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Pai: “Young Felle”- Filho do casal ”Felle” x “Daughter Van Moorsel”
NL88-1572030 “DE FELLE” O Pombo base de Bert Braspenning conquistou:
1. GENERAL CHAMPION BIRD Z.C.C. 250 members in 1989-1990
3. NATIONAL ACE COCK HOLLAND 1990 – 17 races and 17 prizes
Top results 1990: 10th -4.562; 31st-.4279; 10th -10.140; 8th -4.026; 21st -5.517; 18th 4.827; 5th -4.251; 7th -7.020; 16th -4.258; 3rd -3.968; 19th -3.047; 30th -10.579; 13th 8.283; 5th -6.016; 22nd -4.710 birds.
“Felle” é pai de:
NL91-1929406 “Cora” Owned by Louella pigeon World
Venceu: 1st ZCC 4,062 b, 1st Open Combine Kapellen, 10,098 b.
NL91-1929451 “Compas” Owned by Louella pigeon World
Venceu: 7 x 1st . 1st Roye 9,932 b, 1st ZCC 4,077 b 1st Chantilly 4,620 b.
A mãe do “Young Felle” é fruto do cruzamento do “Compas” x “Van Moorsel”
“Compas” é filho do Felle e conquistou:
7 x 1st prize, 1st Roye 9,932 b, 1st ZCC 4,077 b 1st Chantilly 4,620 b.
NL88-1571797 VAN MOORSEL conquistou:
2. NATIONAL ACE HEN HOLLAND 1989-1990-1992
20x1st – 10x2nd – 5x3rd – 48 prizes in the top-10 in CLUB, ZCC, FEDERATION.
Top results: 1st- 11.536; 1st- 7.392; 1st- 4.198; 1st- 1.860; 1st- 7.550; 1st- 4.341; 1st2.968; 1st- 2.424; 1st- 1.515; 2nd- 6.016; 2nd- 4.251; 2nd- 7.020; 2nd- 2.403; 3rd2.061; 3rd - 10.604; 3rd- 4.949; 4th- 12.307; 7th- 10.595; 14th- 4.710; 15th- 3.861;
16th- 4.562; 20th- 4.445; 21st- 10.929; 21st- 11.003; 29th- 6.301 birds.
O “Young Felle” é avô da: 846/12
1.Ace bird Youngsters 2013
4. Club 391km 358b
21.Prov. 391km 1756b
42.I.Prov. 391km 3894b
46.Prov. Allzones 391km 8043b
5. Club
368km 333b
14.Prov. 368km 1892b
24.I.Prov.368km 4132b
26.Prov. Allzones 368km 8423b
8. Club 255km 436b
25. Prov. 255km 2139b
26. I.Prov.255km 4496b
26. Prov. Allzones 255km 8633b
54. Club 257km 504b
245. Prov. 257km 2419b
517.I.Prov.257km 5013b
56.Club 384km 329b
282.Prov.384km 1854b
558.I.Prov.384km 4065b
60. Club 263km 500b
143.Prov.263km 2375b
160.I.Prov. 263km 5018b
61. Club 384km 312b
283. Prov. 384km 1715b
563. I.Prov. 384km 3778b
Mãe: “Perfect” – Filha do “Astro” x “Broody”
Na reprodução de Bert Braspenning , incluindo o "Astro" está ainda três filhos, cinco
filhas, três irmãos, duas irmãs dele. Na equipa de de vôo de 2009 contou com 24
machos e 24 fémeas. Destes existem 2 filhos , uma filha, 7 netos, 12 netas, um
sobrinho, três sobrinhas e um bisneto do "Champ Astro".
NL02-1435791 ASTRO – Filho do SUPER Casal “Laguna” x “Twingo” Um dos pombos
bases atuais na casa do Sr. Bert Braspenning
6x1st – 2x2nd – 4x3rd – PV KOOG-ZAANDIJK
26 prizes in 2 seasons, best results: 1st PROVINCIAL STROMBEEK against 7.295 birds;
1st- 2.870; 45th-5.349; 6th-1.752; 6th-1.791; 19th-2.472; 9th-1.698; 10th-2.659; 4th2.172; 27th- 1.954; 44th- 3.979; 34th- 5.156; 25th- 5.030 pigeons.
NL09-1033351 “BIG LEO” neto do “Champ Astro”
Foi pombo Olímpico nas Olímpiadas 2011 Poznan, Poland.
Na Holanda, foi o melhor yearling class sport in the Olympiad. Venceu:
48th-21.506, 10th 15.998, 15th-6549, 10th-11.690, 9th 8.964 pigeons.
NL09-1033341 CROWN JEWEL, neto do “Champ Astro”
Venceu: 1st 4876, 1st 4488, 1st 2688, 1st 2644, 5th 1624, 6th- 3.642duiven.
NL06-2052734 “BROODY”
Em 2 épocas conquistou 30 prémios: 35-2.653; 90-1.774; 61-1.889; 62-3.622; 20-3.582;
74-3.992; 53-1.611; 59-2.986; 14-1.945.
No Clube foi marcou por 10 vezes nos 1.º dez classificados.
PAI: NL02-1435794 “AMBI” father from different excellent birds, one of the best
breeders.Gr.Sire: NL97-1286009 “Minali” 1th-3.123p, son “Goldstar”(full brother
famous hen “Van Moorsel”) Gr.Dam: NL99-2136485 “Gargoon”3x1th club (gr.dtr
famous “Felle”)
MÃE: NL03-1324752 “AMERICA LADY”, full sister “Benicia” 1th NAT.Champ Middle
distance 2005.Gr.Sire: NL99-1107523 “Reneris” 1th-4.358; 1th- 2.136; 1th-2.065; 1th1.840p., son NL93-1203173 1th Champ General ’95-’96-‘97Gr.Dam: NL96-2515463
1th-2.529; 1th-2.781; and 1th Champ Natour 1998, she is dtr NL94-1686591 (half
brother “Jeannie” 1th NAT.NPO Bourges 10.338p; 17th NAT.NPO Argenton 10.043p.)
A “Perfect” é avó da: 846/12
1.Ace bird Youngsters 2013
4. Club 391km 358b
21.Prov. 391km 1756b
42.I.Prov. 391km 3894b
46.Prov. Allzones 391km 8043b
5. Club
368km 333b
14.Prov. 368km 1892b
24.I.Prov.368km 4132b
26.Prov. Allzones 368km 8423b
8. Club 255km 436b
25. Prov. 255km 2139b
26. I.Prov.255km 4496b
26. Prov. Allzones 255km 8633b
54. Club 257km 504b
245. Prov. 257km 2419b
517.I.Prov.257km 5013b
56.Club 384km 329b
282.Prov.384km 1854b
558.I.Prov.384km 4065b
60. Club 263km 500b
143.Prov.263km 2375b
160.I.Prov. 263km 5018b
61. Club 384km 312b
283. Prov. 384km 1715b
563. I.Prov. 384km 3778b

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