s el'le14 .,.,...,._. (U..'• '*' taat- ~) • • •...,,.. or• ~att uc r.t, UalW t.t a ""*l• ....._.. ot cr-M ,.......... GO»~·· tr.pl• .._ ,.,..,... ._ M tM :a:.-&siiC a- of Ute ~ttca. -ltt1""*' O•Wlte -.a• 11..-. lNt oft:,. t1r a..... .._ _. t-.,w wU.U-.. ... •U.., .. ,... ,_.,. "'"'._. u. ~'u •~U:;£. ~t.•. tM •l'C..<:«T .... •w.tr. ... ~ll-a• ,~ t . r~ t.o ~al.r.. 'bllt v.. •IIC'C• .. ..... or a.ll u~ •• • trtekUf¥ NDt ..._ u. nm o-~· ...... a... rot ....;r ~ ~- If ~ nw ,_.l t,.Mt ~ - l t H:t. h fr·r;t a -.11 ~ • ~4' rr. u ......... ~ ur. \& , . .R-l. ... ar..r r~ eN\ • ••• urr.n •. ..,..,. u. ,..........lt , _ .... • ...._..._..n \1Ift , _ . ~ .,. . . u- tt...,. '"' " ' .........,. ...... • ~ ~ Cift' tdll ~b1t 1 tor • ,.._ a..••n .......u ~~us au. a l(lr'..DJ:i ,.;..;ns ne ...., .r :Jl.rMtor• t1 u.e ~•wlt :.t;:l& ..,_lllr& l.elcw laW • ..t~ 1M\ .. ka ..ay t. ltlr pltM ht u. llllda( •••-. la ....., to .Ud)' tt.e ..., ... or u. __,.rlt)' or lMt . . . . . . ~n. ... wo fll • cr-t ..... lt . . ._.... k ...-.all u. allt~p_or c.llep PWt IINrllac -'-'U.--..t • •~££ • or alocMt Sllpt_... JZ, ltst .t TtiD r.w. ...u.. ..tu c.~~t IIUClFtS d ,....,._h........ plaM - ,......, ai&IIU• If the 1-cae _. 1 . . . eltJrt - - . .... u lla41.-tlaa .._ t. po1at u.t .,.. lt td.ll . . . . . . ...,. \o . ., la z tt.ln. . . . at TaJO _. o• at taJO. tllla aU at. ,;lve • of t.he ooller ..~~oolllo,. a • ._.. tD particlfde. • . .llac , .. will .. ft . .t:l • - . t5 ..t.e ot wldoll Will 10 to t .. alt., ~. Zl . . . to prl&e _ , ..S . , . . . .•• alii ·51 tOI' ..U Y1 tlee t& the e4 of the ....-.. Jlq obaat:•• u to .._cll•p, ind1Y141aal ... •11 . . . . will be 41. . . . . lit •. ...tine pnotflll£ the opeablc of tJle ••lilliE ...... 81 ean to att.Dil tlab ...t1DG. pt 1n touc1t 1lltil 'JW' •loot oeptma . . tell Ida ot • -~.. , . tld.r&t alaoulcl . . . . . . ILOC'I CIP!ADS Bloot - alw 11m1... - w R14&• B.S •rr 11oot - Jlldt 11.7w -li-ft ltld&• RGa4 •J..• _....,...,... •1-D ...... Bloat • JobD OOlUnr -28-8 Ridce B«*l . - f'rUk Lutzler •19-P Ji16ce 20&4 •rl' Blook • Joe Brc.a · -&8-F ~e.-t Boa4 II£• Blook • VeJ"DCCD llitollooat W. sut.&J . •J- Bloot- ~-Araujo ·19-D !Wbay Rc:M • (!' Sunday School Picaic Succeea DALm ASS>CU!IOI JOilfS dSOCUTIOlf or WKDICA:L COOPWTil'IS a... Dr. Jfup pr•iclet f/1 the Orecbelt Health M8oe1et101l. ~ lut Dipt tbe atfUiatica of t• A..oolatioa ot 1141.U eoo,.,.u..... !he ~lt BMlth .&.eooietica beoiM • Cl.N• l llllllber ot the a.ttoaal orpaiaat!Da etteoth• J\IM 1. ta order to pool lte n~ with otMr tlfte eel to..,.. lathe ....rtte oft..-.4. !M AaeoolaUe ot 11141o.l eoo,_..tlftle ..... u a olMI"lDc hGUe tor illtonatlO!l e4 uno. • ~ bealtb - "· ad pabU..... • .atbl7 pw1o41eal ... .. u u •PMlal .......,.. · tw 1te ...,.,... IU'Ua tile looel health crouP with 000,.... ...... u ...., .. ...,......, ot • Auool&loil. ~tnlnlwTOI'L s...t.wt.o e..,~~ "lt tor VMt • ......_ ot .,_ 11• ..s all 4A1f ~ ,... te. ,... oarc\ ~u • tt.so. • wt.s. ttr• -.le • ..S•S~a~., - ' ~~ta.r ,..._t:lCID. n. pnc.na wU1 .... l . . . .etdp trll&l.Q( " ".... -.14 1011 lUia to ... tlltMl ._. ot 6 .....,. t*' wet .tH 4• fW J'ftl' 1t11M1 ' ~~m ,:J n TUt ~ 1\1.! n..t .-~ ,.,. _ _. ~ ON tor II -..b ..... Jl.to l. ft~C;l.t.r..tl Gill. ••••••••••••••• ~ ~~~ '! • 11 • • • • •. ••••••• :. ~..... :a.ttt'•························· ~~t l. Jcr.r• ur. -.r.uh• .•.........................• ?1 •· ;.n.~~:-. hr O.C ~~teh . - :~ ~"... .:.: . '· :!lot« .. ••.•••••.••••:: ~·· n..,ll ~c.. ~ :..:.~: ~lcrL"' -~rh.u ~ to·ol• • • • • • • • • • • • • . • ·~ ~ ~ Sa twQay. JW"ltl llbioh the CaD- paetor ezst.,.d &lllll&1 Olu.rch Sat.ool Pianic. nw N.rat order or bwlinua • • a aottt:all ~ bet.Mn the bora cd thoao 11bo .ttl 1 prW. tbea-..1.,.• oe thou a~t1c ebillty ill eplt. ot rbeula· tic twi.Qcoa. Arter a hot-~ 1n IIOh U.r. o:. n~. acrtlrit1oa t:v.r'oN to~· &lid "0.1 1.::· at t.bt lab. wl.Dd~ \It' '11'1fJ • ,ontr(lt4 holpl.lll£• of 1a. or-.. &al t.Daalde tar •l~ bi.Dtla &M prh.. tot' U. tri.onN'a. A plclc lUPfer oloee4 tM etro:ftl~ •otiTlti.et o.t ~ ay uw! boa~ oe t.".e lAn ~ ·the t..~ !"lata below the diUI ,.,...._1 •q• ONOJr ¥.~~til ~ n•~ s4jCI!IInM. ~ t.t.OIM fl"tiMt -~ ~- ,..P" lor .i. ~n OIC -.c4 ,-~. l:r,. t~ 11. •l.r•• ,..rh·:t.t1611rt v~ ~ ~- :.'lUY.,._~. ••d.-at ~rbi\er.o~hat at ~ U. au ......... !. liot • • tho bu.teri»t; beat or 10 • • abJ.. to dupeD the ·apil'it with amity Omrob and ita athletic YOUDC illt.o the any oDjoyable phaeea or ita tfllll.oo.!. otn=..-• ..~. Ull~ t'itwa u.u ro)u-.. u. Ull! ot U. ad»al. 1. Hrt c( t» ;n .. ~~ ~ · ta•n " · U.. "'"1-. ~~U'I'~· .... . iA U,. ~ -~ f'1..-o J"f ol~ ~~a the ~ arlit JfQl.~~. Wre· ~~· ~~...c:r • c.U t.. ~- 11at! -r 1 1.-t ~n.4. • l~ri " • ~" .;ttl-.1"\t :~~"'-·~&:A •r~. ~c.!~ n•. u....,..._,.. ,...... ,n...,...:- 1 '~ !ra4e. ~ .. t.au 'tt·rar. ~~ ~4~-·"'f l..:-i:~r.a;>-; '"''t.e· ; ~'!a\< I"'!GI!. =-~ ~ ~~-· ~: ;'lt..."'t ",... ~·~ ~.... it: ;::""=. .;~. "~· ~ i:lrh-, .~~ •""..:"" t.=... -~:~~ :.94".:'": ~: -.,.~b =~t.·-.;; 1 m P""-::..0, s.;:. .. ~t ... ;·~ ~~. ,~,..-~~ J:,.t;~·~J~J !..o-:· .. ~ t ~::-9: ~ , . . ~:~ ~--. ~"~~-· ~~~ : ~--_.:--;: r!;; ~ I ft-~ £ ~. ; . . .t.: : ~:J'DIII. :-... :. ~ ~-- ~ , 6,:"':.-ae §~:\.: • • -~..·~et_,. rf.!-.·-a·-~""1 -~!t!.~... ~.-~ "~~~ ~--. :.·.c:..~-·~· ;a:; -!it.>~ -~14 WCJ!""~- .. ::...-::.. ,... ........ You Ring J&!a ~. ~~~ noe. a.;;;..!c f'rf, 1m - We Bring QUALITY MEATS THAT SATISFY A Full Line of Frozen and Fresh :Poultry. Fruits, Vegetables ;;.m ;, "•· ~~ ~ a.""'"u-t ' •• - Ttetcrh iller'nll4 ~. I .....a.tT.. ~~- ~"a'"'' ~-. ~:~~ dt"7i~t.. a~ ~~.... l!t. ~~-""'to' ~ ~ ~. ~~:~ ~ i!!U7 ;l"t..-m, -.u~ !/1". :a&\e.rit tUp ' - ' • *'"1 - tts.oo ;JG tel. ~Mlt u~ ~nn ~:t ~·~ ~ \be ?"«1 ar. t.!J ~ Ml~ =Ut "......w ~· iu t:.•• ~.Rr&ti.... Clft'l!:e•. ·~tit'~ /~~~\OREENBELT to- SOAP BOX RACERS SHOUI..D BE SURE TO REGISTER in the Rosenblatt's D.O.S. Store Edmonston Road East Riverdale Tel. Berwyn 666 -------·------- ------------- ~--------· NATIONAL SOAP BOX DERBY Va at LUSTINE - NICHOLSON 1\IOTOR CO. Hyattsville Md Greeonwood 2200 No Cost - No Obligation WI It's Measles Player Takes To Air ~ Greenbelt Pl.t!,yera the tinlah1og touohel OD Joe !I.Syard • a f1Dtbet1o . .a1.. Md t.\elr prodwrtion or 10011 s~n c£ 20 IJDct G. 9Jr'ao RoabDD. trash troD tri• ..... wlth ..... GretDhelt Mlij· ror portorMnoe JUDI n. .,. • J turtl• uou.r llh to tl•ltl. •oac• .,.. t'Mtt.&l"'4 - u. PDS ndlo ,... J , _ " " ' lliU.. -JUDO'· l I i~ t. {. ~- ,_. ~t ,.. ~Ua.i#:( , .. or otn~• ~. ~hM~--a...""'". u.. ~·· ~ •t rn-. ~ •· u•• . l(r $!! ~:!!~-.£ z,.~~; 64: ~~~;; r~:!:r f'..t~ ::.O.i :.h~ ·.r-.~ ~ .. wn.-. a :'",n v-~ t -~-: ~~1· r- elat• :~ ~ 1--.! ~ ~~ ;.~9a~Wo4 ""· Chevrolet Oldsmobile SALIS aod aaVKZ Complete Stock Buete's GriU ~:..:e,;t> :r~r :, :.-~17:~M. Lord Calvert Inn S~K!~:: ~~ t~ ~iC.--~~ ~~ $te~k :.-;,~,... r.<M:.· tt;ri.-. lH ;rw ~ ~t $~.~(. ~r~~= rr., .. ~. Teget."Uu. ?r~~ 7~-;:r hlrll1. T·l;,l!.oae !t>~n 77~ ror iturv;,\bu. liM':'oie~ i!~oa for a~~s ~t Jl;~~.rHu. . Stadigbt Inn .,.ltlr.oN lllo·:Ucrv,.,nl. ~i\7 Food, PAbd Jlu• Rl\lboa on 4nt~t - ~.!ael:!ll« eW'eJ7 lli&ht. Orebntru l'riclq Aile! $1\~. University faa ~s.~i~too A Good Place li~e :o - II"Hbore BAt I'DC Drilllk. - atdw@her on ~e Bcr.Ue"W~rd if ;.•ou 100 C~-~S ALL ,.,.. M'1fo\~ Priced $89 up to $695 Gneawood l200 . PIANOS - RADIOS WASHING MACHINES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ~t. Vanity Grill College Parle. l!ft.r?lftnd. • o!1er 11 bte !llpper nnd earl...,. Bre·kf~st, Lunch ud Dinner, Beer :uad llne. l'ftDd up tbct"fft!'f;Jt at the VanitJ Grill•. Whalen's Sea Food Restunnt 4512 Rhode Island lTenue. .Brennood, lfli. Delicious Dinnel'ft. nixed Drinks. Daacl~. See our Pit Barbecue. Printe Dining Booa for Clubs and Parties. Tel. H:'t~ttl"Ville 654. i _......... t:sed CAn Greenbelt Represeatative BOB WHITEMAN - 68 HII.ISD£ Pboae - Greenbelt - 2791 ARTHUR JORDAN PIANO COMPANY ClrMr 13tll 6- G Sis. NotioMil223 1 Calendar Of Eve!!!!; Ta30 8a00 la30 8a30 --==- --- P.~. IDaio Roaa P.U. t8 ~·-=Rd. P.Y. 8ooial Roca P.U. . .io Boca Sal0oo8a30 P.!l. Jllet1Qc . , . ft30-8i30 P.!l. Te30 P.!f. TtlO P.!t. 8a00 P.!!. ---~Roc. 1o• Thursday &: Frida, Juae 15 & 16 See the Superb new Screea team ia a A111litar1• Sootal aoa. loaa 216 fiae productioo Soolal ao. . .10 lOla laOO·P.!!. laOO P.:t. --........ Mll'-1a .Uitl..... ONEDAYONLY l ·llharday Juae .17 . . .1 .... ......... INial a.. ...h . . . SudaylrMooda, Jww 18&19 S.Konh't AllllW'-t ltli ...... !". )t. t tr 'P. 1.. •• (l) • 'ili&.aa" .,.,.. n tiiillecape M'-r _,.." Olrl ~ /'II;' to.r Ot.o1l' 0 I U)" o.1r .. ft~ P~L ....... . . . . ... JooeS. 1 1oaa en. ..at I New DtlcoY«) Coriaoe tucbaire iocla.l . _ An Adult Pktv.re ltOO 1.1. tl O.e..t JW. lt 3oJ P. L looekl . _ TtlO r.x.. Jt,ul • a.oo 'f.'J. -le a._ _le._ .. OOP.JI. . a d At~Zbtlott !&SitSJiliP DUt1 a m QDIII.J•s ~•nr Wre. 1.. 1. ••_._.M4 ._. flMer ~ ~r. M4 Vrs. ~l a. t.~'Mrg of o..~~u. eAil IU. C. C. &;~ of SUftl' ~. ~. llfr·· M4 IT Wlf:'lal ..... • ' - • MIllS 0• I N ,. . . . ..._,. ., ,.. an.wlt ..a. ..._.laleia ~ tn ... ................ "-1. - .....,.. •· llll"-- a .sdp .... Ilia r.u,. .,~la.s.- ,_.e. INe tar I· PollCJirial ue Dr. Be~•c aad Dt. StWia otriee 1sa1n at th llllltlcal eeat.rc ~ •••••••• lo-u,~ TueNa7••••••• to-u, ,,~.JO ~J•••••lo-U Tharaday•••••• lo-u. 4-6 Frlday •••••••• to-u, ?t30-8a30 s.tuNa7•••••• to-u, 51 S'llllllaJ••••••••IIJ appoiat.eat \fbooea 1 Qttlc•:ll%1 1ln caae ot DO rMpolll• oall 1101 , Dr. llcC.rl•a (De4tlat) otfioe JIGun Dr. }.'cCarl•a houn·an u toll-• I l . t :' t> Jl:::aec 2161 ~··•····•··· •••• e,ao ..... e.oo P.l. tueaday •• , ••••••••••• 9tSO A.~. • SaOO P.~. faOO • 9t3D P.l. WldDeadaJ••••••••••••Clolld Thuraday..............s.so A,-'11• • Fl'idry••~-:,t~·.'.-~.-;.~~-~~~~ A.l'. _. ~~OQ P.!!. &100-P.Y. SHIRTS SHEETS JOe Suits ButiDeM Dresses 7c 391 Pllia WAIT FOR OuR REPRESEIITATIVE IN GREEN UNIFORM TO CALL . AT YOUR DOOR .1 ~ ls~~~;~w::;;~,~:~:':. ~;~~~~"" ·"'~·..i~.~-or_•_am_•_rt_.-.·...-~;'iii·-ii ___AND ____a._o_w_... ........_ _ I I Public Health Department SetUp Here l'tith the l&rgeat audl.enoe rithin the - . y ot liTin& -.n the twD OCMaoil aterect a fftviab &Dd b8ated ..aaioa oc lloaday J\ala 1.2. !loth tbe ~ OouDoil &Dd the AdD.i.Dbtratbo ortt.....n ......s.ac preecmt ~ tu.ll farce. · Bltablie-.at ot a Depar-..t ot Pu.bUo Bl<b tor Gnoabelt 0001~ l!IOSt or the--~· Dllt1N of .tbe •ta.tf •re Mt tor* .S prorhioa a t . . . ror •U~tD1.D.l.nc reoorde 1D a OQtn.l att101 ...... U.y 'lliU be opec tor •a:roist10D. lb'o 8pltc1tlol.l• .17 ti\t! tor IAipeotl<ID lit 01"41••u• prc:...-14M \be s-ee a.-lth ottt.r ot food, aU.t. •tw ~UWb, Q:! ""~·· n. a-ltb otttoar b alto ••tMru.t ad.,..•. ~ o..-4hllte bM.lUa ~NpeM• -~ ...~ d\!U -~. ""*Uou. lollool ~- la._ ,.u, ......... ...'D.... ..,.... !be orcttna:aoe Nmtnc obart8 _. tabled att.r a beated dbouqiOD. CcamoilaD SMl'J'Od But ao4 . Jlrs. Ruth llylor ngestect that tbe reRrtotiou be l1a111ed to tbo ---~ ot batbiJI& eppanl "' per. . . ~ 12 ,..,.. ot ... 1D tbe lhop?iDc ........ but dUCIIIaiOD btou. · " t.olftcl tlat tbl att.r - . clroppecl ... the ••pwat . . 1Ditnaftl4 to . . . out a t.tter ..tiDe reeU.tl to ue .... diaantta Wl.l1.zt& e-...i;J attt.n 1a publlo. .t.tt11r ~- hl4 bMD au 11J oltl.leu ,........ tblt 1alDt ,__ .... illpNn4 ,....-u tlah, ... llr'M4ID u•! U.t tlw cmtl•aoe be wltbdrea tor fw'UMartba1D q. Jlltter .J. a.nou .............. a ,..toluttoo tor tM _...,_t1ce ot V. ~U ~ -~ boGJ ,_ ut.barlu \!lit p!ibUaauca ot ~ ot ttw ..,. IDltr "' U'il. ~ q•.,..tt.. , . fl.rd e.i~ .,_. 0\.)toUON tlf OllllllollMca All• ...-&.._ ~ .,..a""h q.rutu. W'lll.Mnoo -.. •leo ,,.,. nHt ~:.(. l!'rl-. ta OCiiiiJ"onao. -""'.,.... ~-· a..U..\ ~~. U. CliNt•- • .,...... . •"'w .. ••••.d•l'll. ....s _.. ~·lDc ~- ~ .......~~ 1Ift • -.~. ~ !# ~-ltr <1'--rl.ll~ -:,['!o?:- ~ ~"'"·-~~~~ ~ 1J.1e C~;-"..,·;b ~ l<M't !"OT ~t c!" • .....~. J.~e ~-,c; T~!! ;.:-o~·-h· 'tlo aA.• (M a TOU ~\."'#e.· \.!r-, Nn~ay ~~ f~l; •lHt!.~ «;. \itO G( •H_... u..e u. c..-... u. BILLtilil\ER « P:\l:\\ER ~-WilD t:SED CAR BARGAI~S S 25.00 OO~N c. C411alwa ued car mar. L. )f9trthfJ P:IJIM'ftts 193i Ford Tudor 19~6 Ford Tudor 1935 Plymouth ForJor 1935 Dodge Fordor Radio & Heater 1934 Chevrolet Tudor 19 34 Chevrolet Coupe& Radio 1936 Plymou:b Fordor Trunk Radio and Heater 1937 Chevrolet Coach 5200 Block Bode Island Awenue ..,._.. ................... .... o,..,.,.,.,. Gl. OJOZ 21.11 19.00 19 ..00 20.40 19.00 19.00 ~"" laHlS..tl-. . . . _...... ~- .......,. ~-. .t · WU. NIClallou. - · · · " ...... la.tt . . . . ::J, t•· • ,.._. ·of s.uu•l :~.f'll~.h·•· ••·· ••.o -~··=--~ ;w-\V... ~.£ f•4....U.i.~ o! ~f_..'HT• "" ~ --~·... .., A-. ' •\.A y..,Y 'a\. ·~-.-.. t .................... 1) . . . , . . .·--• .---... ~-~,\' "'!..,-•.. 1t ~ •'-o ~ ••· \.~'.e:-6.1 """·nUa f1i U\1< C~«»\IIICKI cOQileraU<c>e ~ r,c~. ~t:-·o'W'~~-. ptGf ............ to ..,...u-. us.ooo ~ _...,.. la ......,.. A. e-.. ,..liM '--'• u. ~ ..,.. ..__ ... ,...... s t4 1 ~r ;-o~t;;. l'n-3 o;t i'f'O- . &t fill W PSIIJJG. WW · r··...o . i#'el-... -.at~· t&.t-. b ~ a~'t4 •:~• " $'11tnlltt t--.o . .,._ ·,_ n.r-tt ...n...f'J la tit• GlalW tt.t• .tU t. ..,_llt d PlllU.lpe'-"• a.... "' tM hna4rJ U..O.\&W.o. • .U.tAlvy ot o.o,..•'-'" - u. . . ..... ""''-" r'*"" sa • ~'lAb. nur ~na u:rtmY IJ o. s. to • !lilL.t ,'/At'lf~~ rw 41--...e-t, - - . aatl·· fl•t~ ~ ~-LNrt•. aata eot=a~aUaM .,.,w.. fW ~~~!'l, j tht Clt'IQIIIaA'Iat roMIS ._.,.,. ...1-.noH 1D We're in the SWIM I '-·~---~ ...... ,...........,_ .... .,.... ........... IILol.e ' ....... . ..... ~ ....... -..I!Jt,; ..... -- ..... ..................... ............ ,..., ........... ,_,, I Sltl - ............... . _ ................ ,...........,...c.....__. ,...,... ..,........., ...... ....... So!Ms..JJ- Cl WRJ« . . . ... , .......... . . . ..,...., ........ ""' """'" ...., ~ $L91 $L91 SWIM SUITS 01 TIUNKS GIRLS SWIM SUITS MILO MODEL Wllh felt applique, conlnnlint . . . . . . . stn~p~, hly linltl. Colois: wine,~• ...&.llrowL Sizes- I to 14 A Value at $1.00 fOI um.E IOYS AND GIRLS s .............. lot boys and tirh in t.cJ woven dlleft. Sizes. 2 to I Swim Suits- 29c • Tot's Trunks- 50c Good MEN AND IOYS SWIM TRUNKS ...... all ..... c.......... ............. liWJIIIc. Celars:..vy, ... """' & ...,... . MEN-sizes 30 to 40- $1.00 BOYS- sizes 26 to 32 • 89c
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