Street Art Roadmap
Street Art Roadmap
CA LO US TREET ÁG U e DA S J OR N A L IN D E P EN D Ê N CI A D E QU IN 2 1 street t ee str EIR Os old RN tr ee D RO t SÃO sOBE RANI ER OF S 10 EET AN DE S UL S TR CID AD E R IO GR 15 I N D U S T R IA IS S T R E E T US TR S IAI STR EET Paintings 6- 3 7n1 8- art installations 2- ÁGUEDA C ULTUR AL INC UBATOR b e águ eda (E l e c tric B ICYC L E S ) 3- TOURI ST OFF I C E PA RKIN G 4- TOWN V IEWING POINTS IN DOOR PA RKIN G 5- S STREET TRIAIS 8- n1 n1 INDU 16 IND 1- O DA COST A AV E N U E 25 D E AB R I L 9 NOTES: S OS A VE N U E 25 DE ABRIL 13 A D O POVO street DO NT I N S P E C TO R J O Ã O N E 12 UC ÓNI A S SA A NTÓ N I O B R I N C A 28 I TA N T STRE E 14 EN A ANT IR RE T O s t r ee t C E LE S T IN O NE 10 PE ST REET JOSÉ SU CENA r u a fe r n a n d o c a l d ei r a DR . F ER R AZ MA CE D O s t r e e t a cost s da eet street C O M E R C I A N TE S s t r ee t tr ES s eet O str e . gom d. a B R IN C re S Ã O B E N T O street eet ua AMÕ DE C RUA n1 pAINTI NGS str sq ey AN 17 B U S S TATION S I LVA et stre BOTARé U str e e t TA X IS CA IRA all eet BOTARé U str e e t ART INSTALLATI ONS A TE RES re et GA M A st VA S C O D A n3 US PE PAD LUÍS SO RA y 8 EL CA le tr s al IRO 8 OUTE fernando caldeirastreet 7 RO NU VE et LOSO stre JOSÉ M. VE D r. JO Ã O E L íS i o S U C EN A SQ UA R E NF 6 t 7 s t r e et et y e MAZ stre ISPO PRI 11 AD et MA tos r a l sa rg en e s co l a c e nt re 5 6 S. DA CR U Z st r e et NT E PI NH O FR EI TA S s tr ee t st lle IO a . CO M A ND A LA ITÉR eet IO ANTÓN RTE O PO CEM str ues 3 JÚLI GA DR rig BO M B E I R O S V O L U NTÁ RI O S st r e e t 5 ENG. 4 CEB RO s tre eet AR 5 DE OUT UB OC OR rod et SÃO PEDRO stre EET M A R IA A GUIAR MEL los re STR 9 IA D E e a O squ DIA MAR a tr as nu EDR SÃO P CÓR a rm an c do el st ve D R. E U G É N IO R I B E I RO a v e n u e 4 ET Na e 3 R O JÚL I O P O RT E L A S T R E E T ERI N E RE KIA quar ELO s E NG E N HE I MIS FO TE DO T OU ST IRO EN AST ÃO C DR. MA N U EL ALE GR E s tre et 2 g. c ar D IO NÍS O PIN H E I R O fou n d at i on s tr e e t AS sid ewal X AVIE R s treet TA D O S O L I V E IR . JO SÉ B ASTO S LB C A P IT ET D R . M A N UEL ALE GRE S T R E 1 5 DE A G O S TO S T R EE T ENG GU en eira STREET c is c o de ol i v j oa q ui m f ra n REET I M E N TA S T G U S TA V O P 12 STREET ST S T RE E T DR . J OA QU I M D E M ELO INHO C A P I TÃ O J O S É M A R IA C O U T T REE 1 k ET VI E R ST R E B A ST OS XA E N G. JO SÉ TE Umbrellas t ree Somnium | Municipality Square. 910 - Bicycles Sextafeira Produções | Dr. Eugénio Ribeiro Avenue. swallows of SAU DADE Sextafeira Produções | São Bento Street. 12- Déjà vu A.Mar. | São Bento Street. GUARDA- CH UVAS Sextafeira Produções | Eng. Júlio Portela Street; Dr. Ferraz Macedo Street; Luís de Camões Street; Vasco da Gama Street; Rua Soberania do Povo; Cin Colorful Street - (José M. Veloso Street). co n cert s t en t 3456- Agitágueda | 1º de Maio Square. Fiel de Armazém *1 Grés Colectivo Nora | Inside Manuel Alegre Library. 7- 910 - AGUARDAR Godmess | Dr. Manuel Alegre Street. old are t h e rags Colectivo Nora | Hidden Parking Municipality Square. GEO M ET RI C C o l o rfu l b en c h es Sextafeira Produções | Municipality Square. 11 12 13 14 - STAIRS City Hall. Bira! Colectivo Nora | Wall in front CEFAS. 15 - geo m ET RI C c o l o rfu l stai r s 16 - Sextafeira Produções | Adro Stairs, Fernando Caldeira Street. 17 - alfusqueiro bridge legen d Mário Belém | Fernando Caldeira Street. co lo red plast ic sleeve Murmuro Colectivo Nora | Cemitério Alley. Ven da N ova GARDEN Colectivo Nora | Eng. Júlio Portela Street. 6 2 1 Sextafeira Produções | Adro Stairs, Luís de Camões Street. TÃO BEL A E PR EC IOS A Halfstudio | 5 de Outubro Street. óper a púb l ic a Alicja Biala | Vasco da Gama Street. Out e ir o Colectivo Nora | Outeiro Street. MANUE L A L EG R E EIME. Manuel Alegre Library. gent e que se nt e TheCaver | EDP Cabin, 25 de Abril Avenue. AG ITÁGUEDA s il houet t es Sextafeira Produções | Botaréu Street. St e nc il Pa int ing - GIC A EIME. Rio Grande Street. SK AT E Pa r k MAR. Celestino Neto Street. Lov e Pr is one r s Millo | Vale do Senhor Street, Recardães. Temporary Projects 17 Silent Portugal | Dr. Eugénio Ribeiro Avenue. geomETR IC C OL OR FUL STA IR S 9 Águeda is a city in the center of Portugal, crossed by a river with the same name. With about 48.000 inhabitants spread by its 335 km , the city was always known by its industry and flourishing businesses, especially the metallurgical. The production of bicycles used to be so important that the city was known as the bicycle city, until the colorful umbrellas took over the small downtown streets as part of "AgitÁgueda - Art Festival". However the city has much more to offer to its visitors, such as food, regional wines, landscapes, walking trails, birdwatching without forgetting that Águeda is part of the paths of Pilgrim route to Fátima and Santiago. A colorful city that colors the life of those who are lucky to experience what it has to offer! Facts about Portugal: * Portuguese is the official language which is the sixth most spoken in the world; * All Portuguese have several Marias and Maneis in the family; * In Portugal there are over 100 ways of preparing the cod fish; * Fado was classified by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Itʼs a music that gives a sense of "Saudade", a word without translation that means missing someone or something; * With 800 km of coast is one of the preferred destinations for the practice of surf; * The king sport is football and Cristiano Ronaldo, the best player in the world, is portuguese. “guarda-chuva de bolacha” “pastéis de águeda” “Leitão assado à bairrada” oporto airport ›› Águeda LOCAL PEOPLE RECOMMEND: Oporto Airport SOFIA METRO LISBON AIRPORT ›› Águeda Lisbon Airport café coffee café São Bento train station METRO QUANTO CUSTA? HOW MUCH IS IT? ?cuánto és? casa de banho toilette servicios casa home casa “ Visit th e beautiful town of Águeda and taste the local gastronomy! ” Line E - (Airport - Trindade) / Line D - (Trindade - São Bento) COMBOIO Red Line - (Airport - Oriente) Oriente train Staion Alfa Pendular (AP) or Urban (U) Aveiro TRAIN COMBOIO Alfa Pendular (AP) or Inter Cities (IC) Aveiro vinho wine VINO FINO beer CERVEZA obrigado! thank you! !gracias! boa! nice! !vale! Regional (R) Águeda TRAIN guarda-chuvas umbrellas PARAGUAS Regional (R) ALEXANDRA Águeda rede- exp ressos bus beijo kiss beSo adeus! goodbye! !ADIÓS! olá! hello! !Hola! Getting around Portugal +351 707 223 344 ÁGUE DA TAXI - 24 hoursservice PODE MOSTRAR NO MAPA? please, SHOW ON THE MAP? ?puede mostrar en el mapa? +351 912 384 682 T ra nsdev bus “ head up the colorfu l stai rs to the adro’s church and enjoy the vi ew of the city” Getting around Águeda +351 234 622 615 AVEI RO TAXI - 24 hoursservice +351 234 385 799 Filipe For more information about the train and metro transport networks consult : “ it’s am azing how urba n art brings so much lif e to the c ity.” tourist office Dr. João Elisío Sucena Square. Phone number: +351 234 601 412 Every day from: 10h00 - 13h00 / 14h00 - 18h00. BeÁgueda MARIA Electric Bike, City Bike type. Bike Park near City Hall. Citizen Support Departement: +351 234 610 080. Monday to Friday 9h00 to 17h00. “ i go everyday to agita kids and i really like it! ” WHERE TO STAY? Hotel Conde D'Águeda - 234 610 390 Residencial Celeste - 234 602 871 Quinta do Louredo Hotel - 234 690 070 Estalagem da Pateira - 234 721 219 Quinta Vale do Cruz - 933 093 099 XPT - 969 523 545 DionÍsio Pinheiro foundation Fundação Dionísio Pinheiro Street. Tuesday to Friday from 14h00 to 18h00. Entry Price: 3€ adult/1,5€child. local market Inside - Monday to Friday, selling fresh produce; Outside - on Saturdays from 8h00 to 13h00 - weekly market. (the remaining Flea market Municipality Square. Luís de Camões Street, 2015 Second Sunday of each month from 9h00 to 16h00. Agitágueda days outer space works as a car park). wifi hotspot cma FREE IN THE CITY cITY HalL MARIANA “ did you know that lu Ís de c am Õ es street is the most photographed street in the cou ntry?”